September 28, 2018 | Volume 5, Issue 39 Newsstand Price: $1.00
For breaking news visit
MY TAKE Police: Boyfriend
attacks woman in
BY RAY MCNULTY Golden Sands Park
What’s old Dodgertown
property really worth?
What’s the former Dodger- By Federico Martinez | Staff Writer
town Golf Course property – 35
acres of mostly vacant land that Seagrass is making a slow recovery near the Sebastian Inlet. STORY, PAGE 3. It was a simple text message
has sat idle on the west side of from a friend, but it alleged-
Vero Beach since 2004 – really Central lagoon in fair condition, but not healthy enough ly drove a Vero Beach woman’s
worth? 25-year-old boyfriend into a fit
By Sue Cocking | Staff Writer else,” Dr. Leesa Souto, executive director of the of rage. He punched the wom-
Right now, it’s worth $2.4 mil- Marine Resources Council, told a public meet- an repeatedly in the face, leaving
lion, give or take $30,000, be- The first-ever health report card issued for the ing at the Environmental Learning Center in her unconscious in a remote part
cause that’s how much an out- entire 156-mile-long Indian River Lagoon shows Vero Beach last week. “You have a ‘D.’ You can of Golden Sands Beach Park the
of-town developer and Indian that the stretch that runs through Indian River still pass. Don’t let it get any worse.” night of Sept. 17, according to the
River County say, in competing County is in fair-to-poor condition – better than Sheriff’s Office.
offers, they’re willing to pay for it. the northern and southern portions, but with The report card, which was issued by the Ma-
quite a way to go to achieve good health. rine Resources Council, took three years to pro- “I told you before I don’t want
It was worth $2.1 million you receiving texts from anybody,”
when Lakeland-based builder “Things here aren’t as bad as everywhere CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 the man screamed as his girlfriend
Mark Hulbert made his initial begged for mercy. “I don’t want
bid for the land last summer. you talking to anybody.”
The value went up when he in-
creased his offer. If it hadn’t been for a Florida
Fish and Wildlife Conservation
And if someone comes in Commission officer who was
before Tuesday’s City Council investigating an empty vehicle
meeting and offers $2.7 million parked at the beach after hours,
for the property, then the value the victim, who was left partially
will go up again. buried in the sand, may have suf-
fered a worse fate.
But know this: It’s not worth
anywhere close to the $9.9 mil- The boyfriend, Michael Antho-
lion the city paid for it in 2005, ny Trampus, 25, returned to the
near the peak of the real-estate parking lot alone as the FWC of-
ficer was running a license plate
CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 check on the vehicle, which was
owned by the injured woman,
INSIDE according to Indian River County
Sheriff’s Office reports.
NEWS 1-6 PETS 14
To advertise call: 772-559-4187 By Lisa Zahner | Staff Writer another term on the City Council. “We
For circulation or where to pick up [email protected] need to get something done.”
your issue call: 772-226-7925
Vero City Councilman Lange Sykes City officials over the past decade
© 2016 Vero Beach 32963 Media LLC. All rights reserved. is frustrated with too much talk and have discussed parking meters, kiosks,
too little action on the parking prob- valet parking, bike sharing and even a
lem that plagues Ocean Drive busi- municipal parking garage. Sykes urged
nesses. He wants it solved this season. City Manager Jim O’Connor to bring
the best options together for the City
“I’ve only got three meetings left,”
said Sykes, who is not running for CONTINUED ON PAGE 6
2 September 28, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS
MY TAKE gional Airport. To the south is the Main are pushing for the land to be used for a needs for its events if the city sells him the
Relief Canal, then commercial property park. property.
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 along the north side of State Road 60. To
the west is a residential neighborhood County Administrator Jason Brown No matter which of the two parties gets
boom, nor is it worth even the $5 mil- that is outside the city limits. isn’t opposed to using at least some of the the land, the city will continue to lose
lion-plus the city still owes on the bank land for that purpose. money on it. It’s merely a matter of how
loan it used to buy the land. The zoning does not allow for sin- much.
gle-family residential development and, “If we buy it, we’re not planning to put
Three years ago, the parcel was ap- citing the surroundings, city officials have in a paved parking lot,” Brown said. “We’ll O’Connor said the golf-course proper-
praised at $3.5 million, but even the city- said they don’t want residential construc- keep the grass and people can park there. ty costs the city around $675,000 per year
hired appraiser conceded that comps – tion of any kind on that land. And we’ll probably have an open field for in loan payments, mowing and mainte-
comparable properties in terms of size, things like a farmers market, food truck nance, and liability insurance. The annu-
zoning and surroundings – were difficult This past summer, in fact, the City events and festivals. al loan payment is about $660,000, which
to find in this county. Council told Hulbert it would not consid- the city will continue to pay until 2026.
er selling the property to him unless he “We could improve it with walking
According to the appraisal done by removed a section of townhouses from trails, or we might just leave it as a place In 2019, the city will write a check for
Armfield-Wagner Appraisal & Research his proposal for an “urban market” devel- to kick a soccer ball or throw a baseball $661,000 – $491,000 goes to principle and
Inc., there were “few sales of larger com- opment that would contain retail stores, or football around,” he added. “We don’t $170,000 to interest – and O’Connor said
mercial and multiple-family parcels” with restaurants, hotels, office buildings and have a set plan yet.” the payments never dip below the final
which to compare the golf-course land at plenty of green space. installment of $658,994.
that time, and “no recent sales of compa- The county might need to buy the golf-
rable commercial acreage parcels have “The highest price we could get for that course parcel to protect its investment in “People say, ‘You paid $10 million for
been found.” land is for residential use,” City Manag- Historic Dodgertown, which occasionally it. Why are you selling it for $2 million?’”
er Jim O’Connor said, “but who wants to uses that land as an overflow parking lot O’Connor said. “And it does make you
The four comparable land sales the back up to a baseball stadium and live for big-crowd events. stop and think – until you realize how
firm found and analyzed to come up with that close to an airport?” much it’s costing us to let that land sit
the $3.5-million figure indicated a range Former Los Angeles Dodgers owner there and do nothing.
in value of $48,000 to $106,500 per acre, Besides, city officials don’t want to deal Peter O’Malley, chief executive officer
which, the appraisal stated, “is obviously with the complaints they’d surely get from of a five-way partnership that has been “Even if we sell it for what’s being of-
a wide range.” residents there, even though home buy- running Historic Dodgertown for the fered, we’ll still be paying more than
ers would be made aware of the potential past six years, is engaged in negotiations $200,000 per year,” he added, “unless we
Certainly, the lack of usable comps problems associated with living on that between the county and Major League use the electric-sale money to pay off the
makes an accurate appraisal of the former site. Baseball to take over the once-iconic loan, which we probably will.”
golf-course parcel challenging. The loca- sports complex.
tion of the property – and particularly its So residential development is out, Or to put it another way: That $2.4 mil-
surroundings – make it virtually impossi- which takes a bite out of the value of that O’Malley said MLB will not make a deal lion wouldn’t cover four years of loan pay-
ble. parcel. unless the county can guarantee the ad- ments.
ditional parking needed to accommodate
To the east is the Historic Dodgertown The current City Council would like to the events it would bring to Vero Beach. As for converting the property into a
complex, which includes Holman Sta- see the property generate tax revenues, park, O’Connor said the city already has
dium. To the north is the Vero Beach Re- but many folks in the city and county For what it’s worth, Hulbert said earlier plenty of parks, all of which are also – and
want to preserve public green space and this month that he will provide the over- maybe mostly – used by county residents.
flow parking area Historic Dodgertown
“It’s very difficult to determine what
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Assistant Managing Editor: Michelle Genz, Associate Editor: Paul Keaney, Staff Editor: Lisa
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LOCATED AT 4855 NORTH A1A, VERO BEACH, FL 32963 | 772.226.7925
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS September 28, 2018 3
that property is worth,” O’Connor said. Seagrass making slow recovery near Sebastian Inlet
“We had the appraisal done because we
were trying to establish a base price so we By Sue Cocking | Staff Writer as a nursery for juvenile fish, habitat for brown algae-laden Banana
could put it on the market.” shrimp and other marine creatures, and a River to the north and the
Seagrass meadows that were food staple for manatees. blue-green algae-plagued Mar-
No one has offered close to that price. devastated by cold weather and tin County area to the south,
The closest anyone came was a $2.7 severe algae blooms between Boaters could aid progress by using where seagrass has pretty
million offer last year from a developer 2010 and 2012 are making a slow marked channels to navigate the inlet much disappeared, according
who wanted to build 280 homes there – a recovery in the vicinity of Sebas- instead of cutting across sea grass shoals to Vero Beach marine scientist
bid that the city rejected because it was tian Inlet. But propeller scars and by not attempting to power off the Grant Gilmore.
considered incompatible with the adja- caused by careless boaters could shallows at low tide.
cent residential neighborhood and near- compromise their progress. Gilmore and Smithson said
by airport. “Prop dredging is picking up frequen- Sebastian’s regular tidal flush-
Brown, too, acknowledged there were That’s the preliminary find- cy,” Smithson said. ing has helped to dissipate the
some “unique qualities” to the golf- ing of recent aerial photography destructive algae.
course property that make it difficult to and a fins-in-the-water survey Still, the grass cover surrounding the
appraise, though he said the county has commissioned by the Sebastian inlet is in better shape than seagrass in Much of the Sebastian Inlet
hired Armfield-Wagner to update its 2015 Inlet District. many areas of the lagoon, especially the area’s recovery is due to John-
appraisal and will get a fresh appraisal son’s seagrass, a threatened
from a second firm. A comprehensive report will species found only in the In-
“My initial recommendation was a be released later this fall on the dian River Lagoon and parts of
match of the developer’s offer of $2.1 status of more than 100 acres Miami-Dade County’s Biscayne Bay.
million,” Brown said, “but the board was of shallow lagoon bottom surveyed by “Johnson’s seagrass was first recog-
concerned that if we only matched the of- marine ecologist Don Deis and his team nized as a separate species in 1980 . . .
fer, the city might go with the developer, from Atkins North America, an engineer- [and was] named in honor of J. Seward
so we bumped it to $2.4 million. ing and project management company. Johnson Sr., the founder of Harbor
“It’s still well-below the $3.5 million Branch Oceanographic Institution in Ft.
from the city’s appraisal,” he added. Meanwhile, “we’re at about 75 percent Pierce, Florida,” according to the Florida
“That was done three years ago, and recovery since the die-off of 2012,” said Museum of Natural History.
real estate generally increases in value. Marty Smithson, Sebastian Inlet District Deis, who’s been studying the lagoon
We feel the $2.4 million we’re offering is Administrator. “It’s gonna take a few bottom for years by walking and snor-
a fair price.” more years to get back to where it was in keling, said that manatee grass and shoal
But who knows? 2009.” grass were the predominant species near
In response to the county’s increased
offer, Hulbert went to $2.43 million, Seagrass recovery is important because CONTINUED ON PAGE 4
which is what the property is worth now. the underwater meadows are the founda-
We’ll see what’s it is worth Tuesday. tion of the lagoon’s ecosystem, serving
WOMAN ATTACKED Medical Center. Investigators noted her left
eye was black and blue and swollen, and
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 she had abrasions on her face and a lacera-
tion over her right eye. The right side of her
Confronted by the officer, Trampus said neck had a red mark that was consistent
his girlfriend needed medical assistance with being bitten by another person. She
and then tried to lead the officer in the op- also had abrasions and bruises on her left
posite direction from where the victim lay shoulder that continued halfway down her
unconscious. When the victim was even- arm. She was covered in sand and looked as
tually located, Trampus said she had fallen if she had been in a physical altercation of
down after drinking several alcoholic bev- some kind.
erages and may have consumed Xanax ear-
lier in the day. She told investigators that she and
“Mike” were at the park and had a couple
County deputies called to the scene by drinks. When she received a text, her boy-
the FWC officer found the still unconscious friend allegedly beat her until she lost con-
victim lying on the ground with blood sciousness. She then refused to answer any
coming from her nose and her shirt pulled further questions and asked to be released
down, exposing her bra, according to the from the hospital.
sheriff’s report.
