This old house. P6 ‘Survivor’ suspense. P12 Eau Gallie’s wall stars
Ryckman House spared by Irma Ashley Nolan’s family and friends Artists to transform community’s
– but not by Father Time. enjoy reality-show viewing party. ‘outer spaces.’ PAGE 14
Lagoon fish kills Overcrowding
likely following could shake up
Irma disruptions school districts
[email protected] [email protected]
Fish kills are expected in Many Brevard County
the Indian River Lagoon and mainland parents stridently
surrounding bodies of wa- oppose proposed changes to
ter as a result of disruptions school district boundaries.
caused by Hurricane Irma But so far, according to school
and subsequent flooding officials, no changes have
rains which in many areas been made in The Melbourne
changed the chemistry of lo- Beachsider's coverage area
cal waters. to districts for the island’s
six elementary schools and
An aerial view of Melbourne High School which, says a school board member, is operating at 99 percent capacity. PHOTO: RYAN CLAPPER two middle schools and the
two high schools that serve
Prayerful solace found at vigil for Vegas victims beachside students.
[email protected] high schools, however.
Dr. Duane DeFreese. PHOTO: BENJAMIN THACKER In the wake of trag- CONTINUED ON PAGE 2
edy, solidarity is one thing
Add to that the environ- that can bring hope to a An attendee lights a candle at Friday’s vigil at St. Mark’s Methodist Church. PHOTO: BENJAMIN THACKER ocLrnaetaOetcsetesadcnerlaAutvgeeer.
mental impact from the community. Friday night,
emergency release by the residents gathered at St. STORY BY BILL SOKOLIC STAFF WRITER
county of tens of millions Mark’s Methodist Church [email protected]
of gallons of wastewater in Indialantic to find that
into the already struggling solidarity, and honor vic- Melbourne Beach experi-
Indian River Lagoon and tims of the Vegas shooting. enced minimal damage from
you have a good chance of Hurricane Irma, but a deluge
On Oct. 1 in Las Vegas a of more than 9 inches of rain
CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 gunman opened fire at a from a tropical disturbance
country music festival, and on Oct. 1 opened up a hole
on Ocean Avenue just west of
“It moved north really slow
so you saw a lot of coastal
ADVERTISING: 772-559-4187 | CIRCULATION: 772-226-7925 Macabre musical
NEWS 1-6 DINING 30-31 PEOPLE 11-14 Director promises surprises
ARTS 15-18 GAMES 25-27 PETS 24 in Henegar production of
BOOKS 23 HEALTH 7-10 REAL ESTATE 33-40 ‘Sweeney Todd.’ PAGE 16
2 Thursday, October 12, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
HIGH SCHOOLS according to the U.S. Census, Bre- capacity and it cannot operate effi- applications. It is doubtful that would
vard County has grown to more than ciently at capacity," said Andy Ziegler, change even after the board asked
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 590,000 residents. District 5 board member. "The other staff for a redistricting plan. Staff pre-
high schools have fewer students and sented a plan that, if adopted, would
"It is very tentative," said Tina "In Viera there has been an unimag- are not at capacity." move close to 400 students from Mel-
Descovich, the board member whose inable growth of residential housing," bourne High to classrooms at Palm
voting District 3 covers the barrier is- said Don Walker, county government With student capacity, including Bay High or Eau Gallie High. Heritage
land area. "But the School Board has communications director. "The same portables, reaching the 90 percent High could deal with more than 85
asked the staff to look into options is (true) west of I-95, and they are fam- limit imposed by the Florida In- students.
to possibly change the boundary for ily homes with three and four bed- ventory of School Houses, Jennifer
students on the island to attend Sat- rooms." Wolfinger, school board media & An emailed list from Wolfinger con-
ellite High School, or perhaps Eau content coordinator, said the board firmed:
Gallie High School, instead of Mel- Nearly 19 percent of county resi- asked for an attendance boundary Croton Elementary would move
bourne High School." dents are below 18 years old, U.S. Cen- change proposal to balance students seven students to Longleaf Elemen-
sus statistics show. That 19 percent and space. tary. Kennedy Middle would move 36
The move to change boundaries includes a lot of residents' children students McNair Magnet. Manatee El-
resulted from overcrowding. Despite eligible by age to attend school. Wolfinger explained that a $40 mil- ementary would give 22 students and
hurricanes and blazing hot summers, lion, five-year capacity plan passed in Quest Elementary would put 95 stu-
"Melbourne High is at 99 percent 2016 for adding portable classrooms, dents in Williams Elementary.
rehabilitating one school, and build- Discovery Elementary would gain
ing new schools included redrawing 208 students from Meadowlane Pri-
attendance boundaries. mary and Intermediate. Saturn Ele-
mentary would take 70 students from
Schools not near or not at capacity Endeavor Elementary and 25 from
already do offer students outside their Cambridge Elementary. Central Mid-
boundaries a way in. The county op- dle would move 12 students to South-
erates under a Brevard Public Schools west Middle.
Open Enrollment policy. Students can Ninety students would change to
apply to schools that have spaces. An Enterprise Elementary from Fairglen
application costs $30 and rules includ- Elementary.
ing no transportation for the com-
mute will be provided by the school Videos, minutes, agendas and sched-
district and a student must adhere to ules for public meetings on the pro-
an attendance, behavior contract. posed changes, and all school board
activity can be found at http://www.
Information is available at https:// schools/school_board.
Schools such as Melbourne High
have no space for open enrollment
VIGIL FOR LAS VEGAS VICTIMS just feel a little helpless because Las
Vegas is far away so there’s nothing
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 we really can do,” one man explained.
“But at least there’s solace in coming
58 people lost their lives and more here and praying for them; for the
than 500 others were injured. Two families and people that are still here,
days later at a weekly worship meet- still dealing with it.”
ing, St. Mark’s church leadership de-
cided unanimously to coordinate a Attendees were greeted by Pastor
candlelight prayer vigil in an effort to Jones after walking into the build-
recognize the lives of those slain. ing, and were then invited to grab a
candle, which they would be asked to
Pastor Richard Jones, when de- light later in the service when victims’
scribing the decision, explained that names were read aloud. The event
the church “knew they needed to do program offered guidance in prayer,
something in response to the violence, and outlined the evening ahead. Fam-
and bring healing to the community”. ilies, men and women, couples young
and old each made their way into the
Jones has pastored at St. Mark’s for sanctuary, dimly illuminated by votive
five years and assembling community candles both surrounding the stage
gatherings such as this are not new for and decoratively displayed behind the
him. “People are in need of comfort musicians on stage.
and hope amidst all the chaos, so we
want to provide a safe space,” he said. The calm lighting and gentle music
from guitarist Jacob Harris and pianist
The church held a vigil last year Nancy Hornbeck combined to create
following the Pulse Nightclub shoot- a peaceful, welcoming atmosphere.
ing in Orlando, and in response to People took their seats and gradu-
the Charlottesville, Va. protests. With ally made their way to the edge of the
each inexplicable tragedy, the church stage to light a small candle and kneel
strives to give community members a in prayer.
place to gather, escape the mayhem
and provide one another with sup- Jones began the service urging
port. those attending to “lift those in Vegas
up as they try to make sense of it all,”
One couple from the Suntree area referencing the survivors and families
that attended the Charlottesville vigil of victims of the horrendous incident.
saw that the church would be hosting Co-pastors, Revs. Dionne and Craig
one for the victims of the Las Vegas
shooting and decided to come. “You
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, October 12, 2017 3
Hammond of First Church of Mel- for justice and put the needs of others Following the uplifting songs, and tos of people all from different places,
bourne were among those attending first. words of wisdom, all guests attending families, relationships, lives.
the service. the vigil had their candles lit. Then the
Hymnal lyrics emboldened the three pastors read each individual vic- Lives that, as Pastor Craig Hammond
Following words shared by Pas- small crowd; one in particular af- tim by name with their respective pic- stated, were “gathered by unity of mu-
tor Jones and musical hymnals, the firmed that when disappointment, tures displayed on the large screens sic, and scattered by hatred.” Some-
two reverends each spoke about the grief and fear are gone and sorrow is above the stage. A slideshow of pho- thing he said “should be impossible to
shooting, encouraging guests to work forgotten, love would be restored. contemplate, but is so common.”
4 Thursday, October 12, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
RAIN STORM Repair work is done on Ocean Avenue in Melbourne Beach after a storm drain broke. PHOTO: JULIAN LEEK FISH KILLS
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 never seen it this bad. The closest one holes and discharging at lift station CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1
was Faye in 2008, but the water went B20 in these areas. When this stops for
rain,” said meteorologist Kevin Rodri- away quickly,” she said. a day or two we will cancel the restric- seeing fish and other creatures like
guez of the National Weather Service tions. Unfortunately more rain is in the manatee and even alligators float-
office in Melbourne. “The barrier is- Glover’s house escaped any breach- forecast, which will not help.” ing in the near future.
lands got more rain than during Irma.” es but neighbors did not. In a letter to
County Commissioner John Tobia’s Commissioner Kristine Isnardi, In response to that possibility,
The torrent resulted in widespread office, she asked for help in coming whose district extends onto beachside, the Florida Department of Health
flooding up and down beachside. In ad- up with a long-term drainage solu- reminded residents in a statement of in Brevard County recently sent
dition to the totals in Melbourne Beach, tion. “We will be addressing Floridana the importance of the conservation out a press release urging residents
8 inches drenched Indialantic and 10 Beach’s situation with Public Works request. “We have already seen an ex- to take special caution if they spot
inches pelted Floridana Beach, prompt- once the immediate crisis has passed traordinary amount of rain that is im- dead fish in lakes, river or even
ing restriction recommendations from to see if there may be permanent pre- pacting the sewer systems. Numerous storm water retention ponds.
Brevard County. The rain continued to ventative measures that can be put in houses on the west side of Riverside
be an on-again, off-again presence for place,” replied Billy M. Prasad, Tobia’s Drive have sewage backing up into their Responding to the ongoing crisis
the rest of last week as the latest storm chief of staff and legal analyst. homes. We have already had to pump by looking for signs of algal blooms
system, Nate, gathered steam. some of the backup into the Lagoon to and a new way to approach solu-
The heavy downpours created a back- relieve the system.” tions is Indian River Lagoon Na-
“It’s hard to say for sure what hap- wash of sewage, prompting the county tional Estuary Program executive
pened on Ocean Avenue, but it looks to issue conservation recommenda- This past weekend, county officials director Dr. Duane DeFreese of In-
like a storm drain may have ruptured tions that remained in effect when this said residents who experienced flood- dialantic.
and it collapsed a section of road be- article went to press. Residents were ing following the Oct. 1 rainfall will be
cause it was undermined,” Melbourne asked to reduce sewer usage, especially included in the Hurricane Irma disas- He says Irma and the subsequent
Beach Town Clerk Nancy Wilson said. flushing toilets, doing laundry and long ter declaration and may apply for in- floods serve as a way to highlight
showers. Limiting usage will help reduce dividual assistance through the Fed- vulnerabilities in the local infra-
On Oct. 3, Melbourne Beach public the chances of backups into homes, into eral Emergency Management Agency. structure by looking at what sys-
works piled sandbags atop a tarp atop the streets and the Indian River. Meanwhile, Nate took a turn west and tems failed during the high winds
the hole just as a drizzle turned into spared Brevard with another onslaught, and rain.
another rain storm. The exercise was “We still need the restrictions in battering Gulf Coast cities including Bi-
designed to keep rain water from wid- South Beaches,” county spokesman loxi and the New Orleans area with sev- “This is a teaching moment. We
ening the hole until it was repaired. Don Walker said at the end of last week. eral feet of storm surge. can make better decisions. It’s a way
Repairs began Oct. 4, a day after the “We are still overflowing from man- to highlight areas of vulnerability
commission approved a contract for based on what failed. We knew we
up to $20,000 to B.S.E. Consultants, didn’t have enough capacity in the
Inc. of Melbourne for the work. wastewater system and there was
no place to put the water.
