Rules off the road. P2 Heartening success. P8 A happy
City finally clarifies codes on Holmes Medical team at center
RV, boat and trailer parking. of stroke-prevention revolution. Famous role’s
a Christmas
for actor.
yacht club’s bid ends search for
to build seawall town manager
[email protected]
Melbourne Beach’s months-
A 300-foot stretch of rare Health First, owner of Holmes Regional Medical Center, above, bid $377 million to partner with a Vero hospital. PHOTO: BENJAMIN THACKER long search for a new town
“living shoreline” in the bar- manager took an unexpected
rier island canals will remain STORY BY MICHELLE GENZ STAFF WRITER some of the largest and top- total package of $377 million turn just past midnight Thurs-
so after the Indian Harbour ranked hospital corporations in consideration. Steward day morning when commis-
Beach City Council on Nov. 14 Indian River Medical Cen- in the nation. Health Care System, which sioners abruptly decided to
denied a request by the Eau ter in Vero Beach narrowed owns Wuesthoff Medical offer a contract to Robert J.
Gallie Yacht Club to create a its list of potential partners Health First, owner of Centers in Melbourne and Daniels, a Jupiter resident
seawall and sidewalk along the from eight to four last week, Holmes Regional Medical Rockledge, plus Sebastian with a deep background in
northern shoreline bordering and the companies that own Center, Palm Bay Hospital, River Medical Center, came law enforcement yet only nine
the parking lot. Brevard’s major hospitals Viera Hospital and Cape Ca- months of town manager ex-
were both rejected in favor of naveral Hospital, offered a CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 perience.
Yacht Club Commodore
Dude Braselton, representing The offer came at the end of
the applicant, Bayswater De- a marathon meeting that lasted
velopment Corp., had brought more than six hours. Daniels
the matter before council in was present, but excused him-
October because the shoreline self when the commissioners
was at times eroding into the began talk of offering him the
canal, creating depth varia- job.
tions and impeding efficient
dredging efforts. He noted that The deal commissioners fa-
seawalls were allowed on all vored includes a compensa-
private homes in the area.
tion package
The council action enabling of a $86,000
the construction of a seawall starting sal-
and sidewalk had been de- ary with a
layed until Nov. 14 after en- bump to ap-
CONTINUED ON PAGE 6 $93,000 with-
in a year or
Scenes from last year’s popular Artworks of Eau Gallie weekend festival. PHOTOS: PAUL LEPINSKIE STORY BY BILL SOKOLIC “We forwarded a proposed
contract to him today and he
Melbourne was a busy place last weekend. is reviewing it,” Mayor Jim Sim-
Melbourne Main Street hosted its second annu- mons said last Thursday.
al food and wine festival Saturday. And ArtWorks of “The next step will be for
Eau Gallie sponsored a two-day arts festival in the him to accept it (or accept it
Eau Gallie Arts District on Highland Avenue. Both with revisions or decline it).
festivals cut through the heart of two of Mel- The motion Wednesday night
bourne’s Community Redevelopment Agencies.
ADVERTISING: 772-559-4187 | CIRCULATION: 772-226-7925 ’Cane canines safe
NEWS 1-6 DINING 31 PEOPLE 11-14 Bonzo’s heart warmed by
ARTS 15-18 GAMES 25-27 PETS 24 the rescue of Puerto Rican
BOOKS 23 HEALTH 7-9 REAL ESTATE 33-40 pooches post-Irma. PAGE 24
2 Thursday, November 23, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
TOWN MANAGER ager Frank Rollason called the four candidates for ond clip shows Giroux and Sebring
him a capable manager and town manager, they were councilman Jim Cannell in a heated
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 said the two simply clashed quick to reject Richard Gi- exchange. They exchange expletives,
on their managerial styles. roux, the town manager of with Cannell telling Giroux “You’re
was to have the Town Clerk offer him a Sebring, Ohio, and the last out of here!”
contract. We will still need to accept it Daniels notes on his re- of four men chosen for in-
or counter offer.” sume that he negotiated terviews. “I don’t feel comfortable with that
a new labor agreement in confrontation,” Walters added.
Daniels spent nearly 27 years in North Bay Village that in- Beyond his flaws of a DUI
Boca Raton’s police division, rising cluded creation of a labor and being dismissed by a Mayor Jim Simmons then offered
to assistant chief of police. His de- management committee. previous employer, it was up Edward Cannon. Again, Walters
partment had 300 employees and a Working to improve com- Giroux’s temperament that was nonplussed.
budget of $34 million. munication and mentoring are con- troubled Commissioner Steve Wal-
sistent themes at his half-dozen ca- ters. “He was in Florida, but all he talk-
Other stops by Daniels included reer stops. “It’s right there on YouTube,” Wal- ed about was Corbin, Kentucky,”
five years as chief of police for North ters pointed out. The roughly 30-sec- Walters said. “And there was the
Bay Village, Florida. He was fired As the commissioners discussed nonpayment of taxes.”
from that job, although village man-
That was a reference to Cannon
City clarifies rules ‘off’ the road on
parking of RVs, boats and trailers
STORY BY GEORGE WHITE STAFF WRITER homes. The setback of the vehicle
[email protected] must also be slightly greater than the
front exterior wall of the house, as to
The rules concerning parking RVs, be somewhat hidden from neighbors.
boats and trailers in Satellite Beach, That provision stays in place under
and exactly how the city will enforce the new rules.
those codes, have finally been offi-
cially clarified. Concerning the topic of code en-
forcement, which became linked to
After months of sometimes heated the RV parking enforcement issue,
debate, the Satellite Beach City Coun- the council had earlier faced what it
cil on Nov. 15 amended its related believed to be an either-or choice be-
land development regulations start- tween “proactive” code enforcement,
ing with a title change clarifying that where city personnel check for viola-
the “RV” codes also are referring to tions on every street every day, and
boats, campers (RVs) and trailers. “reactive” enforcement, where viola-
tions are required to be called in by
Effective immediately, the city now residents before code enforcement
prohibits all RV parking in front yards occurs.
as way to end damage caused to city
sidewalks when vehicles are driven Because of the economic downturn
over them without a reinforced sur- of 2008, in 2011 the city did away with
face like on driveway aprons. The a 30-hour code enforcement officer
code change should reduce trip haz- position who had been doing proac-
ards on city rights of way created by tive enforcement. The city switched to
cracked sidewalks. only reactive enforcement, a change
reaffirmed by council in 2013 when
The new rules also extend loading staff reported the policy put the city
times in the neighborhoods, permit- “in a better light.”
ting RV loading from noon Friday to
noon Monday, thereby increasing the City staff said the proactive prac-
total days allowed in a 30-day period tice had been too costly and caused a
from three, as was allowed in the old negative perception in the neighbor-
rules, to 12. hoods and dissention against the city.
But supporters of proactive enforce-
The extended hours provide relief ment said reactive enforcement put
for RV owners and actually reduce an undue burden on residents and
staff time for compliance verification allowed for violations to continue for
(city officials making several trips to too long.
witness the violations), “allowing for a
more streamlined and responsive en- In the end, the for the moment
forcement process,’’ wrote Building is a hybrid. City Manager Courtney
Official John Stone in information to Barker said that code enforcement is
council prior to the unanimous vote. a combination of proactive and reac-
tive where code officials note viola-
One final stipulation made by the tions during the course of business
council prohibits extended parking hours and follow up as time permits.
by cargo trailers used for commercial
purposes. “If they see it, they react to it,
but they will not be going out and
Satellite Beach is considered to checking every road every day,’’
have comparatively strict rules be- Barker said.
cause it requires most recreational
vehicles to be parked at the side of
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, November 23, 2017 3
owing more than $3,000 in back sioner Wyatt Hoover said they were “We have a strong town staff. We pros and cons. “We’re looking for
taxes in Kentucky. News reports in- impressed with Akhimie, but Walters have a strong building department. professional experience in Florida as
dicate Cannon paid the debts. raised a professional gap: “He’s nev- Don’t make the best hire for today, a manager,” Walters added.
er been a manager.” make the best hire for the future. I
Two down, two to go. want someone who will find it hard Finally, Quarrie ended the stale-
Next was Vince Akhimie, director Simmons tried to rein in the dis- to leave,” Simmons said. mate. “I didn’t find anybody that
of utilities for Daytona Beach. Both cussion. “Let’s make a decision,” he gave me confidence like Mr. Dan-
Vice Mayor Tom Davis and Commis- said. The debate continued with the iels,” she said.
4 Thursday, November 23, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
HOSPITAL SUITORS to fund a $270 million renovation larger hospital group takes on the li- IRMC’s best known surgeon, Dr. Cary
while withstanding ongoing turmoil in abilities of the smaller hospital, makes Stowe, was lured to Vero from Florida
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 healthcare industry. a commitment to spend capital, and Hospital.
becomes the corporate member of the
close to that with a $375 million bid. In a crowded room at the hospital acquired organization. Adventist’s competitor in the Orlan-
But those pitches were not enough normally used for training, members do Market, Orlando Health has nine
of the IRMC board of directors and the The other two finalists, Orlando Florida hospitals including the down-
to edge out the lure of big names like elected Trustees of the Indian River Health and HCA, instead proposed ac- town giant Orlando Regional Medi-
the Cleveland Clinic. Other contend- Hospital District listened as a Chicago quiring the IRMC hospital business by cal Center. A nonprofit, it has a good
ers making the final cut were Health consultant hired to help the hospital buying some or all of its assets. reputation among doctors, according
Corporation of America (HCA), the find a suitable partner presented ac- to Vero doctors present Friday, but its
largest hospital chain in the U.S.; the quisition proposals on Friday. Because of the different approaches, revenues of only $3 billion gave some
faith-based Adventist Health System, comparing the size of the offers was a board members pause.
which owns Orlando’s Florida Hospi- Eight proposals from nonprofit and bit like comparing apples and oranges,
tal among its 44 hospitals nationally; for-profit healthcare chains were re- but what certainly caught the eye of Sagraves was particularly bullish on
and Orlando Health, a nine-hospital viewed. The proposals were received everyone in the Powerpoint presenta- HCA. That behemoth stepped up with
Florida chain that includes Orlando last week after consultants put out tion were the figures for total financial pockets bulging, its $41.4 billion in an-
Regional Medical Center. feelers to 33 companies in August. consideration which ran as high – in nual net revenue backing the best fi-
the case of health care giant HCA – as nancial offer of the eight submitted to
To the governing boards of the They were the first glimpse at out- $415 million including gross proceeds IRMC.
stand-alone, cash-strapped Indian siders’ notions of what IRMC might be and 10 years’ worth of promised capi-
River Medical Center, the four finalists worth to a partner. tal expenditures. Since the partnering process be-
are a good-looking lot. gan, boards of both the hospital and
While all eight bidders envisaged Additional prospective partners the county’s elected Hospital District
But for Holmes Regional, Wuesthoff trying to work out a deal with the Hos- were not ruled out in Friday’s four- Board have envisioned a cash-rich
and Sebastian River, it may mean some pital District to continue leasing the hour session, led by associates of Ju- healthcare system taking over the Vero
well-known and well-heeled competi- hospital buildings, which are owned niper Advisory, a Chicago-based firm hospital, currently in urgent need of
tion – right on their southern doorstep. by Indian River County taxpayers, specializing in the complex business a $270 million upgrade of its patient
rather than attempting to buy the fa- of healthcare systems. After hearing rooms and other facilities.