According to the sheriff’s report, the
“[She] was unable to speak and slowly victim became hysterical and begged in-
attempted to respond by head motion, but vestigators to release her and not let her
it was apparent she was not understanding boyfriend know she had spoken to law en-
our questions in totality,” Deputy Cristal forcement.
Perez wrote in her report. “[She] was unable
to recall any incident after having lost con- “Just let me go home with him,” she
sciousness.” pleaded. “Or he’s going to kill me and you
can’t keep me safe.”
Trampus, who is 6 feet tall and weighs
192 pounds, told officers he tried to carry Vero Beach 32963 does not identify vic-
his girlfriend over his shoulder after she tims of domestic violence and no informa-
fell, but “dropped her” when she jumped tion about the victim’s age or other details
off his back. Deputies did not believe Tram- were included in sheriff’s office reports.
pus and arrested him. He was transported
to the Indian River County Jail and charged Trampus, who lists his occupation as
with aggravated assault a construction worker, was released on a
$25,000 bond on Sept. 18, the day after the
The victim was taken to Indian River incident. He is scheduled to appear in court
on Oct. 31.
4 September 28, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS
SEAGRASS RECOVERY est sign of full recovery, according to Gilm- ers away from the shallows, and illustrated LAGOON IN FAIR CONDITION
ore, would be a predominance of manatee brochures were distributed to local mari-
the inlet in 2009, with Johnson’s as a mi- Deis was heartened at the increased But lately, Smithson said, as many as 300 duce and involved input from more than
nor component. But in 2013, following the grass cover and appearance of manatees, boats are showing up in and around the 60 lagoon scientists.
freeze and subsequent brown algae spread, juvenile green sea turtles, cow nose rays inlet on weekends, with many skippers un-
Johnson’s began to take over. and bonnethead sharks he found in his re- familiar with proper navigation. Some who It examines water quality and habitat
cent survey. But he was dismayed to find anchor on the shoals while the tide is high data assembled from state and federal
“It grows from season to season. It new prop scars that weren’t there last year get stuck when the tide falls and use their regulatory agencies’ monitoring stations
doesn’t reproduce sexually – it breaks off at this time. propellers to dig their way off instead of from 1996 through 2016 in 10 regions
[and roots],” Deis said. “It’s been holding using a push pole or paddle or wading and from New Smyrna Beach south to Jupiter.
the shoals together.” “A pontoon boat plowed its way through walking the boat. Seagrasses can take many
the shoal [while I was out there],” Deis said. years to recover from such damage. Water quality scores for each region
Added Smithson: “If it weren’t for John- were calculated using four indicators:
son’s, we would have an unstable mess out Smithson said the frequency of prop The District’s seagrass report will be the amounts of nitrogen and phosphorus
there.” scarring eased up dramatically after the shared with the South Florida Water Man- in the water; the amount of algae pres-
District dredged a new navigation channel agement District and the National Estuary ent; and the clarity of the water. Habitat
Today, Deis said, the grass cover is a mix- from the Intracoastal Waterway to the inlet Program. scores of zero to 100 were based on sea-
ture of shoal grass and Johnson’s. The sur- in 2007. Signs were posted to direct boat- grass cover.
The central-south section of the La-
goon where Vero is located, which ex-
tends from Sebastian Inlet to the Indian
River-St. Lucie county line, scored 78 for
water quality (fair) in 2016 and 56 (very
poor) for habitat. The section from the
Melbourne Causeway to the Indian Riv-
er County line registered 37 (extremely
poor) for habitat and 62 (poor) for water
“We didn’t need a report to know the
lagoon was abysmal in 2016,” Souto said.
“If we had done this 20 years ago, we
might have cut it off before things got so
Overall, Souto said, the lagoon is
healthier in areas near inlets – where
there is tidal flushing – than in the Ba-
nana River and Mosquito Lagoon to the
north, where waters take a very long time
to turn over. Even some portions of the
south lagoon in Martin County, now be-
fouled by toxic blue-green algae, showed
fair water quality in 2016, likely owing to
the St. Lucie Inlet.
But Souto said the report suffers from
a data gap in the southernmost lagoon
because state monitoring stations were
taken off line from 2013-16.
Souto said the Marine Council’s goal is
to produce the health report card annu-
ally to see whether the lagoon is getting
better or worse, and to fill in monitoring
gaps with volunteer help from other con-
servation groups.
She said future reports should incorpo-
rate additional health indicators such as
toxins, land use changes, fish counts, and
water quality data from tributaries – not
just the lagoon itself.
Souto exhorted the gathering at the
ELC to hold elected officials accountable
for the lagoon’s health.
“Remind your city council people not
to make bad decisions and to be precau-
tionary,” she said. “This [Indian River
County] area of the lagoon is the last little
vestibule for seagrass to survive in.”
The lagoon health update is being
presented at a series of public meetings
throughout the region, including Harbor
Branch, where Souto shared her findings
last Wednesday. The study was funded by
the National Estuary Program and private
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS September 28, 2018 5
Stay tuned for yet another bizarre Vero election
By Lisa Zahner | Staff Writer for the Nov. 6 election that had already qualifying packets that were missing year, Tony Young, who is on the ballot,
[email protected] been mailed overseas. a key signature on a page where the and their fellow council members will
candidate asserts he or she meets the be looking at a possible Tuesday in De-
If something kooky can happen in a So it looks like Vero will likely cancel residency requirements to run. Heady, cember, and one in January for the vote.
local election, you can bet it will occur the scheduled election and hold a spe- who has run for office roughly 20 times,
in Vero Beach, as illustrated by the on- cial election in December or January printed his name but then did not sign Avoiding the Christmas and Hanuk-
again, off-again, on-again candidacies when everyone can be on all the ballots. on the next line. Hillman left the whole kah holidays will surely be a consider-
of Linda Hillman and Brian Heady. That decision will be made on Oct. 2. page blank. ation in the final decision on a date.
Over the past decade, Vero has had But in a case of extreme irony, the Both omissions went unnoticed and For Vero voters, this will make the
one sitting councilman removed via a Heady and Hillman eligibility snafu may the City Clerk’s office accepted the pa- campaign signs and the mailers, the
court proceeding that considered evi- make it possible for the sitting Vero City perwork and administered the candi- door knocks and the phone calls last
dence that included absence of a show- Council members to complete the $185 date oath, despite the missing signa- even longer. Long after Florida has a
er curtain at his supposed residence, his million sale of the electric utility before tures. Their names were pulled out of a new governor, and the U.S. Senate and
refrigerator contents and the observa- their terms end. Laura Moss, a support- bucket for ballot order and submitted to other key federal, state and county races
tions of a neighbor’s barking Chihua- er of the sale, is running for re-election Supervisor of Elections Leslie Swan. are decided, Vero will remain a battle-
hua. but Lange Sykes, also a supporter, is not. ground.
“They would continue in their terms Then, four days later, after the miss-
Then there was an effort to recall the until the special election,” City Manager ing signatures were noted, a memo from But the mix-up could take the electric
mayor and vice mayor over issues relat- Jim O’Connor said. the City Attorney’s Office declared both sale off the table as a debate topic if FPL,
ed to religion, the invocation, and va- candidates disqualified and they were Vero, Indian River County and Indian
cation rental violations. There was also Heady and Hillman have expressed removed from the ballot. River Shores working together are able
an internal election for a replacement major concerns about the sale of Vero to defeat the three sale challengers in
councilman in which the votes were electric to Florida Power & Light. Hill- But it’s not that simple, according to the Oct. 9 hearing in Tallahassee before
tabulated incorrectly and the poor guy man in the past has sided with public O’Connor. “As a member of the Can- the PSC.
who was really the chosen candidate employee unions in their opposition to vassing Board, I felt we had made an
wasn’t the one seated. the sale. Heady is one of the three ob- error on the city’s end,” O’Connor said. As the schedule stands, the PSC
jectors Vero and FPL must battle at the “The problem was qualifying them and should rule and issue its final opinion
You can’t make this stuff up. Florida Public Service Commission on then disqualifying them.” on the sale of Vero Electric to FPL on or
If you’re keeping a scorecard, Hill- Oct. 9 to secure regulatory approval of before Dec. 31, either paving the way for
man and Heady are back “on,” as of last the sale terms. If the City Council now decides to the FPL sale to close, or causing a major
Thursday, but their names were not hold a special election, Mayor Har- upheaval in the turnover plans already
on approximately 60 absentee ballots Both Hillman and Heady turned in ry Howle, who is not on the ballot this well in the works.
