Parking and ‘rec.’ P7 Remodel behavior. P11 Bike fans beaucoup
Satellite Beach to rule on RV Brevard Home & Garden Expo Bob’s Tour de France Party revels
and boat code changes. builds a loyal following. in cycling’s greatest race. PAGE 10
Ideas put forth Base embraces
to solve Gemini sroplaecaesohpusmhaunb
enrollment woes
[email protected] on Riverside Drive in Melbourne Beach. [email protected]
As part of an ongoing re- PHOTOS BY JULIAN LEEK Patrick Air Force Base may
port on enrollment trends, seem the same as always from
the Melbourne Beachsider Proposed osprey cam causes flap with residents the outside but, in one small
examined district numbers communications facility in-
more deeply to find out why STORY BY BILL SOKOLIC STAFF WRITER sequential matters that blow Beach seemed quite con- side its walls, Patrick’s role is
enrollment at “A” rated Gem- [email protected] up into major controversies. tent despite the rain pour- changing to meet the require-
ini Elementary School is on a This time, it’s ospreys. And a ing down on July 19. After all, ments for the next round of
steady downward trend and It doesn’t take much to web cam. this was home. manned space programs.
not expected to level out or ruffle feathers in Melbourne
rebound anytime soon. Beach. The town government The ospreys nesting atop But until that night, near- The 700-square-foot Human
is notorious for protracted a power line pole along Riv- by residents Erin Collins and Spaceflight Support Opera-
In May, Principal Jenni- debate over seemingly incon- erside Drive in Melbourne tions Center (SOC) at Patrick,
fer Julian was quoted in the CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 which is an extension of the
Beachsider saying her biggest Joint Space Operations Center
question was how to manage at Vandenberg AFB, Calif., is
the enrollment decline and considered the Department of
per-student funding. Julian Defense’s Human Space Flight
cited the economy and job Operations Center, a state-of-
loss as the reason – logic that the-art communications hub
seemed contrary to every bit used for its human spaceflight
of good news coming down support missions.
the pike about job growth in
the greater Melbourne area. Now renovated by a
$485,000 year-long proj-
Brevard’s Assistant Super- ect, the Space Ops Center is
Change afoot? Indialantic considers ‘Spider’ robo-mower puts
automated kiosks to replace meters region on the cutting edge
[email protected] Bell said as they came off the [email protected]
beach last week.
Rebecca Bell is a waitress, so Beachsiders traveling the area’s major
she always has plenty of change That overpayment could go roads the past three months may have
for parking meters at the beach away if Indialantic replaces caught a glimpse of a new tool being used
in Indialantic. Her husband, its traditional meters with in the battle to keep Mother Nature at bay.
Mike, says they often put too automated kiosks that accept
much money in the meter. CONTINUED ON PAGE 4
ADVERTISING: 772-559-4187 | CIRCULATION: 772-226-7925 On with the shows!
NEWS 1-8 DINING 31 PEOPLE 9-12 Area theaters make big production
ARTS 13-16 GAMES 23-25 PETS 33 of announcing their upcoming
BOOKS 21 HEALTH 27-30 REAL ESTATE 35-40 season lineups. PAGE 14
2 Thursday, July 27, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Col. Burton Catledge, 45th Operations Group commander, and Lt. Col. Jason Havel, Detachment 3 commander, covery, rescue, and retrieval to NASA’s
cut the ribbon to the recently renovated Human Spaceflight Support Operations Center. PHOTO BY PHIL SUNKEL Orion Program. For the Commercial
Crew Program, they provide rescue.
SPACE OPS CENTER for future growth in support of rescue The detachment has long directed For NASA’s Soyuz Program, they pro-
and recovery operations now and well the nominal recovery of spacecraft vide medical evacuation capabilities,’’
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 into the future,’’ he said. and the global contingency rescue for he said.
our nation’s current and future astro-
fully operational for a blended mis- The center hosts a worldwide com- naut crew force. The configuration and staffing of
sion serving as “a hub for world-wide mand and control capability for De- the SOC is driven by operational re-
communications pertaining to NASA partment of Defense rescue forces But there are now more than just quirements. Generally, there will be
astronaut rescue and recovery,’’ said through a combination of radio fre- DOD missions on the horizon for the a mission coordinator, communica-
Shawn Walleck, Chief of Public Affairs, quencies, specialized Internet appli- Space Ops Center, he said. tions advisor and medical adviser at
45th Space Wing. cations, texting, satellite, and secure a minimum. All missions will be able
and unsecure voice through the SOC’s Walleck pointed out that the cen- to utilize the integrated video wall ca-
No additional personnel will be re- 10 workstations, 20 DOD circuits and ter now “covers all NASA and NASA- pabilities that allow the team to view
quired by the transition, however the 20 NASA specific circuits. sponsored astronauts. For the Orion concurrent mission feeds. This allows
changes to the Space ops center “allow program, they currently provide re- the SOC to provide mission execution
command authority from a common
operating picture, Walleck said.
The SOC is fully operational and will
be essential to the command and con-
trol of DOD forces during the Septem-
ber Soyuz landing, he said.
On one side of the room, missions
such as the Shuttle and Soyuz are rep-
resented to reflect the past. The other
side of the room represents missions
that will be executed in the next round
of crewed space programs.
Chartered in 1959 by the Secretary of
Defense as the DOD Mercury Support
Office, the 45th Operations Group,
Detachment 3 at Patrick AFB was later
renamed DOD Manned Space Flight
Support Office (DDMS).
Since its inception, this unit has
been the principle facilitator for all
DOD nominal and contingency sup-
port to projects including Mercury,
Gemini, and Apollo; the Apollo/
Soyuz Test Project; the Space Shuttle
Program; the International Space
Station (ISS)/Soyuz Program; the
Orion Program; and the Commercial
Crew Program.
OSPREYS Good idea. Too little thought? put a correct nesting box on the pole Ospreys mate for life and return to the
“I was flabbergasted,” Collins said. after the electrocution of ospreys.” same nest each mating season. If they
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 “I did not want to look at more poles move the nest there is a chance the os-
against the beautiful view of the riv- The pole now includes spikes to keep prey will try and use their original FPL
Patti and John James worried that er nor do I want the birds disturbed. the ospreys from touching the live wires. pole and be electrocuted again.”
such contentment would dissipate This season, babies are still hanging
if the town followed through with a around. They fly around the nest area, “We successfully had two seasons Or it may take several years to attract
proposal to have another pole placed but are back in the nest each mealtime. of babies since the new nest was in- osprey to the new nest.
nearby, one equipped with a video It’s wonderful.” stalled,” Collins said. “The way I un-
camera for people to watch the com- Added Patty James, “I love watching derstood the town’s proposal, the en- “I thought it was a great idea when
ings and goings of an osprey family the birds. I think having it online is a tire nest would have been relocated first proposed,” Mayor Jim Simmons
on the town website should a family great idea but in a public place not in a to a lower pole in the same vicinity. said of the plans.
choose to nest on the new pole. residential area.”
It’s not just about disrupting the birds, “But we didn’t fully vet it. No one asked
“They are wonderful to watch nesting. residents say. “Putting this in a private us for this. There may be better solutions
But I don’t understand why you would neighborhood with cameras is creepy we can explore rather than pushing this.”
fix what is not broke. We are happy with and an invasion of our lives,” Collins said.
way things are,” Collins told commis- The outcry found a sympathetic ear. Collins said the county contains
sioners at the meeting that night. “I like to watch them but if residents hundreds of nests. “The park would
are uncomfortable I’d say no,” Vice be perfect down by the river for a
Last July, the commission directed Mayor Tom Davis said. new nest. Ospreys would eventually
Town Manager Tim Day to look into the Commissioner Steve Walters said, “If find the nest boxes and more people
cost and feasibility of installing a cam- we move the one we have now, the os- could enjoy the birds.”
era on a pole at Riverside and Avenue B preys may not come back.”
to view an osprey nest. Day contacted True enough, Collins said. “I worked The commission made a motion to
Florida Power & Light, which agreed to very hard for two years to get FPL to discontinue the proposed video cam-
install the pole at no cost to the taxpay- era nest on the chosen site and referred
ers. The only expense would be for the a future site to the Environmental Ad-
camera and its installation. visory Board.
Video cam nests have proliferated
in recent years as the technology has
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, July 27, 2017 3
gotten less expensive. They tend to be osprey cam with crystal-clear picture they malfunction during nesting sea- “Folks looking to post nest camer-
organizational – run by conservation and sound on Hog Island in Maine, op- son, they must be left alone. Mainte- as should talk to the Florida Fish and
organizations who know how to do this erated by the Audubon Society. nance on them, close to the nest, can Wildlife Conservation Commission
compatibly with the birds so that they cause harm to the birds. to make sure they follow any permit-
are not harmed. The website Explore. According to Audubon Florida, well ting guidelines necessary,” said Julie
org gathers many of these wildlife cams placed cameras should not harm os- Ospreys are neither endangered or Wraithmell, deputy director of Audu-
in one spot, and features a picturesque prey. Care must be taken to place them threatened but are protected under the bon Florida.
before birds arrive to nest. In the event federal Migratory Bird Treaty Act.
4 Thursday, July 27, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
SPIDER MOWER William Harris, the technician, mows an area along the highway with the Spider mower. chase, selling them for $25,000 each.
An outlay of $125,000 seems hefty for
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 market in 2002 and has been in the DBI’s recent acquisition of five of the something that cuts grass, but Florida
United States since 2007. They are robomowers, motorists are going to be can grow a jungle in no time flat. So
Prompting motorist double takes, hardly a common sight, though. “Peo- seeing them much more frequently. mowing is serious business and doing
a riderless, school-bus-yellow mower ple don’t see them because they work it safely is even more serious.
can be seen crawling up and down the in retention ponds and power plants “I approached DBI a little over a year
overpass slopes of I-95 and S.R. 528 as and some other places where people ago about trying it out. They said they “The main thing to stress about the
well as state roads 401, 407 and 518 as just don’t wander,” Doan said. But with would take a look at it; we did a demo mowers is safety,” he said. “Because
it literally mows down all vegetative for them and they liked it. But they still you’re eliminating five or six or more
obstacles in its path. wanted to do research before they paid people on a slope with weed whack-
a lot of money for a mower, so it took ers who are subject to getting hurt:
The 809-pound Spider is manufac- a while. They’ve had it for a year and I Slipping, falling and rolling down the
tured in the Czech Republic, and runs guess they liked the results since they slope and into traffic,” Doan said.
on 95 octane unleaded gas, with no just bought the big lot of them,” he said.
additives, according to the operation “When we first started in July 1 of
manual. It’s one of six machines that DBI is a major contractor with FDOT. last year, the slopes were terrible. They
Pennsylvania-based DBI Services re- Along with the work in Brevard, it may were overgrown. We had eight people
cently bought to boost its safety and be easier to list what they don’t main- working at Eau Gallie Boulevard. In one
production rates as it maintains high- tain. “We have I-75 from the Georgia week we had probably $4,800 in just la-
speed roadways throughout Florida. line all the way to Miami. We have I-4. bor costs,” Thomas said. So rolling out
The majority of it. The Ultimate I-4 ex- a $25,000, riderless vehicle is cost effec-
“One of the key reasons we bought pansion project splits it up. Then we tive in the extreme, as it pays for itself
and use these is our company is all have a Tampa project, we have a Fort in a matter of weeks. “It’s that easy,” he
about safety,” said Chris Thomas, proj- Pierce project, Port Charlotte, Ocala, said, adding that a job that would take
ect manager for the asset maintenance Putnam County. We have Duval County, six workers eight to 10 hours to com-
contractor for the Florida Department we have Lake City, Belle Glade, Flagler plete is finished in three to four hours
of Transportation. “With a Spider, you County and Miami Dade,” Thomas said. with one Spider and two workers.
don’t have people weeding, tripping,
falling down or getting heat exhaustion. Doan said Slope Care was able to “What we’re doing now is going
It’s a major safety item for us,” he said. cut DBI a deal because of the bulk pur- down the mainline, which is I-95. We
have been on S.R. 528; eventually we’ll
The mower is operated by a crew be on all the slopes,” Thomas said. He
member with a radio controller, who added that they expect to work in a
moves the mower from the bottom never-ending cycle “because we know
of the slope to the top in successive the grass is going to grow. We will be
passes until the job is done. The broad, on the beachside, toward Port Canav-
square machine has a winch on the eral. We already did George King Bou-
front onto which a cable is attached. levard and Courtenay Parkway.
The other end of the cable is hooked to
the guardrail on the overpass, provid- “I have 28 people working for me
ing the pulling power it needs to climb and I couldn’t ask for a better crew. It’s
the steep grades. long hours, long days, hot days, but
they care about what it looks like when
“The operator stands at the top and we go through,” he said.
he goes just so far, then he loosens the
cable and moves it further down on During an early morning demon-
the guardrail and he reattaches it and stration last week at I-95 and S.R. 524,
keeps going,” Thomas explained. the Spider was unloaded from the bed
of a pickup, fueled up and quickly on
The model that DBI bought, the its way, dutifully following technician
ILD02, has a 48½-inch cut and costs William Harris like a pet to the base of
$35,000 apiece, said Richard Doan, the slope. Harris played out the cable,
sales manager at Slope Care in Or- strode to the top of the overpass and
lando, the North American distributor hooked it in. The Spider was ready to
for Dvorak, the Czech Republic-based do the work of six men.
The machine’s operation is a lit-
Doan said the mower was designed tle more sophisticated than a weed
and first produced for the European whacker’s and there is a bit of a learn-
ing curve. “It helps if you have a radio-
control background,” said Brad Fend-
er, a mechanic in DBI’s Melbourne
office. “It has basic controls: forward
and reverse. The other joystick con-
trols the direction of the tires. They’ll
rotate 360 degrees so once you get the
basic controls down, it comes pretty
easy after that,” Fender said.
