Listen up, men. P8 Launch time. P14 ‘Founders’ is a keeper!
Prostate therapist champions Astronaut Scott Kelly inspires
‘comprehensive treatment.’ with his tale of ‘Endurance.’
Satellite Beach fete-goers ‘Hop’ to
it for 60th birthday bash. PAGE 12
SATELLITE BEACH’S Unclog the artery: Safety changes planned for Eau Gallie Blvd.
BE HIGHER AND DRIER An aerial view of the intersection of Eau Gallie Boulevard and South Patrick Drive shows current traffic challenges. PHOTO: RYAN CLAPPER STORY BY GEORGE WHITE STAFF WRITER
[email protected]
[email protected] Divided medians, new bike
STORY BY JAN WESNER CHILDS CORRESPONDENT A parent and student at the Schools Program Expo. PHOTO: BENJAMIN THACKER lanes and other improve-
Satellite Beach Fire Depart- ments are slated for Eau Gal-
ment officials, surrounded School choice. It sounds like a simple con- “choice” schools where every student must ap- lie Boulevard between the
by recent flood waters at cept, that families have a choice where their ply to attend. The focus of each of these schools causeway and State Road
their current location at 1390 kids go to school. But what does that mean ex- is unique. One of the most popular choice A1A as part of the Florida
South Patrick Dr., now know actly? How does school choice work in Brevard schools with beachside residents is West Shore Department of Transporta-
their new home will be locat- County? tion’s plan to make the busy
ed on a two-acre site that was CONTINUED ON PAGE 6 artery safe for all kinds of
formerly the parking lot of the Hundreds of students and parents huddled traffic.
U.S. Post Office at 210 Jackson around tables and special displays Saturday
Ave. at the Brevard County Schools Program Expo This key beachside road-
to find the answer to that question, and to way, currently five lanes
But it wasn’t just Hurricane achieve their secondary mission: with appli- with a center turning lane,
Irma or the followup Oct. 1 cation deadlines fast approaching, to choose is considered arterial in that
no-name storm that has city the perfect elementary, middle or high school it serves as a primary east-
officials ready to move the fa- to attend next year. west evacuation route as
cility built in 1971. well as serving local traffic
Of the county’s 82 schools, six are pure and beach visitors.
“The building did not flood
but all the roads around it did. The project concept is
making headway, but traffic
CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 engineers and planners will
soon need citizen input to
MAAMPXIPLIEMMAUALMNS come up with the best final
PENALTY design.
Page 4 An FDOT Conceptual
Planning Study on the cor-
FILE PHOTO: BENJAMIN THACKER ridor, completed last year,
3 town manager
hopefuls quizzed
[email protected]
Melbourne Beach commis-
sioners last week interviewed
three of four remaining candi-
dates who made the final list
for town manager to replace
Tim Day, who left in August.
Of the six finalists tapped
ADVERTISING: 772-559-4187 | CIRCULATION: 772-226-7925 Staying true to Tom
NEWS 1-6 DINING 30 PEOPLE 11-14 Petty Hearts tribute band plays
ARTS 15-18 GAMES 25-27 PETS 24 Melbourne’s Iron Oak Post
BOOKS 23 HEALTH 7-10 REAL ESTATE 33-40 restaurant Sunday. PAGE 16
2 Thursday, November 9, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
TOWN MANAGER CANDIDATES tions, including two years as director North Bay Village. “Mr. Daniels and I percent reserve fund for contingen-
of utilities in Daytona Beach. Giroux, did not see eye to eye on how to run cies, Cannon says he is well-versed in
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 city manager of Sebring, Ohio, since the police department,” said Frank financials. He described himself as a
2013, also served in a similar capacity Rollason, village manager. “He is a ca- hands-on administrator not inclined
for interviews, one accepted a posi- in Malvern Village. pable and talented administrator but to sit behind the desk. Like Akhimie, he
tion elsewhere and one withdrew his our managerial styles clashed and I also has an engineering background.
name from consideration. Left in the Of the three who met with com- was forced to make a change. The fir-
running are Ed Cannon, Robert Dan- missioners, two had some potentially ing came as his choice and I told him Asked his two most important traits,
iels, Vine Akhimie and Richard Giroux, troubling question marks on their re- that a firing would not be looked kindly Cannon mentioned ethics and trans-
who at press time was scheduled for sumes – question marks the commis- upon by future potential employers.” parency. “I’m a stickler for rules.”
an interview today. sioners chose not to pursue. Cannon
owed back taxes of almost $1,000 to Giroux lost a job as a director in Hill- Daniels has a master’s in Public
Cannon recently stepped down as Knox County, Ky., at a time when he sboro, Ohio, after a DUI in November Administration and served as an in-
manager in Wildwood, Fla. Daniels served as city manager in Corbin, Ky., 2012. He subsequently lost his posi- terim manager for nine months. As a
has spent much of a long career in law from 1998 to 2012. He resigned but the tion as manager in Malvern Village for Boca Raton captain, he took on more
enforcement, most recently as police decision was unrelated to the taxes. failure to attend several meetings. administrative functions. “I am fasci-
chief of North Bay Village, Fla. Akhimie nated by the finances. I put together a
has experience in supervisory posi- Daniels was fired from his job in “He did nothing wrong, but missed budget proposal for the police depart-
four council meetings in a row. He ment.”
couldn’t handle both jobs. But he’s
knowledgeable about government,” Walters said having a police officer
said Mayor Robert DeLong. in the manager’s seat could lead to
face to face confrontations during a
While commissioners dismissed the disagreement. Not to worry, Daniels
black marks as unimportant factors said.
for the first interviews, the lack of suc-
cess in retaining town managers never “Sometimes I talk loud but that’s the
strayed far from the conversation. way I am. Conflict resolution dictates
lowering your voice as administrator,”
“We have a reputation of chasing Daniels said.
managers off. But with three out of the
last four, the family situation was un- Akhimie said he’d have no issue
tenable,” Mayor Jim Simmons said. going from a larger city like Daytona
Beach to a small town like Melbourne
Commissioner Steve Walters was Beach. “I started my career at a draft-
blunter in his assessment. “We’ve had ing table. I supervised staff as small
two town managers lie to us to get sal- as 16. It’s a matter of adjusting to that.
ary increase; lies or half truths,” he You name it, I’ve dealt with it.”
said. “And the last manager applied
for positions two months after he got Asked about his management style,
here. It was like a slap in the face.” Akhimie emphasized participation,
allowing employees room to do their
A proponent of a 15 percent to 25 work. “Once they buy in, they’ll be very
SATELLITE BEACH FIREHOUSE prices are not going down.’’
The $730,000 contract for the prop-
erty contemplates the note being re-
It’s definitely getting worse,’’ said City paid with revenues from a utility tax.
Manager Courtney Barker.
The old fire station will be consid-
The city is planning for the eventual ered for other city purposes or offered
expected impact from sea level rise, for sale, she said.
not coming over the dunes from the
Atlantic Ocean, but coming up from It wasn’t current or future flooding
the west and rising waters in the Ba- that prompted the discussions for a
nana River and Indian River Lagoon. new fire station, it was the crowded
The current fire station is shown in re- conditions that originally started the
cent flood maps to be near the areas conversation,’’ Barker said.
to be first impacted by rising waters,
areas near canals and low-lying road- “We were looking at expanding by
ways, she said. adding a floor to the fire station, be-
cause they are so cramped in there
Finding an alternative location for now, but then we realized, do we re-
the fire station actually involved sev- ally want to invest in a building that
eral different criteria, she said. will be sitting in a foot of water? We
started looking at the elevations and
“We spent a lot of time looking at getting the data and deciding whether
different properties at different loca- we wanted to do it,’’ she said.
tions and that (the Jackson Avenue
parcel) was definitely the best. It’s got The city tries to build for 100 years
the best timing because it’s centrally or more, she said.
located throughout the city, it’s near
State Road A1A at a high elevation “We didn’t want to make the deci-
and it’s on a street with a stoplight (at sion now that would spend a bunch of
Jackson Avenue and SR A1A and South money that would be useless in 20 or
Patrick Drive). It’s definitely the best 30 years,’’ she said.
location,” Barker said.
The land purchase does represent
“We’re looking more down the progress but don’t expect to see fire
road. We’re just securing the prop- fighters packing their equipment just
erty now because you know property yet. “We’ve made a decision to move
it. It will be moved but probably in the
next five years,’’ she said.
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, November 9, 2017 3
successful. But put it in writing.” to-face discussions. Walters commu- or four hours.” No equivocation on residence for
Akhimie was the one candidate so nicates through email or other writing. Cannon was unsure whether he Daniels. He hoped to move to the area
regardless as his wife has family in Sat-
far who asked each commissioner a One of the sticking points was in- could find an affordable place in Mel- ellite Beach.
question about their approach to gov- suring the manager live close by. “We bourne Beach. “But I’ll find a place
erning with the town manager. Com- want it to be easy to come here and within a 15-mile radius,” he said. “I’ll A hiring decision could come as
missioner Wyatt Hoover likes to work harder to leave,” Simmons said. be here.” early as next week, or the town could
collaboratively. Simmons prefers face- decide to keep looking.
“We don’t want you to drive three Same with Akhimie.
4 Thursday, November 9, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
STORY BY BILL SOKOLIC STAFF WRITER of the sentences on the individual acquittal or a new trial. CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1
[email protected]
counts,” Garrett said. “There was confusion in the jury sought to come up with alterna-
Convicted killer Joseph Milman has tive configurations such as medi-
appealed the sentence handed down In a lofty, long-shot, pre-sentencing and they rendered an inconsistent ans to achieve a “long term vision”
by Judge Morgan Laur Reinman on addressing the safety and mobility
Oct. 26, asking Florida’s Fifth District motion asking Reinman to declare verdict,” Pirolo told the court. “The needs of vehicles, bicycles and pe-
Court of Appeals to reconsider the destrians.
30 years in prison plus two consecu- that provision of the law unconstitu- verdicts in counts 2 and 3 are truly in-
tive life sentences the state says the Next up will be a Concept Devel-
28-year-old will have to serve. tional, defense attorney Michael Pi- consistent with one another. In Count opment Study; the alternatives will
be compared to come up with a final
When a jury in August convicted rolo argued that the way the law reads, 2, the defendant was convicted of ac- design for implementation.
him of three lesser charges in the
shooting death of one man and the the judge’s hands were tied in tual possession of a firearm. FDOT project team members re-
wounding of another north of Indial- cently held a status meeting on the
antic in 2014, Joseph Milman might meting out a sentence and that The jury did not find discharge project, including the results from
have expected less than the maximum all previous studies and observa-
sentence. He was wrong. she could not show any discre- of a firearm. On the other tions from on-scene visits, said
Steve Olson, communications man-
The harsh sentence comes as pun- tion, thus amounting to cruel hand, the jury found discharge ager for FDOT District Five covering
ishment for killing Scott Hyatt and East Central Florida.
wounding Robert Mell during a drug and unusual punishment. of a firearm in Count 3.”
robbery in the house where Mell lived While the typical section of the
at 370 E. Riviera Blvd. near Indialantic. “The court is handcuffed The motion was denied. roadway “can accommodate the
existing and projected traffic vol-
The lengthy sentence was also in and has to sentence to the Prior to the sentencing, Pi- umes,” the studies so far identified
large part the result of the Prison Re- two problem areas where medians
lease Reoffender system in Florida, maximum and have him do rolo called three character could be introduced to improve traf-
in which a defendant who commits 100 percent of the time,” Piro- Joseph Milman. witnesses on Milman’s behalf: fic operations; one on each end of
a felony within three years of release the project, he said.
from prison must serve the full sen- lo said during the sentencing two sisters – one on Skype
tence with no leeway. “PRR sentences Other elements now under study
are the statutory maximum for the phase. “Our position is that it’s uncon- from Ann Arbor, Mich. – and his fa- include enhanced bicycle and pe-
crime, to be served day for day,” said destrian facilities to more safely in-
prosecutor Susan Garrett. stitutional and prevents individual- ther, Andrew Milman. They painted a terface with the design of the many
business entrances along the road-
As he did after his conviction follow- ized sentencing. It does not take into picture of a 14 year-old who saw his way.
ing a three-week trial, Milman showed
no emotion as the judge pronounced account the defendant’s background, world turn upside down after the can- As part of the process, project en-
the sentence. He filed his appeal the gineers have recently collected traf-
very next day, but the state stands be- upbringing or character. We are asking cer death of the mother who adopted fic counts and crash data, and are
hind Reinman’s interpretation of the compiling the information. Maps
sentencing statute. the court to find this unconstitutional him as a baby. from the earlier study showed crash-
prone areas to be at the intersection
“The significance of consecutive in that it violates the 8th Amendment “He was in kindergarten when his of Eau Gallie Boulevard and South
life sentences is that it is designed to Patrick Drive to the north and North
ensure, as much as possible at this and violates the Florida Constitution. mother was diagnosed with cancer. Riverside Drive to the south, and at
point, that the intended life sentence its intersection with State Road A1A,
stands despite any possible future It’s a violation of equal protection.” When she passed and we went off to the same areas considered for the
changes in the law or post conviction new medians and other configura-
challenges such as appeals that could The judge disagreed. college, he felt abandoned. He was sad tion changes.
reduce or eliminate one or more
The state charged that Milman shot and angry,” said his sister, Julia Bough, Olson downplayed the difficulty
of the project compared to others
the two men as part of a plan to steal of Ann Arbor. handled by the DOT but noted one
important difference from most
30 Dilaudid pills from Hyatt in Oct. The prosecution included one in- roadway projects: that portion of
2014. The shooter wore a mask during person witness, Mell’s sister, Saman-
the crime and there was no forensic tha Mell Murray, whose portrait of
evidence tying Milman to the scene. Milman was just the opposite. Mur-
Still the jury found him guilty, but on ray, reading from a statement directed
lesser charges: manslaughter with a at Milman, said the crime left a pain
firearm, instead of first-degree felony forever. “I watched Bobby in ICU with
murder; attempted first-degree mur- tubes keeping him alive. He has to
der with possession of a firearm, in- relive the nightmare and cope with
stead of attempted first-degree felony survivor’s remorse, while you quietly
murder with possession of a firearm; laughed with the defense lawyers and
armed robbery with discharge of a a web of lies to try and prove you inno-
firearm instead of home-invasion rob- cent. Your freedom ended when you
bery with discharge of a firearm. chose a life of crime. May every day of
In the weeks following the trial, Mil- your life be spent in prison.”
man hand wrote two letters seeking Unless the appellate court rules dif-
to overturn the verdicts. His attorneys ferently, it looks like Murray will get
made a more formal request for either her wish.
