Best of the Basque. P29 House of the week. P34 Eclectic ... and electric!
Dining review: Unforgettable visit Spacious pool home in gated
to a Michelin three-star restaurant. Cloisters is ideal for a large family.
THURSDAY, JUNE 14, 2018 | VOLUME 03, ISSUE 24 Ballet Esprit is step above. Page 12
All now aboard RIGHT ON | NEWSSTAND PRICE $1.00
with restrictions ‘TREK’!
on fertilizing Study found public works
employees are underpaid
[email protected] [email protected] in the labor market and to
successfully obtain and re-
Six years after Brevard A consultant’s study of tain personnel.”
County commissioners first city worker salaries resulted
balked at restricting fertilizer in a lump-sum pay increase The more recent study was
applications on lawns during at the Satellite Beach City
the rainy summers, it’s now a Council meeting June 6 and CONTINUED ON PAGE 2
yearly event and all the cities supported what Public Works
have joined in the effort. Director Allen Potter has con- Public Works employee Michael Rowley tends
tended for years: The city was
“Yes, it was pretty rough in not paying its public works to equipment. PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD
the beginning (in 2012) to get employees a living wage.
this passed,” county Natural
Resources Director Virginia The city contracted with
Barker recalled last week. Cody and Associates Inc. to
“But then we had the algae perform a salary study look-
superbloom and the major ing at public works, initially
fish kills.” in 2013 and again more re-
cently, to come up with a sal-
The current fertilizer re- ary structure and advance-
striction started June 1, and ment opportunities for the
will continue in effect until
Satellite Beach to be
LED into the future
STORY BY GEORGE WHITE STAFF WRITER Actor George Takei of ‘Star Trek’ fame accepts the STORY BY BETH WALTON STAFF WRITER power of administrative law
[email protected] Life Worth Living Legend Award from Vero Beach judges, is a victims’ rights
Wine & Film Festival founder Jerusha Stewart. A victims’ rights consti- measure called Marsy’s Law.
A new light will soon be For more on the event, see Pages 8-10. tutional amendment Flo-
shed on Satellite Beach. Lots of ridians will vote on this fall The initiative was con-
them, in fact. PHOTO: STEPHANIE LaBAFF that sounds like a good idea ceived and has been pushed
on the surface is actually nationwide by California
Florida Power & Light is up- a bad idea that clutters up tech billionaire Henry Nich-
grading all of the city’s 372 the state’s constitution and olas, after his sister, Mar-
streetlights to state-of-the-art could violate the rights of salee “Marsy” Nicholas, was
LED technology to save money defendants, according to op- stalked and killed by her ex-
on electricity. ponents. boyfriend in 1983.
LED (Light Emitting Diode) On the ballot in Novem- Family members of Marsy
streetlights provided by FPL ber, bundled confusingly Nicholas, who had not been
have a whiter, brighter and with questions about the ju- notified that the man ac-
more consistent light, do not dicial retirement age and the
ADVERTISING: 772-559-4187 | CIRCULATION: 772-226-7925 Holy catnip!
NEWS 1-6 DINING 29 PEOPLE 7-10 Intrepid pet reporter
ARTS 11-14 GAMES 21-23 PETS 20 Bonzo befriends a family
CALENDAR 32 INSIGHT 15-24 of felines. PAGE 20
2 Thursday, June 14, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
FERTILIZER RESTRICTIONS Then summer rains carry them into City ordinances follow the county fines of up to $500 for violations. But
the nearest water body, where they law, which itself was based on a mod- Barker said her department has nev-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 can nourish the algae into massive el prepared by the state. But there er cited or fined anyone for putting
blooms, blocking sunlight from sea are a few differences in how far one down the wrong kind of fertilizer, or
Sept. 30, in the county and cities. grass and decreasing the oxygen for needs to keep fertilizer from water. using it where barred.
Residents are restricted from us- fish and other creatures.
Satellite Beach and Indian Harbor “Unless someone reports a viola-
ing fertilizers with phosphorous and The county ordinance further bars Beach bar fertilizers within 10 feet tion, we don’t go out enforcing it,” she
nitrogen in the meantime, but potas- any fertilizer from being applied of a water body. Indialantic has a 25- said. “We have gotten calls over the
sium can be part of the mix, said Sally within 15 feet from any surface water foot fertilizer-free zone from water. years. But we want to educate people,
Scalera, the urban horticulture agent or wetland. And that’s throughout the not fine them. And the intent is that
with Brevard County’s branch of the county, Scalera said, not just along And Melbourne Beach mandates nobody wants to pollute the lagoon,
University of Florida’s Institute of the Indian River Lagoon. a 15-foot no-fertilizer zone plus a but most people don’t know any bet-
Food and Agricultural Sciences. voluntary 25-foot “low maintenance ter.”
“In Brevard County, you’re either zone,” which is planted and managed
Scalera said nitrogen and phos- within drainage of the Indian River to reduce any need for such care as Cities take the similar approach
phorous, two components of stan- Lagoon or the St. Johns River, which fertilizers, watering or mowing. of educating toward compliance in-
dard fertilizer, dissolve into the are both impaired,” she said. stead of ordering violators in front of
groundwater after lawn applications. The county ordinance points to
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 tions, but not all. It uses an equation
involving years of service to deter-
expanded to include all city person- mine if salaries are below what they
nel, but still ended up focused on should be, she said.
public works deficiencies.
Potter said he has lost nine em-
To help give them an incentive for ployees over the last three years, in-
advancement, the study suggested cluding three retirements.
the creation of a career ladder com-
ponent. The low pay situation has been
made even more difficult because
The change provides three levels for the city requires contributions for
the positions of Facilities Maintenance employee savings programs and for
Specialist, Grounds Maintenance and employees’ share of medical insur-
Street Maintenance Specialist. ance coverage, sometimes making
their first paycheck their only one,
The study results concluded, as said City Manager Courtney Barker.
expected, that pay adjustments
were needed in several salary ranges “When they look at their paycheck
within public works. after the deductions, with as low as
the starting salary is … they go find a
“We’re looking at this more ur- job elsewhere,’’ she said.
gently now because of the issue
with public works employees. They Added Potter: “You tell them up
are among the lowest paid in the front but when they get their first
city and we kept losing them to jobs paycheck and all the deductions
making a dollar more an hour. There come out, reality sets in. We had one
is value in maintaining competitive guy less than two weeks.’’
wages,’’ said Assistant City Manager
Suzanne Sherman. The pay increases to bring public
works salaries up to competitive lev-
The pay hikes include many posi- els will cost the city about $35,000
over two years.
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, June 14, 2018 3
code-enforcement boards. “We prefer to educate, as much as there in the Home Depot or Lowe’s out- Barker has an idea, however, that
In Satellite Beach, people seen possible,” he said. door centers to counsel sales people she said might work. As part of a new
on what they can sell in the summer or set of lagoon-cleanup projects, she
fertilizing in the wrong area will get It’s hard to know, however, whether customers on what to safely use. said, she wants to provide brochures
a visit from its environmental pro- the government officials are reaching in the big-box stores’ garden centers.
grams coordinator, Nick Sanzone. everyone they need to reach regard- “The stores can still sell it,” she That would offer the education right
But he comes with literature, not a ing proper fertilizer use, Scalera said. said, referring to the nitrogen- and at the point of sale, she said.
pad of citation forms. phosphorous-laden fertilizer.
For one thing, she said, nobody is
4 Thursday, June 14, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
March for the Ocean event draws difference-makers
Several dozen ocean-minded activists of all ages reusable stainless-steel straws for a suggested dona- She stressed the importance of making minor
joined together Saturday at Canova Park in Indian tion of $3 each, gladly engaging with customers and lifestyle changes, away from single-use plastics like
Harbor Beach to march in support of clean oceans passers-by on the merits of sustainable products. toothbrushes and water bottles, and utilizing more
and against single-use plastics and offshore drilling. sustainable materials like bamboo, glass and stain-
The local gathering was timed to coincide with the The mid-reach reef was out in full support as well, less steel.
national March for the Ocean (M4O) in Washington, as the low-tide waves lapped into its tide pools and
D.C., and other demonstrations nationwide as part crevices, juxtaposing with the ominous-looking “It’s really just the little changes,” said Degatina,
of World Ocean Day. barge dropping artificial reef sections just offshore. “together we can make a bigger difference.”
It was hot and muggy as attendees sought shelter As the sun beat down, and the sand baked the And with that, the march was underway. Led by
from the midday sun under tents before the march crowd from the bottom up, everyone was reminded Degatina and fellow organizers, the group of about
officially got underway. They popped in and out of to fill their reusable (preferably non-plastic) bottles 50 made its way northward toward Millennium Park,
the shade, speaking with representatives from Sur- from ice water coolers under the main tent. picking up trash and spreading their message of
frider Foundation and other local environmental conservation along the way.
groups, and grabbing iced coffee and donut holes Then, just before high noon, event organizer Sa-
provided by Dunkin’ Donuts of Indialantic. vana Degatina took to the bullhorn to rally the crowd For more information, please visit
ahead of the march.
Young eco-entrepreneurs Ryan and Zachariah
Newton of Eco Earth Friends made a splash selling “We’re here for the ocean,” she said. “We’re trying – TEXT AND PHOTOS: BEN THACKER
to bring everybody from the community together so
the community can make a difference.”
Ryan and Zachariah Newton. Kelly Condrey, Kelly Moore and Jessica Sanchez. Eli Fowler with Diego Rodriguez.
Community Editor Advertising Director We are here to provide Brevard barrier President and Publisher
Lisa Zahner, 772-584-9121 Judy Davis, 772-633-1115 island readers with the most comprehen- Milton R. Benjamin, 772-559-4187
[email protected] [email protected] sive news coverage of Melbourne Beach, [email protected]
Indialantic, Indian Harbour Beach, Satellite
Staff Reporter Columnists Beach, and South Merritt Island. Creative Director
George White, 321-795-3835 Pam Harbaugh, 321-794-3691 For our advertising partners, we pledge Dan Alexander, 772-539-2700
[email protected] Jan Wesner Childs, 941-725-0970 to provide the most complete consulta- [email protected]
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the best return on your investment. Corporate Editor
Steven M. Thomas, 772-453-1196
[email protected]
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, June 14, 2018 5
LED STREETLIGHTS over the next six months, will reduce the lighting compared to the current lights, State Road A1A, which have to be dealt
city’s current monthly electricity costs said Assistant City Manager Suzanne with through a different process, Sher-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 for street lighting from $3,044 to $2,961, Sherman. They will be adjusted to pro- man said.
a monthly reduction of just under $100. vide the appropriate amount of light at
use mercury, and offer cost savings of each location. FPL delivers electricity to approxi-
approximately 60 percent over older There is no cost to the city for the re- mately 700,000 streetlights in Florida
lights. moval of the old lights or the installa- The FPL project approved June 6 cov- and provides maintenance to about
tion of the new LED models. The new ers all streetlights in Satellite Beach ex- 500,000 of them through separate
The change, to be completed in phas- lights will provide a similar level of cept those on South Patrick Drive and agreements.
es of about 100 streetlights at a time
6 Thursday, June 14, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
MARSY’S LAW proceedings, the right to confer with the county bar association, say the ment, said Solari. Such policies are
the prosecutor before a plea agree- amendment is a bad idea. better made as laws by the legisla-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 ment is offered, and the right to dis- ture, he added.
cuss matters of criminal restitution. Changes to the state constitu-
cused of killing her was out on bail, tion should be made sparingly and “What we’re doing [with consti-
ran into the man at a grocery store State Attorneys, with the counsel directly related to helping shape tutional amendments] is calcify-
just a week after her death. Clearly of alleged victims, could also de- government, said Solari, one of 37 ing government. You just make the
defined victims’ rights could have mand a speedy trial regardless of a people selected for the commission whole constitution so rigid and in-
avoided their trauma, advocates for defendant’s wishes, and the provi- which proposes state constitutional flexible that government becomes
Marsy’s Law argue. sion would limit the time allowed for changes every 20 years. rigid and inflexible, and I think that
appeals. leads to bad governance over time.”
Florida’s proposed Marsy’s Law, The committee’s recommenda-
approved by the Constitutional Re- Indian River County Commission- tions go directly to the ballot – no The process was also highly po-
vision Commission this month, er Bob Solari, one of three members chance of gubernatorial veto, con- litical, Solari added. Advocates for
presents voters the opportunity to of the Constitutional Revision Com- gressional override or judicial review. Marsy’s Law held press conferences
change the state’s charter document mission to vote against Marsy’s Law outside committee meetings.
to include victims’ rights, such as in March, and Vero Beach Attorney The state legislature has already
the right to be notified of all criminal Andrew Metcalf, a past president of addressed victims’ rights and there is “It is certainly my belief this is go-
no need for a constitutional amend- ing to lead to multiple lawsuits down
the pike further clogging the judicial
system which is going to hurt every-
one,” he said.