All of the final four will have a chance cility outright, the proposals for taking explanations of the various proposals,
to visit and be visited by IRMC officials over the hospital business varied. the two boards separated to hash out Not surprisingly, HCA, with 226 hos-
in the coming weeks with an eye to- their top three picks for further con- pitals, 49 of them in Florida, has an un-
ward taking over the hospital. Two of the finalists, Cleveland Clinic sideration. even reputation among its vast portfo-
and Adventist Health System, pro- lio. Longtime residents of Indian River
Whether that takeover is in the form posed acquiring the IRMC hospital “We’re delighted that you’ve got County recall the good and the not-
of a purchase, a lease or some hybrid business through what is called in the good options, and it’s going to be hard so-good reputation of nearby HCA-
of the two, the goal is to put the hos- non-profit hospital world “member to whittle them down,” said Juniper’s owned Lawnwood over the years. To-
pital’s future into the hands of a much substitution,” a model in which the Barry Sagraves as he charged the hos- day, though, with a heart institute and
larger operation, one healthy enough pital board with narrowing the field. stroke center, the hospital has grown
into a regional Level II trauma center
Steer, Mercer & Co. The debate among each board re- and the pediatric hospital of choice
Gary Steer, Certified Financial Planner TM sulted in choices that nearly meshed: along the Treasure Coast. HCA also
Adam Mercer, Senior Accountant The Cleveland Clinic got the nod from runs St. Lucie Medical Center in Port
both boards, as did Adventist. The Dis- St. Lucie.
Business & Personal Tax Returns. trict Trustees voted to consider HCA,
Bookkeeping services specializing in while the hospital board opted for Or- There were also deep concerns
lando Health. about considering a for-profit partner
small business and condo associations. and HCA was the only for-profit chain
Financial Planning & Investments. That mix likely pleased the consul- among the four selected for a second
tants, who had urged hospital leaders look. The fear is there might be nega-
Compelling Risk Managed Investments. not to rule out for-profit companies, tive consequences for patients and
Life Insurance for Security & Estate Planning. and not to limit themselves to their staff alike if Vero’s small hometown
first pick – Cleveland Clinic – on the hospital, the buildings of which have
I believe your money should be easily accessible chance things don’t work out. belonged to taxpayers since the 1950s,
at all times and that you build & maintain wealth is turned into a profit center for a vast
The nonprofit faith-based Adventist publicly-traded company.
through active risk management. Health System, with more than $8 bil-
lion in revenues, owns 25 hospitals in And there have been serious con-
Free Initial Consultation Call (321) 773-1040 1360 South Patrick Dr., Ste. 2, Satellite Beach Florida, the best known among them cerns about a for-profit hospital put-
being Florida Hospital. Interestingly,
Securities Offered Through Cadaret, Grant & Co., Inc., Member FINRA/SIPC. 8090 Market Street, Ste. 2, Boardman, OH 44512,
(330) 726-6668 Gary Steer; Steer, Mercer & Co.; and Cadaret, Grant are separate entities.
Community Editor Advertising Director We are here to provide Brevard barrier President and Publisher
Lisa Zahner, 772-584-9121 Judy Davis, 772-633-1115 island readers with the most comprehen- Milton R. Benjamin, 772-559-4187
[email protected] [email protected] sive news coverage of Melbourne Beach, [email protected]
Indialantic, Indian Harbour Beach, Satellite
Staff Reporter Advertising Account Executives Beach, and South Merritt Island. Creative Director
Bill Sokolic, 609-457-5480 Lillian Belmont, 321-604-7833 Dan Alexander, 772-539-2700
[email protected] Will Gardner, 407-361-2150 For our advertising partners, we pledge [email protected]
to provide the most complete consulta-
Staff Reporter Columnists tive and marketing programs possible for Corporate Editor
George White, 321-795-3835 Pam Harbaugh, 321-794-3691 the best return on your investment. Steven M. Thomas, 772-453-1196
[email protected] Cynthia Van Gaasbeck, 321-626-4701 [email protected]
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, November 23, 2017 5
ting an end to Vero’s tradition of hos- debate, Dr. John Lindenthal, believes chase price of $150 million plus a ed at least a second look. The chair-
pital philanthropy – no more named that Lawnwood may be geographical- promise of $265 million in capital ex- man of the hospital board, Dr. Wayne
“centers of excellence” to stand as trib- ly too close for comfort – that if HCA penditures – got some pulses racing Hockmeyer, agreed.
ute to Vero’s wealthiest donors unless acquired IRMC, it would cause one to at last Friday’s afternoon meeting. In
the partner that is picked is a nonprof- cannibalize the other rather than offer addition, HCA said it would not re-sell “I personally think size matters,”
it, able to take donations. duplicate services at both. IRMC for 15 years. Hockmeyer said. “If you’re not gen-
erating $8 billion in annual revenues,
And at least one doctor in on the Still, HCA’s whopping offer – a pur- In the consultants’ view, HCA need-
6 Thursday, November 23, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
CRA FUNDS the Melbourne Community Develop- County attorney Scott Knox wrote that nual CRA donation covers her salary,
ment Department. any CRA contributions must be part of rent, utilities and very little else. “We
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 redevelopment efforts. also seek funding from memberships,
But the two CRAs do partially fund sponsorships, donations, grants and
Neither the Melbourne Downtown Main Street nonprofit organizations “A notable omission from any statu- event revenue,” she said.
CRA nor Old Eau Gallie Riverfront CRA that may put on their own festivals tory list of redevelopment activities
contributed to these events. Whether if they want. Melbourne Downtown are special events, festivals, parades or ArtWorks, a corporation separate
these authorities can contribute sur- CRA awarded Melbourne Main Street block parties,” he said. from EGAD Main Street, is also self-suf-
faced earlier this month when Brevard a grant for $87,500 in fiscal year 2017. ficient when it comes to the $55,000 art
County Commissioner and CRA op- Eau Gallie Arts District Main Street re- None of the CRA grant money for festival budget.
ponent John Tobia introduced a mo- ceived $55,000 from the Old Eau Gallie Melbourne Main Street went toward the
tion prohibiting such funding. The Riverfront CRA. Both organizations re- food and wine festival. “ArtWorks of Eau Gallie is primarily
motion failed by a 2-3 vote. ceived similar amounts for each of the funded by contributions from individu-
past five years. The bulk of the money “The festival stands on its own,” said als, organizations, businesses and in-
“The Melbourne Downtown CRA and pays for administrative costs with a Jarin R. Eisenberg, executive director kind contributions.
the Olde Eau Gallie Riverfront CRA do small portion for holiday lighting. But of Melbourne Main Street. “We use our
not run any festivals, do not spend any nothing in the donation restricts Main own money from ticket sales and spon- “These funds make up 70 percent
money directly on festivals, do not al- Street from allocating funds towards sorships. The CRA grant funds go to- of the total annual income. Expendi-
locate money for festivals, and do not promotional activities. wards our operating expenses and sup- tures are very close to income. Any
make any revenue from festivals,” said porting CRA initiatives.” balance is carried forward for the next
Kelly Delmonico Hyvonen, planner for And that could pose a problem. year’s festival,” said President Sharon
According to Lisa Packard, EGAD Dwyer.
Main Street’s executive director, the an-
SEAWALL DENIED because they provide protection from PHOTO: RYAN CLAPPER HOSPITAL SUITORS
erosion, stormwater filtration, and
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 habitat for critical species such as the more environmental options. CONTINUED FROM PAGE 5
manatees neighbors reported seeing After earlier action on the proposal
vironmentalists and nearby residents across the canal, feeding on vegetation. you’re not of a size that will be suffi-
reacted against the proposal. Marine in October was delayed a month, rep- cient for the future.”
Resources Council Citizen Science Alternatives to seawalls such as resentatives from both sides met to
Coordinator Jared McNally spoke out swales could be used to help capture discuss possible options which would That figure – $8 billion – is the esti-
strongly against the loss of shoreline stormwater runoff, which is considered accomplish a better environmental re- mate total net revenue of the for-profit
by the creation of a seawall. Neighbors one of the main causes of muck through sult. However, both sides reported back Steward Health Care System, one of
gave testimonials as to the wildlife reg- dirt washing off the parking lot and di- to council that here had been no prog- the eight finalists that was not select-
ularly seen on the shoreline as being rectly into the canal, McNally said. ress toward a compromise. ed.
an important factor in their choice of
homes. Braselton said that the 10-to-12-foot Yacht club officials expressed some Steward’s offer was almost as gener-
width of the shoreline over the length of interest in addressing stormwater re- ous as HCA’s, yet it was hardly men-
Natural shorelines are important the project would not allow many of the tention issues within the configuration tioned Friday.
of the project, but still wanted to create
the seawall and sidewalk. Steward earlier this year acquired
Sebastian River Medical Center as well
In the end, it was lengthy discussions as two Wuesthoff hospitals in Brevard
of the possible negative impact of the County.
seawall on property values across the
canal on Cat Cay Lane that seemed to The concern was that Steward will
lead the council to deny the project. be wrangling the financials of its latest
acquisitions for some time, and may
Aiding in that effort was an academic not be able to tend to IRMC’s needs
study presented into the record by Ph.D. soon enough.
Charles Bostater Jr. There also was a
court reporter brought in to record an Another for-profit chain with rev-
official transcript of the proceedings, a enues similar to Steward, the publicly-
sign that litigation is being considered. traded Universal Health Services, did
not make the cut on Friday. Nor did
While criticized by council as being a much smaller group, RCCH Health-
far too technical, the bottom line of care Partners.
the study showed that homes located
across canals from natural shorelines The not-for-profit Health First was
are worth more than homes located back-burnered as well. Health First
across canals from seawalls. The proj- operates Holmes Regional Medical
ect as proposed would cause more Center in Melbourne and had mus-
than a $1.3 million in devaluation by tered buzz as a likely pick prior to
the impacted homes, according to the Friday’s meeting, but it was quickly
study. shelved by the IRMC board due to its
small size – net revenues of $1.5 bil-
In making the motion to deny the re- lion.
quest, the council cited that the appli-
cant did not provide enough informa- Orlando Health’s revenues were
tion and that there “wasn’t substantial about twice that number but even
justification” for the request. those numbers struck some as low.
Nevertheless, Orlando Health made
the cut with the hospital board and
into the final round, even though it
didn’t get the vote of the Hospital Dis-
trict Board.
“It was a very civil discussion and
a very high level of discussion,” said
longtime Vero attorney William Stew-
art, who has worked with IRMC and
sat in on the Hospital District’s session
as a member of the public.
8 Thursday, November 23, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Holmes team at center of stroke-prevention revolution
STORY BY LYN DOWLING CORRESPONDENT Dr. Fawad Shaheen, Dennis and Debbie Laughlin, and Dr. Bhuvaneswari Dandapani. PHOTOS BY GORDON RADFORD The result is a form of starvation.