Indian River County Supervisor of Elections
4375 43rd Ave, Vero Beach, FL 32967 I (772)226-3440
6 September 28, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS
By Federico Martinez | Staff Writer Council on Oct. 4. would cost to operate, noting that with opportunity for public comment
“We need proposals – get the ven- there could be some grant funding at 6 p.m. Tuesday at Vero Beach City
Jill Jaynes, who ran the once-booming acu- available. Hall. The council also needs to con-
puncture clinic Absolute Integrated Medicine, dors in here next meeting,” Sykes said. sider competing multimillion-dollar
has pled not guilty to multiple charges of fraud O’Connor on Monday said he and Deigl said the cost would be proposals for the old Dodgertown golf
and racketeering in connection with the clinic’s $200,000 per year to run a shuttle 12 course property, plus make a decision
operation. She is seeking a jury trial. Public Works Director Monte Falls – hours per day – possibly 6:30 a.m. to on a special election that same night.
who will be filling in as city manager 6:30 p.m. – six days per week with no
Jaynes had been scheduled for arraignment on the meeting day while O’Connor is shuttle on Sundays. Each additional Councilwoman Laura Moss also
on Wednesday, Sept. 26, but her attorney, Brooke out of state – quickly figured out that hour of operation, Deigl said, would asked the City Clerk’s office to pull pre-
Leigh Butler, filed a written not guilty plea with the it would take too long for the vendors cost about $53 per hour, which ac- vious metered parking decisions and
court on Sept. 20. A trial date has not yet been set. themselves to make presentations. counts for the bus, driver, fuel, main- discussions, which will be voluminous
tenance and overhead. as this matter has consumed hours
Jaynes is facing charges that she conspired with “We hope to have four proposals to of meetings over the past six or seven
others to defraud an insurance company by sub- present to the council,” O’Connor said, Though coming up with $200,000 years, both before the council and var-
mitting false or incomplete information, illegally adding that options include smart- per year may seem far-fetched, O’Con- ious committees.
waived patient copayments and deductibles, and phone apps that set up a structure, nor said the city would be saving mon-
unlawfully paid others who referred patients for collect fees and enforce parking. This ey it spends now on parking enforce- O’Connor also hosted an informal
treatment. can be done invisibly, without a kiosk, ment through the Vero Beach Police parking work group of stakeholders
using the driver’s cellphone GPS, or Department. who met extensively to try to solve the
Butler has called the charges “inflated and ex- with a kiosk that allows people to pay problem of customers not being able
aggerated.” Neither Butler nor Jaynes could be onsite without using the app. A parking garage is estimated to cost to find spaces near shops and restau-
reached for comment. about $3 million to build. rants.
With the advent of paid parking, the
County officials said Jaynes was attracting so prospect of getting hotel and restau- These options will be discussed
many customers because she was waiving pa- rant employees to park a couple blocks
tient co-pays – essentially offering them free ser- away at Riverside Park and ride a free
vices, while billing the county and Florida Blue shuttle might be more attractive.
Cross Blue Shield, which insures county employ-
ees, for $1.5 million. A previous shuttle, sponsored in
part by the Vero Beach Hotel and Spa,
She was arrested on Aug. 22 and charged with was discontinued because very few
fraud and racketeering. people used it.
Senior Resource Association CEO
Karen Deigl, who managed the pre-
vious shuttle operation, updated
the council on what another shuttle
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8 September 28, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH
Scully-Welsh expands cancer-fighting team, techniques
By Tom Lloyd | Staff Writer it is means having “a comprehensive, dis-
[email protected] ease-based multi-specialty team to treat
these cancers through medical oncology,
Scully-Welsh Cancer Center medical on- radiation oncology, surgical oncology, pa-
cologist Dr. Stephen Patterson says “there thology and diagnostic imaging all under
are a lot of exciting things going on” at the one roof.”
Vero Beach facility, including the onset of
what he calls a new, “more seamless” ap- According to Patterson, the arrival of a
proach to treating bladder cancer, prostate new urologist, Dr. Carrington Mason, from
cancer, testicular cancer and kidney cancer. U.S. Oncology in Texas is another step for-
ward for the IRMC cancer center.
Yale Medicine calls this approach “geni-
tourinary urology” and says it provides an “Dr. Mason does robotic prostatectomies.
important advantage to patients because He also does cystectomies, which are bladder
resections. As far as I know, we were not do-
Dr. Stephen Patterson.
ing any bladder resections within our medi- Since upwards of 20 percent of the pa-
cal group. We had to send [patients needing tients Patterson sees come to him with pros-
those procedures] out to Moffitt or some- tate cancer problems, he is naturally inter-
where else. Now we have the ability to treat ested in any new developments in that field.
those patients within our area. Also, having
a third urologist gives us increased ability to As any man who’s ever been diagnosed
see more prostate cancer, more bladder can- with prostate cancer knows, there are only
cer and more kidney cancer patients.” two recognized approaches to treating that
disease. Surgery or radiation.
Patterson also brings up the continuing
work of Dr. Marc Rose and Dr. Chris Tardiff Patterson says “that’s really a decision we
and their use of “UroNav Trusfusion” for have to let a patient make.
prostate cancer biopsies.
“Whether you get radiation or surgery,
That technique uses magnetic resonance the outcomes for the disease are very sim-
imaging (MRIs) in addition to ultrasound ilar. There is not enough difference be-
imaging to give physicians a “far superior tween the two to say one should be done
way” to actually see the prostate gland and over the other, meaning surgery over radi-
to collect tissue samples from specific areas ation or radiation over surgery across the
that are not only more accurate but also far board,” though he does admit he “leans
less painful to the patient than the biopsy toward [recommending] prostatectomies
techniques of just a few years ago. in younger patients and more towards radi-
ation as patients get older.”
The easy-going Patterson then adds radia-
tion oncologist Dr. Paul Pagnini to his role call. In Patterson’s eyes, Scully-Welsh has now
reached the point where “we can do what’s
“Dr. Pagnini,” says Patterson, “is someone called a multidisciplinary clinic where you
who has great depth in prostate cancer radi- would essentially have either the doctors ro-
ation and so that’s been a great addition for tate around the patient or the patient would
us, too.” go from one room to another room at the
same visit. That’s part of our whole vision
And while Patterson freely admits radia- here. To do that in breast and lung and liver
tion oncology is not his area of expertise, he and bladder and prostate cancers.”
briefly mentions a new approach in that area
called “removable brachytherapy.” Patterson is clearly impressed with the
individual skills and expertise of his Scul-
Brachytherapy – at least in the past – in- ly-Welsh colleagues, including Drs. Mason,
volved permanently inserting tiny radioac- Rose, Tardiff and Pagnini, but he adds “we’re
tive isotopes directly into the prostate gland better together.”
to kill cancer cells.
Dr. Stephen Patterson is a medical oncolo-
Now, however, according to the Johns gist with the Scully-Welsh Cancer Center. His
Hopkins Medical Health Library, in “tem- office is at 3555 10th Court. The phone num-
porary brachytherapy,” those isotopes can ber is 772-226-4810.
be placed, by catheter, on or even near the
prostate, and then removed the same day.
10 September 28, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | HEALTHY SENIOR
Many foods can help significantly lower bad cholesterol
By Fred Cicetti | Columnist particularly when it’s substituted for animal
protein. Ingesting 25 grams to 50 grams of
Q. Does fiber in your diet reduce cholesterol? soy protein a day lowers LDL cholesterol by 4
There are two types of fiber, soluble percent to 8 percent. That’s a lot of soy. Peo-
and insoluble. Soluble fiber is acted upon ple with the highest cholesterol levels seem to
by the normal bacteria in your intestines. benefit the most from soy protein.
Insoluble fiber is not digested by the body
and promotes regularity and softens stools. Women with breast cancer or who are at
Wheat bran, whole grain products and veg- high risk of breast cancer should consult
etables are good sources of insoluble fiber. with their doctors before eating soy, because
Soluble fiber appears to reduce your body’s it is not clear how these plant estrogens
absorption of cholesterol from the intestines. might affect them.
Oatmeal contains soluble fiber that reduces
your low-density lipoprotein (LDL), the “bad” Studies have shown that walnuts can sig-
cholesterol that can increase your risk of heart nificantly reduce cholesterol levels in the
attacks and strokes. This type of fiber is also blood. Rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids,
found in such foods as kidney beans, brussels walnuts may also help keep blood vessels
sprouts, apples, pears, barley and prunes. more healthy and elastic.
The American Dietetic Association rec-
ommends a healthy diet include 20 grams to When walnuts represent 20 percent of
35 grams of fiber a day, including both solu- the calories in a cholesterol-lowering diet,
ble and insoluble fiber. (Soluble fiber should they reduce LDL cholesterol by 12 percent.
make up 5 to 10 grams of your fiber intake.) Almonds appear to have a similar effect. All
However, Americans only consume about nuts are high in calories, so use them as re-
half that amount. placements for high-calorie foods with high
There are other foods that work against levels of saturated fats.
Soy protein, found in such products as Omega-3 fatty acids in fish are noted for
tofu, soy nuts, soy milk and soy burgers can lowering triglycerides, another form of fat
help lower blood levels of LDL cholesterol, in your blood. They also benefit the heart in
other ways. The highest levels of omega-3 fat-
ty acids are in mackerel, lake trout, herring,
sardines, albacore tuna and salmon. Other
good sources of omega-3 fatty acids include total and LDL cholesterol levels because they
flaxseed, walnuts, canola oil and soybean oil. are at high risk of – or have had – a heart attack.
Some foods are fortified with plant sub- You may want to try eating more soluble
stances called sterols or stanols, which are fiber, soy protein, walnuts and fatty fish.
similar in structure to cholesterol; this helps The next step would be the addition of foods
them block the absorption of cholesterol in fortified with plant sterols. Eating a combi-
the intestines. Margarines and orange juice nation of these cholesterol-lowering foods
that have been fortified with plant sterols can increases the benefit.
help reduce LDL cholesterol by more than 10
percent. The American Heart Association rec- Of course, if you’re a geezer and you plan
ommends that foods containing plant sterols to make a change in your habits that could
should be reserved for adults requiring lower affect your health, it is recommended that
you consult your doctor first.
12 September 28, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH
Tip-top health record system boosts patient care
By Tom Lloyd | Staff Writer ‘... the electronic
[email protected] health records are
helping us provide the
One of the newest and most advanced best patient care ...’
electronic health record (EHR) systems
is now up and running at Sebastian River - RN Stevie Ray
Medical Center.
questions over and over and over again.
That’s in no small part due to the efforts No longer having to do that is just phe-
of Debbie Finsted, a staff nurse and in- nomenal.”
house clinical systems analyst, nurse lead-
er Stevie Ray, and newly arrived director of Having the EHR system up and running,
education Amy Colletti. Ray adds, “helps create a good rapport
with patients. We can say, ‘Hey you were
Installation of the system is good news here before.’ Having their history and their
for the hospital, its patients, its staff and medications and everything on the com-
the surrounding community. puter” makes the visit better for the patient
and the nurse.
While many people think EHRs are used
exclusively by physicians to order pre- A registered nurse, Ray became a part of
scription medicines or to provide alerts on this transition team almost by accident.
patient allergies or potential adverse drug
interactions, they actually do much more. “On the floor when I was just doing my
regular nurse job,” he says, “I seemed to be
According to Finsted, “all of the nursing the one who knew the computers and knew
assessments, the interventions and every- how to work all the devices … so they kinda
thing that a nurse does for a patient go into roped me into doing this.”
the EHRs.
