Front-yard friction. P2 ‘Too Cool’ review. P31 At your service!
Some stressed by talk of relaxing Dining: Charming cafe is tiny, but Autistic kids make net gains in
rules for RV and boat parking. the tasty fare packs ’em in. Kiwi tennis program. PAGE 8
Home-intrusion Public defender
scare ‘upsetting’ conflict prompts
to Beach couple rape-trial delay
[email protected] [email protected]
Patrick and Tricia Walborn The trial of a Winter Haven
chose a house in Melbourne man alleged to have sexually
Beach for their dream home. attacked a woman at High-
So it came as a shock to find tower Beach Park in Satel-
out from police that a wom- lite Beach Feb. 12 has been
an with a history of theft and slightly delayed by the origi-
mental illness broke into their nal public defender repre-
house and squatted there for senting him declaring a con-
several days – enjoying the liv- flict of interest for previously
ing arrangements while the representing the victim.
Walborns were away.
Career criminal and regis-
Franchesca Pacheco, who tered sexual predator Harry
identified herself as God to a Claude Page remains in Bre-
Melbourne Beach police ser- vard County Jail on no bond
geant, allegedly put a couple facing three life sentences for
hundred miles on the Wal- charges including attempted
murder, aggravated sexual
Mike and Bea Jaffe sold this parcel to developers, who are planning to build high-end condos. PHOTO BY BENJAMIN THACKER battery, burglary of occupied
vehicle, aggravated battery,
Coldwell Banker scores $13.5M deal as robbery and false imprison-
luxury condos will replace base housing ment for the Hightower inci-
The burgled property. PHOTO BY JULIAN LEEK dent.
borns’ recently purchased STORY BY STEVEN M. THOMAS will replace worn-out for- of Brevard, LLC, said Mike Assistant Public Defender
2017 Toyota minivan during AND GEORGE WHITE STAFF WRITERS mer base housing with lux- Jaffe. Calvin Gittens, originally rep-
her visit. The 36-year-old Kis- ury ocean-view condos.
simmee woman was fresh out Less than a year after The seller was Satellite CONTINUED ON PAGE 5
of jail on $1,000 bond for a opening an office in Satel- The Jaffe Commercial Beach Partners, LLC, which
shoplifting charge, apparent- lite Beach to tap the red-hot Group at Coldwell Banker, purchased property in 2004 Holy Trinity hands
ly looking for a place to stay real estate market in central led by Mike and Bea Jaffe, for $6,914,000 and con- power to president
while she awaited a June 12 Brevard County, Coldwell had been pitching the verted it to a private rental
arraignment. Banker Paradise has racked 27.44-acre property to de- community. Before that, the STORY BY STACI DONOVAN CORRESPONDENT
up a big win, representing velopers for about a year ranch-style duplexes on the [email protected]
“We were surprised and the seller in a $13.5 million before engineering a deal site at the northwest cor-
amazed that someone would land development deal that with the buyer, Woodshire School may be out for the
CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 summer, but as Holy Trin-
CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 ity Episcopal Academy plans
to celebrate its 60th anniver-
sary in September, its first-ever
ADVERTISING: 772-559-4187 | CIRCULATION: 772-226-7925 We’ll sip to that!
NEWS 1-6 GAMES 23-25 PEOPLE 7-12 Community camaraderie
ARTS 13-16 HEALTH 27-30 PETS 33 flourishes at Art & Wine Walk in
BOOKS 21-22 INSIGHT 17-26 REAL ESTATE 35-40 Downtown Melbourne. PAGE 10
2 Thursday, June 22, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Some stressed by relaxed rules for RV, boat parking
STORY BY GEORGE WHITE STAFF WRITER ational vehicles should be regulated tive practice also caused a negative “We’re trying to find a compromise
[email protected] but sometimes allowed in areas now perception in the neighborhoods and between two different groups of peo-
prohibited, like the front driveways if dissention against the city. ple and I think our job is to try to find
Strong reactions from some Satel- on a stabilized pad. that middle ground. There is a group
lite Beach residents to talk of relax- In 2011, the city dropped a 30-hour out there that would like to have a
ing rules about RV and boat parking They say the current strict code that code enforcement officer position for little more flexibility in the storage of
in the neighborhoods has the City requires RVs to be behind front build- proactive enforcement and went to RVs on their properties,’’ City Man-
Council doing a balancing act involv- ing corners is problematic because reactive enforcement, a change reaf- ager Courtney Barker said in the April
ing city code enforcement funding most of the lots are smaller, with less firmed by council in 2013 when staff 24 workshop meeting.
which was cut back after the 2008 re- than 10-foot setbacks too narrow for reported the policy put the city “in a
cession and never restored. storage of RVs. There are limited off- better light.” After the strong response at that
site commercial RV storage lots and meeting, no changes have been made
On one hand you have residents the RV ordinance is labor-intensive, On April 24, the Satellite Beach City and the discussion has been shifted
who have complied and want the city requiring staff to witness evidence of Council held a two-hour workshop back before the City Council.
to stay with current comparatively a complaint three times before being meeting to discuss current codes and
strict rules requiring most recre- in violation. City staff says the proac- procedures and the possibility of re- If a consensus can be reached on
ational vehicles to be parked behind laxing the rules. a change in RV enforcement rules, it
fences to the side and behind the will likely get kicked over to the Plan-
front wall of the home. To relax those ning Advisory Board for review before
rules would cause more problems a new ordinance will be brought back
with RV parking and hurt property before the City Council for official ac-
values, they say. tion.
Many on that side want the city to The residents against relaxing the
go back to the more costly 100 percent rules say one option for proactive
“proactive” RV code enforcement enforcement would be for the city to
for which a city employee checks all consider reallocating funds for ad-
streets daily for violations rather than ditional code enforcement by mak-
relying on “reactive” enforcement re- ing it a priority in the upcoming city
quiring an anonymous complaint. budget. The City Council will hear a
presentation from city staff on the
One the other side of the issue, issue including “several suggestions
there are residents who feel, because and direction” at its 7 p.m. July 19
Satellite Beach is a recreational com- meeting.
munity, smaller boats and recre-
BURGLARY came when Pacheco told Detective FRANCHESCA PACHECO time and was told repeatedly to let go of
Sergeant Melanie Griswold she was my hand,” wrote Griswold, who needed
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Jehovah and she owned the city of Kis- from wrong and therefore we intend assistance to release Pacheco’s grip.
simmee. Oh, and an angel acting on to press charges.”
have no regard for someone else’s prop- God’s behalf gave her both the house Walborn believes Pacheco gained
erty,” Patrick Walborn said last week. on Oak Street and the Toyota. Griswold arrested and charged Pa- access to the home by breaking into
“Our immediate reaction was to make checo with burglary of an unoccupied a lockbox, which contained the house
sure she was apprehended and no one “The whole episode with this dwelling, grand theft auto, resisting ar- key. She then found the garage door
was hurt, and to check the property for woman is extremely upsetting to my rest with violence and battery of a law opener and the key to the minivan.
theft and damage.” wife and I,” Walborn said. “She made enforcement officer. The state expects “The house was not destroyed but we
herself completely at home, stole a to file formal charges before June 25. found it in disarray,” he said.
Ironically, Pacheco prompted her number of personal items and com-
own arrest by flagging down a police pletely violated our space. Although According to the police report, dur- Griswold contacted Pacheco’s moth-
officer shortly after 6 a.m. on May 18 we were told she acted crazy and was ing the arrest, Pacheco stiffened her er, Nilsa Feliciano. “She told me her
to report her driver license stolen. The confused we believe she knows right arms, kicked Griswold in the shin and daughter had been off her prescribed
first inkling something wasn’t right attempted to head butt her while the medications for bipolar, depression,
officer tried to do a pat-down. She hallucinations and anxiety for the past
also assaulted Griswold at the police several weeks,” she said.
station, the report states, grabbing
her left thumb and digging her nails After a few days at Circles of Care, a
into the skin. Melbourne-based mental health facil-
ity, Pacheco was sent to the Brevard
“The defendant was handcuffed at the County jail on May 22, where she re-
mains on $20,000 bond.
If the state does not file formal
charges within 33 days of arrival in the
county jail – June 25 in this case – she
will attend a hearing where the public
defender will request Pacheco be re-
leased on her own recognizance.
“That doesn’t happen very often,”
said Carrie LeBeau, administrative
secretary at the Public Defender Blaise
Trettis’ office. “But charges likely won’t
be filed until closer to the 33rd day. The
state attorney can change or reduce
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, June 22, 2017 3
the charges the officer based the arrest tences are structured according to what June 12, was adjudicated guilty, fined “low-level felonies,” Hooper said. If
on.” will keep the offender from reoffending. and credited for time served. accepted into mental health court,
Pacheco could go to a psychologist
Lynne Hooper, a research and com- Pacheco was previously arrested on Whether she ends up in mental or take meds daily and participate in
munications assistant for State Attor- May 8 by Melbourne police for petit health court remains to be seen, but group therapy for six to 18 months. “If
ney Phil Archer, said if Pacheco has no theft, a misdemeanor charge commit- that diversion plan is generally re- you are in compliance, the state might
history of violent crime, she may be ted at the Green Bean thrift store in served for nonviolent crimes, gener- drop the case,” Hooper said.
eligible for early resolution where sen- Indialantic. She pleaded no contest on ally misdemeanors, or possibly some
8 Thursday, June 22, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Kiwi tennis program serves up fun for autistic kids
[email protected]
Ted Parker is passionate about the that children should have the oppor- KIWI TENNIS CAPTIONS
Julia Barney is convinced she has positive impact of tennis. “It is our tunity to be a part of a team. It is their
the best job in the world. “I’m privi- corporate responsibility to give back goal to build self-confidence, im- 1. Carly Kelsey and Katie Devanney. 2. Melissa
leged to organize programs that pro- to the community and we are hon- prove fine and gross motor skills, and and Brendan Parker with Julia Barney. 3. Anna
vide opportunities for children with ored to work with Kiwi Tennis Club offer opportunities for social growth Stroman, Jill Connolly, Joey Jones, Tom Knights.
autism to reach their full potential,” and generous sponsors to benefit the and teamwork. With the help of orga-
said the program director of the three charity benefactors,” he said. nizations in our area, they have prov- PHOTOS: BENJAMIN THACKER
Parker Foundation for Autism and In addition, the Parker Foundation en that integration into these types
Child Development. offers two other fully-funded pro- of programs can have positive effects
grams, Speak Through the Arts and on children and their families. Speak
The foundation has partnered Speak Through Education. Through Sports continues on Tues-
with the Kiwi Tennis Club in Indian days in June.
