e - newsletter
Indian Radiological &
Imaging Association
IRIA e-Newsletter April 2018 President: Dr Kunnumel Mohanan
No.: 13 Secretary: Dr. C. Amarnath
Dr Ramesh S. Shenoy
Dr. Murali Krishna L
With National
Radiology Presidents
of Malaysia,
Bangladesh, and
Srilanka at Japan
Presidents of all
Asian Radiology
Societies at
Yokohama Japan
Dr. Mohanan , President
IRIA addressing the Asian
Radiology Summit at
Yokohama Japan
DrEditors Message Ramesh S. Shenoy IRIA House, C-5, Qutab Institutional Area, New Delhi-110016
Dr. Murali Krishna L Tel. +91-11-26965598, +91-11-41688846,
s Fax: +91-11-26565391
E-mail: [email protected]; Website: www.iria.in
Important announcement
This year, we are introducing academic activities/
announcements as well as reports/photographs of all
radiology programs. These need not be IRIA programs.
The announcements, reports & photographs may be
sent to [email protected] &
[email protected]. All the academics programs
has to be for radiologists only.
For sending the reports for newsletter,
1. The reports should be in MS Word format only.
2. Photos should be in jpeg format seperatly as
3. All other formats will not be included in the news
Scan this QR code to share
the newsletters with your friends
Presidents page Dear Members,
It is a matter of great pleasure to interact with you through this
April 2018 issue of the IRIA e-Newsletter. I take this opportunity
to thank immensely Dr. Ramesh Shenoy and Dr. Murali Krishna
for brining very informative monthly issues of the e-Newsletter of
I am glad to inform you that the ‘Japan Radiological Society’
(JRS) had invited me as President of ‘Indian Radiological &
Imaging Association’ for its 77th Annual Meeting (JRS 2018) and
3rd Asian Radiology Summit (ARS) 2018, which was held on 12-
15 April, 2018 at Yokohama, Japan. The topics of my
presentation for the ARS were:
(i). Scope and limitations of your role as the President.
(ii). The challenges of your role as the President and how to
address them.
(iii). The future of radiology – the perspective of your society.
We know that the Appropriate Authorities at many districts in
Rajasthan are harassing the members through fake decoy
operation. We have to fight against their unlawful attitude and
injustice to protect the interest of our members.
I suggest the following measurers to be done at the earliest.
• Action and follow up by Rajasthan state chapter to meet the
concerned authorities under PC & PNDT at Rajasthan state.
• Letter to all the members of the Rajasthan state chapter
sensitizing them about the harassment by the AA in the state
and necessary action to be taken.
Presidents page • The Govt. of Rajasthan should set up an enquiry committee,
which should have two/three members from IRIA Rajasthan in
addition to members appointed by State Govt. to enquire the
matter in a time bound manner.
• If authorities are not responding within time frame, then the
Rajasthan state chapter should launch strong protest including
indefinite shut down of Radiology services in the entire state.
The IRIA HQ is monitoring the situation and will support each
and every activity initiated by the Rajasthan state chapter. I
request all the members of Rajasthan state chapter to shoulder
at this crucial phase of life and practice.
The aim and objective of our association is to promote the study
and practice of Radio-diagnosis & Imaging. It can be achieved
by conducting more and more academic programs. I am happy
to inform you that in order to update the knowledge and skills of
the members, IRIA has planned to organize one day CME
programs on the theme of Fetal Radiology across the country.
The first CME of the year 2018 on Fetal Radiology shall be
organized by IRIA HQ on 13th May, 2018 at IRIA House, New
Delhi. I request the members to attend the same.
• United We Stand – Divided We Fall!
• We Fight for Our Turf.
• We do not train any non-Radiologist.
Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,
Dr. Mohanan K.
President, IRIA
Gen. Secretary's notes Dear Members,
Seasons’ Greetings!
I thank all the members for their kind cooperation.
