MELBOURNE BEACH Backers of Greyhound Park slots
cautiously hopeful. P2
Brevard's South Barrier Island Newsweekly Sebastian Arts and Music fest. P10
Brevard Renaissance Fest
is ‘exploding’ in popularity. P8
MY TAKE Proposal aimed
at ethics reform
BY WILLIAM SOKOLIC gets push-back
Vinyl comeback turns
table on ‘progress’
When I unpacked some Much-needed sand infusion for south island beaches BY WILLIAM SOKOLIC
boxes upon arrival in Brevard Staff Writer
County, I discovered a hand- BY CHRIS BONANNO According to the Brevard Beach Park south to the Se-
ful of vinyl records. A greatest Staff Writer County Natural Resources bastian Inlet State Park in John Tobia, one of three
hits album from Dionne War- Department, county com- November – work slated to new members of the Bre-
wick and the Four Seasons The beaches of southern missioners approved emer- start this week. vard County Board of Com-
singing songs by Bob Dylan Brevard are receiving some gency sand placement along missioners, thought he had
and Burt Bacharach/Hal Da- much-needed sand replen- an area stretching from Mike McGarry, beach proj- drafted a good proposal to
vid, to name a couple. Oldies ishment. Spessard Holland South ect manager with the depart- present to his colleagues.
but goodies. Or you might say
archaic. Antiquated. CONTINUED ON PAGE 5 Simply put, he crafted an
ordinance that would require
Who has a turntable anyway? paid lobbyists in the county
Turns out you can buy a to register and be put on a da-
new one at Best Buy from $100 tabase for all to see. It would
to $300. You can also buy new also require a public record of
vinyl records as well old ones every meeting between a lob-
these days. Vinyl has been on
the upswing and every artist CONTINUED ON PAGE 5
with any attitude wants their
product on vinyl these days, Awaiting new rules,
defects and all. Like the Kill- Satellite Beach puts
ers’ new album, “Hot Fuss.” pot shops on hold
Or “I See You” by the The xx.
And Taylor Swift’s “1989.” BY GEORGE WHITE
“A lot of times smaller in- Staff Writer
die groups insist on a vinyl
Just to be safe, Melbourne airport No medical marijuana
police add ‘long guns’ to arsenal dispensaries will be allowed
to open in Satellite Beach
BY CHRIS BONANNO Officers at the airport are at least until next winter, as
Staff Writer now carrying long guns that the City Council awaits new
are a variant of the AR-15 rules from the state.
Passengers at Orlando-Mel- model, not just sidearms.
bourne International Airport Voters approved the sale
will notice a change in security “You’re seeing one of the and use of medical marijuana
on future visits, if they haven’t more visible procedures that in the last election, but on Jan.
already. we have in place to ensure 18 the council voted unani-
mously to put a moratorium
CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 in place until Nov. 30, mean-
ing no dispensaries will be
January 26, 2017 Volume 2, Issue 4 Newsstand Price $1.00 Genetic research
offers hope for
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© 2016 Vero Beach 32963 Media LLC. All rights reserved.
2 Melbourne Beach 32951 | January 26, 2017 Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™
Slots of progress, but political arms must still be pulled
BY WILLIAM SOKOLIC PHOTO BY RYAN CLAPPER craps and sic-bo, and wheel games, such as roulette
Staff Writer and big six at any of its locations;
ing in a comprehensive manner that balances the
Supporters of slot machines at Melbourne Grey- interests of an industry that has contributed to Allows pari-mutuel venues to offer slot ma-
hound Park are hopeful after the introduction of Florida’s economy with our ongoing revenue-shar- chines in the counties where pro-slots referendums
comprehensive new legislation by Sen. Bill Gal- ing agreement with the Seminole Tribe and the succeeded, including Brevard, providing they con-
vano (R-Bradenton) to revise a compact with the authority of local voters, all while maximizing rev- ducted live racing within the prior two years;
Seminole Tribe to permit slot machines in Brevard enues to the state,” Galvano said.
and seven other counties where voters approved Allows racing permit-holders to determine
such games in prior referendums. The bill includes ideas from several senators and whether they will continue to offer live racing as
addresses what Galvano described as antiquated they operate slots machines or cardrooms;
As introduced earlier this month, the legislation and ambiguous regulations. “[It] balances the will
(SB 8) would also eliminate the requirement that of the voters who have authorized additional games Reduces state tax on slot revenues from 35
pari-mutuel locations like the dog track that offer and locations with a retraction of gaming permits percent to 25 percent;
slot machines maintain live racing – a detail known across the state.”
as decoupling. Allows a gaming area to be located anywhere
Among the recommended changes: within a gambling property. Existing law requires
“It is a good bill,” said Jim O’Brien, president and Permits the Tribe to offer dice games, such as that gaming be located within the racing facility or
CEO of Melbourne Greyhound Park. “I’d like to see in an existing building that is contiguous and con-
it enacted. It will be good for jobs and growth in the nected to the facility;
state. It makes sense. We’re a changing industry
and need to react to the changes.” Permits the venues to offer complimentary
or reduced-costs alcoholic beverages to a person
But it is far from certain the legislation will be playing a slot machine and allows automatic teller
approved as written. The state has to find com- machines and similar devices to provide credit or
mon ground with the Seminole Tribe, which runs dispense cash.
casinos throughout the state. Portions of the 20-
year compact signed in 2010 between the state A proposed agreement between Gov. Rick Scott
and the Tribe expired in 2015 and a revised agree- and the Tribe called for the Seminoles to pay the
ment failed to get through the legislature last year state $3 billion over seven years in exchange for be-
– which could happen again. ing allowed to operate craps and roulette games.
That agreement needs to be renegotiated along
“My goal has been to address all aspects of gam- with the provisions of Galvano’s bill before any
changes can be enacted. As it stands now, approval
of slots in any county other than Broward and Mi-
Pot shops “We need to keep it out,” the man
told councilmembers. “They say it’s
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 not addictive but I’ve seen what it
permitted in the city prior to that date.
City manager Courtney Barker Barker explained that the action
before council was a matter of timing
said Satellite Beach must ultimately and not a decision about permanent-
follow state law allowing the sale of ly prohibiting local medical marijua-
medical marijuana, but that any lo- na dispensaries.
cal action to grant permits for dis-
pensaries before state rules and Once the state regulations are in
regulations are established could be place, “we will have to allow them to
problematic for the city. locate in the city by the state law,” she
said. “That ship has already sailed;
“We’ve already gotten inquiries the vote was already done. I don’t
from business owners asking what our want people to think we’re outlawing
rules are,” Barker said. “We really don’t it forever. It’s just until the state cre-
want to permit a dispensary and then ates those rules.”
they would have to close down. The
state will create guidelines for the dis- In other action, the council ap-
pensaries and how they will be regu- proved the purchase of three contigu-
lated throughout the state of Florida.” ous properties totaling 1.03 acres for
$491,500 for a key stormwater treat-
The state is expected to come up ment project.
with the regulations governing medi-
cal marijuana sales by June. The properties, located on the cor-
ner of Jackson Avenue and South Pat-
“If we didn’t do this [moratorium] rick Drive, will be used for an L-shaped
and businesses do come in and we let retention pond that will treat storm-
that happen, it wouldn’t be the state water from the David R. Schechter
that looks like the bad guy,” Barker Community Center along with runoff
added. “We would look like the bad from Jackson Avenue.
guy. It’s a better decision to not get
anything started until we know what City officials said the project will
all the rules are.” solve one of the city’s last remaining
major stormwater problems.
A resident spoke briefly on the mea-
sure during the council’s public com- “This is a big one and will substan-
ment but asked not to be named fear- tially reduce’’ the amount of stormwa-
ing “backlash” from other residents. ter pollution flowing directly into the
Indian River Lagoon, Barker said.
Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™ Melbourne Beach 32951 | January 26, 2017 3
ami-Dade would forfeit the lucrative Galvano expected the Senate Reg- passage of any gambling proposal re- upcoming committee meetings and
money the Tribe pays Florida in ex- ulated Industries Committee to take mains “a heavy lift,” he said. continuing to work with Gov. Scott,
change for exclusivity. up the measure at its Jan. 25 meeting, the Florida House, the Seminole
as lawmakers prepare for the March “While this represents an impor- Tribe, industry representatives and
“The Tribe is taking time to carefully 7 start of the annual legislative ses- tant step, there is still a great deal constituents across the state in the
review the bill before commenting on sion. However, as in previous years, of work to be done. I look forward to weeks to come.”
it,” said Tribe spokesman Gary Bitner. discussing the bill further during the
4 Melbourne Beach 32951 | January 26, 2017 Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™
My Take per minute), which had a single song mat.” Vinyl is also more tangible than Surprisingly, about 75 percent of
on each side, for a total of two “tracks,” a CD. And streaming has no feel at all. Lanza’s business comes from high
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 and 12-inch diameter, long-playing school and college people. “They buy
“LPs” that had multiple songs on each Not to mention the great album all kinds of albums, not just the new
release, sometimes before it comes side. That’s right, to hear the entire al- cover art which kind of loses its aura stuff. It’s very impressive.”
out on digital,” said Chris Lanza, who bum, you had to physically turn it over in a CD case. Think Beatles. Think
knows a thing or two about vinyl and when side one concluded. Led Zeppelin. To no one’s surprise, Vinyl Request
its resurgence. About 18 months ago, sells a lot of Beatles records. “Every-
he converted a hobby into a business Vinyl gave way to 8-tracks which “You interact more with vinyl rath- body loves the Beatles. Probably the
and opened up Vinyl Request Records gave way to cassettes which gave way er than just hitting the play button,” most in-demand Beatles LP is the
in Melbourne. to CDs (compact discs), which are Lanza said. “You also pay more at- White Album.”
now being displaced by digital down- tention to the entire album instead of
For those too young to even remem- loads. And each step along the way just listening to the greatest hits.” For me, I’m kind of glad there is a
ber cassettes – let alone 8-track tapes meant buying an entire new collec- comeback, adding truth to the adage
– vinyl records were the CDs of the tion of Beatles albums. Sales of vinyl LPs and EPs were up that everything old eventually be-
1950s, 1960s and 1970s. They came in 32 percent in 2015 to $416 million, comes new again. I just have to invest
the form of 7-inch diameter “singles” In last April’s issue of Fortune Mag- their highest level since 1988, accord- in a turntable so I can listen to Frankie
or 45s (for the number of revolutions azine, writer Chris Morris said vinyl ing to the Recording Industry Associ- Valli and his buds doing Dylan proud
has seen a resurgence as hipsters in ation or America. Indeed, such sales singing “Don’t Think Twice,” “Queen
their 20s and early 30s sought a way have made a slow, steady increase Jane Approximately” and “Mr. Tam-
to differentiate their music listening. since their low point of $17.2 mil- bourine Man.”
“The flaws erased by digital added a lion in 2005. Even vinyl singles have
depth and warmth to the music that staged a comeback from $2.3 million Vinyl Request Records is located at
even people who once owned exten- in 2010 to $6.1 million in 2015. CD 1244 Sarno Rd., Melbourne. Call 321-
sive album collections had forgotten sales, while much higher in total in- 208-5455 or visit www.vinylrequestre-
after years of listening to digital mu- come, were down 17 percent in 2015.; you can also check out Car-
sic,” he wrote. oline’s House of Records at 402 Brevard
According to Lanza, new vinyl re- Ave., Cocoa Village. Call 321-633-4600
Said Lanza, “You cannot get the leases outsold CDs in 2016. “In Eu- or visit
same sound quality from a digital for- rope, vinyl even outsold digital down-
loads,” he said.