As far as downsides go, “If there are
any negatives, it’s people stopping on
the ramps to watch it,” Thomas said
with a smile.
Doan echoed that thought: “People
are not used to seeing mowers run
without somebody sitting on them.
They just slam on their brakes and
start looking.”
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, July 27, 2017 5
GEMINI Gemini numbers, however, say some- During the 2013-2014 school year, the kindergarteners than sixth graders and
thing different. Since 2011, Gemini has county had 594 more kindergarteners Gemini still had 41 more sixth graders
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 consistently had fewer kindergarteners than sixth graders. Gemini had 39 more than kindergarteners.
enroll than sixth graders. sixth graders than kindergartners.
intendent of Facilities Dane Theodore These numbers seem to prove Dr.
believes the cause of the decline is due During the 2011-2012 school year, In 2015-2016, the county had 534 Theodore’s prediction: Gemini is not
to a decrease each year in younger stu- Brevard County had 293 more kin- more kindergartners than sixth graders enrolling as many kindergarten stu-
dents replacing those graduating. dergarten students than sixth grade and Gemini had 33 more sixth graders dents to replace those graduating to
students. In this same year, Gemini than kindergarteners. middle school. Theodore stated un-
But school district numbers since Elementary had 39 more sixth graders equivocally that there are no plans
2011 show that countywide, each than kindergarteners. In 2016 the county numbers took big to close the southernmost barrier is-
year Brevard has more kindergarten jump. Only 124 more kindergartners land school. Enhanced programs, he
students enrolling than sixth graders In the 2012-2013 school year the coun- than sixth graders. Gemini stayed at said, could be added to attract new
graduating, indicating growth, cou- ty had 662 more kindergartners than a steady pace and had 42 more sixth students who would exercise school
ples starting families or moving here sixth graders. At Gemini, there were 31 graders than kindergarteners.
with young children. more sixth graders than kindergartners. CONTINUED ON PAGE 6
In 2017 the county had 149 more
6 Thursday, July 27, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
said each space had to be striped and
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 5 with the principal, Belcher felt her CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 numbered and signage put in place.
son’s needs were not addressed. Holland says with the latest replace-
choice to attend Gemini. credit and debit card payments. ment, no parking meters remain.
Programs geared toward younger Belcher co-founded Spring Forward “That would be a better option,”
for Autism, a non-profit organization “Our most recent change over was
students may be just what this school which helps families like hers affected Mike Bell said. in February of this year in Shepard
needs to help boost enrollment and by autism. Prevalence of autism in Council discussed the issue at the July Park at the end of Route 520. The park
funding. Special education services U.S. children increased by 119.4 per- has over 300 spaces and we now have
could also fulfill the needs for many cent from 2000 (1 in 150) to 2010 (1 17 meeting. “The world has changed,” 10 kiosks to assist our guests with pay-
families in the area. The south beach- in 68). Autism is the fastest-growing Deputy Mayor Stuart Glass said, a refer- ing for their parking,” he said.
es are aging. The number of students developmental disability according to ence to the growth of kiosk systems over
with developmental delays are rising. the Centers for Disease Control. meters throughout the country. Kiosks are located so that the pe-
destrian flow passes them after a car is
Susan Belcher of Melbourne Beach “Not only did they fail in provid- Town Manager Chris Chinault ex- parked. Typically one kiosk will serve
pulled her son Zane from Gemini af- ing an education for my child, they pects to look at Cocoa Beach as a mod- one stub-end street for beachgoers.
ter kindergarten because they were pushed him backwards 2 years” she el for Indialantic in terms of the posi-
unable to accommodate his special said. Zane currently attends Our Lady tives and the negatives. “I’m now going Kiosks accept credit and debit cards,
needs. Zane is autistic and came to of Lourdes in Melbourne. to explore the system that Cocoa Beach but still take coins. However, paper
Gemini from Space Coast Early In- has initiated to determine if it fits our money is not accepted. “You put in the
tervention Center with an already If not services for autistic children, oth- needs and is cost effective for us.“ space number and follow instructions
existing Individual Education Plan. er options to target the primary grades on the kiosk. You can also use a cell-
Belcher’s biggest concern was the might be an intensive reading center or a The issue for Indialantic, Chinault phone to pay,” Holland said.
misuse of her son’s IEP. “He was ne- team of specialists to help those young- said, has more to do with convenience
glected” she said. “Though there were est students who struggle to overcome than the outlay for meter repairs, despite Placement of 60 kiosks, covering
several children with IEPs in his class- speech and language barriers. The dis- the heavy corrosion from the salt air. 1,300 parking spaces, cost the town
room, there was no aid assistance cussion and planning for how to keep about $300,000 or $231 a space.
present” she said. Even with several Gemini a viable school – not starved for “The cost to maintain meters is
IEP meetings and private meetings dollars due to dwindling enrollment – is covered by permit and meter revenue “Using parking meters capable of
an important one for the South Beaches and is not burdensome,” he said. “I taking debit or credit cards would cost
community and for school leaders. believe that we spend about $15,500 more on a per space basis,” he said.
per year for meter repair and replace-
ment. We don’t replace meters. We According to Holland, the kiosks
replace parts. We might buy a yoke, are still under warranty so there have
meter housing, the coin mechanism, been no maintenance costs as of yet.
the pole to hold up the meter, or the But meter maintenance was another
shield should it become clouded and story. The 2004 hurricanes had driv-
difficult to read.” en sand into the mechanisms of the
meters, and they began malfunction-
The revenue side, allocated to the ing on a steady basis since then with
Enterprise Fund in the budget, comes maintenance expenditures peaking
from Nance, Sunrise, Indialantic Ocean in fiscal year 2014 at $10,871. The real
Beach and Sea parks, as well as the 6th problem was that parts had become
Avenue parking lot. unavailable due to the age of meters.
“We were shutting lesser used streets
Meter revenue budgeted for the down to strip parts from meters for
current fiscal year is anticipated to be higher volume areas,” Holland said.
$254,851 with a proposed increase in
the next fiscal year to $257,000. The It’s too early to tell whether kiosks
town budgeted $16,732 for permit fees cut down on the number of park-
in fiscal year 2017 and $18,700 for fiscal ing tickets. “As a part of our overall
year 2018. For the current year, parking plan, we went to a cloud-based en-
fines expect to amount to $66,730 and forcement system. Since it is more
go up to $68,030 in the next fiscal year. efficient than the system it replaced,
it appears that the number of cita-
Cocoa Beach began evaluating and tions has not fallen, in part because
field testing various types and brands the officers can cover more ground
of kiosks in 2014. The commission ap- because new system is less cumber-
proved the selected system in January, some,” he said.
2016 and installation began last Sep-
tember, one street at a time. Charles
Community Editor Advertising Director We are here to provide Brevard barrier President and Publisher
Lisa Zahner, 772-584-9121 Judy Davis, 772-633-1115 island readers with the most comprehen- Milton R. Benjamin, 772-559-4187
[email protected] [email protected] sive news coverage of Melbourne Beach, [email protected]
Indialantic, Indian Harbour Beach, Satellite
Staff Reporter Advertising Account Executives Beach, and South Merritt Island. Creative Director
Bill Sokolic, 609-457-5480 Lillian Belmont, 321-604-7833 Dan Alexander, 772-539-2700
[email protected] Will Gardner, 407-361-2150 For our advertising partners, we pledge [email protected]
to provide the most complete consulta-
Staff Reporter Columnists tive and marketing programs possible for Corporate Editor
George White, 321-795-3835 Pam Harbaugh, 321-794-3691 the best return on your investment. Steven M. Thomas, 772-453-1196
[email protected] Cynthia Van Gaasbeck, 321-626-4701 [email protected]
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, July 27, 2017 7
Satellite Beach to rule on RV and boat code changes
[email protected]
All hands will be on deck for the Sat-
ellite Beach City Council next Wednes-
day night as they consider controver-
sial changes to boat and recreational
vehicle parking rules in residential
neighborhoods, along with a shift in
the overall approach to code enforce-
ment citywide.
The council was to consider action
on July 19, but there was a scheduling
conflict for two out of five city coun-
cil members. An abbreviated meeting
was held but the council put off call-
ing the question on any heated topics
in hopes of greater consensus, or at
least a weigh-in by all five.
Satellite Beach currently has com-
paratively strict rules requiring most
boats and recreational vehicles to be
parked behind fences to the side be-
hind the front wall of the home.
To relax those rules, as has been dis-
cussed since an April staff review of RV
codes, would cause more problems
with RV parking and hurt property
values, opponents say.
One the other side of the issue,
there are residents who feel, because
Satellite Beach is a recreational com-
munity, smaller boats and recre-
ational vehicles should be regulated
but sometimes allowed in areas now
prohibited, like the front driveways if
on a stabilized pad. They cite the fact
that most of the lots are smaller, with
less than 10-foot setbacks too narrow
for storage of RVs and there is limited
off site commercial RV storage lots.
As for code enforcement, propo-
nents of stiffer rules want the city to
go back to the more costly 100 per-
cent “proactive” RV code enforcement
for which a city employee checks all
streets daily for violations rather than
relying on “reactive” enforcement re-
quiring an anonymous complaint.
Supporters of relaxing the RV rules
contend the RV/boat ordinance is labor-
intensive, requiring city staff to witness
a complaint three times before being in
violation. The proactive practice doesn’t
catch many violations and caused a
negative perception in the neighbor-
hoods and dissention against the city,
according to the review by city staff.
The Satellite Beach City Council will
take up the issue at 7 p.m. Wednesday,
Aug. 2 in City Council chambers, 565
Cassia Blvd.
Amy Williams and Laura Burkhart.
Remodel behavior
exhibited at
Home & Garden Expo
P. 11
10 Thursday, July 27, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Bike fans beaucoup at Bob’s Tour de France Party
STORY BY CYNTHIA VAN GAASBECK CORRESPONDENT race, Bob’s staff remained mum as to Barry Gibb and Jose Tello. PHOTOS: BENJAMIN THACKER Nate Manierre and Savannah McMillen.
[email protected] the day’s winners and leaders. “We Greg Poole and Josh Gazinski.
don’t want to be spoilers,” said man-
Un petit peu, a little bit, of the French ager Ben Elliot, himself a cyclist. How
passion for the good life greeted guests often does he ride? “Every day. Every.”
last week to the annual Tour de France His bike of choice? “Trek. I ride a com-
Wine and Cheese Party at Bob’s Bicy- muter, a road bike and a mountain
cle Shop in Indian Harbour Beach. bike,” he said. Elliot rides to work each
day from his home in Eau Gallie and
For the past 21 years, owner Rod reluctantly gets in a car only on stormy
Manierre has closed up shop early one days when his wife, Linda, takes pity
evening in July to fete customers and on him.
friends with wines and cheeses as they
watch a particularly grueling stage of The four-room shop buzzed with
the 2,200-mile road race across France. activity and the boisterous conver-
sations of like-minded folk, none of
Paris is a good 4,500 miles away as whom sported Spandex this night.
the jumbo jet flies, but American en-
thusiasm is strong in this beachside Multi-instrumentalist Ken Holt was
shop. For some, the Tour is a bucket- invited by Elliot to entertain guests. “I
list trip. For others, it’s a goal as a seri- play a new blend of Americana music.
ous cyclist. It has a little bit of rock and roll, a little
bit of country, a little bit of pop in it,”
The star of the evening was Stage the Satellite Beach resident said mo-
17 of the 23-stage race. Alpine climbs ments before his set.
are the nail-biting feature of the route
from La Mure to Serre Chevalier. The “Thanks for coming to our annual
race began on July 1 with time trials in Tour party,” Manierre said to all pres-
Dusseldorf, Germany, and ended July ent. “We have a contest coming up. We
23 in a sweep of color and exhausted are looking for 10 people who want to
smiles on the Champs-Élysées in Par- change a tire! Whoever has the best
is. time wins a Trek team jersey,” the In-
And as they were throughout the
Brandon Lott and Ryan Thornholt.
Scott Balone, Lisa Farrall, Ben Elliott. Joan and Larry Orlando.
Daryll Atkins, Brendan Winn and Jose Rubio. groups and women’s groups for bike
rides. He supports racing groups and
dialantic resident cajoled guests. he’s very reasonable with pricing.”
George Kenney of Melbourne
Manierre offered some insight
doesn’t ride competitively but is fully into his business philosophy, which
immersed in the culture and is a fan of melds nicely with he and wife Sar-
Manierre’s. “I ride off-road and I just ah’s philosophy of life. “We like to
bought a new fat tire bike from Rod. go to the races and the club rides
I’ve never seen a business like this,” he and enjoy a healthy lifestyle. That’s
said, explaining, “he supports cancer what my wife and I are really into,”
he said.
His business partner, Bill Arm-
strong, who died of cancer a couple of
years ago, was a major influence. “He
was my mentor and my best friend.
He showed me that if you take care of
people properly the first time they’ll
come back,” he said.
One partygoer offered that Arm-
strong was there in spirit. “Yes, his
spirit lives on with his bike on the wall
as a memorial,” Manierre said.
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, July 27, 2017 11
Remodel behavior exhibited at Home & Garden Expo
Luciana Campos, Leticia Barros, Zac Capion, Deanna Naese. Tito Bermudez, Danielle Morales, Holly Kennard. PHOTOS: BENJAMIN THACKER Tom and Carole Peters with Eric Peled.
Mark and Lori Eden. Kim Barret and Patrick Fucci.
Lauren Teele and Karen Atwell. Dawn and Heath Hill. Wanda, Ken and Nolan Warren. Sandy Barker and Jeff Gasaway.
STORY BY CYNTHIA VAN GAASBECK CORRESPONDENT shop to introduce kids to the thrill of and she just wanted to take a wheel- the shop and he said that two people
[email protected] working with their hands. Participants chair stroll around the auditorium. “I from here went directly over there. It al-
received a wooden sailboat kit, a Kids wanted to see what’s coming out, what’s ready has affected us,” she said.