Harbor Beach to coordinate the only The Parker Foundation believes
United States Tennis Association
(USTA) youth adaptive tennis sum-
mer program in our area.
The United States Tennis Associa-
tion Florida awarded a program and
equipment grant of more than $2,500
last year to fully fund the Parker
Foundation Speak Through Sports
program, which allows children with
autism ages 4-14 the opportunity to
learn and play tennis at their own
Elizabeth Barrett-Brown, parent
of a tennis clinic participant, shared
her thoughts after last week’s ses-
sion: “The adaptive tennis program
was our first activity with the Parker
Foundation for Autism and Child De-
velopment. It was truly a wonderful
experience for me and my son.”
“After many failed attempts at ac-
tivities in the community, it was such
a great feeling to see him enjoying
himself while learning a new skill.
The volunteers were excellent, espe-
cially Chris, who spent a lot of time
with my son. He connected with him
and encouraged him,” Brown said. “I
could see the confidence increase in
him as the session progressed. Being
around other parents and children
who face similar challenges, made
the experience less intimidating and
much more comfortable.”
Barney, a Melbourne area resident
since 2014, said she was first inspired
after hearing Temple Grandin, one of
the great minds in the autism world,
speak about her life experiences.
Now she puts that passion to work
at the Parker Foundation. “It takes a
team of dedicated and active com-
munity leaders, which we have in our
co-founders Ted and Melissa Parker,
along with committed volunteers
and engaged business partners” she
The couple established the Parker
Foundation in 2015 with the mission
“to use education, sports and the arts
to enrich lives and bridge the gap
between children with Autism Spec-
trum Disorders, their families and
the world to which we live.”
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, June 22, 2017 9
Big-league thrill as Cardinals draft Indialantic native
[email protected]
jury” she said. season, while his ERA and strikeouts worked individually with Walsh
After what must have been a sur- Wellman also shared that friends were second best in the Sunshine in his formative years and played
real, dream-come-true week, Indial- State Conference. Walsh was named an integral part in his growth, said
antic native Jake Walsh reported for would deliver food, “I literally had a finalist for the Brett Tomko Award Wellman. Hennis was drafted by the
training with the St. Louis Cardinals friends just donate chicken to us so as the National Collegiate Athletic Houston Astros in 1987, and after
last Friday, less than 48 hours after we could get enough protein in him Association Division II Pitcher of the playing briefly in the majors he be-
being drafted on June 14. so he could put on muscle and im- Year, as well as to two All-American came a pitching coach for the Gulf
prove his strength. It was crazy!” teams. Coast League Marlins, the Charlotte
Walsh, 21, a 2014 Melbourne High Knights and the Calgary Cannons.
School graduate and Florida South- This past season with the Florida Walsh is the fifth Moccasin to be One source says he was on the bench
ern College star pitcher, was chosen Southern Moccasins, he went 12-1 drafted by the Cardinals and the when the Florida Marlins won the
in the 16th round, the 484th player with a 2.80 earned run average as a first since Ryan McHugh was picked 2003 World Series.
out of 1,215 taken in 40 rounds. junior right-handed pitcher. Helping in the ninth round of the 1995 Major
to lead Florida Southern to the NCAA League Baseball draft, according to Walsh plans to return to Florida in
Walsh’s mom, Missi Wellman, is South Region Tournament, the team the school’s archives. He is the 111th August after training in Tennessee.
still recovering from the roller coast- finished with a 35-17 record. He Florida Southern player chosen in The South Beaches, and all of Bre-
er of elation at the news, and then a struck out 104 batters in 99.2 in- the history of the draft. vard County, will be eagerly follow-
scramble to spend a few last hours nings, the second most strikeouts in ing the career of its latest hometown
with her son before he shipped off team history. His 12 wins were sec- Former Brevard County Mana- pro athlete.
to the big leagues. While Walsh may ond in the NCAA Division II this past tees pitching coach Randy Hennis
be away for a while, feeling his way
as a rookie Cardinal, Wellman still
has with her loads of great memo-
ries, and Walsh memorabilia dating
back to when he started Tot T-ball
at 4 years old at the Indian Harbour
Beach fields at Ocean Breeze Ele-
mentary School.
Wellman always remembers Walsh
with a ball in his hand. “Whether
it was a ping pong ball or a whiffle
ball, he was always throwing a ball
and breaking windows,” Wellman
Walsh played travel ball in elemen-
tary school. When he was 11, his fam-
ily and coaches began to see more in
him then just a boy who loved to play
baseball. At 13 he started to play for
the South Beach Little League. His
coach John Phillips, now president
of the league, said, “He was always
focused and determined. His level
of preparedness and commitment
to perfecting his craft (pitching) was
Not a coddled only child by a long-
shot, Walsh grew up amid the bustle
of being one of seven kids – a factor
that makes his success story all the
more compelling. “He worked so
hard,” Wellman said, adding that
Walsh made incredible sacrifices
on the way from the ballfields of the
South Beaches to getting drafted by
the Cardinals.
She also credits the community
of people who were there for them
through the years. When Walsh was
a senior at Melbourne High, he suf-
fered a shoulder injury. Brian Pogue,
physical therapist for the Washing-
ton Nationals at the time, was one
of those people along the way who
helped. “Brian put Jake in a strength
training program at no charge to us”
she said. “Jake was worried he would
lose his muscle mass during the in-
10 Thursday, June 22, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Community camaraderie flourishes at Art & Wine Walk
STORY BY CYNTHIA VAN GAASBECK CORRESPONDENT Brittney Mostert and David Thorpe. Nicole Bowensavage and Maya Villorente. Teri and Dusty Rhode. PHOTOS: BENJAMIN THACKER
[email protected]
ing merchants for a Desiree and Deborah Spear. since 1921. Of her medium, Theis
With fingers crossed for good stamp in their book, a tasting of hors said: “They’re portable, they’re fun,
weather and bottles uncorked for d’oeuvres and desserts and a sam- his sister Erica Sheedy, all from Indi- they’re easy to do and they are quick.”
good times, 26 merchants dotting pling of some 20 wines, spritzers and alantic, are fans of the monthly Fri-
Historic Downtown Melbourne’s sangrias. day Fest and thought the Wine & Art Having lunched at La Vela, friends
New Haven Avenue threw open their Walk sounded interesting. “Deborah Danielle Mugar of Melbourne, Ash-
doors Saturday to welcome all to the Deborah Peters, Ryan Sheedy and found out about it. It just sounded lynn Breck of Melbourne, Diana
dining, shopping and arts district. like a cool event,” Ryan Sheedy said. Mugar of Indialantic and Brandy
“I was shopping here a few weeks ago Brockhausen of West Melbourne
The quarterly Art & Wine Walk, and they had a flyer on the counter window-shopped while looking for
which is less about raising money and and it just seemed like a really good the next stop on their journey. “We
more about raising awareness, is pre- time. So we thought we’d check it are here to try some wine and to hang
sented by Waterscapes Gallery and out,” Peters said. out!” Breck said to hoots of agree-
the Strawbridge Art League & Gallery ment from the other three and a few
with support from Melbourne Main- The day is intended to introduce passersby. What brought them out-
street, a nonprofit economic promo- residents and visitors to the district’s side on what could have been yet an-
tion organization. artists and shopkeepers, creating a other stormy afternoon? “It was our
sense of community. So artists were one friend’s idea but she ended up not
During a quick registration in the out en masse, answering thoughtful being able to come because she had
shaded courtyard outside organizer questions and demonstrating their a family event to go to,” Brockhausen
Jessica Larned’s Waterscapes, visitors life’s passion to the curious. said, adding, “She gave her ticket to
were given a “passport” to their wine another friend and we all came to-
and shopping destinations. Checking Jane Theis, of Melbourne, paints in gether. We come down here about ev-
them off in no particular order quali- acrylics on a familiar but surprising ery other month, but this is special.”
fied them for entry in a gift-basket surface: album covers. The member
raffle at the end of the day and proved of the Strawbridge Art League sat Melbourne resident Katherine
to be a fun activity for the estimated just inside the doorway of Meehan’s McElhinny is the Strawbridge Art
300 participants. Passports in hand, Office Products, a downtown fixture League’s gallery director. The coop-
shoppers were free to stroll the tree- erative is entering its 21st year and is
lined street, stopping at participat- home to a stunning 181 artists. “We
helped launch a lot of careers,” McEl-
hinny said, including one who “won
an Emmy for art direction for Seth
Green’s ‘Robot Chicken’ and we have
a member who worked on ‘Titanic.’
“I started the Art & Wine Walk
about four years ago. At first, I used
to do it by myself, dragging my fam-
ily and my artist friends and schlep-
ping the signs around and paying
for the wine. It’s really, really help-
ful, with Jessica and the Mainstreet
people getting on board and doing
so much. It’s really what I envi-
sioned but couldn’t pull off by my-
self,” she said.
