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Published by Vero Beach 32963 Media, 2017-03-30 13:34:36

03/30/2017 ISSUE 13


Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 30, 2017 51


makes matters worse. Turmoil and war across the Indeed, whenever any European treaty has been cision there has been much talk of a new Franco-Ger-
Middle East and in north Africa were one big cause put to a vote in recent years, it has been as likely to man initiative to relaunch the project. True believers
of the surge in migrant inflows. An aggressive Rus- be rejected as approved. The Danes and the Irish are like Guy Verhofstadt, a former Belgian prime minister
sia under President Vladimir Putin is now seen as a famous for having to be asked to vote twice to pro- who is now leader of the Liberal group in the European
direct threat, particularly in eastern Europe. Turkey’s duce the desired result. French and Dutch voters Parliament and has just written a book, “Europe’s Last
president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, is turning his back sank the EU constitutional treaty in 2005. The Dutch Chance,” argue that, since the union’s troubles are cre-
on a club that seems to have rejected his member- also rejected an association agreement with Ukraine ated mainly at national level, more Europe and a leap
ship aspirations, and is spurning its democratic val- last year. towards ever closer union must be the answer.
ues as well.
In capitals around Europe, diplomats gloomily Yet the evidence is that people in most member
To cap it all, America’s new president, Donald conclude that there may never be another treaty, for countries simply do not agree. Brexit was a warning
Trump, has shown himself hostile not just to mul- at least one country would surely fail to ratify it. of what can happen when the EU loses touch with
tilateral free trade and Muslim immigrants but in- voters. And many governments also strongly disagree
termittently to the EU, praising Britain’s decision to The Brussels institutions are not in much bet- with Verhofstadt.
leave and urging others to follow. ter shape. The European Commission under Jean-
Claude Juncker has commendably slashed its output Political leaders in France and Germany now treat
That points to perhaps the biggest current con- of red tape. Yet Juncker was a poor choice, forced on the union as essentially an inter-governmental orga-
cern of all: the EU’s unpopularity with both national EU leaders by an ambitious European Parliament. nization and openly disparage the European Com-
governments and their voters. Following last June’s The European Council’s president, Donald Tusk, has mission and European Parliament. During the euro
referendum, in which the British voted to leave by sometimes been preoccupied with fighting against crisis, Mrs Merkel tellingly began talking of a “union
52% to 48%, their prime minister, Theresa May, is the government of his native Poland. The parliament method” based on national capitals and parliaments
about to trigger the two-year process for Brexit under continues to flex its muscles and accrete power to instead of the classic Monnet method built around
Article 50 of the EU treaty. itself, yet voters disdain it. Turnout in every single the EU institutions.
direct election since the first one in 1979 has fallen,
Brexit may be more painful for Britain than for its hitting a new low of 42.6% in 2014. Even in Italy, Matteo Renzi, a passionate pro-Eu-
27 partners, but it is still a threat to the future of a ropean, spent much of his recent premiership at-
union that has previously only ever expanded. Some European leaders celebrating in Rome last week tacking Brussels for excessive rigidity in enforcing
politicians in other countries have openly said that were well aware of these problems. Their responses the euro’s rules.
they want to follow Britain’s example. The EU’s popu- to similar troubles in the past have fallen into two cat-
larity ratings in other member countries received a egories, neither of which seems adequate this time. That leaves the second type of response, which is
slight boost from the Brexit decision, but they remain to muddle through. After all, the euro and migration
strikingly low by past standards. One is to follow Monnet’s advice and take a further crises seem to be past their worst. Excessive austerity
bold leap towards ever closer union. Since the Brexit de- may have done great harm, but outside Greece it is


Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 30, 2017 61


ACROSS 73 Slangy blame 2 Johnny 57 Columbus univ. The Washington Post
74 “Rules ___ to be Appleseed 58 Card game
1 CD rate, e.g. 60 Cartoon IT’S ONLY MONEY By Merl Reagle
4 Moved, as broken” 3 Steve McQueen’s
76 Be a leaver of the next-to-last film underachiever?
tectonic plates 63 Actor Ryan
8 Of a son or pack 4 Made, as fairy 65 Melon type
78 Main thing tale gold 67 Rodeo horse
daughter 68 Bowling places
14 “Decorates” with Junior’s done 5 Like Pledge 69 More, to Jorge
since he’s been at 6 Molecular twin 70 Old college cheer
bathrm. tissue, as college? 7 King of the ring? 72 Memo abbr.
pranksters do 82 “... ___ in Heaven” 8 Baseball union 75 Jim of ABC
17 “Now I get it!” 84 Puny lead, in
18 Impatient date’s baseball VIP Donald Sports
comment? 85 Lodge member 9 Glacier time 77 Had an entree
20 Cousins of 86 Alpine wind 10 Actress Christine 79 Agitates
Twinkies 87 The English 11 “___ a drink!” 80 Actor Paul
23 Credo of the Patient and others 12 Official Turk 81 One, on a coin
Three Stooges? 89 Screw-loose type 13 Israeli airport 83 Actor George
25 Place for a bout 91 Execrate 14 Like Tiger 88 Prospector’s
26 Extraordinary 96 Weather org.
talent, briefly 97 Jug limit, often: Woods’s mom need
27 Speak abbr. 15 Love seat site, 90 Mountaineer’s
grandiloquently 98 1960s guru?
28 Protested 101 Write perhaps goal
29 A god for Cleo 103 Actor Michael 16 The old shell 92 All-out assault
30 The bottom line who wed Barbara 93 Mound
32 Biblical trumpeter Eden game, in 94 El ___ (the East,
35 The bottom line 106 William Wilson Jerusalem?
36 Bedrock resident? author 19 Int’l commerce in Spanish)
40 South Seas staple 107 “Why would ___?” grp. 95 Actress ___
41 Mexican article 108 Place mentioned 21 What some
43 Extra building in “The First Noel” meters need? Dawn Chong
44 Mayberry 110 Major 1980s 22 Pitiful 98 Pelt worker
matriarch tennis star who 24 Tubular pasta 99 1952 Hope-
45 Girl George? never won 28 Clothes to be
47 Timecop actress Wimbledon sorted at wash Crosby comedy,
Mia 113 Big fight time Road ___
48 Scot’s topper 115 1966 No. 1 hit by 29 “The ___ Daba 100 Judge, perhaps
51 Sees the old the Honeymoon” 102 Woman swimmer
college crowd Young Rascals, 31 Soaking place 104 First Hebrew
53 Sylvia of Mars “Good ___” 33 Of a faith: abbr. letter
Attacks! 116 Southwestern 34 Winning line, 105 1960s hit, “Walk
55 Doctor’s opening capital? in a game Away, ___”
line? 120 Make good bread, 37 Praise highly 108 Type
59 He calls himself perhaps 38 Luke’s aunt, in 109 Extremes
“the 121 1930s musical Star Wars 111 Flood barrier
G Man” star? 39 Salacious look 112 Shirt size: abbr.
60 Forms clouds 122 N.Y.’s Lincoln or 42 Give one’s 114 Michelin product
61 Half of sex- Rockefeller: abbr. blessing (to) 116 Buc or Cub, e.g.
62 Potter on 123 Molarmeister’s 45 Juan’s January 117 Said thrice, a
M*A*S*H, e.g. deg. 46 Comintern’s Beach Boys hit
64 Hasten 124 “What’s going founder 118 Emulate Betsy
65 Puts up, as ___?” 47 Reagan’s “Star Ross
peaches 125 Signal carrier Wars” defense 119 One way to finish
66 Popular guy at 126 Florida isle idea: abbr. second?
kids’ parties? 49 Footless
70 Parts of DOWN creatures
spectacles 1 Prelude to “right 50 “___ here is
71 See 17 Across done”
72 A ___ cry in the kisser” 52 At the usual level
54 Down with the flu
55 Suppertime
56 Literary

The Telegraph

62 Vero Beach 32963 / March 30, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Family beach trip is awash in stress for sensitive sis