“As a seasoned nurse,” Finsted contin-
ues, “what I think is great for patients, is
that I come in here and most of my infor-
mation is in the computer. Whereas be-
fore, when we were on paper, we would
have to start from scratch. I’d take out an-
other piece of paper and ask all the same
RNs Stevie Ray and Debbie Finsted.
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH September 28, 2018 13
very top of its annual software and service time – installation of the MediTech EHR
review for the fourth year in a row. system was still in the planning stages.
SRMC’s parent company, Steward Health As Ray puts it, “we started our real
Group, the largest private for-profit hospi- hands-on training probably in May,” a
tal operator in the United States, now uses month after that rating was released, so
MediTech software in all its 36 hospitals na- the next report to watch will be the one
tionwide and the Sebastian facility now has that comes out next spring.
the newest generation, version 6.15.
Hospital president Kelly Enriquez is look-
Often misreported as “electronic medical ing forward to that. “We are excited to im-
records” or EMRs, the Office of the National plement MediTech at Sebastian River Medi-
Coordinator for Health Information has re- cal Center. It will allow us to coordinate care
peatedly stated that EMRs and EHRs are not in all settings of our hospital, enabling our
the same thing. “Electronic medical records clinicians to work more efficiently, and en-
contain a patient’s clinical data; electronic hance quality care and patient safety.
health records go beyond that to focus on
the broader, total health of each patient.” “MediTech will also allow us to meet
important CMS guidelines for data report-
SRMC’s Leapfrog safety ratings took a ing, which we expect will result in higher
serious hit last April largely because – at the quality benchmarks.”
He is clearly pleased it worked out that way. “Medicare payment adjustments” – de
“This MediTech system and the elec- facto fines – or to receive “Medicaid in-
tronic health records are helping us pro- centive payments” – de facto bonuses
vide the best patient care, and our staff – healthcare providers must use an EHR
has really embraced it,” Ray says. “They’ve that is secure, can maintain data confi-
been looking … to get away from the paper dentially and can work with other sys-
[records], so everyone’s really excited.” tems to share information.
“In the medical profession it’s very im-
portant to keep up to date on the newest According to Becker’s Hospital Review, the
practices and newest things coming out. MediTech EHR software now in use at SRMC
That’s “best practice,” says Colletti. meets or exceeds all those requirements.
EHRs are also good for the financial
health of the hospital. In fact, says Becker’s, it tops all its com-
As the Centers for Medicare and Med- petitors in client satisfaction for commu-
icaid Services puts it, in order to avoid nity hospitals with between 101 and 250
beds, and the global healthcare research
firm KLAS just ranked MediTech at the
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14 September 28, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | PETS
Bonz salutes blind bud Captain’s outlook on life
tip-toein’ across the porch.) ’em an I chase ’em. I always know
Anyway. I got the No-Kittens
Hi Dog Buddies! procedure, of course, plus, I exactly where they’re going by
hadda have an operation to
There’s absolutely No Way I’ll EVER get take out one eye. Mom an Dad that crinkly sound. I could bop
bored in this job. This week I innerviewed had sorta already decided they
a very suave young dude, Capt. Oculess wanted to adopt me, when I ’em an chase ’em for hours.
Prime Yeatts. (Everybody calls him The was ready, an they did!”
Captain.) He’s a frenly, slender, totally “An I just made up this fun new
black cat. An he’s blind. As a bat. But you “Cool Catnip!” I exclaimed.
wouldn’t notice it at first. “I know! Right? I learned my game. I hide silently under the
way around the house right
Soon as The Captain’s Mom opened the away. The minute I met Bodhi, bed an pretend I’m the Boogie-
door and we’d stepped in, I sat down po- I knew we were gonna be Best
litely, the way I had learned in my hand- Pals. Mom an Dad showed him cat. When somebody walks by,
book, “Basic Cat for Dummies.” As Rule 1 how to give me liddle soft pats an
instructs, I let the cat come to me. (If any of to not pull my tail too hard. He I POUNCE an bop ’em with my
you pooches innerface with cats at all, you was just learning to talk, an guess
should get this book. It’s great. Mine’s dog- what his First Word was?” paw. I’m great at pouncing.’ An
eared already.) So I said, “Good afternoon. “I’m thinkin’ it wasn’t ‘Mama’
I’m Bonzo. It’s a pleasure.” or ‘Daddy.’” nibblin’ toes. Also, I don’t speak
“It was ‘Kitkat!’ Mom an Dad
The Captain wasn’t nervous a bit. He were like ‘Wha-at?’” Meow.”
walked right up for the Sniff-and-Size Up. “I’ll bet.”
(Rule 4: Cats don’t do the Wag-and-Sniff.) “I also have two pooch broth- “Whaddya mean? What’s
“Welcome to our home,” he said. “Just call ers, rescues, like me. Thomas is a
me Captain. This is my Dad, Brian, my Staffordshire Terrier, he’s about Meow?” I asked.
Mom, Amy, an my liddle human brother, 10; an Dexter, he’s 8-ish, he’s an
Bodhi, whose still havin’ his dinner. He’s American Bulldog. They kinda “Meow is the lang-wudge cats
my best bud. We’re about the same age – adopted me, too. We play all the
2-ish.” (Bodhi was sittin’ in one of those tall time. An snuggle. Sometimes I sneak their use to talk to humans. But I am a
chairs with the tray thingy in front, clutch- kibbles, but they’re cool with that. An,
ing a spoon.) when I hadda have my other eye out, they Stealth Cat.”
were puh-lite an concerned. I bounced
The Captain led the way to a nice bright back pretty quick from that, cuz I’m “You do have a very mysteri-
porch. He totally knew his way around. tough.”
You’d never know he was blind. He paused “Woof, Captain, you sure are! I think ous look, with your black coat,
for some chin tickles from my assistant. I you’re uh-MAY-zing. What do you eat,
got my notebook out. “So, tell me how you other than the occasional dog kibble?” an long legs an tail,” I observed.
found your Forever Family.” “Just regular cat food, an yummy catnip
treats. And to drink, I prefer running water, “Like those royal Egyptian cats
“I first met Mom when me an a fellow so I usta flip my bowl over with my paw.
kitten got dropped off at the Vero Beach Which I learned was not a good idea. Fi- who hung out with the Fair-Os.”
Humane Society where Mom works. (She’s nally, Mom bought me this cat fountain. I
a vet tech.) Before we could get Forev- can’t knock it over and I don’t haff to any- “Really? Cool Catnip!”
er Families, we hadda get Spiffed Up an way, cuz the water’s always movin.’”
Checked Out: Pretty quick, the humans “So, what’s your day like?” “An how about that interest-
looked at my eyes an said I was ‘blind.’ I “I’m a totally indoor cat. I mostly play
didn’t know what that meant, cuz my eyes with Bodhi an Thomas an Dexter. An eat. Captain ing name?”
never did work. I always figure stuff out by An nap. I have a comfy bed with pom- “Mom an Dad named me
hearin’ an smellin.’ (I have, like, The Best
Sniffer an Ears EVER. I can hear a bug for one of those Transform-
ers from the movies, Optimus
poms on it. I grab the pom- Prime. He’s one tough dude, like me. So,
poms an drag my bed to wherever I want to ‘oculus’ means something like an eye an,
nap. Mom an Dad put baby fences around since I don’t have any eyes, it’s ocuLESS.
the front room so Bodhi has a nice big, safe Get it?”
place to play. I creep way around the edge “Woof! That’s, like, the coolest name
on my quiet liddle cat feet an slip in be- ever. You seem like one happy cat.”
hind the couch. Me an Bodhi like to listen “I am, Bonzo. I have a wunnerful famly. I
to ‘Little Einsteins’ on TV. We’re learning a always wanna be wherever they are.”
lotta stuff about nature an liddle humans Heading home, I closed my eyes an
in places way far away. imagined how I would feel to never know
“I also have a buncha Crinkle Balls. They what the world looks like. The Captain’s
are Totally Cool Fish Sticks! Dad throws never seen anything: trees, fire hydrants,
fellow animals. But he finds joy in the
DON’T BE SHY same things that make the rest of us hap-
py: toys, a comfy bed, good food – and a
We are always looking for pets home with a loving famly. I think I would
with interesting stories. feel just the same.
To set up an interview, email The Bonz
[email protected].
Florida Cracker house sits
on 10-acre horse property
4555 13th St. SW: 3-bedroom, 2.5-bath, 4,100-square-foot home on beautifully landscaped 10-acre horse property
offered for $1.5 million by Berkshire Hathaway Home Services listing agent Michelle Clarke: 772-263-0386
Paul R. Berg VMer3oA3B3I3eNa2c0hOt,hFFSLFtrI3eC2e9tE60 Louis ‘Buck’Vocelle
VOCELLEBERG.COM 772-562-8111
16 September 28, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE
Florida Cracker house sits on 10-acre horse property
By Kathleen Sloan | Staff Writer elaboration – and about a dozen rocking Pickel do the stained glass,” Sexton said, tional patterns, their curvilinear flora
[email protected] chairs. “My husband – who died 14 years the glowing orange and gold orbs among and fauna holding their own against the
ago – used to feed Planters Mixed Nuts to twining stems and leaves memorializing rich, carved wood. “All the papers are
Audrey Sexton, Vero Beach born and the squirrels out here,” Sexton said. the region’s vanishing agro-economy. Thibaut,” Sexton said, referring to the re-
raised, is fluent in rural Southeast Florida nowned design house.
vernacular. Be it architecture, planting, The silver metal roof, another Cracker The Sextons are one of Indian River
decoration, woodworking or husbandry, architectural must, is deeply pitched, but County’s pioneer families and Pickel is a The kitchen, with a picture window
her home demonstrates mastery of and its height is muffled by the 12-foot slanting world-renowned stained-glass artist. overlooking the pool, has a big island with
embellishment on regional themes. porch roof, the line broken by a centered dor- a red-cedar bar, “everyone’s favorite place
The home’s foyer soars to 25 feet, the cy-
“I wanted it to look like a Florida Crack- mer. Two recessed wings, one an attached press vaulted ceiling recalling the Cracker to be in the house,” Sexton said. “Waldo
er house,” Sexton said of her home at 4555 two-car garage and the other containing the penchant for the insect-resistant and in- Sexton was known for his wood collection
13th St. SW, which is a vast, yet accurate master bedroom suite and two guest bed- destructible wood, which forms the crown and this was one of the pieces.”
understatement, kind of like calling a tiara rooms, form a “U” in the back, which is par- molding, walls and ceilings of most of the
a head band. tially filled in with another covered porch. common rooms, as well as the built-in Bead-board wainscoting and warm
cabinetry and deep archways. maple cabinets, some with glass fronts to
The front five acres of the 10-acre prop- The rest of the U is filled in by an organ- show off the china, add to the beauty of
erty is given over to the home and grounds, ic-shaped pool and skirt with a six-sided The house veers from Cracker tradition the room. The hand-painted botanically
the rounded coquina drives working with, gazebo, the curves reprising and embel- a bit by using solid oak flooring instead of correct flowers on the doors were done by
instead of against nature, absorbing most lishing on the sinuous landscaping. pine, the honeyed tones in the same key an artist within the family, Sharon Sexton.
