Asking for action. P2 ‘Meat’ you there. P28 Bravo, Brevard!
School Board joins chorus calling Dining review: Try Robburritos –
for groundwater testing. you won’t leave disappointed.
Cultural Arts Showcase on center
stage at the King Center. Page 12
TALE OF 2 CITIES: Commission
BUDGET REALITIES race set with
[email protected]
It’s a matter of the“haves and ‘Krawl’ space ... More than 2,000 runners set out Saturday morning from Nance Park in Indialantic on the STORY BY JENNIFER TORRES CORRESPONDENT
have-nots” when comparing Turtle Krawl 5K to benefit the Sea Turtle Preservation Society. PHOTO COURTESY PAUL HOBAN
the proposed fiscal 2018/2019 With the qualifying period
budgets of neighboring cities bour Beach property values property value. The resulting pass and increase Florida’s now closed for the Melbourne
Indian Harbour Beach, where (7.72 percent) enabled the $350,000 helped Indian Har- Homestead Exemption by Beach Town Commission, the
no tax increase is planned, budget to be balanced with bour Beach hold the line on $25,000 for homes with an race is on with six certified can-
and Satellite Beach, which no change to the millage rate taxes, even with an expected assessed value greater than didates vying for three spots.
is proposing an 8.2 percent from the current tax rate of $250,000 loss in revenues as $100,000.
property tax increase – largest $5.64 per $1,000 of taxable Amendment 1 is expected to Four people are in the run-
in six years. CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 ning for two (three-year term)
seats, as Olyne Elizabeth “Lib-
What Indian Harbour by” Brown-Brock and Joyce
Beach has is more than $7 Barton challenge incumbents
million in reserves due to fru- Steve Walters and Sherri Quar-
gality, less population (8,381 rie in the race.
compared to Satellite Beach’s
10,832) and fewer city servic- One seat, left open after for-
es. Subsequently, Indian Har- mer vice mayor Tom Davis re-
bour Beach remains in good signed in August, is for a one-
financial shape although it year term, with Corey Runte
faces major expenditures like and Katherine Wilborn each
a new police station and ca- vying for the votes in what the
nal muck dredging costs. commission originally wanted
to deem a “special election.”
The increase in Indian Har-
LOCAL GOVERNMENTS County schools serving up leaner, greener lunches
STORY BY JENNIFER TORRES CORRESPONDENT is a form of unconstitutional Brevard Public Schools has rolled Students stand in line for
censorship. Last year a Virginia out a host of new lunch menu items
Municipalities are evaluating man sued the chairwoman of this year, in an attempt to make meals lunch at Hoover Middle
their social media practices as healthier and entice students to buy
courts across the country delib- CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 school lunch. School in Indialantic.
erate its proper use by govern-
ment officials. District dietician specialist Laurie PHOTO: JULIAN LEEK
Conlin said the changes are a result PHOTO: BENJAMIN THACKER
Much discussion centers over of both students and parents seeking
whether these social media ac- smarter food choices.
counts are part of the public re-
cord that must be archived, and “We always had salads but now we’re
if “blocking” another account starting to be a little more creative with
ADVERTISING: 772-559-4187 | CIRCULATION: 772-226-7925 Vroom service!
NEWS 1-6 DINING 28 PEOPLE 7-10 Classic car event revs up
ARTS 11-14 GAMES 21-23 PETS 20 fundraising for veterans’
CALENDAR 30 INSIGHT 15-24 Honor Flights. PAGE 8
2 Thursday, September 13, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
School Board joins chorus calling for groundwater testing
STORY BY JAN WESNER CHILDS CORRESPONDENT in alarming amounts at nearby Patrick the state to test groundwater, bodies of regulatory standards or formal test-
Air Force Base, and are believed to have water and fish for the chemicals, and ing protocol on PFAS chemicals. The
The School Board has joined the list of come from firefighting foam. They have to create regulatory guidelines for the Environmental Protection Agency is-
local government organizations asking been found in smaller amounts in Satel- presence of the chemicals in any water sued a report in April saying that those
the state to regulate and test for a series lite Beach and Cocoa Beach. used for drinking, irrigation and recre- processes are being developed and
of chemicals recently found in ground- ation, as well as in consumable fish. should be completed by early 2019. A
water, well water and irrigation water in The board passed a resolution on few states have issued their own regu-
some beachside communities. Sept. 6 requesting definitive regulatory “We need to be able to know from ex- lations, but Florida has not.
standards and guidance from the Flor- perts what is safe,” board member Tina
The chemicals all belong to a large ida Department of Environmental Pro- Descovich said in an interview after the Descovich initiated the idea of the
group of compounds known collec- tection regarding how PFAS should be resolution was passed. resolution. Not only does her School
tively as polyfluoroalkyl substances, or addressed. The resolution called upon Board seat represent several beachside
PFAS. The substances have been found Currently, there are no national
SOCIAL MEDIA POLICIES cause it’s not maintained anywhere, and
it is a public record.”
But for Simmons, who does not have
the Loudoun County Board of Super- a Facebook page, other than verbal
visors for blocking him on Facebook, (phone or face-to-face), the only other
which he argued impeded his freedom way he communicates is through email,
of speech; the court agreed. In June, a all of which is backed up on the town
federal judge ruled that President Don- email server.
ald Trump violated the constitutional
rights of seven Twitter users when he “I’ve never been, and don’t want to
blocked them from his official account. be, a user of social media anyway, but
And just last month, the borough of Glen the issues with public records retention,
Rock, New Jersey, was ordered to pay Sunshine Law, etc. have reinforced my
$30,000 in legal fees because a request reluctance,” Simmons said. “I also don’t
for a list of all blocked accounts was de- text personally or as mayor.”
nied after a resident discovered he and
his wife had been blocked on Facebook Melbourne Beach Chief of Police Mel-
by a councilman. anie Griswold started her agency’s Face-
book page in 2012. “I have used it many
According to a recent survey by the times for road closures, race events, hol-
Pew Research Center, when it comes to iday parades, traffic laws, hurricanes,
getting the attention of politicians, most etc.” Griswold said.
Americans believe social media plays an
important role. She says the Facebook account –
along with an email and texting com-
Indialantic Mayor Dave Berkman munication tool called NIXLE – was her
uses his Facebook page – Dave Berk- main tool for communication to resi-
man, Mayor of Indialantic – to share dents during a hurricane.
town news, critical information, infor-
mation on events and other things he “Even when our Wi-Fi was not work-
believes residents would find of interest. ing at the station, I would find a hotspot
and use my phone to update homeown-
He currently has 518 followers – and ers on the damage to their homes and
a recent post announcing a new grocery when the roads were clear,” Griswold
store in town gleaned 187 comments said. “To us, it is an invaluable tool to
and was shared 150 times. reach our residents.”
“Our attorney has recommended She adds that over the six years the
making copies of everything we post as department has run the account, she
we post for record-keeping; this is a bit has blocked about three people.
of a pain but needs to be done,” Berk-
man said. Indialantic Chief of Police Michael
Casey limits the department’s social
Berkman said he did once block a media to one Facebook account and
user from his Facebook page who be- a presence on a community site called
came abusive and belligerent in posts – Nextdoor.
but says that is a rare event.
He uses the site frequently during
In August, Melbourne Beach May- hurricane season to keep people in-
or Jim Simmons attended a meeting formed of the latest developments. Oth-
on ethics in Satellite Beach where the er than that, posts typically consist of
topic of social media was discussed. upcoming events, road closure notifica-
He shared what he learned during last tions, or warnings of a local car break-in
month’s meeting of the Melbourne or burglary. The department has never
Beach Commission. blocked anyone from the sites – and
monitors it occasionally.
“If you’re making comments on Face-
book or if you have a Facebook page or Chief Casey strongly advises against
anything like that, any social media, you reporting any criminal activity through
need to take a screen shot and send it social media or email. The best method
to the town clerk,” Simmons said. “Be- to reach immediate help is still an old-
fashioned phone call to police.
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, September 13, 2018 3
communities, she is also an alumna of all passing identical resolutions and will cer rates in the area, especially among in the drinking water at all nine public
Satellite High and was diagnosed with present them to the state together. Satellite High graduates and those who schools in South Patrick Shores, Satel-
cancer in 2010. lived nearby. The county health depart- lite Beach, Indian Harbour Beach, In-
Satellite Beach passed the resolution ment is now compiling a list of those dialantic and Melbourne Beach. The
One of her children is also currently a on Sept. 5. The city is also conducting cases to determine if the area might drinking water at those schools comes
student at Satellite. further tests on area groundwater. have a “cancer cluster.” from the city of Melbourne utilities. It
does not come from adjacent wells or
Descovich said the School Board, Concerned citizens have been trying A different chemical, perfluorobutyr- groundwater.
the cities of Satellite Beach and Cocoa for years to get someone to take notice of ate (PFBA), was found in trace amounts
Beach, and the County Commission are what they say are higher than usual can-
4 Thursday, September 13, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Hotel evacuated when sprinkler triggers alarm A TALE OF TWO CITIES SCHOOL LUNCHES
Brevard County Fire Rescue re- adjacent apartments,” Gold said. “No CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1
sponded to an alarm at the Double- one was injured.”
Tree Suites by Hilton Hotel Melbourne Satellite Beach, which has more the different types of salads we have
Beach Oceanfront on Sept. 4, but wa- Hotel manager Raed Alshaibi said city services, is faced with a $600,000 and having them on the menu more
ter – not fire – was the culprit. the young son of a guest on the sev- homestead revenue decrease along often,” Conlin said. “We noticed we
enth floor was playing with a toy and with the challenge of addressing sev- were having more and more vegetar-
Scott R. Gold, assistant chief of fire accidently hit the sprinkler in their eral significant financial pressures. ian and vegan students asking, ‘What
operations for BCFR, said a sprinkler room, breaking it. The water damaged The city has to compensate for being can we have for lunch?’”
alarm triggered the incident causing two adjacent rooms on the same floor impacted by two hurricanes within
a mandatory evacuation of the hotel. and two other rooms underneath. the same fiscal year with delays in Students can still get pizza, chicken
Guests in those rooms were relocated FEMA reimbursements, and must sandwiches and fries, but the goal is
“One sprinkler was activated which to another Hilton. – JENNIFER TORRES address pressing stormwater and to offer up more of the good stuff, like
caused slight water damage to the other infrastructure maintenance salads as entrees and sides like fresh
and replacement needs. fruit, carrot and celery sticks, side sal-
ads, hummus, rice and beans.
The proposed Satellite Beach mill-
age rate is $8.82 per $1,000 of taxable Feedback has been largely positive
property value, 8.2 percent higher from parents, students, administra-
than the previous year and 16.12 per- tors and lunch staff.
cent higher than the roll-back rate
of $7.59 per $1,000 of taxable value. “Most of these are very popular,”
Over the past six years, the city has Hoover Middle School lunchroom
either dropped the millage rate or manager Lori Harmer said while man-
kept the rate the same as the prior ning the cash register during a recent
year. lunch period at the school.
“Raising taxes was not something Seventh-grader Coby Massingill,
that we wanted to do, but … it be- munching on a side salad, said he
came clear to both City Council and usually chooses fruits or veggies for
staff that increasing the millage rate a side, and sometimes for the main
is the responsible thing to do to sup- course.
port the city’s financial future,” said
assistant City Manager Suzanne “They just taste good and I know
Sherman. it’s healthy for you,” he said.
For the upcoming fiscal year, the Coby added that he is a runner and
city has established a new operating he has physical education right after
line item with a budget of $100,000. lunch, so he likes to keep his energy
If this money is not needed for hur- levels up. “Also,” he admitted, “my
ricane response, it will be added to mom likes me to eat healthy.”
reserves each year.
Conlin said the menu items will be
It’s a start, but the cost to the city for assessed throughout the school year
its response to the recent hurricanes to see which are more popular and
has averaged between $300,000 and which aren’t. For example, students
$500,000 per storm. at Hoover love the southwest chicken
salad, with red pepper strips and an-
“Without a millage rate increase to tibiotic-free chicken. The fresh green
begin rebuilding reserves, and with salad with black beans, cranberries
the anticipated passage of the ad- and sunflower seeds? Not so much.
ditional homestead exemption, the
city would be limited in its ability to District food nutrition manager
respond to a significant storm event, Dawn Menz said fewer choices are
and sufficient funding for infrastruc- being offered every day, and instead
ture maintenance and replacement the focus is on what students like.
needs would be restricted as well,”
she said. “We’re still serving variety but it’s
the students’ favorites,” Menz said.
