Bank on it reopening. P2 Fight to fin-ish. P10 Below, and soaring high
... but SunTrust branch hammered Record number of runners devour
by tornado still needs more work. Shark in the Park 5K challenge.
THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 2018 | VOLUME 03, ISSUE 26 Life in the (orchestra) pits. Page 12
‘Cancer cluster’ | NEWSSTAND PRICE $1.00
possibility has
officials on alert Commissioner’s
bid for 2nd term
faces challenge
[email protected] [email protected]
Pier decked Popular among fishermen and sunset watchers, the Mel-
The wheels are in motion to bourne Beach Pier will be closed July 5 for eight weeks so that When Curt Smith was
address concerns of water con- all the decking can be replaced. The project will run from the east end of the pier at elected in 2014 to the Brevard
tamination at Patrick Air Force Ocean Avenue out to the finger piers that were replaced after hurricane damage. County Commission District 4
Base and the possibility of re- seat, beating out six fellow Re-
lated “cancer clusters” among publicans, a Democrat and a
Satellite Beach residents living Libertarian, the auto-painting
nearby. businessman planned to give
it four years and be out this
While county health officials year at the end of his term.
and Patrick Air Force Base are
being contacted about those “I couldn’t see doing more
concerns, including a variety than four years,” he said last
of cancers and possible expo- week. “But many, many, many
sures, the Florida Department people really want me to do
of Health is now working with this again.”
the Florida Statewide Cancer
Registry to determine if any So Smith, 69, of Melbourne
additional assessment is re- is seeking a second four-year
quired, said Florida Depart- term in the district that in-
ment of Health spokesman cludes the beachside area of
Devin Galetta. Satellite Beach and Indian
Harbor Beach, plus the main-
short-term rental fight
PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD [email protected] STORY BY GEORGE WHITE STAFF WRITER combat what’s been described
[email protected] as putting a mini hotel in a
Bill Worsham cares for dogs at the Brevard Humane Society earlier this year. Animal rescuers call this the “dump- neighborhood.
ing season,” when many pet owners Satellite Beach is cracking
go on vacation and refuse to pay fees down on companies purchas- Satellite Beach City Attorney
to board their animals. ing residential properties to James Beadle on June 20 asked
offer them as illegal short-term the council to authorize him
“Some dogs are let loose, dumped vacation rentals.
somewhere or just let outside,” Wen- CONTINUED ON PAGE 2
dy Johnson, spokeswoman for Mel- The City Council is directing
bourne’s Smiling Dog Rescue, said last staff to seek injunctions against
week. the practice. Taking the matter
to the courts is seen as a “big-
Johnson’s organization alerted ger hammer” than traditional
Facebook users to the Brevard County code enforcement fines to
Sheriff’s Office’s animal shelter be-
ADVERTISING: 772-559-4187 | CIRCULATION: 772-226-7925 Grin and beer it
NEWS 1-6 DINING 29 PEOPLE 7-10 Regular brews ‘meat’ their
ARTS 11-14 GAMES 21-23 PETS 20 match at Bacon Beer Bash
CALENDAR 30 INSIGHT 15-24 in Eau Gallie. PAGE 8
2 Thursday, June 28, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
SHORT-TERM RENTAL FIGHT market crashed; and online services under the guise of property rights. But and frequency of these rentals, as well
like Airbnb, Vacation Rentals by Owner that legislation included a provision as regulating these properties through
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 and others made it easier to market and that “grandfathered in” any ordinance zoning.
rent these properties by the night or the regulating vacation rentals approved
to file a civil lawsuit to seek an injunc- week with a simple, pre-paid transac- prior to June 1, 2011. Satellite Beach had Even “grandfathered” cities like Satel-
tion against unnamed companies with tion and no involved leasing process. an ordinance in place by the deadline. lite Beach are reluctant to amend their
multiple homes involved that provided ordinances to address the problems out
short-term rentals against local laws Opponents of short-term rentals say After a proposed repeal of the 2011 of fear of potentially losing their grand-
already in place. The measure passed the practice is hurting property values law was thwarted by vacation rent- father status.
unanimously. in many cities around the state by cre- al interests at work in Tallahassee, a
ating commercial activity in residential watered-down compromise bill was And the problems do seem to be
Code enforcement was ineffective areas. passed in 2014 amending the language growing in Satellite Beach. Several city
because of different renters and the to allow cities to regulate short-term council members had received citizen
challenge of collecting fines as a deter- Cities were preempted from regulat- rentals through life safety and building complaints about the illegal short-term
rent to the practice. Short-term or vaca- ing vacation rentals in 2011 by an act of codes, as well as other codes specific to vacation rentals, a trend which also is
tion rentals began to flourish as people the Florida Legislature after lobbying vacation rentals. However, cities are still starting to be banned in larger cities.
tried to keep investment properties by vacation rental managers and well- prohibited from regulating the duration
out of foreclosure after the real estate funded corporate interests like Disney, Satellite Beach City Attorney James
Beadle suggested for the council to
You can bank on SunTrust branch
reopening – but not till September
Repairs continue on
the SunTrust Bank
branch on North
Miramar Avenue. The
small tornado during
Hurricane Irma dam-
aged the building,
right, and blew over
a nearby utility pole.
STORY BY GEORGE WHITE STAFF WRITER required the approval of the Planning
[email protected] and zoning board, said Indialantic
Town manager Chris Chinault.
It’s been nearly 10 months since
Hurricane Irma, and while the blue After the roof was replaced, workers
tarps and piles of debris are gone, at discovered additional issues involving
least one local business is still in re- rust on the steel reinforcement in the
covery mode. flooring, further delaying completion,
Chinault said.
There’s still more work to be done,
but repairs are proceeding on the Sun- Like many residents and bank cus-
Trust Bank branch at 500 N. Miramar tomers, city officials look forward
Ave., with a September re-opening to the completion of repairs at the
date planned. branch, even though there is another
SunTrust Bank branch nearby on Eau
A small tornado during Irma dam- Gallie Boulevard.
aged the branch and blew over a large
utility pole nearby. “We would have been glad to have
a new building there, but once you do
Bank officials worked with the town the roof, you’re committed to finishing
of Indialantic to request slight changes the repairs,’’ Chinault said.
before commencing repairs, including
minor changes to make the building Once up and running, the new
more compliant with American with branch manager will be Amanda Ca-
Disabilities Act requirements, which mocho, bank officials said.
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, June 28, 2018 3
authorize him to file a civil lawsuit to was hard to collect fines as a deterrent neighborhoods,’’ said city councilman “It will bring a bigger hammer. Beat
seek an injunction against unnamed to the practice. The measure passed Dominick Montanaro. them to death with whatever you have.
companies with multiple homes in- unanimously. If you go to court with it, and the city
volved that providing short-term Long-time city activist and sustain- prevails, I think it will send a strong
rentals against local laws already in “These are businesses that are op- ability board member John Fergus sup- message to the other of these groups.
place. Code enforcement was ineffec- erating in residential neighborhoods, ports the new enforcement tactic, but As much as you can, make sure that you
tive because of different renters and it that’s basically what they are. They only if the city truly commits to defend- are on the winning side,’’ he said.
disturb the residential character of our ing the crackdown.
4 Thursday, June 28, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
COMMISSIONER FACES CHALLENGE Brevard election contests take shape doesn’t get involved in her colleagues’
campaigns. She said she can get along
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 with whoever wins District 4.
land area of Melbourne, Viera and Infantini didn’t discuss it as an al-
liance with Tobia and Isnardi. Rather,
Suntree west to the St. Johns River. she focused on breaking up the cur-
rent big-spending majority of Smith,
And he’s not alone. Former Com- Brevard County Supervisor of District 2 Commissioner Jim Barfield
Elections Lori Scott’s office qualified of Meritt Island and District 1 Com-
missioner Trudie Infantini, 60, who 37 candidates by June 22, the dead- missioner Rita Pritchett.
line of Qualifying Week, to seek seats
represented District 3 for two terms on the County Commission, the Tobia and Smith, meanwhile, rarely
School Board, the Florida Senate, see eye-to-eye, occasionally needling
from 2008 to 2016, is challenging the Florida House and the contested each other. One of their recent battles
County Judge Group 5. was over a $5 million expenditure of
Smith in the Aug. 28 GOP primary. revenue collected from hotels and oth-
Of the total, the following 19 can- er short-term rentals – the county’s 5
Whoever wins the Republican nom- didates will appear on ballots in the percent tourist-development tax – on
Melbourne Beachsider’s coverage upgrades to the Viera Regional Park.
ination will then face Democrat Mi- area, from the Pineda Causeway
south to the Sebastian Inlet: Part of the deal included artificial
chael Fleming of Satellite Beach and turf on seven multi-use sports fields.
State Rep. Thad Altman (R-Mel- Tobia opposed that project, preferring
write-in candidate Richard Charbon- bourne) will face a GOP challenge instead to use the money to help clean
for House District 52 from Matt Nye the ailing Indian River Lagoon, such
neau in the Nov. 6 in the Aug. 28 primary, with the win- as replacing aging sewer pipes that
ner going against Democrat Seeta can leach there. And Infantini said she
general election. Durjan Begui in the Nov. 6 general would have agreed to that.
election. The barrier island part of
Infantini said she the district runs from the Satellite “They spent that money on Astro-
Beach area south to the Melbourne Turf instead of fixing sewer pipes in
moved in 2015 from Beach area. Satellite Beach,” she said. “(Those
fields) were not as important as fixing
south Melbourne State Rep. Randy Fine (R-Palm cumbent Curt Smith will be facing the pipes. Let’s fix those pipes now be-
Bay) will be waiting in the House a primary challenge in August from fore they’re broken.”
Beach, in District 3, District 53 general election af- fellow Republican Trudie Infantini,
ter Democrats Phil Moore and with the winner going against Dem- Smith bristled at the nickname he’s
to Viera. She said she FiorD’Aliza Frias square off in their ocrat Matthew Fleming and write- heard on the campaign trail, “Astro-
primary. The district’s portion of the in candidate Richard Charbonneau Turf Curt,” and insisted he voted to
moved for her own barrier island includes everything in the general election. This district spend the $5 million, not only to re-
south of Melbourne Beach. includes the barrier island area of lieve Viera youth teams of potholes in
reasons, not just to Satellite Beach and Indian Harbor their fields, but to help the U.S. Spe-
County Commission District 4 in- Beach. cialty Sports Association bring more
Trudie Infantini. run for the commis- youth tournaments here.
sion again. But she’s Brevard County Group 5 Judge
Steve Koons’ pending retirement And that, he said, will lure enough
challenging Smith leaves attorneys Katie Jacobus, Rod- fans and teams to add 75,000 nights of
ney Kernan and Anthony Mecha- room rentals to local hotels each year
now that she’s there. chonis to compete in a nonpartisan for its first three years, followed by
countywide race on Aug. 28. If no- 100,000 room-nights a year after that.