14 Thursday, June 22, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
‘Superior Donuts’ cast craves performing on the Edge
Several times a week, Allan White-
head leaves his thriving law practice
in Melbourne or his home in Eau Gal-
lie and drives more than an hour to act
at a tiny but ambitious little playhouse
in quiet Edgewood, near Orlando. Nelia
Lake, well-known in Brevard County
as an animal activist, leaves from her
home near Cocoa Village and Zack
Roundy, who otherwise works with al-
ligators at a well-known attraction, also
near Orlando, commutes from West
But Cecelia Gazzara takes the prize.
So worthwhile is Theater on the Edge
to her that she drives from Vero Beach,
where she operates a thriving bak-
ery, so she can play the role of Randy
Osteen, a charming Chicago police
officer, in “Superior Donuts,” Tracy
Letts’ play that premiered at the Windy
City’s Steppenwolf Theatre in 2008 and
moved to Broadway the following year.
In addition to those three Brevard-
ians and one Indian River County resi-
dent, “Superior Donuts” is directed by
one of Brevard County’s great advo-
Allan Whitehead as Arthur.
Allan Whitehead as Arthur and Neila Lake as Lady in ‘Superior Donuts.’ PHOTO: MONICA MULDE and Robb Maus were just phenom- He is Kevin Magee, a thug whose boss
enal,” he said. “I took the classes and is Irish-American thug Luther Flynn
cates of art and culture, former Florida an old pothead who inherited the do- did a showcase, and … we talked about (DiGeorge), his third show in a row as a
Today journalist and longtime theater nut store, who has refused to take a starting a theater.” young man with questionable motives,
director Pam Harbaugh, and Thom stand for anything until events in the the previous two being Theater on the
Restivo of the Henegar Center for the play transpire. “The type of plays it Lake, locally famous for her work Edge’s “American Buffalo” and “Tape.”
Performing Arts in Melbourne, lends does appeal to me: smaller casts in a with large and exotic animals but more
technical support. smaller theater.” recently associated with Jack Link & “I am Flynn’s little lackey and we’re
Associates, a production company in on the hunt for Franco, the young guy
Theater on the Edge has drawn wide- His association with the theater goes Rockledge, has returned to stage after who has gone to work for Arthur in the
spread respect in its first year, and the back “three or four years,” according what she describes as a “20-year hia- doughnut shop. I’m the muscle; goon-
actors see no reason not to commute to Whitehead, who is a seminal mem- tus,” and had a role in “Tartuffe” last ish,” said Roundy, who added that he
from the coast. ber of its company. An actor in his high year at Melbourne Civic Theatre. cannot say enough good about the
school and college days, he returned to show or the theater.
“It’s worth it because of what Theater it after his children grew up “I heard about Theater on the Edge
on the Edge is trying to do,” said White- and (looked into it),” she said. “It just A graduate of Eastern Florida State
head, who plays Arthur Przbyszewski, “I took classes at Truthful Acting Stu- blew me away. They did things people College, he too is one of DiGeorge’s stu-
the central figure in “Superior Donuts,” dios with Marco DiGeorge, and Marco don’t expect in terms of technology, in dents (“I’ve taken all the courses”) and
terms of choices of plays, in terms of loved the notion of Theater on the Edge
direction. The role I have, Lady (a wise from the start.
homeless woman and customer at the
donut shop, who is treated with great “I’d like to think I kind of helped
affection by Arthur and the shop’s reg- with the inception of it,” he said. “To
ulars), is one I can play with, and it can have acted in three plays, to have been
make me grow. You do not find roles for a part of this whole first season, has
women of a certain age, and this is a been really nice. … One of the things
juicy one. I love it.” that draws me here is that it has the
ability to attract people who don’t re-
The genial, outgoing Roundy, who ally go to live theater a lot, people who
jokes about “being able to look down perhaps don’t realize there’s a lot of
on two little dots on my hand” where material out there that you might not
he was bitten by an alligator, is a theater ordinarily see in local theaters. And it
veteran, having starred in “Venus in takes place in such an intimate setting
Fur” and “Seminar” at Henegar, is not that you feel like a fly on the wall, a real
at all charming in “Superior Donuts.” part of it.”
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, June 22, 2017 15
Photos provide ‘Watershed’ moment at museum
STORY BY ELLEN FISCHER COLUMNIST camera, complete with adjust- Jack Leigh’s mist-shrouded palm tree. rough shack at the picture’s left.
[email protected] able bellows and dark cloth. It is hard to see from this lone image
A new photo show at the Vero Beach Only one print was included in what all the fuss is about; the subtlety
Museum of Art focuses on the human- the show to represent Eggleston, of Eggleston’s vision is best appreci-
inflected aspects of America’s land- an untitled landscape from his ated by viewing a related group of his
scape from the 1970s to the present; “Election Eve” series. The photo images.
the setting of our own times that, in was taken on a road trip Egg-
its despoiled and developed state, we leston took through the rural Another thing: The color of the print
oftentimes choose not to see. South just prior to the 1976 presi- is off. Think of grandma’s old color
dential election. It shows a weedy snapshots fading away on the bureau,
“Watershed: Contemporary Land- patch of ground that abuts a and you’ll get the idea.
scape Photography” was organized by
the Telfair Museums in Savannah, Ga., CONTINUED ON PAGE 16
by Telfair assistant curator Erin Dunn.
The exhibition of 38 photographs is MURPHYCADILLAC.COM
drawn from that institution’s perma-
nent collection as well as (among oth- 2017 CADILLAC XTS LUXURY 2015 CADILLAC SRX LUXURY
ers) the collections of Atlanta’s High
Museum of Art, the Kemper Museum WAS $38,995 - NOW $36,200 WAS $32,995 - NOW $29,900
of Contemporary Art in Kansas City
and the Nevada Museum of Art in #PO3403 #PO3395
Grouped under four broad themes
(“Objective,” “Atmosphere,” “Expo- WAS $31,995 - NOW $29,200 WAS $24,995 - NOW $22,600
sure” and Narrative”) in the Titelman
and Schumann Galleries, some of the #17C167A #17C056A
show’s most compelling images are of
corporate wastelands, a dump, and a 2015 FORD FUSIN TITANIUM 2014 CHEVROLET IMPALA LT
condemned building. And that’s just
the urban views. When the vistas are WAS $20,995 - NOW $17,800 WAS $19,995 - NOW $17,300
rural, they are often scenes of poverty,
suburban encroachment and blighted #17C162A 17CO58A
here. Jerry Siegel’s panoramic 2001
inkjet print of a cloud of blackbirds MURPHY CADILLAC
above a country lane might remind
you of a sepia parlor etching. Jack 174 E. HIBISCUS BLVD. • MELBOURNE, FL 32901
Leigh’s mist-shrouded palm tree is as SALES: 866.295.2593 • SERVICE: 877.420.6613
poetically concise as a haiku. Its long
carbon process used to produce it –
suits the image to a tee.
Without a doubt, this is the kind of
imagery with which folks like Ansel
Adams and Minor White raised pho-
tography to a high art form in the early
20th century.
In the 1970s younger photographers
like Joel Meyerowitz and William Egg-
leston brought color photography into
the realm of fine art via banal scenes
of modern life. Everyday people and
everyday environments are their forté,
delivered in the drab neutrals of con-
crete and dead grass, with accents of
fluorescent signage, factory paint jobs
and sun-struck clapboard.
There are thee untitled photos of
Cape Cod in the show by Meyerowitz;
the images are of stranded dinghies
on a tide-washed beach. Although
they are as frank and artless-looking
as a tourist’s snap, these pictures are
anything but. The artist used the most
intentional of photographic means to
take them: an early 20th century view
18 Thursday, June 22, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Thomas Kaplan was the first foreign MA and DPhil from Oxford). He told of butchers and fishmongers, milk- that came on the market. Many he ac-
collector to have an exhibition at the me about Rembrandt’s influence on maids and musicians, cardplayers and quired inexpensively, but he pushed
Louvre, and he wanted to tell me all Goya, Picasso, Francis Bacon, Damien travelers, men praying, women at the the boat out if necessary. “When he
about it. Hirst and Zang Fenzhi. keyboard. really wants a picture you can’t stop
him,” says Van Haeften.
Striding into “Masterpieces of the Kaplan did not set out wanting to Over nearly a century these paint-
Leiden Collection,” he plunged through be a collector. His mother took him ers produced a historical record re- Steve Wynn, a Las Vegas casino
the crowd, eager to point out Gerrit regularly to the Metropolitan Muse- markable for its humanity. According magnate, offered Kaplan a Rembrandt
Dou’s old scholar interrupted at his um when he was a boy, but it was only to Kaplan, “They offer beauty, story- self-portrait on condition that he also
writing; Frans van Mieris’s exhausted a chance encounter 15 years ago with telling and a peephole into Western buy his lovely little Vermeer, “Young
traveler who can’t even pull up his wrin- Sir Norman Rosenthal, then secretary culture and the universal themes of Woman Seated at the Virginals.” Ka-
kled socks; the creased, lived-in face of of the Royal Academy, that led him to civilization.” plan went for it.
the old woman in her white bonnet, the consider the idea.
first Rembrandt Kaplan ever bought. He The Leiden Collection, named after But the real holy grail for Dutch
now has 11. At 39, he was on his way to making Rembrandt’s birthplace, began with a Old Master collectors is Rembrandt’s
a fortune, first out of silver and later small oval portrait on metal by Gerrit greatest pupil, Carel Fabritius, who
It’s clear Kaplan loves them all, es- in natural gas, and was thus steeped Dou, Rembrandt’s first pupil. Kaplan painted “The Goldfinch” and was
pecially for their humane qualities. If in the business of arbitrage. Reas- took advice from a few expert deal- killed at the age of 32 in an explo-
his three-piece suit and the discreet sured by Rosenthal that Old Masters ers, Otto Nauman in New York and sion in 1654 that destroyed much of
red flash of the Légion d’Honneur rib- were unfashionable – and therefore Johnny van Haeften in London, and the city of Delft, including Fabritius’s
bon at his lapel already set him apart affordable – Kaplan and his wife, bought directly from them or had studio.