Airport security in the airport. “I have not noticed doesn’t bother me,” Patterson said. “I
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 any change other than this guy over travel to central America and differ-
here,” Zaricki said, indicating a near- ent parts of the world. I prefer to see
public safety at MLB,” said Lori Book- by officer holding a semi-automatic armed policemen, not armed bad
er, spokesperson for the airport, who AR-15 rifle. guys.”
added that the airport’s police force
consists of 15 armed officers. “I do a lot of travel all over the world Booker added that in her decade-
and it’s pretty typical to see heavily- plus with the Melbourne airport she
“We’re a city within a city,” Booker armed law enforcement people in air- could not recall a significant security
said. “Chief Renee Purden is respon- ports, so it doesn’t bother me at all.” incident taking place.
sible for the public safety, not just of
our passengers, but our employees, John Patterson of Jefferson City, “We have one of the most highly-
our staff and all of our tenants, which Mo., said the presence of the “long trained airport police departments in
includes a 700-resident retirement guns” was reassuring to him. the country. Our focus is on preven-
community on site as well. We’ve tion and public safety,” Booker said.
estimated 19,000 people are on our “I own one of those long guns so it
property daily.” PHOTO BY JULIAN LEEK
Airport security has been a hot top-
ic recently, with a mass shooting in
January at the Ft. Lauderdale Interna-
tional Airport and attacks at airports
in Brussels, Belgium, and Istanbul,
Turkey, in 2016 putting the issue back
in the spotlight.
Passengers at Orlando-Melbourne
International Airport seemed to be
taking the added security in stride.
Rod Clark of Indian Harbour Beach
said that this trip to the airport was
the first time he had seen security of-
ficers carrying the “long guns,” but
added that he felt safe in Melbourne.
“I’m very comfortable with the air-
port,” Clark said. “They do a good job
policing traffic and everything, so
I think they do a good job . . . I used
to live in Atlanta before I moved here
and I feel more comfortable here than
I did flying out of Hartsfield[-Jackson
Atlanta International Airport].”
Adam Zaricki of Melbourne Beach
said it was business as usual for him
in his travels and that he too felt safe
Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™ Melbourne Beach 32951 | January 26, 2017 5
Sand renourishment PHOTO BY JULIAN LEEK
In addition to more sand being placed in the
ment, said 97,000 cubic yards of sand would be de- area, sea oats will be planted along the beaches.
ployed along the stretch of land beginning around
Jan. 23. The sand, McGarry said, would be dumped “The sea oats will be installed on the new sand and
and spread in an effort to replenish a beach project the sea oats do a couple of things,” McGarry said.
undertaken in 2005. “Their roots help stabilize the newly-placed sand and
their presence captures any wind-blown sand over
“Some very limited work was completed in No- time. Thirdly, they’re a native plant and they provide
vember [after Hurricane Matthew] by the county, a natural habitat and frontage which both the wildlife
and additional sand placement work is already un- and humans that use the beach are used to seeing.”
derway by some homeowners who are placing sand
at their own expense,” McGarry said. McGarry added that most of the funds for the
2005 project came from the Brevard County Tourist
The project is expected to last until mid-Spring. Development Council, but that because the current
“Our environmental permits require that the erosion occurred during a “declared emergency”
work be finished by May first, which is the start of he said that his agency is “working towards FEMA
the main turtle nesting season,” McGarry added. assistance to cover the cost.”
“We have permit authority to work in March and
April, in early turtle nesting season.” Contact Bonanno at [email protected]
That need for sand arose after Hurricane Mat- and follow Chris on Twitter @FTChrisBonanno.
thew caused substantial beach erosion in the area
when it passed near Brevard in early October.
“In my observation, the south end of the county
was more heavily impacted than further north and
that’s why we’re beginning restoration efforts there
first,” McGarry said.
McGarry noted that other projects for beaches
further up the coast, including those in Indialantic
and Satellite Beach, which he said suffered “some
losses,” are also in the works.
Ethics reform Tobia provided a copy of the ordi- Commission Chair Curt Smith said the staff determine who is a lobby-
nance to each of his four colleagues most of the counties with this kind of ist? How does a staffer know who is
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 six days prior to the meeting, asking ordinance are heavily Democratic. being paid or whether it’s just a con-
for suggestions. He received none. cerned citizen? This would infringe
byist and elected officials. “I am thinking as a Republican,” on my rights and enforcement is im-
He said similar laws have worked “They either did not go through it Smith said. “We don’t need another possible.”
or saw no need for ethical reform,” he layer of government to fix a problem
well on the municipal and county lev- said. “This is an effort to identify folks that isn’t there. I am not sure I am for Archer seemingly did not grasp that
el throughout the state, in Ft. Lauder- paid to sway the five of us.” it at this time.” registration would make the distinc-
dale, Leon County, Lee County and tion between lobbyists and ordinary
Collier County, among others. Tobia noted that his definition of Tobia took the veiled accusation citizens clear and make it possible for
lobbyist is someone paid specifically that he might be a closet Democrat commissioners, staffers and the pub-
Tobia introduced the proposal at to speak up on behalf of an organi- in good humor. “I’ve been called lic to know when a paid advocate is
the Jan. 10 commissioners meeting zation or company, but Commission worse,” he said. “None of this is trying to influence Commission deci-
and was roundly attacked by three Vice-Chair Rita Pritchett said the groundbreaking. It will have no im- sions.
fellow commissioners who said paid definition of a lobbyist needs to be pact on regular constituents. It does
lobbyists should be able to operate further clarified so there is nothing to not infringe on a citizen’s right to Commissioners Rita Pritchett, Jim
under the public radar. restrict citizens from talking to her. speak to officials. If you are not get- Barfield and Curt Smith voted against
“We need to hear both sides of every ting paid to talk with a commission- making lobbyists operate in the sun-
They lambasted the proposal as story. You do not want to hinder that. er, no registration or disclosure is shine.
adding a needless layer of bureau- I can’t impose this on my constitu- required. But you will have the abil-
cracy and unnecessary costs. Oppo- ents.” ity to know if an official met with a Despite some reservations, Com-
nents also said the bill would inter- lobbyist.” missioner Kristine Isnardi voted to
fere with constituents who wanted Commissioner Jim Barfield ques- pursue the proposal. “I hate to throw
to complain to their commissioner tioned whether lawyers and engi- As in Collier County and other ju- the baby out with the bath water. I
or citizens with a recommendation – neers who represent clients coming risdictions, the ordinance would like this ordinance. It helps build
an odd objection since the proposal before the board would be deemed require lobbyists to pay a registra- public trust. But it does need some
plainly puts no restrictions of any lobbyists. tion fee. In Brevard’s case, the fee is work to insure that these are just for
kind on constituents communicating designed in part to cover the cost of paid lobbyists.”
with commissioners. “If I have the president of a home- a database program to be purchased
owners association speaking to any from Ft. Lauderdale for $10,000. “The Tobia admitted the document is
The lobbyist bill is part of a two- of the commissioners, he is not a lob- cost would be recouped in two years, not perfect. “I took the best practices
pronged effort by Tobia to institute byist. If the association hires an at- and not create any new work for the from other cities and counties.”
ethics reform. The second part of the torney to speak on their behalf, he staff,” Tobia said.
effort will deal with use of cellphones would be a lobbyist,” County attorney Don Walker, county spokesman,
during commission meetings, the Jeffrey A. Klatzkow said. Pam LaSalle, a Viera resident, fa- said at some point the registration
phenomenon of commissioners turn- vors the proposal. “It’s a small step in plan could come back up. “But highly
ing lobbyist after leaving office, and According to Klatzkow, the county the right direction. It would increase unlikely any time soon, and not with-
travel expenditures. has had a lobbyist law on the books transparency and provide a shortcut out some amendments,” he said.
for years and no one has complained. to follow where the money is.”
“I started with low-hanging fruit,” Tobia doesn’t know when he will re-
he said of the lobbyist registration. “It works fine. We understand who But Ronald Archer, of Mims, op- introduce a revamped version. “I will
“Who is not for ethics reform? Well, it is talking to us, if it’s a member of poses the bill. “I speak on behalf of not bring it up again until the make-
three people.” the public or someone paid to talk to various Mims’ groups. How does up of the commission changes. I hope
us,” he said. it’s sooner rather than later.”
8 Melbourne Beach 32951 | January 26, 2017 Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly
The Brevard Renaissance Festival, held weekends at Wickham Park in Melbourne through Feb. 5, is rapidly becoming one of the biggest events on the Space Coast. PHOTOS: BENJAMIN THACKER
Brevard Renaissance Fest ‘exploding’ in popularity
BY CHRIS BONANNO tended last year. onstrations, along with any number One member of that group was
Staff Writer “We knew this year that we want- of vendors selling food and an as- Stacey Knutson, who was dressed as
sortment of goods, many of which a gentleman privateer from the Eliz-
What has rapidly become one ed to get Brevard an even bigger in- are themed to the event. abethan age. “We like to walk the
of the biggest events on the Space sight into the ren fair experience so walk, talk the talk, dress the part,”
Coast is on track to welcome in up- we built a jousting field; we brought Among the vendors is David he explained.
wards of 20,000 people over the next in some more medieval-style rides, Graves of Palm Bay, whose company
two weeks. The Brevard Renaissance increased our act load. We have Spiral Flutes specializes in making Rachael Brooks, also from Orlan-
Festival, held weekends at Wickham about 110 shows a day on our seven hand-crafted Native American-style do, was dressed as an assassin from
Park in Melbourne through Feb. 5, stages,” said DeRivi. “Every half an f lutes. the Assassin’s Creed video games
has already started off strong, with hour we have a different act playing series. When asked how long it took
thousands attending the fair this on a stage.” “It’s exploding. This is an explod- to put together her costume, she ad-
past weekend. ing event,” Graves said. “I think this mitted, “For a year, actually. I hand-
He stressed that the actors per- is going to be, for Brevard County made the belt and the bracer and put
Last year’s event was held over forming are all top quality. and Melbourne in general, this is go- everything together myself.”
two weekends and Anthony De- ing to be like a boom.”
Rivi, executive producer of the fair, “We have 10 of the top ren fair ac- “I think (my) favorite part is meet-
said it was a success despite the tions from the country; California, Many of the attendees also get into ing people just like you that you can
presence of inclement weather. He Texas, New Orleans, Massachusetts,” the spirit of the festival, dressing up hang out with, but you get to do it as
was hopeful that this year’s three- DeRivi said. “They’ve all come into in sometimes elaborate costumes. your favorite character,” added Da-
weekend event would surpass the Florida.” One group from Orlando had obvi- vid Townsend, also of Orlando.
approximate 15,000 patrons who at- ously spent a lot of time, and per-
But there is far more to the “Olde haps money, to look the part of an Visit
World Faire” than the shows. There era gone by. for full details and ticket prices.
are also a number of rides and dem-
Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly Melbourne Beach 32951 | January 26, 2017 9
10 Melbourne Beach 32951 | January 26, 2017 Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly
Something for everyone at Sebastian Arts and Music fest
Staff Writer
Sebastian’s Riverview Park was ture, jewelry and photography. at the festival. Nogueira takes his Pam Raymond and Fran Mullan. PHOTOS: GORDON RADFORD
brimming with activity last week- The works by stone artist A. Cesar cues from Mother Nature to create Ray McLendon (L) chats about his art with Donna Phillips.
end, as huge crowds of people extraordinary winged sculptures
strolled about and visited with the Nogueira were perfect examples of using natural gemstones. Bobbie Matus shows off her fused glass.
various artists and craftsmen dis- some of the unique artistry offered A. Cesar Nogueira.
playing their outstanding works “Each color is a different stone; I
of art at the 16th annual Sebastian don’t use any paint,” Nogueira ex- Lori Honeycutt Photography.
Riverfront Fine Arts and Music Fes- plained. “Mother Nature gives me
tival. the tools, but I have to do the work.”
Event director Lisanne Robin- There was something for seem-
son said she was thrilled with the ingly everyone and every pocket-
number of artists participating this book, whether shoppers were look-
year, especially given the storm that ing for small accent pieces or larger
wreaked havoc with many of their investments.
booths the previous year.
“I can’t believe how big it’s
“At least 80 percent of the artists grown,” said Paulette Vander Wie-
that were here last year returned for de, who has attended every festival
the festival,” Robinson said. “Last since its inception. “We come every
year’s weather didn’t scare them year and enjoy all of the different
off.” types of artwork.”