Metcalf said places like South Da-
kota that have Marsy’s Law on the
books are struggling to pay for it and
are trying to pass repeals.
Groups like the American Civil
Liberties Union also oppose Marsy’s
Law, arguing such measures present
federal constitutional challenges,
such as the right to a fair trial and the
right to confront an accuser.
What happened to the Nicholas
family is tragic, but the system is set
up to protect the presumption of in-
nocence, Metcalf said.
A defendant’s life and liberty are at
stake. The burden of proof must fall
on prosecution beyond a reasonable
He further noted, there is no legal
victim until a jury finds a defendant
guilty or a plea deal is made. Family
members “are accusers . . . not vic-
tims,” until a case is settled in court,
Metcalf said. “No matter what we
know, or what we think, or what we
read in the paper, we have to wait for
the process. That’s what [this coun-
try] believes in.”
A California billionaire should
have no say in what goes in Florida’s
constitution, Metcalf added.
“It’s pure politics. It’s unfunded
and it doesn’t do what it purports to
Bruce Colton, State Attorney for
the 19th Judicial District, agrees that
victims’ rights are already extensive-
ly covered by Florida law.
But he disputed Metcalf’s argu-
ment that the scales of the justice
system will be tipped if victims are
given additional leverage. He said
higher courts have ruled that a vic-
tim’s demand for a speedy trial must
take a back seat to a defendant’s
“The victims have input, not the
final say,” Colton said.
“We always try to comply with vic-
tims’ wishes when we can,” the pros-
ecutor said. “[A Marsy’s Law amend-
ment] won’t hurt anything. It will
likely improve things in some ways.”
Jerusha Stewart and George Takei.
Two thumbs up!
Wine & Film Fest
another smash hit
8 Thursday, June 14, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Two thumbs up! Wine & Film Fest another smash hit
BY Mary Schenkel & Stephanie LaBaff STAFF WRITERS Mark Tchelistcheff and George Takei. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE Responding to a standing ovation,
[email protected] Takei elicited roars of laughter – and
screenings. “We’ve made it so each at the Heritage Center and practical- more than a few Vulcan salutes – ut-
The Vero Beach Wine & Film Fes- one of them is their own little jewel ly all the seats were filled.” tering his signature catchphrase,
tival surged into its third year last of a screening this year. We looked at “Oh My!”
week, offering up sizzling days and each of these films individually and “What’s really enjoyable is to see
nights filled with an even further ex- created or crafted something,” Stew- how the program has grown over the Takei commented on the sense
panded number of films, wines and art explained. last couple of years,” said Vero resi- of passion binding filmmakers and
special events. Each of the venues dent George Taber, author of “Judg- winemakers who all love what they
was a hotbed of activity, offering film Later that evening the sold-out ment of Paris: California vs. France do, before thanking everyone and
genres from comedy shorts to docu- Vino Veritas Vintner Dinner at Costa and the Historic 1976 Paris Tasting signing off with, “Live long and pros-
mentaries and feature films, and the d’Este Resort featured wines by Rob- that Revolutionized Wine.” per!”
WOW (World of Wine) tent was THE ert Rex of Deerfield Ranch Winery
place to be for oenophiles. in Sonoma County, awarded 2018 The excitement level ratcheted up At Friday morning’s Movies in the
Winemaker of the Year at the Ameri- with the arrival of George Takei and Morning at Grind + Grape, festival
Prior to the presentation of the can Fine Wine Competition. husband Brad Altman Takei, who goers sipped mimosas while watch-
Life Worth Living Legend Award to both charmed with an easy bonho- ing “The Root of Happiness” before
actor/activist George Takei at Fri- “This is like a family reunion!” mie, chatting and submitting to end- chatting with its writer/director
day’s Cinema Uncorked Opening whooped Stewart with her distinc- less selfies. Andy Truschinski. Throughout the
Night Awards Bash, VBWFF founder tive laugh, watching as 100 guests weekend, these sorts of intimate con-
Jerusha Stewart and co-founder Su- sipped champagne, packed shoulder Rex, a self-professed ‘Renaissance versations were well received by film
san Keller Horn made a special an- to shoulder on the patio outside the man’ with a jaunty handlebar mus- buffs and aspiring filmmakers alike.
nouncement. Crystal Ballroom. “We built this re- tache, said he began making wine
ally solid wine and film community with his wife in their garage in 1972 Also Friday, the animated feature
“When I had the idea to start the and they’re all here having such a before opening Deerfield Ranch “My Life as a Zucchini” was present-
festival three years ago, Susan and fun time. Today we had our first film Winery in 1982. “We still learn some- ed by Suncoast Mental Health Cen-
her husband Darrell Horn, the most thing new every day,” said Rex, who ter. Now in its 20th year, Suncoast
loved veterinarian, I think, in town, gets grapes from various organic, provides counseling, case manage-
were very generous to loan the festi- sustainable vineyards and runs a ment and psychiatric services to
val organization $20,000 to get start- very ‘green’ winery. children and adults on the Treasure
ed,” said Stewart. Coast.
Rex’s selections – Deerfield, White
“It has been such a pleasure to Rex; Arroba, Merlot; Arroba, Cab- The poignant film showed aban-
be part of this festival,” said Susan ernet and Deerfield Red Rex – were doned children in a foster home,
Horn, announcing that as the fes- deliciously paired with outstand- struggling to make sense of their
tival pays back the loan, the money ing gourmet dishes from Executive new reality and learning to trust new
will go directly to Suncoast Mental Chef Armando Galeas: crab-mango friends.
Health Center, the beneficiary of the ceviche, confit duck risotto with shi-
festival. The VBWFF is now its own take mushrooms, sous vide coffee- “I know this is an animated film,
501(c) 3 nonprofit. rubbed venison loin and dark choco- but it really does depict the stories
late panna cotta. that the children in our four-county
A new Wine Film + Fashion Show area deal with day in and day out.
at the Vero Beach Outlets had kicked Crediting VBWFF wine director One in five children and adults has
things off the Sunday before the Bob Stanley, Stewart said weekend mental health issues or concerns,
main events, with a ‘Sip! See! Style!’ tastings would include close to 100 which impacts everybody,” said
adventure featuring wine samplings, different wine varieties; some so Debra Engle, Suncoast CEO. Thank-
culinary delights from Wild Thyme rare, “they don’t usually come out to ing organizers, volunteers and film-
Catering and a showing of stylish play.” makers, she added, “through film we
outfits from Outlet stores. can show what happens in the lives
of people.”
“It’s like a dress rehearsal for the
weekend,” said Stewart. Some of the 60 filmmakers and 30
wine vendors paused to talk shop
The festival began in earnest on and network with their contempo-
Thursday, with the first of the film raries at a VSP (Very Special Person)
Party at Grind + Grape Friday after-
“We wanted to give them the red-
carpet treatment,” said Heather Sta-
pleton, logistics director. “We love
the fact that they come from all over
the world to Vero Beach to be a part
of our festival. This is a way to cel-
ebrate them.”
Friday evening kicked off with Cin-
ema Uncorked at Riverside Theatre,
featuring presentations of VBWFF
Awards to winning filmmakers, the
Life Worth Living Legend Award to
honoree George Takei, an interview
with Takei and Emmy Award-win-
ning film critic Jeffrey Lyons and a
screening of the film “To Be Takei.”
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, June 14, 2018 9
Ray and Phyllis Adams with Dr. Darrell Horn. PHOTOS CONTINUED ON PAGE 10
Eric and Denise Campion with Jeffrey Lyons.
Jonathan and Linda Nugent.
Wine &
Film Festival
Gordon and Janis Nordstrom with Barry Shapiro and Patricia Miles. Susan Keller Horn, George Takei and Jerusha Stewart.
With his instantly recognizable Vero’s own Chloe Cappelen re-
voice and characteristic wit, Takei ceived the Next Up Award for “Poi-
shared stories of his life as a child im- son Park,” enabling her to spend time
prisoned with his family during World on location with director Jeff Wool-
War II simply for having “this face.” nough on the set of “The Expanse.”
Later he would again be persecuted; Christian Garcia, former co-owner
this time for being gay. Takei is now of the Patisserie with the late Mark
an activist for both issues, likening his Edmonds, announced that she will
childhood internment to the current also receive $1,000 from the Mark Ed-
political climate with its frighteningly monds Foundation in his memory.
similar immigration policies
The Vero Visions Award was pre-
His advice to aspiring filmmakers? sented to “¿Cómo Fue? A Cuban Jour-
“Hang in there. One thing guaran- ney,” about Guillermo Vidal, now a
teed is rejection,” said Takei, noting Vero Beach resident, who arrived in
that to succeed, people must have the the United States from Cuba as part
strength to spring back. of Operation Pedro Pan and over-
came odds to become mayor of Boul-
Afterward, everyone made their way der, Colo.
to the WOW tent, where Chef Ashley
had created a 40-foot grazing table – Afterward, a film panel hosted
a cornucopia of savory and sweets to by Lyons with Vidal, Takei, “Ameri-
pair with generous pours from the var- can” director Richie Adams and “Her
ious vintners. Magnum Opus” director Marta Renzi
provided an interesting contrast in
Saturday morning the Vero Beach viewpoints.
Theatre Guild was abuzz with excite-
ment with the presentation of the Next When asked what they draw from
Up Young Filmmakers Award and the to create cinematic art, Takei replied,
Vero Visions Award to films reflective “I think all artists are shaped by the
of “a life worth living,” representative human society that we live in.”
of the festival’s theme and beneficiary,
Suncoast Mental Health Center. To which Vidal added, “All you can
control is how you behave and how
“It’s OK to ask for help,” said Stewart. you tell your story. So tell it as truth-
“The film projects are a way for us to fully and as beautifully as you can,
have a discussion point for people to and then it is up to everybody else to
know that this is something you can accept it and to learn from it.”
talk about. Your mental health is just
as important as your financial health Additional Saturday events and VB-
and your physical health.” WFF Sunday events will be featured in
next week’s issue – stay tuned.
10 Thursday, June 14, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
PHOTOS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 9 Doreen Frasca, Jerusha Stewart and John Stringer.
Andy Truschinski, Agustín Fuentes, Devi Snively and Christian Garcia.
Wine &
Film Festival
Marta Renzi with Gordon and Janis Nordstrom. Arminio Rivero and Claudia Rodriguez.
George Takei, Richie Adams, Jeffrey Lyons, Guillermo Vidal and Marta Renzi. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE, MARY SCHENKEL AND STEPHANIE LABAFF Donna McGoff and Robert Brulotte.
12 Thursday, June 14, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Ballet Esprit performances eclectic and electric
A chinchilla in a see-through,
run-about exercise ball, a lizard in
a remote-control car, and a rat on a
leash aren’t props you’ll often see at
a ballet or dance show.
But those are just a few of the ex-
otic and creative accoutrements
involved in fun, fantastical perfor-
mances by Melbourne’s Ballet Esprit
dance academy students, including
a recent show on May 29 at the Mel-
bourne Beach Public Library.
Director Grecia Fenton of Mel-
bourne founded the academy in 1997,
Grecia Fenton with an
African Grey parrot.
teaching area children like sticks and poles that the graceful
the rigors and enchant- Esprit dancers raise and lower, twirl
ments of classical ballet, and extend as they perform pliés,
arabesques, pirouettes, battement
sometimes incorporat- stretches, piqué turns, splits and oth-
ing a troupe of well- er classical ballet moves. At times the
disciplined parrots birds perch on the dancers’ heads.
in dance numbers “I’ve raised them just like children,”
– from small South Fenton says of the parrots, and good tu-
American birds to telage shows in the birds’ calm interac-
large macaws and tions with their handlers, though there
African greys. are the occasional raucous squawks.
The brilliantly col- And then there are the hand-
orful, wing-flapping made costumes. “My attic must have
parrots, which Fenton 10,000 costumes in it,” says Fenton,
keeps in a natural habi- who designs the diaphanous, multi-
tat outside her home, colored wraps, capes, flags and frills
perch on hoops, baton-
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, June 14, 2018 13
and parents she has served, “and it’s Parents seem to agree that Fenton
been one of the best experiences of provides a very positive experience
my life.” Fenton says her “three Bs” for the youngsters she teaches. “This
are the Bible, ballet and birds. dance company has truly been a bless-
ing to myself, our daughter, my family,
a well as every life that she [Fenton]
has touched,” says Dara Oliver, whose
16-year-old daughter has been danc-
ing with Ballet Esprit since 2011.