from the daytrippers in the crowded Daphne Recanati, started to buy. them bid at auction on his behalf to
French museum this spring, what keep his identity secret. Just 13 of his works survive; “Hagar
marked him out even more is that he The Kaplans focused on the Dutch and the Angel,” the only one still pri-
never stopped talking. Golden Age, on Rembrandt and his By 2007, when he sold his business, vately owned, had been in the same col-
pupils in Leiden, the fine 17th-century he was acquiring a painting a week. lection for more than 200 years. When
He reminded me again and again painters known as fijnschilders, who For at least five years, Van Haeften a dealer made a discreet phone call
that he is a historian (“by avocation created works that told stories from reckons, Kap¬lan bought nearly three- on Kaplan’s behalf to see if the picture
rather than vocation,” but with a BA, history, the Bible and every¬day life: quarters of all the fijnschilder pictures might be for sale, the owner, a Viennese
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, June 22, 2017 19
count, had just one question: “Will he research online. The Kaplans also re- ners,” as Jussi Pylkkanen, Christie’s in recent years have been acquired by
pay a Rembrandt price?” He did. vealed their identity: the Louvre show worldwide president calls him – is a collector in Hong Kong, and the Ka-
was their “coming-out” party. following in the footsteps of Armand plans’ generosity will not go unnoticed
Kaplan now owns more than 250 Hammer, another great American by the government.
works. He won’t say how much he has The Paris museum rarely borrows trader. The founder of Occidental Pe-
spent, but the finest have recently from private collectors, and never troleum, he often lent his art collec- They no doubt hope that their rela-
been insured for over $500 million. His from foreigners. But even in France, tion to countries where he did busi- tionship with China will prove as fruit-
office in New York has a special “Rem- museums are changing: they make a ness, especially Russia. ful as that with the UAE, with which
brandt wall” with a lighting scheme lot of money out of blockbuster ex- they have long been involved. Three
designed to glorify each picture – to hibitions, which need to draw from It is no accident that the show is vis- years ago the Crown Prince of Abu
make it “pop off the wall.” collections all over the world. The di- iting China, for the world’s new eco- Dhabi gave their big-cat conservation
rector, Jean-Luc Martinez, is seeking nomic titan is becoming the focus of charity, Panthera, $20 million.
He doesn’t quite say so, but one of global partnerships. By winning the cultural diplomacy. Christie’s French
his ambitions is to make Old Masters Leiden show, the Louvre proved it is owner, François Pinault, has made im- Kaplan understands the commer-
sexy. There are good business reasons top dog, and the Kaplans’ pictures get portant gifts to China, and the com- cial value of connections, but his di-
to do that, and humanitarian ones sprinkled with the fairy dust the art pany remains the only foreign auction plomacy is not just transactional. His
too: the acquisition of “Hagar and the world calls “validation.” house licensed to operate on the main- speech at the opening night of the
Angel,” with its story of the saving of land. It was Christie’s that introduced Louvre exhibition ranged across the
Hagar’s son Ishmael, whose story is From Paris, the Leiden Collection Kaplan to Wang Wei, the founder of world’s political troubles.
central to both Jewish and Koranic sent 68 pictures to a show that opened the Long Museum in Shanghai.
traditions, persuaded the Kaplans that last Friday at the National Museum in “Rather than silently acquiescing
their collection had a message for the Beijing. In late September, an even big- The Kaplans are lending the show to the building of walls or the burn-
world. ger show will open at the Long Museum to China free of charge and, unusu- ing of bridges,” he said, “we are us-
in Shanghai. Further stops are planned ally, are covering all the transport and ing the most powerful tools we have,
They commissioned Arthur Whee- for 2018, at the Pushkin Museum and insurance costs. This could prove a Rembrandt and our passion, to build
lock, curator of northern European art the Hermi¬tage in Russia, and finally at sound investment: if they ever wish to the connections that bind people to-
at the National Gallery of Art in Wash- the Louvre Abu Dhabi. sell their paintings, three of the Rem- gether rather than tear us apart.” The
ington, DC, to write an essay on every brandts that have come up for auction fijnschilders would probably have
picture in the collection, and put his Kaplan – “one of the great conve- gone along with that.
SCREENING MAMMOGRAPHY, PART III was developed by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF)
in 2009. Reviewed in 2015, recommendations remain unchanged.
America has done a great job promoting breast cancer aware- WHAT DOES THE USPSTF RECOMMEND?
ness in an effort to detect it at the earliest, most curable stage. A
big part of our success has been influencing women to undergo The USPSTF, a group of independent health experts convened
screening mammography following a regimen thought to provide by the Department of Health and Human Services, recommends
the best protection. the following:
Begin routine screening of average-risk women at age 50, in-
The American Cancer Society officially began recommending stead of age 40.
mammography in 1976. Since then it’s become the “gold stan- Screening for ages 40 to 49 should be based on individual’s risk
dard” for early breast cancer detection. factors and values (not routine).
Women between ages 50 and 74 should have a mammogram
In July 2015, however, a panel of the National Cancer Institute every two years instead of every year.
concluded that improved screening has resulted in the over-diag- Routine screenings should end at age 74.
nosis and over-treatment of cancers that are not life-threatening, WHAT’S A WOMAN TO DO?
without significantly reducing the death rate from the disease.
Since professional medical organizations offer conflicting rec-
Today, the use of mammography as a screening tool for detec- ommendations, it’s important for women to talk with their physi-
tion of early breast cancer in otherwise healthy women without cian about family history and other risk factors for breast cancer
symptoms has become controversial. Highly-respected medical to determine the right screening protocol for them.
organizations now offer conflicting guidelines and recommen-
dations. The biggest difference in opinion is related to whether Ideally, in the future, predictive tests will be developed to help
women ages 40 to 50 should undergo mammography. doctors determine which lesions found by mammograms will be
WHAT ARE MEDICAL ORGANIZATIONS’ CURRENT GUIDELINES likely to progress within the patient’s lifetime to cause death or seri-
FOR SCREENING MAMMOGRAPHY? ous harm, and which will be unlikely to do so. Such information would
allow physicians to stratify cancers into those that need to be treated
Currently, the American Cancer Society, the American College of promptly and those that could safely undergo “watchful waiting.”
Radiology, and the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gyne-
cologists encourage annual mammograms beginning at age 40. The Until then, doctors and patients need to make decisions col-
American Cancer Society recommends that women age 40 and above laboratively based on each woman’s detailed family history, age,
have a mammogram every year as long as they are in good health. risk factors, life expectancy and personal preferences.
The American College of Physicians, a large internist group, Your comments and suggestions for future topics are always
encourages individualized screening plans as opposed to regular welcome. Email us at [email protected].
screening of women ages 40 to 49.
© 2017 Vero Beach 32963 Media, all rights reserved
The most sweeping change in breast cancer screening guidelines
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22 Thursday, June 22, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar.
Athletes rarely write books about ing about his relationship with John police, who dismissed the protesters apologizes in private to his star player
their coaches. That relationship – Wooden, his college coach and a leg- by shouting, ‘Go home!’ Holding up about these incidents, but it’s too late
player and coach – is often fraught and endary figure in his own right. photos of the young victim, protesters indeed. Coaches are teachers, too.
adversarial. Rare, also, is the college hollered back, ‘We are home!’” “When it came to racism, I thought
athlete who devotes time to becoming The UCLA coach and his extraordi- Coach Wooden had a good heart, but
a writer. It helps mightily, of course, to nary player couldn’t have been more His college choice – as the most he was on the sidelines in this game,”
have a story to tell, a celebrated season different. Wooden was born in 1910 in highly recruited high schooler in the Abdul-Jabbar admits.
of glory or even one of unforgettable Indiana, and like all young whites of country – was UCLA. The West Coast
heartbreak. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar has his era in that state, he knew the pow- school was seen by many as progres- “Friendship” can be a tricky word.
plenty to tell, and it’s a story of stardom erful influence of the Ku Klux Klan. He sive. Baseball legend Jackie Robinson There are trade-offs in many human
and glory, all against the backdrop of a had a decency about himself and con- had attended at a time when most relationships. Abdul-Jabbar became a
racially charged America. cluded that the group of vigilantes was major colleges rarely bothered to re- Muslim; didn’t wish to play in the 1968
nuts. cruit black athletes. Abdul-Jabbar Olympics – where Tommie Smith and
Abdul-Jabbar was one of the great- entered college in the fall of 1965, an John Carlos famously raised a black
est basketball players of all time, who Abdul-Jabbar (born Lew Alcindor) Afro-wearing black hipster. “I was all fist and stirred controversy; and got
had a phenomenal career at UCLA and was raised in the Harlem section of about fast subways, hot jazz, and civil involved in political causes. They were
then with the Milwaukee Bucks and New York. As a teen, he found himself rights politics,” he writes, and of his all moments of his life when Wooden
the Los Angeles Lakers. (He remains caught in the throes of the infamous coach he adds: “He was John Wooden, was not very visible. Abdul-Jabbar re-
the National Basketball Association’s Harlem riot of 1964. A white police of- a fifty-five-year-old five-foot-ten-inch alizes in these pages that many whites
all-time leading scorer.) He has since ficer had shot a black kid dead. (Yes, white man from a hick town in Indi- viewed him as some sort of “mytho-
gone on to carve out an eclectic ca- that story again.) Abdul-Jabbar at the ana. He was all about, what? Tractors, logical beast” as they ignored the bat-
reer as essayist, pop-culture critic, time was already more than 7 feet tall. big bands, and Christian morals? We tles of everyday black lives: “I couldn’t
commentator and author. He’s writ- The Harlem scene, all four days of it, were an odd-couple sitcom waiting to help but wonder if that wasn’t how
ten many books, sometimes with a was horrific. “Even crouching,” Abdul- happen.” Coach Wooden saw me, too.”
