e - newsletter
Indian Radiological &
Imaging Association
IRIA e-Newsletter May 2018 President: Dr Kunnumel Mohanan
No.: 14 Secretary: Dr. C. Amarnath
Dr Ramesh S. Shenoy
Dr. Murali Krishna L
Fetal Radiology CME held at IRIA Hq
on 13th May 2018
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Editors Messages Dr Ramesh S. Shenoy IRIA House, C-5, Qutab Institutional Area, New Delhi-110016
Dr. Murali Krishna L Tel. +91-11-26965598, +91-11-41688846,
Fax: +91-11-26565391
E-mail: [email protected]; Website: www.iria.in
Important announcement
This year, we are introducing academic activities/
announcements as well as reports/photographs of all
radiology programs. These need not be IRIA programs.
The announcements, reports & photographs may be
sent to [email protected] &
[email protected]. All the academics programs
has to be for radiologists only.
For sending the reports for newsletter,
1. The reports should be in MS Word format only.
2. Photos should be in jpeg format seperatly as
3. All other formats will not be included in the news
IRIA Membership form
IRIA Social Security Scheme form
Presidents page Dear Colleagues,
It is my privilege to interact with you through May 2018 issue of the e-
I am glad to inform you that in order to update the knowledge and
skills of the members on Fetal Radiology, IRIA has planned to
organize one day CME programs on the theme of Fetal Radiology
across the country. The first such program was organized by IRIA
HQ on 13th May, 2018 at IRIA House, New Delhi. A total of 196
delegates including Faculty attended the CME, which was a grand
success. Dr. T.B.S. Buxi, National Coordinator for Resident
Education and Dr. Rijo Mathew, In-charge for CMEs on Fetal
Radiology along with Dr. Pankaj Sharma were the members of the
core team of Organizing Committee for this CME program, who
deserve a special appreciate for organizing a very successful CME at
IRIA House with no extra burden to IRIA HQ. Dr. Rijo Mathew has
suggested to organize 20 such programs nationwide this year. He
has also suggested a road map on this matter which is under
A delegation of IRIA consisting of Dr. Mohanan K., President and Dr.
C. Amarnath, Secretary General, IRIA along with Dr. Parveen Gulati,
Senior Member from Delhi had a meeting with Director PNDT- Ms.
Bindu Sharma and Ms. Vandana Gurnani, Joint Secretary (PNDT),
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India on 25th April,
2018 at Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi.
The following issues related to PC & PNDT were discussed in the
(i). The main issues discussed were the decoy operations in
Rajasthan and harassment of Radiologists and demanded
intervention of Central Govt. for a fair and honest enquiry and to give
permission to the alleged Doctors to practice as they are not
Presidents page (ii). Urgent modification of the rules for decriminalization of minor
errors like not wearing apron, non display of notice board and minor
clerical errors in Form F etc. was also discussed. From Govt. side it
was requested to submit details of the punishments or harassments
with evidences so that the whole issue will be taken up by the Health
Ministry in a convincing manner.
We have written to the State Chapter Presidents and Secretaries and
also to the Members to send the proof of harassments/punishments
on the matter as mentioned above so that the same may be submitted
to the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India.
(iii). Implementation of the recent Supreme Court Judgment was
also emphasized and JS said that they have already written to all the
State Authorities and they will once again send communication to all
concerned authorities on this matter on priority basis.
(iv). Online submission of Form F, IRIA as permanent member in
CSB, reports of committees on Do’s and Don’ts and FAQ, pending TA
of NIMC Members and other relevant matters were also discussed at
(v). Both the meetings were very fruitful and Director PNDT and
Joint Secretary appeared positive.
The next CCM has been fixed on 22nd July, 2018 at IRIA House, New
Delhi. It has also been proposed to have a one to one meeting, on
21st July evening, with state chapter Presidents & Secretaries
regarding functioning of state chapters of IRIA and problem being
faced by them for an appropriate solution. All the state chapter
Presidents and Secretaries are requested to note the same.
Necessary invite shall be sent in due course of time.
With best wishes, Yours sincerely,
Dr. Mohanan K., President, IRIA
Gen. Secretary's notes Dear Colleagues,
Seasons’ Greetings!
At the outset, I would like to thank the core team of organizing
committee namely Dr. Rijo Mathew, In-charge for CMEs on Fetal
Radiology to be held in the year 2018, Dr. T.B.S. Buxi, National
Coordinator for Resident Education, Dr. Pankaj Sharma,
Secretary of Delhi IRIA and their team for organizing an excellent
CME Fetal Radiology, which is need of the hour.