“It is essential that the hole be re-
paired as soon as possible so they “We’d be foolish not to identify
won’t stop until it’s done. We don’t where we’re vulnerable and then
want the issue to get worse and there- think about decisions that will de-
fore cost more,” Wilson said. crease our vulnerability to storms
and increase resiliency. These smart
Detective Sergeant Melanie Griswold growth decisions are always at a
said the hole partially blocked Ocean cost. I would argue the cost of not
Avenue but did not impede traffic flow. making these decisions over the
long haul is much more expensive,”
Between Oct. 1 and 2, Jim Poulos fig- he said.
ured 17 inches of rain poured down in
the Crystal Lake development south of Defreese said even before the
Melbourne Beach. “We had no flood- storms, the water quality was poor
ing where I live because we were at a throughout the entire Indian River
higher elevation than streets closer Lagoon, making it more likely to
to the river. That’s why we picked this have fish kills.
house,” he said.
“The first few hours of that rain,
For Floridana Beach resident Beth think about the oils on the roads, or
Glover, the Oct. 1 storm was the worst the pesticides, or anybody with litter
she’s experienced here. “My husband on the ground. All of that is going to
has lived here since 1970 and he has wind up in a storm drain going some-
Community Editor Advertising Director We are here to provide Brevard barrier President and Publisher
Lisa Zahner, 772-584-9121 Judy Davis, 772-633-1115 island readers with the most comprehen- Milton R. Benjamin, 772-559-4187
[email protected] [email protected] sive news coverage of Melbourne Beach, [email protected]
Indialantic, Indian Harbour Beach, Satellite
Staff Reporter Advertising Account Executives Beach, and South Merritt Island. Creative Director
Bill Sokolic, 609-457-5480 Lillian Belmont, 321-604-7833 Dan Alexander, 772-539-2700
[email protected] Will Gardner, 407-361-2150 For our advertising partners, we pledge [email protected]
to provide the most complete consulta-
Staff Reporter Columnists tive and marketing programs possible for Corporate Editor
George White, 321-795-3835 Pam Harbaugh, 321-794-3691 the best return on your investment. Steven M. Thomas, 772-453-1196
[email protected] Cynthia Van Gaasbeck, 321-626-4701 [email protected]
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, October 12, 2017 5
where, usually as surface water or in fish kills in the Indian River Lagoon where other dead fish are found. Do balance which may need to be ad-
some cases, out into the river,’’ he said. – algal blooms caused by excessive not swim or play in areas where dis- dressed to ensure a better environ-
nutrients in the water. tressed or dead fish are present. Do ment, DeFreese said.
County health officials explained not let pets swim in or drink from
that in fact, rather than human ac- Regardless of the cause of the kill, water in the area of a fish kill. For more information or to report
tivity, most common fish kill causes the health officials warn resident not a fish kill, please call the Department
are heavy rainfall, lake turnover, sa- to eat, collect or use fish, shrimp or The presence of any dead fish can of Health-Brevard at 321-633-2100 or
linity changes, or the major cause of crabs found dead or dying in areas reflect a disturbance in the delicate email [email protected].
6 Thursday, October 12, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Ryckman House: Spared by Irma, but not Father Time
STORY BY BILL SOKOLIC STAFF WRITER toric building. It needs constant main- Martha Remark. PHOTO: BENJAMIN THACKER
[email protected] tenance, but faces a dilemma: Do you
stay true to the pure historic nature of
Melbourne Beach’s historic Ryck- the structure and invest in the increas-
man House, despite the nasty swipe ing need for repairs, or go modern in
the area took from Hurricane Irma this an attempt to create a stronger building
month, has escaped damage, so thank- more able to weather the storms of age
fully pre-hurricane efforts to maintain and nature – and reduce expenses?
and further restore the building don’t
have to be diverted to damage control. That dilemma came before the com-
mission in the days prior to Irma over
Built in 1890, the Ryckman House is repairs and replacement for rotting
Melbourne Beach’s oldest and most his-
window frames and the condition of “The thing is to protect the build-
the roof. Certain windows have deteri- ing even if not a historically accurate
orated enough to let in a draft as well as building,” Simmons said. “My take is
rain. Public works crews have patched you can do vinyl windows, hurricane
what they could. In the past seven windows, and sure we can use asphalt
years, the Historic Preservation Board, shingles to protect the building even if
which oversees the Ryckman House, it is not as architecturally accurate for
has replaced a number of windows. its period. My take is we want to make
it look like an old building.”
“One of the concerns I have is we
keep trying to replace wooden win- Remark agreed that a modern,
dows with wooden windows. The board cost effective approach makes more
wanted the windows to be as original as sense.
possible so we got push back on switch-
ing to vinyl,” Mayor Jim Simmons said. Simmons said the town has bud-
geted $15,000 for windows and siding
Still, there are three vinyl windows and $20,000 for the roof in the 2017-
on the first floor. “They look OK,” said 18 budget. Commissioner Steve Wal-
board chair, Martha Remark. “We have ters said to get contractors out there
critical problems on the second floor. for quotes on the repairs for the win-
Seven windows need service.” dows.
As for the roof, the question is do “If we did five windows this year
they stick with historical shingles, and five next they would look dif-
which are expensive and fall off with ferent but only until all of them are
more frequency. done,” Simmons said.
‘See’ change:
Eye surgery benefits
from high-tech advances
8 Thursday, October 12, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
‘See’ change: Eye surgery benefits from high-tech advances
STORY BY TOM LLOYD STAFF WRITER But Dr. Stephen Tate, also with Dr. Stephen Tate.
[email protected] New Vision, might just disagree.
Dr. Paul Minotty, dean of the New Specifically, Tate points to two
Vision Eye Center team, was struck brand-new additions to the New
by a quote from a recent conference Visions optical arsenal: the Ocu-
he attended in Orlando. The speak- lar Refractive Analysis system, or
er’s words, according to Minotty, ORA, for cataract surgeries; and the
were these: “The future doesn’t ex- VISCO 360 visco-surgical system,
ist because we haven’t created it which is described as the world’s
yet.” first non-implantable micro-inva-
sive glaucoma surgery device.
If these new ad- Alcon Ocular Refractive
ditions aren’t the Analysis sytem - ORA.
future, they are
– at the very least – “uses a wavefront analysis of the
the current state of the art in eye during surgery at the point af-
ophthalmology surgery. ter a cataract is removed and before
the replacement intra-ocular lens is
That’s good news for the many inserted. The information obtained
millions of Americans in Vero is then plugged into a mathematical
Beach and across the country who formula that can then calculate the
have cataracts, as well as to the 3 proper intra-ocular lens” for each
million more who suffer from glau- individual patient.
In other words, it provides eye
“Cataracts,” explains Tate, “are surgeons like Tate with accurate,
just a clouding of the lens inside the real-time analysis of your eye dur-
eye. By the time that you’re 60, 70 ing surgery so that they select the
or 80 years old, the lens in your eye best-fitting replacement lens.
is 60, 70, 80 years old. It just starts
to get hazy and cloudy and typically Minotty says this wavefront anal-
will get a bit yellowish and brown ysis system is not available any-
over time. Eventually it gets cloudy place else on the Treasure Coast;
enough that it starts to affect the vi- when asked what it cost, all he
sion.” would reveal was that it was “in the
six-figure range.”
The solution? A surgical replace-
ment of that lens. In earlier versions of cataract
According to the American Acad-
emy of Ophthalmology, the ORA
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, October 12, 2017 9
box, Tate turns the conversation to older surgeries is they have a rela- pressure” than any stent.
the VISCO 360. tively high complication rate and Pausing only briefly, Tate then
a relatively high failure rate. And
It is, he says, “part of an increasing so, traditionally, those procedures adds, “We do currently have a clini-
trend in ophthalmology of trying to have been sort of saved for patients cal study going on for patients with
find less invasive, safer surgeries for who are really in trouble or who re- cataracts and glaucoma. People
patients with glaucoma that can be ally don’t have any other options having cataract surgery who also
used earlier in the disease process.” available to them. have glaucoma would qualify. It is
a post-approval FDA study, so any-
Glaucoma is caused by a build-up The VISCO 360, according to Tate, body interested in that should call
of pressure on the optic nerve, and is part of a MIGS – or micro-invasive the [New Vision] office” and see if
if left untreated can and does result glaucoma surgery – trend. Unlike a they qualify.
in permanent blindness. stent procedure, nothing is left in-
side the eye but the procedure can Dr. Stephen Tate is with New Vision
“Traditional glaucoma surger- dramatically ease the pressure on Eye Center at 1055 37th Place in Vero
ies like the trabeculectomy or tube the optic nerve. In fact, Tate says it Beach, directly across from the hospital.
shunts, are surgeries that very pow- is “more powerful at lowering eye The phone number is 772-257-8700.
erfully lower eye pressure,” Tate ex-
plains, “but the problem with those
surgery, measurements were taken
before any incisions were made, but
even the most accomplished sur-
geons would admit there was always
a margin of error to deal with in se-
lecting the proper replacement lens.
Factors including any irregulari-
ties of the cornea or the presence of
an unusually thick or dense cataract
could throw off those pre-operative
Because the ORA system provides
real-time calculations during the
surgery – including after the eye’s
natural lens is removed – it allows
Tate and his colleagues to select the
ideal replacement lens based on the
eye’s physiology. In many cases it
can minimize or even eliminate the
need for a patient to wear glasses af-
ter their cataract surgery.
Tate puts it more simply. “It is a
system designed to increase the
percentage of people who are glass-
es-free” after cataract procedures,
adding, “It also helps to improve
astigmatism correction outcomes.”
“The ORA,” Tate explains, “can
take extremely accurate measure-
ments of the astigmatism and also
extremely accurate measurements
of what type of implant to put in the
“Let’s pretend you’re somebody
who’s very, very near-sighted,” Tate
continues. “If you decide that you
want to have clear vision at distance
after your cataract surgery, we then
select the lens implant strength that
would be appropriate to put in the
eye that would then correct your
nearsightedness for you.”
Clearly excited about the new,
high-tech tools in his optical tool-
10 Thursday, October 12, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
What gives? The psychology of donating blood
STORY BY AMY ELLIS NUTT WASHINGTON POST To fill the daily need of like they don’t have control over that sure to be like everyone else. But
patients at the nation’s situation,” said Arthur Markman, a during a national emergency, when
It happens after every disaster, psychology professor at the Univer- everyone’s focus is on the public trag-
whether natural or human-made. 2,600 hospitals, the sity of Texas at Austin. “One response edy, there is a communal willingness
Before the floods recede or the crime American Red Cross must is to reassert your control … You look to do something that is clearly not felt
tape is removed, hundreds will line for something tangible to do that al- at other times of the year.
up to donate their blood. collect nearly 14,000 lows you to take control.”
blood donations every Markman cites another reason for
Less than 24 hours after the mass To fill the daily need of patients the soaring number of blood dona-
shooting in Las Vegas, a line of people day, according to at the nation’s 2,600 hospitals, the tions in the aftermath of events like
twisted from a blood center around its website. American Red Cross must collect the Las Vegas massacre: the psycho-
several city blocks. According to one nearly 14,000 blood donations every logical theory of terror management.
woman’s tweet, it took seven hours or Some experts say it is the need to day, according to its website. Yet in
more to get to the front of the line. act, more than it is the act of donat- 2017, blood drives across the United “The theory of terror management
ing. States have seen far fewer donors taps into how existential concerns
Time and time again it’s the same than in the past, say Red Cross offi- motivate people,” Colin Zestcott told
story. When two bombs shredded “Every time there’s a disaster or an cials. It was so bad this summer, on the Washington Post last year. Zest-
scores of runners and fans at the 2103 attack, in those moments people feel July 5 the organization said it was cott, formerly at the University of Ari-
Boston Marathon, media outlets re- 61,000 donors short of what was im- zona, is now a psychologist at the State
ported that some participants who mediately needed. University of New York at Geneseo.
had crossed the finish line kept run- “When people are worried about their
ning – right to Massachusetts Gen- Because fresh blood can be stored mortality they want to maintain self-
eral, around the corner, to donate for only four to six weeks (and can’t esteem and grab on to anything that
blood. be frozen for later use), there is a con- makes them feel like they’ll live on.”
tinual need for the precious fluid.
