e - newsletter
Indian Radiological &
Imaging Association
IRIeA-NewsletterMarch 2018 President: Dr Kunnumel Mohanan
No.: 12 Secretary: Dr. C. Amarnath
Dr Ramesh S. Shenoy
Dr. Murali Krishna L
World leaders of Radiology
Indian contingent in ECR
DrEditors Messages RameshS.Shenoy IRIA House, C-5, Qutab Institutional Area, New Delhi-110016
Dr. Murali Krishna L Tel. +91-11-26965598, +91-11-41688846,
Fax: +91-11-26565391
E-mail: [email protected]; Website: www.iria.in
Important announcement
This year, we have introduced academic activities
announcements as well as reports/photographs of
all radiology programs. These need not be IRIA
programs. The announcements, reports &
photographs may be sent to [email protected]
& [email protected]. All the academics
programs has to be for radiologists only.
For sending the reports for newsletter,
1. The reports should be in MS Word format
2. Photos should be in jpeg format seperatly as
3. All other formats will not be included in the
news letter
Presidents page Dear Members,
Seasons’ Greetings!
I hope you liked last February 2018 issue of the e-
Newsletter. I thank editorial team Dr. Ramesh Shenoy and
Dr. L. Murali Krishna for bringing a very useful e-Newsletter
of IRIA which contains the information of activities
conducted by the centre and state chapters of IRIA. I hope
the state chapters of IRIA conduct more and more scientific
programs for the benefit of members.
I would like to inform you that a delegation of IRIA consisting
of Dr. Mohanan K., President; Dr. C. Amarnath, Secretary
General; Dr. Bhupendra Ahuja, Immediate Past President,
Dr. Murali Krishna, Joint Secretary and Dr. N.
Chidambaranathan, Past Chairman, ICRI attended the ECR
2018 at Vienna and represented IRIA in various business
meetings with ESR, BIR, RCR, ISR, BRICS Alliance of
Radiology, and Radiological Society of Pakistan. We had
wonderful meetings for mutual collaboration between IRIA
and societies as mentioned above. The detailed report
would be published in this issue of the e-Newsletter and also
in the February 2018 issue of the News Bulletin.
I am glad to inform you that the Hon’ble Supreme Court of
India in its interim order has stayed the order of Delhi High
Court dated 17th February, 2016 passed in W.P. (C) No.
6968 of 2011. This is a landmark achievement for IRIA with
respect to PC & PNDT matters.
Presidents page This month is very busy for most of the state chapters due to
the annual conference and GBM of the state chapters and
elections. I request all the state chapters to submit the
results of the election conducted in their state chapters in
Please feel free to contact me to discuss any issues
pertaining to our beloved association.
With regards,
Yours sincerely,
Dr. Mohanan K.
Indian Radiological & Imaging Association
IRIA president addressing European
Congress of Radiology at Vienna
Gen. Secretary's notes Dear Members,
Greetings from IRIA HQ!
I would like to inform all the members that a hearing of SLP
w.r.t. PC & PNDT was held in Hon'ble Supreme Court of
India on 21st February, 2018. This was attended by Dr.
Mohanan K., President; Dr. C. Amarnath, Secretary
General; Dr. Hemant Patel, President Elect and Dr.
Bhupendra Ahuja, Immediate Past President and Dr. Harsh
Mahajan, Past President of IRIA.
Our SLP was listed for interim orders in the Hon’ble
Supreme Court of India for on 14th March, 2018. I am glad
to inform you that the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in its
interim order has stayed the order of Delhi High Court dated
17th February, 2016 passed in W.P. (C) No. 6968 of 2011.
The order issued by Hon’ble Supreme Court has been sent
to all the members through email and also uploaded in the
website for information. This is a landmark achievement for
IRIA with respect to PC & PNDT matters.
The monthly e-Newsletter of IRIA is encouraging the State
Chapters of IRIA to inform about the academic activities of
their respective state chapters. I request all the state
chapters to come forward to send more information and
material for the e-Newsletter before 10th of every month.
I am glad to inform you that a delegation of IRIA consisting
of Dr. Mohanan K., President; Dr. C. Amarnath, Secretary
General; Dr. Bhupendra Ahuja, Immediate Past President,
Dr. Murali Krishna, Joint Secretary and Dr. N.
Chidambaranathan, Past Chairman, ICRI attended the ECR
2018 at Vienna.
Gen. Secretary's notes The delegation of IRIA attended the various business
meetings with different international societies such as
ESR, BIR, RCR, ISR, BRICS Alliance of Radiology (BAR),
and Radiological Society of Pakistan.