Infantini couldn’t body gets a majority vote, the race
goes to the general election. “(Tobia and Infantini) say I’m
seek a third commis- against the lagoon, but they play fast
– HENRY A. STEPHENS and loose with the facts,” Smith said.
sion term in 2016 be- “I have boated and fished in the In-
dian River. That river is extremely im-
cause of the county portant to me. … I’m on the Indian
River Lagoon Council. I’ve been vice
charter’s term limits. chairman and chairman.”
But she ran instead
Curt Smith. that year against her
political ally, Clerk of
Courts Scott Ellis. She had worked as
an auditor for Ellis before running for
the commission. She lost to Ellis that
Meanwhile, she said, before she left That often put her at odds with her race until 2020, said he and Infantini
colleagues in 4-1 votes – a position tend to vote more conservatively than
the commission, she helped political inherited by her District 3 successor, Smith does.
Commissioner John Tobia of Palm
newcomer Smith win the District 4 Bay. “That’s a world of difference from
where Curt Smith is,” Tobia said.
seat. In fact, Tobia in December gave In-
fantini a stack of campaign flyers. In- He said he hopes the next election
“He said he’d vote the same way I fantini valued it as a $319 “in-kind” will bring a new, tighter-spending
contribution, according to reports majority with him, Infantini and Dis-
had, but he didn’t,” she said. “I felt filed with the county Supervisor of trict 5 Commissioner Kristine Isnardi,
Elections Office. Tobia said the flyers who often helps Tobia but loses in 3-2
guilty after knocking on a thousand were his comparison between Smith’s votes.
and Infantini’s votes on spending.
doors to get him the district. He has Isnardi also won’t face reelection un-
Tobia, who doesn’t face his own til 2020. For her part, she said, she’s not
raised taxes all three years he’s been actively helping Infantini because she
Infantini said she prides herself on
being a fiscal conservative and voting
in opposition whenever the commis-
sion considered pricy expenditures.
Community Editor Advertising Director We are here to provide Brevard barrier President and Publisher
Lisa Zahner, 772-584-9121 Judy Davis, 772-633-1115 island readers with the most comprehen- Milton R. Benjamin, 772-559-4187
[email protected] [email protected] sive news coverage of Melbourne Beach, [email protected]
Indialantic, Indian Harbour Beach, Satellite
Staff Reporter Columnists Beach, and South Merritt Island. Creative Director
George White, 321-795-3835 Pam Harbaugh, 321-794-3691 For our advertising partners, we pledge Dan Alexander, 772-539-2700
[email protected] Jan Wesner Childs, 941-725-0970 to provide the most complete consulta- [email protected]
Michelle Cannon Epting 407-579-4853 tive and marketing programs possible for
the best return on your investment. Corporate Editor
Steven M. Thomas, 772-453-1196
[email protected]
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, June 28, 2018 5
‘CANCER CLUSTER’ number of cancer cases that occurs terms of race/ethnicity, age and gender, determine whether the suspected can-
within a group of people in a geograph- according to the state. cer cluster is statistically significantly
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 ic area over a period of time.” higher than what would be expected,
It is also important to properly define according to the state. This step uses ex-
Often suspected, an official cancer All of the cases must involve the same the geographic area where the cluster isting data and requires the determina-
cluster designation is a rare status and type of cancer, or types of cancer scien- occurred, as it is possible to “create” or tion of the study population, the cancer
seldom linked to a single cause. It is de- tifically proven to have the same cause. “obscure” a cluster by selection of a spe- types, comparison population and sta-
fined by the Centers for Disease Con- Also considered is the exact population cific area, Galetta said.
trol (CDC) as “a greater-than-expected in which the cancers are occurring in CONTINUED ON PAGE 6
The next step in the process will be to
6 Thursday, June 28, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 5 STORY BY JAN WESNER CHILDS CORRESPONDENT press release from the school district. child’s life every single day you walk into
“This is the school where I had that one the building,” he said. “I know what an
tistical methods to be used. The homecomings continue for Sat- great teacher who inspired me to get enormous amount of faith it takes to let
From there, officials will determine ellite Beach schools and new principals. into the education field and ensure that someone else watch over your children.
all students have an optimal learning I am committed to making sure that all
the feasibility of conducting an epide- Jeremy LeBrun, who attended Delau- environment.” students feel safe, receive quality in-
miologic investigation to determine ra Middle School, was recently named struction each day and feel supported
whether the cases are associated with a as Delaura’s new principal. LeBrun previously taught at South- during these transitional years.”
common risk factor or cause. If feasible, west Middle, was a dean at Merritt Is-
the outcome of this step should include LeBrun replaces Bobby Pruett, who land High and then assistant principal LeBrun also graduated from Satellite
a recommended study design. moved next door to become principal at Merritt Island. High School. He lives in Indialantic with
of his alma mater, Satellite High. his wife, who was a district teacher for
The actual Epidemiologic investi- “This is one of the only professions eight years, and their two children.
gation determines if the exposure to a “It is a dream come true to be able where you have the chance to change a
specific risk factor or environmental to return to my hometown and lead a
contaminant might be associated with school like Delaura,” LeBrun said in a
the suspected cancer cluster.
ing at capacity and possibly having to
double up the dogs in its 50 kennels.
She said her group got the word from
the shelter’s rescue coordinator.
Conditions aren’t quite that bad – yet
– sheriff’s spokesman Tod Goodyear
“I know we’re at capacity, but I don’t
know if we’re going to be doubling any
animals yet,” he said.
Each year at the beginning of sum-
mer, he said, the South Animal Care
Center, 5100 W. Eau Gallie Road, sees
an increase in its animals. For the next
few weeks, he said, the center has 69 ap-
pointments with prospective pet adopt-
ers. And that’s higher than normal.
“Very high,” Goodyear added.
Just what the capacity is for the cen-
ter, or the current population of dogs
and cats, Goodyear wasn’t sure. And
other calls to the shelter were referred
back to Goodyear.
But Sheriff Wayne Ivey acted on the
crowding June 22 by proclaiming a
7-day free adoption special, Operation:
Take Me Home with You.
“This not only will help find ‘forever
homes’ for the animals, but it’s guaran-
teed to put a smile on your face,” Ivey
said in a promotional video on Face-
Through June 29, the nonprofit Sher-
iff’s Pet Posse is underwriting adoption
fees and other costs with free spaying
or neutering, free vaccinations and mi-
crochips, a month of free food, a kennel,
leash, collar and toy.
“Many people say they don’t adopt
because of the costs, so we’re paying the
costs,” Goodyear said.
Whether seven days is enough to re-
duce the crowding isn’t known yet, he
said. Ivey might extend it an additional
week, he suggested.
But he won’t euthanize any animals
for inadequate space, Goodyear said.
Ivey often points with pride to the shel-
ter’s no-kill status.
“No, he is just not going to do that,”
he said.
Gabrielle Rennie and Allie Coll
Regular brews
‘meat’ their match
at Bacon Beer Bash
8 Thursday, June 28, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Regular brews ‘meat’ their match at Bacon Beer Bash
Mark Tallant and Elfi Morch.
Veggie Obermaier, John Curtis, Ariel Hansen and Chrissy Frary. PHOTOS: BENJAMIN THACKER Ashlan Middleton and Jenny Buckley.
STORY BY BENJAMIN THACKER CORRESPONDENT single pints. and people were lining up at the
[email protected] With names like Maple Bacon, door by 10 a.m. to try the beers.”
The forward-thinking folks at Shore Fire, Elvis Bacon, Black “We’ll probably serve around
Intracoastal Brewing Company Pepper Bacon and (the allegedly 1,000 people today,” he said, “and
in the Eau Gallie Arts District much anticipated return of) Dad we’ll probably sell anywhere
have outdone themselves again, Made Breakfast, you can expect between 5,000 and 6,000 beers. It’s
returning with the fifth installment the beers to taste like bacon, but the biggest day of the year for us.”
of their ever-popular Bacon Beer are they actually made with bacon?
Bash last Saturday. Unfortunately, the answer is no. In addition to the breakfast bar,
there were plenty of pork-inspired
The free, all-day event featured Bacon beer is a hipster term for munching options available
five “bacon” beers crafted with smoked beer – originally Rauchbi- throughout the day, like whole roast
love (and love of pork) by IBC er in German, which is a primitive pig by Double D’s BBQ, pulled pork
brewmasters, which were available style of brewcraft using grain dried pizza by FM Pizza Oven, bacon
together as a flight or separately as over wood fire, hence the smoky nuggets (and more) by the Bearded
Chef, and bacon-themed desserts
taste. The open-flame method was by Udder Delite Dairy Bar.
replaced with kiln drying via indi-
rect heat. These days, smoky beers If you’re vegan or vegetarian, we
are in vogue, so many breweries are probably lost you at the first men-
experimenting with smoked grains tion of bacon, but if not, rest assured
and other funky ingredients to cre- there were a sampling of non-bacon
ate some really interesting beers. food items to be enjoyed as well.
“We had no clue that bacon and Besides, Intracoastal’s delicious
beer would be such a hit with the and diverse assortment of house
locals,” says Kyle Smyth, general brews can make you forget about
manager at IBC. “This year we did food (or your diet) anyway.
something new – we started with
brunch – we had a breakfast buffet “It’s the biggest and best so far,”
says Che Albowicz of Melbourne,
who has been coming to the event
for the last few years, “and also the
best organized from what we’ve
seen so far. Even with the weather
everyone still wants to come out, so
that’s great.”
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, June 28, 2018 9
Dillon Swift, Nick Eggin and Josh Sall.
John Curtis, Chrissy Frary, Chris Ayres, Kyle Smyth, Joe McDowell and Dalton Rennie. Megan Comunali and Heaven Rubin.
Mark Tallant and Elfi Morch. Jerry Jeffers and Gigi Morera.
Justin and Kyle Lieneck with Galo Aguilar. Che Albowicz and Casey Davidson. Emily Benedetti, Kim McGuire Jessica Sticken and Michelle Trepanier.
10 Thursday, June 28, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Record numbers devour Shark in Park 5K challenge
Kristen Barg, Victoria Salmon, Ryan McGone and Krista Kilhander. Joe Dreher, Dina Viselli and Jonathan Howse. PHOTOS: BENJAMIN THACKER First-place winner Joe Carnegie.
Rick Suarez with Christina and Kurt Russell.
STORY BY BENJAMIN THACKER CORRESPONDENT At 7:30 a.m. sharp the race began Andy and Waverly Dutra.
[email protected] and the brightly colored mob oozed
out of the park, onto Yacht Club Drive
More than 400 runners and and through the neighborhood along
walkers gathered at Gleason Park in the course.
Indian Harbor Beach in what felt like
100 percent humidity early Saturday The scene at the park quieted
morning for the Fourth Annual down again as organizers made sure
Shark in the Park 5K run, hosted by coolers were stocked with ice and
Running Zone and benefiting the bottled water, and snacks like chicken
IHB Recreation Department. biscuits, bananas and oranges were
ready for finishers to grab.