Yet every year, less than 10 percent Markman says the overwhelming
of those who are eligible to give blood In a study published in the Journal charitable response to disasters, like
do so, according to the American Red of Consumer Research in September, the one in Las Vegas, fits well with the
Cross, though blood is needed some- researchers found that independent- psychological theory of terror man-
where in the United States every two minded folks view public appeals agement, which has been gaining ac-
seconds. from blood centers as a social pres- ceptance for some two decades.
So what gives?
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Wall-star artists will
transform Eau Gallie’s
‘outer spaces’ P. 14
12 Thursday, October 12, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Ashley’s family and friends share ‘Survivor’ suspense
STORY BY CYNTHIA VAN GAASBECK CORRESPONDENT presides over an informal and good- Carole Gatto and Sheila Gurr. PHOTOS: BENJAMIN THACKER
[email protected] natured crowd. The restaurant was
packed for episode two, with two
For family and friends of Satellite long tables in the main dining area
Beach’s Ashley Nolan, last week’s reserved for the party and every
episode of “Survivor” is just more side table and booth packed with
proof that she is a happy, smiling friends as well.
force with whom to contend.
Ashley’s mother, Ronnie Nolan,
The Brevard County Ocean Res- of Indian Harbour Beach, gave her
cue captain and lifelong beach- a warm hug and settled in for the
side resident could be emerging as show. She’s proud of her daughter,
a leader on the 35th season of the of course, and wore a wide smile all
CBS reality show, filmed over seven evening. “I think it’s awesome! I’m
weeks last spring in Fiji. The show, so excited for her and proud of her,”
titled “Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hus- she said. Enthusiastic but not want-
tlers,” pits three “tribes” against ing to jinx the outcome, she added:
one another in stress-inducing tests “I think she’s going to do great!”
of strength, teamwork and creativ-
ity while stoking drama through Aunt Cindy McGuire of Indian
strategic alliances and a large dose Harbour Beach said her niece is giv-
of backstabbing. ing no clues as to the outcome of
her stay on the island. “All we know
The point is to be the last man or is that she went to Fiji! Other than
woman standing of the 18 partici- that, she’s not giving up any infor-
pants, having conquered the ele- mation! But knowing Ashley, I think
ments of nature and the deceptions she did quite well. She performs
of the human mind. well whatever she puts her mind to.
She goes for it. So we’re rooting her
Nolan and her family invited all on,” McGuire said.
to a weekly viewing get together at
Doubles Beachside in Indian Har- Aunt Susan Nolan, a teacher at
bour Beach, where the 27-year-old
Ashley Logan at Doubles Beachside before the ‘Survivor’ premiere. PHOTOS: RYAN CLAPPER
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, October 12, 2017 13
FeCsrtaivfat l
An Outdoor Craft Show
Oct. 14th – 15th
10am – 5pm
Ocean Breeze Elementary School, cult. “I told her that it was almost like Free
looks forward with growing antici- she was dead because everything Admission
pation to the Wednesday night gath- here was the same and memories of
erings. “I am proud of her commit- her were still around here but she The Avenue Viera on Town Center Ave.
ment in pursuing and achieving her wasn’t. And nobody knew anything. in Viera, FL (north of Melbourne)
goal of being on ‘Survivor.’ I have It was hard, absolutely,” he said.
always loved the show and watching
it with here while she is on it makes She recalls: “We had just started
it very exciting,” she said. “Fingers talking a couple of weeks before I American Craft Endeavors
crossed she takes home the million.” got the call. He was super supportive (561) 746-6615
about it. But I’m sure some part of
Ashley’s father, Jim Nolan, could him was like, well this is an interest-
not attend this night but played a ing way to start a relationship.
pivotal role in Ashley’s experience.
“Since the first season ‘Survivor’ “He and his whole family have
came out, me and my dad have been been wonderful and supportive. I’m
huge fans. He was telling me every very blessed in life and very happy,”
episode: ‘When you’re on that show, she said before the 8 p.m. telecast.
you need to do this, do this, do this.
You’re going to be on that show one Nolan, a lifeguard captain for the
day.’ past three years, is thoughtful about
her future.
“Multiple occasions came up
when I thought, ‘What would my dad “I want to take from this and move
want me to do right now?’ He prob- forward the best I can. Being out
ably wouldn’t expect me to cry as there (on the island), I was thinking
much as I ended up crying,” she said so much about hunger. I lingered on
with a laugh. the thought of hunger and I’m con-
sidering some sort of activism,” she
For the interested, yes, she has a said.
boyfriend. Elliot Russell, 28, of Indi-
alantic, is essential to what she calls “A lot of people have been on ‘Sur-
her blessed life. But Russell admits vivor’ but what have they done? At
those seven weeks away were diffi- the end of the day, ‘Survivor’ isn’t go-
ing to be my biggest claim to fame. I
want to make a difference.
14 Thursday, October 12, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
6THANNUAL Wall-star artists will transform
Eau Gallie’s ‘outer spaces’
JEWELRY SHOW [email protected]
How does the Eau Gallie Arts Dis- Lisa Packard. PHOTO: BENJAMIN THACKER
trict organize an Anti-Gravity Proj-
Saturday, October 21 | 10:00 am ect? They planet. pits artists against each other for live
illustration battles in what its cre-
The Brennity at Melbourne is on the corner of life and That excruciating, paraphrased ators call the “Fight Club” of the art
style. Enjoy a lively social scene, fun fitness and fine pun is courtesy of the good people scene.
dining every day. Join us for our 6th Annual Fit for a at NASA, who know a thing or two
Queen Jewelry Show. about gravity. Packard also disclosed that the
district will be dabbling in tacti-
• Local jewelry vendors The Eau Gallie Arts District is get- cal urbanism, an innovation born
• Original knitted items ting into the space biz, too, sort of, to combat people-unfriendly city
• Silent auction and raffle* as it continues to unveil plans for an design. It’s a way to reimagine city
unprecedented public art event tak- space as comfortable, fun gathering
*Proceeds benefiting the Candlelighters of Brevard, ing place from Nov. 24 to Dec. 3. spots. Often low-cost and transport-
Inc., offering support to children with cancer. able, colorful and creative, tactical
Announced to much fanfare on urbanism allows city dwellers to get
Come visit, you’re welcome anytime the soggy, immediately post-Irma more use out of permanent struc-
Thursday, the district is revealing tures.
321-253-7440 details little by little for its 10-day,
Anti-Gravity Project that will see in- “People will be coming from St.
Cottages • Independent LIvIng • assIsted LIvIng • MeMory Care ternational muralist stars, talented Petersburg and Orlando and other
local artists and the general public places in Florida for the weekend. transform the area’s “outer spaces” There will be something going on ev-
into works of art. ery day, every night. There are going
7300 Watersong Lane, Melbourne, FL 32940 to be many layers of things that are
Begun in 2011, the arts district’s happening,” she said. Packard not-
A SAGORA SENIOR LIVING COMMUNITY AL#11595 “outdoor museum” program has ed that the website will have a daily
dressed Eau Gallie’s buildings with schedule of events and Anti-Gravity
11 murals, including the iconic shark Project has its own Facebook page.
painting on the side of the old Dr.
Joe’s Intracoastal Lounge building. “The closing ceremony will be the
The Anti-Gravity Project will add at following Saturday. We’re closing
least nine more, said EGAD Execu- the street for that, kind of a street
tive Director Lisa Packard. fair. The southern end is going to be
a playground; nothing else. Think
The anti-gravity theme is a nod to jump rope, four square, rock climb-
the Space Coast’s habit of launching ing wall; we’ll also have a few bigger
vehicles into the stratosphere and things like a bounce house. There
beyond and “because public art el- will be bands all day and fun, inter-
evates a community,” Packard said. active things. When most people go
to something in the street, it’s lined
The project has been broken into with vendors -- this not going to be
thirds, with the local artists still be- like that,” Packard promised.
ing determined and the names of the
internationally known artists still For more information, visit www.
under wraps. The final third will be
an absolute wild card of anybody
and everybody with paint or markers
and the desire to create.
The Anti-Gravity Project is led by
director and co-curator Angelo Man-
zano and co-curator Derek Gores.
“Derek and Angelo are the curation
team. For three years they’ve been
soliciting who wants a mural. They
are curating the wall with the artist
and the concept,” she added.
“The kick-off day is Black Friday,
the day after Thanksgiving. We’ll
have an opening ceremony. There
will be a festival feel. Every single day
there will be something going on: an
artist Q&A, panels, competitions,”
Packard said last Friday in her office
just steps from Eau Gallie Boulevard.
She was particularly excited to say
the project will be hosting a Secret
Walls competition. Ultra-hip Secret
Walls began in London in 2006 and
16 Thursday, October 12, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
‘Sweeney Todd’: Surprises in store for macabre musical
STORY BY PAM HARBAUGH CORRESPONDENT by Raymond Weber in his first main- “I don’t know where he’s been hid- little nod to it.”
[email protected] stage show at the Henegar. ing,” Del Brocco said. “With his ability Just as this is something new for a
and talent, I’m surprised he doesn’t do
Audiences will see a sweet mix of new One of the big surprises was the this all the time.” musical nearly 40 years old, directing
and familiar when “Sweeney Todd: The casting of a virtual unknown, Josh- a show like this is definitely something
Demon Barber of Fleet Street” opens ua Doyle, in the role of Sweeney. But Moreover, this is Del Brocco’s first new for a man who’s been in love all his
Friday at the Henegar. when director Dominic Del Brocco job directing a mainstage season show. life with everything Disney.
saw him at audition, he knew imme- He first hit the Henegar in his winning
Familiar faces include those of: Ter- diately he had his Sweeney. portrayal of Clopin in last season’s “The Born and raised with two older sis-
rence Girard (soon to be entering into ters in a working class household, Del
“veteran Brevard performer” status) as
the cruel Judge who, 20 years before the Full company with director Dominic Del Brocco. PHOTO BY: BENJAMIN THACKER
story begins, banished Sweeney in or-
der to have his way with Sweeney’s wife;
as the Judge’s servant, Beadle Bamford,
is Greg Galbreath, a performer who first
let loose his strong presence in the role
of Jean Valjean at Titusville Playhouse;
and Shane Frampton, a professional ac-
tress and a Henegar favorite, in the role
of Mrs. Lovett, a lady who makes and
sells the “worst pies in London” and
who never takes a dead cat for granted.
Newcomers are Kaitlin Ruby, familiar
to Vero Beach residents as a former Miss
Hibiscus who played in the title role in
the Theatre Guild’s “Evita” last year. At
Henegar she takes the ingénue role of
beautiful Johanna, Sweeney’s unsus-
pecting daughter who falls in love with
Anthony, a virtuous young man played
Hunchback of Notre Dame.” Brocco had wanted to become a Disney
And, he’s bringing a courageous, animator. But after getting bitten by the
acting bug, he set his sights on perform-
fresh concept to the show – “steam- ing at the Magic Kingdom.
punk” styling.