Community Editor Advertising Director We are here to provide Brevard barrier President and Publisher
Lisa Zahner, 772-584-9121 Judy Davis, 772-633-1115 island readers with the most comprehen- Milton R. Benjamin, 772-559-4187
[email protected] [email protected] sive news coverage of Melbourne Beach, [email protected]
Indialantic, Indian Harbour Beach, Satellite
Staff Reporter Advertising Account Executives Beach, and South Merritt Island. Creative Director
Bill Sokolic, 609-457-5480 Lillian Belmont, 321-604-7833 Dan Alexander, 772-539-2700
[email protected] Will Gardner, 407-361-2150 For our advertising partners, we pledge [email protected]
to provide the most complete consulta-
Staff Reporter Columnists tive and marketing programs possible for Corporate Editor
George White, 321-795-3835 Pam Harbaugh, 321-794-3691 the best return on your investment. Steven M. Thomas, 772-453-1196
[email protected] Cynthia Van Gaasbeck, 321-626-4701 [email protected]
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, November 9, 2017 5
road includes small sections of three bourne and Indian Harbour Beach, DOT Project Manager Judy Pizzo Another apparent safety issue,
jurisdictions. Brevard County, area residents and said she and other officials toured documented by photograph in the
the local business community to the busy roadway and witnessed initial study, is caused by the lack of
“All projects have their own unique reach a consensus regarding op- safety concerns, especially for pe- a bicycle lane in some sections and at
characteristics, including SR 518. erational improvements, which can destrians trying to cross the five- business entrances, requiring cyclists
The Florida Department of Trans- then move immediately into final lane road by staging halfway in the to briefly enter the main roadway to
portation (FDOT) will work with design,’’ Olson said. turning lane. negotiate around parked cars.
representatives of the cities of Mel-
6 Thursday, November 9, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
SCHOOL CHOICE choice schools are due no later grams have especially gained foot-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 than Dec. 8, while the application ing in recent years as education ex-
Junior-Senior High School in Mel- window for other programs opens perts encourage schools to prepare
bourne. Amid the school choice infor-
mation on West Shore’s website is a de- in January. kids for both careers and college.
scription of the concept. “The design of
the school accommodates acceleration School district officials didn’t According to a recent study by the
opportunities with a strong college pre-
paratory curriculum; therefore, all stu- immediately respond to a request Brookings Institute, students who
dents must be at or above grade level.”
for numbers associated with complete CTE programs in high
There are also more than 60 specialty
programs throughout Brevard County school choice and open enroll- school generally have higher earn-
schools that students might gravitate to,
ranging from fashion design to the arts, ment, including how many stu- ings, especially if they continue on
to intensive math and science.
dents participate and how much to more advanced training, certifi-
“The purpose really, in my mind, is
for students to have the opportunity to the programs cost each year. cations, college or other post-sec-
find what they are passionate about,”
said Stephanie Archer said, the district’s Archer said it can take anywhere ondary programs
assistant superintendent for equity, in-
novation and choice. from a few thousand dollars to Coby Wilson polishes a helicopter maintained by him and fellow Eau Gallie Meanwhile, interest in ad-
While school choice has long been $250,000 to establish a specialty aviation students at the Schools Program Expo in Viera. PHOTO: BENJAMIN THACKER vanced academic programs has
an option in many counties, including
Brevard, Florida last year passed a law program. Ongoing costs are lower, also increased as parents and stu-
ordering all school districts to initiate
“controlled open enrollment.” That law she said. The programs are funded by things like computer programming, dents look for a leg up entering college.
stated that parents can enroll their chil-
dren in any school they want, as long as the county, state and sometimes private web design and even get a private pilot’s Melbourne High School’s International
there is room. Previously, choice pro-
grams were generally limited to magnet donations or grants. Partnerships with license. Baccalaureate Program has about 200
schools and specialty programs with a
lottery system. local businesses, corporations and or- Satellite High School’s Academy of students enrolled. Through advanced
The first applications for the six ganizations are another way to support Fine Arts includes programs in music, core academic classes, they focus on
the specialized curriculums. design, theater, visual arts and digital international studies, foreign language
Options include career and techni- media. Janet Gray, who teaches fashion and independent research.
cal programs like building construc- design at Satellite, said parents some- Transportation is one of the biggest
tion and criminal justice, advanced times think such programs are an easy hurdles of choice programs. Brevard
academic programs such as Cam- out for students. But Gray said that’s not County stopped providing transporta-
bridge and International Baccalaureate, the case, at least according to her stu- tion for kids outside of their neighbor-
STEAM programs that focus on science dents. hood school boundaries four years ago,
and the arts, as well as career academies “They’ll tell me sometimes that my due to funding. A plan is currently in
and magnet schools. Students can focus class is harder than their other classes,” the works to provide transportation
on everything from international stud- she said, emphasizing that fashion de- to choice students again starting next
ies in kindergarten to advanced engi- sign students have to focus on problem- school year, through a system of hubs
neering in high school. Teenagers can, solving and collaboration. where children will be dropped off and
along with working toward their high Archer said some of the specialty pro- then bused to other schools throughout
school diploma, earn certifications in grams locally were started at schools the county. Transportation will only be
that were in danger of closing – or al- available to those who are on an EPO
ready had – due to lack of students or placement.
other issues. For example, district of- Opponents of school choice have
ficials have said they will look at add- said the lack of transportation creates
ing programs at Gemini Elementary to a situation where some students don’t
bolster that Melbourne Beach school’s have the opportunity to take advantage
declining enrollment because closing of advanced programs. Archer agreed.
Gemini is not an option due to its geog- “The challenge in the last couple of
raphy. years has been transportation,” Archer
There are two main reasons parents said. “With that the students whose par-
choose to send their children outside ents had the wherewithal to take them
of their neighborhood school zone, Ar- back and forth were the students that
cher said. One is to attend a specialty had the wherewithal to take advantage
program. That choice is known as an of that. And that is not equitable.”
“Educational Program Option,” or EPO, Tristan Jackson, a 15-year-old sopho-
and many of those programs still have more who lives in Satellite Beach, chose
a lottery system and/or more extensive as a freshman to enter the aviation pro-
application processes. The other is an gram at Eau Gallie High School. Jackson
“Educational Location Option,” or ELO, originally enrolled in the private pilot
which falls more closely under the state track, but later switched to the aviation
law passed last year. For example, Ar- maintenance curriculum. “I could see
cher said, elementary parents might myself doing it as a job,” he said. “When-
want their students to attend a school ever I go to school I’m always bored.
closer to where they work or one that With maintenance, it’s hands on.”
is more convenient for their childcare Bill McInnish, the instructor in charge
provider. of the Eau Gallie program, said students
Archer said the EPO choices allow have the opportunity to be placed with
students to be exposed to different ca- employers right of out high school or go
reer opportunities, college choices, job on to college. The school has three air-
training and intensive academic pro- craft donated for students to work on,
grams. and is currently building a new hangar
“In many cases, if we’re talking about on campus.
our career and technical education pro- Parents and students interested in
grams, they can earn an industry certi- more information about school choice
fication,” she said. “That industry cer- applications should contact the Brevard
tification is a great way for them to get Public Schools Office of Equity, Innova-
their foot in the door with an employer.” tion and Choice, or visit their website at
Career and technical education pro-
8 Thursday, November 9, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Prostate therapist: ‘Comprehensive treatment’ crucial
STORY BY LYN DOWLING CORRESPONDENT “I saw that my patients were mostly
[email protected] women, but what about the men?” she
asked. “Men (who have had various sur-
Vanita Gaglani doesn’t choose the geries) have many of the same issues as
easy path. women but do not complain about them;
it is the way they have been (taught).
A native of India, she studied physi- Men are not supposed to say anything
cal therapy and graduated with honors about matters like incontinence, for
from Government Medical College in example, that follows prostate surgery.
Kashmir, and then practiced in South And so I began to see more men.”
Africa before moving to the United
States about 20 years ago. After she So she does, from throughout Florida
took board examinations, she started and beyond. As the Melbourne Beach
to practice here. resident spoke, an attorney who had
flown in to see her from Denver, a pros-
She is a mother too, and while under- tate cancer patient, was just returning
going the caesarian section delivery of home. They are older men and younger
her son, suffered a nicked bladder. That ones, who have had prostate or testicu-
got her thinking about how physical lar cancers or who have pelvic pain,
therapy could help patients like her- organ dysfunction, reproductive prob-
self, and so she started to offer services lems or other conditions.
to people with problems related to the
pelvic floor, pelvic organ prolapse, pre- “We treat the symptoms and teach
and post-partum, fecal incontinence the patient lifelong strategies to counter
and interstitial cystitis. these problems,” she said. “As when the
patient has back, shoulder, knee pain or
It worked, and local surgeons started weakness and the physician refers him
to refer women to her practice, now lo- or her to a physical therapist to resolve
cated in Melbourne. She took courses these issues, (other, mainly reproductive
in physical therapy for patients with system-related) conditions listed can
such conditions. also be treated with physical therapy.”
But that was only half the story, and as
far as she is concerned, the easier part.
DENTISTRYCollins & Montz COSMETIC & FAMILY Gaglani chuckled as the mention in their lifetimes. Three years ago, an
of the familiar Kegel exercises, which estimated 3,085,209 men in the United
At Collins & Montz, DMD, we will focus on improving every aspect of strengthen pelvic floor muscles, as part States lived with prostate cancer.
your smile for optimal appearance, function, and comfort through of the therapy program.
our general family dentistry, and restorative procedures such as dental According to the San Francisco-
implants. Our comprehensive range of services and dedication of “It’s much more than Kegel; that is a based Pelvic Health and Rehabilitation
quality set us apart. Call today to schedule your appointment. false notion,” Gaglani said, and ticked Center, which has branches through-
off treatment options: therapeutic ex- out California and in Massachusetts,
524 OCEAN AVENUE, MELBOURNE BEACH, FL 32951 ercises, therapeutic activities, neuro- “Pelvic (physical therapy) before and
muscular re-education, biofeedback, after surgery can help train the pelvic
(321) 725-6565 • MELBOURNEBEACHDENTISTRY.COM electrical stimulation, ultrasound, floor muscles to reduce incontinence.”
myofascial release, relaxation, breath-
ing and postural exercises, behavior A study undertaken by Drs. Dalibor
modification and nutrition. Optimally, Pacik and Michal Fedorko, published
it starts before surgeries are done. earlier this year in the Saudi Medi-
cal Journal and subsequently by the
“It requires comprehensive and co- National Center for Biotechnology
hesive treatment to resolve these is- Information/U.S. National Library of
sues,” she said. Medicine bears that out.