The race commemorates the
anniversary of one of the town’s more Meanwhile, the finish line clock
bizarre bits of history, paying homage ticked.
to Sushi, the juvenile female bull
shark who was spotted swimming in Around the 15-minute mark,
the park’s lake in June 2014. onlookers and supporters gathered
around, and volunteers prepared wet
Although the origin of the 4-foot towels to hand the runners as they
shark is uncertain, authorities crossed the finish line.
speculate she was released into the
lake as a prank after being caught in Finally, the front-runners returned
the ocean by anglers. to the park, rounding the lake before
turning toward the finish.
The animal was eventually
captured and relocated to the Indian In first place at 18:10 was Joe
River Lagoon, but her legacy, like Carnegie. No stranger to running
the race named in her honor, grows races, with more than 500 under his
bigger every year. belt, Carnegie downplayed his finish
time with a shrug as he mopped up
“This is our biggest year yet,” said sweat with a clean towel.
race organizer Kristin Cusimano. “As
of this morning we had 450 (entrants); Second and third went to Joe
last year we had 393.” Dreher and Jonathan Howse,
respectively, both second-time Shark
“We appreciate everyone in the Park entrants who said they
continuing to come out,” she added. were training together, and used
“We are very excited about that the race as an opportunity for some
and we just hope to have it keep on friendly competition.
“We were doing a workout,”
Gleason Park on an ordinary day explained Howse. “It’s called a
is a tranquil place – much loved 20-minute tempo, which is very much
and utilized by the community, a bread and butter for runners,” he
but relatively peaceful nonetheless. says, “so we figured a 5K race was
On race day, however, it is quite a perfect for that.”
different scene.
The two finished together at 18:31,
Hundreds of people of all ages though the official results show Dreher
swarmed the property – stretching, in second and Howse in third. But the
drinking coffee and making small event was more about community spirit
talk with friends and family before and raising money for a good cause
start time. than about competition anyway
12 Thursday, June 28, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Soaring from the depths: Orchestra pit enlivens theater
Tom Black directs the pit at the
Cocoa Village Playhouse.
STORY BY PAM HARBAUGH CORRESPONDENT ‘Musical theater is magical when experienced power outages in the
all the elements are live. A live pit middle of shows, flooding in the pit
For musical theater lovers, noth- orchestra energizes the cast and after hurricanes and the occasional
ing thrills quite as much as a live pit crew as well as the audience. It is need to have one performer ‘lip sync’
orchestra, an expected bonus at two for another when someone is too sick
area theaters – Cocoa Village Play- the icing on the cake.’ to sing. The unexpected keeps us all
house and the Henegar Center. on our toes and focused at deliver-
- Joan Taddie ing the best performance each and
A live orchestra’s work begins the every show.”
show before the curtain rises. That, forms locally. perience. This can be as benign as a
of course, is with the overture, which And it’s magical for conductors as dropped line or mistaken lyric, or as This collection of musicians from
dovetails the show’s tunes into a cre- scary as a cast member getting lost brass and strings to percussion and
scendo, whipping an audience’s ex- well, said J. Thomas Black Jr., who in the moment and jumping to an woodwinds typically sits below and
pectation into a frenzy before falling conducts at Cocoa Village Playhouse. entirely different scene. in front of a stage in the “pit.” Of
into quick, moody context for the course, that all depends on the the-
story to begin. “It can be equally thrilling when “Prior to our pit renovation in 2012, ater. Some theaters, even those on
things don’t go as planned,” he said. we would have props, costume piec- Broadway, may have “pit orchestras”
A live orchestra’s performance is “Since it is live theater, we don’t get es and sometimes even performers in a separate room down the hall, or
the exquisite partner to on-stage multiple takes to get it right, so the fall or almost fall into the pit. We’ve even across the street. In those cas-
dancers and singers, and can perk bloopers are out there for all to ex- es, video monitors are used for con-
up a show’s energy. And, as you ductors to lead the singers.
leave, the pit orchestra is the show’s
last performer you experience. Because its orchestra pit is now cov-
ered, Cocoa Village Playhouse uses
“As a patron I feel a live pit or- video monitors. The actors can see
chestra surrounds me with waves the conductor on monitors mounted
of emotion that enhances the entire on the balcony rails, and the orches-
theatrical experience,” said Joan tra can see the actors on monitors
Taddie, who also directs and per-
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, June 28, 2018 13
ARTS & THEATRE Staci Cleveland.
Tom Black. PHOTOS BY GORDON RADFORD keep that together.” sic together.
Conductors will also lead big cho- “We just literally run through all
mounted in the orchestra pit.
“The major benefit to this setup is rus numbers to make sure everyone the musical numbers in the show
starts and stops in unison. without any other complications,”
in overall sound quality,” said Black. Cleveland said. “That way we can get
“Since the orchestra is isolated, the Moreover, the conductor can pick to know each other’s tempos, work
sound engineer has the most con- up energy when he or she feels a on balance and they get used to fol-
trol over the sound of the orchestra “dip” in the show. lowing me as music director, rather
and can therefore achieve the best than just going with whatever the
sound quality and mix with the cast. Both Black and Cleveland also piano does.”
The side benefit is that the cast can serve as music directors, which is
always see the conductor by simply common theater practice. A creative Then, it’s “tech” week – technical
looking up and out at the audience, collaborator, the music director will rehearsals where all the shows ele-
rather than having to look down into attend auditions and give feedback ments, from lighting to sound – and
an orchestra pit. … We even have on vocal quality and ability. They then dress rehearsals and then the
monitors in the wings so that off- work with the director and choreog- opening.
stage singers can see the conductor rapher, they’ll also set tempos and
and help to fill out company vocals add musical breaks if needed. They Finally, after the shows, it has be-
where appropriate.” lead some rehearsals to make sure come almost expected for audiences
the performers learn the music and to so enjoy the lively exit music that
Seeing each other is crucial during establish interpretation details. many will linger and applaud the or-
a live performance because unlike chestra at the final note.
pre-recorded track music, live per- “I am supposed to glue the pro-
formance tempos will have human duction together,” Cleveland said. “If Both Cleveland and Black say their
variations in each performance. they notice me, it is only after the fact musicians appreciate it when audi-
when they are appreciating the qual- ences show their love after the exit
“There are times when I have ity of the overall musical sound.” music.
to cue actors,” said Staci Rosbury
Cleveland, conductor for the Hen- When Black worked as music di- “For really upbeat shows where the
egar Center. “In music, there is rector on Tony Macaulay’s original exit music is rock ’n’ roll or something
something called a ‘vamp.’ This is musical “Build Me Up Buttercup,” fun, much of the audience will come
when you play one or two measures he helped with the show’s creation. down and line the pit and watch us
over and over again until there is a That earned him additional titles of finish it up,” Cleveland said.
spoken line which cues me to move “arranger” and “orchestrator.”
on to the next measure, or some- “Musical theater is magical when
times the singer will begin to sing Cocoa Village Playhouse averages all the elements are live,” Taddie
on the last time through the vamp. about 14 musicians per show but can said. “A live pit orchestra energizes
It’s a way of accounting for the varia- go as high as more than two dozen the cast and crew as well as the audi-
tion in how long it takes something for big music shows, like Rodgers ence. It is the icing on the cake.”
on stage to happen before the music and Hammerstein musicals.
picks up again. So they look to me to
While orchestrations typically
mimic a symphony orchestra, there
are frequent exceptions. CVP’s pro-
duction of “Big River” required blue-
grass instruments; and its produc-
tion of “In the Heights” required
three percussionists in an 11-piece
orchestra, Black said.
A composer usually gives two
choices for the show’s instrumenta-
tion – standard and alternate, which
is smaller, Cleveland said.
Smaller instrumentation versions
might require musicians to “double”
and play multiple instruments.
With smaller orchestrations, the
need for musicians to play additional
instruments has increased and so has
the use of keyboard synthesized mu-
sic in contemporary works, Black said.
“While a keyboard sound is often
not ideal to replace a live player, it
can be amazingly effective at mak-
ing a single lead player sound like an
entire section, or adding sounds that
can’t be easily doubled,” he said.
Musicians for both CVP and the
Henegar receive their sheet music and
practice on their own, much like an
actor learning her lines ahead of time.
While the cast may rehearse for
about a month, pit orchestra musi-
cians come together for a couple of
orchestra-only rehearsals. The Hen-
egar conducts “sitzprobe” – a seated
rehearsal which is the first time the
cast and orchestra perform the mu-
14 Thursday, June 28, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Coming Up: Indialantic’s the spot for a festive Fourth
STORY BY SAMANTHA BAITA STAFF WRITER Mitchell that Rolling Stone has called
“the best rock musical ever.” This
1 Celebrate Independence Day fourth-wall-smashing musical, says
in Indialantic with fireworks, a Wikipedia, concerns a fictional rock-
and-roll band fronted by a transgender
concert and – ice cream. And it’s free. East German singer, Hedwig Robinson,
“one of the most unique characters ever
The Melbourne Municipal Band and to hit the stage.” Mitchell draws on his
own life as the son of a U.S. Army ma-
Festival Chorus have joined to present jor general who commanded the U.S.
sector of occupied West Berlin. The
their annual concert, “God Bless the Hedwig character was based on a di-
vorced German U.S. Army wife who
USA,” and invite the Brevard commu- was a Mitchell family babysitter and
“moonlighted as a prostitute at her
nity to “celebrate our nation’s heritage Kansas trailer park home.” The theatre
promo describes Hedwig as an “Inter-
through song” Wednesday, July 4, at nationally ignored song stylist,” out to
set the record straight about “her life,
Eastminster Presbyterian Church. This her loves and a botched operation.” The
show’s Broadway website quotes En-
popular, patriotic musical program tertainment Weekly, calling the show
“brilliantly innovative, heartbreak-
will include powerful, much-loved ing, wickedly funny, and undoubtedly
ahead of its time.” The off-Broadway
works such as “God Bless America,” production won the 1998 Obie and
the Outer Critics Circle awards as well
“Star Spangled Banner,” “God of Our 1 The Melbourne Municipal Band and Festival Chorus perform as the 2014 Tony for Best Revival of a
concert July 4 at Eastminster Presbyterian Church. Musical. Definitely a show for mature
Fathers,” “Armed Forces Salute” and audiences. Show times are: Friday and
Saturday, 7:30 p.m. Tickets: $18 to $34.
“Battle Hymn of the Republic,” and the 321-636-5050.
audience is welcome, as always, to sing
along. Always a moving part of the pro-
gram, veterans and their families will
be asked to stand and be honored when
their service anthem is played. Should
you arrive late, no worries, the concert
will be simulcast in the fellowship hall,
and ice cream will be served both be-
fore and after the concert. Thoughtful.
Then, following the concert, you can
stay on the church grounds and watch
the Front Street fireworks display,
starting at 9 p.m. (Weather permitting,
of course.) Concert time: 7:30 p.m. Ad-
mission: free. 321-723-8371.