I would like to inform you that as per constitution of the
association, each state chapter must conduct its annual
election from December to March of every year and inform
the Central Office, IRIA by 30th April along with the
proceedings of the Election, failing which the State
Chapter would be debarred from the membership of the
Central Council of IRIA. I hope that all the state chapters
would submit the same on or before 30th April, 2018.
Long live IRIA!
Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,
Dr. C. Amarnath
Secretary General
Indian Radiological & Imaging Association
PC & PNDT Act Update on PC & PNDT and SLP of IRIA filed in Hon’ble
Supreme Court of India
The 26th Meeting of Central Supervisory Board under PC &
PNDT Act was held on 24th January, 2018 and attended by
Dr. P.K. Srivastava on behalf of President IRIA.
Salient points of CSB meeting:
• The CBS was updated regarding the proposal to set
pecuniary punishments for the offences including not
wearing of name plane on the dress, not keeping a copy of
the Act in the registered medical facility, and not displaying
the board disclaiming sex selection at a prominent place in
the medical facility prescribed under PC & PNDT Rules.
Further, the proposal was to include a declaration from the
patient for confirming the veracity of his/her personal details
recorded in Section A: 3,4,5 and 6 of Form F.
• In the meeting, JS explained that as per the
recommendation of CSB in its 25th meeting, legal opinion
was sought from the Ministry of Law and Justice in view of
the Supreme Court directions regarding the amendments in
the PC & PNDT Act and Rules in its judgement dated
November 8, 2016 in a Writ Petition Civil (WP) No. 349 of
2006.: VHAP vs UOI & ORS. The same was pursued with
Ministry of Law and Justice and the Ministry of Law has
advised to deliberate and decide on the options for such
amendments in the PC & PNDT Act. It was informed in the
meeting by JS that plausible options are being examined
PC & PNDT Act • The Rules for exemption of registration/renewal fee for
the Govt. diagnostic facilities under the PC & PNDT Act
have been notified vide GSR 599(E) dated 19.06.2017.
• It was informed in the meeting that MOHFW have notified
rules for manner of Appeal under the PC & PNDT Rules,
1996 vide No. GSR 492(E) dated 22.05.2017.
• The new rules will facilitate the states/ UTs to notify
Appellate Authorities who will address the appeals against
the orders passed by the States/ UTs Appropriate
Authorities. Time lines have been provided for filing and
disposal of appeals and requisite formats for submitting the
• The Writ Petition was filed by Dr. Sabu Mathew George
Vs Union of lndia in 2008 against the search engines-
Google, Microsoft and Yahoo and UOI for the violation of
Section 22 of the PC & PNDT Act that prohibits
advertisement on sex selection through any medium
including internet. The apex gave interim directions on
6.11.2016 to constitute a Nodal Agency to receive
complaints against the violations of Section 22 for internet
advertisements. Final judgement in the matter was
pronounced on 13.12 2017. The apex Court has given final
directions to UOI to constitute an inter-ministerial Expert
Committee. Google, Microsoft and Yahoo have been
directed to appear before the Expert Committee for ensuring
100% compliance of the relevant provisions of the PC &
PNDT Act accordingly.
PC & PNDT Act • After due deliberation, it was concluded that Tele-
reporting, if allowed for ultrasound scans will rampantly
increase its misuse rather than contributing towards health
care. Hence, issue of any clarification may be defined and
Status quo be maintained.
• The ophthalmic ultrasound which can be having facility of
B-mode imaging shall not be given immunity but would be
registered under PC & PNDT Act.
• The Hon’ble Minister of Family Health & Welfare Sri J.P.
Nadda instructed the Secretary Mrs. Preeti Sudan to direct
all the State Health Authorities for compliance of e-filing of
Form-F in a uniform format throughout the country so that
clerical mistakes are eliminated in filling the Form F.
Our SLP was listed for interim orders in the Hon’ble
Supreme Court of India for on 14th March, 2018. I am glad
to inform you that the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in its
interim order has stayed the order of Delhi High Court dated
17th February, 2016 passed in W.P. (C) No. 6968 of 2011.
The order issued by Hon’ble Supreme Court has been sent
to all the members through email and also uploaded in the
website kind information. This is a landmark achievement for
IRIA with respect to PC & PNDT matters.
The largest ever Indian delegation participated in one of the
coldest ECR this year. 182 Indians were in attendance in
ECR 2018 and about 236 delegates watched the conference
live from India. It was an increase of 23% when compared to
ECR 2017. Being my first ECR and after getting used to the
food festival in our Annual Conferences, ECR welcomed us
with apples and water.