Twenty years ago, Disney held audi-
For sure, composer and lyricist Ste- tions in Baltimore. Del Brocco went and
phen Sondheim showed courage when got a call back. He dashed home quickly
he decided to turn a “penny dreadful” to tell his family the good news.
melodrama into “Sweeney Todd.” When
the show opened in 1979 Broadway was “I remember running to my mother
saturated with feel-good shows like and father, who were both there, and
“Annie” and “The Best Little Whore- I think I played it down, like ‘Oh, that
house in Texas.” was just another audition.’ They were
like, ‘Oh, I guess it didn’t go well.’ Then
But his grisly and misanthropic mu- I erupted into excitement and told them
sical about a murderous barber, and his what happened.”
landlady who turned his leftovers into
meat pies, won an astounding eight He scraped together some money,
Tony Awards. It has, throughout the de- flew to Orlando and was cast.
cades, become a favorite of profession-
al, regional and community theaters. For 13 years he performed in all four of
Disney’s main theme parks, doing shows
Del Brocco hopes that a similar re- from “The Lion King” to “Hunchback of
ward happens for his unique “steam- Notre Dame,” in which he performed
punk” take. the role of Clopin, which, in 2016, would
become his first stint at the Henegar.
The retro-futuristic style combines a
Victorian aesthetic with elements of the He later went into management and
industrial revolution. Think Jules Verne was on the production teams for “Mick-
with high top hats and goggles, women ey’s Not So Scary” and “Mickey’s Very
in velvet skirts decorated with bronze Merry.”
gadgets, and jewelry made of gears.
“I could wow you with an endless sea
“I changed the overall look so it’s not of useless Disney knowledge,” he said.
the same old, same old,” Del Brocco said. “I’ve been to Marceline, Missouri, in
“Typically, ‘Sweeney Todd’ is done with a the middle of nowhere, Walt Disney’s
turn-of-the-century gothic theme. With hometown. I’ve been to the house where
my approach, I shuffled the time line a he was born and raised. To his grave. To
little bit to the industrial revolution. the original studios.”
“And I added more flair, especially He even went to Disneyland in Ana-
to costumes and set pieces. It’s not heim, Calif., where he befriended the
overwhelmingly steam punk. Just a man in charge of the Disney archives
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, October 12, 2017 17
and who gave him a tour of the back lot Coming Up: Choral concert is ‘Heavens’ sent
and old animation studios.
Indialantic Chamber Singers.
So, indeed, “Sweeney Todd,” which
has not only dark themes but melodic STORY BY SAMANTHA BAITA STAFF WRITER Sebastian River Art Club. ready to chat with you. Refreshments
dissonance as well. [email protected] and free raffles of artworks are also
on the afternoon’s menu. You might
“I’ve done a great deal of thinking 1 Sure-to-be-heavenly classical just discover the perfect holiday
about that,” Del Brocco said with a and contemporary choral music gift or, even the exactly right paint-
laugh. “Coming from a background ing to go on that bare, problem wall.
like Disney – make everyone smile and is on the program when the Indial- It’s definitely happened to me. The
make everyone happy – this is the op- center’s regular hours are Tuesdays,
posite. antic Chamber Singers present their Thursdays and most Saturdays from
11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
“When I was first working on ‘Swee- annual fall concert “The Heavens Are
ney Todd’ and sketching out my ideas,
I had to tap into a darker place. It’s a Telling,” this Friday at Advent Luther-
challenge but rewarding. And it is being
so well received by the cast. They think an Church, 7550 N. Wickham Road in
it’s fantastic.”
Suntree. Works by classical compos-
Greg Galbreath, who portrays the
Beadle, the corrupt Judge’s servant, ers Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven,
says working on Del Brocco’s concept
has been fun and positive. as well as Randall Thompson, Eric 3 There’re always a good time and
good music to be found at Lou’s
“The cast has been fantastic,” Gal- Whitacre and John Rutter will be 2 Did you know that the Sebas-
breath said. “I’ve enjoyed meeting a lot tian River area is home to a
of new faces. I’m still amazed at how performed, under the baton of inter- Blues bar and restaurant, right on
much talent (the area) continues to
produce.” im artistic director Beth Green. The number of quite exceptional artists? the ocean in Indialantic. The décor
Del Brocco has also kept the ensem- group’s founder and director emeri- Or that the Sebastian River Art Club is fun and funky and the atmosphere
ble a tight one. The cast has a total of 22
performers. tus David Vogeding will accompany is celebrating its 80th anniversary is laid back and weekend friendly.
“Within that I’ve created cast differ- on the pipe organ during two of the this month? Founded in 1937, the Friday’s live music comes courtesy
ences between upper and lower class.
I utilized the ensemble through many classical pieces. The concert cen- Sebastian River Art Club will launch of the Ladies of Soul, an energetic
scenes throughout the show with dif-
ferent story lines. I didn’t change the terpiece is Franz Josef Haydn’s “The its ninth decade with an art show 7-piece band featuring a trio of pow-
material of course, just the staging of it.
Heavens Are Telling,” from his endur- and reception this Saturday, 4 p.m. erhouse female vocalists. They’ll
“For those who know the show, to-
ward the end of the first act, two major ing oratorio “The Creation.” Accord- to 6 p.m., in the Sebastian River Art bring Motown, disco, R&B and more,
songs will have a ‘pleasing’ surprise.”
ing to BBC Music Magazine, during Club Art Center, 1245 Main St. in Se- from supercharged to subdued and
He was referring to two of the musi-
cal’s most iconic numbers, “Epiphany” the 1791 Handel Festival in London’s bastian. If this will be your first time elegant, to suit the mood of the audi-
and “A Little Priest.”
Westminster Abbey, Haydn was over- there, expect to be quite pleasantly ence. On Saturday, Katty Shack takes
In “Epiphany,” Sweeney discov-
ers that the cruel judge has slipped whelmed by the “monumental sub- surprised at the artistic range and the stage, playing ’80s faves all night
through his fingers. His bloody course
accelerates and he sings he will have limity of the choruses” in Handel’s talent that can be found in North In- long, “from Journey to Michael Jack-
“Messiah,” an experience that set dian River County. There will be an son and everything in between.” Live
“You see change in his charac-
ter where he becomes enraged,” Del him on the path to his own master- exhibition of recent works by mem- music is 9:30 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. Friday
Brocco said.
piece, “The Creation, ” the greatest ber artists, who will be present and and Saturday.
That is followed by “A Little Priest,”
a gloriously gruesome song sung triumph of his career. The “Hallelu-
by Sweeney and his landlady, Mrs.
Lovett, the purveyor of the worst jah” from Beethoven’s dramatic ora-
meat pies in London. In it, she muses
how burying the dead victims is “an torio “Christ on the Mount of Olives”;
awful waste.” So she comes up with
her ghastly plan on how to grow her the quiet and introspective “Alleluia”
pie shop.
composed by Randall Thompson
“That is typically just two perform-
ers singing their song to each other, during WWII; and “Lux Aurumque”
but I have added a couple of elements
to breathe a little life into that scene,” (light and gold), a Christmas piece by
Del Brocco said.
Eric Whitacre, based on a Latin poem
“Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber
of Fleet Street” runs through Oct. 29 of the same name, are juxtaposed
at the Henegar Center, 625 E. New Ha-
ven Ave., Melbourne. Tickets are $26 with energetic spirituals to complete
general, $23 military and seniors and
$16 students with $3 handling fees per the program. Chamber Singers presi-
ticket. Call 321-723-8698 or visit Hen- dent and bass Tony Spadafora says,
“It is impossible to hear this in per-
formance and not be moved. I believe
each audience member will find a
musical selection that resonates with
(him or her) personally.” The concert
is free. A $10 donation is suggested.
The concert begins at 7:30 p.m.
BY MATTHEW BOYLE | BLOOMBERG new. What’s different is that Best health-and-wellness departments in smart-home installation program in
Buy Co., better known for hawking Best Buy’s more than 1,000 stores. several West Coast cities.
Jane Helgesen had a rough night TVs and computers than for selling
recently, as nausea kept the 71-year- geriatric-care products, is wiring it Joly concedes it’s a bit of a stretch for All of these systems could easily be
old retired nurse scurrying to the all together. The electronics retailer, the electronics retailer: “We’re not top tailored to keep an eye on the elderly.
bathroom. A sensor under the bed which sells an entry-level package of of mind” in the geriatric-care market.
recorded her comings and goings, gear for $389.96 (installation costs an Fueling the interest in monitoring
sending alerts to her daughter, Britt, extra $199), also provides a monitor- For now, Best Buy is one of a num- aging relatives remotely are some
who lives nearby. ing service for $29 a month. ber of consumer and tech companies compelling demographics. By 2020
jockeying for position in a race for a about 45 million Americans will be
Feeling better the next day, Hel- Helgesen’s home is a proving likely $50 billion market to remotely caring for 117 million seniors, spend-
gesen used a doorbell camera to ground for this fledgling unit, called look after grandma. Joly calls it “white ing on everything from food delivery
welcome guests, whose images are Assured Living, now open for busi- space waiting to be captured.” to safety and health monitors.
displayed on her rose-gold iPhone, ness in Denver as well as the Twin
which she also uses to unlock the Cities area. If the two test markets Google, Microsoft, and Samsung Research by the AARP and con-
front door and tweak the thermo- work out, Best Buy Chief Executive are all going after the smart-home sultants Parks Associates found that
stat. Officer Hubert Joly envisions rolling market with networked gear such as caregivers will spend an average of
out a broader business of sensor- security cameras and thermostats $509 annually for each person they
The smart gadgets in Helgesen’s based senior services, sold through that can be managed by voice con- tend to by 2021, a 69 percent in-
three-bedroom townhouse aren’t trollers or smartphones. Amazon. crease from 2016. That number is
com Inc. has already introduced a only likely to rise.
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, October 12, 2017 21
Caregivers are typically busy with Joly says he’s learned from others’ trained dietitians and exercise physi- the hardware is sold separately and
their own kids and jobs, so beyond mistakes. In Denver, Best Buy has ologists on top of the smart-home typically costs a few hundred dol-
the direct spending lies an additional teamed up with insurer UnitedHealth network for $59 a month. That price lars per home. It’s not cheap, but it’s
$522 billion annually in income lost Group Inc., which layers the person- includes installation, plus a data- much less than the $3,500 a month
because of time spent on elder care, al touch of wellness coaching from collecting base station, but the rest of that space in an assisted-living devel-
the Rand Corp. estimates. Three out opment can run.
of four caregivers want to use technol- A motion sensor blends in with decorations
ogy to make their duties easier, but above the kitchen sink in Helgesen’s home. “We don’t have enough long-term-
only 7 percent have actually done so, care facilities to take care of people,
according to a 2016 study sponsored and 90 percent of seniors want to stay
by AARP and others. at home,” says Dr. Rhonda Randall,
chief medical officer of UnitedHealth-
Can Best Buy compete in this un- care Retiree Solutions. “But they may
familiar world? “When you think of be nervous about that.”
home health care, you don’t think of
Best Buy,” says John Hopper, chief in- To put older consumers at ease, Best
vestment officer of Ziegler Link-Age Buy is using a specially trained sales
Longevity Fund LP, which invests in team to advise them and their caregiv-
companies targeting seniors. “They do ers on what to purchase, while instal-
have to create some bona fides.” lation is handled by its Geek Squad
tech-support crew. One early lesson,
The prospect of a booming geriat- says AJ McDougall, the general manag-
ric market has given rise to a slew of er in charge of the program: “We have
venture-backed startups, most offer- lots of dementia cases, so they got spe-
ing some type of tech-enabled service. cific training for that.”