2 Red, white and blue becomes the 2 Sebastian’s 4th of July Parade starts at 8:30 a.m. 4 Who? Yep. Heisman winner, for-
new black in Sebastian on the mer NFL quarterback, CFL su-
Riverview Park. There will be plenty of
food, beverages, crafts and all sorts of perstar and former Melbourne Beach
vendors, and live music will fill the air
4th of July, as has been the tradition throughout the day. At dusk, of course,
everyone gathers for the festival’s al-
for almost half a century, when thou- ways spectacular grand finale fire-
works show. To get the all-American
sands gather to celebrate our country’s experience first-hand, turn off the TV
and enjoy the real thing in Sebastian.
independence this year at the 46th an- TIP: Arrive as early as you can stand for
speedier parking. But whenever you
nual Parade and Freedom Fest. Prob-
ably the most popular, and certainly
the biggest, July 4 celebration on the
Treasure Coast, this free, patriotic
family event kicks off at 8:30 a.m. with
a big parade, marching south along
Indian River Drive from Davis Street
to the Freedom Festival grounds at
3 Friday & Saturday at Historic
Cocoa Village Playhouse.
arrive, be assured the Sebastian PD resident Doug Flutie is plating at Lou’s
and a battalion of dedicated volunteers Blues – right on the ocean in Indial-
are terrific at handling the parking in antic – this Sunday, July 1. After a long
a friendly, cheerful and efficient man- football career, Flutie joined his broth-
ner. Festival hours: 8:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. er Darren in the Flutie Brothers Band,
Darren on guitar, Doug on drums.
3 Batten down your hatches, leave Flutie trivia: According to Wikipedia,
the kids at home, and head for the in 2014 Flutie, who had a charity team
participating, woke up and decided to
Historic Cocoa Village Playhouse this run the Boston Marathon, spur of the
moment, two days before the race. He
Friday or Saturday, June 29-30, to catch finished in 5:23:54. Music starts at 7
p.m. 321-779-2299.
the genre-bending “Hedwig and the
Angry Inch,” the Tony-winning musi-
cal from the book by John Cameron
16 Thursday, June 28, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
STORY BY KEVIN SIEFF AND JOSHUA PARTLOW because of an anti-corruption platform the candidate appears to be embracing ing a cap on gasoline prices and put-
The Washington Post that has resonated with many lower- a kind of centrism, courting some of the ting the brakes on a 2013 reform to lib-
and middle-class Mexicans. “It’s an business leaders who had expressed eralize Mexico’s oil industry, which had
Weeks before this Sunday’s Mexi- honor to be with Obrador,” his support- concern about his ascent. long been a state monopoly.
can presidential election, some of the ers scream at rallies.
country’s biggest companies issued dire In recent weeks, López Obrador and “The future really depends on which
written warnings to their employees, But members of Mexico’s powerful his advisers met with global investment López Obrador we get,” said John Pa-
cautioning them not to be misled by private sector have suggested that López managers to offer their assurance that dilla of IPD Latin America, a regional
dangerous populists. Obrador’s most dramatic policies could he is, at heart, an advocate of free trade energy consultancy.
have devastating effects on the econo- and a strong private sector. Among his
They were thinly veiled admonitions my. Analysts and intellectuals say his top advisers are millionaires who have The candidate declined several in-
about one candidate – the man who lack of respect for Mexican government contradicted some of the candidate’s terview requests from The Washington
appears increasingly likely to become institutions could usher in a period of policy positions, suggesting that pri- Post.
this country’s next president: Andrés quasi-autocracy. vate oil drilling contracts will not be
Manuel López Obrador. dramatically affected, for example. But López Obrador has run for president
The stakes are high outside Mexico, López Obrador has said that he won’t twice before, and some see additional
His rise is seen by his opponents as too. The country is the United States’ allow oil “to return to foreign hands.” reasons to worry in the way he handled
the greatest threat to Mexico since third-biggest trading partner in goods, his narrow loss in the 2006 election. He
it embraced democracy and a free- and its cooperation is crucial in the Many observers of the election see held weeks-long protests in the cen-
market economy at the end of the 20th fight against drug trafficking. Mexico’s two versions of López Obrador: one a ter of Mexico City, declaring himself
century. One chief executive warned next president may inherit stalled ne- pragmatist, like the popular, fiscally the country’s true president. He an-
of “catastrophic effects” in his letter gotiations on NAFTA, which the Trump prudent politician he proved to be while nounced his disdain for the country’s
to employees. Another said that the administration is trying to alter to be governing Mexico City from 2000 to courts and electoral system.
candidate’s proposals would “turn the more favorable to American workers. 2005; and the other an erratic populist,
clock back decades.” with proposals that could lead to eco- “To hell with their institutions,” he
Many Mexicans say the fear of a nomic turbulence. shouted.
López Obrador, a longtime fixture López Obrador presidency is over-
of the left and former mayor of Mexico blown, and fanned by his political op- Those include sharply increasing Now, Mexicans wonder what such
City, holds a commanding lead in polls ponents. At this stage of the campaign, spending on social programs, impos- comments say about López Obrador’s
leading up to the July 1 vote, in large part governing style.
“The main concern about him is his
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, June 28, 2018 17
democratic credentials. Will he govern Mexico’s Congress passed an energy- But some of his constituents will cer- makes little economic sense.
as a democrat?” said Luis de la Calle, reform package that allowed foreign tainly push for change. “When it comes to energy, there’s
a former undersecretary in the Econo- companies to drill for oil off its coast, a
my Ministry. sharp departure in a country where pe- In its “declaration of principles,” rightfully concern to be had. And I
troleum reserves were long viewed as a López Obrador’s Morena party wrote think the first kind of moment of truth
López Obrador has already promot- nationalist symbol. that the country’s “neoliberal model” will likely be if he attempts to fulfill his
ed several institutional changes on has served “a true Mafioso state built promises on fuel price caps,” said Pa-
the campaign trail. He will hold a ref- Hector Vasconcelos, a foreign policy by a minority that dominates political dilla, the energy consultant. “It would
erendum on his presidency after three adviser to López Obrador, said that un- and economic power in Mexico.” shake the overall confidence of inves-
years, stepping down if he loses, rather like the historical Latin American left, tors, particularly in energy.”
than fulfill the six-year term enshrined which thinks that the United States is The biggest cheers that López Obrador
in Mexico’s constitution. Other pledges out to subjugate the hemisphere, “we receives at his massive rallies come in Mexico is no stranger to economic
have been more theatrical: He won’t don’t believe that.” response to lines about the misdeeds of crises caused by faulty government
live in the presidential palace, or fly on Mexico’s political elite. But his support- policies, suffering major devaluations
the presidential plane (which he says “We don’t want a confrontation with ers are quick to say that López Obrador in 1976, 1982 and 1994. For many Mexi-
he’ll sell to President Trump). the United States,” said Vasconcelos, wouldn’t nationalize companies as au- cans, particularly in the business com-
rumored to be a possible foreign min- thorities have done in Venezuela, which munity, those memories are guiding
Those promises don’t flout Mexico’s ister if López Obrador is elected, adding is suffering a severe economic crisis. their fear of a López Obrador presidency.
democratic values, but a leader willing that the campaign wants an “alliance
to depart from institutional norms could for economic growth.” “Why would he be inspired by a “There are already guarantees of a
try to consolidate power, some say, much country that’s a disaster?” said Marcelo crisis with López Obrador,” ran one
as the late president Hugo Chávez did in In their pre-election letters to em- Ebrard, a former mayor of Mexico City headline in the newspaper El Econo-
Venezuela. From 1929 to 2000, Mexico ployees, several Mexican companies who supports López Obrador. “Give me mista in April.
was ruled by a single party, the Institu- criticized some of López Obrador’s pro- a break.”
tional Revolutionary Party (PRI), and posals, without naming him. While López Obrador has proposed a
during much of that period the govern- López Obrador has pledged to limit range of new social programs – for the
ment played a major role in the economy “We have recently heard worrying increases in fuel prices to the inflation poor, the disabled, the elderly – he has
and repressed the opposition. More than proposals of nationalizing companies, rate and review oil and gas contracts spoken against increasing the coun-
a leftist, some say, López Obrador could scrapping the energy and education signed under President Enrique Peña try’s public debt. And he has promised
represent a return to that era. reforms, among other ideas that would Nieto for signs of corruption. (Peña Ni- not to increase taxes, even on Mexico’s
turn the clock back decades to an eco- eto is constitutionally barred from run- wealthiest. His welfare programs, he
“He’s not Chávez. He’s a 1960s PRIista,” nomic model that has been more than ning for reelection.) said, would be funded by the money he
said Luis Rubio, the president of the Cen- proven not to work,” wrote Germán saves by cracking down on corruption,
ter of Research for Development think Larrea, chief executive of conglomerate López Obrador has a long history of an amount he estimates at $20 billion
tank, referring to members of the PRI. Grupo México. “Venezuela, Argentina, activism regarding oil: His political a year.
Cuba, the former Soviet Union, among career began in the 1970s in his native
But Mexico has changed dramati- others, are witness to that.” Tabasco state, where he led protests Many analysts are skeptical of that
cally since that era. The North Ameri- against the national oil company, Pe- plan. “Where’s this money going to come
can Free Trade Agreement brought an Most analysts and diplomats say mex, for not sharing more of its profits from? He says he’s not going to raise tax-
explosion of Walmarts, automobile there’s little chance López Obrador will locally. He has said that Mexico should es, but where else do you get this amount
factories and Burger Kings. A multi- attempt to dramatically alter Mexico’s stop selling crude oil abroad, and in- of money? It’s a real question mark,” said
party democracy has emerged. In 2013, economic model. He has promised “no stead develop its own refineries, a Esteban Illades, the editor of Nexos, a
expropriations, no nationalizations.” proposal that most energy experts say cultural and political magazine.
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Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, June 28, 2018 19
Historians have been striving structure at all and “not just a pumped wealth into towns and cities “like the proton
to jazz up their subject for as long random flux of energy”? Why pumps that maintain an energy gradient across cell
as there have been historians did the agrarian revolution membranes.”
and people ignoring them. A erupt almost simultaneously
favorite tactic is the tight shot. in places separated by In big history’s egalitarian worldview, humans
Zoom in on a singular character thousands of miles? share the same stage as amoebas. Describing how two
or an unexpected catalyst. German scientists, Fritz Haber and Carl Bosch, figured
“Lincoln: The Early Tween Years” Thestorylineoccasionally out how to draw nitrogen from the air to make artificial
or “Parsley: The Garnish That gets lost in a blur of eons fertilizer, Christian notes that single-celled organisms
Changed the World.” and protons, but for the called prokaryotes mastered this billions of years ago,
most part Christian’s hand but “Haber and Bosch were the first multicellular
Historian David Christian takes is steady and sure, his grasp organisms to successfully fix atmospheric nitrogen.”
the opposite tack. He goes wide, of the science impressive. Three cheers for multicellular organisms!
very wide, panning from the big He makes it all accessible,
bang to last Tuesday. It is, if nothing too, as when he likens the Christian pushes hard against now-ism, the
else, an impressive act of authorial notion that we are living in an unprecedented age of
chutzpah. universe to “a vast spring innovation. We are not. The agrarian revolution was
that has been uncoiling for a true “mega-innovation,” he writes. It changed the
“Origin Story,” thankfully, is more than thirteen billion way humans interact and learn – even our genetic
more than moxie. It is a remarkably years” or atomic particles makeup, something your smartphone hasn’t done, at
cogent and compelling history of to nervous children least not yet.
everything. Christian, a professor “constantly jiggling about
at Australia’s Macquarie University, with energy.” For Christian, the story of the universe is the story
is a pioneer in “big history,” a of energy and how it is produced, stored, traded,
big idea that aims to construct a Reading “Origin Story” manipulated and consumed. Life, too, is in the energy
meta-narrative from disciplines as makes you feel extremely business. It might be the energy of sunlight that plants
disparate as astrophysics and anthropology. The field fortunate to be here at all. Life requires “goldilocks tap into via photosynthesis or the huge amount of
has attracted some influential backers, most notably Bill conditions.” Not too hot, not too cold. Not too little energy gobbled up by our big primate brains.