The 2017 Brevard Home & Garden Workshop apron and a certificate of new. I’m in an assisted living place. I
Expo, whose motto is “Replace, Repair, completion. like it but you feel like you’re hemmed A housing boom seems to be oc-
Remodel,” delivered on its promise of up a lot. You sit around and can’t get out curring all over Brevard County, from
everything under one roof last weekend Also with Home Depot’s presentation much,” Shearef said while enjoying the the beaches to the farthest western
at the Melbourne Auditorium. was Shena Taylor, program manager sights and sounds and goodie bags from reaches, and these houses need to be
for American Residential Services. “We vendors. outfitted with appliances, finished
If there is a remodeling season, Flori- are the largest vendor for Home Depot with tile and carpeting and furnished.
da must be coming up on it. and have been for several years now. An enormous slab of granite performs New Yorkers Mark and Lori Eden, who
We run as far north as Titusville and as intended at Personal Touch Counter- are renting locally while building their
Or perhaps it was the wide selection as far south as Stuart. So we cover the tops’ booth as it grabs the attention of Florida dream home, are getting close
of vendors inside that brought so many 12 stores across the area. What we are most who pass by. “We want to get our to that point and stopped by to see the
people to the show that there was a dis- promoting today are free estimates on name out there. We purchased this possibilities.
tinct lack of parking spaces to be had by the heating systems and a special price company about three years ago from
2 p.m. Billed as the largest event of its with the tune-ups,” Taylor explained. somebody who had it running for about He is interested in landscaping and
kind in the area, show producer Brevard Has she had any takers? “Yes. It’s been 10 years, so we already had a very big she wants to see the latest in floor
Expos filled the auditorium with doz- very good. Of about 50 people who clientele. We want to get out there and tile. “We just walked in the door and
ens of local businesses offering services we’ve spoken with today, we’ve gener- extend our marketing,” said Leticia now it’s time to go look and see what
in real estate, finance, health and well- ated about 15 leads,” she said. Barros. How has the expo worked out there is,” Mark Eden said, noting that
ness, and home repair and remodeling. for her company? “One of our workers they chose to build in Melbourne af-
Elizabeth Shearef, 89, says home is came here after he finished his shift at ter initially liking the looks of Viera.
Major sponsor the Home Depot an assisted-living facility in Melbourne “It’s too crowded.”
Home Services took the stage, literally,
where it presented a children’s work-
14 Thursday, July 27, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
On with the shows! Theaters announce upcoming seasons
[email protected] rade and Grand Ole 2018
girls and second-act bagpipers who Opry,” Jan. 6 & 7
It used to be you had to wait until pipe her in with all the fanfare expected “The Wizard of Oz,” June 8 – 17
the upcoming season was nearly upon of a major political party announcing Hot Pink “An Eve- TITUSVILLE PLAYHOUSE
you before you’d get information from its choice for a presidential nominee. ning at the Play- 321 Julia St.
area theaters about what to expect. She also makes everyone wait until the house: The Music of Titusville, FL
Readers’ committees would take their summer to make the announcement. Queen!” Jan. 12 & 13 321-268-1125,
merry time making those decisions … That’s probably in part due to want-
and we all know what rule by commit- ing to have a season wrap-up and due Florida Magician MAINSTAGE
tee means. to Hawkins-Smith being one heck of a of the Year Contest, “Shrek: The Musical, Aug. 18 – Sept.
saleswoman. Jan. 14 10
Not only is a reader’s committee a “The Addams Family,” Sept. 22 – Oct.
longer process, it can also be misguid- Here’s what’s coming up for the LeRoy Darby “A 15
ed, says Peg Girard, producing director 2017/2018 theater seasons: Journey of Hope: In- “The Music Man,” Nov. 10 – Dec. 3
at Melbourne Civic Theatre, the area’s spiring Negro Spiri- “Mamma Mia!” Jan. 5 – 28, 2018
oldest cultural organization. Community Theaters: tuals,” June 17 “Gypsy,” Feb. 23 – March 18, 2018
COCOA VILLAGE PLAYHOUSE “The Hunchback of Notre Dame”
“Working with reading committee, I 300 Brevard Avenue “Hedwig and the April 6 – 29, 2018
hated it,” Girard said. “They’re reading Cocoa, FL Angry Inch,” June 29 “Fun Home” May 11 – June 4, 2018
from their perspective and not think- 321-636-5050, CocoaVillagePlay- & 30 TPI 2nd STAGE:
ing about availability of performers, “The Complete History of America
what the audience wants to see, what BROADWAY ON BREVARD SERIES: FALL FUNDRAIS- Abridged” February 9—18, 2018
the theater can handle as far as sets or “Disney’s Beauty and the Beast,” ER EVENT: “Proof: March 23 – April 1, 2018
costumes.” Sept. 23 – Oct. 8 “Southern Sirens” May 4 – 13, 2018
“A Christmas Carol,” Nov. 18 – Dec. 3 “Under the Harvest Moon,” at Rock- SPECIAL EVENT
Now, though, choosing a new season “42nd Street,” Jan. 27 – Feb. 11 ledge Gardens, Oct. 29, 2017 “The Rocky Horror Show” Oct. 20 – 29
is mostly the domain of artistic direc- “The Secret Garden,” March 10 – “A Tuna Christmas” Dec. 8 – 17
tors or “producing directors” guiding March 25 SPECIAL: Professional Theaters:
that cultural ship. “Monty Python’s Spamalot,” April 28 “It’s ShowTime! Celebrating 30 Years RIVERSIDE THEATRE
– May 13 of The Golden Steppers,” April 8 3250 Riverside Drive
In making their decisions, these STARS OF TOMORROW: HENEGAR CENTER Vero Beach, FL
knowledgeable people keep their fin- “A Charlie Brown Christmas and 625 E. New Haven Ave. 772-231-6990,
ger on the pulse of what’s out there by Holiday Showcase,” Dec. 11 & 12 Melbourne, FL MAINSTAGE:
scouring reviews, reading stories and “Magic Tree House: Pirates Past Noon 321-723-8698, “The Wonder Years: The Musical”
picking up scripts of new straight plays KIDS,” May 25 – 27 MAINSTAGE: Oct. 24 – Nov. 12
and musicals. So those decisions fre- “Dreamworks Madagascar – A Musi- “Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber “Million Dollar Quartet,” Jan. 2 – 21,
quently start forming at the beginning cal Adventure JR.,” June 1 – 3 of Fleet Street,” Oct. 6 to 22 2018
of a current season, or even earlier. “Friday FUNday,” June 8 “Annie,” Dec. 1 – 17 “Lombardi,” Jan. 30 – Feb. 18, 2018
“Rock of Ages (High School Edition),” “Sister Act,” Jan. 19 – Feb. 4, 2018 “Gypsy,” March 6 – 25, 2018
That has streamlined the decision June 8 – 10 “Honeymoon in Vegas,” March 9 – 25, “Mamma Mia!” April 10 – 29, 2018
process, which means seasons are get- SATURDAY SING-ALONG MOVIES: 2018 SECOND STAGE:
ting announced earlier, and earlier. “Hairspray,” Feb. 24 “The Bridges of Madison County,” “The Mystery of Edwin Drood,” Jan.
“Grease,” June 16 May 4 – 20, 2018 16 – Feb. 4, 2018
MCT had been the first out of the SPOTLIGHT SERIES: UPSTAIRS STUDIO THEATRE: “Buyer & Cellar,” March 20 – April 8,
gate for years, announcing its upcom- “Nutcracker,” Dec. 15 – 17 “Dogfight,” Sept. 7 – 17 2018
ing season in March. But patrons were Michael Law “The Holidays Regift- “The Santaland Diaries,” Dec. 7 – 10 DR. PHILLIPS CENTER
barely half way through the current ed,” Dec. 19 “I and You,” Feb. 8 – 18, 2018 155 E. Anderson Street
season when Titusville Playhouse and Silent Film Classic Screening, Buster “Ugly Lies the Bone” April 6 – 15, 2018 Orlando, FL
Surfside Players announced their new Keaton “The General” & “Three Ages,” MELBOURNE CIVIC THEATRE 800-448-6322,
season. Jan. 5 817 E. Strawbridge Ave. Rodgers & Hammerstein’s :The King
Margaret Cross “America’s Saturday Melbourne, FL and I” September 12 – 17
Moreover, those announcements 321-723-6935, “On Your Feet!” Oct. 17 – 22
have become as much a theater event FLEX PASS SERIES: “Love Never Dies: The Phantom Re-
as an actual production. Steven Heron “A Funny Thing Happened on the turns” Nov. 21 – 26
at Titusville will walk in front of a cur- Way to the Forum” Aug. 11 – Sept. 17. “The Book of Mormon” Dec. 12 – 17
tain, dolled up in his most sophisti- “Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mys- “School of Rock” Dec. 26 – 31
cated self, and announce it with all his tery” Oct. 6 – Nov. 23 “Disney’s The Lion King” Feb. 14 –
expected “stand up” enthusiasm. This “Funny Money” Jan. 19 – Feb. 25, 2018 March 11, 2018*
year, the Henegar’s former artistic di- “The Comedy of Errors” March 23 – “Waitress” March 20 – 25, 2018
rector Hank Rion took to the Facebook April 29, 2018 “Something Rotten!” April 24 – 29,
“airwaves” and did a live stream video “Hay Fever” May 18 – June 24, 2018 2018
announcement, bringing viewers be- HOLIDAY: “Rent” June 5 – 10, 2018
hind the scenes where each show was Alfie Silva’s Christmas with Dino,
announced by select company mem- Nov. 24 – Dec. 24 FYI: Current subscribers to Dr. Phil-
bers; the whole shebang ended with SURFSIDE PLAYHOUSE lips will have first access to HAMILTON
some glorious music from the Hen- South Fifth Street and A1A when they renew their subscription for
egar’s fantastic show, “The Hunchback Cocoa Beach, FL the 2018 – 2019 season.
of Notre Dame.” 321-783-3127,
“The 39 Steps,” Sept. 14 – 24
Of course, the big kahuna is Anasta- “Monty Python’s SPAMALOT,” Nov.
cia Hawkins-Smith, who has, for years, 3 – 19
turned Cocoa Village Playhouse’s an- “On Golden Pond,” Jan. 12 – 28, 2018
nouncement into a marketing bonanza “Evita,” March 9 – 25, 2018
with her season round-up complete
with sparkly dresses, dancing boys and
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, July 27, 2017 15
New veterans monument will suit sanctuary to a ‘T’
STORY BY STEPHANIE LABAFF STAFF WRITER Ross Power with his ‘Focus’ sculpture in the Biscayne Bay Power, Cady and was an interactive sculpture with
[email protected] Sculpture Garden at Florida International University. Demsick met for break- words.”
fast and ended up walk-
Veterans Memorial Island Sanc- ing out with a sketch on The final design for the sculpture
tuary is a testament to the level of a napkin. incorporates word art with an audio
respect the people of Indian River aspect. “It’s pretty avant-garde, but
County have for those who served “Bruce was push- at the same time it is rooted to the
and sacrificed their lives in times of ing for something that ground with true words from veter-
war. Now, plans are in motion to add would bring a new de- ans,” says Power. The monument will
a sculpture to the stars and stripes mographic in, some- consist of three, 7-feet-tall concrete T-
snapping in the breeze, brightening thing avant-garde. The walls connected by a dome at the cen-
the beacon the sanctuary provides for first thing I thought of
people honoring those lost in battle. CONTINUED ON PAGE 16
Since the park’s dedication in 1964, SUMMER’S BEST
monuments to each branch of service SALES EVENT
have been erected as well as memo-
rials honoring Purple Heart veterans 2017 ULTRA-LOW MILEAGE LEASES FOR WELL-QUALIFIED LESSEES
and POW/MIAs. Veterans of Pearl ATS
Harbor, WWII and the Korean and $349 / 39 / $3,279
Vietnam wars also are recognized SEDAN PER MONTH1 MONTHS DUE AT SIGNING
within the sanctuary. 2.0 STD AFTER ALL OFFERS
Missing among the honored are Tax, title, license, and dealer fees extra. $0 security deposit. Mileage
those who had tours in Iraq and Af- charge of $0.25 /mile over 32,500 miles at participating dealers.
ghanistan. Given that the fighting
continues today, veterans’ groups felt * Payments are for a 2017 CADILLAC ATS Sedan (excluding V-series) Preferred Equipment Group with an MSRP of $34,595. 39
it was time to honor the nearly 7,000 monthly payments total $13,611. Option to purchase at lease end for an amount to be determined at lease signing. Lessor must
Americans who have died in combat. approve lease. Take delivery by 08-31-2017. Lessee pays for maintenance, repair, excess wear and disposition fee of $595 or less
at end of lease. Payments may be higher in some states. Not available with other offers.
“We found that people were not
aware of what was happening with MURPHY LOCATION SALES SERVICE
Iraq and Afghanistan veterans,” says CADILLAC 174 E. Hibiscus Blvd. 866.295.2593 877.420.6613
Capt. Doy Demsick, program man- Melbourne, FL Mon.-Thurs. 9am-7pm Mon.-Fri. 7am-5:30pm
ager of the Veterans Council of Indian 32901 Fri. 9am-6pm Sat. Closed
River County. Sat. 9am-5pm Sun. Closed
Sun. Closed
The veterans expressed a wish to
create a piece of art. Conversations ©2016 General Motors. All Rights Reserved. Cadillac®
began between former U.S. Marine
Corps Capt. Bruce Cady and Barba-
ra Hoffman of the county’s Cultural
Council. At Hoffman’s suggestion,
they met with monumental sculptor
Ross Power, a well-known Miami art-
ist and developer now living in Vero
Power’s intention at first was to ad-
vise on the monument. After he met
with Hoffman and Cady, it occurred
to him he could do more. “I felt their
passion,” he says. “I was so moved, I
knew this could be one of my great-
est pieces. It was what I call the ‘aha’
moment where the three of us knew
‘this is it.’”
