‘Caring and sharing’ honored at
Philanthropy Day fete. P18
Broadway melodies
in air at Riverside. P16
Judge: Mental health and
drug courts highly effective. P8
For breaking news visit
Sticker shock on Indian River Medical Center’s four suitors Raw sewage pours
mainland from into lagoon from
new home prices major pipe break
Staff Writer Staff Writer
Island buyers are used to Clockwise from top left: Adventist’s Florida Hospital, Orlando Health’s ORMC, Cleveland Clinic and HCA’s Lawnwood Regional. At least 100,000 gallons of
homes priced at half a million raw sewage poured into the
dollars or more, but mainland BY MICHELLE GENZ cash-strapped hospital, they its 44 hospitals nationally; Or- Indian River Lagoon at Bethel
buyers are now seeing those Staff Writer were a good-looking lot. lando Health, a nine-hospital Creek last week after a pres-
kinds of prices too. Florida chain that includes surized sewer main ruptured
The dance card of poten- The contenders are the Orlando Regional Medi- near Jaycee Park. And the vol-
If you're wondering how tial partners for Indian Riv- Cleveland Clinic, ranked sec- cal Center; and HCA, largest ume may have been much
high new-home prices have er Medical Center was nar- ond in the country by U.S. hospital chain in the U.S and higher than that.
gone around town, take a rowed to four suitors last News and World Report; owner of Lawnwood Regional
drive to the western – particu- week, and to the governing faith-based Adventist Health Medical Center in Fort Pierce. The 12-inch pipe, which
larly the southwestern – sector boards of the stand-alone, System, which owns Orlan- carries waste water from In-
of the Vero Beach area. do’s Florida Hospital among CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 dian River Shores and Vero
neighborhoods to the city
And be prepared for sticker sewage treatment plant,
shock. broke where it intersects a
major stormwater drain that
You'll find new homes sell- empties into the lagoon.
ing from $400,000 to $600,000
in gated communities under The spill came to light on
construction west of 43rd Av- Thursday when readers con-
enue. tacted Vero Beach 32963 to
complain of a foul odor along
"I know people would like Bethel Creek, an inlet that
to see lower-cost housing, but connects to the lagoon near
it's getting harder to do that," the city marina north of the
said Bill Handler, president Merrill Barber Bridge.
of GHO Homes, the county's
most prolific builder. "We're CONTINUED ON PAGE 7
Vietnam vets reach out to homeless vets Shores cell tower still
rousted from camps by sheriff’s deputies on track, but soil
needs to be stabilized
BY KATHLEEN SLOAN for services and into housing. Vietnam Veterans co-founder Tim Nightingale at deserted homeless camp. PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD
Staff Writer They did not find any. BY LISA ZAHNER
Staff Writer
Tim Nightingale and Vic The homeless “point-in-
Diaz, co-founders of Viet- time” count last January iden- Just as work was about to
nam Veterans of Indian River tified 29 homeless veterans in get underway digging the
County, went into the woods the county, but sheriff’s depu- hole for the foundation of the
last week looking for home- ties recently rousted the vets Shores’ eagerly-awaited cell
less vets to get them signed up and other homeless people
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2 Vero Beach 32963 / November 23, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Shores cell tower should not significantly delay comple- Jones did not name AT&T but it’s carrier was a priority, but the Town
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 tion of the project. no huge secret that “the second ma- Council made it clear to Datapath
jor carrier” in talks with the Shores when the company was engaged to
tower, engineers discovered the soil With Verizon contracted to use the is the company that some long-time design, permit, market and construct
behind Town Hall will have to be rein- tower and negotiations moving for- customers have been with since it was the tower that they needed to secure
forced with a special clay compound ward with AT&T, barrier island resi- called BellSouth Mobility. at least the two leading carriers in the
– one more hitch in the long-drawn- dents should see much-improved cell market, with T-Mobile, Sprint and oth-
out effort to get a decent phone sig- service in and around the Shores by Mayor Brian Barefoot did name er companies on the wish list, too.
nal for residents of the island com- this coming spring. AT&T, saying he was happy to hear
munity. that AT&T was near executing a lease Jones explained that the major car-
Crews are still expected to begin clear- for transmission space on the tower. rier (AT&T) had another tower deal fall
But there is good news, too. While ing the site this week, with construction “It’s really a defensive play because through, moving the Shores project to
the problem will cost the town an ad- scheduled to begin Dec. 11. Even bet- they’re going to lose customers to Ve- the top of the decision-makers’ list to
ditional $40,000, it turns out that sta- ter news is that the chances of getting rizon,” he said. enhance local coverage.
bilizing soil at the site that was satu- a second major carrier on the tower are
rated by this summer’s historic rainfall “highly likely,” according to Curt Jones, The Shores’ Public Safety Depart- It could take a month or two for car-
president of Datapath Tower, the firm in ment communications equipment riers to get their signal-broadcasting
charge of the tower project. operates on the Verizon system, so that equipment up and running after the
stealth monopine tower is completed.
(The Shores opted for a structure meant
to resemble a 115-foot pine tree.)
To construct the tower without guy
wires, a concrete foundation must be
sunk deep into the ground – ground
that Jones said is not in the same con-
dition now as when engineers previ-
ously examined it.
“When the geotechnical survey was
done, the water table was low [but]
you’ve had an extraordinary amount
of rain [since then],” Jones said. “You’re
at 100 percent water table right now.”
After further testing, a material
called Bentonite will probably be ap-
plied to a hole under the cell tower site
to stabilize the soil. “We’re doing this
to prevent a cave-in under the con-
crete slab,” Jones said.
Bentonite is described in a memo
to the council as “an expensive, clay-
based chemical that helps prevent col-
lapse during drilling in areas with high
water tables and fine/sandy soils, ab-
sorbs many times its weight in water,
and acts as a seal on the walls of the
hole during drilling to prevent water
from leaking back into the hole.”
The additional work, which will
cost the town $40,000 more than had
been budgeted, will be funded out
of reserves derived from the sale of
a five-acre ocean-side parcel, which
netted the town nearly $4.5 million.
The council unanimously approved
this change order to get construction
Mainland home prices
trying to provide homes for people in
a variety of price ranges, but it's diffi-
cult to find the $200,000s.
"The $300,000s has become the
norm," he added. "The $400,000s is
the next tier up."
And the $500,000s?
Those homes are available, too, as
are a few priced at $600,000 and up –
all of them loaded with options and
upgrades, most of them built on over-
sized and/or waterfront lots.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 23, 2017 3
Many of the higher-priced, west-of- "Still, we need to be very conscious of under construction on 33rd Street, Reserve's amenities, which include a
43rd homes are being built and sold in our costs and be careful that we don't west of 58th Avenue, where Holiday 13,000-square-foot clubhouse, swim-
GHO's Lake Sapphire (mid-$400s to go too far with our pricing," he added. Builders and Maronda Homes are ming pool, pickleball complex and boc-
$500s), Four Lakes (mid-$300s to low "It's one thing to build high-end homes building houses at base prices ranging ce lawn. In fact, every buyer pays a one-
$400s) and Berkley Square (mid-$300 that people want, but we don't want from the low $200s to the mid-$300s. time $7,000 fee to cover the cost of the
to mid-$400s) communities. to get to a point where we're an elitist clubhouse, though Holiday includes
community, where a lot of people can't Three Holiday spec homes, how- that cost in the price of its homes.
Those are base prices that don't afford to buy a new house." ever, are selling for $418,000, $400,000
include some desired options and, in and $378,000. Two Maronda specs are "Obviously, there's a market for
many cases, the cost of the lots. Mechling is consulting at Harmony selling for $400,000 and $370,000. these upper-end homes and com-
Reserve, the 55-and-over community
There's currently a spec home selling Boosting those prices are Harmony CONTINUED ON PAGE 4
for $533,000 at Lake Sapphire, located
on Fifth Street Southwest. Homes have Exclusively John’s Island
sold for more than $600,000 at Four
Lakes, located on 13th Street South- The pinnacle of luxury waterfront living! Impeccably renovated, this stunning
west, south of Oslo Road. 5BR/6.5BA “smart” home showcases 8,220± GSF of exceptional architecture
and 165’ of Indian River frontage and views. Features include walnut flooring,
GHO is building homes with base living room with fireplace, gourmet island kitchen, family room, loggia w/
prices that reach the mid-to-high screens, saltwater pool, luxurious master suite, study, extensive audio-visual
$300,000s in the Summer Lake, Eagle components, water filtration system, wine room, guest wing with kitchenette,
Trace Estates, Huntington Place, Ash- hi-tech security, temp. controlled 3-car garage, and a dock with 30,000 lb. lift.
ley Lakes South, and Lake Mandarin 21 Marker Way : $8,500,000
at Citrus Springs communities. All are
located west of 43rd Avenue. three championship golf courses : 17 har-tru courts : beach club : squash
health & fitness center : pickleball : croquet : vertical equity membership
The builder also is selling homes
for under $300,000 in several of those 772.231.0900 : Vero Beach, FL : JohnsIslandRealEstate.com
communities, but those houses are
usually smaller, with fewer upgrades
and on smaller lots.
"The prices now are even higher
than they were during the building
boom in 2004 and 2005, but a lot of
that was driven by the easy financ-
ing and people spending money they
didn't have," said Phil Matson, staff
director for the county's Metropolitan
Planning Organization.
"Now, they've got the money," he
added. "The economy has turned
around and people up north or down
south are able to sell their homes for a
lot of money and buy here at a lower
price point. So the demand that dis-
appeared during the recession is there
"But I've talked to developers and
land owners, and they told me the cost
of producing a home has gone way up,
Chuck Mechling, a local real estate
development consultant, said rising
land values, stricter building codes
and, more recently, increased compe-
tition for construction sub-contrac-
tors have driven up the cost of devel-
oping lots and building houses in the
Those costs get passed along to the
home buyers.
"If you add $10,000 to the cost of
developing a lot, that's going to be
included in the price of the home,"
Mechling said. "And every time you
increase the cost to the consumer –
even if it's only $5,000 or $10,000 – you
take someone out of the market.
"That said, there are people who
want these higher-priced, energy-ef-
ficient, new homes with impact-glass
windows and larger lots, and they're
willing to pay for them," he contin-
ued. "The builders in those subdivi-
sions are just giving those people what
they want.
4 Vero Beach 32963 / November 23, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Mainland home prices Mechling said some prospective Hospital suitors explanations of the various proposals,
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 buyers also are coming from the bar- the two boards separated to hash out
rier island, where some homeowners CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 their top three picks for further con-
munities on the mainland," said Stan have retired or become empty-nesters sideration.
Boling, the county's community de- and want to downsize to a mainte- All will have a chance to visit and be
velopment director. "We've got people nance-free community. visited by IRMC officials in the coming “We’re delighted that you’ve got
coming down from up north. We've weeks with an eye toward taking over good options, and it’s going to be hard
got people coming up from South West of 43rd Avenue. the hospital. to whittle them down,” said Juniper’s
Florida. Housing prices in both places "That's obviously where land is avail- Barry Sagraves as he charged the hos-
are a lot higher than they are here, es- able, and Bill Handler knows and under- Whether that takeover is in the form pital board with narrowing the field.
pecially on the mainland, so they're stands the market here," Mechling said. of a purchase, a lease or some hybrid of
willing and able to pay them. "GHO builds a wide variety of homes, the two, the goal is to put the hospital’s The debate among each board re-
but Bill had the vision to see that, even future into the hands of a much larger sulted in choices that nearly meshed:
"Whatever pent-up demand there when downsizing, some people still operation, one healthy enough to fund The Cleveland Clinic got the nod from
was during the recession, people are want a custom-style home large enough a $270 million renovation while with- both boards, as did Adventist. The Dis-
now acting on it," he added, "and they for when the kids come back to visit. standing ongoing turmoil in healthcare trict Trustees voted to consider HCA,
have the means to do so." "And, as we're seeing, they're will- industry. while the hospital board opted for Or-
ing to pay for it." lando Health.
In a crowded room at the hospital
normally used for training, members That mix likely pleased the consul-
of the IRMC board of directors and the tants, who had urged hospital leaders
elected Trustees of the Indian River not to rule out for-profit companies,
Hospital District listened as a Chicago and not to limit themselves to their
consultant hired to help the hospital first pick – Cleveland Clinic – on the
find a suitable partner presented ac- chance things don’t work out.
quisition proposals on Friday.