Ballet Esprit’s season has wound
down for the summer, but activities
will pick back up in the fall. Parents
or youngsters interested in finding
out more can check out Ballet Es-
prit’s Facebook page and website.
“I want everyone to feel uplifted,”
Fenton says of her academy and its
dancers’ varied performances. That
was certainly true for all at the unique-
ly vivid, energetic show at the Mel-
bourne Beach library last month.
that also play a large role in Esprit Children ages 4 on up, boys and
bird and dance performances. She girls, participate in lessons and
draws on eclectic sources for the performances, Fenton says, though
music that accompanies dance num- the youngest don’t do a lot of per-
bers, from Cirque du Soleil pieces to formances. A number of her older
Yanni tunes, along with traditional students have gone on to dance in
classical music. professional settings such as Cirque
du Soleil and the Miami City Ballet.
Fenton trained with the American “Quite a few have done really, really
School of Ballet and danced with sev- well,” she says.
eral troupes before launching Ballet
Esprit, which also performs in nurs- Instilling a love of art in her pu-
ing homes and schools and at festi- pils has long been central to Fenton’s
vals, fundraisers and church events. goals for the dance academy. “The
The group’s recent history includes arts are important because they keep
a spring 2016 production of “Les Mi- us civilized, and we’re losing them;
sérables,” with theater-style ballet, schools don’t have them anymore.”
a religiously themed Easter ballet
also in 2016, and a classical ballet It’s also been important to her to
production of “The Nutcracker” in create a “loving, Christian atmo-
2015. Fenton also choreographed the sphere” throughout her work, which
Henegar Center’s 2011 production of she describes as a ministry. “It’s an
“Miracle on 34st Street.” amazing group of people that God
put together,” she says of the dancers
14 Thursday, June 14, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Coming Up: ‘Grease’ on the big screen at Village Playhouse
1 Summon your inner Pink Ladies
and T-Birds: It’s the “can-you-
believe-it’s been-40-years?” anniver-
sary of the movie classic “Grease,” the
next retro, fun summer movie sing-
along at the Historic Cocoa Village
Playhouse this Saturday. Of course,
this movie sing-along absolutely de-
mands a costume contest, so find
your poodle skirt, saddle shoes, bob-
by sox; think ponytails and greased-
up, slicked-back DAs, flip up those
collars and join Sandy, Danny, Rizzo, 1 Singalong at Cocoa Village Playhouse this Saturday.
Frenchy, Kenickie and the rest of the 5 The Three Sopranos of Florida,
this Sunday.
Rydell gang for an evening of air-con-
ditioned 1950s fun. Show time: 7:30 (“Temptation Eyes,” “Where Were from TV’s “Hawaii Five-O” and more
You When I Needed You,” “Sooner or “numbers” like that. Every guy in the
p.m. Tickets: $13. 321-636-5050. Later”); Paul Revere’s Raiders (“Good audience will get a little present from
Thing,” “Kicks,” “Indian Reservation,” the band, as well. Nice. The concert is
2 You know who you are. If you’ve “Just Like Me”); Rare Earth’s Peter Ri- free, and you won’t even need a ticket. minster series, features Beth Green,
got an inner Hippie somewhere vera (“Get Ready,” “Hey Big Brother,” Entertaining? Count on it. Show time: 3 Tee Rockwell and Sherry MacLean,
“I Just Want to Celebrate”), The Cyrkle p.m. 321-258-5580. and will include music from the early
in the patchouli-scented, wildflower- (“Red Rubber Ball,” “Turn Down colonial days to the westward expan-
Day”) and 1910 Fruitgum Company sion and into the folk revival of the
bedecked hair-down-to-there corners (“Simon Says,” “Indian Giver,” “1-2-3 mid-20th century. In addition to clas-
Red Light”). “Red Rubber Ball” got me sic folk tunes – such as “Shenandoah”
of your memory, this Saturday, up in through some bumpy stuff back in the and “Wait for the Wagon,” with vio-
day. Just sayin.’ Hippie Streetfest: 3 linist Sherry MacLean on violin – ex-
Daytona Beach, might be a good time p.m. Concert: 7:30 p.m. Tickets start at 4 The Space Coast Symphony Or- pect spirituals, Sacred Harp hymns,
$39. 386-671-3460. chestra will kick off its 10th An- and folk rock, including Paul Simon’s
to let it out. It’s the Peabody Dayto- “Bridge Over Troubled Water.” The
Three Sopranos are each current or
na Beach “Peace, Rock and Positive niversary season this Saturday at the former music educators and choir di-
rectors. Rockwell notes it took some
Vibes” concert and 2018 annual free Scott Center for the Performing Arts, planning to sing their way through
American folk history, since “our na-
Hippie Streetfest. Here’s the totally Holy Trinity Episcopal Academy in Sun- tion is 242 years old. That’s a lot of mu-
sic!” Tickets are not required for this
cool music lineup, with musicians and tree with “On Broadway,” a sure-to-be- free concert. Concert time: 3 p.m. It’s
wise to arrive early for best seating.
tunes that were part of the soundtrack exciting melange of Beatles tunes and 321-723-8371.
of those times: The Grass Roots showstoppers from the Great White
3 This band’s “got dad’s number” Way. From “The King and I” to “Ham-
just in time for Father’s Day. This
ilton,” “South Pacific” to “Chicago,”
Sunday the Community Band of Bre- and then a wonderful Beatles suite in-
vard will present “Music by the Num- cluding “All My Loving,” “Can’t Buy Me
bers” in the Merritt Island High School Love,” “Lady Madonna,” “Yesterday”
auditorium. What does that mean, ex- and more. Conductor and Artistic Di-
actly? Under the baton of Marion Scott, rector, Aaron Collins won’t be a bit sur-
the entire, cleverly chosen program will prised if concert-goers burst into song
cover a wide musical range, with each at this chock-full-of-favorites program.
and every piece having a number in its Collins even predicts that people “will 6 If you want to catch the original
musical comedy adaptation of
title – be it pop hit, show tune, march, not be able to constrain themselves,
waltz or classical. For example: “Seventy and what better way to kick off our “The Wizard of Oz” at Cocoa Beach’s
Six Trombones” from “The Music Man’; 10th season than with Broadway and Surfside Playhouse, this weekend’s
2 Tchaikovsky’s “1812 Overture”; “Mam- the incomparable Beatles?” Indeed. your last chance. The theatre’s artistic
bo No. 5” by Perez Prado; the theme For those unfamiliar with this excel- director, Bryan Bergeron, who’s logged
lent orchestra, it’s comprised of profes- some 50 original plays and adaptations,
sional musicians, music educators and has, says the theatre’s promo, taken the
very talented, mentored amateurs. An Baum classic up to where those happy
array of “healthy snacks” will be avail- little bluebirds are hanging out, “be-
able for sale, as well. Show time: 7 p.m. yond the rainbow” in “The Wizard of
Tickets: $25 in advance; $30 at the door. Oz Fractured” (remember Rocky and
855-252-7276. Bullwinkle’s Fractured Fairytales?).
This is a two-hours-plus, two-act musi-
5 Folk songs are woven into the cal which takes Oz characters and situ-
fabric of every country’s history,
ations and stirs in a heaping helping of
reminding us of where we come from farce, in a way that appeals to adults
and what triumphs and travails bind and kids. A few of Bergeron’s original
us together. This Sunday, the Three songs are “The Tin Man Blues,” “A De-
Sopranos of Florida present a concert liciously Evil Plan” and “Heart, Brain,
of American folk songs, “Land That Courage and Home.” Show times: this
We Love,” at Eastminster Presbyte- Friday and Saturday, 8 p.m., Sunday, 2
rian Church in Indialantic, a tribute to p.m. Tickets: adults, $25; seniors/mili-
the pioneering spirit of America. The tary/student, $22; 15 and under, $10.
concert, a part of the Concerts at East- 321-783-3127.
16 Thursday, June 14, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
STORY BY PETER FORD town, where whale steak enlivens local Kirkenes, Norway. Stålsett, an enthusiastic young man
Christian Science Monitor restaurant menus and tourists can stay with a doctorate in innovation and
in one of the world’s few ice hotels, at Arctic explorer, was the first ship to make strategy (read “disruption”), is promot-
Rune Rafaelsen is a man with a very the eye of a gathering storm of interest, the winter voyage from one end of the ing the construction of a railroad south
ambitious plan. investment, innovation, and tussles for Arctic to the other without assistance from Kirkenes toward European mar-
influence in the Arctic. from an icebreaker. kets. The scheme has won tentative ap-
Rafaelsen is the mayor of Kirkenes, proval from the Norwegian and Finn-
a small port at the northern tip of Nor- “The Arctic has turned into an in- “Pretty crazy things are happening,” ish governments.
way, 250 miles inside the Arctic Circle. credibly interesting place where cli- says Serreze. Arctic temperatures are
Kirkenes is the end of the line for a pas- mate change and geopolitics are rising twice as fast as the world aver- It is not hard to see where support-
senger ship that trundles daily up the becoming intertwined,” says Mark age. The four lowest measurements ers of the project expect to find enough
coast through scenic coastal fjords. Its Serreze, director of the National Snow of winter ice were all taken in the past cargo to make the rail link profitable. On
3,000 inhabitants live in the shadow of and Ice Data Center, a U.S. research in- four years, and summer ice cover levels one wall of Rafaelsen’s office, near his
an iron-ore works that went bankrupt in stitute in Boulder, Colo. have been falling by 13 percent each ceremonial mayor’s chain, hangs a scroll
2015. The town is best known for its dra- decade since 1981. decorated with a scarlet Chinese paper-
matic northern lights and king crabs, While countries have been laying cut – a souvenir from one of his visits to
the massive crustaceans with legs the plans to take advantage of the Arctic for By midcentury, experts predict, there the Middle Kingdom.
size of sculling oars. will be no ice in the Arctic during the
decades, it’s only been recently that four months of summer, just a blue The Chinese government is putting
And yet snowy Kirkenes is the place the climate and technology have ocean. That probably means no polar high hopes in a future Arctic Northern
that Rafaelsen envisions as a “new Sin- changed enough to allow those bears either. Sea Route: One trial voyage from Shang-
gapore,” the crucial pivot of a revolu- ideas to move from notional to hai, China, to Rotterdam, Netherlands,
tionary global trade route across the something more concrete. But in Kirkenes it means much more took less than two-thirds of the time it
rooftop of the world linking the Pacific Earlier this year the Eduard Toll, than that. “I’m not in favor of global would have taken to sail via the Suez Ca-
and Atlantic Oceans. a liquefied natural gas (LNG) warming but it’s happening, and in nal – the normal route going from east
tanker named after Kirkenes we need to exploit it,” says Ken- to west – with corresponding savings in
It seems an unlikely prospect. But as a 19th-century fuel and other costs.
melting sea ice opens up the Arctic for Russian neth Stålsett, head of the
the first time in tens of thousands of local government’s busi- China’s state-owned shipping giant
years, the remote and inhospitable re- ness develop- COSCO has begun building ice-rated
gion is emerging as one of the last fron- ment arm. container vessels for its own fleet and is
tiers of a great geopolitical clash. building smaller ice-capable ships that
the world’s biggest shipper, A.P. Moller-
The world’s big powers – including Maersk, will operate on feeder routes.
Russia, China and to a lesser extent the “We are closely following the develop-
United States, as well as several other ment of the Northern Sea Route,” says
countries – are competing fiercely to ex-
ploit the Arctic’s shipping lanes, Anders Boenaes,
tap its vast booty of minerals head of network for
and energy, and otherwise the Danish firm.
gain an economic and mili- Beijing is more
tary toehold in this strategi- enthusiastic, tak-
cally important region. ing “a forward-
leaning view of a
All this may turn out to make long-term strat-
Rafaelsen’s dreams for egy,” says
Kirkenes less quirky Heather
than they sound. C o n l e y,
Indeed, it could
put the remote
Russian President Kirkenes Mayor Chinese President
Vladimir Putin. Rune Rafaelsen. Xi Jinping.