Britt Stanton, left, and her mother, Jane Helgesen. Stanton signed her “Best Buy’s staff needs to have some
mother up for the Assured Living program shortly after it became available. inkling about who these people are,”
says Jody Holtzman, senior vice presi-
Nobody has yet cornered the market Viewing the doorbell camera dent for market innovation at the AARP.
and many have faltered. of Helgesen’s home on the “You have to have something that reso-
Assured Living app on her nates with the senior as well as the care-
One example is Lively, a senior home- daughter’s iPhone. giver who is writing the check.”
monitoring service backed by Maveron,
the consumer-focused venture capital Helgesen, for instance, thought at
firm co-founded by Starbucks Corp. Ex- first that she was “a little young” to need
ecutive Chairman Howard Schultz. a houseful of gadgets tracking her daily
routine. She even got rid of the sensor in
The Bay Area startup, run by veter- her favorite living-room chair soon after
ans of Apple Inc. and EBay Inc., erred it was installed because she didn’t think
by ramping up too quickly and sell- it was needed. But she likes the bed sen-
ing directly to consumers, rather than sor’s ability to log her time asleep each
through established industry partners, night – six hours and 12 minutes, on av-
according to Laurie Orlov, founder erage. Daughter Britt’s concerned reac-
of industry researcher Aging in Place tion to receiving that data: “You should
Technology Watch. The company fiz- get more sleep, Mom.”
zled and was quietly acquired last year
by GreatCall, a San Diego-based maker Meeting the often conflicting needs
of senior-friendly devices. of seniors and their children is the big-
gest challenge, experts say. “It can’t just
be about calming the nerves of the
adult caregiver,” says Laura Carstensen,
director of the Stanford Center on Lon-
As Best Buy proceeds, it could find
itself competing against companies
that already sell geriatric products in –
you guessed it – Best Buy stores. One
of those is GreatCall, which has offered
its senior-friendly phones and medi-
cal-alert devices at Best Buy for about
a decade.
GreatCall CEO David Inns says he
welcomes the competition as a sign that
senior care is “finally becoming sexy.”
He thinks the entry of companies with
established marketing savvy will help
all players. “This market has been held
back because there is a lack of consum-
er brands in this space,” Inns says.
That could change as more com-
panies begin targeting customers
like Helgesen, who broke her toe just
weeks before she got the smart-home
setup. “I wish I had that smart doorbell
working then,” she sighs. “It’s really
made a difference.”
WHAT MAKES YOUR HEART TICK? PART II quadrants are the right and left atria; the bottom two quadrants are © 2017 Vero Beach 32963 Media, all rights reserved
Last time we introduced what the heart is, and how the heart works. the right and left ventricles.
We learned the right side of the heart receives oxygen-depleted
blood from the body’s tissues via veins. Blood is oxygenated via the All blood enters the right side of the heart through two veins: the
lungs, and then sent from the left side of the heart via arteries to
every cell in the body. superior vena cava and the inferior vena cava.
While the heart is busy pumping blood for the body, how does it
get its own blood supply to stay healthy and fully functional? Today, From these two veins, blood flows…
we’ll answer that question, plus familiarize you with heart valves, and Into the right atrium
the journey blood takes through the heart and lungs. Through the tricuspid valve
Like all organs, your heart is made of tissue that requires a supply Through the pulmonary valve
of oxygen and nutrients. Although its chambers are full of blood, the To the pulmonary artery
heart receives no nourishment from this blood. The heart receives its To the lungs
own supply of blood from a network of arteries, called the coronary
arteries. The coronary arteries extend over the surface of your heart The blood picks up oxygen in the lungs, and then flows from the lungs…
and branch into smaller capillaries that feed your heart with oxygen- Into the pulmonary veins
rich blood. Up to the left atrium
WHAT ARE HEART VALVES? Through the mitral valve
As blood pumps through each of the four chambers of the heart, Down to the left ventricle
it passes through a valve. The tricuspid, mitral, pulmonary and aortic Through the aortic valve
valves work like gates on a fence. They open only one way, and only Out the body via the aorta
when pushed on. Each valve opens and closes once per heartbeat – DID YOU KNOW?
or about once every second. The average heart…
Heart valves work the same way as one-way valves in the plumb- Beats (expands and contracts) 72 times per minute
ing of your home. They prevent blood from flowing in the wrong Beats about 100,000 times each day/35 million times a year
direction. The four valves within your heart keep your blood moving Pumps around 5 quarts of blood every minute
the right way.
WHAT PATH DOES BLOOD FOLLOW THROUGH THE HEART? The circulation system of blood vessels...
Picture the heart as four quadrants called chambers. The top two Is over 60,000 miles long (enough to go around the world
more than twice)
Takes less than 60 seconds to pump blood to every cell in
your body.
Your comments and suggestions for future topics are always
welcome. Email us at [email protected].
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Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, October 12, 2017 23
Today, Giorgio Vasari (1511-1574) is a primary source, al- Platonist Marsilio Ficino and the ri- the way. When they finally told Filip-
usually remembered only as the au- beit with caution: He is valry between Florentine art based on po to make it stand still, he gracious-
thor of “The Lives of the Most Excel- hardly what one would disegno – a word meaning “design” or ly took the egg, smashed its bottom
lent Painters, Sculptors, and Archi- call impartial or disin- “drawing” and implying careful prep- onto the surface of the marble — and
tects,” one of the foundational works terested. Vasari bad- aration – and the more freewheeling up it stood. When they all protested
of art history and a book nearly as mouths his enemies colorism of Titian and the Venetian loudly that they could have done the
entertaining as its models, Plutarch’s (such as Cellini), while school. Other pages track contem- same thing, he replied, laughing, that
“Lives of the Noble Grecians and Ro- his novella-length ac- porary papal politics, the wars of the then they should also have known
mans” and Suetonius’s “Lives of the count of Michelangelo Italian city-states with France and the how to vault the cupola.” Even now,
Caesars.” In its fullest edition, Vasari approaches hagiogra- Holy Roman Empire, and the tragic Brunelleschi’s elegant Duomo is the
presents gossipy biographical por- phy. Moreover, rather histories of various members of the centerpiece of innumerable postcards
traits of seemingly all of Renaissance than verify his facts, Medici family (half of whom seem to mailed from Florence.
Italy’s major (and minor) artists, in- he tends to “print the be named Lorenzo).
cluding Cimabue, Leonardo, Botticel- legend.” Did the young Such historical tidbits are unques-
li, Raphael, Titian and Michelangelo. Giotto really draw a Not least, Rowland and Charney tionably entertaining, but they also
perfect O when asked relate much piquant trivia. For in- render “The Collector of Lives” a bit
As Ingrid Rowland and Noah Char- to supply an example stance, “In the Middle Ages, lapis of a hodgepodge – unless, of course,
ney remind us in “The Collector of of his work? Did Pie- lazuli cost more by weight than saf- the authors are deliberately emulat-
Lives,” scholars still turn to Vasari as ro di Cosimo really fron or gold and, for this reason, was ing what the period’s rhetoricians
live almost entirely usually reserved for the garment of called “copia,” a flowery abundance.
on hard-boiled eggs? the Virgin Mary.” When the bubonic After a sensationalistic opening –
Maybe, maybe not. plague struck, the few shops that re- Could there be a lost Leonardo be-
Some stories are too mained open “passed goods to cus- hind a Vasari fresco? – the book does
good to check. tomers through an iron grate, forbid- settle down, but many points are
ding them to come inside. Customers tediously repeated: Once we’re told
Rowland lives in placed their coins in a bowl rather that “Uccello” means “bird” or that
Rome and is the au- than in the shopkeeper’s hand, and pornographer Pietro Aretino died
thor of a fine biogra- the bowl’s contents were then tipped laughing at a dirty joke, we don’t
phy of the philosopher into a jar of water to wash away po- need to be told again, let alone three
Giordano Bruno and tential contaminants.” In Michelan- times, as we are the anecdote about
of a guide to Pompeii gelo’s “Last Judgment,” Christ is “so the young Leonardo depicting an
; Charney, who resides muscle-bound that he has an eight- angel so beautifully that his teacher
in Slovenia, founded pack instead of a six-pack.” The artist Verrocchio gave up painting and
the Association for who punched Michelangelo and gave decided to stick with sculpture. I’m
Research Into Crimes Against Art. him that famous broken nose – his sorry to add, too, that lax proofread-
How these two scholars came to name was Torrigiano – eventually ing has resulted in words dropped
work together isn’t made clear, but emigrated to England “where he cre- from sentences, some grammatical
their book’s subtitle, “Giorgio Vasari ated some of the finest sculpture in errors (“no one could never”) and a
and the Invention of Art,” seems a Westminster Abbey.” particularly embarrassing misspell-
somewhat audacious claim. Perhaps ing in the acknowledgments (Robert
“the invention of art history” would Interspersed with these factoids Silbers for Robert Silvers).
be more accurate? are numerous stories taken from Va-
Though mainly a life of Vasari – and sari’s “Lives” itself. For example, when Because of these blemishes, “The
one contending that he is a major – Italy’s best architects were compet- Collector of Lives” lacks anything
their book also touches on many of ing for the commission to design approaching Raphael-like perfec-
the civic, intellectual and aesthetic the complicated dome for Florence’s tion. You should read it anyway.
currents of 16th-century Italy. Con- new cathedral, one of them – Filippo
sequently, the reader will learn about Brunelleschi – proposed a contest: THE COLLECTOR OF LIVES
the painting “factories” of established “Whoever could balance an egg up- Giorgio Vasari and the Invention of Art
masters, the intricacies of the patron- right on a marble slab should make
age system, how to work in egg tem- the cupola … An egg was provided, By Ingrid Rowland and Noah Charney
pera, the cultural influence of the and all these masters tried to make it Norton. 420 pp. $29.95
stand up straight, but none could find Review by Michael Dirda
The Washington Post
November 1st at 7pm 1. The Cuban Affair 1. Protecting the President 1. I Am Sacagawea BY BRAD MELTZER
2. The Spooky Express Florida
presents 2. Sulfur Springs 2. Killing England
3. The Wild Robot BY PETER BROWN
A Year in Space,
A Lifetime of Discovery 3. Don't Let Go 3. Alone BY MICHAEL KORDA BY DAV PILKEY
Knopf Books BY HARLAN COBEN 5. The Paradigm 5. Duck and Goose Honk! Quack!
The Scott Kelly event is being held at Saint Ed- 4. A Column of Fire BY JONATHAN CAHN
ward's School Waxlax Center for the Performing
Arts. Call the Book Center for ticket information. BY KEN FOLLETT
392 Miracle Mile (21st Street), Vero Beach | 772.569.2050 |
24 Thursday, October 12, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Bonz meets pretty Pixie, an itsy-bitsy Mini Miki
Hi Dog Buddies! purebreds want liddle puppies). She outta watchin’ birds an squir-
I’m pretty sure Pixie Hadley is the said me an my sis- rels an lizards, but I never chase
liddlest pooch I’ve ever met. She sent
me a Woofmail a while back wonderin’ ter had been ’em. Once, one of those big
whether I’d be innerested in interview-
ing her. Of course I would, so we set it adopted by a Sandhill Cranes squawked at
up. I was especially intrigued cuz she
said she was from a place I’d never lady in Dallas, me an flapped her wings cuz
heard of – Far-Go, North Duh-coda
– and she was also a breed I’d never but the lady went she hadda buncha babies, but
heard of – a Mini Miki (which made me
think of those two mouse movie stars). to heaven an we I remained cool. I believe in
So I got busy and Googled.
went back to the Live an Let Live, don’t you?”
I think it’s called Far-Go cuz you hafta
go really far to get there. You go wa-ay breeder. Then my I nodded, deciding not to
up, then you turn left and go way far-
ther. And you should bring lunch an a sister was adopted mention several squirrels of
sweater. Anyway, then I Googled Mini
Mikis and found out they were only in- an moved to New my acquaintance.
vented in the ’80s, an humans consider
’em rare. They look like a cross between York City. So there “I get treats, too! When
a Japanese Chin, a Maltese an a Papil-
lon. (Didja know Papillon is French for I was. Well, Mom Dad comes home, an
‘butterfly,’ an Papillon pooches have big
fluffy, fringy ears that ackshully look didn’t care that I when I Do My Doodie, an
like butterfly wings, which Pixie’s totally
do. They’re SO cute.) wasn’t a liddle pup- before bed. Soon as I hear
So, we rang the bell, heard some py. She just wanted Dad opening the treat
barks, then the door opened and out she
pranced for the Wag-a-Sniff like she was a smart, cute, quiet bag, I zoom over an do
in the ring at Westminster, this liddle
white an gold poocheroo, pooch – which I was. pirouettes.”