Gaglani sees a relatively large num- “The (pelvic floor muscle training,
ber of post-prostate surgery patients, or PFMT) improves the function of the
and no wonder: According to the Na- pelvic floor, improving urethral sta-
tional Cancer Institute, about 120 per bility … Several studies consistently
100,000 men in this country were diag- demonstrated the benefit of early post-
nosed with prostate cancer in 2014 and operative PFMT on recovery of (post-
about 11.6 percent of men will be diag- prostatectomy incontinence, or PPI).
nosed with the disease at some point The rehabilitation program usually
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, November 9, 2017 9
Vanita Gaglani. YOUR HEALTH
PHOTOS BY BENJAMIN THACKER “They may need to see a psychologist 65 and older, more than 10 percent are
and attend support groups. They need diagnosed in men age 55 and younger, a
includes pelvic floor contractions, con- to be sure they are getting the correct six-fold increase over 20 years ago.
trolled either manually by the therapist information. For example, a lot of men
or by electromyography biofeedback don’t drink as much water as they should The bottom line, as it were, is that
… Patients who are instructed by a because they are afraid of incontinence. Gaglani, who still treats women, has
physiotherapist seem to adhere longer Well, if you don’t drink as much water as become a full-on men’s health advo-
to PFMT and thereby improved con- you should, you can dehydrate and those cate who now runs a prostate cancer
tinence rates are recorded, compared problems actually become worse … And support group, usually the last Monday
with patients training on their own,” they must recognize that it is all right to of each month, at the Melbourne Pub-
the researchers wrote. talk about their conditions.” lic Library on Fee Avenue. As for treat-
ment, the only necessity is a referral.
Again, the challenge is not necessar- That includes younger as well as older
ily doing the therapy, or even explain- men, and Gaglani knows the numbers: “We continue to try to convince men
ing how it works. It is relating its neces- According to researchers at the Univer- that it helps, although I must admit,
sity, and Gaglani faces the challenge sity of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer trying to convince some doctors also
daily, with patients and physicians Center, although the majority of pros- can be a challenge. Men need help. You
alike; some doctors simply do not feel tate cancer cases develop in men age don’t know how much I feel that. It is
the need to refer patients for physical not easy. It is necessary.”
therapy before and after surgery.
“Incontinence especially hurts men’s
self-esteem,” she said. “Women simply
change a pad and go; they’re accus-
tomed to changing pads. But for men,
it’s more than changing a pad. We see
men who wet themselves. It is what
happens after prostatectomy, but they
do not want to discuss it and so you
must gain their trust.”
They often tell Gaglani they can
make it without her help.
“It is easy for me to explain why they
need physical therapy because I have
been doing this for many years. They
want to take a pill and have their prob-
lems solved … They tell me, ‘I can make
it in a week.’ And I tell them, ‘You will
recover, but your pelvic muscles and
bladder must be strengthened.’ The
first two weeks (after surgery), they are
devastated, but after that, they listen
more. I try to be as objective as possible
with them because they feel comfort-
able with objective, rather than subjec-
tive, information,” she says.
Furthermore, the course of treat-
ment recommended by urologists who
refer patients to Gaglani, and by the
physical therapist herself, is far more
than exercises. In a typical course of
treatment for incontinence, Gaglani
sees men twice a week for eight to 10
weeks; for other conditions, like prosta-
titis, they visit the practice once a week
for four weeks.
It does not start and finish there,
10 Thursday, November 9, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Sobering study is wake-up call to tackle sleep apnea
STORY BY MARIA CANFIELD CORRESPONDENT found untreated OSA can elevate blood conclusions,” Dr. Suen says, “but this Dr. John Suen.
[email protected] pressure, increase sugar and fat levels in one was particularly well-designed and
the blood, and raise the number of stress the results are very convincing.” PHOTO BY DENISE RITCHIE
There is important news for the more hormones produced by our bodies.
than 25 million U.S. adults who suffer Previous studies in patients with thicker necks may have narrower air-
from obstructive sleep apnea (OSA): A Dr. John Suen is the Medical Director OSA usually collected data while par- ways. For men, the risk increases if
study from Johns Hopkins University has of Sleep Disorders Center Florida, lo- ticipants were awake, only document- neck circumference is 17 inches (43
shown that the condition, if left untreat- cated in Vero Beach. He is familiar with ing the aftermath of OSA. Jonathan Jun, centimeters) and larger. In women, the
ed even for a few days, can negatively im- the study, published in the August issue MD, assistant professor of medicine at risk increases if neck circumference is
pact important metabolic functions. of the Journal of Clinical Endocrinol- the Johns Hopkins University School 15 inches (38 centimeters) or more.
ogy & Metabolism, and says its results of Medicine and the paper’s senior au-
OSA occurs when the upper airway were highly anticipated. thor, says, “This is one of the first stud- • Use of alcohol, sedatives or tranquil-
closes off during sleep, temporarily in- ies to show real-time effects of sleep ap- izers. These substances relax the mus-
terrupting breathing, and the study “Other studies have reached similar nea on metabolism during the night.” cles in the throat and increase the risk.
The study reinforces the importance Other risk factors include being male,
of treating OSA every night; treatment being older, smoking, a family history
usually takes the form of a “continu- of OSA, and any sort of difficulty with
ous positive airway pressure” (CPAP) nose-breathing.
machine. CPAP machines deliver air
pressure during sleep, through a mask The use of a CPAP machine can, at
placed over the nose. With CPAP, the air first, be both uncomfortable and claus-
pressure is higher than that of the sur- trophobic. A good starting point is to
rounding air, which keeps the upper choose the right CPAP mask for your
airway passages open. face shape and sleeping habits; there
are a range of styles and sizes avail-
To better understand how OSA affects able. Dr. Suen says that there have been
metabolism – the life-sustaining chemi- many improvements in CPAP masks in
cal processes that occur within our bod- recent years: they are lighter and small-
ies – the researchers performed a number er, often covering just the nose rather
of metabolism-related measurements than the nose and mouth.
when the sleeping study participants
were using a CPAP machine and when The machines themselves have also
the CPAP machine was withdrawn. evolved. “Most machines now have ad-
justments that allow the air pressure to
Dr. Jun and his colleagues found that ramp up gradually, which helps the per-
CPAP withdrawal caused increased son get acclimated,” Dr. Suen says. “And
levels of fatty acids, glucose and corti- water chambers within the machine
sol (a stress hormone); blood pressure provide a humidifier effect, which helps
also increased. Significantly, the more avoid the dryness that can result from
severe the OSA, the more those mea- the use of this type of device.”
surements increased when the CPAP
was withdrawn. Dr. Suen also says that for those who
can’t tolerate a CPAP machine (or are
Vero’s Dr. Suen says the increase in simply looking for an alternative), “oral
fatty acids and blood pressure can raise appliance therapy” may be a viable op-
the risk of strokes and heart attacks tion. A custom-fit oral sleep appliance
and, in another cardiovascular con- is made using digital or physical mod-
sequence, the increase in cortisol can els of the patient’s teeth; these models
cause damage to blood vessels. are sent to a dental lab where the appli-
ance is made.
While OSA has long been linked to
obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular A doctor, dentist or a sleep specialist
disease, the researchers say their study can help sufferers make the right treat-
provides evidence that sleep apnea isn’t ment choice; the important thing is
just a manifestation of these conditions; that OSA must not go untreated.
it can also directly aggravate them.
Sleep Disorders Center Florida is an
The most common symptoms of OSA accredited medical treatment center for
include loud snoring, abrupt awak- all sleep-related issues. It is located at
enings accompanied by shortness of 3735 11th Circle #103 in Vero Beach; the
breath, trouble staying asleep, and ex- phone number is 772-563-2910.
cessive daytime sleepiness. There are
also often noticeable signs upon awak-
ening, including a dry mouth, sore
throat, or headache.
While OSA can affect anyone, there
are certain key risk factors:
• Excess weight. People who are obese
have four times the risk of sleep apnea
that people who are a normal weight
people do. Fat deposits around the up-
per airway may obstruct their breathing.
• Neck circumference. People with
LeaAnn Savage with Ruby the mule.
Founders Day
‘Hops’ to it for
swinging 60th b-day
12 Thursday, November 9, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Founders Day ‘Hops’ to it for swinging 60th b-day
Satellite High ROTC. Satellite High Marching Scorpions.
STORY BY CYNTHIA VAN GAASBECK CORRESPONDENT technicians at Kennedy Space Center bowling shirts, scarves and slicked- in the parade and to support the com-
[email protected] and Patrick Air Force Base. back hair. munity. What caught Summer’s eye
as the parade moved past her? ”I liked
Brevard County’s quintessential With roots planted during those Sally Wilsey, 10, of Viera happened the band best. I thought it was really
space age city celebrated its 60th an- ”happy days,” it’s natural that the to own a ’50s fashion ensemble and cool,” she said.
niversary last Saturday amid a festival 42nd Annual Founders Day celebra- fit right in. “I had it from a few Hal-
atmosphere and neighborly together- tion and parade, co-sponsored by the loweens ago,” she said. She had come A steady ocean breeze kept the day
ness. Satellite Beach Woman’s Club, would to see her grandmother onboard the pleasant as residents and visitors en-
sport the theme “Let’s Go to the Hop.” Satellite Beach Police Department joyed festive foods from an assort-
Born during the mad rush to the Participants young and old were spot- f loat. ment of vendors.
moon, the 4.3-square-mile Satellite ted at the David R. Schechter Commu-
Beach became a bedroom communi- nity Center wearing poodle skirts and Gathering before 10 a.m. in the Inside the community and recre-
ty in 1957 for engineers, scientists and parking lot of DeLaura Middle School, ation centers were the 150 vendors
the 27 groups participating in the pa- assembled for the Woman’s Club’s
rade listened to last-minute instruc- Marketplace. “The Marketplace is
tions, practiced routines and songs, our annual fundraiser and the money
fixed costumes and flyaway hair and that we raise goes back into the com-
worked out order of appearance be- munity,” said Linda O’Toole, second
fore the 11 a.m. step-off time. vice president of the state organiza-
Leading the way were Satellite
Beach police cruisers escorting the One cannot look at Satellite Beach
Satellite High Air Force Junior ROTC without seeing the nonprofit service
presenting the color guard, followed group’s positive impact. Some exam-
by city and county officials, and three ples: The club purchased the emer-
Satellite Beach fire engines. Pulling gency call station at Hightower Park;
up the end, in time-honored tradi- raised $3,000 to repair storm-dam-
tion and practical fashion, were the aged dune crossovers and donated a
equestrians. In between were the piano, clock, movie screen, stage cur-
100-member Satellite High Marching tains lighting and wallpaper to the
Scorps, the DeLaura Vocal Ensemble, Scotty Culp Municipal Complex.
Sabal Elementary Drumline, a large
contingent of farm animals courtesy City Manager Courtney Barker
of Surfside Elementary’s Fantastic walked in the parade with her dog and
Farm 4-H club, a trailer-size version relaxed with family and colleagues
of the historic Holy Apostles Episco- afterward. “It’s been really busy. This
pal Church, Girl Scout and Cub Scout is one of the busiest years we’ve had,
troops, veterans groups, the Lions actually,” she said, adding, “It’s great
Club, Relay for Life, the Woman’s Club to see everybody out.”
and Surfside’s Panther Pride dance
team. Residents Grover and Beth Brower
would agree. “That’s the fun part of
Nicole LaRoche, special events/vol- coming, seeing all the neighbors and
unteer coordinator with the city’s rec- friends,” Beth said. Added Grover:
reation department, directed the mo- “There’s that small-town feel here.”
bile show as it snaked through nearby The couple are longtime residents,
neighborhoods. LaRoche estimated having moved beachside in 1985 after
1,500 people chose to spend their day 1½ years in Melbourne.
celebrating this special birthday.
Echoing the goodwill of the day was
Leading her daughter, Summer, Rosalie Hernandez of Indialantic. “I
and son, Taylor, through the outdoor came to enjoy the beautiful weather
vendors, Jaime Stocks said they had and the festivities. It’s wonderful to
come out to see friends from Surfside see a community turn out so nicely,
for any event.”
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, November 9, 2017 13
1 23
4 5 67
1. Josh and Natalie Thompsons. 2. Joe Vuich.
3. Cindy Campbell. 4. Mark Quavillon and Xeny
Lopez. 5. Cayla, Lee and Lila Palmer. 6. Sandy and
Tianna Gotwalt. 7. Jamie, Darrell, Brighton and
Bolton Perry. 8. Zach and Wolf Forbes, Ellie, Emily
and Sharee Thomforde. 9. Caroline, David and Sally
Wilsey. 10. The Fantastic Farm 4-H Club.
14 Thursday, November 9, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Launch time: Astronaut’s
inspiring tale of ‘Endurance’
[email protected]
Space enthusiasts left the Waxlax Astronaut Scott Kelly. PHOTO: DENISE RITCHIE
Center for the Performing Arts at Saint Assisted Living Facility License # AL11595 Edward’s School last Wednesday eve- direction. Fast-forward 18 years and
ning envisioning rocket launches and that boy was the first American in his
Bedroom Breakfast Room trips to Mars after an inspiring eve- class of 35 Americans to fly in space.”
