Taking ‘sides’: P6 Sonny’s wisdom. P33 Art of Sustainability
Indialantic residents divided Bonzo says this old pooch can Event raises awareness, makes
over sidewalk master plan. teach us all a thing or two. environmentalism fun. PAGE 10
THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 2017 | VOLUME 02, ISSUE 13 www.melbournebeachsider.com | NEWSSTAND PRICE $1.00
Seawall repairs Satellite Beach’s
on front burner paramedics now
in Indialantic operating 24/7
[email protected] [email protected]
STORY BY GEORGE WHITE STAFF WRITER one of the massive fish kills in ly a freshwater organism – a
Rob Stout marveled at the [email protected] March 2016. green-colored cyanobacteria The City of Satellite Beach
seawall damage in Douglas called Microcystis – and the has expanded its Community
Park, the small tract just off the A Florida Tech scientist has The three-year study fund- toxin it produces to see how Paramedic Program to oper-
192 causeway in Indialantic. A received a grant to study the ed by a $275,000 grant by the it is affecting dolphins and ate 24 hours a day, which will
winter homeowner in Indialan- tissue from dead bottlenose Florida Protect Wild Dolphins their prey. mean more in-home help for
tic from Waterford, New Jersey, dolphins and the fish they eat Specialty License Plate Fund, more residents battling chronic
Stout knows seawalls. As a con- throughout the Indian River has Florida Tech marine bi- A fish kill in Brevard in medical issues.
struction worker in New Jersey, to check for an unusual algae- ologist Spencer Fire looking at March 2016 was caused by
he’s built many of the struc- related toxin found during the impact of what is normal- Approximately 100 residents
tures, including one in Absecon CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 currently get help from city
Inlet in Atlantic City which sur- paramedics, including a week-
vived Superstorm Sandy. ly visit and exam; EKG, blood
glucose and oxygen saturation
CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 tests; medication review and
help with compliance; nutri-
Repairing damaged seawall at Douglas Park. tion review and other services,
according to the city website,
Commissioner moving office back and that number will now in-
to district after citizens complain crease.
STORY BY BILL SOKOLIC STAFF WRITER Tobia moved the district office The District 3 commisioner’s office on New Haven Avenue. PHOTO: BENJAMIN THACKER CONTINUED ON PAGE 5
[email protected] from its longtime location on
New Haven Avenue just off the Author waxes on
Mark Shantzis was not a 192 Causeway in Melbourne water’s wonders
happy camper when he spoke to the county complex in Viera
at the county commissioners 20 miles away, with the stated STORY BY TERRY CONWAY COLUMNIST
meeting March 21. A resident intention of saving the county [email protected]
of South Beaches, Shantzis in- money.
formed the commission of his Dr. Wallace J. Nichols is not
displeasure that newly elected Shantzis requested the com- your typical scientist. He talks
District 3 Commissioner John about love and emotions.
You see his passion when
he recalls a trip with one of his
young daughters to a faraway
island where the sky and water
were blue and bright, or when
he speaks about lessons he
learned from his late waterman
father. Watch Nichols while he
ADVERTISING: 772-559-4187 | CIRCULATION: 772-226-7925 That’s ‘Straw’-some!
NEWS 1-8 FAITH 22 PEOPLE 9-12 Daily Bread Strawberry Festival
ARTS 13-16 GAMES 23-25 PETS 33 is jam-packed with fun and
BOOKS 21 HEALTH 27-30 REAL ESTATE 35-40 tasty treats. PAGE 11
2 Thursday, March 30, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
BLUE MIND – oceans, bays, lakes, rivers, waterfalls.
In “Blue Mind” he investigates our
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 emotional ties to water. He looks at the
effect of the color blue and why people
talks about his own experience with sea pay a premium for waterfront property
(and what in your brain is telling you to
turtle conservation in Baja, Calif.. and do it). Nichols goes even further by ex-
ploring why rafting, kayaking, surfing
you see his eyes light up. and water therapy is increasingly being
used to treat a variety of disorders.
Nichols gave an engaging talk last
Neuroscientists have studied how
weekend at the Environmental Learn- everything from chocolate to red wine
affects the brain, but they’ve somehow
ing Center in Vero Beach. He is the overlooked the single greatest feature
on the planet. Experts at Nichols’ Blue
author of the 2014 national best-sell- Mind annual conference are now ex-
ploring how being near the ocean can
ing book “Blue Mind: The Surprising achieve the same stress-relieving ef-
fects of meditation and how the ocean
Science That Shows How Being Near, ignites our emotional senses.
In, On, or Under Water Can Make You Nichols’ office is a 1954 Airstream
trailer parked at a green space area off
Happier, Healthier, More Connected, California Highway 1. He claims the
“Earth” was misnamed.
and Better at What You Do.”
“Some 72 percent of Earth is cov-
Tall, trim and handsome, Nichols, ered in water,” he explained “From a
million or even a billion miles away, it
49, was dressed in a navy blue dress Dr. Wallace J. Nichols and Molly Steinwald, executive director at ELC. looks like a glistening blue marble.”
shirt untucked over jeans and boots. Which brings us to his Blue Marble
Project. It began on Jacques Cousteau’s
He shared the many ways in which tal books that less than a chapter was mers, sailors, divers, kayakers, paddle 100th birthday in 2010 as a simple way
to make his ocean message true and
water positively impacts our minds, devoted to water,” Nichols related. boarders, fishermen and those who memorable. At his ELC presentation
Nichols stood at the door passing out
bodies, overall health and sense of “There’s a disconnect with the vastness sometimes risk their lives working on blue marbles to each attendee. Quizzi-
cal looks abounded.
well-being, revealing how the ocean, and importance of it. Marine science is the water bring this vivid book to life.
“Hold it at arm’s length,” he said to the
or any natural body of water, can have about ecological, economic and edu- Nichols points out that water therapy is audience. “That is what the ‘Earth’ looks
like from a million miles away – a water
unique benefits for the human psyche. cational values. What was left out was increasingly being used to treat a variety planet. It’s very much in the spirit of Carl
Sagan and Stuart Brand. Today there are
Nichols’ work is getting plenty of at- the emotional value and I wanted to fill of ailments, including drug addiction, more than a million blue marbles be-
ing passed person to person around the
tention. A marine biologist and conser- it with this book.” autism, and post-traumatic stress dis- globe. Now think of someone who’s do-
ing good work for the ocean. Hold it to
vationist, he began hosting seminars “Blue Mind” does not come off as order suffered by military veterans. your heart: think of how it would feel to
you and to them if you randomly gave
seven years ago that attract neurolo- a dry science book. While Nichols is Nichols has spent much of his pro- a gift of this marble as a way of saying
thank you. It feels good to be given a
gists and psychologists from around comfortable with complex neurosci- fessional life studying sea turtles of the blue marble, and to share it forward.”
the world, along with big wave surfers, ence terms, he doesn’t get bogged Pacific Ocean and working with fisher- Through social media for the
past several years, Vero Beach’s Julia
adventurers and artists. He calls the down with the details of research. men in Baja, Calif., to protect the tur- Thompson has been in touch with
Nichols and his message.
concept “Blue Mind” which morphed He peppers the scientific parts of the tles from poachers. He made a name
“He’s changing the perception of
into the book. book with fresh angles and lively tales. for himself in the mid-1990s tracking what water does for us – which is so rel-
evant since we live close to ocean and
“I noticed in a lot of environmen- The personal stories of surfers, swim- a loggerhead turtle named Adelita that the sea turtles that come ashore,” she
said. “I’m excited for the information
swam from Baja, Mexico, to Japan, the Dr. Nichols is sharing. He is consistent-
ly inspiring, offering examples of how
first time anyone had recorded an ani- to make a real difference. He’s a water-
man in the truest sense of the word.”
mal swimming an entire ocean.
Nichols is working on a sequel, “Go
Now he’s exploring the scientific rea- Deeper,” a book that explores all of
the benefits of healthy waterways and
sons why humans have such a deep oceans at each of the seven stages of
our lives from birth through death.
connection with the deep blue. Most of
One of his heroes is Archie Carr, the
us know the feeling of calm that comes father of sea turtle research. At the ELC,
Nichols paid tribute to Carr and his book
from being on, in or just near the water, So Excellent a Fische. The Archie Carr
but Nichols is putting an empirical foun-
dation under the intuitive realization.
VERO BEACH 32963 Media LLC “This is what you want if you’re in
the midst of a stressful week – you just
PRESIDENT AND PUBLISHER: MILTON R. BENJAMIN want to hit that big blue reset button
772-559-4187, [email protected] and get out here,” says Nichols, who
grew up not far from the New Jersey
CREATIVE DIRECTOR: DAN ALEXANDER shore and these days lives with his
772-539-2700, [email protected] wife Dana near Monterey, Calif., where
their daughters attend school.
MANAGING EDITOR: STEVEN M. THOMAS “There are all these cognitive and
772-453-1196, [email protected] emotional benefits that we derive every
time we spend time by water, in water
or under water,” he continues. “Even
To learn about the cost-effective advertising rates being offered in the actual color blue of the ocean gen-
The Melbourne Beachsider, please contact our advertising erates a feeling of peace in our mind.”
representatives listed below:
Water is the most omnipresent sub-
stance on earth, and together with air
DIRECTOR OF ADVERTISING: JUDY DAVIS comprises the primary ingredients for
772-633-1115, [email protected] supporting life. Our bodies consist of
ADVERTISING ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES about 60 percent water and our brains,
WILL GARDNER, 407-361-2150, [email protected] a whopping 75 percent.
“So when you see water, when you
KATHLEEN MACGLENNON, 772-633-0753, [email protected] hear water, it triggers a response in
your brain that you’re in the right
place. To simplify my message: it’s get
To talk about stories, or invite us to cover social and charitable events, into the water and take someone with
call 772-453-1196 or email us at [email protected]. you who needs it.”
Nichols writes that our brains are
hardwired to react positively to water
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, March 30, 2017 3
Wildlife Refuge, stretching from Vero really up against it. I can relate back magnificent creatures which made him “If you ever go to a turtle release and see
Beach into southern Melbourne Beach, when I went to talk with turtle fish- unstoppable.” that awe and joy in those young kids, that
is home to more loggerhead turtle nests ermen in the Baja ... [my message] emotion is contagious,” Nichols said.
than any other place in the world. wasn’t cool. But over time they turned Emotional connection is at the core
around, too. of Nichols’ message. When people “When I look at ELC I see a school
“Sea turtles were routinely being experience that passion, they can be of awe, wonder and the solitude of sit-
slaughtered and Archie was just one “Here’s the thing – Archie had this im- unstoppable in their commitment to ting quietly alone with nature. We need
man, so 40 or 50 years ago he was mense emotional connection to these oceans, waterways and sea turtles. more of the science of awe.”