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, June 14, 2018 17
an Arctic affairs specialist at the Center companies. The town of red, white, and other’s maritime exclusive economic China is no less ambitious with its Arc-
for Strategic and International Studies mustard-colored homes sits just nine zone. But that hasn’t stopped Denmark, tic plans. When five Chinese Navy ves-
(CSIS) in Washington. miles from the Russian border and in- Canada, and Russia from filing rival sels sailed into U.S. territorial waters off
cludes among its inhabitants the occa- competing claims to parts of the Arctic Alaska in September 2015, they were not
A Chinese white paper published in sional reindeer herder. seabed that each argues is an extension threatening force but sent a very clear
January, setting out Beijing’s Arctic poli- of its continental shelf. message: that Beijing wants to become
cy for the first time, declares its intention The idea of becoming a global trade a polar great power. President Xi Jinping
to build a “Polar Silk Road” by developing hub appeals to everybody in Kirkenes, The Kremlin claims almost half of has been working assiduously ever since
Arctic shipping routes. says Terje Sirma-Kristiansen, who works the Arctic Ocean floor, and a patriotic to advance that goal, which he first de-
on a nearby military base. “It would Russian adventurer once descended in clared in 2014.
Russian President Vladimir Putin told mean growth now that the mine has a mini-submarine to plant a titanium
the Russian parliament in March that closed,” he says. “We can’t live from Russian flag on the seabed directly be- China has branded itself a “near Arc-
his goal was to make the Northern Sea hunting anymore.” neath the North Pole. tic state” (although Beijing is closer to the
Route, which runs along 3,000 miles of Equator than to the North Pole) and has
his country’s coastline and which Mos- While the town may experience a The U.S., though a polar nation be- stepped up its Arctic activities dramati-
cow claims – controversially – as its in- boom, so, too, will the cobalt waters off cause of Alaska, can press no such terri- cally over the past decade. Beijing’s strat-
ternal waters, “a truly global and com- its coast. Russia, for one, plans to ship torial claims, since any petitions will be egy fits a grander vision than that of most
petitive transport route.” more and more of its mineral wealth decided by a commission under the Unit- Western governments: Along with the
along the Northern Sea Route to inter- ed Nations Convention on the Law of the deep seabed and outer space, the North
He will face many hurdles. There are national markets. Sea, which Washington has not ratified. and South Poles are defined as China’s
no ship repair or rescue facilities yet in “new strategic frontiers” in a 2015 na-
the Arctic. Nautical charts are poor or The Eduard Toll, the vessel that made These varied resources and their new- tional security law.
nonexistent. Communications are dif- a historic winter passage last January, found accessibility have invested the
ficult at high latitudes. Drift ice poses serves Yamal LNG, a $27 billion liquefied Arctic with unprecedented geostrate- “China now has more money to spend
a threat to shipping lanes, and the natural gas plant on the Yamal Peninsula gic importance. Russia, whose territory on new polar infrastructure, such as
weather is often foul. in Siberia that Putin opened in Decem- makes up more than half of the Arctic bases, planes, satellite installations, and
ber. The ship is one of four such tankers; Ocean’s coastline, is best placed to ben- icebreakers, than any other state,” says
An ocean-to-ocean transit route “may 11 more are on order, their reinforced efit. After two decades of neglect in the Anne-Marie Brady in her new book,
be possible, but there is a lot of work to hulls enabling them to steam east or wake of the Soviet Union’s collapse in “China as a Polar Great Power.”
be done,” cautions Lawson Brigham, a west, to Asia or Europe, throughout the 1991, Moscow has been making some de-
former U.S. Coast Guard icebreaker cap- year. By 2023, they will be leaving the cisive moves in the region. “The wealth The time and money that China has
tain who now teaches at the University newly built port of Sabetta at the rate of of Russia will grow with the expansion devoted to Arctic scientific research has
of Alaska Fairbanks. To think that the more than one ship a day. into the Arctic,” Putin said at last Decem- earned it observer status on the Arctic
15,000 vessels that currently transit the ber’s annual Kremlin press conference. Council, the intergovernmental forum
Suez Canal each year are going to switch And it is not just a matter of hydro- for cooperation among Arctic states.
soon and join the two dozen now work- carbons. The Arctic contains a wealth Already, the Arctic accounts for 20
ing the Arctic passage is “nuts,” he says. of resources that are “absolutely crucial percent of Russia’s exports and 10 per- One reason for all the jockeying in the
But the Northern Sea Route “could be a to major economies in the 21st century,” cent of its gross domestic product. The region is that no single rule book exists
seasonal supplement.” according to Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson, LNG plant at Sabetta, and a sister plant to oversee everyone’s ventures. Unlike
a former president of Iceland who now due to come on line within five years, Antarctica, which is governed by inter-
That’s all that Stålsett says he needs to chairs the Arctic Circle, a forum for de- will make Russia “the new Qatar,” ac- national treaty, the Arctic is regulated by
make his port and railroad vision come bate on regional issues. cording to Novatek, the private Russian an incomplete and ad hoc patchwork of
true in Kirkenes, the first European port company leading the project. institutions, treaties, and agreements.
where a Chinese vessel traversing the In Russia, Norilsk Nickel is the
Arctic could berth. Even if just 10 per- world’s largest producer of nickel and Putin is reestablishing the military “Never before have nations faced the
cent of China’s seaborne exports pass palladium and a big supplier of plati- control over the Arctic that had lapsed challenge of building a rules-based sys-
through the town by 2030, that would num and copper. On Canada’s Baffin for two decades. In recent years, the Rus- tem for an area the size of Africa ... that
mean “an enormous increase in Arctic Island, one of the world’s highest qual- sian Army has rebuilt or expanded six plays such a crucial role in the global cli-
shipping,” he points out. “We need to ity iron-ore mines began shipping in forward bases on Arctic islands and is mate,” says Grímsson.
start building tomorrow.” 2015. Chinese and Australian firms are equipping them to host tactical combat
preparing to mine zinc, uranium, and aircraft, according to a Danish Defence Yet nations are finding ways to work
It is hard to imagine how dramati- rare-earth metals in Greenland. Intelligence Service report. together. Strikingly, nine countries and
cally such a project would transform the European Union agreed last De-
Kirkenes, a snow-muffled utilitarian Finnish, Japanese, Norwegian, Rus- The Arctic is also home to most of Rus- cember to ban fishing in the high seas of
town tucked between barren hills and sian and Chinese officials are discuss- sia’s strategic submarine fleet and to its the Central Arctic Ocean for at least 16
the sea. The community grew up around ing laying a 6,500-mile fiber-optic cable fleet of icebreakers – the largest in the years. That will allow scientists to mea-
the now-defunct iron-ore works, but to- across the Arctic Circle by as early as world. The Kremlin has ordered two ice- sure and track the region’s fish stocks
day half the residents work in govern- 2020. The region is rich in geothermal breaking warships, armed with cruise and marine ecology before anyone has
ment administration. and wind energy potential. missiles, for delivery in 2020. a chance to ravage them.
Tourism is the biggest local industry, In more traditional terms, the US “To what end is opaque,” Adm. Paul A similar mood of cooperation pre-
serving the passengers from the coastal Geological Survey has estimated that Zukunft, the US Coast Guard chief, told vails in the Arctic Council, the intergov-
cruise ship. In winter, which is most of about 30 percent of the world’s undis- Defense & Aerospace Report last Decem- ernmental forum concerned with sus-
the time here, visitors line up to take king covered gas and 13 percent of the world’s ber. “Is it to make this an area that the tainable development, where deals on
crab “safaris.” Guides zip them by snow- undiscovered oil may be found within United States would be denied access? scientific cooperation, oil spill manage-
mobile across frozen fjords, drill holes the Arctic Circle. Most of those reserves We have to assume that the answer to ment, and search and rescue protocols
in the ice, set traps, and then pull up the lie on land or inside one country or an- that question ... is yes.” have been hammered out.
mammoth creatures, which everyone
later eats, one succulent leg at a time. Several Arctic states have competing
claims to the seabed, but the disputes
Others stay in the hotel sculpted sea- have not turned ugly. The stakes are high
sonally entirely out of ice and snow, an for nations whose welfare, from their
experience that local boosters – perhaps weather to their wealth and security, de-
with too much marketing time on their pends on the Arctic. Sovereignty disputes
hands during the endless winter nights – are likely to break out as Arctic waters
call very “snice.” become more accessible and valuable as
trade routes and resource reserves. Na-
The scruffy port of Kirkenes does a tions are unlikely to always agree on how
steady business servicing Russian trawl- far environmental safeguards should
ers and the Chinese seismic exploration limit mining and drilling.
vessels that are seeking oil for Russian
VACCINATION VS. DISEASES FOR WHICH VACCINES if you are going out of the country, depending upon
IMMUNIZATION, PART I ARE AVAILABLE where in the world you will be traveling, your physician
may recommend you receive the yellow fever vaccine.
Although the terms vaccination and immunization are The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that vac-
often used interchangeably, their meanings are not ex- HOW DO VACCINES WORK?
actly synonymous. cines are available to fight the following 25 diseases:
Anthrax Vaccines work to prime your immune system against
VACCINATION Cholera future “attacks” by a particular disease. When a patho-
Diptheria gen enters your body, the immune system generates
Vaccination is when a vaccine is administered to you, Hepatitis A antibodies to try to fight it off. If your immune system
usually by injection. The vaccine stimulates your im- Hepatitis B is strong, you may be able to fight off the pathogen
mune system so it recognizes a specific disease and Hepatitis E and you may or may not get sick.
protects you from future infection, i.e., you become Haemophilus influenzae Type B
immune to the infection. Vaccines are powerful med- Human papiloma-virus If you do become ill, however, some of the antibodies
icine. Unlike most medicines, which treat or cure dis- Japenese encephalitis that were created will remain in your body after you’re
ease, vaccines prevent them. Influenza no longer sick. In this case, you have become immu-
Meningococcal disease nized. If you’re exposed to the same pathogen in the
IMMUNIZATION Measles future, the antibodies will “recognize” it and fight it off.
Immunization is what happens in your body after you Pertussis When you get a vaccine, the specific type of pathogen
have the vaccination. Immunization is the process by Pneumoccocal disease it contains isn’t strong enough or plentiful enough to
which an individual’s immune system becomes forti- Poliomyelitis make you sick, but is enough for your immune system
fied against an agent, known as the immunogen. Rabies to generate antibodies. As a result, you gain future
Rotavirus gastroenteritis immunity against the disease without having gotten
According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Rubella sick. If you are exposed to the pathogen again, your
the use of vaccinations to protect against devastating Tetanus immune system recognizes it and is able to fight it off.
infectious diseases was one of the 10 greatest achieve- Tick-borne encephalitis
ments in the United States in the 20th century. Tuberculosis —To be continued—
Typhoid fever
Thanks to vaccination, many infections and diseases Varicella and herpes zoster (shingles) Your comments and suggestions for future topics are
have almost completely been eradicated throughout Yellow fever always welcome. Email us at [email protected].
the United States and the world.
Not everyone needs to get every vaccination. For exam- © 2018 Vero Beach 32963 Media, all rights reserved
ple, yellow fever is not a threat to most Americans. But,
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Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, June 14, 2018 19
Dangers lurk everywhere for the na- weather advisories and avoid getting one of the fourteen- or fifteen-foot alliga- remain in the safety of the upper mid-
tives in “Florida,” Lauren Groff’s second stuck in life-threatening conditions. tors would get them.” dle class (“Privilege. Sorry,” one woman
story collection. There are alligators, Groff is most fascinated by the fear itself. jokes) are weaker and tend to run to-
panthers, snakes. Even on the most ca- Her morose protagonists drink too much In another story, a babysitter finds that gether, like outtakes from an unfinished
sual stroll through a gentrifying neigh- wine as they fret about everything from her charges’ mother will not be coming longer project. They share a wry, ellipti-
borhood, you need to watch out for the global warming to the daily hazards con- home – she has been arrested for prosti- cal voice like that of Rachel Cusk, whose
blistering heat, stray dogs that attack. fronting their vulnerable children. tution. Even when a call to Family Protec- work often springs from a similar autobi-
Car-swallowing sinkholes gape open. tive Services is not required, the mothers ographical bent. The mother in “Yport,”
Then there’s the matter of thieves, stalk- Indeed, nothing seems to get Groff’s are decidedly not the PTA paragons who one of the three stories set outside the
ers, rapists. imagination soaring like the mistreat- bake yummy treats for the kindergarten Sunshine State, is supposedly research-
ment of a minor, especially a child’s Halloween party. The narrator of “The ing a biography of Guy de Maupassant in
Luckily for the characters in these 11 abandonment. The mother in “At the Midnight Zone” suffers a debilitating France, but mostly she just tends to her
finely crafted stories, the things they Round Earth’s Imagined Corners” just concussion while attempting to change a bored boys and worries about the intru-
dread don’t always materialize – with walks away, leaving her son with a cold, lightbulb at a vacation cabin, “so far from sions of her smarmy landlord. Eventual-
the exception of the hurricanes, which inattentive, snake-obsessed father. The humanity in all that Florida waste.” Her ly, she admits that “she doesn’t belong in
arrive regularly enough that you’d think poor kid plays alone or with a procession husband has – of course! – left for some France, perhaps she never did; she was
these hapless women would listen to of puppies: “Inevitably, the dogs would emergency business back home, and always simply her flawed and neurotic
run down to the edge of the swamp, and there’s no cellphone reception, so the self, even in French. Of all the places in
kids have to take care of her: “I had begun the world, she belongs in Florida. How
shaking very hard, which my children, dispiriting, to learn this of herself.”
sudden gentlemen, didn’t mention.”