Power’s artistic career has spanned
more than 40 years. Typically his
work has focused on pieces appealing
to social conscience or environmen-
tal awareness. His public art projects
can be seen in Hawaii, California,
Florida and Spain, among other loca-
tions around the world.
After numerous interviews with
veterans who served in Iraq and Af-
ghanistan since 2001, one iconic im-
age kept recurring: a portable con-
crete vertical wall attached to a base.
Known as T-walls, the structures are
clustered together on the battlefield
to afford fighters protection.
16 Thursday, July 27, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
ter. Each wall will contain the raised Coming Up: Get in a groove with Jones’ jazz
and etched “words of war.”
As visitors observe the wall, they [email protected]
can use a smartphone to scan a code
that takes them to a website and au- Jesse Jones Jr.
dio tour. The use of technology allows
visitors to hear snippets of veterans’ 1 Soulful jazz man Jesse Jones Jr.
descriptions, poetry and thoughts. will perform this Friday and Sat-
“This is an ongoing war, and the urday at Heidi’s Jazz Club in Cocoa
sculpture is also alive and ever-
changing,” explains Power. Beach. According to his bio in All-
The concept wasn’t without con- music online, Jones learned to play
troversy. Members of the Veterans
Memorial Island Committee take the sax in sixth grade, and has been lustrates how flowers and foliage have Pirate Festival is taking place in argu-
seriously the responsibility of main- not only inspired works of fiber art, ably the prettiest event venue in the
taining the integrity of the island a professional musician since the but have, over the centuries, through- county, beneath the oaks in Riverside
and its mission to honor veterans. To out the world, also been used to create Park. It’s commemorating the 302nd
that end, some thought the proposed mid-1960s, touring internationally for the fibers themselves and to decorate anniversary of the sinking of the
design didn’t fit with the style of the them. Flora and Fiber presents “the 1715 Plate Fleet (which is why the
memorials currently on the island. more than two decades. He consid- botanical sources, application and area’s commonly referred to as “The
iconography in textiles from three Treasure Coast”). Live music on stage
It wasn’t until community mem- ers his biggest influences to be Can- continents,” focusing on the strong will, of course, accompany the event,
bers, veterans and family members of influence on modern fashion of Asian described by organizers as “pirate
fallen soldiers shared their thoughts nonball Adderley, Hank Crawford and textiles. Exhibition hours are Tuesday bands.” Pirate garb is encouraged for
that a clear picture of the Iraq/Af- through Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Sat- attendees, so dust off your eye patch
ghanistan Memorial took shape dur- Paul Desmond, and you’ll hear that in urday, noon to 4 p.m. and cutlass.
ing a July 5 committee meeting. That
forum drew record attendance, orga- his riffs. Jones also performs some of
nizers say.
the most unusual “scat” jazz singing
The basic shape of the T-wall is
something of an icon to most modern you’ve ever heard. Show times are Fri-
veterans. Standing 16 feet tall in a war
zone, the wall sits on a wide base that day at 8:30 p.m. and Saturday at 8 p.m.
forms the “T.” “They’re massive, and
they protect everyone from small arms Call 321-783-6806 for reservations,
fire, mortar rounds, and vehicle-borne
IEDs,” Demsick explains. and prepare to groove.
U.S. Army veteran Ryan Gridley, re- 2 Now through Aug. 26, the exhi- 3 Opportunities for fun abound Bobby and the Blisters.
counting his time at a forward operat- bition Flora and Fiber will be on this weekend only about an hour
ing base before there were T-walls, said
it was customary for soldiers to sit, eat Flora and Fiber.
and sleep with flak jackets on. Once the
walls were built, soldiers felt protected 4 The Riverside action won’t stop at
enough to take their helmets and flak dusk, either. There’s music, com-
jackets off.
edy and food well into the night: First,
For one Gold Star mother, the pro-
tective wall was unfamiliar. Michelle it’s Riverside Theatre’s extremely popu-
Dale’s son, Cpl. Dale Kridlow, was
killed in action in Kunar Province, Af- lar Live in the Loop free outdoor con-
ghanistan, on Nov. 7, 2010, when insur-
gents attacked his unit. cert, Friday and Saturday, 6 p.m. to 9:30
“I never got a chance to talk to my p.m. This weekend, you’ll totally enjoy
son before he was killed. I didn’t know
anything about the T-walls,” said Dale, an area favorite, the rock/jazz/party
who was moved by the committee’s
presentation. band Bobby and the Blisters (think hot
“I felt some peace and closure just Flora and Fiber. sax). Then, inside the theater, prepare
looking at the picture of it and listen-
ing to what they said,” said Dale. “This down the road in Vero Beach, where to laugh with Riverside’s double-the-
memorial will give anyone who had you can enjoy music, art, festival fun
someone in this war some closure. It’s view in the Ruth Funk Center for Tex- – and pirates. This Friday through laughs Comedy Zone, always featuring
important for parents to know there tile Art at the Florida Institute of Tech- Sunday, the third annual Vero Beach
was something that gave their kids a nology in Melbourne. This exhibition, two comedians. This week brings you
feeling of well-being while they were in according to the center’s website, il-
Afghanistan and Iraq serving. It really Patrick Garrity and Todd Riley. Shows
opened up my heart.”
are at 7:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m.
“I counted myself among the uncon-
scious regarding veterans of this war,”
said Sean Sexton, a well-regarded poet
and painter and longtime rancher. “I
believe that art should be used in ser-
vice of social expression and in the ser-
vice of honoring our veterans.”
18 Thursday, July 27, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Liberation from militants leaves devastation in Mosul.
BY JOBY WARRICK AND LOVEDAY MORRIS clear experts drafted papers and ran stymied by a practical concern: how to As TV networks showed footage of
calculations about the potency of the dismantle the machines’ thick clad- triumphant terrorists parading through
WASHINGTON POST cobalt and the extent of the damage ding without exposing themselves to a Mosul’s main thoroughfares, intelli-
it could do. The details were kept un- burst of deadly radiation. gence agencies took quiet inventory of
On the day the Islamic State over- der wraps on the chance that Mosul’s the vast array of military and material
ran the Iraqi city of Mosul in 2014, it occupiers might not be fully aware of More certain is the fact that the dan- wealth the Islamist militants had sud-
laid claim to one of the greatest weap- what they had. ger has not entirely passed. With doz- denly acquired.
ons bonanzas ever to fall to a terrorist ens of Islamic State stragglers still loose
group: a large metropolis dotted with Iraqi military commanders were ap- in the city, U.S. officials requested The list included three Iraqi military
military bases and garrisons stocked prised of the potential threat as they bat- that details about the cobalt’s current bases, each supplied with U.S.-made
with guns, bombs, rockets and even tled Islamic State fighters block by block whereabouts not be revealed. weapons and vehicles. It also included
battle tanks. through the sprawling complex where bank vaults containing hundreds of
the cobalt was last seen. Finally, earlier They also acknowledged that their millions of dollars in hard currency, as
But the most fearsome weapon in this year, government officials entered worries extend far beyond Mosul. Sim- well as factories for making munitions
Mosul on that day was never used by the bullet-pocked campus building and ilar equipment exists in hundreds of and university laboratories for mixing
the terrorists. Only now is it becoming peered into the storage room where the cities around the world, some of them chemicals used in explosives or as pre-
clear what happened to it. cobalt machines were kept. in conflict zones. cursors for poison gas.
Locked away in a storage room on a They were still there, exactly as they “Nearly every country in the world U.S. officials also were aware that
Mosul college campus were two caches were when the Islamic State seized the either has them, or is a transit country” the Islamic State had gained control
of cobalt-60, a metallic substance with campus in 2014. The cobalt apparently through which high-level radiological of small quantities of natural or low-
lethally high levels of radiation. When had never been touched. equipment passes, said Andrew Bien- enriched uranium – the remnants of
contained within the heavy shielding iawski, a vice president for the Wash- Iraq’s nuclear projects from the time of
of a radiotherapy machine, cobalt-60 “They are not that smart,” a relieved ington-based Nuclear Threat Initiative Saddam Hussein’s presidency – as well
is used to kill cancer cells. In terror- health ministry official said of the city’s who once led U.S. government efforts as some relatively harmless radioactive
ists’ hands, it is the core ingredient of a former occupiers. to safeguard such materials. iridium used in industrial equipment.
“dirty bomb,” a weapon that could be
used to spread radiation and panic. Why the Islamic State failed to take “This,” he said, “is a global problem.” But a far bigger radiological concern
advantage of their windfall is not clear. The worries began within hours of was the cobalt. Intelligence agencies
Western intelligence agencies were U.S. officials and nuclear experts spec- the Islamic State’s stunning blitz into knew of the existence in Mosul of at
aware of the cobalt and watched anx- ulate that the terrorists may have been Iraq’s second-largest city. least one powerful radiotherapy ma-
iously for three years for signs that the chine used for cancer treatment, one
militants might try to use it. Those that could potentially provide the Islam-
concerns intensified in late 2014 when ic State with a potent terrorist weapon.
Islamic State officials boasted of ob-
taining radioactive material, and again Outside experts were becoming
early last year when the terrorists took aware of the threat as well.
over laboratories at the same Mosul
college campus with the apparent aim In 2015, the Institute for Science and
of building new kinds of weapons. International Security, a nonprofit or-
ganization in Washington that moni-
In Washington, independent nu- tors global nuclear threats, began con-
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, July 27, 2017 19
ducting research to answer the basic Islamic State widely dispersing the ra- months of Islamic State occupation: Finally, recently, Iraqi officials offered
questions: How many machines were dioactive cobalt in a city, causing panic Where was the cobalt exactly? an explanation, saying that both ma-
in Mosul? Where were they deployed? and an expensive, disruptive cleanup,” chines had been in Mosul throughout
And exactly how powerful were they? said Albright, a nuclear weapons expert In strife-torn Mosul, there were no the Islamic State’s occupation, but not
and former U.N. weapons inspector. publicly available records about the in the places where the terrorists might
The group obtained documents “There would likely not have been that city’s two radiotherapy machines since have thought to look for them. They
showing that two different medical cen- many deaths, but the panic could have 2008, when one of them was mentioned had been placed out of commission for
ters in Mosul had obtained cobalt-60 in a scholarly article. The last known several years because of a lack of parts
A classroom at the Uni- and had been put in storage in a build-
machines in the 1980s. Other records versity of Mosul after the addresses were a teaching hospital and ing owned by the University of Mosul,
showed that at least one of the devices city’s liberation in June. a cancer-treatment clinic, both on the somewhere in the city’s eastern side.
was in active use as recently as 2008, ISIS occupiers tried to use western side of the city, in neighbor-
and in the following year Iraqi officials labs to build weapons. hoods that were heavily contested by They were still there when health
had sought replacement parts, includ- Islamic State fighters and were among officials from Nineveh province went
ing new cobalt-60 cores, for both. Damage is shown at the last to fall to Iraqi liberators. to look for them after that sector of the
the University of Mosul city was secure, said Laith Hababa, a
From the records, the institute’s ex- amid a military operation physician and head of the provincial
perts could draw broad conclusions by Iraqi security forces health ministry.
about the cobalt inside the machines. against ISIS fighters.
In a draft report written in November The machines are now in secure
2015, research fellow Sarah Burkhard been profound, leading to the empty- storage and “weren’t used by Daesh,”
calculated that the radioactive cores, ing of parts of the city as residents fled, Hababa said, using a common Arabic
when new, contained about nine fearful of the effects of radiation.” acronym for the Islamic State.
grams of pure cobalt-60 with a potency
of more than 10,000 curies – a standard There was one question that U.S. U.S. officials and nuclear experts
measure of radioactivity. A person officials and private researchers could expressed relief over what, by all ac-
standing three feet from the unshield- never conclusively answer during the counts, had been a near-miss. Some
ed core would receive a fatal dose of speculated that the terrorists never
radiation in less than three minutes. learned of the whereabouts of the
machines, although that explanation
The institute quietly shared its find- seemed unlikely, given the terrorists’
ings with U.S. intelligence and military efficiency in looting university build-
officials in late 2015 but declined to ings across the city.
publish its report, fearing that Islamic
State occupiers would benefit from the Albright said the task of remov-
information. The Washington Post be- ing the cobalt cores may have been
came aware of the report last year but viewed as too difficult or too risky. Or
agreed to a U.S. government request to maybe the group’s commanders were
delay writing about it until after Mo- just too busy, especially during the lat-
sul’s liberation. er months of the occupation, as gov-
ernment troops closed in.
Because cobalt-60 decays over time,
the potency of the Mosul machines’ “Its leaders were preoccupied else-
30-year-old cobalt cores would have where,” he said, “and [perhaps] did not
been far less than when the equip- learn about the sources in Mosul, or
ment was new, but still easily enough have a chance to think through the op-
to deliver a lethal dose at close range, portunities.”
the report said.
Leaders of the Islamic State and
David Albright, the president of the al-Qaeda are known to have sought
institute, noted that groups such as the materials for a dirty bomb, a threat
Islamic State have long discussed the that has added urgency to efforts by
possibility of using such material in a U.S. agencies and private groups to
dirty bomb, a simple device that uses improve security for machines with
conventional explosives to spread ra- heavy concentrations of cobalt-60, or
dioactive debris across densely popu- other radioactive elements such as ce-
lated urban terrain. Such a bomb would sium-137, which comes in a powdery
probably not cause large numbers of form that is even easier to disperse.
casualties, but it can be enormously ef-
fective, he said, as a weapon of terror. The machines are a necessary fix-
ture in many cancer clinics around
“The worst case would have been the the world, but in Western countries ef-
forts are underway to replace the most
dangerous models with new technol-
ogy that cannot be easily exploited by
terrorists, said Bieniawski, the former
Energy Department official. His orga-
nization, the Nuclear Threat Initiative,
has raised money to try to speed up the
transition, but for now, he said, older
machines such as the ones in Mosul
are commonly found in developing
countries where the risk of theft or ter-
rorism is greatest.