of the rainwater and shedding no oils, but lighter than the cypress, giving the
heavy metals or salts. They curve around The front door is solid mahogany with house a warm glow. The master bedroom lets onto the pool
oak and palm hammocks, a vanishing land- sidelights. “My husband was a citrus area, but the expansive bathroom and
scape, which Sexton has emphasized, the grower. For our first Christmas, I had Paul The wall papers are updated tradi- lounge-like walk-in closet may become
tree islands and surrounding interconnect- the preferred soaking and lazing areas. The
ed puzzle-piece lawn and plantings raising golden oak mirror surround with plinth-
local flora to Gardens-of-Versailles heights. block corners make the room. A cultured
marble walk-in shower with two shower
The house comes into view after a few heads, as well as a soaking tub, suggesting
curves and the big shady porch, so nec- a Turkish bath.
essary to crackers who had no air condi-
tioning, dominates the façade. It has a The massive walk-in closet is big and
straight wooden balustrade – no Victorian luxurious enough to satisfy a Sultan, dis-
playing silks in ranks and rows or folded
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E September 28, 2018 17
End of Add beauty and
Clearance! natural light to your
EXISTING entryway
in about an hour!
away in too many drawers to count. homes, the big doors and windows letting • Glass patterns • Patio & Sliding
An aluminum fence that looks like tradi- air flow freely. for every style Glass Doors
and budget
tional cast iron separates the house grounds The remaining five acres is pasture, • Framed /
from four outbuildings and paddocks that each plumbed with water for the animals. • Customize to Frameless
currently service miniature horses, horses, your style Shower Units
donkeys, chickens and roosters. “We trail ride all around here,” Sexton
said, patting her favorite horse, Ralph, a • Impact Glass • Etching
“I put a lot of thought into the layout,” red roan that bows his head and leans in • Wood Interior/ • Schlage & Fusion
Sexton said, the feed room, plumbing, stalls with great affection.
and coops “all very centralized.” The drives Exterior Doors Hardware
around the buildings and the barn doors The property offers beauty and a way of • Fiberglass • Mirror Wraps
are arranged so horse trailers and equip- life that will make the new owners proud
ment can loop through without backing up. to call themselves Florida Crackers. Doors
The horse barn is where Sexton throws To see this exceptional Florida property,
great parties. “I have a full working kitchen contact Berkshire Hathaway Home Services
back there.” The covered passageway re- listing agent Michelle Clarke or plan to at-
calls the “dog-trot” found in many Cracker tend the open house she is holding Sunday,
Sept. 30 from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.
Year built: 1998
Home size: 4,100 square feet • Lot size: 10 acres
Construction: Wood frame with Hardie Plank siding
Bedrooms: 3 • Bathrooms: 2.5
Additional features: Irrigation system on well water, county
water for house, pool, gazebo, huge kitchen, island, cypress
walls and ceilings, oak floors, vaulted ceilings, second-floor of-
fice, built-in cabinetry, huge laundry room, two-car garage and
four out buildings, including working horse barn with kitchen
Listing agency: Berkshire Hathaway Home Services
Listing agent: Michelle Clarke, 772-263-0386
Listing price: $1.5 million
Regency Square
2426 SE Federal Hwy, Stuart
Licensed & Insured
18 September 28, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE
A busy week on the mainland real estate front saw an impressive 41 single-family residences
and lots change hands from Sept. 17-21 (some shown below).
The top sale of the week took place in Vero Beach, where the condo at 5620 North Harbor
Village Drive Unit #203 – first listed in July for $1,100,000 – sold for $985,000 on September
The seller in the transaction was represented by agent Barbara Parent of Alex MacWilliam,
Inc. The purchaser was represented by agent Beth Livers of Berkshire Hathaway Florida.
VERO BEACH 5620 N HARBOR VILLAGE DRIVE #203 7/7/2018 $1,100,000 9/18/2018 $717,000
VERO BEACH 1059 W POLO GROUNDS DRIVE 5/7/2018 $739,000 9/20/2018 $450,000
VERO BEACH 1420 48TH AVENUE 4/6/2018 $514,500 9/21/2018 $383,000
SEBASTIAN 6675 110TH STREET 6/1/2018 $399,000 9/21/2018 $375,000
VERO BEACH 1120 BUCKHEAD DRIVE 7/25/2018 $379,900 9/17/2018 $365,000
VERO BEACH 1673 VICTORIA CIRCLE 4/13/2018 $375,000 9/18/2018 $362,000
VERO BEACH 6950 45TH STREET 4/30/2018 $419,900 9/18/2018 $329,000
SEBASTIAN 1432 TRADEWINDS WAY 8/31/2018 $329,995 9/19/2018 $299,000
SEBASTIAN 1438 BARBER STREET 4/19/2018 $309,000 9/18/2018 $293,000
SEBASTIAN 662 BRUSH FOOT DRIVE 7/30/2018 $305,000 9/19/2018 $290,370
VERO BEACH 1302 SCARLET OAK CIRCLE 2/24/2018 $292,909 9/18/2018 $290,000
VERO BEACH 2048 PLAINFIELD DRIVE SW 6/20/2018 $300,000 9/17/2018 $273,000
VERO BEACH 4803 WOOD DUCK CIRCLE 8/31/2017 $280,000 9/19/2018 $258,000
VERO BEACH 1510 OAK HARBOR BLVD UNIT#105 5/18/2018 $275,000 9/20/2018
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E September 28, 2018 19
1059 W Polo Grounds Drive, Vero Beach 1420 48th Avenue, Vero Beach
Listing Date: 5/7/2018 Listing Date: 4/6/2018
Original Price: $739,000 Original Price: $514,500
Sold: 9/20/2018 Sold: 9/21/2018
Selling Price: $717,000 Selling Price: $450,000
Listing Agent: Laurie Blakelock Listing Agent: Stephanie Tozzolo McPeak
Selling Agent: Coldwell Banker Paradise Selling Agent: Tozzolo & Associates RE LLC
Laurie Blakelock Eddie Branigan
Coldwell Banker Paradise Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl
6675 110th Street, Sebastian 1120 Buckhead Drive, Vero Beach
Listing Date: 6/1/2018 Listing Date: 7/25/2018
Original Price: $399,000 Original Price: $379,900
Sold: 9/21/2018 Sold: 9/17/2018
Selling Price: $383,000 Selling Price: $375,000
Listing Agent: Rhonda Dykal Listing Agent: Jon Carroll
Selling Agent: Vero Beachside Sales Rentals Selling Agent: RE/MAX Classic
Sally Spires Vance Brinkerhoff
EXP Realty, LLC Coldwell Banker Paradise
Coming Up! ‘African Wax Prints’:
More fabulous fabrics at Funk PAGE B2
By Samantha Baita | Staff Writer
[email protected]
1 Your last chance to Howl at the
Moon this month (at least with
musical accompaniment) will be this
Friday and Saturday, Sept. 28-29, at
Riverside Theatre. Riverside’s pro-
mo calls this event “the most unique
nightlife experience in the area,” and
I really can’t argue. You can sing, you
can dance, you can actually howl
if you’re so moved, all inside, with a
pair of back-to-back pianos on the
Waxlax stage manned by a pair of
super-talented – and funny – Howl
at the Moon touring show entertain-
ers who can play virtually anything
you can come up with. There’s no set
agenda or playlist, they just let the
fun fall where it may, with you the
audience helping pick the songs. On
the keyboards this week will be Howl
faves Rob Volpe and Ken Gustafson.
And that’s just the inside action. It’ll
be party time outside, too, at Live in
the Loop: there’s free live music with
different bands and music styles ev-
ery week. This Friday it’s Red Hot
Rooster with “rockin’ country”; and
B2 September 28, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE
‘African Wax Prints’: More fabulous fabrics at Funk
By Ellen Fischer | Columnist PHOTOS: BENJAMIN THACKER
[email protected]
An exhibition that runs through Dec. 15
brings the colorful print fabric beloved of West
and Central African women to the galleries of
Florida Tech’s Ruth Funk Center for Textile Arts
in Melbourne.
Organized by Exhibits USA/Mid-America
Arts Alliance, “Wandering Spirit: African Wax
Prints” features myriad examples of the cloth.
Although you don’t have to sew to enjoy this
show, those for whom a fabric shop is a candy
store will take especial delight in the wealth of
fabric on display.
In addition to the samples that hang from
dowels in neat ranks throughout the exhibi-
tion, a celebratory patchwork of material cov-
ers the walls in the central part of the gallery.
Within that environment, 11 traditional dress-
es show off as many fabric designs to their best
advantage: on the womanly form.
The basic dress is a two-piece number, with
a form-fitting top and a long, straight skirt with
flared hems or side pleats that allow for ease
of movement. Rosettes, swags, ruffles and
smocking of the same material are used for
decorative effects.
The names of the patterns are as colorful
as the prints themselves. One dress features
plump hens encircled by chicks and eggs; that
one is called“Happy Family.”The non-produc- sage: “Come, let’s sit and talk for a while.”
tive member of the household, the rooster, is The exhibition, which began its tour of the
represented only by his head, and that appears
close to the fabric’s selvages. He is seen down U.S. in 2016 and is booked into 2021, was cu-
low, at the skirt’s hem. rated for Exhibits USA by Dr. Gifty Benson of
Tulsa, Oklahoma. A native of Ghana, Benson
Make no mistake; these fabrics are all about inherited some of the material on display from
women. They speak to women and – through her mother. The Beatrice Benson Collection is
colors and printed designs – speak for women. now the property of African Hospitals Founda-
Another dress boasts the “King’s Chair” design tion inTulsa, a nonprofit organization founded
of overlapping, truncated cones in blue, gold, by Dr. Benson to help African hospitals in ru-
red and white. In addition to its bold elegance, ral areas obtain equipment and supplies. AHF
in Africa the pattern sends a non-verbal mes- kindly lent that collection to FIT to expand the
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE September 28, 2018 B3
basic traveling exhibition for the Ruth Funk them,” says Benson. Back home in the Netherlands, the entre- fabric was made to mark that occasion.”
