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Published by irianewsletter, 2019-07-23 04:15:44

Apr 2019

IRIA eNewsletter

Keywords: IRIA

IRIA Newsletter April 2019
No.: 25

President: Dr. Hemant Patel Gen. Secretary: Dr. Rajeev Singh

25th issue of IRIA e-Newsletter

New IRIA office bearers

IRIA Digital Team: Dr. Ramesh S. Shenoy, Dr. Ankur Shah, Dr. Nitin Gonge,
Dr. Murali Krishna, Dr. Gaurav Goswami, Dr. Judy Mary Kurian

Editors Messages Dr. Ramesh S. Shenoy & Dr. L. Murali Krishna

Academic activities / announcements, as well as reports / photographs of all radiology programs, will
be included in the newsletter. These need not be IRIA programs. The announcements, reports &
photographs may be sent to [email protected] & [email protected]. All the academics
programs has to be for radiologists only.
For sending the reports for the newsletter, 1. The reports should be in MS Word format only.
2. Photos should be in jpeg format separately as attachments (maximum 5 photos).
3. All other formats will not be included in the newsletter

Mobile app
download links

IRIA House, C-5, Qutab Institutional Area, New Delhi-110016
Tel. +91-11-26965598, +91-11-41688846, Fax: +91-11-26565391

E-mail: [email protected]; Website:

Presidents page

Dear Members,

It is a matter of great pleasure to interact with you through this April 2019 issue of
the IRIA e-Newsletter. I am glad to inform you that the ‘Japan Radiological Society’
(JRS) had invited me as President of ‘Indian Radiological & Imaging Association’ for
its Annual Meeting (JRS 2019) and Asian Radiology Summit (ARS) 2019, which will
be held on 11 - 14 April, 2019 at Yokohama, Japan.

The aim and objective of our association is to promote the study and practice of
Radiodiagnosis & Imaging. It can be achieved by conducting more and more academic programs. I
am happy to inform you that the association has planned to organize Outreach Programs in Breast
Imaging and Interventional Radiology this year. I request all the state chapters to come forward to
organize the same in all corners of the country.

Pre-conception and Pre-natal Diagnostic Techniques Act (PC & PNDT Act) has stringent rules and
regulations to curb female feticide. It is very important to follow and strictly adhere to the guidelines
laid down under the act to avoid legal actions. Clinical negligence claim costs continue to increase in
India. The growth in preventative screening measures involving Radiologists and the increasing use
of Interventional Radiology have associated medico-legal issues, the professional role of the
Radiologist has evolved with increased involvement in the clinical management of patients. This
is especially so with the advances in minimally invasive procedures in Interventional Radiology. The
general rise in litigation against doctors appears to be continuing apace. It’s high time to get ready
and update with all PC & PNDT and Legal updates about Radiology Practice.

I am glad to inform you that IRIA is taking proactive steps and gearing up to take this challenge.
Throughout the year, we will keep seminars on PC & PNDT and Legal Aspects of Radiology. We are
coming out with dedicated Master Course on PC & PNDT and Legal Aspects at IRIA House for IRIA
leaders at Delhi on 5th May 2019. Subsequently, the state chapters can arrange similar seminars in
their respective states. Faculties will be expert in PC & PNDT and Lawyers who are well versed with
the subject. Webinars will be arranged to have wider coverage for our members. We want in-depth
awareness about PC & PNDT and Radiology practice in all our members. My Teammates at IRIA
Office are determined to get through this challenge in the best possible way. Secretary General
Dr. Rajeev Singh, Joint Secretaries Dr. Vijay Bhaskar Nori and Dr. Sandeep Kavthale have already
started backhand preparation. I must acknowledge Dr. Sandeep Kavthale for the inception of this
challenging mission.

I am happy to share with you that Sono Summit registration has crossed the 500 mark. We
congratulate all members of IRIA. We are sure that this will be a great opportunity for beginners,
young radiologists, resident doctors and Sonography practicing members to learn advances as well
as basics of Sonography from experts. While we are overwhelmed with the response, we have also
received numerous demands from many members across the country to extend the date, therefore,
we have revised the discounted registration dates by 2 weeks, i.e. till 14th April, 2019.

Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,

Dr. Hemant Patel
President, IRIA

Gen. Secretary's notes

Dear Esteemed Members,

I thank all the members for their kind cooperation.
As per the constitution of the association, each state chapter must conduct its
annual election from December to March of every year and inform to the Central
Office, IRIA by 30th April along with the proceedings of the election, failing which
the State Chapter would be debarred from the membership of the Central Council.
I request the state chapters, who have not yet sent the information of election
conducted in their state chapters, to send the same to IRIA HQ at the earliest to
avoid debarring from the Central Council.

We have initiated a movement to compile medico-legal cases, which are relevant to Radiologists, and
Court Judgements of various Hon’ble High Courts and Supreme Court of India. This compilation would
be very useful for reference to any one of us in need on this matter. All the members are requested to
send information / court judgements / orders of various Courts of the country related to PC & PNDT
matters to email id of IRIA HQ [email protected] at the earliest.

Members can also use the following link to post the cases as requested above.

This information would help the members in need to draft / file their replies on the matters related to
PC & PNDT. In our perpetual effort to serve you in best possible ways, the IRIA HQ has formed an
interactive group on Telegram App headed by IRIA PC & PNDT AND TRADE RELATIONS
COMMITTEE MEMBERS. These learned committee members would try their best to help you in your
queries related to Trade Grievances and PC & PNDT related issues. All the members are requested to
join the Group and indulge in meaningful and relevant discussions and deliberations only.

The link of PC PNDT AND TRADE COMMITTEE is given below:

The elections of office bearers of IRIA are to be conducted through e-voting system. It has been
decided by the General Body vide its meeting held at Chandigarh that all the eligible voters shall be
asked to register for e-voting and rest of the members, who do not register for e-voting, shall be sent
physical ballot papers. The IRIA HQ is in process of updating the data of the members so that not only
our directory is made up to date, but we can also conduct election through e-voting system with the
participation of most of the members. Therefore, all the state chapters are requested to set a drive in
their respective state chapter to update the Email id, Mobile No. and mailing addresses of members
so that all the members can participate and cast their vote through e-voting system. The state chapter
Presidents and Secretaries are requested to treat this as most urgent please and provide the data by
30th of April, 2019 positively.

We sincerely solicit your cooperation in our endeavour to move forward.

Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,
Dr. Rajeev Singh
Secretary General, IRIA

Felicitation of new IRIA Office Bearers

A solemn function was organized to felicitate the new office bearers of IRIA on 17th March 2019 in
Mahatma Mandir Convention Centre, Gandhinagar. Dr Hemant Patel, President IRIA welcomed all the
office bearers for the felicitation. He spoke about all the office bearers and ushered them to the IRIA
office. A medal of appreciation was also presented to all the office bearers present by the President.
We wish the new team all the best and hope that this team will take IRIA to newer heights!!