4 Thursday, March 30, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
DOLPHINS important as ever to study the IRL. Just last SEAWALL Work at Douglas Park expects to
year, there were two big, attention-getting start about April 10, while the other
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 dramatic events: a big fish kill in March CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 projects are set to begin April 17.
and then this huge, nasty green sludgy The seawall construction should be
Texas Brown Tide, named after the loca- bloom in August and September. Just the “This did not look like it was an- done by May 25. The other park work
tion the brown algae was first discovered. fact that we had those in the same year is chored enough into the concrete,” he should be wrapped up by June 16,
The Microcystis outbreak was in the indicative that we have issues,’’ he said. surmised after surveying the damage Chinault said.
southern lagoon, where it created a green wrought by Hurricane Matthew in
sludge around the St. Lucie River outflow But much more than just document- which some of the walls bent at more “Certain areas of the parks will be
at the same time as the fish kill, Fire said. ing a scientific anomaly, the data re- than 45 degree angles to each other. closed off while the work commenc-
sulting from the study and others like es, i.e. when contractors are on site,”
For the study, Fire and researchers at it could inform important policy deci- The storm also harmed the river- Chinault said.
FAU’s Harbor Branch Oceanographic sions in the future, Fire said. front edges of Sunset, Riverside and
Institute will come up with detection Indian River parks as well. At its March Because the damage emanated from
methods for the Microcystis organism, “From a management prospective, this meeting, the town council approved Matthew, the Federal Emergency Man-
find out what water quality it thrives in is a new toxin that we don’t know the im- funding for repairs of the four areas. agement Agency will pay 75 percent of
and – most important for Brevard – map pacts of. We really can’t with confidence the repair costs. The state will ante up
the geographic distribution of the organ- say our water or our fish are clean if this The Douglas Park seawall repair con- 12.5 percent, leaving Indialantic with
ism and animals contaminated by it. hasn’t been studied. You really have no tract for $74,440 went to SDV Services the remaining 12.5 percent.
basis to make management decisions.” LLC, of Titusville, while the three oth-
“This species is typically a fresh wa- er parks will be restored at a cost of The repairs to Douglas Park will more
ter species and usually can’t thrive in Fires said he is fortunate to be at $115,947 by Brevard Excavating and than answer the concerns of Stout, in-
an estuary because it’s brackish saline Florida Tech for its proximity to his Land Clearing Inc. of Melbourne. cluding among other steps, the use of
water,” Fire said. “The first question we area of academic study. steel rods to connect the sea walls to a
have is, ‘Are we going to start seeing this “The seawall itself has been com- heavy anchor known as a dead man.
more often?’ If so, what could the pos- “This is the perfect place to work: we promised and damage to Sunset and The rods will then connect to a horizon-
sible consequences be? have two populations of marine mam- Riverside Park were significant,” Town tal brace at the other end.
mals that live in our backyard (manatee, Manager Christopher Chinault said of
“Now that we know this is a poten- dolphins) and we have I don’t know how the need for repairs. “I suspect with the force of the wave
tial hazard, can we detect it? When and many species of potentially toxic algae. action and high winds the only thing
where and how far has it spread, and that holds the sea wall in place is really
can we track it through the food web, “There’s lots of stuff for me to do the strength of connection to the dead
specifically key species of fish, particu- here,” he said. man,” Chinault said.
larly ones used by dolphins for food?”
Fire said he is interested to see what Coquina rubble will be added to the
The fish kills make the study espe- can be learned about toxins from algae river’s edge at Sunset Park across from
cially timely as dolphins may serve as blooms but stressed that the study will Watson Drive, and Indian River Park
“canaries in the coal mine” of the In- likely result in more questions than on the western edge of Orlando Bou-
dian River Lagoon. answers. “It’s still a first pass. This really levard. Coquina will also be added the
isn’t an issue we’ve had to deal with be- existing coquina rock revetment at the
“The idea is that, if these dolphins are fore. This is a first look at the possible river’s edge at Riverside Park, along
sort of an indicator of marine health, they impacts. There is no other data or pub- Riverside Place. The revetment was
could give us an early warning of possible lications with this toxin and marine built after hurricanes in 1999.
human health impacts,” Fire said. “It’s as mammals,’’ he said.
COMMISSIONER’S OFFICE to his original district office. To show Shantzis displayed a cost analysis, Beach, cited a charter requirement
no hard feelings, Tobia cast a vote with including paying for the empty build- that commissioners live in the district
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 the rest of the commissioners in sup- ing on New Haven Avenue. According they represent. “It makes sense you
port of the measure. to the clerk of the court office, the state should work there too,” she said in
mission pass an ordinance requiring owns the parking lot adjacent to the support of an ordinance.
commissioners to maintain their offic- “If you do not have an office in the former district office and the county
es within their district itself, Commis- district, why have districts? That is a owns the building. Maintenance on Randy Foster, of Palm Bay, called
sioner Tobia included. Several other big question,” Shantzis said. For him, the building runs around $12,000 to it taxation without representation.
speakers echoed the same sentiment. it’s about access and the cost of such $15,000 a year, unless there are repairs. “When you run for office you repre-
access for those on beachside who sent the people in the district,” he
Rather than pass such an ordi- would have to travel an extra 40 miles “The old office was perfectly situ- said. “The office belongs to the resi-
nance, the commission voted to have roundtrip to meet with Tobia rather ated. The Viera office is completely in- dents, not the commissioner.”
county staff draw up a law, one that than take a short jaunt over the cause- accessible,” Shantzis said.
would give the commissioner 60 days way. He posed a hypothetical compari-
to complete the move back from Viera Nancy Higgs, of South Melbourne son in which a Congressman closed all
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6 Thursday, March 30, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Indialantic residents divided over sidewalk master plan
[email protected]
“I don’t think every street needs a sidewalk, their own property and the easement to
Nicole Himmeroeder likes the idea of as this is an established neighborhood with the street. Folks don’t want to give up the
sidewalks in Indialantic. In lots of plac- mature landscaping. I believe sidewalks could easement and pave it. People supporting
es throughout the country, it would be potentially add to problems with drainage sidewalks are far out-numbered by those
unheard of not to have sidewalks. into the lagoon.” who don’t want them.”
– Lee Guthrie
“I’d like to see sidewalks on 7th Av- Guthrie doesn’t want sidewalks on
enue, my street,” she said. And on 4th Melbourne Avenue, where she resides.
Street, 6th Street and beach access roads. But she believes nearby Shannon Av-
enue could benefit. “It is a busy street
But in Indialantic, Himmeroeder’s and it would just be completing what
views are probably in the minority.
Many residents believe that sidewalks
– with few exceptions – will destroy the
nature of the town.
Whether Indialantic opts to increase
the number of sidewalks could be de-
cided April 12 when the City Council
will wrestle with the results of a side-
walk master plan developed after a fo-
rum on the subject in December.
“Council can either accept their rec-
ommendation or make changes to it.
My guess is it will be modified and then
voted on,” Mayor Dave Berkman said.
Lee Guthrie attended the forum. “I
don’t think every street needs a side-
walk, as this is an established neigh-
borhood with mature landscaping,”
she said. “I believe sidewalks could po-
tentially add to problems with drain-
age into the lagoon.”
Residents like Himmeroeder un-
derstand the reticence even if she dis-
agrees to an extent.
“They do not want sidewalks be-
cause they think you’re taking away the
part of their yard that they don’t own,”
she said.
Indeed, the lawns on many homes
go to the street edge, but the portion
closest to the street is not owned by the
homeowner. Rather it is a public right
of way. Still, Berkman says tradition in
Indialantic is a powerful thing when it
comes to sidewalks.
“This town was laid out a very long time
ago, and they didn’t include sidewalks for
some reason,” he said. “Residents’ use
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, March 30, 2017 7
already exists on Shannon. And the move to Indialantic because they feel
street drains into a drainage system so it’s already safe. From what I’ve heard,
I don’t think the water into the lagoon a majority of the residents are con-
is as much of a factor.” cerned town-wide sidewalks would de-
tract from that,” Taranto said.
She would not mind more sidewalks in
the downtown area around Fifth Avenue, Add to that the concern that side-
either. “Sidewalks might help encour- walks don’t look good on many of the
age customer traffic for the merchants, small streets that populate the town.
although I think as developers and mer-
chants improve properties, they should “I’d have a hard time informing a resi-
be required to make improvements to dent who lives on a narrow road that
parking, landscape and sidewalks.” their taxes are going up and they’re going
to lose a large percentage of what visual-
Vinnie Taranto Jr. agrees adding side- ly appears as their yard without exhaust-
walks to the commercial areas like 4th ing all other options,” Taranto said.
Avenue and 6th Avenue makes sense to
increase foot traffic on roads that “see a Staff writer George White contributed
higher level of vehicle traffic. The unifor- to this report.
mity of having continuous sidewalks in
the business district would also improve MURPHYCADILLAC.COM
its curb appeal in my opinion,” he said.
In some places now, there are sec-
tions of sidewalk that end abruptly and 2016 CADILLAC CTS
do not lead to any destination.
The forum, funded by the state De- $16,000 OFF MSRP
partment of Economic Opportunity
through a $15,000 community plan- 2016 CADILLAC ATS
ning technical assistance grant, helped
set sidewalk priorities. DISCOUNTED UP TO
$9,000 OFF MSRP
“Over the years, what we’ve done is
interconnect the existing sidewalks to 2016 CADILLAC CT6
have more of a network so people could
use them,” said Indialantic Town Man- DISCOUNTED UP TO
ager Christopher Chinault. “We’ve done $12,000 OFF MSRP
eight different linkages recently but
they are bits and pieces. This is a much NEW 2017 INVENTORY ARRIVING WEEKLY!
larger goal.”
The more immediate priorities spelled 174 E. HIBISCUS BLVD. • MELBOURNE, FL 32901 866.295.2593 877.420.6613
out in the master plan include sidewalks
from South Palm Avenue to Fifth Ave- All prices plus tax, tag, title and dealer fee of $599.50. Vehicles subject to prior sale. Discounts may include loyalty or conquest rebates.
nue; Gross Pointe to North Palm Avenue; See dealer for details. Must take delivery by 3/31/2017.
Beach access roads like Watson Drive
and Tampa Avenue; and Sixth Avenue.
“The plan lets citizens know that
someday there could be sidewalks in
their neighborhoods, which will be good
for some and not as positive for others,”
Chinault said.
Even if the town had unanimous sup-
port for sidewalks, funding could be a
holdup.“This is simply a plan to see what
we might fund in the future,” Berkman
said. “People who have small kids and
want sidewalks now probably won’t see
them in time for their kids to use them.”
Councilwoman Mary Jo Kilcullen
said sidewalks on certain streets could
enhance walkability and safety for the
young and old. But there’s another
problem: stormwater infrastructure.
“The town’s stormwater infrastructure
plans are more than 26 years old,” she
said. “Adding sidewalks that may be re-
quired to be removed and replaced if ag-
ing infrastructure beneath them needs
to be accessed for repairs or upgrades
may not be a wise use of tax dollars.”
For Taranto, too many people want
to keep Indialantic just as it is.