More than 130 artists and crafts- Taking a break from perusing the
men from all over the country were varied selections, attendees were
on hand to share their work in medi- lured in by the aroma of the deli-
ums ranging from watercolors, oils cious food choices from local ven-
and acrylics to stained glass, sculp- dors and could wash it all down with
a beer from the H.A.L.O. tent. And
to top it all off, there was continu-
ous live entertainment with bands
playing everything from blues and
soul to Reggae and folk music. It
was truly a day of overload for all
five senses.
“It’s a beautiful venue and over
the years the show has gained a
wonderful positive checkmark from
the artists,” said Robinson.
Proceeds from the event help pro-
mote the arts and cultural enhance-
ment in Sebastian, with funds used
to provide gift certificates for art sup-
plies at Sebastian Elementary Schools,
Sebastian Charter Junior High School
and four accredited pre-schools.
Brass appeal: Talented trio
keeps FIT crowd hoppin’
12 Melbourne Beach 32951 | January 26, 2017 Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™
Brass appeal: Talented trio keeps FIT crowd hoppin’
BY CHRIS BONANNO Mary Bowden, Milana Strezeva, Alexis Smith. P HOTOS BY JULLIAN LEEK
Staff Writer Mary Bowden. P HOTOS BY JULLIAN LEEK
A couple hundred patrons were porting the humanities here at Flor- performed for the trio in what is known docket, slated for March 21 at the center.
treated to an evening of classical mu- ida Tech,” said Dale Pierce of Mel- as a master class performance. “We have gotten more students over-
sic and jazz as the Brass-Hoppers Trio bourne, asked why he wanted to
performed at the Florida Institute of attend the free event. The performance on Jan. 17 was just all,” Khan added. “With our perfor-
Technology’s Gleason Performing Arts the first of many musical performances mances, there’s bigger audiences every
Center on Tuesday evening. Earlier in the day, students from Florida Tech will hold in its spring se- semester. advertise it so more and more
Florida Tech and local high schools mester. A student concert is next on the students come out.”
The trio consists of trumpeter
Mary Elizabeth Bowden, pianist Mi-
lana Strezeva and trombonist Donna
Parkes. However, Parkes was unable
to attend the performance at Florida
Tech, and Alexis Smith filled in for
the evening.
The three are all highly-acclaimed
musicians. Bowden, according to FIT,
has degrees from the Curtis Institute of
Music and Yale School of Music. Smith
graduated from The Juilliard School
and Strezeva has both bachelor’s and
master’s degrees from Juilliard.
For Bowden, her performances are
the realization of a dream that began
at a young age.
“I started in the fifth-grade band
program and we had a really great
brass teacher,” Bowden said. “I knew
probably around age 12 or 13 that I
wanted to be a professional musician.”
It wasn’t easy to rise to such an ex-
pert level of proficiency.
“I think it takes a really high level of
commitment and many, many hours
of dedicated practice,” Bowden said.
It makes a lot of sense, then, that
Bowden particularly enjoys perform-
ing at a venue such as Florida Tech to
meet those who have goals like she
started out with.
“I love meeting younger musicians
who want to become performers,”
Bowden said.
Students seemed equally excited
that the trio was able to make time out
of what seemed like a busy schedule.
“It’s really awesome for the music
program that we can have special
guests come in and give master class-
es to students and to local people,”
said Anisa Khan, a sophomore at the
school whose major is chemical en-
gineering but who is also pursuing a
minor in music.
Bowden and her bandmates per-
formed both as a group and individu-
ally at various points throughout the
Additionally, the group played mu-
sic from a number of composers.
The performance began with Joseph
Turrin’s “Fandango” and included
Jacque s Casterede’s “Concertino” be-
fore concluding with selections from
George Gershwin’s “Porgy and Bess.”
“I love jazz and I really love sup-
Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™ Melbourne Beach 32951 | January 26, 2017 13
Coming Up: Delightful ‘On the Town’ at Cocoa Village
BY MICHELLE GENZ Robbins. The story turns on three Now 72, Knight is still a powerful pop covers of current stars including
Staff Writer sailors arriving in New York City on vocalist, one of the few female stars Bruno Mars, Alicia Keyes, Adele and
24-hour leave; each meets a girl in from the 1960s still drawing crowds Sam Smith.
a hurry, of course. The 1949 film to large venues. Though her latest al-
starred Frank Sinatra and Gene Kel- bums have been gospel-driven, she’s Born in Atlanta, Knight got her start
ley. In Cocoa, the production runs paying tribute these days to icons at age 7 on the Ted Mack Amateur
through Feb. 12. like Ella Fitzgerald, offering a mov- Hour. The next year she and family
ing cover of “Someone to Watch Over members formed the Pips. She joined
2 Two weeknight free jazz con- Me” in a stop in Massachusetts two Motown in 1966 with the hit single “I
certs are offered up next week weeks ago. Heard it Through the Grapevine.” They
by the Melbourne Community Or- Also on the program were some CONTINUED ON PAGE 14
chestra. The Jazz for the Soul con-
certs Wednesday and Thursday start
at 7:30 at the Melbourne Auditorium.
They feature the Melbourne Mu- PEACE OF PORCELAIN
nicipal Band’s Swingtime band, and The rich hues and surface textures of
Natalie Blake’s vessels evoke a feeling
there are hints of guest artists Sally of calm. Handmade in Vermont, each
makes a quiet yet elegant statement.
Hart and Len Fallen. In the late 1960s
and early ’70s, Sally Hart once per-
‘On the Town.’ formed regularly on the Lawrence
Welk Show in an act known as Sandi
and Salli. In 1974, she married coun-
1 Opening this weekend at the try singer Clay Hart; they released
Cocoa Village Playhouse is the
some albums together and did a dec-
classic musical “On the Town,” with orating show for the Nashville Net-
music by Leonard Bernstein and work. Since moving to Melbourne,
based on a concept of the great cho- she’s performed at Heidi’s, the Cocoa
reographer and dancer Jerome Rob- Beach jazz club.
bins, who had created the dance
“Fancy Free” to Bernstein’s music. 3 We can all bow down to the Em-
press of Soul on Sunday when
The musical includes the song “New
York, New York” and a number of Gladys Knight gives a concert at Mel-
dance sequences choreographed by bourne’s King Center.
7 72 . 2 3 4 . 6711
14 Melbourne Beach 32951 | January 26, 2017 Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™
ARTS & THEATRE John Lodge.
went on to become the opening act for Marshall on drums. The album “Days
Diana Ross and the Supremes, but the of Future Past,” released in Britain in
competition was too much for Ross, or 1967 and in the U.S. five years later,
so that story goes. She switched to Bud- was the Moody Blues’ keynote address
dah Records and released the massive to the music world, an often cerebral
hit “Midnight Train to Georgia” in 1973. blend of rock with classical music that
In 1986, she joined Elton John, Dionne with songs like “Knights in White Sat-
Warwick and Stevie Wonder on the in” and “Tuesday Afternoon” took the
AIDS fundraiser “That’s What Friends genre out of the realm of screaming,
Are For,” which became a global hit. dancing teenage fans. Lodge performs
Three years ago, she recorded the Len- Friday, Feb. 3, at 8:30 p.m.
ny Kravitz song “You and I Ain’t Nothing
No More” for Lee Daniels’ movie “The 4 This is the last weekend to see
Butler.” the Henegar Center’s “It Shoulda
Then, next weekend at the King Cen- Been You,” a 90-minute musical about
ter, John Lodge, who played a key role in
one of the pioneering progressive rock a lifetime proposition: legally linking
bands the Moody Blues, is touring with
his own band now, having watched his two wildly different families in a wed-
second solo album get considerable
recognition. ding so full of wisecracks, you’d think
The band, named for the album, the you’re watching stand-up. Written by
10,000 Light Years Band, includes a
couple of Moody Blues members be- Brian Hargrove with music by Barba-
sides Lodge, a bass player and vocalist.
There’s Alan Hewitt on keyboards and ra Anselmi, the Henegar’s Hank Rion
Norda Mullen on flute, and Gordon
turns a somewhat tired concept into a
tickle pile with a talented local cast that
includes a number of musical theater
professionals. Performances are Fri-
day and Saturday at 8 p.m., and Sun-
day at 2 p.m.
16 Melbourne Beach 32951 | January 26, 2017 Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly
New chief medical officer stresses safety, teamwork
BY TOM LLOYD vances, or by the pending repeal of
Staff Writer the Affordable Care Act, Grichnik says,
“Every institution, every place, is a
At least one glass ceiling just got Dr. Katherine Grichnik. Review named Grichnik “one of 50 top growing and learning organization.
shattered right here in Vero Beach experts in the field of patient safety.” Layer on top of that the ever-changing
when Dr. Katherine Grichnik took PHOTO: DENISE RITCHIE rules and regulations that we all have
over as the new chief medical officer It is an impressive resume, to say to live up to and the environment of
at Indian River Medical Center on the cal Research Center. the least. healthcare is, I would say, dynamic.”
first day of the New Year. She earned her medical degree at
The Milken Institute School of Pub- Dynamic is an accurate description
According to the U.S. Bureau of Tufts, served her internship at Baylor lic Health at the George Washington of Grichnik, too.
Labor Statistics, approximately 80 and followed those with a residency University describes a chief medical
percent of all healthcare workers are and fellowship at Harvard. officer as “a key member of the senior A mother of two grown children
women but, nationwide, only a very executive team, leading the overall whose husband is the director of the
small percentage of those women ever In April of 2016, Becker’s Hospital clinical vision for the organization Scully-Welsh Cancer Center, Grichnik
make their way to the very top levels of and providing clinical direction, says, “I bring three very different per-
hospital management. medical oversight, expertise and lead- spectives [to IRMC]. I can represent
ership to ensure the delivery of afford- our private practice clinicians here be-
Grichnik has. able, quality healthcare services.” cause I’ve been in that role. I can repre-
A former vice president of qual- sent our employed physicians because
ity and safety at Mednax, the nation’s Despite that high-powered descrip- I’ve been in that role. And I can see the
largest provider of maternal, new- tion, Vero area residents should not administrative piece because it kind of
born, pediatric and anesthesia servic- expect sweeping changes at IRMC in sits in-between.” Her time at Mednax
es, with a network of more than 3,000 the opening days or weeks of Grich- also gives her real-world administra-
physicians – or 10 times the number of nik’s tenure. tion experience in a setting far larger
doctors she’ll be dealing with at IRMC than the Vero hospital.
– Grichnik also served two decades at She says former chief medical of-
Duke University both as a physician ficer and current president of Indian What will Grichnik’s first orders of
and as director of the school’s Center River Medical Associates, Dr. Charles business be as chief medical officer?
of Educational Excellence at its Clini- Mackett, has “done a really amazing Three good bets are an amped-up em-
job over the last few years.” phasis on patient safety, goal-setting
CM and team-building.
COLLINS & MONTZ DENTISTRY And Grichnik, by her own admis-
sion, is somewhat methodical in how “My absolute passion is the culture
cosmetic dentistry preventive dentistry she approaches her new position. of safety. The culture of safety pro-
restorative dentistry dental implants “One thing you should know about grams that I was able to work on – both
me,” she confides, “is I’m a big data at Duke and at Mednax – I definitely
Experience the fusion of traditional person.” would like to make sure we have that
values and modern dentistry. here,” Grichnik says.
That is a good characteristic for a
Dr. J. Hunter Collins Dr. Roger Montz chief medical officer, since “data from Moving on to setting, meeting and
health information technology holds exceeding goals, Dr. Grichnik adds,
524 Ocean Avenue, Melbourne Beach, FL 32951 the promise of controlling costs and “Once we achieve one benchmark we
improving quality significantly,” ac- set for ourselves, we’re going to raise
(321) 725-6565 cording to the U.S. National Library of that benchmark. It’s a process of con-
Medicine. tinual improvement. I think that’s our goal. We are going to be continuously
What that will mean for IRMC won’t improving our organization.”
be evident immediately but it’s worth
keeping an eye on as healthcare in Finally, she tackles teamwork, using
this country continues to change. a medical metaphor.