Gates, who is helping bring big history to high schools oxygen, not too much. The unstated conclusion: Life is
around the world. a miracle. This systems perspective of the universe is
Not only human life but the “thin scum of life” that, fascinating but at the same time feels oddly detached
Origin stories are not new, of course. Nearly all cultures despite the odds, survived for nearly 4 billion years and and lifeless. Mankind’s accomplishments are
and religions tell them. Fantastical tales of how the paved the way for our arrival. It took 3 billion years for life explained in strictly utilitarian terms.
cosmos emerged from chaos or amorphousness, these to evolve from single to multicellular organisms. During
creation myths seek to explain where we came from and that time “so much could have gone wrong,” writes Where “Origin Story” falls short is precisely where
why we’re here. They supply meaning in an otherwise Christian. An exploding supernova in a neighboring star more traditional creation myths excel: meaning.
meaningless universe, even if they fall short on facts. system, a collision with another planet. And yet it didn’t. Christian offers none.“The universe really is indifferent
And we’re here. to our fate,” he writes in the final chapter. “It’s a vast
Christian has written an origin story in the language of A history this big is also bound to make you feel ocean of energy for which individual wavelets such
science. Joseph Campbell meets Carl Sagan. He begins small. Life on Earth doesn’t appear until Page 75, early as us are ephemeral, passing phenomena.” Perhaps,
in the beginning, the second before the big bang, when civilizations not until Page 210, a good two-thirds but some of us wavelets are capable of great acts of
the entire universe was so dense it could be contained into the book. This is by design. Big history is all about courage and ingenuity, and of love, too.
in a dot smaller than the one at the end of this sentence. perspective. Life is a latecomer to the universe, and we
From there, he moves at a brisk, at times dizzying, pace humans arrived mere seconds ago. None of which makes it onto the pages of “Origin
through some 13 billion years. “Origin Story” may not be a deep dive, but it is very Story.” So determined are big historians like Christian
wide. Christian stitches his tale from strands not typically to avoid even a whiff of human exceptionalism that
A journey this ambitious requires mile markers. found in the same quilt: astrobiology and archaeology, the resulting narrative feels eerily depopulated. In the
Christian’s answer is threshold events: spurts in molecular biology and behavioral economics, among end, the problem with big history isn’t that it’s too big
complexity that mark transitions from old orders to other disciplines. What’s most remarkable is how but that it’s not big enough. Its wide arms embrace
new. Like any good yarn, this one features memorable he manages to get these disparate fields to speak everything, except you and me.
characters. Complexity is the good guy. It strives to create one another’s language. Densely populated villages
order out of chaos. It is pitted against entropy, the bad resemble “the contracting clumps of matter from which ORIGIN STORY
guy, which works to tear down what complexity builds. the first stars formed.” The nobility of Mesopotamia
“Origin Story” contains plenty of mystery, too, and
on a cosmic scale. Why does the universe contain any BY DAVID CHRISTIAN | LITTLE, BROWN. 357 PP. $30
at 11am 1. Before We Were Yours 1. The Best Cook in the 1. Restart BY GORDON KORMAN
The Annual BY LISA WINGATE World BY RICK BRAGG 3. Everything, Everything
Bubble Wrap 2. Three Days in Moscow
2. Tm Clancy's Line of Sight BY NICOLA YOON
And BY MIKE MADEN 4. Third Grade Mermaid & the
Patriotic Party 3. Beneath a Scarlet Sky 4. Assume the Worst
5. The Fates Divide
Celebrate Independence Day Children’s Store “Style”. BY MATTHEW SULLIVAN BY CARL HIAASEN
There will be a fun patriotic craft, and to top off all the BY VERONICA ROTH
fun, we will simulate fireworks by jumping on bubble 4. The Death of 5. Killers of the Flower Moon
Mrs. Westaway BY RUTE WARE
wrap! Have a blast at this family friendly event! BY DAVID GRANN
5. The High Tide Club
392 Miracle Mile (21st Street), Vero Beach | 772.569.2050 |
20 Thursday, June 28, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
CowaBonzo! Hittin’ the beach for Dog Surf Classic
Hi Dog Buddies! ladies were lookin’ strong in their
I am MEGA-STOKED! This week solo practice runs. Waldo had better
I had a Total Blast, an added to my
Bucket List. watch his caboose, I was thinkin.’
Remember that laid-back surfer “We’re Waldo’s cheerleaders,” said
pooch Waldo Leverette, a Tibetan
Terrier I innerviewed a few years Little Bit, a perky Maltese. “We try to
back? He’s Way Cool Kibbles: rocks
dark sunnies, a flower lei an a neon get to all his competitions.”
green ball cap with custom ear holes.
Gotta doghouse fulla trophies. The rest of the Solo field – some
I didn’t get to see him ackshully surf experienced and some gremmies –
back then, but he said he’d woof-mail
me when there was a com-puh-TISH- Riptide Leach, a Golden Retriever;
en nearby. Well, he finally did! So, last
week, me an my assistant went down Utah Broadbent; Minx Calhoun, a
to Pepper Park Beach at, like, 8 a.m.
(for Lassie’s Sake), to see the East Coast Lab; first-timer Bella Kepfer, a small
Dog Surfing Association’s first-ever
St. Lucie Dog Surf Classic: “Surf Paws: but fearless Yorkie; an Bodhi Geer, a
Hang 20.” It was a fundraiser for the St.
Lucie County Humane Society. brown-an-white mix. Earlier Minx
When we got there, there was already had told me she an her Dad Bob had
a line of pooches signin’ in, and a
bunch more on the beach practicing.’ PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD organized the whole event, and that
“Yo, Doood!” Wave. Is the surfer in control all most of the competitors were ‘Second
It was Waldo! Lookin’ Majorly Surf the way in? And S is for Sports(dog)
Dog in those sunnies, flower lei, manship. This applies to both dog an Family’ or rescue pooches, which I
ballcap an matching life-vest. Cool as a human.”
bowl of water with extra ice cubes. thought was Majorly Awesome Dog
“Good to see ya, Dawg!” I said. “Dog, Waldo, that took a lotta
“Back atcha, Bonzerooni! Great you thought!” Biscuits, don’t you?
could make it!” He squinted at the
glassy water. “It’s a liddle flat out there, “You bet your biscuits! I’m in Pro “Tempting, but I’m on the job, so-o I wish you pooches cudda been
but it should pick up. I’m totally stoked Solo an I’m seein’ serious hot-paws
about this big turn-out! Didja know me competition out there, so I’m gonna …” there. The Solo was So Exciting! The
an my Dad Mike wrote the com-puh- go grab some practice. Later, dude!”
TISH-en rules?” Cooper Monuszko, a frenly brindle beach was full of humans an pooches
“No Woof!” An off he went. Woof, did I ever
“There’s a bunch. We call the Judging wanna get Out There, but, alas, I Catahoula mix, was amazed the surf cheerin’ for their favs. The waves
Guidelines PAWS. Clever, right? P was On The Clock. So I opened my
stands for Poise (or Attitude), like, is notebook and innerduced myself pooches could stay standing on their were crankin’ near shore so most
the surfdog happy? A is for Awareness, around, tryin’ to look as cool as
is the surfdog facing forward? Does he/ possible. The surfer pooches all had boards. “How do they DO that? Do everyone got some good rides. The
she know where he’s/she’s going? W’s for their posses helpin’ em get ready.
There were a lotta non-surfer pooches they have, like, Velcro on their paws?” judges, all surfers themselves, called
too, hangin’ out on beach towels just
watchin.’ Missy Plummer was one of Cooper’s a very happy rescue. He the com-puh-TISH-en, makin’ it even
the latter, a pretty Lab mix.
told me he’d been homeless, then more excitin’!
“I like coming to the beach, getting a
liddle sand on my paws. All this is so-o lived at Big Dog Ranch, before finding “She’s up! She’s down! She’s all
exciting. Getting wet, not so much. It
makes me feel all yukky.” She lowered his Forever Home with his Dad Jim. right! There’s a Clean-up set coming
her voice. “Some of us have a liddle
pool going. Wanna get in? It’s only two The Tandem Paddle Board to shore! A big set comin’ in! It’s neck-
Small Dog Milk Bones.”
competitors and their human an-neck for some of these bad boys!
partners were on the water practicing: They’re givin’ it their all! Whoa! It’s
Big Wave Bonnie Gelman, a Catahoula the wave of the day! THIS IS IT!!”
Dalmatian mix; Rikon Willoughby, In the end, girls ruled. Lily Voight
a Shepherd mix; Lilly Anderson, a took her second First Place trophy,
little terrier; newbee Cole Watkins, a and Waldo settled for second.
spunky black dashchund mix rescue; “I’ve been surfing for 2 anna half
Lily Voigt, a pretty yellow Lab; an years,” Lily said, executing a graceful
another Lab Mix, Samuel. nose-to-tail shakeout. “That Waldo
They all had their own style of really keeps me on my toes, fer sure.
sticking the board, nose up or tucked, I totally love the com-puh-TISH-en!
paws forward or back, straight or Can’t wait for the next one.”
crouching, whatever it took to ride Waldo was drooped out, but
in, looking good, avoiding leaping or philosophical. “A little Humble never
falling (soggy-dogging) into the drink hurt. Can’t be too cocky. Anyway,”
before reaching shore. he grinned, “next time that trophy is
Waldo’s Solo Pro field was larger and MINE.”
more intense cuz, once their human Heading home, I was adding to my
partners got the surfers positioned, Bucket List. “Ride a wave, standing
the poocheroos were on their own. up, one time.” I wonder if doing it
And these dogs were bringin’ their ‘A’ in our swimming pool would count.
With Waldo’s champion reputation,
-The Bonzeverybody was lookin’ to beat him.
His stiffest competition, it looked
like from where I sat, was Lily Voight,
who had nailed first in the Tandem,
and Bonnie, second in Tandem. Both
Don’t be shy!
We are always looking for pets with interesting stories. To set up
an interview, please email [email protected].
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, June 28, 2018 21
832 QJ7 10 9 6 4
By Phillip Alder - Bridge Columnist A9754 83 K62
63 A 10 9 8 2 K75
Marcel Marceau, a French mime expert, said, “To communicate through silence is a link Q 10 8 A54 J97
between the thoughts of man.”
