e - newsletter
Indian Radiological &
Imaging Association
October 2018 President: Dr Kunnumel Mohanan
No.: 19 Secretary: Dr. C. Amarnath
IRIA e-Newsletter Editors: Dr Ramesh S. Shenoy, Dr. Murali Krishna L
DrEditors Messages Ramesh S. Shenoy IRIA House, C-5, Qutab Institutional Area, New Delhi-110016
Dr. Murali Krishna L Tel. +91-11-26965598, +91-11-41688846, Fax: +91-11-26565391
E-mail: [email protected]; Website: www.iria.in
Important announcement
This year, we are introducing academic activities/
announcements as well as reports/photographs of all
radiology programs. These need not be IRIA programs.
The announcements, reports & photographs may be
sent to [email protected] &
[email protected]. All the academics programs
has to be for radiologists only.
For sending the reports for newsletter,
1. The reports should be in MS Word format only.
2. Photos should be in jpeg format seperatly as
3. All other formats will not be included in the news
IRIA Membership form
IRIA Social Security Scheme form
Download video on IRIA SSS
Presidents page Dear Esteemed Members,
Seasons’ Greetings!
I am glad to know that many state chapters of IRIA celebrated the
'International Girl Child Day' on 11th October, 2018. At national
level, it was celebrated at Trivandrum, which was organised by
IRIA Kerala and Trivandrum city sub chapter in association with a
NGO namely CARB. The Hon. Health Minister Smt. K.K. Shylaja
Teacher inaugurated the program. Mr. Biju Prabhakaran IAS, SP
of Police, Mr. Merlin Joseph, IPS gave messages on this
occasion. National President Dr. Mohanan K. presided over the
function. Dr. Sona Pungaokar, National Coordinator for Raksha
gave the message on this occasion. All the members, who
volunteered to organize this program deserves a special
Please note that 8th November, 2018 will be celebrated as the 7th
International Day of Radiology (IDoR 2018). The theme of IDOR
2018 is ‘Cardiac Imaging’. Members are requested to organize
academic programs in Cardiac Imaging in their state chapter/city
sub chapter to celebrate this day and commemorate Prof. Wilhelm
Conrad Röntgen for his contribution to the Science of Radiology.
Wishing you and your family a very Happy Dussehra and Diwali,
Yours sincerely,
Dr. Mohanan K.
President, IRIA
Gen. Secretary's notes Dear Members,
At the outset, I wish you and your family a very Happy
Dussehra and Diwali. May this Diwali bring all happiness, good
health, wealth and fame to you and your family!
I take this opportunity to thank you for your kind support and
guidance from time to time. I request all the members to follow
the PC & PNDT Act in its letter and spirit as it is the law of the
It is very heartening to note that many of the state and city sub
chapters of IRIA celebrated the ‘International Girl Child Day’ on
11th October, 2018. The National level program was organized
by Kerala state chapter at Trivandrum, which was presided
over by Dr. Mohanan K., President, IRIA.
Active participation of members in the activities of the
association is the key to success of any organization. I request
all the esteemed Central Council Members to participate
actively in the Central Council meeting to be held on 11th
November, 2018 at IRIA House, New Delhi.
With best wishes,
Yours sincerely,
Dr. C. Amarnath
Secretary General, IRIA
Eighth monthly meeting of the TNPY chapter of IRIA at JIPMER
,Pondicherry Report
The North Zonal &eighth monthly meeting of the Tamil Nadu State
chapter of the IRIA was successfully hosted by the Pondy subchapter
on 23-09-2018. More than 105 participants attended the meeting,
including residents and consultants. The theme of CME Paediatric
Imaging &Interventions. The talks included topics ranging
from Conventional, USG, CT & MR imaging & Intervention in
Paediatrics. Faculties were Dr.K.G.Srinivas, Prof.Vijayalakshmi, Prof.
Vinu Moses &Dr. Kanimozhi, who are experts in the subject .
During the formal inauguration, Dr.Nagaraj (President Pondy
subchapter) welcomed the gathering. Dr S. Shanmugam (President
TNPY IRIA), Dr. D. Ramesh (Secretary TNPY
IRIA)andDr.VishnuSrinivas (Vice President ) were felicitated by the
Pondy subchapter Office bearers . Senior members of Pondy
subchapter Dr.Sethu and Dr.Baskaran were honoured with Lifetime
Achievement awards in lieu of their tireless service to the community
and the Radiology fraternity especially for setting up Radiology dept.
at Govt Hospitals Cuddalore & Pondy. Vote of thanks was conveyed
by Dr.Nadaradjan (Secretary Pondy subchapter).
