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Published by Vero Beach 32963 Media, 2018-03-15 14:10:25

03/15/2018 ISSUE 11


Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 15, 2018 51


ment in practices such as transship- of cargo vessels that passed in and out world body to investigate alleged sanc- U.N. sanctions banning all exports
ment, or the movement of illicit goods of Kholmsk harbor in late summer and tions-busting activity. The draft of the of North Korean coal were formally ap-
between vessels to conceal the identi- early fall of last year, carrying coal that U.N. report, due for release this month, proved Aug. 5. That week, two North
ties of the original suppliers. at least partly originated in North Ko- was reviewed by The Washington Post. Korean-flagged ships entered Kholmsk
rean mines. to deposit coal in an outdoor bin near
Ships registered in nine countries Before last summer, there is no record the harbor entrance, according to mari-
were blacklisted in a move that Trea- A chronology of the operation of recent visits to Kholmsk by any of the time records and the U.N report. There
sury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said was pieced together by researchers ships involved. Indeed, no North Kore- would be seven such voyages over the
would hobble North Korean leader from the Center for Advanced De- an cargo vessels of any kind are known following month by four different ships,
Kim Jong Un’s ability to buy and sell fense Studies, using data supplied by to have docked there since at least 2015. three North Korean and the Chinese-
the commodities most essential to his Windward, a private company that The interest in the obscure port appears owned Yu Yuan, which arrived Sept. 9.
country’s economy. “This will signifi- analyzes ship-tracking data collected to have begun in early August, just as
cantly hinder the Kim regime’s capac- by satellites and at ports around the the U.N. Security Council was meeting The 305-foot-long Yu Yuan is man-
ity to conduct evasive maritime activi- world. The essential narrative also is to consider new sanctions punishing aged by Rich Mountain Trading and
ties that facilitate illicit coal and fuel contained in a confidential report by North Korea after its July test of a new is owned by Maple Source Shipping,
transports, and erode its abilities to the United Nations Panel of Experts, a intercontinental ballistic missile capa- both based in China. Both companies
ship goods through international wa- technical committee appointed by the ble of striking the United States. use the same office suite as Chang An
ters,” Mnuchin said. Shipping, which was among the Chi-
THE YU YUAN CARGO VESSEL. nese companies listed in the North
But while such measures will make Korean sanctions announced by the
it harder for North Korea to conduct THE SKY ANGEL CARGO VESSEL. Trump administration last month.
foreign trade in the short term, the Company officials in China did not re-
effects will last only until Pyongyang spond to requests for comment deliv-
and its business partners develop new ered by email and text message.
methods for circumventing them, ex-
perts say. While the Yu Yuan is Chinese-owned,
it sailed under the flag of the West Afri-
Despite decades of economic isola- can nation of Togo. There is no record
tion, North Korea nearly always finds a of any connection to Togo among the
way to get what it needs, because there ship’s owners or managers. Analysts
are always companies willing to take say the Yu Yuan’s operators appear to
the risk, said Andrea Berger, a Lon- have adopted the common practice of
don-based specialist in proliferation registering the vessel under a “flag of
networks and export controls with the convenience,” which in some cases al-
James Martin Center for Nonprolifera- lows ship owners to enjoy advantages
tion Studies in Monterey, Calif. in taxes, fees and labor rules.

“We spend so much of our time Since the dawning of the GPS age,
trying to put obstacles in the way of concealing the location of a large car-
North Korea, and in making the ob- go ship on the open sea is no longer a
stacles higher and wider,” Berger said, simple matter. In addition to govern-
“but the North Koreans are simply ment spy agencies, at least a dozen
very practiced at getting around what- commercial companies plot the move-
ever we put in their path.” ment of vessels traveling the world’s
shipping lanes, using data from sat-
How North Korea managed to laun- ellites and harbor masters as well as
der its coal in Russia – and then sell it
to two of its biggest adversaries – is es- STORY CONTINUED ON PAGE 54
sentially a tale of two ships. The Togo-
lese-flagged Yu Yuan and the Panama-
nian-flagged Sky Angel, both Chinese
owned, were among two separate sets

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54 Vero Beach 32963 / March 15, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


from the ships’ transponders, which ried – might have remained a mystery, for three days,” said Thompson, citing and docked at the same coal terminal,
broadcast unique electronic signals except that a satellite photographed the Russian records. Then it left, he maritime records show. The Sky Angel
pinpointing individual vessels’ pre- the vessel in mid-August. The image, said, “headed for Kholmsk.” left Kholmsk harbor on Sept. 26 after
cise locations. The operators of the Yu provided to U.N. investigators and reporting to harbor officials an in-
Yuan, like those of any other cargo ship, included in their confidential report, The rest of the Yu Yuan’s voyage was crease in its draft almost identical to
would have been aware that their ves- shows the Yu Yuan docked at the coal relatively straightforward. On Sept. 2, the reduction in the Yu Yuan’s – about
sel’s movements were being tracked. terminal in the port city of Wonsan on transponder records show, the cargo 10 feet.
North Korea’s east coast. vessel arrived in Kholmsk, a town of
Commercial shipping data obtained 30,000 people on Sakhalin island, a for- On Oct. 2, it discharged its coal at
by the Center for Advanced Defense The evidence from the photograph mer part of the Japanese archipelago Incheon, South Korea’s bustling harbor
Studies – commonly known by its ac- is buttressed by a second source: Har- seized by the Soviet Union at the end of a few miles west of the capital city of
ronym C4ADS – show the Yu Yuan leav- bor master records from port authori- World War II. The town, a collection of Seoul. A customs certificate shown to
ing northeast China’s Wangjia Bay in ties in Nahodka. The Russian-language Soviet-style apartment buildings clus- The Washington Post states only that
early August and traveling around the documents, also obtained by C4ADS, tered on green hills above the harbor the coal originated in Kholmsk.
Korean Peninsula into the Sea of Japan. record the arrival of the Yu Yuan, a and rail terminal, has lost nearly half of
vessel reported to have traveled from its population since the fall of commu- The pattern was repeated by five
Then, on Aug. 6, as the vessel was Wonsan with a cargo of coal. nism, but it still operates a small port other ships that picked up coal from
steaming north along the South Korean with terminals for timber and, on the Kholmsk between August and Octo-
coast, its transponder signal appears to The Yu Yuan did not discharge its car- harbor’s southern lip, coal. ber and delivered it to South Korea
vanish from the maritime record. There go in Nahodka. In fact, it did not enter or, in one instance, to Rumoi, Japan.
is no indication of its whereabouts un- the harbor but remained anchored just A second satellite photo shows the None of the ships had previously visit-
til Aug. 17, when its transponder signal beyond the sea wall, the Russian port Yu Yuan berthed at Kholmsk’s coal ter- ed Kholmsk in at least two years, ship-
reappears at Nahodka, a port about documents show. A common practice minal. Port records would later reveal ping records show.
100 miles from Vladivostok in Russia’s among contraband runners is to lin- that the Yu Yuan reduced its draft – a
Far East, the data shows. ger outside a port terminal for several measure of a ship’s weight determined Investigators say the Sky Angel broke
days – sometimes called “loitering” – to by how low it sits in the water – by no laws in hauling coal from a Rus-
The temporary silencing of the tran- throw investigators off their trail, said about 10 feet, indicating an offloading sian port to Incheon, although South
sponder is a common practice among Thompson, the C4ADS analyst. of cargo at the Russian port. Its decks Korean officials might have viewed
North Korean-flagged vessels moving were empty, documents show, when the transaction differently if they had
sensitive cargoes. Indeed, at least two While the Yu Yuan crew’s intentions the ship briefly returned to Nahodka known of the coal’s true origins.
of the other ships that visited Kholmsk can’t be deduced from the maritime a few days later to pick up a load of
in August and September also appear to record, anyone examining the ship’s timber before resuming its southward “You could argue that some of the
have stopped broadcasting their signals movements might conclude that the trek along the Korean Peninsula. coal at the Kholmsk terminal was of
for several days before arriving at the Yu Yuan had docked at Nahodka and Russian origin,” said the Western dip-
Russian port, maritime records show. perhaps received its cargo there. Nei- Separately, on Sept. 21, just over two lomat briefed on the evidence, “but
ther was true. weeks after the Yu Yuan’s visit, the car- once you’re dumping North Korean
What the Yu Yuan was doing during go ship Sky Angel arrived at Kholmsk coal into that pile, does it make a dif-
those 11 days – and what cargo it car- “It sat anchored outside Nahodka ference? Especially if you’re dropping

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 15, 2018 55


off a scoop of North Korean coal and tions were coordinated. Who, or what, “Who is facilitating the transac- used to get around very specific re-
then picking up an equivalent scoop caused so many ships to converge on tions? How high up does it go?” said strictions.”
a few days later?” an obscure port in Russia around the Thompson, the North Korea analyst.
same time, to move a few thousand “What is without doubt is the fact “The most egregious thing,” he add-
Shipping records shed no light on tons of coal that could no longer be sold that this is North Korean coal and ed, “is that in spite of everything we’re
what is perhaps the biggest remaining legitimately on the open market? that obfuscation tactics are being doing, the coal ends up in the very plac-
mystery: whether, and how, the transac- es that would least want to have it. 

56 Vero Beach 32963 / March 15, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™



The confirmation by British police that former tinued working for British intelligence after he was services, the assassination attempt sends a clear signal
Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter had been traded. But since the Russian government now can't to Russians who work, or who have worked, for West-
poisoned by a nerve agent raises grave questions. admit anything without setting off a major confron- ern intelligence services: There is no arrangement
tation with the U.K., we'll likely never know if this is they can make to stop looking over their shoulder.
Understandably,the theory most popular in the what happened – and because of this, the unwritten
U.K. at the moment is that it was Russian spies who rules of spy swaps have still been put in doubt as far This is a powerful message, and its flip side is
poisoned the former military intelligence colonel and as Western intelligence services are concerned. that anyone working clandestinely for Russia can
his daughter, Yulia. This would surprise no one. That also expect harsher treatment, if not poison in their
Russian intelligence is back in the business of execut- FORMER RUSSIAN SPY SERGEI SKRIPAL drinks and attacks on their kin. Would the Kremlin
ing traitors has been known since the case of Alexan- risk such reciprocation – and the almost-inevitable
der Litvinenko, poisoned with polonium in 2006. Then there's the matter of Skripal's daughter, U.K. response – just to take out a retired spy? If not,
Yulia. It was never Soviet or Russian practice to at- the Kremlin had better hope an alternative explana-
If the Skripal situation is part of this practice, two tack traitors' relatives; even the 1938 case of Leon tion surfaces quickly and that, if rogue elements were
things are striking about it because they would suggest Trotsky's son, Lev Sedov, is not a clear-cut assassi- involved, they are punished.
that Russia has blown up unwritten spy game rules nation. Nor is there a single known case of "collat-
from which it has repeatedly benefited: first, that Skri- eral damage" to families. The Soviet and Russian ap- And yet the answer may be yes, for the same reasons
pal had been "off the board" after being tried, convict- proach to retribution was always pragmatic rather that Putin recently devoted a major speech to threat-
ed and traded to the U.K. and, second, that his daugh- than vendetta-like. All of that amounts to good rea- ening the U.S. with a set of newly developed nuclear
ter had apparently been targeted along with him. son to be skeptical of the conventional wisdom until superweapons. Putin's stated goal is to be heard by
there are real facts to support it. the West and to force negotiations on security issues.
In 2010, the ex-colonel was one of four people who
came to the West as part of a widely covered spy swap, That won't stop seasoned analysts from draw- Showing that there are no rules of engagement for
in which the U.S. released 10 Russian "sleeper agents." ing preliminary conclusions: Mark Galeotti, senior this iteration of the Cold War – which is true in many
There had been at least a dozen spy exchanges be- research fellow at the Institute of International Re- areas, not just in the spy game – would be one way of
tween Western countries and the Soviet Union and lations Prague, who has studied the Russian intelli- trying to force a discussion. And when a bigger goal
its satellites during the Cold War, but this was the first gence community, wrote of "a breakdown in the old is involved, Putin's Russia and its predecessors were
publicly announced one in the Vladimir Putin era. etiquette of espionage." He also pointed out that the never hesitant to risk the lives of those loyal to them.
FSB, the Russian domestic intelligence service, has
None of the people traded to the West in these been increasingly active overseas – and that it's un- Like the nuclear threats, though, such demonstra-
swaps has ever been assassinated. The possibility likely to be bound by the old rules because it doesn't tions of lawlessness would likely backfire. Putin's
of a swap is a perk that makes it marginally worth- generally recognize any rules at home. problem isn't that he's not threatening enough: He
while to spy for a foreign power. The money paid to is. It's that the Kremlin's and its freelancers' willing-
spies or the moral satisfaction of working against Whether or not the attack was sanctioned by the ness to throw rules out the window reinforces the
a hated regime is never enough to compensate for Kremlin, or reflects a new culture in the intelligence impression of the Putin's regime's unreliability and
the dreadful risk of this work; not even the implicit makes talks appear pointless.
promise that the side you work for will take care of
you will tip the scale if you have to look over your If the evidence points to an attack from Russia, it's
shoulder for the rest of your life. also difficult to imagine a fully symmetrical retalia-
tion that would deter the Kremlin from further law-
A swap, however, has been a guarantee of peaceful less behavior – or, indeed, a retaliation that doesn't
retirement. If that's no longer the case, this raises the increase the danger that comes from a risk-taking,
stakes for spies – and makes swaps pointless. edge-walking Putin regime.

Having resumed the Cold War-era practice of There will hopefully be more clarity to come. In
swaps, why would Putin or his spy chiefs want to the meantime, perhaps the best thing the West can
ruin it by approving the assassination of a former do is fortify itself against further attacks. 
spy who had served part of his sentence in a Russian
jail and was then put out to pasture in the U.K.? This column by Bloomberg’s Leonid Bershidsky
does not necessarily reflect the opinions of Vero Beach
One answer could be that Skripal perhaps con- 32963.