That certainly applies to bridge players, who must communicate with their partners, both AK5
during the auction and on defense, without using any explanatory words. However, even Q J 10
with good communication, the information available must be processed and applied QJ4
correctly. K632
In this weeks deal, for example, South is in three no-trump. What should happen after Dealer: South; Vulnerable: Neither
West leads his fourth-highest heart?
The Bidding:
Declarer starts with six top tricks: three spades, one diamond and two clubs. He will get
a heart trick and can gain three or four more winners from the diamond suit. But if that SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST OPENING
finesse is losing, he could concede one diamond and four hearts to go down one. 1 NT Pass 3NT All Pass
East wins the first trick with the heart king, under which South drops the jack, let’s say. 5 Hearts
East returns the heart six, and declarer smoothly plays his queen. At this point, West will
be tempted to take the trick, hoping that South started with only two hearts. But if West
does win with his ace and return a heart, declarer takes the trick, runs the diamond
queen and comes home with an overtrick.
If East had started with K-10-6-2 of hearts, he would have led back the two: low from three
remaining cards. When he actually played the six (high from an extant doubleton), West
should realize that he must duck this trick to keep communication with his partner. Then,
when East gets in with the diamond king, he leads his third heart, and the contract fails.
22 Thursday, June 28, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
1 Prison time (slang) (4) 2 Pastoral poem (5)
4 Bribe (3) 3 Frustrating; debonair (7)
6 Invoke (4) 4 Brazilian dance (5)
8 Alabaster (6) 5 Published without permission (7)
9 Embitter (6) 6 Nip (5)
10 Petitioner (8) 7 Permitted (7)
11 Falcon (4) 10 Mongrel (3)
12 Easily improvised (5-3-5) 13 Chorist (anag.) (7)
17 Pack (4) 14 Flying display (7)
19 Rebound (8) 15 Shackle (7)
22 Advanced technology (2,4) 16 Still (3)
23 Hairy (6) 18 Snatch (5)
24 Close (4) 20 Easy, undemanding (5)
25 Method (3) 21 Two strokes below par (5)
26 Christmas (4)
The Telegraph
How to do Sudoku:
Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three
The Telegraph
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, June 28, 2018 23
ACROSS 77 Salve preceder 73 Flower by a The Washington Post
1 Director’s first try 79 European 7 ___ Marbles windmill
8 Watcher over WAY OUT OF AFRICA By Merl Reagle
8 Movie terrier security org. 74 Drab color?
12 Some degrees: 80 Sinuous dance Odysseus 75 Leveled
81 Florida city 9 Noted jockey’s 78 “Scram!”
abbr. 84 One for the 81 Ailment ending
16 Center of ’40s nickname 82 Ailment ender
book? 10 Actor Roth 83 Escapade
radar 85 Customers 11 Rip out ___
research 87 Actress Torres 84 “Saw,” e.g.
19 Start of an 88 Impatient remark (prepare for a 86 Mt. Rushmore’s
editorial by the sewing job) st.
African Andy to an African 89 Architect
Rooney? storyteller? 12 Long, thin loaves Christopher
22 Open-mouthed 92 “___ changed! of bread 90 Claus sounds
reaction Honest!”
23 Great novel about 93 Sportscaster 13 Italian car 91 Boy who meets
Africa? Cross 14 Tanker magnate, 33 Across
24 Punter’s 94 The ___ Stone
breakfast? 95 Up a tree to pals 96 Poe’s A. Gordon
25 Mauna ___ 97 Most rundown 15 Hearing et al. 98 Brown hue
26 Evening do 100 16 Across, e.g. 16 Tries (for) 99 Surrounded by
27 “Sometimes you 103 Star’s home? 17 Short victory
feel like ___; 104 Sam of Georgia trouble
sometimes you 105 Patisserie speech? 101 Comb defiers
don’t” purchase 18 Written words 102 Western U.S.
28 Start of a Pacino 108 Quick visit to
film title Morpheus 20 Navigation aid lake
30 Go ___ tooth and 110 Tots’ tender 21 First name in 106 Inverted-U
nail 114 Big name in
32 A Bobbsey twin Hartford westerns formation
33 Hook’s assistant 116 “As you ___” 29 Chief of police, 107 Boxer’s asset
34 Old cars 117 Infamous L.A. 109 Walks with effort
35 With it murder “initially” 111 Garde opener
38 Tweed’s gadfly case, the Black 31 Start of many 112 Japanese car
40 Encroach ___
44 Siren 120 Foster’s Prince, titles company
48 Last drop in the familiarly 33 His fire is famous 113 Harry the Heel or
glass 121 Winter bug 34 Bank recovery?
51 Misanthrope’s 122 Noted African 36 Other than that Lenny the Lip,
exclamation newscaster? 37 Nobility e.g.
52 Med. VIPs 126 Fire need 39 ___ Na Na 114 Many miles off
53 The problem with 127 African film 41 Cold and blustery 115 Director Kazan
people who sneer comedy? 42 In there 116 Go quickly
at Africa? 128 Forward, a 117 Farmer’s place?
58 ___ Mahal name; untagged 118 Holy inscription
59 Love poetry Muse backward, an 43 Some babies 119 “Even ___
60 Widespread organ 44 Hooker at the speak”
61 Yellow fever 129 Puzzling path 123 A sweetheart
mosquito 130 Painter Frans door? ___ deal
62 Debt marker 131 Day dozes 45 Brando’s 124 Pastoral cry
64 At large from DOWN 125 “I ___ only
Sarge 1 First name in birthplace kidding”
65 Can. prov. dance 46 A Gandhi
66 “¿Que ___?” 2 “Give ___, don’t 47 Kind of FULL-SERVICE
68 With 71 Across, pollute” 49 Rogers’s mate
query to an ailing 3 Hawaiian isle 50 “Attention, CLEANING MENLBOOWURINNE!
African? 4 Ink-saving abbr.
71 See 68 Across 5 Batista’s bears everybody!”
76 Movable frame in 6 “Second” 54 British school
a loom 55 Worry of a
56 Part of Upper
new name
57 Robin or Archie
63 Inventor of a coil
66 Inventor’s quest
67 Worshippers
69 Old spelling of
capital, ___ Bator
70 Zero
72 Facility
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24 Thursday, June 28, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Fiance needs shot of courage in ‘open bar’ tussle
BY CAROLYN HAX “My fiance would like to avoid conflict.”
Washington Post As would every single emotionally healthy person
on Earth, hello. Who wants to take a stand knowing
Hi, Carolyn: They’re also the ones to bring their own supply, it’ll start an argument? Who wants to challenge their
My fiance and I are getting so notions of setting limits on heavy drinking often parents on a pet issue, especially right before what
married in my family’s home town, turn out to be quaint. is meant to be a happy occasion? Who wants to find
and my parents are hosting (and out the people they love are more interested in their
paying for) the wedding. My family There was nothing wrong, to be fair, with their drinks than in humoring their son and his bride-to-
are minimal drinkers though not initial offer to finance an open bar. Having one be?
opposed to some drinking. My fiance’s large extended isn’t the loose thread dangling from the sweater of Whose first choice is it to be on the receiving end
family is accustomed to weddings with full open bars. civility. Plus, cost is as common a reason as any for of anyone’s disappointment, anger, frustration,
My parents’ initial desire was to serve beer and not having one, so it was worth a try. sadness, contempt?
wine during cocktail hour and dinner, and they have Taking a position we know will be unpopular is
increased that to supplying beer and wine for a full But no meant no, and there’s a lot wrong with a hard for all of us.
reception and adding one cocktail option. family that doesn’t take no for an answer. That’s why the willingness to do uncomfortable
This compromise has not been sufficient to my things, in service of higher priorities, is a minimum
fiance’s parents, who have repeatedly asked to pay for Yet none of their trespassing alarms me as much requirement of maturity. Nobody wants to floss
the open bar, though we have tried to explain that isn’t as this: their teeth or get colonoscopies or pay taxes, either,
the tone of event my family is comfortable hosting. My but they’re all things that responsible adults do
preference is some limits on alcohol for guests and to because they’d rather not find themselves toothless
avoid heavy drinking at the event. or metastasized or on bridges no one maintains.
My fiance would like to avoid conflict. I am inclined If your fiance doesn’t see your and your parents’
to make sure my parents are comfortable hosting, and stance as valid (and challenge it accordingly), or
I feel they have compromised significantly, though I have the wherewithal to stand up to his family (or
am not sure where the appropriate compromise is. anyone else) on this (or anything else), or grasp the
importance of having priorities beyond one’s own
– Bride comfort, then you can safely anticipate your entire
marriage will be under the influence of his family.
Bride: Your parents’ compromise was generous Not just over alcohol, though I suspect because of it.
and completely appropriate. Hold to it. People So the compromise is fine, but your fiance’s ability
pushing that hard for hard alcohol are exactly the to engage under pressure in general is the make-or-
ones to stand up to. break issue at hand.
Shoulder surgery may not
mean joint replacement
26 Thursday, June 28, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Shoulder surgery may not mean joint replacement
BY TOM LLOYD Dr. Raymond DeLorenzi.
Staff Writer
The human shoulder is something
of a paradox.
It provides a far greater range of mo-
tion than any other joint in the body
and it is in near-constant use each
and every day, and yet the number of
shoulder repair or replacement surger-
ies performed in this country is tiny
compared to the number of knee and
hip procedures.
“For every 100 total knee and to-
tal hip replacements, you’re probably
only doing 10 shoulder replacements.”
says Dr. Ray DeLorenzi of First Choice
Medical Group and Steward Health’s
Sebastian River Medical Center, a
board-certified orthopedic surgeon
with some 25 years of surgical experi-
“It’s the mechanics of the shoulder,”
DeLorenzi explains, that make it so re-
silient. “Because it has so much range
of motion, it can tolerate a significant
loss of that motion before people seek
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Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, June 28, 2018 27
3-D shoulder model. YOUR HEALTH
cuff problems,” says DeLorenzi. “All These surgeries have a good rate of chanics. They’re just taught to throw
of them – because of the degenerative success, according to DeLorenzi. “If as hard as they can, and the harder you
blood flow to the cuff as you get to be you have a reconstruction of the shoul- throw and the faster you throw, the
about 60 years old. But only about 70 der for either a labral injury, cartilage more susceptible the shoulder is to in-
percent of them will actually need sur- injury or a cuff injury or a soft tissue jury,” he says.
gery.” injury, your chances are about 75-to-
80 percent that you can get back to the With such a wide range of shoulder
Which means almost a third do not. pre-injury level,” he says. problems, procedures and patients,
And surgery, in shoulder cases, DeLorenzi says recovery times after
doesn’t necessarily mean “replace- With his sports background, DeLo- shoulder surgery can vary widely. De-
ment.” renzi enjoys working with local high pending on the procedure and the ex-
In fact, it rarely means replacement. school athletes, but he has “a bone to tent of the damage, patients can take
“Ninety percent of the shoulder sur- pick” with the coaching some young as little as four weeks or as long as six
geries that we do,” DeLorenzi says, “are players receive, especially baseball months or more to fully heal.
not shoulder replacements. They’re ro- pitchers.
tator cuff repairs, cartilage or labral re- Dr. Ray DeLorenzi’s primary office is
pairs, decompressions [and] ligament “The biggest problem right now we at 709 S. Harbor City Blvd., Suite 100 in
reconstructions.” have in shoulders of young pitchers Melbourne. The phone number is 321-
is they’re not taught [the proper] me- 725-2225.
