IRIA Newsletter July 2019
No.: 28
President: Dr. Hemant Patel Gen. Secretary: Dr. Rajeev Singh
SonoSummit 2019 inaugural function
Dr. Ramesh S. Shenoy, Dr. Ankur Shah, Dr. Nitin Ghonge,
IRIA Digital Team: Dr. Murali Krishna, Dr. Gaurav Goswami, Dr. Judy Mary Kurian
Editors Messages Dr. Ramesh S. Shenoy & Dr. L. Murali Krishna
Academic activities / announcements, as well as reports / photographs of all radiology programs, will
be included in the newsletter. These need not be IRIA programs. The announcements, reports &
photographs may be sent to [email protected] & [email protected]. All the academics
programs has to be for radiologists only.
For sending the reports for the newsletter, 1. The reports should be in MS Word format only.
2. Photos should be in jpeg format separately as attachments (maximum 5 photos).
3. All other formats will not be included in the newsletter
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PC - PNDT judgements in IRIA Mobile App
99 PC - PNDT act judgements of various courts are added to the
IRIA Mobile App. It is available in Links section as well as in
Publications section under Newsletters
IRIA House, C-5, Qutab Institutional Area, New Delhi-110016
Tel. +91-11-26965598, +91-11-41688846, Fax: +91-11-26565391
E-mail: [email protected]; Website:
Presidents page
Dear Esteemed Members,
Seasons’ greetings!
Kindly accept my heartiest congratulations for most successful
SonoSummit, a dedicated Sonography Conference with highest
attendees and in-depth content reach program. It proved
undoubtedly number one conference of Sonography by
Radiologists in India. SonoSummitt is a new beginning,
SonoSummit is a new chapter and SonoSummit is a new direction.
SONOsummit is a Game Changer.
I congratulate all my IRIA, IJRI and ICRI office bearers, Central Council Members and
all the Members of IRIA for this achievement. I would like to thank especially Dr. C.
Amarnath, Dr. L. Murali Krishna, Dr. T. Mukuntharajan, President and Dr. F. Abubacker
Sulaiman, Secretary, TPNY and Dr. Jayaraj Govindaraj, Dr. G. Yuvabalakumaran, Dr. S.
Nadaradjan, Dr. Devi Meenal and their entire team for their hard work and dedication,
which turned the conference into a mega event.
I also take this opportunity to thank all the Office Bearers of IRIA, ICRI, IJRI, SSS and
Central Council members, who attended the Central Council Meeting held on 29th June at
Chennai. The good attendance in the meeting reflects the great enthusiasm and dedication
amongst the Central Council members and it is a good sign for any organization for its
Friends, we are proud radiologists, we are proud members of IRIA, but above all we are
proud Indians. We take pride in the bounty that this land is, and we are grateful to the
protectors of mother India. We are also grateful to the radiologists who protected the
protectors of country on the battlefield and in the Army. So, to extend our gratitude we will
felicitate the members of IRIA who have served in the army and served our nation. Of
course, any amount of felicitation does equate to the bravery and earnestness of these
Heros but we sure can try. On Saturday 6th July at 4:00 pm at IRIA House, C-5, Qutab
Institutional Area, New Delhi; we will be having a special function for all the Army
Radiologists of IRIA (past and current).
Friends, the last two centuries have witnessed innumerable changes and reform especially
after the Industrial Revolution, and more specifically in the last 50 years with the
exponential growth in capitalism and commercialisation of numerous industries, but the
repercussions of these changes have had effects of its own changes of its own on the
climate, the environment and the earth.
Presidents page
Some of these include -
Global Temperature Rise
Toxic air due to automobile and industrial smoke
Commercial waste
Warming Oceans
Glacial Retreat
Sea Level Rise
Ocean Acidification
This is the mammoth problem that humanity faces currently. But, how is it relevant
to radiology you may ask, well radiology is the branch of medicine which is most in tandem
with the future, and the way we have taken the earth for granted there may be adverse
effects soon which will destroy life. So, it is our responsibility as radiologists and
inhabitants of this beautiful planet, to give something back to it and to look after it. “Tree
Plantation by Radiologists” on 4th August 2019. So, on 4th of August, Indian Radiological &
Imaging Association (IRIA) has pledged to plant about 1 lakh trees across the country. But
this can be possible only when all of us the members will come together. I appeal all of you
to participate in this noble cause for the society by doing this simple act which will be our
signature of our fraternity on this planet. On this day all the radiologists can muster up
together in your cities and towns, you may even inform about this to the local appropriate
authorities and asking your political leader to lend their support to you for this cause. Let’s
celebrate monsoon in a different way this time, in a grateful way, when all of us will make
this tree plantation a celebration, 1 lakh will just be another number. “A greener tomorrow is
a better tomorrow”.