“So instead of offering 12-15 en-
trees we’re offering seven entrees,
but those entrees are going to be
Milton R. Benjamin, 772-559-4187
Community Editor ADVERTISING We are here to provide Brevard barrier [email protected]
Lisa Zahner, 772-584-9121 island readers with the most comprehen-
[email protected] Key Accounts Manager sive news coverage of Melbourne Beach, Creative Director
Tim Bird, 407-927-6451 Indialantic, Indian Harbour Beach, Satellite Dan Alexander, 772-539-2700
Staff Reporter [email protected] Beach, and South Merritt Island. [email protected]
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[email protected] Lillian Belmont, 321-604-7833 to provide the most complete consulta- Corporate Editor
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Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, September 13, 2018 5
those students’ favorites.” and nutrition staff visit other schools to prevent kids becoming bored with The price of school lunch remained
The offerings are in line with the to sample foods, as well as trade shows daily lunchroom offerings. the same this year at $1.80 for elemen-
and other events. They then test and tary and middle school and $1.90 for
National School Lunch Program, tweak selected recipes to serve locally. “I would say we’re always having high school. Parents and students
which sets guidelines for food served to go out in the marketplace and see can view each day’s lunch offerings at
in schools. They also look at what students are what’s served in the restaurants,”
eating outside of school in an effort Menz said.
Conlin said the district’s dieticians
6 Thursday, September 13, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
COMMISSION CANDIDATES agement and Influence.” Barton is in bourne Beach Planning & Zoning Board years. He is the director of preconstruc-
her third term as president of the Beach for over 10 years, where she worked to tion at Certified General Contractors,
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Gardeners of Melbourne Beach. protect land development codes. Inc. in downtown Melbourne. His com-
Concerns were raised last month over OLYNE ELIZABETH “LIBBY” STEVE WALTERS munity involvement
the possibility of violating state law when BROWN-BROCK Incumbent Melbourne Beach Com- includes serving as
the commission called for a special elec- chairman of the His-
tion before notifying – and receiving Olyne Elizabeth “Libby” Brown-Brock missioner Steve Walters has lived in toric & Architectural
approval – from the Supervisor of Elec- originally moved to Brevard County in Melbourne Beach for 18 years. As Review Board for the
tions as required. Town Attorney Clifford 1997 and then relocated again to the commissioner, his emphasis is every city of Melbourne,
Repperger said the office of the Brevard chairman of the Eco-
County Supervisor of Elections was noti- area in 2008. She tax dollar well spent. nomic Restructur-
fied the day after the meeting, and that it graduated from UCF He is a retired chief ing Committee for
was “acceptable” to them. Kimberly Dale, with a Master of of police employed Downtown Melbourne Mainstreet, and
spokeswoman for the Brevard County Public Administra- by the Town of Mel- vice president of the Space Coast Gator
Supervisor of Elections, verified that the tion degree in 2016, bourne Beach Police Club. He graduated from the University
candidates the town certified will appear a graduate degree in Department for 23 of Florida with a Bachelor of Science de-
on the general election ballot. Nonprofit Manage- years. He has more gree in Construction Management.
ment in 2015, and a than 25 years of
THE CANDIDATES national certification experience in Mel- DR. KATHERINE WILBORN
in nonprofit management in 2014. She bourne Beach government and has Dr. Katherine Wilborn has been a res-
Melbourne Beach Commissioner-at- minored in Emergency Management been appointed to several town and
Large (3-year term, 2 seats available) and Homeland Security. county boards over the years. Walters ident of Melbourne Beach since 1981.
has a dual Master of Arts degree in She is a licensed
JOYCE D. BARTON SHERRI QUARRIE Management and Human Resources therapist with a pri-
Barton has owned a home in Mel- Incumbent Melbourne Beach Com- Development from Webster Univer- vate practice in town
sity. He graduated cum laude with a and also works as a
bourne Beach since 2004 and has lived missioner Sherri Quarrie was raised in Bachelor of Arts in Public Administra- private school guid-
in the town full-time since 2011. She is Melbourne Beach and moved back to tion from UCF, and is a combat vet- ance counselor. She
the town as an adult in 1989. As com- eran from the 82nd Airborne Division. served as a volun-
an entrepreneur and teer mental-health
business owner of missioner, she has Melbourne Beach Commissioner-at- first responder for
“Food with Joy” as worked on storm- Large (1-year term, 1 seat available)
well as a contributing water management NASA post-Columbia incident. She is
author of the book solutions and start- COREY RUNTE a regular attendee at town commission
“Inspire! Women’s ed a golf cart/LSV Runte grew up in Melbourne and meetings and was involved in the effort
Stories of Accom- parking plan project. to get a library for Melbourne Beach in-
plishment, Encour- She also served as a has lived in Melbourne Beach for four stead of a 7-Eleven.
member of the Mel-
A routine traffic stop became any- PHOTO: JULIAN LEEK
thing but ordinary when the battery
of a Melbourne Beach police vehicle ment has a fleet of six vehicles: three
suddenly caught fire. Chevy Caprices (including the dam-
aged vehicle) and three Dodge Char-
Officer Alvin Moore was returning gers.
to his car when he smelled smoke
coming from the trunk. Upon closer Last year, the department did not
inspection, a small flame was visible replace any vehicles, something typi-
in the auxiliary battery, a secondary cally done on an annual basis. But
battery responsible for working the now they will get two. Another 2019
lights and onboard computer. Dodge Charger was already under
order before the incident occurred. It
No one was injured. will replace a 2013 Caprice.
According to Melbourne Beach Po-
lice Chief Melanie Griswold, the fire Griswold says Dodge Chargers are
started when a wire from an animal more reliable vehicles, which is im-
catch pole stored in the trunk hit the portant for a department that logs an
battery. Moore was able to contain it, average of 77,000 miles each year on
but damage to the 2013 Chevrolet Ca- patrol.
price was too extensive for repairs.
“It was a very fluke incident; we’ve “We do community policing and
never had an issue before with any we have to have dependable cars,”
other batteries,” Griswold said. “It Griswold said.
burnt the brain of the car and it would
be very expensive to fix.”
A new 2019 Dodge Charger has
been ordered to replace the damaged
“You can fix electronics, but we
can’t tell if there are other problems,”
Griswold said.
The Melbourne Beach Police De-
Tamara Darress
and James Davis.
Classic cars event
revs up funds for
Honor Flights
8 Thursday, Septmeber 13, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Classic cars event revs up funds for Honor Flights
Frank and Kitty McGuire. PHOTOS: BENJAMIN THACKER Fred Decker and Janet Hudson.
STORY BY BENJAMIN THACKER CORRESPONDENT ans to visit their war memorials in
[email protected] Washington, D.C., the biennial event
raises substantial funds that allow
Classic cars met heroes of classic the organization to continue offering
wars Saturday night at the American the all-expenses-paid Honor Flights
Muscle Car Museum in Melbourne, seven times a year.
for the Space Coast Honor Flight’s
Stars and Stripes fundraiser. More than 500 guests enjoyed
cocktails and an elaborate offering
With a mission of taking World War of finger foods (sponsored and pre-
II, Korean War and Vietnam veter-
pared by the chefs at Buena Vida Es- overseas on tours of duty when the
tates) in the one-of-a-kind museum’s cars were first built.
grand front showroom – mingling
with decorated war heroes while ooh- To date, over 180,000 veterans have
ing and ahh-ing at a selection of truly been taken on Honor Flights by 133
beautiful Ford GTOs and other assort- national hubs.
ed dream cars.
The Space Coast hub has taken
The private museum, built by owner 1,300 so far, and plans to continue on
Mark Pieloch to house his impressive their mission.
collection of American steel, boasts
over 250 cars and serves as a host “Our hub takes 25 vets at a time,
venue for nonprofit, charity and edu- with 25 escorts, a doctor, a videogra-
cational events through-out the year. pher and four staff members,” says
Glass, “and we go to Washington for a
“Mark and his team have been so one-day trip of a lifetime.”
great to work with,” says Stuart Glass,
deputy mayor of Indialantic and head While the original Honor Flights
of marketing and PR for the Space were conducted by private pilots, ma-
Coast Honor Flight. jor airlines now sponsor the flights;
Southwest Airlines is the local partner
“He took his hobby and made some- carrier.
thing that raised money for charity –
you can’t beat that.” “Oh, it was wonderful,” says Eugene
Johnson, a Korean War vet who just
Pieloch’s hobby is more like a life- returned from the most recent flight.
style, and it showed as he toured a “You’re continuously moving, you see
group of VIP veterans around the everything – I want to go again!”
main collection earlier in the evening.
For more information on the Space
His informative and hilarious tales Coast Honor Flight, or to become a
of simpler times seemed to resonate volunteer, please visit www.spaceco-
with the vets, many of whom were or call 1-888-750-
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, September 13, 2018 9
Carmen Ohlinger, Lisa Ngyen, Madelyne Andrade and Paige Soukup. Bobbie Schwartz with Chad Fertil. Ionia and Eugene C. Johnson.
Bill Logan and Nicky Kaufmann. Joann McDonald with George Rosenfield. Russ Livermoore and George L. Brown Jr.
John and Ellen Younger. Congressman Bill Posey with wife Katie.
Winston and Marylin Scott with Barbara and Wade Justice.
10 Thursday, Septmeber 13, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Lordess of the rings: Metal detectorist solves lost causes
STORY BY ANNETTE CLIFFORD CORRESPONDENT according to McClanahan, has a Corrine McClanahan. avail. Luckily, the manager of the home
[email protected] collection of more than 6,000 rings they were renting mentioned that folks
he’s found in the 14 years he’s been PHOTOS: GORDON RADFORD on Facebook advertised metal-detect-
Who hasn’t lost crucial keys, jew- sweeping the sands. ing help, and Linton linked up with
elry or a cellphone you can’t live to Craigslist ads in which people of- McClanahan. She found the ring a
without? McClanahan started responding fered rewards for lost belongings. She good distance from where he thought
set up a Facebook business page, and it would be, in 45 minutes, keeping up
That’s where Corinne Lea McCla- soon was in serious metal-detecting her perfect sand-find record despite
nahan comes to the rescue, with her mode, getting word-of-mouth refer- the approach of dark. “She was awe-
specialized equipment, nose for lost rals and traveling from Vero Beach to some to deal with,” Linton says. “She
objects and sleuthing skills. McCla- Titusville to aid frantic customers. Her takes it very seriously.”
nahan, a Melbourne Beach resident, love of her trade is clear in the exact-
runs Salty Side Metal Detecting Ser- ing way she describes her work: “My Men, says McClanahan, are the
vices, reuniting people with their science to reading the beach is precise usual suspects when it comes to losing
lost possessions. and custom-fit for each beach setting. a ring at the beach. Happy customer
I’m efficient and patient, which equals Elizabeth Cottrill of Melbourne Beach
She got into the business after a a quick recovery.” bears that out with her tale of her hus-
personal experience – her husband band losing his ring last year. McCla-
lost his ring in the ocean while surf- Sand finds can be difficult, but ob- nahan found it within a half hour of
ing. The ring had special meaning, jects lost in the waves present a harder arriving for the job, Cottrill says.
as a grandmother had worn it on challenge. “I often have to take days,
a necklace after the grandfather watch tides, what the waves are doing. Melbourne Beach resident Stephen
found it in the sand. Sand finds, in Even the moon can affect the tides,” Hanson concurs that McClanahan’s
other words, run in the family. she says. “The ocean has OCD,” she detectorist skills are “pretty awe-
quips. “It washes stuff out, and then some.” He was on a first date with his
McClanahan later came across sorts it out into different types and girlfriend when she lost her keys. Mc-
a veteran metal detectorist she de- weights, then washes it back in.” Her Clanahan scooped them up within 30
scribes as a “salty treasure hunter,” methodical gridding techniques have minutes after they called her the next
and he sent her to legendary Trea- helped her find hundreds of objects. day.
sure Coast treasure hunter Terry She can locate pieces as small as an
Shannon, who became her men- earring backing or a kid’s fidget spin- It’s not all treasure out there for the
tor. Shannon posts metal-detecting ner piece, along with keys, coins, rings finding, however. McClanahan de-
videos on his YouTube channel and, and phones. plores the amount of trash she comes
across on beaches, from bottle caps to
She has an astounding success rate cigarette butts and worse. She has pic-
and testimonials from happy custom- tures of the loads of trash she’s caught
ers to prove it. Take Steven Linton, an in her scoop, shameful evidence of
Illinois resident who was vacationing some beachgoers’ bad habits.
in Cocoa Beach when he lost his wed-
ding ring. “I took it off and put it in the Like other professional metal detec-
pouch of a beach chair,” to keep it safe, torists, she follows a set of principles
Linton says. Then came a comedy of to protect the environment and beach
errors in which his sister left the beach critters: Fill in any holes dug, avoid
early, folded up the chair, when the turtle nests, and use no lights on the
ring likely flipped out onto a blanket, beach that could impact nesting tur-
which was then shaken to get rid of tles.
sand. Bye-bye ring.