“As a town, we’ve talked about safety
as a goal. I don’t think anyone would
argue against the importance of safe-
ty, especially for children, but people
10 Thursday, March 30, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Art of Sustainability makes environmentalism fun
STORY BY CYNTHIA VAN GAASBECK CORRESPONDENT PHOTO: BENJAMIN THACKER Kevin Duval, John Weber, Jim La Paso Swaying tirelessly in the breeze was
[email protected] and Gary Gresko. the giant among giants – a 35-foot-
endangered due to human activity. tall piece that appeared to be made of
Eight-year-old Jacob Thompson Organized by the Brevard Cultural Organizers couldn’t have asked for four enormous tuning forks attached
was the embodiment of happiness – a more perfect day to bring the metal to each other. The aptly named Grav-
his broad smile, twinkling eyes and Alliance in partnership with the city, sculptures to life, as sunshine and a ity Tower was fashioned of aluminum
uplifted face were clearly absorbing the Art of Sustainability featured stiff breeze powered the masterpiec- and stainless steel in 2016 by artist
the message behind the fun. Jacob eight steel, aluminum and glass ki- es’ movements. Kahn of Lenshartsville, Pa.
and his mother, Jennifer Thompson, netic sculptures by six internationally
were among hundreds of people en- known artists: John King, Jeff Kahn, Kathy Engerran, deputy director King, of Lyons, Colo., brought his
joying the Art of Sustainability Fam- of BCA, estimated that 7,500 people 2016 stainless steel sculpture, Sky
ily Fun Day last Saturday at the Palm would ultimately view the sculptures Writing, because it’s one of his favor-
Bay City Hall complex. over the month-long installation, ites. “This one is meant to be stood
adding that Palm Bay’s abundant under, with its series of wings over
As the environmental programs natural resources made the event a you. It’s a reflection on looking up-
coordinator for Melbourne, the elder perfect partnership. “We want to help ward,” he said, adding that he would
Thompson is already tuned in to the create events that have meaning for like to see today’s youth looking up at
message that caring for the environ- the city.” their world instead of down at their
ment is essential. At this event, the cellphones.
Palm Bay resident had an opportuni- Though fashioned out of manmade
ty to show her son that being mindful materials, the sculptures evoked Engerran said making environ-
can be fun, too. the living, breathing natural world, mentalism fun encourages young
and Art of Sustainability organizers people to embrace responsibility for
Trotting along with his airborne hoped they would “provoke debate the planet’s health, noting, “This is
kite, newly made of recycled materi- around issues of environment and the second-largest city in Central
als, Jacob became a part of the busy sustainability.” Florida, so taking care of the environ-
scene amid larger-than-life kinetic ment and sustainability make sense
sculptures and handmade puppet an- Engerran and company provided for Palm Bay.”
imals conveying a dire message. Or- a full day of fun and information via
lando-based IBEX Puppetry brought the puppets, kite making, activities The exhibit will be on display
a carload of foam creatures to raise booths, a music garden, food trucks, through April 23. For more informa-
public awareness of animals that are face painting and, of course, the big tion visit theartofsustainability.org.
guns known as kinetic sculptures.
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Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, March 30, 2017 11
Strawberry Fest jam-packed with fun and treats
Joshua Manning and Mary Tinucci. PHOTOS: BENJAMIN THACKER were supporting a worthy mission. volunteer Jock Walker, a member of
All the proceeds from the Strawberry the Rotary Club of Indialantic. “The
Festival will help to fund the mission club has given them money and it
of Daily Bread to provide free, quality really is a pleasure to support them
meals to the hungry. The Melbourne and to be involved in this event. Over
based organization is open 365 days the last two years it (Daily Bread) has
per year, offering warm, healthy really expanded and feeds over 200
meals and access to hygienic services people a day to anyone who needs a
to those in need. meal.”
“The Rotary Club has supported For more information, visit daily-
the Daily Bread over the years,” said breadinc.org.
Bethany Clarke, Briana Clarke and Leonor Perez. Daphne Moore and John Callaway.
Charles Clary, Patrick Clary, and Jacob Clary. Lynette Hindele, Robin Grodecky and Heather Holliday.
STORY BY KAT REDNER Correspondent roamed around admiring them all.
[email protected]. With songs like the Monkees’ “Day-
dream Believer” playing in the back-
Inflatable bounce houses and ground, the tone was set to make at-
slides lined the perimeter of the tendees feel like they were at a 1960s
Palm Bay Campus of Eastern Florida auto show.
State College last weekend. Inside,
the Daily Bread Strawberry Festival Pop-up tents displayed arts and
was bustling with families and peo- crafts, and food vendors were orga-
ple of all ages, enjoying a blustery but nized neatly in rows, selling every-
sunny day filled with free activities. thing from handmade cards, wall
plaques and clothing to salsa.
Little children, their sweet faces
artistically painted, ran around with The Animal Services of the Brevard
abandon as they raced each other County Sherriff’s Office Mobile Adop-
from one activity to the next. And tion truck enticed attendees with pit-
there were plenty of fun things for bull mixes Mason, Nala and Ski, all
them to do, including games such greeting visitors with tail-wags as
as ring toss, froggy fling and plinko. they looked for a loving home.
The free entertainment also includ-
ed a children’s petting zoo and pony Volunteers blended handmade, re-
rides. freshing smoothies with fresh fruits
– strawberries, of course. Strawberry
Children weren’t the only ones en- shortcakes were also offered for those
joying themselves; there were more who came strictly for the sweet ber-
than enough activities for adults as ries. An assortment of savory snacks
well. – such as hamburgers, hot dogs, taco
salads and roasted corn on the cob
A classic red Camaro rolled into – were also available, and sweeter
the car show in style, exuding class options included cotton candy and
and sleekness as it joined the rest of snow cones, which were definitely a
the incredible assortment of vehicles crowd favorite.
on the lot. A wide variety were on dis-
play, including a 1967 Mustang Fast- Visitors enjoyed the food and the
back and a Ford GT and spectators sweet strawberries knowing they
14 Thursday, March 30, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
STORY BY PAM HARBAUGH CORRESPONDENT ing, adding flavors ever since. Robot Love Art Show. PHOTOS BY KEVIN ROBERTS This weekend, it’s going into Adven-
Having launched pop-up galleries ture HQ, a huge state-of-the-art boul-
It’s back. combination we can stir up. dering (read: climbing) and adventure
And if it’s anything like earlier in- in Atlanta, Chandler itched to do the “The startup industry buzzword facility on U.S. 1 in Palm Shores, just
carnations, Robot Love 2017 is set to same thing in Melbourne, where he south of the Pineda Causeway.
be quite the artsy thing to experience had moved. He approached Gores, a for that now is ‘radical inclusivity.’ It’s
this weekend. very successful Melbourne-based art- about getting the gems from diversity. There will be colossal murals, im-
Organized by a team of four pro- ist who has sold big work to many big I am on a crusade to invite those little mersive art installations and other
fessional artists – Derek Gores, Marty names, including the Orlando Magic, hobbies, those tiny creative quirks that works by more than 60 visual artists.
Mercado, Cliffton Chandler and Ryan the Kentucky Derby, Prada and a host I believe nearly everyone has, out to Music performers include SWIMM, Al-
Speer – Robot Love is, despite its plan- of others. play. That superpower skill that people lison Weiss, Davinci, Gary Lazer Eyes,
ning, a happening. don’t put on their resume. We want Dull Blades, Kongom, DJs Casey De-
“Robot Love is a playground, an The two of them came up with the that skill.” Cotis and Luis Diaz. And, yes, expect
outlet for raw, individual creativity,” edgy idea of Robot Love. more to be added to the roster by the
Gores said. Armed with a good idea and sol- time the robots invade.
Held this year in a 30,000-square- “At first glance an event named Ro- id reputations as artists, Gores and
foot industrial space on U.S. 1 in Mel- bot Love may seem eccentric,” Chan- Chandler quickly got sponsorships Dance performances will be pro-
bourne, Robot Love invites people of dler said. “Understandably so. The from companies craving an edge, vided by Muscle Memory Dance Com-
all ages to come see the exhibits, listen name itself is a reference that started such as Audi, Fractel Telecom and pany, Sole180, Tech Wars BBoy Battle,
to music, maybe climb a wall or two, out tongue in cheek. But I can say with top area realtors. Co-presenters have Desiree Parkman, Dance Arts Centre
get inspired and engage with others confidence that there is no other event been venture capitalists Bud and and Michael Sloan.
who like their art sprinkled with a lib- or activity that provides such a unified Kim Deffebach, both serious art col-
eral amount of imagination. interest throughout this community’s lectors. This year Robot Love also got “Robot Love is a way for us to give
The two-day event has at its heart vi- media outlets and residents.” funding from Brevard’s Tourism De- the community a weekend of amaz-
sual and performance art and enough velopment Council. ing,” Mercado said. “The energy, cre-
energetic music to give anyone a con- It became a cultural grassroots suc- ativity and humans make this a mo-
tact cool. There will also be modern cess story because of its broad appeal Robot Love first saw light in 2009 at ment in your life that you won’t forget.”
dance performances and demonstra- to something very human – the urge to what is now the Foosaner Art Museum
tions of an unlikely duo – technol- create, Gores said. in Melbourne. More of an edgy art Robot Love kicks off with opening-
ogy and climbing. You even can find show with works by non-mainstream night party atmosphere 6 p.m. to mid-
a fashion boutique (don’t you dare ex- “Much of society is organized into artists, many of them graffiti artists, it night Friday. Tickets are $20 online and
pect Eileen or Hugo). tidy cubicled definitions: artist or sci- featured large works and unusual in- $25 at the door.
And, yes, plenty of craft beer and entist, left brain or right, on and on,” stallations and attracted an audience
food trucks to please every taste. he said. “We are all about aggressively of all ages, many of them young and A “Family Experience” runs 11 a.m.
“There’s something unexpected at crossing the streams – art mixed with many of whom had never been into the to 4 p.m. Saturday. In addition to the
every turn,” said Robot Love enthusiast tech, music mixed with dance, every fine arts museum. art show, the Family Experience fea-
Joan Crutcher of West Melbourne. “Not tures hands-on art projects for all
your normal art show setting. Fantas- The next year, 2010, Robot Love ages, dance performances by Dance
tically creative mix of art, music, high moved into a larger, multi-gallery ven- Art Centre, an interactive dance lesson
tech and art that makes you think, mu- ue. It featured even more art by a wider with Marty Mercado and live music
sic that makes you move, quirky peo- array of artists with provocative aes- performances. Tickets to the Family
ple that turn your head. Like nothing thetics, a stage for rock musicians and Experience cost $5 in advance and $10
else in Brevard. A party within a party.” large, unusual installations. The event at the door.
Speer, in charge of the event’s “pro- attracted so many people that officials
paganda,” rightfully calls this event in West Melbourne threatened to close Robot Love winds up with a closing
“the legendary culture mashup.” it down. night party 6 p.m. to midnight Satur-
Indeed. It bubbled up over eight day. Tickets are $20 online and $25 at
years ago in the imaginations of Chan- In 2015 it popped up in the Foosaner the door.
dler and Gores and has been marinat- Education Center, where it added per-
formance art and even more provoca- All Robot Love experiences will be
tive appeal. held at Adventure HQ, 5270 North U.S.