[email protected] “When that happens, part of the
this patient get back to normalcy. It is of Neurology (AAN), stroke – either the brain cannot get the blood (and oxy-
The evening of Aug. 14, a healthy- all about the courage and competence blockage of a blood vessel that supplies gen) it needs, so it and brain cells die.
seeming 67-year-old local resident be- of our hospital system and community the brain (ischemic) or bleeding into or The brain is an extremely complex or-
gan to speak oddly, babbling to his wife to have a program to help thousands of around the brain (hemorrhagic) – oc- gan that controls various bodily func-
after dinner. Fortunately, his wife was patients lead a normal life after devas- curs when “blood supply to part of the tions. If a stroke occurs and blood flow
a nurse, and she recognized the symp- tating stroke.” brain is suddenly interrupted or when can’t reach the region that controls a
toms of a stroke. She called 911 and the a blood vessel in the brain bursts, spill- particular bodily function, that part of
ambulance arrived within six minutes It also is the story of how stroke is ing blood into the spaces surrounding the body won’t work as it should,” Dan-
to drive him to Holmes Regional Medi- treated as 2018 draws near. brain cells.” dapani said.
cal Center. The stroke was severe and he She speaks with authority, having
was treated at once. According to the American Academy done a fellowship in stroke at the Uni-
versity of Miami and served as a faculty
He now is well, with full function. He member at the Cleveland Clinic, fol-
is not required to receive therapy. lowing graduation from the University
of Madras. She moved here in 2000 to
“This story is all about courage and serve as director of the stroke program
competence,” says his neurologist, Dr. at Holmes. Certified by the American
Bhuvaneswari Dandapani. “(It is about Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, she
the) courage of a wife to recognize that specializes in stroke and cerebrovascu-
her husband was having a stroke (and) lar disease, in which she also is board-
the courage of our stroke team in pro- certified.
viding timely care in the emergency Scholarly and thoughtful, Dandapa-
department. It is about the competence ni, who is active in the American Stroke
of our neurologist in giving IV tPA (Al- Association, the AAN, the National
tiplase tissue plasminogen activator) Stroke Association and the American
in a timely manner and the courage Heart Association, remains engaged
of our neurointerventionalist to go in clinical trials and research project
into the brain and remove the clot. It
is about the competence of our nurs-
ing staff and therapist to quickly help
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Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, November 23, 2017 9
and has become a well-known speaker triever (stentriever), device that looks vessels). In this case, a camera attached the face, arm or leg, especially on one
about the stroke-related subjects na- like a wire cage on a rod. The physician to a catheter is inserted to see the prob- side of the body
tionwide. threads a catheter through an artery lem, and it then deposits a device such
in the groin up to the brain, where the as a coil to prevent additional rupture. Sudden confusion, trouble speak-
She treats about 3,000 stroke patients stent opens and grabs the clot, and the Surgery may be required to secure a ing or understanding
per year, and the differences between catheter is removed with the clot inside blood vessel.
doing so now and how it was done when the stent. Suction also may be used. Sudden trouble seeing or blurred vi-
she started 30 years ago are striking. Regardless, modern treatment of sion in one or both eyes
This procedure must be done with- stroke has a common theme: aware-
According to the American Stroke As- in six hours of acute ischemic stroke ness, before and immediately after Sudden trouble walking, dizziness,
sociation, stroke now is the fifth leading symptoms, and only after the patient stroke happens. “Prevent a stroke by loss of balance or coordination
cause of death in this country, killing receives tPA. controlling your risk factors like diabe-
about 133,000 people. About every 40 tes, high blood pressure and cholester- Sudden severe headache with no
seconds, someone has a stroke: 795,000 Hemorrhagic stroke usually is the re- ol,” Dandapani said. “Make sure to treat known cause.
Americans per year, about 610,000 of sult of uncontrolled hypertension (high atrial fibrillation.”
those new cases. blood pressure) that causes a weakened “Understand that if you get to a stroke
vessel to rupture; or of weakened blood And then there are stroke symptoms center in a timely fashion, preferably
Globally, stroke is the second leading vessels caused by aneurysms or arterio- themselves: within an hour or two, you could have
cause of death, just behind heart dis- venous malformations (tangled blood a better outcome than if you did not,”
ease, killing about 25.7 million people Sudden numbness or weakness of Dandapani said. In the end, solving
per year. strokes is about consciousness, courage
and competence, she added
Yet bleak though they may sound,
doctors find those numbers encourag-
ing because not long ago, stroke was
the third, then fourth, leading cause
of death in this country. From 2004 to
2014, the death rate decreased by 28.7
That the National Institutes of Health,
which in 2013 formed StrokeNet (www., a network of 200 hos-
pitals and 25 regional centers across the
country, to conduct clinical trials.
Thank awareness such as is found
at Holmes. Thank modern diagnostic
and surgical methods, and drugs. And
thank doctors like Dandapani, who are
at the center of a revolution.
“In the past, we thought strokes could
not be prevented and treated,” she
said. “Now, we know that 80 percent of
strokes can be treated, and if treatment
is started early, stroke symptoms can
be reversed in many cases, like this pa-
tient, and in others, decreased in sever-
ity. ... The past 20 years, and especially
the past 10 years, we have seen a revolu-
tion in stroke care due to advancement
in imaging technology and the avail-
ability of catheters, stentrievers and
other devices that are capable of pre-
cisely removing the clot from the brain
to reverse stroke symptoms. We also
have had new medications, such as clot-
busters like IV tPA and blood thinners.”
The type of treatment depends on the
type of stroke: “clot-busting” drugs or
clot-removing surgical techniques for
ischemic stroke; or mechanical treat-
ment to stop bleeding.
In 1996, the Food and Drug Adminis-
tration approved the use of tPA, a tissue
plasminogen activator – a clot buster
that improves blood flow – adminis-
tered through a vein in the arm, which
must be used within three hours, or
in some cases four and a half hours, of
acute ischemic stroke. It now is consid-
ered the “gold standard,” according to
the ASA
Physical removal of large clots, via en-
dovascular procedures or mechanical
thrombectomies, also may be required.
In thrombectomy, a large clot is re-
moved by a doctor who uses a stent re-
Selfless stars honored at
Serene Harbor banquet
12 Thursday, November 23, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Selfless stars honored at Serene Harbor banquet
STORY BY CYNTHIA VAN GAASBECK CORRESPONDENT PHOTOS: BENJAMIN THACKER setting in which to thank the people us for years, donating your efforts,
[email protected] who quietly define success with ded- your energies, your days and your
be no need to thank Serene Harbor’s ication and selflessness. evenings. You give your creative and
The holiday season is here and volunteers, supporters and employ- constructive input, your financial
with it come the year-end celebra- ees. Indeed, the nonprofit hopes to After a toast calling on all present contributions and, most of all, your
tions honoring loyal employees and put itself out of business one day. to keep hope alive, Keeth introduced heart and soul fighting domestic vio-
volunteers across the Space Coast. guest speaker Tiffany Carr, known lence in Brevard County,” she said to
Hosted by Serene Harbor President and loved by many of those pres- the audience of first responders, city
A job well done for some can mean and CEO Melody R. Keeth, the ban- ent. Carr is president and CEO of the government representatives, sup-
the year was a profitable one and all quet served as a warm and festive Florida Coalition Against Domestic porters and private citizens.
may share in the good times. For oth- Violence, a professional association
ers, it can literally mean the differ- representing Florida’s 42 certified A charity is only as good as its sup-
ence between life and death. domestic violence centers. porters, and Serene Harbor’s are
among the most dedicated. Honored
The latter is the case for Serene “Twenty-five years of establishing were: community partner Brevard
Harbor Domestic Violence Center, and growing a safe haven to help sur- 2-1-1, Brevard County Sheriff Wayne
whose 25-year existence has been a vivors escape violence is something Ivey, Georgia Conway, Cristina Lan-
lifeline to thousands of women, men, eternally worthy of our respect and ken, Louise Jones, Kathy Shaffer,
children and pets in Brevard County. our admiration. Frankly, I can per- The Remember to Share Founda-
sonally not think of anything more tion, Patty Barnes, business partner
Being on the front lines of one of important than dedicating your Hometown News, and Walter Gatti,
society’s more horrific failings can be time, your energy, your resources to in honor of his late wife, Dorothea
grim work, but it’s grim work being saving the lives of women, children “Dotti” Gatti.
done by people filled with love and and men who experience brutal vio-
light and good humor. lence by the person who was sup- Tireless and selfless may best de-
posed to love them the most,” Carr scribe the recipient of the inaugural
That was evident last Friday at Se- said. Dotti Gatti Philanthropic Legacy
rene Harbor’s silver anniversary cel- Award. With her cloud of white hair
ebration and volunteer luncheon in “Many of you here have been with topping a leopard-print holiday out-
the clubhouse at the Eau Gallie Yacht fit, Louise Jones epitomizes the best
Club. of volunteerism.
The 25th anniversary of such a Said Keeth: “I do not ever remem-
charity is a bittersweet milestone. In ber a time when Louise was not sup-
a perfect and just world, there would porting us. Not only has she always
monetarily supported our organiza-
tion, she also was willing to get her
hands dirty. She helped us collect
items for families, she would stuff
envelopes, make centerpieces, put
tables together. She even would stay
late the night before the gala and
help us put decorations together.
Then, after, she would stick around
and help us clean up,” Keeth said.
Jill Collier, graphic designer for Se-
rene Harbor, noted, “This organiza-
tion literally saves lives. But being a
nonprofit, it’s all about people getting
involved. Serene Harbor would not ex-
ist without the community’s help.”
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Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, November 23, 2017 13
Melody Keeth with Pam Persse and Tiffany Carr. Chuck Clemente with Kathy Casey and Walter Gatti. PHOTOS CONTINUED ON PAGE 14
Joni Oglesby with Paula Frank.
Kamyren Jesse.
14 Thursday, November 23, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Laura Fausone and Seeta Begui with Joni Oglesby and Joanna Hynes.
1992: Launches emergency shelter
1995: Sixteen-bed facility opens
2008: Twenty-bed facility opens
2009: Begins Primary Prevention Training
2010: Adds dating violence prevention
2014: Provides child welfare advocates
2014: Kennel opens for victims’ pets
2016: Offers free victim legal services
Fred and Geri Lee with Virgil Russell. Melody Keeth.
Rachel Russell with Dawn Dickson. Tres Holton with Thomas Neidert. Melody Keeth and Tiffany Carr with Beverly Demeyer.
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16 Thursday, November 23, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Scrooge role is Christmas ‘Present’ for actor Roach
STORY BY PAM HARBAUGH CORRESPONDENT Rick Roach as Scrooge, with the cast of ‘A Christmas Carol.’ PHOTO BY: BENJAMIN THACKER Two weeks before opening, the late,
[email protected] beloved Mike Baker had to drop out
Menken (Disney’s “Beauty and the tally engrained now. ‘A Christmas from his role of Will and Hawkins-
Although this will be Rick Roach’s Beast”) and lyricist Lynn Ahrens Carol’ is incredibly enduring and I Smith put Roach into the spot.
fourth time gluing on the mutton (“Ragtime”) to tell the story to con- see no end in sight.”
chops and wrinkling his otherwise temporary audiences. “As an Alabama boy, I knew how
smiling face into a snarl, he’s utterly Roach added that the big payoff is to play dumb and country,” he said.
delighted to be portraying Ebeneezer While the story is set in Victorian Scrooge’s redemption. That, he said, “It was such a fun part and I’ve been
Scrooge for the Christmas season. London, it especially resonates with is why optimistic Americans find the hooked ever since.”
American audiences. Live productions story so appealing.
He’ll be doing that through Dec. 3 of it are popular throughout the coun- Some of his more memorable roles
for the Cocoa Village Playhouse pro- try. Hollywood and TV have had their “For all the cynicism in the world, I over time have been Sweeney Todd,
duction of the musical “A Christmas multiple ways the with story in movies think the vast majority of humans are Harold Hill (“Music Man”), Jekyll/
Carol.” starring a host of celebrities including forgiving and love a redemption story,” Hyde, Floyd Collins, Shel Feldman
Alastair Sim, Albert Finney, George C. he said. (“Build Me Up Buttercup”), Henry Hig-
“I find the character both pitiable Scott, Patrick Stewart and even Mickey gins (“My Fair Lady”) and the Elvis Pre-
and relatable,” he said. “He is clearly Mouse … to name only a very few. And, Roach’s wife, Jeanette, also a well sley-inspired Pharoah (“Joseph and the
drawn as a bitter, mean human being, the 1988 adaptation, “Scrooged,” has known performer in the area, said Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat”).
and yet worthy of saving. He is relat- become a classic with Bill Murray fans. her husband would like to do this
able because he has made choices in show every year. He loves it, she said, “At least with Scrooge, I get to be-
his life that have brought him to his While some images of Scrooge pic- for the complexity of the character come a good guy, and not end up dead
miserable existence, and we all under- ture him as gaunt and angular – all but also because of an important on the floor before the curtain bow.”
stand choices and consequences.” that hunching over piles of money has personal history.
made him so – Roach finds George C. Community theater has been critical
And one choice CVP director Scott’s portrayal more to his liking. “Rick’s dad died on Christmas to a well-rounded life, he said. But for
Anastacia Hawkins-Smith is happy Day many years ago,” she said. He sure, all that work is demanding.
with is casting Roach in this role. She But his favorite iteration is the is sharing a bit of his dad’s love of
especially enjoys how his Ebeneezer “Black Adder’s Christmas Carol,” Christmas in each performance. Af- Five weeks of rehearsal means he’s
Scrooge grows from a grumpy, lone which stars the gawky English come- ter probably a hundred times per- busy 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. weeknights and
man to one who dances in the streets dian Rowan Atkinson. forming this show, Rick still fights at least 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. on weekends.
of London. back a tear on stage when the com- Then there’s grueling tech week, which
“That’s a real hoot and a must-see pany sings ‘Christmas Together’ in means leaving the theater no earlier
“He is the best,” she said. “Rick has for Brit-com fans,” Roach said. “The the scene with the Ghost of Christ- than 11 p.m.
embraced and is delivering the very story (regardless the version) is to- mas Present.
character of Scrooge. He is a must- Then, the show opens, which gobbles
see.” “I couldn’t be more proud of him. up about four weekends, maybe more if
He seems to find deeper layers to it’s extended, a common occurrence at
Certainly, by now you must know Scrooge’s character each time he Cocoa Village Playhouse.
the story that Charles Dickens made plays it and his love and excitement
so famous in 1843. The ghost story is infectious.” “It’s like having two jobs,” he said.
concerns curmudgeonly Scrooge, “Laundry piles up. Eating habits de-
the owner of a counting house (ba- Born in 1962, Roach has been in the volve. Non-theater friends don’t bother
sically an accounting business). The commercial lending profession for more to seek you out because they know the
novella begins seven years after the than 30 years – the only thing that’s ac- answer: ‘I can’t. I have rehearsal.’
death of Scrooge’s business partner tually like the Scrooge character.