Whether those changes are Medi- “When you’re in a heart OR, you
care-mandated, brought on by new are interacting in a high-risk, very
pharmaceutical and surgical ad- intense situation with your scrub
nurse, with the circulating nurse,
with the perfusionist, with the sur-
geon, with the anesthesiologist, with
the people who come in and bring
you your supplies, with the person
who goes and gets your blood. Every-
body has to work together. It’s a very
close and tight-knit group that is con-
stantly shifting and working together
as a team,” and that, Grichnik says,
is exactly what she’s aiming to have
throughout the entire hospital.
Oh, and as a self-professed safety
geek, it’s probably an even better bet
that Grichnik has already seen to it
that the shards from that shattered
glass ceiling have been swept up and
disposed of.
Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly Melbourne Beach 32951 | January 26, 2017 17
Fruits and veggies outweigh the risks of pesticides
BY CARA ROSENBLOOM or absence that determines the po- amount and any type of pesticide is Group doesn’t recommend avoiding
tential for harm. bad news. the items on its own Dirty Dozen
Washington Post list. Their website says “the health
Plus, some pesticides are more Even though the Dirty Dozen benefits of a diet rich in fruits and
When you shop for groceries, do toxic than others, but they are all foods do have pesticides, Winter vegetables outweigh the risks of
you carry a copy of the Environ- treated equally in the Environ- says “actual exposure levels are typ- pesticide exposure. Eating conven-
mental Working Group’s “Dirty mental Working Group’s ranking ically millions of times lower than tionally grown produce is far better
Dozen,” list with you? It’s a list of system, which makes for a weak those that are of health concern . . than skipping fruits and vegeta-
the 12 vegetables and fruits with comparison. Unfortunately, that . foods on the Dirty Dozen list are bles.” That should be the key mes-
the most pesticides, and some peo- information is not making its way clearly safe to consume.” sage that everyone hears in 2017.
ple only buy organic versions of the to consumers, who believe that any
items on the list. It’s the companion Even the Environmental Working
piece to the “Clean Fifteen,” which
showcases the 15 options with the
least pesticides.
These annual reports generate
a lot of media coverage, and their
presence seems to influence our
grocery shopping habits. But re-
search shows that the lists may be
doing more harm than good.
It’s vital to eat your veggies. Low
in calories but rich in vitamins and
antioxidants, vegetables and fruits
have been linked with a reduced
risk of heart disease, cancer, dia-
betes and obesity. Yet, most Ameri-
cans aren’t getting enough. Could
the “Dirty Dozen” list may be part
of the problem?
That depends on what message
we take away when we read about
pesticides in vegetables and fruit.
Researchers at the Illinois Insti-
tute of Technology in Chicago want-
ed to know how the list influences
our buying habits. They found that
specifically naming the “Dirty Doz-
en” resulted in shoppers being less
likely to buy any vegetables and
fruit. That’s right – it’s not just con-
sumption of the top 12 pesticide-
laden items that drops; it seems we
buy and eat less of every vegetable
and fruit. Misinformation about
pesticides breeds fear and confu-
sion, and many find it easier to skip
fresh produce altogether.
That doesn’t make sense to food
toxicologist Carl K. Winter.
Winter is the vice chair of Food
Science and Technology at the Uni-
versity of California at Davis, and
one of the researchers who did a
deep dive into the Dirty Dozen list.
“Foods on the Dirty Dozen list
pose no risks to consumers due to
the extremely low levels of pesti-
cides actually detected on those
foods,” says Winter.
Think of it this way. Pesticides
may be present, but mere pres-
ence is not enough to cause harm.
Winter explains that the first prin-
ciple of toxicology is that “the dose
makes the poison”; it’s the amount
of a chemical, and not its presence
18 Melbourne Beach 32951 | January 26, 2017 Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly
Genetic research offers hope of autism treatment
A study led by researchers at UCLA ley says “researchers believe that ment in people with autism. It ap- Scott Center for Autism
showed that the brains of people genetics and environmental factors pears that genes that control the Executive Director Mike Kelly.
with autism tend to have the same intersect to cause autism. How or formation of synapses – the point
distinctive pattern of unusual gene why this occurs is not understood; at which a signal is sent from one PHOTO: DENISE RITCHIE
activity, and scientists are hopeful gaining an understanding is a fu- neuron to another – are abnormally
identification of this pattern will ture goal and hope.” quiet in some key regions of their merged under one umbrella diag-
one day lead to the development of brains, while genes that promote nosis of autism spectrum disorder
drugs for the treatment of this dif- Demonstrating the likely impact the activity of immune cells are ab- (ASD). The autism advocacy group
ficult and challenging disorder. of genetics is a 2014 study showing normally busy. Additionally, these Autism Speaks says ASD is charac-
that if one identical twin has au- patterns of low and high activity terized, in varying degrees, by diffi-
Michael Kelley is the executive di- tism, the other twin has a 76 percent were consistent from one brain to culties in social interaction, verbal
rector of the Scott Center for Autism chance of also having the disorder. the next. and nonverbal communication and
Treatment in Melbourne; he holds This is a dramatic finding, as the repetitive behaviors; the signs of
a doctorate in School Psychology national incidence of autism spec- There is one other finding from symptoms usually appear between
with an emphasis in Behavior Anal- trum disorders is only 1.5 percent. the UCLA study that is potentially the ages of 2 and 3.
ysis. Dr. Kelley says research into significant, and it has to do with two
the genetic causes of autism is a The UCLA study offers some fas- specific regions of the brain: the Michael Kelley has a message for
new and burgeoning field, and that cinating clues about brain develop- frontal lobe, which serves to regu- the community: “Parents or grand-
researchers are very interested in late behavior, learning, personality, parents who have any level of con-
finding genetic markers of the dis- and voluntary movement; and the cern that their child is displaying
order. He agrees with the UCLA re- temporal lobe, which is involved signs of autism should get in touch
searchers that further understand- in vision, memory, sensory input, with a professional. Becoming in-
ing may lead to the development language, emotion and comprehen- formed is empowering. And it’s
of treatment approaches, saying sion. In people who don’t have au- important that parents know that
“studies like this lay a solid ground- tism, these regions “diverge” during proper behavioral therapy between
work for that possibility.” childhood – they develop distinctly the ages of 2 and 4 can be very ef-
different patterns of gene activity. fective.”
The findings were published in a But this divergence fails to occur
recent issue of the medical journal in people with autism; the culprit is Dr. Kelley says that with such
Nature. The scientists analyzed 251 thought to be a gene called SOX5. therapy, there is a 50 percent chance
brain tissue samples, post-death, that a child who displays symptoms
from 97 people: 48 who had autism Prior to 2013, autism disorders of autism in early childhood will
and 49 who did not. Most of the were recognized as distinct sub- be indistinguishable from other
samples from the people who had types, including autistic disorder, kids once they reach kindergarten.
autism showed the same “signa- childhood disintegrative disor- “Without therapy,” he says, “there is
ture” of abnormalities. The study der and Asperger syndrome. How- only a 2 percent chance of that good
confirmed the results of earlier ever, all autism disorders are now result.”
studies, and provides the clearest
picture to date of what goes amiss The Scott Center for the Treatment
in the brains of people with autism. of Autism is located at 150 W. Univer-
sity Blvd. in Melbourne. The phone
Experts are not completely certain number is 321-674-8106, and their
what causes autism; the thought website is
has been that there is a convergence
of multiple factors – environmental,
biologic and genetic – that make a
child prone to the disorder. Dr. Kel-
Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly Melbourne Beach 32951 | January 26, 2017 21
but you name the country, they’re helping [the reb- figurehead,” he says. “He has no real power. We won he calls their inferior standing on Hezbollah and
els].” this war, not the regime.” Iran. “Sunnis in Lebanon are weak,” he says. “They
don’t have much power because Hezbollah controls
Whether that’s true or not, the Syrian rebels land- For Lebanese Sunnis, Assad’s victory means He- the government. The Sunni population is left all alone
ed their share of blows. The Syrian Observatory for zbollah will continue to dominate their country – on the battlefield, being slaughtered by these people.
Human Rights, an independent organization that and some aren’t taking it well. Mohammad, a Salafi We have to do something to defend ourselves, and
documents casualties of the Syrian war, estimates sheikh who maintains a small militia in the Tripoli we will defend ourselves, even inside Lebanon.”
that Hezbollah lost 1,387 fighters in Syria. neighborhood of Bab-al-Tabbaneh, runs his little
fiefdom from a shop he owns. Hezbollah is rightly concerned about the radical-
At one point, these losses were so bad that some ization of Lebanese Sunnis like Mohammad. There
speculated that the group’s ability to combat Israel, Mohammad is in his mid- to late 30s, with a trade- have been many attacks by Islamists in Hezbollah
its primary nemesis, had eroded. “Hezbollah has mark Salafi beard. He says he was fighting in Syria territory, the most recent of which killed 43 people, in
lost senior, seasoned and trustworthy commanders,” with Jabhat al-Nusra and spent some time in Aleppo. November 2015. And the threat hasn’t subsided, says
says Randa Slim, a Hezbollah analyst at the Middle “We will return and fight again,” he says, “and keep the Hezbollah commander in Dahiyeh.
East Institute, a Washington, D.C.–based think tank. fighting until we bring down this brutal regime.”
“It’s not easy for the party to find replacements “When the terrorists put car bombs in Dahiyeh,
quickly and easily.” Mohammad is passionate about the plight of the Hezbollah told the Lebanese government, ‘Either
Lebanese Sunni community – and he blames what you do your job, or we’ll do it for you,’” he says. “And
But members of the party feel their sacrifices in we’ve had to do their job sometimes when they were
Syria have finally paid off, not just by keeping Assad The Hezbollah flag waves before a picture of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. unable to. We’ve caught hundreds of attempted ter-
in power but because winning in Syria has solidi- rorists trying to carry out attacks in Lebanon. No
fied Hezbollah’s standing in its own country. “Who A Hezbollah fighter stands next to a burnt vehicle. matter how hard we try or how many we catch, there’s
can stand against Hezbollah in Lebanon?” the com- always a possibility that one or two might sneak in.”
mander asks. Girls eat a cooked meal provided by the UN through a partner NGO in Aleppo.
In his Tripoli shop, Mohammad smiles grimly
One reason for his confidence: politics. In Octo- when asked how he plans to react to Hezbollah’s vic-
ber, Lebanon elected Michel Aoun, a Hezbollah ally, tories. “We’re going to surprise the whole world with
as its president, the first time someone has held that what we’re going to do in Lebanon,” he says. “We
office in two years. Though the Party of God’s involve- have a plan, and we’re going to make a comeback.”
ment in the Syrian war initially hurt its popularity, as
the rebels became increasingly radicalized, many be- Despite the threat of attacks on its home turf, Hez-
gan to see groups like ISIS as the bigger threat. bollah’s success in Syria means the group can finally
shift its focus back to its neighbor to the south, Is-
Hezbollah morphed from needless aggressor to rael. “When it comes to Israel,” the commander in
the only entity standing between Lebanon and a Dahiyeh says, “we never sleep. We have our eyes on
fundamentalist Islamic state. “On a political level, them always.”
the war helped Hezbollah secure a position as strong
as ever on the domestic scene,” says Aurelie Daher, a It’s been more than a decade since war erupted
scholar at the University of Oxford who studies the between the two sides, and many think a new con-
group. “The election of Aoun to the presidency and flict might soon arise. Hezbollah put up an impres-
the ministers chosen for the new government are sive fight against Israel in 2006, and since then, the
good illustrations of that.” group has become far better armed.
The commander in Dahiyeh agrees. “Our wins in Israeli leaders seem increasingly concerned about
Syria will reflect positively on Lebanon because now the Shiite group’s arsenal and recent battlefield ex-
Hezbollah is in communication with all the different perience. Hezbollah is said to possess GPS-guided
parties in the country,” he says with a tense smile. short-range ballistic missiles that can hit Tel Aviv
“Suddenly, we’re friends with everybody.” with 1,100 pounds of explosives, as well as Russian-
made anti-tank, anti-ship and cruise missiles.