“The ones we see overseas are in the
highest category – the highest levels of
curies – and they are also portable,” he
said. “They are exactly the ones we are
most worried about.”
PSA SCREENING FOR MEN, PART I Recommendations from four highly-regarded organizations © 2017 Vero Beach 32963 Media, all rights reserved
are summarized below:
The topic of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) screening for
men is more complicated than most people think. Developed AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY (ACS)
in the 1980s, the PSA blood test became widely known as a Men need to consult with their doctors to make a decision
tool to help detect prostate cancer in asymptomatic men. about PSA testing. If the man is at average risk for developing
prostate cancer, he should explore the risks and benefits of
Over the last several years, however, some highly respect- PSA testing, starting at age 50. If he is at high risk, start at 45.
ed professional organizations have questioned the reliability If at very high risk – having several first-degree relatives who
of PSA results to detect cancer. Despite the controversy, many had prostate cancer at an early age – begin at age 40.
urologists still consider PSA testing to be a valuable tool – not AMERICAN UROLOGICAL ASSOCIATION (AUA)
only for detecting and following cancer, but for monitoring Current recommendations, published in 2013, advise men,
non-malignant conditions such as prostate volume, infection, beginning at age 55, to decide together with their physician
inflammation, urinary obstruction and retention. whether PSA screening is appropriate for them. Routine PSA
screening is not recommended for men over age 70 or for any
WHAT IS PSA? man with less than a 10-to-15 year life expectancy.
PSA is a substance made by cells in the prostate gland CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL (CDC)
(both normal cells and cancer cells). PSA is mostly found PSA screening is not recommended for men who do not
in semen, but a small amount is also found in the blood. have symptoms. Men should, however, have discussions with
Generally, when the PSA level goes up, the chance of having their doctors to make informed decisions about screening
prostate cancer or a significant benign condition increases. based on individual risks and preferences.
MORBIDITY FOR PROSTATE CANCER? PSA-based screening is not recommended for men at any
Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men in age. USPSTF states there is moderate-to-high certainty that
the United States. While prostate cancer usually progresses PSA testing has no net benefit or that harm outweighs benefit.
slowly over many years without causing symptoms or any WHAT’S A MAN TO DO?
medical problems, it is the second leading cause of cancer Next time we’ll introduce a new type of PSA screening,
death among American men. called the Prostate Health Index (PHI), that has recently
WHAT ARE THE CURRENT GUIDELINES FOR PSA gained approval from the FDA and is now available locally.
SCREENING FOR MEN? Your comments and suggestions for future topics are al-
Professional medical organizations have different opin-
ions on the use of PSA testing to screen for prostate cancer. ways welcome. Email us at [email protected].
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Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, July 27, 2017 21
Ben Sasse is a brave man. In his new Many don’t see a reason even mayonnaise, and lettuce from multiple needs and wants, and reducing reli-
book, “The Vanishing American Adult,” to try. Perhaps more prob- continents”), Sasse gives the impres- ance on the Internet and anything with
the Republican senator from Nebraska lematic, the older generations sion that his book is intended as a warn- glowing screens are all important les-
makes it clear that he has had enough have forgotten that we need ing siren only for those with incomes in sons not just to impart to the young, but
of our nonsense and we had all better to plan to teach them. It’s our the top 20 percent. It shouldn’t be. for adults to model. Chapter 8 contains
shape up. Sasse rips into an increas- fault more than it is theirs.” suggestions for what should constitute
ingly hedonistic, shallow and plea- Sasse, with a doctorate in history and a basic list of 60 “life-changing” books
sure-seeking American culture that Sasse sprinkles the book a background more varied than many to have at home. The choices are some-
is producing a generation of ignorant, with occasional disclaimers others in the Senate, is too smart not thing we can all argue about, but there
passive young adults who don’t read, that however much he may to perceive the plight of the working is little debate that a house with books –
have no grasp of American civics, don’t be criticizing, if not lambast- poor or, to cite an example entirely ab- whether the volumes are owned or bor-
embrace work and don’t know how to ing, millennials, his true sent from these pages, the challenges rowed from a public library – offers any
do much of anything because their wrath is reserved for the par- faced by a high school junior who is child a built-in advantage.
meek helicopter parents have both ap- ents rather than their sloth- already working 20 hours a week to
plauded and waited on the little dar- ful progeny. But I don’t buy it. help his mother pay the rent. While the Sasse reaches into his doctorate and
lings for far too long, to their detriment Sasse offers occasional sto- book ignores that demographic, Sasse’s intellectual background to bolster his
and to the peril of our shared future. ries from his tenure as presi- overarching point is a good one. “They arguments and his solutions, quoting
dent of Midland University [teenagers] need direction about how widely from Alexis de Tocqueville, the
“We are living in an America of per- in Fremont, Neb., and seems to acquire the habits essential for navi- English author Dorothy Sayers, Thom-
petual adolescence,” Sasse writes. “Our eager to point out that the gating adulthood and experiences that as Jefferson, Teddy Roosevelt, Edward
kids simply don’t know what an adult millennial generation has a introduce and instill those habits.” We Gibbon, and even the 300 BC philoso-
is anymore – or how to become one. reputation for being “needy, need young people who read, and read pher Zeno of Citium and many others
undisciplined, coddled, pre- well; who are grounded in civics and to make his points. Though Sasse holds
sumptuous.” After two de- history; who understand hard work a day job as a U.S. senator, he avoids
cades of having their lives and engage in it; who are self-reliant; policy prescriptions of any kind, prefer-
micromanaged and choreo- who are not captive to rampant con- ring to challenge parents and sidestep
graphed for “playdates, dance sumerism; and who are influenced by partisanship.
practices, extra tutoring for people other than, and far older than,
standardized tests and col- their peers. We need, in short, to pre- Yet, at the very same time, he admits
lege entrance exams, music pare our children for adulthood. the obvious: There is a place for broad
lessons, martial arts, select debate and creating a framework in
soccer and travel baseball, His vision for how to accomplish government for many of these issues.
track meets, swim meets, art classes, those goals makes up the text and bul-
language enrichment and all the rest, leted lists at the end of most chapters. THE VANISHING AMERICAN ADULT
it should come as no surprise that the Many suggestions are inarguable. Our Coming-of- Age Crisis — and How to
kids have only the vaguest idea of how Despite the thousands of hours chil-
to make decisions for themselves. All dren spend in school, many of life’s Rebuild a Culture of Self-Reliance
that many of them have ever had to do most worthy and deepest educational By Ben Sasse
by age 18 is to be dressed and in the car lessons occur far beyond the school-
at the appointed hour.” house walls, and we adults should St. Martin’s. 306 pp. $27.99
But America is a country where near- help young people seek out such les- Review by Maura Casey
ly 1 in 3 children live in poverty and pre- sons. Our view of “public” should be The Washington Post
sumably millions more are part of fam- separate from the mere governmen-
ilies who never had the money or the tal and should include a recognition
access for help with college entrance of shared, common and very public
exams, and whose “language enrich- problems, such as helping our kids be-
ment” occurs in bilingual households. come increasingly responsible.
With this statement and others like it
(“Almost all of us live within walking or Sasse points to his 14-year-old
short driving distance of a supermarket daughter Corrie’s formative time work-
with two dozen brands of bread, twen- ing on a ranch as Exhibit A for his belief
ty-six kinds of ham, thirty-one kinds of (and, I would think, that of most par-
mustard, more than forty varieties of ents) that manual labor is important
for all teens to experience. Consuming
less, knowing the difference between
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5. Beach House for Rent
392 Miracle Mile (21st Street), Vero Beach | 772.569.2050 |
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, July 27, 2017 23
Winston Churchill said, “However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at WEST 8653 EAST
the results.” 9632 J 10 2 J 10 8
K AKQ J 10 9
Strangely, in bridge, sometimes the strategy is chosen first and in one way the concern K974 A653
for tricks is secondary. In Chicago or a team tournament, making the contract is all that 8532 SOUTH J74
matters. But in a duplicate pair event, overtricks are usually valuable. If the room is winning AQ5
only 10 tricks in four spades and you can collect 11, you get a top. If the odds are in your AQ742
favor, you should try for the extra winner. Q8
10 9 6
The difference is highlighted by this deal. How should South tackle four hearts in teams
and in pairs? The defenders start with three rounds of diamonds. Dealer: North; Vulnerable: Neither
The auction was straightforward. Note that South should have at least five hearts for The Bidding:
his jump to game because North might have raised with only three-card support and a
1 Clubs Pass
When South’s only concern is making the contract, he can afford one trump loser, but 1 Hearts Pass 2 Hearts Pass LEAD:
not two. Then the correct play is to cash the ace first. If nothing good happens, declarer 4 Hearts Pass Pass Pass 4 Diamonds
crosses to the board and leads toward his queen. He will succeed whenever it is possible.
However, if an overtrick is desired, South should take the heart finesse. A priori, East will
have a doubleton king some 20 percent of the time, and the chance that West will hold a
singleton king (when finessing costs the contract) is only 6.25 percent. But if declarer’s
queen does lose to the singleton king, and he goes down one, it helps to be sitting
opposite a sympathetic partner, not a result merchant.
24 Thursday, July 27, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
7 Rabbit-like animal (4) 1 Coop (4)
8 Publications (8) 2 Drink (8)
9 Representative (8) 3 Particulars (7)
10 Hold on to (4) 4 Bed sheets etc (5)
11 As a rule (7) 5 Connection (4)
13 Sphere (5) 6 Group (8)
16 Snooze (5) 12 Answer (8)
17 Coupon (7) 14 Place or position (8)
19 Mix (4) 15 Bodily stance (7)
21 Elevation (8) 18 Useful (5)
23 Strainer (8) 20 Meander (4)
24 Pledge (4) 22 Obligation (4)
The Telegraph
How to do Sudoku:
Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three
The Telegraph
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, July 27, 2017 25
ACROSS today’s 4 New York island of Party of Five The Washington Post
busy mollusk? 5 Zip, nada, goose 77 Klinger portrayer
1 Oaxacan OK 75 It’s a gas: abbr. 79 Garrulous equine BY THE SEA, BY THE SEA By Merl Reagle
8 ___ down 76 Desecrated egg 82 “If I ___ Rich Man”
78 “In ___ purple- 6 In installments 83 ___ in the
(inverted) black ...” (G.K. 7 Free, as a hand
14 Penne et al. Chesterton) conversation
19 Dye category 80 A Chekhov sister brake 86 Buffalo bunch
20 Crazy ___ 81 Conductor Seiji 8 Most of Asia, 87 “Don’t have ___,
21 The gift of acting? 84 Currier & ___
22 Where mollusk 85 Mus. work once: abbr. man!” (Bart
89 John of 9 Wait for baby? Simpson)
grievances are tractordom 10 ___-mo (replay 88 Sermon seating
settled? 91 Some makeup 90 Ms. Bombeck
24 One of a quotable 93 Jason’s quest speed, for short) 92 Follower’s ending
150 95 Siren sound, 11 Red marker 93 40 hours a week
25 Big rig in the comics 12 Roof window 94 Prevaricated
26 Adjust, Tim Allen- 97 Reddish brown 13 Heraldry term 96 Places people get
style 98 Last stop for 14 Ricky’s term for stuck
27 Simone’s sea downtrodden 99 Put down, as a
29 Nevada city mollusks? Ozzie riot
30 Lou Grant’s 100 Rukeyser’s old 15 Personal plus 100 Watch spots
“Happy series: abbr. 16 Sampling of 101 Soap, for example
Homemaker,” 102 Toast heard at a 103 Draw off
___ Nivens kosher mollusk mollusk opinion? 104 Female fox
32 1989 film, wedding? 17 Loquacious one 108 Ms. Lauder
___-Devil 105 Diminutive suffix 18 Military building 111 Scratch, for
34 Horse tender at 106 Pink Scrabble 20 ___ acids example
an inn square: abbr. 23 Oat bristle 112 Shivering dish
36 Joan, to John 107 Prepare leftovers 28 Director Nicolas 115 Sicilian spewer
Cusack 109 See 69 Across 31 Authorities on the 116 Olympic sled
39 Clinic VIPs 110 Ferdinand wed 117 Stub ___
40 Have some her field 119 Ici, in Indiana
brewskis at a 113 Tees off 32 Helmet adjunct 120 Interstate across
mollusk bar? 114 Calendar abbr. 33 Ho’s the
44 “Kid” of jazz fame 116 Ex-Senator Paul southern U.S.
45 Taken, as a from Nevada predecessor? 121 Sibilant
seat on Mollusk 118 Use UPS 35 Trade attention-getter
Airways? 122 Like a delta’s 36 London area 123 Info on wine
48 Other, to Orozco bottom 37 Cold storage bottles: abbr.
49 Let out ___ 124 Mollusk’s favorite 38 Gladiator wound 125 Last page
(show shock) sci-fi series? 41 Rum drinker’s 126 Americas alliance:
51 Examiner exec 128 Word with care or abbr.
52 1934 song, “The ticket refrain 127 Base watchdogs,
Sweetest Music 129 Stop sign plus 42 Sault ___ Marie familiarly
This Side ___” one? 43 Rear-end features
55 Of an insect stage 130 Vast holdings
58 3-D circles 131 Fizz fruits of some birds and
59 Cold, in Colombia 132 Wait ___ fish
60 It means “five” 133 Pepe Le Pew’s 46 Bears, in Italy
62 “Passenger problem? 47 Rock Hudson
loading,” e.g. co-star, often
63 “All is calm, all DOWN 50 Actress Parker
___” 1 Lip 53 Kadota fruit
67 Warning shout 2 “I didn’t know I 54 Participants
when slop is 56 Soon, once
thrown out a had it ___” 57 Actor Carroll
window 3 Anna’s second 59 Fridge parts
69 With 109 Across, 61 Guitarist Guthrie
from a plane home 64 Refreshing spot
72 Fashion item for 65 Czech Republic
66 Explosive
68 Brit. award
69 Like two peas in
70 Perry’s creator
71 Mollusk signoff?
73 Japanese religion
74 Actress Campbell
The Telegraph
26 Thursday, July 27, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Battle of will-nots: He won’t apologize, she won’t let go
STORY BY CAROLYN HAX THE WASHINGTON POST I do see your point. I support the free flow of apol- namic: It’s often irrelevant who’s howling or with-
ogies. I can step on my husband’s toe after fully not holding, who started what, or why.