10’x 12’ 9’10”x 11’ ning spent listening to retired astro-
naut Capt. Scott Kelly, author of “En- Leaving the crowd with much to
INDEPENDENT LIVING DAYTONA 2405 Sq. Ft. Florida Room Variations in floor plans may apply. durance: A Year in Space, A Lifetime ponder, he shared that if an interna-
15’8”x 10’8” 321-253-7440 • 7300 Watersong Lane, Melbourne, FL 32940 of Discovery.” tional partnership with 15 countries
COTTAGE FLOOR PLANS could build a million-pound structure
WEST PALM 2481 Sq. Ft. Kelly commanded the Internation- while orbiting Earth at 17,500 mph in a
al Space Station on three expeditions, vacuum, we can also go to Mars, cure
Discover carefree living at Brennity at Melbourne in including as a member of the year- cancer and fix the environment.
our modern, maintenance-free cottages fit for your long ISS mission, setting the record
lifestyle. Schedule your tour today and don’t miss for the longest space mission by an “I was absolutely inspired after
out on this one-time special on cottages. American astronaut. A former mili- spending a year in space that if we can
tary fighter pilot, test pilot, engineer dream it, we can do it.”
Come visit, you’re welcome anytime and retired U.S. Navy Captain, Kelly
clearly had “the right stuff,” over- As the audience exited the building,
321-253-7440 coming learning difficulties to ac- signed copies of “Endurance” in hand,
complish what most could only ever the chatter ranged from amazement
Cottages • Independent LIvIng • assIsted LIvIng • MeMory Care dream of doing. over the space travel details Kelly
shared, to a newfound motivation to
7300 Watersong Lane, Melbourne, FL 32940 The audience ranged from chil- “shoot for the stars.”
dren young enough to imagine that
A SAGORA SENIOR LIVING COMMUNITY AL#11595 their cardboard rockets could pro- Cynthia Falardeau attending with
pel them into outer space, to adults her family, sheepishly admitted that
who watched as Neil Armstrong first while they are all “huge space fanat-
stepped foot on the Moon. ics,” her own obsession began during
childhood, adding, “I don’t know how
Les Bromwell said he was inter- you couldn’t be enthralled with space.
ested to learn about the progress that I even had my very own space boots.”
has been made since his days working
with the original Apollo 11 missions. Paige and Rusty Rhymes both found
Kelly’s story inspiring, but were on op-
“I was part of a lunar sciences team. posite sides of the universe regarding
We devised experiments and equip- their desire to join the ranks of space
ment, trained astronauts and tested travelers.
the material,” recalled Bromwell.
“It was a fantastic time, but pretty “I think his story is fascinating. It’s
primitive when you look at the kind of an American dream and resonates
equipment they have today.” with our whole generation. You can do
anything if you put your mind to it,”
Kelly related that when he and twin said Rusty Rhymes. His wife agreed,
brother Mark (retired astronaut Capt. adding, “I don’t want to go to space,
Mark Kelly, married to former Con- but I loved the message ‘you can do
gresswoman Gabrielle Giffords) were anything.’”
eighth-graders, their father sat them
down and said that based on their Signed copies of “Endurance” and
academic abilities, they should both Kelly’s children’s book, “My Journey
consider trade school. to the Stars,” are available at the Vero
Beach Book Center.
From then on, Mark Kelly made a
concerted effort to get straight As, but
it wasn’t until he was in college that
Scott Kelly found something he was
passionate enough about to overcome
his learning challenges -- by happen-
stance picking up a copy of “The Right
Stuff” by Tom Wolfe.
“I felt like I had something in com-
mon with them, with the exception of
one thing,” said Kelly. “I couldn’t pay
attention in class. If I could solve that
problem, maybe I could be like them
someday. The book was the spark for
me to get me moving in a different
16 Thursday, November 9, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Petty Hearts’ tribute group stays true to Tom
STORY BY RUSTY CARTER STAFF WRITER The building that original feel as possible,” Fears
[email protected] houses Iron Oak wrote on the restaurant’s website.
Post dates to 1924, “The old wood floors are original,
The sound of one of and served as Mel- and the bar is built entirely of re-
bourne’s Post Office claimed wood from the old post of-
Florida’s favorite musi- Tom Petty. from 1926 to the fice building. Post Office box doors
1960s. dating back to the 1800s line the
cal sons will be heard walls. The original post office safe
“It has a very in- is still in the building. And it’s un-
again next week when dustrial look,” Fears opened.”
said. “There are ex-
“Petty Hearts,” a Tom posed conduits and The building often hosts special
Petty tribute band, plays
at Iron Oak Post restau-
rant in Melbourne on
Nov. 12.
“Tribute” is the key
word, according Doug
Aronson, drummer for Nicholas Fatta draws one of the 52 varieties of beer.
“We play the songs
just as Tom Petty and his
band performed them,”
said Aronson from his
home in southeastern
Virginia. “We’re not a
cover band. We don’t put
our own spin on them.”
Petty, who was born
and raised in Gaines-
ville, died in Califor-
nia on Oct. 2 of cardiac
arrest. His 67th birth-
day was less than three
weeks away. His career
in music spanned close
to 50 years and included
almost 20 albums.
“In many ways, it felt
like a personal loss,” Ar-
onson said. Fears, 43, is a Petty fan himself,
For Iron Oak Post owner Mike though like a lot of people who ap- Petty Hearts.
Fears, the Petty Hearts’ timely vis- preciate the rocker’s guitar work
it to Melbourne was part kismet, and distinctive vocals, he found that
though he is adamant that booking picking a favorite Petty song can be
a Petty tribute band so recent after more difficult than you might think.
Petty’s death was coincidental. “‘Free Fallin,’” he said first. “Or ‘I
“This is not about making mon- Won’t Back Down.’ Or maybe ‘Run-
ey,” he said. “We had been speak- nin’ Down a Dream.’” Turns out all
ing to Petty Hearts before Tom Petty three were from Petty’s second solo
died. Four months ago, we pushed album, “Full Moon Fever.”
the date back, then finally set a firm The venue for the Nov. 12 show
date.” is a unique reclamation project.
vents, and a lot of post office memo- events, including concerts, wed-
rabilia on the walls. The name com- dings, even corporate events. Ca-
bines the key elements in the build- pacity is just under 300 people.
ing’s construction and past – iron
rods, plenty of oak timbers and post, And then there’s the beer. A dozen
a nod to its former life as a mail hub. brews are on tap, and there are more
than 50 varieties sold by the bottle.
“I wanted to keep as much of the
Petty Hearts calls itself “Amer-
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, November 9, 2017 17
ica’s definitive Tom Petty tribute Tom Petty’s various incarnations song title: “Refugee,” “Free Fallin’” to Petty’s music, none of the band
show.” The band is based in Florida, as a solo artist, or with The Trav- The other popular name pool can be members ever met Petty in person.
though some members, like Aron- eling Wilburys, Tom Petty & the found in the titles of Petty’s albums: Cronin did see Petty in Palm Beach
son, live out of state. The band’s Heartbreakers and, early in his ca- “Damn the Torpedoes,” “Wildflow- over the summer.
front man, TJ Cronin, even looks reer, Mudcrutch, have given rise to a ers” and “Full Moon Fever,” to name
like Petty, with blond hair (yes, it’s surprising number of tribute bands. three. Amid the band’s Fifth Anniversary
a wig), a similarly shaped face, and An Internet search turned up 10 that Tour, and before arriving in Mel-
Petty’s trademark top hat. Beyond stretch from coast to coast. Universal, however, is the cos- bourne, the Petty Hearts will play in
Cronin and Aronson, the band in- tume for the lead singer: top hat, Tybee Island, Ga., on Nov. 10, and
cludes lead guitarist Anthony Pang- The names are predictable, most blonde hair, sunglasses, and a puffy Cartersville, Ga., on Nov. 11. There’s
ilinan, keyboardist Dave Glaid and often invoking Petty himself – “Pet- white shirt that Jerry Seinfeld would another dozen shows ahead before
bass player Chris Wright. ty Hearts,” “Petty Theft” and “Petty abhor. the tour ends in late May 2018.
Breakers.” Or they adopt a Petty
For the Petty Hearts’ devotion
Coming Up: Rootfire brings the musical heat in Cocoa
STORY BY SAMANTHA BAITA STAFF WRITER let me know what “thoughtful food” can’t be written in 20 minutes, it ain’t
[email protected] is. Gate times: Friday, 5 p.m.; Sat- worth writing.” Eventually fired from
urday, noon; Sunday, noon. Get the Grand Ole Opry because of his
ticket information at rootfireat- alcohol abuse and unreliability, Wil- liams’ short, self-destructive life ended
Jan. 1, 1953, when he suffered heart
2 Organ music in America is by failure en route to a concert gig. “Hank
no means limited to houses Williams: Lost Highway,” follows his
career from its start on Louisiana Hay-
of worship or baseball stadiums. ride to the Grand Ole Opry triumphs to
his death. Final performances are this
You’ll have the opportunity to Thursday, 7:30 p.m.; Friday, 8 p.m.;
Saturday, 2 p.m. and 8 p.m.; and Sun-
learn – and hear – the rich and day, 2 p.m.
varied story of the organ and its
place in the history of our country ‘Hank Williams:
Lost Highway.’
this Sunday at Advent Lutheran
Church in Suntree, when preemi-
nent organ historian and organist
Jeannine Jordan and her media-
Rootfire at the Park. artist spouse David will present
the multi-media concert “From
Sea to Shining Sea,” featuring the
1 Rootfire at the Park, a three-day A.E. Schlueter pipe organ. Being organ-
music festival, returns to River-
challenged, I Googled, and am now
front Park in Cocoa this weekend with properly impressed by this American-
lots (and lots) of bands and the com- made, 2,196-pipe instrument, which
mitment, according to Eventbrite. will be central to the concert, chroni-
com, “100 percent of ticket proceeds cling the parallel history of the organ
will be donated Hurricane Irma relief and the United States. Jordan performs
efforts.” The latest on the band line- and lectures internationally, and the
up, always subject to tweakage: this couple has presented this concert, lit-
Friday – Hippo Campus, New School erally, “From Sea to Shining Sea” for
Dropouts, The Hip Abduction, Law- almost a decade, weaving fascinating
rence, Spred The Dub; Saturday – Du anecdotes and big-screen visuals with
Massive, Michael Franti and Spear- the unique organ music of America.
head, TreeHouse, Kash’d Out, Sow- The free concert begins at 3 p.m.
Flo, The Helmsmen, Victoria Leigh,
The Ellameno Beat, The Trees of Life, 3 Although he couldn’t read music,
and died at only 29, Hank Wil-
CLoud9 Vibes; Sunday – Shaggy, Citi-
zen Cope, Tarrus Riley, Moska Project, liams is considered one of the most
The Ries Brothers, Resinated, Badda significant, influential American sing-
Skat Band, Jahmen, Minus Turmoil. ers and songwriters of the 20th centu-
Calling itself a music and lifestyle fes- ry, according to Wikipedia. This week
tival “with the promise of exceptional is the final opportunity you have to
music and thoughtful details that enjoy this music-rich, award-winning
make a day outside better,” the festi- tribute to the country star, “Hank Wil-
val has games, vendors, “thoughtful” liams: Lost Highway,” at Riverside The-
food and beverages “from kombucha atre in Vero Beach. Williams’ numer-
to kava kava,” lostedor the weekend. ous hits included 35 on Billboard’s Top
Music, though, is the main draw. 10 Country and Western chart, among
Children must bring a parent or LG. them “Your Cheatin’ Heart,” “Hey,
A couple of tidbits: There is free sun- Good Lookin,’” and “I’m So Lone-
screen, and you get a discount if you some I Could Cry.” The Mount Olive,
ride your bike. Sounds fun. If you go, Alabama, native liked to say, “If a song
20 Thursday, November 9, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
On a sandy peninsula in northwest posed to represent Saudi efforts to Mohammed’s willingness to throw plement it and other parts of the Gulf,
Saudi Arabia, the only interruption transform a nation once swimming in money at projects regardless of dwin- according to Prince Mohammed. It
to miles of desert was the wreck of a oil money and now facing a severe fi- dling resources. The unveiling of the will create “new demand, not the same
Catalina seaplane, abandoned by its nancial squeeze. megacity last week follows plans for a demand of Dubai,” he said. “It will help
American pilot in 1960 and now cov- vast entertainment park, a tourist re- Dubai, it will help Bahrain. It will help
ered in Arabic graffiti. It would be a microcosm of Saudi treat and a $4.8 billion makeover for especially Kuwait,” which can export to
Arabia 2.0 while its new 32-year-old the waterfront in Jeddah on the Red Europe faster and cheaper than now,
But it’s here that Saudi Arabia’s leader reconfigures the rest of the econ- Sea coast. he said.
crown prince plans Neom, a city from omy to make it fit for the modern world
scratch that will be bigger than Dubai in a way that past rulers have failed to In keeping with the blueprint called Neom is a combination of “neo,” or
and have more robots than humans. do. Other massive cities in the des- Vision 2030, the project is nothing if new, and a derivation from the Arabic
Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman ert have been announced with much not ambitious: The Gulf region is al- word “mustaqbal,” or future. It will
envisions it as a “civilizational leap for fanfare, then have floundered short of ready full of skyscrapers in the sand be partly located in an area known as
humanity” outside the traditional Sau- expectations, like the $10 billion office and, whether Abu Dhabi or Doha, Ras Sheikh al-Hameed, a peninsula of
di constraints and a business hub with park on the outskirts of Riyadh sitting no metropolis so far has managed to land jutting about 31 miles into waters
advanced manufacturing, bio-tech, largely unoccupied and unfinished. match Dubai as an international busi- of the Red Sea after turning west off of
media and airlines. ness center, let alone outdo it. route 5, the Saudi coastal road.