The colorful Chinese dragon at the lounge of ECR 2018
looked amazing in all our photos. Thanks to Dr Alka Singhal
from Medanta who connected most of the Indian delegates
through Whatsapp and made us meet at 10.00 am almost
everyday for a group picture.
ECR 2018 President Dr. Bernd Hamm welcomed all the
delegates in a stunning opening ceremony. Artificial
Intelligence (AI) seemed to be the buzzword in ECR 2018
with experts emphasizing on AI's potential for improving the
efficiency and productivity of radiologists.
IRIA members took a very active part in ECR 2018 with
senior faculty chairing some important sessions, star
speakers giving invited lectures, younger colleagues making
scientific presentation and participating in the Voice of
EPOS and My thesis in 3 minutes. More than 400 scientific
presentations and E posters were presented by the Indian
delegates in ECR 2018. Some of the senior faculty from
IRIA who participated in ECR 2018 included Dr Harsh
Mahajan, Dr Deepak Patkar, Dr Chidambaranathan, Dr
Bupendra Ahuja, Dr Amarnath and many more…
The official delegation of IRIA represented by our President
Dr Mohanan K, Dr Bupendra Ahuja, Past President, Dr
Amarnath C, Secretary General, Dr Chidambarathan N, Past
Chairman ICRI and Myself participated in several meetings
with other societies.
ECR-IRIA Leadership meeting
The leadership meeting of IRIA and ECR was held on March
1, 2018. The ECR leadership headed by Dr Paul M Parizel,
Chairperson of the ECR Board of Directors met the Indian
delegation and discussed on various ways the two societies
could collaborate.
Dr Valerie Vilgrain, ESOR Director informed that the ESOR
was ready to run short courses on focused topics in India.
The first of such ESOR programs will be held in Kolkata this
year anf the topic would be Onco Imaging. She further
added that these courses could be increased to 2-3 per year
from 2019. Ms Violeta Iranzo, Executive Manager, European
Board of Radiology informed the Indian delegation that ESR
was very interested in conduction the European Dilpoma in
Radiology (EDiR) in India itself. If IRIA could facilitate the
local arrangements then ESR was willing to start the EDiR
exams from next year itself. IRIA would get back to ESR on
this and also on the fee structure for the exams. Dr
Amarnath informed that India would be interested to
participate in ‘ECR meets’ country and the last time India
participated in this program was in 2008. Mr Peter promised
that he would take up the matter to the board but the next
available slot could be in 2021. An MOU for mutual
collaboration was later signed Dr Mohanan and Dr Paul
Parizel on behalf of the two societies.
ECR 2018 RCR-IRIA Leadership meeting
The IRIA team met with the RCR leadership headed by Dr
Nicola Strickland, President, Royal College of Radiologists.
The Indian delegation discussed the possibility of conducting
the FRCR exams in India. Dr Strickland informed that there
was an acute shortage of examiners in the royal college and
that is the reason that they were not in a position to expand
the FRCR exams to other countries. However the college is
planning to move to completely online exams like EDiR in a
couple of years and then it would be very much feasible to
hold FRCR exams in India itself. Dr Strickland further
informed that there was an acute shortage of Radiologists in
the NHS and that she would be visiting India in March to
participate in a series of events across the country to explain
the program that gives eligible Indian Radiologists an
opportunity to apply to work in the UK. She further informed
that a private hospital group is coordinating her program but
she would be grateful if IRIA would inform its members
about her visit and facilitate meet radiologists who are
interested in working in UK. Dr Mohanan invited Dr
Strickland to visit the IRIA house when she visits Delhi and a
meeting if time permits could be arranged there.
Along the sidelines of ECR 2018 a breakfast meeting of the
radiology leaders of the BRICS alliance was held at Hotel
Intercontinental on March 2, 2018. All countries except
China participated in the meeting. The final draft of the
constitution of BRICS was discussed during the meeting.
IRIA had already offered to have the registered office of
BRICS in NewDelhi, India and the same was acceptable to
all. Dr Mohanan invited all the presidents of BRICS to the
Annual Conference of IRIA to be held at Chandigarh in
ECR 2018 January 2019 and it was proposed to have the official launch
of BRICS during this conference.
One of the major highlights of the IRIA team was reviving
the relationship with the Radiology Society of Pakistan. The
Pakistan team was represented by their President Elect Dr
Hamid Akram. He insisted the need for immediate revival of
the Radiological Society of SAARC countries (RSSC). Dr
Mohanan agreed on the same and promised to write to all
the member countries. He also opined that the RSSC
conference could also be conducted along with the 72nd
National Conference of IRIA that is to be held in Chandigarh.