Center’s galleries. The last English manufacturer, ABC Wax, preneurial Dutch found the process too time In the exhibition, a pre-Op Art design
consuming to be profitable until 1854, when
Benson attests to the popularity of wax was purchased in 1992 by the Cha Group, a a Belgian textile manufacturer refitted a ma- named in honor of Ghana’s first president af-
prints in the countries of Western Africa, espe- Chinese conglomerate. Today the Cha Group chine to mass-produce prints that resembled ter its independence was introduced by Vlisco
cially on its western coast, from Senegal south- boasts that, with a production facility in Gha- batik. Intended for export, the fabric – with de- in 1961. “Kwame Nkrumah’s Pencil” features
ward to Nigeria, and inland in Mali, Burkina na, it holds the major share of the wax print signs based on the Javanese originals – did not rows of narrow lozenges (the ‘pencils’). Two
Faso and Niger, among others. market. pass muster with its intended Asian audience. examples of the design are in the exhibition;
The Dutch then used the cloth as an item of one on an electric pink background and one
“We love this fabric.We crave it.We use it for Why, then, does a fabric so much a part of trade in Africa. on azure.
special occasions and every day,” she says. African society have its origin in Europe?
Benson notes, “Dutch trading was the first To celebrate the election of America’s first
In addition to dresses, women use the ma- The short answer is colonialism. exposure to Indonesian fabrics. The second African-American President, Vlisco released
terial for head wraps, as shawls and as baby The Dutch East Indies was a territory in was war.” the “Heart of Barack” design. President and
slings. Asia that, from 1800, was administered by the Mrs. Obama’s subsequent visits to Africa were
Dutch government. The territory included Su- To help keep its Asian territories under con- celebrated by, among other Vlisco designs,
Or, according to Benson, “say a very import- matra, Batavia, Java, the Moluccas and, after trol, between 1837 and 1872 the Dutch crown “Michelle Obama’s Handbag” of 2008 and“Mi-
ant person, like Barack Obama, visits your vil- 1920, Borneo, the Celebes and the western half recruited men from Ghana and Nigeria into chelle’s Shoes” of 2011.
lage. One of the women will take a piece of the of New Guinea. In the aftermath of World War the Royal Netherlands East Indies Army. Those
fabric and put it on the ground for him to walk II, the Dutch East Indies became the indepen- stationed in Java eventually returned home to These and many other designs – includ-
on. It serves as a red carpet.” dent nation of Indonesia. Africa with batik fabric, which they distribut- ing the intriguingly named “Peeled Orange,”
In colonial times, Dutch trade with Java in- ed among family and friends. As a result, the “Water Well,” “Handcuffs” and “Cow Ma-
Now for the spoiler: African wax-printed cluded the acquisition of batik cloth. African taste for cloth with Indonesian designs nure” (aka “Suzanne”) – can be seen in the
fabric did not originate on that continent. Im- Javanese batik involved the laborious pro- and colors was cultivated. exhibition, along with the print that inspired
ported from Europe from the mid-19th centu- cess of drawing traditional designs onto cot- the show’s title.
ry to the dawn of the 21st, African wax prints ton cloth with hot wax. This was poured from By the early 20th century, the fabric then
were made exclusively in the Netherlands and a reed-handled tjanting, a small brass cup known as “wax hollandaise” was being de- “Wandering Spirit” is a calico print of styl-
England. with a fine spout. The cooled wax thus applied signed and produced in Europe, with its Afri- ized birds and flowers.The story of African wax
formed a resist for the color, primarily indigo, can audiences specifically in mind. prints is one of long-distance, somewhat im-
Today a Dutch company, Vlisco, is the last with which the cloth was dyed. By removing probable, cultural contacts. These continuing
European manufacturer of the material still in the wax, reapplying it over the previously dyed Recalling the days when Ghana was a international influences are well represented
business. According to Benson, Vlisco exports part of the design and dying the cloth in a dif- British colony, Benson says, “when Princess by “Wandering Spirit,” says Benson.
about a half-billion dollars’ worth of cloth ev- ferent hue, an intricate pattern of several col- Elizabeth became Queen Elizabeth, they
ery year, with all but 5 percent of it going to ors could gradually be achieved. made a special fabric edition for her. When “Little birds – they fly to America, they fly to
Africa. Ghana was made independent in 1957, a Europe. The spirits do not stay in one place;
they wander from place to place.”
“Vlisco puts out new limited-edition
fabrics every three months. You wait for
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B4 September 28, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE
Saturday, Hired Guns takes the stage with
“true country music.” A full bar and grill are
always available so … no coolers (or pets)
allowed. There’s lots of seating as well, but,
you might want to have a fold-up or two in
the trunk, just in case. Time: Howl at the
Moon Experience, 7:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m.;
Live in the Loop, 6:30 p.m. Howl tickets: re-
served general seating: $12; reserved table
seating: $18, $20, $22. 772-231-6990.
2 Vero’s popular First Friday Gallery Stroll 2 First Friday Gallery Stroll Oct. 5.
always makes for a pleasant evening in
historic downtown, along 14th Avenue, where 3 At Riverside Children’s Theatre. 4 Basia at King Center Friday. fect ‘first show’ for the next generation of the-
you can enjoy the work of numerous artists in atre lovers to experience!” Show times: Oct. 4
a friendly setting. Study the art, chat with the and red bow tie. AsWikipedia tells it, he shows house. Oh, no! The children and the fish be- and Oct. 5, 7 p.m.; Oct. 6, 2 p.m. and 7 p.m.
artists, nibble (and sip) the refreshments. You up at Sally and her brother’s house one rainy come more and more worried until – waah- Tickets: $10. 772-231-6990.
might choose to pop into one of the nearby afternoon when their mom is away. Sally and laa – the Cat brings out a machine that can
restaurants or pubs and linger a while longer. her brother are delighted. Their pet fish not so clean everything up. But does it all get done 4 International jazz fusion vocalist Basia
This First Friday, Oct. 5, one of the galleries, much. The Cat shares with the children a few before mom returns? This charming and fun- brings her unique jazzy pop style to the
Gallery 14, is holding a special “gala opening of his trickiest tricks and craziest ideas, and ny show is performed by the theatre’s four ap- King Center in Melbourne this Friday, Sept.
reception” for its October exhibit of work by they all had loads of fun. However, In the pro- prentices and two local children. Kevin Quilli- 28. Born in Poland, Barbara Trzetrzelewska,
Christopher Sweeney, entitled “Sweeney: cess of entertaining the children, the Cat and nan, Riverside’s director of theatre education, aka Basia, according toWikipedia, first gained
Spread the Love,” which will benefit the Chil- his pals, Thing One and Thing Two, wreck the considers “The Cat in the Hat” to be “the per- recognition as a member of the hit-making
dren’s Home Society of Florida’s Youth Tran- British “sophisti-pop” trio Matt Bianco, then
sition Center. Also, starting with this month’s established a solo recording career with Latin
Gallery Stroll, the complimentary trolley will jazz-pop crossover songs. She’s sold millions
be running, between 5 p.m. and 9 p.m., to of records worldwide, including the Top 30
ease the parking challenges. The trolley will pop hit “Time and Tide.” Basia’s albums, says
run from the parking lot on 12th Court, east the show promo, often come out “after a long
of Jetson’s, in a continuous loop, to access all hiatus, yet always meet instant success due to
the participating galleries: Gallery 14, Artists her passionate fan-base and exceptional art-
Guild Gallery, Tiger Lily Art Studios & Gallery, istry.” Her first solo album in nine years, “But-
Flametree Clay Art Gallery, the Other Half terflies,” written with long-time collaborator
Gallery, Raw Space, MSVB Studios, Gallery of Danny White, is a “sparkling set of originals,”
Hope, Florida Highwayman Landscape Art including the bossa nova tempo single “Mat-
and Highwayman Gallery. Do take advantage teo,” which tells the story of how “the birth of
of this free service. Time: 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Ad- a child named Matteo changed their lives.”
mission: free. Show time: 8 p.m. Tickets: start at $55. 321-
3 Who doesn’t like “The Cat In the Hat”?
Bring your kids, or borrow a couple, or
just summon up your Inner Kid for a couple
of hours and head for Riverside Theatre for
Kids this comingThursday, Friday or Saturday
for a live stage show starring one of Dr. Seuss’
most famous characters, “The Cat in the Hat.”
The main character in this beloved children’s
story is a lanky, anthropomorphic feline dap-
perly dressed in a red and white striped hat
1. Depth of Winter 1. Fear BY BOB WOODWARD 1. Dog Man: Lord of the Fleas
A LITERARY CONCERT 2. Ninety-Nine Glimpses
with of Princess Margaret 2. The Somewhat True Adventures
2. Robert E. Parker's
3. Captain Underpants and the Big,
presenting BY REED FARREL COLEMAN 3. Natural Causes
Bad Battle of the Bionic Booger
4. Ten Little Mermaids
Music, Poetry and Storytelling BY BEATRIZ WILLIAMS, 4. In Pieces BY SALLY FIELD
Autograph Line Vouchers with Book Purchases LAUREN WILLIG & KAREN WHITE
(required to attend, please) BY J.D. VANCE 5. Lemons BY MELISSA SAVAGE
5. The Great Alone
392 Miracle Mile (21st Street), Vero Beach | 772.569.2050 |
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE September 28, 2018 B5
Ahoy boy! Treasure trove of fun at Vero Pirate Fest
By Mary Schenkel | Staff Writer Jessica Lunn and Matt Barrett. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE ure out who killed the first mate and Marianne Speranza and Louise Kelley.
[email protected] made off with the treasure; in the pro-
tents for dining and enjoying the enter- cess, the kids learned a little about pi- Unlike the roughly 1,500 survivors of
“What’s a pirate’s favorite letter?” tainment kept temperatures tolerable. rate lore and amassed some pirate trea- the 1715 Fleet who endured hardship as
asked a bearded buccaneer of a young sure of their own. they made campsites along shores until
costumed scallywag, who shook his “The other part of it is, the kids are help arrived from St. Augustine, festi-
head in puzzlement. “Arrrrrrrrrrrr!” the back in school now, and we like to think Clutching festival maps, visitors wan- val-goers had their choice of numerous
pirate exclaimed with a hearty laugh. of this as a very family-friendly event,” dered about the pirate-themed vendor food vendors.
said Bob McCabe, Vero Beach Chamber booths and historical encampment
He was one of many professional pi- of Commerce president. “It’s all about tents, and watched reenactments of “My husband and I have been doing
rates and their mateys who delighted business and trying to get people to cannon firings (actually called guns on this for 20 years. We have a good time
crowds throughout the weekend at the come and get the Vero name out there ships, according to one pirate), sword with it,” said “Grace O’Malley,” one of
fourth annual Vero Beach Pirate Fest at more and more. I love the sword fights fighting and dueling. Some of the adult four famous women pirates. “They wrote
Riverside Park, presented by the Vero and the canons that they set off; it’s like partiers began bellying up to a multi- her out of Irish history, because she died
Beach Chamber of Commerce, POTTC fireworks in the daytime.” tude of bars, imbibing in everything in her bed, not while fighting.”