Symptoms, Causes and Risk Factors caused by an overactive parathyroid gland
The symptoms of chronic pancreatitis are similar to  Trauma (injury to abdomen)
Pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas, an organ acute pancreatitis, with the addition of:  Metabolic disorders
located behind the stomach in the upper abdomen.  Constant pain (sometimes disabling) in the upper  Abdominal surgery
In addition to manufacturing and releasing the hor- abdomen that radiates to the back  Pancreatic cancer
mones insulin and glucagon into the bloodstream to  Diarrhea The cause of acute pancreatitis is unknown in about 15
help the body control how it uses food for energy, the  Oily, smelly stools (steatorrhea) percent of cases.
pancreas plays an important role in digestion. A normal  Losing weight without trying (caused by poor Chronic pancreatitis can be caused by:
pancreas produces and secretes 8 cups of powerful di- absorption of food)  Long-time alcohol abuse
gestive enzymes per day into the small intestine to help  Diabetes (if insulin-producing cells of the pancreas (Seventy percent of people with chronic
digest food. are damaged) pancreatitis are heavy drinkers.)
However, if and when pancreatic enzymes activate  Gallstones
prematurely, before being released into the small in- CAUSES OF PANCREATITIS  Hereditary disorders such as cystic fibrosis
testine, they attack and damage the pancreas, causing  High triglycerides
either acute (sudden onset) or chronic (long-lasting) Over time, repeated bouts of acute pancreatitis can  Medications
inflammation. damage the pancreas and lead to chronic pancreatitis. In about 20 to 30 percent of patients with chronic pan-
Scar tissue may form inside the pancreas and cause creatitis, the cause cannot be determined.
SYMPTOMS OF ACUTE PANCREATITIS loss of function, resulting in digestive problems and/
or diabetes. RISK FACTORS
You may have acute pancreatitis if you suffer from: Acute pancreatitis can be caused by:
 Upper abdominal pain  Alcoholism Risk factors for both acute and chronic pancreatitis include
 Abdominal pain that radiates into the back  Gallstones heavy alcohol consumption and gallstones. Other risk fac-
 Abdominal pain that feels worse after eating (Gallstones – hard, pebble-like pieces of material that tors – for chronic pancreatitis – are hereditary conditions
(especially foods high in fat) develop in the gallbladder – can block the bile duct such as cystic fibrosis, high triglycerides, lupus, smoking,
 Swollen and tender abdomen and stop pancreatic enzymes from traveling to the age and gender (men ages 30-40 are at higher risk).
 Nausea and vomiting small intestine, forcing the enzymes back into the Next time we’ll conclude this series with a discussion
 Fever pancreas which causes inflammation.) of potential complications, diagnostic tools, treatment
 Increased heart rate (rapid pulse)  Medications modalities and prevention of and for pancreatitis. 
 Tenderness when touching the abdomen  Autoimmune disease Your comments and suggestions for future topics are al-
 Cystic fibrosis ways welcome. Email us at [email protected].
 Family history of pancreatitis
 Cigarette smoking
 Infections

58 Vero Beach 32963 / March 15, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


After voters from the snowy peaks POLICE TAKE ON STUDENTS OPPOSING A NEO-FASCIST from the centrist politicians who will
of the Alps to the sunny shores of Sic- PARTY IN MILAN ON IN THE LEAD-UP TO ELECTIONS. continue to lead the country even as
ily delivered a verdict so fractured and the public increasingly gravitates to
mysterious it could take months to votes left, right and center from the its own. The result is a continent caught the margins.
sort out, the banner headline a week traditional power players. in a netherworld between a dying po-
ago Monday in the venerable daily La litical order and a new one taking root. A similar phenomenon can be seen
Stampa captured the state of a nation They generally aren’t winning enough in countries from east to west, north
that’s left no one in charge: “Ungov- support to govern. But they are claim- “This has been a post-ideological re- to south. It took the Dutch 208 days to
ernable Italy.” ing such a substantial share of the elec- sult, beyond the traditional left-right di- form an ideologically messy four-way
torate that it has become all but impos- vide,” said Luigi Di Maio, whose populist coalition last year after an election in
The same can increasingly be said sible for the establishment to govern on Five Star Movement trounced its oppo- which 13 parties won seats in the par-
for vast stretches of Europe. nents to become Italy’s largest party. liament.

Across the continent, a once-dura- Now the country has plunged into The Czechs still do not have a func-
ble dichotomy is dissolving. Fueled uncertainty. tioning government after voting in
by anger over immigration, a back- October yielded an unwieldy Parlia-
lash against the European Union and “The traditional structures of politi- ment populated by anti-immigrant
resentment of an out-of-touch elite, cal alignment in Europe are breaking hard-liners; pro-market liberals; com-
anti-establishment parties are taking down,” said Josef Janning, head of the munists; and a loose alliance of liber-
Berlin office of the European Council tarians, anarchists and coders known
on Foreign Relations. “It started in the as the Pirates.
smaller countries. But now we see that
it’s happening everywhere.” The fragmentation of European pol-
itics takes what had been seen as one
Even in Germany, the ultimate post- of the continent’s great strengths and
war symbol of staid political stability. turns it on its head. Unlike the United
States and Britain, where winners take
As Italians were voting March 4th, all, continental Europe primarily uses
Germans were learning that they would proportional systems in which the full
finally have a government, a record five spectrum of popular opinion is repre-
months after they went to the polls. sented in office.

The establishment had hung on. That worked fairly well when the
But just barely, and with no evident major parties captured 80 or 90 per-
enthusiasm, either from the voters or cent of the vote, as they did in coun-
tries across Europe for decades after
World War II.

But lately, the major parties have
been downsized.

In Germany, the “grand coalition”
won just 53 percent of the vote – hardly
grand. In Italy, neither of the tradition-
ally dominant centrist parties cracked
20 percent. A grand coalition is not
even mathematically possible.

The trend has become self-reinforcing.
As voters vent their discontent with
sclerotic political systems that never
seem to address their grievances, hyper-
fractured election results add layers of
difficulty to the process of forming gov-
ernments, passing meaningful legisla-
tion or achieving the sort of consensus
needed to reform the European Union.
The best that most leaders can do is
to react and steer away from crisis.
“The age of the tall European leader

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 15, 2018 59


is over,” Janning said. “This political cli- University in Rome. “We are entering prime minister will be a member of the leader Marine Le Pen noted with sat-
mate doesn’t breed leaders. It breeds uncharted territory because the Five far right, a first for a Western European isfaction on Twitter that the European
people who can manipulate the situation Star Movement is so unusual, so un- country since 1945. Union was “having a bad evening” – but
in such a way that things don’t derail.” conventional. We’re going to be in for didn’t forecast the death of the union.
a prolonged period of uncertainty.” “This is a realignment that is re-
In Italy, it’s not even clear the coun- shaping the way politics in European The restraint reflected a more stable
try will have that. The March 4th vote Leaders of both the Five Star Move- countries looks for the next 20 or 30 footing for Europe, which is not fac-
appeared to knock the foundation out ment and the far-right League party years,” said Piero Stanig, who teaches ing economic, migration and security
of the current political system – more pressures with the same intensity of
than half of voters opted for anti-estab- A WOMAN IS CARRIED AWAY AFTER STAGING A PROTEST IN A recent times.
lishment, euroskeptic parties – without POLLING STATION IN MILAN WHERE FORMER PRIME MINISTER
offering a clear alternative. SILVIO BERLUSCONI WAS ABOUT TO VOTE. “The situation is less volatile than
three or four years ago,” said Janis Em-
E.U. bigwigs in Brussels and a section claimed victory. In yet another bomb- politics at Bocconi University. manouilidis, director of policy studies
of Italy’s elite had hoped there would shell, the League – whose leader once If there was a silver lining for the es- at the Brussels-based European Policy
be a fallback option of a super-estab- advocated segregated buses in Milan Center.
lishment coalition of the willing. That – beat its more-moderate coalition tablishment forces trying to hold Eu-
would have entailed a tie-up between ally, Berlusconi’s party. That means rope together, it was that reaction to The mild reaction, Emmanouilidis
former prime minister Silvio Berlusco- that even if their center-right coalition the vote was relatively muted. said, also reflects something Europe
ni’s center-right Forza Italia, or Forward makes the unlikely leap to power, Italy’s has learned about its anti-establish-
Italy, and the ruling center-left Demo- Markets wobbled but didn’t tank. ment forces once they take power:
cratic Party. That type of alliance worked Populists cheered – French far-right Their vicious bark turns out to be a far
in Germany after months of haggling. gentler bite.

But in Italy, the two mainstream par- Greece learned that after electing the
ties together barely managed to exceed far-left Syriza movement in 2015, only
the vote share of the Five Star Move- to see it back down from a fight with the
ment – an Internet-based movement country’s creditors and adopt many of
founded by a comedian that pulls vot- the same positions it had long vilified.
ers from either end of the political spec-
trum and didn’t even exist a decade In Italy, both Five Star and the League
ago. Other votes were sprinkled across have already softened their stance on
a range of far-left and far-right forces. the euro and the European Union,
anticipating a shot at power and the
“It’s a confirmation that there’s a very chance to work within the system.
strong sentiment in favor of change,”
said Roberto D’Alimonte, a professor “Some of these movements have
of political science at LUISS Guido Carli become demystified,” Emmanouilidis
said. “They’ve become part of the es-
tablishment.” 

60 Vero Beach 32963 / March 15, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Although the characters in David Mamet’s new “Existing at the pleasure of the advertisers, to mulct pity for the youth sentenced to death. It was their
novel, “Chicago,” never sound like real people, they the public, gratifying their stupidity, and render some job to be not only brave but foolhardy. Covering the
always sound like David Mamet people, which is a small advance on investment to the owners, offering shootout, the school fire, the flood, the train wreck.”
strange indication of his success. We would recog- putative employment to their etiolated, wastrel sons.”
nize these guys in a dark alley, not from any actual When the novel opens, Mike and Parlow, along
experience in dark alleys but from “Speed-the-Plow,” If nothing else, this dialogue makes good prep for with Chicago’s bloodthirsty readers, are fixated on a
“American Buffalo” and “Glengarry Glen Ross,” plays the SATs. pair of assassinations involving the owners of Chez
that have explored 86-proof masculinity for decades. Montmartre, along with a mistress and her maid.
“Chicago” focuses on two daily scribes “de- But even while Mike pursues that story, he’s seriously
In “Chicago,” Mamet returns once again to the city bauched by journalism”: Parlow and his best friend, distracted. Like a fool, Mike has gone and fallen in
where he was raised and where he started to work Mike, a flier during the Great War still haunted by love with a young Irish Catholic lass named Annie,
in theater. The novel also marks a return to the Pro- the carnage he witnessed. They’re both men of deep a woman of “shocking virginal beauty.” That he’s not
hibition era of “The Untouchables” (1987), Brian De sentiment but “jaded unto death,” constantly ready Catholic is a barrier he’s willing to surmount, though
Palma’s gangster film for which Mamet wrote the to mock any wisps of sentimentality. “It was the re- he suspects Annie’s parents will be less accommodat-
screenplay. But what’s striking is how little difference porters’ daily job to be brash and unfeeling,” Mamet ing. For sure, he knows that if they find out they’ve
the time makes. Past or present, Mamet’s men must writes, “to steal the photo portrait of the slaughtered been sleeping together, he’s a dead man. But before
always contend with the rapidly changing currents infant from the mother’s bureau; to taunt the spouse that theory can be tested, someone bursts into his
of the day. The moment you hear Mamet working in murderer into an interesting outburst; to withhold apartment after an afternoon tryst and shoots Annie.
1920s Chicago, it’s obvious that this bullet-ridden era
fits him as comfortably as a newsboy cap. Yet he’s of- Who this killer is and why Mike has been spared
ten felt like an on-the-money writer, catching the zeit- are the abiding mysteries of “Chicago.” But anyone
geist even before the cigarette smoke clears the room. hoping for a hard-hitting thriller will Always Be Clos-
ing this book disappointed. Attitude, though, rolls in
“Chicago” is not overly inconvenienced by the actu- thicker than fog off Lake Michigan. The whole story
al history of the 1920s. “Received chronology,” Mamet is lousy with attitude: grieving Mike trying to drink
notes at the opening,“has been jostled into a better un- away his sorrow; confounded Mike trying to under-
derstanding of its dramatic responsibilities.” (Leave it stand his survival; vengeful Mike trying to find An-
to Mamet to be more responsible than God.) But if this nie’s killer.
isn’t the exact history of Chicago, it’s still the city you
think you know. Italian and Irish gangsters rule com- He’s assisted in these various moods by Peekaboo,
peting halves of the town. Al Capone makes a cameo. the African American madam at a whorehouse called
With alcohol illegal and ubiquitous, the city govern- the Ace of Spades. (“Chicago” is an encyclopedia of
ment is an institution of organized influence peddling. early 20th-century slurs.) Hard and philosophical,
Every crime scene is picked over by sticky-fingered po- Peekaboo spins off the kind of aphorisms you’d ex-
licemen shopping for their wives and girlfriends. pect from the African American madam of a whore-
house conceived by a white man with a subscription
The professional narrators of this roiling city are to HBO. “There’s only one known cure for a broken
the intrepid reporters of the Chicago Tribune, men – heart,” she tells Mike. “It’s time; and that don’t work.”
all men – wholly devoted to the truth of a good story.
These are writers and editors who sip romanticism at “What gets you killed, more than the next thing, is
home but chug tankards of cynicism in public. “Id- the inability to let things be.”
iosyncratic expressions of self-loathing” are reflexive
for these guys. Other sections glide along like the winning entry
in a Hemingway contest. (Mamet even misspells
If you know a male journalist – present, former or “alright” like Hemingway.) At its best, this can make
aspiring – give him this novel. It’s full of wry advice for irresistible passages of slick, noir prose: “He had
like, “If one can afford it, but one has nothing to say, loved his job, and its proximity to violence, which, he
one should not write. That is not writer’s block but knew, was a drug, and he had loved the Irish girl; and
common courtesy.” now he was sick and grieving in that impossible grief
of betrayal at having your heart broken by life.”
“A newspaper is a joke,” the city editor declares.
But when Mike and Parlow fall into their self-


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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 15, 2018 61


mocking dialogues, the stage suddenly thrusts God knows what depravities in boathouses.” There’s a lot of that winking playacting. If only
through the pages, and they sound as gratingly ar- “But do you not also hate the poor?” said Mike. Mamet had taken the city editor’s advice: “We re-
tificial as characters in a Mamet parody: quire bold, clear words and gruesome pictures.” 
“For they possess no money. Therefore what can
“What makes you sad about the rich?” Mike said. they do for me, save impotently rage, because I, CHICAGO
“That which makes everyone sad who is not of occasionally, sport a clean collar? Further, saving
their number,” Parlow said. “That they are better always the criminals, they have misunderstood the BY DAVID MAMET | CUSTOM HOUSE. 352 PP. $26.99
off than we; and we brave our unmerited poverty situation. For, how do they propose to raise their REVIEW BY RON CHARLES, THE WASHINGTON POST
stoically, whilst they sail yachts, and indulge in state? By appeal, finally, to government.”