BY CAROLYN HAX Not that she cares if we are there, but what
Washington Post
do I say?
Dear Carolyn:
Please help me. My older – S.
sister and family go to the
beach yearly for a week and You tell her there’s been a change of plan be unwelcome here while being welcome else-
stay together in a condo. and you won’t be there after all. where at virtually any other time.
Same location for decades.
In recent years, I have rented The issue here isn’t that this situation is But since I’m advising you, I need to say instead
nearby at the same time to see complicated; it’s that, for whatever reason, that it’s your duty not to force her to explain herself.
my family. you won’t let it be simple. Again, let it be simple: This isn’t your beach week, it’s
I must say, they don’t seem hers. Read the situation. Pick another way to bond.
to care if we are there. We don’t eat together, and oth- Your sister doesn’t welcome you when you
er than seeing each other on the beach, there is very come to the beach, and the simplest conclusion And, pick a healthy approach: Suggest a gather-
little interaction. My ex always noticed they didn’t to draw from that is that you’re not welcome ing, then give her a chance to accept, decline or pro-
care; my current husband says the same thing. He there. Political differences are a red herring. pose something else. 
feels sad for me that I am working to be connected to
people who really don’t seem to care about seeing us. Your choosing to plant yourself along-
Enter politics. Now, since we are of the opposite side her on the same week as her annual
parties, it is more complicated. I do not discuss poli- trip could even be hurting your chances to
tics, but they are flagrant in their beliefs. You know get closer to your sister. You’re free to travel
what a mess it has been since the election. Tension where you want when you want, obviously,
has brewed the past few years. so your sister doesn’t really have standing
So this year, I do not want to be there. Just seems to say, “Hey, could you please not have this
like too much stress to feel like we are bad people for parallel vacation every year?” – so your be-
having obviously different political views. My other ing there puts her in an awkward spot. If I’m
sister won’t even try to go; she thinks they’re rude. right, then you’re forcing her either to in-
A few months ago, my sister said, “You coming to clude you when she’d rather focus her attention on
the beach?” I said yes. Nothing else was said. her family; to avoid you without being overtly rude;
Eventually it will come up again in one of our in- or to explain to you outright that she loves you and
frequent phone calls. enjoys your company but that this beach trip is her
time to focus on her spouse/kids/grandkids.

If I were advising her, I’d urge her to choose Op-
tion 3 and just explain it to you, because it’s not
necessarily bad: She really could appreciate your
company in another context, and you really could

Parkinson’s patients
have a co-pilot in
IRMC neurologist

64 Vero Beach 32963 / March 30, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Parkinson’s patients have co-pilot in IRMC neurologist

BY TOM LLOYD like to share that responsibility with Dr. Xabier Beristain. PHOTO: DENISE RITCHIE the disease.
Staff Writer the patient.” Parkinson’s patients are four times
ment, and impaired balance and
Over a million people in the U.S. And when it comes to Parkinson’s, coordination as the most common more likely to contract and die from
are now living with Parkinson’s dis- there’s a great deal to share. symptoms of Parkinson’s, and it’s pneumonia than the population at
ease and every year another 60,000 those symptoms rather than the dis- large; fully 70 percent of all Parkin-
new cases are diagnosed. The National Institute of Neuro- ease itself that do the most damage. son’s-related deaths are attributed to
logical Disorders and Strokes cites aspiration pneumonia.
According to the Centers for Dis- tremors or trembling of the hands, As Parkinson’s progresses, those
ease Control and Prevention, com- arms, legs, jaw and face along with symptoms become life-threatening. Pneumonia develops so frequent-
plications from Parkinson’s are a stiffness of limbs, slowness of move- Falls, difficulty in swallowing and ly in Parkinson’s patients because
leading cause of death in this coun- pneumonia are all closely linked to when the muscles in the throat and
try and the Parkinson’s Disease esophagus fail to operate properly,
Foundation puts an annual price tag they can direct food or liquid into the
for the ailment at more than $25 bil- patient’s lungs rather than the stom-
lion a year. ach. The lungs and airways then get
infected causing the frequently fatal
For Dr. Xabier Beristain, a newly lung disease.
arrived neurologist at the Indian
River Medical Center, the best way to Parkinson’s patients are also at risk
deal with this distressing disease is for asphyxiation or choking to death
through a collaborative effort. from food blocking their airways. Fa-
tal falls from balance problems lead-
“When I treat patients,” says Beri- ing to cerebral hemorrhages are also
stain, “I like to be their co-pilot rath- far more common in people with
er than the driver of the bus. I tell Parkinson’s than the public at large.
them what their options are. Then
that person can consider those dif- Beristain adds that severe malnu-
ferent options. I want them to be in- trition can also affect Parkinson’s pa-
volved with their own care and tell tients “because people may not be will-
me what they would like to do. Some ing – or able – to eat much.” If all that
people like to be told what to do, but I is not enough, an often-overlooked part
of the Parkinson’s puzzle is depression.