Groff is careful to live up to the collec-
Groff bestows the tales of threatened tion’s title by including at least passing
kids with the surreal sheen of fairy tales. references to all parts of the state, from
The two sisters in one of the strongest Miami and Fort Lauderdale to the “queer
stories, “Dogs Go Wolf,” are left alone in dank musk” of Central Florida, where
another swampy, isolated cabin, starv- “people decorated their yards with big
ing, without water or electricity. They eat rocks and believed they could talk to
cherry ChapStick, hide in caves and grow God,” and Sarasota, so tony and sedate it
ever weaker, unsure whether they’ll ever “barely qualified.”
be found.
While these stories don’t always
Hunger is also at the heart of the ee- achieve the psychological depth of
rie “Above and Below,” in which a young Groff’s novels, there’s serious pleasure
woman, having lost both her gradu- to be had in her precise descriptions of
ate student funding and her boyfriend, landscape. “After a storm,” she writes,
becomes homeless. Unwashed and “the sunlight in this town pours upward
ashamed, she lurks around her old uni- as though radiating from the ground,
versity campus. For most of us, Groff sug- and the sudden beauty of the stucco and
gests, such a slide from comfort is pos- Spanish moss is a hard punch at the cen-
sible. Even as an adult, the woman still ter of the heart.”
mourns the failure of her family to nur-
ture her. “The police must have found the Her characters may complain, but
abandoned station wagon and traced it; Groff is clearly drawn to the state’s bi-
someone must have called. Her mother zarre lushness. With this collection she
would think of murder or abduction. stakes her claim to being Florida’s unof-
… Maybe, the girl thought with a pulse ficial poet laureate, as Joan Didion is for
of spite, fear had finally awakened her California.
mother. Maybe she was scouring the
state for her, even now.” FLORIDA
By Lauren Groff
Several of the stories concern a writer Riverhead. 275 pp. $27
who, like Groff herself, lives in Florida Review by Lisa Zeidner l The Washington Post
and has two young sons. The stories that
1. Before We Were Yours 1. Three Days in Moscow 1. Restart BY GORDON KORMAN
BY LISA WINGATE BY BRET BAIER 3. Everything, Everything
2. The President is Missing 2. Educated BY TARA WESTOVER BY NICOLA YOON
3. Assume the Worst
BY JAMES PATTERSON & BILL CLINTON 4. Third Grade Mermaid & the
3. Beneath a Scarlet Sky
4. The Soul of America 5. The Fates Divide
4. The Death of
Mrs. Westaway BY RUTE WARE 5. Killers of the Flower Moon
5. The High Tide Club BY DAVID GRANN
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20 Thursday, June 14, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Holy Catnip! Bonz befriends a family of felines
Hi Dog Buddies! Lucky for all of us!” “Thank you, Miss Chloe,” I told her
Woof! It seems like years since I in- “That’s what politely. Then, “You all have a nice
nerviewed my First Cat. I was so ner-
vous I even borrowed a book from a you’d call Cool Cat- pool. Do you swim?”
pooch pal who has a coupla cat step-
sisters: “Basic Cat for Dummies.” I still nip, right?” I said. “NO!” said Hector emphatically.
think cats are Mysterious, But I under-
stand ’em better now, and I have sev- “So, where are the “We do NOT swim!”
eral cat frens.
others?” “What about that time you leaned
So, when me an my assistant
knocked at the home of Hector Hey- “Right! Oh, they’re over too far an fell in,” said Harley.
ward an family, I kinda expected a few
meows an maybe a coupla toy mice ly- around. See,” he “Boy, you were a hoot, draggin’
ing around. But, when Hector’s Mom
opened the door, I saw no cats what- pointed a paw to- yourself out by your elbows, all
ward the dining room. Wet Cat!”
Then, purposefully padding down
the hall toward us came a dark gray “That’s Harley. You’d “Thanks for reminding me, Ba-
mackeral tabby cat, with white paws
an face, an a long, gray tail. never guess he had to conator!” Hector said. “We do
“Hector Heyward, I presume,” I said, be bottle-fed, cuz he enjoy chasing the occasional liz-
wagging in place, as per “Basic Cat for
Dummies” Rule 1: “Let the cat come to was so teeny. Now he’s ard,” he continued. “Specially
the heaviest.” Aubie. One time, Momma found
“Indeed,” he said, approaching for
a Nose Bump. “And you’re Bonzo the Relaxing on the lace us all in a circle staring at the
Columnist, of course. Meet our Mom-
ma, Marilyn, an our Papa Ben.” tablecloth was a brown rug, so she came over an pulled
Hector led us to some cozy-lookin’ an white tabby. He licked it back. There was this liddle
couches, by a shiny white piano.
“Make yourselves cumf-tubble,” he a paw delicately. “I’m Big- snake Aubie’d caught. We’d
said, snuggling next to his Dad on the
couch, a paw over his hand. “As the Boned, thank you.” NEVER heard Momma holler
Family Spokescat, I am prepared to
answer your questions.” “Oh, right,” said Hec- HectorPHOTO: GORDON RADFORD that loud before.”
“Musta been quite an ad-
“First off, I’d love to hear how your tor. “It has nothing to do
blended family got together.” venture, moving all the way
with you an Papa Ben han- from New Mexico,” I com-
“We all joined the family as kittens,
back in Albuquerque: first Chloe, then gin’ out, eatin’ chips an hot
Harley, me, Hooper, Aubie an Tobie.
Except for Chloe, we’re all rescues. dogs an watching football. mented, cleverly changing
Momma worked with a coupla no-kill
shelters (still does), and she’d keep get- Oh, an don’t forget the time the subject.
ting’ kittens to foster an then couldn’t
part with ’em. She was a Foster Failure. you stole the bacon when “Oh, it WAS!” said Hector.
Papa Ben was makin’ baked “We each had our own carrier.
beans.” moving an inch. “I’ll Momma had Chloe and Hooper in
“Humph,” grumped Harley. just hang out over here. No of- her liddle car, and Papa Ben had me,
“This is Aubie,” said Hector, turning fense.” Harley, Aubie an Tobie in his big one.
to the piano, where a handsome, fluffy “None taken, Tobie. You look pretty When we left there was 16 inches of
gold tabby reclined majestically, lion- comfy behind that plant.” snow, an it was frosty-whiskers cold.
like, mane an all. A fluffy dark an cream-colored cat The trip was three days an two nights,
“I’m just 3,” said Aubie. “I got my ambled across the table and peered an (soon as we ree-lized we weren’t
name cuz of my auburn fur, an cuz down at me. He looked like a Siamese I going to the vet) we were Very Well-
Papa Ben graduated from a big school met once, only fluffier. behaved. We mostly napped while we
called Auburn. I just got my Summer “I’m Hooper. I’m a Himalayan. NOT were riding, an then, at the motel, we
Lion Haircut. Whadyda think?” a Siamese, so be sure to get it right, were ready to play all night. Momma
“It looks terrific,” I said. if you please. OK? Are all those notes an Papa Ben not so much.
“Come’on, let’s go out to the patio,” about us? That is So Cool Catnip. You “Florida’s way different from New
said Hector. “The others are out there.” don’t look scary. I thought you’d be Mexico, but we love it. Out there, we
Hector pointed to a liddle white an scary. I wasn’t gonna come out, at first. never ever went outside, cuz an owl or
gold cat hidin’ behind a plant next to It’s OK, Tobie,” he called. “You should coyote could grab us for lunch. Now
the Cat Climb, way across the patio. come over.” we have our own owl- an coyote-free
“That’s Tobie,” he said. “Hey, come’on Tobie didn’t budge. outdoor space. We are happy cats.”
over, Tobes! Bonzo’s cool.” “When me an Hooper were kittens,” Heading home, I was thinking about
“Hi, Mr. Bonzo,” called Tobie, not Hector said, “I got real sick an weak. Hector’s frenly, easy-going, stylish cat
Couldn’t even walk. Took me months family.
to get better, and Hoop stuck with me An wonderin’ what I’d look like
the whole time. Well, look!” Hector in a Summer Lion Haircut. An if, by
turned. “Here’s the Queen Bee! Bonzo, chance, there was any bacon in the
may I present Chloe. She’s 17. She’s a fridge.
-The BonzChloe was dainty, with bunny-soft
white and dark fur. “Happy to meet
you, young fellow,” she said. “If these
boys start cattin’ around, you just let
me know. I’ll set ’em straight.”
Don’t be shy!
We are always looking for pets with interesting stories. To set up
an interview, please email [email protected].
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, June 14, 2018 21
?4 K632 ?85
By Phillip Alder - Bridge Columnist J 10 8 6 AK9753 Q4
A 10 7 6 2 Q3 854
Greg Norman said, “Setting goals for your game is an art. The trick is in setting them at 10 6 2 98543
the right level, neither too low nor too high.”
That applies to bridge. The trick is in setting the level of your contract neither too A J 10 7
high nor too low. However, often you only know the right level after you see how the 2
opponents’ cards lie. KJ9
In this week’s deal, how should the auction go after South opens one club, and North
responds one heart? If South gets to the elevated level of six spades, how should he Dealer: South; Vulnerable: East-West
play after West starts with the ace and another diamond?
The Bidding:
South, despite his heart singleton, should rebid two spades. With 19 high-card points,
he must force. Then North should either raise to three spades (which is stronger than SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST OPENING
jumping to four spades) or make a four-club splinter bid. (With club support, North 1 Clubs Pass 1 Hearts Pass
quietly rebids three clubs.) Over three spades, South should control-bid four clubs, ?? LEAD:
North would control-bid four hearts, and the contract would be either six spades or (if A Diamonds
North-South use Roman Key Card Blackwood) perhaps only five spades when South
learns a key card (an ace or the spade king) and the spade queen are missing.
In six spades, South should not be influenced by West’s lead into thinking that he has
the spade queen. West’s lead is normal after any sensible sequence. The percentage
play is to finesse spades through East because declarer can pick up queen-fourth. Win
trick two with the diamond queen, cash the spade king, play a spade to the jack and,
assuming the finesse wins and West follows suit, draw the last trump and claim.
22 Thursday, June 14, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
1 Pantry (6) 2 Milky coffee (5)
4 Afternoon nap (6) 2 Consequences (13)
9 Violent storm (7) 3 Foe (5)
10 Group of ships (5) 5 Notifies (7)
11 Imp-like being (3) 6 Requirement (13)
12 Atomic number 70 (9) 7 Try (7)
13 Minor setback (6) 8 Condition (5)
15 Help (6) 13 Nevertheless (7)
17 Canals, rivers etc (9) 14 Noisy commotions (7)
19 Expert (3) 16 Big (5)
21 Pansy-like flower (5) 18 Japanese sliding door (5)
22 Increasing in size (7) 20 Keen (5)
23 Oppose (6)
24 Champion (6)
The Telegraph
How to do Sudoku:
Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three
The Telegraph
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, June 14, 2018 23
ACROSS 69 Wedding 122 Wild finish? 53 The L of 13 The Washington Post
1 Some belly accompaniment 123 Winged child Down
laughs 71 Wine city DOWN 55 Actors John and
5 Embryos, earlier 72 “Make me 1 Rope material Sean FULL-SERVICE
8 Overload 2 Officer who
laugh,” etc.? 56 Born CLEANING MENLBOOWURINNE!
safeguard 74 Half of a funny arrested Arlo in 58 Kiwi
12 “___ sight, man!” his Alice’s 59 Brigitte’s brothers
17 Poet’s pitch movie duo Restaurant tale 62 TV show chunk:
18 Comic’s opening 76 Bucky Beaver’s 3 Stays on too
long? abbr.
bit? 1950s toothpaste 4 Play for the 64 Pitiful
22 About 17 football 78 Asian nation impatient 65 ___-de-rol
79 Anatomical 5 Not working 70 Butt
fields 6 Bass ___ 71 Ethiopian of
23 Odd reason to do network 7 Pull up out front
81 Ex-Attorney 8 Tsk-tsk, old-style opera fame
standup? 9 Double-dot 73 Gershwin
25 Accelerator General Ed marks
27 Modena money, 82 Iditarod needs 10 Scotsman’s portrayer
84 City or state in S purse 75 Juiciest parts,
once 11 Dr. J
28 Seed coat, or 27 India 12 Miel-loving beast usually
86 Abbr. for a late 13 Defunct grid org. 77 Kal-Kan rival
Across spelled 14 The key to 80 Ontario-N.Y.
backwards listing comedy
29 City of N France 87 Dug in, perhaps 15 Transparent linen divider
30 Get-rich-quick 88 Televised Tour, 16 It may be nicely 83 Inner attitude
scheme, often turned, or twisted 84 Intro to term or
32 Place for dyeing familiarly 19 Prize for Stern
33 Spigoted servers 89 Grand ___ 20 What I saw sentence
34 ___-do-well 91 Check-cashing 21 South American 85 Dutch treat?
