The Boulevard Tennis Club
sold to Delavaut. P7
School District
exec resigns. P10
Island vote for Trump
far below Romney’s total. P9
MY VERO Elderly suspect
sought in rash of
BY RAY MCNULTY island burglaries
Vero man with castle BY LISA ZAHNER
is now seeking to sell Staff Writer
Many of you, I'm sure, have An aerlal shot of the three condo buildings under construction in Windsor along the Jungle Trail. PHOTO BY BRUCE CADY After three sightings either
heard the expression, "A man's by camera or by eyewitnesses
home is his castle." Windsor condo complex arises along Jungle Trail of a white male in his 60s or
70s, seen walking – some-
For longtime Sea Oaks resi- BY ALAN SNEL a three-story condominium county as Windsor Block 48, times with a cane – at crime
dent Dan Hazelton, the oppo- Staff Writer complex is rising in Windsor is a cluster of three connect- scenes, Vero Beach Police de-
site was true: His castle was his behind the trees that line the ed 35-foot-high buildings far tectives have asked for help in
home. While most multimillion- Jungle Trail with no one in- more massive than the private catching the elderly man sus-
dollar projects on the island volved in the project willing homes that line the adjacent pected of burgling multiple
For nearly 15 years – until he are unveiled with consider- to discuss it. golf course. The buildings Central Beach residences over
moved to Vero Beach in 2000 – able preconstruction fanfare, the past few weeks.
Hazelton and his family lived The condo, known to the CONTINUED ON PAGE 11
in a French chateau that dates Grandson of Vero’s The rash of property crimes
back to the 11th century and is, first mayor new face started the evening of Oct. 18
he believes, one of the world's on the City Council when police were called to
oldest inhabitable buildings. the 700 block of Gayfeather
Lane in response to an alarm
"When I was 8 years old, my and found a broken window
father moved us to Paris and, and burglarized home. An
as a child, I was fascinated by image from the resident's
castles," said Hazelton, now security camera showed an
73. "It became my lifelong older white male wearing a
dream to own one." hat, glasses and dark gloves
After completing his educa- CONTINUED ON PAGE 6
tion in the U.S. and returning
to Paris in the late 1960s for a Construction moving
job as a financial advisor with ahead at Beachland
an American-based firm, Ha-
zelton would spend weekends BY KATHLEEN SLOAN
Staff Writer
A two-story 16-class-
BY LISA ZAHNER Aerial of new classroom and “cafetorium” underway at Beachland. PHOTO BY BRUCE CADY room building and con-
Staff Writer nected auditorium-cafe-
teria-kitchen “cafetorium”
One of the more enjoyable are steadily rising on the
tasks the newly seated Vero
Beach City Council will un- CONTINUED ON PAGE 3
dertake after being sworn in
Council member Tony Young next week is the planning of
November 17, 2016 Volume 9, Issue 46 Newsstand Price $1.00 Chefs go bananas
to benefit
News 1-12 Faith 75 Pets 77 TO ADVERTISE CALL Save the Chimps. P24
Arts 39-46 Games 55-57 Real Estate 79-88 772-559-4187
Books 54 Health 59-64 St Ed’s 76
Dining 68 Insight 47-58 Style 65-67 FOR CIRCULATION
Editorial 52 People 13-38 Wine 69 CALL 772-226-7925
© 2016 Vero Beach 32963 Media LLC. All rights reserved.
2 Vero Beach 32963 / November 17, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Tony Young Back in the 1970s, Young enlisted in in the combat medic corps and serving He worked via the Veterans Council
the U.S. Army after graduating from all over Europe and the Middle East, of Indian River County to bring dis-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Vero Beach High School and complet- including tours of duty in the Gulf War, parate groups together and begin to
ing his Air Force R.O.T.C. training there Bosnia and Iraq, Young and his wife centralize services and support for lo-
the city’s centennial celebration in as part of the program’s first graduat- Sharon returned home to Vero. They cal veterans and their families. Along
2019, and with the election of Tony ing class. He later earned two master’s live in the family’s historic home in with Vero matriarch Alma Lee Loy, he
Young, there will be someone with a degrees – one in Business Administra- McAnsh Park, one of Vero’s longest-es- spearheaded the effort to redevelop
direct connection to the city’s found- tion from the College of William and tablished neighborhoods, and worship and revitalize the city’s Memorial Is-
ing on board to help. Mary and one in Strategic Studies from at the nearby St Helen Catholic Church, land Sanctuary where the Veterans
the U.S. Army War College, after com- where Young is a lifelong member. Day ceremony was held last week.
Young, a 61-year-old Vero Beach pleting his undergraduate study at the
native, is the grandson of Vero’s first Virginia Military Institute. He’s also Coming home to sleepy Vero Beach Young believes in servant-leader-
mayor, A.W. Young, who was elected in received training from the U.S. Army to volunteer his time after living all over ship, not the ego-driven leadership
1919 and served a subsequent term in Flight School and the Army’s Academy the world and retiring as an Army colo- that has turned many off to politics
1935. Those deep roots and commit- of Health Sciences. nel might seem like a step backward for and soured some residents on the go-
ment to serving his hometown are part a man with Young’s resume, but he says ings-on at Vero City Hall.
of what drove Young to run for office, After 30 years of decorated military it’s that sense of a familiar place to call
and likely what got him elected. service, working as a helicopter pilot home that drew him back 10 years ago. “When you have the opportunity to
travel, as we have, throughout Europe
and you get to see other cultures, as
well as the Middle East, you realize that
there is a greater purpose to your life
and that does not permit you to think
of yourself as greater than any other,”
Young said about his outlook on faith
and on respecting other people’s rights.
Neighborhoods are important, he
said, and so are the families who bring
those neighborhoods to life. “Families
are important. As a leader, understand-
ing the impact [of decisions and poli-
cies] on families is something you can
trust that I would consider,” Young said.
In his first run for public office,
Young garnered more than 18 percent
of the votes cast for six candidates
running for three seats, placing him in
the second slot, just 156 votes behind
Laura Moss, and 117 votes ahead of
Lange Sykes, by the initial count.
Young was backed by a diverse
group, from law enforcement leaders
and the public safety unions, to lo-
cal religious leaders, the Indian River
Neighborhood Association and for-
mer mayor Dick Winger.
Young was not one of the three can-
didates – Moss, Sykes and failed chal-
lenger Norman Wells – who pledged
to vote for a sale of the Indian River
Shores electric customers to Florida
Power & Light for $30 million, should
that offer be resuscitated.
Holding fast to his belief that the city
should be made whole for the very long
term and lauding the city staff and con-
sultants who came up with the $47 mil-
lion price tag that is intended to replace
the Shores’ contributions to the general
fund for 50 years and provide a blank
check for contingencies, Young says he
won’t vote for a deal that he feels is in
any way detrimental to city residents.
Young and Winger are now expected
to be in the minority on a great num-
ber of fiscal and other decisions going
forward. Young and the other two new
council members will be sworn in at
an organizational meeting at 10 a.m.
Monday. At that time, a mayor and vice
mayor will be nominated and chosen,
and council members will engage in a
legal briefing on Florida’s open meet-
ings and open records laws.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 17, 2016 3
Beachland Elementary go up in two or three weeks. The crews tions Officer Don Tolliver said the com- The construction site is cordoned off
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 will work under roof over the winter. pany has done $183 million in projects from the rest of the campus.
for Indian River County School District
Beachland Elementary campus, the The buildings’ height will not ex- over the years. This project will make it “It’s an exciting project. I think the
only public school on the island. ceed the City of Vero Beach’s 35- nearly $190 million. neighbors will be pleased, because it’s
foot height restriction, although the a big upgrade to the campus,” Krajew-
The 24,000-square-foot classroom school district is not subject to city The company works with district ski said.
building and 12,800-square-foot cafe- laws, past-Director of Facilities Plan- administrators and school principals
torium will replace five buildings al- ning & Construction Scott Sanders to ensure students don’t suffer from Rene Tercilla and Lance Courteman-
ready torn down, as well as the por- said in June. noise and dust, suspending work dur- che of Harvard Jolly Architecture inWest
table classrooms used in recent years ing state testing days, Krajewski said. Palm Beach designed the building.
and during the year-long construction Proctor President and Chief Opera-
project. A portable cafeteria has been CONTINUED ON PAGE 9
moved on campus, but the absence of
a kitchen requires the daily delivery of Exclusively John’s Island
food from Dodgertown Elementary,
which has a new kitchen. Nestled on a private .52± acre corner lot along beautiful Lake Reams is this
impeccable 5BR/4.5BA retreat showcasing scenic views of a lagoon-like setting.
Recently elected school-board mem- Stately details and custom finishes grace this 6,103± GSF home overlooking the
ber Tiffany Justice, who will be sworn lushly landscaped pool. The gracious living room with fireplace opens onto the
in Nov. 22, was integral in getting the covered verandah. Features include a gourmet island kitchen, luxurious master
construction project underway at the suite, handsome library with fireplace, bamboo floors, new roof and 2-car garage.
dilapidated school. Parents had been 205 Coconut Palm Road : $2,850,000
complaining about the state of the 1957
buildings, with reports of mold and ver- three championship golf courses : 17 har-tru courts : beach club : squash
min causing alarm and claims that the health & fitness center : pickleball : croquet : vertical equity membership
school was making children sick.
772.231.0900 : Vero Beach, FL :
The school’s enrollment dropped
from around 615 in prior years to
494 last school year and then to 438
this school year. The school’s post-
construction capacity will be 650 stu-
“My experience at the school has
been that the dust and noise have been
minimal and teachers have comment-
ed that the construction has proved to
actually be a great learning and teach-
ing tool,” said Justice, who has two
children at Beachland. “Students have
really enjoyed being able to watch
their school being built right in front of
their eyes.”
Proctor Construction Company
was awarded the $6.7 million contract
for construction. The district added
$334,000 for contingencies. In ad-
dition, the cost to tear down the old
buildings was nearly $200,000 and de-
sign fees were about $600,000, making
it an $8 million project.
Work began on Aug. 1 and is slated
to be done by Aug. 1, 2017. Project
Manager Todd Krajewski said the
project is on schedule.
“We only lost two days to Matthew
and two days to rain so far,” he said.
The two concrete-block and stucco
structures are going up at the same
time and both will have flat roofs,
“sloped to drain,” Krajewski said.
“It will be very energy efficient,” Kra-
jewski added. “We’re adding a chiller
to the campus and current insulating
technology. The windows will be tinted
to reflect the sun away and the roof will
have a bright-white cap sheet that is
also solar reflective.”
The classroom building’s second-
story floor has been poured, enabling
the crew to start laying block for the
second story walls. Steel deliveries for
the roofs will come in next week and
4 Vero Beach 32963 / November 17, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
My Vero forming the property into a corporate
retreat for lease.
They bought the stunning property
traveling the French countryside and from a Sarasota man for $265,000.
looking at castles for sale.
"We spent far more restoring it,"
There were dozens of them. Hazelton said. "When we bought it,
"None that I could afford, of the place had been uninhabited for a
course," he said, "but I was royally en- long time. It was empty, and there was
tertained." some rotted wood, fallen plaster and
It wasn't until 1981 – after working broken windows. And the roof leaked.
in New York, California, Montana and
Arizona, enjoying tremendous success "So we had to put some work into
in business and real-estate ventures – it to put it back together," he added.
that Hazelton had the financial means "Other than the roof, though, the
to make his childhood dream a reality building was structurally sound. And a
if the right castle was for sale. previous owner had put a lot of money
into it before we bought it. The plumb-
ing was done and there was heat.”