The nonprofit faith-based Adventist
Eight proposals from nonprofit and Health System, with more than $8 billion
for-profit healthcare chains were re- in revenues, owns 25 hospitals in Flori-
viewed. The proposals were received da, the best known among them being
last week after consultants put out Florida Hospital. Interestingly, IRMC’s
feelers to 33 companies in August. best known surgeon, Dr. Cary Stowe,
was lured to Vero from Florida Hospital.
They were the first glimpse at out-
siders’ notions of what IRMC might be Adventist’s competitor in the Orlan-
worth to a partner. do Market, Orlando Health has nine
Florida hospitals including the down-
While all eight bidders envisaged town giant Orlando Regional Medi-
trying to work out a deal with the Hos- cal Center. A nonprofit, it has a good
pital District to continue leasing the reputation among doctors, according
hospital buildings, which are owned to Vero doctors present Friday, but its
by Indian River County taxpayers, revenues of only $3 billion gave some
rather than attempting to buy the fa- board members pause.
cility outright, the proposals for taking
over the hospital business varied. Sagraves was particularly bullish on
HCA. That behemoth stepped up with
Two of the finalists, Cleveland Clinic pockets bulging, its $41.4 billion in an-
and Adventist Health System, pro- nual net revenue backing the best finan-
posed acquiring the IRMC hospital cial offer of the eight submitted to IRMC.
business through what is called in the
non-profit hospital world “member Since the partnering process be-
substitution,” a model in which the gan, boards of both the hospital and
larger hospital group takes on the li- the county’s elected Hospital District
abilities of the smaller hospital, makes Board have envisioned a cash-rich
a commitment to spend capital, and healthcare system taking over the Vero
becomes the corporate member of the hospital, currently in urgent need of
acquired organization. a $270 million upgrade of its patient
rooms and other facilities.
The other two finalists, Orlando
Health and HCA, instead proposed ac- Not surprisingly, HCA, with 226 hos-
quiring the IRMC hospital business by pitals, 49 of them in Florida, has an un-
buying some or all of its assets. even reputation among its vast portfo-
lio. Longtime residents of Indian River
Because of the different approach- County recall the good and the not-so-
es, comparing the size of the offers good reputation of nearby HCA-owned
was a bit like comparing apples and Lawnwood over the years. Today,
oranges, but what certainly caught though, with a heart institute and stroke
the eye of everyone in the Powerpoint center, the hospital has grown into a re-
presentation were the figures for total gional Level II trauma center and the
financial consideration which ran as pediatric hospital of choice along the
high – in the case of healthcare giant Treasure Coast. HCA also runs St. Lucie
HCA – as $415 million including gross Medical Center in Port St. Lucie.
proceeds and 10 years’ worth of prom-
ised capital expenditures. There were also deep concerns
about considering a for-profit partner
Additional prospective partners and HCA was the only for-profit chain
were not ruled out in Friday’s four- among the four selected for a second
hour session, led by associates of Ju- look. The fear is there might be nega-
niper Advisory, a Chicago-based firm tive consequences for patients and
specializing in the complex business staff alike if Vero’s small hometown
of healthcare systems. After hearing hospital, the buildings of which have
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 23, 2017 5
belonged to taxpayers since the 1950s, “centers of excellence” to stand as ly too close for comfort – that if HCA penditures – got some pulses racing
is turned into a profit center for a vast tribute to Vero’s wealthiest donors un- acquired IRMC, it would cause one to at last Friday’s afternoon meeting. In
publicly-traded company. less the partner that is picked is a non- cannibalize the other rather than offer addition, HCA said it would not re-sell
profit, able to take donations. duplicate services at both. IRMC for 15 years.
And there have been serious con-
cerns about a for-profit hospital put- And at least one doctor in on the Still, HCA’s whopping offer – a pur- In the consultants’ view, HCA need-
ting an end to Vero’s tradition of hos- debate, Dr. John Lindenthal, believes chase price of $150 million plus a ed at least a second look. The chair-
pital philanthropy – no more named that Lawnwood may be geographical- promise of $265 million in capital ex-
6 Vero Beach 32963 / November 23, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Hospital suitors ter in Melbourne and had mustered IRMC until the two parties reached a Two weeks ago, Diaz and Nightingale
buzz as a likely pick prior to Friday’s definitive agreement. Under capital had better luck, locating and bring-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 5 meeting, but it was quickly shelved by expenditures outlay, it simply offered ing in fellow Vietnam veteran Danny
the IRMC board due to its small size – this promise: “TBD: The Cleveland Wagoner, signing him up for medical
man of the hospital board, Dr. Wayne net revenues of $1.5 billion. Clinic standard.” It would pay what- services and a pension, and giving him
Hockmeyer, agreed. ever it took to bring IRMC up to snuff. a bed in one of the three houses they
Orlando Health’s revenues were have built for homeless vets with the
“I personally think size matters,” about twice that number but even those Cleveland Clinic won the vote of help of Every Dream Has a Price.
Hockmeyer said. “If you’re not gen- numbers struck some as low. Neverthe- both boards.
erating $8 billion in annual revenues, less, Orlando Health made the cut with He had been living in wooded areas
you’re not of a size that will be suffi- the hospital board and into the final Vero hospital leaders will meet around Vero for 30 years.
cient for the future.” round, even though it didn’t get the vote with the finalists this month and next
of the Hospital District Board. and will visit their hospitals, includ- Originally from Melbourne, Wag-
That figure – $8 billion – is the esti- ing some that have recently been ac- oner was drafted in 1972 when he
mate total net revenue of the for-profit “It was a very civil discussion and quired by the four chains in the hopes was 18. He signed up for the Navy to
Steward Health Care System, one of the a very high level of discussion,” said of hearing how the transactions went avoid the Army. As a radio operator he
hospital companies not selected. Stew- longtime Vero attorney William Stew- and how transitions are going now. didn’t see much action, but his life fell
ard’s offer was almost as generous as art, who has worked with IRMC and apart anyway when he got back in the
HCA’s, yet it was hardly mentioned Fri- sat in on the Hospital District’s session Final proposals will be submitted states. He lost his job, wife, children,
day. Steward earlier this year acquired as a member of the public. in January with the hospital and Dis- house, cars, “everything.”
Sebastian River Medical Center as well trict boards voting on their choice of
as two hospitals in Brevard County. The Among the eight suitors, it was more partner that month. Whatever deal is “In 1985 I moved into the woods,”
concern was that Steward will be wran- than clear to the IRMC board that the finally negotiated is expected to close Wagoner said. “I lived off the land,
gling the financials of its latest acquisi- Cleveland Clinic was the prize catch. in August 2018. trapping or shooting raccoons, squir-
tions for some time. Referred to by Hockmeyer and others rels, possums, but no armadillo.” They
as “world-class,” the nonprofit health- Homeless Vietnam vets carry diseases, he said.
Another for-profit chain with rev- care system is ranked second nation- CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1
enues similar to Steward, the public- ally (after Mayo) by U.S. News and In one of his latest camps, where he
ly-traded Universal Health Services, World Report. Its revenues hit Hock- out of their camps, making them more lived with others, “We had everything,
also did not make the cut on Friday. meyer’s $8 billion threshold while difficult to locate. solar panels, a dock to fish off of, and
Nor did a much smaller group, RCCH maintaining only 10 hospitals. running water.”
Healthcare Partners. “They’re cracking down more because
However, Cleveland Clinic was also real estate is at a premium again,” said Then, about three weeks ago, the
The not-for-profit Health First was notably vague in its proposal. It de- Diaz. camp was discovered by sheriff’s depu-
back-burnered as well. Health First op- clined to give any indication of how ties and he was arrested for trespassing,
erates Holmes Regional Medical Cen- long it would commit to keeping spending 20 frightening days in jail.
He had lived in the woods with a
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 23, 2017 7
fellow veteran for three years, and he Besides police, the Veterans Admin- healthcare and housing, Diaz said, “It the emergency worked all day Friday
knew that Nightingale and Diaz had istration has contributed to the mis- is getting better. Let’s just say we help until after dark, trying to get at and re-
found that vet a place to live, so he trust felt by homeless vets, Diaz said. the VA correct their errors. Palm Beach pair the ruptured pipe.
asked them for help. is recognizing what we do is right and
Nightingale, who suffers from post- has started to send their vets to us.” Bolton said work was hampered by
Wagoner said he had no idea he traumatic stress disorder, among other an unusually high tide and water table
might be eligible for veteran benefits. disabilities, would have given up re- There will be more beds soon to ac- that continually flooded the excava-
“It never occurred to me.” applying for veterans’ benefits after commodate them. Diaz and Nightin- tion site along A1A.
being turned down several times, but gale’s organization just bought three
Living now in a house with nine Diaz helped him persevere. It took eight more lots where they plan to build He said the cause of the break,
other veterans “is different. There are years for the Veterans Administration to more houses for veterans. They de- which will cost between $25,000 and
a lot of rules, but they make sense.” acknowledge Nightingale’s disabilities. pend mainly on private donations to $50,000 to repair, has not been deter-
perform their work. mined, and he was not sure how long
It’s not societal rules that prevent Now, he and Diaz help other veter- the pipe had been leaking before the
many veterans from coming in from ans whose problems and needs are Sewage spill rupture was discovered.
the woods, Nightingale and Diaz said. disbelieved or dismissed.
It’s a mistrust of authority. CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 “We may be able to figure out when
“We try to keep them connected so the break occurred by going back and
“They’ve been rousted out of so at least they are talking with some- After a reporter called the city to looking at changes to the flow coming
many places, instead of being asked if body,” Nightingale said. “They don’t check on the cause of the smell, Wa- into our plant,” Bolton said.
they need help,” Nightingale said. have a permanent address so we use ter and Sewer Department chief Rob
our office address. When a notifica- Bolton investigated and discovered Mike Johannsen, who lives on Beth-
Another pair of veterans – Doy tion comes in, we usually know where the broken line. el Creek Drive on the west side of the
Demsick and Patrick Williamson they are in the woods.” creek, said on Friday he “first noticed
– who teamed up to help with last “We are grateful for the call,” Bolton the disagreeable odor last week,”
week’s effort, which was coordinated “We had a vet who was part of Black said on Friday. “We found a heck of which means the pipe may have been
by the Treasure Coast Homeless Ser- Hawk Down with PTSD. He was de- force-main break that we were un- leaking for more than seven days.
vices Council, found two homeless nied, denied, denied,” Diaz said. “We aware of.” He said he did not know
veterans during the search, but those demanded they reopen his case.” how much sewage had been released After the break was discovered, the
men preferred to remain in the woods. but estimated it was more than city put out a press release asking is-
Two years later, he’s back at work, 100,000 gallons. land residents north of the Barber
The outreach search revealed nu- back in the bosom of his family, and is Bridge to limit water usage so as to
merous abandoned camps, including “paying it forward,” Diaz said, point- A repair crew of city employees and reduce the flow of sewage into the la-
the one where Wagoner lived before his ing to a car the veteran just donated to contract workers hired to help with goon. On Friday evening city workers
arrest, with tents slashed, and all world- his fellow veterans. distributed flyers to neighborhoods
ly goods left behind in a hurry. “It’s likely near Bethel Creek to inform residents
the sheriff’s office split the tents so they After years of fighting locally forViet-
can’t come back,” Nightingale said. nam Veterans’ disabilities pensions, CONTINUED ON PAGE 8
8 Vero Beach 32963 / November 23, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Sewage spill required by law. Both agencies had in- tivities have been performed, the de- Judge says drug and
spectors on site Friday, testing the wa- partment then evaluates [the spill] . . . mental health courts
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 7 ter and trying to figure out the extent are highly effective
of the contamination, but the test re- “If we find there were violations, we
about the leak and the city’s response. sults were not available at press time. hold the facility accountable by identi- BY BETH WALTON
The spill will do ecological harm to fying necessary restoration and/or re- Staff Writer
“The department is investigating a mediation actions with the possibility
the already beleaguered lagoon. Waste- wastewater release from a broken force of fines or other penalties for damages Circuit Court Judge Cynthia Cox says
water carries toxic household chemi- main in Vero Beach,” Jill Margolius, as defined by statute and deemed ap- problem-solving courts here are some
cals along with human waste loaded spokesperson for the DEP’s West Palm propriate.” of the best in the state, providing an
with bacteria and nitrogen that feeds Beach office, told Vero Beach 32963 on important part of the solution to many
the damaging algae blooms that have Friday afternoon. “The official spill vol- The spill occurred near the recently of society’s most pressing problems.
plagued the waterway in recent years. ume has not been determined yet. completed Surf Club townhouse de-
velopment and Bolton said it is pos- Statistics back her up: Recidivism
The extent of the harm is not yet “When responding to a reported sible heavy equipment and excavation rates in problem-solving courts range
known. After the leak was discovered, spill incident, DEP’s first priority is al- on that site may have had something from 7 percent to 11 percent as com-
the city notified the Florida Depart- ways to work with utilities to identify to do with the broken sewer main, but pared to 70 percent in a traditional court
ment of Environmental Protection any releases and get them stopped. that more investigation is needed to setting, said Cox, who handles almost
and the state Health Department, as Once all necessary first response ac- know if that is the case. all of the felony cases in Indian River
County. “For every dollar you spend on
a problem – substance abuse and men-
tal health – you get $7.14 cents back.”