Jacob Marley. “Oh, and it’s all worth it.”
He got involved with community But “A Christmas Carol” especially
Marley’s Ghost visits Scrooge and theater in 1992 when he did something resonates, and he’s happy to be repris-
warns that he will be visited by he had never done before – audition ing his role.
three spirits – Past, Present and Fu- at Cocoa Village Playhouse. Direc- Beyond the crowd scenes, the mer-
ture – whose task will be to change tor Anastacia Hawkins-Smith needed rily dressed carolers and bustling Lon-
Scrooge’s heart. more men for her production of “Okla- don streets, are the moments which
homa!” and was thrilled to see Roach grab at Roach’s heart.
The musical brings together among the hopeful men. The first comes when the Ghost of
Broadway big-name composer Alan Christmas Past takes Scrooge magi-
“As soon as I got in among all the cally back to when he was a young man
crazy, extroverted, talented people I and lost the love of his life. He listens
felt like I was home,” he said. to his former fiancee’s family sing “A
Place Called Home.”
“Ebeneezer knows how it all turned
out and is consumed with regret and
sadness,” he said. “The lyrics and mel-
ody are so strong and moving, and the
heartbreak of regret is palpable.”
Of course, Scrooge’s transformation
song, “Yesterday, Tomorrow and To-
day,” sums up his change of heart.
“A Christmas Carol” runs through
Dec. 3 at Cocoa Village Playhouse, 300
Brevard Ave., Cocoa. Tickets are $24 to
$32 general with tickets for children
(12 years and younger) $18. Call 321-
636-5050 or visit CocoaVillagePlay-
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, November 23, 2017 17
Coming Up: Santa ‘Koz’ and pals set to jazz up holiday
charms zillionaire Daddy Warbucks Bluegrass pretty much
and, with her posse of fellow orphan doesn’t get any better
girls, faces off hilariously against than this, and this Friday
Miss Hannigan, the gin-soaked mis- Cleveland and Flame-
tress of the orphanage. The show keeper will be putting on
opened on Broadway in 1977, won one show and one show
a Tony for Best Musical and ran for only at Faith City Church
six years. It’s still being produced all in Titusville. According
over the world and the song “Tomor- to Wikipedia, Indiana
row” continues to be one of musical native Cleveland first
theater’s most memorable. “Annie” learned to play violin at
runs through Dec. 17. a local Suzuki program
when he was 4 years old,
3 “The annual lighting of the and his natural talent
Christmas tree is starting to was recognized at an ear-
ly age, with appearances
become a new holiday tradition for on the Grand Ole Opry, “A
Prairie Home Compan-
Dave Koz. folks in Viera,” observes Space Coast ion” and before the Unit-
ed States Congress in his
Symphony Orchestra Conductor and early teens. Promoter J.T.
Shealy has been in the bluegrass biz
STORY BY SAMANTHA BAITA STAFF WRITER Artistic Director Aaron Collins, who Michael Cleveland. for years and isn’t worried that the lure
[email protected] of Black Friday bargains will pull the
is eager to kick off another holiday crowds away. Says Shealy, “For people
who appreciate bluegrass music, this
season this Friday with the “Space concert is truly a ‘fiddler’s dream.’ No
half-priced toaster can compete with
1 Santa Koz is coming to town. Coast Symphony Holiday for Every- 5 Talk about bluegrass bona fi- that.”
That’s right. Smooth jazz sax des: blind bluegrass musician
one,” featuring the official lighting
man Dave Koz is stopping at the of the 35-foot Avenue Viera Christ- Michael Cleveland has won the In-
King Center Monday on his 20th An- mas tree. Two dozen youth musi- ternational Bluegrass Music Associa-
niversary Tour, along with special cians from (string) Quartet Move- tion’s Fiddle Player of the Year award
guests Dave Benoit, Rick Braun, Pe- ment, a SCSO outreach program, an amazing 10 times, and his band,
ter White – and introducing Selina will play holiday favorites, accom- Flamekeeper, has been named Instru-
Albright, soulful singer/songwriter panying after-Thanksgiving shop- mental Group of the Year five times.
and daughter of contemporary jazz pers as the tree is illuminated and it
and R&B saxophone player Gerald begins to look a lot like Christmas at
Albright. Two decades ago, Grammy Avenue Viera. Official tree-lighting
nominee Koz launched his first-ever time is 6 p.m.
Christmas tour and on Monday he
and his four pals will perform fresh 4 An evening of “Carols Secular
and Sacred” will usher in the
renditions of Christmas classics, a
Hanukkah medley and hits from holiday season Wednesday as the
their respective repertoires. Tickets Brevard Chorale and Vocal Choral
start at $48. Showtime is 7:30 p.m. Ensemble, an all-volunteer group of
mixed-voice adults from Central and
2 With the exception of Miss North Brevard, come to the Great Out-
Hannigan, everybody loves the
doors RV Nature and Golf Resort in
adorable, plucky little red-haired Titusville to present a free concert at
orphan with the big fluffy dog. “An- the resort’s Community Church. Di-
nie” opens at the Henegar Center rector James Boyles and the 60-mem-
next Friday, Dec. 1, and you’ll prob- ber chorale will perform popular
ably want to get your tickets sooner secular carols followed by a sacred
rather than later. The smash hit segment, “Noel, Night of Everlasting
family-friendly musical, accord- Love,” with arrangements from an-
ing to Wikipedia, was based on the nual Disney holiday shows. The Ti-
popular Harold Gray comic strip tusville concert is free and begins at 7
“Little Orphan Annie” (why she p.m. The Chorale will give an encore
had no pupils remains a mystery). performance Dec. 2 at the Simpkins
“Annie” is the story of the orphan Fine Arts Auditorium at Eastern Flor-
girl who dreams of life outside her ida State College in Cocoa. Admission
dreary orphanage. She meets and to the Cocoa concert will be $10 for
adults and $5 for
Annie. students, and
will begin at 7:30
p.m. “Our holi-
day concert is
filled with music
that reminds us
how special this
time of year re-
ally is,” Boyles
20 Thursday, November 23, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
BY HOWARD CHUA-EOAN | BLOOMBERG military maintains close ties with Bei- The leader of this uprising, General dent fired Mnangagwa, who fled the
jing’s generals. Constantine Chiwenga, commander country saying he feared for his life. On
As rebel, revolutionary, Machiavel- of the armed forces, is a close ally of Nov. 13, Chiwenga, who’d just returned
lian manipulator, and supreme leader, More important, despite economic Grace’s fiercest rival, the deposed heir from a trip to China, declared, “When it
Robert Mugabe has been the face of decline and international isolation, apparent, Emmerson Mnangagwa. A comes to matters of protecting our rev-
Zimbabwe for so long that it’s almost Mugabe was the undisputed master comrade-in-arms of the president dur- olution, the military will not hesitate to
impossible to imagine the country of Zimbabwe, outmaneuvering several ing the fight against the white regime, step in.” The next day, it did.
without him. Almost. would-be successors, including the Mnangagwa also used to run the coun-
co-leader of the uprising against white try’s fearsome security apparatus. His Mugabe’s rule hasn’t made it easy
The impossible finally began to rule, Joshua Nkomo. nickname is “The Crocodile.” for democracy to sprout – even though
happen on Nov. 14, when tanks rolled the country has democratic institu-
into the capital, Harare, and the armed His regime appeared to be getting As the military took over the state tions and a viable, if outmaneuvered,
forces took custody of Mugabe and his ready for its third vice president in broadcaster, a spokesman insisted opposition party. Autocrats don’t in-
wife, Grace. Military spokesmen said three years when the military took Mugabe wasn’t a target. “We are only culcate democracy in their realms.
they were “safe and sound and their se- possession of the streets and the gov- targeting criminals around him who
curity was guaranteed.” ernment television station. Mugabe, are committing crimes that are caus- Pressured into elections in the past,
93, had been expected to anoint Grace, ing social and economic suffering in Mugabe has managed to subvert the
Mugabe has ruled for 37 years – the 52, as the new vice president. the country in order to bring them results and remain in power, proving
entire existence of Zimbabwe after the to justice,” Major General Sibusiso that democracy isn’t a fruitful path for
downfall of the white minority govern- The fall of Mugabe hasn’t led to Moyo said. anyone with real political ambitions in
ment of what was then called Rhodesia. dancing in the streets. It’s nothing like Zimbabwe. The military intervention
In that four-decade period, the econ- the developments in the late 20th cen- It remains to be seen if one of those does nothing to change that.
omy has deteriorated from resource- tury that resulted in the collapse of the enemies of the people will be Grace.
rich breadbasket to basket case. Soviet bloc or the overthrow of Ferdi- A polarizing force, the first lady has The country, writes Bloomberg View
nand Marcos in the Philippines, where never been shy about her ambitions or columnist Eli Lake, “deserves better.