1, Palm Shores, Florida. To get a map to
But for all these years, it has re- Adventure HQ, visit http://adventure-
mained rather a sub-cultural phenom- hqfl.com.
enon. The event comes, people flock
to it and love it, then it drifts into the To buy tickets online, visit RobotLove-
ether of memory. Art.com.
Until it pops up again.
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, March 30, 2017 15
Coming Up: Orchestra jazzes up Sundays on The Avenue
STORY BY SAMANTHA BAITA STAFF WRITER becue, icy beer and 4 The Atlantic Classical Orches-
wine. Last April, the tra brings its Masterworks
1 Jazz lovers have a cool new event Foundation present-
to add to their list. Jazz at The ed “Three Daughters IV, “Heart and Soul,” the music of
of Eve,” readings by
Avenue just kicked off last week in three women po- Brahms, Faure and Mozart, to the St.
ets; this time, it’s the
Central Park at The Avenue Viera. It’s men’s turn. The cost Edward’s School’s Waxlax Perform-
is $25; the event goes
billed as a Sunday afternoon of food, from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. ing Arts Center down the road in Vero
drinks and live jazz, presented by the Beach this Thursday. Brahms’ Con-
Space Coast Symphony Orchestra. It’ll certo in A Minor for Violin and Cello
be every Sunday from noon to 3 p.m. will feature soloists Leonid Sigal, vio-
This Sunday, the orchestra brings us lin, and Ashley Garritson, cello. The
“Smooth Jazz Celestialization.” CONTINUED ON PAGE 16
Brian Turner.
Conductor Christopher Confessore.
2 Works by classical music giants
Bach, Beethoven and Brahms
will be performed by the Brevard
Symphony Orchestra under conduc-
tor Christopher Confessore this Sat-
urday at the King Center. The pro-
gram opens with Bach’s Orchestra
Suite No. 3, including the well-known
“Air on the G String.” Beethoven’s
Violin Concerto in D major, Op. 61,
features American violinist Elmar
Oliveira, the only American violinist
to win the Gold Medal at Moscow’s Poetry Professor Tony Hoagland.
prestigious Tchaikovsky Internation-
al Competition, and the first violinist
to receive the coveted Avery Fisher 3 Three major American poets
appear in Vero Beach on Sun-
Prize. Curtain is 8 p.m.
day afternoon at the seventh annu-
theme “Madam, I’m Adam: The Male
Dilemma,” the poetry picnic takes
place under a tent at the Environ-
mental Learning Center off the Wa-
basso Causeway. Presented by the
Laura Riding Jackson Foundation,
“Madam I’m Adam” features the New
Jersey roofing poet Ken Hart; the
Iraqi War memoirist Brian Turner;
and poetry professor Tony Hoagland, 2910 CARDINAL DR.
author of the collection “What Nar- 7 72 . 2 3 4 . 6711
Poet Ken Hart. cissism Means to Me.” The event in- THEL AUGHINGDOGGALLERY.COM
cludes a bluegrass band, catered bar-
16 Thursday, March 30, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Ashley Garritson.
Leonid Sigal.
program includes Faure’s “Pelleas chored by Eau Gallie Square, enjoying
et Melisande Suite,” op. 80; and Mo- live music from the band shell, visit-
zart’s Symphony No. 41 in C Major, ing galleries and special displays and
known as “Jupiter.” Conductor David demonstrations. The Foosaner Art
Amado’s entertaining 6:40 p.m. lec- Museum will also be open, and has
ture precedes the 7:30 p.m. program. live musical entertainment at 5 p.m.
Colin Mochrie and Brad Sherwood.
5 Fans of TV’s “Whose Line is it Restrooms are handy in the Eau Gal-
Anyway?” will definitely want to lie Civic Center, and nearby public lots
make parking painless. There is always
catch comedians Colin Mochrie and plenty of food and beverages available
for sale as well.
Brad Sherwood live at the King Cen-
ter Thursday, a stop on their “Scared
Scriptless Tour.” These two crazy 7 The Sandbar at Captain Hiram’s
in Sebastian has live music pretty
guys, armed only with their rapier
wit, will do what they do best – create much every day. Should you be in the
hilarious original scenes right before mood for a laid-back, toes-in-the-sand
your very eyes from audience sug- few hours, here’s what up musically at
gestions, aptly described by promos the Captain’s this weekend. Friday, 3:30
as “an interactive comedic high-wire p.m. to 7:30 p.m., it’s Afternoons with
act.” Showtime is 7:30 p.m. Iris, acoustic tunes; starting at 7:30 p.m.,
the Highway Stars will lay down some
6 EGAD! It’s what’s happening this rock ‘n’ roll and Southern rock. Saturday
Friday (and every first Friday) in
it’s Greg and Brian with a little Happy
the Eau Gallie Arts District. From 5:30 Hour HiJinx, 3:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., fol-
to 8:30 p.m., you can stroll the district lowed by cover band Luna Pearl, playing
along historic Highland Avenue, an- favorites from 7:30 p.m. until 1.
BY JOHN PEET | THE ECONOMIST Mrs Merkel, the shock to a European project that she gen frontier-free system is troubled and several bor-
has largely led for 12 years would be profound. der controls have been reintroduced.
The European project has sometimes given the
impression of being in perpetual crisis. Indeed, its Italy must also hold an election by early 2018; two The deteriorating geopolitical environment
spiritual father, Jean Monnet, saw this as the best of its leading parties have at different times called makes matters worse. Turmoil and war across the
way to advance to his preferred goal of “ever closer for a referendum on the country’s euro membership. Middle East and in north Africa were one big cause
union,” arguing that “Europe will be forged in cri- of the surge in migrant inflows. An aggressive Rus-
ses, and will be the sum of the solutions adopted for One reason for the likely success of populists sia under President Vladimir Putin is now seen as a
those crises.” against incumbents is that Europe’s economic mood direct threat, particularly in eastern Europe. Turkey’s
is so glum. Although growth has returned and the president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, is turning his back
Yet as the union last Saturday celebrated 60 years euro zone has stabilized, growth rates are still low on a club that seems to have rejected his member-
since its founding treaty was signed in Rome on and, notably in the Mediterranean, unemployment ship aspirations, and is spurning its democratic val-
March 25, 1957, it is in deeper trouble than ever. (especially among young people) is punishingly high. ues as well.
A big reason for this is the politics in EU member Greece remains a basket-case on the edge of de- To cap it all, America’s new president, Donald
countries. Crucial elections loom in many this year, fault, and the markets are nervous about Italy and Trump, has shown himself hostile not just to mul-
and populist parties opposed to the European proj- France. Public debts across the union remain large, tilateral free trade and Muslim immigrants but in-
ect and in favor of referendums on membership of and progress on liberalizing structural reforms has termittently to the EU, praising Britain’s decision to
the euro, the EU or both are likely to do well. largely stalled. The euro zone has a partial banking leave and urging others to follow.
union, a centralized bail-out fund and a European
In the Netherlands, Geert Wilders’s anti-European Central Bank (ECB) prepared to act as a lender of last That points to perhaps the biggest current con-
Freedom Party gained seats in an election on March resort, but its architecture remains incomplete and cern of all: the EU’s unpopularity with both national
15th, though fewer than many had feared. In France, there is little agreement over how to finish the job. governments and their voters. Following last June’s
Marine Le Pen of the National Front is expected to referendum, in which the British voted to leave by
win a place in the second, run-off round of the presi- Migration remains a huge issue. The numbers en- 52% to 48%, their prime minister, Theresa May, is
dential election in early May, just as her father did in tering the EU from the Middle East and Africa have about to trigger the two-year process for Brexit under
2002. Although, like him, she will probably lose, she come down a lot, but mainly because of a question- Article 50 of the EU treaty.
will come closer to winning than he did. And if she able bilateral deal with Turkey that could fall apart
loses, it may be to Emmanuel Macron, who is run- at any moment to close the main transit route into Brexit may be more painful for Britain than for its
ning as an outsider with an untried political party. Greece. Hundreds of would-be migrants still take to 27 partners, but it is still a threat to the future of a
leaky boats across the Mediterranean every week. union that has previously only ever expanded. Some
Then in September Germany will go to the polls, politicians in other countries have openly said that
and the anti-euro Alternative for Germany party is The distribution among EU countries of those they want to follow Britain’s example. The EU’s popu-
likely to win its first seats in the Bundestag. Although refugees who have got through has created serious larity ratings in other member countries received a
Angela Merkel may yet remain chancellor, her new tensions, with Germany particularly angered by the slight boost from the Brexit decision, but they remain
Social Democratic challenger, Martin Schulz, is run- refusal of central European countries to take more strikingly low by past standards.
ning close behind her in the polls. Were he to replace than a few. Work to strengthen the union’s external
borders has been fitful at best. Internally, the Schen- Indeed, whenever any European treaty has been
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, March 30, 2017 19
put to a vote in recent years, it has been as likely to crisis, Mrs Merkel tellingly began talking of a “union is that few of the 27 EU member countries that will
be rejected as approved. The Danes and the Irish are method” based on national capitals and parliaments remain after Brexit favor much deeper political and
famous for having to be asked to vote twice to pro- instead of the classic Monnet method built around economic integration. Second, these 27 are integrat-
duce the desired result. French and Dutch voters the EU institutions. ed into the EU in many different ways: all are in the
sank the EU constitutional treaty in 2005. The Dutch single market, 26 in the banking union, 21 in Schen-
also rejected an association agreement with Ukraine Even in Italy, Matteo Renzi, a passionate pro-Eu- gen, a different 21 in NATO and 19 in the euro, to list
last year. ropean, spent much of his recent premiership at- just five examples. And third, the European conti-
tacking Brussels for excessive rigidity in enforcing nent is home not just to the 28 EU members but 48
In capitals around Europe, diplomats gloomily the euro’s rules. countries in all. Those outside the EU aspire to spe-
conclude that there may never be another treaty, for cial relations with the club, and some belong to bits
at least one country would surely fail to ratify it. That leaves the second type of response, which is of it already.
to muddle through. After all, the euro and migration
The Brussels institutions are not in much bet- crises seem to be past their worst. Excessive austerity Such heterogeneity could give rise to a scenario
ter shape. The European Commission under Jean- may have done great harm, but outside Greece it is in which the countries of Europe move at different
speeds, and not always towards the same goal. With-
Claude Juncker has commendably slashed its output largely over. The single market, perhaps the union’s in the EU, this idea has a long history.