Big Sparkly Eyes, those
butterfly ears and a fluffy The minute we saw Her Dad got out the
curvy tail. Woof!
each other We KNEW! treat bag and Pixie ex-
“Oh, goody, it’s Mr.
Bonzo! Hello, Mr. Bonzo! “Cool Dog Biscuits,” I ecuted several grace-
I’m Pixie Hadley and
this is my Mom Doris an exclaimed. ful twirls. When she
my Dad Steve. I’m so ex-
cited you answered my “Totally. So Mom flew had daintily scarfed
Woofmail! I’m a liddle
nervous cuz I never out to Far-Go and picked down her treat, she
had an innerview be-
fore. So, come’on, let’s me up an off we went. I said, “Sometimes
go sit down.”
didn’t know where I was Mom forgets to mi-
An off she trotted,
into the living room. going but I knew I was on crowave my din-
This was gonna be fun.
an adVENture. We flew ner. Then I sit by
“No need to be nervous,” I assured
her as we got settled. “Just tell how you back home to Missouri an I my bowl an look
found your Mom an Dad, an a liddle
about your life, too. I must say you look got to travel a lot with Mom at her, then at the
like a Showdog.”
on her job, an do a lotta fun Pixie Hadley, a Mini Miki bowl, then her,
She giggled. “I get that a lot. Most of stuff. Then we moved to Flor- then the bowl …
us are, I think. Mom had seen a piksure
of a Miki and thought it was the cutest ida an Mom and Dad met each till she gets the
poocheroo she’d ever seen. Then she
saw a piksure of ME on my breeder’s other. Dad had a Lab called Es- hint. I mean,
Facebook page and called right away,
but they were all out of puppies by then. sie. Mom an Dad an Me an even though it’s
Mom was bummed, but then the lady
said she had one pooch left, ME, but I Essie only for 5 seconds, I think one’s
was 8 months old (most humans buyin’
yap back- meal should be served at precisely the
an-forth through right temperature to ensure maximum
our screen-rooms. enjoyment, don’t you? Do you think
The cross-the- that makes me spoiled?”
street neighbor cat “Um, I, well, uh …” I responded
Percy even stayed suavely. “I noticed you’re not very barky.
with us when her That’s sorta unusual for a pooch of your,
humans were away. well, your diminutive stature.”
We’re Cool Catnip “That’s true. I only bark at the door-
with each other. But bell. When Dad can’t find me, he just
I like to hang with hu- rings the doorbell, then follows the
mans mostly. I have a barks. Ackshully, I also bark when me an
bed in every room, an Dad are watchin’ the Chicago Bears on
I get a lovely evening TV. But he barks wa-ay louder than me.
walk. If I’m too pooped Come’on out front, I’ll show you the spe-
(I just turned 13), Mom cial place Dad made me, Pixie’s Park.”
hit it off right pushes me in my car- It was an enclosed semi-circle of
away. So we all Got Married. Ev- riage so she can get her hedge, with plants, bushes and toys for
erything was great. Then Essie went to exercise. I don’t swim, but I like to playin,’ sniffin’ and snoozin,’ an a secret
Dog Heaven. I still miss her a lot, but I’m float around on Mom’s air mattress. An I path leading in. Pawsome!
happy here with my Mom and Dad. love my baths, ’specially the part where Heading home, I was thinking of pe-
“I’m totally chill with other animals: Mom dries me off with a warm, fluffy tite Pixie pirouetting for a Pup-Peroni,
me an my neighbor Bella (a Maltese) towel right out of the dryer. I get a kick an wondering if I could increase my
Don’t be shy! snack allotment by mastering that ma-
neuver. Then I glanced down at my
We are always looking for pets with interesting stories. To set up clumsy paws. Perhaps I’ll just stay with
an interview, please email [email protected]. my Irresistible Spaniel Eyes.
-The Bonz
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, October 12, 2017 25
A.N. Onymous said, “The best defense against the atom bomb is not to be there when it A J 10 6 5 4
goes off.”
Finding the best defense against any contract is always satisfying. East-West were K52 EAST
happy at the end of this deal. 9432
9 A863
First, though, let’s look at the auction. North was a tad weak for the two-heart reverse, J9832
which promised a very good 16-20 points. In the tournament world, after this type of K 10 8 7
reverse, responder’s rebid of fourth suit or two no-trump, whichever is the cheaper,
artificially warns of a very weak hand. This North-South pair did not have that agreement, KQ8
so South rebid two no-trump to show his club stoppers, wondering if they belonged in
no-trump or diamonds. North, aware of the previous overbid, suddenly passed. 54
West led his fourth-highest club. South might have won dummy’s king with his ace to SOUTH
take a diamond finesse, but that would not have worked well here. Instead, declarer won
on the board and played a spade to his jack. West made a commendable smooth duck. QJ97
Now South cashed his top clubs (East throwing a spade) and took the heart finesse (an
error here — a club would have been more successful). East won and worked to strand 6
declarer in the dummy. East cashed the spade ace, then led the heart 10 (in case South
had started with nine-doubleton). South won on the board and cashed the heart ace, 732
under which West carefully played the nine.
A Q 10 7 6
East won the next heart and led a spade to partner’s king. West cashed the club jack,
then pushed a diamond through the dummy to defeat the contract. Dealer: North; Vulnerable: North-South
The Bidding:
1 Diamonds Pass
1 Spades Pass 2 Hearts Pass LEAD:
2 NT Pass Pass Pass 3 Clubs
Come and see 1”Thin Paver Overlays
our newly remodeled 2 3/8”Thick Pavers
parking lot display. Cleaning & Sealing
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Bobcat Service
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665 4th Street, Vero Beach, FL 32962
(772) 567-2005
26 Thursday, October 12, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
1 Loft (5) 1 One of the seasons (6)
4 Perplex (7) 2 Browned bread (5)
8 Sport’s shoe (7) 3 Refectory (7)
9 Heather genus (5) 4 Looking-glass (6)
10 Nacre (6-2-5) 5 Doze (5)
11 Dried plum (5) 6 Copy (7)
13 Frequently (5) 7 Annually (6)
18 Global (13) 12 Hideaway (7)
21 Foe (5) 14 Comrades (7)
22 Jogging (7) 15 Abandon (4,2)
23 Design (7) 16 Rabbit burrow (6)
24 Lustre (5) 17 Catchphrase (6)
19 Verse (5)
20 Inexperienced (5)
The Telegraph
How to do Sudoku:
Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three
The Telegraph
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, October 12, 2017 27
ACROSS comedian 131 Astaire and Hugo 56 “One ___ days, The Washington Post
before he Alice ...”
1 Top-of-the-line switched DOWN SPACE EXPLORATION II By Merl Reagle
7 Redness instruments? 58 Gin fruit
74 Call off 1 Letters on Sputnik 59 Apple or capital
exemplar 75 The ___ Marbles 2 Showgirl in 65 Ft. Knox bar
11 Tranquillity Base 76 Improve, perhaps 66 Carpet style
77 One antacid Manilow’s 68 Folies Bergère
transit 79 “The” end “Copacabana”
15 Word on a bulb 82 Actress Ruby 3 Hear ___ drop designer, once
19 Plagiarized 84 Slangy money 4 Serenades 70 Remove a
20 Carbon and Iron 85 “You mean,” ___, 5 Unshakable
“I’m gonna be in 6 A word for God beaver’s work
are two of its The Godfather?!” 7 Insecticide 71 How Lindy did it
counties 88 Famous scene in 8 WWII theater 72 Floor for a spore?
21 Song for Don Fiddler Crab on 9 Turned on one’s 73 Elbower
José the Roof? ___ 78 Painter Édouard
22 Zeno’s place 93 Ransom’s baby 10 Casey was at it 79 “No matter how
23 Eastwood 94 Serengeti beast 11 He looked
discussing his 95 The British Isles, mahvelous hard ___ ...”
bloodier movies? for one 12 “Able was I ___ 80 Strawberry’s field,
25 Zsa Zsa on 96 “___ ...” (palindrome
darning socks? reconsidered” start) once
27 Eating reminder 97 Label 13 Home of Lake 81 One of three
28 Stubby end 99 Paintings by Paul Wobegon
29 Reason for 101 China-Korea 14 Hopalong’s sit- squares?
Madonna’s border river upon 83 Parts of sacs
bathroom clog? 102 Leader of the 15 “___ on together
31 Killy event pack, ...” (line from around hearts
34 Come-ons, of a perhaps “Suspicious 86 Fireplace prop
sort 103 Oil shortage? Minds”) 87 Luxuriant
35 Dash 107 Gilda’s Wawa 16 Jai ___ 89 Tom Collins
36 Flu, mono, etc.? 109 Chinese 17 Crockett’s birthpl.
40 Contact cleaner Casanova, maybe 18 Make, as doilies ingredient
suffix 110 George 24 Amounting to zip 90 Memorable role
41 Speed instrument, Washington 26 Rainy-day acct.
briefly portraitist 30 They’re on the for Anne Baxter
45 The dog’s 111 First thing you infrastructure 91 Wd. after bike
problem in learn repair list: abbr.
Turner and Hooch in vase class? 32 Dey job, once or business
46 “Camptown 114 Ugh relative 33 Samoa studier 92 Reacts to a long,
Races” horse 115 “Test’s over!” Margaret
47 Italian possessive 119 Spend time with 36 Mus. chord hard day
48 Home near Nome The 37 Exhorted 98 Argued heatedly
49 “___ to Pieces” Quayle Crayon 38 60 Minutes
50 Melmac wiseguy Book? curmudgeon about
53 Reason the Parks 120 Sequel to the film 39 Scorsese’s alma 100 Trellis, often
Service outlawed Thug Takes a mater, briefly 102 On
Pictionary picnics? Vacation? 40 Combustion need 103 Coal measure
57 Main thing that 124 Wait on the line 42 He’s Thicke 104 Monopolized, in a
happens in David 125 Fight night site 43 Fuel or drink
Mamet movies? 126 Word over a door 44 Oprah or Rosie way
60 Seuss character, 127 Puget Sound port 47 Playwright-director 105 Pinch from a
Sam-___ 128 She, in Florence David
61 Back on a bark 129 When most 48 Words said over a chain reaction
62 Puck stopper people work drumroll 106 North or South
63 N.J. neighbor 130 Mauritius sight, 51 Hero’s girl
64 Period for Pedro once 52 Dracula’s pain in place
65 Fritters (away) your neck 108 Great Rift Valley’s
67 Number of coins 54 Home delivery
in la fontana person? loc.
69 Story of a 55 Late actress Ina 109 First Oscar film
111 Contented
112 Social woes
113 Lots
116 Valentino, once
117 Roz Russell role
118 Young hawk,
in falconry
119 Ernesto Guevara
121 Tic-tac-toe line
122 Planet’s end
123 Penrod, for one
The Telegraph
28 Thursday, October 12, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Lousy hubby says therapy’s pointless; for him it might be
STORY BY CAROLYN HAX THE WASHINGTON POST who wants to have sex with his wife and be a good One Chance at Therapy Blown: And then there’s
provider. We haven’t spoken in a day. that unicorn of a therapist who can turn a phone-ad-
Dear Carolyn: I have been ask- dicted, therapy-bashing, blame-shifting, defiantly
ing my husband to go to therapy I’m willing to try another therapist, one who gives lousy spouse into a good one.
for more than five years and he us the tools needed to understand our relationship.
always said a firm NO – abso- He says absolutely not, it is a waste of time. I am not Maybe I’m being unfair. Maybe there are profes-
lutely not. After a particularly happy, but I love him. He refuses to budge. Am I a sionals gifted enough to ask the right combination
nasty fight, he conceded. fool to leave my best friend and secure marriage be- of questions to bring about the epiphany you seek:
cause he refuses to do the (not unreasonable) things “Being humble, kind and generous has inherent
He just said, after three ses- I need to be happy? benefits for me, too, and not just the person I vowed
sions, he thinks our marriage to be nice to?! Whoa!”
is fine; he doesn’t see a need to – One Chance at Therapy Blown
change to meet my needs – for Or skilled enough to allay the fear of intimacy so
example, to have sex or kiss me, or spend less time embedded in him that denying and blaming you —
on his phone; and I am just looking for excuses to tormenting you – is better, by his calculations, than
leave. betraying vulnerability of any kind.