McClanahan’s career can be ar-
Realizing it was gone, the family duous: “I’ve escaped the dangers of
conducted their own search, but to no beach bums hoping to get gold, people
reaching into my scoop to see what
I’ve found first, and have struggled
to become acclimated to danger-
ously hot summer days. But the real
unicorns and rainbows come from
the mouths of my clients when they
are reunited with their lost wedding
bands, heirloom jewelry, cellphones
with irreplaceable pictures of loved
ones [who’ve] passed or simply wildly
expensive car keys.”
Sounds like a good person to keep
in mind the next time panic sets in
as you search in the rising tide for
that cherished object vanished in
the sand.
Salty Side Metal Detecting Services
Facebook: @saltysideMD
Bravo, Brevard! King Center
set for ‘Arts Showcase’
12 Thursday, September 13, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Bravo, Brevard! King Center set for ‘Arts Showcase’
Belly dancers and bands, visual art Space Coast theater companies –
and theater exhibitions, puppets and from the Historic Cocoa Village Play-
petting zoo animals, jazz and chorus house, Surfside Playhouse, Henegar
and a cappella barbershop harmonies. Center for the Arts and Melbourne
This lively kaleidoscope awaits Space Civic Theatre to East Florida State
Coast residents this month at the King College Theater Department and Not
Center Cultural Arts Showcase 2018 in Quite Right Comedy Improv – will be
Melbourne. The event takes place on present with entertainment and infor-
Saturday, Sept. 23, from noon to 5 p.m. mation.
The Brevard Symphony Orchestra, Dance groups galore include the
in partnership with the King Center Brevard-based American Belly Dance
for the Performing Arts, sponsors the Company, Space Coast Ballet Com-
showcase, which features a main- pany, Ballet Esprit, a troupe of young
stage annual family concert by the
BSO at 2 p.m. and a performance by
the Brevard Youth Orchestra at 3:30
p.m. Mike and Mindy from Lite Rock
99.3, who host the family concert,
know how to deliver a really big show.
But those big-name groups are just
the icing on the cake of the rich festi-
val which this year will feature events
on four stages, up from last year’s
three. Beyond the main stage, perfor-
mances will take place on the studio
theater stage, rotunda stage and at the
art gallery.
“The King Center is honored to
host Cultural Arts Showcase year af-
ter year,” says Marketing Director Au-
tumn Shrum. “This event gives the
community a chance to learn about
the many arts and cultural organiza-
tions that make Brevard County a bet-
ter place to live. It’s also a great oppor-
tunity to expose kids to the arts. Many
of the organizations bring interactive,
hands-on displays, and the perfor-
mances throughout the day often fea-
ture youth. Overall, it’s a wonderful
family-friendly event, and best of all
it’s free to the public.”
She’s right, and then some.
Here’s just a taste of the arts smor-
gasbord you’ll find at the 2018 show-
performers in vibrant outfits who in- Looking for a little visual-arts infu-
teract with brilliantly colored tropi- sion? Check out photography from Cam-
cal birds, and Melbourne City Ballet era Club of Brevard members, acrylic
Theatre. VIDA (Voice of Indonesians and figurative abstract works by artist
in Florida) will deliver an educational Phyllis Shipley, Erin Fox’s acrylic pour
performance highlighting traditional pieces, along with presentations by the
dances and costumes. Native Heritage Foosaner Art Museum. Find out about
Gathering performers will honor in- local artists’ resources and groups, in-
digenous cultures through music and cluding the Strawbridge Art League. Get
more. your writer self on at the Space Coast
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, September 13, 2018 13
Writers Guild table in the main lobby, Need hands-on activities to keep is on the grounds to provide crit-
where there will be some giveaways and the kids happy? Youngsters as well as ter attractions. Howard Gordon,
“an opportunity to those stopping by to adults can try out instruments with of Our Father’s Puppets, will be
add to a story in progress,” says Guild help from skilled musicians at the in- on hand, as will Brevard Renais-
president Cindy Foley. strument petting zoo. The Brevard Zoo sance Fair participants and singers
in their colorful period garb.
Each year this free festival cel-
ebrates Brevard’s cultural organiza-
tions, highlighting the Space Coast’s
deep and talented diversity. Each year
it provides countless opportunities
to learn about area arts and heritage
groups, get involved in dance, theater
or choral activities, expand horizons
and simply enjoy. It’s not to miss.
14 Thursday, September 13, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Coming Up: All symphonic roads lead to ‘Rome’
STORY BY SAMANTHA BAITA STAFF WRITER house.” According to Wikipedia, Tay-
lor was inspired to play the blues after
1 Two of Ottorino Respighi’s glori- hearing Stevie Ray Vaughan, Jimi Hen-
ous, soaring sonic masterworks, drix and Albert Collins. The 16-year-old
was discovered by Dave Stewart of the
“Roman Festivals” and “Pines of Rome,” Eurythmics and, shortly thereafter,
the British publication “Blues Matters”
will launch the Space Coast Sympho- dubbed her “the new face of the blues.”
As lead guitar in Annie Lennox’s band
ny Orchestra’s 10th Anniversary sea- at the Queen’s 2012 Diamond Jubilee
Concert at Buckingham Palace, be-
son this Saturday, Sept. 15. The full, fore a crowd of thousands, Shaw had
an equipment malfunction, causing
90-piece orchestra is pulling out all a “much cleaner guitar sound than
usual.” The misfortune turned to gold,
the stops in this ambitious, not-to-be- however, when Taylor learned that Ste-
vie Wonder had loved her “clean, blue-
missed concert at the Scott Center for sy, understated tone.” Her albums have
hit the Billboard Top 10 in the U.S. and
the Performing Arts. These two mar- she was named Songwriter of the Year
for two years running at the British
velous pieces conjure fantastic images, 1 Space Coast Symphony Orchestra season starts Saturday. Blues Awards. Taylor resides in Detroit
and London. A guitarist, singer-song-
distant sounds and ancient grandeur, writer and solo performer, Chicago
native Simo started playing guitar at 5,
and, together with Respighi’s “Foun- says Wikipedia, and by 15 he’d already
formed a band and released a live EP,
tains of Rome,” make up what became capital, some contemporary and some into music creates what we might today which sold 5,000 copies. Show time:
recalling the glory of the Roman Em- consider a soundtrack.” The orchestra 7:30 p.m. Tickets: $27. 321-242-2219.
known as “The Roman Trilogy.” Ac- pire, and has become Respighi’s most for this concert, he explained, is “no-
frequently performed work. Also on the ticeably larger, to best perform these in-
cording to, Respighi was concert program is a one-movement credible, four-movement tone poems.”
concerto for English Horn by Kenneth Time: 7 p.m. General admission: $25, 18
drawn to the sensual, decadent climate Fuchs, “Eventide,” performed by the or- and under: free. 855-252-7276.
chestra’s English horn principal player
of the Rome depicted by the poet Gabri- Kristin Naigus. Inspiration for this pas-
toral piece came from spirituals such as
ele D’Annunzio, and wrote big, color- “Swing Low, Sweet Chariot.” Orchestra
conductor and artistic director Aaron T.
ful, brash works about his beloved city. Collins comments that “Respighi’s abil-
ity to translate his memories and visions
In his suite, “Pini di Roma”/“Pines of
Rome”(1923-24), a breathtaking ode to 2 Blues rock guitarist Joanne Shaw
Taylor is coming to the King Cen-
nature and the iconic landscapes of the
Eternal City, Respighi “sought to con- ter this Friday, Sept. 14, with special
vey the subtlety and color of the poet’s guest JD Simo. The whiskey-voiced Brit
imagination.” It is the Italian composer’s from the Black Country of England is,
tribute to scenes around his country’s heralds the show promo, “set to rock the
Eva McMillan 1611 Atlantic St, Melbourne Beach • LISTED $1,800,000
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made for decades as an inexpensive alternative to lot of shock in the industry,” Dupuy says. The pink, yellow, blue, champagne, and other colors.
mined stones for industrial purposes, are cracking brand is essentially big-footing an existing mar- De Beers’s lab diamonds will be sold for $800
the consumer market. In recent years, the technol- ket; Stuller, Chatham Created Gems Inc., Lucent
ogy to produce gem-quality stones has improved Diamonds, Pure Grown Diamonds Inc., and other a carat – deeply undercutting the market. “I saw
dramatically; the new manufactured diamonds producers are already firmly established in the a guy selling lab-growns for $2,200 a carat at a
are optically, physically, and chemically the same laboratory gemstone business. trade show,” says Rob Bates, the news director of
as mined stones. JCK, a jewelry trade publication. “But as soon as
Chatham, a family-owned company based in De Beers announced their price, he reduced his
“They’re so identical that we never have them San Francisco, started diamond production in price” to $800.
out on the same desk at the same time,” says Har- 1996 and manufactured rubies, sapphires, and
old Dupuy, vice president of strategic analysis at alexandrites even before that, according to Chief According to Chatham, “De Beers has created
Stuller Inc., a Louisiana-based jewelry maker and Executive Officer Tom Chatham. New York’s Pure predatory pricing to ruin the industry.” At these
gem wholesaler that produces laboratory stones. Grown, founded in 1996, wholesales lab diamonds prices, he adds, “I don’t think [De Beers] is charg-
ranging in size from 0.01 carats to 5.5 carats in ing enough to make money.” (Morrison says, “De
The allure of these cheaper stones is so strong Beers decided three years ago to offer lab-created
that sometime this month, industry heavyweight Lightbox Halo earrings with a 1⁄2-carat pink diamond, $500 stones as a result of consumer demand.”)
De Beers Group – whose advertising motto “A Di-
amond Is Forever” was named the slogan of the A 2-carat diamond The initial Lightbox collection offers about 50
century by Ad Age – will begin selling its own line from Pure Grown. simple styles in earrings and pendant necklaces,
of lab-grown-diamond jewelry under the brand available in two shapes and three colors in sizes
Lightbox. up to 1 carat.
“We’re not trying to pass these off as natural dia- Offerings beyond those would dig into De
monds,” says Sally Morrison, Lightbox’s chief mar- Beers’s key bridal segment. According to Morri-
keting officer. And they shouldn’t: The U.S. Federal son, the Lightbox collection is positioned to com-
Trade Commission in July revised its guidelines for pete against self-purchase items such as “accesso-
the identification of the stones. ries, skin care, and cosmetics.”
Diamonds are now defined as “a mineral con- The trend has gained enough steam that celeb-
sisting essentially of carbon crystallized in the iso- rities are hopping on board. Leonardo DiCaprio –
metric system.” Previously the definition included who starred in the 2006 film Blood Diamond and
the word “natural,” which has now been omitted, in turn drew attention to the issue of gem mines
opening the door for lab-grown stones to legally financing warlords – made headlines in 2015 by in-
identify as diamonds. vesting in Diamond Foundry Inc., a San Francisco
But a manufactured diamond must be “quali-
fied by a clear and conspicuous disclosure” with It’s among a growing group of producers trying
words such as laboratory-grown, “conveying that to compete on a higher level by making premium-
the product is not a mined one.” looking jewelry using the diamonds. A four-stone
cuff ring from its DF Atelier line is priced at $4,506.
The De Beers announcement generated “a Collaborations with Jennifer Fisher, Pamela Love,
Eva Fehren, and other designers to produce ¬fine
jewelry have raised the brand’s profile.