The city “constitutes an attempt to
“We want the main robot and the create an economic zone that is more It took decades to develop Dubai Some 10,000 square miles have been
first robot in Neom to be Neom, robot efficient and streamlined than the into a tourist destination with 2.9 mil- allocated for the development of the
number one,” the crown prince said in overall economy that will take time to lion residents, the world’s tallest tower urban area that will stretch into Jordan
an interview in a palatial setting next reform,” said James Dorsey, a Middle and regional headquarters for such and Egypt. More than twice the size of
to the Ritz Carlton in Riyadh. “Every- East specialist at Singapore’s Nanyang international banks as Standard Char- neighboring Qatar, the area was chosen
thing will have a link with artificial in- Technological University. “The ques- tered Plc. Dubai International Airport because of its “strategic location” and
telligence, with the Internet of Things tion is whether one can isolate a mega- is the busiest in the world after Atlan- proximity to international shipping
— everything.” city from the inefficiencies of the coun- ta’s and Beijing’s. routes. This year, Egypt signed a treaty
try’s economy.” to give the Saudis two islands essential
The sci-fi city with glimmering of- The planned city, though, won’t for linking the project to the Sinai.
fice towers and five-star hotels is sup- It’s also another example of Prince compete with Dubai, but rather com-
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, November 9, 2017 21
of Aqaba
Red Sea
5 Miles
The drive through the area of the FUTURE SITE OF won’t allow alcohol, Prince Moham- of Jeddah. In the Vision 2030 docu-
future city cut a path through a bar- med said. ment released in April last year, the
ren desert, bordered on the right ates government has allocated land government pledged to try to salvage
side by sun-burnt, off-white hills and for churches and temples. “We can do 98 percent of the stan- economic cities that “did not realize
desert flats. Across the turquoise wa- dards applied in similar cities, but their potential.”
ter, a Saudi Border Guards base and a In Saudi Arabia, the birthplace of there is 2 percent we can’t do, like, for
communications tower sat. There was Islam, booze is forbidden and busi- example, alcohol,” the prince said. “A “Neom is a totally different story,”
nothing else around the curvature of nesses close for prayer several times foreigner, if they desire alcohol, can ei- he said. “There’s a commitment from
the pristine bay, save for the wreck of a day. Women are banned from driv- ther go to Egypt or Jordan.” the government; we’re putting our
the Catalina airplane. ing – the law is set to change next year name on the first line.”
– and gender mixing is still widely re- Even by Saudi standards, the area
The prince already knows what he stricted in public areas. The country where they are building the city is Initial ground-breaking will be in
wants to turn the strip of coast into. has been criticized over its export of conservative. Along the coastal road, the last quarter of 2019, with phase
Neom Bay will start as the operational Wahhabism, a fundamentalist strain there are no tourist facilities and res- one completed in 2025, according to
hub for the city and “be like the Hamp- of Sunni Islam that has inspired ex- taurants that allow women, other a tour of the city given to delegates
tons in New York later on,” he said. But tremist groups, including al-Qaeda than the recently opened Golden Tu- attending the Future Investment Ini-
that doesn’t mean more jobs for the and Islamic State. lip Sharma Resort. tiative in Riyadh.
young Saudi population increasingly
edgy over its economic prospects. “It’s A promotional video for the The Jordanian beach resort of During the extravaganza, guests
not Neom’s duty to create jobs for Sau- planned city released last week fea- Aqaba will be a drive away, and there climbed stairs into a globe-shaped
dis,” Prince Mohammed said. “Neom’s tures a lifestyle so far unavailable in will be a bridge linking Egypt and its video projector with surround-sound
duty is to be a world hub for everyone Saudi cities. Sharm El-Sheikh tourist town, hit re- and graphics that boasted a series of
in the whole world.” cently by a slump in visitors after ter- superlatives about the city, showing
It showed women free to jog in rorists downed a Russian passenger images of young people dancing at a
The Saudi Vision 2030 is under- leotards in public spaces, working jet in October 2015. rooftop party, an orchestra playing, a
pinned by the creation of the world’s alongside men and playing instru- couple going for a walk and a family
largest sovereign wealth fund, an es- ments in a musical ensemble. The Prince Mohammed dismissed con- playing soccer on the beach.
timated $2 trillion pot of assets that one woman wearing a hijab had her cerns about past mistakes, such as
will drive investment and create jobs. head covered with a patterned pink the Riyadh office park or King Abdul- Meanwhile, on the eastern side of
The fund has already committed $20 scarf. Although the futuristic city will lah Economic City on the coast north the Red Sea bay, the Catalina plane
billion to an infrastructure investment be business friendly, the government sits, an abandoned piece of Ameri-
fund with Blackstone Group LP and as can-Saudi history protected by its re-
much as $45 billion for a technology mote location.
fund run by SoftBank.
The temperature hit 47 degrees
Key to Dubai’s expansion has been Celsius in May last year when a
the influx of foreign investment and Bloomberg reporter drove up to the
foreign workers who can live more region. A few resilient acacia trees
freely than in most other places in capable of withstanding the heat dot
the Gulf. the horizon.
Alcohol is tolerated, as are tourists The city will offer a “life with no lim-
in bikinis, and the United Arab Emir- its,” the voiceover said during the tour.
“In 2030 free time is plentiful, and we
make the most of it.”
HEART ATTACK VS. CARDIAC ARREST, PART IV tional Heart, Lung and Blood Institute concluded that AEDs in homes
are effective and safe.
If a person suddenly collapses and is unconscious, not breathing,
with no heartbeat, what should you do? Some people, however, express concerns about home AEDs, such as:
People may delay calling for help during an emergency
TREATMENT FOR SUDDEN CARDIAC ARREST They may not be properly maintained
Emergency (911 · Hands-Only CPR · Defibrillation) People will not know or forget where in the house to find the AED
If you are considering a home-use AED, ask your physician to help
Call 911 immediately. A person having sudden cardiac arrest you decide if having an AED in your home will be beneficial for you and
(SCA) needs to be treated with a defibrillator right away. Until help your loved ones.
arrives, you or another bystander should start “Hands-Only” cardio-
pulmonary resuscitation (CPR). (Watch a 2-minute video at www. Treatment in a Hospital to learn Hands-Only CPR.)
Your medical team will closely watch your heart; they may give
A defibrillator is a device that sends an electric shock to the chest you medicines to try to reduce the risk of another SCA. They will also
that restores a normal rhythm to a heart that’s stopped beating. Po- try to find out what caused your SCA.
lice, emergency medical technicians, and other first responders are
trained and equipped to use defibrillators. Defibrillation needs to be If you’re diagnosed with coronary heart disease, you may undergo
done within minutes of sudden cardiac arrest. When SCA lasts more percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), also known as coronary an-
than eight minutes, survival is rare. gioplasty, or coronary artery bypass grafting. These procedures help
restore blood flow through narrowed or blocked coronary arteries.
Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs)
Often, people who have SCA get a device called an implantable
AEDs are portable defibrillators that can be used by untrained cardioverter defibrillator (ICD). This small device is surgically placed
bystanders. Found in many public places, such as airports, on air- under the skin in your chest or abdomen. An ICD uses electric pulses
planes, in schools, shopping malls, golf courses, hotels and busi- or shocks to help control dangerous arrhythmias.
nesses, AEDs are programmed to give an electric shock if a danger-
ous arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat) is detected. The devices can Here’s a quick recap of this four-part series:
tell if someone has simply fainted and will not administer a shock to The heart has a “plumbing” system that maintains blood flow
someone who isn’t having SCA. and an “electrical” system that sustains the rhythm of your heartbeat.
Know the signs and symptoms of heart attack.
Home-Use AEDs First and foremost – call 911.
Your comments and suggestions for future topics are always wel-
Eighty (80) percent of SCAs occur in home settings. More and come. Email us at [email protected].
more people are purchasing AEDs for home use. A study by the Na-
© 2017 Vero Beach 32963 Media, all rights reserved
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Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, November 9, 2017 23
Anne Fadiman, an acclaimed es- a wine bottle as deftly name would appear in type nearly as caterer.
sayist, the former editor of the Ameri- as any swain ever un- big as the author’s. Anne Fadiman acknowledges this
can Scholar and currently a creative dressed his lover.”
writing teacher at Yale, has produced I know this because as a boy I tried common perception of her father
a wonderfully engaging memoir of Still, what I view as to read any book he recommended, without dwelling on it. Yet, surely,
both her father, Clifton Fadiman, and blemishes others may studied my paperback of “The Life- his depressions, nightmares and fre-
of what it was like to grow up in a high- see as beauty marks. Af- time Reading Plan” until it fell apart quent self-disparagement must have
ly bookish and privileged household. ter all, Anne Fadiman and regularly borrowed from the li- been partly caused by an awareness
She organizes her memories around clearly knows her trade. brary his four collections of literary that he never really mattered in the
her father’s love for fine wine and By recording both her journalism: “Party of One,” “Enter, eyes of the academy. Nor did his writ-
her own (vain) attempts to share that past experiences and Conversing,” “Any Number Can Play” ing much affect the course of modern
love. At times, she pushes this oeno- her current thoughts and “Party of Twenty.” Sometimes literature. As a reviewer, for instance,
phile theme too hard – she devotes about those experienc- in pieces such as “The Case for Ba- Fadiman is now mainly remembered
an entire chapter to a John McPhee- es, she keeps “The Wine sic Education,” Fadiman would al- for damning Faulkner as barbaric
like account of current research into Lover’s Daughter” con- low a few strobe-lit glimpses of his and unreadable.
the mouth’s taste buds – and, to my sistently absorbing and, early life, which led my young self to
mind, she overemploys sexualized once begun, you will find him particularly simpatico: He’d His passion for collecting and en-
language: In her very first sentence, be hard-pressed to stop been a poor Russian Jewish kid from joying expensive wine, as his daugh-
Fadiman tells us – Block that meta- reading, even though Brooklyn just as I was a poor Russian- ter sees it, was obviously genuine, but
phor! – that her father “could open the book should prob- Slovak kid from Ohio. For me, as for also in keeping with the aristocratic,
ably be savored like a many of his admirers, his books were WASP ethos he came to live by. With
grand cru rather than nothing less than inspirational. They some embarrassment, Anne Fadiman
guzzled down like cheap demonstrated that through energetic mentions the eight bathrooms in her
beer. Either way, though, reading one could acquire learning childhood home, the uniformed cook
you’re in for a good time. and culture, and that it was worth who served their meals, vacations
any amount of effort to do so. Above in Europe, the first-class hotels the
But who, you ask, is all, Fadiman was never hoity-toity or family stayed in, the private schools
Clifton Fadiman? There condescending; he exemplified what she and her brother attended and
lies the unexpressed, but he preached, coming across as eru- the Harvard education that followed.
slightly melancholy sub- dite but easygoing about it, an edu- The Fadimans led the sort of leisured,
text of these pages: Few cated man at home in the world. cushioned existence one reads about
people younger than 60 in novels by Louis Auchincloss and
are likely to recognize But, as Anne Fadiman shows, Evelyn Waugh. Yet for all his easy-
that name. The fame of authors is of- her father wasn’t entirely what he going charm and wit, his old-world
ten mayfly short, but that of literary seemed. Despite his accomplish- manners and a carefully acquired
gatekeepers is even shorter. And yet ments and surface worldliness, he upper-class diction, Clifton Fadiman
think of it: Born in 1904, Clifton Fadi- never quite shook off the burden of still sometimes felt himself to be a
man was the wunderkind editor in his past. After graduating from Co- kind of impostor. No wonder he loved
chief of Simon & Schuster at age 28, lumbia, Fadiman hoped that he might “The Catcher in the Rye,” a novel ob-
the New Yorker’s staff book reviewer one day become a teacher there, but sessed with detecting phonies.
in the 1930s, emcee of several im- was informed that the English de-
mensely popular radio and television partment had room for only one Jew Anne Fadiman’s prose, like a prop-
quiz shows, most notably “Informa- and that his friend Lionel Trilling was er gentleman’s suit, is beautifully tai-
tion Please,” a longtime Book-of-the- going to be the one. So the ambitious lored without drawing attention to
Month Club judge, author of the best- young litterateur pursued a career in itself. Her old man would be proud –
selling guide to classic literature, publishing and journalism instead. indeed was proud – of her writing.