Long Live IRIA,
Editorial Team,
IRIA Newsletter

Felicitation of new IRIA Office Bearers

IRIA new web address is

The 72nd Annual Conference of IRIA

The 72nd Annual Conference of Indian Radiological & Imaging Association (IRIA) was organized by
the Chandigarh Chapter of IRIA on January 17-20, 2019. The conference was attended by nearly 2500
persons including faculty members, delegates, accompanying persons, trade delegates and the
support staff. The venue of the conference was Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and
Research (PGIMER), Chandigarh. There were seven scientific halls besides a large trade zone and the
food court. The pre-conference business meetings were held on 16.01.19 in Hotel Mountview.
The first day of the conference was dedicated to the Indian College of Radiology and Imaging (ICRI).
The highlights of the programme included the awards and orations of the ICRI. The scientific
programme was focused on teaching ultrasonography and included Dr. S. K. Sharma Ultrasound
Symposium on Musculoskeletal Ultrasound. The scientific programme for the day concluded with Dr.
Suren Kothari film reading session. It was followed by the General Body Meeting of the ICRI.
The inaugural function was held on 17.01.19 with His Excellency Shri V. P. Singh Badnore, Governor
Panjab & Administrator U.T. Chandigarh being the chief guest while Dr. (Prof.) Jagat Ram, Director,
PGIMER, Chandigarh being the guest of honour. The new President, Dr. Hemant Patel, was installed
during the inaugural function. Lifetime achievement award was conferred upon Dr. Mukund S. Joshi
and Colonel C. S. Pant during the inaugural functions.
The second day of the conference (18.01.19) began with the session on IRIA awards and orations.
This session was followed by scientific sessions in six concurrent halls. The scientific programmes in
different halls were focused on sub-speciality training with emphasis on ultrasonography. The annual
General Body Meeting of the IRIA was held from 5:30 pm onwards in the Bhargava Auditorium of the
PGIMER Chandigarh.
The scientific programme continued on day 3 & 4 (19.01.19 and 20.01.19 respectively) with multiple
halls running concurrently and imparting sup-speciality based training. During the conference, eight
international faculty members, twenty-four Non-Resident Indian (NRI) faculty members and nearly two
hundred faculty members delivered lectures. In addition, a large number of experienced faculty
members participated in the scientific programme as the chairpersons. Apart from the sub-speciality
based training, the scientific programme also included sessions on artificial intelligence, 3-D printing,
PC-PNDT Act and medico-legal challenges. The interactive discussions between the delegates and
faculty continued well beyond the scientific sessions into the tea, lunch and dinner periods. 132 oral
papers and 761 e-posters were presented during the conference. The post-lunch session of the last
day (20.01.19) was dedicated to the workshops. Six concurrent workshops were conducted during this
session and included lectures, live case demonstrations, hands-on training and interactive sessions.
A “Run for the girl child” was organized on 19.01.2019 in the campus of PGIMER. The campaign
highlighted the problem of female feticide and the commitment of the IRIA to fight against this menace.
Shri Sanjay Tandon, State President of Bhartiya Janta Party for Chandigarh, addressed the
participants. He applauded the efforts of IRIA in fighting against female feticide.
Apart from its scientific content, the conference also catered to the accompanying persons of the
guests. The spouse area was located next to the trade court and offered multiple options for engaging
the children and the adults accompanying the guest. Three dinners were held during the conference
period during which talented artists entertained the delegates.
Forty-three companies rented the stalls in the trade court during the conference. They showcased their
products and also educated the delegates about their new products. Some of these sponsors also
participated in the “Technology Updates” during the conference.

The 72nd Annual Conference of IRIA

The successful organization of this conference was possible because of active support from several
IRIA members from Chandigarh and elsewhere in India and conference organizers are indebted to
them for their contribution. The organizers also acknowledge the contribution of faculty members,
delegates, support staff and the sponsors to make this conference a memorable event.

Long live IRIA.

(Dr. Paramjeet Singh) Organizing Chairperson
(Dr. Akshay Kumar Saxena) Organizing Secretary

Uttarakhand Chapter

RICON UK 2019 was organized on 30-31 March 2019 at AIIMS Rishikesh, Uttarakhand. The highlight
of the CME was Guest Lectures covering the entire spectrum of Hepatobiliary and Bowel Imaging by
the Eminent Faculty from Uttrakhand, Delhi and Mumbai. Dr Sunil Puri, Dr Raju Sharma, Dr Karthik
Ganesan, Dr Hemant Patel, Dr Anjali Prakash, Dr Pankaj Mahesh, Dr Pramod Lonikar, Dr Sharad
Gadgil and Dr Abhinav Jain were Guest Faculty in this CME. Live Demonstration Workshop was done
by Dr Rahul Sachdev. Dr Raju Sharma and Dr Lalendra Upreti conducted Interactive Film Reading
sessions on Day 1 and Day 2. Dr Rahul Dev conducted Spotters session for Residents. This CME was
attended by 200 delegates. Dr Ravi Kant, Director & CEO AIIMS Rishikesh; Dr Hemant Patel,
IRIA President; Dr Surekha Kishore, Dean AAcademicsAIIMS Rishikesh; Dr Pushpraj Bhatale,
Treasurer IRIA; Brig Sudhir Saxena, Organizing Chairman RICON UK 2019, Dr Rajiv Azad, President
Uttarakhand IRIA, Dr Manju Saini, Secretary & Raksha Coordinator Uttarakhand IRIA and Dr Udit
Chauhan, Organizing Secretary RICON UK 2019 were the dignitaries on stage during Inauguration
function. Raksha Program of Uttarakhand