The elections of office bearers of IRIA, IJRI and ICRI are on and I request all the eligible
candidates to observe the code of conduct as per the constitution of the association. I
advise all the members to follow the PC & PNDT Act in its letter and spirit as it the law of
the land.
Members are requested to feel free to contact me any time on the issues pertaining to our
Long Live IRIA!
Yours sincerely,
Dr. Hemant Patel
President, IRIA
Gen. Secretary's notes
Dear Members,
Greetings from IRIA HQ!
At the outset, I would like to congratulate Team SonoSummit
2019 for organizing a very successful conference exclusively
on Ultrasound. It was a mega event in the history of IRIA in
terms of participation (more than 1300 delegates), quality of
academic sessions, national & international faculty, trade
participation and most importantly in terms of sending
message to those who are involved in teaching non - radiologists. I wholeheartily thank
everyone who contributed in any manner to make this meaningful program, a milestone in
history of IRIA. My special thanks and applauds to Dr. C. Amarnath, Dr. Murali Krishna and
their entire team from TNPY state chapter who worked very hard for the success of the
conference. The feedback from the members is fantastic and they are eager to know the
venue and dates of the next SonoSummit.
I also take this opportunity to thank immensely the Central Council Members for their active
participation in the Central Council Meeting held 29th July at Chennai Trade Centre during
SonoSummit 2019. There was a good attendance at the meeting. I hope that CCM
would continue this in future also and serve the association. I would like to inform you that
November Central Council Meeting would be held on 10th November 2019 at IRIA House,
New Delhi. You are requested to kindly mark your calendar and plan your visit to attend this
As you are aware that the notification for elections to be held this year has been published
the June 2019 issue of IRIA News Bulletin.
It has been decided by the General Body of IRIA vide its meeting held at Chandigarh that
the eligible voters shall be asked to register for e-voting and rest of the members, who do
register for e-voting, shall be sent physical ballot papers.
I request the members to apply for various Orations, Awards, Medals and Fellowships
instituted by IRIA, IJRI and ICRI, the notification of which has also been published in the
2019 issue of the News Bulletin.
Gen. Secretary's notes
- The 2nd IREP shall be organized by Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry State Chapter on 14 -
15 September 2019 at CMC Vellore.
CME Programs:
- Dr. Harnam Singh CME 2019 will be organized by Karnataka State Chapter from 10 - 11
August 2019 at Hubli. The theme of this CME is Hepatobilliary and GIT.
- Dr. R.K. Goulatia CME 2019 will be organized by Assam State Chapter from 12 - 13
October 2019 at Hotel IORA, Kaziranga, Assam. The theme of this CME is Abdominal and
Paediatric Radiology.
- Dr. Rajendra Rao CME 2019 will be organized by Chandigarh UT Chapter from 14 - 15
December 2019 at PGIMER Chandigarh. The theme of this CME is Women’s Imaging.
I request the members to attend these academic programs.
I request the members to get in touch with me on any matters pertaining to the upliftment of
our beloved association.
Long live IRIA!
Yours sincerely,
Dr. Rajeev Singh
Secretary General, IRIA
IRIA National Mobile App user manual
Doctors Day Award by National IMA
IMA awarded Dr. Hemant Patel, President, IRIA on Doctors' Day at IMA House, New Delhi on 1st July.
Karnataka Chapter
31st May 2019: Monthly clinical meet was organized at Diamond Box, KSCA (Chinnaswamy) cricket
stadium. About 10 postgraduate students from different medical colleges presented clinical cases. Dr.