“The Lifetime Reading Plan,” and, Though he worked hard and made a
up until his death in 1999 at age 95, a lot of money, the cost was high. In lat- THE WINE LOVER’S DAUGHTER
very-well-paid essayist and writer of er years Trilling came to be honored A Memoir
introductions. Fadiman’s imprima- as a great critic and teacher, while
tur was once so great that on many Fadiman was regularly dismissed as By Anne Fadiman
books to which he merely contribut- a middlebrow popularizer, the con- Farrar, Straus & Giroux. 256 pp. $25
ed a brief foreword or afterword, his sumerist class’s favorite intellectual
Review by Michael Dirda
The Washington Post
1. Quick & Dirty 1. Endurance BY SCOTT KELLY 1. My Journey to the Stars
2. Sisters First BY JENNA BUSH
2. The Rooster Bar 2. The Mermaid BY JAN BRETT
3. Guinness World Records 3. Dog Man: Tale of Two Kitties
(Dog Man #03) BY DAV PILKE
3. The Cuban Affair 4. Andrew Jackson and the 4. Dog Man Unleashed
Miracle of New Orleans
BY BRIAN KILMEADE & DON YAEGER 5. Through Your Eyes: My Child's
4. Origin BY DAN BROWN
5. Manhattan Beach 5. Leonardo da Vinci Gift to Me BY AINSLEY EARHARDT
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24 Thursday, November 9, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Bonz says Solaris is a ‘Golden’ ray of sunshine
Hi Dog Buddies! Mom says we’re ’specially pellycans. Never catch ’em,
like peanut though. I also have a shell collection. I
butter an jelly.” bring ’em home from the beach.”
Solaris was “Wow! That’s Pawsome! Got any
Yapping with puppies is always fun: really intrested pooch pals?” I inquired.
They’re so energetic an curious an in my notebook, “Oh, sure! Riley Schmidt, she’s a
happy. Recently I yapped with Solaris and kept bumpin’ hound. Remus is a marina dog; an
Anderson-Searle, who’s only 18 months it with his nose as Goldie. Her sister Ruby’s from Thai-
old. He’s a handsome, very golden Gold- he spoke. “Yep. land, which is way around on the
en Retriever, an he looks like he’s all Gabe teaches me Other Side. Me an Gabe also have
grown up – but he’s still a total puppy lotsa important cat sisters, Lua an Nikki. They’re
between the ears. stuff. Like We Don’t probly in their room. Lua’s a res-
Me an my assistant knocked, an TWO Destroy Our Toys; cue and she has Issues, so we got
Golden Retrievers an a lady answered. an our crates are Nikki as her Emotional Support
One of the pooches was on a leash and The Best Places in Cat. I sometimes snatch their
was super wiggly. They wore snazzy the World; an where toys and toss ’em around, just for
matching green collars, an they looked to Do Our Doodie an fun. Cat toys are my favorite. I
like each other ’cept the one not on the where to not; an what like cats, Mr. Bonzo, but I don’t
leash was getting white around the face couch to sit on. Oh, really understand ’em. They get
and wasn’t as wiggly. I cleverly sur- AND Diggin’! Gabe grumpy for Absolutely No Rea-
mised that the wiggly one on the leash taught me all about son At All.”
was Solaris. Diggin’! I LOVE diggin’! “I hear you,” I said.
“Good morning,” I said. “I’m Bonzo, In the sand, an all over “Oooo, and look at THIS toy!
and this is my assistant.” the yard, an the flowers It’s a squirrel house.”
We exchanged Wag-and-Sniffs and ... an ...” He brought over a soft
the pooch on the leash said, “I’m very Glancing at their brown cube with holes in the
pleased to meet you, Mr. Bonzo. I’m Mom, Gabriel hastily in- sides an three stuffed squir-
Solaris Anderson-Searle an THIS is my terrupted, “Ummm, hey rels inside. He held it be-
uncle, Gabriel – he’s famous – an this is there, Solaris, let’s not get tween his teeth an flipped
my Mom Sheri. My Dad’s Adam. Mom into that, how ’bout …” it vigorously back and forth
put my leash on me cuz I keep forgetting To help PHOTO GORDON RADFORD an the squirrels went flying
to Not Jump Up. There’s so much out.
stuff to learn an I get
“I also have a lobster
excited when we have Solaris, Golden Retriever house. Wanna try?”
compnee cuz I LOVE when I’m a little older. “Thanks, but I’d better keep takin’
compnee. So I forget.” So I can’t do a-jill- notes.” I said.
uhtee training like “I’m doing Serious Stuff, too. See,
“No worries, Solaris,”
I said. “It’s great to meet Gabriel.” Gabe is a famous Therapy Dog. He goes
you all. Can’t wait to hear “Soggy Dog Bis- all over making people feel Much Bet-
your story.” cuits!” I sympa- ter, specially when they’re sad or lonely
We sat down in the liv- thized. or stressed. An I’m learning how to do
ing room and Solaris’ Mom “Me an Gabe like that, too. Mom’s an Official Trainer
took his leash off. Both goin’ for car rides. with Best Behavior Pet Training, an
pooches gave my assistant a In the back seat we she’s startin’ to take me places, too. She
buncha frenly nose bumps. each have our own takes me out by myself sometimes so I
“So, Solaris,” I said, “tell me side an No Cros- can Develop My Own Personality. I’ve
how you got your Forever sin’ Over. We’re already earned my Canine Good Citi-
Family.” gonna go up to zen and Good Community Citizen cer-
“K. Mom an Dad got me at Ohio to visit Dad’s folks. Gabe tificates. An I helped Mom foster three
the same breeder as Gabriel, c h a n g e says they live on this lake with this su- Humane Society puppies. I love doin’
out in ColoRAdo. His Daddy the subject I asked, “So what do per ponTOON boat. (He says pontoons that. We had Pebbles the Pit Pup over
is my Grandaddy. He’s Mom’s first dog you do for fun?” are big, fat float-y things.) Mom an Dad Thanksgiving, and I really wanted her
an I’M her second dog. So, guess what, In between notebook-bumps, he said, an Gabe go every year. I’m goin with ’em for my little sister. We had the Best Time
when I was just 8 weeks old I got to fly “We need a whole buncha exercise, so this year. I can’t WAIT! I love swimmin’. together, but Mom said a really great
AN ride a tram AN a car to get here. It we run with Dad. He’s a RUNNER, you An campin’! An squirrel chasin’. But we family wanted to adopt her.”
was SO fun. I wasn’t scared or any- know. But I have a Hip Thing so I hafta don’t get to do that much cuz most of Heading home, I was thinking about
thing!” be careful. I’m not s’pose to jump - at all. ’em aren’t dumb enough to hang out in Solaris, and all his puppy exuberance
“Way to go, kiddo!” I said. “I’m I hafta go to a spe-shuh-list this month our yard. Since we’re, you know, BIRD and enthusiasm, and wishing we could
thinkin’ Gabriel was already here, right? an he might hafta do a pruhSEEDure dogs, we love chasin’ birds on the beach, hold on to that when we got older. I al-
So what was it like when you first met?” Don’t be shy! ways wanna be excited for whatever’s
Gabriel, who’d been lying on the next, don’t you?
We are always looking for pets with interesting stories. To set up
couch, winked at me. “Yeah, here was an interview, please email [email protected]. -The Bonz
this wiggly little fluffmuffin, getting’
in my face, all slurpy, an I’m like, ‘Oh,
for Lassie’s sake, another dog. Yech!’ But
it turns out he’s a pretty cool pupperoo.
Now it’s like I have a little brother, an
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, November 9, 2017 25
Benjamin Franklin wrote, “A slip of the foot you may soon recover, but a slip of the WEST NORTH EAST
tongue you may never get over.” 53 A984 QJ72
Q 10 8 6 54 973
A slip of a card may cost you a contract, whether you are the declarer or a defender. It is 42 J763 Q 10 9
important, of course, that when an opponent slips, you make him pay. Do not slide also A 10 9 8 5 KQ6 732
and give him a chance to regain his footing.
In this deal, how should South plan the play in three no-trump after West leads the club K 10 6
10? AKJ2
That South hand, despite its 19 points, is close to a two-no-trump opening because J4
it has seven ace-king points (two for each ace and one for each king). But the weak
doubleton club suggests taking the low road. Dealer: South; Vulnerable: Both
South starts with seven top tricks: two spades, two hearts, two diamonds and one club The Bidding:
(at trick one). By far the best chance for two more winners is to play on diamonds. After
taking the first trick with the club jack, South should cash the diamond ace. Here, when SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST OPENING
West plays low, declarer continues with the king. When everyone follows, declarer plays 1 Diamonds Pass 1 Spades Pass
a third round, and he might well end up with an overtrick. This play has an a priori 92.4 2 NT Pass 3 NT All Pass LEAD:
percent chance of success. (If West plays the diamond nine or 10 on the first round, 10 Clubs
South should next lead a low diamond toward dummy’s jack.)
At the table in a social game, South slipped: He crossed to dummy with a spade at trick
two, then played a heart to his jack. West defended accurately by taking the trick and
leading a second low club to keep communication with his partner. Now the contract
was over.
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26 Thursday, November 9, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
1 Consequently (4) 1 Traffic queue (8)
3 Circular band (4) 2 Natural (8)
9 Lots of paper (5) 4 Musical dramas (6)
10 Not genuine (9) 5 Plot in advance (3-4)
11 Puzzle (5) 6 One-liners (4)
12 A station shop (9) 7 Russian ruler (4)
15 Pillar (6) 8 Burden (4)
17 Smooth out (eyebrows)(6) 13 Maintained firmly (8)
19 Illusion (9) 14 Acts as sub (6,2)
21 Trunk (5) 16 The Virgin Mary (7)
23 Proposes (9) 18 Shrewdness (6)
24 Find out (5) 20 Rosé colour (4)
25 Skin problem (4) 21 Story (4)
26 Norse god (4) 22 Authentic (4)
The Telegraph
How to do Sudoku:
Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three
The Telegraph
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, November 9, 2017 27
ACROSS 67 Go downhill 5 Island off the 79 What’s My Line?
68 Area of San Malay Peninsula regular
1 Sophocles opus
11 Of bees Francisco, ___ 6 Without medical 80 John Lennon
16 Ostentatious Valley care book, ___ in the
69 Semester tester Works
display 71 Tunnels 7 Type of painting
20 Dental floss, for 73 Anesthetic 8 Hold firmly 82 The quicker
75 It “blows up real 9 Night times, in ads waker-upper
one good” 10 Poison indicators
21 1961 monster 76 Predicament 11 Mushroom variety 84 The Newt
78 Sipped 12 Courtesy Network?
movie 81 English elle
22 Russian city 83 Fuente output 13 He played the 87 Coop group
23 Dangling carrots, 84 Dire situation villain in Die Hard 90 More inclined to
85 Card table stake With a Vengeance
perhaps 86 Disposes of listen at doors
24 Word in a Fugard evidence, perhaps 14 Who-knows-how- 91 Beat at a meet
88 McCartney’s long 93 Like fresh bread,
title McCartney
25 Russian river album, e.g. 15 Stats, often: abbr. perhaps
26 Comic strip 89 Like ___ not 16 The Tenant 95 “We’ll see ’em ___
90 Landlord’s dictum director
exclamation 92 Errata first” (King Lear)
27 City on the Rhone 94 Namesakes of 17 Two-word threat 96 Civil War general
28 Bemused looks Alphonse’s friend 18 Darned 97 Follower of “a la”
29 San Antonio 96 Laments 19 Luther and
97 Pulverize Sleuth, e.g. 98 Insect
Peak, formerly 98 Post-jogging 28 The Tin Drum appendages
30 Used a prie-dieu sounds
31 Down-home side 99 Senator Kefauver author 100 Agreement
100 Israel’s foreign 29 Campsite invader 101 Ed’s mouse
dish minister, 1977-79 30 Kitchen whistler 102 Surprise of a sort
32 Becomes aware 101 Connie in The 31 Goldfinger 103 Grafted, in
of 102 Place for an ace portrayer heraldry
33 West African river 105 Snobs put them 32 Clinton Cabinet 104 Raze, with “down”
36 Dave Garroway’s on 106 “Did I tell you?”
106 Embattled member 107 Thermos top,
Today show Balkans 33 Crucial situation,
signoff 107 Clavicle often
37 Ran after 109 God, to Gaius in tennis 108 Jack’s home
38 Sartre play, No 110 Restaurant sign, 34 Huffings and
___ “___ Joe’s” The Washington Post
39 Ty Cobb and Al 111 Burkina Faso, puffings
Kaline before 35 Birthday that’s still ANYTHING GOES By Merl Reagle
41 His day is April 25 112 Puzzle man Rubik
43 Home away from 113 Lycidas, for one ten years too early PREPARE, PROTECT & PREVAIL
home, at times 114 Oliver North’s for Willard Scott to
44 Certain notes superior, once notice you
45 Travel like 36 Butter ingredient
Magellan DOWN 37 Less-than-sterling
46 Adherent’s suffix 1 “Bee’s concern grade
49 Rachmaninoff 2 River into Donegal 40 Smooth-talking
work 42 Waterproof cover
51 Moonwalker Bay 47 Collide with
Eugene 3 First word in a 48 Passer-turned-
53 More, to Moreno pitchman
55 Playful fish-eater carol 50 Drives
56 Scottish town 4 Common 51 Navigator’s place
58 Hungarian dog 52 Put the kibosh on
59 Phonograph part contraction 54 Smug ones
60 A Rocky or a Star 57 Brit. letter carrier’s
Trek stop
61 Tar 62 Crude vehicles
64 Up ___ (100 per 63 “Aromatic” boats
cent) 65 Anoints anew
66 Junior Walker’s 70 Tennyson poem
instrument 72 C-rated
74 Black hair, brown
eyes, etc.
