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Published by Vero Beach 32963 Media, 2017-04-28 15:27:30

04/27/2017 ISSUE 17


Bats brilliant! P5 Ladies first. P10 Perfectly palette-able

Youngster’s idea spurs city ‘Movers and shakers’ honored Melbourne Art Festival thrives
to environmental action. with Women of Excellence Awards. at its new location. PAGE 8


Complaints mount CRAs’ fate still
about controversial up in air despite
beach intersection spirited debate

[email protected] [email protected]

Police Chief David Butler A United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket blasts off from Space Launch Complex 41 last Tuesday at 11:11 a.m., carrying the During the April 13 Brevard
says it’s just a matter of time S.S. John Glenn, an Orbital ATK Cygnus spacecraft loaded with supplies for the International Space Station. PHOTO: JULIAN LEEK County workshop on the fate
before confusion leads to ca- of Community Redevelopment
tastrophe at Indian Harbour Agencies, a parade of city and
Beach’s trickiest intersection: agency officials extolled the
the spot where Banana River virtues of these organizations.
Drive and Pinetree Drive join The folks from Satellite Beach
at Osceola Drive. praised improvements on Shell
Street.Those from Cocoa Beach
Complaints from motorists praised a proposed parking ga-
to Butler about confusing sig- rage. An apartment building
nage and other problems at the in downtown Melbourne was
three-way intersection prompt- called a game-changer.
ed city officials to ask county
traffic engineers for a solution. And in the end, a single
resolution emerged. Commis-
Now, the City Council is sioner John Tobia called for
considering five alternatives

Proposed bed & breakfast fails How Samsons dodged development bullet
to meet land-plan requirements
STORY BY BILL SOKOLIC STAFF WRITER Proposed Atlantic Street B&B. PHOTO: JULIAN LEEK Samsons Island has been preserved for passive recreation. PHOTO: BRUCE CADY [email protected]
[email protected]
and used as a single-family de- The view of Satellite
At its monthly meeting on tached dwelling. Beach from the air shows
April 19, the Melbourne Beach a large green gap in the
Town Commission heard a The town planner prepared densely built-up riverfront,
planner’s report on whether a the report at the request of the the result of a once-fierce
local businessman’s property commission after the business- debate that killed a bridge
on Atlantic Street has a his- project that would have
tory of residential use, a pre- CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 linked Samsons Island to
requisite to turn the building the mainland, opening it
into a bed and breakfast. The to development.
Melbourne Beach land devel-
opment code dictates a bed These days, mansions
and breakfast can only op- cover nearly every inch of
erate in a building designed

ADVERTISING: 772-559-4187 | CIRCULATION: 772-226-7925 Vero, camera, action!

NEWS 1-6 GAMES 23-25 PEOPLE 7-12 Award-winning director
ARTS 13-16 HEALTH 27-30 PETS 22 right at ‘home’ heading up
DINING 31 Film Festival. PAGE 14


2 Thursday, April 27, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly

NEWS island each day and no more than 36
are allowed to camp overnight, spread
SAMSONS ISLAND among four primitive campgrounds.
Besides the campgrounds, the island
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 has docks for access, two pavilions for
shelter and one bathroom.
the Satellite Beach riverfront, except PHOTOS: GEORGE WHITE
the 52-acre Samsons Island Nature Park Monitor Dori Hughes keeps
Park, which not only remained unde- leated woodpeckers and horned owls an eye on visitor usage and runs the
veloped after bridge opponents won use the island – and green space for pontoon boat that ferries passengers
a contentious battle in the 1970s, but the residents. Strict provisions were to the island twice weekly from a dock
has been preserved for passive recre- put in place so that the nature park behind the Satellite Beach Fire De-
ation with only a limited number of would not be overused. partment, making sure to watch care-
visitors allowed. fully on cold mornings for manatees
Only 36 visitors are allowed on the seeking warm water.
A spoil island created by dumping
dredged material onto a marshy area Passing by luxurious yachts, sail-
in the 1950s, the property was given boats and sport fishing boats, Hughes
to the city in 1968 with the stipulation navigates the long pontoon boat
that it be used for a park. with skill even in a slight crosswind,
while dolphins and other aquatic
It was during the 1970s when the life splash along the red mangrove
bridge situation – and the future of the shoreline.
riverfront – could have gone either way.
“I can’t believe I get paid to do this,”
During those years, the city con- Hughes said. “People are amazed
sidered several options for Samsons there’s a wilderness within the city
Island, including construction of a and a lot of people don’t know there
bridge to open up the island as a tra- are so many small canals on the is-
ditional park with an amphitheater land.”
and other amenities.
A longtime resident of Brevard
In the end, after many heated dis- County, Hughes remembers the ear-
cussions, permits for a bridge were lier discussions about development
denied and city leaders eventually of the island and said she is glad
dedicated the property to the most plans for a bridge were scuttled be-
passive and environmentally friendly cause it would have hurt the island
purpose: Providing habitat for wild environment.
animals – more than 30 species of
birds, including great blue herons, “No bridge means no amphithe-
egrets, ospreys, roseate spoonbills, pi- ater,’’ she said. 

VERO BEACH 32963 Media LLC BED & BREAKFAST Furthermore, a B & B is not a room-
PRESIDENT AND PUBLISHER: MILTON R. BENJAMIN ing house, motel, hotel, resort condo,
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 time share or cooperative. As a bed and
772-559-4187, [email protected] breakfast, the restaurant would not be
man insisted the building, which houses able to serve three meals a day and may
CREATIVE DIRECTOR: DAN ALEXANDER the Sand on the Beach restaurant, was have to abandon its liquor license.
772-539-2700, [email protected] indeed a residence in the past. The plan-
ner determined otherwise. “The planner’s report was just an-
MANAGING EDITOR: STEVEN M. THOMAS other data point in considering the way
772-453-1196, [email protected] Research found that as of 1959 the ahead,” said Mayor Jim Simmons. “Per-
site included, among other elements, sonally, I have not yet formed an opin-
To learn about the cost-effective advertising rates being offered in three residential buildings: an existing ion; I’m still in ‘research mode.’ But to
The Melbourne Beachsider, please contact our advertising two-story apartment, along with two me, a bed and breakfast is used to pre-
representatives listed below: other one-story single-family dwellings. serve a historic building. This not a his-
DIRECTOR OF ADVERTISING: JUDY DAVIS But between 1986 and 1993 the site was toric building.”
772-633-1115, [email protected] redeveloped substantially in its current
ADVERTISING ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES configuration, demolishing the two sin- Melbourne Beach has two bed and
gle-family dwellings. breakfasts that meet code require-
LILLIAN BELMONT, 321-604-7833, [email protected] ments: the century-old Sea Glass Inn
WILL GARDNER, 407-361-2150, [email protected] “The applicant has to address the Bed and Breakfast on Ocean Avenue not
KATHLEEN MACGLENNON, 772-633-0753, [email protected] planner’s report,” said town attorney far from the municipal complex, and
Clifford Repperger Jr. “It does not look Port d’Hiver Bed and Breakfast at the
To talk about stories, or invite us to cover social and charitable events, like it can meet the current definition other end of Ocean Avenue near A1A.
call 772-453-1196 or email us at [email protected]. of a bed and breakfast. If the commis- Both are in former residences and both
sion is not adverse to the idea of a B & are AAA 4-diamond properties, the only
B, then is there a way to get there, may- ones in Brevard County.
be with alternate language?”
In other business, the commission ac-
According to the land development cepted a bid of $524,775 from V.A. Pav-
code, the definition of a bed and break- ing of Cocoa Beach to resurface Third
fast includes – in addition to a history of Avenue, Andrews Drive, Hibiscus Trail,
use as a single-family detached dwell- Rosewood Drive, Birch Avenue, Elm Ave-
ing – a place where meals are limited nue, Dogwood Avenue, Surf Road, Acacia
to breakfast for overnight guests, and Boulevard, Citrus Court, Poinsettia Road,
where the bed and breakfast operation Coral Avenue and Neptune Drive.
is conducted by an owner or operator
who physically resides on the premises. Three companies submitted bids to

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, April 27, 2017 3


resurface what amounts to approxi- The commission also voted to elimi- past six years: two maintenance workers will be only two public works employees
mately five miles of roadway. nate the vacant position of public works and a director. Staff asked the commis- in the town and certain duties of the for-
director in favor of a lead maintenance sion to downgrade the director position. mer director position will now come un-
Masci Corporation, of Port Orange, worker at a lower salary. The past direc- According to the figures accompanying der the town manager. Those duties will
came in with the high bid of $643,385. tor retired towards the end of last year. the request, the salary for lead mainte- include budget, staffing, and reporting
Community Asphalt Corp., out of Vero nance worker will be $32,828 annually. to FEMA, the DEP, the state highway de-
Beach, submitted a bid for $560,583, Melbourne Beach has had three posi- partment and other outside agencies. 
while V.A. Paving Inc. had the lowest bid. tions assigned to public works over the Under the new arrangement, there