Harsha Chadaga, Consultant Radiologist at Columbia Asia Hospital, Yeshwanthpur, Bengaluru gave lecture
on “Congenital malformations of Spine – Embryology to Imaging, A Practical Approach”. Dr. Sudhakar S,
Consultant Radiologist at HCG hospital, Bengaluru gave lecture on “Breast Imaging – Mammography and
Forthcoming CMEs
Indian Society of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology, ISGAR - 3rd
Annual Conference, Kochi
IREP 2019 at Kochi on 17/18 Aug 2019
7th National Conference ot the MSS
"Amrita Breast Conclave" (National IRIA Breast Imaging outreach program)
Kerala Chapter
The Kochi Chapter of IRIA held its monthly meeting on the 28th
of May, 2019 at IMA House. In keeping with the theme of
National IRIA outreach programme, Dr. Manisha Joshi,
(Consultant Neuroradiologist & Interventional Radiologist) from
Rajagiri Hospital, spoke on role of Interventional Radiology in
brain and spine. She highlighted the importance of IR in
management of stroke and various vascular abnormalities
including aneurysms. An other interesting application was IR as
a solution for chronic SDH. The post graduates had many
queries and Dr. Manisha impressed the audience with her in-
depth knowledge, clinical acumen and clarity of approach.
Above all, the session was so inspiring and motivating for the
post graduates to consider taking up IR as a career.
e-Newsletter of Kochi Chapler
Kerala Chapter - Raksha
Donated notebooks, textbooks, school stationery items to Gurukulam Trust for girls at
Kozhikode, sponsored by doctors in ladies wing of IRIA Kerala Chapter under the
leadership of Dr Gomathy Subramanian, Senior Vice President of IRIA Kerala & in charge
of Raksha, Kerala. Dr Rajesh K. President, Calicut Radiology Club presided.
Kerala Chapter
CME on Neuroimaging
Radiology club of Alappuzha in association with IRIA & Department of Radiodiagnosis conducted
CME on Neuroimaging on 09/06/2019 at T.D.M.C; Allappuzha. The total delegates attended were
CME started with prayer by Dr. Athira. The first session started at 8.00 am by Dr. C. Kesavadas
(Prof. & HOD, SCTIMST, Thiruvanathapuram) on "Advanced brain tumor imaging". This was
followed by a talk on 'Demyelinating disorders of CNS' by Dr. Somnath Pan (Senior Resident in
SCTIMST) which ended at 11.00 am.
After a short tea break of 10 minutes, the next session of 'Vascular malformation of CNS" was
done by Dr. Somnath Pan. Following this, there was lunch break for half an hour.
The afternoon session started at 1.35 pm during which Dr. C. Kesavadas discussed Neurology
cases with the delegates. After a short tea break of 10 minutes at 3.45 pm, an interactive session
by PG's with Dr. C. Kesavadas was held and the programme came to a close at 4.30 pm. All the
sessions were highly appreciated by the delegates.
Dr. Josey Verghese T.
Secretary, Radiology Club of Alappuzha
Rajasthan state IRIA is now in RAKSHA league, having organized the launch on 26 May
2019. Dr. Nisha Aurora, State Coordinator in conjunction with Dr. Sona Pungavkar, the
National Co-ordinator was instrumental in initiating the launch. Rajasthan Chapter of
IRIA has adopted a girls school where they were provided ceiling fans. Dr. Jeevraj,
Secretary, Dr. Mendiratta, President, Rajasthan Chapter, IRIA along with commitee
contributed actively in the execution of the project. Dr. Rajeev Singh, the National
Secretary General IRIA, was also present.
Telangana Chapter
TS CHAPTER IRIA June Monthly meeting was held on 8th June 2019 at Hotel NKM Grand,
Hyderabad. The meeting was attended by 104 senior faculties IRIA life and student members.
Dr. Sikandar General Secretary welcomed all. The meeting was moderated by Prof. T. Mandapal
President TS Chapter IRIA. Dr. Vikas Reddy from Lucid Diagnostics Hyderabad delivered guest
Dr. Arpita Reddy Radiology from Yashoda Hospitals, Somajiguda conducted the Quiz.
Dr. Naresh M from Gandhi Medical College. Hyderabad was the winner of the Quiz.
Interesting cases were presented by residents from various Medical colleges and hospitals from
Hyderabad, Mahboobnagar and Warangal. Presentation of certificates for quiz faculty, Faculty talk
and resident presentations were given by Prof Mandapal. Dr. Venkatram Reddy, Dr. Prabhakar
Rao, Dr. Venkatramanna, Dr. Rajesh and various senior faculties. Update on academic yearly
programme 2019-20 was given by Dr. Sikandar. Vote of thanks was given by Dr Sikandar General
Telangana Jun 2019 e-Newsletter
Telangana Chapter
Maharashtra State
Maharashtra State
Punjab State
Karnataka State
Karnataka State
Chhattisgarh Chapter
Telangana State
Telangana State
Haryana State