I also take this opportunity to inform you that Ms. Vandana
Gurnani had invited IRIA delegation for a meeting on the matters
related to PC & PNDT. Therefore, a delegation of IRIA consisting
of Dr. Mohanan K., President and Dr. C. Amarnath, Secretary
General, IRIA along with Dr. Parveen Gulati, Senior Member from
Delhi had a meeting with Director PNDT- Ms. Bindu Sharma and
Ms. Vandana Gurnani, Joint Secretary (PNDT), Ministry of Health
& Family Welfare, Govt. of India on 25th April, 2018 at 10.00 AM
and subsequently at 03.00 PM at Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi.
The meetings were very successful. Apart from other issues, we
discussed and requested JS for urgent modification of the rules
for decriminalization of minor errors like not wearing apron, non
display of notice board and minor clerical errors in Form F etc.
was also discussed. From Govt. side it was requested to submit
details of the punishments or harassments with evidences so that
the whole issue will be taken up by the Health Ministry in a
convincing manner. Therefore, we have written to the State
Chapter Presidents and Secretaries and also to the Members to
send the proof of harassments/punishments on the matter as
mentioned above so that the same may be submitted to the
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India.
Gen. Secretary's notes I am happy to inform you that we have received the results of election
conducted in all the state chapters of IRIA.
As you are aware that the April - June 2018 months are being
observed as the Membership Drive Months. There are two types of
Membership Drive Awards, (i) for smaller states which would be
calculated as per maximum percentage increase of membership and
(ii) for bigger state chapters that would be selected as maximum
number of members enrolled during the membership drive period. The
state chapter secretary who enrols maximum number of members
shall be awarded at 72nd Annual Conference of IRIA to be held from
17-20 January, 2019 at PGIMER Chandigarh. The forms received and
members enrolled by the State Chapter Secretaries only in the
months of April- June 2018 will be considered for these awards. I
request all the state chapters to enrol maximum members to increase
the strength of IRIA.
In the General Body meeting of IRIA held at Mumbai, it has been
decided that the elections of office bearers of IRIA/IJRI/ICRI would be
conducted through e-voting system and the members who would like
to cast their vote through ballot paper system shall only be sent ballot
All members, therefore, are requested to update their Email id, Mobile
No. and mailing address so that we can register you for the e-voting
and election is conducted through e-voting system. Kindly send the
same through email to [email protected]. It will save environment by
avoiding use of paper and save lot of cost on the part of IRIA.
Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,
Dr. C. Amarnath
Secretary General, IRIA
Fetal Radiology Update 2018, New Delhi
State Conference APIRIA, 27, 28 & 29th
July 2018
Oncoimaging & Intervention 2018, 27th
May, New Delhi
Upcoming events
To download the SSS poster for publicity in your branch
In JPEG format In PDF format
Gujarat Chapter Annual State Conference of Indian Radiological and
Imaging Association, Gujarat State Chapter was held on
15th April 2018 [Sunday] at Courtyard Marriott, Ahmedabad
on the theme of “Antenatal and Muskuloskeletal Ultrasound
and Colour Doppler”.
The Chief Guest of the conference was Dr. Ravi
Wankhedkar, National President of Indian Medical
Association, Guest of Honour was Dr. Rashmikant Dave,
Vice President, National Board of Examinations, and
Special Guest was Dr. Anurag Agarwal, Additional Director,
National Board of Examinations. The Highlight of the
conference was grand felicitation of doyen of Radiologists of
Gujarat Dr. Harshadbhai Shah sir(Past President of IRIA)
during inaugural ceremony with standing ovation and
thunderous clapping; who has been awarded Shri K. R.
Gupta Life Time Achievement Award by I.R.I.A. at 7th
AOCR & 71st IRIA Conference at Mumbai in January 2018.
Dr. Harshadbhai Shah sir is the cheerful guide, motivational
force and the strongest pillar of Gujarat State Chapter of
IRIA and this award to him was celebrated by every member
of IRIA, Gujarat chapter with joy and pride. This was
followed by felicitation of outgoing president of Gujarat State
Chapter of IRIA Dr. Hemant Patel, a young dynamic leader
with far sighted vision; who has been elected as President
Elect 2018 with vast majority of votes. Dr. Kalpeshbhai
Shah and elected team of office bearers were installed in
the inaugural ceremony. Raksha Programme [Radiologist
for the girl child] of IRIA was also launched in Gujarat State
Gujarat Chapter The national faculties for conference were Dr. Amel
Anthony, Dr. Rijo Mathew, Dr. S. Pradeep, Dr. P. M.