As per constitution of the association, each state chapter must
conduct its annual election from December to March of every
year and inform to the Central Office, IRIA by 30th April along
with the proceedings of the election, failing which the State
Chapter would be debarred from the membership of the Central
Council. I am glad to inform you that till date we have received
intimation of election held in all the state chapters except Goa
state chapter.
The biggest strength of our association is our membership.
More we are – more strong and tough we would be. The April -
June 2018 months are being observed as the Membership Drive
Months. There are two types of Membership Drive Awards, (i)
for smaller states which would be calculated as per maximum
percentage increase of membership and (ii) for bigger state
chapters that would be selected as maximum number of
members enrolled during the membership drive period. The
state chapter secretary who enrols maximum number of
members shall be awarded at 72nd Annual Conference of IRIA
to be held from 17-20 January, 2019 at PGIMER Chandigarh.
The forms received and members enrolled by the State Chapter
Secretaries only in the months of April- June 2018 will be
considered for these awards.
The members are requested to attend the IREP and CME
programs of IRIA, the information of which is uploaded on the
website and also mentioned below.
Gen. Secretary's notes The following two Resident Education Programs shall be
organised during the year 2018:
· The 1st IREP shall be organized by Uttar Pradesh state
chapter on 14-15 July, 2018 at Lucknow.
· The 2nd IREP shall be organized by Punjab state chapter 17-
18 November, 2018 at Amritsar.
The Four CME programs are:
· Dr. Gyan P. Lal CME 2018 will be organized by Bihar state
chapter of IRIA from 23-24 June, 2018 at Hotel Chankya, Patna.
The theme of the CME is Head & Neck Imaging.
· Dr. Harnam Singh CME 2018 will be organized by Madhya
Pradesh state chapter from 7th-8th July, 2018 at Brilliant
Convention Centre, Indore. The theme of this CME is Genito-
Urinary Imaging.
· Dr. R.K. Goulatia CME 2018 will be organized by Haryana
state chapter from 1st – 2nd September, 2018 at Gurugram.
The theme of this CME is Neuro Imaging.
· Dr. Rajendra Rao CME 2018 will be organized by Rajasthan
state chapter from 3-4 Nov., 2018 at JMA Hall, SMS Hospital,
Jaipur. The theme of this CME is Onco-Imaging.
I am happy to inform you that in order to update the knowledge
and skills of the members, IRIA has planned to organize one
day CME programs on the theme of Fetal Radiology across the
country. The first CME of the year 2018 on Fetal Radiology is
being organized by IRIA HQ on 13th May, 2018 at IRIA House,
New Delhi.
Gen. Secretary's notes I request the members to attend this program to update
knowledge and skills in Fetal Radiology. The Scientific Program
and Registration Form has been sent to the members through
email and also uploaded on the website.
As the members are aware that the Hon’ble Supreme Court of
India in its interim order dated 14th March, 2018 on SLP No.
16657-16659/2016 UOI vs Indian Radiological & Imaging
Association & others has stayed the order of Delhi High Court
dated 17th February, 2016 passed in W.P. (C) No. 6968 of
2011. Also accordingly to this stay order, the MBBS doctors
cannot do Ultrasound. The persons who have done MBBS and
six months training in Ultrasonography as per PC & PNDT Act
are allowed to do Ultrasound, otherwise it will be treated as
contempt of court. The Doctors who were registered earlier
under PC & PNDT due to their one year experience or training
are required to undergo examination as per Six Months Training
Course Rules as laid down in PC & PNDT Act. We have
requested the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India
to disseminate this information to all the Appropriate Authorities
under PC & PNDT Act for its compliance and issue necessary
clarification to all concerned authorities in the country.
Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,
Dr. C. Amarnath
Secretary General, IRIA
Upcoming events Breast Imaging Basics and Beyond, May
13th 2018
State Conference APIRIA, 27, 28 & 29th
July 2018
Organized by Indian Radiological & Imaging
Association (IRIA HQ)
Date: 13th May, 2018
Venue: IRIA HOUSE, New Delhi
Registration Fee:
Rs 300/- for Residents (Provisional Life Members)
Rs 500/- for Consultants (Life Members)
Registration limited to 150 delegates.
For more information, please contact:
Dr. C. Amarnath
Secretary General
Indian Radiological & Imaging Association
IRIA House, C-5, Qutab Institutional Area
Behind Qutab Hotel
New Delhi-110 016, INDIA
Tel. +91-11-26965598, +91-11-41688846.
Fax: +91-11-26565391
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.iria.in
Delhi Chapter Annual GBM and Elections of Delhi State Chapter of IRIA was held on 18
March 2018 at IRIA House under the supervision of the Election
Committee headed by Dr. Pankaj Sharma and assisted by Dr. BB
Thukral, Dr Lalendra Upreti, Brig Chander Mohan and Dr Prakash
Lalchandani. A total of 435 members participated in the GBM and the
Electoral Process.
The following persons got elected for various posts :
President Elect : Dr Mahesh Kumar Mittal.
Vice Presidents : Dr Anjali Prakash & Dr Shalini Thapar Laroia.
Joint Secretary : Dr Ankur Goyal & Dr Rajat Jain.
Central Council Members : Dr Umesh Chandra Garga, Dr Deepak Gupta,
Dr Raghav Aggarwal & Dr Sudhir Gupta.
State Council Members : Dr Shibani Mehra, Dr Anurag Batta, Dr Ajit
Kumar,Dr Sanjeev Sachdeva, Dr Vishal Goel and Dr Kriti Malhotra.
New team of Office Bearers of Delhi State Chapter of IRIA was installed
under President : Dr Prakash Lalchandani on 22 March 2018 at IRIA
House.Outgoing President : Dr Lalendra Upreti thanked all Office
Bearers for their kind support during his tenure as President, Delhi State
Chapter of IRIA (2017-18).
Main highlights of Secretary Annual Report :
1. Conference hall at IRIA House named “Dr Sudershan Aggarwal
Conference hall”.
2. Dr K R Gupta Lifetime Achievement Award to be given to Col C S Pant
from Delhi during IRIA 2019 to be held at Chandigarh.
3. More than 200 new Life Members added to IRIA from Delhi in year
2017-18 and for this Delhi Secretary got Secretary Award for enrolling
maximum members during Membership Drive of IRIA during 2017.
4. Dr Parveen Gulati is Chairman of Building Management Committee for
year 2018-2020.
5. Dr TBS Buxi is Coordinator, IRIA Resident Education Program for year
6. Awardees during AOCR 2018 :
Dr N.G Gadekar Memorial Oration 2018 : Dr Atin Kumar.
Dr Diwan Chand Aggarwal Memorial Oration 2018 : Dr Pankaj Sharma.
Sir J.C Bose Memorial Oration 2018 : Dr Shalini Thapar.
Oncoimaging Award : Dr Shalini Thapar.
Delhi Chapter Fellowship of ICRI : Dr Amar Mukund and Dr Pankaj Sharma.
Dr GR Jankharia Second Best Paper in IJRI in 2017 : Dr Raju Sharma.
Dr Kishore Taori Gold Medal for Best Competitive Paper : Dr Binit
Dr N. Ramdas Best Paper Research Award : Dr Nidhi Gouthi.
An important resolution was passed unanimously that any member of
Delhi IRIA if found to have been actively involved in hands-on training or
live demonstration of Ultrasound to non-radiologists in any forum will face
the following punishment :
1. Be debarred from contesting for any post of Delhi State Chapter of
2. Be not allowed to deliver any lecture/presentation/proferred
paper/chairing or co-chairing in any conference/meeting/symposium, etc
organized by or on behalf or in collaboration with Delhi State Chapter of
The meeting ended with a Vote of Thanks to the Chair.