of red tape. Yet Juncker was a poor choice, forced on greatest achievement, has survived the financial cri-
EU leaders by an ambitious European Parliament. sis and can surely weather Brexit. In 1975 the Tindemans report, drawn up by a for-
The European Council’s president, Donald Tusk, has mer Belgian prime minister, floated the concept of a
sometimes been preoccupied with fighting against Domestic security co-operation on terrorism and two-speed Europe. In 1994 Edouard Balladur, then
the government of his native Poland. The parliament crime is closer than ever. In foreign policy, EU coun- France’s prime minister, proposed a Europe of three
continues to flex its muscles and accrete power to tries have displayed commendable unity over sanc- concentric circles: an inner core of the single curren-
itself, yet voters disdain it. Turnout in every single tions on Russia, and have been vital in striking a nu- cy, a middle tier of those in the EU but not the single
direct election since the first one in 1979 has fallen, clear deal with Iran. As economies improve and this currency, and an outer circle of non-members with
hitting a new low of 42.6% in 2014. year’s tricky elections are negotiated, the union will close links to the EU. In the same year two German
somehow manage to keep going. Christian Democrat MPs, Karl Lamers and Wolfgang
European leaders celebrating in Rome last week Schäuble (now Germany’s finance minister), sug-
were well aware of these problems. Their responses This is indeed the most likely course of events, yet gested a central “hard core.”
to similar troubles in the past have fallen into two cat- it carries serious risks of its own. An unfinished euro
egories, neither of which seems adequate this time. may not be sustainable in the long run. If another fi- The EU treaties were later amended to allow “en-
nancial crisis were to hit, as at some point it surely hanced co-operation” of subgroups. The idea of en-
One is to follow Monnet’s advice and take a further will, the currency could crumple. hanced co-operation has recently picked up renewed
bold leap towards ever closer union. Since the Brexit de- interest. At an EU summit in Malta last month, Mrs
cision there has been much talk of a new Franco-Ger- Worse, both it and the broader EU remain vulner- Merkel suggested her fellow leaders should commit
man initiative to relaunch the project. True believers able to a political accident at any time. Possibilities themselves to a union of “different speeds.” The Eu-
like Guy Verhofstadt, a former Belgian prime minister include a renewed Greek crisis, the arrival of openly ropean Commission’s recent white paper on the fu-
who is now leader of the Liberal group in the European anti-EU leaders in France or Italy, or a firmer en- ture of Europe suggested five options, one of which
Parliament and has just written a book, “Europe’s Last trenchment in one or more east European countries was to move explicitly to a multi-speed Europe.
Chance,” argue that, since the union’s troubles are cre- of what they call “illiberal democracy.” The French, German, Italian and Spanish leaders
ated mainly at national level, more Europe and a leap promptly supported the principle of this option, as
towards ever closer union must be the answer. Given the challenges facing the union, muddling did Joseph Muscat, prime minister of Malta, which
through may no longer be the safest option. Brexit holds the rotating council presidency.
Yet the evidence is that people in most member could yet be copied by another member, leading to
countries simply do not agree. Brexit was a warning the slow collapse of the union. As Sigmar Gabriel, Yet with small exceptions, these ideas have not
of what can happen when the EU loses touch with now Germany’s foreign minister, told the German borne fruit. Enhanced co-operation has been used
voters. And many governments also strongly disagree weekly Der Spiegel in January, “it is no longer un- but thrice, for cross-border divorce, the European
with Verhofstadt. thinkable for [the EU] to break apart.” patent and property rights. Such a paucity of results
partly reflects fears that a multi-speed, multi-tier Eu-
Political leaders in France and Germany now treat What is really needed is a creative rethink of the rope could begin to undo the EU.
the union as essentially an inter-governmental orga- entire European project. The most obvious idea is to
nization and openly disparage the European Com- drop the rigid one-size-fits-all model and adopt the This also explains the adverse reactions to an Au-
mission and European Parliament. During the euro greater flexibility of a network. gust 2016 paper by a group of experts published by
a Brussels think-tank, Bruegel, entitled “Europe af-
This rests on three simple observations. The first ter Brexit: A Proposal for a Continental Partnership.”
Such a partnership could, the paper said, offer non-
EU countries partial membership of the single mar-
ket without full free movement of labor, and also cre-
ate a system of decision-making that gave them an
informal say (but no formal vote) in rule-making.
The paper suggested that Britain, and perhaps
others, might be interested. But both Brussels and
national capitals dismissed the proposal because it
would let Britain have its cake (barrier-free access
to the single market) and eat it (limits on free move-
The idea surely deserves another look. A union of
28, or even 27, members is very different from the
original club of six. There are countless examples of
opt-outs from common policies, ranging from large
ones (staying out of the euro, common security and
defense policy or Schengen) to minor ones (controls
on purchases by foreigners of houses in Denmark
and Austria, or Sweden’s derogation from the rules
for chewing tobacco and selling alcohol).
In this sense, a multi-speed, multi-tier union ex-
ists already. Maybe it’s time to explore anew its wider
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, March 30, 2017 21
“Never forget, the press is the en- the mid-1970s, he helped steer the it disgusted his critics. Foreshadowing haunted him. Rather than cut his losses
emy,” lectured the president of the course of the Cold War and the evolu- his later success, Nixon won political on a war inherited from Democratic
United States. tion of the Republican Party. In “Rich- battles by summoning cultural resent- presidents, he prolonged the conflict,
ard Nixon: The Life,” John A. Farrell nar- ments. Yet his own resentments fes- seeking a “decent interval” before the
It was Dec. 14, 1972 – right after Rich- rates this story with punch and insight. tered. The vice president could stand fall of South Vietnam. The war intensi-
ard Nixon’s reelection and just before toe-to-toe with Nikita Khrushchev, but fied his paranoia. With the 1972 election
his negotiation of peace in Vietnam. A stack of good books about Nixon Eisenhower’s praise or belittlement looming, he indulged his worst instincts
Surrounded by his aides, he bared his could reach the ceiling, but Farrell has might reduce him to blubbering tears. for self-doubt and dirty tricks.
animosities. “The press is the enemy. written the best one-volume, cradle-to- When he lost the 1960 presidential elec-
The press is the enemy. The establish- grave biography that we could expect tion to John F. Kennedy and the 1962 The Watergate saga may be familiar,
ment is the enemy. The professors are about such a famously elusive subject. race for California governor to Edmund but Farrell dramatically situates Nixon
the enemy. Professors are the enemy. By employing recently released govern- “Pat” Brown, he moaned about the in time and place, illuminating his po-
Write that on the blackboard 100 times ment documents and oral histories, he press treatment. Politics favored those litical circumstances and emotional
and never forget it.” adds layers of understanding to a com- with comfortable charisma. To suc- state with each wiretapping, burglary,
plex man and his dastardly decisions. ceed, he had to struggle. payoff, investigation and coverup. Far-
Nixon’s shadow looms longer and rell condemns the larger corruption of
darker than ever. As the current occu- Farrell avoids one conventional as- That sense of persecution fed Nixon’s American institutions such as the FBI
pant of the White House demonizes the sumption: that Nixon was always Tricky penchant for chicanery. Farrell’s deep and the CIA, but the president bears
political and intellectual establishment, Dick, a tortured schemer who mastered research exposes new evidence of this personal responsibility. The voice-ac-
he harvests the grievances planted the dark arts of politics. He does follow tendency. In his first campaign, the 1946 tivated recording system in the Oval
by his disgraced predecessor. Donald the trail of liberal derision throughout congressional race against incumbent Office provided the smoking gun that
Trump’s campaign even resuscitated Nixon’s life, but he sticks close to the Jerry Voorhis, Nixon’s personal notes in- forced Nixon’s embarrassing resigna-
some of Nixon’s signature phrases: “The man, depicting not only his anxieties cluded a plan to “set up … spies” in his tion in August 1974.
Silent Majority Stands With Trump,” and anger, but also his sincerity and opponent’s camp.
read one popular poster, while the can- self-discipline. That approach helps ex- The White House tapes also shrink
didate bellowed for “law and order.” plain Nixon’s resonance in American During the 1968 presidential elec- Nixon’s reputation. They reveal him at
politics over nearly three decades. tion, amid his hard-fought comeback his worst, as a skulking liar. He puffs
Yet it would be simplistic to ren- onto the national scene, Nixon almost with false confidence, shrivels with
der Nixon as just a founding father of The biography illuminates a man certainly helped derail a peace settle- self-pity, spews hateful opinions of
Trumpism. From the late 1940s through of sharp mind and soaring ambition. ment in Vietnam, which would have Jews and blacks, and entertains a host
Farrell sympathizes with a boy who helped his Democratic opponent, of underhanded plots. His words ex-
thought he was hard to love and com- Hubert Humphrey. Anna Chennault pose a man who sowed the wind of po-
pensated with an iron will. He under- of the China Lobby, communicat- litical division and reaped the whirl-
stands Nixon’s frustrations with the lack ing with the Nixon campaign, urged wind of his enemies.
of respect for his accomplishments. But South Vietnam to thwart negotiations
in the end, this portrait is more damn- until after the election. Farrell uncov- On the final day of his historic visit to
ing. His Nixon is doomed by his own in- ers new archival evidence that sug- China, Nixon reflected with Zhou Enlai
securities, destroyed by his own treach- gests Nixon’s direct knowledge and on a career filled with conquests and
ery, damned by his own words. encouragement of this scheme. crises. “I found that I had learned more
from defeats than from victories,” he
Nixon’s dazzling rise exposed the Farrell sees tragic promise in the Nix- wrote in his diary. “And that all I wanted
rifts in Cold War America. As a fresh- on presidency. Despite a progressive re- was a life in which I had just one more
man congressman, his audacious in- cord on issues such as the environment victory than defeat.” He instead suf-
vestigation of Alger Hiss stirred con- and workplace safety, Nixon endured fered one more defeat. He stained his
servative passions about communist abuse from both liberals and conser- reputation and that of the presidency.
spies and their liberal enablers. In Cal- vatives. His administration advanced As Farrell’s outstanding biography re-
ifornia’s 1950 Senate race, he smeared school desegregation but forfeited minds us, the consequences have en-
Helen Gahagan Douglas with “pink moral authority on race with a manu- dured. They remain toxic.
sheets” suggesting her communist- factured “war on drugs” and cynical ap-
inspired voting record. peals to the Silent Majority. RICHARD NIXON
The Life
With his 1952 “Checkers” speech, Similarly, Nixon’s earth-shattering
Nixon painted himself as a man of the visit to China and arms limitation trea- By John A. Farrell
striving middle class, as well as a victim ties with the Soviet Union illustrated Doubleday. 737 pp. $35
of the elitist press. It preserved his spot his vision in world affairs. But Vietnam Review by Aram Goudsouzian,
on Dwight Eisenhower’s ticket, even as
The Washington Post
1. A Gentleman in Moscow 1. An Ice Age Mystery 1. Welcome to Wonderland #01:
presents "Ask Amy" and NPR personality
2. A Piece of the World 2. Hillbilly Elegy BY J.D. VANCE BY CHRIS GRABENSTEIN
Join the author and friends for an STRANGERS 3. Portraits of Courage
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5. Happy Easter, Curious George
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22 Thursday, March 30, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
When facing temptations ... remember who you are
When we were teenagers, our par- our identities. We just weren’t too of us blurted out, in that tone of dis- ment, and they failed to remember
ents presented us with a stern admo- certain what they were. So once, in dain that only a teenager can man- who they were. They were God’s chil-
nition whenever we left the house frustration over the repeated warn- age, “and just who am I supposed to dren, but they forgot. They forgot all
with friends. “Remember who you ing to “remember who you are,” one be?” And the quiet, thoughtful, pa- that was implied in holding an iden-
are!” they said. On one hand, that rental response came back: “You are tity as God’s child. And the results of
seemed like a silly thing to say to our child.” forgetting their identity were serious.
us. How likely were we to forget our
names? On the other hand, we sus- Well, that made things a little clear- It seems that the world’s problems,
pected there were some important er. With that identity, we knew, came our nation’s problems, and our per-
implications in that reminder about expectations. “Remember who you sonal problems are always tempting
are” meant: remember the values we us to forget that we, too, are children
taught you, the morals, the ethics, of God. As Rev. Shannon Kushner re-
how you are to act, to engage with cently pointed out, it’s easy to forget
and to care for others. Remember if that we are beloved children of God.
temptations come to draw you away Can’t we hear the intriguing hissing in
into dangerous patterns and places, our ears? Hiss … forget that God’s chil-
you are our child. dren are asked to care for the neigh-
bor and the enemy. Hiss … forget that
Surprisingly enough, as it turned God’s children are intended to do
out, our parents apparently had far justice, love mercy, and walk humbly
greater insight into the temptations before God. Hiss … forget that other
we were going to face than we did. people, no matter how wrong we may
And they knew how difficult resisting consider them to be on some issue or
those temptations would be, because in holding some political persuasion,
resisting temptation has always been are also God’s children.