35 Peeper-thwarting electrifiers 89 To take, to 59
38 Antlered beast reqmts. 24 Always, to the
39 92 Down for gas 93 Concealed Bard Down
economy 94 “Darn Hot” lead- 26 Letterman’s time 90 Work like an elixir
41 Celeb 31 Cougar, e.g., 92 Record bk.
42 Passing time? in for short
43 Belonging to Li’l 95 Wilbur’s TV chit- 35 Of Saigon’s land, datum
Abner in 1960s 94 “Mommy, ___ a
44 Pirate’s chatter headlines
playground 96 Cats and dogs 36 Request from a story”
45 Hse.-call makers, standup who’s in 95 Pulled a
once make them the dark?
48 Parent co. of 99 Step into the surf 37 ___ avis “revealing” prank
Sheraton, ___ 102 Alert people are 38 Obedience 96 Entire range
Corp. school word 97 Singer Milsap
49 Tie type on them 39 “Hand ___ towel” 98 Encomium’s
52 Mulcahy of 103 The way, in 40 Broadway Joe
M*A*S*H 43 Injury inflictors point
54 Actor Hawke China 44 “Out!” 99 Fem. flyer in the
57 Old zither-like 104 Playwright 45 British comic
instrument during the military
(backwards, a Connelly 1980s?* 100 Betel nut palm
girl’s name) 105 As ___ 46 Performed as a 101 Expected by
58 Pryor’s ’do, once standup? 102 Chowderhead
60 Concealed (generally) 47 Like a wetsuit’s fit 103 Bean curd
61 Propositions 107 Habit 50 ___ a house 106 Spot
63 Surefire, as a 108 It means “all” 51 West Indian 109 The Dew Drop
standup’s 110 Mr. Sulu whammy
material? 52 Have a ___ bear and the Dolly
66 Very excited portrayer Wright, e.g.
67 First name in 113 Considers being 111 Sailor’s saint
cosmetics 112 Nature goddess
68 Thinks a 114 Letter before ar
standup? and ess
117 Societal 115 Dandy
sicknesses 116 “Are we having
118 Standup’s fun ___?”
119 It heads out on
120 Keep ___ on
121 Like a well
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24 June 14, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Is mom being selfish – or is she just being impatient?
BY CAROLYN HAX about your parents and fairness and
Washington Post the comparative ease of doing this now
vs. when you have a toddler or older
Hi, Carolyn: child, but, really – you have a baby you
wouldn’t be able to see. That seems like
I am a single mother of an infant something you accept only when you
have no other choice.
daughter. I love my daughter more
You have choices, and not just the ei-
than life itself, but I am at a cross- ther-or you depicted here, the “fly free”
or “stay chained evermore.” Beware of
roads and she is in the middle. I black-and-white thinking, by the way;
when used to justify choices, it tends to
work a very good, high-paying job. be self-serving.
However, I don’t like it. I want to go back to school With a little imagination, planning
and patience you can get your educa-
and get a master’s in a field I am passionate about. I’d tion in a way and on a schedule that
doesn’t cost you and you baby so dearly.
get a job that would ultimately only pay about half
Mainly, this means saving every loose
of my current earnings, but I would actually enjoy it! penny from this generous employer
until you have enough to launch, and
If my daughter weren’t in the picture, I would do researching every means available of
reducing the daily impact of this degree
this without hesitation. I can afford school, and I once you’re financially armed to pursue
it. There are so many variables to consider that I
know I could be successful at it. won’t bog us down in them, but they fit in those
two boxes: degree-obtaining options (online,
But my daughter IS in the picture. Meaning I could self-paced, part-time, etc.), and financial options
(postponing, saving, part-time work, etc.).
not afford to stop working full-time to go to school, Meaning, replace your yes/no, black/white
with “not yet” and strategic, measured steps. See
and therefore would have to go to school in my off- your daughter as your beacon for this journey vs.
someone who stands in the way.
hours and weekends, and I wouldn’t be able to spend
any time with her. My parents wouldn’t say no if I
asked them to watch her while I studied, but that is
unfair to them because they already raised four kids,
are retired and want to pursue their own interests. Selfish: Selfishness isn’t the first word that came
to mind as I read this; I was thinking impatience.
It’s not like I am complaining because I want to go
You want what you want and you want it now
out and party or anything like that … and I WANT to – very human of you. But your quick calculations
have already told you what this (relatively speak-
be with my daughter and not miss out on her child- ing) immediate gratification will cost you. It’ll re-
quire all of your best hours to go to working and
hood, but I want this, too. studying and not to your baby.
Am I being selfish? Is it OK to be selfish in this case? I could keep going and parse some other points
Or should I just accept that as a parent I must make
sacrifices and just stick with what I have got?
– Selfish?
New ‘Cobra’ stent trial
is underway at SRMC
26 Thursday, June 14, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
New ‘Cobra’ stent trial underway in Melbourne
Staff Writer
Interventional cardiologist Dr. Dr. Charles Croft and ARNP Jennifer Konowitz. PHOTO: DENISE RITCHIE
Charles Croft of Melbourne and
nurse practitioner Jennifer Konowitz
of the Sebastian River Medical Cen-
ter’s catheterization lab are operat-
ing on the cutting edge of modern
medicine, having just started work on
a worldwide clinical trial for the FDA-
approved Cobra PzF cardio stent by
Stents are metal or plastic mesh
tubes that, according to the Ameri-
can Heart Association, “help keep
coronary arteries open and reduce
the chance of a heart attack. A stent
is inserted into the clogged artery
with a balloon catheter. The balloon
is inflated and the stent expands and
locks in place. This holds the artery
open and allows blood to flow more
Until it doesn’t.
Sometimes inflammation, cellular
growth or fatty deposits can clog up
a stent.
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Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, June 14, 2018 27
“The Cobra stent is a new kind of YOUR HEALTH view and exam information to the
stent,” Croft says. “Normal stents study coordinator – located right in
are made with metal scaffolding and Croft’s Melbourne office – it takes
then a polymer coating; in the poly- mere seconds to determine the pa-
mer is a drug to stop cells from grow- tient’s eligibility.
ing into the stent and blocking it off.”
It’s entirely possible the data col-
By contrast, the Cobra stent “is lected here on the Treasure Coast, as
covered in an inorganic nanometer well as in Germany, France, Italy and
layer of a polymer that has certain other countries around the globe,
characteristics. Number one, it stops will revolutionize cardio stent tech-
inflammation, the cause of stents nology.
blocking off. Number two, it is an-
tithrombotic, which means it stops Dr. Croft’s offices are at 1402 Oak
blood [and fatty deposits] from stick- Street in Melbourne. The phone num-
ing onto the stent and clotting it off.” ber is 321-722-3288. The number for Se-
bastian River Medical Center, where the
Another impressive quality of these cath lab is located, is 772-589-3186.
new stents is their ability to radically
reduce the amount of time patients
have to be on blood thinners such as
Plavix after the stent is implanted.
Croft says currently most patients
must be on Plavix for six months after
a stent is put in place, but this clinical
trial hopes to show that timespan can
be reduced to just two weeks.
“That’s what we’re hoping,” says
the meticulous Croft, “and we’re hop-
ing that the outcomes are going to be
equivalent to, or better than, the tra-
ditional stents.”
If the trial yields positive results, it
will be a game-changer, according to
Croft. That’s because many patients
are already on other blood thinners,
such as Elequis or Xarelto, that don’t
protect the stent from clotting, and
have to take Plavix on top of the ex-
isting meds, which increases the risk
of excessive bleeding.
If the Cobra clinical trial is suc-
cessful, the device could cut the time
patients need to take two blood thin-
ners by more than five months, pro-
viding both a medical and emotional
“If you know someone on these
types of medications,” Konowitz says,
“they tend to bruise easily and bleed
longer, [and] they even worry about it
when they’re not bruising or bleed-
ing. Less time on the dual antiplatelet
therapy for my patients would be a
huge benefit.”
Of course, clinical trials need pa-
tients and getting into this trial starts
with Konowitz.
“I telephone them and go through a
fairly extensive history prior to them
coming in, and then do a physical
examination when they come to the
cath lab,” she says. “If they are a can-
didate, I tell them everything about
the study – the risks and the benefits.
Then I ask them if they would like
for us to give all the details to their
primary care physician and their
cardiologist. They always do and we
much prefer that. After that, Dr. Croft
speaks to them about the trial.”
If a patient is suited for the trial, he
or she will find out fast.
Once Konowitz submits her inter-
28 Thursday, June 14, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Study raises alarm over antibiotic use by older women
BY MARIA CANFIELD Cassie Jones, DO. PHOTO: DENISE RITCHIE picturesquely called gut flora) in person was given antibiotics for a
Correspondent our overall health. She cites a study minor sinus infection versus as part
Sebastian River Medical Center, that found children who are fre- of a treatment plan for a more seri-
A study out of Tulane Univer- says that there is much ongoing re- quently treated with antibiotics for ous illness.”
sity in New Orleans concludes that search about the importance of the ear infections and other childhood
women 60 and older who take anti- gut microbiome (sometimes more ailments are at an increased risk for The findings of Professor Qi and
biotics – even for a short time – may obesity. his team were presented in a sci-
be at a higher risk of death. entific session at a meeting of the
The results of the Tulane study, American Heart Association, held in
In recent years, it’s become com- which was conducted in collabora- New Orleans in March of this year.
mon knowledge the widespread use tion with Harvard T.H. Chan School
of antibiotics has allowed infectious of Public Health, provides yet an- To be fair to antibiotics, they are
organisms to adapt and become re- other reason for doctors to avoid an essential part of modern medi-
sistant to the drugs’ intended ef- prescribing antibiotics unless they cine, and are the only cure for a
fects – which is to cure infections by are absolutely needed. large number of infectious dis-
killing or injuring bacteria. eases. When first used as a medi-
The researchers set out to investi- cine in 1942, penicillin became
Another unintended consequence gate how antibiotic use during late the most effective life-saving drug
of antibiotic use is how even a single adulthood might be related to the in the world, conquering such dis-
course of the drug can disrupt the risk of death. To do so, they stud- eases as tuberculosis, gangrene,
gut microbiome – the complex com- ied data collected on 37,510 women, pneumonia, diphtheria and scarlet
munity of beneficial microorgan- aged 60 and older, who did not have fever. Since the early 1940s, scien-
isms that reside in our digestive heart disease or cancer at the start tists have developed more than 150
tract. This can lead to a decline in of the study. different antibiotics to help stop the
“good” bacteria – including the spe- spread of infections, and antibiotics
cies that produce “butyrate,” a sub- Study co-author Lu Qi, a profes- are estimated to have saved at least
stance that inhibits inflammation sor of epidemiology at Tulane, says, 200 million lives worldwide.
and cancer formation in the gut. “antibiotic exposure affects balance
and composition of the gut microbi- However, at the same time, there
Cassi Jones, DO, an internal med- ome, even after one stops taking an- is little doubt that antibiotics are
icine physician associated with the tibiotics; so, it is important to better overprescribed. In spite of the near-
understand how taking antibiotics ly universal belief in the medical
might impact risks for chronic dis- community that colds are caused
eases and death.” by viruses and are not helped by
antibiotics, the Centers for Disease
The findings of Professor Qi and Control and Prevention (CDC) re-
his team were alarming: taking ports that each year in the United
antibiotics for at least 2 months in States 18 million courses of antibi-
late adulthood was linked with a 27 otics are prescribed by doctors for
percent increase in risk of death. the common cold.
The link was even stronger for study
participants who reported they had Additionally, 50 million antibi-
also taken antibiotics during mid- otic prescriptions are written for vi-
dle adulthood (between the ages of ral respiratory infections, a condi-
40 and 59). tion for which they are ineffective.