Sometimes a book just bowls you over with how In the chapter about Darwin we learn about his Even though Eliot was, in the words of Henry James,
good it is. For instance, I can remember starting my eczema, flatulence and sensitive stomach: The “magnificently ugly,” she nonetheless radiated a
review of A.S. Byatt’s “Possession” with the sentence young naturalist threw up nonstop during his first charismatic allure never captured in surviving im-
“Sometimes a critic just wants to say ‘Wow.’” Still, I seven weeks while sailing on the Beagle. Hughes’ ages. This hidden but “most powerful beauty,”
never expected to feel anything approaching Nabo- essay touches on the cultural perception of sexual James added, “in a very few minutes, steals forth
kovian bliss when reading five lengthy biographical differences, the rise of muscular Christianity, the and charms the mind so you end, as I ended, in fall-
essays about figures and incidents from 19th-century Crimean War and Julia Margaret Cameron’s propen- ing in love with her.”
British history. sity for photographing writers as sages or prophets.
Charles Dickens, Hughes tells us, joked that “some of Hughes’ last two chapters are her most shocking.
But Kathryn Hughes’ “Victorians Undone” is just his friends welcomed his beard because it meant they “Fanny Cornforth’s Mouth” opens, “On 23 July 1859,
amazing, and her “Tales of the Flesh in the Age of saw less of him.” Tennyson not only wore thick spec- George Boyce agreed to pay Dante Gabriel Rossetti
Decorum” are so various, so imaginatively struc- tacles but also ill-fitting dentures, eventually grow- 40 pounds to paint the woman with whom they were
tured, so delicately salacious and so deliciously writ- ing his famous “dirty monk” facial hair to hide his both sleeping.” The result was a thrillingly voluptuous
ten that I sighed with pleasure as I turned the pages hollow-cheeked tooth- canvas entitled “Bocca Baciata” – the Kissed Mouth.
and even felt those tiny prickles along the neck that lessness. Picking a won- From it, and various intimate letters, Hughes deduces
A.E. Housman once claimed were the sign of true po- derfully apt verb, Hughes that Fanny’s lips were actually “transporting both Ros-
etry. concludes that Darwin’s setti and Boyce to heaven” in ways that didn’t involve
theorizing ended by “dis- ordinary kisses. Hughes dryly notes that, according to
In her introduction, Hughes declares that her book locating the foundations one scholar, Fanny was “‘warm, open, unsophisticated,
is “an experiment to see what new stories emerge of existence.” uncomplicated, uneducated and vigorous,’ which is
when you use biography – which, after all, is em- about as close to ‘tart with a heart’ as you can get with-
bodied history – to put mouths, bellies and beards The pages devoted out actually saying so.”
back into the nineteenth century.” That word “exper- to George Eliot, about
iment” hints that Hughes just might be comparing whom Hughes has pub- To round out these studies of 19th-century carnal-
“Victorians Undone” to A.J.A. Symons’ 1934 classic lished an entire book, fo- ity, “Sweet Fanny Adams” presents the you-are-there
“The Quest for Corvo,” which bears the subtitle “An cus on how family mem- trial of a mild-mannered clerk accused of unspeak-
Experiment in Biography.” In it Symons not only de- bers wanted the novelist able sexual violence. Hughes’ irony comes into full
lineated the career of a notorious fin-de-siècle writer, depicted in biographies. play here when she observes that, to the mid-Victo-
but also recalled just how he himself researched and Was, or wasn’t, her right rians, any little girl who had been raped would be so
wrote the book. The result revolutionized biography. hand larger than her left polluted that it was really for the best if she was also
Might “Victorians Undone” do the same? because, when young, murdered. The account of this crime and its after-
she worked in the fam- math is simply unputdownable.
While Hughes – a professor of life writing at the ily dairy milking cows?
University of East Anglia – largely avoids the overt- As is “Victorians Undone” in its entirety. While
ly personal, she does stress that her fugue-like es- some readers may find it gossipy or even sensational
says build on 25 years of burrowing through librar- in a negative rather than positive sense, I’m not one
ies and archives. Her topics are, from the get-go, of them. This is popularized history done right, done
original. with panache. Hughes has infused new life into dry-
as-dust facts to produce a learned work that is bra-
“Why did the young Queen Victoria become ob- zenly, impudently vivacious. 
sessed with other women’s figures in the spring of
1839, and exactly what made Charles Darwin grow VICTORIANS UNDONE
that iconic beard in 1862 …? Why was the great phil-
osophical novelist George Eliot so conscious that TALES OF FLESH IN THE AGE OF DECORUM
her right hand was larger than her left, and how did
the poet-artist Dante Gabriel Rossetti manage to BY KATHRYN HUGHES | JOHNS HOPKINS. 414 PP. $29.95
paint his mistress’ lips so beautifully while simulta- REVIEW BY MICHAEL DIRDA, THE WASHINGTON POST
neously treating them as a dirty joke?” In her fifth
and last chapter Hughes relates, with the pacing of a
true-crime writer, the 1867 murder of an 8-year-old
girl and the trial that followed.

Most of these stories are, in fact, structured like
mini-mysteries. For instance, was the unmarried
Lady Flora Hastings pregnant, as the teenage Queen
Victoria suspected? Hughes tracks the case from sus-
picion of hanky-panky to rumor and royal outrage, to
brutal gynecological examination, to widening pub-
lic and private consequences. The Fraser case, she
writes, had “absolutely everything the British press
liked best: young aristocratic women, lascivious doc-
tors, slippery foreigners and, above all, several stripes
of illicit sex.” Along the way, Hughes treats the reader
to sentences such as this one: “Princess Victoria had
yet to master the knack of eating with her mouth
closed, especially given her habit of stuffing it so full
of food that she resembled a small, pouched rodent.”

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 15, 2018 63


St. Ed’s weightlifters all in for impromptu intra-squad match




If you blinked for just a moment you liam Munz is a freshman. Wil Black- ally helped him out. It’s nice to see seventh in the 154-pound weight class
might have missed the 2018 St. Ed’s burn, C.H. Brown, Giordan Gulati and the other kids encouraging him. He’s with a bench plus clean & jerk total of
boys weightlifting season. Senior Night Jasper Nelson are all seventh-graders. made some great gains. 290 pounds. Israel was eighth at 183
on Feb. 28 was the last regular-season with a total of 185. Both of those totals
opportunity at home for the nine lift- “Cleveland (Florida Tech) and Klins- “The four seventh-graders bring big- established personal records.
ers to compete against another school. port (Rose-Hulman) are football play- time enthusiasm to the program. As
ers, and I’m hoping that their work here they mature physically the early devel- Klinsport was sixth at 199 with a com-
Then came the news that the other in the weight room prepares them for opment of their technique will begin to bined 435. Cleveland was fifth in the
team cancelled, but the better news was the type of strength programs they will pay off. That combination will improve unlimited category with a total of 475.
that it really didn’t matter. St. Ed’s vs. St see at the collegiate level,” Rogers told their lifting exponentially.”
Ed’s turned out to be a treat for the ob- us. “I think they will be able to jump Both will represent the Pirates at the
servers on hand that day. They were right in with the intensity they will At the district meet Scott placed regional tournament. 
schooled in detail about what an ideal need without a whole lot of instruction
team concept looks like in a sport geared from a new strength coach.
toward individual accomplishments.
“Israel is brand new this year and he
“That’s one of the things that I try to has been doing a fantastic job. I’ve re-
teach the kids,” head coach Les Rog- ally enjoyed having him on the team.
ers said. “I want to put them in situa- He’s a hard worker with a great sense
tions where they can help each other of humor. He has made some really
out; that way they are not so focused good gains since the beginning of the
on themselves as individuals. Some of season.
them still have a ways to go, but hope-
fully by the time they leave the pro- “Scott actually started lifting in the
gram they will have learned not only to program in sixth grade. He missed a
focus on themselves, but to encourage year, but he tied Klinsport for the lon-
other people as well. Then other peo- gest time ever on the team -- six years.
ple will in turn encourage them.” That’s kind of neat. I’m hoping that he
can follow in Ed’s footsteps and pro-
That’s one of those intangibles de- vide leadership for the team next year.
sired for any group effort. Though obvi-
ously partisan, the onlookers from the “Munz is also new to the sport
team and in the stands that day pulled and I think weight training has re-
it off with gusto. Opposition or not, the
Pirate lifters conducted the event with
spirit and enthusiasm befitting a much
larger gathering. Only this time the en-
ergy was totally directed inward as ev-
eryone was supported to the max.

“That’s what weightlifting is all
about, absolutely,” said Rogers. “The
kids got together and that’s the way the
meet was run. Instead of having three
platforms we had only one. Each time
a kid got to do a lift, the crowd and the
rest of the team cheered him on enthu-

Seniors Payton Cleveland and Ed-
ward Klinsport were honored in the
traditional fashion for their last formal
high school sport, and an activity that
will definitely not fall by the wayside
in college. Both qualified for the dis-
trict tournament this past Friday along
with juniors David Israel and J.P. Scott.

There is a gap in age and experience
from there to the rest of the team. Wil-

64 Vero Beach 32963 / March 15, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Love: A commandment worth taking very seriously

BY REV. DRS. CASEY & BOB BAGGOTT was to love God, fully. Then, apparent- quirement. On the contrary, he leaves
Columnists ly without stopping to take a breath, the terms of love open, and seems to
he added a second commandment, to stretch us to adopt a spacious moral vi-
What’s the greatest commandment? love your neighbor as yourself. He said sion that never qualifies love, never re-
If we peer into the Bible, we might that the second commandment was stricts love, never asks who deserves it,
start by evaluating the significance of like the first in significance. who has earned it, or who is worthy of
the big ten. But beyond the ten best it. That spacious moral vision has led
known commandments there are Love God, love neighbor. There you to some extraordinary demonstrations
hundreds and hundreds more, which have the greatest commandments. It of love.
might be why one day Jesus was asked sounds pretty comprehensive and fair-
the challenging question: Which of ly straightforward, but then again there There is a story about an American
these commandments is the greatest? are all those troubling details, such traveler to India who stood one day
He answered without hesitation that as: Is love for God something I feel or watching a nun dressing the wounds of
the commandment of first importance something I do? And who is my neigh- a leper in the street. The man’s wounds
bor? And may I love some neighbors were grave, he was dirty, and he smelled.
more than others? It’s human nature, The traveler put a handkerchief over
perhaps, to want to spell out all these his nose and stepped away several feet
sorts of specifics so we’ll know exactly before remarking to his travelling com-
what is required of us and what the panion, “Why, I wouldn’t do that for a
limits of our responsibilities might be. million dollars.” Overhearing, the nun
Maybe you’ve wondered about your turned to the traveler and responded,
obligations in this way, too. “Neither would I.”

When in doubt about whether or not The truth is, there are probably plen-
you’ve successfully fulfilled the com- ty of things we would not do for money,
mandments to love, you might want but when you stop to think of it, there’s
to consider author Reynold Price’s per- not much we wouldn’t do for love. Love
spective on the matter. In his book, “A is the greatest motivator in the world
Serious Way of Wondering,” he notes because it bears all things, hopes all
that Jesus never quantifies the love re- things, endures all things.

Perhaps Jesus named love of God
and love of neighbor as the greatest
commandments because love is capa-
ble of having such enormous impact.
We needn’t travel halfway around the
globe to adopt a spacious moral vision
and get serious about loving. Couldn’t
we love God and neighbor just little
more widely and a little more deeply
right here? There are ample opportuni-
ties to practice loving each and every
day – when we shop, when we work,
when we socialize, when we are home
with our family.

Of course, loving a little more, a little
better, and a little more selflessly ev-
ery day will not only impact the world
around us, it just might change us, too.
Love: a commandment worth taking
very seriously. 

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 15, 2018 65


KJ942 A7 Q63
By Phillip Alder - Bridge Columnist Q 10 5 4 AJ982
3 K Q 10 8 5 42
Bodhidharma, a Buddhist monk who lived in the 5th or 6th century, said, “Many roads AJ85 K 10 7 6 3 Q92
lead to the path, but basically there are only two: reason and practice.”
Trying to find the best opening lead at the bridge table requires reason, and one’s 10 8 5
judgment will be improved with practice. K763
Look only at the West hand. What would you lead against five diamonds? 4

North used the Unusual No-trump, showing at least 5-5 in the minors. East’s three- Dealer: West; Vulnerable: Both
spade raise indicated the values for a single raise: 6-9 points. (With a normal game-
invitational limit raise, East would jump to four spades. The theory is that West will play The Bidding:
the cards more accurately than usual, knowing so much about the deal’s distribution.)
South jumped to five diamonds, thinking that it might make or be a cheap save. SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST OPENING
5 Diamonds 1 Spades 2 NT 3 Spades
In a social game, West made the bad lead of the club ace. There was no reason to Pass Pass Pass LEAD:
believe that partner was short in the suit. West continued with a second club. South ??
won with dummy’s king and discarded a spade. He drew trumps ending on the board,
ruffed a club, crossed to the spade ace and ruffed another club, but now he could not
take 11 tricks. He still had to lose a spade and a heart.

Declarer would have survived if he had led a heart from his hand instead of a spade to
the ace, but much better would have been a heart toward his king after drawing trumps
(or even before touching trumps). Here, he would have cruised home.

If West had led a “boring” spade, the contract would have had no chance, the
defenders taking one trick in each side suit.