Despite its high death toll, the group also benefit-
ed from the war militarily, Daher explains. Not only In July 2016, the Israeli ambassador to the United
did Hezbollah gain valuable battlefield experience; it Nations claimed the group’s missile arsenal is now
also preserved its pipeline of weaponry coming from larger than those of the European Union’s NATO
Iran through Syria, which is likely the main reason states combined. “Our Christmas day is when the Is-
the group entered the war. raelis come for a ground invasion,” the commander
in Dahiyeh boasts. “Israel is just a big fuss for noth-
But all that came with a cost – one that went be- ing. It is weaker than a spiderweb.”
yond loss of life. Hezbollah members now say there
is tension between the Shiite group and the regime in Despite his bravado, the Shiite group seems in no
Damascus. In his hideout, Ali, the Hezbollah fighter, hurry to return to the battlefield against its nem-
snorts when asked about his feelings on Assad’s gov- esis. In January 2015, for instance, Israel hit one of
ernment. “We and the Syrian regime often shoot at the group’s weapons convoys in Syria with targeted
each other,” he says, laughing. “We don’t give a damn airstrikes. Hezbollah retaliated by launching an anti-
about the Syrians. We have no intention of giving up tank missile at an Israeli convoy, killing two soldiers,
most of the territories we control in Syria. but the group immediately announced it had no de-
sire to escalate the fight.
“We are not in Syria because we’re in love with a
person named Bashar al-Assad for his good looks. More than a year later, in November 2016, Israel
If you come to us and tell us tomorrow that the Syr- again struck a Hezbollah weapons convoy, only this
ian regime is coming back to [invade] Lebanon, we time the group didn’t respond. And perhaps with
would fight them. We would kill them all. We’re only good reason. Israel has a far more powerful army
there for our own benefit. We’re defending our inter- than Hezbollah, and the consequences of a war
ests.” would be severe for the group – and its home coun-
try. So it seems the strategy of “mutual deterrence” on
Slim says Hezbollah’s antipathy toward the Syr- both sides will continue – for now.
ian government has been building for some time. “It
is no secret that Hezbollah’s military leaders are not When that changes, however, Ali, the Hezbollah
impressed by the Syrian army’s capacity and the dis- fighter, says and he and his comrades will be ready.
cipline of pro-regime militias,” she says. “I don’t think As he speaks, he smiles confidently. “The Israelis
that Assad and his army have the interest and the have been losing this game since 2006,” Ali says.
means to contest their presence in the near future.” “Because we are with God, and we don’t think of
anything else.”
Ali’s grizzled friend seems to agree. “Assad is just a
YOUR HEALTHCARE TEAM: POST-HOSPITAL er level of professional therapies than can be obtained at a
“skilled nursing care” facility.
From the day you enter the hospital as a patient, the hos-
pital’s Case Management department begins working on NURSING HOMES
what you might need – and where you might need to go – Nursing homes, convalescent homes, skilled nursing fa-
after discharge. cilities (SNFs), care homes, rest homes and intermediate care
facilities provide a type of residential care for people who
This article highlights some of the types of services, agen- require continual nursing care and have significant difficulty
cies and organizations available to help meet your “post- coping with the required activities of daily living. Nursing
hospital” needs. aides and skilled nurses are usually available 24 hours a day.
As your doctor develops your post-hospital care plan, the Assisted living facilities (ALFs) are a bridge between living
case manager will work with him or her and you to deter- at home and living in a nursing home. Residents usually have
mine what kind of help, if any, you will need after discharge. their own private apartment. Services include medication
management, bathing assistance, dressing, escorts to meals
The case manager will provide you with a list of local home and activities. Registered nurses and licensed practical nurs-
health agencies, nursing homes and assisted living facilities. es are available by phone or e-mail 24 hours a day.
She or he will not be able to recommend one over another. HOSPICE
Often, your physician may be able to suggest one that he or Hospice care is available for patients with a terminal
she regards highly. Friends are another great resource to ask. prognosis who are medically certified to have less than six
months to live. Hospice care can be delivered at home, in
HOME HEALTH AGENCIES hospice “houses,” nursing homes, assisted living facilities
Home health agencies offer home healthcare which provides and in hospitals. Services include 24/7 access to care, phar-
medical services as well as home care which includes chore and maceuticals and medical equipment as well as support for
housecleaning services. Home healthcare helps patients recover loved ones following a death.
from an illness or injury. Caregivers can include physicians, reg- From prevention and diagnostics to treatment, post-hos-
istered nurses, licensed practical nurses, licensed social workers, pital services and ultimately end-of-life care, the American
physical therapists, occupational therapists, speech therapists, healthcare system truly provides a continuum of caring.
certified nurse assistants and home health aides. Your comments and suggestions for future topics are al-
REHABILITATION HOSPITALS ways welcome. Email us at [email protected].
Rehabilitation hospitals provide speech therapy, occupa-
tional therapy and physical therapy for patients who have © 2017 Vero Beach 32963 Media, all rights reserved
had a stroke, orthopedic surgery (such as knee and hip re-
placement) or other acute medical issues. They offer a high-
26 Melbourne Beach 32951 | January 26, 2017 Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™
7 Herb tea (6) 1 Grain tower (4)
8 Tapering vegetable (6) 2 Cause (6)
9 Price (4) 3 Decision (7)
10 Salad sauce (8) 4Pretended (5)
11 Hug (7) 5 Emergency (6)
13 Typical (5) 6 Dejected (8)
15 Group of sheep (5) 12 Hat maker (8)
17 Mass (7) 14 Division (7)
20 Clear (8) 16 Ament (6)
21 Persuade (4) 18 Airless (6)
23 Draw (6) 19 Senseless (5)
24 Remnant (6) 22 Fixative (4)
The Telegraph
How to do Sudoku:
Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three
The Telegraph
Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™ Melbourne Beach 32951 | January 26, 2017 27
ACROSS 92 RN concerns 16 See 12 Across stand The Washington Post
94 Noted Dwarf 21 Peek performer? 80 Fraud
1 He’s a sheep date 95 Buoy attachment? 23 Actor Holbrook 81 A la carte chart
4 Look into 96 Course average 24 One from Annam 82 Behold, to Brutus
9 Plutocrat’s 97 See 78 Down 83 Pilot’s milieu
102 Sausage coat or Assam, e.g. 85 Decisive event
pocketful 105 Places in the 26 Mug shaped like 86 The same
12 Proceeds 87 “If ___ Would
heart a fat man with a
undaunted 106 1492 ship three-cornered Leave You”
17 ___ tailspin 107 Inclined hat 89 One-time
18 The ___ of 108 See 85 Down 29 Nietzsche
110 Hot food in a husk negative Columbia
possibility 114 Vegas dealer’s aid 32 Respites with Pictures head
19 When it lays an 116 Awed reactions rates Harry
117 Give out your 34 In ___ (where 91 Babilonia of
egg, it’s a big one Ralph sometimes skating
20 In need of B12 cards? wants to put 93 Thread holders
22 See 1 Down 120 Boston airport Alice) 98 Enfeebles
25 Turn on an old 121 Broadcast 35 Kin of “wow” 99 Overfilled
36 See 33 Across 100 Straight
pilot? beginning 39 Girl in David 101 What’s a
27 Hula Hoop 123 Like this puzzle, Copperfield Russian urn?
42 Goddess of 102 Spanish-style
company I hope wake-up calls? home?
28 “Original 127 ___ the water 43 Gull’s tail? 103 Garden pest
44 Roulette couleur 104 Of little men
Broadway ___” (kaputski) 45 The V of V-8, 109 41 Across city
29 Jazz group?: abbr. 128 “Way to go!”, familiarly of Belgium
30 Van Gogh’s bro 46 Grate glower 111 Tree-ring
31 Molnar play in Oaxaca 47 See 43 Across indication
33 Being supportive 129 Sports spot 49 CIA forebear 112 Slow, in music
37 Pull-loop 130 Oxy ending 53 Cleaned, as a 113 Parking lot sign
38 Gin fruit 131 See 76 Down pipe 115 Latin abbr.
40 Gold coins of old 132 Inspectors’ marks 54 A heading that’s a 118 Unfortunately
133 Home of the beast headless queen? 119 Old stringed
Rome 55 SMU scores instrument
41 Summit outcome in TV’s Beauty 57 Popular fruit drink 122 Ox add-on
43 High finance of a and the Beast brand 123 Jersey remark?
134 OAS or OPEC 58 “I’m just trying 124 Type
sort ___ an honest 125 Dawn lawn
48 Japanese drama DOWN living” phenomenawn?
49 A woodwind 1 Love on the 59 See 56 Across 126 See 123 Across
50 Shade tree 61 Past tense verb
51 Occupy an rebound 65 Good name for a KNOWING THE ANGLES By Merl Reagle
2 Wise as ___ fisherman
ottoman 3 The speed of 67 Plains Indians
52 “___ that remark!” 69 Nixon met with
56 A little nutty sound him in 1972
60 Out-of-___ 4 Hypothesis 70 Insufficient-funds
62 Joining word 5 Upgrades, as result
63 Leone and 71 Cake with a hole
machinery in it
Mendes 6 Prop for 73 The O of GAO:
64 Type of lit. abbr.
66 A Khan Hemingway’s 74 Movie-making
67 Praising works “Old Man” cable channel
68 Drink or rink stuff 7 League of 75 Start of the Lord’s
69 Poitier cop nations, Prayer
72 PTA person perhaps 76 Smells the roses,
74 Squirting 8 Actress Samms maybe
9 Flipped out 78 Avoids taking a
“weapon” 10 Classic-film
77 ___ precaution televiser,
79 Bud’s bud familiarly
80 Vilifies 11 Directly
84 Objector’s word 12 Getups
85 Three-part 13 Theater quickie
14 Lamprey
vacuum tube 15 Struck, old-style
88 See 70 Down
90 Rich-voiced
The Telegraph
28 Melbourne Beach 32951 | January 26, 2017 Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™
Hopeful hostess expects too much from houseguests
BY CAROLYN HAX – Anonymous: You are expecting too much from a relatives are or aren’t obligated to do when accepting
Washington Post houseguest. your hospitality.
Dear Carolyn: I have been mar- More important, though: You’re expecting way Is it less than ideal for him to use your family as
ried 10 years and have two chil- too much from one uncle, who by himself can’t pos- home base while he extracts what he wants from
dren, 7 and 9. We have no family sibly satisfy your kids’ – i.e., your – entire (valid) your city? Sure. However, my concern is more that
in our city, and I have very few craving for extended family in five visits per decade, he doesn’t communicate with you about his inten-
family members still alive. My not even with that second day. It’s unfair to him to tions; some hosts wish their guests would be some-
husband has a larger family but expect him to. what independent, after all, meaning there’s an ele-
they are not very close. My kids ment of personal preference here, plus you mention
love being around extended fam- Your opening paragraph is telling: Not only does it clearing your schedules. These suggest a simple
ily, but we do not have the money to travel and his explain your obstacles to having something you val- pre-visit email or conversation could preempt some
family rarely visits. ue deeply, but it also has virtually no bearing on what hard feelings.
My brother-in-law comes to visit every couple of
years. He usually just comes for the weekend and “Suggest” being the operative word: That he does
only spends the first day with us. On the second he that same thing every visit means you’re beyond
goes into town to go out to lunch and shop by him- needing an email to notify you of his plans. You have
self. all the information you need to prepare yourselves
I find this incredibly rude. We clear our very busy to share only the one day with him.
schedule to spend time with him and then he goes
out and makes it clear he doesn’t want us to join him. Since you keep hoping for more anyway, and
My husband thinks there is nothing rude or incon- blaming him when those hopes are dashed, that
siderate about this behavior. I couldn’t disagree more. says your outrage at this point isn’t a reaction, it’s
He never tells us what his plans are prior to his arriv- a choice.
al, which maybe would make it better. My kids don’t
understand why we can’t do something together, and Please make a different one, for everyone’s sake.