Dear Carolyn: My partner said intending to step on it and will still ungrudgingly
something hurtful, which was say, “Sorry! You OK?” To parse it is to miss the larger point that you’ve
not meant to hurt me but did. both stopped trying to engage or embrace each
After I explained why it hurt and But: If he responds to my accidental toe-step by other. He feels misunderstood and over-prosecut-
how I felt, he refused to apologize howling as if I sledgehammered him on purpose, ed for an errant remark, and you feel misunder-
for hurting my feelings. then I might suddenly (and yes, pettily and wrongly) stood and under-nurtured for an injury. All me,
get stingy on owning my part. no us.
When I explained that people
who care about each other are If someone credibly explains the innocence of a So I’ll ask this: Do you actually like him? Yes or
supposed to apologize if they comment I found offensive, then I’m saying, “I get no. Stay or go.
cause hurt even unintentionally it now, thanks,” not “You still owe me an apology.”
and I consider being able to do so an essential rela- If stay, then do so by dropping your dukes. See
tionship skill, he said he “could just give me a sincere Funny thing about this outrage-vs.-resistance dy- whether he does the same.
sounding but fake apology.” However, he wouldn’t
do that because it is important to him to be honest. Dear Carolyn: My 28-year-old daughter does
He doesn’t think what he said should have hurt not want the names of her future in-laws on her
my feelings because he clarified it. wedding invitation. Part of it is financial – my
I am no longer upset about the original remark, husband and I are paying the ample tab. The
but I find myself lastingly troubled by his refusal other issue is that she loves the father-in-law but
to simply apologize for hurting me. He has offered finds the mother-in-law extremely mean-spirit-
about six variations of “I’m sorry you feel that way” ed and vindictive.
to add insult to injury.
Am I correct to conclude this person is giving me My husband and I don’t like the woman, ei-
every reason to believe he doesn’t care about my feel- ther, but think we should put that aside and in-
ings as much as he cares for his pride? clude the in-laws’ names because it’s respectful
I’m trying to find some way to justify staying in the and might make life easier in negotiating a polite,
relationship but I haven’t yet. working relationship for our daughter. What’s your
– Sorry I Only Date Grown Folks
– C.
Sorry I Only Date Grown Folks: If I were beside you
two in a restaurant, I’d have asked to be reseated. C.: My opinion is that it’s weird not to say any-
thing about the groom’s opinion. They’re his par-
Not because you’re awful or he is (necessarily), ents.
but because this argument says you’re audibly aw-
ful together. And, presumably we aren’t so far gone on the
details that we’ve forgotten half of this wedding
is his.
Doc embraces
‘cutting edge’
hiatal hernia surgery
28 Thursday, July 27, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Doc embraces ‘cutting edge’ hiatal hernia surgery
STORY BY TOM LLOYD STAFF WRITER Dr. Patrick Domkowski. or a tiny camera used to look inside the ing “the robot has added another level
[email protected] upper gastrointestinal track. of technology that benefits the patient.
PHOTOS: GORDON RADFORD And it makes us better surgeons.
By the age of 60, a whopping – and With the aid of that and other diag-
oddly symmetrical – 60 percent of all “managed medically with a pill that nostic and imaging tools, Domkowski “We are able to do these surgeries
seniors will develop some form of hia- you can buy at Walmart, over the coun- can determine if a “paraesophageal minimally invasively, robotically, and
tal hernia. ter.” hernia” is the real culprit for a patient’s really restore the patient’s ability to
symptoms. eat, to lose their reflux and return them
The Yale University School of Medi- Sometimes, however, more sophis- to a good quality of life. And they do
cine says that super-majority of seniors ticated medical diagnostics and treat- “That,” Domkowski explains, “is the not need to leave the area to have this
translates into roughly 15 percent of ment are required. more complex hiatal hernia. If you take done.”
the total U.S. population. 100 people with hiatal hernia, maybe 10
Breaking out one of the longest words will have paraesophageal. That’s where Of course, any discussion of any her-
The good news, according to local of the conversation, Domkowski says, part of the stomach actually moves up nia surgery these days needs to include
surgeon Dr. Patrick Domkowski, is that “When [patients] become symptom- into the mediastinum. The mediasti- what’s now become a different kind of
only 10 percent to 15 percent of hiatal atic and they don’t respond to medical num is the space between the left and four-letter word to both surgeons and
hernias require surgery. therapy, you have to investigate fur- right lung. It’s where the heart lives, the insurance companies: mesh.
ther and that usually involves an EGD, esophagus lives, and then part of the
The even better news is that patients which stands for esophagogastroduo- stomach,” and that, he says, may well Law firms now regularly advertise on
who do need surgical relief from hiatal denoscopy.” indicate a need for surgery. TV about class-action lawsuits involv-
hernias do not need to leave the Trea- ing various synthetic mesh products
sure Coast to get it. Fully aware that most folks don’t car- And while no one likely welcomes that, in the past, caused multiple medi-
ry a medical dictionary around with the news that surgery is needed, Dom- cal problems after surgery.
Domkowski, a Georgetown Uni- them, Domkowski leans forwards and kowski’s description of the procedure
versity medical school graduate who explains the term. he favors does seem to soften that blow. Domkowski, however, actually
served his internship, fellowship and smiles when the topic is broached.
residency at Duke University and is An esophagogastroduodenoscopy, “Ten years ago, 15 years ago, 20 years
board-certified by the American Board he says, is nothing more than “a scope” ago,” Domkowski says, “when I [was “We sometimes do use mesh in these
of Surgery, performs multiple hiatal initially] trained, we would make a procedures. However, we use an ab-
hernia surgeries right here each month. big incision and it was a very difficult sorbable mesh. Those meshes incor-
His patients are in good hands, as he is recovery. Very painful. Then laparo- porate [or dissolve] into the diaphragm
a fellow of both the American College scopic surgery came along and that and become part of it so there’s no
of Surgeons and the American Society changed the playing field. Now, in the chance of recall or infection because
of Metabolic and Bariatric Surgeons, as last couple of years, the robot is on the they’re biologic. They’re not synthetic
well as chairman of surgery for the Se- scene and the robot has allowed us to, mesh, which is normally made of poly-
bastian River Medical Center. as Emeril Lagasse would say, ‘Kick it up propylene or some other synthetic ma-
a notch.’” terial that can be recalled, can stretch
So, just what is a hiatal hernia? or can get infected.”
As Yale describes it, “a hiatal her- While some surgeons who haven’t
nia occurs when part of the stomach trained extensively on robotic proce- Dr. Patrick Domkowski is at Riverside
protrudes upwards through the dia- dures may not feel comfortable em- Surgical & Weight Loss Center. He is also
phragm and up into the chest region.” ploying the newest method of repairing the chairman of surgery at the Sebastian
That protrusion can make life mis- serious hiatal hernias, Domkowski is River Medical Center. His offices are at
erable. Food and stomach acid can clearly a fan and he backs that up, say- 14430 U.S. 1 in Sebastian. The phone
back up into the esophagus, leading number is 772-581-8003.
to heartburn or acid reflux, belching,
trouble swallowing, chest pain, short-
ness of breath, abdominal pain and
even the vomiting of blood.
The extremely affable Domkowski,
however, quickly steps in to offer some
good news.
In the vast majority of cases, he says,
the symptoms of hiatal hernias can be
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, July 27, 2017 29
What to know about Sen. McCain’s brain cancer
By Laurie McGinley, Lena H. Sun and that, most patients get chemotherapy “Those are clearly the exceptions.” strong survival benefit, experts say.
several days a month for an additional 4. What about immunotherapy and Another approach involves a device
Lenny Bernstein | The Washigton Post six months.
other treatments? that delivers alternating electrical cur-
Glioblastoma, the cancer with which The median survival time following New treatments that unleash the rents to the scalp. Some medical cen-
Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) has been treatment is about 12 to 16 months, ex- ters are already using it, but George-
diagnosed, is a highly lethal malignan- perts said. But that varies considerably. immune system against malignancies town is still evaluating the treatment,
cy that killed Sen. Edward Kennedy (D- can help patients with several kinds according to Subramaniam. A patient,
Mass.) and Beau Biden, the son of for- Up to 30 percent of patients live past of cancer, including metastatic mela- whose head is shaved, must wear the
mer vice president Joseph Biden. Here the two-year mark, and 10 percent live noma and lung and bladder cancers. cap-like device for 18 hours at a stretch.
is what you need to know: more than five years. Subramaniam But while there are many clinical trials “If you’re a frail patient, it may be hard,”
said some patients even live more testing immunotherapy for glioblasto- she said.
1. What is glioblastoma? than 15 to 20 years, though she added, ma, so far the studies haven’t shown a
Glioblastoma is an aggressive cancer
that is the most common of all malig-
nant brain tumors. About 12,400 new
cases are expected in 2017, according
to the American Brain Tumor Associa-
tion. A glioblastoma is, by definition, a
grade IV astrocytoma, a kind of tumor
that arises from the star-shaped cells
that make up the supportive tissue of
the brain, according to the association.
Typically, said Matthias Holdhoff,
associate professor of oncology at Sid-
ney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer
Center at Johns Hopkins University,
“the tumors are considered not cur-
About 23,000 adults, more of them
men than women, are diagnosed with
various types of primary brain cancers
a year, according to, a web-
site of the American Society of Clini-
cal Oncology. They are more common
in older adults – McCain is 80 – than
in younger people. Unlike most other
cancers, brain tumors do not spread
to other parts of the body. They kill by
interfering with normal body function,
depending on their location.
2. What are some symptoms of a
Depending on the location of the tu-
mor, a patient can have seizures, head-
aches, blurred vision and confusion.
“If it affects the portion of the brain
that controls your strength, you could
have weakness on one half of the body,
speech problems, sometimes double
vision, the inability to understand or
express yourself, even cognitive prob-
lems or understanding what you’re
listening to, or the lack of insight,”
said Deepa Subramaniam, director of
the brain tumor center at Georgetown
University’s Lombardi Comprehensive
Cancer Center.
3. How is the cancer treated?
Surgery is performed to remove as
much of the tumor as possible. But
microscopic “infiltrating tumor cells”
generally invade healthy brain tissue
and are responsible for recurrence,
said Weinberg.
To target those cancer cells, patients
typically receive six weeks of oral che-
motherapy and radiation. Sometimes
that course of treatment is reduced
to three weeks for older people. After
30 Thursday, July 27, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Low-dose aspirin may cut breast cancer risk by a fifth
STORY BY MARIA CANFIELD CORRESPONDENT Dr. Daniela Shapiro. tial risk-lowering effect of low-dose
[email protected] aspirin on breast cancer is likely due
PHOTO: DENISE RITCHIE to the fact that it is a weak “aroma-
A new study suggests that taking tase inhibitor.” Aromatase inhibitors,
low-dose aspirin at least three times Dr. Georgia Daniela Shapiro, a Vero such as Arimidex, are treatment op-
a week may reduce the risk of breast Beach oncologist, is familiar with the tions for “hormone-positive” breast
cancer by up to 20 percent. study and the concept that low-dose cancers. She adds, “the anti-inflam-
aspirin has a potential impact on the matory properties of aspirin may also
In the study, researchers analyzed prevention of breast cancer. She says play a significant role in its preventa-
information from more than 57,000 “this study adds to the continually tive nature, as chronic inflammation
women, participants in an ongoing growing body of research on the role is considered a possible factor lead-
study monitoring the health of Cali- of low-dose aspirin role as a preven- ing to cancer development.”
fornia educators. The women com- tative for certain types of disease.”
pleted questionnaires in 2005 out- Each year in the United States,
lining their use of aspirin and other While previous research had sug- more than 300,000 women receive
non-steroidal anti-inflammatory gested there may be a link between a breast cancer diagnosis. Surgery,
drugs (NSAIDs). frequent regular-dose aspirin use radiation, chemotherapy and hor-
and a lower risk of breast cancer over- mone therapy – sometimes in com-
The research team is from City of all, this is the first study to focus on bination – have long been treatment
Hope Beckman Research Institute in the effects of baby aspirin on specific mainstays, but ongoing research has
Monrovia, California. In 2013, eight breast cancer subtypes. For HR-pos- resulted in the development of even
years after the participants submit- itive and HER2-negative breast can- more approaches. Doctors are often
ted their questionnaires, the team cers, the risk reduction associated able to tailor treatments to the indi-
determined that women who took with the regular use of baby aspirin vidual woman, prescribing specific
a low-dose “baby” aspirin (81 milli- was 20 percent (compared to 16 per- medicines for their specific type of
grams) at least three times each week cent for all types combined). This is a breast cancer.
were 16 percent less likely to develop significant finding, as the majority of
any breast cancer and 20 percent less women diagnosed with breast cancer One newer approach, called “tar-
likely to develop the most common have either the HR-positive or HER2- geted treatments,” focuses on spe-
breast cancers, compared to wom- negative subtype. cific molecules and cell mechanisms
en who took a baby aspirin less fre- thought to be important for can-
quently, or not at all. The results were reported in the cer cell survival and growth. Tar-
journal Breast Cancer Research and, geted treatments are meant to spare
DENTISTRYCollins & Montz COSMETIC & FAMILY according to the researchers, re- healthy tissues and cause less severe
mained viable even after accounting side effects than chemotherapy. A
At Collins & Montz, DMD, we will focus on improving every aspect of for other possible factors, such as a number of targeted treatments have
your smile for optimal appearance, function, and comfort through family history of breast cancer. Strik- been approved by the FDA for specif-
our general family dentistry, and restorative procedures such as dental ing a note of caution, the researchers ic breast cancer subtypes.
implants. Our comprehensive range of services and dedication of stress that further studies are needed
quality set us apart. Call today to schedule your appointment. before firm recommendations can be As is widely known, low-dose as-
made about the use of baby aspirin to pirin has long been associated with
524 OCEAN AVENUE, MELBOURNE BEACH, FL 32951 reduce the risk of breast cancer. other health benefits. The most re-
cent government guidelines, issued
(321) 725-6565 • MELBOURNEBEACHDENTISTRY.COM Vero’s Dr. Shapiro says the poten- in 2016, recommend that adults 50
to 59 years old take a daily low-dose
aspirin to help prevent heart attack,
stroke and colorectal cancer. (The
guidelines come with some caveats:
the aspirin-taker should have a 10
percent or greater risk of developing
cardiovascular disease in the next
10 years, have a life expectancy of at
least 10 years, and not be a high risk
for internal bleeding.) The task force
responsible for the guidelines says
that more research is needed to de-
termine whether taking low-dose as-
pirin is beneficial for people younger
than 50 or older than 70.