Dr. Prakash Lalchandani Dr. Pankaj Sharma
President Secretary,
Delhi State Chapter of IRIA Delhi State Chapter of IRIA
Tamilnadu & Pondicherry Chapter MARCH 2018 ACTIVITIES – TAMILNADU & PONDICHERRY
The president Dr.S.Shanmugam and Vice Presidents, Dr.Sivakumar and
Dr.Vishnu Srinivas, State Secretary Dr. D.Ramesh, and Treasurer
Dr.Bhawna Dev along with Joint Secretaries Dr.Muralikrishna and
Dr.ArunDilip participated in the meet. Dr.R.Kanagasabai, President Of
Chennai Subchapter, and central council member, welcomed the
gathering, and Dr.D.Ramesh, State Secretary delivered vote of thanks.
The guest lectures were enthusiastically received by the audience.
Special invitee Mr.Dinesh of the social welfare organization “streetlights”
briefed the members on the special ventures addressing the needs to
educate poor girl children with an audio-visual presentation , and the
Chennai subchapter thanked him with a promise to consider his invitation
to include it in the subchapter “Raksha” initiative. The president of TNPY
IRIA then launched the new website (www.iriachennai.in) for Chennai
subchapter, which is supported by “art pixels” our website coordinators.
About 80 delegates attended the morning academic sessions, with 10
PG presentations, judged by past presidents Prof.M.PRABHAKARAN,
First prize was won by Dr. A.Anand of C.M.C, Vellore, who was offered
free registration to the state annual conference 2018 by the Chennai
subchapter. second prize : Dr. krithika, sri sathya sai medical college,
Chennai, third prize: Dr. Gayathri, SRMC, Chennai winners received
cash awards from TNPY IRIA. all pg presentors recieved certificates of
merit. All delegates were mailed their e-certificates of participation.
Following lunch, an Extraordinary General Body Meeting called for
constitutional amendments was presided over by the president.
Following it, an Extraordinary Executive Council Meeting deliberated on
the accounts of TNPY IRIA, Following which on 31.03.2018 an
Extraordinary General Body Meeting called for ITR filing and on accounts
Tamilnadu & Pondicherry Chapter
Kerala Chapter Following Office bearers are elected in the AGM held
along with the Annual State Conference at Kozhikode.
President: Dr Varadaraj V.
President Elect: Dr. Vijayan T. M
Vice Presidents. Dr. Gomathy Subramaniam, Dr. Josey
Secretary: Dr Rijo Mathew
Joint secretaries Dr. Rajesh K., Dr. Ramesh shenoy
Central council members:
Dr. Harikumaran Nair
Dr. Amel Antony
Dr. M. R. Balachandran Nair
Dr. Pradeep S.
State council members
Prof. Dr. Kesavan T.
Dr. Sandeep T. K.
Dr. Jayasree
Dr.Zunimol P. K. M
Dr. Binoj Verghese.
PC-PNDT co-ordinator: Dr. Anil Raj
Webmaster: Dr. Ramesh Shenoy.
Dr. Mohanan K and Dr. Rajendran, special invitees.
AOSPR 2018 AOSPR 2018
18th Annual Meeting of AOSPR (Asian Oceanic Society of Pediatric
Radiology) combined with 16th Annual meeting of
Indian Society of Paediatric Radiology is scheduled from September 14-
16,2018 at PGIMER, Chandigarh,India
Workshops on Pediatric Ultrasound (Hips and Brain)
Workshops on Pediatric MRI
Session on Cardiac Imaging by American Institute for Radiologic
Pathology (AIRP)
Session by World Federation of Pediatric Imaging (WFPI)
Session on International Pediatric Radiology Fellowships
12 CME Hours by Punjab Medical Council
You can log on to the conference website for details:
Conference Brochure is attached.
Feel free to contact us at : [email protected]
Warm regards,
Organizing Team
AOSPR 2018