4 Thursday, April 27, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


INTERSECTION PHOTO: BENJAMIN THACKER CRAs people look at the same set of facts and
come up with different conclusions.
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 The council agreed the one option no CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1
longer on the table is doing nothing. “The county has funding issues and
to make the intersection less danger- CRAs to work with the county to cre- road issues, so you look at every dollar,”
ous – some cheap, some costly. De- The next edition of the city newsletter, ate new interlocal agreements by Dec. he said to the commissioners. “From
tails of the plans will be publicized in Harbour Highlights, will feature a front 1. The motion failed on a 3-2 vote. our perspective, we see leveraged value
the city newsletter and presented at a page article showing possible fixes for from our investments and more em-
community meeting in May. the intersection and will include a date “This ordinance would require ployment. We want to shift from a tug of
for a community meeting, Ryan said. CRAs to come to us for a hard look at war to how we can work together, maxi-
Indian Harbour Beach City Man- their goals and individually deal with mizing the use of the tools we have.”
ager Mark Ryan said there is high traf- “We’ll blow up photos of the options, them one-on-one to enter an agree-
fic flow at the road junction, with cars let people come look at them and may- ment,” said Tobia, who has been lead- Courtney Barker, Satellite Beach
streaming in from busy South Patrick be bring out the traffic engineer and ing an effort to reign in or eliminate CRA director, pointed to the upgraded
Drive along Banana River Drive and answer any questions that come up.” community redevelopment agencies beach access at Shell Street and other
from A1A on Pinetree. in Brevard County. improvements on a two-block long
“It has been a problem for so long. CRA-improved section as a prime ex-
“Ocean Breeze elementary is nearby I can’t imagine that throughout the The county still plans to develop ample of blending CRA and private
and there are a lot of school children who United States we’re the only city that agreements with the CRAs but the funds. Dave Allison, owner of the adja-
go through this intersection,” he added. has two streets coming into one street commission majority didn’t want to cent shopping plaza, said the improve-
“There are concerns about the signage. coming to a stop sign,’’ said City Coun- impose a time frame. ments increased business at the plaza.
We can fix that. That’s an easy fix. But cilmember Gene Newberry. “There’s
whether we do a total reconfiguration of probably some research to see who “It’s an emotional topic. We worked Barker also defended borrowing to
the intersection is something we want to does it better than we do. There’s nev- so hard to get the cities to come to- fund projects, which opponents say
get input on from the community.” er been any accidents of any conse- gether and appear before us so we can extends the life of CRAs. “Projects are
quence there but it’s like closing the put this behind us,” said Commission opportunistic we have to be on the de-
“I’ve been here three years and I still gate once the horse gets out. I think Chair Curt Smith, who voted against a velopers schedule,” she said.
get real antsy when I get to that intersec- we’re doing the right thing in looking specified date.
tion. The way it is now, it definitely takes at this.” McNees cited the parking garage in
some patience by the motorists,’’ he said. Established by state statute, CRAs Cocoa Beach, which will incur debt
“Chief Butler gets a lot of commu- are meant to eliminate or prevent service of more than $350,000 a year.
Added Mayor David Panicola: “I don’t nication on this and that’s what imple- blight. Their funding comes from the
know what the solution is, but I do know mented the studies,” Ryan said. “We annual increase in property tax rev- “That’s a lot of potholes that can be
there is a problem. I know the rules and I asked Brevard County for help because enue within the district compared to fixed and a few people hired by the
still almost get sideswiped or T-boned. I they have a traffic engineer on staff. the initial year of formation. If property county,” he admitted. “But the garage
find myself not abiding by the rules and They did a great job [of coming up with values rise as a result of CRA projects represents an enormous boon to tour-
letting everybody go so I don’t get hit.” options to make the intersection less the agency gets the benefit. If you add ism, and to the downtown quality of life.
confusing and dangerous.”  up the 15 CRAs in the county, the mon- The ripple effect will be well into mil-
ey collected since 2002 comes to more lions of dollars.”
than $64 million. Last year, these CRAs
received $7.9 million. John Titkanich, Cocoa city manager,
reminded critics that the county has
If the CRAs did not exist, 40 percent been a partner in the creation of CRAs.
of that $7.9 million would have gone “The city and county must approve a
into the county general fund – assum- finding of necessity,” he said.
ing property taxes increased apace.
But property taxes might not have Tobia’s resolution at least opened
gone up, or gone up as much, without the possibility that CRAs have a more
CRA projects. definitive end game. Despite the reso-
lution’s failure, interlocal agreements
Tobia believes any additional prop- between cities, CRAs and the county
erty taxes should go to the county, pri- are still likely at some point.
marily to pay for road improvements.
“An interlocal agreement can provide
“The real benefit of all municipal for payment of a different amount,”
CRAs is they have the county paying 40 said county spokesman, Don Walker.
percent of the freight and the expendi- Such agreements could also set time
tures are beyond oversight,” said Scott limits on the existence of the CRA, and
Ellis, Brevard County Clerk of Courts, impose other restrictions.
another critic.
“Whatever is agreed to by the city
Ellis believes the county should be and county in the interlocal agree-
out of the CRA business. ment supersedes the requirements of
the state statute,” Walker said.
“The city can pay for all the whiz
bangs any time they desire out of their Supporters like McNees opposed
funds. CRAs are designed by cities to a time constraint to negotiate the in-
keep the county money to fund 40 terlocal agreement, adding there are a
percent of their whims,” he said. lot of elements that can get in the way
despite best efforts.
The workshop was congenial
enough, for the most part, but ten- Said Isnardi, “If we cannot get to-
sions simmered underneath between gether in eight months, we are not
proponents and opponents of the competent.”
agencies. Indeed, at one point, Com-
missioner Kristine Isnardi threatened Smith said he trusted the CRAs to do
to call out CRA supporters by name their utmost to get it done.
for using profanity to attack those who
want to limit the agencies. “We cannot dictate to each other.
The idea is to get a happy end date for
The disparity in opinions was not the CRAs,” he said.
lost on Melbourne City Manager Mike
McNees who opened the workshop by But Tobia expressed a concern that,
spelling out the obvious: well-meaning without a fixed date for reaching an
agreement, “we end up with another
workshop to kick it down the road.” 

8 Thursday, April 27, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Paint that grand! Art Festival thrives at new digs

[email protected]
Scott Langford with artist Phil Fung.
The Melbourne Art Festival’s fa-
mous pink flamingos touched down just a minimum of window shopping.
at Wickham Park last weekend for the But a speedy visit is not what this
first time and found they had more festival is about. Situated at the back
than enough room to stretch their of the popular park, along the main
wings. The festival moved from its loop, white canvas booths bursting
longtime home along the streets of with the creative wares of artists from
Historic Downtown Melbourne to around the nation welcomed the cu-
the 391-acre urban park in north Mel- rious and the serious.
bourne for this 33rd annual event.
This was where the artists put down
“We moved for all the right rea- their brushes, cameras, hammers
sons,” said festival secretary Johana and other tools to become part sales-
Gant. “Downtown Melbourne has person/part teacher. Many patrons
changed so much. It has grown; its want to know an artist’s motivation
businesses have grown and are thriv-
ing. I love Downtown. But this is a day
in the park with your family and your
friends and your dogs. This move al-
lows us to be a festival rather than
simply an art show.”

The festival atmosphere was alive
with the sights, sounds and foods
one would expect. Gant said organiz-
ers wanted a range of food vendors to
complete the experience, something
they couldn’t do in their former loca-
tion, in support of the many restau-
rants downtown.

So festival-goers had their choice of
20 vendors serving savory items such
as arepas, and the sweet, including
kettle corn, lemonade slushes and,
of course, frosty beers. Even with the
shade from tall pines and a steady
breeze blowing, the cool drinks were
a refreshing treat while strolling
among the 250 artists’ booths.

Festival organizers predicted about
35,000 people would attend over the
two days. Besides the main vendor
booths, visitors could view a middle
and high school art exhibit, donate
money toward art scholarships, do-
nate blood and even adopt a dog.

It could easily take a good two
hours to walk the entire route, with

and vision, imbuing the artwork with Tropical themes seemed to be the
deeper meaning. most popular and prevalent subjects,
perhaps not surprising given the ar-
For those who liked sea creatures ea’s climate and residents’ penchant
in every conceivable art form, this for island-style furnishings, and
was the festival to attend. Gamefish, brightly colored decorative items.
giant sea turtles, undulating octo-
puses, playful dolphins, and slow and One artist combined maps of Flor-
gentle manatees had been rendered ida with watercolors of sea animals
in wood, oil, acrylic, papier-mâché, and tropical plants.
glass, sterling silver, copper, water-
color, fabric and something called “Everyone loves maps and turtles,”
“painted with fire.” was overhead from a passerby, as she
stopped for a look. Indeed. 

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, April 27, 2017 9


Charlie Yowell. Mina Heuslein.

Jenny Stine.

10 Thursday, April 27, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Women of Excellence: Honoring ‘movers and shakers’

STORY BY CYNTHIA VAN GAASBECK CORRESPONDENT Tom Graver, Allison Felice and Justin Anderson. PHOTOS GORDON RADFORD Nadine Smith, Chris Myers and Helen Eggert.
[email protected]
Cindy Gilmore, Constance Ortiz and Wendi Nolder. Sylvia Montes and Judy Bova
The Melbourne Regional Cham-
ber of East Central Florida under- Lucy Lauer and Carmen Lauer.
stands that among a select group
of businesswomen, a lot gets done. Christian D. Malesic and Dale W. Howlett. Kevin Delgado and Ari Lozano. Theresa Bassing and Nadene Cavaliere.
Mountains are moved and the im-
possible-to-do becomes “we can do Helping Seniors in-home care ser- world in which women are achievers. Chamber President and CEO Chris-
that.” Last Tuesday, in the packed vice, was a 2016 award recipient. “I watch what she does online and tian D. Malesic said the annual gala is
Grand Ballroom of the Crowne Pla- Barton said she attended this year’s one way the chamber honors its more
za Melbourne Oceanfront in Indial- gala to be a part of the nominees’ the people she sees on YouTube and than 1,200 members. Membership
antic, the chamber honored stand- beautiful memories as they were other sites. They are not necessarily ranges from small startups to the
outs in the south Brevard County being created. the type she should be looking up to,” biggest employers in the county and
business community at its 10th an- said Perugini, who has high expecta- nominations originate among peers.
nual Women of Excellence Awards One young guest stood out from tions for her daughter. Because even
Gala. the others, not for her achievements vigilant parents can’t filter all of the “These are the people who others
but for the promise her future holds. Internet’s content, she said it’s im- believe excel in their careers and in
The ceremony and dinner opened Nominee Genna Perugini brought portant that role models set the bar the community. Just to be nominat-
with gentle humor and a cappella her 9-year-old daughter, Brooklyn, high, adding, “I want her to be among ed means you are regarded as the
versions of old favorites by the Har- specifically to introduce her to a the women of excellence.” cream of the crop,” said Malesic. 
bor City Harmonizers.

Out of 11 women nominated in
two categories, Personal Excellence
in their Industry and Community
Excellence, the Woman of Excel-
lence Awards from each category,
respectively, were presented to
Constance Ortiz, founder of Odys-
sey Charter Elementary Jr. and Sr.
High Schools in Palm Bay; and Jill
Blue-Gaines, CEO and publisher of
Bluewater Creative Group publica-
tions Viera Voice, Senior Life and
Viera MD.

Other nominees in the Personal
Excellence category: Theresa Clif-
ton, Brevard Humane Society; Deb-
ra Foley, Brevard Public Schools;
Dr. Amicita Maloon-Gibson, ATIC
& MG Center for Excellence; Rachel
W. McCreary, Wicker, Smith O’Hara
McCoy & Ford P.A.; Ellen Onieal
Little, Business Resolutions; Genna
Perugini, Radial; and Nicole Price,

Other nominees for Community
Excellence: Kim Frodge, Nana’s
House; Christine Hackford, Project
Response; and, nominated in both
categories, Dr. Amicita Maloon-
Gibson and Rachel W. McCreary.