Maybe some of the toxic climate of
Temptations are as old as time and anger, fear, suspicion, reproach and
have been recorded in some of the cynicism we now endure would dissi-
earliest of human writings. In fact, we pate if we ignored the hissing lure that
don’t get too far into the book of Gen- sounds around us every day. What if
esis before running into the epitome we refused to listen and be drawn in?
of tempters, that crafty snake in the What if, instead, we simply worked to
Garden of Eden. Imagine his intrigu- remember who we are?
ing slithers and hisses catching Eve’s
attention. Then, when she’s all ears, THE BAGGOTTS
with great cunning the snake discov-
ers how to undermine the resolve of Rev. Dr. Robert Baggott is Senior
the impressionable Eve. She readily
eats the forbidden fruit of the garden Minister of Community Church
and easily convinces her husband,
Adam, to do likewise. of Vero Beach. Rev. Dr. Casey
Clearly, Adam and Eve’s desires to Baggott is Executive Minister.
fulfill their own fleeting desires for
good things clouded their better judg- The Baggotts write a regular faith
26 Thursday, March 30, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Family beach trip is awash in stress for sensitive sis
STORY BY CAROLYN HAX THE WASHINGTON POST You tell her there’s been a change of plan and cal differences are a red herring.
you won’t be there after all. Your choosing to plant yourself along-
Dear Carolyn: Please help me.
My older sister and family go to The issue here isn’t that this situation is com- side her on the same week as her annual
the beach yearly for a week and plicated; it’s that, for whatever reason, you won’t trip could even be hurting your chances to
stay together in a condo. Same let it be simple. get closer to your sister. You’re free to travel
location for decades. In recent where you want when you want, obviously,
years, I have rented nearby at the Your sister doesn’t welcome you when you come so your sister doesn’t really have standing
same time to see my family. to the beach, and the simplest conclusion to draw to say, “Hey, could you please not have this
from that is that you’re not welcome there. Politi- parallel vacation every year?” – so your be-
I must say, they don’t seem to ing there puts her in an awkward spot. If
care if we are there. We don’t eat I’m right, then you’re forcing her either to
together, and other than seeing include you when she’d rather focus her
each other on the beach, there is very little inter- attention on her family; to avoid you with-
action. My ex always noticed they didn’t care; my out being overtly rude; or to explain to you
current husband says the same thing. He feels sad outright that she loves you and enjoys your
for me that I am working to be connected to people company but that this beach trip is her time
who really don’t seem to care about seeing us. to focus on her spouse/kids/grandkids.
Enter politics. Now, since we are of the opposite
parties, it is more complicated. I do not discuss If I were advising her, I’d urge her to
politics, but they are flagrant in their beliefs. You choose Option 3 and just explain it to you,
know what a mess it has been since the election. because it’s not necessarily bad: She really
Tension has brewed the past few years. could appreciate your company in another
So this year, I do not want to be there. Just seems context, and you really could be unwel-
like too much stress to feel like we are bad people for come here while being welcome elsewhere
having obviously different political views. My other at virtually any other time.
sister won’t even try to go; she thinks they’re rude. But since I’m advising you, I need to say instead
A few months ago, my sister said, “You coming to that it’s your duty not to force her to explain her-
the beach?” I said yes. Nothing else was said. self. Again, let it be simple: This isn’t your beach
Eventually it will come up again in one of our in- week, it’s hers. Read the situation. Pick another
frequent phone calls. Not that she cares if we are way to bond.
there, but what do I say? And, pick a healthy approach: Suggest a gather-
ing, then give her a chance to accept, decline or
– S. propose something else.
28 Thursday, March 30, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Parkinson’s patients have co-pilot in IRMC neurologist
STORY BY TOM LLOYD STAFF WRITER Dr. Xabier Beristain. Beristain adds that severe malnu- The Mayo Clinic says Parkinson’s
[email protected] trition can also affect Parkinson’s develops when nerve cells or neurons
PHOTO: DENISE RITCHIE patients “because people may not be in the brain break down and are no
Over a million people in the U.S. willing – or able – to eat much.” longer able to produce the chemical
are now living with Parkinson’s dis- large; fully 70 percent of all Parkin- neurotransmitter called dopamine.
ease and every year another 60,000 son’s-related deaths are attributed to If all that is not enough, an often-
new cases are diagnosed. aspiration pneumonia. overlooked part of the Parkinson’s When dopamine levels decrease
puzzle is depression. – and right now no one knows why
According to the Centers for Dis- Pneumonia develops so frequently they do – the brain is no longer able
ease Control and Prevention, compli- in Parkinson’s patients because when “Actually,” says Beristain, “as many to control a wide variety of functions
cations from Parkinson’s are a leading the muscles in the throat and esopha- as 40 percent of Parkinson’s patients including controlling the muscles in
cause of death in this country and the gus fail to operate properly, they can do experience acute depression as a the body which results in those trem-
Parkinson’s Disease Foundation puts direct food or liquid into the patient’s part of the disease. But sometimes the ors as well as those balance and swal-
an annual price tag for the ailment at lungs rather than the stomach. The depression can even happen before lowing problems.
more than $25 billion a year. lungs and airways then get infected they have obvious symptoms of the
causing the frequently fatal lung dis- disease. So, in a sense, it’s a change in While a cure still seems far in the
For Dr. Xabier Beristain, a newly ease. the chemistry of the brain that makes future, Beristain says there are medi-
arrived neurologist at the Indian them depressed before they really cations that can treat and ease Par-
River Medical Center, the best way to Parkinson’s patients are also at risk have enough to be depressed about.” kinson’s symptoms. He first points
deal with this distressing disease is for asphyxiation or choking to death to medications originally created to
through a collaborative effort. from food blocking their airways. Fa- The root cause of Parkinson’s is not prevent seizures saying those can be
tal falls from balance problems lead- known and there is currently no cure. diminish the involuntary movements
“When I treat patients,” says Beri- ing to cerebral hemorrhages are also or tremors of the disease.
stain, “I like to be their co-pilot rather far more common in people with Par-
than the driver of the bus. I tell them kinson’s than the public at large. Then the good-natured Beristain
what their options are. Then that per- credits happenstance. “Many medi-
son can consider those different op- cations we use nowadays,” he says,
tions. I want them to be involved with “were found by chance.”
their own care and tell me what they
would like to do. Some people like to For example, he says, “Amantadine
be told what to do, but I like to share is a medication that was developed
that responsibility with the patient.” to treat the flu. But people were tak-
ing this medication for the flu and
And when it comes to Parkinson’s, realizing that their Parkinson’s symp-
there’s a great deal to share. toms were better.” The drug wasn’t
designed to do that but was found to
The National Institute of Neurolog- be beneficial, nonetheless. It is now
ical Disorders and Strokes cites trem- an FDA-approved medication for Par-
ors or trembling of the hands, arms, kinson’s.
legs, jaw and face along with stiffness
of limbs, slowness of movement, and Beristain is just starting to build his
impaired balance and coordination neurology practice here in Vero Beach
as the most common symptoms of and he seems genuinely proud to say,
Parkinson’s, and it’s those symptoms “Every patient is different and I learn
rather than the disease itself that do different things from my patients ev-
the most damage. ery day,” which does, indeed, sound
more like a doctor looking to be his
As Parkinson’s progresses, those patients’ co-pilot.
symptoms become life-threatening.
Falls, difficulty in swallowing and Dr. Xabier Beristain is with the Indi-
pneumonia are all closely linked to an River Medical Center. His office is in
the disease. the new Health and Wellness building
at 3450 11th Court. The phone number
Parkinson’s patients are four times is 772-770-6848.
more likely to contract and die from
pneumonia than the population at
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Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, March 30, 2017 29
66% of cancer mutations due to random DNA copying errors
STORY BY LAURIE MCGINLEY THE WASHINGTON POST The Hopkins researchers have said tine the environment or how laudable velop cancer despite having “near-per-
their earlier work was widely misinter- someone’s lifestyle choices. fect lifestyles,” as well as to parents who
More than two-thirds of cancer- preted. Nevertheless, in a news brief- are worried that they somehow “gave”
causing mutations are the result of ran- ing earlier this week, they took pains “Most of the enemies are inside us – their children cancer, either by pass-
dom mistakes in DNA replication that to stress that their study was consistent they are already here,” Vogelstein said, ing on a harmful gene or inadvertently
occur when normal cells divide, ac- with estimates that 40 percent of can- referring to the random cancer-causing exposing them to an environmental
cording to a paper published last week. cers can be prevented, and urged the mutations. He said that science needs toxin.
The study is sure to renew a vigorous public to pursue healthy lifestyles. to find better ways to detect cancer
debate over how much individuals can early, when there is a greater chance of Tomasetti said the work represented
do to prevent cancer and how much is But they also said it was important curing it. a paradigm shift because it marked the
unavoidable. for scientists and the public to recog- first time researchers had measured the
nize that a large percentage of cancer Vogelstein also argued that the new respective contributions of the three
The researchers, mathematician mutations occur no matter how pris- research about random mutations dominant causes of cancer mutations.
Cristian Tomasetti and cancer geneti- should offer comfort to people who de-
cist Bert Vogelstein, both of Johns Hop-
kins University, set out to determine
what proportion of cancer mutations
are due to unpredictable DNA-copying
errors – as opposed to the two other
main contributors to cancer, inherited
genes and environmental factors, such
as smoking and obesity.