The residents then came forward with their case presentations, and
after intense and insightful questioning from the judges Prof. S.
Adaikkapan, Prof. Ravichandran & Prof. A. Ramesh best three
presentations were given prizes and appreciation certificates as
1.Dr. Amy Sara Abraham "Clean the glass,don't shatter it" CMC
2.Dr. R. Sandhiya "Tip of an iceberg" ,BIR MMC
3.Dr.Janani .R "Decoding the diagnosis-Paediatric spine" KMC ,
Tamilnadu & Pondicherry Chapter Rest of all residents awarded participation certificates .
Dr.Jayaranjeetham "Hereditary Multiple Exostosis" ,PIMS.Pondy
Dr.AbilashPeddu "A rare case presentation of Hemiconvulsion
Hemiplegia Epilepsy syndrome"MGMCRI" Pondy.
Dr.VarunHansaria" There is more than what meets the eye" Sri
ManarkulaVinayaka ,Pondy .
After Valedictory the participants dispersed with the satisfaction of
knowledge gained and luminaries honoured.
A deserving special appreciation to the wonderful organising Team
from pondy Subchapter President Dr.Nagaragan , Secretary
Dr.Nadarajan,TreasurerDr.Subathra, Dr.Balachandran,
Dr.Ravichandran, Dr.A.Ramesh ,DrPadminiDr.Lokesh , Faculties &
Residents of JIPMER .
Last but not the least on hard work of our state Team making the
presence felt in all meets & ForumsDr.Shanmugam President,
Dr.VishnuSrinivasVice President, Prof.R.KanagasabaiCCM,
Dr.Arun dilip Joint Secretary &Prof.S.BabupeterOrg.Secretary ,71st
State Annual conference.Thanks to the event sponsors M/s Siemens
During Post Lunch period there was an informal discussion & visit by
State office bearers to the venues of 72nd State Annual conference
at Pondy.
Chennai Subchapter of TNPY IRIA"RAKSHA"
The Chennai Subchapter of TNPY IRIA is proud to announce that its
RAKSHA program was launched on 01.09.2018 through the
Nidarsanam Trust, and guided by the NGO Streetlights whose
Coordinator, Mr.Dinesh, had made a Presentation during our First
Monthly Meet 2018 at SVDC. The work undertaken by Nidarsanam
Trust, in adopting the Chennai Primary School at Arundhadhi Nagar,
Perambur, and managing it well, with clean Environs, their tireless
service is praiseworthy.
Tamilnadu & Pondicherry Chapter Their further initiative in running a Computer Centre free of cost for the
Underprivileged children in this Urban Slum is noteworthy. The
Chennai Subchapter decided to support their'Sponsor a Tutor'
program for our RAKSHA program, where they will organise Tuitions
for the Girl children from this poor Community in Subjects of Science
(PCB), Maths and Accounts for X, XI, XII Stds, with the aid of a Smart
Class and a rather well stocked Library with Books of Motivation,
Public Exams, Advanced Subject Books etc for Tuition attenders.
CHENNAI SUBCHAPTER of TNPYIRIAis proud to undertake this
Mission to Make a Difference for the Girl children under "RAKSHA",
the Flagship welfare program of IRIA.
It wason 16.09.2018, a raining morning and heritage program with
walk around fort complex started after rain subsided and the program
proceeded uninterrupted. Heritage walk started from the Gandhi
statue and passed through various important monuments in the Fort
Complex and proceeded around the Fort Rampart. On the way
members had cleared the litter, as our gesture towards swachh Bharat
campaign. After completing the Heritage walk there was a short talk
on our freedom struggle and sepoy mutiny. Finally we joined there
archaeology department program on inauguration of swachh Bharat
campaign.This historical initiative organized by Dr.S.Kumaran
Secretary & office bearers of VELLORESUBCHAPTER of TNPYIRIA
Thanks and regards
Secretary ,TNPY IRIA.
Professor of Radiodiagnosis,
Barnard Institute of Radiology,Madras Medical College.