Ortiz, who says her life revolves
around her schools, had no idea her
principals and other team members
had nominated her for the award,
commenting, “It was a total sur-
prise and it’s a really nice tribute,
to be acknowledged for the years of

Among the 200 guests was Mel-
bourne Mayor Kathy Meehan, who
described the honorees as role mod-
els in their communities and indus-
tries, adding, “They are the movers
and shakers; it’s a great opportunity
for these women to be honored.”

Melbourne Beach resident Rose-
mary Barton, owner of Seniors

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, April 27, 2017 11


Kim Ayce, Debbie and John Thomas. Miley Nieves, Julie Stone and Lisa Wilder. Cordell Rolle, Carla McRae and Sandra Styles.

Lucas Delgato, Rachel McCreary, Carol Roberston and Jeff Bolduc.

Wendall and Tracy Stroderd. Genna and Brooklyn Perugini.

Dan Brinkman, Ed Hayes, Dave Riches and Dave Rhodes.


14 Thursday, April 27, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Award-winning director right at ‘home’ heading up Film Fest

STORY BY STEPHANIE LaBAFF STAFF WRITER discover common interests who your ple with that of the “typical” Holly- Given his new title
[email protected] neighbors really are and how accom- wood type. as festival chair, it’s
plished they are professionally.” ironic that one of the
In true La La Land style, the second “He’s known as an actor’s director,” things that really im-
annual Vero Beach Wine and Film Looking at Woolnough’s hundreds say Roche. High praise from his wife. pressed them about
Festival coming up June 8-11 has been of film and television credits, he An established actress in her own Vero was the cultural
“leaking” updates since last fall, spe- moves from one genre to another, di- right, she and her husband have had diversity. “There’s a
cial events, wine tastings and trailers recting everything from police proce- the opportunity to work together on lot going on here for a
giving hints of what’s to come. durals to documentaries and science several shows.
fiction to historical drama. Last year small town. I don’t
Now the festival’s chairs are getting he directed “Expanse,” set in the 23rd Woolnough and Roche met in To- think I’ve ever
attention. With local chef Kitty Wagner century, and then did “Vikings,” set in ronto during the 1983 Toronto Fes- seen a
as culinary chair, and wine connoisseur the 9th century. tival of Festivals (their first film fes- town
Rob Wayne named as wine chair, a film tival together). It was a match made
and TV veteran director and newcomer “In our industry, everybody gets pi- in heaven and forged over a shared this size that has all that happening,”
to Vero is heading up the festival itself. geonholed. I’m lucky that I’m able to go love of film. He grew up in Niagara says Woolnough.
Falls, Ontario, and she was raised in
If you don’t recognize festival chair Claudette Roche and Jeff Woolnough. Montreal. After several years they left Between projects and when he’s not
Jeff Woolnough’s name, chances are P HOTOS BY DENISE RITCHIE their Canadian home for Los Angeles chairing a film festival, Woolnough
you have watched something he has to pursue their careers, Woolnough and Roche enjoy taking their dog Em-
directed. His award-winning career across genres in my career,” says Wool- as a director and Roche as an actress. mett to the dog park, golfing, trying
spans nearly 30 years, beginning with nough. “In the course of a year, I’ll go out new restaurants and getting to
shadowing the famed “Moonstruck” back and forth between genres. I really Both enjoyed successful careers, know the people of Vero Beach.
producer and director Norman Jewi- like that because I’m not a person who but Woolnough found more and more
son in Toronto. Since then, Woolnough just wants to do one thing. I like every- of his work was elsewhere. Roche had His work has won numerous ac-
has directed multiple episodes of thing from romantic comedy to horror transitioned from acting to working colades including the 2010 and 2013
“Bones,” “N.C.I.S.,” the Syfy channel’s movies; it all appeals to me.” with actors as a dialect coach and was Outstanding Achievement Award
“The Expanse” and the History Chan- able to work from anywhere. When from the Directors Guild of Canada.
nel’s “Vikings,” as well as episodes of Much like the character Ragnar who Woolnough was heading to Toronto Woolnough attended Niagara College
“Supernatural,” “CSI,” “N.C.I.S.,” and leads berserkers west to pillage new and then on to Ireland to shoot “Vi- in Canada with a focus on radio, tele-
many more. worlds in “Vikings,” Woolnough’s key kings,” the couple decided it was time vision and film. His first job was as
role as a director includes leading the to find a new home base. an on-air announcer in a television
Woolnough and his wife, actress cast and crew to fulfill his vision for the newsroom. “I read the farm report on
Claudette Roche, only moved to Vero project by casting, production design, After spending more than seven the noon news in Ontario. ‘And next
Beach in October. As soon as the festival location selection and the creative as- months in Europe, they stumbled up: potatoes,’” he says with a laugh.
founder and executive director Jerusha pects of filmmaking. upon Vero Beach while planning a visit
Stewart heard the dynamic couple was with Roche’s 91-year-old mother in When he decided he wanted to di-
part of the Vero family, she cast Wool- If you ran into Woolnough on the Palm Bay. Once here the couple fell in rect, Woolnough moved to Toronto
nough in the role of festival director. beach or chatted with him and Clau- love with the place, according to Wool- and got a job as a coffee boy on a
dette at last week’s Taste of Vero, you nough. “Vero Beach has a nice, laid- series. “I started at the bottom,” he
“It’s a dream come true for us to have wouldn’t be able to reconcile the cou- back, small-town feel. Traffic is not too warns aspiring directors. “The only
someone with matinee-idol looks and heavy, and the people are friendly.” way to learn to direct is to direct. No-
movie-making mojo,” says Stewart. body is going to hire you based on
“He is historic in what he’s accom- your word that you can direct.”
plished in his career.”
The student winner at the VBWFF
Like Stewart, who marvels that so will shadow Woolnough on the set
many “talented people with world- of an upcoming production – his
class careers” make their home in Vero, way of paying it forward. “Getting
Woolnough has encountered a steady on ‘Moonstruck’ was my step up to
stream of interesting people here. directing dramatic film and televi-
sion. Once Norman said this kid’s got
“This is such an incredible place to something, the producing commu-
be involved in the arts,” he says. “You nity in Toronto started to ask who I
don’t know until you meet them and was and I eventually got a small tele-
vision movie to direct and that was

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, April 27, 2017 15

VBWFF founder Jerusha Stewart. ARTS & THEATRE

[email protected]

Conductor Aaron Copland. pioneer spirit. Leading up to

“Appalachian Spring” (the

grand finale), the program

segment “Caliente” show-

cases two of the orchestra’s

principal musicians per-

forming works with a South

American flair. Principal

Clarinetist Jennifer Royals,

a Vero Beach resident, will

perform Copland’s Clarinet

Concerto, originally writ-

ten for none other than jazz

clarinetist Benny Goodman.

Principal harpist and Yale

graduate Haley Rhodeside

will embellish the harp’s

usual palette of colors with

Argentinian Alberto Gin-

astera’s fiery Harp Concer-

to, ablaze with dance-like

rhythms and percussive

intensity. Another work on

the program that unites the

Americas is William Grant

how I got started,” he explains. winning filmmaker who can tell the 1 “Appalachian Spring,” the gor- Still’s “Danzas de Panama,”
Woolnough will be returning from story of someone with mental illness geous, joyful orchestral suite from a collection of Panamanian folk
on the screen but has chosen to sup-
the set of the show “Cause in Fact” port Suncoast Mental Health Center by Aaron Copland, is one element of tunes. Show time is 7 p.m.
for the film festival; he says he had to in building awareness for people who
promise the producers wine from the have mental illness in their lives. a terrific program that will be pre-
festival in exchange for the time off. What a storybook ending.”
When not distracted by the view of sented by the Space Coast Sympho- 2 “A Family Affair,” an exhibit by
the ocean’ he is writing a script about The Vero Beach Wine and Film Fes- ny this Saturday at Satellite Beach mother-and-son artists Marlis
his hometown that, pending financ- tival will be held from June 8-11. The
ing, will be his first feature film. NEXT UP! Young Filmmakers Award High School Performing Arts Center. and James Newman, opens Tuesday
Ceremony and Showcase will be at 10
“I have never been involved with a.m. at the Theatre Guild and is free If dance comes to mind when you at Eau Gallie’s Fifth Avenue Art Gal-
a wine or film festival,” says Wool- and open to the public.
nough. “For me, it’s a great opportu- think of Appalachian Spring, it’s like- lery. Contemporary impressionist
nity to get to know more people , it Passes for the festival are available
raises money for a great charity, and at Spring Sale pricing ly because it was originally commis- Marlis Newman, a longtime Gallery
there’s wine.” ends April 30. 
sioned as a ballet by the great dancer member, has had numerous solo ex-
Stewart says, “We have an award-
and choreographer Martha Graham. hibits and has seen her work garner

Copland won a Pulitzer Prize for the national recognition. She considers

work, which premiered in 1944. The each new work “challenging, excit-

piece includes the Shaker folk song ing, scary and wonderful.” James

“Simple Gifts,” and wonderfully cap- Newman studied under Eliot Mc-

tures the essence of the American CONTINUED ON PAGE 16

16 Thursday, April 27, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


‘A Family Affair - Water Garden NC, USA.’

‘A Family Affair - Sunny Morning.’