Then came the opportunity: He saw A year into the project, Hazelton
a Wall Street Journal advertisement had a change of heart: He no longer
for an historic, medieval chateau in wanted to lease the property; he want-
the picturesque valley of St. Pierre-en- ed to live there.
Faucigny in the high country of east-
ern France, 30 minutes southeast of "As a family, we fell in love with the
Geneva, Switzerland. place," he said, "so I went to Ed, told
him what I wanted to do and bought
The 30,000-square-foot castle – the him out."
original three-story tower predates
the main building, which was added Having spent a chunk of his child-
in the mid-1600s – sits atop a hill on hood in Paris, where he also attended
13.4 private and peaceful acres that school, Hazelton wanted give his three
include woods, a stream and beauti- sons the opportunity to enjoy a simi-
ful gardens. The site offers spectacular lar experience – even though his wife,
views of green valleys and the snow- Donna, was a Georgia native who
capped French Alps. didn't speak French.
Partnering with the late Edward At the time, the family was living
Stone, a close friend and John's Is- in the fast-growing Phoenix area, and
land resident who founded one of
America's top land-planning and
landscape-architecture firms, Hazel-
ton purchased the Chateau d'Arcine
35 years ago with the intent of trans-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 17, 2016 5
Hazelton and his wife had become and started his own business in Ge- the kids. They attended the Interna- gram was founded at the Swiss school
concerned about stories they were neva, working with Swiss banks. tional School of Geneva, where they in the mid-1960s.
hearing from friends and neighbors were the only Americans enrolled, and
about local youths and drugs. "We wanted to raise our kids cross- learned very quickly to speak French." The boys' global education didn't
culturally," Hazelton said, referring to end there, though: In 1987 and again
So, in 1985, Hazelton left his job in Brook, Whit and Dan Jr. "So when we For those who don't know, the pop- in 1989, Hazelton rented the chateau
Arizona, moved the family to France moved, we went full-immersion with ular International Baccalaureate pro-
675 Beachland Boulevard Old Riomar Oceanview & Fairway Estate $3.25 Million
French/O’Dare 772.231.7525
772.234.5555 More Info:
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6 Vero Beach 32963 / November 17, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
My Vero because the kids aren’t there very of- Central Beach burglaries was gone, the other had been dropped
ten," Hazelton said. "Brook was going CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 at the rear of the house near the door.
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 5 to buy it – he moved his family there
for two years, essentially for the same looking up into the backyard camera. "The homeowners advised that two
and moved the family to Kenya, where reason we did – but his wife loves New Though nothing was taken from the weeks prior to this incident, they ob-
he and his wife did not-for-profit work York. residence, the man was observed on served an older white male walking
while their sons attended a missionary camera walking around the outside with a cane, exiting their fenced back
school. "I'm very attached to the place, so of the house. yard. The male stated that he was just
this isn't easy, but we have homes here, looking at Halloween decorations
"As a family, living in France and in Maine, in the Bahamas and in Costa The next evening, police were and got lost," according to police re-
Kenya and the United States has been Rica, so we need to downsize a bit," he again called out to the 700 block of ports. "The homeowners also stated
a great experiment," Hazelton said. added. "We've gotten a few calls, but Gayfeather where what's thought to that they found a hidden house key
"The kids learned to be global citizens it's a soft sell. be the same man was caught on sur- missing from their residence around
who lived with people of difference veillance video. that time."
cultures, and they all got into great "We're planning on being there next
schools." summer." Police say a caretaker had reviewed Detectives asked the Greytwig vic-
the surveillance footage from the tims to take a look at the video im-
Brook and Whit graduated from Hazelton said he and his wife usual- home and saw what appeared to be age and they positively identified the
Princeton University – Brook, 42, is ly spend May through July at the five- the same man walking around the man filmed lurking on Gayfeather
now the president of Christie's in New bedroom chateau, often entertaining house and hiding in the bushes as two weeks prior to be the same man
York, while Whit, who turns 39 next friends, particularly those from Vero vehicles passed. No entry was made they saw in their back yard. "It is be-
month, is the marketing director for Beach. Two of his local tennis buddies, and nothing was missing, but the vid- lieved that the same individual may
the New York-based Christian Union Basketball Hall of Fame member Cliff eo footage coincided with the time of be connected to this burglary," the
– and Dan Jr., 36, has a degree from Hagen and International Tennis Fed- the broken window incident at the report said.
Denison University, his father's alma eration honoree King Van Nostrand, other house.
mater, and is working in real estate in have visited the castle with their wives. The police alert describes the man
Costa Rica. Then on the evening of Nov. 6, po- as being white, about 6 feet tall with
Until the chateau sells, Hazelton lice were called to the 500 block of an average build. He's estimated to be
It's somewhat ironic that his sons' said, it's also available to be leased for Greytwig where residents had re- between 60 and 70 years old and ap-
relocation as adults to other parts of vacations. turned from dinner, heard a noise and parently walks slightly hunched over,
the world has prompted Hazelton to found their rear French doors open. wears glasses and a wristwatch. Any-
make a difficult decision: He's sell- "I think people in Vero Beach would Officers cleared the residence, find- one having information about the sus-
ing the chateau, which he put on the enjoy it," he said. "It's a wonderful ing all the doors unlocked without pect should call the Detective Brian
market earlier this year with an asking location and not far from the Geneva any sign of forced entry. Two diamond Kerensky at 772-978-4661, or the Vero
price of $3.2 million. airport." necklaces were missing; one necklace Police Department non-emergency
number at 772-978-4600.
"The only reason we're selling it is So if you've got $3 million to spend
and want to live like a king, a man's
castle can be your home.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 17, 2016 7
The Boulevard Tennis Club sold to Christophe Delavaut
BY RAY McNULTY installments across the next two years. growing and that there’s a demand for 60-day, due-diligence process. In the
Staff Writer Delavaut said his financial backers, an all-inclusive tennis facility,” Delavaut meantime, the club’s founding docu-
said, adding that he known his partners ments require the Rodmans to give
A local ownership group fronted by longtime Grand Harbor residents Tony for more than a decade. “They like the the membership right of first refusal
former Grand Harbor tennis direc- Randazzo and Ed Friedman, see the facility and see its full potential.” before selling to an outside party.
tor Christophe Delavaut has signed a purchase as an investment in a club
contract to purchase The Boulevard they believe has been underutilized. The sale contract was signed Nov. The Rodmans, who could not be
Tennis Club with hopes of reviving a 4 and the buyers have embarked on a reached for comment, notified mem-
struggling, 12-year-old venture that “They saw that the community is bers of the impending sale of the club
never realized its potential. in a Nov. 8 email in which they wrote:
“Owning and operating the club for
Delavaut, who is already giving les- the past 12 years has been our plea-
sons on the premises and working as sure, but we have decided that it is
a private contractor to lure new mem- time for us to pursue other interests.”
bers, refused to divulge the selling price.
The Rodmans’ decision to sell the
Sources familiar with other recent at- club came one month after tennis
tempts to purchase the club said The director Joe Snailum, who spent one
Boulevard’s owners, Susan and Walter year there, resigned to accept the same
Rodman, seriously considered offers position at The Colony Golf & Country
ranging from $1.4 million to $1.6 million Club in Bonita Springs.
for the business and property, which in-
cludes the 13 tennis courts, clubhouse, Delavaut, who would serve as the
fitness center and swimming pool. new owners’ managing partner and
run the club’s operations, said he ex-
Two sources with knowledge of the pects to take control in early January.
current deal, who agreed to speak
only on the condition of anonymity, “My first order of business is to
said Delavaut’s group put down a re- change the culture of the club and
fundable $50,000 deposit and plans make it a place where people want to
to complete the purchase with three come for more than just tennis,” said
8 Vero Beach 32963 / November 17, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Boulevard tennis club sold great fanfare and marketed nationally The festive affair attracted several to make improvements to the facility
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 7 as the mecca of tennis in Vero Beach, former members who, as news of the – the courts are top priority – and ex-
had been losing members – often to ownership change spread throughout pand the club’s offerings.
Delavaut, who spent 20 years at Grand Quail Valley – for the past three years. the Vero Beach tennis community, de-
Harbor before leaving for undisclosed cided last week to rejoin the club. He plans to upgrade the restaurant
reasons last spring. Many of those who left cited lack of and bar areas of the clubhouse, and
service, absence of social activity and “Having a leader who’s passion- he’s looking to lease the food-and-bev-
“I want to make the club more so- unresponsive ownership. Some said ate about the place,” Delavaut said, erage service to an outside vendor. He
cial,” he added. “If you come to play they would return only if the Rodmans “makes a difference.” also wants to convert the vacant room
tennis, we want you to want to hang severed their connection to the club. across from the pro shop into a studio
around, have something to eat and Delavaut said the club has more than for yoga and Pilates classes, and pos-
drink, watch your friends play, maybe The degree to which the ownership 100 members – about 60 who live in sibly massages.
use the pool. had frustrated members and driven the associated Boulevard Village con-
some away was apparent Friday night, dominiums and townhouses and 50 The existing reciprocal agreements
“Too many people come here to when, enthused by word of the sale, who don’t live there. He said he hopes with Pointe West, Sea Oaks, the Indian
play tennis, then leave.” an unusually large gathering of more to add at least 50 more non-residential River Club and Vero Beach Country
than 50 members attended a rare, members and expects many of them to Club will remain intact through the
The Boulevard, which was built amid club-sponsored party. come from other local clubs, especially end of the fiscal year. The three courts
the barrier island’s country clubs. at the rear of the complex will contin-
ue to be leased by the Lozano & Osorio
Some, he predicted, would be for- Tennis Academy.
mer members who choose to return to
The Boulevard. “I think we can co-exist,” Delavaut
said of the junior academy run by
“The way we’re priced, this is the per- Marco Osorio, who has been manag-
fect place for people who already be- ing the club since Snailum’s departure
long to a club and want to add a second and will continue to do so until the
membership,” Delavaut said, adding sale is closed.
that the existing price of annual mem-
berships – $2,100 for a family, $1,750 for Also on Delavaut’s to-do list are:
an individual – won’t change this fiscal installation of an online court-reser-
year, which ends Sept. 30, 2017. vation system; creation of more club-
organized tennis and social events;
“We’ll pro-rate the price for anyone pursuit of a USTA Pro Circuit Futures
who joins now, then we’ll see where women’s tournament; and the forma-
we are at the end of the year,” he said. tion of a tennis committee.
“We’ll definitely be looking into differ-
ent types of membership for next year.” “We want to keep our finger on the
pulse of what people want and don’t
In the meantime, Delavaut plans
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 17, 2016 9
want,” Delavaut said. “It’s going to take would’ve been the easy way,” Delavaut Beachland Elementary The color scheme and materials
time to get everything in place, but our said of his options after leaving Grand CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 were chosen “to make them seem as
goal is to make this club all that it was Harbor. “I also could’ve gone up north comfortable as possible with regards
meant to be.” for the summer and taught. But Vero “Interestingly enough,” Tercilla said, to other buildings,” Tercilla said.