This is not true. If he came to me and needed me
to work on a behavior to remain happily married, But then the question becomes, how long are you
I would. willing to be unhappy while you search for this uni-
I have my own therapist to work on some trauma corn? The one your husband has pre-refused to see?
and anxiety, and I am making progress. But he re-
fuses to see anything wrong with his behaviors and Wanting a little attention from your marriage is
has an “If you don’t like it, leave” attitude. reasonable, and that’s the problem – the modesty
Our therapist was less than helpful. She tended of your goal has seduced you into believing it’s pos-
to defer to his feelings more, trying to get me to un- sible to achieve.
derstand his points of view. She asked us simple
questions like, “How does that make you feel?” and But it’s not. Not from a guy who accepts your
“Do you hear him say …?” and offered us no guid- plainly stated unhappiness as preferable to drop-
ance beyond scheduling date nights. It was mad- ping his guard (or anything else) in any significant
dening, and I honestly think she was trying to tell way.
me our marriage was probably over.
My husband said I had embarrassed him by talk- He is a profoundly sad human being, if you think
ing about our sex life, and wished me good luck about it.
finding “that unicorn of a man,” meaning someone
You at least have a path out of your sadness: your
willingness to rethink your choices. So, no, it’s not
foolish at all to weigh whether you’re better off now
by yourself.
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, October 12, 2017 30
Niki’s Rainbow Restaurant: Old-fashioned Greek diner
[email protected]
This review of Niki’s Rainbow Res-
taurant in Satellite Beach is based upon Vegan Platter.
two visits – the first by chance and sec-
ond on purpose.
It was a random weeknight and I was
so work-weary that I missed the turn
to home and ended up in the north-
ern reaches of Satellite Beach near the
Pineda Causeway. There was Niki’s
in a semi-deserted-looking plaza on
A1A. I was hungry and it was too hot to
cook. Worth a try.
What I found inside was a veritable
oasis, something plucked out of times
past. The subtle aroma of savory herbs
and deliciousness told me I’d struck
gold. An old-fashioned Greek diner
promising great food and friendly ser-
vice. We had two such places in Deer-
field Beach where I trained for a year
as a reporter before moving to Brevard
in 1994. The whole newsroom piled in
Beef Shawarma Dinner.
at least twice a week for the lunch spe- of the yummy, flaky Bak- salad with grilled [email protected].
cials, hearty soups and sandwiches The reviewer is a barrier island resident
and they took great care of us. lava baked in-house chicken ($13), which
who dines anonymously at restaurants at
Niki’s takes care of its customers, daily and I was truly was ideal for a the expense of this newspaper.
too and makes you feel welcome. That
first night I wandered in, the heat in- revived. I hadn’t lighter meal, HOURS
dex was about 101 degrees but I was Mon- Fri 10 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
craving roast chicken. Not in my oven, had Baklava in but still a
I thought. Fortunately Niki’s kitchen Sat 9 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
had my roast half-chicken cooked per- more than 20 Baklava. lot of food. Sun 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
fectly and seasoned nicely with fresh years since the din- Had to be BEVERAGES
herbs. They call it Athenian chicken Beer and wine
($14) and that night it was a gift from er days in Deerfield, and had forgot- sure to save room for coffee and Bak- ADDRESS
the dinner gods. The mashed potatoes 570 Hwy A1A,
were real, the vegetables were well- ten how the layers of delicate phyllo lava. Satellite Beach
prepared and the gravy was home- PHONE
made. It “hit the hollow spot,” as my dough, honey, cinnamon and nuts cre- We still haven’t scratched the sur- (321) 951-0051
Midwestern grandmother used to say.
ate a sweet, slightly crunchy wonder. face of the menu of Greek specialities
The Greek salad served with dinner
was fresh and crisp with a tasty house On the second trip I took my son at Niki’s, so there’s plenty more to ex-
dressing. A nice beginning.
with me and he opted for a bowl of plore on future visits. The menu also
Two cups of black coffee and a slice
split pea soup (one of two Wednes- boasts a respectable selection of fresh
day soups) and the tasty hummus ap- vegetarian and vegan options.
petizer, served with fresh pita bread If you work in the area or need a
($7). To say the boy loves his pea soup new call-ahead and takeout option on
would be a huge understatement, and the way home from work, Niki’s does
Niki’s version was a big hit. The hum- a good bit of to-go business as well as
mus was also quite good, and some- dine-in.
what addictive.
That night I enjoyed a large Greek We encourage you to send feedback to
31 Thursday, October 12, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
4-6 PM | 772.410.0100
When looking for a great place to dine check out
the Fine and Casual Dining Pages of The Melbourne Beachsider.
The area’s best restaurants, many offering weekly specials.
32 Thursday, October 12, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
ONGOING Lutheran Church, 7550 Wickham Road, Suntree; ness about the visually impaired and the use for ages 9 and up, not for little kids. Admission
and 3:30 p.m. Oct. 22 at Eastminster Presbyte- of white canes, patrons can experience being is free, donations accepted. Call (321)543-0187.
Satellite Beach Farmers Market, 10 a.m. to 4 rian Church, Indialantic. Free, but suggested do- blindfolded and using a white cane to navigate
p.m. Thursdays at Pelican Beach Park nation $10. Call (321) 426-0360, www.Indialan- the intersection of Hibiscus and Babcock. Jersey 14-15 American Craft Endeavors Craft Mike’s will donate a portion of all sales during Show, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday
Beach Rotary Club meets at 7:30 a.m. Tues- the event. and Sunday at The Avenue Viera, 2251 Town Center
days at Ocean Side Pizza, 300 Ocean Ave. #6, 14 Twelfth annual “Parenting in Today’s Drive, with more than 125 artists and crafters.
Melbourne Beach. World” workshop hosted free by 14 Rocky Water Brewfest, 1 to 5 p.m. at
the Brevard County School Board building lo- Eau Gallie Square presented by Eau 15 Space Coast VW Fest, 7 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Saturdays on the Sand with Melissa Faith cated in Viera, 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Keynote Gallie Rotary Club, with unlimited samples of in the parking lot of the D.R. Schech-
Yoga, 7 a.m. Saturdays at the Indialantic Board- speaker Jackie Flynn will present her inspiring craft beers from more than 34 of Florida’s best ter Center on the corner of Jackson Avenue and
walk across from Starbucks. Free admission, talk is titled: Parenting with Purpose: Keeping breweries. Tickets $30. Adults only; no pets. South Patrick Drive, Satellite Beach.
mats and blankets provided. Bring water and our children physically and emotionally healthy.
other essentials. Complimentary continental breakfast, no child-
care provided for this event. Translation services 14 Suntree United Methodist Church at 15 Succulent Pumpkin Workshop, 2 to 3
Tai Chi and Qigong, 9:30 a.m. Saturdays at available. Participants who remain through the 7400 N. Wickham Road, 32940 pres- p.m. at the Barrier Island Center. Step-by-
Gleason Park, north side of lake. Donation of last session will receive a parenting giveaway. ents Buster Keaton’s The Cameraman, the lat- step instructions on creating your own succulent
$5-$10. est in their series of Suntree Silent Cinema clas- pumpkin centerpiece. Cost of $43.19 includes all
14 Wow! That’s Engineering, 9 a.m. to sics. Church organist, Tom Taylor will screen supplies needed. [email protected]
OCTOBER 3:30 p.m. at 5625 Holy Trinity Drive, the action-adventure-comedy from 1928, while
Melbourne, presented by the Space Coast providing historically accurate organ accompani- 21 Sprint for Shade 5K and 1-Miler, 7:30
12-29 Dreams & Wishes, Birds Women Engineers. Open to girls grades 7 to ment. A 5:30 PM ice cream social in the church a.m. from David R. Schechter Commu-
& Fishes, a solo exhibit by 10 to participate in fun, hands-on experiments dining room will start the evening, Doors open at nity Center, Satellite Beach to benefit Surfside
member Renee´Decator. At Fifth Avenue Art related to different engineering career fields. 6 p.m. and an audience sing-along will precede Elementary Parent-Teacher Organization. Run-
Gallery on Highland Ave in the Eau Gallie Arts the 6:30 p.m. screening of the comedy classic.
District. Artist’s talk at 1 p.m.Oct. 14, at 1 PM, Call 321-242-2585 for tickets.
Free event and open to the public. Exhibit con- 14 Public Square Rosary around the cam- 28 Ghostly Gecko 5K, 6:30 p.m. from Eau
tinues through Oct. 29. www.fifthavenueartgal- pus of Holy Name of Jesus Catholic 14 Witch Way 5K Run/Walk, 5:30 p.m. Gallie Civic Center to benefit Eau Gal- Church, Indialantic, 9:15 to 10:15 a.m. Pray for at Nance Park, Indialantic to benefit lie High School Health and Wellness Academy.
peace and for the nation in honor of the 100th Indialantic Beautification Programs and Bre-
12 Education Town Hall Meeting with anniversary of the last apparition of Our Lady of vard County Sheriff’s Office Charity. Costumes
Superintendent Desmond Blackburn Fatima. encouraged for this family-fun event. Post-race 30 US-MEN Prostate Cancer Support group
and School Board Member Tina Descovich, 5:30 festivities at Long Doggers Indialantic with meeting, 6 to 7:45 p.m., Melbourne
to 7 p.m. in the theater at Satellite Beach High 14 Indian Harbour Beach Volunteer Fire trick-or-treating for the kids in Indialantic Plaza. Public Library, 540 Fee Avenue. Contact Vanita at
School. Discuss the future of Brevard Schools. Department Annual Open House, 10 (321)432-5573 or [email protected] a.m. to 2 p.m. at the fire station on Pinetree
Drive. Stop by for a hot dog and a beverage and 14 Spooky Songs and Stories by Youth in NOVEMBER
13|22 Indialantic Chamber Sing- try out a real fire hose and bunker gear. Harmony, 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Unity of
ers “Heavens Are Telling” Melbourne, 2401 N. Harbor City Blvd., an hour of 2 Florida Tech Homecoming 5K, 6 p.m. be-
Annual fall concert, 7:30 p.m. Oct. 13 at Advent 14 White Cane Safety Day Fundraiser, 11 Halloween fun featuring the Youth in Harmony a ginning and ending at Meg O’Malley’s.
a.m. to 3 p.m. at Jersey Mike’s Subs, 90 capella choir, stories by Travis O’Bier, Erin O’Bier
Hibiscus Blvd, Melbourne. To help raise aware- and Gabriel Walden Olivieria. Recommended
Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN 5 Space Coast Classic 15K and 2-Miler, 6:45
in October 5, 2017 Edition 1 ALMOST 2 ASPECT a.m. from Gleason Park, Indian Harbour
10 ROCKS 5 THROB 11 Turkey Creek 5K Trail Run and Commu-
11 CORFU 6 PICCOLO nity Food Drive, 7:30 a.m. from Palm
12 DUBIOUS 7 ASSESS Bay Community Center through Turkey Creek
13 COMBINATION 8 LEADINGLADY Sanctuary, with donations of non-perishable
18 TRIVIAL 14 ORIGINS food items to make Thanksgiving special for
20 COACH 15 TACTFUL those in need.
Sudoku Page 2460 SudokuPPaaggee2471 CrosswordPPage 4206 CrosswordPPaaggee2471 (HELLO, I MUST BE GOING) 19 Space Coast Lightfest 5K, 6 p.m. at
Wickham Park to benefit Central Flor-
ida Council of Boys Scouts of America. Space-
CERTIFIED Windows & Doors Join our directory for the most affordable way to reach out to customers for your service or small business targeting the
Siding & Soffit South Brevard barrier island communitites. This is the only directory mailed each week into homes in 32951, Indialantic,
“Everything You Need To Be” Screen Room’s Indian Harbour and Satellite Beach. Contact Will Gardner, 407-361-2150 [email protected].