Murrough and has been painting 8 p.m.; Saturday, 2 p.m. and 8 p.m.;
since the 1970s, having grown up and Sunday, 2 p.m.
with artist parents who offered inspi-
ration and encouragement. Newman 4 Grammy winner Sheryl Crow
is a graphic artist with the University will bring her Be Myself Tour
of Florida, and says his passion for
painting, especially plein air paint- to the Dr. Phillips Center in Orlando
ing, emanates from his fascination
with nature’s colors, shapes and pat- Saturday. A singer, songwriter and
terns. There will be a First Friday
reception May 5 where you’ll have actor, Crow’s music incorporates el-
chance to meet both artists. “A Fam-
ily Affair” runs through May 28. ements of pop, rock, folk, country

and blues. Her hits include “Strong

Enough,” “The First Cut is the Deep-

est” and “Redemption Day.” She has

accumulated nine Grammy Awards,

and ranks 44th on VH1’s Greatest

3 This weekend is your last Women of Rock ’n Roll. With more than
chance to catch “Saturday
35 million albums sold worldwide, her

Night Fever” at Riverside Theatre ninth album “Be Myself” was released

in Vero. Based on the blockbuster last week. Show time is 8 p.m.

movie about a New York kid from the

projects who dreams of becoming a 5 Live music this weekend at Lou’s
Blues in Indialantic starts with
disco king, “Saturday Night Fever” is

full of great Bee Gees tunes like “Sta- Rocket City, Friday from 9:30 p.m. to Sheryl Crow.

yin’ Alive.” Show times are Friday, 1:30 a.m. They call themselves “mas-

‘Saturday Night Fever.’ ters of mash-up,” and two guys promise “foot-stompin’,
down-home, back porch blues, with
play current, retro, a heapin’ helpin’ of slide guitar, and
big, big, big vocals!”
blues, soul, improv,

funk - pretty much

you-name-it. Satur-

day, 9 p.m. - 1 a.m., 6 A little farther south, right on
the river, Capt. Hiram’s in Se-
Souled Out plays

classic funk, soul bastian has live music virtually all

and R&B from the weekend on one of the stages out at

‘70’s though the ‘90’s. the Sandbar. Changes is playing rock

Their goal: “keep you covers Friday from 3:30 p.m. to 7:30

dancing and having p.m. At 7:30 p.m., the South Florida

fun all night long.” Trop-Rock party band Jimmy Stowe

Then on Sunday af- and the Stowaways takes the stage.

ternoon starting at 2 Saturday at 3:30 p.m., Live Bait pro-

p.m., you get a nice vides lively acoustic tunes; then, at

big helping of blues 7:30 p.m., you’ll hear the rock cover

with The Big Blues band Panama. From 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.

Machine. These Sunday, Remix plays. 

18 Thursday, April 27, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


How to dispose of
nuclear waste

The Economist Posiva has commissioned studies on The entrance to Posiva, Finland’s Onkalo repository. a high trust in experts and representa-
the possibility that in the intervening tive democracy,” says Matti Kojo, of Fin-
A steep three-mile-long ramp cork- millennia, the area could be inundated demic at the University of Sussex, puts land’s Tampere University. “You cannot
screws down from the mouth of a tun- by rising seas caused by global warming, it, the costs are high; the benefits are just copy a model from Finland.”
nel into the bowels of the Earth. At the or buried beneath a few miles of ice once about avoiding harm rather than add-
bottom, a yellow rig is drilling bore- more. Scientists have studied Greenland ing value; and evaluation is not about The geological part, though the
holes into the rock face, preparing it as an analogue to ice-capped Finland. assessing risk, but about dealing with timespan is greatest, is probably the
for blasting. The air is chilly, but with- The firm’s assurance to future genera- “uncertainty, ambiguity and ignorance” least tricky. Finland began the search
in a few years, it may feel more like a tions is that if, in tens of thousands of over a protracted timescale. for a site in 1983, shortly after it began
Finnish sauna. years, a future Finn digs a 1,300-foot- generating nuclear power, and chose
deep well and draws water contami- Not everyone is convinced that per- Olkiluoto after reviewing 100 areas. It
Buried in holes in the floor will be nated with 21st-century nuclear waste, manent disposal is urgent, either. Some has mapped faults and fissures in the
copper canisters, 18-feet long, contain- it will be safe to drink. argue that semi-cooled fuel could be bedrock, and sited the repository in a
ing the remains of some of the world’s kept in cement dry-storage casks, as seismic “quiet zone.” It says it will avoid
most radioactive nuclear waste. When But Posiva’s immediate priority is to much is in America, for generations burying canisters close to potential
the drilling is finished, in a century or create disposal caverns far enough from until technologies are developed to pressure points, to minimize the dan-
so, 3,250 canisters each containing rock fissures and groundwater that Fin- handle it. A blue-ribbon commission ger that rock movements would crush
half a ton of spent fuel will be buried land’s nuclear authorities allow it to start in America in 2012 mentioned the ben- or tear the canisters and cause radio-
in more than 40 miles of tunnels. Then moving the canisters to their tomb in efits of keeping spent fuel in storage active leakage. Finland’s Radiation and
the entire area will be sealed to make it the early 2020s. “This is drilling with silk for a longer time in order to keep the Nuclear Safety Authority (STUK) called
safe for posterity. gloves on,” Pohjonen says, as the ma- options open. But it also said that final Posiva’s analysis of the bedrock and
chine pounds the rock with a deafening storage was essential. groundwater “state of the art”.
The hundred-year timescale already roar. “It has to be done gently.”
means this is a megaproject. But that For all the countries committed to Ismo Aaltonen, Posiva’s chief geolo-
is just the beginning. The radioactive Nuclear authorities around the world burial, Finland represents an overdue gist, says that earthquakes cannot be
isotopes of plutonium used in nuclear- are watching with interest because in the step in the right direction. It offers two ruled out, especially if the bedrock shifts
power plants must be stored for tens of past two years, Finland has become the lessons. The first is to find a relatively upwards in the melting period after a
thousands of years before they are safe. first country to license and start building stable geological area, and reliable stor- future ice age. Olkiluoto is still rising
a final repository for highly radioactive age technology. The second is to build a as it rebounds from the pressure of the
Finland aims to isolate its stock- waste fuel from nuclear reactors. broad consensus that the waste can be last one, which ended more than 10,000
pile in the Onkalo repository, a burial handled and disposed of responsibly. years ago. Close to the repository’s en-
chamber beneath the small forested Experts at the International Atomic trance, he points to scratchmarks on the
island of Olkiluoto, home to one of its Energy Agency (IAEA), a global body, Like other Nordic success stories, it
two nuclear-power plants, for at least say other countries, such as Sweden and will be hard to replicate. “Finland has
100,000 years. France, are close behind. In the United a kind of unique institutional context:
States, President Trump’s administra-
In geological terms, that is a heart- tion has included a budget request for
beat; Finland’s bedrock is 1.9 billion $120 million to restart construction of
years old. But in human terms, 4,000 a high-level waste repository at Yucca
generations are almost inconceivable. Mountain in Nevada, chosen in 1987 but
As Mika Pohjonen, the managing direc- stalled since 2010 after it was blocked by
tor of Posiva, the utility-owned Finnish former Senate Majority Leader (and Ne-
company overseeing the project, says, vadan) Harry Reid.
no one knows whether humans, crea-
tures (or machines) will rule the Earth The disposal of nuclear fuel is among
above by then — let alone whether they the most intractable of infrastructure
will be able to read today’s safety manu- projects. And there are already 266,000
als. A hundred thousand years ago, Fin- ton of it in storage around the world,
land was under an ice sheet and Homo about 70,000 tons more than there were
sapiens had not yet reached Europe. a decade ago.

As Markku Lehtonen, a Finnish aca-

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, April 27, 2017 19


rocks — “footprints of the last ice age” One of the copper cannisters (who once did a summer job at TVO), times appears too close.
left by the retreating ice cap. that will be buried at Posiva. says it did not take much to persuade Sweden and France have moved to-
locals to support the site. Income from
But whether in crystalline granite, for 30-50 years before being disposed of, the nuclear industry gives them slight- wards licensing repositories with far
as in Finland and Sweden, or clay, as emerging nuclear powerhouses such as ly lower taxes, good public services and more criticism from NGOs and the
in France, or volcanic rock, as in Yucca China have time to prepare. a restored mansion for the elderly. media, suggesting more robust en-
Mountain, nuclear experts are confident gagement.
that deep geological disposal can be Finns’ trust in their nuclear industry They trust the waste will be handled
safe. “There is a great deal of evidence has remained high, despite accidents safely and transparently. “It’s Finn- Other countries, including America
that we can find many sites in the world elsewhere, such as those at Chernobyl in ish design. Finnish rock is solid rock. and France, follow principles of re-
with adequate geological properties for 1986 and Fukushima in 2011. Finland’s Regulation is strict everywhere in the versibility or retrievability, meaning
the required safety,” says Stefan Mayer, a four nuclear reactors operate at among world but Finnish people do these they can reverse the disposal process
waste-disposal expert at the IAEA. the world’s highest utilization rates, and things very well,” he says. while it is under way or retrieve waste
supply 26% of its electricity. after burial, if technologies and social
Technology is the next hurdle. As Some academics worry that Finland attitudes change.
well as 1,300-to-1,500 feet of bedrock Its two nuclear utilities, TVO and For- is taking waste disposal too much on
between the canisters and the surface, tum, which co-own Posiva, are them- faith. Any mishap could erode trust in Finland’s model is more closed; it
there will be several man-made layers: selves part of an electricity system in an instant, as happened in Japan, an- would take a huge amount of digging
steel, copper, water-absorbent benton- which Finnish industries and many other “high-trust” society, after the Fu- to recover the waste once it has been
ite clay around the canisters, and ben- municipalities have a stake, bolstering kushima disaster. sealed. But analysts say there is no single
tonite plugs sealing the caverns and, public support. The Onkalo repository is correct approach. Britain, for instance,
eventually, the access tunnel. situated next door to TVO’s two working TVO admits that negative attitudes has done things by the book but still
Olkiluoto reactors, which means people towards nuclear power have risen failed to find a place for a repository.
A model in the visitor’s center, with nearby are — in the phrase of academ- as the construction of its third reac-
moving parts that replicate all this in ics — “nuclearized,” that is, convinced tor at Olkiluoto has been plagued by Finally, there is the matter of cost.
miniature, makes the whole set-up look of the benefits of nuclear power. Surveys delays, cost overruns and squabbles Finland’s nuclear-waste kitty, collected
safer than Fort Knox. Posiva says it has suggest positive attitudes about nuclear with the French-German contractors. from the utilities, currently stands at
modelled copper deposits in ancient power nationally exceed negative ones. The experience has shown that STUK $2.7 billion. By the time it is closed, the
rocks to assess the likelihood of corro- tolerates no shortcuts, but some fear price is expected to be $3.8 billion.
sion. STUK, however, says it will need Finns’ trust in government as a that its relationship with Posiva some-
more study on the potential for the cop- whole is high. Vesa Lakaniemi, the That is reassuringly modest for a 100-
per to deteriorate. mayor of the 9,300-strong municipal- year project, partly reflecting the fact
ity of Eurajoki in which Olkiluoto lies that Finland’s nuclear industry, even
Some academics, including Kojo, are when the planned total of five reactors
worried that the Finnish media have are up and running, is relatively small.
underplayed concerns about copper Other countries have higher costs, and
corrosion, compared with other coun- less discipline.
tries with similar “multi-barrier” pro-
tection systems. The trickiest challenge, Yucca Mountain, for instance, was
though, is to build broader societal con- once estimated to cost $96 billion to
sent. Finland appears to have succeeded complete. In 2012 America had $27 bil-
by starting early and sticking to its time- lion in its disposal fund, collected from
table. The decision to find a site and start ratepayers, none of which has gone to-
disposing of nuclear waste in the 2020s wards nuclear-waste management.
was taken 40 years ago.
It may be hard to replicate Finland’s
In 1994 its parliament banned the im- exact model, but its sense of responsi-
port and export of spent nuclear fuel, bility is seen as an inspiration. When
which increased the pressure to find a visiting the Finnish repository, authori-
home-grown solution. Few other coun- ties from elsewhere, be they American,
tries have demonstrated the same de- Chinese, Australian, Japanese or Brit-
termination. The good news is that, be- ish, learn that safeguarding the future
cause waste needs to be cooled in tanks is not just a question of seismology,
technology, sociology and cash. It is
also an ethical one. 