“People come from all over the state
to observe our mental health court,”
Cox said.
There are 16 specialty court pro-
grams in the 19th Judicial Circuit,
which encompasses Indian River, Mar-
tin, St. Lucie and Okeechobee coun-
ties. Services include drug court, veter-
ans court and mental health court.
Unlike traditional court proceed-
ings, problem-solving courts focus
on rehabilitation, Cox told a crowd
of nearly 100 last Friday at United
Against Poverty’s Symposium on Pov-
erty and Justice Reform.
“It’s totally different from the regu-
lar court where you are punishing
someone – you are encouraging them
to do well, providing them with incen-
tives and or sanctions,” Cox said. “It’s
an opportunity to help make the per-
son independent.”
Cox, who had formerly practiced
family law, was admitted to the bench
in 2002, the same year the state was
shutting down many of its psychiatric
institutions. Funding for community
programs intended to provide sup-
port to newly-released patients never
came to fruition, she recalled.
“These were the sickest of the sick
people,” the judge explained. “The
unintended consequence resulted in
increased homelessness in our circuit,
as well as increased police injuries,
shootings of people with mental ill-
nesses, [and expenditure of] lots of tax
dollars; basically, mental health was
made a crime.”
Incarcerating someone who is de-
toxing or suffering from a mental ill-
ness costs three times as much as lock-
ing up a standard criminal inmate, Cox
told the crowd. Hundreds of millions
of dollars have been saved by altering
the approach to public safety with the
use of problem-solving courts.
Robert and Meg Cousin
with son William.
10 Vero Beach 32963 / November 23, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
A tea of new faces at lovely Circle get-together
1 23
9 10
BY MARY SCHENKEL The Art for Health’s Sake program
Staff Writer began three years ago thanks to Circle
funding, and program manager Dawn
The Circle, a philanthropic group Miller said last year’s grant has en-
8 of women who support the Vero abled it to expand.
Beach Museum of Art Community Miller spoke about changes and ad-
CAPTIONS Engagement Programs, began the ditions to Art for Health’s Sake such as
start of its ninth year with another the Intergenerational Program, which
1. Nancy Edmiston and Cindy Binder. 2. Sue lovely afternoon tea last Monday at is now partnering with the Boys &
Sharpe, Laura Moss, Carla Mills Boardman, and the Marsh Island Clubhouse. Girls Clubs of IRC, and a new A-Plus
Diane Wilhelm. 3. Susan Smith and Lois Conrad. Art program, focusing on young adults
4. Posie Shailer, Liz Moldenhauer and Judy “Last year we closed the year with and teens on the autism spectrum.
Sartorius. 5. Michelle Flaherty, Maureen Watson 133 members and I’m sure that we’re Afternoon at the Museum and Move-
and Lou Shannon. 6. Marty Snyder, Ann Tharpe going to surpass that number this ment at the Museum, have been mod-
and Gillian Stewart. 7. Gail Prauss, Lynn Miller year, given all the new faces that I ified to become Artful Engagement
and Elke Fetterolf. 8. Nancy Karpowicz, Barbara see here today,” said Nancy Edmis- and Movement in the Moment, both
Leswing, Julie Douglas and Sheila McDonough. ton, steering committee chair. now taking place at the Alzheimer and
9. Carol Ream, Maya Peterson and Jeanne Parkinson Association of Indian River
Guttman. 10. Leah Tompkins and Dee Gaddy. Members contribute $250 or more County’s Memory and Motion facility
11. Nora Koontz and Judy Balph. annually and vote in the spring to rather than at the museum.
decide which of the museum’s out-
PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE reach programs to fund that year. New members are welcome. For
Edmiston shared that, to date,
the Circle has granted more than more information, call Robyn Orzel at
11 $234,000 to the museum. 231-0707 x 106.
12 Vero Beach 32963 / November 23, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Humorous Hiaasen talks love – and necessity – of literacy
Staff Writer
Carl Hiaasen knew at a young age Fenia and Carl Hiaasen with Michelle Servos. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE Petra Frisell and Mona Endicott.
that he wanted to be a writer. The New
York Times bestselling author and Mi- mocracy. Folks who don’t read are not shamelessly from the headlines. The “The vision of Literacy Services of
ami Herald columnist amused more well informed; and when the unin- biggest challenge for a satirical writer Indian River is to end generational il-
than 100 guests with tales of his youth formed vote in masses - bad stuff hap- is staying ahead of the curve of weird- literacy in our community,” said Ser-
at the Love of Literacy Author Series pens.” ness. There are so many things that I vos.
to benefit Literacy Services of Indian have written that I thought were so bi-
River County, held last Tuesday eve- Admitting that most of his ideas are zarre at the time, yet they came true.” She introduced Roberto Garcia,
ning at the Windsor Beach Club. based on reality, he said, “I do poach who credits their volunteer tutors
Michelle Servos, board president, with helping him earn his high school
Hiaasen didn’t disappoint the said that since 1971 Literacy Services diploma, obtain a driver’s license and
guests, who had braved the evening’s has been serving the one in five coun- pass the citizenship test. Now 24, Gar-
inclement weather to get a firsthand ty residents who struggle with sub- cia immigrated here with his family
account of his trademark use of hu- standard literacy skills. 14 years ago in search of the American
mor, irony and exaggeration to expose Dream.
humanity’s stupidity.
“I watched my parents struggle and
The son of an English teacher, Hi- I don’t want to be in the same posi-
aasen grew up surrounded by books; tion,” said Garcia, noting that his par-
unaware until he was a junior in high ents, who worked picking oranges,
school that there was a ‘literacy issue.’ did not speak English. “Nobody in my
While volunteering with the Service family has been to college; I want to be
Club he met an eighth grader who the first one. I want to prove to myself
couldn’t read and wondered, “How that I can do anything in life.”
did he get to 8th grade without being
able to read?” The next Love of Literacy Author
Series will feature author Michael
Hiaasen added “If you don’t have Tougias, March 20 at the Vero Beach
readers you don’t have much of a de- Country Club. For more information,
visit literacyservicesirc.org.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 23, 2017 13
Marlen and George Higgs with their son, Steve Higgs. Sandy and Don Mann. Robert Franklin, Charles Mappin, and Roberto Garcia.
Jesse and Dana Larsen with Katy Healy and Colby Servos. Melissa Medlock, Rene and Alice Donars, Joyce Gorman. Herb Fitz Gibbon, Don Mann, Elisabeth and Flavio Sa Carvalho.
14 Vero Beach 32963 / November 23, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
At Sunshine Kids Gala, donors ensure brighter futures
BY STEPHANIE LaBAFF Rose and Stephen Sadlek. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE Bethany and Joseph Gilman. more fulfilling life.”
Staff Writer Proceeds from the evening will en-
auctioneer Wesley Davis pumped up “It’s been life-changing for our
Despite arriving in the pouring the crowd with his usual panache. daughter,” said Gilman. “They’ve able those children whose parents
rain, donors “let the sunshine in” at given her a new freedom to be able have little or no insurance to receive
the recent second annual Sunshine Bethany Gilman, whose daughter to navigate her surroundings and therapeutic treatments at no expense.
Kids Gala at Bent Pine Golf Club to Aurora Elizabeth is one of the 2017 someday have a little bit more inde-
raise funds for the nonprofit Sunshine Sunshine Kids Co-Ambassadors, pendence. She’s a happy little girl and “Without Sunshine, they would
Kids program at Sunshine Physical shared first-hand knowledge of the we can see her in the future having a probably receive no therapy at all,”
Therapy Clinic. positive effects of the program. said Lynne Gates House, SPT admin-
The support of more than 160
guests shone brightly, lighting the The organization’s new Sensorium
way for children with limited means at Sunshine provides a multi-sensory
who are in need of physical, occupa- environment adapted to each per-
tional and speech therapy. Currently, son’s behavior, which is especially
roughly 60 children with varying dis- beneficial for children and some
abilities benefit from the program, adults dealing with autism spectrum
working with therapists to improve disorders, ADD/ADHD, developmen-
their function and mobility. tal delays, mental and/or emotional
disabilities, behavior disorders, brain
The Vero Beach High School String injuries and neurodegenerative dis-
Trio entertained as guests perused a eases, including Alzheimer’s and de-
plethora of silent-auction items and mentia.
piled their plates high with a delecta-
ble assortment of foods from a plen- Founded in 1953, the Sunshine
tiful buffet. In a nod to Veterans Day, Physical Therapy Clinic assists those
the Storm Grove Singing Stingrays with medically necessary physical
enchanted attendees with a Salute therapy and rehabilitation, regardless
to Our Veterans performance, before of their ability to pay.
For more information, visit sun-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 23, 2017 15
Betsy Craig and Sherry Brewer. Dr. Rob and Cathie Callery R.J. and Valerie MacMillan. Erica Pechart and Kyra Pechart.
Lynne House with Tim and Sandi Volskay. Diane Parentela and Karen Egan with Mike and Bernadette Emerick. Ellen Wright and Nickie Munroe with Nancy Madsen and John Madsen.
16 Vero Beach 32963 / November 23, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Broadway melodies in air at Riverside Friends luncheon
1 23
45 6
BY MARY SCHENKEL Prior to the musical production, “We saved ourselves more than ater’s major fundraising arm, general-
Staff Writer guests enjoyed a delightful luncheon $3,000 compared to what we spent in ly netting more than $500,000 through
catered by Elizabeth Kennedy & Co. at the past,” said Jones. “It’s been a fun the Fall Luncheon, Supper Club and
Roughly 500 ladies left River- tables featuring colorful croton cen- process; it’s a great team working on Gala special events.
side Theatre last Tuesday afternoon terpieces to compliment the overall all this.”
humming wonderfully memorable leaf-themed décor. Artistically gifted CAPTIONS
Broadway tunes following this year’s event co-chairs Ann Jones and Kath- Later in the evening, vocalists Kris-
Friends Fall Luncheon which show- leen Poole enlisted the help of fellow tin Carbone, Peter Lockyer, Michael 1. Pam Harmon and Linda Kastory. 2. Janet Tily,
cased “My Romance: The Works of Art in Bloom floral designers Ann St. John and Jennifer Hope Wills, ac-
Richard Rodgers,” directed by Pro- Webber and Susan Pyles to create the companied by pianists Clifton and Ann Strupp, Anne Blatherwick and Pam Kean.
ducing Artistic Director Allen D. Cor- arrangements, using leaves ‘harvest- Anne Shuttlesworth, gave an encore
nell and arranged by Musical Director ed’ from Quail Valley Club in vases on performance so that others could en- 3. Carrie Trooboff and Bizzy Côté. 4. Elizabeth
Ken Clifton. loan from William Bainbridge Steele. joy their talents.
Moseley and Ann Clarkson. 5. Tauna Donaldson
The Friends committee is the the-
and Stacey Lewis. 6. Jean Ueltschi, Nancy Puff
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 23, 2017 17
Marlynn Scully, Ann Jones and Kathleen Poole. Rosemary Haverland, Ann Barton and Jeanne Manley. Kate Graham, Kathy Faber and Beth Werwaiss.
Sally Spilman, Karyl Lee Gilbert and Patti Gaede.
Sally Goodrich, Kit Merriman and Judy Lafage.
Chris Evans and Marilee Mattison.
Keena Clifford, Beverly Meyers and Pat Callaghan.