Ángel Ring from
Atelier Swarovski
by Penelope Cruz,
Swarovski, a crystal maker with a 2016 glob- 1971, GE made the first gem-quality diamonds, vacuum chamber heated to more than 900F. Both
al revenue of $3.7 billion, created its Atelier which are on display at the Smithsonian. It took methods produce a “rough” diamond that needs
Swarovski subbrand 10 years ago in an effort to two more decades before the technology was pro- to be cut and polished just as one pulled from the
offer a luxury product. “We wanted red-¬carpet ducing stones high-quality enough to compete in Earth would.
exposure, but we needed diamonds. Celebrities the gemstone industry.
don’t want to wear cubic zirconia on the red- “Mined-diamond production reached a peak 10
carpet,” says Nadja Swarovski, a member of the There are two ways to ¬create a diamond in to 12 years ago, with a yield of 170 million carats,”
executive board. the lab: high pressure-high temperature (HPHT) Moses points out. “The mines are aging, and no
and the newer chemical vapor deposition (CVD). new productive mines have been found in a cou-
So the company started sourcing them and “CVD is more advanced tech,” Moses says. In ple of decades.”
putting them into haute jewelry. This year, she CVD, a thin layer of diamond substrate or “seed”
adds, “we approached Penélope Cruz to create a provides the base for the carbon atoms to grow For now, purists who buy mined diamonds are
collection with us, and she wanted to ensure that into a diamond crystal after being treated with likely to fare better in the resale market. At the
the pieces were eco-friendly.” a mixture of hydrocarbon gas and hydrogen in a high end, in auctions at Sotheby’s and Christie’s,
mined stones have consistently seen “record sales
Cruz, like DiCaprio, saw the PR benefit in align- Diamonds manu- that clearly show strong demand,” Moses says.
ing with jewelry not associated with child labor, factured by Pure
conflict, or environmental destruction. Grown. Still, sellers of mined diamonds fear “a repeat
of what Mikimoto did” to the natural pearl indus-
“I am lucky to be in a position where I can help Chemical vapor try, Chatham says. When the Japanese company
shine a light on conscious luxury and create prod- deposition (CVD) derived a method of culturing pearls, “they were
ucts that have a positive impact,” she said in a gem-making machines the first to make a copy of a naturally occurring
statement. “Today when we buy something, we at the Diamond Foundry. gem [at vastly reduced prices]” and effectively did
want to know what it is, where it comes from, how away with the natural pearl business.
it was made, what it involves.”
A recent study by MVI Marketing LLC, a re-
The Atelier Swarovski by Penelope Cruz collec- search firm in the luxury space, showed that 70
tion made its debut at the Haute Couture fashion percent of millennials would consider a lab stone
shows in Paris in July. Prices range from $5,000 to as the centerpiece of an engagement ring. Part of
$53,000. the appeal is that “lab-grown diamonds contrib-
ute to the well-being of the planet,” Swarovski
It’s a fast-moving industry, but such stones says. “For us it’s a win-win – we get better bot-
have been around for more than half a century. tom-line results and have a positive impact on
“General Electric created the first lab-grown dia- the environment.”
monds in 1954,” says Tom Moses, executive vice
president of the Gemological Institute of Ameri- Plus, at the retail level, lab diamonds simply
ca (GIA). Industrial-grade diamonds – which he offer a lower-priced option. “If a consumer has
says “look like sand” – are used for cutting, drill- the opportunity to buy a 50 percent larger dia-
ing, and polishing procedures, as well as for pre- mond at the same price, what is she going to go
cision surgical tools. home with?” asks Amish Shah, CEO of ALTR Cre-
ated Diamonds. “No woman will say one is too
A diamond is considered gem-quality when it big for her finger.”
meets the GIA’s standards of clarity and color. In
Diagnosing and Treating Irregular Heartbeats or too slow (fewer than 60 beats per minute). Most arrhythmias are harm- © 2018 Vero Beach 32963 Media, all rights reserved
less, but some can be serious.
The heart has two systems: a plumbing (circulatory) system and an elec-
trical system. Cardiac electrophysiology (EP) is the study of the electrical TYPES OF ARRHYTHMIAS (IRREGULAR HEARTBEATS)
system of the heart.
Different types of irregular heartbeats include:
HOW THE HEART’S ELECTRICAL SYSTEM WORKS Atrial fibrillation – an irregular, fast heart rhythm in the upper
chambers of the heart
Every day, as your heart’s circulatory system pumps 4,300 gallons of blood Bradycardia – a heartbeat that is too slow
throughout your body, its electrical system generates 100,000 heartbeats. Brugada syndrome – an increased risk of abnormal heart rhythms
These electrical impulses are initiated and finely regulated from within in from the lower chambers of the heart
the heart itself. Long QT syndrome – a disorder of the heart that can cause sudden
Unlike the electrons that course through the wires of your house, the body’s Sudden cardiac arrest – when the heart suddenly stops beating
electrical system utilizes chemical ions. As ions flow across membranes of Superventricular tachycardia – a sudden, very fast heartbeat
each cell, voltage surges to keep the heart in motion. Sodium ions rush into Tachycardia – a heartbeat that is too fast
the cells, and then potassium and chloride ions leave. The resulting volt- Ventricular fibrillation – a dangerous fluttering of the heart muscle
age spike causes each cell to shorten or contract. As the process repeats in that doesn’t let it pump blood and can be fatal
each adjoining cell of the heart, an orderly spread of electrical activity and Other arrhythmias – arrhythmias can be caused by pregnancy,
synchronous contraction of the heart muscle (myocardium) occurs. medicine interactions or metabolic problems
If electric signals become disrupted, and the heart contraction is not uni- CAUSES OF ARRHTHMIA
form, an abnormal heartbeat (arrhythmia) occurs. When the heart beats
abnormally, its efficiency decreases and its capacity to pump blood is re- One of the causes of arrhythmia is injury from a heart attack. Others include
duced. Nearly every minute of every day, someone in the country dies of recovering from heart surgery, coronary artery disease, valve disorders, an
sudden cardiac arrest, very often as a result of an arrhythmia known as imbalance of sodium or potassium, stress and congenital problems.
ventricular fibrillation.
Arrhythmias may be treated with lifestyle changes, medication, and, if
In a normal, healthy heart, the upper chambers (the atria) and lower necessary, invasive therapies. If medication and lifestyle changes don’t
chambers (the ventricles) work together, alternately contracting and re- help, you will likely be referred to a doctor called an electrophysiologist.
laxing to pump blood. Sometimes the rhythm is thrown off, resulting in an
irregular heartbeat – one that’s too fast (more than 100 beats per minute) – To be continued –
Your comments and suggestions for future topics are always
welcome. Email us at [email protected].
From a love of music and education, to his devotion Village when he enjoyed a lengthy discussion with Bob Community Church, which overflowed with people
to sports, the arts and family, John Harbaugh lived a full Dylan. celebrating Harbaugh’s life at a memorial service last
life. One rightfully could call him a Renaissance Man. weekend.
His love of music was passed down from his mother,
As an educator, Harbaugh taught for 48 years, starting violist Kathleen Thompson Harbaugh, who encouraged At the celebration, classical music was performed by
at the old Bishop Ford High School in Brooklyn, NY. After him to play with the Toledo Youth Symphony. He learned his brother, Ross Harbaugh, the cello professor at the
moving to Florida, he taught German and English at Sat- his love of German from his father, Theodore Hartley University of Miami, and Mauricio Cespedes, princi-
ellite High School. While at Satellite, he also led multiple Harbaugh. pal violist for the BSO. Singers included the Henegar’s
trips and German exchange programs, coached cross- “Lady Day” star, Kristen Warren, and Sally Hart, of Law-
country and began its “Dead Poets Society.” Harbaugh penned a collection of poetry and short rence Welk TV show fame. The First Street Band sang
stories, “To the Corner and Back,” which details his “Listen to Your Tears,” which Harbaugh wrote. His older
Learning he was ill, former students reached out to wholesome childhood in Toledo, Ohio where he at- brother, Bryce Harbaugh of Toledo, Ohio, led the con-
him via Facebook to thank the man they said made a tained the rank of Eagle Scout at age 12. gregation in folk songs.
resonating difference.
His earned his master’s degree in German from the Special poems were shared by former Florida Today
“You were such an inspirational teacher,” one wrote. City University of New York and his masters degree in writers Billy Cox, Annette Clifford, Chris Kridler, Kim-
“My life is richer because of my time with you.” English from the University of Florida. At SHS, he was berly Moore and Cathy Mathias. Christopher Tracy read
awarded the National Board Certification for teachers. a German poem by his mother, Rosie Tracy, a professor
Harbaugh said “I didn’t know I made such an impact.” at the University of Mannheim.
Harbaugh also taught German at Eastern Florida He supported causes for the environment and edu-
State College and Florida Tech and said one of his favorite cation and was an active member of the Cocoa Beach Area actors Terrence Girard delivered speeches from
things in life was a well-composed German sentence. Hamlet and Gregory Galbreath sang “Parting Glass” at
A lifelong athlete, he played golf, hiked, rode, ran and the reception as celebrants raised glasses of Guinness
skied. He also was an avid crew member which he learned and Chivas.
at Dartmouth College. Locally, he coached the Space Coast
Crew. Harbaugh will be remembered for his bright smile,
He especially liked being asked if he was related to the soft-spoken demeanor, positivity and being a cham-
famous football coaches and always said “Yes.” pion for peace and justice. He died at home on Sept.
Music was a huge part of Harbaugh’s life. He played 3, after a two-year battle with pancreatic cancer, his
viola with the Brevard Symphony Orchestra and the In- family at his side. He is survived by his wife, Pam,
dian River String Quartet. Professional musicians run daughters Jessica and Brooke, and brothers Bryce
throughout his family; his second cousin is contempo- and Ross. Donations can be made in his name to the
rary composer Ned Rorem. Cocoa Beach Community Church, the Brevard Sym-
Harbaugh frequently played guitar for his students phony Orchestra or the Melbourne Chamber Music
and cherished the memory of one morning in NYC’s West Society.
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, September 13, 2018 19
It’s hard to imagine ter devotion to “just the facts” The suspenseful scene sets up the story to follow.
a more disturbing por- digging and his compulsively “The reality was that the United States in 2017 was
trait of a president than thorough interviews, pre- tethered to the words and actions of an emotionally
the one Bob Woodward served on tape for this book, overwrought, mercurial and unpredictable leader,”
painted of Richard Nix- make him a reliable narra- Woodward writes. “Members of his staff had joined
on in his final days: par- tor. In an age of “alternative to purposefully block some of what they believed
anoid, poisoned by pow- facts” and corrosive tweets were the president’s most dangerous impulses. It was
er, pounding the carpet a nervous breakdown of the executive power of the
and talking to the por- about “fake news,” Wood- most powerful country in the world.”
traits on the walls. But ward is truth’s gold standard.
the early days of Donald “Fear” supports this bracing assessment in a
Trump’s presidency, as At a moment when so- chronological trajectory, from the arrival of Bannon
recounted by Woodward cial media and cable tele- to lead the campaign in 2016 to the resignation, in
in his new book, “Fear,” vision are filled with jour- March, of John Dowd, the lawyer representing the
are strikingly similar and nalists spouting invective president in Robert S. Mueller’s probe. Over and over
in some ways even more about the White House and again, there are vivid scenes that show feckless de-
gut-wrenching. Trump blasts the press as cision-making by Trump and then mad scurrying by
“the enemy of the peo- his aides to undo the damage.
In both “Fear” and “The ple,” Woodward has clung
Final Days,” which he co- The episodes from the campaign are more familiar
authored with Carl Ber- to old-fashioned notions and less compelling, as is some of the palace intrigue
nstein, Woodward shows of journalistic objectiv- that fascinates Woodward, including strife between
how a federal criminal in- ity. “My job is not to take advisers and Cabinet secretaries who are long gone
vestigation clouds and then sides,” he told a Vox inter- (like former national security adviser H.R. McMaster,
comes to obsess a president viewer in March. “I think former secretary of state Rex Tillerson and Bannon).
and paralyze the operations our job is not to love or When Trump recedes for too many pages, as when
of the White House. At a moment when feverish talk loathe people we’re trying Woodward gets bogged down in policy details, the
of presidential impeachment dominates the political to explain and understand. It is to tell exactly what reader’s interest can flag.
discourse, “Fear” is full of Nixonian echoes, including people have done, what it might mean, what drives
Trump’s childishly short attention span and refusal them, and who they are.” Some of the more explosive anecdotes, including
to read briefing papers. Nixon’s aides were instructed There have been other insider accounts about the his current chief of staff calling Trump an “idiot” and
not to give him anything more complicated than a dysfunction of the Trump White House and the presi- Defense Secretary Jim Mattis ignoring an order from
Reader’s Digest article. dent’s personal shortcomings, but none have been as the president to assassinate Syria’s President Bashar
revealing or convincing as “Fear,” which is based on al-Assad, leaked out before the book’s publication.