Beach is my home and getting this place “the new layout will create a courtyard “There are things we can’t do for bud-
Delavaut, who has been teach- has been my No. 1 goal. I felt I needed to in front of the classroom wing. This get reasons that force some differ-
ing tennis and managing clubs for 25 be here to make that happen.” will match that found between all of ences. For example we can’t afford a
years, said he eventually plans to hire the other buildings. And the cafeteria brick building today and stay within
a full-time manager, pro shop atten- Delavaut spent the past six months sort of falls over what used to be the the budget. But there are portions
dant and assistant pro. giving lessons at Twin Oaks, where old cafeteria and an old classroom of the existing buildings which are
he leased a court from his longtime space, so in some ways it’s kind of the white and sort of peach. We would
He said he has been trying to put to- friend, Alain Mignolet. He also was same. [The two buildings are] con- assume we could match those colors
gether a deal to buy The Boulevard for recruiting investors, putting together nected because it was the only way of while also throwing in small areas of
two years. In fact, three previous at- deals and working with his partners to getting all of that to fit in the area we brick to reinforce the [continuity be-
tempts failed. This current ownership buy The Boulevard. had available.” tween old and new buildings on the
group, which was formed in April, is campus].”
the fourth he has assembled. And if this deal had been rejected?
“I would’ve kept trying,” he said.
“Getting a job somewhere else
Island vote for Trump far
below Romney’s total
Staff Writer
Voters on the Republican-domi- comparison to the $1.2 million is-
nated barrier island were not near- land-based Republicans contribut-
ly as enthusiastic about Donald ed to Romney's campaign and the
Trump's presidential bid as they $1.1 million they gave to his Super
were about 2012 GOP nominee Mitt PAC four years ago.
Romney, whose campaign and Super
PAC contributions from local donors Earlier in the just-concluded presi-
dwarfed the meager amounts raised dential race, island donors delivered
by the current president-elect. more than $950,000 to Jeb Bush's bid
for the GOP nomination and con-
Only 62.3 percent of island vot- tributed more than $1 million to the
ers cast ballots for Trump – far less Right To Rise Super PAC that sup-
than the 76.5 percent who went for ported the former Florida governor.
The only big-money, pro-Trump
In fact, the beachside's five pre- contribution came from John Childs,
cincts showed far greater support who remains the island's most mu-
for Republican Sen. Marco Rubio's nificent donor to Republican causes.
successful re-election bid than they He gave $100,000 to the Make Amer-
did for Trump, who received 7,552 ica Number 1 Super PAC.
votes to Rubio's 8,399. Rubio’s total
accounted for 69.3 percent of the Hillary Clinton received 32 per-
12,119 ballots cast on the island. cent of the island's votes, with nearly
6 percent of voters casting ballots for
"That wasn't his base of sup- either third-party or write-in candi-
port," Indian River County Republi- dates. Overall, just over 60 percent
can Party chairman Tom Lockwood of county voters chose Trump, while
said of the island. "The Bush family just under 36 percent preferred Clin-
has very strong ties to that area, and ton, who won only two of 37 pre-
they weren't backing Trump. cincts – in Fellsmere and Gifford.
"And I'm not at all surprised by Libertarian party nominee Gary
the support for Rubio," he added. Johnson received just over 2 per-
"He also has a very good relation- cent of the countywide vote, and
ship with Republicans on the bar- less than 1 percent went to write-
rier island. He has had a very strong in candidates. Curiously, 190 of the
base there, going back to his Tea 760 ballots containing write-in can-
Party days." didates were cast on the island.
The lukewarm support Trump
received from island voters was
predictable, given his inability to
convince them to open their wal-
lets. Republican donors from the
32963 ZIP Code contributed only
$40,000 to his campaign and just
over $100,000 to his Super PAC.
Those amounts are peanuts in
10 Vero Beach 32963 / November 17, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
School District exec resigns after unauthorized spending
BY KATHLEEN SLOAN tion as Director of the Physical Plant one person from having too much district, including newly constructed
Staff Writer effective November 18, 2016. This is purse-power. Fellsmere Elementary, where there
two-weeks’ notice.” He did not reply were reports of leaks and mold.
Indian River County School District to requests for comment. “It is unacceptable to have processes
Director of the Physical Plant John out of control,” School Board Member Recent budget documents show
Earman has resigned following a flap Earman submitted a $45,000 pur- Shawn Frost said a month ago, when Earman has fired 21 workers since
over his attempt to cover a trail of chase order for “sub-custodial” work Carver brought the problem to the 2014, including the carpet-cleaning
overspending on outsourced janitorial in July but the district’s new head of board’s attention. Frost asked if Earman crew, carpenters, groundskeepers,
services. purchasing, Jeffrey Carver, rejected the would be reprimanded and if termina- painters and general maintenance
order because it came after, not before, staff. The secretary and bookkeeper in
Earman’s curt resignation letter services were contracted. Purchase or- tion was a possibility. Superintendent purchasing were also let go, eliminat-
states, “I hereby submit my resigna- ders require prior approval to prevent Mark Rendell said the incident would ing checks and balances on expendi-
be reflected in the employee’s file but tures within the department.
did not comment on termination.
Earman privatized field mainte-
Earman, who was hired in 2012, is nance, lawn maintenance and some
the second district department head to janitorial services with the aim of sav-
resign in three months. Scott Sanders, ing money but his purchase orders ex-
Director of Facilities Planning & Con- ceeded budgeted amounts.
struction, also hired in 2012, resigned
in July, in the wake of complaints about School Board Member Charles
the condition of some schools in the Searcy has repeatedly brought up the
deteriorating condition of buildings
under Earman’s leadership. He also
criticized Earman’s sale of field main-
tenance equipment, which he said
makes it very costly to bring those ser-
vices back in-house.
Superintendent Mark Rendell and
school board members did not re-
spond to a request for comment re-
garding Earman’s resignation.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 17, 2016 11
Areas where medical Windsor condos the bulky concrete shell of the build- Smalley. Smalley, in turn, emailed: “We
marijuana centers ings rises well above the Jungle Trail would like to decline on providing any
can set up limited CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 treeline, making them clearly visible comments at this time.” Betsy Hanley,
to passersby. president of Torwest, the developer of
BY SAMANTHA ROHLFING BAITA will house 12 of the largest condo resi- Windsor, could not be reached.
Staff Writer dences ever built on the island, rang- “It’s on the perimeter of Windsor,
ing in size from 2,845 square feet to so it makes it seem more prominent,” But a November-December news-
Even though Amendment 2 passed just under 4,000 square feet, according said Ryan Sweeney, a county planner. letter for Windsor members said the
on Nov. 8 and Florida is now among to county records. Windsor Park Residences – as the com-
28 states allowing the use of medical So when will the project be com- plex apparently is called – present the
marijuana, Indian River County isn’t The complex is situated along pleted? What are some of the ameni- “perfect opportunity for buyers seek-
exactly putting out the welcome mat Windsor’s western perimeter near the ties? What will the condo units cost? ing a turnkey residential solution on a
for the controversial drug. northern border of its property, and Those questions for the moment ap- more intimate scale at Windsor.”
is separated from the Jungle Trail by pear intended to remain a mystery.
Last month, the County Commis- an estuarine wetland designed to be Half of the residences, the newsletter
sion proactively adopted a land de- a visual screen between the trail and Mark Justice, the contact listed for said, “already are reserved and the proj-
velopment amendment ordinance development. But the top section of Windsor Properties on building docu- ect is on target for completion in the fall
tightly restricting where medical mar- ments, referred emailed questions of 2017.”
ijuana treatment centers would be to Windsor marketing director Jane
And forget about growing ganga
anywhere in the County.
But even though Amendment 2
passed with 71.3 percent of the vote,
county commissioners are clearly ap-
prehensive about places where mari-
juana will be sold to relieve uncomfort-
able symptoms and chronic suffering.
The county's ordinance defines a
Medical Marijuana Treatment Center
as “an entity that acquires, possesses,
transfers, transports, sells, distributes
or dispenses marijuana, products con-
taining marijuana, related supplies or
educational materials to qualifying
patients or their personal caregivers
and is registered by the Department of
Health or its successor agency . . .”
It states that such a center cannot be
located within the West Gifford Indus-
trial and Commerce overlay area; or
west of 66th Street; or within 1,000 feet
of a primary or secondary school site, a
child care facility site, a public park site
or another Medical Marijuana Treat-
ment Center site; or within 500 feet of
a residential zoning district, a property
with public or residential land use des-
ignation; or within 200 feet of a Thor-
oughfare Plan road right-of-way, which
means a collector or arterial road.
Further restrictions include: a Medi-
cal Marijuana Treatment Center can't be
designed as a drive-through; no onsite
use of marijuana or alcoholic beverages;
and no onsite cultivation of marijuana.
The facility may only be operated
between 8 a.m.-7 p.m. Monday-Friday;
and 8 a.m.-noon Saturday and Sunday.
Loitering is prohibited.
The smell of grass cannot leave the
The commission also voted to au-
thorize Reingold to advertise a public
hearing on an ordinance amending
the county's Pain Management Clinic
and Controlled Substance ordinance
to include prohibiting the cultivation of
marijuana anywhere in the county.
12 Vero Beach 32963 / November 17, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Two Vero officers resign after alcohol-related arrests
BY LISA ZAHNER day released the results of a three- Fuller, who had followed him in her For her part in the incident, Fuller
Staff Writer week-long internal investigation of squad car when he left the bar on was suspended for two days for less
the circumstances surrounding a foot. severe violations of department pol-
Vero Beach Police Officers Joshua late-night altercation between Harris icy related to use of the police radio
Harris and Nicholas Knutson, both and a female uniformed officer, Brit- Harris had given Fuller his keys and activities not permitted on police
facing termination, have resigned ton Fuller, who at the time was dating earlier in the evening and though time.
following their arrests in October on Harris. Knutson, who returned to the she offered him a ride home, he re-
charges stemming from a heavy night bar to pick up Harris, was arrested for peatedly asked for his keys back. The Knutson, who drove up to the scene
of drinking at Filthy’s Fine Cocktails DUI. two quarreled and Harris took his in his pickup truck looking for Harris,
and Beer. frustration out by knocking loose declined to submit to a breathalyzer
Harris was arrested for disorderly the side rearview mirror on Fuller’s examination, which typically results
Police Chief David Currey on Mon- conduct after arguing with Officer police car. in an automatic six-month suspen-
sion of driver license privileges. He
was arrested on a DUI following the
administration of roadside sobriety
tests by the Vero Beach Police De-
Filthy’s bartender Molli Souza told
Lt. Matt Monaco that she thought the
liquor the two men had been drink-
ing was starting to “hit” them, so she
began serving them water. Receipts
obtained from Filthy’s showed that
Harris paid for seven Moscow Mules,
seven gin and tonics, six fireball shots
and one Jameson whisky on one tab,
plus an additional six shots of Fire-
ball on a separate receipt. Knutson’s
tab showed one receipt for four gin
and tonics and a Moscow Mule, plus
another receipt for four gin and ton-
The investigation report quotes
Harris as apologizing to Monaco and
saying, "I worked here three years.