“Number two, it’s not a weight-bear-
ing joint so you’re not going to have the
forces of gravity or weight on the shoul-
der joint so that doesn’t produce a sig-
nificant amount of stress in the shoul-
der like it does in the hip and knee.
“Number three, it’s the least of the
three major joints of the extremities
that is injured by trauma,” adds DeLo-
renzi, who certainly knows something
about trauma, having a previous ca-
reer as a professional hockey play.
Drafted by the Chicago Blackhawks
of the National Hockey League, he also
played briefly for the Calgary Cowboys
and Vancouver Blazers in the World
Hockey Association before skating full
time into his orthopedic career.
According to the American Academy
of Orthopaedic Surgeons, “the shoul-
der is a ball-and-socket joint. It is made
up of three bones: the upper arm bone
or humerus, the shoulder blade or
scapula and the collarbone or clavicle.”
The ball at the top end of the arm
bone fits into the small socket or gle-
noid of the shoulder blade to form the
shoulder joint.
While it is remarkably resilient, the
shoulder is nonetheless subject to the
effects of injury and aging.
Bursitis, tendinitis, tendon tears,
arthritis, fractures, rotator cuff tears,
infections, tumors and nerve-related
issues can all contribute to shoulder
“If you take everybody over the age
of 70 and you put them in an MRI
scan, they’re all going to have rotator
28 Thursday, June 28, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
First Bites: Napoli Pizza N Pasta, a new neighborhood fave
[email protected]
Many of us got accustomed to fre-
quenting Valentino’s for Italian after
shopping or running errands in the Wal-
Mart plaza at the corner of Eau Gallie
Boulevard and A1A ,and were sad to see
the covered windows when they closed
after more than 20 years serving the
beachside community, but change is in-
evitable, and sometimes it’s event good.
Headline News: Mozarella Caprese. Pizza Deliziosa. Broccoli Rabe
We visited Napoli Pizza N Pasta about and Sausage.
three weeks ago when they were fresh on PHOTOS BY GORDON RADFORD son’s meatball sub ($6.25) was delicious,
the scene, but although this location is even the next day when I ate his leftovers pasta e fagioli soup ($5.99) was oh, so
a new venture for these nice folks, they somewhere, but it’s definitely in practice while on the road. Tasty bread, substan- yummy and exactly what my son was
are obviously veterans of the business. here at this family-owned bistro. The tial sauce that was just sweet enough, craving, and it went perfectly with the
The place was running smoothly and the mozzarella caprese salad ($9.25) abso- and really great meatballs. Our bowl of garlic bread with cheese ($3.95). My one
food was excellent. Though we’re not in- lutely must be tried if you’re a fan of fresh slice of eggplant-topped pizza ($3.75 for
clined to give up our neighborhood pizza mozzarella and vine-ripe tomatoes. My a specialty slice) was like a meal. I love
delivery place (Puzzino’s in Satellite), Na- eggplant, and I love pizza, but the two
poli has a good chance of becoming our together are better than the sum of the
new favorite casual Italian eatery when parts. Our Sfogliatella ($4.50) dessert
we’re out and about. was really special, too. It’s the authentic
Italian recipe, shipped in from New York
Look and Feel: – flaky and delicate pastry with a sweet
Don’t expect anything resembling filling, and well worth the wait of having
Valentino’s; there’s a reason that brown it baked to order.
paper was up in the windows so long.
Just about everything has been updated, Prices:
from fresh paint and new tile to a more Dinner for two, with salads, soup, en-
modern kitchen. Gone are the lemon- trees and dessert, and beverages was
yellow walls and the old-world murals. about $65 with tip. A normal quick bite of
Napoli is decorated in muted earth tones sandwiches or a pizza to share would get
with new tile, and just that pop of Medi- you out the door for well under $30. This
terranean blue on the outside of the shop is very competitive with the other Italian
drawing people in. Most of the neon restaurants in our area. Overall, a very
signs are out of the front window and it’s good value.
more of a restaurant and less of a pizza
shop now. We encourage you to send feedback to
[email protected].
The Sunday night we showed up at The reviewer is a Brevard resident who
Napoli we did something that I always dines anonymously at restaurants at the
hate to do, having worked in the hospi- expense of this newspaper.
tality industry in my youth. We sat down
to order only 20 minutes before the res- RESTAURANT HOURS
taurant’s 10 p.m. closing time. Normally I 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Daily
would try to get there at least an hour pri-
or to closing, but I was working late and BEVERAGES
my son and I were shopping and pack- Beer and wine
ing for a week-long road trip and time
slipped away from us. Not only were we ADDRESS
welcomed as the last table in the place, 981 East Eau Gallie Blvd, Suite F
but Napoli was cheerfully taking and fill-
ing takeout orders after the 10 p.m. clos- Wal-Mart Shopping Center
ing time while they were settling up and Indian Harbour Beach
doing sidework. Don’t count on them be- PHONE
ing there after 10, but the flexibility and (321)425-5600
friendly service right up to the last min-
ute shows that they are truly profession-
als who love the work of feeding people!
Food and Drink:
You shall not leave hungry. I think
that’s an Italian rule carved in marble
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, June 28, 2018 29
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30 Thursday, June 28, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Please send calendar information
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event to
[email protected]
JULY Beijing Eagles, with fireworks after the game at Fourth of July Celebrations 4 Free patriotic concert and ice cream be-
9 p.m., weather permitting. Tickets cost $10-$15 fore the fireworks, 7:30 PM at Eastminster
3 Fireworks over the harbour at Cape Canaveral, for adults or $5 for kids and gates open at 5:30 Park in Cocoa Village with family fun and food con- Presbyterian Church, Indialantic. The Melbourne
9:30 p.m. viewable from the waterfront eateries p.m. Sponsored by Viera Community Institute. cessions starting at 5 p.m. The concert, an evening Municipal Band and Festival Chorus will come
and Exploration Tower at The Cove at Port Canaveral. of fabulous patriotic and Pops classics while view- together for God Bless the USA concert indoors
ing the awesome fireworks display presented by with ice cream before and after the concert. City
4 Great American Celebration, 6:35 p.m. at 4 Symphony Under the Stars Free Brevard the Cities of Cocoa and Rockledge, starts at 8 p.m. of Melbourne fireworks viewable on the grounds
Space Coast Stadium, Viera. Watch the Symphony Orchestra concert at Riverfront and fireworks starting at approximately 9:15 p.m. at the riverfront at 9 p.m. Much-loved sing-along
USSSA Pride women’s softball team take on the Seating is first come, first serve and bring your own selections such as God Bless America, Star Span-
chair or blanket to ensure a comfortable seat. gled Banner, God of Our Fathers, Armed Forces
Salute, Battle Hymn of the Republic, and many
Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN others. Call 321-723-8371 or visit
in June 21, 2018 Edition 1 PECAN 1 PITCHER
4 COMMAND 2 CARAMEL 4 City of Melbourne Fourth of July Celebra-
8 TURNIPS 3 NOISE tion, with fireworks at 9 p.m. over the In-
9 ALIGN 4 CASTOR dian River Lagoon. Attendees are encouraged to
10 HOMEECONOMICS 5 MEADOWS park at the Melbourne Auditorium on Hibiscus
11 RELISH 6 ALIBI Boulevard and take the free shuttle to Front
13 ASSESS 7 DUNES Street Park. Air Sports Parachute Team will again
17 ACCOMMODATION 12 SEMINAR be a part of the celebration this year. For more
20 OCEAN 14 EDITION information, go to
Sudoku Page 2420 SudokuPPaaggee2431 CrosswordPPage 4202 Crossword PPaaggee2431 (KING KONG SCHOOL) 5 City of Cocoa Beach fireworks over the ocean,
visible from the beach, starting at 8:45-9 p.m.
CERTIFIED Windows & Doors Join our directory for the most affordable way to reach out to customers for your service or small business targeting the
Siding & Soffit South Brevard barrier island communitites. This is the only directory mailed each week into homes in 32951, Indialantic,
“Everything You Need To Be” Screen Room’s Indian Harbour and Satellite Beach. Contact Will Gardner, 407-361-2150 [email protected].
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Sprawling resort-style home
has ocean and river access
7972 S. A1A in Melbourne Beach: 8-bedroom, 10-bath, 8,984-square-foot waterfront home with
resort-style swimming pool offered for $1,725,000 by Coldwell Banker Paradise listing agent
Anthony Scaramouche: 321-536-2775
32 Thursday, June 28, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Sprawling resort-style home has ocean, river access
STORY BY BRENDA EGGERT BRADER CORRESPONDENT one side of the indoor Florida room.
The other side of the room highlights
The stately property at 7972 S. A1A round dining tables and chairs oppo-
in Melbourne Beach, which is across site leisure wicker seating.
the scenic state highway from the
ocean and extends to the Indian River To the left of the great room, fac-
Lagoon, amounts to a complete sea- ing the river, is the main kitchen with
side resort with privacy and ameni- premium stainless appliances, gran-
ties galore. The sprawling home has ite countertops and additional seat-
several separate wings that encom- ing spread along a generous counter.
pass suites of rooms featuring bed-
rooms, kitchens and common areas. The home features a spacious mas-
ter bedroom suite with a huge walk-in
Inside the property’s gated en- closet, a large, luxurious bathroom
trance is a flagstone parking area. Be- and tranquil views of the Indian Riv-
yond that is a dreamy courtyard with er. On the other side of the great room
a free-form, heated swimming pool are two guest bedrooms that share a
and spa highlighted by stonework Jack and Jill bathroom. Tile and wood
and a bubbling fountain. Chaises and flooring is used throughout the home.
chairs are scattered around the pool
deck, which is surrounded by tower- Access to the second floor is via a
ing palm trees and lush foliage. Truly beautiful oak spiral staircase in the
a tropical paradise. foyer, which leads up to a billiard and
game room with woodburning fire-
The entry to the 8-bedroom, 10- place and walkout to the sun deck. A
bath, 8,984-square-foot home is be- third floor contains a reading room
yond the resort-style pool. The foyer with wet bar. Outside that room, a
opens directly into an immense great widow’s walk with patio has views of
room with expanding view out to the the Atlantic Ocean.
Florida room and sun deck beyond,
which beckon sun worshippers and The home has a total of five stair-
nature lovers to view the Indian River. cases connecting various levels in its
several wings. The main home has
Seating for a dinner party of 12 laundry facilities, space for live-in
barely makes a splash of space on staff and an office with full bath.