“Fear” is an important book, not only because it eyewitness recollections, often supplemented with Porter, the staff secretary, is forever trying to derail
raises serious questions about the president’s basic dates and transcripts of conversations. and delay Trump’s efforts to withdraw from treaties,
fitness for the office but also because of who the au- From the very first pages of the gripping prologue it not only the South Korean trade deal but also NAFTA
thor is. Woodward’s dogged investigative reporting is a shocking view. Woodward opens the book with a and even NATO. These and other illustrations convey
led to Nixon’s resignation. He has written or co-au- killer anecdote about how two of the president’s clos- the panicked frustration of aides who see themselves
thored 18 books, 12 of them No. 1 bestsellers; bro- est advisers purposely thwarted his directives. In one as protecting the public from an out-of-control pres-
ken other major stories as a reporter and associate instance, Trump had ordered up a letter announc- ident. This is a recurring theme.
editor of the Washington Post; and won two Pulitzer ing the U.S. withdrawal from a trade agreement with
Prizes. His work has been factually unassailable. (His South Korea. His then-chief economic adviser, Gary There are small, fascinating details scattered
judgment is certainly not perfect, and he has been Cohn, and then-staff secretary, Rob Porter, who are throughout, including that Trump doesn’t ever touch
self-critical about his belief, based on reporting be- both obviously major sources for the book, recognize a computer keyboard and that his answer in a depo-
fore the Iraq War, that there were weapons of mass the letter for the disaster it is, so Cohn filches it off the sition to what he did for a living took up 16 pages.
destruction.) president’s desk. With Trump’s fitful attention span, Jaw-dropping anecdotes are mostly told in Wood-
out of sight is out of mind. The ploy buys time and ward’s signature, understated narrative voice.
During Watergate, Woodward and Bernstein were short-circuits an impulsive presidential decision that
often alone on the story. Now, the din of daily disclo- had gone through none of the proper vetting chan- FEAR
sure and opinion is almost deafening. But what was nels. (If the reader should doubt the authenticity of
important about Woodward’s meticulous reporting the anecdote, the prologue ends with a facsimile of TRUMP IN THE WHITE HOUSE
in the 1970s is even more invaluable today: His ut- the unsigned letter.)
1. French Exit 1. The Russia Hoax 1. A Land Remembered: The
2. Beneath a Scarlet Sky 2. The Restless Wave ANDRE FRATTINO
BY MARK SULLIVAN BY JOHN MCCAIN 2. Children of Blood and Bone
3. The Sunflower Girl 3. Aware BY DANIEL J. SIEGEL, MD BY TOMI ADEYEMI
4. Assume the Worst
BY ROSANNA CHIOFALO 3. Fox the Tiger (I Can Read)
4. The Other Woman BY COREY R. TABOR
5. House of Trump, House of
5. Murder at Ochre Court SOPHIE BLACKALL
presents presents
Northwestern University Press
Practical Actions for a
Sustainable Future Wednesday, Sept 26th at 4 pm 392 Miracle Mile (21st Street), Vero Beach | 772.569.2050 |
Friday, Sept 21st at 3 pm
20 Thursday, September 13, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Beagle-lovin’ Bonzo wins Dixie’s friendship
Hi Dog Buddies! “What’s your typical day like?” I
This week I innerviewed Dixie May queried.
Kennedy, a super cute, three-color
Bee-gull. She looks like the Bee-gull “I get two daily walks cuzza havin’
that human ardist, Norman Rock-
well, put in lotsa his pickshures. Di- lots of energy. When me an Mom get
xie May’s a purebred, with PAYpers
an evrything, but she’s not a Snob- back, Dad’s waitin’ for us, and I zoom
nose. She’s got a great dog-onality an
real nice posture, also. right to him. I guess I’m a Daddy’s
Soon as my assistant knocked, Girl. An I always hafta know where
there was a big, kinda startling ‘Ah-
hhh-ROOOOOOooo.’ But, when the Mom an Dad are. They hafta keep
door opened an there was this perky
liddle pooch, I’m like, ‘How did that the doors open so I can see ’em both.
big voice come out of that liddle lady?’
Then I feel Safe an Secure.
She trotted up for the Wag-an-
Sniff, an I introduced myself an my “I have tons of pooch pals I see at the
Bark Park or on walks or play dates.
“You’re even more hansome in the
fur than in your pickshur,” she said. My BFF is Ava Walker, she’s a Cavalier
I grinned like a doof, an mumbled King Charles. She loves to dress up.
thank you.
Has lotsa outfits. But not ME. I have
“This is my Mom, Cheryl an my
Dad, Pat. My pooch fren Laci was in a boyfriend, Max, he’s a Mix. We put
your column an it was way Cool Kib-
bles, so I Woofmailed, an here you our front paws on each other shoul-
are. See, I’m wearin’ my beauiful red
collar so I look my best, Mr Bonzo.” ders an dance.” She sighed.
She had brown an white polka-dot “An I have playdates with The Boyz:
kneesox, a white-tipped black tail,
an big bright eyes. I guess I was just Sam, Cosmo an Willie Trotta. They’re
standin’ there with a goofy smile
cuz she said, “Did you wanna ask me like my brothers. I keep up with ’em,
some questions, Mr. Bonzo?”
too, cuz I’m real strong. Then
“Right! Yes! Absolutely! So, Miss Di-
xie May, how did you find your For- there’s Champ. We call him
ever Family?”
The Baconator. You can pro-
“Honestly, I almost didn’t. I was on
sale inna pet shop at the Melbourne bly guess why. Oh, an Chase,
Mall, but nobody was innersted, for
some reason. Meanwhile, once a he’s my new neighbor, a
month, Mom an Dad had this roo-
teen: They’d go to dinner at the Chi- 10-week-old Golden Re-
nese restrunt in the Melbourne Mall,
then walk around the Mall after. triever puppy. He looks
They had noticed me in the pet shop
when I was just a liddle puppy. They’d like a liddle teddy bear.”
paws, but they weren’t thinking about
getting a dog. Well, for the next five “Do you like travlin’?”
months, evry time they walked by,
there I still was, an since they never “Just to the Bark Park. I
stayed long, I didn’t get my hopes up.
By the sixth month, they were feelin’ Barf in the car. It’s embar-
real sorry for me, cuz obviously no-
body wanted me. So Dad made the rassing.”
pet store guy an offer. They did that
back-an-forth thing for a while, till “I see you have a nice
Dad finally won, thank Lassie.”
pool,” I changed the subject.
“Woof, Dixie May. They were lucky
to get you. I mean, you’re a PURE- “When I first got here, I
bred. With PAYpers. And you’ve got
such a great dog-onality.” accidently fell in. It scared
“Yes, I ’spose that’s true. But I’m the kibbles out of me. Now I
Dixie May. just do laps around it. I chase
birds an lizards, but Mom an
lucky, too. I mean, what if Mom an
Dad’d liked Italian food? At first I Dad say not to ackshully catch
was sorta nervous, so I chewed stuff.
Mom kept track. I totally chewed up ’em. I usta eat bugs. (Don’t tell,
the hall runner; two bathmats; two
indoor/outdoor rugs; Mom’s (very) OK?) Mom an Dad say No Bugs! They
special pillow; and Dad’s flip-flops.
Mom still has to rescue her shoes look so duh-licius, they’re hard to re-
sometimes. But I learned the Rools
About Doing My Doody; an I can Sit to it. I searched everywhere.” sist, but they make me throw up, so
an Give Paw an Stay (mostly).
“I noticed what a Big Bark you I guess I should quit, doncha think?”
“I admit I still like to hide stuff:
shoes or sox or bone chews. I bury have,” I commented, tryin’ not to “Abso–woofin’–lutely Miss Dixie
’em, usually in the couch. Then I can
refer to ’em later, you know?” laugh. May. No More Bugs!”
“Yup, I do.” “Oh, that. See, I’m a hound, so bay- Headin’ home, I was thinkin’ about
“I also love chewin’ ice. Whenever
I hear Mom getting’ ice out of the in’ comes natchrull – now – but since Miss Dixie May and her polka-dot
fridge, I run right over. One time, I
got a nice big piece of ice an buried it my pooch Mom didn’t have a chance kneesox, an bouncy liddle trot. An
in the couch for later. But when I went
back to get it, it was gone. to teach me, I didn’t bark at all till I’d how glad I was she’d stopped eatin’
“I still don’t know what happened
been here for two months. One day, bugs. An wondrin’ if I was too old to
there was a knock at the door. As I ran learn to dance.
to check it out I heard this Big Loud
-The BonzHowl. It scared me and I hid under
the couch. Then I heard Mom an Dad
laughin,’ and I ree-lized – it was ME.
It was my First Official Bay.”
Don’t be shy!
We are always looking for pets with interesting stories. To set up
an interview, please email [email protected].
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, September 13, 2018 21
K983 J52 10 7 6
By Phillip Alder - Bridge Columnist J 10 9 7 643 82
8 K 10 5 4 9763
Fred Allen, a comedian who died in 1956, said, “I always have trouble remembering three AK54 762 Q 10 8 3
things: faces, names and — I can’t remember what the third thing is.”
So far, we have looked at similar deals in three no-trump. In one case, declarer had to AQ4
choose between line A and line B; in another, he could try line A and, if it failed, fall back AKQ5
on line B. Today’s deal is a third variation. Against three no-trump, West leads the club AQJ2
ace, under which East signals enthusiastically with the 10. West continues with the club J9
four (in case his partner has only queen-third of clubs). East wins with the queen, returns
the club three and takes the fourth trick with his club eight. (South discards the spade four Dealer: South; Vulnerable: Both
and a high diamond.) Then East shifts to a spade. What should South do?
The Bidding:
South showed a balanced hand with a good 22-24 points. North tried for the lucrative
vulnerable game bonus. SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST OPENING
2 Clubs Pass 2 Diamonds Pass
How should South play? The spade finesse is 50-50, and a 3-3 heart split is only a 35.53 2 NT Pass 3 NT All Pass LEAD:
percent shot. But there is a third, more complicated, line C. If a defender has four hearts A Clubs
and the spade king, he can be squeezed — that dreaded word!
Declarer can win trick five with his spade ace and run the diamonds, pitching his spade
queen. Dummy retains the spade jack and three hearts; South has four hearts. Here, West
cannot keep both the spade king and four hearts. He is squeezed.
Note that South does not need to count anything — he looks only for the spade king. If
that card has not appeared by trick 10, declarer hopes to run the hearts.
22 Thursday, September 13, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
The Telegraph ACROSS DOWN
1 Remain (4) 2 Hike (4)
4 Male animal (4) 3 Over there (6)
8 Looks at (4) 4 Bats in the -- (6)
9 Not rich (9) 5 Reduce (6)
11 Tempestuous (6) 6 Tiny hoard (anag.) (9)
13 Novice (7) 7 Crikey! (1,3)
15 Close (6) 10 Layer (7)
16 French city (6) 12 Rebuff (4)
18 Important person (6) 13 Ridiculous (9)
20 Uproar (6) 14 Shorten (7)
22 Bouncer (7) 17 Look for (4)
23 Rings (6) 19 Chitchat (6)
25 Very important (9) 2 China (6)
26 What shops do (4) 21 Baby’s toy (6)
27 King Edward, e.g. (4) 23 Price (4)
28 Simple (4) 24 Fish; male voice (4)
How to do Sudoku:
Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three
The Telegraph
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, September 13, 2018 23
ACROSS 94 Ocean liner, familiarly 38 Murphy Brown colleague The Washington Post
1 Sphere starter 95 Milk-truck puller Frank
5 Debunks? 96 Up to this point and others HOUSE CAT By Merl Reagle
10 “Amo, amas, I love ___” 97 Dickensian exclamations,
15 House cat’s favorite violinist? 39 Before, once
19 “Back ___?” or a homophone 40 Picketer’s bane
21 What the house cat uses on of a Dickensian pseudonym 42 Concerning
98 How the house cat finds 43 “___ see it ...”
Chelsea? mouse burgers? 44 Actor and crossword fan Ely
23 House coat? 101 Wt. losses 45 Org. of “seven dirty words”
24 Michael Tucker in Diner 103 Chrysler product
25 Adding insult to injury 105 Rich soil fame
26 Tías, to Tom 106 Have to cough up 47 Bike-wheel features
28 It starts at g1, on a 108 Stick in the mud? 52 Chief, in Hawaiian
112 Organ with a drum 53 Former Mexican political
chessboard 113 In two places at once?