Venkata Sai, Dr. Sachin Khanduri, Dr. Neelam Jain and Dr.
Raghav Aggarwal. During the conference; five workshops
[2 on antenatal Ultrasound, 1 on Fetal echocardiography
and 2 on Musculoskeletal Ultrasound] were also conducted.
Onehour interactive session was also conducted for D.N.B.
students with Dr. Anurag Agarwal, Dr. Rashmikant Dave
and Dr. Abhijit Sheth being faculties. There were poster
presentations by residents and consultants. This annual
conference was attended by 409 delegates; which includes
about numerous dignitaries and 70 delegates out of Gujarat
state as well as 38 trade delegates. All the delegates had
appreciated excellent scientific lectures and ultrasound &
doppler workshops as well as enjoyed delicious food. First
State Council meeting of Gujarat State Chapter was also
held in the evening.
On behalf of office bearers of IRIA, Gujarat State Chapter; I
thank all the dignitaries, guest faculties and volunteers for
sparing their time and sharing their knowledge and
experience. We also appreciate the MCon event
management and Courtyard Marriott management for their
Dr. (Prof.) Deepak V. Mehta, Secretary,Gujarat State
Chapter of Indian Radiological and Imaging Association.
Gujarat Chapter
Gujarat Chapter
Gujarat Chapter
The first ever Fetal Imaging CME organized by IRIA, Kerala
Chapterat Kollam organized by Trivandrum City Chapter of IRIA
in association with Kollam Radiology Clubwas held on Sunday
22nd April 2018 from 9.30 am to 4.30 pm at The Raviz Resort
and Spa Ashtamudi, Kollamat Kollam, considered as the
gateway to the backwaters of Kerala and the hub of cashew
trade in India. About 152 delegates from Kerala and other
states attended the CME. Dr. Mohit Shah, Dr. Bimal J Sahani,
Dr. Meenu Batra and Dr. John De Lindsay were the faculty. The
CME was inaugurated by the Honorable member of Parliament
Mr. N. K. Premachandran in the presence of IRIA Kerala
Chapter President Dr. Varadaraj V, Secretary Dr. Rijo Mathew,
Dr. Manoj T. Pillai, Dr. Pradeep S and Dr. Vinod Sukumaran.
There was a total of 10 topics of 30 minutes each, right from
Aneuploidy screening to Fetal Interventions. The CME was
awarded two hours of CME credits by the Travancore Cochin
Council of Modern Medicine. After the CME there was a leisure
boat ride along the Ashtamudi lake.
Dr. Suresh Babu K., Organizing Secretary
Kerala Chapter REPORT ON FRCR Prepare & Pass
IRIA Kochi city chapter in association with IRIA Kerala state
chapter organised a CME - FRCR, prepare & Pass, on 6th May at
Lisie Hospital Kochi with Dr Amel Antony as Organising Chairman.
Dr E. Nandakumar & Dr Vijay Jayakrishnan discussed about
FRCR, Spotters & cases discussed in FRCR exams. 41 delegates
from Kerala & Karnataka attended. Delegates requested to
organise more such programs
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e-voting system.
Kerala Chapter Breast Imaging, Basic & Beyond
Department of Radiodiagnosis, Government Medical
College, Kozhikode organised a CME, Breast Imaging,
Basic & Beyond, on May 13th, 2018 in association with
IRIA Kerala
The speakers where Prof. Dr. Gomathy Subramiyam, Dr
Rupa Ananthasivam, Dr. Janaki Dharmarajan. Meet was
inaugurated by Principal, Prof. V. R. Rajendran, who is
also a Radiologist. Prof. Dr. E. Devarajan, HOD,
welcomed the gathering. There was hands on training on
breast biopsy.
Kerala Chapter
Kerala Chapter
Poster made by IRIA Kerala to promote SSS of IRIA
Tamilnadu & Pondicherry Chapter APRIL 2018 ACTIVITIES – TAMILNADU & PONDICHERRY
Third State Monthly Meet & West zone meeting was hosted by
CBE region Subchapter TNPYIRIA on 29.04.2018 in Hotel
Radisson blu and was well attended by 70+ delegates. Superb
six faculties lectures from Prof.N.Murali, Dr.AnupamaM,
Prof.Rajkumar, Dr.RupaRanganathan, Dr.S.Chandramohan and
Dr.S.Barghavi (surgical oncologist) was chaired by Dr.Murugan,
Dr.R.Kanagasabai, Dr.Maheswaran& Dr D.Ramesh .