I can’t even explain without making him sound bad. Choose not to see this uncle as your kids’ best hope
He is middle-aged, single with no children; it’s not for family, and instead see him as the one-day visi-
like he’s a 20-something going out to party! tor he is. Tell your kids exactly that when they ask.
Do you think I’m expecting too much from a “[Shrug.] It’s what he always does.” No further ex-
houseguest or is this totally rude?? planation needed. Except maybe to give him credit
for visiting, right?
– Anonymous
And, more important, see this as the push you
need to find other ways to experience family. Or,
“family” – since creating community sometimes
means leaving the tree.
Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly Style Melbourne Beach 32951 | January 26, 2017 29
Melania Trump picks patriotism and international glamour
The Washington Post
Patriotism came in a shade of pale Jackie Kennedy’s 1961
blue cashmere and matching suede inaugeration look.
gloves. Glamour – and a hint of glo-
balism – came in white crepe and most reliable clothier during the
silk gazar. campaign. To witness her rival be-
ing sworn in as the 45th president,
Because this presidential election Clinton turned once again to Lauren,
was so terribly fraught, even the sub- choosing a white, jewel-neck suit and
ject of fashion became a matter of a cream-colored cashmere coat. And
political debate, moral outrage and on a personal note, Lauren’s son, Da-
pained circumspection. It was, of
course, incoming first lady Melania CONTINUED ON PAGE 30
Trump who was at the center of all this
angst and indignation because her in-
augural attire – in all its possibilities –
is expected to set the tone for the day
and, perhaps, introduce the mythol-
ogy that will come to define this ad-
ministration for years to come. A host
of designers announced preemptively
that they would not dress her, or as-
sociate themselves with her, because
they did not want to lend their sup-
port to her husband’s administration,
of which she is a representative. Other
designers said creating a wardrobe for
her was a matter of patriotic duty. And
many were simply quietly sorting out
their thinking.
Ultimately, for the historic swear-
ing-in ceremony, Melania Trump
chose a sky-blue, Ralph Lauren Col-
lection cropped, cutaway jacket and
a mock turtleneck dress. And for the
inaugural balls, she chose a strapless,
white column gown with a single flut-
tering ruffle floating down her torso
and a narrow red silk ribbon at the
waist. It was a collaboration between
the first lady and French-born de-
signer Hervé Pierre. And just like that,
the controversy shifted from a boil to
barely a simmer.
The first lady chose wisely. With
Lauren, she selected a designer
whose place in history is already se-
cure. This inaugural ensemble will
be a footnote in his professional sto-
ry, not the essence of it. But more im-
portant, Lauren is a designer whose
entire aesthetic is rooted in a kind
of glorious, soft-focus Americana.
He even donated $13 million to save
and protect the flag that inspired
“The Star-Spangled Banner” and to
educate the public about its history.
In 2014, he was presented with the
James Smithson Bicentennial Medal
for his patriotism, entrepreneurship
and philanthropy during a ceremo-
ny at the National Museum of Amer-
ican History.
Lauren has accommodated both
Democrats and Republicans, most
recently serving as Hillary Clinton’s
30 Melbourne Beach 32951 | January 26, 2017 Style Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly
vid, is married to Lauren Bush – niece out transforming Melania Trump rows of medallions, a bright red hat the occasions and quietly offered up
of George W. Bush. into one. (In contrast, presidential and red leather gloves. The ensemble shades of hopefulness and light on a
adviser Kellyanne Conway wore a looked precisely like a costume, but day that was also filled with violent
Ralph Lauren is possibly the most red, white and blue Gucci coat with more than that, it made one wonder protests and sorrowful disbelief.
bipartisan American designer work- whether she considers patriotism a
ing today. competitive sport.) One wishes that President Trump
had exuded as much grace, but then
“The Presidential Inauguration is a A fashion historian once noted that is not his style. And so, during
time for the United States to look our that the inaugural ballgown is akin the day his suit jacket flopped open;
best to the world. It was important to to a wedding dress. It is a bit anach- his pants were too long. And the tie.
us to uphold and celebrate the tradi- ronistic as a gesture but still com- The bright-red tie hung down to its
tion of creating iconic American style pelling in its significance. As far usual position, far below the reaches
for this moment,” read a statement back as 1889, the inaugural gown of his belt.
from the company. was political. President Benjamin
Harrison wanted his constituents to The eye couldn’t help but to shift
For the inaugural balls, her choice buy American, and so the dress of from the first couple to their fam-
was more daring. But it also seemed his wife, Caroline, was a trifecta of ily, specifically to daughter Ivanka:
like a bit of an olive branch after so Americana: the silk was designed in blond, tall and gleaming. To watch
much talk of closed borders and na- Indiana, the fabric woven in Upstate her father deliver his inaugural ad-
tionalism. Pierre was born in France New York and the dress itself made dress, she wore a white trouser suit
and spent 14 years in the atelier at in the Big Apple. In 1977, Rosalynn from Oscar de la Renta and her three
Carolina Herrera before leaving last Carter’s vintage gown – one pulled little ones – Arabella, Joseph and
year. Before that, he worked at Oscar from her own closet – underscored Theodore – were all dressed in Os-
de la Renta. Pierre earned his U.S. Jimmy Carter’s message of frugality car de la Renta Childrens. For the
citizenship in the fall of 2016. The and homespun style. He was, after inaugural balls, Ivanka wore a gold,
style of the gown was restrained, all, “Jimmy,” not James. Jackie Ken- glittering princess-style gown from
classic and, in particular, recalled nedy’s French-inspired (but Ameri- Carolina Herrera.
the work that Pierre did while at can-made) fashion signaled worldly
Herrera. savoir-faire. And Michelle Obama’s The president’s eldest daughter
inaugural wardrobe, in both 2009 chronicled her inaugural activities
The silhouette of Melania Trump’s and 2013, spoke of diversity, inclu- on Twitter, posting a series of images
daytime coat has been compared to siveness and the country’s creative that were as glossy as fashion ad-
that worn by Jackie Kennedy, but it economy. vertisements. When the Trump clan
is also a silhouette that is classic and arrived in Washington on Thurs-
sophisticated. It was a perfect color, At the Capitol and at the balls, Me- day, Ivanka gave her nearly 2.3 mil-
serving as a gentle spot of light on a lania Trump looked polished and lion Instagram followers an image
drizzling, dreary day. It also graceful- poised and very much like herself. that spoke directly to her personal
ly referenced our nation’s flag with- She has not been seen very often brand – Women Who Work. There
since the election, or even during the she was striding off a military jet at
campaign. But the day’s styles were Joint Base Andrews wearing a work-
in keeping with what the public has appropriate, bold green ruffle-front
come to expect thus far: clean lines, coat and dress from Oscar de la Ren-
body-conscious style, luxury. The ta. She carried baby Theodore on her
ensembles reflected the formality of hip, while guiding daughter Arabella
with her other hand.
Melania Trump stepped off the
plane and into the whirlwind of
transformation dressed in a cadet-
style overcoat with its rows of black
buttons marching along her torso.
(Its designer, Norisol Ferrari, told
Women’s Wear Daily that her bio-
logical father is a wounded veteran.)
The first lady walked and stood – and
stood – in a pair of sleek black pumps
with limousine heels. For much of the
public, it was the first glimpse of her
since the day after the election when
she had strolled with her husband
through the Capitol. She was wearing
black then, too.
The couple accepted greetings from
well-wishers on the tarmac, and then
they were off – first to a luncheon with
transition officials and incoming staff
and then to a wreath-laying ceremony
at Arlington National Cemetery. De-
spite it being another overcast day,
she wore large black sunglasses in the
manner of so many boldface names
who try to hide in plain sight with the
help of a pair of designer aviators.
On Friday, there were no sunglass-
es. No more anonymity. There was
no more hiding.
Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly Melbourne Beach 32951 | January 26, 2017 31
Chill & Grill: & Casual Dining
Simply scrumptious
BBQ Salmon.
BY TINA RONDEAU Softshell Crab.
Can anything be bet-
ter than a pot of heavenly
steamed clams, and a crusty
loaf of French bread to ac-
company it?
I think not. So simple. So
Well, the best steamed
clam appetizer in this area is
found at a smallish restaurant Shrimp and Crab
in an out-of-the-way location – Cake Pasta.
Chill & Grill.
No one prepares a more sumptuous, grill full – but were soon ushered by served over spinach with bacon, onion Steamed
and crispy shallots. Clams.
addictive bowl of steamed little necks Chef Burch’s wife Csilla to a nice table.
On previous visits, we have en- as you think back on eating those won-
than Chef Scott Burch – for six years ex- For starters, I of course ordered the joyed the roasted chicken with garlic derful steamed clams.
mashed potatoes (wonderful comfort
ecutive chef at Windsor. steamed clams ($13.99). My husband food); the fork-tender short ribs; and a I welcome your comments, and en-
very tasty smoked brisket served over courage you to send feedback to me at
Steamed in a pinot grigio, garlic and planned to have another favorite ap- mac and cheese. [email protected].
clam sauce, the broth is to die for. And petizer, the calamari fries ($9.99), but To conclude this most recent visit, we The reviewer dines anonymously at
shared a delicious piece of bread pud- restaurants at the expense of Vero Beach
the bowl is brought to the table with a switched at the last second to a wedge ding with chocolate and caramel sauce 32963.
($6.50). The house-made Key Lime pie
delicious baguette (why do so many res- salad ($4.50). Our companion decided also is excellent. Chill & Grill
taurants scrimp on the bread?) for soak- to try the Sebastian Stew ($4), a deli- While it does not have cocktails, Chill Hours: Dinner from 5 to 9
& Grill has a more than adequate selec- pm daily except Monday
ing up every last drop. cious combination of chicken, andou- tion of wines, and an interesting selec-
tion of specialty craft beers on draft. Beverages: Beer and wine
Perhaps that is part of the explana- ille, brisket and okra in a tomato broth.
Dinner for two with a couple of glass- Address:
tion for the success of this small place For entrées on this most recent visit, I es of beer or wine should run in the $90 7401 US 1, Vero Beach
area before tax and tip.
– with a casual vibe and fine-dining chose the shrimp and grits ($16.99), my Phone: 772-562-5477
Chill & Grill has developed an in-
cuisine – now completing its fourth husband went for the barbecued salm- tensely loyal cadre of customers over the
years, and has become the restaurant
year on U.S. 1 midway between Vero on ($21.99), and our companion opted where Sebastian and Vero diners meet.
and Sebastian. for the shrimp and crab pasta ($21.99). While getting there may require a bit
of a drive, the trip home passes quickly
But the steamed clams are hardly The shrimp and grits were as good
the whole story for Chill & Grill’s suc- a rendition of this Southern classic as
cess in this off-the-beaten track-loca- I have ever had in Vero. The crab cake
tion. Visit after visit, whether it’s dur- was served atop a nest of angel hair
ing season or summer, the dishes here pasta prepared with a pesto and lobster
are consistently excellent. sauce, with four beautiful shrimp ar-
Two weeks ago, we decided to go a bit rayed around the perimeter.
late on a weeknight since Chill & Grill My husband’s BBQ glazed salmon
does not take reservations. Arriving at was perfectly cooked in the Chill &
7:45 on a Thursday, we found the cozy Grill’s wood-burning oven, and was
32 Melbourne Beach 32951 | January 26, 2017 Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly
& Casual Dining
At the Surfcaster Inn
Italian Grille • Great Old World Pizza • Fine Wine
Valentine’s Day Special
4-Course Dinner for Two $49.95 • Salad, Appetizer, Entrée, Dessert & Coffee
Entrée Selections:
Lobster Ravioli • Chicken Toscano • Flounder Francaise • Veal Sorrentiono
Seatings At: Mak3e2Y1o.7ur23R.e0s3er8v3ations:
4pm, 6pm or 8pm
5395 S. A1A, Melbourne Beach, 32951 • • Ph: 321-723-0383
Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly Melbourne Beach 32951 | January 26, 2017 33
Bonzo makes a ‘Pit’ stop to meet cutie Katie
Hi Dog Buddies! ter. If he hadn’t, I’m pretty sure I’duh
been A Goner. The Humane Society
This week’s yap was with a charming people were real gentle and nice, too.