IRIA was launched by Dr Ravi Kant, Dr Hemant Patel and Dr Bina Ravi. Dr Manju Saini, Raksha co-
ordinator 2018-2019 briefed about the ongoing programs under Raksha banner. Dr Rajiv Azad,
President, Uttarakhand IRIA welcomed all Delegates. IRIA Intervention outreach program was
conducted by faculties Dr Pankaj Sharma and Dr Udit Chauhan on the morning of 30/03/2019.
Delegates got hands-on training for ultrasound guided biopsies, drainage procedures and insertion of
PICC lines. Dr Venkata Subaiah A, Dr Smily Sharma and Dr Sneha Harish won first, second and third
prize in Oral Paper presentation competition on day one. Dr Niveditha and Dr Kaustubh Gupta won
first and second prize in Poster competition on day one. Dr Navojit and Dr Arushi Dhall were joint
third prize winner on day one in Poster competition. Dr Venkat and Dr Kiran Patela were first and
second prize winner in Spotter competition. Dr Nachiketa Mangraj was third prize winner in Spotter
competition. Most delegates appreciated Scientific Content of RICON UK 2019. Executive Committee
members and Past Presidents of Uttrakhand State Chapter of IRIA were felicitated. Vote of thanks was
given by Dr Udit Chauhan, Secretary, RICON UK 2019.

IRIA Outreach Program

The IRIA OUTREACH program was announced by our President Dr Hemant Patel during the GBM in
Chandigarh 2019. The aim of the program was to take the academic programs of IRIA to medical
colleges and tier 2 and tier 3 cities. The new CCM appointed Dr Vara Prasad as the coordinator for the
Outreach Programs. For this year Breast Imaging and Intervention Radiology were taken as the theme
for the outreach programs.

The IRIA outreach program was launched in the home state of our President in GCS Medical College
in Ahmedabad on 16th March 2019. The theme was Intervention Radiology. Live demonstrations of
USG guided MSK interventions, Breast Interventions and drainage procedures were performed by
DrRaghav Aggarwal, Dr Neha Shah and Dr Pankaj Sharma. Dr Hemant Patel launched the program
and wished all delegates and faculty success. Around 120 delegates participated in the workshop.

The next IRIA Outreach Program was held in the Medical College in Baroda. The theme was ‘Breast
imaging – Basics to Best’. Dr Bijal Jankharia, Dr SubhashRamani, Dr Neha Shah, Dr Sikha
Khandelwal and Dr Rupal Joshi were the faculties. The program was graced by Dr Hemant Patel,
President IRIA and Dr Asutosh Dave, National Vice President and Dr Kalpesh Shah, Organising
Chairman. 121 registered delegates participated in the event and benefitted from the workshop. The
program was accorded 3 CME credit points from the Gujarat Medical Council.

The third IRIA Outreach Program for the year was held at AIIMS Rishikesh. The theme was
intervention radiology. About 40 delegates participated in the workshop and learned from the experts
to do USG guided biopsies, Drainage procedures and Pigtail Catheter insertions. Dr Hemant Patel, Dr
Puspharaj and Dr Ramesh Chander graced the occasion.

Dr V N VaraPrasad Dr Rajeev Singh
National Coordinator, IRIA Out Reach Program Secretary, IRIA

Dr Sandeep Kavthale Dr VijayBaskar Noori
Joint Secretary, IRIA Joint Secretary, IRIA

IRIA Outreach Program

International Women's day celebration by IRIA

8th March 2019 will be etched in the memories of IRIA members as they got together to celebrate
International Women’s Day in the most befitting manner.

“There is no more force Powerful Than A Woman Determined To Rise” - W.E.B Dubois

A mother, a daughter, a wife, a professional, a homemaker and most importantly compassionate beings. A
woman in today’s era wears numerous hats and plays 100 different roles and we can vouch that she can
win an Oscar for each role that she plays. We feel proud that radiology is one of the fields where there is a
palpable presence of women and in fact, no family is complete without a woman. Let’s celebrate the most
beautiful and complex creation of God and let’s honour the women of our field.

On 8th March 2019 woman’s day, IRIA celebrates in its own unique way to cherish all our lady radiologists.
I appeal to all women of radiology to get together for coffee. Discuss issues and inoculate ideas of women
empowerment in radiology, woman’s imaging, finance management, health and nutrition or beauty tips, the
world is your playground and the choice is yours. You may set this up in your city/town at any venue like a
restaurant or a coffee shop. The theme will be pink for all. I request YUVA IRIA for executing this
celebration in the best possible manner.

On this occasion, we will have the mindset of, “the more the merrier”, so try and include women
radiologists from different centres, medical colleges and hospitals from your city. You may set up
lunch/dinner; IRIA will even send you designs for T-shirts and Cakes so you can let everyone know about
this Women Power. Be loud, Be supportive, Be vocal and Be heard. Feel free to have a group photo/selfie
with your colleagues and besties.