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, June 28, 2018 33
7972 S. A1A,
The suites wing extends eastward equipment and a shower with jets, modate a sister with limited mobility Year built: 1995
from the manor and contains several steam and rainfall shower heads. who wanted to be close to the beach Architecture:
living spaces with bathrooms, bed- in a place with private space and a Concrete block/stucco, tile roof
rooms and kitchen facilities. There “I have no idea how many jet- pool. Their extended families have Lot size: 31,363 sq. ft.
are four full kitchens in the home, ted tubs are in this house,” said Tim enjoyed visiting but now the owners Home size: 8,984 total sq. ft.
and the two-car garage has an ac- McLane, who co-owns the property are ready to travel and leave a large Bedrooms: 8
companying efficiency apartment. with Bernie Hecht. home behind. Bathrooms: 10
Additional features: Resort-style
The home has a gym with fitness The men purchased the home “This is a place like no other,” said swimming pool, mature tropical
three years ago so they could accom- landscaping, riverside deck, 133-
foot dock with 4 ft. draft, 4 miles
from Sebastian Inlet (ocean
access), beach access, multiple
suites with separate baths, bed-
rooms, kitchens and living areas,
oak spiral staircase, Florida
room, billiard/game room with
woodburning fireplace
Listing agency:
Coldwell Banker Paradise
Listing agent:
Anthony Scaramouche,
321-536-2775 or
[email protected]
Listing price: $1,725,000
34 Thursday, June 28, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Anthony Scaramouche, the Coldwell date the growing trend nationwide of gether in the main home if desired. the Indian River and a dock that can
Banker Paradise realtor listing the related families purchasing homes Or, perhaps weekly vacationers could accommodate paddle boats, kayaks,
property. “I feel I am at my own tropical and living together. This house would be welcomed by new owners using skiffs and even ocean-going boats.
resort with trees, pool and river view.” allow each family its own space, with the property as a seaside retreat. The Sebastian Inlet, with ocean ac-
the option of joining the families to- cess, is only four miles away.
This home would easily accommo- The home has a deck overlooking
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, June 28, 2018 35
“The home is very well main- “The air conditioning was all re- “The beach access across the How can you put a price on that pri-
tained,” Scaramouche added. placed three years ago,” McLane said. street is only 125 feet from A1A to the vacy and luxury?”
ocean,” said Hecht. “Six families use
A new seawall on the river has been Much of the home came furnished it and you very seldom see anyone on Scaramouche has the property,
completely replaced and the entire and McLane says it will be sold the the beach. No one knows its there. which was built in 1995, listed for
estate has been repainted outside. same way. $1,725,000.
36 Thursday, June 28, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
4 questions to ask before buying a rental property
STORY BY ROB STEPHENS WASHINGTON POST source of income between visits. The costs, while you reap the benefits of Popular websites such as Airbnb and
income from travelers renting your long-term appreciation. HomeAway connect guests to your
For those looking to purchase a sec- property often will cover a significant property and offer tools to make in-
ond home, renting out to vacationers portion (if not all) of your ownership Of course, your rental generates teracting with your renters and man-
is a great way to afford an additional income only when it’s occupied. aging your property easier. If you’d
property. And for a growing number rather not do it yourself, a property
of travelers, renting a private home management company can help with
offers more choices, comfort and pri- finding renters, handling logistics
vacy than hotels and often costs less. and maintaining the property be-
tween guests.
There’s no question that the vaca-
tion rental business is booming. In Keep in mind that, unlike stocks,
the United States alone, revenue in real estate is not a liquid investment.
this market is approaching $18 bil- Buying and selling a home takes time
lion, with a projected annual growth and involves transaction costs. There
rate of 6.6 percent. is often a lot of negotiating and com-
promising to be done. That, however,
While there are plenty of opportu- hasn’t stopped millions of people
nities in the vacation rental business, from turning their short-term vaca-
there also are plenty of questions tion homes into incredible long-term
about how to succeed. If you’re think- investments.
ing about investing in a vacation
rental property, here are the top four What are the laws governing short-
questions to ask before you purchase: term rentals in my community?
Is a vacation rental a smart invest- The rapid rise in short-term rentals
ment? has caused some communities and
homeowner associations to restrict or
Buying a vacation rental home even ban them. Many communities
can be an attractive investment op- prohibit owners from renting out their
tion. Not only will you have a place homes for fewer than 30 days. If you’re
to call home in a location you already not in an HOA community, you’ll prob-
love and visit frequently, but also the
property also can be an excellent
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, June 28, 2018 37
ably have more leeway, but some cities your specific location – so you can als, the short answer is anyone who can add up quickly if these taxes are
and states also are starting to impose focus on managing your property. rents from you. Whether your prop- not collected and remitted on time.
regulations on vacation rentals. The right tool will offer a full range erty is in California, Maine or any- When you enter the short-term rental
of solutions, including determining where in between, the local and state market, lodging tax collection will
It’s the owner’s responsibility to the vacation rental taxes and report- lodging and occupancy taxes must be need to be a part of every rental agree-
learn about short-term rental laws, ing requirements, as well as calculat- remitted to remain compliant. Many ment and transaction you make.
and failure to comply with those ing and filing returns on a monthly or real estate investors overlook the fact
regulations may result in fines and quarterly basis. that lodging or occupancy taxes need Is a vacation rental property the
other penalties. While researching to be paid to rent the home in compli- right move for you? If you secure the
local regulations can be challenging, Who should I charge for lodging ance with city and state tax agencies. right guidance, ask the right ques-
a call to your HOA property manage- taxes? Short-term rentals can offer much tions and perform your due diligence
ment company, a visit to your city hall greater income potential, but liability in the area, it just might be a smart
website, and conversations with local If you purchase a vacation property and rewarding investment.
friends and neighbors who use their with an eye toward short-term rent-
home as a vacation rental can provide
clarity. There also are technology
platforms that track changing regula-
tions and fees. Do your research and
ask experts in the short-term rental
space about these types of questions.
Which taxes and fees am I required
to collect from guests?
As a short-term rental property
owner, you are responsible for collect-
ing any local lodging taxes required
in your area. State and local lodging
taxes can vary widely and change
with little notice. Understandably, it
can be confusing (and risky) to try to
keep up with them on your own.
This is where a lodging-tax-compli-
ance automation tool can be invalu-
able. The right lodging-tax software
can manage the complexities of your
tax and business requirements in
Eva McMillan The Road to Waterford Bay, Melbourne Beach • LISTED $1,050,000
• Luxury Beachside & Waterfront Specialist Direct RIVERFRONT estate on half acre, steps to the OCEAN, deeded beach
• Multi-Million Dollar Producer access. Concrete block 5,312 sq. feet, 5 bed 6 bath residence, breathtaking river
• Multilingual International Top Producer views from all rooms & balconies. Huge kitchen with island, living room, master
• Fluent in 6 languages bed with wood burning fireplaces, 2017 roof, 3 car garage, mother in law-suite.
call: 321-327-6761
text: 772-584-0412
[email protected]
9060 S Tropical Trail, Merritt Island 2260 S River Rd, Melbourne Beach 8005 Hwy A1A, Melbourne Beach
SOLD $1,480,000 LISTED $1,150,000 LISTED $700,000
Breathtaking & just recently totally remodeled Unique opportunity to own a spectacular Superior Oceanfront parcel. One of the
RIVERFRONT residence on one acre is sold fully RIVERFRONT masterpiece on 0.41 acres most prime and highly desirable location
furnished. 5,373 sq.feet, 4 bed, 4 full baths, 6 car in the highly desirable Melbourne Beach. in Melbourne Beach. This breathtaking plat
garage, private/ premiere lot, 140 feet of river Contemporary 100 feet of river frontage, 6 offers 107’ of direct Ocean frontage and 83’
frontage. Peaceful views of the Banana River bed, 4 bath, 2 car garage. Breathtaking river of Highway A1A frontage. Build your up to
every room. Award winning kitchen with gas views from almost every room & huge master 3 story dream home with a pool/spa on this
stove with high output burners. suite balcony. Pool, great backyard, open oversized 0.53 acres of land full of privacy.
water view, dock.
38 Thursday, June 28, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Real Estate Sales on South Brevard island: June 15 to June 21
The real estate market remained strong last week in island ZIP codes 32951, 32903 and 32937. Indialantic
led the way with 14 transactions, followed by Satellite Beach with 9 sales, Melbourne Beach with 5 and
Indian Harbour Beach with 3.
The top sale of the week was of a home on Lansing Island in Indian Harbour Beach. The residence at 226
Lansing Island Drive was placed on the market May 8, 2015, with an asking price of $2.45 million. The
asking price most recently was $1.799 million. The sale closed June 15 for $1.65 million.
The seller in the transaction was represented by William Oswald of Melbourne Beach Properties. The
purchaser was represented by Lindsay Whitney of National Realty of Brevard.
RIVER WALK BY THE SE 202 RIVER WALK DR 1/26/2018 $479,900 $449,999 6/21/2018 $405,000
OSPREY VILLAS EAST R 172 WHALER DR 10/25/2017 $449,900 $419,000 6/21/2018 $330,000
ROMAC SUBD 217 SURF RD 2/26/2018 $340,000 $340,000 6/18/2018
CLOISTERS PHASE 1 T 485 NEWPORT DR 3/18/2018 $559,000 $549,999 6/20/2018 $535,000
WESTVIEW ESTATES SEC 706 BROOKSIDE DR 5/31/2018 $495,000 $495,000 6/15/2018 $495,000
INDIALANTIC BY SEA 320 PALM CT 4/13/2018 $499,000 $499,000 6/18/2018 $487,500
MOORINGS SUBD THE 468 BRIDGETOWN CT 2/1/2018 $649,000 $599,900 6/21/2018 $585,000
EAU GALLIE SHORES 278 WILSON AVE 4/10/2018 $398,000 $398,000 6/15/2018 $385,000
MICHIGAN BEACH 2ND A 425 CINNAMON DR 4/13/2018 $389,000 $379,000 6/15/2018 $370,000
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, June 28, 2018 39
Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.
Subdivision: Osprey Villas East R, Address: 172 Whaler Dr Subdivision: Westview Estates Sec, Address: 706 Brookside Dr
Listing Date: 10/25/2017 Listing Date: 5/31/2018
Original Price: $449,900 Original Price: $495,000
Recent Price: $419,000 Recent Price: $495,000
Sold: 6/21/2018 Sold: 6/15/2018
Selling Price: $405,000 Selling Price: $495,000
Listing Agent: Chris Register Listing Agent: DeWayne Carpenter
& Kirk W Kessel
Selling Agent: Curri Properties Selling Agent:
Dale Sorensen Real Estate, Inc
Laura J Downey
Tina M Murphy
Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl
Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl
Subdivision: Shady Shores 2nd Add, Address: 3 Jennifer Cir Subdivision: The Moorings Subd, Address: 468 Bridgetown Ct
Listing Date: 3/8/2018 Listing Date: 2/1/2018
Original Price: $415,000 Original Price: $649,000
Recent Price: $399,500 Recent Price: $599,900
Sold: 6/18/2018 Sold: 6/21/2018
Selling Price: $378,500 Selling Price: $585,000
Listing Agent: Todd Ostrander Listing Agent: Paul Frommann II
Selling Agent: RE/MAX Elite Selling Agent: Coldwell Banker Paradise
Scott Schuetz Paul Frommann II
Hoven Real Estate Coldwell Banker Paradise