young pooch, Katie Trimarche, who lives They cleaned me up. Then they found
in a super dog-friendly neighborhood over out I had heartworms, which can send
on the beach with nice sandy, windy, kinda a pooch straight to Dog Heaven.”
bumpy roads. Katie is a rescue pooch, a blue
Pit, whose had a sorta sad life up ’til her For- I nodded. All us pooches are scared
ever Mom and Dad adopted her. But I never of heartworms. “Oh, Woof! That mus-
wudda known that from the way she grace- ta been scary. So, what happened?”
fully pranced up for the Wag-and-Sniff soon
as the door opened. “Mimi’d been a volunteer at the
shelter for a long time. I’d been
“Welcome Mr. Bonzo, Sir,” she said softly. there for a 2-3 weeks so we kinda
“I’m Katie. This is my Mom and Dad Wendy, got to know each other. She was
Peter. I call ’em Mimi and Omon. Can we get still real sad cuz hers and Omon’s
you anything? Some water? A Pupperoni?” other pooch, Tipsy, had just gone
to Dog Heaven. But she was afraid
“Thank you, no,” I replied. “I’m eager to I wouldn’t get adopted cuz of bein’
hear your story.” sick, and bein’ a Pit an
Katie, the blue Pit rescue. PHOTOS BY DENISE RITCHIE
“OK. Follow me, all. I was worried, too. So Mimi and spend a lotta time on the back porch lookin’ THEN, I sneakily sneak under Omon’s
please,” she said, and led the way upstairs to Omon decided to JUST foster me till I got off at the ocean, watchin’ those big birds flying legs, in case anything yummy should happen
a sunny room with a big window looking out my heartworm medicine, cuz I needed to be by in bunches. I zip up to the bedroom to to fall on the floor. I’m pretty sure they don’t
onto a porch and the ocean. There was a nice somewhere real calm and quiet. Sometimes keep followin’ ’em, but they’re ushully gone even know I’m there.
big dog bed right by the window and a pink humans can’t ackshully adopt a pooch cuz already. When Mimi an Omon are outside, I
one on the porch. they hafta go back Up North, but they can go down the stairs to the back yard. I go over “At night, I sleep in my big, nice crate.
foster pooches, like Mimi and Omon did me. by the seawall and yap with other dogs goin’ When Mimi gets up, I go say good morning,
I readied my notebook while our photog- by on the beach. When I’m all better, I get to then go back to sleep till Omon gets up. Then
rapher took a buncha pictures. Katie was to- “Well, Mr. Bonzo, I was SO happy to be go on the beach, too!” we hang out on the porch, see who’s on the
tally ready for her close-up: her pretty gray- with ’em. I’m was No Trouble At All. They’d beach, stuff like that. I’m happy long as I’m
ish, goldish coat was super shiny, she had say, ‘No, Ma’m!’ when I did stuff I shouldn’t, As we yapped, Katie was chewing on a with Mimi or Omon.”
white socks and bib, a cute nose, with a little and I learned real fast. I’m super obedient! So stuffed dog toy, gently tearing it to shreds
spot of white that got real pink out in the sun. here’s the Best Part: They decided to ADOPT till the stuffing popped out. She delicately Heading back to the office, I was thinking
me, like, Forever! Isn’t that PAWSOME?” nibbled on the bits of fluff for a while, then how lucky pretty Katie was that there was
After the photo shoot, I asked her to tell petooied ’em out. Finally her Dad gathered it a foster program for pooches. And EXTRA
me her story. She plopped down onto her bed “Totally!” I agreed. all up and threw it away. lucky to get adopted. Every pooch deserves a
and began. “I’m still taking my heartworm treatment, second chance, doncha think?
so I still hafta be real quiet. No roughhousing! “Another one bites the dust,” Katie said
“The Dog Catcher picked me up cuz I was No runnin’ around with other pooches yet, proudly, shaking a piece of fluff off her nose. And I was hopin’ there was still some pea-
a Stray. What happened before I mostly can’t but I WANT to! The only pooch I’ve hung out “They usually last a coupla days max. I get nut butter left in the pantry.
remember. I think I’m about 1 ½ in People with so far is my niece, Koko, who lives with sorta worried when Mimi hasta go on a Air-
Years. I do remember wandering around, my human brother. Koko’s a Buh-SEN-gee und, so I nab one of her slippers an take it to Till next time,
didn’t know where I was. I had just had pup- and we only play quietly ’til I get all better.” my bed an lay on it till she gets home. Even
pies but I don’t remember what happened “Can you take walks an stuff?” I wondered. if she just goes out to the mailbox, when she The Bonz
to ’em. I was very confused. And scared. And “Oh, sure. Dad takes me on two leash comes back in, there I am, upstairs, layin’ on
sick. But, thank Lassie, the Dog Catcher was walks a day. I’m very good on a leash. An I her slipper.” Don’t Be Shy
nice. He took me to the Humane Society shel- love meetin’ all the neighborhood pooches. I
“Whaddya you eat?” We are always looking for pets
“Blue, an Pupperoni treats. And some- with interesting stories.
times a little dab of peanut butter, which is
PAWSOME and, for some reason, it makes To set up an interview, email
Mimi and Omon laugh. When they’re havin’ [email protected].
dinner, they say ‘Sit and Don’t Beg.’ So I sit.
34 Melbourne Beach 32951 | January 26, 2017 Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™
ONGOING tra of Ukraine featuring pianist Alexei Grynyuk programs of local nonprofits. brevardrenais- 11 Friends of Sebastian Inlet State Park
performing Schumann Piano Concerto in A mi- Night Sounds concert series features
Henegar Center for the Arts in Melbourne - It nor, 7:30 p.m. at Community Church of Vero SIRSY, 7 p.m. at Coconut Point pavilions. Stan-
Shoulda Been You thru Jan. 29. Beach. 772-778-1070 3-18 Melbourne’s Upstairs at The dard park entry fee. 321-984-4852
Henegar presents Lady Day at
Surfside Playhouse in Cocoa Beach - The Rain- 27 To February 12 - Historic Cocoa Village Emerson’s Bar and Grill, with show-stopping Bil- 12 Space Coast Jazz Society Concert with
maker, weekends thru Jan. 29. 321-783-3127 Playhouse presents the musical, On lie Holiday songs. the Good Times Jazz Band, 2 p.m. at
the Town. 321-636-5050 Cocoa Beach Country Club. $10 & $15; students
4|5 Gardenfest! Sat. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; free. 321-960-4897
Riverside Theatre Vero Beach – An Empty Plate in 28|29 Brevard Renaissance Fair: Sun. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Riverside
the Café du Grand Boeuf thru Feb. 5. 772-231-6990 The Time of Excalibur, 10 Park in Vero Beach hosted by Garden Club of 15|16 Melbourne Municipal
a.m. to 6 p.m. at Wickham Park, Melbourne, IRC, with 85 vendors offering plants, furni- Band presents The Moun-
Melbourne Civic Theatre – Calendar Girls, with 34 acts on 5 stages, jousting, food, drink, ture, lighting and garden accessories, Ask the tains Are Calling, 7:30 p.m. at Melbourne Au-
weekends thru Feb. 26. artisan booths and craft demonstrations to sup- Experts, raffles and children’s activities. Free. ditorium, plus pre-show entertainment by the
port arts and education programs of local non- 772-567-4602 Mel-Bones, and a segment featuring Brevard’s
EGAD First Friday in Eau Gallie Arts District, profits. Brightest Stars. Free.
5:30 to 8:30 p.m. every first Friday; and Mel- 6 Eau Gallie Founders Day, celebrating the
bourne Main Street Friday Fest, 6 to 10 p.m. ev- 29 Space Coast Symphony Orchestra sa- historical roots of old Eau Gallie, starts at 16 Atlantic Classical Orchestra conducted
ery second Friday. lutes the Wild, Wild West with classic Noon with live entertainment, family fun, Turtle by David Amado presents A Night at
western movie and TV scores, 7 p.m. at Scott Splash children’s area, and traditional fish fry. the Opera, with Palm Beach Opera young art-
Free Science Cafés hosted by Brevard Zoo and Center for Performing Arts. 855- 252-7276 ists, 6:40 p.m. lecture; 7:30 p.m. concert at St.
FIT, every second Wednesday thru June at Duran Edward’s School’s Waxlax Performing Arts Cen-
Golf Club’s Tradewinds Restaurant. Free. 31 To February 19 - Riverside Theatre 10 Melbourne Chamber Music Society ter, Vero Beach. 772-460-0850
presents Noel Coward’s Private Lives presents the Berlin Philharmonic Wind
JANUARY on the Stark Stage. 772-231-6990 Quintet, 7:30 p.m. at St. Marks United Method- 18 Florida Craft Brew and Wing Fest
ist Church in Indialantic. melbournechamber- hosted by Sunrise Rotary Vero Beach
25-30 Space Coast Birding and Wild- FEBRUARY on Royal Palm Pointe, with 150 craft beers ($35
life Festival at Eastern Florida tasting bracelet), 19 competitors vying for Best
State College, Titusville, with world-class speakers, 1|2 Melbourne Community Orchestra 11 Ocean Treasures & Sea Glass Sympo- Wings in Vero and four bands on two stages to
field trips, workshops and exhibits. presents Jazz for the Soul, 7:30 sium, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Archie Carr support Rotary projects.
p.m. at Melbourne Auditorium joined by Swing- National Wildlife Refuge Barrier Island Center fea-
27 Sweetheart’s Ball presented by Swing- time Jazz musicians during the second half of turing authors Richard LaMotte, Dawn and Blair 18 11th annual International Festival,
time, the 22-piece Big Band ensemble the program. Free. 321-285-6724 Witherington, judged found object competition, Noon to 5 p.m. at Florida Institute of
of the Melbourne Municipal Band, 7 p.m. at artists, food trucks and raffle. 321-723-3556 Technology’s Panther Plaza, with performers
Melbourne Auditorium. $10. BYOB; snacks, soft 3-5 Brevard Renaissance Fair: The Time and vendors representing the diverse global
drinks, water & ice for sale. Dance lessons 6 p.m. of Excalibur at Wickham Park, Mel- 11 Have a Heart Valentines Extravaganza, 7 community through entertainment, informa-
$5. 321-339-7705. bourne, Fri. 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. school day; Sat/ p.m. at Melbourne Hilton Rialto Place, tion, handmade crafts, children’s activities and
Sun 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., with 34 acts on 5 stages, with dinner, auctions and dancing to benefit carnival games, food and drink. 321-674-8053
27 Indian River Symphonic Association jousting, food, drink, artisan booths and craft Candlelighters of Brevard, providing emotional
presents National Symphony Orches- demonstrations to support arts and education and financial support to children with cancer and 18 Brevard Symphony Orchestra presents
their families. $175. POPS! Hooray for Hollywood, 2 p.m. &
Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN 8 p.m. at King Center for the Performing Arts.
in January 19, 2017 Edition 7 DIVINE 1 LIFETIME Crossword Page 4297 (A PAIN IN THE NECK)
9 HERB 3 RELATED 19 Historic Cocoa Village Playhouse
10 ASSORTED 4 TOAST Broadway Bonus Series presents Mar-
11 PIONEER 5 FAIRLY garet Cross, May the Road Rise Up to Meet You:
12 BYWAY 6 DUNE From Ireland to America. 321-636-5050
17 UNKEMPT 14 SNEAKER 25 Valentine Genealogy Seminar on
20 UMBRELLA 16 MIRAGE Genealogy and the Law, 9 a.m. to 4
22 PART 18 EMPIRE p.m. at First Presbyterian Church Vero Beach
23 TRAGIC 19 FLOCK organized by Indian River and Brevard Ge-
24 ERRAND 21 MARS nealogical Societies, Genealogical Society of
South Brevard and Treasure Coast Genealogi-
Sudoku Page 4268 Sudoku Page 4279 Crossword Pagee4286 cal Society. $35 & $40. Registration required.