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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 30, 2017 65


“Actually,” says Beristain, “as many originally created to prevent sei-
as 40 percent of Parkinson’s patients zures saying those can be diminish
do experience acute depression as a the involuntary movements or trem-
part of the disease. But sometimes ors of the disease.
the depression can even happen be-
fore they have obvious symptoms Then the good-natured Beristain
of the disease. So, in a sense, it’s a credits happenstance. “Many medi-
change in the chemistry of the brain cations we use nowadays,” he says,
that makes them depressed before “were found by chance.”
they really have enough to be de-
pressed about.” For example, he says, “Amanta-
dine is a medication that was devel-
The root cause of Parkinson’s is oped to treat the flu. But people were
not known and there is currently no taking this medication for the flu
cure. and realizing that their Parkinson’s
symptoms were better.” The drug
The Mayo Clinic says Parkinson’s wasn’t designed to do that but was
develops when nerve cells or neurons found to be beneficial, nonetheless.
in the brain break down and are no It is now an FDA-approved medica-
longer able to produce the chemical tion for Parkinson’s.
neurotransmitter called dopamine.
Beristain is just starting to build
When dopamine levels decrease his neurology practice here in Vero
– and right now no one knows why Beach and he seems genuinely proud
they do – the brain is no longer able to say, “Every patient is different
to control a wide variety of functions and I learn different things from my
including controlling the muscles patients every day,” which does, in-
in the body which results in those deed, sound more like a doctor look-
tremors as well as those balance and ing to be his patients’ co-pilot.
swallowing problems.
Dr. Xabier Beristain is with the In-
While a cure still seems far in the dian River Medical Center. His office is
future, Beristain says there are med- in the new Health and Wellness build-
ications that can treat and ease Par- ing at 3450 11th Court. The phone
kinson’s symptoms. number is 772-770-6848. 

He first points to medications


BY TOM LLOYD Institute, there is a substantial dif-
Staff Writer ference between the care a patient
gets in a hospital ER and what they
Early on a recent Tuesday morning receive at a trauma center.
in March, five trauma cases arrived
at the Lawnwood Trauma Center in That’s in no small part because
Fort Pierce within mere minutes of trauma centers are built for speed.
one another. The faster trauma cases can be
treated, the better the odds of pa-
That’s not uncommon. tient survival and recovery.
According to the National Trauma

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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 30, 2017 73


Are we witnessing the death of the sommelier?

The Telegraph

How wine in restaurants has changed. now it’s for himself: He is a director at Gearoid Devaney
Lists are more eclectic but they are also Flint Wines and one of the founders of
shorter. The rise in casual dining has the restaurant Cabotte.
seen wines by the glass offered almost
as if they were cocktails. Rather than “I don’t know if those shifts would be
consult a sommelier, diners are just as allowed,” he says, “or if there would be
likely to get out their phone and zap it the appetite for it if it was – the sense of
with an app. Wait, did I say sommelier? entitlement you see now …” Oh yes, I’ve
heard about the millennial sense of en-
The thought made me wonder: Is titlement – six months here, six months
the traditional sommelier, with years there, then they expect to run the show.
of hard-won knowledge, tasting ex-
perience and expertise, going the way The large number of new restaurant
of the yellow-cab driver, edged to the openings means that those who do want
sidelines by the wine equivalents of to employ a sommelier are running up
Uber? Are we witnessing the death of against another problem: a shortage. I
the sommelier? put this point to Ronan Sayburn, the su-
per-sommelier working the floor when
Chris Losh is editor of Imbibe, the Gordon Ramsay was in his heyday.
magazine for the bar and restaurant
trade. This year he published a piece “Lots of restaurants say it’s really
noting that the sommelier world was hard to find guys who know their stuff,”
“struggling to adapt to new realities.” he says, “but no one talks about the oth-
er side, which is that they want to pay
“The sommelier position as we know them peanuts.”
it is under attack from all sides,” said
Losh when I called to ask him about it. For now, he says, forget the tradi-
“Market, social and fashion pressures tional idea of the French sommelier or
are combining to mean that the role even of home-grown talent. The per-
will change. The question is, how? Right son explaining the wine list to you is
now, sadly, the sommelier is seen by more likely to be Romanian or Polish.
some as an expensive luxury. It doesn’t “We see a lot of Eastern European tal-
make sense necessarily – a good som- ent. This isn’t the end for sommeliers.
melier can earn a venue a lot more than It is cyclical – it will come back as peo-
they cost – but the bottom line is a quick ple realize again that if you want to get
win for the accountants.” ahead of the next guy you have to work
harder – then he works harder, then
It’s possible that many restaurant- you do.” 
goers will not be sorry to hear this. As
Losh points out: “Sommeliers are often
– unfairly – seen as snooty or conde-
scending – an image that’s at least 20
years out of date.”

Too true. A traditional sommelier
combines the studious approach of a
top-flight academic with the acting
abilities of an Oscar winner, a selfless
attitude to hospitality and deep reserves
of patience. He or she is a guardian of
knowledge – so it’s ironic that the pur-
suit of a more informed approach has
made the wine expert redundant in
some places.