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The Telegraph ACROSS DOWN
1 Flightless bird (4) 1 Cannabis (4)
4 Air movement (4) 3 United (6)
8 Nap (4) 4 Digital camera (6)
9 Something unimportant (5,4) 5 Wanted (6)
11 Not so light (6) 6 So-called black beetle (9)
13 Tardy (7) 7 Terror (4)
15 Jewelled headband (6) 10 Glowing (7)
16 Deny (6) 12 Hero (4)
18 Act unrestrainedly (3,3) 13 Slogan (6-3)
20 Winter vehicle (3-3) 14 Dictionary (7)
22 Swift feline (7) 17 Message (4)
23 Chemical compound; ostler 19 Impassivity (6)
20 Cutting line (geometry) (6)
(anag.) (6) 21 Uncouth (6)
25 Villainous (9) 23 Rescue (4)
26 Fluctuate (4) 24 Spring (4)
27 Sooty matter (4)
28 Expectation (4)

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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 8, 2018 67


ACROSS 71 On a slant DOWN one: abbr. The Washington Post
72 Jewelry-case liner, 68 Guitarist Paul
1 Cause of cling 1 Commonfolk? 76 A real turn-on? FINAL BALLOT By Merl Reagle
7 Amenhotep was often 2 Get ready for UPS 81 Draw around
73 First of the double 3 Soulful Franklin 82 Prefix meaning BRADLEY H. REINER, DMD
one 4 Nervous reaction
14 Ristorante digits 5 Concert finale? “eye” HAGEN V. HASTINGS, DMD
74 Certain microchip 6 Chocolate source 86 Actor Alastair
rundown 75 Top 7 Birds, at times 87 Type of agency or Family, Cosmetic & Laser Dentistry
20 Yacht spot 77 Maigret’s river 8 Henry V’s Caring Dentistry for the Entire Family
21 Otalgia 78 Woodpile tool trailer: abbr.
22 Emulate Vlad 79 Recession nickname 88 Abbr. on a
23 Emetic plant 80 Fermentation 9 Tanker guy
24 Jefferson’s second 10 Campaigned (for) mountain sign
vessels 11 Use the Method 90 A tribute to the
VP 81 Truth, in 12 Cry of discovery
25 Actor Anthony 13 Muppet family? way things are
26 Holiday in Hué Tiananmen 14 Arouse run?
27 Invite Square 15 ___ Darya 92 Kicked off the
29 5-centime piece 83 Serb or Croat ticket
31 Abner’s radio 84 With 68 Across, a (Asian river) 93 “To everything
Bogart-Robinson 16 Home-gym there is ___”
chum film 95 Hit hard
32 “Whadja say?” 85 Mortarboard alternative 96 “... that England
33 Do one’s thing as features 17 “Old Rough and should crouch
87 Break in shooting down ___ and
a 89 They play to the Ready” yield” (Shak.)
responsible citizen balcony 18 Make reference 97 Anagram of AL
(continues at 39 91 “___ the pits” 19 Appeared GORE
Down, backwards 92 He never drinks ... 28 “The Racer’s 98 Old Pontiac model
to 105, and up wine 99 Mr. Symington
to 33 to form a 94 A letter from Edge” 101 Spanish money
square around Lesbos 30 He had 511 career unit
the “X”) 95 Nickname of 102 Vocalist Don or
40 To a Skylark, e.g. basketballer homers Phil
41 Bowler’s save Maurice Stokes 33 Do one’s thing as 103 Relatives of
43 Corporate head 98 Lacking decorum cappuccinos
44 No turns ___ 100 Strip of Chief Executive 106 Abrasive
46 And the rest, membership (continues at substance
briefly 104 Suffix for 105 Across, etc.) 107 Approves
48 Closet skeletons collectibles 34 Second in 114 Essential cell
49 Stop for the 105 See 33 Down command component
Sunset Ltd. 108 Duarte of 35 First name in 115 Tourmaline or
50 Word coined by Argentina bologna turquoise
Frank 109 High school 36 Flagging 117 Clark and
Lloyd Wright debate org. 37 Idyllic places Marilyn’s Misfits
54 Great effort 110 Janitor’s prop 38 Racetrack docs co-star
55 Controversial 111 Kamchatka bird 39 See 33 Across 118 H. Norman was
injection 112 Type of point or 42 House mbr. one
59 Lager cousin theory 45 Ford’s 34 Down: 119 Sky king?
60 Small glass vessel 113 Last king of inits. 120 They usually run
62 Some chart England 47 Big House E and W
checkers, 116 Bellerophon’s members 121 Tell tale site?
familiarly mount 49 Whoopi Goldberg, 123 Permit
63 Young Cleaver, 122 Victoria’s consort to Caryn Johnson 124 Cold remark?
to Wally 125 Breadwinner 50 Euro-nightspot
64 Introduction to 126 Part of EKG 51 Woodcutter in The
corn? 127 Dr. Seuss turtle Arabian Nights
65 Sloppiness 128 Exquisite 52 Orders a second
safeguard 129 Eats in front of the strike on
66 Fix firmly TV 53 Forms of relief?
68 See 84 Across 130 Animal Shelter 55 Like a lackey
69 Some Sun. truckload 56 Face on the
successes cutting-room floor
70 Hemic trio 57 Librarian, at times
58 Walt, Roy, et al.
61 “___ pray”
63 Cotton collections
67 Barney Fife, for

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Rebounds, personal fouls – and knowing the score

BY CAROLYN HAX and insanity that sort of relationship entails. The self and form the words, “Oh, no! I’m sorry. No ex-
Washington Post cuse. Please forgive me” – then that’s not a self around
two men could not be more different. I never gave up whom I want to spend much time.
Dear Carolyn: I’ve been see-
ing a lovely man for a year. hope until the bitter end and nearly died from grief. But, also always a red flag: Coming out of 16 years
We eased slowly into the rela- of “passion, intensity, gaslighting and insanity” with
tionship – friends for months My current relationship is a welcome, healing relief. a “violent drug addict” and still greeting your own
first – as we were both still distrust with “Am I oversensitive?”
hurting after recent divorces. Am I oversensitive or seeing real red flags?
Questioning your reality is the emotional signature
We are perfectly suited in so – Red Flags? of gaslighting. You know this. It’s when you respond
many ways – identical inter- to something done to you that’s objectively bad – as
ests, shared friends, same-age children, parallel life Red Flags?: People who can’t or won’t admit fault in, something you’d never encourage anyone you
experiences – and we enjoy one another very much, are always a red flag. care about to put up with – by wondering whether
despite the time restrictions that running separate you’re the one at fault.
households and raising children entail. There’s a lot There are judgment calls, always, but – forgetting
of laughter and a sense of relief and sanctuary. plans? If one can’t simultaneously be one’s unfiltered Plus, the reasons you cite for his suiting you – be-
So what’s the problem? I’m having a hard time sides sanctuary, which I’ll get to – are ones of coinci-
trusting him. His longtime marriage ended because of dence, not character. Interests, kid ages, “parallel life
an infidelity on his part. He takes full responsibility. experiences.” These are important for compatibility,
But he often doesn’t take responsibility for ad- but they won’t help you trust an untrustworthy per-
mittedly minor things between us – saying some- son or like an unlikable one. Commonality and char-
thing hurtful, for example, or forgetting plans we’ve acter count.
made, or other mild but annoying, inconsiderate
actions. There is always an excuse – a reason I don’t When you question your ability to judge character
understand or somehow misinterpreted. – especially when your history gives you cause to –
When I raise my concerns, he says he certainly un- then I urge you not to go it alone. Find a good thera-
derstands but that’s just the way he is – spacey, no pist who can help you (re-)calibrate your boundaries
filter. And, well, he is charmingly socially awkward and judgment.
and absent-minded-professorish. Which is all fine
if he would accept the impact of his actions on me. That you find emotional relief in this man com-
On the other hand, I was married to an occasion- pared with your ex is a character point in his favor,
ally verbally and physically violent drug addict for and could mean one of us is overstating the impor-
16 years with all the passion, intensity, gaslighting tance of your boyfriend’s defensiveness.

But he could just be less awful, too.
So there’s no overstating how important it is to
hear and trust your own voice. Please do not commit
further, to anyone, till you do. 


70 Vero Beach 32963 / March 15, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Dentists become first line of defense against sleep apnea

BY TOM LLOYD OK. Life-saving and dentistry might
Staff Writer sound like a big slice of hyperbole pie
from an American Dental Association
Everybody knows – or thinks they advertising campaign, but it’s not.
know – what to expect from a trip to
the dentist. But Dr. Jenna Katz Schwib- According to the Centers for Dis-
ner at Dental Partners of Vero Beach is ease Control, more than a quarter of
quick to point out there’s a lot more to the U.S. population suffers from some
modern dentistry than just a twice-a- kind of sleep disorder, and the Nation-
year cleaning and filling cavities. al Institutes of Health estimates about
18 million Americans have a poten-
Like, for instance, saving your life. tially lethal affliction called “obstruc-

Dr. Jenna Katz Schwibner.


tive sleep apnea,” or OSA. “It’s getting to the point now where
The American Journal of Respiratory dentists are becoming part of the
first line defense with sleep apnea,”
and Critical Care has linked OSA to an Schwibner says. “We’re one of the pri-
increased risk for developing diabetes, mary practitioners to help with it.”
depression, memory loss or confusion,
sexual dysfunction, high blood pres- Schwibner continues: “When peo-
sure, weight gain and, yes, fatal strokes. ple see their medical doctor, it’s often
more of a sick visit. They see their doc-
“OSA occurs when your throat mus- tor only when they’re not feeling well.
cles over-relax, causing the airway But the majority of our patients aren’t
to collapse, blocking proper airflow, in pain when they come in. They’re
and temporarily preventing you from just getting their teeth cleaned and
breathing,” according to toothwis- getting maintenance and so we see, a website specializing in oral people a lot longer.”
care for older adults. “When breath-
ing is interrupted your body reacts by Schwibner says patients “don’t typi-
increasing your heart rate in order to cally think that they’re sick when they
maintain proper oxygen levels. Over have sleep apnea. A lot of times they
time, this may cause other changes to have no idea they have it. It’s a silent
your body and lead to poor breathing killer, if you will. If we can notice these
and increased carbon dioxide levels.” things on regular check-ups, that’s a
really big advantage, and then we can
And it turns out dentists are in a good get them in to see their doctor.”
position to spot the signs and symp-
toms of this serious condition that doc- The diminutive Schwibner is quick
tors might not always pick up on. to add “a dentist cannot tell a patient

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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 15, 2018 71


or diagnose that they have sleep ap- Need a hand surgery specialist? Elementary ... it’s Dr. Watson
nea. You always need a sleep study to
confirm the diagnosis,” but there are BY TOM LLOYD ditioning system checked. Dr. Michael Watson.
signs a dentist is likely to spot that a Staff Writer He quickly found out it can be hot in
primary care doctor, a cardiologist or PHOTO BY DENISE RITCHIE
other specialist might not notice im- When orthopedic surgeon Dr. Mi- Florida, even in the winter, and that a
mediately. chael Watson was recruited by the shot of Freon can make a world of dif-
Steward Medical Group to move his ference while driving here in the Sun-
For example, “a lot of people, they practice here to the Treasure Coast, he shine state.
stick out their tongue and they actu- admits he made one mistake.
ally have little indentations on the A two-time Academic All-American
side of their tongue. We call that a Leaving Illinois in late January, defensive back at Illinois Wesleyan
scalloped tongue. It goes into the in- where U.S. Climate Data says the aver- University and former college track
dentations all around the teeth on the age temperature is about 28 degrees, sprinter and district long jump cham-
inside and 81 percent of people who Watson forgot to get his car’s air-con- pion, orthopedic surgeon Dr. Michael
have that have some form of sleep ap-
nea. And that’s something that only a CONTINUED ON PAGE 72
dentist would see.”

Likewise, people who grind their
teeth at night; Schwibner says teeth
grinding is “a big sign for us” that they
might well have OSA.

And while OSA is most common in
men, it is something of an equal-op-
portunity health threat. Especially as
we age. Postmenopausal women, says
Schwibner, are at as high risk as men
and the problem is often compounded
by the use of sleeping pills.

“The sleeping pill keeps you from
waking up due to sleep apnea. It’s ac-
tually hurting you even more because
your body is trying to wake you up for
a reason. It’s trying to warn you, like,
‘Hey, wake up. Breathe.’ And if you’re
taking sleeping pills, that response
isn’t there anymore.”

While Continuous Positive Airway
Pressure or CPAP machines are “al-
ways the first line” of defense for OSA
patients, according to Schwibner,
fully half of patients find they cannot
tolerate using those devices.

Fortunately, dentists like Schwibner
who are trained in sleep apnea man-
agement can provide an alternative:
a “mandibular repositioning dental
appliance.” The American Academy
of Dental Sleep Medicine calls these
“an effective treatment option for
snoring and obstructive sleep apnea,”
for those who cannot tolerate a CPAP
machine, but there is an important
caveat here.

TV commercials have begun offering
devices people can order by phone or
online, but Schwibner warns not only
are these not custom-fitted, they’re
“not something that has any medical
research backing or any studies show-
ing [their] efficacy. It’s definitely not
something that we recommend.”

Schwibner, whose local roots run
through Sebastian River High School,
Vanderbilt University and Nova South-
eastern’s College of Dental Medicine,
is the daughter of longtime Vero Beach
anesthesiologist Dr. Edward Katz.

Dr. Jenna Schwibner is with Dental
Partners of Vero Beach at 3755 7th Ter-
race, Suite 303. The phone number is
772-569-4118. 