co-author. In “Coach Wooden and Me: Jabbar writes of the riot, “I still hov-
Our 50-Year Friendship On and Off ered over everyone else. I had never Abdul-Jabbar didn’t play varsity un- Still, even if there is some hagiog-
the Court,” he goes it alone in writ- been so scared in my life as that night. til his sophomore year because of na- raphy in this chronicle, there is much
But I’d also never been so angry at the tionwide NCAA rules at the time, but to admire. There is a host of lovely
when he did play, the winning seemed revelations of how player and coach
unstoppable, and the reign of national managed to stay in touch and con-
championships began. He perfected nected after both left the game. Here
his “sky hook” with Wooden’s help. they are, time and time again, sitting
The NCAA nincompoops, however, in the coach’s den at his home watch-
outlawed the dunk; many felt it was a ing old western movies, talking about
punishment inflicted on the tall kid aging and life. And sometimes history
from Harlem. as it relates to black Americans. Who
knew that Wooden could easily quote
Real life and protest intervened in Langston Hughes?
that la-la land of make believe and
running up and down a basketball Wooden lived to be 99 years old.
court. The ’60s, the movement, black One of his unforgettable players – the
power were erupting right alongside tall black kid from Harlem – has be-
the sky hook. For all his decency, and queathed him an eloquent book about
his homilies about winning not being the mysteries of time and remem-
all that important, Wooden most cer- brance. The coach would be proud.
tainly wanted to win. The suffering of
the black athlete did not really move COACH WOODEN AND ME
him. Abdul-Jabbar touches upon this, Our 50-Year Friendship On and Off the Court
but far too delicately. The scenes of
fans spearing him with the n-word af- By Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
ter games – or in public, with Wooden Grand Central. 290 pp. $29
standing close by in shameful silence
– are stomach-churning. Wooden later Review by Wil Haygood,
The Washington Post
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, June 22, 2017 23
Douglas Adams, in “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy,” wrote, “Space is big. You just 865
won’t believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it’s a long
way down the road to the chemist, but that’s just peanuts to space.” AK742
When you are declaring a bridge deal, you try to find the safest road to make your WEST EAST
contract. However, even if you choose the one that is mathematically best, you might end A K 10 9 8
up in a black hole, going down because you were unlucky. Still, it is amazing how in bridge 742 6532
columns, the right approach works! J 10 3
10 5 8
What should South do in four hearts after West cashes his two top spades, then shifts to
the diamond jack? KQ74
Although that South hand contains only 11 high-card points, it is well worth a one-level QJ96
opening bid, with that excellent six-card suit, two aces and no rebid problem.
South can see four losers: two spades and two diamonds. He has only nine top tricks:
six hearts, one diamond and two clubs. He must play to establish a third club winner. But, 74
because he will probably have to ruff two low clubs in his hand, he must be careful with
his dummy entries. A Q J 10 6 5
Declarer wins the third trick with his diamond ace and cashes the heart ace. But then he A92
turns his attention to the clubs. He plays a club to the king, cashes the ace, ruffs a club
high, leads a low heart to dummy’s nine, ruffs another club high, crosses to the heart 83
king (drawing West’s last trump in the process), and discards a diamond on the winning
club seven. Dealer: South; Vulnerable: None
The Bidding:
1 Hearts Pass 2 Spades Pass
2 Hearts Pass 4 Hearts All Pass LEAD:
A Spades
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24 Thursday, June 22, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
The Telegraph ACROSS DOWN
1 Broth (4) 2 Portent (4)
4 Deserve (4) 3 Follow (6)
8 Finished (4) 4 Sign up (6)
9 Uncaring (9) 5 Start again (6)
11 False (6) 6 Swamp (in Florida, e.g.) (9)
13 Excessive (7) 7 Cheese (4)
15 Danger (6) 10 Told tales (7)
16 Birds of prey (6) 12 Pierce (4)
18 E.g. lion (3,3) 13 Terrible (9)
20 Rarely (6) 14 Pasta dish (7)
22 Noble (7) 17 A few (4)
23 Chant (6) 19 Pact (6)
25 Listen in (9) 20 Cold symptom (6)
26 Noisy (4) 21 Chief (6)
27 Earthwork (4) 23 Lazy (4)
28 Ceremony (4) 24 Yielding (4)
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Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, June 22, 2017 25
ACROSS 75 Chocolate robberies? 77 Swedish auto The Washington Post
1 Site or meter people 8 Dog from hell? 79 Blender setting
9 Sun. talk 81 Essay writing,
preceder 76 Noted 10 Helical blueprint
5 Smatterings of democracy 11 Beef thief e.g.
of mostly non- 12 Equal to the task 83 Played a band
smoke voters 13 Horse or
10 Joanne LaCock’s instrument
78 Open-mouthed Plymouth 85 Widening, as
stage name 80 “Mischievious” 14 My ___, Vietnam
13 The Hurricanes’ 15 Aluminum giant pupils
one 17 Soft colors 86 Scripture section
st. 82 Prudhomme, for 19 Top number? 87 Jet black
16 Corner-window 20 Slick-road hazard 89 Slinky killer
one 22 Cousin of 10 91 Subway
VIP 84 “___ all a good
17 Mortar’s mate Down ancestors
18 Wedding night” 24 Roundabout 92 United group
88 Type of energy 29 Reader’s card 94 Charity event
ceremony 90 Singer McEntire 30 “First lady of the 96 Doctor, as a
21 Prime mover on 93 Drink
95 Popular video theater” photo
the cuisine scene 31 Verne character 99 Shaft of a feather
23 ***** game 32 “___ of 100 Covered
25 Kohl’s one 96 Status auto 101 Add on
26 Bean covering? 97 A month thousands” 103 Type of reaction
27 Bennett or Curtis 98 Cafe order 33 Egg carton word 104 Part of BART
28 Slick material 100 Late purveyor of 34 Animal lovers’ 105 Delineates
29 Sporting event 108 Falstaff or Faust
32 Actress or fighter “Herb asides,” in org. 109 Actress Scala
33 Luck or Macbeth San Francisco 37 ___ out 110 Pitcher’s ERA,
34 Part of S & L: 102 Negligent
103 Air force? (canceled) e.g.
abbr. 106 Put away 38 Time for St. 112 Complain
35 Chow groceries? 113 The eighth mo.,
36 “The list goes on” 107 Crowning blow Agnes
40 In all likelihood 111 Gessler’s canton 39 The Invisible once
43 Print-job error 112 First name in 117 Androgynous
44 Late pinup perfume Man star
114 Worthless writing 41 Foundation character on
painter 115 Italian car 42 Deli sandwiches Saturday Night
in Playboy 116 Fever symptom 43 Disdains Live
48 World War II 119 Like America’s 45 Gold Coast, 118 Man of art
battle zone pronunciation 119 Skip stones
50 Some deliveries 123 A continent today across water
51 Six feet, two 124 “We ___ 46 Pub. defenders 120 Humorist Blount
inches, e.g. amused” 47 Extreme reaction Jr.
52 ___ of wills 125 “What’s ___ for 49 Dorothy’s 121 Zip
53 Heavyweight me?” 122 Former phone
sport? 126 Indy car sponsor guardian co.abbr.
55 Rare bill 127 Tending to 51 A Cape
57 “Spiffy!” shrink? 54 In Tours, yours YOU DON’T SAY! By Merl Reagle
58 “The past ___ 128 Rice field
foreign 129 Gaze longingly at truly
country ...” DOWN 56 Sneaky or sleazy
60 Believers in Hel 1A
and Frigg 2 Something to type
63 Periods of note grind 59 Ex of Artie and
65 Woody’s home, 3 Dam adjunct
for short 4 Play section Frank
66 Ford or Lincoln: 5 Old letter that w 61 Witnessed
abbr. replaced 62 Jong and Kane
69 Animal doctors 6 “___ a fact!” 64 Sun Devils’
72 Get warm 7 Diamond
73 Rocket fuel, school
briefly 66 Place down
74 Irene Cara film
67 Scoundrel
68 On the money
70 Eastern leader
71 O’clock or so
72 African language
74 Frankfurter or the
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Grant ends, but
heart ‘navigator’ likely
won’t miss a beat P. 30
28 Thursday, June 22, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Chemo cocktails pack a potent cancer-killing punch
STORY BY TOM LLOYD STAFF WRITER Pharmacist Don Weiss. as the internal organs, and it’s the “You’re dealing with an aging pop-
[email protected] damage to those healthy cells that ulation,” he explains, “that may have
PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE causes the side effects. high blood pressure issues. They’re
“A chemo cocktail” might sound on a lot of other medications. We have
like something you’d find at a trendy as well, maybe we go into a little bit Weiss adds that he and Patel must to look at those medications and how
New York City mixology bar. more detail, because we tell the pa- work to help patients keep up their they might be affected by their che-
tients what they can expect.” nutritional status and their exercise mo. That’s one of the things that we
It’s not – there’s not a drop of liquor tolerance as well as their hydration do. Along with the nurses, we have to
in a chemo cocktail. But there can be What they can expect, according to because. “We have drugs that are get a really detailed medication his-
some tough-to-swallow names like the American Cancer Society, is nau- damaging to the kidneys so [patients] tory on the patient.”
oxaliplatin, albumin-bound pacli- sea, vomiting, hair loss, anemia, con- have to keep up their fluid intake. We
taxel, gemcitabine and paclitaxel in- stipation, loss of appetite and fatigue. have a drug that will cause hemor- And there’s also no such thing as
volved. rhagic cystitis so if the fluid intake an “off-the-shelf” chemo cocktail.