18 Vero Beach 32963 / November 23, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
‘Caring and sharing’ honored at Philanthropy Day fete
Staff Writer
The Vero Beach Museum of Art Maya Peterson, Alma Lee Loy and Suzanne Bertman. Taylor and Dale Sorensen Jr., Matilde and Dale Sorensen Sr. and Elizabeth Sorensen.
overflowed with an impressive col-
lective of Indian River County resi- Edward’s School, has helped build a River Impact 100 board president, on out of poverty and back into soci-
dents devoted to the overall welfare Habitat for Humanity house through behalf of that organization. Nomi- ety by providing them with shelter,
of the community through the non- the school’s Community Service nated by the Alzheimer & Parkinson food, counseling, jobs, guidance and
profits they support. Club. Melanie Coppola, nominated Association of IRC, the giving circle life skills training.
by the Junior League of Indian River of more than 400 women pool their
Philanthropy came to life at A County, created the Live Like Cole resources and annually disburse Chris and Dick Picken, nominated
Night at the Museum, the theme of Foundation in memory of her broth- transformational grants of $100,000 by The Arc of Indian River County,
the 12th annual National Philan- er, Cole. Brady Miret, nominated by to local nonprofits. were this year’s Unsung Heroes, top-
thropy Day Awards Ceremony host- the Military Moms Prayer Group, ping a large and exceptional group.
ed last Wednesday evening by the founded the Student Soldier Support Dale Sorensen Real Estate, a New The couple has spent almost 30
Association of Fundraising Profes- Group to raise funds and send care Horizons of the Treasure Coast years as volunteers, devoting rough-
sionals, Indian River Chapter. packages to deployed U.S. troops. nominee, was honored with the Out- ly 16,000 hours toward helping those
standing Corporate Philanthropist who can’t help themselves.
A living cast of Indian River Char- Barbara Lowry, nominated by Award for their outpouring of gen-
ter High School students played Ben- United Against Poverty Indian River erosity to the community, numerous As they accepted the award, Dick
jamin Franklin, Mother Teresa and County, received the Outstanding nonprofits and as a “beacon of hope Picken shared a letter he received
other historical philanthropists, re- Volunteer Fundraiser award in rec- to those in need.” from Muhammad Ali 35 years ago
minders of the lasting effects of good ognition of her efforts to help raise which read, “Service to others is a
works. more than $500,000 for UP clients. Nominated by Camp Haven, Dr. rent we pay for our space here on
Walter and Lalita Janke received the Earth.”
Mistress of Ceremonies Rep. Erin A new Outstanding Group Sup- Outstanding Individual Philanthro-
Grall reflected on the ripple effect porting Philanthropy Award was pist Award for their dedication to Picken added, “That note remains
of philanthropy, saying, “One self- accepted by Suzanne Carter, Indian helping broken men find their way on our office wall to remind us that
less act of giving either time, talent our rent is always due.”
or treasure creates exponential in-
tended and unintended outcomes
for perhaps an infinite number of
years. Changes caused by the simple
acts of caring and sharing.”
Three young nominees jointly re-
ceived Outstanding Youth in Phi-
lanthropy Awards, recognized for
“making philanthropy part of their
everyday lives and making Indian
River County a special place to live,”
said Owen Leyda, 2016 award recipi-
Niki Afshar, nominated by Saint
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 23, 2017 19
Dr. Nicholas and Elaine Coppola with daughters Mary Grace and Melanie. Dr. Walter and Lalita Janke. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE Rep. Erin Grall with Dick and Chris Picken.
Emily and Dr. Glenn Tremml.
Outstanding Individual
Philanthropist: Helen Robertson,
Ronnie Lee Vanswerigen (posthumously)
and Harris and Myra Webber.
Outstanding Corporate
Philanthropist: Conrado Enterprises
of Indian River County.
Outstanding Volunteer Fundraiser:
Dr. Karen Mersky and Bill Munn.
Outstanding Group Supporting
Philanthropy: Exchange Club of
Sebastian, Grand Harbor Community
Outreach, Hibiscus Children’s Cen-
ter Indian River Guild, The Moorings
Habitat Committee, Orchid Outreach,
Rotary Club of Vero Beach Sunrise,
Village People at Village Green Com-
munity and VNA Golf-A-Thon
Volunteer Committee.
Unsung Hero: Rev. Scott Alexander,
Barbara Carlin, Joan Edwards, Chris
Loftus, Marc Richard, Randy Riley,
Allen Shapiro, William J. Stewart, Dr.
Glenn Tremml and Valerie Watkins.
20 Vero Beach 32963 / November 23, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
‘Art, Culture & Design’: Vero struts its creative stuff
Vicky Schaub and Lois Work.
Caesar Mistretta and Diane Langevin. Ed Cortez and Karen Loeffler. Diana Stark and Kathleen Jacobs.
BY MARY SCHENKEL River County. The four-day event took tween them. Six talented local design- Linda and Mel Teetz. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE
Staff Writer place in Old Riomar’s newest enclave, ers charmingly transformed one of
Old Oak Lane, on the grounds of the the homes into an exquisite Designer
Vero Beach is culturally special in former Saint Edward’s Lower School. House, while the Boutique House fea-
a multitude of ways, many of which tured an array of products offered by
were showcased at last weekend’s Activities throughout the multi- more than a dozen vendors.
House of Art, Culture and Design to faceted affair took place in two of the
benefit the Cultural Council of Indian development’s stunning homes as “I have a great committee who did
well as a tented pavilion situated be- just about everything,” said event
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 23, 2017 21
chairman Caesar Mistretta, co-owner coastal feel; we’re calling it the Vero labor of love.” Brewster and Sara Campbell; and a
of J.M. Stringer Gallery of Fine Art, Beach lifestyle,” said Langevin, Sun- The pavilion was also the setting Tea & Leading Ladies Panel on Sun-
crediting his co-chair Diane Lan- shine Furniture design consultant. day. Additionally, Mercedes-Benz of
gevin, Barbara Hoffman, Cultural “What was amazing about it is, al- for Thursday evening’s Opening Night Fort Pierce showcased luxury cars
Council executive director, and others though each designer worked sepa- Gala; a Bubbles Bar Wine Tasting Fri- throughout the weekend, and on Sun-
on the committee. rately, it all came together beautifully. day evening; a Luncheon & Fashion day Motor City Classic Cars displayed
I’ve had a lot of fun doing it; it’s been a Show Saturday featuring lovely se- a selection of its vintage cars.
“We were hoping to capture the lections from Cooper & Co., Francis
22 Vero Beach 32963 / November 23, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
PHOTOS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 20 Kathleen MacGlennon and John Stringer. Rody and Tommye Johnson, Julia Carter and Shotsi Lajoie.
Joseph and Tina Tanacs.
Lila Blakeslee with Leah and Bruce Cady. Fashion by Cooper and Co. Fashion by Frances Brewster.
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24 Vero Beach 32963 / November 23, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
‘Festival of Trees’ signals Christmas countdown
Staff Writer
It’s official. Forget Macy’s Thanks- Kay Brown and Jeanine Harris. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE PHOTOS CONTINUED ON PAGE 26
giving Day Parade – in Vero Beach the Heidi Waxlax and Baerbel O’Haire.
holiday season begins with the Festival Anne Wallace with Linda and Neill Currie.
of Trees at Riverside Theatre, a now 20- Page Franzel and Allyson Bootes.
year tradition enjoyed by residents and
visitors alike.
The entire Riverside Theatre cam-
pus was transformed into a winter
wonderland last weekend, from twin-
kling lights and mesmerizing icicle
lights dripping from the mossy oaks to
the Festival Forest inside the Riverside
Children’s Theatre. There, designers
embraced this year’s Sugar and Spice
theme by creating scrumptious Christ-
mas trees, whimsical wreaths and
elaborate gingerbread house displays.
Proceeds from the weekend-long
Festival of Trees, chaired this year by
Nancy Large, Lyn Law and Barbara
Woodward, support the various River-
side Children’s Theatre programming
and scholarships.
Things kicked off Friday evening
with a gala that began in the Grand
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 23, 2017 25
Festival Hall, aka the Orchid Lobby PEOPLE
and Waxlax Theatre, with libations
and a Howl at the Moon performance. val vendors and choosing from a selec- mances by various musical groups and
Guests next strolled over to the Festival tion of miniature trees and other good- even a special Saturday Family Night
Forest to bid on the beautifully deco- ies in the Christmas Shoppe. with a preview of “A Christmas Story,
rated confections and got a jump on The Musical.”
Christmas, shopping at a dozen Festi- Weekend activities included plenty
of activities for the little ones, includ- Without a doubt, it would even have
ing visits with Santa, crafts and “ice” put old Ebenezer Scrooge in the holi-
skating. There were also stage perfor- day mood.
26 Vero Beach 32963 / November 23, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
PHOTOS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 24 Virginia and Warren Schwerin. Mrs. Claus and Santa Claus. Ann Jones and Jean Ueltschi.
Karan and Mark Morein.
Allen and Judy Cornell with Lisa Amorosa and Jon Moses. Jeremy and Dr. Jenna Schwibner. Robyn Flick and Heather Rae Sultzman.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 23, 2017 27
Autumnal awesomeness at St. Helen’s Harvest Fest
1. Jennifer Moscrip with daughter Madeline.
2. April Thompson with daughter Charlotte.
3. Sue Dempsey and Sherry Rothe.
4. Andrew and Brittany Corr with son Mason.
5. Tanya Hyde with daughters Lucy and Charlee
and G. Ellen Marques. PHOTOS: GORDON RADFORD
The 53rd Annual St. Helen’s VERO BEACH, FL
Harvest Festival once again 7 72 . 2 3 4 . 6711
lived up to its promise of ‘All
American, old-fashioned, family
fun in the sun’ last weekend at
Historic Dodgertown. Some
came to enjoy the assortment
of yummy festival foods at the
four-day celebration, while
for others it was all about the
thrilling carnival rides from
Deggeller Attractions of Stuart.
St. Helen’s parishioners and
friends had toiled tirelessly for
many months to provide creative
midway games and amass
items for folks to do some early
Christmas shopping at the Lady
Bug Boutique. Proceeds benefit
the education and community
outreach programs at St. Helen
Catholic Church.
28 Vero Beach 32963 / November 23, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
6. Justin Short, Jessica Roy and Riley
Walsh. 7. Vero Beach Police Officers Brad
Knitz, Jennifer Lohman and Dan Brumley.
8. Amanda Bock with children Madison
and Eli. 9. Donna Galanto and Michelle
Bear. 10. Kaila Canon and Kathie Dail.
11. Ashley Grall with daughter Kaelyn.
9 10 11
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 23, 2017 29
Signature moment for trio of St. Ed’s sports stalwarts
BY RON HOLUB Coleman Kramer, Trey Meadows and Alex Houk. PHOTOS: GORDON RADFORD That’s my strong suit. My putting
is getting better and I’ve got to con-
Correspondent potential to play at the next level. I start taking it seriously until about tinue to work on placement with my
loved the game and if it could take seventh or eighth grade, “Meadows iron shots. I’ve got to keep doing the
Three St. Ed’s seniors signed na- me to the college that I wanted to go explained. “I played in events out- things I’m doing – only better and
tional letters of intent Nov. 8 to dis- to, I was all about it. side of school and had a couple of with more intensity.
play their athletic talents at Divi- good finishes. I got an awesome let-
sion 1 schools beginning next year. “A lot of my friends transferred ter from the coach at McNeese say- “My time at St. Ed’s has been awe-
Typically, these achievements are from Vero last year and that was the ing that he wanted to talk to me. some. My golf coaches, Mr. (Rick)
reserved for student-athletes from best season of my entire life. I loved Hartley and Mr. (Scott) Mohr, did a
high schools with much larger en- every minute of the camaraderie, “That’s how it got started. He said lot for me. I couldn’t have had a bet-
rollments and profiles. the brotherhood. he liked my game and how I contin- ter time with my senior classmates.
ued to get better every year. I have a It will be sad to leave, but I’m also
Alex Houk will play lacrosse at “All of my high school coaches good work ethic so that’s not going excited.”
Jacksonville University. Trey Mead- contributed to where I am today, to be an issue. In college it doesn’t
ows will join the golf team at Mc- but Coach (Doug) Bailey here at St. get easier, but I am already pretty Kramer finished second in the
Neese State University. Coleman Edward’s really stepped my game serious about the game. He liked 200-yard freestyle and third in the
Kramer will swim for the University up to where I needed to be to play at that part too. 500 freestyle at the recent state
of South Carolina Gamecocks. The the next level.” championships. He is probably pre-
signing ceremony underscored an “When I got the offer from Mc- paring at this very moment for the
ideal fit for everyone. Meadows and Kramer were also Neese I absolutely wanted to go Junior Nationals in Knoxville next
introduced to their sports via fam- there because I’m originally from month. He explained how he got to
The high school swimming and ily guidance. Inner passion and Louisiana. It was just a no-brainer. this point.
golf seasons are over for Kramer and the desire to succeed grew steadily
Meadows, respectively. Houk will from there. “The players in college are really “It started in 2006 when my mom
complete his high school lacrosse good so I’ve just got to keep grind- took me to the pool,” Kramer told
career in the spring. Nevertheless, “My dad is a club pro and I’ve al- ing. I drive the ball fairly straight. us. “I didn’t know what I was doing
while all three have already been ways been playing golf, but I didn’t because I was so young. She told me
rewarded for years of hard work and to listen to Coach (Stephen) Fen-
dedication, they realize that must ning and then I just kept going and
continue on an upward trajectory was kind of stuck on the sport.
as they prepare for tougher compe-
tition next fall. That was sage advice. Fenning
left for years in between, but would
“I started playing lacrosse at St. be the coach for the start and finish
Edward’s in second or third grade,” of Kramer’s days at St. Ed’s.