Let your presence be felt. We adore you, we respect you and we appreciate your presence in Radiology

I would love to hear from you.
Best regards,

Dr. Hemant Patel, National President, IRIA

With this appeal sent by our President on 13th February 2019 and the co ordination of the event was
entrusted upon to the newly formed YUVA IRIA (Youth Wing of IRIA), the new team swung into action co
ordinated with committee members all over the country. An online meeting was held and all members
poured in with their suggestions.

Several banners were prepared by YUVA IRIA to promote the event all over the country.

The YUVA IRIA is very grateful to the National IRIA and in particular our President Dr Hemant Patel for
giving us this idea and opportunity to organize the Women’s Day celebration all over the country. The
event got wide publicity and is said to have a created a record for the highest number of events organized
for Women’s Day by the Medical Fraternity.

Thanking You, Regards,

Dr Murali Krishna, National Coordinator, YUWA IRIA

Click here for detailed report

Telangana Chapter

International Women’s day was celebrated by Telangana State chapter of IRIA and YUVA wing of IRIA
after the inaugural ceremony of KARE-2019 Resident programme on 8th March 2019 at
Basavatarakrama Indo-American Cancer Hospital, Hyderabad.

The Chief Guest of this program was Dr. Jayalatha Director M.N.J Cancer Institute Hyderabad. During
the inauguration ceremony of KARE, Women's day message of our dynamic National President IRIA
Dr. Hemant Patel was telecasted. Senior female radiologists leading practicing female radiologists
along with female radiology residents participated in this inaugural function with great enthusiasm. This
programme was planned by our mentor Dr. K. Prabhakar Reddy Sir, Dr. Vijaybhaskar Noori and
executed by Dr. Anitha. Dr. Jyotsna Professor of NIMS, Dr. Sunitha Lingareddy Director LUCID
Diagnostics, Dr. Rakhee K. Pachauri, Dr. Aruna Karnawath, Dr. Sapna Marda and other leading
radiologists participated in this event. Dr. K. Prabhakar Reddy, Dr. Veeraiah President Telangana
State Chapter IRIA, Dr. T. Mandapal President Elect Telangana state chapter IRIA, Dr. Sikandar
Secretary General Telangana State Chapter IRIA and all the executive body members of Telangana
state chapter IRIA were present. Female residents numbering 70 were also present with full
enthusiasm and participated wholeheartedly in this event. First, there was cake cutting done by the
chief guest Dr. Jayalata followed by distribution of gifts. Gifts were distributed by Dr.
Subramanyeshwar Rao, Dr. K Prabhakar Reddy Sir, Dr. T. Mandapal Sir, Dr. Veeriah Sir and Dr.
Jayalatha Madam.

There was a great sense of enthusiasm and during this event which proves the contribution of
Telangana state chapter of IRIA for women empowerment. Special thanks to Dr. K. Prabhakar Reddy
Sir, Dr. Anitha M who coordinated and made this programme a grand success.
Long live IRIA and YUVA IRIA.

Dr. Sikandar S
General Secretary
Telangana State Chapter IRIA.

Telangana Chapter

Kerala Chapter

Kerala Chapter

Kerala Chapter

It was like an apparition when Asha Chechi walked into the room. The Melody Queen had a disarming
smile as sweet as her voice. As she walked into the executive room of the IMA house along with her
mother, we could not control our awe. Asha Chechi or Smt. Ashalatha of ‘Hello Joy Alukkas’ fame had
come to IMA House, to grace the International Women’s Day celebrations of Kochi IRIA, as chief
The lady radiologists welcomed her and got into a conversation with her. A simple, humble person,
her sweetness spilled over in her words and gestures.
The meeting started with a silent prayer. Dr. Meenu Batra welcomed the gathering. Asha Chechi gave
the Women’s day message. She stressed upon how women today enjoy far more privileges and
comfort than in the past; Women should question themselves as to what they have done with the
freedom they already have and not fight and put up ugly public shows for more freedom; Endurance
and resilience will help women bounce back every time after setbacks; She went on to elaborate how
life was tough for her, yet how she rose up from the ashes like a phoenix. The crowd was left
spellbound by her speech.
Dr. Anusha Varghese presented a memento to Smt. Ashalatha. Dr. Maggie Xavier proposed the vote
of thanks. The function was presided by Dr. Amel Antony National Vice President of IRIA. Dr. Ramesh
Shenoy, Incharge Digital IRIA co-ordinated the function. With the words of Ashachechi ringing in their
ears, the radiologists left for dinner.
Dr. Maggie Xavier

International Womens Day celebrations at Kochi, Kozhikode, Kollam organised by Dr. Gomathy
Subramaiyam, Dr. Maggie Xavier, Dr. Judy Mary Kurian

Gujarat Chapter

Gujarat Chapter

Madhya Pradesh Chapter

IRIA MP State Conference was organized on 23 - 24 February 2019 at Hotel Narayanam, Gwalior.
Dr. J. S. Sikarwar was Organising Chairman & Dr. Pankaj Yadav was Organising Secretary.