You know that this is not the type of
person that I am. I'm not going to
sit here and make excuses, I drank
too much, um I lost my temper and
I caused some damage to city prop-
erty. I am not denying that. I have no
reason to. I love this job. I do not want
to do anything else."
International Union of Police As-
sociations Local 6019 President Det.
Bradley Kmetz was not aware on
Monday that Currey had sent out a
press notice about the resignations,
but said he had no comment about
the proceedings.
This outcome reflects only the ad-
ministrative side of the case; crimi-
nal charges are still pending against
Harris and Knutson. The arrests
were made on Oct. 10 by Vero Beach
Police officers who were called to the
scene. Harris and Knutson were out
on bail the afternoon following their
“Pursuant to a mutual agreement,
the officers were afforded an oppor-
tunity to resign in lieu of termination.
Officer Nicholas Knutson turned in
his Resignation Notice on Novem-
ber 9th, 2016. Officer Joshua Harris
turned in his Resignation Notice on
November 10th, 2016,” Currey said in
a written statement.
14 Vero Beach 32963 / November 17, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Philanthropy team players honored at awards fete
BY MARY SCHENKEL Hero award for contributing 15 years
Staff Writer of organizational, motivational and
leadership skills to Habitat construc-
The Association of Fundraising Pro- tion crews. Proust is 1,000 hours short
fessionals, Indian River chapter, hit of his goal of 10,000 volunteer hours.
one out of the ballpark last Wednes- Other nominees were Cindy Bryant,
day with its baseball-themed National Alzheimer & Parkinson Assn. IRC; Gail
Philanthropy Day Awards celebration. Kinney, Education Foundation IRC;
The committee opted for a different Marvin and Karman Lee, Salvation
2 approach to their traditional awards Army IRC; Fran Mellett, Literacy Ser-
presentation, hosting a dinner at the vices IRC; Lee Olsen, Vero Beach Life-
Oak Harbor Club and waiting until guard Assn.; Rod Parker, Boys & Girls
that evening to reveal the names of the Clubs IRC; D. Barry Reardon, GYAC;
recipients. and Sue Tompkins, VNA & Hospice
“Philanthropy is the love of human- Foundation.
kind and tonight we celebrate this The Outstanding Corporate Philan-
year’s local National Philanthropy Day thropist Award was accepted by Hol-
honorees, representing 14 nonprof- lie Billero Buldo on behalf of the RE-
its,” said Peggy Gibbs, event co-chair ALTORS Association of Indian River
with Judy Lemoncelli. She noted that County, another Habitat nominee, for
1 3 the honorees have collectively provid- its sponsorship and volunteer service
ed more than 50,000 local volunteer which have enabled home ownership
hours, adding, “And that is just what is opportunities to 15 Habitat families.
able to be counted. I know it is so much The other nominees were Toyota of
more. Additionally, many of tonight’s Vero Beach, Education Foundation
honorees have donated and/or raised IRC; Walmart Distribution Center
more than $10 million for the 14 non- #7038, Treasure Coast Food Bank; and
profits that they represent.” Windsor, Alzheimer & Parkinson Assn.
Interspersed among the award Also nominated by Alzheimer &
presentations were vintage movie Parkinson Assn. was Joyce (Joy) Steg-
reels and even the famed Abbott and gles, who received the Outstanding
Costello “Who’s on first” routine, ably Individual Philanthropist Award for
performed by the evening’s award a commitment, which has enabled
presenters, Stephen Higgins and Neal them to provide programs and servic-
Watkins. In keeping with the theme, es to individuals grappling with neu-
Watkins chatted with Rick Monday, rodegenerative diseases and respite
4 a former Dodger, broadcaster and care to their caregivers. Other nomi-
two-time Major League All-Star, who nees were Sid Banack, Jr., Indian River
shared fond memories of the game State College Foundation; and Louis
and Vero’s Historic Dodgertown. and Joanne Hagopian (posthumous-
Owen Leyda, nominated by Indian ly), Habitat for Humanity.
River Habitat for Humanity, was pre- A special President’s Award was
sented with the Outstanding Youth presented to Vero’s most treasured
in Philanthropy award for his work as resident, Alma Lee Loy, for the numer-
a Life Scout in Troop 567, fundraising ous and varied contributions she has
and inspiring others in a project to re- made to the community. The list of ac-
place and put identifiable numbers on complishments, awards, honors, phil-
mailboxes in Habitat communities. anthropic and civic endeavors credit-
Alicia Maneiro, nominated by the Gif- ed to Alma Lee Loy over many decades
ford Youth Achievement Center, was could virtually span the length of the
the other Youth honoree. bridge that bears her name.
Marta Schneider, nominated by “The woman far surpasses the leg-
Children’s Home Society, received the end,” said Watkins, in presenting
5 Outstanding Volunteer Fundraiser the award. “If philanthropy is a team
award, recognizing her persuasive sport, then Alma Lee Loy is our cap-
6 fundraising efforts and compassion- tain.”
PHILANTHROPY CAPTIONS ate advocacy on behalf of children in In accepting, she said she strongly
the foster care system and the young believes that it takes a team, coopera-
1. Marta and Bob Schneider. 2. Owen Leyda and adults who age out of the system. Oth- tion and working together to accom-
Trent Leyda. 3. Peggy Cunningham, Jeff Quattry er nominees were Katy Block Faires plish goals.
and Jane Smalley. 4. Joyce (Joy) Steggles, Don and Sam Block, Childcare Resources
Proust, Alma Lee Loy and Cindy Bryant. 5. Rick and of IRC; and Louis Schacht, St. Francis “This is my home,” said Loy. “I am
Manor. truly blessed to live in a community
Barbaralee Monday. 6. Carol Hawk and Andy Bowler. where people care and want to con-
Don Proust, nominated by Habi- tinue the growth and enhancement of
7. Bob and Joanne Quaile with Cynthia Falardeau. tat for Humanity, bested a large field a distinctive quality of life for genera-
PHOTOS CONTINUED ON PAGE 16 7 PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE of nominees to receive the Unsung tions to follow.”
16 Vero Beach 32963 / November 17, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
13 14
8. Mitch and Laura Hall with Carol Kanarek and Joe Wallace. 9. Marvin
and Karman Lee with Heather and Jay Needham. 10. Freddie Woolfork
with Terry and Joe Flaherty. 11. Katie Block Faires and Sam Block.
12. Annabella Caseras (front) with Paul Massey, Brittany Banack and Jen
Massey. 13. Cassie and Jeff Schlitt with Cindy Goetz and Tim Girard. 14.
Jessica Schmitt, Rod and Julie Parker, and Elizabeth Thomason. 15. Cis
11 12 Glavin and Susan Goddard. 15
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 17, 2016 17
Hundreds step up for Walk to Remember benefit
2 3
1. Peggy Cunningham and Trudie Rainone.
4 2. Tom Kelly, Dana and Sheila Ryder, Linda Kelly.
3. Karen and Phil Northrup with Maria
Zambigadis and Janean Barrows. 4. Chris Loftus
with brother, Dave Jensen. 5. Cheryl Deacon
and Charles Brashears. 6. George Holmes with
daughter, Nancy Holmes. 7. Vivian and Gabi
The crisp fall morning helped en-
ergize the huge crowd that turned
out for the 13th annual Walk to Re-
6 member Saturday morning to ben-
efit the Alzheimer and Parkinson
Association of Indian River Coun-
ty. Volunteers greeted hundreds
of participants who had laced up
their sneakers for the 2.8-mile non-
competitive walk at Riverside Park.
Teams and individuals had solic-
ited donations in hopes of raising
$70,000 to help fund the free pro-
grams and services offered to In-
dian River County residents living
with neurodegenerative disorders.
The organization provides a wide
variety of assistance at facilities in
Vero, Sebastian and Gifford, rang-
ing from movement and motion
programs for patients to support
7 groups and respite for caregivers.
18 Vero Beach 32963 / November 17, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
‘Root’-ing for regional wildlife at Land Trust fundraiser
BY MARY SCHENKEL sky last Thursday, soaking in all the
Staff Writer delightful evening had to offer at an
event to celebrate Land Water Wild-
It’s hard to imagine a more perfect life: Preserving Our Roots. The fund-
setting to appreciate our little slice raiser was presented by Stephanie and
of paradise than Rhonda and Tom Orin Smith and co-chaired by Mary
Lowe’s spectacularly landscaped Juckiewicz and Lee Moore. Honorary
Rock City Gardens. Roughly 400 sup- co-chairs were King and Dace Stubbs.
porters of the Indian River Land Trust
gathered there under a clear night Talented Vero Beach High School
jazz musicians entertained arriving
Mary Juckiewicz, Peter Moor and Kathy Schulke. PHOTOS: MITCH KLOORFAIN
Lee Moore and Toni Robinson. Annette Rodriguez, Emily Sherwood and Patty Leeds.
guests as they wound their way along “It’s just so important; we’ve saved
pathways to the garden’s broad ex- miles of shoreline on the lagoon. We
panse, where the bluegrass music of have the cleanest stretch of lagoon in
Melbourne’s Penny Creek Band filled this area; it’s badly polluted south of
the crisp night air. us.”
Everything was done with an eye “The Land Trust is quite pleased
toward highlighting and preserving with the turnout this evening, and
our roots, from the stunning, hand- having exceeded our fundraising
drawn table runners and silent auc- goals once again,” said IRLT Execu-
tion drawings by architect and IRLT tive Director Ken Grudens. “It’s won-
board member Peter Moor, to the derful to celebrate the overall impact
natural Florida greenery showcased the Indian River Land Trust has made
in 118 verdant floral arrangements in Vero Beach by preserving wildlife
designed by Monti Jones of Monti’s habitat, protecting our scenic water-
Flower Market, and even the selec- front and providing public access for
tion of local craft beers from Orchid recreation and education.”
Island and Walking Tree Breweries.
Elizabeth Kennedy Catering served “It’s so exciting,” said Emily Trem-
up delectable passed hors d’oeuvres, ml. “We have been supporters of the
followed by a delicious dinner buffet Nature Conservancy for years, and
of sausage and peppers, fried oysters, that preserves properties all over the
roasted chicken and a varied assort- world. With the Land Trust, we’re sup-
ment of side dishes. porting where we live.”
The Pie Shack was a sweet addition The mission of the Land Trust is to
this year, with mouth-watering pies protect and preserve environmentally
by Holly Turnmanour of the Smoke- sensitive land, with a current focus on
house Grill in Vero Beach. And the acreage that impacts the Indian River
slight nip in the late evening air drew Lagoon, the most diverse estuary in
plenty of partygoers to the fire pit North America.
where they toasted marshmallows for
ooey-gooey s’mores. Many of the properties acquired,
such as the 187-acre Lagoon Green-
“This has gotten better every year,” way, contain recreational hiking and
said Director Emeritus Toni Robinson. biking trail systems which are open to
the public for all to enjoy.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 17, 2016 19
Mark and Elizabeth Skoda with Stephanie Smith and Bob Thibodeau. Ken Grudens, Bebe and Kevin Grady, and Emily Tremml. David and Nikki Smith with Tommye and Rody Johnson.
Wade Baxley and Rhonda Lowe. Susan and Lee Jennings with Dace Stubbs. John and Linda Johnson with Linda and Robert Williams.