Houk said. “My cousins played here
and one was an All-American. They “I’m here in the pool from 5:30 un-
got me involved early and I just re- til 7 in the morning and after school
ally fell in love with the game – the from 4 to 6:15,” Kramer said. “At 6:15
physical aspect, the IQ aspect, all to 7 I’m in the gym for weight work.
around it was just a lot of fun.” I will probably concentrate on the
200 and 500 free in college.
Houk played for Vero Beach High
before transferring to St. Ed’s as a “An assistant coach at South Car-
junior. He felt the change was a nec- olina offered me an official visit and
essary bridge to signing with a col- I fell in love with everything about
lege program. the school. That’s when I com-
mitted. I will miss St. Ed’s and my
“At the end of my freshman year teammates. It will be sad to leave
I started going up north to summer because I’ve been doing this for so
recruiting tournaments,” he said. long, but I’m excited to go on to the
“At that point I realized I had some next chapter in my life.”
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30 Vero Beach 32963 / November 23, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Without forgiveness, the most injured will be us
An unwillingness to forgive
will have consequences.
“The Sunflower: On the Possibilities outside the concentration camp by With a weak voice, the German made conclusion of “The Sunflower “Wi-
and Limits of Forgiveness” was a book a nurse from a nearby hospital. She a kind of confession to Wiesenthal. He esenthal asks us, his readers, to put
written by holocaust survivor Simon asked him to come with her to the told about the brutal measures his S.S. ourselves in his place. What would we
Wiesenthal, some years after the end room of a German soldier. The sol- unit had taken against Jews and all the have done? Would we have offered for-
of World War II. It is his personal re- dier lay dying, and had requested to terrible atrocities that he himself had giveness?
flection on an incident that occurred talk to a Jew. A nurse led the reluctant committed.
when he was imprisoned by the Nazis Wiesenthal into the room, and then While Wiesenthal’s dilemma might
in Poland. left him alone with a figure wrapped Although Wiesenthal wanted noth- at first seem extreme, perhaps the
almost entirely in white bandages. ing more than to leave the room, the scenario is not entirely foreign to us.
Wiesenthal had one day been sum- wounded man repeatedly begged him Many of us have caught ourselves
moned away from his work detail to stay. Finally the soldier revealed wondering about the possibility of
why he had summoned Wiesenthal. forgiveness in our lives. Should the
He said, “I know that what I am ask- one who has wronged us be forgiven?
ing is almost too much for you. But Is the guilty party worthy of that sort
without your answer I cannot die in of generosity from us?
peace.” He asked for forgiveness from
Wiesenthal for all the Jews he had Wiesenthal’s story is provocative
killed. and wise. Because while we may en-
ter Wiesenthal’s debate about forgive-
Could this wounded and tormented ness by evaluating the worthiness of
soldier possibly understand to whom the soldier who asked for it, we must
he spoke and what he asked? Wi- conclude the analysis by looking at
esenthal had lost 89 dear relatives to Wiesenthal himself – and finally at
the holocaust. How could he forgive ourselves. What and who will we be if
someone who participated in such we forgive? What and who will we be if
shocking and heartless events? we do not? An unwillingness to forgive
will have consequences.
Wiesenthal sat in silence for some
time. He stared at the man’s bandaged Perhaps if we will not or cannot for-
face. Finally, he stood up and left the give, the people most injured will be
room without saying a word. At the us. Bitterness can poison life.
32 Vero Beach 32963 / November 23, 2017
BY HOWARD CHUA-EOAN | BLOOMBERG military maintains close ties with Bei- The leader of this uprising, General dent fired Mnangagwa, who fled the
jing’s generals. Constantine Chiwenga, commander country saying he feared for his life. On
As rebel, revolutionary, Machiavel- of the armed forces, is a close ally of Nov. 13, Chiwenga, who’d just returned
lian manipulator, and supreme leader, More important, despite economic Grace’s fiercest rival, the deposed heir from a trip to China, declared, “When it
Robert Mugabe has been the face of decline and international isolation, apparent, Emmerson Mnangagwa. A comes to matters of protecting our rev-
Zimbabwe for so long that it’s almost Mugabe was the undisputed master comrade-in-arms of the president dur- olution, the military will not hesitate to
impossible to imagine the country of Zimbabwe, outmaneuvering several ing the fight against the white regime, step in.” The next day, it did.
without him. Almost. would-be successors, including the Mnangagwa also used to run the coun-
co-leader of the uprising against white try’s fearsome security apparatus. His Mugabe’s rule hasn’t made it easy
The impossible finally began to rule, Joshua Nkomo. nickname is “The Crocodile.” for democracy to sprout – even though
happen on Nov. 14, when tanks rolled the country has democratic institu-
into the capital, Harare, and the armed His regime appeared to be getting As the military took over the state tions and a viable, if outmaneuvered,
forces took custody of Mugabe and his ready for its third vice president in broadcaster, a spokesman insisted opposition party. Autocrats don’t in-
wife, Grace. Military spokesmen said three years when the military took Mugabe wasn’t a target. “We are only culcate democracy in their realms.
they were “safe and sound and their se- possession of the streets and the gov- targeting criminals around him who
curity was guaranteed.” ernment television station. Mugabe, are committing crimes that are caus- Pressured into elections in the past,
93, had been expected to anoint Grace, ing social and economic suffering in Mugabe has managed to subvert the
Mugabe has ruled for 37 years – the 52, as the new vice president. the country in order to bring them results and remain in power, proving
entire existence of Zimbabwe after the to justice,” Major General Sibusiso that democracy isn’t a fruitful path for
downfall of the white minority govern- The fall of Mugabe hasn’t led to Moyo said. anyone with real political ambitions in
ment of what was then called Rhodesia. dancing in the streets. It’s nothing like Zimbabwe. The military intervention
In that four-decade period, the econ- the developments in the late 20th cen- It remains to be seen if one of those does nothing to change that.
omy has deteriorated from resource- tury that resulted in the collapse of the enemies of the people will be Grace.
rich breadbasket to basket case. Soviet bloc or the overthrow of Ferdi- A polarizing force, the first lady has The country, writes Bloomberg View
nand Marcos in the Philippines, where never been shy about her ambitions or columnist Eli Lake, “deserves better.
Violent repression made Zimba- people power stirred the promise of her enmity with Mnangagwa. In recent It’s not too late for the military to pre-
bwe’s leader a pariah to most of the democratic revival and reform. years, she’s become the center of the pare for a real transition to democracy
world. Mugabe’s visage became a face youth faction of Mugabe’s ruling party. and call for elections. But it’s almost
loved only by fellow leftist autocrats The military action, which the gener- certain the generals will not. For now
and the commodity-hungry Chinese als refused to call a coup d’état, is the To her husband’s annoyance, Mnan- it appears they have paved the way for
government. Indeed, Chinese trade to latest chapter of a bitter fight within gagwa’s allies repeatedly used this line the dictator to be replaced by one of his
the southern African nation last year Mugabe’s political regime, one that’s against her: “Leadership is not sexu- henchmen.”
was worth $1.6 billion; Zimbabwe’s resulted in the president being caught ally transmitted.” On Nov. 6, the presi-
in his own web of intrigue and betrayal. To understand the dynamic of the
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 23, 2017 33
events in Harare, a comparison is best After they were foiled and arrested, nic group in the southern part of the be the end of his long run. The fall of
made to what happened in Egypt in Hua Guofeng, a transition figure, was country. The genocide, perpetrated by a tyrants is always the stuff of morality
2011, according to Tony Karon, an billed by government propagandists brigade trained by North Koreans, may plays – and Mugabe will provide history
anti-apartheid activist in South Africa as Mao’s true ideological heir to ex- have killed as many as 20,000 people. with variations on the ancient verities
who’s now an editor at Al Jazeera. plain why his very visible widow was of absolute power. The more immediate
now completely out of the picture. So terrifying were the forces un- question is: Will new masters of Zimba-
While most people saw a popular Deng Xiaoping, the real mastermind of leashed that hardened operatives of bwe change the country?
uprising overthrow President Hosni Jiang’s overthrow, eventually took over South Africa’s intelligence services
Mubarak, the Egyptian military used the actual reins of power. were said to fear falling into the hands Again, the comparison is to Egypt.
the so-called Arab Spring to make sure of Zimbabwe’s security forces. After overthrowing the Muslim Broth-
Mubarak, whom they supported, didn’t erhood, General Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi
get the opportunity to anoint his son The fate of Zimbabwe’s eventually assumed the presidency and,
Gamal as his successor – even if they leader doesn’t promise outlasting international criticism, be-
had to detour their plans through a brief democratic reform. It’s came the acceptable face of the coun-
period of Muslim Brotherhood rule. simply a rearrangement try, one more amenable to international
investors as the military promised sta-
Zimbabwe’s military, which has of- of the leadership. bility. Zimbabwe may try the same with
ficers who’ve trained in Egypt as well Mnangagwa or another figure.
as China, has apparently managed to In Zimbabwe, those reins are in the Mugabe is now at the mercy of his
outmaneuver Mugabe’s installation of hands of Chiwenga and Mnangagwa. military protectors. He may yet manage That’s both a danger and an oppor-
his wife as his heir. If the past is precedent, their ascent to overcome them. He’s emerged from tunity.
doesn’t promise institutional change. other seeming defeats before. This past
Why not oust the president com- Mnangagwa has been tied to – though Sunday, in a televised address, he vowed It’s a danger because a broader in-
pletely? That may yet occur. But Robert he’s denied being part of – a bloody to stay on. But the president has health ternational embrace of Zimbabwe’s
Mugabe is still the historic face of the purge in the 1980s of the Ndebele eth- problems and is in his dotage. This may leadership will bolster the military and
revolution – and a face-saving transi- security forces’ control of the country.
tion may need to take place. The com- It’s an opportunity because the global
parison this time is to China, where community can try to leverage its fi-
Jiang Qing and the rest of the Gang of nancial influence to force structural
Four were poised to take power after political reforms. For Zimbabwe, it
the death of Jiang’s husband, Mao Ze- may not matter – as long as the Chi-
dong, the founder of the communist nese love the new face of the nation,
People’s Republic of China. whoever that will be.
34 Vero Beach 32963 / November 23, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
The bogus antitrust case against Amazon
BY DOM ARMENTANO antitrust scholars (such as the late Rob- But if that’s the current standard for from competition in order to secure its
ert Bork) have always maintained that judging illegality under antitrust law, own market position.
There is little question that Amazon the Sherman Antitrust Act (1890) was Amazon can make a convincing case
has revolutionized the traditional retail never meant to condemn monopoly that its size and growth cannot be tied To be sure, government legal re-
world and that millions of loyal con- or market dominance per se but was to such practices. strictions and regulations in dozens of
sumers love the overall convenience of meant to focus, instead, on specific markets have historically created bar-
internet shopping with Amazon. corporate behavior (“monopolizing”) Indeed, they could argue that the riers to entry that unfairly foreclosed
where so-called consumer welfare is facts are entirely the opposite; that new firms from competition; but this
But there is also little question that likely harmed. their business success is due precisely legislative abuse is not legally an anti-
several academics and antitrust en- to the fact that they have expanded trust issue nor has Amazon participat-
thusiasts agree with President Trump’s Although there are some older cases output enormously (they started as a ed in any such legal restraints.
view that Amazon is a monopoly, that such as Alcoa (1945) that are disap- small book seller after all), managed
its rapid growth represents a threat to pointing exceptions to that perspective, to keep prices and delivery charges Unfortunately, some antitrust sup-
business competition (and employ- the more modern Sherman Act cases low, and that they have innovated porters now argue that almost any-
ment), and that the company may re- tend to focus on corporate practices (one-click shopping) and stayed at thing that forecloses competition is
quire antitrust oversight. where consumers are treated poorly or least once step ahead of any internet unfair and may well be illegal. But this
where competitors are said to be unfair- competitor. certainly cannot be correct reasoning.