Dr. Shapiro cautions that aspirin,
even at a low dose, is not without risk,
and that individuals should speak
with their physician about their spe-
cific health situation to determine if
low-dose aspirin might be beneficial
for them.
Dr. Shapiro practices as part of
Scott, Weeks, McGarry & Shapiro, lo-
cated at 1460 36th St in Vero Beach; the
office number is 772-562-7777.
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, July 27, 2017 31
First Bites: Indialantic’s Rogue River Taproom
REVIEW BY LISA ZAHNER STAFF WRITER bottom of the dish. But the Devil’s on a group and indulge at
[email protected] Horseback was a delight – seared 24- Rogue River Tap-
hour sous vide pork belly, dates, her- room. It could
Two weeks ago, I was hoping to try the bed goat cheese and J. Wakefield save you a few
Buri sushi place in Indialantic, behind Brown Ale Gastrique. Yummy. trips over the
Pizza Hut and the new Dunkin’ Donuts, bridge.
but instead I found hand-written signs The “Brew”chetta ($8) with
saying that Rogue River Taproom had a blackberry cider reduc- We en-
opened in the space. tion, and the pro- courage you to
sciutto wrapped send feedback to
I walked in and grabbed a menu, asparagus ($9) lisamelbournebeach-
noting the stylish interior, the unique were also very [email protected].
family-style seating at long high tops solid dishes.
with padded, white upholstered stools Beef Bulgogi.
and more than a dozen interesting- Then on the
looking beers on tap. Definitely had to regular ap- PHOTOS BY BENJAMIN THACKER
return with reinforcements to check petizer menu,
this place out. again we sam-
pled the decon-
Our Beachsider news staff gathered structed pork belly
at Rogue River last Thursday night, with BLT ($9), manchego and
the goal of exploring as much of the crawfish risotto ($10) and a
menu as possible without getting my crock of tomato mac ($5.50 ap-
credit card declined. petizer/$8.50 entrée). The risotto
lasted the longest on our table, as a
We tasted each other’s brews and couple of staffers commented that it was
passed every plate up and down the long a bit uninspiring. The gourmet BLT was
table until it was gone. This is how I rec- heaven, served on toasted herb bread,
ommend enjoying this bistro, as you with goat cheese, arugula, to-
will feel compelled to
offer bites to your mato jam, bruleed
Adult Grilled Cheese. Southern Pork Pot Off Truffled Burrata Salad.
menu, we
Under the pork bel- Roast. the “mains”
opted for the
“Quick Apps” por- ly and truffle southern sweet’n heat sloppy The reviewer
tion of the menu, oil. But the tomato joe grilled cheese ($11), the Intra- is a Brevard resi-
we ordered one of ev- mac deserves a special coastal Lager braised duck bahn mi dent who dines anon-
erything, and the hummus mention. It is comfort food ($13) the hot Italian sandwich ($11) the ymously at restaurants at the expense of
($7) and Devil’s on Horseback ($6) were central. Brought back a flood of southern pork pot roast with herbed this newspaper.
the winners here. The hummus, served childhood memories, as it’s a scrump- cheesy mashed potatoes ($13) and the
with fresh pita triangles for dipping, is tious mac and cheese, but full of tomato- beef bulgogi bowl ($13). Of these, if the
flavored with spicy tomato, sautéed on- ey goodness. Like you couldn’t make up group had to only pick two, it would be
ions and bell peppers, feta whip, herbs your mind so you combined spaghetti the duck and the hot Italian. My per-
and oil and was so good that and marinara and mac and cheese sonal pick was the pot roast, because of
we scraped the and it worked. Really worked. the sweet southern red wine gravy and
We ordered the truffled bur- the mashed potatoes.
rata salad ($8) to dig into and We sampled four different beers,
share, and an entrée sized two ciders and three different white
bowl of tomato bisque soup wines, which were all good, and the
($7). The bisque was filled beer selection rotates almost daily
with nice chunks of to- depending upon what’s on tap. Three
mato and fresh herbs, standouts were the Mur De Huy is a RESTAURANT HOURS
Belgian Strong Dark Ale ($8) which is 11 a.m. to midnight daily
with just enough melted 8.5 percent alcohol, the Fault Line sau-
vignon blanc ($8 glass/$34 bottle) and BEVERAGES
manchego. The salad the Accomplice blackberry cider ($8). Beer and wine
was fresh arugula with Our dessert arrived when Chef Dov ADDRESS
stopped by to chat. He’s obviously pas- 1220 N. Hwy A1A
strawberries, herbs, sionate about all the intricate steps that
go into creating the wonderful food that Indialantic
truffle oil and pickled comes out of his kitchen. So gather up PHONE
(321) 327-3913
red onions, which
we politely fought
Brewchetta. over and ate with our
fingers they were so tasty.
32 Thursday, July 27, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Enjoy tasty brunch favorites in the
air conditioned comfort of
The Tiffany Room!
1606 Indian River Drive, Sebastian, FL 32958 | 772-589-4345
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, July 27, 2017 33
Bonzo says Caly is a little this … and ALL that!
shop. They were always tellin’ me
about all their adVENchures back in
Hi Dog Buddies! their Younger Days. Like one time, ev-
This week I yapped with a sweet little erybody heard Buddy yelp real loud.
rescue poocheroo, Caly Galpin, who’s
only been with her Forever Family for He’d been nosing around an ran into
a coupla months.
a PORKA-pine and got a snoot fulla of
Caly lives in Sebastian with her hu-
man Mom an Dad, Chrissy and Rob, quills. Then, one time, Chester came
an her adopted brother Buddy, who’s
also a rescue. Caly’s a mix of probly up to the house with this cridder in his
some kinda spaniel, a little Beagle, an
maybe a dash of Labrador. She’s short mouth. It was black with a white stripe,
and tidy, white hair with some really
light tan places, a very Lab-by face and an he thought it’d be a nice surprise, an
a bright sparkly eye. (Her other eye-
place is closed.) She looked very pretty Mommy and Daddy’d be all pleased.
in her bright red collar with a big red
rose on it. She trotted right up for the But they weren’t. He hadda have a
Wag-an-Sniff, then led us into a sunny
room by the pool. whole buncha baths and couldn’t go in
“Mommy reads your column to us the regular house for days.”
every week. It’s Totally Cool Dog Bis-
cuits! I can’t buh-LIEVE we’re gonna “Oh, Woof!” I exclaimed. “Con-
be IN it! I got all spiffed up SPECIAL.”
necticut sounds real exciting. So, what
“Well, you look lovely, Miss Caly,” I
told her. We were already sittin’ when about yourself. How did you join the
an older pooch with a real sharp co-
coa-colored coat slowly wobbled in. famly?”
His caboose wasn’t workin’ right so his
Mommy gave him a little boost. “Back in April somebody just
“This is Buddy,” Caly said. “He dropped me off at the Humane Soci-
doesn’t see or hear so good. BUDDY!”
she said loudly, “THIS is Mr. BONzo, ety. I was a mess, Mr. Bonzo. I had a
from the NEWSpaper. He’s doin’ an IN-
NERview with us.” bad eye and a buncha bad teeth. An a
“HOW’S THAT? NEWSPAPER? heart murmur. Plus, I’m about 10, not
WHO’S THIS YOUNG FELLA?” a puppy like lotsa humans want. But
Caly got real close to Buddy’s ear, an I figured, doggone it, it isn’t over til
explained again.
the Coyote Howls, ya know, so I did
FELLA!” he said. “I DON’T DO THE my best to be frenly an polite. I guess
BOOSE ISSUES, YA KNOW.” He smiled, it worked, cuz the Humane Society
plopped down on a comfy cushion an
nodded off. humans got me all spiffed up. They
Caly turned to me. “He’s super old: gave me a lovely bath. I had an eye
hundred-five in Dog. He’s mostly a ter-
rier. Him an Chester are my Pawsome operation, too. Now I have just one,
Older Brothers. We’re all rescues.”
but it works good! An they took out
“Chester?” I asked, looking around.
With a little sniffle, Caly said, “Ches- 25 teeth.
ter was a wonnerful brother. A Chow/
Akita. A Big, Hairy Guy. He just went to “Meanwhile, Mommy had start-
Dog Heaven last week.”
“Oh, I’m so sorry!” ed volunteering with the Humane
“Thank you, Mr. Bonzo. We miss
him So Much. But he had a real good Society when they all moved down
life since he got rescued. Mommy and
Daddy got him and Buddy when they here in 2013. She reads to the
were livin’ in Connecticut. They were
Official Greeters in Mommy’s flower pooches so they get conf-tubble,
an one day she came into my ken- Caly, the one-eyed mix. PHOTO BY GORDON RADFORD
nel to read to me. I just KNEW she
was my MOMMY (but she didn’t know guess it’s a human thing.)
it yet). She read to me for two hours, an “That’s a great story, Miss Caly. where Daddy works.
I kept snuggling and poking my nose Thanks for sharing! Got any special My favorite’s the pink one cuz it looks
into her bag, cuz I smelled SNACKS. toys?” pretty with my white coat. Buddy likes
She even rubbed my tummy. “I don’t care much for toys. I do love the blue one.”
“But, by the time Mommy and Dad- goin’ for rides, though. Sometimes “What’s your favorite food?” I in-
dy decided to adopt me, I had already (she giggled) I pretend I hafta Do My quired.
been spoken for. I was just about to plot Doodie so Mommy takes me out. Then “I’m not picky at all. I only have 10
my escape when that deal fell through, I zip over to the car an put on my Hope- teeth, so it’s gotta be soft. My favorite
thank Lassie, and Mommy and Daddy ful Face. food is Green Beans. There’s nothing
scooped me up. I was SO happy. So “I follow Mommy everywhere so like a good Green Bean, I say. Some-
that’s how I found my Forever Family. I don’t miss Whatever’s Next. Then, times I even sneak some of Buddy’s.”
“I met my older brothers an my Dad- when Daddy comes home, I jump in Heading home, I was thinking that
dy an we all got along right away. We’re his lap. I guess I’m sorta a Daddy’s Girl. it’s ’specially nice when humans adopt
a calm, quiet kinda family. I caught on If he isn’t payin’ attention, I just bop older pooches (even if they’re wobbly
to the House Rules pretty quick. Mom- him with my paw til he does. He got me in the caboose or don’t see or hear so
my and Daddy tell their frens they an Buddy special banDANuhs from his good). All pooches (cats, too) deserve
CAN teach an old dog new tricks an, work. We wear ’em for holidays. They to spend The Golden Years somewhere
for some reason, everybody laughs. (I say Dyer SUE-buh-Rooo, cuz that’s comfy an safe, with a family who loves
Don’t be shy! them, an lots of their favorite snacks,
doncha agree?
Till next time,
We are always looking for pets with interesting stories. To set up -The Bonz
an interview, please email [email protected].