72 Vero Beach 32963 / March 15, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Watson says when he began his 26- Do what you do best. Not what’s in good and bad.
year practice, he “was very focused on the news this week, not this particular All that said, the athletically-in-
sports medicine. prosthesis because it’s brand new and
clined Watson says he has in no way
“I was coaching [and] covered may- patients are bringing information turned his back on his sports medi-
be six or seven high schools on the from commercials. Do what you know cine background.
field [taking care of players] . . . . So,
I spent a lot of time on the fields and how to do and do it well. “I enjoy taking care of kids,” he says,
with kids that were playing and high -Dr. Michael Watson “and I will do so here. I don’t have an
schoolers and so on, but as I aged, so age limit. In fact, I’ve seen quite a few
did my patients. “What I do mostly is what there’s most- commercials everywhere promising already because not a whole lot of
ly of…which a lot of hand surgery is.” amazing results but Watson takes a people are seeing them.”
“What once was a busy sports more measured path. “What I tell the
medicine practice has kind of grown That said, according to Watson, he patient to do is just to bring the infor- With a practice that includes hand
up with me and now a lot of those has “done over 2,700 joint replace- mation [they’ve seen] into my office surgeries, hip and knee replacements,
people need their joints replaced. So, ments [and] . . . sort of pioneered and we’ll talk about it. I’ll give them shoulder procedures, osteoarthritis,
it’s morphed over time. The practice some of the minimally invasive knee the facts based on the American Acad- carpal tunnel and rheumatoid arthri-
went from youth and sports to joint replacement [procedures now in use] emy of Orthopedic Surgery and solid tis as well as sports medicine it’s only
replacement and hand surgery.” with four inch incisions.” research, rather than testimonials reasonable to ask where he derives his
with somebody you’re going see on a greatest satisfaction.
It could well be that hand, wrist and In fact, when it comes to knee and commercial.”
elbow problems will – at least initially hip replacements, Watson has his own Watson has a ready answer.
– be what drives many locals to Wat- personal and professional mantra. “I keep manuals from the AAOS “The biggest satisfaction – if you’ve
son’s door. right in my office,” Watson continues, been practicing medicine for a long
“Do what you do best,” he says. “Not “When a patient brings up something amount of time – really comes from
Longtime hand surgeon, Dr. Paul what’s in the news this week, not this [they have seen on TV] . . . I’ll open the seeing someone come back to the of-
Dell, used to drive down to the Sebas- particular prosthesis because it’s brand book to that particular section,” and fice, walking, without pain,” says Wat-
tian River Medical Center weekly from new and patients are bringing informa- show the patient the research those son. “Or from having someone with a
his home base at the University of tion from commercials. Do what you commercials never mention. Both pinched nerve in their hand who has
Florida’s Shands Hospital in Gaines- know how to do and do it well.” missed months and months of work
ville to surgically repair age-related and they’re coming back for their final
disorders of the hand, but Dell retired There are advertisements and follow-up and they’re back working.
in December of 2017. They’re back to normal again.”

Watson is ready to step into the void Dr. Michael Watson is with the Stew-
he left behind. ard Medical Group. His office is at 1715
37th Place, Suite 101 in Vero Beach. The
He says people constantly ask him phone number is 772-778-0600. 
what types of orthopedic procedures
he performs most often. His reply:

74 Vero Beach 32963 / March 15, 2018 Style Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

Modesty reigned on catwalks - but sexy is staging a comeback

The Telegraph

The final stop on the fashion week coming protest marches post the chord, as Jennifer Lawrence found down to the high street – it means that
flight-path, Paris, is the city in which Weinstein scandal, and new allega- out last month when the black Ver- women have more options to choose
trends that began to emerge in the cit- tions against photographers, stylists sace dress – with plunging neckline from than the above-knee and strap-
ies before either crystallize or disap- and designers in the fashion indus- and thigh-high split – she chose for an less dresses that used to dominate the
pear. Goliath fashion houses like Dior, try being levied near-constantly, any outdoor photocall was deemed sex- shops – though should you want those,
Saint Laurent, Valentino and Celine show of sexiness can strike the wrong ist in the context of her coat-wearing there are lots of good options, too. “I
have the clout to set the style agenda male co-stars. think designers are certainly reaching
for the coming season, and for AW18, a point of extremes,” agrees Lisa Aiken,
the field was split into two camps, the Does overt sexiness still have a place retail fashion director at Net-A-Porter,
modest and the sexy: fashion’s round- in fashion? And can ‘sexy’ still be un- “but we, the customers, are simultane-
heads and cavaliers. shackling? Time’s Up, alongside the ously embracing both sides.”
#MeToo social media campaign, may
Leading the cavaliers was Saint have a wider affect on women’s fashion. Givenchy is known for a certain
Laurent. This is a brand known for gothic sultriness, but even here there
an overtly sexy aesthetic, from that Personally, I don’t cover up for re- were signs of a shift. For her sopho-
slinky and subversive Le Smoking suit ligious or cultural reasons, but aes- more collection for the brand, Clare
back in 1966 to the modern pillars of thetic ones. I’ve never liked my upper Waight Keller brought some of the
stilettos, miniskirts and a palette of arms – and I’m not alone, if the recent softness that she was known for in her
black on black on black. But fashion invention of ‘arm tights’ is anything to time at Chloe to Givenchy’s signature
has changed drastically in the last few go by: apparently, Spanx created arm- black leather and lace. Looser, more
months, and while creative director sculptors in answer to “overwhelm- oversized silhouettes and slightly
Anthony Vaccarello’s palette might ing consumer demand.” So while we masculine tailoring still felt sexy
have suited the ‘Time’s Up’ all-black might not consciously dress modestly, without revealing too much.
red carpet movement, his super-short we certainly gravitate toward those
and fitted (read: spray-on) design pieces that hide what we want hidden. Even from the sexiest of brands
looked far from empowering. As more designers embrace modest sil- there were some nods to the realities
houettes – and they in turn percolate of women’s lives, albeit small ones.
With Hollywood red carpets be-

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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Style Vero Beach 32963 / March 15, 2018 75

Chunky platform ankle boots at Saint up memories of fairy-tale innocents. and Maison Martin Margiela to beau- wealthy – and growing – Middle East-
Laurent and cowboy boots at Isa- At Giambattista Valli, a floor-length tiful Swiss doll veils at Erdem, it’s one ern market. Last year saw the launch
bel Marant meant models marched cardinal red dress layered over a white of the most directional trends of the of e-tailer, a “luxury
rather than teetered, and strong ’ 80s collar suggested papal robes. season. Gucci who showcased a full style destination dedicated to dress-
shoulders lent power to the skimpiest spectrum of headwear from knitted ing modestly.” Stocking brands like
of dresses. Layered under micro-mini This literal interpretation of mod- balaclavas and Russian babushka Ganni, Joseph and Preen by Thornton
dresses made of holographic plastic, esty could be a cynical bid for middle- headscarves to crystal headpieces Bregazzi, the edit often overlaps with
Balmain’s addition of opaque black eastern shoppers – but it could also and reworked hijabs.” larger competitors like Net-A-Porter
tights read as a last-minute conces- be Pierpaolo Piccioli et al.’s slightly and Matches, but excludes the more
sion to practicality and modernity. clumsy way of saying that you don’t This can also be boiled down to prof- revealing or overtly sexy pieces from
Flat shoes dominated as Karl Lager- have to get it all out to be sexy. it: The more pieces you layer on to mod- those designers. Their largest mar-
feld paired brogues with everything els on a catwalk, the more consumers ket is the Gulf Cooperation Council
from boucle skirt suits to tulle eve- “For the more feminine and de- will want to buy. It’s a business model (GCC) that includes Bahrain, Kuwait,
ning dresses and opera gloves (read mure customer, we love the trend that Gucci has followed to great effect Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the
Lisa Armstrong’s review here) and of scarves being draped over your over the last few years – those entry- United Arab Emirates – though as the
Stella McCartney showed lace dresses hair and tied under your chin – it’s level priced accessories helped them to USA and U.K. rank second and third,
with slip-on skate shoes. very reminiscent of the queen,” says raise sales 45 percent in the last quarter it’s roughly a 50-50 divide between
Natalie Kingham, fashion and buy- of 2017, contributing to owner Kering’s the Middle Eastern woman and the
In the roundhead corner, chaste- ing director at most profitable year on record. Western woman.
verging-on-puritanical approaches to “There hasn’t been a strong trend
color and cut could be seen nowhere in headgear for a while but it is a big Certainly fashion has begun to “Modest dressing has become a
so much as Valentino. While high col- focus for AW18, from hoods at Preen recognize the spending power of the trend across the board,” says Aiken.
lars and ankle-length hems are pillars “Our customers globally have fully
of this uber-feminine brand, they are embraced it and we predict it’s here
usually imagined in ethereal tulle, to stay.” Rather than being seen as a
silk or lace. The latest incarnations are ‘trend’, and underlining modesty has
made instead in thick, opaque crepes begun to creep into everyday ward-
in single block colors bare of any em- robe staples – mid-length skirts now
bellishment. Falling in heavy folds to account for more than half of all skirt
the floor, caped dresses took on the sales on the site. “And the trend has
severe austerity of clerical robes. In taken over in terms of styling, wheth-
blue and red, they could have passed er it’s layering a turtleneck under a
for costumes in 2017’s The Hand- shirt or a slip dress over a T-shirt –
maid’s Tale, while caped coats, with we’re seeing everyday pieces worn in
extra fabric adding volume, conjured very modest ways.” 

76 Vero Beach 32963 / March 15, 2018 Style Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

Why Grace Kelly remains such an enduring style icon

BY EMMA SPEDDING make anything look elegant, even a cast dressed was quite so captivating ...
The Telegraph for a broken arm – she once used a print-
ed silk Hermes scarf as a sling. She popularized an ‘uncluttered’ so-
Grace Kelly’s impact on fashion is phisticated style
enormous. Not only was Gucci’s Flora “She always understood that being
pattern designed specifically for her and stylish was part of her job,” explains Grace Kelly’s signature style was sim-
one of the most timeless fashion items, fashion historian Bronwyn Cosgrave. ple, but refined and elegant.
the Hermes Kelly bag, bears her name, “How Hollywood sold movies was
but she was also one of the first stars to through image, glamour and the red “She determined what suited her and
really hone a consistent ‘signature style.’ carpet.” To mark what would have stuck with that style,” explains Kristina
She is regarded as having the ability to been the princess’ 88th birthday last Haughland, author of Grace Kelly Style.
November, we look back at how she “It was really this that set her apart as
different and gave her this image of be-
ing very reserved, which was in contrast
to the other stars at the time.”

Her wardrobe was centered around
classic American ‘college girl’ under-
stated pieces, but she always looked
incredibly polished and groomed
whether wearing capris and a white
shirt or an Edith Head gown. Haugh-
land notes that it was said at the time
that she was ‘giving good taste a sense
of glamour.’

In an article in the Telegraph in
January 1956 entitled “It started with
Grace Kelly,” fashion writer Winefride
Jackson notes how Grace Kelly popu-
larized an ‘uncluttered line.’

She writes: “Of one thing we may
be certain – the fashion and beauty
barometer is pointing to a return
to the style of classic elegance. The
new trend has been largely deter-
mined by the woman whose name
is hitting the headlines hard just
now – Grace Kelly.”

To achieve Kelly’s ‘new fashion
technique’ Jackson advises read-
ers to “dress slim, uncluttered and
practically adorned with chunky
jewelry – except for stud earrings and
one good bracelet.”

But she notes: “With the accent on
the classic, accessories will need to be
impeccable – no shabby or worn hand-
bags, no heels even slightly turned over.”
Her beauty tip to readers is “hairstyles,
most important to the whole effect are
smoother and glossier.”

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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Style Vero Beach 32963 / March 15, 2018 77

Her heavily American fashion a boost,” explains She rewore her favorite things re- the newspaper accounts she was seen
scrutinized look helped Haugland. When she arrived in Monaco, peatedly (including her Oscars gown) to be dressed very differently from the
to boost the American fashion industry for example, she wore a navy blue coat other actresses.”
There was a huge level of interest in and sleeveless dress by American de- Grace Kelly might have been a prin-
Grace Kelly, but this became hysterical signer Ben Zuckerman. cess with access to the likes of Dior and She ushered in a new relaxed style in
in the lead-up to her wedding to Prince Gucci, but she wasn’t unnecessarily ex- Monaco
Rainier II of Monaco in 1956. She said The myth of the Kelly bag travagant and wore her favorite pieces
during a press conference: “This is Grace Kelly was one of the earliest for decades. She rewore the navy Ben “For a long time in Monaco women
frightening. I am flattered by all this stars to have a designer item named Zuckerman coat she first wore to arrive were not supposed to wear trousers and
attention but I wish you would be more after her, as Hermes renamed its Haut in Monaco in the ’60s when pregnant wear hats at the palace, but she was of-
considerate of one another.” à Courroie bag the Kelly. Grace Kelly with Stephanie. ten photographed wearing trousers with
The press coverage was relentless, as and costume designer Edith Head dis- her family so those rules were relaxed,”
Kristina Haugland explains: “This was covered the bag in 1954 while shopping “Someone said isn’t that a nine year explains Haugland.
before 24 hour a day coverage, but when for accessories for the film “To Catch old coat she said ‘Yes, I like it!’” recalls
she departed on New York the press A Thief,” and noticed it in the Hermes Haugland. “She wasn’t the clothes horse “She was conscious of her image of
even mentioned that the stockings she window. The bag, which was first creat- you might think she is. Now we would the Princess of Monaco, but she was
wore were seamless. There were details ed in the 1930s, was a regular feature in think of someone like that having an im- careful that her family weren’t held to
about where she got all of her clothes paparazzi pictures of Grace Kelly, and it mense closet and never wearing same formal standards. She liked hats her-
from, who they were by and where she was said that she used it to conceal her thing again. self, but as hats started to wane from
was shopping.” pregnancy. fashion and were no longer a must-
Aware of the huge interest in her out- ”It started to be associated with her “She certainly had a different at- have accessory the rule was eventu-
fits, she used this as an opportunity to because she was pictured with it when titude; it didn’t have to be new every ally relaxed, but that wasn’t quite as
boost the fashion industry in America. the engagement was announced and time and not the most extreme. She revolutionary when it happened as it
“There was always a feeling that Euro- was photographed when went back to wore jeans and people teased her was bowing to change.” 
pean designers were the top, but that California so was seen with it,” explains about this old camel hair coat she
she wore American designers on an in- Haugland. had and loved and wouldn’t give up.
ternational stage was seen as giving an “This whole story arose that she used She wore her favorite clothes over and
it shield her pregnant stomach and was over again.”
on a magazine cover doing that but I’ve
never been able to find any evidence of At the 1955 Oscars she re-wore an
that, but it refuses to die. I’ve never seen Edith Head satin gown which she wore
a photograph like that and I’ve never the year before to the New York premiere
seen a magazine cover like that. It is a of “The Country Girl.”
rumor that has a life of its own.”
“This dress was seen as very different
at the time,” explains Haugland. “Most
of the stars were in large full skirts with
fur coats and she wore a simple satin
dress with a matching satin coat and in

78 Vero Beach 32963 / March 15, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Cvi.che 105: Peruvian haute cuisine as near as Miami

BY TINA RONDEAU couple of glasses of wine should run
Columnist $100 to $110, before tax and tip.