Putting aside the fact that the De- ly “foreclosed” from competition.
partment of Justice and the Federal Thus, they would argue, it is effi- One must make a clear distinction
Trade Commission (and not the Presi- It is well established precedent that ciency and consumer satisfaction that between legal impediments to compe-
dent) have the legal responsibility in corporations can violate the antitrust has allowed the company to prevail tition (which are unfair) and economic
all antitrust matters, does Amazon law if they arbitrarily reduce outputs over internet competitors and not any advantages that some firms provide
have any current antitrust liability? (and choices), raise prices arbitrarily unfair restraints on competition. and other firms cannot provide, which
to earn exorbitant profits or restrain are manifestly not unfair.
There are several problems with the and restrict innovation and techno- The final consideration is whether
notion that Amazon ought to be the logical change. Amazon has illegally “foreclosed” com- Indeed, the antitrust laws were in-
target of U.S. trustbusters. The first in- petitors (or potential competitors) tended to encourage economic ad-
volves the so-called “relevant market” vantages (lower prices, more choice)
question: what specific market is Am- which is precisely what Amazon cur-
azon supposedly monopolizing? rently provides. To term superior busi-
ness performance a “restraint of trade”
Traditional monopoly cases have would be to stab at the very heart of
normally been associated with firms consumer welfare and turn antitrust
that sold a dominant share of some completely on its head.
specific product (steel, aluminum in-
got, computer software) in some spe- The antitrust case against Amazon
cific market. is highly problematic. Policy makers
should remove any legal barriers that
But Amazon sells many thousands of prevent free and fair competition for all,
different products in many thousands but they should leave Amazon alone.
of different markets and (aside from
book selling) has no dominant share Dom Armentano, a resident of Vero
in any one market. Thus, Amazon may Beach and occasional contributer to
not meet the so-called threshold re- Vero Beach 32963, is Professor Emeri-
quirement for any determination of tus at the University of Hartford and
monopoly under federal law. the author of Antitrust & Monopoly:
Anatomy of a Policy Failure (Indepen-
More importantly, many prominent dent Institute.
SMOKING Part III NICOTINE REPLACEMENT THERAPY (NRT) www.smokefree.gov, www.cancer.org, and www.lung. © 2017 VERO BEACH 32963 MEDIA, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has ap- org. Some health organizations manage text messaging
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Preven- proved five medications that deliver nicotine in a form and telephone services to help people avoid smoking.
tion (CDC), 70 percent of smokers would like to quit and that doesn’t involve smoking. The nicotine is adminis- Quitlines, such as 1-800-QUIT-NOW are quite effective,
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longed, physically and emotionally difficult process. smoking again within six months. Behavioral support and medication can quadruple the
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Symptoms of nicotine withdrawal include: OTHER MEDICATION
Anxiety The antidepressant buproprion, clonidine, nortripty- A 2008 systematic review in the European Journal of
Craving line, psilocybin and varenicline have shown success in Cancer Prevention found that group behavioral therapy
Depression combating withdrawal from nicotine. Be sure to talk to was the most effective intervention strategy for smok-
Irritability your doctor about potential side effects any medication. ing cessation, followed by the drug bupropion, intensive
Weight gain Also ask if it would be beneficial for the medication to be physician advice, nicotine replacement therapy, individ-
given in combination with cognitive behavioral therapy. ual counseling, telephone counseling, nursing interven-
HOW TO QUIT tions and tailored self-help interventions.
If you or a loved one wants to quit smoking, review the Through CBT, you can gain personal coping strate- SET A QUIT PLAN AND QUIT DATE
techniques below to find the best method to help you gies that will help you stop smoking, learn how to solve
become a permanent ex-smoker. current problems and change unhelpful patterns in The CDC encourages smokers to create a quit plan, in-
thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes, behaviors and emotions. cluding a quit date, so they can anticipate and plan ahead
COLD TURKEY for challenges. Mondays seem to be the most effective
Cold turkey is a colloquial term indicating abrupt with- WEBSITES/TELEPHONE/TEXT/SUPPORT GROUPS day to start your new smoke-free life.
drawal from an addictive drug. In smoking, it’s a sudden Quit tips are available on numerous websites, such as Your comments and suggestions for future topics are always
and complete cessation of all nicotine use. welcome. Email us at [email protected].
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38 Vero Beach 32963 / November 23, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Attempting a new translation of “The ed veteran beset by dangers and yearn- isn’t looking to gild the poetic lily, but that such repetitions, which served as
Odyssey” is like directing “Hamlet.” ing for home has been collecting ad- rather to emphasize the emotional arc guideposts to audience and performer
Much of your audience knows the work mirers ever since. It is tradition, when of the story, engaging readers first and alike in preliterate recitation, are te-
well, and they take their seats with en- reviewing a translation, to set a passage foremost with the plight and character dious to a modern readership. Instead,
trenched expectations and the intona- alongside its predecessors in transla- of Odysseus. Relying on this forward she riffs on the epithets when they ap-
tions of favorite performances rever- tions by Fagles, Lattimore, Pope, etc. motion, she is able to create real sus- pear: “Dawn appeared and touched the
berating in their heads. At the same The reviewer then lays out the ways pense where other translations make sky with roses”; “ The early Dawn was
time, though, you will have audience that the new translation either falls the reader glaze over. Even knowing born; her fingers bloomed.”
members who have never seen the play, short or excels, quibbling over word the text well, I found myself rapt, par-
for whom you provide the introduction choice and linguistic effects. This is a ticularly in the lead-up to Odysseus’ Some of her choices will likely raise
to a giant of Western literature. And fun exercise and not without merit, but climactic vengeance on the suitors. eyebrows. Readers may be startled to
let us not forget those who are there in the end, such a piecemeal approach Wilson deftly evokes the dramatic find Menelaus serving “canapés” in his
under duress, dreading the upcoming is like judging productions of “Hamlet” stakes, showing us the precariousness Mycenaean palace or, on other end of
hours of boredom. You must find a way on their “To Be or Not To Be.” It does not of Odysseus’ improvised plot, as well as the spectrum, to encounter the word
to speak to all these disparate groups, answer essential questions about the the thrumming violence beneath. “byblos” (papyrus flax). Perhaps more
sneaking past the defenses of the devo- work as a whole: Does the translator controversial will be her translation
tees while drawing in those less famil- have a thoughtful, comprehensive vi- Along with Homer’s fleetness, Wilson of the famous first line, which Wilson
iar. It’s an ambitious task, one which sion? Does she have the skill to sustain is attentive to his rhythm and musical- gives as “Tell me about a complicated
calls for skill, cleverness and strong it? Does she chart a coherent course ity, often replicating the sound effects man.” That word, “complicated,” is her
nerves, qualities that define “The Od- between often mutually exclusive vir- of the original. In her depiction of the translation of “polytropos,” which in
yssey’s” wily protagonist himself. tues like literalism, musicality, clarity, home of Calypso, a goddess who has Greek is more, well, complicated, im-
beauty and readability? And most im- fallen in love with Odysseus, she draws plying at once versatility, ingenious-
The poem of Odysseus’ epic journey portantly, does she tell the story well? inspiration from the consonance and ness and a twisting life’s path. Wilson’s
was composed in about the 8th century alliteration woven through the Greek: version has an inviting punch, and ap-
B.C., and its tale of a brilliant, exhaust- In the case of Emily Wilson’s smart peals to our modern sensibility by fo-
and exciting new “Odyssey,” the an- A ripe and luscious vine, hung thick cusing on Odysseus’ internal state, but
swer to all those questions is a re- with grapes, was stretched to coil around to achieve that effect she has to bend
sounding yes. her cave. Four springs spurted with spar- away from the word’s other layers. It is
kling water as they laced with crisscross the sort of trade-off translators make
Wilson is a professor of classical currents intertwined together. at every turn, but some will surely dis-
studies at the University of Pennsylva- agree with her calculation.
nia, and the first woman to publish an Wilson brings real affection to her
English translation of “The Odyssey,” a work, particularly her characteriza- Let them. As her potent translator’s
glass ceiling that is shockingly overdue tions. I enjoyed her portrait of the prin- note makes clear, Wilson relishes debate
for shattering. Her approach is vivid cess Nausicaa as a teenager surround- and, indeed, hopes to provoke it with her
and bold, aiming to, as she declares in ed by piles of dirty laundry, as well as choices. Her worthy goal is always to en-
the opening, “tell the old story for our her approach to Odysseus’ brilliant, gage readers, inviting them more deeply
modern times.” She prioritizes Hom- careful wife, Penelope, whose grief she into the story. In this she succeeds with
er’s speed and narrative drive, seeking balances with her strength. the skill of an ancient bard. It is rare to
to capture what she calls the “nimble find a translation that is at once so ef-
gallop” of his verse. She writes in iam- At the same time, she is clear-eyed fortlessly easy to read and so rigorously
bic pentameter, impressively limiting about the realities of the ancient world. considered. Her “Odyssey” is a perfor-
herself to the same number of lines as Slavery was ubiquitous in Greco-Ro- mance well-deserving of applause.
Homer’s original (as any classics stu- man times, but its presence is often
dent can tell you, five lines of ancient obscured in translation by words like THE ODYSSEY
Greek easily bloats to 10 in English). “housekeeper” and “maid.” Wilson rips By Homer. Translated from the Greek by Emily Wilson
off the veil, rendering these starkly as
Wilson’s language is fresh, unpre- “slave.” She also dispenses with the usu- W.W. Norton. 592 pp. $39.95
tentious and lean. Though there are al handling of Homeric epithets (“rosy- Review by Madeline Miller
plenty of finely wrought moments, she fingered Dawn,” “enduring Odysseus”), The Washington Post
that repeat throughout the text, noting
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 23, 2017 39
Marcus Buckingham is an English author who bases most of his writing on extensive 98653
survey data from interviews with workers in countries around the world. He said, “When
you feel as though you can’t do something, the simple antidote is action: Begin doing it. AK943
Start the process, even if it’s just a simple step, and don’t stop at the beginning.”
This is last week’s deal rotated by 90 degrees. Then, East was in five spades after South 72
had led his singleton diamond. To make the contract, East won the first trick in the K 10 5 K Q J 10 9 8 6 5
dummy, led the heart king and discarded his singleton club to stop North from getting K 10 7
on lead — a textbook scissors coup. Today, South is in five hearts doubled. After West Q J 10 7 6 —
leads the spade seven, what should declarer do?
South might have opened four hearts, but that would have risked missing a slam if his
partner had a useful hand. After North responded one no-trump, East jumped to four 2
spades, of course. Now South felt that he had to bid five hearts, which West was happy
to double. East thought about overruling his partner and pulling to five spades, but SOUTH
eventually chose to pass.
It is easy to overlook the danger to this contract. Suppose South wins with the spade
ace, ruffs his second spade and plays on trumps. West gets in with his king and leads AQJ97632
a diamond to partner. Then a spade through declarer promotes West’s heart 10 as the
setting trick. 2
Instead, South, after ruffing the second spade, should lead a heart to his ace, 85
then play three rounds of clubs, discarding his sole diamond to cut the defenders’
communications — another scissors coup. Dealer: South; Vulnerable: North-South
The Bidding:
1 Hearts Pass 1 NT 4 Spades
5 Hearts Dbl. All Pass LEAD:
7 Spades
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40 Vero Beach 32963 / November 23, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
1 Empathy (13) 1 Increase (7)
8 Jargon (5) 2 Business agreements (5)
9 Gauche (7) 3 Routine (7)
10 Settle, conclude (7) 4 Journey (6)
11 Lawn flower, weed (5) 5 Bare (5)
12 Whole (6) 6 Visualise (7)
14 Plan (6) 7 Light-headed (5)
18 Precious gem (5) 13 Shoe for sports (7)
20 Vague (7) 15 French country home (7)
22 This evening (7) 16 Factor (7)
23 Shun (5) 17 Edible pulse (6)
24 Farmer (13) 18 Type of flatbread (5)
19 Reasoning (5)
21 Japanese porcelain (5)
The Telegraph
How to do Sudoku:
Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three
The Telegraph
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 23, 2017 41
ACROSS 77 Toward the front 11 Getting 101 81 “Elvira, ___ of The Washington Post
79 Hesitation Across the Dark”
1 Type of wolf, not
shark indication 12 Hindu writings 82 Stubborn ones
82 Hard drive 13 Common verb 86 “We ___ in our
5 Casino equipment 14 (“Boo-hoo-hoo”)
9 Tropical fruits measure 15 Bridge bid streets”
15 Like a giant 83 House mbr. 16 Stereo’s precursor (Lamentations)
84 Author Levin 17 Fondly 88 Bilko, for one:
squid? 85 Independent abbr.