[email protected] CGC 1524354
321.508.3896 772.226.7688
Elegant oceanfront condo
perfect for entertaining
140 Warsteiner Way #503 at Aquarina Beach and Country Club: 3-bedroom, 2.5-bath,
2,007-square-foot, 5th-floor condo with river and ocean views offered for $949,000
by Treasure Coast Sotheby’s listing agent Dave Settgast: 321-543-1187
34 Thursday, October 12, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Elegant oceanfront condo perfect for entertaining
[email protected]
A spectacular oceanfront home in
the Ocean Dunes condominium at
the Aquarina Beach and Country Club
development – fully renovated with a
myriad of high-end details and all fur-
nishings included – is a true standout
in the Brevard County condo market.
Seller Brad Smith purchased the
2,007-square-foot, 5th-floor unit in
May 2015 and masterminded a full-
featured, eight-month-long update
with the goal of making the home
similar to condos found in larger
Florida cities.
“I wanted it to become my home
forever but I also wanted to do it for re-
sale if it needed to be sold,” Smith said.
“The whole goal was to not do it like
everything else in Brevard County . ...
I want it to be something like you find
in Daytona Beach or Fort Lauderdale.”
Smith calls the design inspiration
“modern contemporary beach” be-
cause of the Florida crown molding,
travertine tile, tongue-in-groove
pine ceilings and whitewashed solid
oak doors.
He opened up the space by elimi-
nating some walls and moving oth-
ers to accentuate the views, starting
with an entryway. Visitors now step
out of the home’s private, secure el-
evator directly into a grand foyer with
a panoramic view of the entire main
living space and the wide blue ocean
beyond the glass.
“It was all sealed up and compart-
mentalized before,” said Treasure
Coast Sotheby’s listing agent Dave
Settgast. “What he did was brilliant,
because you walk in and – boom –
there’s the water!”
Also in view from the entrance
area is a 23-foot kitchen island with
granite countertop leading out past a
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, October 12, 2017 35
breakfast nook to the massive bal- Subzero refrigerator/freezer, two queen-sized bunk beds for visiting Neighborhood:
cony, which incorporates additional dishwashers and separate microwave/ kids, and one more traditional for Ocean Dunes Condominium
living space. convection and computerized ovens. older visitors, on one side. There is
a nearby full bath with double sinks Year built: 2007
The kitchen is fully equipped with The split design of the condo has and walk-in shower near hidden Construction: concrete block
high-end appliances like a double two guest rooms, one with double
Bedrooms: 3
Bathrooms: 2 full baths;
1 half-bath
Home size: 2,007 square feet
Additional features: Oversized
balconies for river and ocean
views, breakfast bar, granite
countertops, high-end appli-
ances including wine cooler
and two dishwashers, walk-in
closets, high-tech electronics
with hidden wiring, hardwood
flooring, elevator, furnishings
included; community ameni-
ties include outdoor pool, boat
dock, boat ramp, beach club,
tennis and 18-hole golf course
Listing agency: Treasure Coast
Sotheby’s International Realty
Listing agent:
Dave Settgast, 321-543-1187
Listing price: $949,000
36 Thursday, October 12, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
laundry facilities featuring an extra- well as a tiled walk-in shower and a this house and I’ve hidden them all.
large water heater. Both guest rooms heated towel rack. It was all built for entertaining. You
have doors out to another large bal- could seat 50 people without any
cony overlooking the golf course and What you see in and from the con- problem.”
scenic Indian River. Other outdoor do is spectacular, but some of the best
amenities include a community boat features are hidden, including a So- The unit has the largest balconies
dock and ramp. nos sound system deployed through- in the complex, taking full advantage
out and a drop-down 104-inch pro- of the sweeping ocean and the Indian
The master bedroom, located off jector television screen in the living River views. The Aquarina Beach and
the main living area, has an ocean room. Country Club features a beach club, a
view and balcony access; it features a golf club and a tennis club and com-
bathroom suite with walk-in closets, “This is a high-tech house,” Smith munity center.
a deep bathtub with bubble jets, as said. “I brought all of the modern
technologies that were available into The unit is listed at $949,000.
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, October 12, 2017 37
Many real estate issues not yet addressed in GOP tax plan
STORY BY KENNETH R. HARNEY WASHINGTON POST you’ve got kids, a spouse, a house and inating the mortgage interest deduc- ment in the plan, because it would help
other key deductions that are elimi- tion would cause the average house- defray the gushing revenue losses else-
If you’ve been pondering how you as nated, you could end up paying more hold in the country to lose 10.9 percent where in what President Trump has de-
a homeowner or buyer might fare un- in federal taxes, not less. of its home value. scribed as his administration’s “giant,
der the new Republican tax overhaul beautiful, massive, the biggest ever in
plan, here are a few points to consider. 2. If most people take the standard 3. The lack of detail in the Republi- our country, tax cut.”
deduction, the homeownership stim- can tax framework makes it difficult
1. Although the tax proposal got ulant effects of the mortgage interest for anyone – especially homeowners State and local tax write-offs are an
fattened up a little over the summer – write-off could be diminished and – to calculate what the changes would important part of the financial cal-
moving from a White House “outline” have an impact on home prices. A study mean for their personal federal tax bill. culus for many home purchasers and
of barely one page to a “framework” by auditing and consulting firm Price- The framework offers to collapse the owners. Their elimination would add
now consisting of nine pages – there’s waterhouseCoopers this year found current seven marginal tax brackets an estimated $1.3 trillion to federal tax
been minimal meat added to the bones that reducing the number of taxpayers into just three – 12 percent, 25 percent revenue over the next 10 years. State
regarding housing. who claim the mortgage deduction – and 35 percent – but it does not pro- and local deductions are most heav-
along with eliminating local tax write- vide income cutoff points associated ily claimed in areas with higher-than-
Yes, the mortgage interest deduc- offs and factoring in lower marginal with each bracket. So you can’t be sure average property and income tax rates
tion would be preserved, but with the tax rates – could lower the investment where you end up. such as Washington D.C., Maryland,
doubling of the standard deduction value of homes and depress prices by New York, New Jersey, New England,
to $12,000 (for single tax filers) and an average of 10.2 percent. 4. The framework is also coy about Virginia, California and Illinois.
$24,000 (for joint filers), many current just which deductions currently taken
itemizers taking the mortgage write- The study was commissioned by by millions of individuals no longer So where’s this all going, and how
off are likely to opt for the standard the National Association of Realtors – would be permitted. It identifies only fast? Think about the acrimony of the
deduction. That may sound fine to hardly a disinterested party in the tax two personal deductions that would health-care debate, add in legions of
you – there are undeniable attractions debate. But some academic studies survive: charitable contributions and well-funded and politically powerful
to the idea of simplifying the tax code also have concluded that there is a tax- mortgage interest. This leads to the lobbies each protecting their indus-
by allowing taxpayers to take a single, subsidy component built into home inevitable conclusion that one of the tries’ most prized tax-code subsidies
large deduction instead of itemizing values that would be depressed if tax biggest and most politically sensitive – real estate high on the list – plus a
multiple smaller ones – but it may not incentives such as the mortgage in- write-offs, state and local taxes, would short legislative calendar left this year,
be a net benefit for you, depending on terest deduction were cut or removed. not survive. and you are easily into next year, which
the final details. Last year, a study by a Federal Reserve happens to be a congressional election
economist estimated that totally elim- In fact, the elimination of that de- year, when all bets are off.
If, as expected, you lose the current duction appears to be an essential ele-
personal exemption of $4,050 and if
38 Thursday, October 12, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Real Estate Sales on South Brevard island: Sept. 29 to Oct. 5
As September transitioned into October, the real estate market had a strong week in island ZIP codes
32951, 32903 and 32937. Indialantic led the way with 12 sales, followed by Satellite Beach with 8,
Melbourne Beach reporting 6, and Indian Harbour Beach with 5.
The top sale of the week was of a riverfront home in Indialantic. The residence at 604 North Riverside
Drive was placed on the market June 24 for $1,990,000. The sale closed Oct. 4 for $1,957,645.
The seller in the transaction was represented by David Curri of the Curri Kirschner Real Estate Group. The
purchaser was represented by Phillip Welsh of J. Edwards Real Estate.
MARKS LANDING 106 REGATTA ST 4/14/2017 $737,000 $699,000 9/29/2017 $685,000
INDIAN RIVER OAKS SU 9065 S HIGHWAY A1A 5/23/2017 $725,000 $695,000 10/2/2017 $475,000
THE PRESERVE AT COCO 111 SABAL RIDGE LN 4/22/2017 $499,000 $485,000 9/29/2017
INDIALANTIC BY SEA 1426 S RIVERSIDE DR S 8/14/2017 $1,299,000 $1,299,000 9/29/2017 $1,300,000
OCEAN SHORES SUBD OF 2155 N HIGHWAY A1A 8/26/2017 $1,200,000 $1,200,000 9/29/2017 $1,025,000
SANCTUARY PHASE 3 T 540 NIGHTINGALE DR 8/11/2017 $599,000 $599,000 9/29/2017 $590,000
SERENA SHORES CND P2 1965 HIGHWAY A1A # 405 7/11/2016 $799,000 $799,000 9/29/2017 $760,000
EAU GALLIE BY THE SE 745 VERBENIA DR 8/15/2017 $649,000 $625,000 9/29/2017 $615,000
NONE 155 ENCLAVE AVE 9/1/2017 $598,695 $598,695 10/3/2017 $598,695
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, October 12, 2017 39
Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.
Subdivision: Marks Landing, Address: 106 Regatta St Subdivision: Indialantic by Sea, Address: 1426 S Riverside Dr S
Listing Date: 4/14/2017 Listing Date: 8/14/2017
Original Price: $737,000 Original Price: $1,299,000
Recent Price: $699,000 Recent Price: $1,299,000
Sold: 9/29/2017 Sold: 9/29/2017
Selling Price: $689,000 Selling Price: $1,300,000
Listing Agent: David Settgast Listing Agent: Andy Waterman
Selling Agent: Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl Selling Agent: Waterman Real Estate, Inc.
Cathy DiPalma Andy Waterman
Coldwell Banker Residential Real Estate Waterman Real Estate, Inc.
Subdivision: Ocean Shores Subd Of, Address: 2155 N Highway A1A Subdivision: Sanctuary Phase 3 T, Address: 540 Nightingale Dr
Listing Date: 8/26/2017 Listing Date: 8/11/2017
Original Price: $1,200,000 Original Price: $599,000
Recent Price: $1,200,000 Recent Price: $599,000
Sold: 9/29/2017 Sold: 9/29/2017
Selling Price: $1,025,000 Selling Price: $590,000
Listing Agent: Lauren Merrell P.A. Listing Agent: John Curri
Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate, Inc Selling Agent: Curri Properties
Kirk Kessel Michelle Mckinney
& DeWayne Carpenter
RE/MAX Interactive
Dale Sorensen Real Estate, Inc
Subdivision: None, Address: 409 Tradewinds Dr 409
Listing Date: 8/22/2017
Original Price: $525,000
Recent Price: $525,000
Sold: 9/29/2017
Selling Price: $517,000
Listing Agent: Teresa Ferrara
& Joseph Ferrara
Selling Agent:
Coldwell Banker Paradise
Linda Coleman
Coldwell Banker Paradise
Subdivision: Monaco Condo Ph II A, Address: 579 Highway A1A Hwy 401
Listing Date: 4/17/2017
Original Price: $489,000
Recent Price: $459,000
Sold: 9/29/2017
Selling Price: $450,000
Listing Agent: David Curri
Selling Agent: Curri Kirschner Real Estate Group LLC
Jonathan Krauser
J. Edwards Real Estate