While Vero has an impressive num- Everything about Cvi.che 105 was
first rate. And while it is best known
ber of fine restaurants showcasing for its ceviches, tiraditos and causas,
the restaurant also features traditional
European and Asian cuisines, one of dishes like lomo saltado (steak) along
with other rice entrées that reflect the
the world’s great cuisines is absent: Chinese influence on Peru’s cuisine.

Peruvian. This restaurant has risen to the top of
Peruvian gastronomy in the most Latin
The South America country’s surge American city in the United States. If you
plan a visit to the Miami area, make a
to the gastronomical fore is no secret reservation and give it a try.

among foodies, with Peru recently vot- I welcome your comments, and en-
courage you to send feedback to me at
ed “world’s leading culi- [email protected].

nary destination” for The reviewer dines anonymously at
restaurants at the expense of
the sixth year in a row, Vero Beach 32963. 

beating out China Cancha.
(whose cuisine also
Orgia Anconero
is not well represented Ceviche.

in Vero) among others. Pisco Sour.

While you don’t have to fly to Lima fish and other seafood, marinated in but it Pulpito a la
to sample great Peruvian gastronomy, fresh Chulucanas’ lime juice, mixed certainly Herradura.
you do have to look beyond the Trea- with Arequipan onions, cilantro, and a roused our
sure Coast. But in recent years, there’s sauce that combined a touch of rocoto taste buds. Hours:
been an explosion of good-to-great Pe- pepper and aji limo chili pepper. The 11:30 am to 11 pm (midnight
ruvian restaurants in South Florida. leche de tigre was very tasty. Portions are
large here, and in the on Friday & Saturday)
Gaston Acurio, Peru’s top chef whose The pulpito, pieces of octopus mari- interest of sampling dishes, Beverages: Full Bar
Lima restaurants we reported on in nated in Peruvian red dry pepper, pis- we overordered. But prices are very
these pages in 2013, opened an outpost co brandy and red wine, were tender reasonable given the quality of Address:
named La Mar in Miami’s Mandarin and flavorful, accompanied by golden the dishes and the service. 19565 Biscayne Blvd,
Hotel the following year. And Chef Juan potatoes, salsa criolla, Peruvian yellow Dinner for two here with Aventura, FL 33180
Chipoco, whose downtown Miami res- pepper and homemade chimichurri. a couple of pisco
taurant Cvi.che 105 is rated even higher sours and a Phone:
than Acurio’s, recent expanded a bit We then opted to try one of Cvi.che (786) 516-2818
north to Aventura (which has some- 105’s “causas.” Peruvian causas con- Perricholi.
thing else missing on the Treasure sist of seafood and other ingredients
Coast – a world-class mall). atop of one of the country’s 3,000 vari-
eties of potato.
Last week, while visiting the Aventura
Mall, we took advantage of the opportu- We ordered the perricholi – slices
nity to dine at the newest Cvi.che 105. of spicy raw tuna atop Peruvian yel-
low potato, served with a warm rocoto
As we relaxed over Cvi.che 105’s sig- cream aioli topped with crispy caviar,
nature pisco sours and munched on truffle oil and sea salt in a reduction of
cancha, the toasted Peruvian large- chicha morada and inca gold flakes. A
kernelled corn that I find addictive, very interesting combination of tastes
our very attentive and knowledge- and textures.
able server helped us navigate a menu
that contained way too many enticing Then even though we were by this
choices. point quite full, we decided to fin-
ish with a seafood soup – the sopa
For starters, my husband and I de- parihuela “levanta muertos” ($17.95).
cided to share a mixed ceviche ($15.95) This rich soup consisted of mixed
and the pulpito a la herraldura ($18.95). seafood and shrimp in a broth heav-
ily augmented with pisco brandy. I
The ceviche was one of the best I don’t know about it raising the dead,
have ever had – beautiful slices of raw

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 15, 2018 79


Cremant sparkling wine muscling in on champagne

BY NICOLA HARLEY AND DAVID CHAZAN crémants have taken some share from lot of work on selecting grapes and Beale, chief executive of the Wine and
The Telegraph more expensive Champagne. producing wines with very fine, tiny Spirit Trade Association, said: “It is
and abundant bubbles. It’s the same clear from booming sales, over the
It was once de rigueur to serve “However, this is also one of the method as Champagne but not the last five years, that sparkling wine is
champagne at any party worth its key obstacles to a prosecco-like boom same grapes.” a drink enjoyed all year round. Con-
salt. moving forward, as the stricter pro- sumers now have a far greater range
duction criteria mean that crémants Neither is it the same price. Noct- to choose from than ever before.” 
Then along came prosecco, and are more investment-intensive for ambule costs about $13 a bottle. Miles
now French crémant sparkling wines producers, which requires long-term
are muscling in on the party circuit. planning, and therefore less likely to
go through a ‘boom and bust’ cycle.
In the past two months, retailers
report crémant sales up by 28 percent “Our forecasts for non-Champagne
on last year. sparkling from France wines does
support the premise that crémants
“Crémant is a great alternative as are growing in popularity; French
it’s well-priced and well-made,” said sparkling wines (excluding Cham-
Rebecca Hull, a U.K. champagne pagne) are expected to grow on aver-
and sparkling wine buyer. “The fizz age 6.1 percent per year between 2016
is made using the traditional Cham- and 2021.”
pagne method and over the last few
month’s it has been steadily increas- Eight regions can now use the term
ing in popularity with sales up 72 per- ‘crémant’ for their fine sparkling
cent last year versus 2016.” wines. Previously known as the “poor
person’s champagne” and popularly
She is predicting its popularity to thought of a low-quality, headache-
continue and are tipping it to be one inducing tipple, crémants have vastly
of the bestsellers this year. improved over the past 20 years and
many are now highly rated by con-
Giles Gough, senior analyst at noisseurs in France.
drinks researchers IWSR, said al-
though it predicts sales of crémants Lydia Musset, who produces Noct-
will continue to increase, they will eat ambule, a Loire Valley crémant
into the Champagne market rather tipped as one of the country’s best
than prosecco. by the wine magazine Revue du Vin,
said: “Crémant makers have put in a
“A key contributing factor is their
‘craft’ credentials, which means that

80 Vero Beach 32963 / March 15, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 15, 2018 81

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82 Vero Beach 32963 / March 15, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 15, 2018 83

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84 Vero Beach 32963 / March 15, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 15, 2018 85


Bonz hangs with Hunter, an ‘Ale’ fellow well met

Hi Dog Buddies! “Well, Bonzo, ah couldn’t of ever Hunter it all over the floor with my paws. Ah
found a better Forever Mom. An, also like retrieving. But ah Don’t Like
This week I had a great yap with a as it turned out, ah was perfect for PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD Squirrels. Those liddle fuzzballs scare
good lookin’ poocheroo, Hunter Ale her, too.” me. They’re MEAN. An LOUD.
Reed, a young Border Collie/Heeler Caregivers when she’s havin’ a SEEzure,
from Colorado. He’s just 4 anna half “How so?” I asked. or getting’ right up against her so she “Ackshully, Bonz, most of my best
and his story is in-SPY-ring. I bet you’ll “Mom had a lotta experience won’t get hurt. Ah wear a special vest buddies are human. Did you know
think so, too. trainin’ pooches, an she got me when we’re Out In Public, so humans’ll ah’m the Only Male Member of the
up to speed pretty quick. Not to know I’m At Work.” Junior League? An ah have lotsa frens
Hunter an his Mom work inna ani- brag, but us herdin’ dogs are real here at the animal hos-pittle, employ-
mal hos-pittle, which is where me an smart, an real sensitive to our hu- “Woof! That is Serious Dog Biscuits!” ees an clients.”
my assistant went to innerview him. mans, too. So, when ah was about I hadda take a liddle breath and wipe
His Mom was sittin’ at the reCEPshun 6 months old, ah began to REE-lize my paw across my eyes. Hunter lowered his voice and
desk. I didn’t see him at first, but soon somethin’ wasn’t right with Mom. spoke behind his paw. “I have the hu-
as I introduced myself, Hunter popped Ah didn’t know exactly what, but “So, Hunter, you’re A Pooch of the mans trained to bring me snacks. An
up from behind his Mom’s chair. ah knew fer SURE ah needed to West. How’d you get all the way down the staff ladies share their ice cream
stick close to her like burrs on fur. to Florida?” with me. It kinda reminds me of eat-
“Howdy, Mr. Bonzo!” He trotted To proTECT her. Sometimes ah’d ing snowflakes back in Colorado. But
around the desk for the Wag-an-Sniff. whine, or pull her pantleg, an some- “It was great out in Colorado, spe- only the vanilla. (Dogs aren’t s’pose
“Ah’m Hunter Ale Reed. Jus’ call me times she’d wake up an ah’d be lying cially in winter. Ah was a real Snow to have chocolate.) Ah like bacon an
Hunter. This is my Mom, Ciera. She’s a on top of her. And she’d REE-lize she Dog. Loved to run around in it, jump pancakes, too, but ah don’t get to eat
Veterinary Technician and Patient Su- wasn’t feelin’ right. Finally, she de- into the piled-up snowbanks, try to ’em much cuz Mom keeps me on a
pervisor an ah’m Assistant Manager. cided to go to a dok-ter to find out bite the snowflakes. But Mom couldn’t Dental Diet. She says when you’re
Ah also provide client support in Diffi- what was goin’ on.” do her job anymore, so we moved back in the Public Eye, you need Fresh
cult Times. Come’on back to my office, “What WAS goin’ on?” to where she was from: Sebastian! An Breath and Clean Teeth. Workin’ in an
take a load off, and I’ll tell ya my story.” “The dok-ter told Mom she had Epi- now ah have a GRANDpa. We go out in Animal Hospital, you haffta Set The
lepsy, and she’d been havin’ SEEzures a boat on the laGOON, an we fish. Ah Standard, ya know?”
Hunter led the way back, and we an she didn’t even know it. But some- even learned to SWIM. Finally. It took “I do indeed,” I replied. (I wouldn’t
all got comftubble. He sat down right how ah had sensed it an had been try- a while for Mom to convince me about dream of going on an innerview with
smack next to his Mom, an I opened in’ to alert her.” that. It’s not fluffy like snow. Moose Breath.)
my notebook. “Ready when you are,” “Woof!” Heading home, I was thinking how
I said. “Say, how’d you get that cool “The dok-ter said Mom’d need a “My favorite toy’s a Teddy Bear Hunter an his Mom had found each
middle name, Ale?” specially trained dog to help her when ah’ve had since puppyhood. Ah push other, just when they both needed it
she was havin’ a SEEzure.” most. It’s amazin’ how things work
“The first outing me an Mom went on “But she had you already, right?” I said. out. I was also thinking maybe I’d
was tourin’ a brewery. Ah was just a pup- “Yep, but pooches who are pets aren’t check the freezer when I got home in
py, all excited an wiggly, an ah knocked a s’posed to be SEEzure Dogs. Thank case there was some vanilla ice cream.
glass of ale over. Embarrassing!” Lassie, the Humans In Charge knew ah Till next time,
had natch-rull ability, so ah got special
“That’s huh-LARRY-us!” I said. permission to go through the training.’ The Bonz
“Anyway, we were born in Colo- Ah hadda go to school in Montana for
rado. Perfectly good cattle dogs. But three months. Ah’d never been away Don’t Be Shy
for some reason, all eight of us got from Mom before, an ah missed her
dumped by the side of some random so much. But ah learned everything ah We are always looking for pets with
road, like ol’ socks. But we got rescued, was ’posed to, an now my Most Impor- interesting stories.
an our pickshures got put on Craig’s tant Job is bein’ Mom’s Official SEEzure
List. Mom’d been on line lookin’ for a Dog. Ah know how to do stuff to protect To set up an interview, email
Heeler (an Australian Cattle Dog) an her, like barkin’ to alert humans called [email protected].
when she saw my pickshure she called
IMMEDIATELY cuz ah was egg-ZACK-
LY what she was lookin’ for.