21 First law of remembered 89 Deli bread
group Douglas planes 91 Evita role
astrodynamics, 87 John Cusack, to 18 Tres preceder 92 Vietnamese
made simple? 19 Tucson campus, holiday
23 Make a minister Joan familiarly 93 Like crosswords,
24 Sends out 88 Sweetened 20 Shortly to fans
25 ___ nutshell 90 The Idi Amin 22 ___ school 98 Release
26 One for their side 29 Move obliquely 99 Sirens
27 Ansel’s orig. Hall of Fame? 31 My, to Maigret 100 Erminelike
28 Rejections 94 Bounce 32 Regular animals
30 Devil’s tail? 95 Teen’s adjective alternative, once 101 “Lustrous ___ of
31 Canned soup 96 Salt Lake player 33 Testing room sun”
ingredient 97 Western star Jack 35 The Bering, for (Walt Whitman)
32 African antelope 101 40, as opposed to one: abbr. 102 Hard on the ears
34 Mine matter 37 Western 103 Chan’s creator,
36 Gambler’s last 39 Hemisphere Earl ___ Biggers
resort 104 Explosive alliance: abbr. 104 “By ___ was really
38 Cheer, or type of 105 Took off 39 Tout’s concern mad ...”
beer 107 Hardly any taste 40 The same, on the 106 Eager
40 Greek’s H Seine 108 Sno-cones
41 Those !@#$%*! at all? 42 Devastation 109 Novelist John
people 110 Lilly of drug fame 43 Actress Verduco Cowper ___
next door? 111 Future perch 44 Dieter’s request 112 Bit or jot
49 Slaves 112 A personal 45 The Roscommon 113 Italian TV network
51 Ref. tome people 114 A ways away
52 Wagon question 46 Shoot 116 Tim Daly’s actress
53 Member of the 113 Oscar de la ___ 47 Naturally followed sister
pod squad 115 Monroe’s Niagara 48 Goofball 118 Puppy’s bite
54 Wrath 49 Stalwart 119 Noted
55 Neckline shape co-star performers hydroelectric proj.
56 Intro to Nova? 117 What one well- 50 Ruled 120 Chant sounds
58 Woozy 54 German pronoun 121 Never, to
59 Mind game timed 56 Voice of Daffy Nietzsche
60 Nixon’s Chuck power surge 57 Addis ___
62 Jabbering jabber, could do to 61 Frequent flyer, DOUBLE BILLS, THE SEQUEL By Merl Reagle
once Manhattanites at familiarly
63 Spike Lee’s breakfast time? 62 Hubbub
Get on the ___ 122 Film sequel about 64 Handle
65 Serengeti a chauffeur who 65 Navel wear?
stampeder talks incessantly? 67 “Friend,” to early
66 Real-life reason 123 Barbecue sites New England
for some high- 124 Time gone by Indians
level indictments 125 Collections 68 Haitian dance
in 69 On ___ (busy)
the late 1980s? DOWN 70 Viking in the
68 Swatter’s goal? 1 “Vatican Rag” comics
72 S.F. time 71 Slangy assent
73 Spectacular span singer Tom 76 Backtalk
74 Wartime prez 2 Nervous 77 Can’t stand
75 Descendant of an 3 Zola novel 78 Turkey
ark passenger 4 Field Marshal 80 Workplace
76 Kareem, before watchdog
5 Article for Helmut
6 Off the job
7 Element in
8 Genus of razor
9 Country colleen
10 Not in the book
The Telegraph
42 Vero Beach 32963 / November 23, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Another homecoming? She just wants to stay home
STORY BY CAROLYN HAX THE WASHINGTON POST just about three days of perma-smiling. clude any banked goodwill for your effort toward
And while only you can know for sure what the those 10 prior reunions. And of course that would
Dear Carolyn: My husband feel lousy.
graduated from a military acad- real obstacle is, I can piece together an idea from
emy 54 years ago. As a healthy, the likelihood that you wouldn’t “feel crummy,” No doubt he feels lousy, too, that you won’t rally
happily married couple for 48 wouldn’t have written to me, and wouldn’t have for one of his top, nearly lifelong priorities by grit-
years, we have enjoyed the life we thought twice about skipping the 55th if your smiling for three of every 1,826.25 days.
lived as a military family. We al- husband had said to you: “I understand. Thanks
ways supported each other and for being such a good sport about all the other re- I also don’t doubt that a half-century marriage
our children during our frequent unions, and enjoy your well-deserved break.” has involved a lot more issues than this one where
moves, about every two years. you’ve each approached the same problem with
Right? You feel bad because your husband’s two different scopes, and therefore come up with
The problem? I have attended emotional calculations here apparently don’t in- radically different emotions in response to the
homecomings at his school every five years. They same set of facts.
are always fun, full of celebrations and reflections.
I thought the final event was the 50th … a big to-do. It’s incredibly common. Example: You express
annoyance at the wet towel the other left on the
I was wrong. Just found out 55 is around the cor- floor this morning, while the other is annoyed that
ner. you chose to complain despite the other’s being
guilty of roughly zero prior wet-towel leavings in
I just can’t go. I’m finished. No more stories of glory the entirety of your lives together. It’s a matter of
days, seeing pictures of hundreds of beautiful grand- scope: You see a day, the other sees years.
kids, smiling until the jaws hurt. My spouse thinks I
am not being supportive of this (his) special commu- Cases like these are when the seemingly impos-
nity. I know he can go alone and probably will. sible is possible: when both of you can be both right
and wrong. Yes the wet-towel-leaving is wrong and
I feel crummy that I want to spend my time doing taking exception to it is right – and fussing over
what focuses on the present and not live in the past, a single negligent act by a considerate partner is
even if it is only for three days. Should I stay or should wrong and taking exception to that is right.
I go?
Please talk to your husband with this frame-
– Hate Reunions work in mind. Suggest that he’s seeing one reunion
while you’re seeing all of them, and ask if he’d be
Hate Reunions: Because it is only three days ev- willing to discuss the 55th with you both on his
ery five years, it’s entirely realistic for you to go terms and on yours.
wave the flag as a nod to nearly a half-century of
happy marriage. Whatever you agree to as a result of this conver-
sation, it will feel a whole lot better just for being
Because you don’t want to go wave the flag even understood and agreed to by both.
though it is entirely realistic to, this is plainly not
44 Vero Beach 32963 / November 23, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Beast in show: Replica animals roam McKee ‘Jungle’
BY STEPHANIE LABAFF better their quality of life. With Workers place the Zebra
commissions in Germany, Great sculpture at McKee Gardens.
Staff Writer Britain, Italy, Spain, Sweden and
the United States, their work has PHOTOS BY: GORDON RADFORD
Wild animals from Africa are roam- begun to garner international
ing McKee Botanical Garden for the recognition. en the typically unyielding medium of with a mischievous grin.
It’s a Jungle Out There exhibit, which metal, the attention to detail is impres- It’s not unusual to see reptiles scur-
opened earlier this month at the his- “This is only the third exhibit sive: the lion’s mane is a mass of curled
toric garden on south U.S. 1. of these sculptures in the Unit- metal and his whiskers, a bushy group- ry among the foliage in the garden but
ed States. Ripley’s Believe It or ing of nails. it does come as quite a shock to find
The wild bunch includes replicas of Not in Orlando has one of the four crocodiles on patrol, their leath-
animals rumored to have spent some giraffes and the Wildlife Ani- Two of the installations include ery skin and sharp, pointed teeth add-
time at the original 80-acre hammock mal Sanctuary in Keenesburg, a sound feature, adding to the life- ing to the ominous look peering out
known as McKee Jungle Gardens. Peo- Colo., has several sculptures,” like experience. As guests wander from dark eyes.
ple recall seeing monkeys, an elephant, says Christine Hobart, McKee’s through the garden, they may startle
chimpanzees, a baby lion and even a executive director. “We are very at the trumpet of an elephant or the To add a bit of color to the exhibit, a
bear among the tropical flora during excited about this one-of-a-kind guttural grunt of the gorillas, two of zebra and one of the giraffes are paint-
the early 1900s and into the 1950s. exhibit which was designed ex- which guard the Main Jungle Trail. ed, rendering them virtually indistin-
clusively for McKee.” One ape ponders a potential snack guishable from their live counterparts.
Since reopening in 2001, the garden, of ants from a log while the other The rest of the animals in the collection
now concentrated on 18 acres in south The life-sized metal figures watches for unsuspecting guests boast only a clear sealant allowing the
Vero, has been visited by life-size, fi- have settled into 17 locations original metal patina to lend a weath-
berglass dinosaurs; big bugs made around the garden, coming into
from trees, branches and saplings; and visitors’ view at each new turn of
even fauna made from LEGOs. Now, the path.
metal sculptures of wild animals that
typically call the jungles of Africa home The giraffes are hard to
will graze among the 10,000 native and miss. Standing 14 to 16 feet tall,
tropical plants. they tower among the treetops
looking lifelike enough nibble on the
The weld art, using reclaimed ma- leaves.
terials discarded from the automotive
industry, was created by otherwise un- Among the heavy hitters in the group
employed artisans from impoverished is a family of elephants. While the male
villages in Africa. The exhibit includes elephant is off foraging, the matriarch
24 metal sculptures handcrafted by watches over two young elephants.
Wildlife Garden Creations, an artist
co-op developed by head artist Moses A full-size hippopotamus has found
Ochieng in Nairobi, Kenya. a spot near the pond to bask in the sun,
and the rhinoceros stands watch in the
Ochieng started the collective to Royal Palm Grove, ready to charge.
train artisans from local villages and
empower them to be self-sustaining. Elsewhere, a lioness stalks a zebra as
The paid apprentices are taught design, it takes a drink from the pond. Tread
metal cutting, welding, painting and carefully, because her mate isn’t far
molding, providing the skills needed to away looking for his own meal in the
brush near the Bamboo Pavilion. Giv-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 23, 2017 45
ered character to the sculptures. Coming Up: Fine art fans greet the Season
The animals were selected because
BY SAMANTHA BAITA SRHS Prism Concert. stein, the school’s di-
they were either a part of McKee’s Staff Writer rector of bands and
past, or the staff felt they would blend Fine Arts Department
into the Garden’s jungle-like environ- 1 Fine Art this Saturday: Ahh, chair. The concert’s
ment. Cranes, owls and an eagle were The Season. So exciting ev- name was chosen be-
included in the exhibit, giving a nod to cause, explains the
the types of creatures that call McKee ery year, and so richly filled with show promo, “the
home today, according to Hobart. word ‘prism’ is sym-
art in its many forms and fashions. bolic of what hap-
“The first thing that attracted us to pens when a single
these sculptures was that several of Among these is the Sebastian River
them reminded us of McKee’s history CONTINUED ON PAGE 46
when it was McKee Jungle Gardens Art Club’s annual schedule of fine
and elephants, monkeys and alligators
roamed the Garden and greeted the art shows in one of the prettiest riv-
visitors,” says Hobart.
erside locations in the county, Se-
“This is the first exhibit the Garden
has purchased,” she continues. “We bastian’s Riverview Park. Kicking off
felt this was special as the sculptures
were chosen by us directly and made the 2017-2018 monthly November-to-
especially for McKee. Also, because
the sculptures were coming all the way April Art by the River Fine Art Show
from Africa, it was more cost-effective
for us to purchase and ship them rath- season this Saturday, club members
er than rent and return them. We can
keep them on display as long as we like, will bring their works for display (and
then choose to sell a few or all of them.”
purchase) along the park’s winding,
Hobart points out that the animals
blend beautifully among McKee’s jun- oak-shaded pathways. If you have
gle-like landscape. “In addition, each of
the sculptures was made from recycled not attended one of these shows, you
metal and oil barrels, which also sup-
ports McKee’s philosophy of preserva- might find yourself very pleasantly
tion of our natural environment.”
surprised at the variety and artistry
Setting up the exhibit was no small
feat. The Horticulture Department staff you’ll discover. Media include pot-
placed all 24 sculptures in 17 locations
on the grounds. The smaller sculptures tery, wood carving, painting, art
were moved via utility carts and trail-
ers, but the staff had to use a tractor for glass, sculpture, jewelry and mixed
the more substantial sculptures.
media. The artists are a fun bunch,
Two McKee volunteers researched the
animals to create interpretive signage as well, and they’ll be there, happy
including educational information, sci-
entific names and a fun fact that will ac- to chat with you. The show is free;
company each of the installations.
hours are 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.; rain date
Miniature versions of some of the ani-
mals are available for purchase in the is Sunday, Nov. 26, same hours. The
gift shop. The Garden is open Tuesday.
through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. club, BTW, just turned 80 this past
and Sunday from noon to 5 p.m. The ex-
hibit runs through mid-April. October. Its home base, class/meet-
ing rooms and galleries are located
at 1245 Main St., Sebastian, next to
City Hall, and are open Tuesdays,
Thursday and occasional Saturdays,
11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
2 Sebastian River High School’s
big, annual Prism Concert is
coming this weekend. I never cease
to be amazed and heart-warmed at
the musical abilities of our young
people, and the Prism Concert, this
Thursday through Sunday, is one
of the very best showcases for these
talented kids and the school music
department’s big, annual fundraiser,
under the direction of Ashby Gold-
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46 Vero Beach 32963 / November 23, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
ray of light hits a glass prism and let will have a live orchestra pooch-friendly event is free, and
reflects in multiple beautiful indi- for the first time. Brought there’s always a nice balance of food,
vidual color bands.” Although groups together specifically for this beverages, shopping, gallery brows-
of student musicians and dancers glittering presentation will ing and dancing opportunities, all to
perform during the school year, the be professional musicians the live music of the band-du-mois.