That’s because, as the ACS says, isn’t great enough to keep their kid-
Simply put, chemo cocktails are while “surgery and radiation therapy neys working,” an already bad situa- “Most of the time it’s just a single
designed to kill cancer cells. can remove, kill, or damage cancer tion can rapidly get even worse. drug that’s mixed into an IV fluid,”
cells in a certain area, chemo works Weiss volunteers, but then adds, “I
Don Weiss, oncology pharmacist throughout the whole body. This Age is another factor Weiss and Pa- have patients that get five different
at Scully-Welsh Cancer Center, has means chemo can kill cancer cells tel must take into their calculations drugs” in their infusions.
heard all the bartender jokes before that have spread (metastasized) to when compounding chemo cock-
but he and Megha Patel, the center’s parts of the body far away from the tails. Despite the fact that Weiss has
soon-to-be number two pharmacist, original (primary) tumor.” been doing this since 1981, he proud-
have to be far more precise in build- Aside from kidney function, Weiss ly confesses to what some might see
ing their “cocktails” than any gin- But the National Cancer Institute points to existing co-morbidities typ- as excessive caution.
slinger ever dreamed of being. points out that while chemotherapy ically found in older patients.
kills cancer cells, it also kills – or at “You can’t have any ego when
“We have very strict rules that we the very least – inhibits the growth of you’re working with this stuff,” Weiss
have to follow,” says Weiss, “and we healthy cells. That includes cells that says bluntly. Every single thing, every
have very strict procedures that we line the mouth and intestines as well step of the way, he insists, must be
put in place so that we don’t make double-checked.
a mistake. We’re dealing with very
potent chemicals and we’re dealing Most frequently he turns to Pa-
with people’s lives. So, we have to be tel to “make sure that it’s the right
extra careful.” medicine and that we’ve drawn it up
in the proper volume and make sure
Medical News Today gets straight that the IV tag is the right bag and
to the point of chemotherapy, say- the right volume. So, if it’s something
ing “cancer is a killer and to attack a that has to go in dextrose, it’s not a
killer, doctors sometimes need to hit bag of saline. Then we make sure that
it with a highly toxic drug cocktail.” we’ve labeled it and it’s the label that
matches everything else.”
However you might try to garnish
it, chemotherapy is nobody’s idea of Any country club bartender can
happy hour. build you a tasty highball, but Weiss
and Patel’s chemo cocktails might
“Chemo,” Weiss states emphatical- well save your life if cancer comes
ly, “is rough. We tell our patients we your way.
don’t pull any punches. What they’re
undergoing is tough. Our job is to Don Weiss is an oncology pharma-
try and make it as easy as we pos- cist with the Scully-Welsh Cancer Cen-
sibly can. The nurses and I, we are ter in Vero Beach. The phone number
always apprising the patients of the is 772-563-4673.
side effects. And while physicians do
Perilous treatments for ‘chronic Lyme disease’ on rise
STORY BY LENA H. SUN THE WASHINGTON POST that led to septic shock. In other cas- the Centers for Disease Control and
es, misdiagnosis caused dangerous Prevention.
An increasing number of Amer- delays in treatment of a patient’s
icans with medically ambigu- Many of the various treatments,
ous symptoms are being mis- actual underlying condition. including courses of intravenous
diagnosed with “chronic Lyme These incorrect diagnoses antibiotics lasting months and
disease” and prescribed dan- years, have no evidence of effective-
gerous and often expensive have existed for years. But pub- ness. Studies have shown that pro-
treatments that do not work, lic health officials and clinicians longed courses of intravenous an-
according to a new report. say they are alarmed because tibiotics can often result in serious
of the increasing severity and harm, including death.
In some instances, patients scope of some treatments in re-
have died after receiving inten- cent years, said Christina Nelson, a Unorthodox alternative therapies
sive, long-term and inappropriate medical epidemiologist and author include intravenous infusions of hy-
courses of intravenous antibiotics of a report released Thursday by drogen peroxide, electromagnetic
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, June 22, 2017 29
frequency treatments, garlic supple- not recommended for treating Lyme ness about the dangers of misdiag- Institutes of Health recommends
ments, even stem cell transplants. disease – but her weakness wors- nosis and unproven treatments. The using the diagnosis “chronic Lyme
ened. She developed an intractable report focuses on the serious bacte- disease,” for several reasons, Nelson
Chronic Lyme disease is a diagno- C. difficile infection, with severe ab- rial infections associated with pro- said. The diagnosis is often based
sis that some health-care providers dominal cramps and diarrhea that longed antibiotic treatment. While on clinical judgment, with no ob-
use to describe patients with a va- persisted for more than two years. antibiotics are effective for many jective evidence of Lyme disease,
riety of symptoms such as fatigue, conditions, unnecessary antibiot- such as standard laboratory testing
generalized pain, and neurological The woman eventually died from ics provide no benefit and actually for Lyme bacteria or even a history
symptoms. complications related to ALS, said put patients at risk for serious harm, of possible tick exposure in an area
Nelson, who had spoken with the especially if used for extended peri- with endemic Lyme disease.
It’s a confusing term because it’s patient. ods. The drugs kill beneficial bac-
been used to mean many differ- teria and allow drug-resistant ones Clinicians who call themselves
ent things. Some practitioners have “She ended up spending a lot of to dominate, and intravenous treat- “Lyme literate” are often self-
used the diagnosis to describe lin- money on these treatments, as well ments can introduce new infec- anointed; there is no special train-
gering symptoms after infection as time and effort, and that took tions. ing program and no requirement to
with the bacteria Borrelia burgdor- away from her other life experienc- be board certified in infectious dis-
feri that causes Lyme disease. Oth- es,” Nelson said. Neither the CDC or the National ease, Nelson said.
ers use the catchall term to describe
patients with subjective symptoms The CDC is trying to raise aware-
but no evidence of ever having been
infected with the tick-borne illness.
Many of these patients have ex-
perienced significant debilitation
from their symptoms and failed to
find relief after seeing conventional
medical practitioners. As a result,
some turn to alternative medicine
clinics or practitioners who some-
times identify themselves as Lyme
disease specialists, or “Lyme liter-
ate” doctors, who may subject pa-
tients to a host of unproven treat-
ments, the report said.
Typical symptoms of true Lyme
disease include fever, headache, fa-
tigue and a skin rash that may have
a characteristic bull’s eye shape. If
left untreated, infection can spread
to joints, the heart and nervous sys-
tem. The recommended treatment is
generally a two-to-four-week course
of antibiotics. The CDC estimates
about 300,000 people are diagnosed
with Lyme each year, and the num-
bers have been on the rise.
Federal health officials don’t
know the number of people who un-
dergo treatments for chronic Lyme
disease or the complications that
result from such treatments. But
based on information received in
the past three years from state and
local health departments, and from
clinicians who have treated patients
who have become very sick as a re-
sult of these treatments, “we really
have a sense that both the treatment
and scope are broadening,” Nelson
“Healthcare providers are seeing
the fallout,” she said. “These treat-
ments are really dangerous. This is
just the tip of a very large iceberg
that no one is talking about.”
One woman in her 50s with pro-
gressive weakness, swelling and tin-
gling in her extremities was eventu-
ally diagnosed with amyotrophic
lateral sclerosis, or ALS. She sought
a second evaluation and was told
she had chronic Lyme disease. She
received seven months of intensive
antimicrobial treatment – including
drugs that were antifungal agents
32 Thursday, June 22, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
••••••• ••••••• •••••••
1550 Indian River Drive, Sebastian • 772.581.8329 •
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, June 22, 2017 33
Bonz touched by plucky pooches’ story of survival
ment Issues. Makes me feel special, ya know?”
“I do! I think your coat is Super Cool
So they put me
Dog Biscuits. And you are TOTALLY
Hi Dog Buddies! on The List. My special. Thanks for sharing, Pistol.”
days were num-
bered.” “Pistol suffers from PTSD,” How-
ard explained. “He was part of that
“Woof!” I ex- big pooch dump back in 2015 down
in Martin County. He can’t even talk
I gotta say it again: Every time I claimed. We all about it. Somebody’d dumped almost
30 little dogs, mostly chihuahuas, just
yap with A Pooch Less Fortunate, it know about The left ’em out in the boondocks. The Hu-
mane Society rescued ’em. Some of
really makes me think what a lucky List. “So, what ’em didn’t make it. Mummy and Dad-
dy wanted Pistol but hadda wait two
dog I am. An, it makes me wanna do happened?” months ’cuz it was a Criminal Case
and the pooches were EVIdence.
my Doggonedest to tell their stories “It was a close
“Me an Pistol hit it off right away. I
so more and more humans will Step one, I can tell showed him the ropes. An guess what?
He became my Protector, just like a
Up and Help. Which is what hap- you. I made it big brother. That’s the only time he’s
not timid and shy. Mosta the time he’s
pened when Howard and Pistol to a rescue shel- a Mummy’s Boy. But he has ALLER-
gees. He’s allergic to basically every-
Harris were in Dire Straits. ter, an two really thing, mostly grass. So he gets special
food and he really likes to EAT, which
Howard is a tough little chihua- nice humans, Ron is why he’s a little, you know, plump.”
hua with a good-lookin’ reddish an Shana Holub, “So, whaddya guys like to do? Got
any special pooch pals?”
gold coat and a swoosh of white on found out about
“I love riding in the car. Whenever
the chest. His Daddy calls his color me an called their the car door’s open, I jump in. If I see
Mummy and Daddy’s suitcases out,
Caramel Swirl. neighbors (my fu- an I don’t get to go – I’m Not Happy.
But then we get to hang with the Hol-
Howard grew up on the Mean ture Mummy and ubs, so it’s not so bad. Sometimes,
when I’m in the yard, Ron even picks
Streets havin’ to fend for himself, Daddy). They’ve me up and drives me for a couple laps
around the neighborhood. Isn’t that
so he’s no Fluff Muffin. He’s fren- fostered Troubled Cool Kibbles? Me an Pistol rough-
house all the time. We don’t like the
ly and well behaved, though, and Dogs for years and pool, though. Or baths, ’cept the part
where Mummy dries me with her hair
came right up for the Wag-and- agreed to take me dryer, cuz I like bein’ warm.