For their study, published in Science,
the scientists used a mathematical
model that analyzed genome sequenc-
ing and epidemiological data for 32
types of cancer. Overall, they conclud-
ed, 66 percent of mutations that con-
tribute to cancer are due to unavoid-
able DNA-replication mistakes, while
29 percent are attributable to environ-
mental factors and 5 percent to hered-
ity. That doesn’t mean that two-thirds
of cancer cases are caused by random
copying errors, they said; it can take
three, four or more mutations to make
a cell turn malignant.
Moreover, the proportion of muta-
tions due to random copying errors
varies depending on the cancer, the
researchers said. Random DNA-repli-
cation mistakes account for about 77
percent of critical mutations in pancre-
atic cancer, and virtually all childhood
cancer, they said. By contrast, they
concluded that more than two-thirds
of the mutations in lung cancer were
due to environmental factors, mostly
Humans have trillions of cells, which
are constantly regenerating by divid-
ing and making new cells. But each
time DNA is copied, the scientists said,
an average of three random mistakes
will occur. While most are harmless,
a small number affect genes that will
promote cancer.
The new research builds on a 2015
study that highlighted the role of “bad
luck” – random DNA errors – in devel-
oping cancer. That study drew vehe-
ment protests from some cancer phy-
sicians and researchers who worried
it would encourage people to take a
fatalistic approach to cancer rather
than trying to reduce their cancer risk
by maintaining a healthy weight, exer-
cising regularly, eating a good diet and
avoiding cigarettes.
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, March 30, 2017 31
Southern Social: Not-so-quietly making a name for itself
REVIEW BY TINA RONDEAU COLUMNIST Seared Scallops. but had to be cooked at least medium.
[email protected] Turns out the burgers are a blend of
PHOTOS BY GORDON RADFORD meats that included pork as well as
Southern Social, this season’s most brisket; hence the need to be sure they
talked-about newcomer on Vero’s 14th Heirloom Tomato are thoroughly cooked.
Avenue art-gallery-and-dining strip, and Watermelon.
has established itself in the short span In any event, the company burger
of seven months as a trendy, welcome Oysters on a – served with bacon jam, American
addition to the Old Downtown restau- Half Shell. cheese and Bama BBQ sauce – was deli-
rant scene. cious. I also enjoyed the deconstructed
Brevard restaurant reviewer shrimp and grits – perfectly cooked
Night after night, this fairly large shrimp served with a grit cake comple-
dining-and-drinking spot occupying The Melbourne Beachsider is looking for a freelance food critic to write weekly mented by wilted collards and Andou-
the space that once housed Avanzare reviews of restaurants in Brevard County. Until we find the right person, we will ille butter sauce. And my husband’s
is packed, predominantly with young continue to run reviews in this space by our Vero Beach restaurant reviewer. If you snapper was beautifully seared on the
people. The only complaint one hears have food expertise and think you can help Beachsider readers with their dining outside and moist on the inside. Very
(albeit with some frequency) is that it is choices, please send a resume and a 600-word review of a restaurant you recently nicely done.
very noisy.
visited to [email protected]. Southern Social offers an intriguing
But featuring hand-crafted cocktails variety of hand-crafted cocktails, craft
and craft beer as well as “southern cui- beer and ale, and three categories of
sine with a progressive twist,” this is wine by the glass: tasty ($6), interest-
clearly a restaurant where people go ing ($9) and delicious ($12). On this
with friends to drink and have fun as visit, we tried one of the “tasty” whites,
much as to eat. Lost Angel, a medium-bodied Califor-
nia chardonnay which was a very good
On our most recent visit, we were value for the price.
seated in what is supposedly the qui-
eter room since it’s the one without the A party of two can dine here – hav-
bar. Both rooms, with bare lightbulbs ing a couple of beers or glasses of wine,
dangling from a black ceiling, dark sharing an appetizer, and enjoying two
concrete floors, and black chalkboard entrées – for $70 to $80, before tax and
and distressed wood planks on the tip (somewhat more if you’re having
walls, have a hip, country-casual ap- mixed drinks).
The good news is that Southern So-
Across from us on the far wall the cial now takes reservations, and we
evening we were there was a party of 16 would strongly recommend them.
seated at a long table, all enjoying din- The less good news is that when it is
ner. Have I mentioned that the room full, this restaurant is one of the noisi-
was extremely noisy? est – perhaps the noisiest – in Vero.
A basket of jalapeño cornbread got But loud or not, based on the crowds
the evening off to a good start. For we have seen there on recent evenings,
openers, I ordered the fried green to- our guess is this nouveau Southern gas-
matoes ($11), our companion opted for tropub with the hipster vibe is in for a
a small pimento Caesar salad ($5), and long run.
my husband chose the oysters on the
half shell ($14). I welcome your comments, and en-
courage you to send feedback to me at
The pimento was the dominant [email protected].
taste in the non-traditional Caesar,
and it made for an excellent salad. The reviewer is a beachside resident
My husband’s oysters, Malpeques we who dines anonymously at restaurants at
were told (though not from PEI), were the expense of this newspaper.
sublime but teensy, and unfortu-
nately were overpowered by just a dot HOURS
of whipped buttermilk and Tabasco Mon-Sat, 4 pm to 10 pm
The winner among the three ap- Full bar
petizers was the tower of fried green
tomatoes. Layered with herb goat ADDRESS
cheese and molasses cream, the to- 1932 14th Avenue,
matoes were very tasty with a nice
crunch. Vero Beach, FL
For entrées on this most recent
evening, I ordered the shrimp and (772) 205-2212
grits ($18), my husband chose the pan
seared snapper ($26), and our com-
panion decided to try the company
burger ($14).
She was a bit surprised, however, to
be told the burger patties (you get two)
could not be prepared medium rare,
32 Thursday, March 30, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, March 30, 2017 33
Bonz says Sonny can teach us all a thing or two
right there with me. Then, this morn- Citizenship Test in Puppy
ing, I was able to go out in the yard and Kindergarten, when I was
Hi Dog Buddies! Do My Doodie. I felt pretty good. And I only 1½. An I enjoy teach-
This week I yapped with Sonny Ya- really wanted to yap with you. So …” ing. So, since Mom was
rina, a good-lookin’ orange and white
Brittany who’s gettin’ up there, turned “Well, Sonny, just let me know if you always fosterin’ pooches,
13 March 8. When me and my Assis-
tant drove up, I had no idea that the need to stop at any point, OK?” I became her Assistant.
interview’d almost been canceled. I’m
glad it wasn’t, cuz Sonny has an inspi- “Sure will. So, whaddya wanna When we get a new fos-
rin’ story.
know?” ter pooch, I make sure
He was right at the door with his
Mom to greet us. He had a kind face, “Pretty much, your life story, so far.” he or she gets enough
and this great big smile.
My pencil was poised. play time. (Humans call
“Welcome! I’m so
“My earliest memories are me and it exercise.) When I’m
glad to meet
you. I’m Sonny Yarina. This is my me sibs and our Mom bein’ taken to helping pooches small-
Mom, Gloria. My Dad’s Dave. So, let’s
go sit down. You’ll have to forgive me, a Brittany rescue place. Pretty soon, er than me, I sqwunch
I’m a bit wobbly here recently.”
everybody’d been adopted, ’cept me. I way down so I don’t
I had noticed that he was moving
slow, and sorta sideways. “It’s a plea- was the runt of the litter. Meanwhile, scare ’em.”
sure,” I said. “But, are you OK?”
my Forever Mom (to be) had been fos- “Aww, that’s so
He settled himself on the couch.
“Oh, yes. Apparently, last night I had tering Brittanys for years, had two at thoughtful.”
what humans call a Stroke.”
home at the time. She’d fostered a He grinned.
“Oh, Woof!” I exclaimed. “I’ve heard
about them. That’s Serious Dog Bis- buncha puppies (which is a lotta “An pooches bigger
work) and had decided to never than me, WELL, bring
“True enough. But it’d happened
once before, a while back. Mom called raise a puppy again. Just grown- ’em on! Ack-shully,
my vet, of course. I just sorta wigged out
for a bit. Felt kinda weird. Then I felt OK up pooches. even though they’re
again. This time, I rested, and Mom was
“Well, the Brittany Rescue bigger, sometimes
people sent out this pik-sure of they’re insecure, in
a 12-week-old puppy lookin’ for a new place an all.
a Forever Home.” So I try to make ’em Sonny, the Brittany. PHOTOS BY GLORIA YARINA
“You, right?” comf-tubble an re-
“Yep.” laxed. An if they
“Mom musta liked my pik- wanna be all Alpha, that’s Cool
sure, cuz she asked about my Kibbles, too. They don’t scare me. Lady, 8.
personality, and the Brittany They learn Basic Manners by followin’ “Pleased to meet you, Mr. Bonzo!”
people said I was Middle-of- my lead: Sit, Come, Potty Etiquette, said Jen.
the-Road, which Mom liked, House Rules, that stuff. I figure I’ve “We’re gonna go out and play,” said
cuz she didn’t want a pooch probly trained at least 30 fosters. An Lady. “Wanna do laps with us?”
who went Nuts and chewed I’m totally good hangin’ out by myself The girls ran out to the yard. We fol-
everything in sight, or one or partyin’ with a buncha pooch pals. lowed. “Come’on, Bonz. I’m feeling
who laid around in a heap Mom says I’m Flexible. Like, I’m easy- way stronger today. But I’m not ready
all day, either. So she broke going, but also FEARLESS. So, that’s for laps yet.”
her No Puppies Ever Again pretty much my job.” Back inside, the interview continued.
rule, Thank Lassie. We had “Woof, Sonny, it’s perfect for you! “Mom’s my Comfort Zone. BUT,
a Meet-and-Greet in Or- How’re you feelin’ so far?” I didn’t want when Dad gets the cooler out, I’m
lando to be sure we were him to overdo it on accounta me. Right There, cuz that means we’re
right for each other. We “Ack-shully, pretty good. Hey, wan- goin’ BOATING! I LOVE boating! The
were. na meet my little sisters? They’re from FREEdom! The wind in my ears! Jen’s
“Well, I did have a great Brittany Rescue, too. An you can check really the Daddy’s girl. They play
disposition, but I hadda out our kennel set-up. It’s Cool Dog Catch for hours. Me, not so much.
lotta health problems: Biscuits!” I play it for, like, a minute, so Dad
mange, a limp, a calcium de- “Lead the way!” won’t feel bad. Now TRAvel, that’s
ficiency (whatever that is), even broken Sonny carefully stepped off the Cool Kibbles. We enjoy Naples and
teeth. I decided then and there that, couch and headed for a hallway, along a New Smyrna. Pawsome! Me an the
since Mom and Dad were gonna take row of roomy, fenced kennels with gates girls’ favorite treat is frozen bread.
good care of me, I’d NEVER EVER fuss inside AND out, to a GI-NORMOUS An we play Find the String Beans.
or get all stubborn. It was the least I shady, fenced yard. Pooch Perfect! Mom hides ’em an we find ’em. And
could do. Sonny’s Mom opened two gates and eat ’em, of course.