22 Vero Beach 32963 / November 17, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Charities’ wishes come true at Evening of Giving
Susanne and Doug Sweeny. PHOTOS: HOLLY SUZANNE Sally and John Pearse. Joe and Maureen Kane.
BY STEPHANIE LaBAFF Diane DeFrancisci and Stacey Clawson. Charlene Friedman and Sally Pearse. Libby Thompson and Bill King.
Staff Writer
Two giant trees had been decorated
Christmas came early at the Grand with “wishes” gathered from Camp
Harbor Clubhouse with the 16th an- Haven, Children’s Home Society and
nual Evening of Giving, which kicked its CHS Transitional Living Program,
off the next season of the Grand Har- Guardian Ad Litem, the Hope for
bor Community Outreach program, a Families Center, Redlands Christian
nonprofit founded in 2002. Migrant Association, Samaritan Cen-
ter for Homeless Families, St. Francis
“This traditional evening is one of Manor, Senior Resource Association,
our most popular member events,” Vision Quest of the Education Foun-
said past president Susanne Sweeny. dation, the Veterans Council and the
“The goal for the night’s festivities is Indian River Golf Foundation SNAG
to collect gifts and funds to benefit 12 program.
local charities supporting children,
the homeless, veterans and seniors in Committee members had first met
need.” with the selected charities to ascer-
tain what they needed to continue
their good works. Guests at the event
plucked the wishes from the tree
with the zeal of children unwrapping
presents on Christmas morning, at-
testing to the adage that it is better to
give than to receive.
“Grand Harbor Community Out-
reach has raised well over $3 million
since its founding and now supports
over 30 local agencies. The all-vol-
unteer organization prides itself on
ensuring that 100 percent of donor
contributions go to the charities in
need,” explained Sweeny. “The focus
of our outreach is on building self-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Pat Simm and Catherine Reichert.
Susan Michaels and Jennifer Jensen.
sufficiency and combating poverty
throughout Indian River County.”
For the past 16 years, volunteers
have raised funds through an An-
nual Fund Drive, events such as the
Evening of Giving and corporate
sponsorships to provide support to
programs addressing unmet needs
in Indian River County, particularly
those in the areas of health, educa-
tion and human services.
“When you see all the good we do
collectively, it is amazing,” said Char-
lene Friedman.
After Santa’s helpers had chosen
the various wishes they planned to
fulfill, guests settled down to the sec-
ond order of business – enjoying the
evening and a buffet of delectable
dishes at tables laden with gourmet
cheeses and fruit, pastas and salads,
and a carving station. And no holiday
party would be complete without a
multitude of confectionary treats:
Christmas cookies and chocolates
surrounded a white chocolate Christ-
mas tree that was almost too beauti-
ful to eat.
The setting may have been one of
festive elegance, but the evening was
filled with the spirit of giving.
24 Vero Beach 32963 / November 17, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Chefs go bananas to benefit Save the Chimps!
123 4
1. Lila Blakeslee, Triana Romero and Dorothy Napp
Schindel. 2. Laura and Bobby Guttridge. 3. Judy
and Bob Van Saun. 4. Chefs Crystal Morton, Ben
Tench and Corey Hilberts from The Moorings. 5.
Monica Naranjo and Molly Polidoroff. 6. Adam
and Amber Lewis. 7. Kurt and Shawn Nelson with
BY CHRISTINA TASCON 56 7 Laura Guttridge have served multiple
Correspondent times as co-chairs for the event, and
modate more than 200 attendees. rector Molly Polidoroff. “When you Van Saun was intent on getting the
The mood was delightfully rainfor- Chefs from Bent Pine Golf Club, look into their eyes they are just so highest bids possible on the auction
est chic at the eighth annual Chimps soulful. Save the Chimps is the largest items.
Kitchen: A Local Celebrity Chef Tast- The Moorings Yacht & Country Club, chimpanzee sanctuary in the world.
ing Fundraiser, held last Thursday Windsor Club, Frostings, Grind + It is such an incredible opportunity “We managed to get a vintner to do-
evening at Cobalt Restaurant at Vero Grape and Cobalt Restaurant went to see the chimpanzees get to live out nate a bottle of wine to go with certain
Beach Hotel & Spa to benefit Save the above and beyond, not only prepar- their lives in a sanctuary with such a auction items,” said Van Saun. “The
Chimps, a 150-acre sanctuary in Fort ing the delicious fare but offering an caring staff.” wines are of the caliber of donations to
Pierce that is now home to 251 chim- incredibly stunning visual appeal as National Geographic and presidential
panzees liberated from research labo- well. Each of them had donated the Lucian Meyer once had a Vegas act dinners.”
ratories, circuses, zoos and the enter- menu and their time to help raise an that included ice skating chimps. His
tainment industry. anticipated $100,000 for the sanctuary. former chimp, Terri, now lives at the Guttridge, who is also a director on
sanctuary and he has visited her five the Animal Rights Foundation of Flor-
The sleek dining room had been Raffle volunteers were dressed in times while volunteering there, in- ida, began her connection to STC after
transformed with Congo resort décor, black T-shirts emblazoned with “98.6% cluding the morning of the event when delivering coconuts to the sanctuary
live new-age ambient musicians and Chimp” across their chests, represent- he made 350 peanut butter and jelly and seeing their amazing work.
subtle lighting. ing the percentage of DNA character- sandwiches for their breakfast.
istics chimpanzees share with their “We have a sacred responsibility
Servers passed chimp-inspired ba- human counterparts. The chimps’ “It is so nice they get to be outside on to keep all creatures from being ex-
nana daiquiris and local chefs present- plight was intensely felt through art- the islands,” said Meyer. “I treated my ploited or abused,” said Guttridge.
ed creative vegetarian dishes at buffet work offered as auction items, some chimps very nicely but some of these “These magnificent animals, which
stations strategically placed to accom- actually created by the primates. places did not. But now they have such were once subjected to horrible abuse
a nice place as their home.” and suffering, are now able to roam
“I have such a love and respect for these islands and socialize with other
the chimpanzees,” said Executive Di- Animal lovers Judy Van Saun and chimps. It is truly heartwarming and it
gave me chills.”
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 17, 2016 25
8. Sous Chef Rachel Bourdon from Bent Pine. 9 Cobalt Chefs Tom Dolan and
Corby Stewart. 10. John McCallum and Bonnie Mixon. 11. Jim Malloy and
Danielle Cuneo with Susan and Paul Hitt. 12. Anthony and Sammy Fashona
10 11 with Lisa and Dr. John Sarbak. 13. Bob Camis, Jeff Armstein and Chip Owen.
26 Vero Beach 32963 / November 17, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Impact 100 Membership
Kickoff is well received
Jean Beckert, Suzanne Conway and Brenda Lloyd. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE
BY MARY SCHENKEL Fetterolf said that what most im-
pressed her about the organization she
Staff Writer joined eight years ago was that 100 per-
cent of her $1,000 donation would be
The dynamic women of Indian River applied to the grants. However, under-
Impact 100 gathered at Oak Harbor standing the reality of administrative
Club last Wednesday morning for a expenses, she encouraged others to
sold-out Membership Kickoff Break- also sponsor or contribute a little more
fast, launching the group into its ninth to help offset necessary expenditures.
year of collective charitable giving. The
simple but formidable concept behind This past summer, Impact 100 mem-
the organization is to provide trans- ber Laura Steward interviewed 35 indi-
formational $100,000 grants to local viduals whose lives have been affected
nonprofits through $1,000 member do- through programs funded by Impact
nations, empowering collectively what 100 grants, compiling them into an
most could not otherwise provide indi- “Impact of Impact 100” video series.
vidually. Despite breaking a bone in her foot
the night before, Steward soldiered on
“This is a movement that is taking as the host of a “fireside chat” at the
place with women across the United breakfast with two of those interview-
States,” said Impact 100 President Su- ees.
zanne Bertman, noting that roughly
200 local women have already signed Noe Chico is a beneficiary through
up as 2017 members. “We will this year the Literacy Services of Indian River
surpass the $3 million giving mark for County PEN (Parents Engaged Now)
transformational grants. I want to real- program, which inspires and moti-
ly thank each and every one of you who vates parents to become more engaged
are the committed members who give in their children’s education. He relat-
that money, because we are seeing the ed that by providing him with guide-
impact of Impact 100 here in Indian lines to open new channels of commu-
River County.” nication with his 8-year-old daughter,
the program has greatly enhanced all
She acknowledged Jeff Pickering, aspects of both their lives.
CEO of the Indian River Community
Foundation, which administers the Barbara Ellison spoke about the
Impact 100 fund, and thanked event uplifting experience she and her late
co-chairs Brenda Lloyd and Suzanne husband received during his illness
Conway, event sponsor Toby Hill of and final days through the VNA’s Mu-
The Hill Group, and speaker co-spon- sic Therapy program, noting that the
sors FPL and Impact 100 member Elke caring ministrations of music thera-
Fetterolf. pist Moreen Berkart enriched their
lives mentally, physically and spiritu-
“It is through your approach to ally.
philanthropy that I believe you
have changed the environment “This is what your donation does,”
and landscape of the philanthrop- said Steward. “It’s not that it’s just go-
ic community here in Indian River ing to an organization; it’s going to
County,” said Hill. “We applaud you people in our community whose lives
for it and we encourage you to stay are permanently changed. I thank all
focused on your mission.” of you for enabling that to happen.”
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 17, 2016 27
Nancy Lynch and Suzi Locke. Suzanne Bertman and Wanda Lincoln. Judy Peschio and Pam Harmon.
Kathy Kinasewitz, Kate Burke Walsh, Debbie Alexander and Alice McDonnell.
Roz Cline and Michele Kluger. Marsha Reardon and Myra Webber.
Kathy Davila, Pat Lucas, Katha Kissman and Colleen Brennan.
28 Vero Beach 32963 / November 17, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Recapturing the dream at Hope for Families Center
Staff Writer
For the past 26 years, the Hope for Chris Pawela, Diana Grossi and Dan Herrig. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE Diana Stark and Ann Marie McCrystal.
Families Center has been changing
lives one family at a time by provid- to open an additional store and create Kay Brown, Shirley Becker and Scanlan Buckley. erything into perspective.”
ing homeless families with a safe en- a moving and delivery company, a re- Guests got a peek at recently com-
vironment, education and counseling. modeling and construction company, happiness in life.”
At the organization’s Recapturing the and a maid service business, enabling Roughly 160 supporters gathered for pleted changes at the center, and heard
American Dream-themed annual din- people to be trained in fields where from residents who shared their stories
ner last Monday evening at the Quail they can earn living wages. cocktails at the Tiki Bar before head- of homelessness as well as the hope the
Valley River Club, guests learned of sig- ing inside for dinner amidst patriotic HFC has brought to their lives.
nificant changes that are in the works. “We hope the families at HFC will Stars and Stripes. Attorney John Moore
reach their American Dream, whatever served as auctioneer during a live auc- “We finally have some place we can
Along with the recent addition of Dr. it is,” said event chair Mariclare Beggy. tion, prodding and charming guests get back on our feet. You can come
Diana Grossi as the new executive di- “We want them to have success and into a bidding war for experience and here, and they care about you. If Hope
rector and renovations to the center, travel packages that added $16,000 to for Families wasn’t in our life, we would
board President Paul Bradford shared the coffers to help support program- still be walking around and still trying
that HFC is working toward becoming ming. to find a place to stay,” shared a child
self-sufficient. who currently calls HFC home.