These incorrectly prescribed anti-
Women who took antibiotics for biotics significantly contribute to
two months or more in late adult- the increasing resistance of bacte-
hood were also at a 58 percent high- ria to many antibiotics and the rise
er risk of death due to heart prob- of “superbugs.”
lems, compared with women who
did not use antibiotics. However, Dr. Jones says that doctors should
the researchers did not find an as- do a better job of educating their pa-
sociation between antibiotic use tients about the possible ill-effects
and the risk of death from cancer. of taking antibiotics unnecessarily.
They did find that the associa- “It’s just not that they are ineffec-
tions between antibiotic use and an tive against viral infections; they
increased risk of death remained can be harmful. And there are alter-
strong when other factors – such as natives that doctors should discuss
lifestyle, diet, weight and the use of with their patients. For example,
other medications – were taken into boosting the immune system and
account. reducing the risk of viral infections
by taking supplements such as vita-
Sebastian’s Dr. Jones says that min C or echinacea. Or treating ear
the Tulane study has value, though infections with antibiotic drops,
some of its findings are inconclu- rather than drugs that can affect
sive. “Hopefully, this study will the whole body.”
lead to other research which takes
a closer look at factors such as why Cassi Jones’ practice, Sebastian
the person was on antibiotics to be- River Medical Group, is located at
gin with. There’s a big difference 13480 U.S. 1 in Sebastian. The office
in expected health outcomes if the phone is 772-581-0334.
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, June 14, 2018 29
A visit to a Michelin three-star restaurant in Basque Country
[email protected]
On June 19, the 2018 list of
The World’s 50 Best restau-
rants will be announced at
a ceremony being held this
year in Bilbao, Spain.
The choices are made
annually by a vote of 1,000
international restaurant in-
dustry experts, comprised
of food writers and critics,
chefs, restaurateurs and
well-traveled gourmets.
Last week, I was in Bil-
bao and had an opportu-
nity to journey into the
Roasted and Poached Oysters.
Peeled Crispy
Flame Roasted
Red Mullet.
Red Mullet
Fritter of
Raw Oyster with Apple, Iberian Pork Spider Crab
Roquette and Flowers. ‘Castaneta’ with Fritter.
Idiazabal Cheese
rolling foothills of the Basque coun- fered a truffled egg. Using an egg from ing out over Azurmendi’s own small restaurant apart is the passion of a chef
tryside to visit Azurmendi, a Michelin Azurmendi’s own hens, part of the vineyard. (The wines, expertly paired deeply rooted in the Basque soil.
three-star restaurant that made the yolk had been removed via a needle, with the courses to follow, came not
2017 “Top 50” list, and savor a four- and while we watched, a truffle con- from this vineyard, but from wineries Chef Atxa has created in Azurmendi
hour lunch. sommé was injected into the remain- around the world.) a shrine to sustainability, where he of-
der using a syringe – cooking the egg fers diners an unforgettable journey
At chef Eneko Atxa’s hillside restau- from the inside out. To do justice to describing the cre- through the tastes, aromas and tex-
rant, the journey starts in the striking ative, beautifully presented, and deli- tures of the Basque Country.
atrium, just below the rooftop vegeta- You pop the whole thing into your cious food set before us in this mara-
ble garden, where upon arrival we were mouth and when you bite into it, you thon but relaxed meal would require This is about gastronomy – the study
handed a glass of house-made txakoli get an explosion of flavors – first the pages of this newspaper. Instead, I of the relationship between food and
– a slightly sparkling, very dry white rich egg yolk and then the earthy truf- invite you to enjoy some of the pho- culture – at its best. Three cheers for
wine – and offered a picnic basket of fle. Amazing. tos of the dishes served on the day we Azurmendi.
welcoming nibbles. visited.
Next, we were guided into the res- I welcome your comments, and en-
We were then led not into a dining taurant’s greenhouse, where several The only course I would have passed courage you to send feedback to me at
room but into a spacious open kitch- other tiny treats were hidden among up was the final one – the chocolate, [email protected].
en, where a large staff was buzzing the herbs and spices. peanuts and liquorice, an imaginatively
about. constructed dessert that I found a bit too The writer, who reviews restaurants
Finally, we were escorted to our table heavy at the end of the meal. for Vero Beach 32963 and this newspa-
Here, we got the first hint of the sur- on “The Balcony” – a large, airy room per, currently is on holiday and is dining
prises that lie ahead when we were of- with floor to ceiling windows look- But it seems to me that what sets this her way through Europe.
30 Thursday, June 14, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Rosé loves the heat — and we’re not talking weather
STORY BY DAVE MCINTYRE ern France. The heat, salt and numbing ideal match for heat. Not just summer’s with grilled cheese sandwiches. I’m go-
The Washington Post spiciness of the Sichuan seasoning mag- heat, but food’s heat as well. ing to have to try that.
nified the fruit of the rosé in such a way
Conventional wine wisdom tells us to that made the wine seem bigger, more And rosé does not just pair with Si- Wine Spectator magazine offers six
pair sweet – or at least sweeter – wines expansive than it was on its own. chuan cuisine. I’ve liked it with other basic tips, including the obvious (drink
with spicy foods. The heat in the food spicy foods, including Thai, Tex-Mex whatever you like with whatever you
cancels the residual sugar and makes the Rosé is the wine of summer, and, it and Indian. Depending on the protein or want to eat) and the more complex
wine taste drier. That means Riesling or seems, the wine of the moment. We heaviness of the dish, you might prefer (ranking different styles of wine by
Gewürztraminer. Or maybe an amontil- suck it down in hot weather to slake our a heartier rosé, one with a trace of heft weight and body).
lado or oloroso sherry, a category of wine thirsts, dispel the doldrums caused by or tannin, but I’ve found that even light,
too often ignored. humidity and revive our palates. ephemeral pinks work well across the Fiona Beckett, a British wine writer,
spice range. The heat somehow elevates has a website devoted to the subject,
That wisdom is not wrong. (Wine Conventional wisdom says rosé is the wine’s fruitiness. called Matching Food & Wine. Her be-
hack: You can never go wrong with Ries- great by itself or with garlicky or salty ginner’s guide wisely advises us to con-
ling.) But here’s another sleeper wine foods, such as hummus and olives, Fruit, not sugar, seems to be the key. sider other items on the plate rather than
pairing with spicy foods you may not those Mediterranean antipasti meant Remember, fruit flavors are inherently just the main ingredient and includes a
have thought of: rosé. to take the edge off our hunger before sweet, and even dry wines have a chime- separate link on pairing wines with vari-
the serious meal begins. But rosé’s ra of sweetness when they feature flavors ous pasta sauces. She also offers recipes
This came to me as I was scarfing fruitiness – its strawberry and melon of ripe peach, berries or other fruits. That with specific wine suggestions. Beckett
down dry-fried eggplant and rinsing my flavors, tinged with herbs – is also an covers Riesling and Gewürztraminer – agrees that rosé is extremely food-friend-
palate with a cheap pink from south- but also pinot noir, Beaujolais or barbera, ly and offers a comprehensive pairing
three food-friendly reds. guide based on different shades and
Melo’s RIitsatoliraannote styles of pink.
ALL-YMOUUS-CSAELNS-EAT Choosing a wine for dinner should not
be stressful, but in our inherent insecu- Beckett likes medium-dry rosés, such
Every Thursday rity about wine, we make it so. Wine can as white zinfandel, with spicy dishes.
be expensive, after all, and we don’t want That echoes the conventional wisdom
EHARALPYPBYIHRDOUMRE&NU to waste our money on an unfortunate of pairing sweetness with heat. I’d like to
pairing. So wine pairing advice has be- share a bottle of dry rosé with her, along
Tuesda2y--FForird-a1yD4r:i3n0ks-6:00PM come a cottage industry. with some Sichuan food.
W10W00WEA.SMT EeAlUosGIAtaLLlIiEaBnLRVeDs-tIaNuDIrAaNnHt.AcRoBmOU-R3B2EA1C-H7,7F3L-332593575 Even the McCormick spice compa-
Serving Brevard Since 1988 ny has a food-and-wine pairing guide
on its website. It offers sound advice,
such as pairing tannic red wines with
fatty beef dishes such as steak. Hot tip:
Match the wine to the seasonings as
much as the protein.
Food and Wine magazine enforces
the law with “15 Rules for Great Wine
and Food Pairings.” There’s good advice
here, too, such as pairing champagne
with salty dishes, sauvignon blanc with
tart dressings and sauces, and gruner
veltliner with dishes that feature fresh
herbs and veggies. There’s even an un-
expected recommendation of dry rosé
Available Daily 4:30 - 5:30
$5 House Wine and Well Drinks
Choice of Tides’ House Salad,
Caesar Salad or BLT Iceberg Wedge
Carolina BBQ Pork, Chicken, Scottish
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Zagat Rated Reservations Highly Recommended
2013 - 2017 Proper Attire Appreciated
Wine Spectator Award Open 7 Days
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Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, June 14, 2018 31
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32 Thursday, June 14, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Please send calendar information 15 New member coffee, hosted by New ter, Melbourne Beach in celebration of World 23 Shark in the Park 5k, 7:30 a.m. at
at least two weeks prior to your Neighbors of South Brevard Beaches, Turtle Day. Rock painting craft after class. Great Gleason Park in Indian Harbour Beach
a ladies social club for residents of the Beach- for kids, bring a mat, towel and water bottle. to benefit the Indian Harbour Beach Recreation
event to side (Merritt Island south of 520 and the Pineda Department programs. Fee is $25 for adults,
[email protected] Causeway south to Sebastian Inlet). For infor- 16 Surf Fishing Workshop, 1 to 3:15 p.m. $15 for kids (add $5 on race day), Guar-anteed
mation on joining the club and/or attending the hosted by BG Surfside Grill – Adven- T-shirt if registered by June 9. Teams must have
ONGOING coffee, contact Toni Hanussey at newneighbor- tures in Melbourne Beach. Meet at Sebastian at least 5 members and must be co-ed. Prizes,
[email protected] Fishing Museum to learn about tides, bait, free breakfast for entrants and free snow cones
New Neighbors of South Brevard Beaches hooks, equipment and techniques. for kids.
plays MAHJONGG at Papagallo’s in Satellite 15 Summer Night Art and Music Fest, a
Beach each Monday at 12:15 pm. For informa- beach-inspired event, 5 to 7 p.m. at 17 A Journey of Hope: Inspirational Ne- 23 Bacon Beer Bash 11 a.m. to 10 p.m.
tion on joining the club contact Toni Hanussey Mima’s Café and Tea Bar, 1400 N. Hwy A1A, In- gro Spirituals, a celebration of the at Intracoastal Brewing Company, 652
at [email protected] dialantic. week of Juneteenth and the end of slavery in West Eau Gallie Blvd.
the United States, directed by LeRoy Darby and
Satellite Beach Farmers Market, 10 a.m. to 4 15 Satellite Beach Police Athletic League Earnest Williams, 2 to 4 p.m. at the Historic Co- 27 US-TOO Prostate Cancer Support
p.m. Thursdays at Pelican Beach Park Third Friday Family Fest, 5 to 9 p.m. in coa Village Playhouse. Tickets $18 to $32 avail- Group meets from 6:15 to 7:45 p.m.
the parking lot of the D.R. Schechter Recreation able at the last Wednesday of the month at the Mel-
Beach Rotary Club meets at 7:30 a.m. Tues- Center, 1089 South Patrick Drive. Food trucks, bourne Public Library, 540 E. Fee Avenue. Call
days at Oceanside Pizza, 300 Ocean Ave. #6, local vendors and Kidz Korner. 17 Americana Concert by the Three So- Vanita Gagliani at (321)432-5573 for details.
Melbourne Beach. pranos, 3 to 5 p.m. at Eastminster
16 Space Coast Symphony Orchestra will Presbyterian Church, 106 N. Riverside Drive, 30 Tour of Hubbs Sea World facility with
JUNE open their 2018-19 Tenth Anniversary Indialantic. Free Concert: Land That We Love, Megan Stolen, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., meet
season with On Broadway at 7:00 p.m. at the a tribute to the pioneering spirit of America. A at Sebastian Inlet State Park Hammock Trail
14 Support Our ASD Kids (SOAK play date Scott Center for the Performing Arts at Holy goodwill offering will be collected. (about a half mile north of inlet) for a walk on
meet up from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. ev- Trinity Episcopal Academy, 5625 Holy Trinity the trail, followed by lunch at New England Eat-
ery second and fourth Thurs-day in the play Drive in Suntree. Tickets $25 in advance or $30 18-22 Trinity Wellsprings Church ery at 11:45 a.m. and tour of Hubbs Sea World
area at Melbourne Square Mall. Open to all at the door. Vacation Bible School, 9 a.m. Institute (across from Juan Ponce de Leon Park
ages and stages. Caregivers, providers and com- to 12:30 p.m. at 638 South Patrick Dr. Satellite in Melbourne Beach) at 1 p.m. Sponsored by
munity members welcome to share resources, 16 International Surfing Day 2018, 9 a.m. Beach. the Florida Master Naturalist Program, Space
information and friendship. to 1 p.m. at Howard Futch Memorial Coast Chapter. Tickets available at www.event-
Park at Paradise Beach, Indialantic. Celebrate 19 New Neighbors of South Brevard
14 ClevensFaceandBodySpecialists‘Annual the sport of surfing, the surfing lifestyle and the Beaches monthly meeting and lun-
Patient Appreciation Event, 6 to 8:30 sustainability of ocean resources. cheon at the Doubtree Indialantic. Members JULY
p.m. at Dr. Clevens‘ office at 707 W. Eau Gallie $19, non-members $22. Reservations required.