Tamilnadu & Pondicherry Chapter
Delhi Chapter Monthly Meeting of Delhi State Chapter of IRIA
Monthly meeting of Delhi State Chapter of IRIA was
Organized on 8 September 2018 at JPNA Trauma Centre,
AIIMS Delhi. This meeting was attended by 60 IRIA
members. President : Dr Prakash Lalchandani welcomed
all IRIA members. The highlight of this meeting was
lectures by Dr Priyanka Naranje (Chest X Ray in ICU
Setting) and Dr Smita Manchanda (Imaging in Pulmonary
Thromboembolism). Five Residents presented papers. Dr
Anuradha was awarded First Prize in Paper Presentation
Competition. Dr Prakash Lalchandani felicitated speakers:
Dr Priyanka Naranje and Dr Smita Manchanda. Dr Sunil
Kakkar and Dr Lalendra Upreti felicitated paper presenters
: Dr Anuradha, Dr Abhishek, Dr Naren, Dr Ritu Verma and
Dr R Praveen Kumar. Vote of thanks was given by Dr
Pankaj Sharma.
Raksha Program of Delhi State Chapter of IRIA
Raksha Program of Delhi State Chapter of IRIA was
Organized on 29 September 2018 at Government
Sarvodya Kanya Vidyalaya, Nand Nagri, Delhi. This
meeting was attended by following Executive members : Dr
Prakash Lalchandani, Dr Lalendra Upreti and Dr Kriti
Malhotra. Dr Natasha, Raksha Coordinator from Delhi was
appreciated by President : Dr Prakash Lalchandani for her
efforts in smooth conduct of this program. The highlight of
this Program was Free Uniform distribution to fifty
deserving girls from low socio-economic strata and free
stationary distribution to twenty specially abled children.
With this program, Delhi State Chapter of IRIA took first
small step towards promoting the welfare of girl child.
Delhi Chapter
Delhi Chapter
Raksha Dr. Harnam Singh Mid Term CME of IRIA was conducted by
ICRI and hosted by IRIA MP State Chapter in Indore on 7th
-8th July 2018.
During the inauguration of the CME, radiologists from
Madhya Pradesh chapter of IRIA, launched RAKSHA –
Radiologists for the girl child,a project dedicated to
empowering the girl child. IRIA President, Dr Mohanan, IRIA
secretary Dr Amarnath, IRIA President Elect, Dr Hemant
Patel, national co-ordinator for RAKSHA, Dr Sona
Pungavkar and several other dignitaries were present.
Three coordinators have been chosen for a 2year term for
RAKSHA Project, Dr Shweta Nagar, Dr Nikita Benjamin and
Dr Kumud Julka.
MPIRIA has donated 6 sanitary pad automatic vending
machines to higher secondary girls schools in and around
Indore by donation from radiologist members namely Dr O.
P. Tiwari, Dr DurgeshRathi, Dr Sachin Solanki, Dr Sunita
Sullere, Dr Nikita Benjamin and Dr Shweta Nagar. Dr Sona
Pungavkar has also made a donation for a machine. It was
a memorable event, which brought out the best feelings in
all the participants, with media coverage highlighting the
social work done by the members of the MP chapter of
IRIA. Also, the government officials, Dr. H. N. Nayak CMHO
& Mr. Satish Joshi PC-PNDT Nodal officer and Mr. Mukesh
Sinha, Director Voluntary Health services acknowledged the
efforts of the radiologists in the state towards improving the
sex ratio. Such small steps will bring in the positive boost in
favour of the radiologists, which is the aim of RAKSHA.
Dr Santosh Gandhi, President, MPIRIA
Dr Durgesh Rathi, Secretary, MPIRIA
Dr Sona Pungavkar, National Co-ordinator, IRIA
Raksha A national project of IRIA, RAKSHA - RADIOLOGISTS FOR
THE GIRL CHILD, was launched in the state of Andhra
Pradesh by the AP chapter of IRIA on the 28th of July 2018
at Kakinada, during 4th AP STATE IRIA CONFERENCE.
Several National leaders of IRIA were present at the launch.
Dr. Mohanan Kunnummal - our National IRIA President, Dr.