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, April 27, 2017 21


In 2008, the General Motors plant zer Prize-winning Washington Post horted to buck up, to reinvent them- out that while we’re often primed to
in Janesville, Wis., the oldest plant of journalist, offers us a poignant, selves and, as the Janesville Gazette take management’s word for what a
the nation’s largest automaker – the fugue-like account of the gradual urged, become “ambassadors of op- company needs to do, this is a ques-
grand “cathedral of industry,” as Amy absorption of this shock. For exam- timism.” And they did. As Goldstein tion well worth asking.
Goldstein calls it – abruptly laid off ple, she gives us Jerad Whiteaker, a writes, with “the federal govern-
thousands of workers, and in 2015, 39-year-old father of three who had ment and the state, industry and la- GM management talked of its
it permanently closed. Poignantly, put in 13 years at GM, at $28 an hour, bor – unable to lift back up its once layoffs as “structural” – a term car-
workers cheered and hugged and accepted a modest buyout – $4,000 prosperous middle class, Janesville rying the aura of financial profit-
wept as the last Tahoe snaked down and six months of health insurance has been left to rely to a considerable ability, necessity, inevitability. But
the assembly line. The company and – and tries to train for a job climb- extent on its own resources. Fortu- were the layoffs profitable in the
union issued $20 raffle tickets grant- ing utility poles. But once 5 feet nately, those resources include more long run, necessary or inevitable?
ing the winner ownership of the gas- up the pole, Jerad’s knee gives out generosity and ingenuity – and less In a startling 2014 review of studies
guzzling $57,745 SUV with a nine- and he slides back down, scraping bitterness – than in many communi- published between 1983 and 2000,
speaker audio system and heated his chest on the wood all the way ties that have been economically in- Harvard Business School manage-
seats. And so it was that a factory that down. What if he got badly injured, jured.” And this fit the mantra of Paul ment professor Sandra Sucher and
began making cars and offering a he muses, or what if, at the end of Ryan, current speaker of the House her co-authors reported that there is
whole way of life in 1923 shut its doors his training, a real job wasn’t there? and fifth-generation Janesville boy: “no clear academic consensus that
for good. Jerad quits and tries the night shift to rely not on big government but on conducting layoffs improves com-
at a paint shop; then a job working the “generosity and resources within panies’ long-term financial health.”
After GM shed workers, other 12-hour shifts for $12.48 an hour in [our] own communities.” Paradoxically, efforts to cut costs
plants around town did, too. Many a plastics factory; then a position can also increase them. Layoffs in-
townspeople became GM refugees, as a guard at the county jail, where Curiously, much of this generosity, ject fear throughout the company,
Lear refugees, Parker Pen refugees. he begins to suffer claustrophobia Goldstein informs us, was directed lower morale among survivors and
One out of three Janesville residents and panic attacks. Still coping with at GM itself. Long ago the first state decrease creativity. High performers
lost a job or had someone in their periodic bouts of anxiety, he drives a in the nation to offer workman’s are often the first to leave voluntari-
family who did. Following three fam- truck 200 miles a day and ends up a compensation and unemployment ly, taking their know-how with them,
ilies, teachers, politicians, business forklift driver south of Madison. benefits and to recognize unions sometimes to rival companies. Sur-
leaders and others, Goldstein, a Pulit- In households in which someone for state employees, Wisconsin now vivors become anxious, risk-averse,
was laid off, Goldstein tells us, half went on bended knee to offer GM a make more mistakes. Contacts with
“had trouble paying for food.” “For great sum of money to stay in Janes- customers are torn. Quality declines.
sale” signs went up on front lawns. ville. Pooling public dollars from the Absenteeism rises. Some workers en-
Payday loan offices opened. Students financially strapped city, county and gage in “retaliatory behavior.” A sur-
arrived at school hungry and tired. state governments, the state offered vey by Watson Wyatt in the late 1990s
Of workers hired into new jobs, more GM the largest “incentive package” found that only 46 percent of firms
than half took a cut in pay. For many, in Wisconsin history – $195 million. that downsized actually cut expens-
an hourly wage around $28 dropped But Michigan rivaled that offer with es and only 32 percent increased
to near $16. To avoid such a loss, one a still larger sum – $1 billion – and profits.
father commuted a long distance to a won. All this money was added to the
higher-paid job, returning home only $25 billion federal bailout offered to There are signs that GM was a
on the weekends. Three-quarters of GM and other auto manufacturers in prime example of Sucher’s point. Af-
those surveyed in 2013 reported loss 2008 to save the industry. So while ter decades of closing factories and
of sleep, 71 percent a sense of restless- the unemployed of Janesville relied laying off workers and moving pro-
ness or unease, and half a quickness on local ingenuity and resources, duction overseas, in 2009 GM faced
to anger. Two-thirds told of “strains in GM did not. a $172.8 billion debt. And these days,
family relations” and more than half GM is “re-shoring” – bringing pro-
a “loss of contact with close friends.” Goldstein gives the reader a grip- duction back to American shores. 
Ominously, the rate of suicide rose. ping account of the GM layoff, the
And to completely break our hearts, real loss it caused and the victims’ JANESVILLE
Goldstein reports that a majority said heroic resilience in adapting to that An American Story
they felt “ashamed to be out of work.” loss. By the end of this moving book, By Amy Goldstein
At the same time, victims were ex- I wanted her to write a sequel on what Simon & Schuster. 351 pp. $27
might have been done to prevent the Review by Arlie Hochschild,
damage in the first place. For it turns The Washington Post


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22 Thursday, April 27, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Bonz wowed by Waldi, a big-hearted little hound

Hi Dog Buddies! man can resist. They picked me cuz tice with my soccer ball than
I was so little, and timid and quiet,
This week I had a fun yap with a which is kind funny cuz now I’m a big play with the other dogs. I’m
Snowdog, a purebred, long-haired boy, 18 whole pounds, and not all that
mini-dachshund from Pennsylvania: quiet. But they still love me to pieces!” self-taught. I can bend ’em like
Waldi Von Trendelenburg Boettjer. I
KNOW! Thank Lassie, the first thing he While we were yapping, Waldi was Beckham! I’ve been workin’
said when we met was, “Hi, Mr. Bonzo! chewing on a big piece of something,
I’m just plain Waldi! I can’t even spell looked sorta like a bone, but flat. It was on my Step-Over. Watch, I’ll
my Official Name. Ackshully, I can’t as big as him. I asked about it.
spell at all. Anyway, I’m named after show you.”
the first official Oh-LIM-pick mascot, “Oh, this. It’s my cow ear. Lasts for-
Waldi, a dachshund of course, from the EVer. I gotta pig ear, too. Wanna try And off he zoomed, his
1972 Summer Oh-LIM-picks in Germa- one?”
ny, which is a totally nother country. Mom right behind him, and
This is my Mom, Maryanne. My Dad’s “Um. Thanks, but I better not while
inside. He’s Siegfried.” I’m working,” I told him. “Whaddya do me and my assistant follow-
for fun?”
I was glad I’d brought extra pens. ing her, out to a big grassy,
“Pleased to meet you, Waldi,” I said. “I know I look like a Dachshund,
Waldi’s a handsome little poocheroo, Mr. Bonzo, but in my heart, I’m a Lab- bowl-shaped area. Waldi’s
almost 2, tons of energy an not a snooty rador. I LOVE the water. ANY water.
bone in his tidy little body, even though An SWIMMIN’! I could lie around by Mom had a green, dachs-
he’s a purebred. (Most PB’s are totally the ocean all day, in that soap-sudsy
Cool Kibbles, right? but some of ’em part that keeps going away and com- hund-sized soccer ball that
get a ’TUDE, like they’re All That and a ing back. After swimmin’, I roll in the
Bagga Pupperoni. grass. Mom and Dad say I look like an made funny noises. She
Otter when I’m wet.
“So, Waldi, tell me how you found tossed it, he caught up to
your Forever Family.” “Up home, me an Mom an Dad
spend lotsa time on our sailboat in it, and Dog! It was like that
“Mom and Dad are Doxie People. Chesapeake Bay. There’s nothin’ like
Their last one was 16 when he went that free, Nose-to-the-Wind feeling. ball was Velcroed to Wal-
to Dog Heaven. When they felt Up To Sometimes I jump in. Of course, I have
It, they decided to get another Doxie. my life jacket on. We live on the boat, di’s nose. At top speed, Waldi, Long-haired mini-dachshund
There were four in my litter. I was the and kayak, an play ball. I’m a great ball he zigged, he zagged,
teeniest, looked like a furry pool ball. catcher. .
And I had those big puppy eyes no hu- he bobbed, he weaved, kept PHOTO DENISE RITCHIE
“I also enjoy Stick Fetch, the first
part, anyway, where I run and grab the that soggy ball moving and never lost our handy tails.
stick. The other part, bringin’ it back,
not so much. But my FAV-rit sport is contact ’cept when he nose-bumped I’m awful glad we aren’t in the
Soccer. At the dog park, I’d rather prac-
it, then shot off again in hot pursuit. Badger Biz anymore. Ukk.