Advertising Melbourne Beach Services | If you would like your service to appear in our directory, please call 772-633-0753
The Melbourne Community Orchestra is a non- Upcomming Concerts This directory gives small business people eager
to provide services to the beachside community an
profit organization dedicated to providing quality All concerts start at 7:30pm in the opportunity to make themselves known to island readers
musical entertainment to the Melbourne community Melbourne Auditorium and are FREE at an affordable cost. This is the only service directory
and surrounding areas at no cost. We recently hired a mailed each week during season to all 8,000+ homes
dynamic new conductor, Maestro Mark Nelson. Our •••••••••••••••• on the South Brevard barrier island. If you are interested
concerts are usually performed on Wednesdays and February 1 & 2 • Jazz for the Soul in a listing in the Melbourne Beach 32951 Business
March 22 & 23 • A Romantic Vienna Directory, please contact marketing representative
Thursdays at the Melbourne Auditorium. May 10 & 11 • MCO & the Wild West
June 14 & 15 • Celebration of America Kathleen Macglennon at
[email protected] or call 772-633-0753.
@ 6:30pm • 321.285.6724
36 Melbourne Beach 32951 | January 26, 2017 Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™
Charming ‘cottage’ offers best of Melbourne Beach lifestyle
BY GEORGE WHITE tion of several buildings at Kennedy going to be my last house. I say it’s a and a walk-in closet. On the other
Correspondent Space Center. And it was that exper- cottage, well, a little oversized cot- side of the split-plan house, near the
tise he drew on when building the tage, because it has a real homey feel. kitchen, are the two guest rooms with
An open and airy floorplan featur- concrete block and stucco home, That’s why I put in the fireplace and a full bath conveniently located be-
ing a fireplace and a large backyard, which has a light, bright exterior and the bay window in the kitchen, so I tween them. There are ceiling fans
all located a stone’s throw from the features a split-plan layout, an eat-in can watch the birds,’’ he said. throughout the home.
beach, describes the home at 203 3rd kitchen and formal dining room.
Ave. in Melbourne Beach, which was The contemporary-style three-bed- “It’s the layout that’s wonderful. It’s
designed and built in 2002 by its sell- The design of this spacious home – room home, with two full baths and so convenient and it’s the right size.
ers Hank and Sandra Hanak. 2,116 square feet under air, 2,741 un- one half-bath, features 9-foot ceilings It’s just perfect,” Sandra Hanak said.
der roof – reflects the needs of a large in the living areas and a 10-foot-high
A longtime builder and masonry family with lots of friends who love to ceiling in the formal dining room. The focus of the living area is such
contractor originally from Michigan, gather in the backyard, Hanak said. that it directs attention to doors lead-
Hank Hanak was in on the construc- The master bedroom features a ing out to an unscreened porch with a
“I designed this house. This was shower and spa-like oversized tub gas barbeque grill overlooking a large
Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™ Melbourne Beach 32951 | January 26, 2017 37
203 3RD AVE.
backyard that for many years was the “I’ve got nieces and they would do we had a lot of friends and family. We Location: Melbourne Beach
centerpiece of family activities, Sandra acrobatics and play badminton on even had a wedding, and it worked Year built: 2002
Hanak said. The lot is 90 by 150 feet, a nice soft lawn and we had big par- out great,’’ she said. Construction:
encompassing about a third of an acre. ties. We used to have barbeques and
CONTINUED ON PAGE 38 Concrete block, stucco
Lot size: 0.31 acres
Home size: 2,116 square feet
under air, 2,741 square feet
under roof
Bedrooms: 3
Bathrooms: 2 full baths,
1 half-bath
Additional features: Ideal loca-
tion close to ocean, river and
Melbourne Beach town ameni-
ties; quality CBC construction;
light, bright exterior; deep,
covered front porch; outdoor
cooking area on back patio;
instant-on hot water heater;
concrete pad for boat or RV next
to the house
Listing agency: Treasure Coast
Sotheby's International Realty
Listing agent: Gibbs Baum,
broker associate, 321-432-2009
List price: $549,000
38 Melbourne Beach 32951 | January 26, 2017 Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™
Real Estate Sales on South Brevard island: Jan. 13 to Jan. 19
The middle week of January brought an increase in real estate activity in the South Brevard island
ZIP codes 32951 and 32903, with 6 properties sold in Melbourne Beach and 4 in Indialantic.
The featured sale of the week in 32951 was of an oceanfront home in Melbourne Shores. The
residence at 6035 Highway A1a was placed on the market Nov. 16 with an asking price of $1.295
million. The transaction closed Jan. 19 for $1.2 million
The seller in the transaction was represented by Ralph Harvey of List With Freedom. The
purchaser in was represented by David Curri of the Curri Kirschner Real Estate Group.
SEA DUNES PARK SUBD 150 SEA DUNES DR 6/23/2016 $225,000 $200,000 1/12/2017 $560,000
INDIAN LANDING PH3 345 CLYDE ST 11/29/2016 $484,000 $484,000 1/17/2017 $300,000
ISLAND SHORES OF MEL 509 HIBISCUS TRL 11/18/2016 $599,000 $589,000 1/16/2017 $315,000
CRYSTAL LAKE 1ST ADD 235 ATLANTIC DR 12/6/2016 $299,900 $299,900 1/16/2017
OCEAN LANDINGS OF ME 200 THIRD AVE 8/10/2016 $340,000 $330,000 1/18/2017 $173,000
SALES FOR 32903 $305,000
OCEANVIEW CONDO 2150 HIGHWAY A1A N 308 6/17/2016 $189,500 $179,000 1/12/2017
FLORA BEACH SUBD SEC 125 LEE ST 11/6/2016 $268,500 $268,500 1/16/2017
INDIALANTIC SEC G 709 RAMONA AVE S 12/13/2016 $329,900 $329,900 1/15/2017
INDIALANTIC BY SEA 1309 S RAMONA AVE 9/21/2016 $499,000 $499,000 1/18/2017
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 37 Melbourne Beach could not be better.
“It’s a great location in our little
The yard, about 40-feet deep from
the back of the house, had more trees downtown and right across from the
and other foliage until Hurricane beach access, just the second house
Matthew, but that additional space west of A1A on 3rd Avenue,” Baum
in the back yard may open up pool said. “It is a nice large lot in a premi-
opportunities for the future owner, um location. You can walk to dinner,
said Treasure Coast Sotheby’s listing library, town hall and the beach.”
agent Gibbs Baum.
The Hanaks say they will miss the
“Not having an existing pool actu- home and the many memories it holds.
ally allows someone to really utilize
the yard – to put in a resort-style pool “We enjoyed the layout, the big
and make the house a beachside oa- kitchen with a bay window. It’s a nice,
sis,” he said. open comfortable house and it has all
the amenities you need. I tried to do
There is also an attached two-car the best I can on all of it,’’ Hank Hanak
garage, instant on hot water heater, said.
skylights and a concrete pad for boat
or RV to be stored next to the house. The 3-bedroom, 2.5-bath home is
being offered by Baum for a list price
And the location of the home in of $549,000.
Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™ Melbourne Beach 32951 | January 26, 2017 39
Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.
Subdivision: Indian Landing PH3, 345 Clyde St Subdivision: Island Shores of Mel, 509 Hibiscus Trl
Listing Date: 11/30/2016 Listing Date: 11/19/2016
Original Price: $484,000 Original Price: $599,000
Recent Price: $484,000 Recent Price: $589,000
Sold: 1/18/2017 Sold: 1/17/2017
Selling Price: $475,000 Selling Price: $560,000
Listing Agent: Aaron M James Listing Agent: Lynn C. Burley
Selling Agent: Treasure Coast Sotheby's Intl Selling Agent: Burley Properties
Theresa P Daukshus Chris Register
Melbourne Beach Properties,Inc Curri Properties
Subdivision: Crystal Lake 1st Add, 235 Atlantic Dr Subdivision: Ocean Landings of Me, 200 Third Ave
Listing Date: 12/7/2016 Listing Date: 8/11/2016
Original Price: $299,900 Original Price: $340,000
Recent Price: $299,900 Recent Price: $330,000
Sold: 1/17/2017 Sold: 1/19/2017
Selling Price: $300,000 Selling Price: $315,000
Listing Agent: Thomas Englert Listing Agent: Patricia J Halpin
Selling Agent: Coldwell Banker Paradise Selling Agent: Salt Water Realty of Brevard
Patricia J Halpin Wiley H Elliott
Salt Water Realty of Brevard CENTURY 21 Indian River Realty
Married late in life? How to share household space
BY JILL CHODOROV KAMINSKY Fortunately, my husband agreed She wants the spare bedroom to be a previous marriage, already owned
Washington Post that it was time to donate the posters warm and welcoming guest bedroom a large home in D.C.’s Chevy Chase
of his favorite football players hang- with fresh flowers on the side table neighborhood. This being her first
The trend to get married later in life ing in his bedroom. In exchange, I and a guest sign-in book. He wants a marriage, Roberta was living in a con-
is on the rise, resulting in a growing agreed that the collectible Hanna game room with a Barka lounger and do and did not have nearly as much
percentage of the population com- Barbera Limited Edition Sports Cels foosball table. furniture. Since getting married, they
bining households that come with (cartoon characters playing sports) have built a home in Bethany.
decades of furniture, dishes, decor, and figurines could stay in the home Although we never find out who
memorabilia, old towels and hard-to- office. wins this battle between Chandler “We have three houses and three
break habits. and Monica, I did get some good ad- sets of everything,” Roberta said.
He is the cook in the family, so I vice from other couples who have re-
This sounds like the perfect storm happily handed over the kitchen. But cently married at a mature age. For now, the Speeses will rent out
for an unavoidable disaster. Living I did manage to slip a few of his time- her condo and live in the house, since
with someone at any age can be chal- worn pots and pans into the trash. “Put your head in his head,” said his children visit frequently. In a few
lenging. Adding our perfectly aged Jodi Berman of Cherry Hill, N.J. Ber- years, the Speeses say they will sell
quirks to the mix can spell trouble. One significant difference in our man, who got married recently for the the house and downsize into the con-
decorating styles is the size and quan- first time, also at the age of 50, already do.
After living on my own for most of tity of flat-panel televisions needed in owned a home and has an 11-year-old
my adult life, I recently tied the knot one home – a fundamental difference son. Her new husband – his first mar- In anticipation of downsizing, the
for the first time, at 50 years of age. It of opinion in many homes, I have riage as well – moved in with them. Speeses have already started discuss-
is my husband’s first marriage as well. learned. I believe that one 60-inch TV ing the process of consolidating their
is enough. My husband, however, be- “When someone moves into a belongings. They have agreed to keep
Our situation is more simple than lieves that a large flat-panel is neces- home that is already set and estab- family heirlooms and negotiate the
most – neither of us have children or sary in every bedroom and in the liv- lished, you must work together and remaining items. They say they are
ex-spouses, and we were both living ing room. We don’t have a basement, allow that person to bring in things feeling very hopeful of their ability to
in two-bedroom condos rather than but if we did, I am sure that we would and add to the house,” Berman said. agree on what to pare down and what
five-bedroom single-family homes. need one there, too. “I had a big screen – he wanted a big- to keep.
ger one. I had to let him feel like this is
Despite our minimal belongings, While we were making the transi- his home, too,” Berman said. “My motto at this stage in life is
there were still some items that need- tion from living alone to living to- that people are more important than
ed to be negotiated – not an easy task gether, we happened to catch a rerun Rick and Roberta Spees of Wash- places and places are more important
when, over time, we develop a per- of a “Friends” episode in which Chan- ington met at church where both than things,” Rick said.
sonal attachment to our stuff. It is no dler moves in with Monica. Their were teaching Sunday school and
secret that one person’s trash is an- first argument is about decorating. then married at ages 59 and 57. Rick, “It comes with age. You finally
other person’s treasure. who has two adult children from a know what is important and not im-