This has happened because wine
merchants keen to spread the word
began to make wine education a part
of their offer to restaurant customers.
Often, the merchant then takes over an
establishment’s entire list – and sud-
denly, there’s no need for a specialized
wine buyer at all.

I remember interviewing Gearoid
Devaney, one of the London “super-
sommeliers,” back in the days when he
was working insanely long shifts, study-
ing during short breaks. Devaney, like
many other sommeliers, moved into
management. He still works hard, but

74 Vero Beach 32963 / March 30, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 30, 2017 75

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76 Vero Beach 32963 / March 30, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 30, 2017 77

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78 Vero Beach 32963 / March 30, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 30, 2017 85


ings add to the sense of space and tees and dolphin frolic in the canal or granite countertops, subway tile of space for beach toys.
large sliders open up to screened relax and recline in the pool on a hot backsplash, stainless steel appliances The split bedroom plan allows for
porch. Enjoy evening breezes from summer day. and opens to the family room and
the enclosure while watching mana- dining area for casual entertaining. privacy in the master suite with wa-
The eat-in kitchen boasts honed ter view and private entrance to the
Off the kitchen sits the pantry with screened porch. A large walk-in closet
VITAL STATISTICS laundry room and tub, which can be and marble countertops complete
1976 MOORINGLINE DRIVE closed off with pocket doors. And the the room. The versatility of three ad-
oversize, two-car garage offers plenty ditional bedrooms leaves plenty of

Neighborhood: Moorings Seagrove West
Year built: 1973

Lot size: 102’x167’
Home size: 2,400 square feet
Construction: concrete block

Bedrooms: 4
Bathrooms: 3
Additional features: Security patrolled community, waterfront lot,
disposal, circle drive, keyless entry, tile floor throughout, impact glass,
storm shutters, screened porch, heated pool, granted beach and water-

way access.
Listing agency: The Moorings Realty Sales Co., 772-231-5131

Listing price: $1,290,000

REDUCED 4 Bedroom | 5.5 Bath
Beautiful river views from every room in this impeccably cared for 4,700 SF
Both lots are riverfront property. Experience Florida living at its finest with 2-story living
150x1100. room, formal dining room, first floor master, gourmet kitchen with break-
fast nook, large family room with bar, office, library, pool, hot tub, summer
Lot 12 kitchen, 3-car garage and dock with new lift. $1,695,000
Contact Meg Norris at (772) 539-1556
Lot 13
$999,000 Meg Norrisor [email protected]
Village Shops • 6160 Hwy A1A
2175 S Highway A1A Vero Beach, FL 32963

Rare opportunities to build your estate dream with river access and potential ocean view.
The combined lots are 7.7 acres, with 2.25+ acres of uplands. May be purchased together or

separately. Lot 12, MLS# 170854. Lot 13, MLS# 170856 Adjacent to Round Island Park.

Eugene Kane • 772.539.2685 6160 North A1A Vero Beach, FL 32963

86 Vero Beach 32963 / March 30, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


space for an office and short or long have private beach access and pa-
term visits. trolled security. Originally designed
as a boating community, The Moor-
“We’re selling a great lifestyle, and to ings Yacht & Country Club offers all
me, this home represents that lifestyle. the amenities residents need, includ-
Casual but immaculate,” says Sherry. ing Pete Dye’s signature course at the
Moorings, Jim Fazio’s Hawk’s Nest
As a member of the Moorings Prop-
erty Owners Association residents

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 30, 2017 87


championship course on the main- Drive shopping and dining district,
land, tennis and croquet courts, a and the nearby Riverside Theatre
state-of-the-art fitness center with and Vero Beach Museum of Art of-
pool and spa, yacht club, and fine and fer world-class cultural outings. For
casual dining. families with children, Saint Ed-
ward’s School conveniently abuts the
The Moorings is just a few minutes community. 
away from Vero’s renowned Ocean

88 Vero Beach 32963 / March 30, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Fleeced on appraisals? Blame the mysterious third party

BY KENNETH R. HARNEY they’re eager to let consumers know “I got chewed out by the owner of
Washington Post that when the appraisal charge is the house,” wrote one. “Yes, I charged

$500 or $800 or $1,000, they’re fre- $700. But he [the owner] paid $1,700”

Are you getting fleeced on apprais- quently being paid just a fraction of – a $1,000 add-on. “Now that is an

al charges when you buy a house or that. The rest is going to an “appraisal excessive fee.” Another complained

refinance? Could you be paying as management” company under con- that a management company had “hit

much as double what the appraiser is tract by the lender to oversee the ap- [the homeowner’s] credit card three

receiving for actually doing the work, praisal process. Management com- times” for the appraisal fee before the

with the excess going to an undis- panies hire the appraiser, negotiate work was performed and then tacked

closed third party? fees, review the appraisal and send on a 45 percent surcharge. The owner

Many appraisers say yes. And it to the lender. Management com- “yelled at me” for the rip-off, he said.