86 Vero Beach 32963 / March 15, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


ONGOING 15 Art in Bloom Luncheon and Exhibi- ty’s Party; 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sat; 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. vock, Irish Dancers and the Irish Pop Ensemble,
tion, 11:30 a.m. at Vero Beach Mu- Sun., with food & brews, Golden Shrimp competi- 7 p.m. at Emerson Center to benefit St. Francis
Indian River County Firefighters’ Fair at Indian River seum of Art (galleries closed to public until 2 tion, live music and family activities. Free admis- Manor Building Fund. $39. 772-778-5249
County Fairgrounds thru March 18. p.m.). $200. 772-231-0707 sion. Special Craft Brew Tasting, 1 to 4 p.m. Sat.,
$35 unlimited tastings. 17 St. Patrick’s Day Parade, 10 a.m. along
Riverside Theatre – Gypsy, musical mem- 15 Live from Vero Beach presents the lay- Ocean Drive hosted by Oceanside
oir of Gypsy Rose Lee on the Stark Stage thru ered harmonies of Firefall, 7 p.m. at 16-18 Garden & Antique Show and Business Association.
March 25. 772-231-6990 Emerson Center. 800-595-4849 Sale, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Fri. &
Sat.; 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sun. at McKee Botanical 17 ELC EcoTalks Speaker Series: Saving
Vero Beach Theatre Guild presents “To Kill a 15 Performance by the a cappella group Garden – 30-plus vendors of antiques, arts and Sharks from Extinction, 11 a.m. at En-
Mockingbird” based on Harper Lee’s novel thru Yale Spizzwinks, 7 p.m. at St. John of orchids. Standard admission. 772-794-0601 vironmental Learning Center.
March 25. 772-562-8300 the Cross Catholic Church. Free. 855-252-7276
17 Brew-2-Brew Half Marathon, 7 a.m. 17 TreasureCoastJazzSocietypresentsLisaKelly
Vero Beach Museum of Art - Medieval To 15 Atlantic Classical Orchestra presents from Walking Tree Brewery to benefit and JB Scott with Dave Steinmeyer, 12:30
Metal: The Art & Evolution of the Guitar thru Motzart’s Serenade No. 6, Symphony Mental Health Association, with Finish Line Fes- p.m. at Vero Beach Heritage Center. 772-234-4600
May 6, Paul Outerbridge: New Color Photo- No. 40 and Concerto for Flute & Harp, with so- tivities. That evening: St. Patrick’s Day Sham-
graphs from Mexico and California, 1948-1955 loists Tina Aplegren and Kay Kemper, 7:30 p.m. rock Shindig, 7 p.m. at Grand Harbor Beach 17|18 March Madness Basketball
thru June 3 and Shadow & Light: The Etchings of at St. Edward’s Waxlax Center. 772-460-0850 Club with craft beers, wine and food pairings, Tournament for kids, ladies and
Martin Lewis thru May 13. auctions and entertainment by Bobby Owen men to benefit Crossover Mission, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at
16-18 Shrimpfest Craft Brew Hul- Band. $150. 772-569-9788 Gifford Youth Achievement Center gym. $100 youth
MARCH laballoo at Riverview Park, teams; $200 adults; $3 admission. 772-643-3320
Sebastian hosted by Rotary Club of Sebastian and 17 Enchanted Music of Ireland Tour featur-
Fellsmere Exchange Club, 3 to 9 p.m. Fri. St. Pat- ing Andy Cooney and Shauna McStra- 17|18 Beautiful Lagoon Fine Art
Exhibition at Sebastian
Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN River Art Club, Fri. 4 8 p.m. opening re-
in March 8, 2018 Edition 1 CURIOUS 1 CLIMATE ception, Sat. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. show, with pro-
5 CRESS 2 REINS ceeds to benefit Indian River Lagoon National
8 ICING 3 ORGANISATIONS Estuary Program of IRC. Free. 772-571-6632
10 ABSENCE 5 CONSTELLATION 18 Atlantic Classical Orchestra and Vero
11 TATTY 6 ERRATIC Beach Museum of Art Chamber Music
12 EXCESS 7 SULKY Series present Early Debussy and Late Schubert,
14 SLACKS 13 CHAPTER 3 p.m. at VBMA. 772-231-0707 x 136
18 SHAMPOO 16 ESTEEM 18 Rock the Boat Gala to benefit Youth Sail-
20 OUTCOME 17 SNOUT ing Foundation, 5 p.m. at Moorings Yacht
21 IDEAS 19 PLEAT and Country Club with YSF sailing demos, silent
22 TARTS and live auctions, cocktails, dinner, dancing and live
23 MONITOR musical entertainment. $200. 772-925-2521

Sudoku Page 60 Sudoku Page 61 Crossword Page 60 Crossword Page 61 (LEVELING THE PLAYING FIELD)


Advertising Vero Beach Services | If you would like your business to appear in our directory, please call 772-633-0753

This directory gives small business people eager
to provide services to the beachside community an
opportunity to make themselves known to island readers at
an affordable cost. This is the only service directory mailed
each week during season to all 11,000+ homes on the
Vero Beach barrier island. If you are interested in a listing
in the Vero Beach 32963 Business Directory, please
contact marketing representative Kathleen Macglennon at
[email protected] or call 772-633-0753.


3636 Ocean Drive in Veromar: 2-story; 5-bedroom, 6 full-, 2 half-bath, 6,902-square-foot home
with 75 feet of oceanfront, separate guest house, offered for $6,295,000 by Cindy O’Dare
of Premier Estate Properties: 866-220-8184

88 Vero Beach 32963 / March 15, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Resort-like luxury in
the heart of Vero’s
village by the sea

BY SAMANTHA ROHLFING BAITA vate front gate closes behind you. drawn out through glass doors to the On the opposite wall, two large win-
Staff Writer Palms and privacy walls obscure unparalleled view – past the infinity dows flank a sleek horizontal fireplace
pool and lounge terrace, down across with stone surround, which glows with
Within walking distance of virtual- the front facade from the street and an emerald lawn to the sparkling blue constantly changing colors, a fascinat-
ly everything Vero’s charming beach the wide drive curves up into a broad Atlantic. ing and functional work of art.
village has to offer, the gorgeous es- courtyard, where there are two 2-car
tate at 3636 Ocean Drive wraps you garages. The living room, awash with natural Other outstanding artistic elements
in the privacy and luxury of an exclu- light, features a stylish dove gray built- that make this home special are the
sive resort from the moment the pri- As one enters the main house in unit: quartz-top wet bar, glass-front shimmering glass chandeliers, each
through dark-wood arched double cabinets and extra-large wine cooler. one unique, each carefully chosen and
entry doors, the eye is immediately

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 15, 2018 89


perfectly suited for the space it occu-
pies; from the delicate cluster of lace-
like gold and white orbs in the formal
dining room, to the gold and white cyl-
inders in the breakfast nook, the lovely
pieces are a perpetual visual delight.

The open kitchen and family room
are light, airy, comfortable spaces,
with banks of windows and glass doors
providing panoramic views of the ever
changing sea and sky. For family gath-
erings or entertaining, this open space
invites conversation between fam-
ily room and kitchen and patio. With
doors to the loggias and pool terrace
open, there are endless configuration
possibilities for large and small get-to-
gethers. One of the two powder rooms
on the first level can also serve as a ca-
bana bath.

The chef’s kitchen has creamy, fur-
niture-quality cabinetry; two spacious
islands, each with a deep sink and
beautiful gray and white quartz coun-
tertop. High-end appliances include
a Wolf induction range, oven and mi-
crowave; sleek, modern hood; side-by-
side Sub-Zero refrigerator/freezer; and
two KitchenAid dishwashers.

Another versatile multi-use space
is the surround-sound media room.
There is also a private bedroom with
en suite bath on the first level.

The staircase is another highlight
of the home, with beautifully cut, un-

90 Vero Beach 32963 / March 15, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


adorned Travertine treads and risers At the top of the stairs is a cozy sit- Enjoy a glass of wine and let the This indulgent suite offers sepa-
in a color aptly called “Storm” that are ting room from which a wide hallway day’s tensions slip away. Be lulled to rate his and hers bathrooms, with
perfectly offset by a simple black metal leads to the master suite, a wonderful sleep by the sound of the surf. Awaken spacious, walk-in closets – hers with
bannister. If you don’t feel like climb- private retreat, with its own romantic to the sunrise. dressing table and custom storage
ing elegant staircase, you can always loggia looking out upon the ocean in
opt to ascend via your private elevator. utmost privacy.

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 15, 2018 91


areas for shoes, bags and other ac- indulgent, free standing soaking tub. white striations. The shower itself is Two additional bedrooms occupy
cessories. Her bathroom is a luxuri- His bathroom is a sleek, mascu- a scene-stealer, fashioned of glass the other second level wing, each with
ous dream, a sunny corner space with tile and slate in several textures and its own full bath and one with a private
windows to the east and south, a love- line stand-out, with gray walls, white shades of gray and black, with two ocean loggia.
ly shower with small pillow shaped, molding and sink, custom-stained shower heads, a stationary rain forest
sand-hued tiles, and an absolutely black cabinetry and a dramatic leath- head, an a manual. Each level features its own conve-
er-look vanity top of black granite with nient laundry room, the second level’s

92 Vero Beach 32963 / March 15, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


including a built-in desk with comput- door space, just steps from the surf
er hook-up. and sand in the heart of the village,
that the owners, Tommy and Annma-
A neutral palette, white crown mold- rie Chiarenza, spend much of their lei-
ing, 12-foot ceilings, and creamy Trav- sure time, and it will likely be the same
ertine floor tile enhance the home’s for the home’s next owners: morning
timeless architectural style, and offer coffee as dawn breaks over the ocean;
a suitable backdrop for the elegant col- al fresco meals shared with family and
umns and arches that grace the balco- friends; a pleasant hour or two curled
nies and the spacious loggia, with its up with a book; a nightcap as day yields
attractive beamed ceiling. to night and a starry, moonlit sky.

It on the loggia, in this tranquil out-

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 15, 2018 93


Whoever buys here will have found fridge/freezer and Berttazzoni range
a tropical paradise, with the sapphire and oven.
infinity pool, a secret garden, and even
a putting green. All set against the In addition to the boutiques, res-
backdrop of the soft sand and blue sea. taurants, and resorts within walking
It is truly a resort lifestyle. distance, the island is also home to the
renowned Vero Beach Museum of Art
An added bonus is the spacious and Riverside Theatre (Equity), both
guest suite over one of the two garag- located in sprawling Riverside Park,
es, which offers a bedroom with full the versatile venue for art shows, con-
bath, a cozy living room and sleek full certs, boat shows and other activities
kitchen, with stainless steel Liebherr throughout the year. 


Neighborhood: Veromar
Built: 2014

Home size: 6,902 square feet under air
Bedrooms: 5

Bathrooms: 6 full baths, 2 half-baths
Additional features: Separate guest house with 2-bay garage; private
gated entrance; volume ceilings; crown molding; custom closets; private
elevator; 2-island kitchen; shades/blinds furnished; covered balconies;
irrigation sprinkler; fence; outdoor shower; infinity pool; gas firepit; 3
central a/c units; impact-rated glass windows and exterior doors; Sonos

sound system; Restoration Hardware
Listing agency: Premier Estate Properties
Listing agent: Cindy O’Dare, 866-220-8184

Listing price: $6,295,000

94 Vero Beach 32963 / March 15, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Record price paid for former Hale Groves property

BY KATHLEEN SLOAN square-foot building, which sits on a
Staff Writer square 148-foot by 150-foot lot.

The .60-acre property at 615 Beach- “The building was not up to code,”
land Blvd. that recently was home to said Jeffrey Powers, explaining he and
an Ace Hardware store is being rede- his wife bought the site “for my wife’s
veloped by a local family and will be- vision,” which includes capturing the
come an interior design store/studio. history of the local citrus industry
and the Hale family’s rise by repur-
A building on the site that dated to posing the “iconic-building location.”
1981 was a Hale Groves Fresh Fruit re-
tail store for a number of years before Eilis Powers is an interior designer
and will open “VB-home,” offering
the hardware store leased the prem- design services and “a large invento-
ises. Most of that building has been ry of high-quality home furnishings
knocked down by the Hill Group, stocked right here on the barrier is-
which is the contractor on the project. land,” she said. She hopes to have the
business open by fall.
Eilis and Jeffrey Powers last sum-
mer bought the land and building The building and parking lot foot-
from Hale Groves, one of the largest print will stay the same as when the
hardware store was operating, ac-
cording to the site plan approved by


mail-order citrus companies in the the City of Vero Beach Planning and
United States, paying $2.25 million. Development Department.

“If you look at the purchase as a va- The Powers, who had visited Vero
cant land sale, it was sold for $90.60 a Beach since the 1970s, moved here
square foot,” Indian River County Com- permanently in 2012 after selling the
mercial Property Appraiser Wayne Bi- family business, Powers Fasteners, to
beau said. “That is the highest land sale Stanley Black and Decker. The com-
I’ve seen in my tenure, since 1997.” pany manufactured anchoring and
fastening products for concrete, steel
The Hill Group removed the hip and masonry structures. 
roof and all but two walls of the 4,500

CARLTON 4/4.5 $2,995,000 OLD RIOMAR 3+Den/3F+2H $2,295,000 Stacey Clawson 772-559-7984 SOMERSET BAY 2+Den/3 $1,100,000
Kit Fields 772-312-5165 198417 Charlotte Terry 772-538-2388 Diane DeFrancisci 772-538-1614 201384 Karen Smith 772-559-1295
Karen Smith 772-559-1295 200953 Charlotte Terry 772-538-2388 201573

SEAGROVE WEST Riverfront 3+Den/2 $949,000 GRAND HARBOR River Club 3/3.5 $845,000 SOUTH BEACH 3/3 $599,000 SEASONS 3/3.5 $644,900
Charlotte Terry 772-538-2388 Diane DeFrancisci 772-538-1614 197827 Roger Smith 772-473-0086 201551 Cheryl Gerstner 772-539-2100 198815
Karen Smith 772-559-1295 200909

Jim Knapp 772-913-0395 177123 GRAND HARBOR Coventry 3/3 $550,000 CACHE CAY 3/3 $525,000 Jim Knapp 772-913-0395 180295
Patty Valdes 772-473-8810 198827 Carolyn Lange 772-473-7982 183711

Jim Knapp 772-913-0395 177068 OLD ORCHID 3+Den/3.5 $495,000 RACQUET CLUB OF VERO 2/2 $439,000 PELICAN LANE 0.31 ACRE LOT $429,000
Michele Ritchie 772-532-7288 201383 Karen Smith 772-559-1295 Helen Ederer 772-538-4752 201432
Charlotte Terry 772-538-2388 200993

NEW PRICING OAK HARBOR Hamilton 2+Den/2.5 $395,000 NEW LISTING CROWN HOUSE CONDO 2/2.5 $379,000
GRAND HARBOR Victoria Island Jim Knapp 772-913-0395 195655 OAK CHASE 3+Den/3 $390,000 Tina Carone 772-538-2118 199226
2+Den/2 $410,000 Bill Lynch 772-205-5061 201411
Barbara Parent 772-633-3027 195724

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772 . 2 31 . 6 509

96 Vero Beach 32963 / March 15, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Some steps to take to make
your home energy-efficient

BY STEPHANIE BRICK Traditional fiberglass insulation al-
lows for about 30 percent of your heat
Washington Post or air conditioning to leak out of the
house; spray foam insulation allows
We are caught up in a tornado of essentially no air to escape (or infil-
buzzwords swarming mainstream trate). Spray foam insulation, com-
media, design and essentially every pared with fiberglass insulation, has a
facet of our lives. Green, sustainable superior resistance to heat loss, more
and energy-efficient are labels slapped than triple the life span and won’t ac-
onto all scales of merchandise (from cumulate dust or pollen.
tissues to appliances to building ma-
terials) to accommodate a well-inten- An even more effective new build-
tioned trend that has gained signifi- ing option is SIP construction. These
cant traction over the past decade. panels are simple in composition:
Rigid foam is sandwiched between
Environmentally conscious strate- two layers of wood sheathing. That’s
gies have persisted (sans label) for cen- it! The house plans are sent to the SIP
turies – even millennia. Ancient cities manufacturer, and the walls are de-
employed passive solar and air venti- livered straight to the job site, ready
lation techniques; construction mate- for assembly. Each wall, corner and
rials were selected for their heat reten- roof piece fits together like a glove
tion or air-circulation qualities. The and is caulked at intersecting points
profession of architecture is among to give a final seal to the seams. All
the oldest in civilization, and long be- utility lines can be pre-cut out by the
fore the luxuries of air conditioning manufacturer, making the assembly
and heating, we were charged with the and the utility rough-ins as easy as
responsibility of designing safe and anything in construction could be.
comfortable shelters. Not only does this building option
offer a superior envelope, but signifi-
The No. 1 factor that will dictate the cant time and labor are saved in the
energy efficiency – and therefore sus- construction of this ultra-energy-effi-
tainability – of your home is the build- cient option.
ing envelope. We assume our homes
are built with solid structure, without If you are renovating an existing
gaping holes to allow insects and ver- home without the opportunity to re-
min to infiltrate. But what about that construct or reinsulate all of the walls,
invisible, insidious guest: uncondi- there are other ways to improve your
tioned air? energy efficiency.