77 Icer’s need
Call Today About Our 0% Hurricane Deductible!
Serving all of Brevard County
28 Thursday, November 9, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Grandma can’t stand daughter-in-law’s standoffishness
STORY BY CAROLYN HAX THE WASHINGTON POST what I currently have. I sadly find myself sim- erate” limb, and choose to rethink “what I perceive.”
ply ignoring her during our visits now, since I Taking Dilly personally makes you her adversary.
Dear Carolyn: I have known cannot continue to tolerate what I perceive as Taking her as socially awkward, and being consis-
my daughter-in-law for 14 years, her rejection of me. tently warm and kind, makes you her ally. Maybe
but we have no relationship. We a thaw will never happen, but where’s your best
have never had an argument or I vacillate between accepting her “as she chance that it will?
even any unkind words between is” and being angry at what can only be de-
us. Their son, our only grand- scribed as rudeness. Your suggestions? Oh, and about those absentee linens – Dilly and
child, is the apple of my eye, your son are manners challenged. Don’t lay that all
and we have a wonderful time – Never Thought It Would Be This Hard on the girl.
with him. The problem is that
no matter what I seem to do, my Never Thought It Would Be This Hard: Your
daughter-in-law shuns me. She rarely speaks to son gave you the only answer you need, and an
me. If I speak to her she responds with one or two out: This is just the way his wife is.
words. On a recent visit to their home, there were
no sheets on our bed, no towels and no toilet pa- It’s not the answer you wanted – you want a
per in the bathroom. I had just sent them a gift for warm relationship with your daughter-in-law
their anniversary, and it was sitting in the family (“Dilly”), understandably, and TP is nice, and
room. She never acknowledged it or thanked us. so you were hoping to hear there was something
I asked my son, in private, what I might do to concrete you were doing wrong and could there-
improve my relationship with her. He said there fore fix.
is no problem; she’s like that with everyone, she is
just quiet. He seemed annoyed I would even ask. I But it was the second-best answer, and also a
clarified that if I perceived it to be a problem then totally workable one. Your son gave you license
there was validity in that, but he simply changed to accept Dilly as she is. Forget whether it’s ac-
the subject. tually true that “she’s like that with everyone”;
I know things could be much worse. She is not for your purposes, it is. She’s inert matter: not
mean to me; she does not prevent access to my good, not bad, just there.
grandchild or overtly interfere with my relation-
ship with my son. It is just so terribly awkward Let’s put proper emphasis, too, on the “not bad.”
and uncomfortable to be around someone who You are welcome in the lives of your son and your
works so hard to maintain distance. I worry that if grandchild, and I obviously don’t have to remind
I try to address this directly with her, I jeopardize you that not everyone with a less-than-welcoming
son- or daughter-in-law is so blessed.
I’d also argue this reframing is not optional. Your
son’s answer is workable only if you choose not to
walk yourself out onto the “I cannot continue to tol-
30 Thursday, November 9, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Thai Thai Bistro: Variety of interesting, tasty dishes
[email protected]
Mondays are a big Shrimp Pad Thai. an
homework night in our
household, and last PHOTOS BY GORDON RADFORD Ital-
Monday a major project
deadline loomed, making Chicken Fried Rice. ian moth-
the chances of a home-
cooked dinner slim. Deter- showed up for a sushi date night, and er urging us to
mined to not stay up bleary- three or four people popped in to pick up
eyed, running into Office to-go orders, and seemed to be regular eat more, said the
Depot at closing time to beg for customers. There are a couple of unob-
a last-minute binding of the book trusive televisions in the dining room, SUPER Crunch Roll. chef would make us some
my son had authored, I promised him which my son liked, and which enter-
we could go anywhere he wanted for tained the folks waiting for takeout. Thai donuts on the house.
dinner if we finished the book by 6 p.m.
This could have cost me a trek to Viera, The chef came out a couple of times Well, who turns down free dessert?
but mercifully he was craving Thai. – he and Honey seemed to be the only
The plate of crescents of piping-hot
Bound book safely in hand, we head-
ed to our regular Thai-sushi spot, only to fried dough came out of the kitchen
realize they are closed on Mondays. Ex-
plaining that I could not, in fact, make moments later with a dish of icing for
the place magically open, we headed
south to try Thai Thai Bistro, located be- dipping. Every culture seems to have
tween Winn Dixie and Coasters on Eau
Gallie Boulevard in the Wal-Mart plaza. its own version of fried dough and the
On the door was a sign that said “Cash
Only. ATM Inside.” We walked into a Thai donuts were light, not greasy and
tastefully decorated but completely
empty restaurant of six booths and a went well with the warm icing. They
dozen tables and yes, an ATM.
were surprisingly filling, however,
Our server Honey seated us and
brought us two large coffee mugs and a and we couldn’t finish the half-dozen
pot of piping hot green tea. This was dif-
ferent, no little cups, but the tea was of doughnuts on the plate because we’d
the stronger variety the way we like it.
We ordered spring rolls ($3.95 for two) enjoyed our meals a bit too much.
and miso soup ($2.50) while we looked at
the menu. The miso soup was tasty, but We encourage you to send feedback to
the texture of the spring rolls reminded
me of the frozen kind you bake at home. [email protected].
The outside was nice and crisp, but the
veggies inside were wet and mushy. The reviewer is a Brevard resident who
I ordered the Ginger Chicken ($11.95) dines anonymously at restaurants at the
with a $1 upcharge for brown rice. The
dish was flavorful, the white-meat expense of this newspaper.
chicken was moist and tender, served
with onions, carrots, mushrooms, bell Chicken Green Curry. RESTAURANT HOURS
peppers and scallions, all sautéed in a Lunch 11:30 am to 2:30 pm
ginger sauce and served Chinese-res- staff on duty on this slow Monday night
taurant style with the rice served in a – and I was impressed that one young Monday-Saturday
separate dish, so good for sharing. My man (maybe 25 years old?) could mas- Dinner 4:30 to 9:30 pm
son ordered Thai Thai Bistro Beef Fried ter what must be a complex kitchen with Monday-Thursday, 4:30 to 10pm
Rice ($11.95) which he said was good but all the variety of interesting dishes, Thai
less flavorful than what he was used to. and Japanese specialties and sushi op- Friday and Saturday.
tions on the menu. Closed Sunday
I tasted it and it tasted great to me, but BEVERAGES
it wasn’t as salty as our regular place. Honey asked if we wanted dessert Full liquor bar
The beef was tender and in a light sauce, and we declined but she, in the spirit of ADDRESS
stir-fried with chunks of scrambled egg,
onions, tomatoes, carrots and scallions. 971 E. Eau Gallie Blvd. Suite F
I also noticed a sign saying that Thai Indian Harbor Beach
Thai Bistro does not cook with mono- PHONE
sodium glutamate (MSG) so that might (321) 777-2988
account for the difference in flavor. My
head definitely appreciated the lack of
MSG the next day.
While we were dining, another couple
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, November 9, 2017 31
Melo’s RIitsatoliraannote
Every Thursday- $22.95
$10 Off ANY Bottle of Wine
32 Thursday, November 9, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Please send calendar information Beach Rotary Club meets at 7:30 a.m. Tues- Tai Chi and Qigong, 9:30 a.m. Saturdays at food items to make Thanksgiving special for
at least two weeks prior to your days at Ocean Side Pizza, 300 Ocean Ave. #6, Gleason Park, north side of lake. Donation of those in need.
Melbourne Beach. $5-$10.
event to 11 Gnarly Charley Winter Series Junior Pro
[email protected] Porch Music - come sing, play, dance, en- NOVEMBER Surfing Contest for kids 16 and younger,
joy jam music on the porch of the Melbourne 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Paradise Beach Park, Satellite
ONGOING Beach Old Town Hall History Center, 2373 Oak 9 Pediatric sleep disorders free presentation for Beach.
St. 1:00-2:30, First and Third Saturday of the parents, 6 to 8 p.m. by Dr. Claire Stagg Health
Satellite Beach Farmers Market, 10 a.m. to 4 month. Rhythmic dulcimers form the core of Connections Dentistry, 2120 Hwy A1A, Indian Har- 12 Haven Holiday Kickoff, 3 to 7 p.m. at
p.m. Thursdays at Pelican Beach Park the jam band. Free. Small donation to historic bour Beach. Tickets at The Lamb Shoppe, 1765 S. Patrick
site appreciated. Call (321)327-4871 for details. Drive, Satellite Beach. Pictures with Santa, re-
Saturdays on the Sand with Melissa Faith Yoga, 7 10 Brevard Ballet Academy Formal Fund- freshments, children’s shopping area. www.the-
a.m. Saturdays at the Indialantic Boardwalk across Beginner Yoga Stretch and Meditation Class, raiser, 6 to 10 p.m. at Tortoise Island
from Starbucks. Free admission, mats and blankets 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturdays at Siren Salon and Club, 727 Loggerhead Island Dr, Satellite Beach.
provided. Bring water and other essentials. Spa Services, 3270 South Highway A1A, Suite The event will feature a ballet performance, live 12 Tom Petty tribute dinner and concert
104 in Beachwoods Plaza. Free, all are welcome. entertainment, casino tables, hors d’oeuvres, featuring Petty Hearts band, 5 to 8
Mats , water and fruit provided. (321)614-7706. cash bar, and prizes. Tickets $50-$90 at www. p.m. at Iron Oak Post, 2023 Melbourne Ct. Tick- ets $16.66 to $33.33 www. Brownpapertickets.
com or (321) 327-8479.
10-12 Native Rhythms Festival, 10 15 Northrop-Grumman Retirees Club Space
a.m. to 10 p.m. Friday and Coast Chapter meets very third Wednes-
Saturday, 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Sunday at Wick- day of the month at Suntree Country Club, 11:00
ham Park Ampitheatre celebrating the Native a.m. social hour, noon lunch. Interesting and perti-
American Flute with concerts, demonstrations, nent monthly guest speakers. Contact Bob Prais at:
exhibitors, food and more. Free admission, fam- [email protected] or (321)242-5782.
ily-friendly event. www.nativerhythmsfestival.
com. 16 Candlelighters of Brevard Vendor Par-
ty, 5 to 8 p.m. at Hell n’Blazes Brewing
11 Melbourne Beach to South Beach Co., 1002 E. New Haven Ave, Melbourne. Open
RAGNAR Run for Julien to support to the public, opportunity to do holiday shop-
pediatric cancer research, 6:30 a.m. Saturday ping and support the 2018 Have-a-Heart event.
through 10:30 a.m. Sunday. Join the 12-person
relay team who will run 193 miles from Mel- 16 Cocoa Beach-Florida Surf Film Festival,
bourne Beach to Miami to benefit the Julien Col- 5 p.m. to midnight at Surfside Players,
lot Foundation and the Memorial Sloan Ketter- 301 Ramp Road, Cocoa Beach. Tickets $5-$20.
ing Cancer Center.
11 Turkey Creek 5K Trail Run and Commu- 17 Serene Harbor Silver Anniversary and
nity Food Drive, 7:30 a.m. from Palm Awards Luncheon to celebrate 25
Bay Community Center through Turkey Creek years of serving those impacted by domestic
Sanctuary, with donations of non-perishable violence, 11 a.m. at Eau Gallie Yacht Club, 100
Datura Drive, Indian Harbour Beach. Tickets $40.
Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN
in November 2, 2017 Edition 1 DEBRIEF 1 DETERMINATION
5 PIPES 2 BEING 18 Indian Harbour Beach Art Show, 9 a.m. to
8 TRIAD 3 INDOORS 5 p.m. at Gleason Park, 1233 Yacht Club
9 ORINOCO 4 FOODPROCESSOR Drive, open-air art show of hand-made items only
10 REGROUP 5 PRICE around the lake in the park. Registration deadline
11 EVENT 6 PROVERB Nov. 16.
15 ADMIN 13 REMOVAL 18 Hoot in the Park, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at
17 ENVELOP 14 SEVERAL Wickham Park. Fun for four-legged and
19 INVENTS 16 NINON two-legged kids with a dog lure course, pet pho-
20 RECUR 18 LICIT tos with Santa and ambassador animals. Free
21 NYLON admission, proceeds benefit the Florida Wildlife
22 RELATED Hospital and Sanctuary. Saturday, November 18
from 10am-2pm at Wickham Park
Sudoku Page 2560 SudokuPPaaggee2571 CrosswordPPaage 5206 Crossword PPaaggee 2571 (KEEP IT CLEAN)
CERTIFIED Windows & Doors Join our directory for the most affordable way to reach out to customers for your service or small business targeting the
Siding & Soffit South Brevard barrier island communitites. This is the only directory mailed each week into homes in 32951, Indialantic,
“Everything You Need To Be” Screen Room’s Indian Harbour and Satellite Beach. Contact Will Gardner, 407-361-2150 [email protected].
[email protected] CGC 1524354
321.508.3896 772.226.7688
Renovated condo captures
coastal casual lifestyle
5635 S Highway A1A, Apt A302: 3-bedroom, 3-bath, 2,029-square-foot oceanfront condominium
offered for $585,000 by Treasure Coast Sotheby’s listing agent Carola Mayerhoeffer: 321-704-9769.
34 Thursday, November 9, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Renovated condo captures coastal casual lifestyle
[email protected]
Completely remodeled with a coast-
al casual theme, the open-floorplan,
three-bedroom, three-bath property
at A302 in South Shores Oceanside
Condo, offers one of the best ocean
views – and largest solar-heated pools
– of any beachside condo in Brevard
Located at 5635 State Road A1A,
Melbourne Beach, the complex is
convenient to shopping, only nine
miles south of Ocean Avenue in Mel-
bourne Beach.
The 2,029-square-foot unit offered
by Treasure Coast Sotheby’s agents
Carola Mayerhoeffer and Renée Win-
kler for $585,000 is entered through a
spacious foyer with two large closets.
Renovations over the past year in-
clude adding three double-pane win-
dows on the west side, moving the
laundry area to a more convenient lo-
cation, and redoing the floors, which
now are a grayish plank tile that
blends with a meticulously executed
paint scheme.
“The way they updated it, it’s like
a coastal casual place,” said Mayer-
hoeffer. “The color scheme with the
grayish floors and the white base-
boards and crown molding makes
a nice contrast and give it a coastal
touch. I think it’s nice that they went
throughout with the tile.”
The large eat-in kitchen features
quartz countertops, glass tile back-
splash and no-fingerprint slate GE
appliances. There’s also an ample
breakfast nook and a wine cooler.
The spacious master suite opens
directly to the balcony with a lanai-
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, November 9, 2017 35
like set of three floor-to-ceiling glass The master bathroom suite fea- cabinetry features a design theme Also opening onto the balcony is a
slider doors that can be opened to tures twin basin sinks, two walk-in that is echoed in the other two full smaller room on the southern side,
extend the living area onto a big bal- closets, and a modern oversized free- bathrooms, although in smaller for- offering an opportunity to feature the
cony equipped with accordion storm standing tub as well as walk-in show- mat, including walk-in showers and panorama view for a bedroom or of-
shutters. er. The quartz countertops and new quartz countertop accents. fice space.
36 Thursday, November 9, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
The third bedroom, accessed from live beachside, you have more visitors But there is nothing small about the south beaches. The pool is solar
a door located the other side of the than ever before,” said Mayerhoeffer. grounds, which have a gate leading to heated and covered when not in use
living room, creates a comfortable a secluded section of beach. so debris doesn’t get into it.
separate space for guests or family. The condo complex is small, with
only 28 units, each with a parking There is a spacious sundeck and a Unit A302 in South Shores Oceans-
“It’s almost like a second suite and it space and dedicated storage area in small tiki hut and one of the largest ide Condo in Melbourne Beach is of-
has its own separate bath. When you an underground garage. pools of any oceanside complex along fered for $585,000.
Neighborhood: South Shores Oceanside Condo
Year built: 1985
Construction: Concrete block, stucco
Bedrooms: 3
Bathrooms: 3
Size: 2,029 square feet
Features: Plank tile flooring throughout, new kitchen with quartz coun-
tertops, glass tile backsplash and slate GE appliances, including wine
cooler, extensive condominium grounds with sundeck, heated pool and
private beach access, assigned parking space under the building with
dedicated storage area, breakfast nook, walk-in closets.
Listing agency: Treasure Coast Sotheby’s International Realty
Listing agents: Carola Mayerhoeffer, 321-704-9769,
and Renée Winkler, 321-302-1049
Listing price: $585,000
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, November 9, 2017 37
Hackers target nearly $1B in real estate settlement funds
STORY BY KENNETH R. HARNEY WASHINGTON POST needed to close – often hundreds of transfer of settlement funds was hi- ty firms to better secure their systems
thousands of dollars, sometimes far jacked after cyberthieves reportedly – would thwart the hackers.
In this year of horrendous cyber- more – to the criminals’ own bank penetrated a title and escrow com-
heists – Equifax the most prominent accounts, not the title or escrow com- pany’s email system and steered the “It’s unbelievable how often this is
– you’ve probably taken at least a few pany’s legitimate accounts. The crimi- money to their own account. happening,” said Jessica Edgerton, as-
precautions: changed passwords, nals then withdraw the money and sociate counsel for the National Asso-
stopped opening files and links from vanish. I● n January, a Denver couple signed a ciation of Realtors in Chicago.
unknown senders, upgraded your contract to buy a $504,000 new home.
computer security measures, maybe According to new data provided for They had sold their previous house Real estate clients who have been
put a freeze on your credit reports. this column by the FBI, in fiscal year and planned to use the $272,536 in scammed are now fighting back, seek-
2017, nearly $1 billion ($969 million, to proceeds as a down payment. Some- ing recovery of funds through the
But if you’re buying a house and be precise) was “diverted or attempt- where along the path to the scheduled courts and turning to an FBI weapon
heading to settlement, you still may be ed to be diverted” from real estate closing in April, hackers gained access little known to the general public, the
far more vulnerable than you think to purchase transactions and wired to to the email system of the title com- “Financial Fraud Kill Chain.”
the fastest-growing form of real estate “criminally controlled” accounts. pany, realty agent or mortgage com-
cybercrime in the United States: thefts pany – no one seems to know which. The bureau says that it may be able to
of home-purchase money wired to That figure is up explosively from The couple received genuine-looking stop the transfer and recover consum-
complete closing transactions. fiscal 2016, when the FBI counted $19 email instructions on wiring the down ers’ funds if the wire transfer amount
million in wire-transfer frauds af- payment cash in preparation for the is $50,000 or more, the bank transfer is
The scam generally works like this: fecting home buyers. The bureau de- settlement. But the instructions were sent internationally, the bank issues a
Hackers find an opening into a title scribes the growth rate of this type bogus and the money disappeared. recall notice and the FBI is informed of
company’s or realty agent’s email ac- of theft as “steep,” though the sharp Nothing has been recovered. the details within 72 hours.
count, track upcoming home pur- statistical rise may be partially attrib-
chases scheduled for settlements – the utable to increased reporting of such Although cyberthefts involving So what does this surge in real estate
pricier the better – then assume the hacks by consumers, banks and real home settlements have been occur- wire fraud mean to you? If you plan to
identity of the title agency person han- estate industry participants. It’s also ring for several years, the number of go to settlement on a house, be on alert.
dling the transaction. shocking and devastating to the home attacks and the dollar amounts stolen Red-flag any closing or wiring instruc-
buyers involved. Consider two recent during the past year are stunning re- tions sent to you via email, especially
Days or sometimes weeks before the cases involving substantial losses: alty industry experts, who expected if they involve last-minute changes to
settlement, the scammer poses as the that greater public awareness of the previous instructions. Verify by phone
title or escrow agent whose email ac- L● ast May, a Washington, D.C., cou- problem – and efforts by title and real- or in person with settlement person-
counts they’ve hijacked and instructs ple lost $1.57 million when their wire nel that they sent the instructions and
the home buyer to wire the funds that they are correct.
38 Thursday, November 9, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Real Estate Sales on South Brevard island: Oct. 27 to Nov. 2
The real estate market rebounded during Halloween Week in island ZIP codes 32951, 32903 and 32937.
Indialantic led the way with 6 sales, followed by Satellite Beach with 5, and Melbourne Beach and Indian
Harbour Beach reporting 4 each.
The top sale of the week was of an oceanfront home in Melbourne Beach. The residence at 8875 South
Highway A1A was placed on the market July 2 with an asking price of $2 million. The sale closed Oct. 31 for
$1.8 million.
The seller in the transaction was represented by Eva McMillan of Dale Sorensen Real Estate. The purchaser
was represented by Ronald Wysocarski of Keller Williams Realty.
HORNES REPLAT 7935 HIGHWAY A1A 8/12/2015 $1,750,000 $1,295,000 10/27/2017 $272,000
SUNNYLAND BEACH S5 287 BEVERLY CT 5/5/2017 $325,000 $299,900 10/27/2017 $255,000
RIVER COLONY EAST 402 COLONY ST 11/2/2017 $255,000 $255,000 11/2/2017
THE CLUB RESIDENCES 2855 HIGHWAY A1A C 7/28/2017 $575,000 $575,000 10/27/2017 $566,000
OCEANSIDE ESTATES 3849 POSEIDON WAY 6/30/2017 $482,762 $482,762 10/30/2017 $482,980
SILVER PALM CONDO 2805 N HIGHWAY A1A 502 8/7/2017 $488,000 $479,000 10/31/2017 $468,000
LEASING ISLAND PH1 148 LANSING ISLAND DR 8/18/2017 $1,299,900 $1,299,900 10/31/2017 $1,285,000
ENCLAVE SUBD 155 ENCLAVE AVE 11/2/2017 $655,181 $655,181 11/2/2017 $614,956
MONTECITO PHASE 1B 658 MONTEREY DR 8/24/2017 $405,000 $399,900 10/31/2017 $390,000
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, November 9, 2017 39
Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.
Subdivision: Sunnyland Beach S5, Address: 287 Beverly Ct Subdivision: Hornes Replat, Address: 7935 Highway A1A
Listing Date: 5/5/2017 Listing Date: 8/12/2015
Original Price: $325,000 Original Price: $1,750,000
Recent Price: $299,900 Recent Price: $1,295,000
Sold: 10/27/2017 Sold: 10/27/2017
Selling Price: $272,000 Selling Price: $1,050,000
Listing Agent: Laura Dowling Roy Listing Agent: George Gagniuk
Selling Agent: Premier Properties Real Estate, Inc Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate, Inc
Bob Riley Tracy Warren
Premier Properties Real Estate, Inc Dale Sorensen Real Estate, Inc
Subdivision: Oceanside Estates, Address: 3849 Poseidon Way Subdivision: The Club Residences, Address: 2855 Highway A1A C
Listing Date: 6/30/2017 Listing Date: 7/28/2017
Original Price: $482,762 Original Price: $575,000
Recent Price: $482,762 Recent Price: $575,000
Sold: 10/30/2017 Sold: 10/27/2017
Selling Price: $482,980 Selling Price: $566,000
Listing Agent: Cristina Quintana Listing Agent: Charles Gersey
Selling Agent: Mercedes Premier Realty, LLC Selling Agent: Better Homes & Gardens RE Star
Mary Goodwin Charles Gersey
Curri Kirschner Real Estate Group LLC Better Homes & Gardens RE Star
Subdivision: Leasing Island PH1, Address: 148 Lansing Island Dr
Listing Date: 8/18/2017
Original Price: $1,299,900
Recent Price: $1,299,900
Sold: 10/31/2017
Selling Price: $1,285,000
Listing Agent: Joel Ludlow
Selling Agent: Curri Properties
Yvette Oliva Buisson
Pastermack Real Estate
Subdivision: Enclave Subd, Address: 155 Enclave Ave
Listing Date: 11/2/2017
Original Price: $655,181
Recent Price: $655,181
Sold: 11/2/2017
Selling Price: $614,956
Listing Agent: Mark Fontaine
Selling Agent: Fontaine Property Group, Inc.
Mark Fontaine
Fontaine Property Group, Inc.