Every so often the ball’d make a noise. “I’m also doin’ Uh-JILL-uh-tee train-

Waldi’d stop, bark at it, chew some ing. That’s super fun! But I don’t always

grass, then off he’d go again. It was just play. Once, when Mom’s friend’s

somethin’ to see! daughter was in the HOS-pittle, I got

“Waldi, that was aMAYzing!” I ex- Special Permission to snuggle with her,

claimed. to help her feel much better. The doctor

“Thanks,” he said. “One time I was said I’d be a wonderful therapy pooch,

playin’ soccer, an the ball went down a so Mom and Dad enrolled me in Com-

drainpipe. I went in after it and Mom fort Caring Canine Therapy classes.

had to drag me out by the tail. That’s I’m a NATCH-rull. Now I even assist

why us dachshunds have long tails, cuz the class trainers up in P.A. Down here

dachshunds usta be Badger Hounds. I visit lotsa human friends at Harbor

So when we chased badgers down their Chase Senior Living. Only 20 more vis-

holes, our owners hadda drag us out by its, and I’ll earn my AKC Therapy Dog

certificate. I believe I have something

Solutions from Games Pages important to contribute. I don’t wanna
in April 13, 2017 Edition
ACROSS DOWN brag, but I also earned my Advanced
8 HEEDED 2 OVERCAST Good Citizen Certificate. An that’s not
10 UNCOOKED 4 THICKET so easy to get, ya know.”
12 DENSITY 6 SELECT Heading home, I was thinking
17 TARTS 14 TRIUMPH about how, even though Waldi’s a to-
22 SOLO 18 TALENT tal athlete, he’s also caring and kind.
24 AMOUNT 21 TWEE He knows when to be all Super Soc-

cer Pooch and when to be just snuggly

Waldi. You gotta admire that.

Sudoku Paggee5224 Sudoku PPagee5235 Crossword Paaggee524 CrosswordPPaagge 2553 (HOLD THE TOMATOES) -The Bonz


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26 Thursday, April 27, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


For hubby, child care probably isn’t ‘Mission: Impossible’

STORY BY CAROLYN HAX THE WASHINGTON POST him an answer soon, and I’m not sure which it’s not giving of yourself anymore – it’s negating
one I can live with more. yourself. “Depriv[ing] him” of a week is trivial if
Dear Carolyn: My husband has your arrangements deny you parity, recognition
been asked to go on a mission – To Mission Trip or Not or relief.
trip. He has done this in the past
and really enjoyed it. I have also, “He couldn’t handle parenting by him- Only you two know the whole story, of course.
before we had kids, but I have not self for a week and has no idea how hard it So give the answer your whole story supports, yes
gone away overnight, ever, since actually is”? or no, without guilt – and likewise ask for what-
having kids. ever you need. 
Let’s go on our own mission to declare
He is really wanting to go and this statement all the varieties of bull
has asked me if I’d be OK with it. cookies it is.
But I’m dreading the thought. It
means I will be home all alone for a week with our They’re his kids, too. In any kind of just
five kids, one an infant. When he went before, we world, he wouldn’t ask you to shoulder any-
had only four kids, older-ish, and even then it was thing extra for him until he signed himself
a really hard week for me. up for any family job you already do.
Now I’m working more, we have a new baby, who
does NOT sleep, four other kids who are super ac- And he’d do it not just once and not just
tive, going to school full-time for my master’s and to buy himself a wanted trip, but to 1. Give
trying to juggle all of the schedules and find a sitter you your first overnight away since child-
for while I’m at work. birth!; 2. Give your kids the unspoken mes-
Oh, P.S., nobody ever wants to babysit five kids sage that they’re as much his priority as
except grandma, who lives an hour away, although they are yours; 3. Give your kids the unspo-
she is willing to drive up every day to watch them. ken message that taking responsibility is a
Just thinking about it now is making me exhaust- parent’s job, not a mother’s; 4. Live and act
ed. I will also admit I am just a tiny bit jealous be- in recognition of the fact that he is (pardon
cause he gets to go away on these fun trips peri- me) one falling piano away from being a
odically and I never do because he couldn’t handle single dad, since that awfulness would be orders
parenting by himself for a week and has no idea of magnitude more awful if he arrived for it as un-
how hard it actually is. prepared as you say.
However, I also feel super guilty to deprive him of
a week that would mean a lot to him emotionally I embrace your wanting to make this work be-
as well as being so helpful for others. I need to give cause it’s important to your husband. That’s the
kind of gift-giving that elevates a life partnership
above mere cohabitation and profit-sharing.

But if such sacrifice goes only one way, then

28 Thursday, April 27, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Navigating the vast sea of private home healthcare

STORY BY TOM LLOYD STAFF WRITER Steve Smith and Donna Sorge. PHOTOS GORDON RADFORD that household employee slip and fall
[email protected] or in any other way be injured.
him by saying that category of care important, and make sure that ev-
Gathering in an interior office cu- might include paid companions erything is going properly. She will Moreover, NAPHC also reminds
bicle during a recent tornado warn- who drive patients to doctors’ ap- update the plan of care, make sure people that as an employer, you are
ing, Steve Smith, Donna Sorge and pointments, do light housekeeping current treatments are still appro- also responsible for knowing the im-
Meg Cunningham of the Visiting and meal preparations. priate and consult with the physi- migration and visa status of your em-
Nurse Association of Vero Beach cian. ployee.
started talking about private nurs- The next step up might be “home
ing and home healthcare. health aides” who – at least at VNA “We also have care managers,” And then there’s the tax man.
– are certified nursing assistants. Sorge continues, “who go to the doc- “You are legally responsible,” says
The circumstances seemed oddly “They,” according to Sorge, “provide tors with the patient and then record NAPHC, “for withholding Social Se-
appropriate. After all, there’s a vir- hands-on care. They can do bath- everything that is going on. So let’s curity taxes, Medicare taxes, federal
tual whirlwind of information – and ing, shampoos and also light house- say the patient’s daughter is in New unemployment taxes and filing all of
misinformation – swirling around keeping, medication reminders and York. The care manager could then that with the IRS” for each employee.
the Internet these days about the any kind of personal care.” tell the daughter everything that Failure to do so can result in hefty
various forms of home healthcare happened at the visit. These nurses fines and even possible prison sen-
available and what those services At VNA, these home health aides also do medication management tences.
will cost. are supervised by a registered nurse. and they’ll do injections, they’ll do Unlike most private hires or online
any kind of colostomy changes or services, says Smith, the VNA screens
As the U.S. population ages, the “Each client is assigned to a nurse ileostomy changes. And they’re all its providers with both level-one and
demand for a wide variety of home and that nurse will come out and RNs (registered nurses).” level-two background checks along
healthcare services has exploded. make a field visit. She’ll do all the with drug screening and testing. It
So has the number of providers. vital signs, she’ll do the assess- Registered nurses and licensed also protects clients against theft,
ment, she will check and supervise practical nurses, of course, cost abuse and injury lawsuits, and as-
Smith estimates that upwards of the home health aide, which is very more than non-skilled care. sumes the responsibility for all work-
60 different providers of various man’s compensation, unemployment
stripes now offer some form of home For that reason, what you might insurance, Social Security taxes and
healthcare in this area. But that pay for home healthcare can vary federal withholdings.
pales in comparison to the nation as widely. While it probably is tempting for
a whole. Smith and Sorge to claim the VNA is
While Smith places the lower the only place in Indian River County
The Centers for Medicare and range of non-skilled rates in the Vero that can be trusted to provide home
Medicaid Services estimates there area around $18 to $28 per hour, the healthcare, they both steadfastly re-
are close to 10,000 registered home National Association of Professional fuse to do so.
healthcare agencies now operating Home Care (NAPHC) warns there They do, however, urge caution.
in this country. are additional and often-overlooked And research.
expenses to consider. They are also quick to point to
The Centers for Disease Control VNA’s long-term track record – it was
and Prevention says tens of thou- For example, NAPHC points out, chartered here in 1975 – and they
sands more healthcare registries “When you hire a private pay care- both point to the variety of other ser-
and private-hire firms, as well as li- giver, you become an employer and vices the VNA offers, including help-
censed and unlicensed individuals, the caregiver becomes a household ing to arrange insurance, pension,
are also offering their services on- employee.” veterans’ benefits and Medicare or
line to an often-bewildered popula- Medicaid payments.
tion. That’s important insofar as your Then there’s the VNA charitable
existing homeowner’s insurance foundation.
That’s a lot of information for con- policy may not cover the cost should As Smith says, “If [people] don’t
sumer to wade through and the no- have insurance to go through, they
menclature can be confusing. have Medicaid. If they don’t have
Medicaid then we also have our foun-
The term “private care,” for exam- dation for our charity care. If some-
ple, may sound exclusive and pricey body is in desperate need of home
but, according to Smith, “the private care, they can go through that av-
care side is mostly non-skilled.” enue.”
Sorge puts it even more simply. “We
VNA program director Sorge joins do a lot of charity care. We don’t turn
clients away.”
Your physician – or your loved one’s
physician – can provide precise de-
tails about what kind of care is need-
ed and can make recommendations
on which local providers to contact.
Smith and Sorge are quietly con-
fident the VNA will be at or near the
top of that list.
The VNA of Vero Beach is at 1110
35th Lane. The phone number is 772-
778-0159. 

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, April 27, 2017 29


Plasma infusion revitalizes memory – in mice, at least

STORY BY LENNY BERNSTEIN THE WASHINGTON POST duced. “Where does TIMP2 come In this study, the team injected how long it took the mice to find their
from? Which organs produce it?” the plasma – the liquid that remains way to a dark and confined space they
You leave your car in a vast, crowded Wyss-Coray said. “And if it’s multiple when blood cells are removed – into consider secure, Castellano said. The
parking lot, and when you return, you organs, does it change with aging at older mice whose immune systems older mice treated with human cord
have no idea where it is. The ensuing the same speed, and can we interfere were weakened so that their natural plasma regained about half their
search is frustrating, time-consuming with that?” defenses would not attack the pro- speed at finding the correct location,
and a little embarrassing. teins. according to Wyss-Coray.
The researchers had previously
That experience occurs more fre- shown that they could improve learn- They could not send the rodents A second test that required the
quently as we get older, because func- ing and memory in older mice by in- scurrying after tiny vehicles in a mice to recognize contextual cues to
tion of the part of the brain that en- jecting them with plasma taken from miniature parking lot. Instead, they perform a task confirmed the gains,
codes spatial and episodic memories young mice. tested them in a maze to determine Castellano said. 
– the hippocampus – decline with age.