Events and Pirates of the Treasure Coast. from rums to ale, grogs to mead.
A ‘tattooed’ X marked the spot on the “It’s the only time you can come out
In the past, the three-day festival had hands of swashbucklers in a Pirate Quest and be like a child again,” said her hus-
been held in July, the month the Span- game that encouraged youngsters to fig- band, “Edward Bloody Waters.”
ish Treasure Fleet – carrying gems, sil-
ver, pearls, gold and 1,200 shipmates
from the Americas to Spain – lost 11 of
12 ships off our coastline to a 1715 hurri-
cane. While most of the Fleet’s treasure
was recovered, English pirate Henry Jen-
nings made off with a good portion of it,
and the seas continue to give up the re-
maining bounty – hence the area’s Trea-
sure Coast moniker.
Hoping to avoid some of the swelter-
ing summer heat, organizers moved the
date to September. And, while it didn’t
exactly feel like the first weekend of au-
tumn, Riverside’s shady oaks and several
B6 September 28, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE
Boogie night! Movin’ and groovin’ for ‘Feed the Lambs’
Colleen Symanski, Maj. Eric Flowers and Cindy Bryant. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE Kenya and John May. Christine and Marc Richard.
By Stephanie LaBaff | Staff Writer were as they ‘boogied on down’ to classics child,” said May. tion). If the parents are educated on what
[email protected] from the ’60s and ’70s during a Super Fly The need has continued to grow over the the kids are doing in school, they can help
Couples Dance Competition. them at home,” said May.
The Courthouse Executive Center was years. According to the most recent United
transformed into a dance space reminis- Proceeds from the event will help fund Way of Florida ALICE (Asset Limited, In- Parents have been required to volunteer
cent of Soul Train last Saturday evening for the tutoring, mentorship, recreation and come Constrained, Employed) report, 40 a minimum of five hours to help with fund-
a Super Fly Dance-Off fundraiser to benefit summer-camp programs they provide at percent of Indian River County households raising efforts, but the PIE reading, math
the Feed the Lambs Enrichment Program. no cost to underprivileged children, who do not have sufficient income to support and computer classes will now also count
Enjoying a blast from the past, guests would otherwise be unable to obtain these a bare-minimum survival budget, placing toward volunteer requirements.
danced the Hustle, Bump and Bus Stop services. tutoring out of reach for a large portion of
to support the mission of the faith-based the population. “These classes will help parents under-
nonprofit to engage, educate and empower Feed the Lambs was the brainchild of stand today’s math, improve their reading
local youth. the late J. Ralph Lundy, who also oversaw To keep up with the demand, Feed the so they can read with their children and
Our Father’s Table, a local soup kitchen. Lambs has expanded its tutoring programs teach them basic computer skills. This is
Afros, miniskirts, bell-bottoms and plat- Since its 1996 inception, the program has this year from two to five days a week, pro- only possible through our volunteers and
form shoes made a huge comeback as D.J. grown to serve more than 130 children be- viding services three days at Oslo Middle our collaboration with Oslo Middle School
Lisa G invited partiers to the floor to show tween the ages of 6 and 14, under the lead- School and two days at the Preserve at Oslo teachers,” said May. “We need volunteers
off their best moves. Everyone got their ership of John May, Feed the Lambs board Apartments. and donations to support the program,
groove on as they danced the night away president. tutoring, mentoring services and summer
to soul, funk and disco music amid an ar- “That way we can reach those kids who camp.”
ray of pulsing lights and vinyl records, and “Without Feed the Lambs, these par- don’t participate in the tutoring program
couples showed just how ‘super fly’ they ents can’t get the kids the help they need. at school. We’ve also added a new program For more information, visit feedthelamb-
Especially those with more than one for parents, PIE (Parents Improving Educa- or call 772-501-2617.
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE September 28, 2018 B7
Tamara Darress and James Davis. Homer Zambigadis (front), Lyndsay Marone, Maria Zambigadis, Michael and Sharon Goldberg.
Irine Plantenberg and Richard Korte.
Lisa Gehin and Janean Barrows.
B8 September 28, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING
Inti: Still waiting for eatery to fulfill its potential
By TIna Rondeau | Columnist Jalea Mixta.
[email protected]
When a new restaurant named Inti
opened almost a year ago just off Miracle
Mile, we thought it had the potential to
be an exciting addition to the Vero dining
Totally done in bright colors, Inti had a
cool vibe – and the menu featured intrigu-
ing dishes from a half-dozen Latin coun-
tries, something not found elsewhere in
But while we still think this restaurant
has a great deal of potential, on a visit last
week the high points were mixed with
some disappointing lows.
The evening got off to a good start with
a dish of cancha – the salty
Peruvian corn
snack –
Lomo Saltado.
Bandeja Paisa.
and a pitcher of red sangria. And we were eat the con bistec [email protected].
even more pleased to find Inti now featur- The reviewer dines anonymously at
ing guacamole made tableside ($10.99) – a breaded ($15.50), a
first-class preparation that deserved bet- restaurants at the expense of Vero Beach
ter than the store-bought tortilla chips. and fried fish plate of green 32963.
Our party of three also ordered as an included with the Mussel Casserole pasta with pes- Hours:
appetizer the mussel casserole ($13). This Jalea Mixta. Appetizer. to sauce topped by a Sun Noon-9pm, Mon-Sat
was a beautifully presented dish with the
mussels topped by a white wine and saf- But maybe this was just small sirloin. 11am-closing
fron cream sauce. The taste was very good; Beverages: Full Bar
the mussels, not so much. as well because the server told us Inti The other comment I would make
But we barely had time to sample a is still using swai, an Asian farm-raised cat- is that in an effort to provide something 2199 7th Avenue,
couple of the mussels when our server ap-
peared with our entrées. fish. The attraction of swai is that it’s very for most everyone, Inti has made Friday Vero Beach
“I can take them back and hold them in cheap, but Google it and decide for yourself nights open-mic night. Alas for those
the kitchen,” she said. Well, warmed up (772) 257-6652
main courses were hardly what we were if this is something you want to eat. seeking to enjoy dinner, the singers on
hoping for, so we set the mussels and gua-
camole aside, largely uneaten, and turned For his entrée, my husband ordered our visit tried to make up in volume for
to our entrées.
the bandeja paisa ($17.50) – a Colombian their difficulty in carrying a tune.
Our companion had ordered the pes-
cado a lo macho ($17) – a fish filet topped platter consisting of beans, chicharron, So where do I come down on Inti? At this
with spicy seafood sauce and a touch of
pisco. morcilla, avocado, arepa, plantains, steak, point, I don’t quite know what to say.
For better or worse, she was served in- sausage and a fried egg over rice. The The dishes are interesting, the chef is
stead the jalea mixta ($17) – a mix of fish,
calamari, octopus, shrimp and mussels chicharron (fried pork rinds) and the mor- obviously talented, and the restaurant
seasoned and breaded with homemade
sauce and red onions. cilla (blood sausage) were both very tasty. physically is attractive. On the other hand,
This was unfortunate in the sense that My entrée, the lomo saltado ($15.50), the ingredients need upgrading, and the
she did not get dish she wanted, and didn’t
was the night’s big winner. The Peruvian service could stand improvement. A little
marinated strips of sirloin steak were won- more managerial attention to what’s going
derful, and lent a great flavor to the French on would clearly help.
fries. A totally delicious meal. Vero could use a good Latin restaurant,
I have on previous visits tried the cha- and I still haven’t given up hope for Inti.
ufa, a very flavorful mix of Peruvian and
Chinese fried rice with steak and chicken I welcome your comments, and en-
($15). And I also enjoyed the tallarin verde courage you to send feedback to me at
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING September 28, 2018 B9
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B10 September 28, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING
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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING September 28, 2018 B11
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B12 September 28, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING
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LIKE facebook/akitchenofherown for daily menu 772-571-5880
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES September 28, 2018 B13
By Phillip Alder - Bridge Columnist AQ
Christopher Hitchens, an English author who lived the last 30 years of his life in the United K85
States, said, “Beautiful sentences pop into my head. Beautiful sentences that aren’t
always absolutely accurate. Then, I have to choose between the beautiful sentence and A Q 10
being absolutely accurate. It can be a difficult choice.”
At the bridge table, you try to find the accurate line of play or defense. If it is also beautiful, —
that’s an added bonus, giving you a story for dinner companions and grandchildren. You ?872 96
are teaching your grandchildren to play bridge, aren’t you? 9643
?8652 ? 10 9 5 4
South is in seven spades. What should he do after West leads a low heart?
J 10 2
Yes, this is the same deal as yesterday’s. Then, though, North bid more circumspectly by
using a second dose of Blackwood to learn that two kings were missing; he stopped in six ?73
spades. Now, though, he just plunged into the grand slam. Let’s charitably assume that it
was the last board of a total-point match in which North-South had to make a grand slam SOUTH
to win.
A J 10 8 5 2
South has 11 top tricks: six spades, one heart, three diamonds and one club. He has
finesses available in each rounded suit that could generate an extra winner or two. 63
The declarer should realize that even if the heart finesse wins, he will also need the club AQ7
finesse to work. But if the club king is well placed, it gives South three tricks in that suit
and 13 in all. J4
South should win with the heart ace, draw trumps and run the club jack. Assuming it Dealer: South; Vulnerable: Both
wins, declarer plays a club to dummy’s queen, discards his last heart on the club ace
and claims. The Bidding:
1 Spades Pass 4 NT Pass
5 Hearts Pass 7 Spades All Pass LEAD:
2 Hearts
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B14 September 28, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES
1 She lives in 11 (3) 1 Swoops downhill (4)
3 Ward (off) (4) 2 Cunning (4)
5 Member of Lords (4) 3 Part of hand (10)
8 Sicilian, e.g. (8) 4 Sewing implement (6)
10 Sicilian landmark (4) 6 Whole (8)
11 Animal pen (3) 7 Motorway madness? (4,4)
13 Drier (5) 9 Was situated (5)
14 Supernanny? (9) 12 Criminal planner (10)
16 Fuss (3) 14 Organised criminal (8)
17 Working boat (3) 15 Liable to erupt (8)
19 Perfect example (9) 18 Higher (5)
21 Italian designer (5) 20 Place of entertainment (6)
22 Useful insect (3) 22 Beach --, group (4)
24 Incline; cultivate (4) 23 1815 novel (4)
25 Med resort (8)
The Telegraph 26 Brighton sweet? (4)
27 Desert grit (4)
28 Caspian, e.g. (3)
How to do Sudoku:
Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three
Sturgis The Telegraph
Hardware Store & Lumber Yard
63 years Family Owned & Operated
4645 US-1 • (772) 562-4171 •
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES September 28, 2018 B15
ACROSS 107 ___ matrix printer 59 Law, to La Salle The Washington Post
1 TYpe of salad? 109 Frequently 61 Baracas and co.
5 Half of an African capital 110 Thanksgiving noise 62 Freudian concepts MY TAX DAY FILM GUIDE By Merl Reagle
10 Bouquet holder 63 List total, often
14 Composer Berg makers? 64 Middle East gulf
19 Like a Studs Terkel history 112 Org. overseeing the skies 65 1935 Errol Flynn classic
20 Della Street’s favorite 115 Where it all began? 67 Fancy dresser
117 Not tucked in 69 Seeker of secrets, perhaps
subatomic particle? 118 1959 Roger Corman flick 71 Fuss
21 Very top 124 Pond sound 73 Where the Ducks play
22 “The truth” 126 1982 Stallone opus 74 Wall Street name
23 Earthbound phobia 128 “Yes ___?” 75 With less fat
24 1987 Van Damme ninja flick 129 Sand-castle site 78 Chapfallen
26 Buoyant body bar 130 Actress Falco 83 Call me on it: abbr.
27 Kurosawa’s Macbeth, 1957 131 Hartford-based firm 85 Surfing mecca accessory
29 Price-earnings, for one 132 Mr. Big, to the Norse 86 Camera pioneer
31 “Nuts” 133 Hot, spicy drink 88 Shut up in a mausoleum
32 It’s a little possessive 134 Tawdry tabloids 91 Oozy specimens
33 Flower or color 135 State anew 93 Old car
36 Name of many a theater 136 Lavish love (upon) 95 Tiny carpenter
39 Card player’s cry 96 New York city
42 Show at the front? DOWN 97 Tax-form I.D.
44 Willing one’s words 1 Turn or trench follower 98 Jazz job
45 Reversal of Fortune star 2 ELO, for one 99 In the past
46 1979 John Huston film 3 Roseanne of Roseanne 100 Honey hoarders
50 Worn-down end 4 1948 Mitchum drama 101 Makes less dangerous
51 Vergil’s escort 5 “Waves of grain” color 104 On the train
52 Vodka brand 6 Fit in 105 Gumby creator Art
53 Mo. of the squeezed 7 Beginning 108 Connie Stevens-Dean Jones
8 Nincompoop
wallet 9 Relative of comedy, ___ Guillotine
54 Take-off time, approx. 111 Allude
56 Word in many Bugs “witness ye” 113 Pose
10 Vicks product 114 Mogul emperor
Bunny titles 11 “... peas in ___” 116 The time ___
58 Revenuer’s find 12 Indian weight 118 Jail for McHale
13 Spare 119 Battlefield Robt.
60 Matching towels, etc. 14 Making headlines, as a 120 Little ones
64 Adept person 121 Latin word on a dollar bill
66 Clumsy person couple 122 “Step ___!”
68 Writer Anita 15 Affectionate 123 Over with
70 Paine’s ___ of Reason 16 1941 Tyrone Power movie 124 Zone of Ark.
71 Rib donor 17 People blow it all the time 125 Greek letter
72 1984 Coen Brothers film 18 Napoleon’s field marshal 127 Theatrical Princess
76 By and by 25 Old French moolah
77 Unseat 28 Mid-Atlantic state?
79 Ballot abbr. 30 Enthusiastic
80 A vote 33 Solve word searches
81 Pt.-scoring passes 34 Land bird
82 Chipped beef ___ 35 Johnny Gray
84 Baretta costar 36 Contract offer
87 Part of ABA: abbr. 37 Tax-time acct.
89 Common connector 38 Garfield’s “owner”
90 Type of bagel 40 ___ Jima
92 Find out 41 Quick drinks
94 Gets within spittin’ 43 Ski event
47 Barfly
distance 48 Hex
98 Cheerful, mon cheri 49 Ball, for one
100 1979 Audrey Hepburn pic 52 Ring out
102 Bennett and Curtis 54 Country S of Eritrea: abbr.
103 Paderewski’s first 55 1973 Vincent Price thriller
106 Person 57 Clothing for Pierre?
The Telegraph
B16 September 28, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | CALENDAR
ONGOING Council raising funds and awareness to save In- a scavenger hunt, games, arts, crafts and other 10 CCA Treasure Coast BBQ, 6 p.m. at
dian River Lagoon, 12:30 p.m. from Sebastian’s activities. $5/individual; $15/family; children 3 Walking Tree Brewery, with dinner and
Vero Beach Museum of Art - 150 Years of Riverview Park. and under free. 772-617-4350 beer to benefit Coastal Conservation Assn. FL.
Painting & Sculpture from the Permanent Col- 772-562-5978
lection thru Jan. 13. 29 Oktoberfest, Noon to 11 p.m. at 6 Black & White Masquerade Ball hosted by
Walking Tree Brewery, with live mu- Exchange Club of Indian River Foundation, 6 11 An Evening in Paris, 6 p.m. at Heritage
USPA 2018 National Parachuting Champion- sic, German food and beer releases. p.m. at Vero Beach Country Club, with cocktails, Center to benefit Vero Heritage Inc.,
ships hosted by Skydive Sebastian thru Sept. 28. dinner, dancing and auctions. $100. 772-532-8758 with Parisian market, fashion show, live enter-
30 Hunt For Hope Florida, a family-friendly tainment and French foods. $50. 772-770-2263
SEPTEMBER team scavenger hunt, 1 to 6 p.m. from Riv- 6 Design for a Cause, grand reveal transfor-
erview Park, Sebastian to raise funds for IBC (inflam- mation cocktail reception, 6 p.m. at Fern- 11 Florida Humanities Series presents
28 Main Street Vero Beach’s Downtown matory breast cancer) cancer research. 772-589-1140 dale Lodge in Sebastian to benefit Haiti Clinic. Lighthouses of the Sunshine State,
Friday Street Party, 6 to 9 p.m. on 14th $60; $100 for two. 772-567-4445 with Brendan Burke of St. Augustine Lighthouse
Avenue. Free. 772-643-6782 OCTOBER & Maritime Museum, 7 p.m. at Emerson Center.
6|7 Autumn in the Park hosted by Trea- Free. 772-778-5249
28|29 Riverside Theatre Howl at 5|6 Gallery 14 hosts Sweeney: Spread sure Coast Pilot Club, 9 a.m. to 4
the Moon Experience, 7:30 the Love benefit for Children’s Home p.m. at Riverside Park, a juried arts and crafts 12|13 Riverside Theatre Howl at the
p.m. & 9:30 p.m., with Live on the Loop free en- Society Transitional Home, Fri. 5 to 8 p.m. recep- show, with proceeds supporting local charities. Moon Experience – Oktober-
tertainment at 6:30 p.m. 772-231-6990 tion and Sat. 1 to 3 p.m. family day, with interac- Free. fest Nights, 7:30 p.m. & 9:30 p.m., with Live on the
tive coloring book session. Free. 772-562-5525 Loop free entertainment at 6:30 p.m. 772-231-6990
29 Lines in the Lagoon Tri-County Junior 6|7 Special Olympics Aquatic Champi-
Fishing Tournament, 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. 6 Running of the Wieners, 1 to 4 p.m. at Pa- onship, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at North 12-14 Indian River Bird and Nature
with casual awards dinner 4 p.m. at Capt. Hiram’s reidolia Brewing benefit H.A.L.O. No- County Aquatic Center. 772-581-7665 Art Show at Sebastian Riv-
to benefit Ocean Research & Conservation Assn., Kill Shelter, with live music, raffles and wiener er Art Club hosted by Pelican Island Preserva-
Anglers for Conservation and Coastal Conservation races. $20 dog entry fee. 6-10 2018 U.S. Senior Women’s Am- tion Society, with 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Fri. Plein Air
Assn. $25 registration. ateur Championship at Orchid Paint Out and 6 to 8 p.m. Fri. artists’ reception,
6 Touch A Truck, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. (first hour Island Golf & Beach Club. followed by public showing 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
29 Great Bike Bar-A-Thon Charity Bicycle honk-free) at Indian River County Fair- Sat. and to 4 p.m. Sun. Also, 5 p.m. Sat. Sunset
Pub Crawl to benefit Marine Resources grounds hosted by Kindergarten Readiness Co- 6 to January 6 - Vero Beach Museum of Art pres- Cruise to Pelican Island Wildlife Refuge ($45) and
alition, with vehicles of every size and purpose, ents Made in Germany: Contemporary Art 3 p.m. Sat. keynote talk by Missi Hatfield, both at
from the Rubell Family Collection. 772-231-0707 Capt. Hiram’s.
Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN 12-14 Reader’s Theatre Produc-
in September 21, 2018 Edition 1 CHAPPIE 1 CHAOS tions at Vero Beach Theatre
5 KNEES 2 ASININE Guild presents 12 Angry Men, by Sherman Ser-
8 ADIEU 3 PLUMP gel. 772-562-8300
10 SKIPPER 5 KINGDOM 12-31 Terror on Main Street Haunt-
11 DENSE 6 EATEN ed House, Oct. 12 & 13, Oct.
12 TRENDY 7 SUSPECT 19 & 20, Oct. 25 to 27, and Oct. 29 to 31, 1036
14 IMPART 12 TITBITS Main Street Sebastian hosted by GFWC Sebas-
17 TRAPS 13 DESTINY tian River Junior Woman’s Club. 772-663-8107
22 IMAGINE 16 CARESS 13 Making Strides Against Breast Cancer
23 ADAGE 18 AWARD Walk, 7 a.m. check-in, 8 a.m. opening
24 SADLY 20 SLANG ceremony, 9 a.m. walk at Riverside Park to sup-
25 SEGMENT 21 EVENT port American Cancer Society efforts to fight
breast cancer. 772-562-2272 x2406
Sudoku Page B13 Sudoku Page B14 Crossword Page B13 Crossword Page B14 (MY MIND IS RACING!)
Our directory gives small business people eager to provide services to the community an opportunity to make themselves known to our readers at an affordable cost.
This is the only business directory mailed each week during season. If you would like your business to appear in our directory, please call 772-633-0753.
If you have an estate, or collection of antique or
modern guns for sale - no collection is too large or Protect Your Rights-No Recovery No Fee
too small. Contact us and we will make an offer. Free Consultations
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TBheefohrireinygouofdaeclaiadwneyd,eear xsispkeaurniseintmocpepo.rrCotavliinedtnedt eyreocsiuspiwoonnitshtihbfalreteesfohwrorucioltdtsetnnooiftnsbfoueritmbaaatstiesodentstaloeblmeolueytnoto.nuradqvuearltiifsiceamtieonntss.
772-581-0640 9090 N. US HWY 1 Sebastian, FL
M - F 10am-6pm • Sat. 10am-2pm • Closed Sun.