About 130 delegates participated in the Conference. About 10 papers in 4 categories presented.

Dr. Bharat Jain, Dean GR Medical College, Gwalior was the Chief Guest & Dr. Ashok Mishra Joint
Director Health Gwalior was Guest of Honour.

Dr. Nidhi Bhatnagar from Delhi, Dr. Pankaj Sharma from AIIMS Rishikesh, Dr. Raghav Agrawal from
Delhi, Dr. Abhinav Jain from Delhi, Dr. Bhupendra Ahuja from Agra, Brig. Dr. Sudhir Saxena from
AIIMS Rishikesh, Dr. S.Shivram from Indore, Dr. Megha Mittal & Dr. Manoharsingh Rathore from
Gwalior & Dr. Amar Mukund from New Delhi were the faculty for 2 day Conference.

Prestigious Ram Rishi Oration awarded to Dr. Nidhi Bhatnagar, Prof. & HOD Chennam Devi Hospital
New Delhi.

Venue of the Conference was the pride of MP Hotel Narayanam, Gwalior.

In GBM election result of MP State declared in which Dr. Rakesh Raizada took charge of president &
Dr. Vijay Verma elected as President-elect for 2020 - 21.

All the Radiologist pledge to “SAVE GIRL CHILD”

Dr. Durgesh Rathi
IRIA MP State Secretary

Madhya Pradesh Chapter

Chandigarh Chapter

6th Annual Conference of Chandigarh Chapter of Indian Radiological & Imaging Association was
organized on 17th February 2019 at Lecture theatre complex, PGIMER, Chandigarh.

Chandigarh Chapter of IRIA has entered into the seventh year of its formation and its current
membership strength is 229 including life members, student members and emeritus members. Dr.
Hemant Patel, National President, IRIA was the Chief Guest. The Secretary’s report was presented by
Dr. Kushaljit Singh Sodhi, Secretary of the Chandigarh Chapter of IRIA while welcome address was
given by the President of the Chandigarh Chapter of IRIA, Dr. Suman Setia.

The conference was inaugurated by the IRIA President, Dr. Hemant Patel.

Lamp lighting was performed by Dr. Hemant Patel, Dr. Suman Setia, Dr. Sudha Suri. Dr. Mandeep
Kang, Dr. Kushaljit Singh Sodhi and Dr. Vivek Gupta.

Prof. (Dr.) Sudha Suri was presented with the 'Distinguished Teachers Award' by Dr. Hemant Patel
and received a standing ovation by the esteemed audience.

It was a very successful meeting and was attended by 238 delegates who had come from all parts of
North India.

Punjab Medical Council had accredited 4 CME hours for this conference.

Eminent faculty speakers from Gujarat, Punjab, and Himachal Pradesh were the highlight of this
scientific program. These included Dr. Hemant Patel, Dr. Manoj Mathur, Dr. Vijinder Arora and Dr.
Mukesh Surya. Local eminent speakers included Dr. Suman Kochhar, Dr. Mahesh Prakash, Dr.
Naveen Kalra, Dr. Vivek Gupta, Dr. Paramjeet Singh, Dr. Rahatdeep Singh Brar, Dr. Veenu Singla,
Dr. Sandhya Dhankar and Dr. Deepshikha.

The scientific program was followed by the General body meeting of the Chandigarh Chapter of IRIA.

Chandigarh Chapter

Forthcoming CMEs

Sonosummit Registration form
Sonosummit Program
ISGAR - 3rd Annual Conference, Kochi
1st Annual Conference of the Society of Chest Imaging and Interventions
Radiology Physics
9th Annual Congress of Indian Association of Cardiac Imaging
5th Annual Conference, Andra Pradesh - Emergency Radiology

IRIA National Mobile App user manual

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