Violent repression made Zimba- people power stirred the promise of her enmity with Mnangagwa. In recent It’s not too late for the military to pre-
bwe’s leader a pariah to most of the democratic revival and reform. years, she’s become the center of the pare for a real transition to democracy
world. Mugabe’s visage became a face youth faction of Mugabe’s ruling party. and call for elections. But it’s almost
loved only by fellow leftist autocrats The military action, which the gener- certain the generals will not. For now
and the commodity-hungry Chinese als refused to call a coup d’état, is the To her husband’s annoyance, Mnan- it appears they have paved the way for
government. Indeed, Chinese trade to latest chapter of a bitter fight within gagwa’s allies repeatedly used this line the dictator to be replaced by one of his
the southern African nation last year Mugabe’s political regime, one that’s against her: “Leadership is not sexu- henchmen.”
was worth $1.6 billion; Zimbabwe’s resulted in the president being caught ally transmitted.” On Nov. 6, the presi-
in his own web of intrigue and betrayal. To understand the dynamic of the
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, November 23, 2017 21
events in Harare, a comparison is best After they were foiled and arrested, nic group in the southern part of the be the end of his long run. The fall of
made to what happened in Egypt in Hua Guofeng, a transition figure, was country. The genocide, perpetrated by a tyrants is always the stuff of morality
2011, according to Tony Karon, an billed by government propagandists brigade trained by North Koreans, may plays – and Mugabe will provide history
anti-apartheid activist in South Africa as Mao’s true ideological heir to ex- have killed as many as 20,000 people. with variations on the ancient verities
who’s now an editor at Al Jazeera. plain why his very visible widow was of absolute power. The more immediate
now completely out of the picture. So terrifying were the forces un- question is: Will new masters of Zimba-
While most people saw a popular Deng Xiaoping, the real mastermind of leashed that hardened operatives of bwe change the country?
uprising overthrow President Hosni Jiang’s overthrow, eventually took over South Africa’s intelligence services
Mubarak, the Egyptian military used the actual reins of power. were said to fear falling into the hands Again, the comparison is to Egypt.
the so-called Arab Spring to make sure of Zimbabwe’s security forces. After overthrowing the Muslim Broth-
Mubarak, whom they supported, didn’t erhood, General Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi
get the opportunity to anoint his son The fate of Zimbabwe’s eventually assumed the presidency and,
Gamal as his successor – even if they leader doesn’t promise outlasting international criticism, be-
had to detour their plans through a brief democratic reform. It’s came the acceptable face of the coun-
period of Muslim Brotherhood rule. simply a rearrangement try, one more amenable to international
investors as the military promised sta-
Zimbabwe’s military, which has of- of the leadership. bility. Zimbabwe may try the same with
ficers who’ve trained in Egypt as well Mnangagwa or another figure.
as China, has apparently managed to In Zimbabwe, those reins are in the Mugabe is now at the mercy of his
outmaneuver Mugabe’s installation of hands of Chiwenga and Mnangagwa. military protectors. He may yet manage That’s both a danger and an oppor-
his wife as his heir. If the past is precedent, their ascent to overcome them. He’s emerged from tunity.
doesn’t promise institutional change. other seeming defeats before. This past
Why not oust the president com- Mnangagwa has been tied to – though Sunday, in a televised address, he vowed It’s a danger because a broader in-
pletely? That may yet occur. But Robert he’s denied being part of – a bloody to stay on. But the president has health ternational embrace of Zimbabwe’s
Mugabe is still the historic face of the purge in the 1980s of the Ndebele eth- problems and is in his dotage. This may leadership will bolster the military and
revolution – and a face-saving transi- security forces’ control of the country.
tion may need to take place. The com- It’s an opportunity because the global
parison this time is to China, where community can try to leverage its fi-
Jiang Qing and the rest of the Gang of nancial influence to force structural
Four were poised to take power after political reforms. For Zimbabwe, it
the death of Jiang’s husband, Mao Ze- may not matter – as long as the Chi-
dong, the founder of the communist nese love the new face of the nation,
People’s Republic of China. whoever that will be.
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Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, November 23, 2017 23
Attempting a new translation of dition, when reviewing a translation, forward motion, she is able to create “enduring Odysseus”), that repeat
“The Odyssey” is like directing “Ham- to set a passage alongside its prede- real suspense where other transla- throughout the text, noting that such
let.” Much of your audience knows the cessors in translations by Fagles, Lat- tions make the reader glaze over. Even repetitions, which served as guide-
work well, and they take their seats timore, Pope, etc. The reviewer then knowing the text well, I found myself posts to audience and performer alike
with entrenched expectations and the lays out the ways that the new transla- rapt, particularly in the lead-up to in preliterate recitation, are tedious
intonations of favorite performances tion either falls short or excels, quib- Odysseus’ climactic vengeance on the to a modern readership. Instead, she
reverberating in their heads. At the bling over word choice and linguistic suitors. Wilson deftly evokes the dra- riffs on the epithets when they ap-
same time, though, you will have effects. This is a fun exercise and not matic stakes, showing us the precari- pear: “Dawn appeared and touched
audience members who have never without merit, but in the end, such a ousness of Odysseus’ improvised plot, the sky with roses”; “ The early Dawn
seen the play, for whom you provide piecemeal approach is like judging as well as the thrumming violence was born; her fingers bloomed.”
the introduction to a giant of Western productions of “Hamlet” on their “To beneath. Here, as throughout, the text
literature. And let us not forget those Be or Not To Be.” It does not answer is excellent aloud, using space breaks Some of her choices will likely raise
who are there under duress, dreading essential questions about the work and pacing to ratchet the tension. At eyebrows. Readers may be startled
the upcoming hours of boredom. You as a whole: Does the translator have last Odysseus grasps his great bow to find Menelaus serving “canapés”
must find a way to speak to all these a thoughtful, comprehensive vision? “and plucked the string, which sang in his Mycenaean palace or, on other
disparate groups, sneaking past the Does she have the skill to sustain it? like swallow-song,/ a clear sweet note. end of the spectrum, to encounter
defenses of the devotees while draw- Does she chart a coherent course be- The suitors, horrified,/ grew pale.” the word “byblos” (papyrus flax).
ing in those less familiar. It’s an am- tween often mutually exclusive vir- Perhaps more controversial will be
bitious task, one which calls for skill, tues like literalism, musicality, clarity, Along with Homer’s fleetness, Wil- her translation of the famous first
cleverness and strong nerves, quali- beauty and readability? And most im- son is attentive to his rhythm and mu- line, which Wilson gives as “Tell me
ties that define “The Odyssey’s” wily portantly, does she tell the story well? sicality, often replicating the sound about a complicated man.” That word,
protagonist himself. effects of the original. In her depic- “complicated,” is her translation of
In the case of Emily Wilson’s smart tion of the home of Calypso, a goddess “polytropos,” which in Greek is more,
The poem of Odysseus’ epic jour- and exciting new “Odyssey,” the an- who has fallen in love with Odysseus, well, complicated, implying at once
ney was composed in about the 8th swer to all those questions is a re- she draws inspiration from the conso- versatility, ingeniousness and a twist-
century B.C., and its tale of a brilliant, sounding yes. nance and alliteration woven through ing life’s path. Wilson’s version has an
exhausted veteran beset by dangers the Greek: inviting punch, and appeals to our
and yearning for home has been col- Wilson is a professor of classical modern sensibility by focusing on Od-
lecting admirers ever since. It is tra- studies at the University of Pennsyl- A ripe and luscious vine, hung thick ysseus’ internal state, but to achieve
vania, and the first woman to publish with grapes, was stretched to coil that effect she has to bend away from
an English translation of “The Odys- around her cave. Four springs the word’s other layers. It is the sort
sey,” a glass ceiling that is shockingly of trade-off translators make at every
overdue for shattering. Her approach spurted with sparkling water as turn, but some will surely disagree
is vivid and bold, aiming to, as she they laced with crisscross currents in- with her calculation.
declares in the opening, “tell the old tertwined together.
story for our modern times.” She pri- Let them. As her potent translator’s
oritizes Homer’s speed and narrative Wilson brings real affection to her note makes clear, Wilson relishes de-
drive, seeking to capture what she work, particularly her characteriza- bate and, indeed, hopes to provoke
calls the “nimble gallop” of his verse. tions. I enjoyed her portrait of the it with her choices. Her worthy goal
She writes in iambic pentameter, im- princess Nausicaa as a teenager sur- is always to engage readers, inviting
pressively limiting herself to the same rounded by piles of dirty laundry, as them more deeply into the story. In
number of lines as Homer’s original well as her approach to Odysseus’ this she succeeds with the skill of an
(as any classics student can tell you, brilliant, careful wife, Penelope, ancient bard. It is rare to find a trans-
five lines of ancient Greek easily bloats whose grief she balances with her lation that is at once so effortlessly
to 10 in English). strength. easy to read and so rigorously consid-
ered. Her “Odyssey” is a performance
Wilson’s language is fresh, unpre- At the same time, she is clear-eyed well-deserving of applause.
tentious and lean. Though there are about the realities of the ancient
plenty of finely wrought moments, world. Slavery was ubiquitous in THE ODYSSEY
she isn’t looking to gild the poetic lily, Greco-Roman times, but its presence By Homer. Translated from the Greek by Emily Wilson
but rather to emphasize the emotion- is often obscured in translation by
al arc of the story, engaging readers words like “housekeeper” and “maid.” W.W. Norton. 592 pp. $39.95
first and foremost with the plight and Wilson rips off the veil, rendering Review by Madeline Miller
character of Odysseus. Relying on this these starkly as “slave.” She also dis- The Washington Post
penses with the usual handling of Ho-
meric epithets (“rosy-fingered Dawn,”
1. The Rooster Bar 1. Endurance BY SCOTT KELLY 1. The Mermaid BY JAN BRETT
2. Killing England BY BILL O'REILLY 2. The Getaway (Diary of a Wimpy
2. The Midnight Line 3. My Journey to the Stars
3. Andrew Jackson and the
BY LEE CHILD Miracle of New Orleans BY SCOTT KELLY
3. Two Kinds of Truth BY BRIAN KILMEADE & DON YAEGER 4. The Message of the Birds
5. Bunny Mellon
4. Quick & Dirty 5. Gingerbread Christmas
5. The Cuban Affair
Saturday November 25th JAN BRETT 392 Miracle Mile (21st Street), Vero Beach | 772.569.2050 |
from 11am to 1pm
Our Annual Holiday
with SANTA CLAUS!! Autograph line tickets with book purchases
from the Vero Beach Book Center
Saturday, December 2nd at 5 pm
24 Thursday, November 23, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Bonz’s heart warmed by Puerto Rican pooches’ rescue
Hi Dog Buddies! “I’m Rafael. I’m going on 1. I have been humans called Guardians of Rescue “That’s a lotta pounds of stuff.”
A while back I got a woof-mail about a chosen to be Spokespooch.” that they could help HALO charter an “The rescue trip started on Tues-
big buncha pooches who were livin’ in
Puerto Rico with their humans, when “I’m honored to meet all of you, and ackshull AIRplane for much less mon- day, Oct. 24. HALO’s private charter,
that hurrycane, Maria, came along and
pretty much blew everything away, an I can’t wait to hear about your adven- ey than usual that could bring food loaded with food and supplies, took off
the humans and pooches lost their
homes, and hundreds of pooches lost ture,” I told him, adjusting my note- and medicine and other stuff all the for our little island. Soon as it landed,
their families and didn’t have even any
food or anything. They were in book, pencil poised. Rafael began. homeless pooches needed, then load a buncha human volunteers started
Dire Straits.
“We were still scared to pieces from up with as many pooches as possible handing out the stuff to the shelters in
Anyway, with lotsa help from re-
ally nice humans, the Puerto Rican goin’ through the hurrycane, thinkin’ an fly back to here. need. Then – I’ll never forget the date,
pooches got rescued. The humans
gathered ’em all up, put ’em onna we were gonna get blown or washed “An here’s the really cool kibbles Thursday, Oct. 26 – 62 of us were cho-
plane an flew ’em to Fort Pierce! All
62 of ’em! THEN, guess what, they away. We didn’t know it then, but the part.” Rafael got sen for a Freedom Flight on the plane
all got delivered to HALO, that shel-
ter up in Sebastian. lady who’s the Boss of here, back to the states. I can’t even describe,
I wanted to talk to one of ’em and Senor Bonzo, how it felt when a human
get the story first-paw, an I thought
you pooches would be innersted, too. picked me up an put me in a little crate
So I got permission to do an innerv-
iew. for the flight. I was afraid to even be-
All the Puerto Rican pooches were lieve it was true. We were ackshully go-
in a special big room, each in their
own little cage, cuz they were all still ing to have a chance for a new life. Dur-
in QWAR-un-teen, which means they
have to be sure they’re not sick or have ing the flight, several of us were talkin’
ang-ZI-utty or anything like that. Plus
they hadda get over all the scary stuff about it and we all felt pretty much the
they’d been through.
same way. Like it was dream.
First I was introduced to Beba, a
little gal, wiggly and slurpy, who ap- “But it was REAL! At about 5 p.m., our
peared well uh-JUS-ted. My assistant
got to hold Beba, who gave her lots of plane landed at the Fort Pierce airport.
frenly slurps.
There was a real efficient, pooch-frenly
“Ola, Senorita Beba. Como estas,” I
inquired. team of HALO volunteers and frens, an
“Bien. Muy bien,” she replied, “But, a real kind dog doctor and assistant on
Senor Bonzo, we all speak English.