The appraiser ultimately declined the

assignment rather than work for the

management company.

Richard Hagar, an appraiser in

the Seattle area, told me in an email

that “I’m still receiving fee ‘offers’

(from management companies) be-

low $400, while the borrower is being

charged $800.”

panies often select appraisers will- Carl Schneider, a Tulsa appraiser,

ing to work for relatively low fees. In said excessive markups are common

exchange, they make available to ap- but consumers usually “know noth-

praisers assignments that they might ing about it” because the appraiser is

not otherwise receive. prohibited from revealing the actual

Controversy arises when manage- fee.

ment companies add surcharges of 35 “I resent forcibly being complicit

percent to 50 percent – or more – onto in this fraud,” Schneider said in an

the final bill to the consumer. Fed- interview. “Why can’t they be trans-

eral rules do not require disclosure of parent?”

the surcharges, nor do regulations in David Doering, a Jefferson City,

the majority of states. Appraisers say Mo., appraiser and president of the

management companies often seek National Association of Independent

to hide the amount of their add-ons Fee Appraisers, told me that “we of-

by prohibiting the appraisers from at- ten don’t know what’s being charged

taching company invoices to the re- to the consumer. We only hear about

MARBRISA $970,000 port the consumer receives. it when people are angry.”
Worst of all, appraisers say, is when I asked the executive director of
Spectacular 3975 sq ft 4 bedroom 4.5 bathroom, plus den all on one level!
This thoughtful and spacious, lakefront Arthur Rutenberg design opens to the consumer blames them for a high the appraisal management compa-
fee, unaware that much of it is going nies’ national trade group, the Real
comfortable outdoor living by the heated pool and spill over spa. Resort
into a third party’s pocket. Estate Valuation Advocacy Associa-
living with Har Tru tennis courts, fitness, and private Ocean Club. All this
Ryan Lundquist, an appraiser ac- tion, for comment about fee add-ons

PLUS your own boat slip with lift makes this opportunity complete. tive in the Sacramento market, told and efforts to conceal charges, but he

SERVICE  SAVINGS  RESULTS me about a recent experience: The declined to discuss pricing, noting
house he was asked to appraise had that “I am not a party to any AMC [ap-

 Full service MLS exposure complicated features and was diffi- praisal management company] con-
cult to value, requiring a higher than tracts.”

 Weekly print advertising typical fee – $800. Subsequently, he Jeff Eisenshtadt, president and chief

 Professional photography & video learned that the management com- executive of Title Source, whose TSI

 Unbeatable global exposure pany tacked on an extra $345 – a 43 Appraisal division is a major man-
 Zillow premier agents percent surcharge – hitting the con- agement company, told me, “There’s
 45 years combined experience sumer with a $1,145 bill. After the a tremendous amount of value” his
homeowner complained, he learned industry brings to the table, but “we

 Superior negotiating skills Kim & Ron Small that the management company said believe the consumer really should be

 Local knowledge since 1987 772.480.4660 the $1,145 was solely Lundquist’s focused on the bottom-line charge for

We speak fluent Canadian quote, not theirs, which was a lie. the appraisal,” not the split between

“I was shocked,” Lundquist said the appraiser and the management
dian in an interview. “It wasn’t honest, it company. Consumers don’t care about

Small FULL SERVICE wasn’t ethical,” and the borrower was the individual costs of “the pickles
Realty REAL ESTATE being “gouged.” Forty-three percent and onions and lettuce” that go into
extra “just seems too much for a mid- a hamburger, he said, nor should they
dleman service.” when it comes to appraisals.

Group COMMISSION Lundquist described his experience in Maybe he’s right. But if you care
a blog post that drew dozens of respons- about where your money is going

es from appraisers around the country, when you pay for an appraisal, ask the

625 Beachland Blvd  Vero Beach mainly critical of management compa- lender or the appraiser. Who’s getting

nies’ add-ons to consumers’ bills. what? And why? 

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