“The HFC provides shelter for 25
During his address to guests, Brad- families,” said Gloria Pappalardo. “We at the Hope for Families Center
ford explained, “Right now we don’t “When you think that your dollars can are grateful to everyone who came out
get any money or resources from gov- change families and give them the for this wonderful evening to support
ernment agencies. We depend on do- tools to change their lives, it puts ev- the shelter,” said Grossi. “It is through
nors or investment from people like the support of the community that
yourselves. What we are doing now is homeless families are able to receive
creating companies to become self- clean, safe shelter, food and support-
sufficient.” ive services to help them become self-
Bradford said the nonprofit plans
Next month the HFC will host a Dec.
10 Kris Kringle Bazaar at the Heritage
Center, and in the spring its Top Chef
signature event will take on a new look.
A newly dubbed Flavors of Indian River
will be held April 29-30 at the Indian
River County Fairgrounds.
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 17, 2016 29
Gloria Pappalardo with Al and Joan DeCrane. Helen Robertson, Suzanne Bertman and Karen Deigl. Fran Gilson with Mel and Linda Teetz.
Tom and Cheryl Mackey with Nick and Liz Melnick.
Michele and Dan Downey. Susan and Bill Friesell.
Nicki Maslin, Dustin Haynes and Toni Abraham.
30 Vero Beach 32963 / November 17, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Bravery, sacrifice honored at veterans ceremony
BY STEPHANIE LaBAFF Buckingham, who received a Sil- 1
Staff Writer ver Star for valor in Korea, was visibly
moved as Korean War veterans Joseph
The Rockwellian scene that un- A. Gomez, Ronald Stevens and Leon
folded last Friday morning at Veter- Linzi were honored. Bagpiper Michael
ans Memorial Island Sanctuary filled Hyde (USMM) led the way as U.S.
hearts with pride for all those who Army Staff Sgt. Jason Wang placed the
served in the United States Armed ceremonial wreath among the ceno-
Forces, as families, service members taphs honoring local residents who
and community leaders gathered to died in combat while defending our
honor military veterans with all the country.
pomp and circumstance due these
brave men and women. Originally Hosted by the Veterans Council of
known as Armistice Day, Veterans Indian River County, the ceremony
Day was established in remembrance was a poignant reflection of the sac-
of the anniversary of the 11th hour of rifices veterans have made, and the
the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918, impact of the morning was palpable
the end of World War I. as Duke Scales played “Taps” and the
Color Guards passed in review.
Keynote speaker Maj. Gen. Clay
Buckingham, U.S. Army (Ret.) shared
stories of the strength in which Indian
River County supports its veterans,
including through the creation of the
tranquil island sanctuary. He also
spoke of Alma Lee Loy, who sold war
bonds and stamps as a “red-haired,
freckle-faced girl,” and of his own
time in the military.
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 17, 2016 31
34 56
3. Rifle salute by the Vero Beach Honor Guard.
4. Dwight Harris. 5. Col. Darryle Kouns, USA Ret.
(Master of Ceremonies). 6. Teagan Davis with The Dolls:
Dolores Mark, Patti Carter and Kim Morgan. 7. Color
Guards at Veterans Day Ceremony on Memorial Island.
8. Alma Lee Loy and Cora Buckingham with Honored
Korean War Veterans: Joseph A. Gomez, Ronald Stevens
8 and Leon Linzi.
32 Vero Beach 32963 / November 17, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
High ‘Fi’ all around at Marine Corps Birthday Ball
Correspondent The event, hosted locally by the In-
The abundance of Semper Fi bum- dian River Detachment of the Marine
per stickers on cars and trucks in the Corps League, commemorates the
parking lot of The Club at Point West resolution passed by the Continental
last Saturday evening left no doubt Congress on Nov. 10, 1775, marking
that folks were in the right spot for the the founding of the Marines.
U.S. Marine Corps Birthday Ball, cel-
ebrating the 241st anniversary of the “This event happens worldwide,”
venerated branch of the United States said John Michael Matthews, past
president of the Veterans Council.
“All of this is made up of the veterans’
Tony and Sharon Young with Andrea Johnson and Ed Britt. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE
Pat and James Logren.
privilege for so many reasons.
It gives me goosebumps just
talking about it.”
The cutting of the birthday
cake is one of the most time-
honored of the ceremonial
acts, with the oldest among
them passing a slice to the
youngest in a symbolic gesture
of passing along experience
Sylvester McIntosh, Marty Zickert and John Michael Matthews. and knowledge to the newest
generation of Marines. On Sat-
community and all those organiza- urday, Carmine “Yank” Yannetelli,
tions. This event is the biggest mili- 93, followed tradition by passing the
tary ball in the county this year.” piece to Cpl. Harris.
More than 120 guests attended in Other pageantry included a reci-
their best formalwear, particularly tation of the Marine Corps Order 47
the Marines, whose medals shone by retired Lt. Col. Rip Wieler, and the
brilliantly, highlighting the pomp and Presentation of Colors. Dave Phillips
splendor of the evening. rang a bell for each comrade who had
“We’re 241 years old and we still recently passed away, and current
look good,” joked Victor Diaz. “We League Commandant Dwight Harris
are Marines always and forever and (no relation) explained the poignant
we came together tonight because we vignette of the always set, but empty
love the camaraderie. This is our night table at all military balls – a stark re-
as Marines but all year round we are minder of those still POW/MIA.
veterans.” Edna Wieler said she enjoyed taking
“All Marines have the right to be in all the pageantry as she watched
here, and we say the more the mer- her husband from a short distance,
rier,” said Cpl. Heath Harris, a Ma- adding, “I love seeing him in his uni-
rine Corps reservist. “The crescendo form. It just fills me with pride and
of the evening is the cake cutting, in patriotism and it still gives me chills
which I will take part. It is the highest after 26 years.”
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 17, 2016 33
Carmine ‘Yank’ Yannetelli and Cpl. Heath Harris. Leonard and Diane DeFrancisci with Raynor Reavis. Dennis Caffrey and Nancy Minucci.
Mike and Yuriko Meckl with Emily and Doy Demsick.
John and Jean Beckert. Victor Diaz and Edgar C. Britt.
Sam and Linda Kouns. Cynthia Chisholm and Sgt Robert Ryan.
34 Vero Beach 32963 / November 17, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Back by pup-ular demand: Bark N Brew wows ’em!
BY SAMANTHA ROHLFING BAITA music by the Collins and Company sniffs and no altercations.
Staff Writer Band, great food and the many pup- For those of the canine persua-
related products and services on
If you are a dog, or own a dog, or display. sion, bowls of cool water were stra-
know a dog or just like to hang out tegically placed throughout the
with dogs, chances are you were at There were dogs of every sort park, and for their human pals, cold
the second annual Vero Beach Dog and size, from 2-pound minis to draft brews and soft beverages were
Park Bow Wow Bark N Brew last 100-plus-pound maxis, cuddly fluff- plentiful as well.
Sunday. Hundreds of canines and balls and sleek short-hairs, impres-
their humans mixed and mingled, sive Danes and Rotties, purebreds, Numerous pooches accepted the
enjoying the gorgeous weather, hybrids and rescues. And it was all challenges of the Agility Course and
very civilized, with lots of wag-and- the Lure Course, and the Dachs-
hunds in the crowd put best paws
Sean Verne and Kent Gustavson guide
Simon through the agility course.
Dog massage therapist Stacy Litzky, Jordan,
and dog owner Jodie Love
forward in the always adorable
Weiner Dog Race.
A crowd-pleasing Wet Dog Tee
Shirt Race tempted enthusiastic
participation by dogs and their hu-
mans. Commentator Paul Muller
called a play-by-play as four dog/
human teams at a time raced for a
row of four blue buckets, each filled
with water and a T-shirt. The goal
was for humans to put the wet shirts
on their pooches and make it back
to the finish line first. Hilarious!
The very first winner was Kah-
lua Mueller, a chocolate lab teamed
with dad Chris and cheered on by
mom Sherry. Lily Emmershy, a pret-
ty-in-pink little Shih Tzu won her
heat, competing with mom Chris,
and later made friends with Mason
Smith, a mini labradoodle and her
mom Michele. Rescue pit-bull Wal-
ter Boser didn’t win his heat but he
and mom Mary had fun anyway.
Large crowds gathered for two
impressive sheep-herding dem-
onstrations by five herding dogs,
a small flock of sheep, and train-
ers Mike Horgan and Lori Volpi of
Draxen Farms, an all-breed sheep
herding training facility in Ft.
Pierce. Apparently lots of dogs try
to herd their humans, the kids, even
the family cat.
The well-run, well-attended Bark
N Brew will certainly be an event
dogs and dog lovers will continue to
look forward to each fall.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 17, 2016 35
Jeane Muratti and Tater Tot. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE Laura Toth and Heather Langfitt lead Tory. Hunter Pankiewicz with Libby. Chris Emmershy with Lilly.
Tucker and Gator. Christine Trammel, Steve McDonald and Leah Muller. Laura Icquierdo with Jake.
36 Vero Beach 32963 / November 17, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Thank-yous on the menu at Museum of Art soiree
BY MARY SCHENKEL tive director/CEO. The annual black-
Staff Writer tie dinner is an invitational event to
thank its upper level category mem-
The Vero Beach Museum of Art Di- bers whose contributions provide
rector’s Society and Chairman’s Club major support to the museum and its
Dinner last Friday evening was a spe- programs.
cial one, not only drawing its 30th An-
niversary year to a close, but also pay- Guests were offered a choice of early
ing tribute to Lucinda Gedeon, who or later seating in either the Holmes
is retiring at the end of the November Great Hall or the Wahlstrom Sculpture
after 12 years as the museum’s execu- Garden, enclosed by the Laura and Bill
Buck Atrium. The sophisticated crowd
Tuny Hill, Roger Lynch, Eve Hoffman, Nancy Lynch and Toby Hill. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE
Gene Horton, Barbara Dietrich, Lillian Horton and Karl Dietrich.
dined on a gourmet dinner of filet and “We were also fortunate to have the
grilled prawns, with a lush White Rus- incoming Director Brady Roberts and
sian cake for dessert at tables set with his wife Anna make a special trip to
a simple elegance that included lovely Vero today to join in this important
white hydrangea centerpieces de- thank-you celebration for members,”
signed by Hutchinson Floral Artistry. said Rolf, noting that Roberts will take
over the position on Dec. 5.