Dr Mohanan also personally invited the RSP delegation to
participate in the Chandigarh conference.
The IRIA team also held meetings with leaders of other
societies like the International Society of Radiology (ISR),
Chinese society of Radiology and Asia Oceanic Society of
Radiology (AOSR) and scope for future collaborations were
Overall ECR 2018 was a great success for IRIA with so
many senior faculty and young radiologists making a mark in
the International scene and IRIA leaders trying their best to
fraternize with other societies for the benefit of its members.
Dr L Murali Krishna
Joint Secretary
ECR 2018 IRIA Meet India
BRICS meets
Alliance of
Radiology IRIA
ECR 2018
ECR 2018
We, the IRIA - Indian Radiological and Imaging Association,
include radiologists from all over the country. Majority of us are of
the female gender and a lot of us also have only female kids and
are proud of both facts. Hence, we radiologists, do recognize the
importance of the girl in the society.
At the same time, we are aware that certain sections in the Indian
society do not favour girl children. We, radiologists, are currently at
the receiving end from the society for the role that we are seen to
have in determination of the sex of the unborn child, using
ultrasound, which has been unfair. Instead of addressing the
traditional limitations of the thought processes and mindset of our
society, we, radiologists, are being blamed for the social evil.
Dr Sona Pungavkar, Central Council Member, from Maharashtra
conceived this idea of social work under the aegis of MSCIRIA –
Maharashtra State Chapter, Indian Radiological and Imaging
Association – which is called as “RAKSHA” - “ Radiologist for the
girl child.
Raksha aims at uplifting the self esteem of the girl child and make
her proud of her gender by educating her and providing her with
skills to earn income, so that she can be independent and
important in the society. So, under the banner of IRIA and Raksha
and the radiologists can come together to empower the Girl Child
and create visibility for our good deeds.
This can bring about a change at the grass root level, by promoting
and supporting the girl children in the country, to get away from the
negative aspect of the issue. In turn, we can improve the image of
radiologists in society and prove the society wrong.
In addition to doing the good work, it is important to involve the
local officials, the community and local media to showcase the
work done, else the society will not know of the efforts undertaken
by the association.
Raksha The state committee, then propagated the idea to the various city
groups, who participated whole heartedly to make the concept of
Raksha a success.
The initiation of the work, under Raksha, was by Thane Group, led
by Dr Nikhil Kamat. In September 2017, the chapter donated
money for training 11 tribal girls by an association called as
BNGVN – BhartiyaNiveditaGraminVikasNiketan, run by Neelima
Mishra, a Magsaysay award winner.
Official launch of Raksha by MSCIRIA happened on 29th October
2017 during RamchandraRao - CME for Women’s Imaging held by
IRIA at Aurangabad, led by Dr AniruddhaKulkarni, Dr ShaileshKore
and Dr Sona Pungavkar. Dr Varaprasad, Dr Upreti and Dr Natasha
Gupta were also present in the inauguration. Representatives from
the local PCPNDT office and other government officials were
Aurangabad group has donated money to a municipal school in
Baijipura, for revamping related to toilets, drinking water,
electrification, internet and exam preparation workshops on
Navi Mumbai group held a function to celebrate Roentgen Day on
12th November 2017. Donations were made by the Navi Mumbai
city association to orphanages and shelter for destitute women.
These include Vatsalya Trust – Alibag, Ray of Hope Ministeries,
Khargar and Neel Ashram, Panvel. Three local sportswomen and
academic achievers from low socio-economic background were
also felicitated.
Pimpri-Chichwad Group also donated money to LekLadkiAbhiyan,
a social organization working to uplift girls in villages, by donating
cycles. Donations were also made to Shree Chaitanya trust,
Kolhapur, for education of mentally challenged girls, Sneh
foundation, for education of girls of construction workers, and
NachiketBalgram, Akurdi, girls orphanage.
Raksha Kalyan Group donated money from their association as well as by
personal contribution of Dr MilindGune, and Dr SomnathBabhale,
to Balsadan, an orphanage for Girls and Nanhi Kali, an NGO
working for education of the girls.
Mumbai group has contributed Rs 1.5 lacs to the girl’s section of
Adukia School, run by a trust, for construction of toilets.
In the CCM held on 12th November 2017, it was suggested that
Raksha project needs to be done at National level and that Dr
Sona Pungavkar could be the National Co-ordinator. These
suggestions were confirmed in the CCM held on 24th January
2018, prior to IRIA annual conference and AOCR. Participation was
requested from the state representatives present in the meeting.