But now neuroscientists at the
Stanford University School of Medi-
cine have shown that – in mice – an
infusion of plasma taken from human
umbilical cords improves the hippo-
campus’ functioning, resulting in sig-
nificant gains in memory and cogni-
tion needed for tasks such as finding
a car in a full parking lot. They also
isolated the protein, known as TIMP2,
that they say is responsible for the im-

The research, published last
Wednesday in the journal Nature,
could one day hold implications for
the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease
and other conditions that erode mem-
ory and cognition.

“The TIMP2 protein might have
some translational promise, some
therapeutic promise, in humans,”
said Joe Castellano, a postdoctoral
researcher who identified the protein
among scores of others in the blood.

TIMP2 appears to improve the
transmission of information across
gaps – known as synapses – between
cells in the hippocampus, Castellano
said. The quantity of the substance in
the blood declines as people age.

“There seems to be something in
young human blood that is not in old
human blood that can reactivate and
rejuvenate these old brains and make
mice smarter again,” said Tony Wyss-
Coray, a professor of neurology at
Stanford who led the research team.

The researchers, however, voiced
caution because most therapeutic ap-
proaches to disease that work in mice
or other lab animals do not succeed in
humans. And before it could be tried
in humans, any substance would face
years of safety testing.

But because the current study was
conducted with human cord plasma,
it is a big step forward, they said. “It’s
not some random molecule that we
found somewhere,” Wyss-Coray said.
“It’s actually produced in humans.”

That raises the possibility of us-
ing TIMP2 to slow the aging of other
tissue in the body, he said. Scientists
don’t actually know whether differ-
ent organs age at the same rate and
are not sure where the protein is pro-

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, April 27, 2017 31


Blue Star Brasserie: Shining bright in Vero’s downtown

[email protected]

While restaurants come and go Blue Crab Salad. Chinese Five Spiced Duck.
along 14th Avenue in Vero’s Old
Downtown, one seems to just keep The very thick cut of swordfish was dessert, can run approximately $110- PHOTOS BY GORDON RADFORD
getting better and better: the Blue perfectly pan-seared, topped with a $120 before tip – but considerably less
Star Brasserie. caper brown butter, and served with if you dine light on the interesting se- Faroe Island
broccoli and a bacon, red onion and lection of small plates. Grilled Salmon.
When chef Kitty Wagner opened potato sautee. Perfection.
this restaurant a couple of years back Chef Kitty is being backed up in the [email protected].
as the Blue Star Bourbon Bar and For dessert on this most recent out- kitchen these days by another of our The reviewer is a beachside resident
Southern Kitchen, the ambiance was ing, we shared a slice of the Blue Star’s favorite chefs, Chuck Arnold. With two
about as casual and roughhewn as the warm berry crisp, a great way to end culinary masters on deck, the Blue Star who dines anonymously at restaurants
name. Think knotty pine on the walls, a meal. is shining brighter than ever. at the expense of this newspaper. 
knotty pine booths for dining, and
music that competed with the food for Dinner for two with a modest bottle I welcome your comments, and en- HOURS
your attention. of wine, if you have an appetizer and courage you to send feedback to me at Tuesday through Saturday,

Two years later, the knotty pine Brevard restaurant reviewer 5 pm until late
booths have been replaced by leather BEVERAGES
banquettes, and when we visited last The Melbourne Beachsider is looking for a freelance food critic to write weekly Beer and wine
Tuesday night, the piano stylings of Jim reviews of restaurants in Brevard County. Until we find the right person, we will
Van Voorheis provided a soothing back- continue to run reviews in this space by our Vero Beach restaurant reviewer. If you ADDRESS
drop for an evening of gracious dining. have food expertise and think you can help Beachsider readers with their dining 2227 14th Avenue,
choices, please send a resume and a 600-word review of a restaurant you recently
Best of all, word that mighty good Vero Beach
things are going on at the Blue Star – visited to [email protected]. PHONE
which is located a bit farther north than
the other restaurants clustered along (772) 492-9057
14th Avenue – seems to be spreading.
When our party of three arrived short-
ly before 7 p.m., the restaurant was full.
On a mid-April Tuesday!

Fortunately, we had booked ahead
(always a good idea), and were soon
seated in one of the comfy banquettes.
Our very attentive and helpful server
quickly took our wine order, and re-
turned with a basket of the Blue Star’s
addictive rosemary rolls.

For appetizers, I decided to have the
creamed butternut squash soup ($8),
my husband opted once again for the
escargot saute ($14), and our compan-
ion chose the jumbo lump blue crab
salad ($14).

The flavor of my pureed squash soup
was enhanced by a touch of curry that
gave it a nice kick. Delicious. The lump
crab salad also was excellent, with Man-
darin oranges, hearts of palm, avocado
and an orange poppyseed dressing.

My husband loves Kitty’s escargot
sautee – not your classic presentation,
but a deconstructed dish with the
snails surrounded by bacon, shallots
and slices of apple, and a square of puff
pastry on the side. He said it was great,
as always.

For entrées, I ordered the monkfish
($36), a northern fish that has long
been one of my favorites, and my hus-
band and our companion both went
for the swordfish ($34).

The monkfish, pan-seared and then
finished off in the oven, was a thing
of beauty, served with a crispy goat
cheese polenta cake and a warm ra-
tatouille, and finished off with a light
rosemary lemon butter sauce.

32 Thursday, April 27, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly



Indialantic condo has feel of
single-family beach house

2805 N Highway A1A, #205, in the Silver Palm Condominiums: 3-bedroom, 2-bath, 1.950-square-foot ocean-view condo offered
for $485,000 by Coldwell Banker Paradise agents Joe and Teresa Ferrara: 321-626-4192

34 Thursday, April 27, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Spacious condo has feel of single-family beach house



No. 205, a second-floor unit located
in Indialantic’s Silver Palm Condo-
minium. offers spacious, open floor
plan living. Perhaps the most excep-
tional feature is the 50-foot tiled bal-
cony with views of both greenery and
the ocean.

With nearly 2,000 square feet of
living space, the condo has the feel
of a house; this is accentuated by its
many interesting angles and nooks
and crannies. The consistencies in
design choices add to its appeal-
ing flow: there are white-tiled floors
and crown molding throughout; the
cabinetry and granite countertops in
the kitchen also appear in both full
bathrooms; and the walls in all living
areas (and the master bedroom) are
painted in a soothing shade of light

You enter into a foyer, not directly
into a living space, which adds to
the “house feel” of the condo. The
laundry room is on the left, behind
a charming frosted and etched door
that depicts various vintage cleaning
implements (including a scrub board
and tin wash tub).

The three bedrooms are on the
periphery of the condo, arranged
around a 500-square-foot gathering
space – the heart of the home – com-
prised of a living room and open din-
ing area. The balcony embraces this
area; its deepest point is at the spot
closest to the ocean, and easily ac-
commodates a large table for casual
evening dining. In a safety-conscious

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, April 27, 2017 35


2805 N HIGHWAY A1A, #205


yet inconspicuous feature, the accor- the places where the home’s angles kitchen has recesses and multiple Silver Palm Condominiums
dion hurricane shutters that traverse add visual and architectural inter- access points, which add depth. The Year Built: 1996
the length of the balcony tuck nicely est. The breakfast bar, long enough countertop granite is a rich-looking
into a pocket enclosure. for four stools, bends in a way that swirl of brown and gold, and the sol- Home Size: 1,950 square feet
facilitates conversation, and the id-wood cabinetry features soft-close Bedrooms: 3
The remodeled kitchen is one of
Bathrooms: 2 full
Additional features: Air con-
ditioner and water heater new
in 2016, impact windows and
hurricane shutters throughout,
Hunter Douglas interior planta-
tion shutters on bedroom win-
dows, underground assigned
parking (with storage unit), pets

up to 20 pounds allowed.
Listing agency:

Coldwell Banker Paradise
Listing agents:

Joe and Teresa Ferrara

Listing price: $485,000

36 Thursday, April 27, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


drawers, ensuring that contents stay feel that it would be a both a peace- the kitchen and master bath) is right nus, and this one, at 143 square feet,
in place. ful and fun place to sleep. The con- outside the door, making this bed- is large enough to serve its intended
do’s second full bath (with its repeat room a quasi en suite. purpose, or to be used as an office,
The 18.6-foot-by-16.8-foot master of the cabinetry and granite from den or memorabilia room. Painted
bedroom has plenty of space, includ- Having a third bedroom is a bo- in a cheerful shade of lemon chiffon,
ing a recessed area for a desk and fil- this room (in line with the practical
ing system, or it could be used as a elements seen throughout the home)
place for reading, reflection, or just has a large walk-in closet.
relaxing. There is access to the bal-
cony from this room, too; you can The unit’s southern exposure pro-
awake to the sunrise, or utilize the vides welcomed shade in the sum-
blackout shades on days when you mer, and there is a private path to the
want to sleep a little later. There is beach.
ample closet space, and the en suite
master bath has a larger-than-typical Silver Palms is a community of 25
shower, a soaking tub, and a mirrored units; 17 of the units are occupied
linen closet (it’s very practical to have by year-round residents. Broker Te-
an extra full-length mirror so handily resa Ferrara says, “There are many
situated). The long, curved, granite- original owners, and you really get to
topped vanity has double sinks, and know your neighbors.” The common
the toilet is in its own recessed area. areas are meticulously-maintained,
and amenities include a heated pool,
The large second bedroom is a clubhouse/recreation room with
painted in a striking blue that con- a kitchen, a secure lobby, and onsite
veys an aquatic sense and makes you management. 