34 Thursday, July 27, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
ONGOING Free summer kids’ movies, Tuesdays, 27 Family Fun Swim Night, Satellite High 29|30 Tour de Turtles, hosted by
Wednesdays and Thursdays through Aug. 3 at School Pool, An evening of family Sea Turtle Conservancy at
Tai Chi and QiGong, 10 to 11:30 a.m. Tues- Premiere Theatres, Hibiscus Boulevard, Mel- pool fun from 6 to 8 p.m.. Use the diving board, the Barrier Island Sanctuary, with 6 p.m. Sat.
days at Canova Beach Park, or 10 to 11:30 a.m. bourne. Movies start at 9:15 a.m. Popcorn and lap swim, and bring your inflatables. For $5 per Kick-Off Party featuring refreshments, live music
Thursdays at Gleason Park, Indian Harbour drink specials. (321)953-3200. family. A parent must remain at the pool with and silent auction to benefit sea turtle conserva-
Beach, by Beachside QiGong and Tai Chi. Dona- their children. tion efforts. Sunday morning 7:30 to 9:30 a.m.
tion of $5-10. JULY watch release of live sea turtles to be tracked
28 Annual open house at Brevard Ballet in Tour de Turtles ‘race’ to raise awareness of
Satellite Beach Farmers Market, 10 a.m. to 4 27 The Parker Foundation and Spring Academy, 5 to 8 p.m., 1399 Highland threats to marine life. Kick-off Party $20 ad-
p.m. Thursdays at Pelican Beach Park Forward for Autism Dance So- Ave, Eau Gallie Arts District. Register for 2017- vance; $35 at door (if available). 321-723-3556
cial, 4 to 6 p.m. at Fitness on Fifth in In- 18 season, food raffles and more. www.bre-
Saturdays on the Sand with Melissa Faith dialantic. Fitness, Movement, Dance and 29 Frank Sinatra tribute featuring Ray Li-
Yoga, 7 a.m. Saturdays at the Indialantic Board- Yoga Open to Children with autism and re- vosi, 7:30 p.m. at Jake’s Crab Shack,
walk across from Starbucks. Free admission, lated disabilities, their siblings and families. 29 First-time homebuyers’ workshop, 10 3830 Highway A1A, Melbourne Beach. Call
mats and blankets provided. Bring water and Sponsored by Coastal Bloom of Indialantic. to 11:30 a.m. at Berkshire Hathaway 321-914-0995 for reservations.
other essentials. Home Services Realty, 2000 Hwy A1A, Indian
Harbour Beach. Learn about the process of 30 Crystal Kids class 1 to 2 p.m. for ages
Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN buying and financing a home. Free event, re- 6-11 at Aquarian Dreams, 414 Miri-
in July 20, 2017 Edition 7 ROBE 1 COVE freshments provided. www.santashelpersre. mar Dr, Indialantic. Hands-on fun using crystals
8 ELOQUENT 2 GENERATE com for intuition, healing and in everyday life. Cost
9 DETECT 3 KESTREL is $10.
10 AUTHOR 4 ROYAL 29 Paint your pet rock painting party, 10
11 MANAGER 5 CURT a.m. to 1 p.m. at Paws for Veterans, 30 Potluck and school supply drive host-
13 SCENT 6 ANNOUNCE 63 Ocean Blvd, Satellite Beach. All ages wel- ed by Speak Out Brevard, 2 to 4:30
16 OTHER 12 AUTONOMY come, free event but donations are appreci- p.m. at Oars and Paddles Park, Indian Harbour
17 PANNIER 14 CONCRETE ated to support the training of rescue dogs Beach. Bring a dish to share, as well as pencils,
19 ENIGMA 15 PARCHED for service to combat injured veterans. www. glue sticks, 24-pack crayons, wide-ruled com-
21 CARROT 18 BASIC position books, notebook paper or spiral note-
23 IMPOLITE 20 GLOW books.
24 TURF 22 OARS 29 The Haven first annual Summer Bash,
2 to 5 p.m. at Canova Park, Indial- 30 Beyond Ballroom Sunday Dance, 6 to
Sudoku Page 2440 SudokuPPaaggee2451 CrosswordPPage 4204 antic. Admission is free, but those interested 9 p.m. Dancing with Michael in the
must register at www.thehavenforchildren. air-conditioned studio at Beachside Dance Stu- dio, 1875a South Patrick Drive, Indian Harbour
Beach. Cost is $10 per person and includes Rum-
29 Long Doggers’ Beachside Birthday ba lesson at 6 p.m., organic fruit and veggie plat-
Bash to celebrate 20 years in busi- ter, snacks, beer and wine. Call (321)652-0745.
ness, 2 to 10 p.m. at Nance Park, Indialantic.
Food trucks, live music and beach/surf related 31 To August 4 - Junior dog trainer sum-
vendors. www.longdoggersbeachsidebash. mer camp, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. daily
com. at Paws for Veterans, 63 Ocean Blvd, Satel-
lite Beach. Bring your own dog-friendly dog
CrosswordPPaaggee2451 (RODENTS’ GALLERY) or work with one of the Paws resident dogs.
For ages 5 to 17, kids will be divided into age
groups. Cost is $115 for the week, campers
must bring a sack lunch. Call (321) 425-4189 or
1 Tween Asian Cuisine cooking class, 11 a.m.
to 1 p.m. at the Gathering Table, 318 E. New
Haven Ave, Downtown Melbourne. Kids age 11
and up learn to cook Easy Homemade Ramen,
Korean Beef Bowls, Summer Rolls and Tempura
Cheesecake with Raspberry Sauce, Cost is $55 per
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Retired builder’s home
captures beachside ambiance
205 4th Avenue in Melbourne Beach: 5-bedroom, 3-bath, 3,147-square-foot home near beach offered for
$725,000 by Treasure Coast Sotheby’s International Realty Listing Agent Hank Saunders: 321-308-3477
36 Thursday, July 27, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Retired builder’s home captures beachside ambiance
BY GEORGE WHITE architectural styles that dotted the “The whole house has French doors Mayer’s son, Carlo Mayer Jr. of
Staff Writer New Jersey shore. and opens up to the sun porch from Mayer’s Homes in Melbourne, built
November to March. It’s a lovely fea- the meticulously maintained beach-
Light and airy and inspired by the “It has the shutters and the arches ture. That’s the thing I’m going to side home for his father.
homes on the Southern New Jersey and it’s near the beach. That’s the miss the most about leaving this
shore, the two-story house at 205 style I was using back in southern house,” he said. “He designed it, we had someone
4th Ave. in Melbourne Beach was de- New Jersey,’’ he said. draw it up and I built it for him,”
signed by seller and former builder Another added touch he made sure said Mayer Jr. “I also think the nic-
Carlo Mayer as a cozy “garden view” One of the key features Mayer de- to include, for use when the weather est feature is that you have basically
residence, out of the wind but just a signed was the porch facing south to take dictates, was a gas fireplace. two walls of French doors. When you
short walk from the beach. advantage of the warming winter sun. open all the doors up it really changes
the feel of the place.”
The custom five-bedroom, three-
bath home is what Mayer calls “Flori- Other special features include 10-
da seashore” style architecture remi- foot ceilings, crown molding, hard-
niscent of the homes built along the wood floors, a central vacuum system
Atlantic Coast in the southern part and a master bedroom with sitting
his home state of New Jersey. room.
He was a homebuilder there before And Mayer has made sure the view
moving to Brevard County in 1957 to out of nearly every window is of a
build housing during the early days of thick buffer of well-established and
the U.S. space program. maintained vegetation.
“We came down when they were “We’re sort of like hidden back
just starting out building spec houses here. The view is like looking at a jun-
in Satellite Beach and Indian Har- gle. I think it’s a good thing to be right
bour Beach. I was one of the pioneers across the street from the beach and
in Satellite Beach,” he said. have a garden atmosphere instead
of being where the wind is blowing.
Mayer became a Space Coast resi- It’s like being in the country and the
dent but he fondly remembered his beach all at the same time,” Mayer
upbringing and tried to recreate the said.
TOP 1% OF BREVARD “Todd is highly motivated, very ambitious and is
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“HALL OF FAME” PRODUCER with people. His vast knowledge of the many neighborhoods and communi-
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He specializes in marketing unique properties and water properties by using
[email protected] a professional photographer to capture the most beautiful pictures that at-
WWW.DOORTOTHEEASTSHORE.COM tract buyers from all around the world. He also has the experience and knowl-
edge to help ANY seller that wants an agent that is hardworking, trustworthy
and goes the extra mile to handle each of his clients on a “one on one” basis.
Overall he has single handedly closed over 300 transactions which equals
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that all his clients are happy!
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, July 27, 2017 37
The ground floor is very livable REAL ESTATE VITAL STATISTICS
with the kitchen located directly 205 4TH AVE.,
adjacent to the garage for easy gro-
cery unloading and a large den/ MELBOURNE BEACH
bedroom with a full bath adjacent
to the living room. Year built: 2004
Lot size: .31 acre
“This place has a wonderful Construction: Combination
flow that you don’t often see in concrete block and frame.
this area,’’ said Treasure Coast So- Builder: Mayer Homes
theby’s listing agent Hank Saun- Square footage:
ders, who is offering the house for 3,147 square feet
Bedrooms: 5
The large back yard has a for- Bathrooms: 3
mer bocce ball court, which means Additional features: Walk-
there is ample room for a pool for in closets, hardwood floors,
this family-oriented location near washer and dryer, gas fireplace,
Melbourne Beach’s beachy shop- built-in vacuum, wraparound
ping district, historical buildings enclosed porch, oversize back
and recreation facilities. yard with room to add pool.
Listing agency: Treasure Coast
Sotheby’s International Realty
Listing agent: Hank Saunders,
Listing price: $725,000
38 Thursday, July 27, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Real Estate Sales on South Brevard island: July 14 to July 20
The middle of July brought another strong week for the real estate market in island ZIP codes 32951, 32903
and 32937. Satellite Beach reported 13 sales, while Indialantic had 11, Melbourne Beach 6, and Indian
Harbour Beach 3.
The top sale of the week was of an oceanfront home in Melbourne Beach. The residence at 5095 South
Highway A1A was placed on the market May 13 with an asking price of $1.15 million. The transaction
closed July 20 for $1.085 million.
Both the seller and the purchaser in the transaction were represented by Gibbs Baum of Treasure Coast
SUNNYLAND BEACH S7 293 ARROWHEAD LN 3/17/2017 $475,000 $449,900 7/14/2017 $339,000
LA COSTA VILLAGE 310 MERIDIAN LN 6/1/2017 $359,000 $359,000 7/14/2017 $360,000
BEACH WOODS STAGE 1 3220 RIVER VILLA WAY 135 3/31/2017 $380,000 $380,000 7/14/2017 $550,000
ISLAND SHORES OF MEL 416 POINSETTIA RD 5/19/2017 $550,000 $550,000 7/14/2017 $320,000
MELBOURNE BEACH S R 1901 CEDAR LN 2/27/2017 $365,000 $339,000 7/17/2017
SALES FOR 32903 $475,000
PIPER PALMS 569 FRANKLYN AVE 5/26/2017 $459,900 $459,900 7/14/2017 $152,500
5/27/2017 $500,000 $500,000 7/14/2017 $600,000
INDIALANTIC BY SEA 328 WAYNE AVE 6/22/2017 $330,000 $330,000 7/14/2017 $300,000
4/18/2017 $160,000 $160,000 7/14/2017 $180,000
OCEAN OAKS 140 OCEAN BREEZE CIR 3/21/2017 $625,000 $625,000 7/18/2017 $265,000
5/23/2017 $315,000 $315,000 7/19/2017 $620,000
INDIALANTIC VILLAS C 1145 N SHANNON AVE 14 4/7/2017 $194,900 $184,900 7/19/2017 $125,000
4/5/2017 $280,000 $270,000 7/17/2017 $185,000
INDIALANTIC BY SEA 112 ORLANDO BLVD 10/12/2015 $749,000 $674,500 7/20/2017
4/6/2017 $128,500 $128,500 7/14/2017 $80,000
OCEAN SHORES SUBD OF 1248 BEACHSIDE LN 7/18/2017 $185,000 $185,000 7/19/2017 $135,100
SALES FOR 32937 $400,000
CNDO INDN HRBR P3B 417 SCHOOL RD 78 5/2/2017 $79,900 $85,000 7/14/2017 $190,000
6/9/2017 $130,000 $130,000 7/14/2017
THE JAMESTOWN CONDO 116 E COLONIAL CT 45 5/4/2017 $129,900 $129,900 7/18/2017
5/19/2017 $193,900 $193,900 7/14/2017
THE JAMESTOWN CONDO 125 E COLONIAL CT D 5/25/2017 $569,000 $569,000 7/14/2017
4/23/2017 $234,500 $229,500 7/14/2017
WATERWAY TWNHMS2B12A 404 MEADOWLARK LN 312 5/31/2017 $289,900 $289,900 7/14/2017
4/28/2017 $259,000 $249,000 7/17/2017
MONTECITO PHASE 1A 677 PALOS VERDE DR 2/16/2017 $179,900 $159,900 7/18/2017
6/18/2017 $170,000 $170,000 7/20/2017
SEA BREAKERS CONDO 307 HIGHWAY A1A 4 6/7/2017 $223,900 $223,900 7/14/2017
5/16/2017 $349,000 $349,000 7/14/2017
SEA PARK HOMES 103 E ARLINGTON ST 5/12/2017 $379,900 $374,900 7/14/2017
4/20/2017 $439,900 $439,900 7/17/2017
S PATRICK SHORES 4S 196 OCEAN BLVD 5/10/2017 $324,900 $324,900 7/19/2017
5/25/2017 $199,500 $199,500 7/20/2017
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, July 27, 2017 39
Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.
Subdivision: Melbourne Beach S R, Address: 1901 Cedar Ln Subdivision: Piper Palms, Address: 569 Franklyn Ave
Listing Date: 2/27/2017 Listing Date: 5/26/2017
Original Price: $365,000 Original Price: $459,900
Recent Price: $339,000 Recent Price: $459,900
Sold: 7/17/2017 Sold: 7/14/2017
Selling Price: $320,000 Selling Price: $459,000
Listing Agent: David Settgast Listing Agent: Nick Farinella
Selling Agent: Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl Selling Agent: Coldwell Banker
Gidget Sottile Frese Heather Lingley
Re/Max Elite Exp Realty LLC
Subdivision: Indialantic One Cond, Address: 601 N Miramar Ave 313 Subdivision: Montecito Phase 1A, Address: 677 Palos Verde Dr
Listing Date: 10/12/2015 Listing Date: 5/25/2017
Original Price: $749,000 Original Price: $569,000
Recent Price: $674,500 Recent Price: $569,000
Sold: 7/20/2017 Sold: 7/14/2017
Selling Price: $620,000 Selling Price: $525,000
Listing Agent: Kathy Bain Heyl Listing Agent: John Curri & L. Sliwa
Selling Agent: Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl Selling Agent: Curri Properties
Alyssa Boyd Diana Pittner-Scarincio
Sand Dollar Realty of Brevard Pittner Real Estate