“Turns out, I have this Gift: I get out shot a pair of adorable little girls, Heading home, I was thinking how
along with all dogs. An not just get all barky an bouncy. important good teachers are, for us
along. I love to share: toys, food, hu- “Manners, Ladies!” Sonny said. “This pooches, an humans, too. In my opin-
mans, furniture, whatever. Not to is Mr. Bonzo, the columnist. Bonz, ion, a good teacher, who really gives a
brag, but I passed my Canine Good these are my silly sisters, Jen, 12, an Woof, can make ALL the difference in a
Don’t be shy! pooch’s or human’s life. And I was fig-
uring how to get my Grandma to play
Find the String Beans with me.
Till next time,
We are always looking for pets with interesting stories. To set up -The Bonz
an interview, please email [email protected].
36 Thursday, March 30, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Roomy riverfront home full of architectural charm
STORY BY MARIA CANFIELD CORRESPONDENT home from the air, you would see a cir-
[email protected] cular drive, lush landscaping, a stucco
exterior in a soft shade of lemon yellow,
The exquisitely-maintained exec- a Spanish-style tile roof (its expanse ac-
utive-style home located at 164 Bay- centuated by the home’s one-floor de-
shore Drive in Melbourne Beach is sign), a covered entrance portico, and
remarkable for many reasons, not the – of course – the dazzling river, an eco-
least of which is its 160 feet of direct In- logical playground home to bottlenose
dian River Lagoon frontage, accessed dolphins, manatees, abundant game
via a surprisingly large yard and a long, fish and an amazing variety of bird life.
dramatic pier with a private boat dock.
Entering the home through hand-
If you were to view this custom-built
RIVERFRONT some leaded-glass double doors, the tops that seem to go on forever, and a
open floor plan is immediately evi- cooktop island. The abundant white
DIRECT RIVERFRONT VIEWS • 1 ACRE LOT • CUSTOM BUILT HOME dent, and you’ll be able to easily envi- wood cabinetry has a glossy look. The
sion happily-chatting party guests cir- kitchen’s efficiency is enhanced by a
FOR SALE - 523 PEREGRINE DR. culating through the space. All of the large walk-in pantry and a second sink.
living areas are tiled in a light shade,
• Key West Inspired Beach Home enhancing the open-feel of the home There’s easy access to the kitchen
• Gated Community and providing a bright, clean look. from the living and family rooms.
• Outside Patio Like many other spaces in the house,
• Screened In Pool Although the floor plan is open, these rooms have gracefully curved
there is a sense of separation between walls, bringing in a sense of flow and
the rooms. To the right of the foyer is energy. The living room has a direct
a formal dining room with triple tray view of the patio and pool through
ceilings and a shallow arch-shaped re- floor-to-ceiling windows, and the fo-
cess built into one wall; these features cal point of the large family room is
add an air of elegance to this space. the gas fireplace, beautifully framed
by black marble. Adjacent to the fam-
On the other side of the foyer is a large ily room, and in close proximity to
room currently used as an office; its size the kitchen, is a space ideal for casual
and the fact that it adjoins a full bath dining; it is large enough to accom-
means that – with the addition of a clos- modate a full-family lunch or dinner.
et – it could easily be used as a bedroom.
It’s a cheerfully-situated room, with the The patio – never far from sight – is
huge east-facing sunburst-topped win- spacious, and the summer kitchen
dow bringing in the morning light. makes it a great spot for al fresco din-
ing, or to extend a party from indoors
The centerpiece of the rest of the to outdoors. The long pool is heated
living space is the gleaming chef-style and – like many spots in the home’s
kitchen; it has a long breakfast bar that interior – gently curved.
easily accommodates four good-sized
stools, gray and white granite counter- All of the bedrooms are plushy car-
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, March 30, 2017 37
peted in a nice neutral tone. The two on either end. The vanity is of a good the other two, and is truly part of a under a large window; sitting there
smaller bedrooms share a Jack and height, minimizing the need to stoop suite. There’s an entryway with built- provides the feeling of (almost) floating
Jill bathroom, sensibly designed – (and perhaps preventing a backache). in bookshelves; the bedroom lies to the in the pool. The window is attractively
there’s a very long vanity, with a sink right. It has a sitting area positioned
The master bedroom is split from CONTINUED ON PAGE 38
Community: Melbourne Beach
Year built: 2004
Construction: Concrete
Home size: 3,776 square feet
Lot size: 1.05 acres
Bedrooms: 3 (plus office that
could be a bedroom)
Bathrooms: 3 full, 1 half
Additional features: Newer
seawall (built 2013), sprinkler
system, impact glass and storm
shutters throughout, newly
painted, fans and custom re-
cessed lighting throughout.
Listing agency:
Curri Kirschner Real Estate
Listing agent: David Curri,
cell phone 321-890-9911
List price: $1,275,000
38 Thursday, March 30, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Real Estate Sales on South Brevard island: March 17 to March 23
The real estate market was active in island ZIP codes 32951, 32903 and 32937 last week. Satellite Beach led
the way reporting 8 sales, but Melbourne Beach and Indialantic had 6 each, and Indian Harbour Beach
reported 5.
The top sale of the week was of a waterfront home in Melbourne Beach. The residence at 3680 Grande
Bay Court was placed on the market Dec. 15 with an asking price of $2.25 million. The transaction closed
March 22 for $2.1 million.
The seller in the transaction was represented by Kirk Kessel of Dale Sorensen Real Estate. The purchaser
was represented by Laura Dowling Roy of Premier Properties.
$750,000 $605,000
WILCOX MELBOURNE BEA 211 SECOND AVE 8/16/2016 $539,000 $650,000 3/22/2017 $480,000
BEACH WOODS STAGE 8 3260 RIVER VILLA WAY 11/3/2016 $339,900 $514,000 3/22/2017 $285,000
ISLAND SHORES OF MEL 409 MAGNOLIA AVE 8/10/2016 $259,900 $315,000 3/21/2017 $237,500
BCH WDS STG 7 PHS 1 235 SEA CORAL WAY 1/4/2017 $334,999 $259,900 3/17/2017 $335,999
OCEAN RIDGE II OF BR 212 SANIBEL WAY 2/16/2017 $334,999 3/17/2017
SALES FOR 32903 $130,000
INDIALANTIC BY SEA 311 1ST AVE 1/20/2017 $419,000 $419,000 3/20/2017 $374,000
CASA DEL MAR CONDO 1011 MIRAMAR AVE S 9 1/10/2017 $145,900 $144,900 3/20/2017 $448,000
RIVIERA 1ST ADDN RE 451 MONACO DR 8/2/2016 $360,000 $309,000 3/19/2017 $375,000
OCEAN SANDS SOUTH CO 2725 N HIGHWAY A1A 204 11/16/2016 $379,900 $379,900 3/17/2017
RIVER SHORES 1ST ADD 1936 SHORE VIEW DR 2/9/2017 $439,000 $439,000 3/17/2017 $345,000
ROYAL PALM CONDO 1505 N HIGHWAY A1A 303 9/15/2016 $419,500 $379,000 3/17/2017 $225,000
SALES FOR 32937 $290,000
INDIAN HRBR BCH S6 107 MAYACA DR 1/18/2017 $359,900 $359,900 3/17/2017 $315,000
COQUINA PALMS 276 COASTAL HILL DR 2/1/2017 $229,900 $229,900 3/17/2017 $260,000
CRISTAL CONDO PHS 2 1907 HIGHWAY A1A 204 1/9/2017 $465,000 $465,000 3/20/2017 $215,000
HARBOR BEACH CLUB A 1018 STEVEN PATRICK AVE 10/29/2016 $309,900 $299,900 3/21/2017 $247,000
HARBOR BEACH CLUB A 1042 STEVEN PATRICK AVE 2/20/2017 $327,500 $327,500 3/23/2017 $295,000
AMHRST GRD SEC 1 220 CARISSA DR 1/6/2017 $349,900 $329,900 3/17/2017 $325,000
NONE 702 MAR BRISA CT 702 12/19/2016 $304,900 $269,900 3/17/2017 $149,000
SKYLINE SUBD 110 SKYLINE BLVD 11/22/2016 $235,000 $235,000 3/17/2017 $467,500
CORAL SEA VILLAS 75 CORAL SEA WAY 11 9/22/2016 $265,000 $255,000 3/20/2017
DE SOTO PARK UNIT 2 677 CARIBBEAN RD 12/28/2016 $315,000 $309,000 3/20/2017
CRESTHAVEN SAT BCH 1 541 ROSADA ST 12/18/2016 $347,750 $336,900 3/21/2017
WATERWAY TWNHMS 1 433 BLUE JAY LN 12/8/2016 $162,000 $157,000 3/22/2017
MONTECITO PHASE 1A 624 MISSION BAY DR 1/17/2017 $489,900 $484,900 3/23/2017
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 37 so that a chair can be pulled up for also double as a mudroom). Another more unique by the presence of a com-
getting-ready activities that require useful space is a staging-area of sorts bination seawater/fresh water pond.
appointed with off-white wood blinds. sitting. There’s also a whirlpool bath next to the kitchen; it has the same Because of the pond and the river, Flor-
Down a short hallway within the and a standalone shower; the toilet is cabinetry and granite countertops as ida wildlife abounds: otters, dolphins,
behind a door for privacy. the kitchen, and serves as a utilitar- manatees, pelicans, white cranes, and
suite, you’ll find two large walk-in ian extension of that space. blue heron. It’s an easy paddle via ca-
closets; a few steps beyond is the mas- The home has a 3-car garage that noe or kayak to nearby islands for a
ter bath. Like the Jack & Jill bath, it adjoins an ample-sized laundry room The unusually large property – “roughing it” camping experience.
has a long vanity with two sinks; one (which, because of its location, could slightly over an acre – is made even
small section of the vanity is lowered,
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, March 30, 2017 39
Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.
Subdivision: Wilcox Melbourne Bea, Address: 211 Second Ave Subdivision: Beach Woods Stage 8, Address: 3260 River Villa Way
Listing Date: 8/16/2016 Listing Date: 11/3/2016
Original Price: $750,000 Original Price: $539,000
Recent Price: $650,000 Recent Price: $514,000
Sold: 3/22/2017 Sold: 3/22/2017
Selling Price: $605,000 Selling Price: $480,000
Listing Agent: Eva McMillan Listing Agent: Wendy Murray
Selling Agent: Selling Agent:
Dale Sorensen Real Estate, Inc Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl
Norma Penton Stephanie Crowder
BHHS Florida Realty LaRocque & Co., Realtors
Subdivision: River Shores 1st Add, Address: 1936 Shore View Dr Subdivision: Montecito Phase 1A, Address: 624 Mission Bay Dr
Listing Date: 2/9/2017 Listing Date: 1/17/2017
Original Price: $439,000 Original Price: $489,900
Recent Price: $439,000 Recent Price: $484,900
Sold: 3/17/2017 Sold: 3/23/2017
Selling Price: $448,000 Selling Price: $467,500
Listing Agent: David Curri Listing Agent: Julianne Moore
Selling Agent: Selling Agent:
Curri Kirschner Real Estate Group Curri Properties
Joan Shepherd Nick F Farinella
Prominent Properties of Florida Coldwell Banker Res RE