Puerto Rican puppies – humans and the ground to welcome us and make
dogs – are required to learn English.”
sure we were all muy bueno. One by
Next a human brought out a choco-
late colored puppy, looked like a Lab, one, our crates, with us in ’em, were
only 4 weeks old. “I’m only 4 weeks old
but I’m not scarda NUFFIN’! I didn’t unloaded an handed down the line.
even do my duty on the big ol’ plane
like some other puppies did, an I only We all had to go through the airport
whined once.”
check-in, then we were loaded into
“You’re one brave puppy,” I said,
with great admiration. three vans for the drive to HALO. It
The next pooch the shelter lady was the same when we arrived here.
brought out was Zeus, an he was al-
most too long-leggedy an wiggly to car- We were all sorta nervous, but the
ry. He had nice short black and white
hair and, at only 6 months old, was still humans are real kind an gentle an
full of puppy energy. “I wanna run! I
love to run! An PLAY. I can’t sit still. I patient with us. Now we’re all tidied
tried it once but it didn’t work.”
up and eating right again and mak-
Finally the nice lady brought out this
itsy little chihuahua with Super-sized ing sure to hydrate, an getting’ used
ears, and gold-colored hair that stuck
out in every direction. I had to smile. CHlAarLkOhdeilrpectthoernPJHeaOwTcOqBaYu: rGeOrRiPDvOeaNtRlsArDoFfOnrRoeD manPdueDrrt.oJRohicno. to bein’ in Florida. Then, when
we’re ready, we can start looking
for our Forever Families. That’s
what I’m most excited about now.”
“Rafael, I don’t think I’ve ever
heard such a dramatic story,” I
q u i e t , told him. “It been a real pleasure yap-
then said, “Honestly, Senor Bonzo, I ping with all you courageous canines,
Miss Jacque, heard was never a big fan of humans, I mostly and I wish you muy buena suerte in
about us hurrycane orphans and knew fended for myself, was never, like, pals your new life.”
she hadda Do Something. When she with one. But I’m lookin’ at things dif- Heading home I was hoping all
found out there were already lotsa ferent since I heard what the HALO hu- those homeless pooches would quickly
supply trucks stuck at the airport in mans an frens did.” find loving homes, and I was looking
Puerto Rico and couldn’t even get to “Why? What did they do?” forward to seeing my Grandma and
the humans, never mind the animals, “They got busy and donated enough Grandpa, and givin’ ’em extra snuggles
she got real determined, like humans money to charter the plane AN fill to show ’em I know what a lucky dog I
do sometimes. it with more than 3,000 pounds of am.
“Us pooches were scattered around food an water an medicine! For US! A
a town called Rincon, in several small -The Bonzbunch of raggedy-muffin Puerto Rican
rescue places, and even more of us,
around 700, were livin’ in a big sanc- pooches they didn’t even KNOW.”
tuary, Santurario Canita, and nobody “Woof!” I repeated, getting a little
had food or water or medicine. We snif f ly-nose.
were all hungry an thirsty, some were
sick and lots Didn’t Make It. That was a Don’t be shy!
scary, Dismal Dog Biscuits time for us,
buh-lieve me.”
“Woof,” was all I could say. We are always looking for pets with interesting stories. To set up
“Then,” Rafael continued, “Miss an interview, please email [email protected].
Jacque found out from this buncha
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, November 23, 2017 25
Marcus Buckingham is an English author who bases most of his writing on extensive 98653
survey data from interviews with workers in countries around the world. He said, “When
you feel as though you can’t do something, the simple antidote is action: Begin doing it. AK943
Start the process, even if it’s just a simple step, and don’t stop at the beginning.”
This is last week’s deal rotated by 90 degrees. Then, East was in five spades after South 72
had led his singleton diamond. To make the contract, East won the first trick in the K 10 5 K Q J 10 9 8 6 5
dummy, led the heart king and discarded his singleton club to stop North from getting K 10 7
on lead — a textbook scissors coup. Today, South is in five hearts doubled. After West Q J 10 7 6 —
leads the spade seven, what should declarer do?
South might have opened four hearts, but that would have risked missing a slam if his
partner had a useful hand. After North responded one no-trump, East jumped to four 2
spades, of course. Now South felt that he had to bid five hearts, which West was happy
to double. East thought about overruling his partner and pulling to five spades, but SOUTH
eventually chose to pass.
It is easy to overlook the danger to this contract. Suppose South wins with the spade
ace, ruffs his second spade and plays on trumps. West gets in with his king and leads AQJ97632
a diamond to partner. Then a spade through declarer promotes West’s heart 10 as the
setting trick. 2
Instead, South, after ruffing the second spade, should lead a heart to his ace, 85
then play three rounds of clubs, discarding his sole diamond to cut the defenders’
communications — another scissors coup. Dealer: South; Vulnerable: North-South
The Bidding:
1 Hearts Pass 1 NT 4 Spades
5 Hearts Dbl. All Pass LEAD:
7 Spades
26 Thursday, November 23, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
1 Empathy (13) 1 Increase (7)
8 Jargon (5) 2 Business agreements (5)
9 Gauche (7) 3 Routine (7)
10 Settle, conclude (7) 4 Journey (6)
11 Lawn flower, weed (5) 5 Bare (5)
12 Whole (6) 6 Visualise (7)
14 Plan (6) 7 Light-headed (5)
18 Precious gem (5) 13 Shoe for sports (7)
20 Vague (7) 15 French country home (7)
22 This evening (7) 16 Factor (7)
23 Shun (5) 17 Edible pulse (6)
24 Farmer (13) 18 Type of flatbread (5)
19 Reasoning (5)
21 Japanese porcelain (5)
The Telegraph
How to do Sudoku:
Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three
The Telegraph
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, November 23, 2017 27
ACROSS 77 Toward the front 11 Getting 101 81 “Elvira, ___ of The Washington Post
79 Hesitation Across the Dark”
1 Type of wolf, not
shark indication 12 Hindu writings 82 Stubborn ones
82 Hard drive 13 Common verb 86 “We ___ in our
5 Casino equipment 14 (“Boo-hoo-hoo”)
9 Tropical fruits measure 15 Bridge bid streets”
15 Like a giant 83 House mbr. 16 Stereo’s precursor (Lamentations)
84 Author Levin 17 Fondly 88 Bilko, for one:
squid? 85 Independent abbr.
21 First law of remembered 89 Deli bread
group Douglas planes 91 Evita role
astrodynamics, 87 John Cusack, to 18 Tres preceder 92 Vietnamese
made simple? 19 Tucson campus, holiday
23 Make a minister Joan familiarly 93 Like crosswords,
24 Sends out 88 Sweetened 20 Shortly to fans
25 ___ nutshell 90 The Idi Amin 22 ___ school 98 Release
26 One for their side 29 Move obliquely 99 Sirens
27 Ansel’s orig. Hall of Fame? 31 My, to Maigret 100 Erminelike
28 Rejections 94 Bounce 32 Regular animals
30 Devil’s tail? 95 Teen’s adjective alternative, once 101 “Lustrous ___ of
31 Canned soup 96 Salt Lake player 33 Testing room sun”
ingredient 97 Western star Jack 35 The Bering, for (Walt Whitman)
32 African antelope 101 40, as opposed to one: abbr. 102 Hard on the ears
34 Mine matter 37 Western 103 Chan’s creator,
36 Gambler’s last 39 Hemisphere Earl ___ Biggers
resort 104 Explosive alliance: abbr. 104 “By ___ was really
38 Cheer, or type of 105 Took off 39 Tout’s concern mad ...”
beer 107 Hardly any taste 40 The same, on the 106 Eager
40 Greek’s H Seine 108 Sno-cones
41 Those !@#$%*! at all? 42 Devastation 109 Novelist John
people 110 Lilly of drug fame 43 Actress Verduco Cowper ___
next door? 111 Future perch 44 Dieter’s request 112 Bit or jot
49 Slaves 112 A personal 45 The Roscommon 113 Italian TV network
51 Ref. tome people 114 A ways away
52 Wagon question 46 Shoot 116 Tim Daly’s actress
53 Member of the 113 Oscar de la ___ 47 Naturally followed sister
pod squad 115 Monroe’s Niagara 48 Goofball 118 Puppy’s bite
54 Wrath 49 Stalwart 119 Noted
55 Neckline shape co-star performers hydroelectric proj.
56 Intro to Nova? 117 What one well- 50 Ruled 120 Chant sounds
58 Woozy 54 German pronoun 121 Never, to
59 Mind game timed 56 Voice of Daffy Nietzsche
60 Nixon’s Chuck power surge 57 Addis ___
62 Jabbering jabber, could do to 61 Frequent flyer, DOUBLE BILLS, THE SEQUEL By Merl Reagle
once Manhattanites at familiarly
63 Spike Lee’s breakfast time? 62 Hubbub
Get on the ___ 122 Film sequel about 64 Handle
65 Serengeti a chauffeur who 65 Navel wear?
stampeder talks incessantly? 67 “Friend,” to early
66 Real-life reason 123 Barbecue sites New England
for some high- 124 Time gone by Indians
level indictments 125 Collections 68 Haitian dance
in 69 On ___ (busy)
the late 1980s? DOWN 70 Viking in the
68 Swatter’s goal? 1 “Vatican Rag” comics
72 S.F. time 71 Slangy assent
73 Spectacular span singer Tom 76 Backtalk
74 Wartime prez 2 Nervous 77 Can’t stand
75 Descendant of an 3 Zola novel 78 Turkey
ark passenger 4 Field Marshal 80 Workplace
76 Kareem, before watchdog
5 Article for Helmut
6 Off the job
7 Element in
8 Genus of razor
9 Country colleen
10 Not in the book
The Telegraph
28 Thursday, November 23, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Another homecoming? She just wants to stay home
STORY BY CAROLYN HAX THE WASHINGTON POST though it is entirely realistic to, this is plainly not just prior reunions. And of course that would feel lousy.
about three days of perma-smiling. No doubt he feels lousy, too, that you won’t rally
Dear Carolyn: My husband
graduated from a military acade- And while only you can know for sure what the real for one of his top, nearly lifelong priorities by grit-
my 54 years ago. As a healthy, hap- obstacle is, I can piece together an idea from the like- smiling for three of every 1,826.25 days.
pily married couple for 48 years, we lihood that you wouldn’t “feel crummy,” wouldn’t
have enjoyed the life we lived as a have written to me, and wouldn’t have thought twice I also don’t doubt that a half-century marriage
military family. We always sup- about skipping the 55th if your husband had said to has involved a lot more issues than this one where
ported each other and our children you: “I understand. Thanks for being such a good you’ve each approached the same problem with two
during our frequent moves, about sport about all the other reunions, and enjoy your different scopes, and therefore come up with radi-
every two years. well-deserved break.” cally different emotions in response to the same set
of facts.
The problem? I have attended Right? You feel bad because your husband’s emo-
homecomings at his school every five years. They tional calculations here apparently don’t include It’s incredibly common. Example: You express an-
are always fun, full of celebrations and reflections. I any banked goodwill for your effort toward those 10 noyance at the wet towel the other left on the floor
thought the final event was the 50th … a big to-do. this morning, while the other is annoyed that you
chose to complain despite the other’s being guilty of
I was wrong. Just found out 55 is around the corner. roughly zero prior wet-towel leavings in the entirety
I just can’t go. I’m finished. No more stories of glory of your lives together. It’s a matter of scope: You see a
days, seeing pictures of hundreds of beautiful grand- day, the other sees years.
kids, smiling until the jaws hurt. My spouse thinks I
am not being supportive of this (his) special commu- Cases like these are when the seemingly impos-
nity. I know he can go alone and probably will. sible is possible: when both of you can be both right
I feel crummy that I want to spend my time doing and wrong. Yes the wet-towel-leaving is wrong and
what focuses on the present and not live in the past, taking exception to it is right – and fussing over
even if it is only for three days. Should I stay or should a single negligent act by a considerate partner is
I go? wrong and taking exception to that is right.