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, April 27, 2017 37


Condos may be appreciating faster than single-family houses

BY KENNETH R. HARNEY value of all houses . . . and take the
Washington Post median of that number instead. This
approach is prone to less bias than
It’s a real estate question that histori- taking median sales prices.”
cally has had an easy answer: Do sin-
gle-family detached houses appreciate What to make of the new Trulia
in value faster than condominiums? data? Clearly condos are playing a key
role in some cities’ downtown reviv-
The standard answer has been: Of als. In other markets, they continue
course single-family houses appreci- to be more affordable than detached
ate faster. They are what most Ameri- single-family houses and may be ap-
cans prefer to live in, so there’s stron- preciating in value faster as a result. 
ger demand. They come with their
own piece of land – and we all know ing more desirable because they are David Curri & Stan Kirschner
that land is a crucial driver of value. closer to amenities”: employment, Brokers/Owners
transit and other attractions.
Condos, on the other hand, tend to I 321.729.6000
be smaller in square footage as well Some metro areas that have high-
as more complicated. They come with cost single-family houses in parts of [email protected]
boards of directors, association fees, the city and in the close-in suburbs, 164 BAYSHORE DRIVE - $1,275,000
rules and restrictions. are seeing only slight increases in
median condo values relative to sin- RIVERFRONT
But hold on. New research con- gle-family houses. The D.C. market,
ducted for this column by Trulia, for instance, has experienced mod- DIRECT RIVERFRONT VIEWS • 1 ACRE LOT • CUSTOM BUILT HOME
the online realty marketing and in- est growth in values during the past
formation company, suggests that five years, but condos have appreci- 249 POINCIANA DRIVE - $649,000 1780 CANTERBURY - $579,000
these old assumptions could be giv- ated a smidgen faster: 22.4 percent,
ing way to changing market trends. compared with 21 percent during DOUBLE LOT COMING SOON!
According to data compiled by Trulia the same period for detached single-
on millions of properties in the 100 family houses. ROOM FOR POOL/POOL HOUSE & MOTHER 3,000SQFT, 4BEDROOM 2 BATH
largest metropolitan areas between IN LAW ADDITION. GREAT LOCATION! + 2 LARGE BONUS ROOMS
February 2012 and February of this Other major metro areas, such as
year, the median appreciation rates Chicago, aren’t seeing the pattern not- MAKE YOUR APPOINTMENT TODAY!
of condos outpaced those of single- ed by Trulia. In the past five years, me-
family detached houses. dian Chicago condo values are up by Mary Goodwin
23 .3 percent, but median single-family E: [email protected]
It wasn’t even close. Median condo values have risen by 25.5 percent. P: 321.544.1933
market values rose by 38.4 percent
over the five-year period, while me- Trulia’s analysis may be contro- Get Your Home Value Today, Visit:
dian single-family detached houses versial. It derives from the massive
appreciated by 27.9 percent. In some database it maintains on millions of
local markets, especially those that housing units nationwide. Using an
have seen significant new condo automated valuation model that in-
construction downtown or that have corporates a wide range of data avail-
little available land suitable for de- able on individual houses, it estimates
tached housing, the median value ongoing property values for both
of condos exceeds median values of properties that are on the market and
single-family detached houses in the those that are not.
surrounding suburbs.
Some housing economists take is-
The most extreme example is met- sue with Trulia’s conclusions on con-
ropolitan New York, where median do appreciation. The National Asso-
condo values are now at 138 percent of ciation of Realtors reports that based
median single-family detached house on closed sales prices – not automated
values. In Detroit, the median condo value estimates – single-family hous-
value is 125 percent of median single- es appreciated an average of 4.7 per-
family house values. Major urban ar- cent annually between 2010 and 2016,
eas where condos are appreciating while condos averaged 3.4 percent.
faster than detached single-family Rob Dietz, chief economist of the Na-
units include Seattle, San Francisco, tional Association of Home Builders,
San Jose, Atlanta, Dallas-Fort Worth, says that based on construction starts
Denver, Syracuse, San Diego, Boston of condos, which totaled just 28,000 in
and dozens of others. 2016, he does not see demand pushing
up prices faster on condos compared
Single-family house values contin- with detached houses.
ue to be higher in the vast majority of
markets, but the gap is narrowing in But Trulia’s McLaughlin insists
many, thanks to the faster apprecia- that using automated estimates of
tion rates of condos in recent years. value produces a more accurate pic-
ture. “Sales prices are susceptible to
Ralph McLaughlin, chief economist significant bias because of the mix”
at Trulia, says one reason for the trend of houses on the market at any giv-
is that in many urban markets, condos en point, he says. “We estimate the
are “located in areas that are becom-

38 Thursday, April 27, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Real Estate Sales on South Brevard island: April 14 to April 20

The week after Easter was another active one for the real estate market in island ZIP codes 32951,
32903 and 32937. Satellite Beach led the way reporting 15 sales, with 6 each in Indian Harbour
Beach and Indialantic, and 5 in Melbourne Beach.
Our featured sale this week was of a canal-front home with a boat lift in Melbourne Beach. The
home at 416 Anchor Key was placed on the market Oct. 16 with an asking price of $998,100. The
price was subsequently lowered to $895,000. The transaction closed April 20 for $845,000.
The seller in the transaction was represented by Kevin Hill of Re/Max Alternative Realty. The
purchaser was represented by Nancy Taylor of BHHS Florida Realty.


$132,900 $115,000
THE HAMMOCK CONDO I 240 HAMMOCK SHORE DR 105 2/10/2017 $189,000 $127,900 4/17/2017 $725,000
WILCOX MELBOURNE BEA 203 SIXTH AVE B 3/7/2017 $750,000 $189,000 4/14/2017
HARBOR EAST SEC 1 401 DRIFTWOOD AVE 3/8/2017 $209,000 $750,000 4/14/2017 $400,000
CRYSTAL LAKES SUBD 300 ROSS AVE 1/8/2016 $200,000 4/17/2017 $370,000
SALES FOR 32903 $250,000

RIO VILLA UNIT III 3071 N RIO PINO N 3/23/2017 $489,900 $489,900 4/14/2017 $295,500
SANDPINES SEC 2 203 SAND PINE RD 2/6/2017 $415,000 $399,900 4/14/2017 $273,000
SANCTUARY THE 723 PEREGRINE DR 2/6/2017 $419,000 $419,000 4/17/2017 $226,000
OCEAN SANDS NORTH CO 2727 HIGHWAY A1A N 502 10/15/2016 $389,900 $389,900 4/17/2017 $178,000
MAJESTIC SHORES A C 1525 N HIGHWAY A1A # 203 1/11/2017 $524,500 $499,500 4/19/2017 $275,000
INDIALANTIC BY SEA 133 14TH AVE 1/29/2017 $275,000 $275,000 4/19/2017 $362,500
GLEASONS REPLAT OF A 1106 PARKSIDE PL 1106 SALES FOR 32937 $299,999 4/14/2017 $70,000
BURNS VILLAGE PARTIA 1108 FLOTILLA CLUB DR $284,500 4/17/2017 $251,500
GLEASONS REPLAT OF A 2202 PARKSIDE PL 2202 3/2/2017 $299,999 $225,000 4/18/2017 $310,000
LYME BAY SEC 1 502 SUMMERSET CT 1/24/2017 $295,000 $189,900 4/18/2017 $290,000
INDRIO ISLES 6 INDRIO BLVD 3/27/2017 $225,000 $325,000 4/19/2017 $215,000
GOLDEN BEACH EST 1ST 1198 BAY DR E 1/9/2017 $189,900 $365,000 4/19/2017 $604,000
EMERALD ISLES PHS 2 7 EMERALD CT 3/16/2017 $325,000 $189,900 4/14/2017 $850,000
SOUTH PATRICK APTS C 55 SEA PARK BLVD 308 1/15/2017 $379,900 $78,900 4/14/2017 $291,250
WATERWAY ESTATES REP 339 S LAKESIDE DR S 1/13/2017 $199,900 $263,000 4/17/2017 $342,500
WATERWAY ESTATES REP 457 S WATERWAY DR 2/5/2017 $89,900 $319,900 4/17/2017 $300,000
SEA PARK HOMES 4TH A 364 W ARLINGTON ST 3/9/2017 $263,000 $315,000 4/17/2017 $354,000
S PATRICK SHORES 1S 112 SE THIRD ST SE 2/10/2017 $329,900 $219,900 4/17/2017 $317,000
MOORINGS SUBD THE 419 BRIDGETOWN CT 3/17/2017 $315,000 $585,000 4/18/2017 $560,000
TORTOISE ISLAND P2U2 607 LOGGERHEAD ISLAND DR 3/9/2017 $219,900 $850,000 4/18/2017 $157,000
MONTECITO 126 REDONDO DR 2/16/2017 $585,000 $299,900 4/20/2017
JAMAICA SHORES U1 695 BIMINI RD 4/18/2017 $850,000 $345,900 4/14/2017
DE SOTO PARK UNIT 2 494 TRINIDAD DR 2/11/2017 $299,999 $314,900 4/14/2017
DE SOTO PARK UNIT 2 480 TRINIDAD DR 3/6/2017 $345,900 $359,900 4/14/2017
CRESTHAVEN SAT BCH 1 140 MAPLE DR 3/2/2017 $314,900 $329,900 4/17/2017
FOUNTAINS UNIT 1 TH 645 BARCELONA CT 1/20/2017 $389,900 $565,000 4/17/2017
SAND CASTLE CONDO 1273 HIGHWAY A1A 101 1/17/2017 $334,900 $165,000 4/18/2017
3/2/2017 $565,000
4/7/2017 $165,000

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, April 27, 2017 39


Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.

Subdivision: Harbor East Sec 1, Address: 401 Driftwood Ave Subdivision: Majestic Shores A C, Address: 1525 N Highway A1A # 203

Listing Date: 3/8/2017 Listing Date: 1/11/2017
Original Price: $750,000 Original Price: $524,500
Recent Price: $750,000 Recent Price: $499,500
Sold: 4/14/2017 Sold: 4/19/2017
Selling Price: $725,000 Selling Price: $485,000
Listing Agent: Eva McMillan Listing Agent: Sherra Cameruci

Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate, Inc Selling Agent: Cameruci Realty, Inc.

Mary Goodwin David Settgast

Curri Kirschner Real Estate Group Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl

Subdivision: Tortoise Island P2U2, Address: 607 Loggerhead Island Dr Subdivision: Fountains Unit 1 TH, Address: 645 Barcelona Ct

Listing Date: 4/18/2017 Listing Date: 3/2/2017
Original Price: $850,000 Original Price: $565,000
Recent Price: $850,000 Recent Price: $565,000
Sold: 4/18/2017 Sold: 4/17/2017
Selling Price: $850,000 Selling Price: $560,000
Listing Agent: Lourdes Sliwa Listing Agent: Mitch S Ribak

Selling Agent: Curri Properties Selling Agent: Tropical Realty Beachside LLC

Lourdes Sliwa Norma J Penton

Curri Properties BHHS Florida Realty





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