C. Amarnath – Secretary, National IRIA, Dr. Sona Pungavkar
- National Coordinator for RAKSHA, Dr. Chidambaranathan,
Vice President of ICRI, Dr. V.N. Varaprasad - Secretary of
ICRI, Prof. Dr. Kakarla Subbarao - Former President of IRIA
& ICRI, Dr. G. V. Mohan Prasad - President of AP State
IRIA, Dr. Ch. Kishore Kumar - Secretary of AP State
IRIA, Dr. Guru Prasad - Chairman of the organising
committee of the State Conference, Dr. Kada
Venkataramana - Secretary of the organising committee of
the State Conference, Dr. Silpa Kadiyala – CCM & faculty at
SVIMS – Tirupati, other CCM members and office bearers of
the AP State IRIA participated in this RAKSHA Program
launching event.
numbering around 400 plus wore the “SPECIAL LIGHT PINK
specially arranged.
A huge banner of RAKSHA – Radiologist for the girl child,
was unveiled ” by the dignitaries.
Utility kits and school bags with books, uniforms, stationery
items etc., were distributed to 23 deserving poor girl children
of school going age – spending an amount of Rs.30,000/- for
thisby the member radiologists. The state office bearers
pledged to take this program ahead in a big way in the state
of Andhra Pradesh by organizing monthly service activities
under this RAKSHA program.
Raksha Trade donations were received and acknowledged. Mr.
Rajasekhar of Icon Medical Systems pledged to donate
Rs.1,05,000/- to this program.
A press meet gave the required coverage, in print and in
electronic media solidifying the stance taken by the
association to protect the girl child.
On the whole, the launch of RAKSHA program was a very
memorable one which will be cherished by all the
participants for times to come.
The RAKSHA program “Radiologists for the Girl Child” mega
service initiative by IRIA – is for sure poised to bring a
change over in the outlook and social prospective of the
Radiologist by the community – and this launch will remain
as a land mark event in the annals of AP IRIA.
Dr G V Mohan Prasad, President of AP State IRIA
Dr Sona Pungavkar, National Coordinator, RAKSHA.
Chandigarh Raksha Raksha Project Chandigarh
Raksha is an IRIA project taken up
by Chandigarh Chapter for bringing awareness about saving
the girl child and helping them to be independent.
Chandigarh Chapter of IRIA started with the first activity of
“Raksha project “with distribution of school bags and
stationary to under privileged girls in under-privileged area.
This was carried out on 29th September, 2018
Saturday from 2 - 4 pm at Gurukul Asara pathshala, Amab
Colony near forever company, Phase 11 Mohali. Our Raksha
team distributed school bags with Raksha logo to 50 girls and
also gave note books and pencils to them. It was heartening
to see these girls holding on to the bags and pencils with so
much love and happiness in their eyes.
RAKSHA CHANDIGARH team comprises of Dr. Sandhya
Dhankhar as convenor and Dr. Ravinder Kaur,Dr. Monica
Chhabra, Dr. Vanita Gupta and Dr. Tulika Singh as active
RAKSHA project members.
Chandigarh Raksha
Ultravision 2018 Ultravision 2018 was organised by Delhi State Chapter of
IRIA on 6 -7 October 2018 at Radisson Blu Hotel, Dwarka,
Delhi. The theme of this CME was Breast Imaging,
Obstetrics and Gynecology Imaging. The highlight of the
CME was Launch of Raksha Program by Delhi State
Chapter of IRIA and Guest Lectures covering entire
spectrum of Breast Imaging, Obstretics and Gynecology
Imaging by the Eminent Faculty from across the country. Dr
Prakash Lalchandani and Dr Pankaj Sharma felicitated Past
Presidents of Delhi State Chapter of IRIA and thanked them
for constant encouragement and guidance. Main highlight of
this CME was participation by more than 400 IRIA members
from Delhi, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Uttar
Pradesh, Rajasthan, Uttrakhand and Madhya Pradesh. Dr
Prakash Lalchandani, President, Delhi State Chapter of
IRIA welcomed all Delegates and highlighted various
Academic Activities and fulfilling of Social Responsibility by
Delhi State Chapter of IRIA. Dr Natasha Gupta, Raksha
Coordinator from Delhi showed video clip and enumerated
highlights of Raksha Program of Delhi State Chapter of
IRIA. Most delegates appreciated Scientific Content of
Ultravision 2018, which was designed and conceptualised in
consultation with Dr (Col) C S Pant and Dr Anjali Aggarwal.