29 Toe the line 115 Rigg who hosted Mystery! leader Adolfo de la ___
30 Nicosia’s isl. 1989-2003 55 Erin of Happy Days
31 Newsroom unit 118 Frequenter of Café 59 Milk shake kin
32 Mbr. of “OAS” Nervosa, on TV 60 H’wood release
34 Losing line of a game 119 Zaire neighbor 61 Sometimes twisted joints
36 Something the house cat 121 House cat’s favorite 63 Zip a Ziploc
trading place? 65 In the past
practices? 124 Show up and tell 67 Believer’s ending
41 Word with rest or restricted 125 House cat’s second 68 Continues
43 Sandy says it favorite president? 70 House cat’s electric
46 Chicago trains 126 Actor Lew
48 Memento ___ 127 “The ___ falling!” treatment?
49 Fission commission, once: 128 Upbeat 71 Apr. addressee
DOWN 72 How replicas are built
abbr. 1 ___ of the times 73 House cat’s favorite native
50 Escapee emergs. 2 Holy city?
51 House cat’s favorite music 3 Middle of the 15th century American?
4 Go-aheads 76 Bausch’s buddy
maker? 5 Summaries or 77 Abby and Ann, e.g.
54 It retains water some tires 80 Hold your horses
56 Nth: abbr. 6 Rankles 82 Nora Charles portrayer
57 Peru people, once 7 TV programming vacancy 83 Jessica Lange’s biggest
58 Dislodge, as from 8 David Copperfield girl
9 ___ Tomé and Principe co-star
the sack 10 Helping hand: abbr. 84 Flight from D.C.
59 Hotbed of heavy breathing 11 “___ luck!” 87 “Lettuce”
62 Third largest island 12 Tempe sch. 88 A. Bell ringer
64 Compound microscope 13 House cat’s parting gift to 89 Top cops, Soviet-style
Millie? 91 Compass pt.
inventor Robert 14 House cat’s reaction to 93 Tree nut
66 Intending French fries? 94 Iran city
69 Receipt, in Rouen 15 Silo occupant, briefly 99 “K-K-K” girl and Jurado
70 House cat’s favorite 16 Dweller along the 118 Down 100 Powdered inks
17 Economy-size equine 102 Mavericks
expression? (coined by one 18 Mystery writer Marsh 104 San Diego player
of his movie-star buddies) 20 Wayne’s word 107 Like some floss
73 Prefix in acoustics 22 “Distasteful” desert plant? 109 In a pallid manner
74 Sphere starter 27 Like a jaybird? 110 Otto Preminger’s producer
75 A Fistful of Dollars director 30 Scorsese’s The ___ Money
76 Boys in the ’hood, e.g. 31 Greek letter brother (M*A*S*H, etc.)
78 Fool 33 Lamb’s commentary 111 Will of The Waltons
79 Lock of hair 35 Kisses, in love letters 112 Make a boo-boo
81 “Unhappily ...” 37 Andy’s pal 114 Buttram and butter
85 Diminutive ending, 115 Berth place
as for “hill” 116 Like raw eggs, to kids
86 Like Steinbeck’s Lenny 117 Japan electronics giant
88 House cat’s favorite mythical 118 Bangkok’s river, ___ Phraya
beast? 120 Hide/hair insert
90 Some semi stops: abbr. 122 “___ your old man!”
92 Coiling killer 123 Atlanta’s CDC, e.g.
The Telegraph
24 Thursday, September 13, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Parents are remodeling around the elephants in the room
BY CAROLYN HAX childhood abuse and all the divorces, but my mom – Hate the Smile and Nod:
Washington Post is in complete denial about that. Is that the worst that could happen, though?
That parents you think are awful and wrong think
Hi, Carolyn: I don’t want to talk to them anymore. I want to you’re awful and wrong?
Dear Carolyn: My parents tell them that since they choose to live (what I con- Plus, if you’re not on the phone with them, then
(mom and stepdad) are in their sider) selfishly, they should not expect me to just it’s an awful-and-wrong falling in a forest. Who’s to
70s, retired, healthy and doing smile and nod. say it even happened.
well financially. They spend their But let’s back up for a second. You’ve presented
money on traveling the globe and But we are made to feel guilty if we don’t call as this as a two-item menu: either endure your mom’s
constantly remodeling their new Florida McMan- often as my mom thinks we should. affluenza, or stop calling your parents.
sion. That’s fine. They can spend their money on There’s a middle choice, though: truth. “Mom,
whatever makes them happy. Do I just ghost my own parents? Seems no matter [sister] and I are buried in legal and medical bills. I
They weren’t the most caring parents. They did what I do, they’ll think I’m awful and wrong. can’t sympathize over expensive renovations.”
provide what they thought they should, but any- She won’t respond well to that, right? So have this
thing extra – school activities, extra clothing, hob- – Hate the Smile and Nod handy: “OK then. Let’s talk another time.” [Click.]
bies, cars, etc. – my siblings and I were expected to This middle is where you set the agenda to your
take care of on our own. And we were expected to emotional limits, making time to converse with
move out at 18. Again, that’s fine. We are very inde- people – but not to be anyone’s audience. Draw
pendent. this line case by case, whenever and wherever you
My sister had joint-replacement surgery and has need.
high medical bills. I am going through a legal fight To back up even further: It’s hard for anyone to
with a previous employer, am unemployed for the rewrite the emotional terms of a long relationship.
first time in my life (I’ve had a job since I was 14) It’s harder still when the old terms are unhealthy
and legal bills are eating my 401(k). Our parents and lifelong. You mention “childhood abuse and
know the details. We’re not asking for any help. all the divorces” as a tangent, but how is that not
But I don’t want to get on the phone with my mom central?
and have to hear all the issues of remodeling rooms To have kids fend for themselves on the material
that looked perfectly fine when I visited a year ago. margins is a valid doctrine; to do so emotionally is
Plus they don’t even ask how things are going with an abdication of parental duty.
their children and grandchildren. It’s all talk about Some therapists will charge on a sliding scale, so
superficial things and how awesome they are doing. consider looking for a good one near you. Your par-
There are other old issues stemming from some ents’ legacy might run deeper than you know.
The kids are all right:
Pediatric doc works to make it so
26 Thursday, September 13, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
The kids are all right: Pediatric doc works to make it so
STORY BY TOM LLOYD STAFF WRITER intensive care unit. Dr. Katrina Leshanski. ‘Ultimately
[email protected] Children admitted to IRMC are typi-
For someone who spends the bulk cally interspersed within the adult pa-
of her days working with a very small tient population – which is where Le- shanski’s high hopes come in. to always
cadre of colleagues – helping very small Under repeated questioning, she ad-
people get well – Dr. Katrina Leshanski provide the
has big hopes. mits she’d like to see an entire pediatric
floor at the Vero hospital someday. best care of
Leshanski, a Navy veteran and moth-
er, is one of only three pediatric hospi- Whether that’s in the cards or not, one the child.’
talists currently contracted to the Indi- thing that’s clear is that treating children
an River Medical Center from Nemours, isn’t like treating a 65- or 75-year-old hip – Dr. Katrina
the world-renowned children’s hospital replacement patient. For starters, it’s
system with centers in Wilmington, unlikely a 75-year-old’s parents would Leshanski
Delaware, as well as Jacksonville, Pen- be there in the room, but the parents of
sacola and Orlando. Leshanski’s patients usually are present. kids and adults in pediatrics.”
Listening, she says, is even more im-
Like all pediatric hospitalists, Leshan- Nonetheless, Leshanski says, “I tend
ski and her two colleagues, who are em- to walk into a room and speak directly portant.
ployed by Nemours but work at IRMC, to the child, if they’re of an age where I “Parents know their children bet-
are specially trained to care for children can speak to them. Newborns aren’t, but
in a wide variety of hospital settings. if I have a kid who’s 4, 5, 6 or 7, I’ll talk to ter than anyone.” says Leshanski, “If
them first before I talk to their parents.” they’re telling me something is wrong, I
Depending on the hospital, that would not be doing my job if I didn’t lis-
might include a separate pediatric Leshanski admits that sometimes ten and hear what they’re telling me.”
ward, labor and delivery rooms, a new- “parents will try to interrupt and I’ll
born nursery, a special emergency de- say, ‘Sorry, Mom, but Johnny is my pa- Now approaching her second anni-
partment, a neonatal intensive care tient. I’m going to talk to him first. As versary at IRMC, Leshanski points out,
unit or a pediatric intensive care unit. soon as I’m done with my questions, I’ll “My first day here was Oct. 2, 2016. I got
ask you.’ Most of the time, parents are out of the Navy the last day of Septem-
The problem is, IRMC doesn’t have OK with that.” ber, traveled here and started Oct. 2.”
a designated pediatric ward. Or a neo-
natal intensive care unit. Or a pediatric Most parents, she says, know their And that decision wasn’t based on a
children are likely to be bewildered desire for cushy hours after a demand-
Collins & Montz and confused by unfamiliar hospital ing military career.
surroundings, including all the unfa-
DCOESMNETTICI&SFTAMRILYY miliar faces around them, and if the “There are three of us [pediatric
child is in pain that adds a whole other hospitalists], total. So we do anywhere
Experience the fusion of dimension of stress. from five to seven days on at a time and
traditional values and we’re on for the whole time. We [also]
“We need to work very much togeth- take calls from home, so if we’re not
modern dentistry. er,” Leshanski continues. “I know it can immediately in the house, I’m available
look like I’m hurting their child [draw- by phone 24 hours and I can get here
At Collins & Montz, DMD, ing blood, for example], but I’m doing it within 10 minutes.”
we will focus on improving every to help them get better. I just constantly
aspect of your smile for optimal reassure parents that I’m doing every- That’s in no small part because ba-
appearance, function, and comfort thing I can to get [them and their child] bies about to be born don’t have wrist
out of here as fast as I can and that the watches. They arrive when they want to
through our general family children are the one driving the care.” arrive, not when it’s convenient and, as
dentistry, and restorative procedures Leshanski points out, “we do, I would
Pausing briefly, Leshanski adds, “you say, 98 to 99 percent of newborns here.
such as dental implants. Our have to be good at handholding with We do all the deliveries that aren’t cov-
comprehensive range of services and ered by the two private pediatricians
that see patients here.”
dedication of quality set us apart.
Call today to schedule Despite personal tragedy – her daugh-
your appointment. ter drowned back in January – Leshanski
remains buoyantly optimistic about the
524 OCEAN AVENUE, MELBOURNE BEACH, FL 32951 pediatric care she and her colleagues
have been able to provide here.
Whether or not she eventually gets a
pediatric floor at IRMC, she says, “ulti-
mately our goal is always to provide the
best care of the child.”
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, September 13, 2018 27
Heartburn common among elderly and should be treated
STORY BY FRED CICETTI COLUMNIST cause tobacco inhibits saliva that
helps with digestion. Tobacco may
Q. Do you get more heartburn when also stimulate acid production and
you are older? relax the esophageal valve. Lose
weight. And, don’t eat two hours be-
More than 60 million Americans fore you go to sleep.
experience heartburn at least once
a month and more than 15 million For infrequent episodes of heart-
Americans experience heartburn burn, take antacids, such as Alka-
daily. Heartburn is more common Seltzer and Rolaids. Or, you can take
among the elderly. an H2 blocker such as Pepcid and
Heartburn two or more times
weekly may be caused by gastro-
esophageal reflux disease, or GERD.
See a doctor if you have heartburn
too often. The doctor can test for
In the upper GI series, you swal-
low a liquid barium mixture. Then
a radiologist watches the barium as
it travels down your esophagus and
into the stomach. Another test is an
endoscopy, in which a small light-
ed flexible tube is inserted into the
esophagus and stomach. And there
are other tests.
GERD makes stomach acid flow
up into your esophagus. There is a
valve at the lower end of the esopha-
gus that is designed to keep acid in
the stomach. In GERD, the valve will
relax too frequently, which then al-
lows the acid to reflux, or flow back
into the esophagus.