Sniff. in temporarily. Well, “Our Bestie is our neighbor Win-
ston Holub. He’s a big hairy mix. Then
“I’m glad you’re gonna do our Mummy did. I was there’s Otto Hatch, he’s a mini Schnau-
zer. Oh, an, I LOVE the Dog Park. I get
story,” he said. “This is my Mum- sorta a surprise to SO excited when we’re goin’. I whine
all the way so Mummy and Daddy
my, Paula. My Daddy’s Jim. My Daddy. But somehow will HURRY, then I leap out and run
fast as I can to the end and slip under
brother Pistol is hiding. He’s su- Pistol. I KNEW they were OK the fence from the Little Dog side to
per shy.” an I felt at home with the Big Dog side. Most of us pooches
don’t get the concept of Big and Small.
’em, which I’d NEVER That’s just a human thing.”
felt EVER before. So I nodded in agreement
Heading home, I was thinking how
I snuggled into Daddy’s lap when he strong Howard an Pistol are, goin’
through so much and turnin’ out so
was watchin’ TV. It surprised me as well. I really respect that. And I was
thinking maybe I could get my Grand-
much as it did him. Long story short, ma to blow dry me after my bath.
they adopted me. I was Officially Till next time,
Handed Over at PetSmart and my life -The Bonz
changed forever. Around here I’m
pretty much The Boss. They call me
King Howard, which works for me!”
Just then, I heard the clickety click
of toenails and looked around. A
tubby little black-and-white pooch
was looking up at me uncertainly.
Resembled a loaf of bread with legs
I thought, probably a chihuahua
mix, with those big cool ears and
Howard. PHOTOS BY GORDON RADFORD boogly eyes. He was shakin’ a lit-
around 7 now. “This is Pistol,” Howard said.
I’m pretty sure I was a stray for “It’s a pleasure, Pistol,” I told him in
“Great to meet quite a while, down in St. Lucie Coun- my soft voice.
you, Howard,” I said. “From what I’ve ty. I didn’t trust ANYbody, human or “Umm. Hello,” he said, edging to-
heard, you two have some stories to pooch, I do remember that. Anyway, I ward his Mom and still shivering.
tell.” got scooped up by the Dog Police and Then he said, real quiet, “My coat pat-
“You’re not woofin’,” he replied as taken to the Humane Society. They tern, it’s called Merle. I like my color,
his Mom placed him on her lap. “I tried real hard to make me adoptable, too. I think it’s cuz I’m part Catahou-
know I seem sorta growl-y. I’m pretty but they failed. Said I had Tempera- la Hound. I heard that somewhere.
cool with other pooches – an I’m not Don’t be shy!
scared of any of ’em – but humans,
well, took me a while. Now I have a
great Mummy and Daddy an I’m doin’
better with other humans, too.”
I got my notebook and pen ready. We are always looking for pets with interesting stories. To set up
“I don’t remember much before an interview, please email [email protected].
2014,” he began. “I’m somewhere
34 Thursday, June 22, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
ONGOING 23 Beyond Ballroom all ballroom dance Florida Chapter, with breakfast, kids fun run and 27 Cocktails for a Cause with Brevard Na-
night, 7 to 9:30 p.m. at the Beachside awards. tional Organization for Women, 6 to 8
Fabrications, fabric art by Gabriele DiTota, Dance Club, 1875a South Patrick Drive, Indian p.m. at the Hilton Melbourne Beach Oceanfront
continues through July 1at Fifth Avenue Art Harbour Beach, $10 per dancer including wine, 24 International Day of Yoga, 7:30 a.m. at on A1A, Social mixer at tiki bar, event is free,
Gallery, Eau Gallie Arts District. Free and open beer and snacks, (321) 652-0745. Wickham Park amphitheater taught by food and drink will be sold, (321) 480-9295.
to the public. Brevard instructors. Free.
23-25 Jungle Book Kids, the Max- 27 Eau Gallie Arts District Bike Crawl, 4.2-
Satellite Beach Farmers Market, 10 a.m. to 4 well C. King Center’s Sum- 24 Happily Ever After free seminar about mile bike ride, 7 to 10 p.m. at the Salty
p.m. Thursdays at Pelican Beach Park mer Musical Theatre Project presents the Disney healthy eating, natural healing and Fox, 602 W. Eau Gallie Blvd. Admission is free,
classic in the Studio Theatre, starring Indian Har- yoga for seniors, 1 p.m. at Eastminster Presbyte- food and beverage to be sold.
Melbourne Civic Theatre – Closing weekend bour Beach resident and Ocean Breeze Elemen- rian Church, 106 N. Riverside Drive, Indialantic.
of The Glass Menagerie thru June 25. www. tary fifth grader Lucas Noriega as Mowgli, 7:30 772-240-8215 or 29 State of the State Breakfast, legislative p.m. Friday and Saturday, 2 p.m. Sunday. Tickets session update hosted by the Mel-
$8-12. 321-242-2219 or 24 Space Coast Symphony Winds and bourne Regional Chamber of Commerce at the
Chorus presents America the Beauti- Hilton Rialto Place, 8 a.m. Tickets $35 for Cham-
Samsons Island – Free boat transport to the 23 To July 2 - Historic Cocoa Village Play- ful, 7 p.m. at Scott Center for the Performing ber members, $60 for non-members. www.mel-
island at 1 p.m. Sundays, leaving from the Satel- house presents the comedy Nunsense Arts. Free. 855-252-7276
lite Beach Fire Department, 1390 South Patrick II, The Second Coming. 321-636-5050
Drive. First come, first serve and space is limited. 25 Havana Nights: A Sophisticated Bridal JULY
24 Shark in the Park 5K, 7:30 a.m. at Showcase, 1 to 5 p.m. at Melbourne
JUNE Gleason Park, Indian Harbor Beach Auditorium, with 75+ wedding vendors, runway 2 Fireworks over the Harbor at The Cove
to benefit the Lupus Foundation of America, fashion show and refreshments. $10; VIP $25. Port Canaveral, 4 to 10:30 p.m. begins with street party and live music ends with fireworks
YOUR INSURANCE COMPANY in the evening around 9 p.m. $5 parking.
MAY OWE YOU A CHECK! 25 Dr. Vernon Boushell Concert Series
presents Patriotic America, 3:30 p.m. 4 Firecracker 5K and Li’l Firecracker Kids’ Run,
DO YOU WANT TO COLLECT IT? at Riverside Presbyterian Church, Cocoa Beach. 7 a.m. from Front Street Civic Center, Mel-
Free. 321-525-7825 bourne, with giveaways, Patriotic Costume Con-
Call now for a free inspection and claim review. test and Einstein Bros catered breakfast to benefit
26-28 Hip Hop Cheer Rock Sum- EFSC Collegiate Veterans Society.
D.R. Schecter Recreation Center, Satellite Beach. 4 Eastminster Presbyterian Church presents 321-261-8719 God Bless the USA, 7:30 p.m. pre-fireworks
Marilyn J Dummitt (License P165201) concert and ice cream. Free.
26-29 Camp GAIA, a 4 day girl’s
This is a solicitation for business. If you have had a claim for an insured property loss or damage, empowerment camp spon- 4 Fireworks will light up the night sky over
and you are satisfied with the payment by your insurer, you may disregard this advertisement. sored by the Women’s Center and funded in the Indian River Lagoon, 8 p.m. near Front
part by the Community Foundation for Brevard. Street Park. Attendees encouraged to park at
Cost is $125 and includes lunch, snacks and lots Melbourne Auditorium and use free shuttle ser-
of great activities including a full day at Kennedy vice to park.
Space Center. Some scholarships are available.
Call 321 266-6157. 5-29 The Stripes Run Through Us art
exhibit by Babz Lupoli with open-
Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN ing at 5:30 p.m. July 7 at Fifth Avenue Art Gallery,
in June 15, 2017 Edition 7 EMBLEM 1 IMPACT 1470 Highland Avenue, Eau Gallie Arts District.
8 ROUTES 2 FLIP 321-259-8261
10 STAY 4 TROTTER 8 Space Coast Baby and Kids Expo, 10 a.m.
11 STOCK 5 NUISANCE to 3 p.m. at Melbourne Auditorium, with
13 REMNANT 6 RETAIN important topics on everything from pregnancy
15 CHUTNEY 12 COTTAGES to child care, with free children’s activities and
17 HEATH 14 RESIDES screenings. www.sunshinefamilyexpos.
Sudoku Page 2440 SudokuPPaaggee2451 CrosswordPPage 4204 Crossword Page 2451 (THIS ’N’ THAT) 8|9 Sixteenth annual Indialantic Craft
Festival, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Nance
Park on A-1-A, featuring artists and crafters from
the American Craft Endeavors. Free. 561-746-6615
CERTIFIED Windows & Doors Join our directory for the most affordable way to reach out to customers for your service or small business targeting the
Siding & Soffit South Brevard barrier island communitites. This is the only directory mailed each week into homes in 32951, Indialantic,
“Everything You Need To Be” Screen Room’s Indian Harbour and Satellite Beach. Contact Will Gardner, 407-361-2150 [email protected].