Vote of thanks was given by Dr Pankaj Sharma, Secretary,
Delhi State Chapter of IRIA.
Link to install for Android phone
Link to install for ios phone
Radimage 2018 RADIMAGE2018
The mid-term CME of IRIA KERALA chapter was conducted on
October 28th. The CME was organized by IRIA KOCHI chapter, one
of the most vibrant chapters IRIA. This time the concept was to go
off the beaten track and include some topics that are not often
discussed. Thus the theme of our CME was TURF EXPANSION. It
was a one day CME programme held at IMA HOUSE, KOCHI from 8
am to 5 pm.
There were talks on TIRADS, BREAST And LIVER
ELASTOGRAPHY, Salivary Glands, Musculoskeletal System and
Live Workshop on Musculoskeletal Interventions and Breast Biopsy
The speakers were all nationally and internationally acclaimed
speakers. Around 150 delegates had registered.
The highlight of the CME programme was the inaugural session. Dr
Anusha Varghese Organising Chairperson RADIMAGE 2018
welcomed the gathering. Prof Mohanan, National President IRIA
inaugurated the CME and also launched RAKSHA, a flagship
programme of IRIA , to protect the girl child.
Dr Gomathy Subramaniyam, the state coordinator of IRIA, made a
presentation on RAKSHA and the various activities that were
conducted across the state under it’s aegis. Dr Rijo Mathew, State
Secretary, Dr Balachandran Nair, President Kochi IRIA, and Dr Amel
Antony offered their felicitations. Dr Maggie Xavier Organising
Secretary RADIMAGE 2018, proposed the vote of thanks.
Poster and Free Paper Presentation competitions were also held as
parallel sessions and prizes were distributed. The programme
concluded with a General Body Meeting which saw a good
attendance of all members.
Dr Maggie Xavier
Organising Secretary
Radimage 2018
Photo gallery of Radimage 2018
Kerala State
Poster published by Kerala State Branch for
Kerala Raksha Calicut
Radiology Club
Kerala Raksha Click
here for
Kerala State
Click for the brochure
Telangana State Chapter of IRIA organized 4th State Annual
Conference with INDO-US IMAGING from 12th to 14th October
2018 at Hotel Manasarover, The Fern, Secunderabad.
The theme of the Conference was Advances in Imaging” and
Ultrasound Imaging. Dr. Veeraiah as Organizing Chairman and Dr.
Sikandar as Organizing secretary.
This conference was organized under the visionary guidance and
stalward leadership of Dr. Prabhakar Reddy Past President IRIA &
International Guest speakers from US along with eminent National
and State speakers delivered lectures.
Highlights of the Conference are,
Roentgen Oration was delivered by Dr. T B S Buxi from Sir
Gangaram Hospital, New Delhi
Dr T Jayanarsimhulu Oration was delivered by Dr. Vikram Dogra
from University of Rochester Medical Center, Rochester, New York.
Lifetime achievement award-2017 was awarded to eminent senior
Radiologist Dr T. L.N Praveen.
Felicitaion of Senior Radiologists Dr. Harshad Shah ,Eminent
renowned Radiologist from Ahmedabad and Dr. Surender Reddy
from Hyderabad was done.
Dr. T. Mandapal Gold Medal Award-2018 for Best Resident oral
Paper Competition.
There were two Film Reading sessions conducted by Dr. Vikram
Dogra and Dr. Chidambarnathan and “Case of the Day” daily Quiz
for postgraduates was compiled by Dr. Sikandar.
Telangana State Chapter The inaugural Ceremony of the conference held on 13th October,
2018 at 7.00 pm. Dr Rakesh Mishra CCMB Director was the Chief
Guest and Guest of Honor was Dr. K. Mohanan National President
IRIA.,Dr. K. Prabhakar Reddy, Dr. Veeraiah K, President, TS
Chapter ,Dr. Amarnath Secretary General Of National IRIA and
Dr.Jayraj GovindRaj Chairman ICRI were special invitees
The meeting was grand success with 260 delegates,
35 guest faculties, 79 Poster presentations, 27 paper presentations
and 6 Dr. T Mandapal Gold Medal Presenters.
Telangana Medical Council had granted 5 Credit Points for the
conference. All delegates thoroughly enjoyed the scientific content
as well as food, Cultural program and venue arrangements.
Telangana State Chapter