A hiatal hernia may contribute to
GERD. A hiatal hernia occurs when
the upper part of the stomach is
above the diaphragm, which is the
muscle wall separating the stomach
from the chest. The diaphragm helps
the valve keep acid from coming up
into the esophagus.
When GERD is not treated, you can
suffer from severe chest pain, nar-
rowing or obstruction of the esoph-
agus, bleeding, or a pre-malignant
change in the lining of the esopha-
gus. One study showed that patients
with chronic, untreated heartburn
were at substantially greater risk of
developing esophageal cancer.
The following are some symptoms
that may mean there has been dam-
age to your esophagus: difficulty
swallowing, a feeling that food is
trapped behind the breast bone,
bleeding, black bowel movements,
choking, shortness of breath, cough-
ing, hoarseness, and weight loss.
You can control infrequent heart-
burn by changing your habits and
using over-the-counter medicines.
For example, you should avoid
heartburn-producers such as choc-
olate, coffee, peppermint, tomato
products, alcoholic beverages, greasy
or spicy dishes. Quit smoking be-
28 Thursday, September 13, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Robburritos: Stop in ... you won’t leave disappointed
BBQ Brisket Sandwich. Smoke Pork
Avocado Taco.
REVIEW BY LISA ZAHNER STAFF WRITER Smoked Fish Flat Taco. snack. My son’s tacos were a generous mannequin waving at you as you drive
[email protected] portion as well, and the quality of the by Robburritos, maybe take a chance
brisket soft tacos ($9) and I ordered the ingredients was worth $9 for two tacos. and stop on in.
The past couple of months we’ve been Monster Chicken Burrito ($10) with
trying to visit places we drive by hun- black beans. The special thing about Robburritos is one of those places We encourage you to send feedback to
dreds (or thousands) of times but never Robburritos is the meat. It’s not your where you order and pay at the counter [email protected].
go in. The last time I ate at Robburri- average stir-fried steak, chicken and and then pick out your table inside or
tos was maybe 2010. The website says pork, or sautéed ground beef. The chef out. They also do a healthy takeout busi- The reviewer is a Brevard resident who
it’s been there since 2006 in what (I’ve smokes all the meats on-site, not heav- ness. Drinks are self-serve in a refrigera- dines anonymously at restaurants at the
heard) is the old post office. ily smoked like your typical Central tor for soft drinks, a cooler case for adult expense of this newspaper.
Florida barbeque joint, but just lightly beverages. The beer case had just been
Why do we drive by certain places but smoked. The brisket was amazing; my filled, so the nice young man behind the Monster Burrito.
not stop? I’ve never had a bad experi- son wouldn’t even give me a taste. The counter offered to get me a cold Negra
ence there. Maybe it’s because it’s near chicken was moist and tender and had a Modelo from the walk-in cooler, and RESTAURANT HOURS
the mid-point of my work commute and great flavor, too. that was pretty great service. 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily
I’m either on my way to the office and in
a rush, or headed north to school pickup My burrito was huge. I could only eat So next time you see the gold-toned BEVERAGES
and in a rush, or tired and just want to half and took the other half home for a Beer and Wine
get home? If you, too, drive by Robbur-
ritos and never stop, you are missing ADDRESS
something pretty special. 315 Ocean Ave,
Melbourne Beach
My son and I visited last Friday af-
ternoon around 4:30 p.m. and there PHONE
were only two people inside eating. 321-729-6244
The dining area is colorful and in-
viting, filled with fun figurines and
signs and a stuffed alligator. After I
shrugged off the thought of how long
it must take to dust all that stuff, I en-
joyed the kitschy décor.
We ordered some chips and Salsa
Fresca ($3), plus a small cup of white
queso dip ($3), which comes with a side
of pickled jalapenos. The chips were ge-
neric round tortilla chips out of a bag,
but they were fresh and crisp. The Salsa
Fresca was excellent, with big chunks
of ripe tomato, onions, fresh cilantro
and a touch of lime and a bit of garlic
– just like I would make it at home. We
ordered a second cup. The queso dip
was also very tasty.
For entrees, my son ordered two beef
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, September 13, 2018 29
Available Daily 4:30 - 5:30
$5 House Wine and Well Drinks
Choice of Tides’ House Salad,
Caesar Salad or BLT Iceberg Wedge
Carolina BBQ Pork, Chicken, Scottish
Salmon, Steak Au Poivre, Rigatoni Bolognese
Zagat Rated Reservations Highly Recommended
2013 - 2017 Proper Attire Appreciated
Wine Spectator Award Open 7 Days
2002 – 2017
(772) 234-3966
3103 Cardinal Drive, Vero Beach, FL
30 Thursday, September 13, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Please send calendar information mammal strandings on the east coast by Sea
at least two weeks prior to your World Research Institute will be followed by a
show and tell. Open to the public.
event to
19-20 Melbourne Municipal
[email protected] Band Concert “Why So
Serious?” Free Concert by an 80 member
ONGOING September 19 | The Indian Harbour Beach Garden Club : “Bringing Back the Bees” Concert Band, 7:30 p.m. (pre-show at 6:30
by the Rock and Roll Revue). Doors open at
Beach Rotary Club meets at 7:30 a.m. Tues- 6:30 p.m. at the Melbourne Auditorium, 625
days at Oceanside Pizza, 300 Ocean Ave. #6, E. Hibiscus Blvd. Tickets not required. Go to
Melbourne Beach.
Bingo 4 to 7 p.m. Sundays at Veterans of For- 20 Holy Name of Jesus Catholic Church pres-
eign Wars Post 4643, 1252 Hwy A1A, Satellite ents Christian contemporary artist Sarah
Beach. Kroger in concert, 7 p.m. in the Life Center. Tickets
cost $15 at the door, or $10 in advance at www.
Satellite Beach Farmers Market, 10 a.m. to 4 A small number of $30 VIP tickets are
p.m. Thursdays at Pelican Beach Park being sold to guests who will enjoy a pre-concert
Q&A and meet and greet with the artist.
SEPTEMBER 18 Finish Strong: Medical, Spiritual, Medigap plans as well as their costs. All are wel- 22 The League of Women Voters of the
Legal & Financial Considerations come especially those turning 65 in the next 5 Space Coast will hold a Timely Topics
14-23 Noël Coward’s comedy classic, for Aging with Dignity presented by Advent months, those who have questions about the Luncheon on the 13 proposed Florida Constitu-
Blithe Spirit at the Surfside Play- Lutheran Church, VITAS Healthcare, Thrivent upcoming Medicare Annual Election Period and tion amendments on from 11:30 to 2 p.m. at
house in Cocoa Beach, running through September Financial and One Senior Place at 3 p.m. at those who are thinking about retiring. An RSVP is the Suntree Country Club from 11:30 AM until
23 (two weekends), under the direction of Bryan the Scott Center at Holy Trinity in Suntree. The not necessary. Questions? Call (321)305-2554. 2:00 PM. Please attend this event to fully under-
Bergeron. Performances at 2 and 8 p.m. Tickets are free event will provide a 360 degree look at stand the concepts covered in the amendments
$22-$25, available at the door or through the the- end-of-life decisions and will include a panel 19 The Indian Harbour Beach Garden and to be able to submit an informed vote in
atre website at discussion with Dr. Mohan Shah and hospice Club launches its 2018-19 season with the November election. Event cost is $22 for
chaplain Martin Concepcion of VITAS Health- its first meeting at 9:30 a.m. at the Indian Har- League members and $25 for non-members.
16 Fall Love, Brevard’s largest bridal show, care, attorney Bonnie Klein Rhoden and finan- bour Beach Community Center/ The topic will Advance ticket purchase and menu selection
1 to 5 p.m. at the Melbourne Audito- cial associate, Lauren Hutto. Event keynote be “Bringing Back the Bees”, presented by Clif- are required. Entrée choices are London Broil,
rium on Hibiscus Ave. For info, go to www.bre- speaker, Jim Towey, is the creator of the Five ton Best, followed by a light luncheon. Doors Vegetarian Lasagna, and Strawberry Salmon. Wishes advance directives document, which open at 9:30. Contact Linda Kuhl, Publicity Chair RSVP by Sept. 15 at
provides a means to legally document choic- (908) 892-4426 or [email protected] (events/timely topics). For more information,
17 New Neighbors of South Brevard es for medical treatment, comfort, and care for further in-formation. contact Doreen Archer at 321-622-4071 or do-
Beaches plays MAHJONGG at Papa- wishes. Call (321)622-8144. [email protected].
gallo’s in Satellite Beach each Monday at 12:15 19 Florida’s East Coast Sea Glass Club
pm. For information on joining the club contact 18 Medicare seminar by Kim Cowles, 6 meets from 1 to 3 p.m. the third 26 US-TOO Prostate Cancer Support
Toni Hanussey at [email protected] p.m. at the Melbourne Beach Public Wednesday of the month at the Melbourne Group meets from 6:15 to 7:45 p.m.
Library to discuss Medicare Parts A B C D and Beach Public Library. The program on marine the last Wednesday of the month at the Mel-
bourne Public Library, 540 E. Fee Avenue. Call
Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN Vanita Gagliani at (321)432-5573 for details.
in September 6, 2018 Edition 1 BUSINESS 1 BUCK
5 CLOD 2 STADIUM 28 “Sock Hop”, a dance with music by the
9 CHARGER 3 NIGHTCLOTHES Rock and Roll Revue, Dance to music of
10 PANIC 4 SPRITE the 50s and 60s provided by an 8-piece combo
11 DICTATORSHIP 6 LUNCH with a male vocalist and a Doo-Wop trio, 7 to
13 RAMBLE 7 DECIPHER 10 p.m. at Melbourne Auditorium, 625 E. Hi-
14 ACTIVE 8 APPRECIATIVE biscus Blvd. Tickets $10 available at door or any
17 QUESTIONABLE 12 FREQUENT Swingtime or Melbourne Municipal Band event.
20 EXUDE 15 ILLEGAL BYOB. Snacks, soft drinks and ice available for
21 SHINGLE 16 CORSET purchase. Dance Instruction available 6-7 pm for
22 TALL 18 EQUAL $5.00 payable to Laura Beers, www.ADancers-
23 STEEPLES 19 FEES Call (321)339-7705 or email auxilia-
[email protected]. http://www.
Sudoku Page 2326 Sudoku PPaaggee 2337 CrosswordPPaage 2362 Crossword Page 2337 (GANG OF FOURS)
CERTIFIED Windows & Doors Join our directory for the most affordable way to reach out to customers for your service or small business targeting the
Siding & Soffit South Brevard barrier island communitites. This is the only directory mailed each week into homes in 32951, Indialantic,
“Everything You Need To Be” Screen Room’s Indian Harbour and Satellite Beach.
Contact Lillian Belmont, 321-604-7833 [email protected].
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321.508.3896 772.226.7688
Stylish pool home ideal
for a growing family
124 Signature Drive in Wingate Reserve: 4-bedroom, 2-bath, 3,100-square-foot Spanish-style house
with pool, spa and mature landscaping offered for $564,900 by Coldwell Banker Paradise Broker
Associate Sylvia H. Cooney, P.A.: 321-604-6510
32 Thursday, September 13, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Stylish MelBeach pool home ideal for growing family
STORY BY BRENDA EGGERT BRADER CORRESPONDENT front entry. Pass through a large front The kitchen area features a din- for a table and lounging chairs.
door flanked by transoms into a gen- ing table for easy meals, as well as a Neutral ceramic tile covers the
The charming island home at 124 erous foyer that flows into the living breakfast bar facing into the beauti-
Signature Drive in the Wingate Re- room. Straight ahead, through the fully-equipped kitchen. New stain- floors in the entire home, except for
serve subdivision in Melbourne Beach French doors, is the view of the 14- less KitchenAid appliances include one bedroom done in laminate and
is located on a quiet street with dou- foot by 28-foot swimming pool and built-in oven, microwave, dishwasher another in carpet.
ble sidewalks and lots of shade trees.