Both groups were treated before
dinner to a lecture in the Leonhardt “Our board is excited about this
Auditorium by guest lecturer Kevin next chapter in the museum’s histo-
Sharp, director of the Dixon Gallery ry,” Rolf continued. “We feel strongly
and Gardens in Memphis, who spoke the partnerships that have been
about the museum’s new exhibit, The formed with so many organizations
American Spirit: Selections from the thru the Art for Health Sake, the
Manoogian Collection. Learning Alliance and the Moonshot
Moment Initiative plus special pro-
In a brief welcome before each lec- grams for troubled teens expand the
ture, new Board of Trustees Chair San- museum’s reach throughout Indian
dy Rolf paid tribute to Gedeon, saying, River County. Quality offerings for
“She has been a wonderful profession- classes in the Art School, the exhib-
al, tireless leader and the museum is its and all programs will always re-
where it is today because of her vision main. I am very excited about what
and leadership.” lies ahead for this cultural treasure
here in Vero Beach. We are so lucky
Rolf related that the Board of Trust- to have such a quality Museum of Art
ees had presented Gedeon with a life- in our community and our board is
time membership in the Chairman’s focused on maintaining that quality
Club and the Athena Club as a thank- in all phases of the operation.”
you for her service and the wonderful
legacy she is leaving behind.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 17, 2016 37
Sandy Rolf with Brady and Anna Roberts. Darby Glenn and Patsy Malone with Sam and Kathy Hayes. Frances Sprout with Kjestine and Peter Bijur.
Lucinda Gedeon and Kevin Sharp.
Peter and Pat Thompson. Gail and Scott Alexander.
Norman Joost and Shirley Wertz. Alvina and Jim Balog.
John and Cynthia West with Vickie and Dan Lautenbach.
38 Vero Beach 32963 / November 17, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
PHOTOS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 37 George and Marlen Higgs. Ed Shanaphy and Bo Smith.
Bob and Ellie McCabe.
Susan and Ed Smith.
Bill and Judy Schneebeck.
Laura and Bill Frick.
40 Vero Beach 32963 / November 17, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Glass in session at Foosaner ‘Light Up the Arts’ exhibit
Chapel, Dr P. Phillips Hospital, Orlando
BY ELLEN FISCHER bition of stained-glass table lamps Its founding was part serendip- graduated in 1974) and Preston was a
Correspondent and photographs of architectural ity and part fascination with the field director in the Red Cross.
glass installations by Melbourne’s medium of glass, according to Em-
Melbourne’s Foosaner Art Muse- own Preston Studios. ery, who recently visited the exhi- “Jerry is the one who got infected
um has brightened up the short days bition to recount the studio’s ori- with the glass disease first,” says
of late autumn with a show that will Founded 40 years ago by partners gin story. Emery.
put springtime into the art lover’s Jerry Preston and John Emery, Pres-
step. “Light Up the Arts” is an exhi- ton Studios is a story of success in In the early 1970s, Emery was a After the purchase of a Ronco bottle
the arts. history student at Rollins College (he cutter, Preston began glass cutting as
a hobby. With the wine bottles Emery
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 17, 2016 41
brought home from his restaurant job, dios was formed to create stained- own reproduction Tiffany lamps. But ed on an antique bronze vase – to Palm
the two were soon busy making can- glass table lamps of the type made Preston and Emery had no step-by- Beach, where he sold it for $2,500.
dle holders as Christmas presents for famous by Tiffany Studios at the step guidelines to take them through
friends and relatives. end of the 19th century. (It was, in the process of crafting a handmade It would be nice to report that from
glass shade. They learned the tech- there the only way was up, but that
nique as they went. was not the case. After two years of
production, Preston Studios’ sales
Although Tiffany lamps are an could not keep up with its expenses.
undeniable influence on their own
work, their aim was not to copy Tif- “People didn’t understand what we
fany Studios’ distinctive fin-de-siècle doing,” explains Emery.
He says that potential buyers mis-
“We never did any reproductions,” took their work for Tiffany, and soon
says Emery. “We started with our own lost interest in purchasing when it
designs from the very beginning.” was explained to them that the lamps
were Preston originals.
Preston took their first successful
project – a stained-glass shade mount- This financial setback inspired the
Fung Shui lamps
“That was how we got into glass,” fact, not Tiffany who designed the
Emery chuckles. famous lamps but one of his design-
ers, Clara Driscoll.) As with previous
He traces the beginning of Preston generations of Tiffany glass lovers,
Studios to 1976, when the duo opened Preston and Emery were fascinated
a bank account under that name for at first sight.
their new business.
Today hobbyists can buy kits with
The short-lived era of bottle cut- everything they need to make their
ting, however, was over. Preston Stu-
7 72 . 2 3 4 . 6711
42 Vero Beach 32963 / November 17, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Coming Up: Symphonic sounds inVero and Melbourne
1 The Brevard Symphony Orches- York. Brother Marcos stayed behind
tra holds its second concert of in Vero; he is music director at Christ
by the Sea Methodist Church. As be-
the season at the King Center Satur- fore, big brother Eliut is flying in from
Puerto Rico to try to keep the peace.
day night, a program of Russian mas- Word is they’re even bringing their
parents this time. Prepare the time-
ters featuring Grammy-nominated out room. The competition takes
place in two concerts at 3 p.m. and 7
pianist Terrence Wilson, a graduate p.m. at Christ-by-the-Sea.
of Juilliard. If Melbourne is a bit far,
to paraphrase the British explorer
Captain Robert Scott, you won’t re-
gret the lesser journey to hear the
Space Coast Symphony, which also
plays Saturday night but at Vero High 3 Still no hope of a reunion tour of
Crosby, Stills and Nash. In the
School’s Performing Arts Center. Top- Brevard Symphony Orchestra.
David Crosby.
ping the program is Ralph Vaughan meantime, we get more David: He’s
Williams’ “Sinfonia Antartica,” in- performing at Stuart’s Lyric Theatre
spired by Scott’s disastrous effort to Tuesday and at Melbourne’s King
become the first man to reach the Center next Saturday, Nov. 26. Crosby
South Pole. released two new albums, “Light-
The program also includes Richard house,” a collaboration with Michael
Strauss’ moving “Four Last Songs,” League of the Grammy-winning band
written in the last year of his life and Snarky Puppy; and a still-unnamed
performed here by Mary Anne Kru- effort with his son James Raymond.
ger. The American-born soprano
sang for two decades in Germany af- 4 There is nothing snarky about
the puppy that appears at the
ter earning a master’s in vocal perfor-
mance at Indiana University. end of the remarkable play “The
In a considerably less sobering seg- Curious Incident of the Dog in the
ment, conductor Aaron Collins turns Night-Time.” The national tour
over the baton to renowned Central stops at West Palm’s Kravis Center
this week. Based on the best-sell-
Florida trumpeter Gareth Pritchard ing short novel by Mark Haddon,
to conduct Malcolm Arnold’s “Tam
O’Shanter,” based on the Robert and directed by Marianne Elliott
Burns poem about a man in the
throes of drink. (who also directed and won a Tony
The concert starts at 7 p.m. for “War Horse”), “Curious Inci-
dent” won five Tony awards includ-
ing Best Play. and this praise from
the New York Times’ Ben Brantley:
2 Sunday marks the resumption “One of the most fully immersive
of the blood feud that twice tore
works ever to wallop Broadway.”
asunder Vero’s church music scene. I totally agree, having seen the
Yes, Dr. Jose-Daniel Flores is com- NTLive simulcast from London two
ing back to town to challenge his years ago; it debuted on Broadway
brother Marcos Flores to determine six months later. The play, told in
which instrument is king, piano or first-person in the novel, is about
organ. Jose-Daniel was the longtime a brilliant and autistic 15-year-old
music director of Vero’s Community boy who discovers a neighbor’s dog
Church; he left in 2014 to lead a large has been killed. When the mystery’s
community choir in Albany, New unravels it nearly undoes him.
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 17, 2016 43
‘The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time.’
The show runs at Kravis through three days in Chicago. There, Fred-
a Sunday matinee. erick selected the 75 works destined
for this weekend’s opening, which in-
5 With a potential presidential U- cludes a Cuban-themed donor party
turn on travel to Cuba looming Saturday night and a public recep-
tion Sunday from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
after last week’s election, Fort Pierce’s
The exhibit marks the museum’s
A.E. Backus Museum is providing an reopening after a five-month closure
for renovation and expansion. It fea-
interim trip via the photography and tures works from Cuba’s so-called
“special period” in the early 1990s
sculpture of a private collector. following the fall of the Soviet Union
when funds suddenly dried up for the
island nation, leaving residents in
dire poverty.
6 In West Palm Beach, an exhibit
of photographs of a very Ameri-
At the Backus. can phenomenon spans the same era
The exhibit, The Light in Cuban that saw the Cubans capturing their
Eyes, is based on a monograph by
the same title by Madeleine Plonsker, struggle on film. “Dead Images: Pho-
who with her husband Harvey has
been collecting art from the recently tographs of the Grateful Dead” opens
accessible island for more than a de-
cade. Her 2015 exhibit in San Francis- this weekend at the Palm Beach Pho-
co caught the eye of the Backus’ ex-
ecutive director, Kathleen Frederick, tographic Centre. The collection is
who arranged to meet Plonsker for
from the archives of rock photogra-
pher Robbi Cohn. The show’s open-
ing-night reception Friday from 5:30
p.m. to 7:30 p.m. The exhibit will be
on view through Jan. 4. The center
is part of West Palm’s City Center on
Clematis Street.
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46 Vero Beach 32963 / November 17, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Foosaner exhibit An early Preston stained-glass panel Asian-themed designs with dragons, Standing amidst the blazing glories
that was at one time installed in a home lotus and the Chinese characters for of the studio’s incandescent wares,
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 41 is on display at the gallery’s entrance. It long life, happiness and good health. Emery wants his audience to know
is mounted in such a way that both sides that “comparing Preston Studios with
artists to create a less labor-intensive of the panel are exposed to view but, Several of Preston Studios’ shades Tiffany Studios is like comparing ap-
“Birds of the World” series –small dec- alas, neither of them is lit. It takes some are mounted on ornate bronze vases ples and oranges.”
orative panels intended for display looking, but eventually the patchwork of that Emery found on eBay. Reproduc-
in windows. They featured stained- amber and brown glass coalesces into a tion Tiffany bronze bases that the “Tiffany, at the height of his busi-
glass depictions of birds surrounded variation of Marcel Duchamp’s abstract studio purchases from wholesalers ness, had over 300 people working for
by clear glass and finished with clear, “Nude Descending a Staircase.” are also in the show. These display him,” says Emery.
beveled glass borders. A new market- the sometimes-baroque art nouveau
ing plan sent those appealing objects If the photos and the Duchamp styling that we have come to expect of By contrast, Preston Studios has a
– along with a few lamps – to mer- panel don’t grab you, that might be stained-glass lamps. tiny staff. Emery creates the designs
chandising marts in Atlanta, Miami, because the show’s real attraction are for everything the studio produces,
New York and Dallas. Their salabil- the 22 stained-glass lamps that glow All the lamps in the exhibition are from large architectural pieces to
ity helped the studio turn the corner in genial groupings in the semi-dark- for sale. They range in price from lampshades. Preston selects and cuts
from poverty to something a bit closer ened gallery. They feature dense floral $5,000-$20,000 depending on size and the individual pieces of glass for the
to prosperity. compositions, koi fish in lily pods, and complexity. A price list is available at design and solders them together. Ev-
the museum. ery step of the process is done by hand.
Preston Studios got its long awaited
“big break” – along with an additional In addition to the two principals, the
creative focus – in 1982 when it was studio uses the services of Cocoa Beach-
commissioned to create five decora- based enameller Stanley Klopfenstine
tive glass windows for Melbourne for designs that incorporate hand-
Beach’s new Aquarina Country Club. painted or stenciled pieces of glass.