Members felt happy by honouring our Senior Radiologists of the
region Dr.N.ElangoProf.PSG & MIR, CBE, Dr.S.
BoopathyVijayaraghavan, Dr.T.SubramanianTirupur
,Dr.AnnamalaiMurugesan Erode, Dr.Arulmoliselvan.K,
Dr.P.Muralidharan by Dr.S.Shanmugam President ,
Dr.S.Sivakumar Senior Vice-president and other members of
Out of Eight Resident presentations Dr. Prathap, BIR MMC ,Dr.
Yuvaraj Mani, BIR, MMC
Dr. Gnanapriya, PSG MC CBE. ,Dr. Sandya ,PSG MC CBE
were judged by Dr. A. Anbarasu & Dr. Karunakaran three
prizes were awarded to residents . Dr. ImaKirti and Dr.
Shyjumon George got First two Prizes, as Both from CMC
VELLORE. Dr. Jasmeet Singh and Dr. Adhira both from KMCH,
CBE. got combined third Prize.
Productive post Lunch meeting of the subchapter office bearers
with volunteers and philanthropists on RAKSHA - girl child
project and other initiatives in CBE region Subchapter
concluded the day.
Download report
Tamilnadu & Pondicherry Chapter
M. P. Chapter IRIA MP State Confrence was organized on 7-8th April
2018 at Hotel Jehnuma Palace Bhopal. Dr.Shailesh
Lunawat & Dr.Rakesh Mishra were Organising Chairman
& Dr.Vijay Verma & Dr.Rajesh Chawla were Organising
About 230 delegates participated in Confrence.About 21
papers in 4 catagories presented.
Dr.Sudam P Khade collector Bhopal was chief guest &
Dr.Hemant Patel President elect IRIA was guest of
Dr.Chidambarnathan from Chennai Apolo,Dr.Niranjan
Khandelwal,from PGI Chandigarh,Dr.Hemant Patel from
Ahemdabad,Dr.Sudhir Gokhle from Indore,Dr.Ashwin
Lavande from Mumbai,Dr.Sudhir Saxena from Rishikesh
AIIMS,Dr.Jawahar Rathore from Nagpur& Dr.Amar
Mukund from New Delhi were the faculty for 2day
For first time in history of IRIA live interventional
workshop was conducted in which Laser ablation of
Varicose veins,Billiay stenting & Peripheral Angioplasty
was performed by team of Dr.Jawahar,Dr.Amar
Mukund,Dr.Kamlesh Talesra,Dr.Agamya
Saxena,Dr.Amar kumar& Dr.Pankaj Goyal.Along wiyh
this 3 workshop on NT-NB scan,Anomaly
scan,Peripheral Doppler & Obstetric Doppler were
Venue of Confrence was the pride of MP Hotel Jehnuma
palace & Banquet was held at Mayuri greens.
For the first time Quiz cum film reading session was
conducted among five dressup teams-
M. P. Chapter 1.Bhopal Nawabs
2.Indore Holkars
3.Gwalior Scindias
4.Jabalpuri Medicos
Four Credit hours were granted by MP Medical Council
to the conference.
In GBM election result o f MP State declared in which Dr.
Santosh Gandhi took charge of president & Dr. Rakesh
Raizada elected as President elect for 2019-20..
All the Radiologist pledge to “SAVE GIRL CHILD”
Dr.Durgesh Rathi
Date; 23/04/2018
IRIA MP State Secretary
M. P. Chapter
AOSPR 2018 AOSPR 2018
18th Annual Meeting of AOSPR (Asian Oceanic Society of
Pediatric Radiology) combined with 16th Annual meeting of
Indian Society of Paediatric Radiology is scheduled
from September 14-16,2018 at PGIMER, Chandigarh,India
Workshops on Pediatric Ultrasound (Hips and Brain)
Workshops on Pediatric MRI
Session on Cardiac Imaging by American Institute for
Radiologic Pathology (AIRP)
Session by World Federation of Pediatric Imaging (WFPI)
Session on International Pediatric Radiology Fellowships
12 CME Hours by Punjab Medical Council
You can log on to the conference website for details:
Feel free to contact us at : [email protected]
Warm regards,
Organizing Team
AOSPR 2018
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