Any contained space needs fresh As we consider the building enve-
airflow and circulation, but that air is lope of a home, doors and windows are
controlled through a building’s me- the most obvious culprits of escaped
chanical systems. It is not supposed to conditioned, or intruding uncondi-
sneak in through cracks and seams in tioned, air – straight punctures into
the building envelope. your building’s envelope.

Whenever you have the heater or The biggest issue I see with home-
air conditioner on, your HVAC sys- owners’ exterior doors is a poor fit. If
tem is burdened with the extra load light can get through your door and its
of conditioning the air that is leaking, frame, so can hot and cold air. Most of
uncontrolled, into your house, which the time, this is a result of the house
results in your system working harder, settling and can be mitigated with DIY
consuming more energy and wasting weather stripping that can be picked
electricity. The way pennies and loose up at the hardware store.
change quickly add up to dollars, many
little imperfections in your building’s Windows can be more complicated.
envelope can easily add up to leaving Quick-fix solutions can be found at the
the front door open while you blast the hardware store to keep cold air out,
A/C during the dog days of summer. such as window-insulating kits with
adhesive and a thick plastic shrink-
In new construction, spray foam wrap that you use a hair-dryer to fash-
insulation is replacing the pink fiber- ion in place. Though this is a helpful
glass insulation that has filled most short-term solution, you need to apply
standard wall cavities over the past it (then take it down) seasonally, and it
half-century. Instead of this pink, itchy is only superficially helpful. Similarly,
fluff occupying the space between purchasing insulated drapes/window
wall studs, a polymer and foaming treatments can help but requires the
agent are combined to expand nearly curtains be drawn, blocking natural
100 times their original volume, filling light and view of the outdoors.
every crack and crevice.

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 15, 2018 97


For addressing the opposite problem normal oxygen- and nitrogen-filled steppingstone, LED lights are now novations over the past few years has
– windows that beam enough sunlight air. In addition, the glass itself is im- leading the way as the most energy- been the ease of customized climate
in to fry an egg on a cold plate – insulat- portant: low-e means that the heat in efficient lighting option. Compared control.
ing drapes can help resolve the symp- the summer or cold in the winter will with the beloved incandescent, LEDs
tom but not the problem. If you can not radiate through the glass as much consume just trace amounts of energy Most people are not diligent enough
prevent the sun from beaming onto as it would with regular glass. to illuminate your space. LED light- to turn the heat (or air conditioning)
the glass from the outside, you do not ing has made the worry of accidentally down or off when they leave for an
have to worry about mitigating its heat It is best to consult your architect on leaving the house lights on and driving eight-hour work day – and even if they
on the inside. This is most successfully window details, as the direction your up your electricity bill obsolete. are, turning all systems back on when
achieved by adding overhangs onto the windows face will influence factors they get home does not immediately
exterior above your windows. such as the conductance and solar heat Offered in a wide variety of “bulb” condition the space to the desired
gain coefficient (SHGC), which should sizes, LEDs can replace many, if not temperature.
The size of these overhangs is cal- be different for south-facing windows all, of the lightbulbs around your home
culated based on your geographic because of their significantly higher – and research shows you are likely to Whether you are building a new
move out of your house before you will house or reevaluating your existing
need to replace your LED lightbulbs. home, there are many options avail-
able to work toward improved energy
One of my favorite energy-saving in- efficiency and lower utility bills. 

coordinates, to ensure they will al- sun exposure throughout the day.
low sunbeams (and therefore heat) to There also are a number of modern
reach the glass during the cold months
but be blocked during the hot months. internal technologies that can contrib-
Unlike older window awnings or even ute to a more energy-efficient and sus-
functioning shutters, the overhangs of tainable home. Low-flow toilets from
today’s architecture are intentionally the big-name brands – Kohler, for in-
designed not to obstruct your view of stance, which has a patent on its new,
the outdoors. innovative flush systems – outperform
the standard toilets with which we
These solutions are better than grew up, consuming far less water yet
nothing. However, the hands-down flushing much more effectively.
most effective solution to solve ener-
gy-poor windows (especially impor- Unlike “green” or even “energy-ef-
tant in conjunction with an effective ficient,” which are unregulated terms
overhang design) is to replace the win- and can be highly subjective, Energy
dows themselves. Star appliances are certified to con-
sume less energy based on baseline
Double-pane windows offer signifi- standards set by the Environmental
cantly better insulation than single- Protection Agency. Purchasing appli-
pane windows because they have an ances and mechanical systems with
insulating air gap between the two this seal of approval will help contrib-
pieces of glass. But the details do not ute to better energy savings (to vary-
stop there: When the air between the ing degrees, depending on the kind of
windowpanes is filled with argon gas, unit) than their alternatives.
it is much better insulation than our
With compact fluorescents as their

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98 Vero Beach 32963 / March 15, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Mortgage rates continued upward march last week

BY KATHY ORTON erage 0.5 point. (Points are fees paid point. It was 3.62 percent a week ago investors tend to move away from
Washington Post to a lender equal to 1 percent of the and 3.23 percent a year ago. mortgage-backed securities and
loan amount.) bonds and put their money into the
Mortgage rates moved higher Although fears of an impending stock market.
again last week, their ninth consecu- It was 4.43 percent a week ago and trade war created uneasiness among
tive increase. 4.21 percent a year ago. investors, stronger-than-anticipated Aaron Terrazas, senior economist
employment data somewhat offset at Zillow, says the new tariffs on steel
According to the latest data, re- The 15-year fixed-rate average rose those concerns. and aluminum imports could have a
leased last Thursday by Freddie Mac, to 3.94 percent with an average 0.5 more profound effect on rates.
the 30-year fixed-rate average rose to point. It was 3.90 percent a week ago The Bureau of Labor Statistics’
its highest level since January 2014, and 3.42 percent a year ago. The five- monthly employment report can “Markets could be particularly
climbing to 4.46 percent with an av- year adjustable-rate average inched have a significant impact on mort- volatile over the next couple of days
up to 3.63 percent with an average 0.4 gage rates. As employment rises, as the tenor of U.S. economic and
trade policy gets worked out,” Terra-
PHASE zas said.
TWO, which puts out a
NOW weekly mortgage rate trend index,
SELLING! found that half of the experts it sur-
veyed say rates will remain relatively
ISLAND-STYLE Verona Model stable in the coming week. Michael
ESTATE HOMES Becker, branch manager of Sierra
WITH POOLS FROM Pacific Mortgage, is predicting rates
THE HIGH $400S will fluctuate but not move too far
one way or the other.
Magnolia living room Gated, natural gas community FEATURING
Magnolia kitchen with lush landscaping, walking 18 NEW “Mortgage rates and Treasury
Jasmine kitchen paths and parks all surrounding yields have been up and down the
Lake Sapphire - the beautiful HOMESITES last few days,” Becker said. “Down
lake the community is named AND 3 NEW because of markets concern about
after and inspired by. FLOORPLANS President Trump’s threat to impose
trade tariffs, which could lower
Lake Sapphire is located on 5th global growth. Up because markets
Street SW between 43rd Avenue are convinced that the Trump tax
and 58th Avenue convenient to cuts and the increased spending in
shopping and centrally located the recent passed budget will add to
to take advantage of everything growth. I think this will likely con-
Vero Beach has to offer! tinue over the coming week with
rates up one day and down the next.
CALL LISA KRYNSKI Prices and specifications are subject to change without notice. Oral representation In the end, rates won’t change that
AT 772.521.0954 OR cannot be relied upon as correctly stated representations of the developer. For correct much in the coming week.”
VISIT OUR SALES CENTER representations, make reference to this advertisement and to the documents required
4624 5TH ST SW, VERO BEACH by section 718.503, Florida Statutes, to be furnished by a developer to a buyer or Meanwhile, mortgage applications
MON - SAT: 10AM - 5 PM, lessee. Images displayed may not be the actual property for sale, but may be model were flat last week, according to the
SUN: NOON - 5 PM or other homes built of similar design. latest data from the Mortgage Bank-
ers Association. The market compos-
ite index – a measure of total loan
application volume – increased 0.3
percent from a week earlier. The refi-
nance index rose 2 percent, while the
purchase index fell 1 percent.

The refinance share of mortgage
activity accounted for 41.8 percent of
all applications.

“Refinance activity increased
slightly last week, but remains close
to year-end lows,” said Joel Kan, MBA

“Purchase applications dipped
half a percent over the week, as ap-
plications for government purchase
loans decreased 1.7 percent while
conventional purchase applications
were flat.

Purchase applications were
1.3 percent higher than the same
week a year ago. The average loan
amount on purchase applications, at
$320,100, was the highest since No-
vember 2017, as supply constraints
likely continued to weigh down low-
er-dollar purchase transactions.” 

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 15, 2018 99


Do’s and don’ts for deducting interest on home-equity borrowing

BY KENNETH R. HARNEY labeled,” said the IRS, provided the option, now fully sanctioned by the ($250,000 plus $150,000) is well below
Washington Post borrowed funds are used to “buy, IRS: Take out a $150,000 HELOC that the statutory limit and doesn’t exceed
build or substantially improve the will permit you to draw down peri- the value of your home – you should
It’s official: Despite widespread taxpayer’s home that secures the odic amounts to pay contractors as be able to write off all the interest on
fears to the contrary, the Internal loan” and the total debt on the house they complete scheduled construc- your HELOC.
Revenue Service has clarified that last does not exceed statutory limits. tion bench marks, leaving your first
year’s big tax bill did not kill all inter- mortgage intact. In its policy statement, the IRS of-
est deductions on home equity lines The amount of the first mortgage fered examples of what you cannot
of credit (HELOCs) and equity loans. on the property, combined with the Because 100 percent of your HELOC do with your HELOC or home-equity
home equity or HELOC debt, cannot dollars are to be used to substantially loan cash if you want to write off the
In a policy statement, the IRS said exceed $750,000, the newly revised improve your home – and because interest.
that it has received “many questions limit for mortgage interest deduc- the combined debt load of $400,000
. . . from taxpayers and tax profes- tions by taxpayers filing joint returns; CONTINUED ON PAGE 102
sionals” about HELOCs and equity married owners filing separately
loans in the wake of the Tax Cut and have a new ceiling of $375,000. Previ-
Jobs Act of 2017, which passed in De- ously, the limits were $1 million and
cember. That legislation eliminat- $500,000.
ed a section of the federal tax code
So what does all this mean in prac-

authorizing interest write-offs on tical terms? Here’s a quick exam-
“home equity indebtedness” from ple. Say you and your spouse own a
2018 through 2025. But as noted in $500,000 house and have a $250,000
this column in January, the law did first mortgage with an interest rate
not curtail deductions on all HELOC in the mid-3-percent range. You
and equity-loan interest payments. It want to put on a family-room addi-
depends on how you use the money tion estimated to cost $100,000 and
you borrow. do bathroom upgrades estimated to
run another $50,000. However, you’d
Taxpayers can “often still deduct prefer not to give up your super-low
interest on a home-equity loan, home interest rate by refinancing into a
equity line of credit or second mort- new, larger first mortgage. Another
gage, regardless of how the loan is

100 Vero Beach 32963 / March 15, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Real Estate Sales on the Barrier Island: March 2 to March 8

The real estate market on the barrier island took another breather last week with just three transactions

The top sale of the week was of a 12th-floor condo with spectacular views in the Village Spires. Unit
1203N was placed on the market Dec. 26 with an asking price of $848,000. The sale closed on March 2 for

Both the seller and the purchaser in the transaction were represented by Beth Livers of Berkshire
Hathaway Florida.


SEASONS 9140 SEASONS TERRACE 11/5/2017 $649,900 $649,900 3/5/2018 $360,000
CASTAWAY COVE 1042 NEAR OCEAN DRIVE 12/12/2017 $734,900 $730,500 3/5/2018
TREASURE COVE 1445 TREASURE COVE LANE N/A $360,000 $360,000 2/23/2018 $205,000
PALMS AT SILVER PALM 4121 SILVER PALM DRIVE 1/9/2018 $679,000 $679,000 2/23/2018


VILLAGE SPIRES DEVEL 3554 OCEAN DRIVE, #403N 1/18/2018 $795,000 $795,000 2/28/2018
ROBLES DEL MAR 5601 HIGHWAY A1A, #102 3/6/2017 $299,000 $225,000 2/28/2018
SEA OAKS 1300 PALMETTO COURT, #109 6/6/2016 $269,000 $229,000 2/27/2018

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