Other private commissions followed.
To date Preston Studios has designed In addition to those three artists,
and hand-crafted decorative glass Preston Studios employs a couple of
doors, side lights and transoms for 150 studio assistants who help with the
entryways on the Space Coast alone. copper foiling and other time-con-
suming jobs.
That does not include architectural
projects in other parts of Florida and Like Tiffany, Preston Studios uses
the U.S., nor does it account for works the time-honored technique of edg-
in semi-public spaces. The studio has ing its stained-glass components
created non-denominational stained- (the individual petals, leafs, butterfly
glass panels for hospital chapels in wings, etc. that make up the finished
Orlando, St. Augustine and Houston, design) in copper foil prior to solder-
as well as the doors and windows of ing them together.
the narthex (entry hall) of Holy Trinity
Episcopal Church in Melbourne. Unlike Tiffany, Preston counts
among its subject matter flowers that
Lining the gallery walls in chrono- Tiffany Studios never aspired to tack-
logical order are a number of framed le, including daylilies, irises, angel’s
photos of some of the studio’s archi- trumpets, and tropical exotics like ka-
tectural projects. Impressive as the pok tree blossoms.
original pieces may be in situ, these
small approximations of their splen- “They did some roses,” admits Em-
dor are quickly passed by. ery, but not the way we approach roses.”
You can see all of these flowers and
more in the show, which occupies
the west side of the Foosaner’s main
gallery through Dec. 31.
48 Vero Beach 32963 / November 17, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Raymond Dowd is angry. He shoves
a ream of paper several inches thick “Shepherdess Bringing in Sheep,” by Camille Pissarro (1886), was plundered by the Nazis Those advocates have accused some
across a conference table in his mid- and currently resides in the University of Oklahoma’s Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art. of the world’s biggest museums, like
town Manhattan office. The stack con- the Museum of Modern Art in New
tains copies of property declarations once singled it out as a “breathtaking” lanthropist and Estée Lauder cosmet- York City and the Thyssen-Bornemisza
by Jews from nearly 80 years ago. Tax highlight of the collection. ics company executive, who has been Museum in Madrid, of stonewalling
documents aren’t the most thrilling a leader in the mission to return art families, and paintings of dubious
read, but Dowd, a lawyer who has han- It’s also a work the Nazis stole from stolen by the Nazis. Despite massive provenance hang quietly even in mu-
dled several World War II–era restitu- a wealthy Parisian family. Their lone efforts in Europe and the U.S. since seums on American college campuses.
tion cases, says the papers are essen- heir, a Holocaust survivor, spent her World War II to reclaim the plundered
tial to understanding how the Nazis adult life searching for her Shepherd- assets, advocates say some 100,000 The University of Oklahoma and
stripped Jews of so much art. ess. And now she wants it back. works remain missing – and that many at least five other American colleges
museums are fighting to keep them have faced claims against their mu-
By making Jews declare what they “Billions of dollars – many, many from their rightful owners. seums: Yale, Princeton, Rutgers, In-
owned, sometimes in exchange for billions – of works of art are still out diana University and Oberlin. Dowd
travel papers, the Nazis were creating there,” says Ronald Lauder, the phi- says institutions use legal technicali-
an inventory of their belongings. “This ties to block claims, often invoking the
happened on a sunny day. Birds singing, statute of limitations (the deadline to
Jews lining up, a woman with a type- bring legal action), which for Nazi art
writer typing this stuff up. No machine theft varies by state and is typically
guns, no violence,” he says. “Some tax three or four years after a person “rea-
thing. That’s how it happened.” sonably” could have discovered where
the art was. That means courts might
The Nazis used those records of what turn Jewish claimants away, saying
Jews owned and similar methods to they are 70 years too late. “History is
plunder their possessions, including being buried because the courts are
an estimated 650,000 art objects. The
thefts included Van Gogh’s Portrait of
Dr. Gachet, Vermeer’s The Astronomer
and Klimt’s gold-layered art nouveau
masterpiece Adele Bloch-Bauer I.
They also included a painting of a
peasant woman with a flock of sheep,
which now hangs in a wood-paneled
room at the University of Oklahoma’s
Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art.
Painted by Camille Pissarro in 1886,
Shepherdess Bringing in Sheep arrived
at the Fred Jones Jr. museum in 2000
as part of a gift worth $50 million. In
2008, Sotheby’s appraised the painting
at $1.5 million, and a school magazine
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 17, 2016 49
closing the doors,” Dowd says. “This is INSIGHT COVER STORY
Holocaust denial.”
After her adopted parents died in the 1970s, Léone Meyer, Holocaust survivor as war was breaking out. Her mother
Prior to World War II, Shepherdess and “Shepherdess” rightful heir, spent her adult life searching for the painting. reportedly was a Parisian seamstress.
belonged to Théophile Bader, who Her father is unknown. She was just
co-founded the upscale department U.S. soldiers show stolen art a few years old when her family was
store chain Galeries Lafayette. It later recovered from the Nazi’s. murdered at Auschwitz. Someone like-
went to Bader’s daughter Yvonne and ly put her into hiding, says Pierre Ciric,
her husband, Raoul Meyer. In 1940, her attorney, and she wound up in an
around the time Paris fell to the Nazis, orphanage near Paris.
the Meyers stashed the painting and
the rest of their art collection in a bank Somewhat like the plot of Annie, the
vault in southern France. wealthy Raoul and Yvonne Meyer, who
had been in hiding during the war, ad-
But the Nazis accessed the vault a opted her in 1946. They also tried to
year later and seized the collection, reclaim all their stolen art. By 1952, the
which also included at least three Meyers had chased down Shepherdess
– it was in Switzerland. They sued its
Van Gogh’s Portrait of Dr. Gachet owner, but the court ruled against them
because they couldn’t prove he had
Vermeer’s The Astronomer known the work was stolen when he
acquired it. The dealer, who had a repu-
Klimt’s Adele Bloch-Bauer I tation for handling stolen art, offered to
sell it to the Meyers, but they refused to
Renoirs and a Derain. They hauled it buy something they already owned.
back to Paris, where they operated a
depot for their cultural plunders in Léone Meyer’s adoptive parents
a building near the Louvre Museum died in the 1970s, leaving her their
called the Jeu de Paume. Scholars have sole heir. Then in her 30s, she felt that
described the site, which once served recovering the painting was a duty to
as Napoleon III’s indoor tennis court, both her murdered family and her
as a “concentration camp” for more adoptive one. But she had no idea
than 22,000 stolen art objects. where her Shepherdess was. After the
Swiss court decision, the painting
Léone Meyer was born in late 1939, crossed the Atlantic and made its way
to a gallery in New York City.
In 1957, a wealthy woman from
Oklahoma bought it. Clara Weitzen-
hoffer’s father and husband were Okla-
homa oilmen, and she channeled her
fortune into collecting English furni-
ture, Chinese porcelain and paintings
resembling her beloved Dalmatians.
She also had a passion for impression-
ist art, says her son, MaxWeitzenhoffer,
a theater owner and producer in New
York City and London. (He’s behind
Harry Potter and the Cursed Child.)
Max Weitzenhoffer says he got used
to growing up surrounded by his moth-
er’s art. “Nobody really thought these
things had any value other than what
she paid for them,” he says. “My father
always said, ‘What are you going to do
in time of war? You can’t eat them.’”
Shepherdess was one of his mother’s fa-
vorites, and he recalls her keeping it in
the living room next to her Van Gogh.
After his mother’s death in 2000,
Weitzenhoffer finalized the donation of
her art to the University of Oklahoma,
where he is chairman of the Board of
Regents and his family is the name-
sake of the fine arts school. Within
two months, more than 33,000 people
viewed the 33-work collection, and dai-
ly museum attendance increased eight-
fold. The museum on the university’s
Norman, Oklahoma, campus later built
a new wing and installed the works in
four rooms resembling the inside of
Weitzenhoffer’s childhood home.
But around 2009, an associate cura-
tor at the Indianapolis Museum of Art
discovered that the chain of custody
50 Vero Beach 32963 / November 17, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
for Shepherdess was questionable; Claude Monet's "Riverbank at Lavacourt" at the Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art at the Having run the Galeries Lafayette for
the Holocaust Art Restitution Project University of Oklahoma allegedly has no ownership information before 1957. That several years until 2005 and done hu-
learned of the finding and later pub- manitarian work as a physician, Meyer,
lished a blog post about it. painting also belonged to the Weitzenhoffer family. who turns 77 in November, is now re-
tired but still living in Paris, across the
Meyer’s son spotted the post in comprehend why OU would not sim- in Oklahoma, Stauber called for its Seine from the Grand Palais.
March 2012. Some eight months later, ply voluntarily give the painting up…. dismissal based on the statute of limi-
Meyer contacted University President It’s terribly embarrassing.” tations. So in late 2015, Ronald Lauder At long last, she will have her Shep-
David Boren and asked him to return stepped in, writing to Boren and urging herdess back. Kind of. Ciric, her lawyer,
the work. His response: The University Petitions against the university resolution. “At first, they did not want says the painting will return to France
of Oklahoma Foundation owned the amassed hundreds of signatures, and to give it up to the Meyer family,” says before the end of November. It will go
painting, not the university. Finding an advocacy group hired an airplane to Lauder. “When we first started, it was on view for five years at an institution
that response unhelpful, she sued. fly over an OU football pregame tailgate really negative, and once we spoke...he of her choice. Then it will rotate every
dragging a banner that read: “David did exactly the right thing.” A mediator three years or so between a French in-
The lawsuit named Boren, the foun- Boren #ReturnTheStolenArt.” In May affiliated with Lauder’s World Jewish stitution and the Fred Jones Jr. Museum.
dation and OU’s Board of Regents as 2015, the Oklahoma Legislature passed Congress and Lauder negotiated the
defendants. Oklahoma hired Thadde- a resolution demanding that the uni- settlement, and the parties announced The ownership title goes to Mey-
us Stauber, a lawyer who was then de- versity clean up this mess, pronto. their agreement in February. er, and she will eventually gift it to a
fending a Madrid museum that didn’t French institution “either during her
want to hand over another Pissarro to But when Meyer’s case started again lifetime or through her will,” accord-
a Jewish family. ing to a settlement document. Boren
says he’s satisfied with the outcome:
In May 2014, Stauber convinced a “I just wish we could have done it in a
judge to dismiss Meyer’s lawsuit on month instead of the time it’s taken.”
jurisdictional grounds, insisting she
should have filed her complaint in There may also be a happy ending
Oklahoma, not New York, the sort of for more Holocaust victims and their
legal technicality that restitution ad- families, who could encounter few-
vocates loathe. Meyer appealed, and it er hurdles to reclaiming their art. In
took another year for the case to restart April, members of U.S. Congress intro-
in Oklahoma. duced a bill that aims to eliminate the
legal roadblocks museums use to hold
By that time, the University of Okla- on to works. The bill is now pending.
homa was getting hammered, and the Dowd, the restitution lawyer, calls the
case had spun into a public relations legislation “earth-shattering.”
nightmare. “They were really dragging
their feet,” says Oklahoma state Repre- The ending of this tale might be less
sentative Paul Wesselhoft. “I can’t really happy for OU. Representative Wessel-