Boulevard to benefit the Brevard Achievement 16 Native Plant Volunteer Work Day with Call Phyllis (321) 777-9370 12 Free Summer Youth Band Concert un-
Center. A portion of all proceeds from the eve- the City of Satellite Beach, Keep Bre- der the direction of Swingtime Con-
ning will be donated to BAC in support of their vard Beautiful and the Marine Resources Coun- 19 Free Medicare seminar, get your ductor Art Martin and featuring the graduates
“Dreams” program. Special surprises for guests. cil, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Satellite Beach Library questions answered about coverage, of the Melbourne Municipal Band Summer Pro-
RSVP at on Jamaica Boulevard. benefits, open enrollment and options, 6 p.m. gram, 6 p.m. at the Melbourne Auditorium, 625
at the Melbourne Beach Library, 324 Ocean E. Hibiscus Blvd., Melbourne, FL 32901. Tickets
16 Yoga for Turtles free yoga class, 10 Ave. For more information, call Kim Adkinson- not required. Go to www.melbournemunicipal-
to 11 a.m. at the Barrier Island Cen- Cowles at (321)305-2554.
Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN 13 New member coffee, hosted by New
in June 7, 2018 Edition 1 YORE 1 YOKEL Neighbors of South Brevard Beaches,
3 KISSED 2 ROBBERY a ladies social club for residents of the Beach-
9 KIBBUTZ 4 IRRITABILITY side (Merritt Island south of 520 and the Pineda
10 RENAL 5 SINAI Causeway south to Sebastian Inlet). For infor-
11 LIE 6 DELIGHT mation on joining the club and/or attending the
12 STARTLING 7 QUESTIONABLE coffee, contact Toni Hanussey at newneighbor-
13 STYMIE 8 EZRA [email protected]
16 SPOONBILL 15 EXTREME 17 New Neighbors of South Brevard
19 TOW 17 OWLET Beaches monthly meeting and lun-
21 ADLIB 18 IFFY cheon at the Doubtree Indialantic. Members
22 FATHEAD 20 WIDEN $19, non-members $22. Reservations required.
23 NUTMEG Call Phyllis (321) 777-9370
Sudoku Page 2420 SudokuPPaaggee2431 CrosswordPPage 4202 CrosswordPPaaggee2431 (DON’T GET ME STARTED)
CERTIFIED Windows & Doors Join our directory for the most affordable way to reach out to customers for your service or small business targeting the
Siding & Soffit South Brevard barrier island communitites. This is the only directory mailed each week into homes in 32951, Indialantic,
“Everything You Need To Be” Screen Room’s Indian Harbour and Satellite Beach. Contact Will Gardner, 407-361-2150 [email protected].
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Spacious Cloisters home
perfect for a large family
510 Newport Drive in the Cloisters: 5-bedroom, 3-bath, 3,695-square-foot pool home offered for
$725,000 by Coldwell Banker Paradise agent Anthony Scaramouche: 321-536-2775
34 Thursday, June 14, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Spacious Cloisters home perfect for a large family
STORY BY BRENDA EGGERT BRADER CORRESPONDENT With all the large windows and deck. This would be a great spot for clude separate sitting rooms for ac-
glass doors the home is flooded with a housekeeper or nanny or perhaps tivities, entertainment and play.
An exemplary 5-bedroom, 3-bath, sunlight that brightens the lovely a single live-in adult family member
3,695-square-foot home at 510 New- neutral wall colors. who prefers their own tranquil area Kids lucky enough to live here will
port Drive in Indialantic’s gated away from the family hub. have room not just to sleep and study
Cloisters community offers excep- Some of the special items in the but also to socialize with friends,
tional amenities as well as an out- spacious eat-in kitchen include Co- Behind the kitchen, a hallway leads watch television, play board games
standing location. rian countertops and an island with to two identical bedrooms perfect for or spend time reading, cuddled up
counter seating in addition to the children. The large rooms have plenty on a long window seat. It’s like having
An oversized front door opens into table seating; double wall ovens mak- of space for beds and desks and in- their very own apartment.
a grand foyer. Straight ahead, viewed ing holiday baking a breeze; and a
through French doors from the sunk- huge cooktop providing room for the
en living room, is the swimming pool designated chef to spread out.
with fountain spa, a covered lanai
and a small lake. The large sunken Light hardwood cupboards accent the
living room features a tray ceiling. neutral colors, and a built-in desk area in
the kitchen makes keeping budgets and
Immediately to the right of the front checking cookbooks convenient.
entrance is the dining room with ta-
ble seating for eight. A doorway from “The kitchen is a great vantage
the dining room opens to the kitchen. point from which to see the pool, the
living room and the family room for
Beyond the living room, another anyone cooking, so they don’t feel like
set of French doors open to the chef’s they are being left out,” said Coldwell
kitchen and an upscale family room Banker Paradise listing agent Antho-
with a gas fireplace and bookcase ny Scaramouche.
surround. Sliding glass doors in the
family room offer a view of, and ac- Beyond the family room is the
cess to, the pool and deck and lake entrance to a generous-sized bed-
beyond. room with private access to the pool
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, June 14, 2018 35
A bathroom with tub/shower com- Making full use of the split bed- office, featuring a large window, a Neighborhood: The Cloisters
bination and single sink services the room plan, a fourth bedroom is found closet and plenty of room for a desk Year built: 1995
bedroom wing. Also found off the off the living room next to the main and file cabinets. Construction:
hallway near the kitchen is the en- entrance that is currently set up as a
trance to the laundry room and dou- home office. Although it can be an- Left off the living room is the mas- Concrete block/stucco
ble-car garage beyond. other bedroom, it works well as an ter suite featuring large closets and Lot size: 13,068 sq. ft.
room for a king-size bed. French Home size: 3,695 sq. ft. under
air; 4,206 sq. ft. under roof
Bedrooms: 5
Bathrooms: 3
Swimming pool:
Free-form, lakefront pool
HOA dues: $900 annually
Additional features: Storm
shutters, tile roof, bedrooms
with private sitting rooms,
sunken living room, gas fire-
place, gated community, club-
house with community pool,
tennis courts
Listing agency:
Coldwell Banker Paradise
Listing agent:
Anthony Scaramouche,
321-536-2775 or
[email protected]
Listing price: $725,000
36 Thursday, June 14, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
doors to the pool and deck open from commodate wheel-chair access.
the master sitting room that is large “The original homeowner, an an-
enough for easy chairs, a sofa and
television, if desired. esthesiologist, has downsized and
moved on,” Scaramouche said as to
The master bath has a walk-in clos- the reason for the home sale.
et, jetted bathtub, private water closet
and double sinks with a granite coun- This large, well-maintained home,
tertop. The electric light switches within easy walking distance to both
have been placed low enough to ac- the Indian River Lagoon and the Atlan-
tic Ocean beaches, is listed for $725,000.
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, June 14, 2018 37
The Cloisters neighborhood has hours, the Cloisters’ gatehouse is
sidewalks and is filled with greenery manned by a uniformed guard. At
highlighted by tall oak trees lining night, residents use personal tran-
the streets. Homes have landscaped sponders to open the gates. The
yards with well-maintained flowers mandatory homeowners fees pay
and shrubs. for maintenance, landscaping, the
guards and guardhouse, a club-
“This is a great place to raise chil- house, community pool and tennis
dren,” Scaramouche said. courts.
During day and early evening
Eva McMillan 2260 S River Rd, Melbourne Beach • LISTED $1,150,000
• Multi-Million Dollar Producer PER SQ.FEET. Unique opportunity to own a Riverfront masterpiece on 0.41
• Multilingual International Top Producer acres. This contemporary 100 feet of river frontage 6 bed 4 bath residence
• Fluent in 6 languages offers breathtaking river views from every room.
call: 321-327-6761
text: 772-584-0412
[email protected]
3375 Highway A1A, Melbourne Beach 216 The Road To Waterford Bay, Melbourne Beach
LISTED $1,800,000 UNDER CONTRACT $1,050,000
Exquisite OCEANFRONT QUADRUPLEX on 0.63 acres in the Direct RIVERFRONT and only steps to the OCEAN with
heart of Melbourne Beach. Enjoy the inspiring & incomparable deeded beach access. This Riverfront home is located on
panoramic ocean views from this elegant 4 bed 4 full bath half an acre in a gated subdivision of Waterford Bay in Mel-
3,790 sq ft residence totally remodeled in 2008. bourne Beach. Concrete block 5,312 sq. feet, 5 bed, 6 bath,
pool, tennis.
38 Thursday, June 14, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Real Estate Sales on South Brevard island: June 1 to June 7
The first week of June saw only a slight slowing of the real estate market in island ZIP codes
32951, 32903 and 32937 turn red hot. Satellite Beach led the way with 12 sales, followed by 9 for
Melbourne Beach and 7 for Indialantic.
The top sale of the week was of a stately home on prestigious Riverside Drive in Melbourne
Beach. The residence at 208 Riverside Drive was placed on the market April 20 with an asking
price of $1.25 million. The sale closed June 7 for $1.19 million.
The seller in the transaction was represented by David Settgast of Treasure Coast Sotheby’s. The
purchaser was represented by Brian Greene, also of Treasure Coast Sotheby’s.
HARBOR EAST SEC 3 AM 419 RIVERVIEW LN 4/8/2018 $895,000 $925,000 6/7/2018 $525,000
MARITIME HAMMOCK 7677 KIAWAH WAY 4/3/2018 $874,000 $874,000 6/5/2018
WEXFORD PUD S1 3821 S HIGHWAY A1A 12/28/2017 $599,900 $525,000 6/1/2018 $468,000
SALES FOR 32903 $429,900
INDIALANTIC BY SEA 401 S RAMONA AVE 3/22/2018 $489,000 $479,000 6/1/2018 $731,000
INDIALANTIC BY SEA 346 MIAMI AVE 4/19/2018 $479,000 $479,000 6/5/2018 $526,000
PIPER PALMS 430 FRANKLYN AVE 2/21/2018 $459,800 $429,900 6/4/2018 $377,500
TORTOISE ISLAND PH 4 185 LANTERNBACK ISLAND DR 3/29/2018 $719,000 $719,000 6/5/2018
REFLECTIONS CONDO 1395 HIGHWAY A1A 204 10/28/2017 $569,900 $538,900 6/5/2018
SILVER SANDS CNDO P2 297 HIGHWAY A1A 417 4/5/2018 $355,000 $355,000 6/7/2018
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, June 14, 2018 39
Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.
Subdivision: Wexford Pud S1, Address: 3821 S Highway A1A Subdivision: Maritime Hammock, Address: 7677 Kiawah Way
Listing Date: 12/28/2017 Listing Date: 4/3/2018
Original Price: $599,900 Original Price: $874,000
Recent Price: $525,000 Recent Price: $874,000
Sold: 6/1/2018 Sold: 6/5/2018
Selling Price: $525,000 Selling Price: $865,000
Listing Agent: Gibbs Baum & Greg Zimmerman Listing Agent: Susan Williammee
Selling Agent: Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate, Inc
Gibbs Baum & Greg Zimmerman Brenda Burton
Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl Ellingson Properties
Subdivision: Island Shores of Mel, Address: 413 Hibiscus Trail Subdivision: Harbor East Sec 3 Am, Address: 419 Riverview Ln
Listing Date: 4/17/2018 Listing Date: 4/8/2018
Original Price: $349,900 Original Price: $895,000
Recent Price: $349,900 Recent Price: $925,000
Sold: 6/6/2018 Sold: 6/7/2018
Selling Price: $340,000 Selling Price: $905,000
Listing Agent: Kevin Hill Listing Agent: Todd Ostrander
Selling Agent: RE/MAX Alternative Realty Selling Agent: RE/MAX Elite
Susan Williammee Mary Goodwin
Dale Sorensen Real Estate, Inc Curri Kirschner R. E. Grp. LLC