– Hate Reunions Please talk to your husband with this framework
in mind. Suggest that he’s seeing one reunion while
Hate Reunions: Because it is only three days you’re seeing all of them, and ask if he’d be willing
every five years, it’s entirely realistic for you to go to discuss the 55th with you both on his terms and
wave the flag as a nod to nearly a half-century of on yours.
happy marriage.
Whatever you agree to as a result of this conversa-
Because you don’t want to go wave the flag even tion, it will feel a whole lot better just for being un-
derstood and agreed to by both.
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, November 23, 2017 29
First Bites: Satellite Breeze – big portions, good value
Greek Salad. NY Strip.
REVIEW BY LISA ZAHNER STAFF WRITER enjoyed a yummy cup of homemade Pasta Primavera. Homemade
[email protected] chicken noodle soup and I was pleased Rice Pudding.
with my salad – soup or salad accompa- PHOTOS BY GORDON RADFORD
About the same time Hurricane Irma nies most entrees. The highlight of my RESTAURANT HOURS
blew down signs large and small along meal was the unexpectedly good pasta Fried Calamari. 9 a.m. to 10 p.m.
A1A, the Neptune marquee came down primavera ($12.95), made with grilled
and was replaced by a cheerfully colored vegetables tossed into pasta and a deli- prices reasonable across the menu. By Sunday through Thursday
placard announcing the new Satellite cious alfredo sauce. My son enjoyed his looking around, we could see Satellite 9 a.m. to 11 p.m.
Breeze restaurant was coming soon. 10-ounce Black Angus New York Strip Breeze already becoming popular with
steak ($16.95) and his mashed potatoes, the island’s more senior residents who Friday and Saturday
Headline news: Satellite Breeze is but said he’d skip the gravy next time. know where to find a good meal and a Breakfast served all day
family-owned, the dream of Tommy Ko- good value.
koris and Maria Tsiartas. They finished Drink: You can quench your thirst for BEVERAGES
sprucing up the place for a soft opening a cold draught beer or a tasty cocktail, Initial Impressions: While Satellite Full bar
on Wednesday, Oct. 11, and were roar- and Satellite Breeze has happy hour spe- Breeze might not make the rotation of
ing at full steam by Friday night with the cials and a kitchen that’s open later than our half-dozen or so favorite beachside ADDRESS
first of many evenings of live entertain- most, for the night owls or hungry folks eateries, we definitely want to return 1462 Hwy. A1A, Satellite Beach
ment on the long, covered patio. We vis- who have been out Christmas shopping. to sample some of the gourmet coffee
ited twice over the past month – once for bar selections, and the delicacies from PHONE
lunch and once for dinner. Service: On both of our visits we the luscious dessert case. All the freshly (321) 622-6780
were greeted warmly, seated promptly baked cakes and pies looked absolutely
Look & Feel: We had never been to and served attentively. The staff seems wonderful, but we were just too full to
Neptune, so we had no frame of refer- well-trained and able to answer ques- indulge. Those who enjoy Greek cuisine
ence to judge the remodel. I asked a tions about the large menu. The own- will want to check out Satellite Breeze
couple of patrons in the parking lot for ers routinely make the rounds to say and watch the online calendar for the
their thoughts. One man said the inte- hello and ensure that everything was next Greek Taverna Night with live en-
rior was a vast improvement over Nep- to your liking. tertainment.
tune, and another woman said the large
dining rooms and high, semi-circular Price: Portions are generous and We encourage you to send feedback to
banquettes gave her a hotel-dining feel. [email protected].
The outdoor patio deck and bar area is
casual and breezy, perfect for a meal The reviewer is a Brevard resident who
with friends, for a laid-back date night, dines anonymously at restaurants at the
or a beer after work. Inside is a bit more expense of this newspaper.
formal. In the three weeks between our
visits, the cigarette smoke smell that was
clearly present the first time had almost
totally disappeared.
Food: Breakfast on our first visit was
pretty average, but dinner was much
tastier. My western omelet with home
fries and toast ($8.95) was well-pre-
pared, but my son’s pancakes in his
2x2x2x2 breakfast (two pancakes or
slices of french toast, two eggs, two sau-
sage patties and two strips of bacon for
$9.95) were very heavy and yellow in
color. He ate his eggs and meat, but only
took a bite or two of the pancakes. For
dinner we had the calamari appetizer
($8.95) and it was served hot with a nice,
light breading and not greasy. My son
30 Thursday, November 23, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
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Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, November 23, 2017 31
Please send calendar information 26 46th annual Space Coast Marathon 2 Christmas Bazaar featuring gift baskets, 2 Kandi M. Siegel children’s author book
at least two weeks prior to your and Half Marathon, 6 a.m. from Co- hand-made crafts, puppy treats, candies signing, noon to 3 p.m. at Pat’s Place, 279
coa Village to benefit seven charity groups, with and baked goods, hosted by the Oceanside E. Eau Gallie Blvd, Indian Harbour Beach.
event to new Marathon Relay, Back into Orbit after-party, Community Church Ladies Ministry, 8 a.m. to 2
[email protected] space costume contest and awards. Spacecoast- p.m., 305 Cassia Blvd, Satellite Beach. 6 Indialantic Garden Club by the Sea Lily Park paver brick reveal celebration 11 a.m. at Lily
ONGOING 2 Ocean Reef Beach Festival, 10 a.m. to 5 Park on the corner of 8 th Avenue and South Riv-
26 Parkinson’s Care Fair presented by the p.m. at Pelican Beach Park, Satellite Beach. erside Drive. The Club is selling personalized pav-
Anti-Gravity Project mural installation Nov. Parkinson’s Support Group of Brevard, ers to benefit its scholarship program for college
24 through Dec. 3 with daily happenings at 10:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Melbourne Ri- students studying horticulture or environmental
multiple locations in the Eau Gallie Arts District, alto Hilton, 200 Rialto Place in Melbourne. Call 2 Porch Music - come sing, play, dance, enjoy sciences.
including live art demonstrations, live music, (321)622-5845 to RSVP to the event to reserve jam music on the porch of the Melbourne
gallery exhibitions, illustration battles, inter- seating and free resource material. Beach Old Town Hall History Center, 2373 Oak 8|9 Beach Town Music Festival featuring
active games and pop-up shops and local fun, St. 1:00-2:30, First and Third Saturday of the Jake Owen, Gin Blossoms, Bret Mi-
culminating with the Anti-Block Party on Dec 26 Pawsgiving potluck, veteran edition, 6 month. Rhythmic dulcimers form the core of the chaels, Edwin McCain, David Ray, Adley Stump, David
2 on Highland Ave featuring food trucks, live p.m. at Paws for Veterans, 83 Ocean jam band. Free. Small donation to historic site Nail, Claire Dunn and Scotty Emerick. Indian River
music and all kinds of creative activity. www. Blvd, Satellite Beach. Come meet fellow veter- appreciated. Call (321)327-4871 for details. County Fairgrounds, ans and have a free meal. Friendly pets and ser-
vice dogs welcome.
Satellite Beach Farmers Market, 10 a.m. to 4
p.m. Thursdays at Pelican Beach Park 27 High School Row for Free Week Nov.
27-Dec. 1 at Oars and Paddles Park,
Beach Rotary Club meets at 7:30 a.m. Tues- Indian Harbour Beach, hosted by Space Coast
days at Ocean Side Pizza, 300 Ocean Ave. #6, Crew for eighth through 12th graders only.
Melbourne Beach.
Beginner Yoga Stretch and Meditation Class, 1 Lights, Wine and Cheese in the Garden, 6 ACROSS DOWN
11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturdays at Siren Salon to 8 p.m. at Rockledge Gardens, 2153 U.S. 1 BONFIRE 1 BANGERS
and Spa Services, 3270 South Highway A1A, 1, Rockledge. 5 SOLVE 2 NOISE
Suite 104 in Beachwoods Plaza. Free, all are 8 NAILS 3 INSPIRE
welcome. Mats , water and fruit provided. 1 Margaritas for Mangroves holiday event 9 EPISODE 4 ENERGY
(321)614-7706. for the lagoon, presented by the Marine 10 EVENING 5 SWISS
Resources Council and hosted by Melbourne 11 SHOWY 6 LOOKOUT
Tai Chi and Qigong, 9:30 a.m. Saturdays at BMW, 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. at 1432 S. Harbor City 12 SYSTEM 7 ENEMY
Gleason Park, north side of lake. Donation of Blvd, Melbourne. Complimentary Tapas and 14 DEPTHS 13 STARTER
$5-$10. Margarita service with live music, silent auction, 18 BLAME 15 ELASTIC
prizes and keynote speaker. Admission $25, con- 20 TEACAKE 16 SCENERY
NOVEMBER tact Steve at (321)978-8862 orSharkeyMRC@ 22 ATTRACT 17 STATUS 23 TRADE
25 Advent decorating party, 10 a.m. to 24 THREE
noon at Chapel by the Sea, 8240 S. Solutions from Games Pages 25 SOCIETY
Highway A1A, Melbourne Beach, help adorn the in November 16, 2017 Edition
sanctuary and memorial building for the season,
family-friendly get-together with snacks and
music. RSVP to (321)405-7105.
25 Meet and greet with Labrador Retriever
Rescue of Florida, Space Coast Chap-
ter, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Pet Supermarket in In-
dian Harbour Beach. Meet adoptable pets, learn
about volunteering and more.
25|26 53rd annual Space Coast Art Sudoku Page 2560 SudokuPPaaggee2571 CrosswordPPaage 5206 Crossword PPaaggee2571 (THE LOST FILMS OF JERRY LEWIS)
Festival, a juried Master Fine
Arts Show at Manatee Park in Cape Canaveral.
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“Everything You Need To Be” Screen Room’s
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Spacious island home comes
with guest apartment
6870 State Road A1A in Melbourne Beach: 2-bedroom, 2.5-bath, 2,525-square-foot pool home with partial ocean view
offered for $574,900 by Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Realtor Gibbs Baum: 321-432-2009
34 Thursday, November 23, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Spacious island home comes with guest apartment
STORY BY GEORGE WHITE STAFF WRITER fall, as well as a detached guest apart- completely where you can hear the a unique hanging light fixture. The
[email protected] ment and fully functional summer waterfall throughout the home and grand staircase with ornate railing
kitchen and cabana bathroom. take advantage of the additional liv- leads to a large master bedroom with
Boasting an open floor plan with ing space you get when you have cov- unscreened porch with large arches
vaulted ceilings filled with natural “It has concrete walls around the ered porch areas with pavers.” looking east over the lawn, and a par-
light and a loft, the two-story Medi- pool so it’s very private,” said Trea- tial view of the ocean.
terranean-style property at 6870 State sure Coast Sotheby’s listing agent The entrance to the home from
Road A1A in Melbourne Beach offers Gibbs Baum. “When the weather is the courtyard features a staircase as- “It is easy to imagine coming out
a dramatic lifestyle perfect for a re- nice, all the doors can be opened up cending the wall along the foyer with here in the evening with the breeze
tiree or younger couple. and looking out toward the beach [to
enjoy the water view],” Baum said.
The two-bedroom, two-and-a-half
bath home is located on the west side The master bedroom has a color-
of State Road A1A on a large lot with a ful bathroom suite with Costa Rican-
well-maintained lawn and landscap- inspired mosaic inlays on both the
ing and an attached two-car garage. walls and sinks. That vibrant design
motif is echoed in the downstairs
The 2,525-square-foot courtyard bedroom with full bath but designers
home features a gated entrance and took one step more with the addition
covered porch leading to a courtyard of terra cotta tile flooring.
pool with in-ground spa and water-
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, November 23, 2017 35
A short upstairs hallway from the space. Solar tubes add to the natural well. Where the stained glass is now Neighborhood:
bedroom leads to a loft space – over- lighting upstairs. there is an area that had been used for Melbourne Beach
looking the living area and kitchen – a large fish tank,’’ Baum said. Year built: 2000
previously used as a small art gallery, “The former owners were artists Architectural style:
which could make a perfect office and loved art and there are little ar- The island kitchen features a break-
eas for art work that are lighted as fast bar, built-in stove and gas range Mediterranean
Materials: concrete block first
floor, frame second floor
Exterior finish: Stucco
Bedrooms: 2
2 full baths and 1 half-bath
Home size: 2,525 square-feet
under air, with 3,107 square feet
under roof
Additional features: Private
pool with in-ground spa and
waterfall, summer kitchen,
vaulted ceilings with ceiling
fans, island kitchen with break-
fast bar, gas range, pantry, walk-
in closets, detached guest apart-
ment, cabana bath, loft with
space for home office, metal
roof, two-car attached garage.