Off the kitchen is a hallway to the
Surrounded by a lush green lawn and heated spa. To the left of the entrance and generous French door refrigera- laundry room and an exit into the
accented with tropical shrubbery, the is a spacious dining room with plenty tor. Plenty of hardwood cupboards double-car garage. The laundry room
4-bedroom, 2-bath, 3,100-square-foot of room for a credenza and server ac- accent the granite countertops and offers extra storage in a closet under
home is listed for $564,900. cent pieces. tile backsplash, and a pantry and the stairs.
wine rack complete the kitchen. Plan-
Walk up the double driveway to A stroll from the living room into tation shutters enhance the windows Continuing back into the hallway,
this substantial, Spanish-style house the open concept kitchen and family in kitchen and family room. a stairway leads to the upstairs bo-
with red tile roof, pale stucco walls room reveals lots of space for family nus room. The homeowners suggest
and handsome arches framing the socializing and entertaining friends. The generous family room is ac- the use of this as another bedroom,
cented by a large stone gas fireplace hobby room or teen space. This also
Todd Ostrander Top 1% of Brevard great for those chilly winter evenings would make a perfect area for a fami-
“Door to the East Shore” ® County Agents in January, offering just the right am- ly game room/movie lounge or a large
321.749.8405 biance. Plenty of room is available for office.
Over 150 Million sofas and chairs for family and com-
pany. Another set of French doors Back down to the hallway is the
SOLD! open to the covered lanai with view second bathroom with a single sink
of the pool and its fountain. The lanai in a granite-topped vanity, tub with
has a large gas grill and ample room shower and a door to the backyard la-
nai, allowing it to do double duty as a
Hall of Fame
[email protected]
Opening Doors To the Beaches & More!
Spectacular in Melbourne Beach - $649,000 “Key West” Style Townhouse - $229,000
Melbourne Beach pool home - $449,000 Buccaneer in Satellite Beach - $317,500
Representing Both Buyers and Sellers With Their Best Interest in Mind!
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, September 13, 2018 33
Wingate Reserve
Year built: 2001
Concrete block/stucco
Lot size: 0.25 acres
Home size: 3,108 sq. ft.
Bedrooms: 4
Bathrooms: 2
Association: $625 annually
Additional Features:
Upstairs bonus room, storm
shutters, gas fireplace, large
double-paned windows, central
vacuum system.
Listing agency:
Coldwell Banker Paradise
Listing agent:
Sylvia H. Cooney, P.A.,
321-604-6510 or
[email protected]
Listing price: $564,900
34 Thursday, September 13, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
pool bathroom – a great place to shed bedrooms feature with the master placed on the way into the master The pool pump was new four years
those wet bathing suits and rinse off bedroom across the home from the bathroom. A separate makeup vanity ago, the spa heater a year ago and the
before heading back inside. The hall- kitchen and two bedrooms. is situated on one wall while another air conditioning unit in 2017. Most of
way also holds a large linen closet. wall features double sinks on granite the windows have energy-conserving
The master suite is enhanced with countertops. A separate water closet, double-panes and storm shutters
On either side of the bathroom is French doors to the lanai and view a step-up garden tub and a walk-in protect the home.
a bedroom with a large closet. Each out to the pool. Space for a king bed, glass-and-tile-enclosed shower with
room accommodates a single huge plenty of furniture pieces and even rain head complete the room. Glass To view the home, contact Coldwell
arched window and room for a king a sitting area is included in this pri- window blocks provide privacy while Banker Paradise broker associate Syl-
or queen bed. vate room. The double walk-in clos- letting in abundant light. via H. Cooney at 321-604-6510 or Syl-
ets with mirrored bifold doors are [email protected].
This home has the desirable split
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Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, September 13, 2018 35
Positive economic news nudges mortgage rates higher
STORY BY KATHY ORTON WASHINGTON POST on the 10-year bond grew to 2.90 percent, the
highest it has been in four weeks.
According to the latest data released last Thurs-
day by Freddie Mac, the 30-year fixed-rate aver- “Borrowing costs may be slowly on the rise
age rose to 4.54 percent with an average 0.5 point. again in coming weeks, as investors remain op-
(Points are fees paid to a lender equal to 1 percent timistic about the underlying strength of the
of the loan amount.) It was 4.52 percent a week economy,” Sam Khater, Freddie Mac’s chief econ-
prior and 3.78 percent a year ago. omist, said in a statement. “It’s important to note
that rates are now up three-quarters of a percent-
The 15-year fixed-rate average increased to age point from last year and home prices – albeit
3.99 percent with an average 0.4 point. It was 3.97 at a slower pace – are still outrunning rising in-
percent a week ago and 3.08 percent a year ago. flation and incomes.”
The five-year adjustable-rate average climbed to
3.93 percent with an average 0.3 point. It was 3.85, which puts out a weekly mort-
percent a week ago and 3.15 percent a year ago. gage rate trend index, found more than half of
the experts it surveyed say rates will continue to
“Mortgage rates edged higher for the second rise in the coming week. Michael Becker, branch
week in a row, propelled by a steady string of manager at Sierra Pacific Mortgage, is one who
strong manufacturing data and the prospect of expects rates to increase.
another round of tax cuts,” said Aaron Terrazas,
senior economist at Zillow. “Rates remain below “The first trading day of September saw a sell-
their springtime highs, but are approaching the off in Treasurys and mortgage-backed securities
upper end of the relatively narrow range where resulting in higher rates to start the month,” Beck-
they spent most of the summer. Markets will like- er said. “The weakness in bonds started before
ly focus on Friday’s monthly jobs report – strong economic data was released, perhaps because
employment gains or wage growth could put ad- bonds were in overbought territory. Looking for-
ditional upward pressure on rates – as well as sev- ward, it would take a negative economic surprise
eral high-profile Fed speeches this week.” for bonds and rates to rally. I don’t see that as a
likely outcome over the next week, so I imagine
Mortgage rates are influenced by several fac- rates will rise a little in the coming week.”
tors but they tend to follow the movement of the
10-year Treasury bond. When yields move higher, Meanwhile, mortgage applications were flat,
home loan rates often follow. Last week, the yield
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36 Thursday, September 13, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Real Estate Sales on South Brevard island: Aug. 31 to Sept. 6
The real estate market started September with a solid week in island ZIP codes 32951, 32903 and 32937.
Satellite Beach led the way with 12 transactions, followed by Indian Harbour Beach with 9, Indialantic with
5 sales and Melbourne Beach reporting 3.
The top sale of the week was of a home in Indian Landing in Melbourne Beach. The residence at 215 Clyde
Street was placed on the market Aug. 1 with an asking price of $549,000. The sale closed 30 days later on
Aug. 31 for full asking price.
The seller in the transaction was represented by Sarah Munkacsy of Coldwell Banker Paradise. The seller
was represented by Grace Drapeau, also of Coldwell Banker Paradise.
$499,900 $235,000
ISLAND SHORES OF MEL 405 POINSETTIA RD 2/15/2018 $239,000 $475,000 9/5/2018
BREAKERS WEST CONDO 2050 ATLANTIC ST 312 8/6/2018 $239,000 8/31/2018 $475,000
SALES FOR 32903 $345,000
RIO VILLA NORTH P1 578 VERACRUZ BLVD 8/2/2018 $475,000 $475,000 9/5/2018 $454,000
ATLANTIC GARDENS RESUBD 140 PINE TREE DRIVE 7/5/2018 $379,000 $369,000 8/31/2018 $395,000
INDIALANTIC BY SEA 225 MELBOURNE AVE 5/15/2018 $479,900 $424,900 8/31/2018 $385,000
THE HORIZON CONDO P4 407 HIGHWAY A1A N 424 4/25/2018 $499,900 $485,000 8/31/2018
ISLAND VILLAS 539 ISLAND CT 7/17/2018 $399,900 $399,900 8/31/2018
MONTECITO PHASE 1A 614 MISSION BAY DR 6/20/2018 $389,999 $386,000 9/4/2018
OCEAN ROYALE CONDO 1595 HIGHWAY A1A 103 6/1/2018 $389,900 $379,000 9/6/2018
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, September 13, 2018 37
Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.
Subdivision: Breakers West Condo, Address: 2050 Atlantic St 312 Subdivision: Island Shores of Mel, Address: 405 Poinsettia Rd
Listing Date: 8/6/2018 Listing Date: 2/15/2018
Original Price: $239,000 Original Price: $499,900
Recent Price: $239,000 Recent Price: $475,000
Sold: 8/31/2018 Sold: 9/5/2018
Selling Price: $235,000 Selling Price: $431,000
Listing Agent: Mary Goodwin Listing Agent: Carola Mayerhoeffer &
Renee Winkler
Selling Agent: Curri Kirschner R. E. Grp. LLC Selling Agent:
Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl
Mona Avellino
Jennifer Deal
Salt Water Realty of Brevard
RE/MAX Aerospace Realty
Subdivision: Casa Del Mar Condo, Address: 1011 S Miramar Ave 2 Subdivision: Rio Villa North P1, Address: 578 Veracruz Blvd
Listing Date: 8/17/2018 Listing Date: 8/2/2018
Original Price: $130,000 Original Price: $475,000
Recent Price: $130,000 Recent Price: $475,000
Sold: 8/31/2018 Sold: 9/5/2018
Selling Price: $125,000 Selling Price: $475,000
Listing Agent: Lucille Miano Listing Agent: Anthony Scaramouche
Selling Agent: Wind Sail Realty Selling Agent: Coldwell Banker Paradise
David Settgast Ariel Portunato
Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl Alliance Properties of Brev
38 Thursday, September 13, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.
Subdivision: Poinsetta Townhouses, Address: 833 Poinsetta Dr Subdivision: Indian Head Acres S2, Address: 541 Biscayne Dr
Listing Date: 6/7/2018 Listing Date: 6/5/2018
Original Price: $255,000 Original Price: $329,000
Recent Price: $255,000 Recent Price: $329,000
Sold: 8/31/2018 Sold: 9/5/2018
Selling Price: $250,000 Selling Price: $325,000
Listing Agent: Andy Waterman Listing Agent: Charles Wismer
Selling Agent: Waterman Real Estate, Inc. Selling Agent: Momentum Realty inc
Anthony Scaramouche Gerald Paxton
Coldwell Banker Paradise Coldwell Banker Paradise
JUST LISTED IN THE CLOISTERS! Subdivision: The Horizon Condo P4, Address: 407 Highway A1A N 424 Listing Date: 4/25/2018
Original Price: $499,900
Sold: 8/31/2018
BUYING OR SELLING Selling Price: $454,000
WE’LL GET YOU WERE YOU NEED TO GO. Listing Agent: Pamela Wise
1421 ROCKLEDGE DR. • ROCKLEDGE FL. 32955 Selling Agent: Dreyer & Associates R.E. Grp.
JUST LISTED! - $999,000 • DIRECT RIVER! Linda Weir
RE/MAX Aerospace Realty
Subdivision: Montecito Phase 2B, Address: 106 Redondo Dr
Listing Date: 1/16/2018
Original Price: $260,345
Recent Price: $265,345
Sold: 9/4/2018
Selling Price: $260,345
Listing Agent: Cristina Quintana
Selling Agent: Mercedes Premier Realty, LLC
Tonya Cary
Coldwell Banker Paradise
Subdivision: None, Address: 120 Atlas Ln
5 BEDROOM 4.5 BATHROOM 4,532 SF Listing Date: 6/18/2018
.74 ACRES • 3 CAR GARAGE • PRIVATE DOCK Original Price: $299,000
Sold: 9/6/2018
David Curri Selling Price: $302,500
Listing Agent: Lu Anne Moore &
Broker/Owner Patricia Beaulieu
Selling Agent:
[email protected] Better Homes & Gardens RE Star
321.890.9911 Jenny Beach
Get Your Home Value Today, Visit: Coldwell Banker Paradise
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, September 13, 2018 39
according to the latest data from the Mortgage
Bankers Association. The market composite index
– a measure of total loan application volume – de-
creased 0.1 percent from a week earlier. The refi-
nance index fell 1 percent from the previous week,
while the purchase index ticked up 1 percent.
The refinance share of mortgage activity ac-
counted for 38.9 percent of all applications.
“Mortgage application volume barely moved, as
an increase in seasonally adjusted purchase appli-
cations nearly offset a decrease in refinances,” said
Bob Broeksmit, MBA president and chief executive.
“Purchase demand, 2 percent higher than the
same week one year ago, continues to be support-
ed by the strong job market, although home prices
continue to rise faster than household income. In a
promising sign that first-time home buyers are en-
tering the market in greater numbers, average loan
size for purchase loans dropped to its lowest level
in our survey since December 2017.”