Prism Concert provides an opportu- from several counties and Bringing the music this month will
nity to showcase smaller groups and advanced student musicians, be Collins and Company. The party’s
individual presentations of music under the baton of VBHS Or- from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.
and dance, with the Concert Bands, chestra Director Matt
Jazz Band, Flag and Dance Line, and Stott, who studied Gallery 14.
the SRHS Choral Program. Holiday conducting at Julliard,
themes and comedy will be part of and has overseen the 5 The works of artists Judy Stach
the evening as well. Be sure to tuck VBHS orchestral pro- and Ruth Martin are inspired by
some tissues into your pocket or gram grow from six to
purse because the Grand Finale will more than 150 orches- the out-of-doors and are currently dis-
feature the full chorus, the adrena- tral musicians; and
line-stirring drum line and the en- the school’s orches- played at Gallery 14 in the exhibition
tire 250-member Marching Sharks tras have consistently
Band. I get shivers just picturing it. been rated ‘Superior’ “Coastal Living, A Different Perspec-
Prism Concert shows will take place by the Florida Orchestra As-
at the school’s Performing Arts Cen- sociation at both district and
ter Thursday and Friday at 7 p.m.; state levels. Tickets are $11
Saturday at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m.; and to $22. Show times are 2 p.m.
Sunday at 2 p.m. Tickets are $25 and and 7 p.m.
$30 for upper mezzanine; $15 and $20
for lower mezzanine; $5 for students Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker Ballet. tive – Impressionist Realism.” A New
under 18 (Sections A and D only). The
Prism Concert is always a great way kovsky’s Nutcracker Ballet, will offer 4 Christmas (and music) Jersey native, Stach is founder of the
to start the holiday season with your two fully staged performances this will be in the air and S.
family. Saturday at the VBHS Performing Arts Plein Air Painters of the Jersey Coast,
Center. The young dancers have been
in rehearsal for months and months, Claus has plans to swoop in for a lit- and winters in Vero. Her seascapes
and there is a great deal of extra ex-
citement this year because the bal- tle pre-Christmas ho-ho this Friday and landscapes come alive with romp-
during Vero’s popular Downtown ing children, sailboats skimming the
Friday Street Party, smack in the waves and gardeners lovingly tending
3 The 10th annual Vero Classi- heart of the Historic Downtown Dis- flowers. Vero Beach artist Martin pulls
cal Ballet presentation of the
trict at 14th Avenue and 20th Street inspiration from Canada’s lakes and
treasured Christmas classic, Tchai- (aka State Road 60). This family- and Florida’s ocean and waterways.
48 Vero Beach 32963 / November 23, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
‘VeriStrat’ test may be a revolutionary cancer diagnostic
Staff Writer
Dr. Kali Freeman, hematopatholo-
gist and medical director at the Indian
River Medical Center’s pathology de-
partment, isn’t prone to hyperbole.
So, when she starts using words like
“incredible” and “exciting” and “im-
pressive” about a new kind of diagnos-
tic test, it’s probably time to start pay-
ing close attention.
For the record, the American Asso-
ciation of Medical Colleges calls he-
matopathologists like Freeman “truly
the doctor’s doctor,” because they are
board-certified in both clinical and
anatomical pathology and, it says,
“they form the basis of every physi-
cian’s thinking about the patient and
that patient’s treatment.”
So what triggered Freeman’s initial
outburst of enthusiasm? A newly-ap-
proved blood-based genetic test that
may very well revolutionize the way
cancer in general – and non-small-cell
lung cancer in particular – is treated.
As the American Lung Association
points out, “lung cancer (a non-small-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 23, 2017 49
cell type of cancer) is the nation’s of Tarceva, a drug which interferes take a couple years for the medical “It is important to understand,”
leading cause of cancer deaths and with the activity of a specific protein community to kind of adapt to it, be- Freeman concludes, “that at this
every year 11,943 Florida residents are called “epidermal growth factor re- cause it’s a new way of thinking.” point we can’t use [these blood tests]
diagnosed with the disease.” ceptor,” or that same patient might be to diagnose [the existence of] can-
started on specialized chemotherapy “Right now we still have the tradi- cer. It’s only to identify mutations
That’s where the “VeriStrat” blood or on some other gene-specific tar- tional mentality of thinking the pa- that will lead to targeted therapy,”
test created by pharma company Bio- geted therapy. tient needs to have imaging and then but it’s also clear she expects that to
desix comes into play. needs to have a biopsy and then it change, too.
Again, it’s a time-saver and way of goes to pathology and that whole pro-
Bloomberg describes Biodesix as “a targeting cancer most effectively. The cess can take weeks,” Freeman says, “There are people who are invest-
molecular diagnostic company that goal – in essence – is to avoid putting “but with [these tests] the patient ing a lot of money into liquid biop-
discovers, develops and commercial- patients into therapies and treat- can have their bronchoscopy today sies,” she says, and someday in the
izes cancer tests that help patients ments which, statistically, do not fare and three days from now they could not too distant future, a simple blood
and their doctors to make informed well against that patient’s specific potentially know if they have the bio- test may, indeed, replace biopsies and
decisions about treatment based on type of cancer. markers to get special chemotherapy. a host of other tests for finding, diag-
a patient’s unique molecular profile.” So, it’s speeding up the process from nosing and most effectively treating
“I think it’s incredible,” Freeman diagnosis to therapy.” virtually all types of cancer.
The company’s VeriStrat test was repeats, but … “I think it’s going to
approved by the FDA in June 2016.
“It’s called a liquid biopsy,” says
Freeman, “and it’s incredible.”
“For patients with lung cancer,”
Freeman continues, “in order to make
a diagnosis [and then determine a
course of treatment] we have to go
into the lung with a bronchoscope or
with a CT-guided needle and take a
biopsy. Then after we get the biopsy
and pathology and process it, we do
our specials stains and then we send
it out for molecular studies.”
All of that takes time; usually at
least a month and sometimes longer
before treatment can begin. Until
Almost gleefully, Freeman points to
a recent case at IRMC using the VeriS-
trat liquid biopsy.
“We had a patient recently in the
emergency room who was found to
have a mass – a lung mass – and with-
in 11 days that patient was able to
start [targeted] chemotherapy. Eleven
days. I think right now the median
national time from diagnosis to ther-
apy is 30 days.”
The 19-day difference might not
sound huge to some people, but time
is not on the side of cancer patients
and starting treatment sooner rather
than weeks later can make a big dif-
ference in outcomes with aggressive
Freeman shares a personal story
which – in no small part – explains
her enthusiasm for the rapid diagno-
sis allowed by the new test.
“I’m very passionate about this,”
she says. “When I was in medical
school my mom was diagnosed with
pancreatic cancer and it literally took
her probably two and half months to
start chemotherapy. She died a month
and a half later.”
So what does this new VeriStrat test
do? In short, tumors have their own
DNA and “shed” tiny pieces of that
DNA into the bloodstream. “Capi-
talizing on that,” Freeman explains,
“the VeriStrat blood tests finds those
little fragments of DNA, amplifies
them and then looks for targetable
Depending on the test results, the
patient may be started on a program
50 Vero Beach 32963 / November 23, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
In a first, scientists edit patient’s DNA inside his body
BY ARIANA EUNJUNG CHA the patient, this is the first to attempt in an interview with the gene therapy treatments that
The Washington Post to edit them inside the body. The Washington have moved into human testing in
Post. “There would recent years.
Scientists have attempted to cure “This is opening up a whole new be some benefits, but
a patient with a rare genetic disorder field of medicine,” said Sandy Mac- this is really a first But Topol cautioned that “we are
by rewriting the DNA inside his body, rae, president of Sangamo Therapeu- step to being able to in the earliest days” and that pa-
in a first-of-its-kind therapy they tics, which funded the trial. “You can treat children.” tients will have to be carefully moni-
hope could one day be applied to nu- imagine all the diseases that now be- tored for years for safety. Among the
merous other conditions including come possible to treat when you can Macrae said Ma- biggest risks is “off-target” edits that
hemophilia and sickle cell disease. put in a new copy of the gene, or turn deux has returned could lead to a whole host of other is-
it up or turn it down.” home and that he sues beyond the disease the patient
The procedure, which took place understands the pa- started with.
last week at the University of Califor- Symptoms of Hunter syndrome of- tient is doing well.
nia at San Francisco’s Benioff Chil- ten appear around the time a baby Madeux’s doctors will Among the biggest risks, Topol
dren’s Hospital in Oakland, Calif., turns 1 and are progressive. Those follow up in the com- said: “you could unleash a genome to
involved sending into the patient’s who suffer from the disease are not ing weeks to see whether enough of start a cancer process.”
body what the Associated Press de- able to break down certain sub- the enzyme is being produced and
scribed as “billions of copies of a cor- stances that can lead to damage to whether any tissue damage is being Right now, Topol said, we can de-
rective gene and a genetic tool to cut the lungs, heart, brain and nervous reversed. Doctors will also look for liver new genes into only a few parts
his DNA in a precise spot.” system. Those with the most severe improvements in the patient’s walk- of the body, which limits the types of
form die by their teenage years. ing ability and respiratory function. diseases we can treat. These are the
These edits are designed to en- eyes, blood and liver. Madeux’s treat-
able the patient, 44-year-old Brian Macrae said the company’s goal is Gene editing is one of the most ex- ment targeted the liver to stimulate
Madeux, to produce an enzyme that to be able to treat children with the citing and active frontiers of medi- production of the needed enzyme.
would counteract a metabolic dis- disease and that, if progress is satis- cine, and there are no fewer than
ease he suffers from known as Hunt- factory, tests could begin as soon as 12 trials in progress using different A growing number of scientists,
er syndrome. next year. techniques to treat diseases of the including those at Sangamo, are try-
eye, blood and metabolism, accord- ing to figure out how to modify genes
While there have been a few cases of “In older patients, some of those ing to scientists in the field. in the brain. Macrae is excited as he
doctors modifying a patient’s genes in changes from the disease would explains how this would open up the
a lab and then putting them back into be already locked in and wouldn’t Until recently, the field had been possibility of treat devastating con-
change by this treatment,” he said almost at standstill after the death of ditions including Alzheimer’s, which
a clinical trial volunteer named Jesse affects 5.5 million Americans.
Gelsinger after a gene therapy proce-
dure. But momentum has built up in But, Macrae said, “before we all get
the past few years with the invention overexcited, we have to see this first
of the CRISPR tool that allows for step through.” We should know in a
more precise editing of the genome. few months whether Madeux’s treat-
ment worked.
Madeux’s treatment involved a sim-
ilar technology known as zinc finger
nucleases (ZFNs). A third type of edit-
ing called transcription activator-like
effector nucleases (TALENs) is also
being tested for medical applications.
Eric Topol, a geneticist and cardi-
ologist at the Scripps Translational
Science Institute, called the new trial
“a very important milestone.”
“I’ve been following medicine over
30 years. I’ve never seen anything
move at this velocity,” Topol said of
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