Listing agency: Treasure Coast
Sotheby’s International Realty
Listing agent:
Gibbs Baum, 321-432-2009
Listing price: $574,900
36 Thursday, November 23, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
with plenty of cabinet space. The home’s common liv- claimed water irrigation.
ing space has a custom contrasting tile floor through- The roof looks like tile but actually is made out
out, with large windows and high ceilings giving a
dramatic effect and providing lively acoustics. of metal, Baum said. “We have seen a few homes
with it and it just seems to wear better” in the harsh
The exterior of the combination concrete block beachside environment.
and wood frame home features a well-maintained
yard and landscaping with a private well and re- This charming and spacious Melbourne Beach
home is listed for $574,900.
GOP tax proposal chips away at homeowner benefits
STORY BY KENNETH R. HARNEY WASHINGTON POST from taxation the first $250,000 of homes. It says simply that taxpayers can negatively affect sales – even prices –
capital gains on a sale as a single filer have only one “qualified residence.” on homes closed after Nov. 2.
The message sent by House Repub- ($500,000 filing jointly), provided you
licans in the tax overhaul bill they have used the house as your principal With that brief redefinition, the bill T● he capital-gains exclusion changes
launched last week is unmistakable residence for an aggregate two years would eliminate the ability of home- would cover home sales after Dec. 31.
and blunt: We think homeowners and out of the five years preceding the sale. owners to write off mortgage interest No grandfathering, no wiggle room.
homebuyers have gotten much too You can also use the exclusion as fre- on second homes and weekend get-
sweet a deal from the federal tax code quently as once every two years. away houses. Removing the deduc- T● he capping of deductions for state
for far too long – and now we’re going tion would increase the cost of owner- and local taxes to $10,000 – currently
to whack them down. No other major Under the Republican proposal, the ship on potentially millions of second there is no limit for taxpayers who
sector of the economy gets hit so hard two-out-of-five standard would van- homes. According to a study last year itemize – would start for everybody
in the proposal in so many places as ish. Instead, you’d need to live in and by the National Association of Home after Dec. 31. Note that only property
homeownership. use the property as your main resi- Builders, 7.5 million second homes taxes could qualify for even this limit:
dence for five of the preceding eight qualified for the mortgage interest de- Sales and income taxes would no lon-
You’ve probably heard about the years – a requirement designed to duction, based on the latest available ger be deductible.
splashiest cut proposed in the bill: a lower the number of people eligible Census Bureau survey data.
reduction in the maximum deductible to claim the exclusion. This would E● xpenses related to moving from
mortgage amount from $1 million to inevitably hurt middle-income and Then there’s the whole issue of when one home to another no longer would
$500,000. And you might have figured, other families who were forced to sell the housing changes proposed in the be deductible after Dec. 31.
“Eh, no big deal, my mortgage is no- their houses because of job transfers or bill would take effect. Traditionally,
where near that size.” medical reasons, as well as first-time major tax bills contain transition peri- You might be wondering: Could all
buyers moving up to a new home a few ods to give affected taxpayers time to this nasty targeting of homeownership
But you might have missed some of years after purchase as their families adjust. That could happen with this bill actually make it through Congress and
the other, less publicized but punitive expand. The bill also would limit use of as well, but at the moment, the starting get signed into law? Certainly the ma-
changes tucked away in the legislative the tax-free exclusion to once every five dates included for housing provisions jor real estate lobbies – the National
text that just might bite you, now or in years, up from the current two years. are shocking. Check out these effective Association of Home Builders and the
the future. dates as they now stand in the bill: National Association of Realtors – plan
Another noteworthy change that’s campaigns to block the housing chang-
For example, Section 1402 of the easy to miss: Section 1302 of the bill, T● he reduction in the mortgage-inter- es as the bill moves through the House
proposal would significantly alter which would slice the mortgage-inter- est-deduction ceiling, plus deductions and as the Senate unveils its version.
the ground rules governing a benefit est deduction in half, includes a single for second homes, would take effect on
that millions of homeowners have sentence that could be important to loans taken out after Nov. 2. Not only is But keep this in mind: The Republi-
factored into their financial planning many Americans who own second there no transition time, the changes cans are desperate to pass a tax-cut bill
for decades. are essentially retroactive. This could by year’s end. There are plenty of ob-
stacles in their way – even from within
Under current law, you can exclude their own ranks. But it could happen.
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, November 23, 2017 37
Mortgage rates up but haven’t moved much this year
STORY BY KATHY ORTON WASHINGTON POST ger economic growth in Europe,” effect on mortgage rates than the pre- October,” Kan said. “Applications
said Joel Kan, an economist with the vious moves earlier in the year. Home for home purchase loans increased
Mortgage rates rose this week but Mortgage Bankers Association. prices continue to hinder prospec- slightly last week and were 17 per-
essentially are back to where they tive buyers as almost half of the na- cent higher than the same week one
started a year ago. A year ago, mortgage rates soared tion’s top markets are now considered year ago.”
after Donald Trump was elected pres- ‘overvalued’ according to recent fig-
According to the latest data re- ident. The 30-year fixed rate jumped ures, and although seasonality may
leased Thursday by Freddie Mac, the to 3.94 percent from 3.57 percent. be a significant reason for low mort-
30-year fixed-rate average climbed to The 15-year fixed rate soared to 3.14 gage volume, at some point higher in-
3.95 percent with an average 0.5 point. percent from 2.88 percent. And the terest rates will be a dominant force
(Points are fees paid to a lender equal five-year arm climbed to 3.07 percent in home values and mortgage vol-
to 1 percent of the loan amount.) It from 2.88 percent. ume.”
was 3.90 percent a week ago and 3.94
percent a year ago. It was the highest Twelve months later, fixed home Meanwhile, mortgage applications
the 30-year fixed rate has been since loan rates are pretty much back to were higher last week, according to
July. where they were. the latest data from the Mortgage
Bankers Association. The market
The 15-year fixed-rate average grew, which puts out a composite index – a measure of total
to 3.31 percent with an average 0.5 weekly mortgage rate trend index, loan application volume – increased
point. It was 3.24 percent a week ago found that half of the experts it sur- 3.1 percent. The refinance index rose
and 3.14 percent a year ago. The 15- veyed say rates will remain relative- 6 percent, while the purchase index
year fixed rate hasn’t been this high ly stable in the coming week. Brett was flat, inching up 0.4 percent.
since April. The five-year adjustable Sinnott, vice president of capital
rate average slipped to 3.21 percent markets at CMG Financial, is one The refinance share of mortgage
with an average 0.4 point. It was 3.22 who predicts that rates will hold activity accounted for 51.3 percent of
percent a week ago and 3.07 percent a steady. all applications.
year ago.
“It is still expected that the Fed will “Refinance activity increased over
“Additional developments sur- carry out its final rate move of 2017 by the week, as rates were lower in the
rounding the Administration’s tax increasing 25 [basis points] at their first half of the week before increas-
reform plan pushed rates lower at the December meeting,” Sinnott said. ing at week’s end, and the refinance
beginning of the week, but this was “This, combined with their balance index reached its highest level since
effectively offset by news of stron- sheet unwind, should have a greater
38 Thursday, November 23, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Real Estate Sales on South Brevard island: Nov. 10 to Nov. 16
The real estate market continued steady in mid-November in island ZIP codes 32951, 32903 and 32937.
Satellite Beach led the way with 6 sales, followed by Melbourne Beach and Indialantic with 5 each, and
Indian Harbour Beach reporting 3.
Our featured sale of the week was of a Melbourne Beach home in walking distance of the beach. The
residence at 5145 Palm Drive was placed on the market Oct. 7 for $425,000. The sale closed just over five
weeks later on Nov. 13 for the full asking price.
The seller in the transaction was represented by Henry Saunders of Treasure Coast Sotheby’s. The
purchaser was represented by Cassandra Hartford of the Fontaine Property Group.
WILCOX MELBOURNE BEA 206 SIXTH AVE 8/12/2017 $475,000 $450,000 11/10/2017 $219,000
SOUTH SHORES RIVERSI 5590 CORD GRASS LN 7/13/2017 $285,000 $279,000 11/15/2017
BEACH WOODS STAGE 8 3315 SEA MIST LN 11/14/2017 $229,000 $229,000 11/14/2017 $368,000
SALES FOR 32903 $235,000
OCEAN RESIDENCE SOUT 951 N HIGHWAY A1A N 8/29/2017 $415,000 $415,000 11/15/2017 $495,000
THE DUNES AT OCEANSI 166 DOTTED DOVE LN 10/17/2017 $344,900 $344,900 11/13/2017 $490,000
OCEANVIEW CONDO 2150 N HIGHWAY A1A 409 10/27/2017 $249,000 $249,000 11/10/2017 $420,000
OCEAN ROYALE CONDO 1595 HIGHWAY A1A 502 5/4/2017 $538,000 $499,000 11/15/2017
GARDENIA OCEANFRONT 2195 HIGHWAY A1A 302 4/12/2017 $519,900 $499,900 11/15/2017
NONE 301 TRADEWINDS DR 301 9/14/2017 $435,000 $435,000 11/15/2017
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, November 23, 2017 39
Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.
Subdivision: Wilcox Melbourne Bea, Address: 206 Sixth Ave Subdivision: Ocean Residence Sout, Address: 951 N Highway A1A N
Listing Date: 8/12/2017 Listing Date: 8/29/2017
Original Price: $475,000 Original Price: $415,000
Recent Price: $450,000 Recent Price: $415,000
Sold: 11/10/2017 Sold: 11/15/2017
Selling Price: $405,000 Selling Price: $368,000
Listing Agent: Susan Kuschel & Cary Kuschel Listing Agent: Elliott Grozan & Corey Craigie
Selling Agent: National Realty of Brevard Selling Agent: Curri Kirschner Real Estate Group
Not provided Corey Craigie
Not provided Curri Kirschner Real Estate Group
Subdivision: The Dunes at Oceansi, Address: 166 Dotted Dove Ln Subdivision: Beach Club Condominium, Address: 650 Island Club Ct 140
Listing Date: 10/17/2017 Listing Date: 10/11/2017
Original Price: $344,900 Original Price: $114,900
Recent Price: $344,900 Recent Price: $114,900
Sold: 11/13/2017 Sold: 11/16/2017
Selling Price: $343,250 Selling Price: $100,500
Listing Agent: Michael Novak Listing Agent: Stephanie Stepp
& Tiffany Schanck
Selling Agent: M. Novak Real Estate LLC Selling Agent:
Curri Properties
Stephanie Dandridge
Gibbs Baum
Dale Sorensen Real Estate, Inc
Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl
Subdivision: Gardenia Oceanfront, Address: 2195 Highway A1A 302
Listing Date: 4/12/2017
Original Price: $519,900
Recent Price: $499,900
Sold: 11/15/2017
Selling Price: $490,000
Listing Agent: Cathy DiPalma
Selling Agent: Coldwell Banker Res. R.E.
Jackie Griffin
Florida Lifestyle Realty LLC
Subdivision: Ocean Royale Condo, Address: 1595 Highway A1A 502
Listing Date: 5/4/2017
Original Price: $538,000
Recent Price: $499,000
Sold: 11/15/2017
Selling Price: $495,000
Listing Agent: Janet Allen
Selling Agent: Sandy Shoes Realty, Inc.
Maria-Teresa Boyd
Surfside Properties & Mgt.