[email protected] CGC 1524354
321.508.3896 772.226.7688
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, June 22, 2017 37
all times of day and evening. quina rock outcrops often exposed at VITAL STATISTICS
Rounding out the second floor is the ocean’s low tide. This sedimentary 191 SKYLINE COURT, SATELLITE BEACH
rock formation, made from invertebrate
another good-sized bedroom and a shells, is found in only a few locations Neighborhood: Skyline Estates • Year Built: 1979
full hall bath. along the Eastern seaboard, and is im- Construction: Concrete block, stucco finish
portant in the support of aquatic life. Home Size: 1,760 square feet
Skyline Estate’s location has much Bedrooms: 3 • Bathrooms: 2 full, 1 half-bath
to offer. The nearby Pelican Beach And, as an added bonus, Skyline
Park encompasses more than 70 Estate Residents report that rocket Additional features: A/C system replaced in 2016, hurricane shutters
beachside acres and boasts pavilions, launches from Kennedy Space Center throughout, 1-car garage, decorative fireplace, ceiling fans throughout,
volleyball courts, a playground, and can be viewed right from home.
fresh water showers for visitor enjoy- pets allowed
ment and comfort. This well-laid-out and peaceful Listing agency: Coldwell Banker Paradise
townhome retreat is offered by Cold- Listing agent: Bill Burdette, 321-961-2208
Satellite Beach is also geologically well Banker Paradise for $260,000.
interesting, with multiple acres of co- List price: $260,000
38 Thursday, June 22, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Real Estate Sales on South Brevard island: June 9 to June 15
The real estate market had a good summer week in island ZIP codes 32951, 32903 and 32937. Satellite
Beach led the way with 8 sales, followed by Melbourne Beach with 7, Indialantic with 5, and Indian
Harbour Beach with 4.
Our featured sale of the week was of a riverfront home in the gated community of Tortoise Island in
Satellite Beach. The residence at 472 Lanternback Island Drive was placed on the market Feb. 23 with an
asking price of $1.2 million. The transaction closed June 12 for $1.1 million.
The seller in the transaction was represented by D. Carpenter and K. Kessel of Dale Sorensen Real Estate.
The purchaser was represented by Charles Gersey of Better Homes and Gardens.
THE HAMMOCK CONDO I 240 HAMMOCK SHORE DR 301 2/7/2017 $164,900 $157,900 6/9/2017 $270,000
5/8/2017 $129,900 $129,900 6/9/2017 $120,000
A1A CONDO PARK CONDO 306 LIBERTY LN 4/7/2017 $285,000 $280,000 6/12/2017 $265,000
2/7/2017 $135,000 $125,000 6/12/2017 $385,000
SOUTH SHORES RIVERSI 5591 CORD GRASS LN 4/28/2017 $299,900 $310,000 6/14/2017 $265,000
4/3/2017 $400,000 $400,000 6/15/2017
A1A CONDO PARK CONDO 413 PEACE LN 5/7/2017 $265,000 $265,000 6/16/2017 $441,000
SALES FOR 32903 $540,000
THE CLOISTERS P3B 417 SOUTHAMPTON DR 3/17/2017 $449,000 $444,000 6/14/2017 $193,000
INDIALANTIC ONE COND 601 N MIRAMAR AVE 208 3/21/2017 $399,999 $399,999 6/15/2017 $335,000
RIVER COVE 505 RIVER COVE PL 8/8/2016 $725,000 $639,500 6/15/2017 $147,500
NONE 2290 VENETIA PL 4/4/2017 $289,600 $289,600 6/15/2017 $294,000
PRT L1 DES DB 416 335 PARADISE BLVD 57 3/10/2017 $224,900 $215,900 6/15/2017 $176,000
SALES FOR 32937 $330,100
TOWN HOUSE EST S2 227 N EMERALD DR N 3/17/2017 $224,900 $219,900 6/9/2017
NONE 804 TRADEWINDS DR 804 $289,000 6/9/2017
MARTESIA 310 SALIDA DR 3/2/2017 $289,000 $559,900 6/13/2017
TOWNHOUSE ESTATES NO 621 DESOTO LN 1/31/2017 $589,000 $249,900 6/15/2017
BERKELEY PLAZA 172 CHRISTINE DR 4/27/2017 $249,900 $190,000 6/9/2017
WATERWAY ESTATES 3RD 417 CARDINAL DR 5/1/2017 $190,000 $359,900 6/12/2017
EMERALD ISLES PHS 2 61 EMERALD CT 4/29/2017 $359,900 $149,900 6/12/2017
SEA PARK HOMES 2ND A 164 E DOVER ST 3/20/2017 $149,900 $307,000 6/13/2017
FLAMINGO HOMES SEC A 235 MAGNOLIA ST 10/2/2016 $359,900 $175,000 6/13/2017
BUCCANEER CONDO APTS 1175 HIGHWAY A1A 301 5/22/2017 $175,000 $319,000 6/15/2017
JAMAICA SHORES U1 365 KINGSTON RD $329,900 6/15/2017
4/26/2017 $319,000
3/14/2017 $329,900
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, June 22, 2017 39
Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.
Subdivision: Wilcox Melbourne Beach, Address: 301 3rd Ave Subdivision: PRT L1 DES DB 416, Address: 335 Paradise Blvd 57
Listing Date: 4/28/2017 Listing Date: 3/10/2017
Original Price: $299,900 Original Price: $224,900
Recent Price: $310,000 Recent Price: $215,900
Sold: 6/14/2017 Sold: 6/15/2017
Selling Price: $265,000 Selling Price: $198,000
Listing Agent: Laura Dowling Roy Listing Agent: Kristin Lindbaek
Selling Agent: Premier Properties Real Estate, Inc Selling Agent: RE/MAX Beach Towne
Olivia Williams Carola Mayerhoeffer &
Renee Winkler
Premier Properties Real Estate, Inc
Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl
Subdivision: None, Address: 804 Tradewinds Dr Subdivision: Martesia, Address: 310 Salida Dr
Listing Date: 3/2/2017 Listing Date: 1/31/2017
Original Price: $289,000 Original Price: $589,000
Recent Price: $289,000 Recent Price: $559,900
Sold: 6/9/2017 Sold: 6/13/2017
Selling Price: $280,000 Selling Price: $540,000
Listing Agent: Stacy Mulcahy Listing Agent: Jack Taylor
Selling Agent: The K Company Realty, LLC Selling Agent: Re/Max Alternative Realty
Carola Mayerhoeffer & Dolores Reed
Renee Winkler
National Realty of Brevard
Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl
No down payment? No problem, say eager lenders
BY KENNETH R. HARNEY new, it’s already “going great guns.” learn [pilot programs] that require a 97 ten. United’s minimum FICO credit
Washington Post Movement is hardly the only player percent loan-to-value ratio for all loans score is 720. Quicken’s posted mini-
we acquire.” There “is no commitment mum is a 680 FICO, but the young,
They were all the rage – then the in this arena. Navy Federal, the coun- beyond the pilots,” the statement went mainly first-time buyers who use
scourge – of the housing boom and try’s biggest credit union, has offered on, and all of them are “focused on the program have an average score
bust. Now they’re back, big time: home members zero-down mortgages for reaching more low-to-moderate in- around 750. Movement’s zero-down
mortgages that require tiny or zero years in amounts up to $1 million. come borrowers through responsible loan is an exception: Minimum FICO
down payments from buyers. NASA Federal Credit Union also mar- yet creative solutions.” is just 640 in most parts of the coun-
kets nothing-down mortgages. Quick- try. (FICO scores run from 300 to 850,
Several major lenders are offering en Loans – the third-highest-volume Nothing-down loans – often extend- with higher scores denoting higher
loans with 1 percent down, and now a lender, according to Mortgage Daily, a ed to people whose incomes and debts creditworthiness.)
large national mortgage company has trade publication – offers a 1 percent- went undocumented – were among
gone all the way, requiring absolutely down option, as does United Whole- the biggest losers for lenders, inves- Maximum debt-to-income ratio for
nothing down. Movement Mortgage, a sale Mortgage, another large national tors and borrowers during the disas- the Quicken program is just 37 per-
top-10 retail home lender, has just in- lender. The Department of Veterans trous housing-bust years. The latest cent, well below the 45 percent ceiling
troduced a financing option that pro- Affairs also has been doing federally versions are starkly different. Under for most conventional loans that carry
vides eligible first-time buyers with a guaranteed zero-down loans for years. federal rules, applicants must demon- much larger down payments.
nonrepayable grant of up to 3 percent. strate an ability to repay what’s owed,
This allows applicants to qualify for a In the case of Movement’s new plan, must have solid if not excellent credit Most of the programs also charge
97 percent loan-to-value-ratio conven- the mortgages are being originated histories and scores, and must docu- higher interest rates. Movement’s rate
tional mortgage – essentially zero from for sale to giant investor Fannie Mae, ment everything. for the zero-down option in mid-June
the buyers, 3 percent from Movement. which operates under federal conser- was 4.5 percent to 4.625 percent, com-
vatorship. Sensitive to the possibility So how well are these mortgages pared with 4 percent for its regular
To illustrate: On a $500,000 home that critics might perceive it as provid- performing? Quicken says its 1 per- fixed-rate mortgages. Navy Federal
purchase, a borrower could invest ing support – and ultimately a federal cent-down loans have a delinquency charges 4.625 percent for its 30-year
no personal funds, while Movement guarantee – on seemingly high-risk rate of less than a one-quarter of 1 zero-downs.
contributes $15,000 from its resourc- loans, Fannie provided me with this percent. United Wholesale Mortgage
es. The loan terms also permit seller statement: The company “is commit- says its version has experienced no The takeaway here: If you’re inter-
contributions toward the buyer’s clos- ted to working with our customers to delinquencies since its debut last ested in pursuing one of these loans,
ing costs to help swing the deal. Duke increase affordable, sustainable lend- summer. Results such as this are be aware that unlike in the bad old
Walker, branch manager for Move- ing to creditworthy borrowers,” Fan- possible, the lenders involved say, days, they come with real qualifica-
ment for the Washington area, told me nie said. “We continue to work with a because 1 percent and zero-down of- tion requirements and costs expressly
that although the program is brand- number of lenders to launch test-and- ferings are conservatively underwrit- designed to minimize defaults and