The following radiologists have given their names as volunteers
from the State chapters.
1. Dr Sandhya Ghankar - Chandigarh,
2. Dr Nisha - Rajasthan
3. Dr Sushila - Tamil Nadu,
4. Dr Natasha Gupta - Delhi
5. Dr Gitanjali Gupta - J and K.,
6. Dr Sampangi - Karnataka
The official NATIONAL launch of RAKSHA happened on 27th
January 2018, at Renaissance, as part of an International
Conference called as AOCR – 17th Asian Oceanian Congress of
Radiology, combined with71st National Annual Congress of IRIA.
Approximately, 3500 delegates from the radiology fraternity and
related industry participated in the event. Mrs. SwaroopSampat,
actress and social worker, Mr. Paresh Rawal, LokSabha MP and
Mr Amitabh Bachchan, the legend, were present for the nation wide
initiation of the project.
Raksha We request the remaining state chapters to come forward and
propagate the idea of RAKSHA to benefit radiologists and support
the girl child in the entire country as much as possible. Volunteers
can come forth and take up the specific work and work in
conjunction with the central Raksha committee.
As a very recent update, Dr Sampangi informed Dr Pungavkar, that
the Karnataka state committee will be officially launching the
Raksha program in the first weekend of March 2018.
To improve our image, we, radiologists, also need to highlight the
role of radiologists in medicine as the backbone for the clinicians,
by regular communication to the society and media. We urge the
state committees to make a plan for the same, so that it can benefit
the association members.
We invite all the members to support the noble cause.
Kerala State Conference - Image 2018 37th Kerala IRIA State Conference Conducted at MVR
Cancer Centre, Kozhikode
The 37th Annual Conference of IRIA Kerala State Chapter
was held at MVR Cancer Centre, Kozhikode on the 10th &
11th of March, 2018. The conference was attended by
200 delegates.
Dr. Mohanan K. (National President, IRIA) was the Chief
Guest of the event, while Dr. Kulasekaran N. (Past
National President, IRIA) was the Guest of Honour. Dr.
Gomathy Subramaniam was the Organising Chairman
and Dr. Sunil V. Nair was the Organising Secretary.
The event had several key speakers (including Dr.
Supreeta Arya, Dr. Rupa Ananthasivan, Dr. Seema
Kembhavi and other leading doctors) who are at the
forefront of oncoimaging in the country. Particular
emphasis was placed on the latest standardised reporting
protocols in this ever-expanding sub-division of radiology.
The event also included a pre-conference workshop held
at Govt. Medical College, Kozhikode on the 9th of March,
2018; which dealt with interventional radiology.
Kerala State Conference - Image 2018
Asian Musculoskeletal Society Unveiling the logo of the 20th Annual Meeting of the Asian
Musculoskeletal Society (AMS). We are excited to announce that
Registration is now open for AMS 2018! Don`t miss your chance to
join hundreds of Radiology experts in Chennai, India on 9th - 12th
AUGUST, 2018. Reserve your spot today! Have a look at the
amazing launch at:- http://bit.ly/amslogolaunch. For more
information and registration please visit
www.ams2018chennai.com. Helpline +91 8260060082
Gujarat Annual State Conference
Click for the Brochure
West Bengal State Branch
Utter Pradesh State Branch
Click for the Brochure
Madhya Pradesh State Branch
Click for the Brochure
Chandigarh U T Chapter Chandigarh UT chapter
The 5th Annual Conference of Chandigarh Chapter of Indian
Radiological & Imaging Association was organized on 18th
February, 2018 at Lecture Theatre Complex, PGIMER,
Chandigarh. Chandigarh Chapter of IRIA has entered into the
sixth year of its formation and its current membership strength
is 208.
President of the Chandigarh Chapter of IRIA, Dr. Mandeep
Kang welcomed the delegates. The Secretary’s report was
presented by Dr. Kushaljit Singh Sodhi, Secretary of the
Chandigarh Chapter of IRIA.
Dr. Jagat Ram, Director, PGIMER, Chandigarh was the Chief
Guest while Dr. O.P. Bansal, Past President IRIA was the
guest of Honour. The conference was inaugurated by Dr.
Jagat Ram, Dr. O.P. Bansal, Dr. Mandeep Kang, Dr. N.
Khandelwal, Dr. Suman Kochhar and Dr. Kushaljit S. Sodhi.
It was a very successful meeting and was attended by 230
delegates, who had come from all parts of North India. Punjab
Medical Council had accredited 4 CME hours for this
Eminent faculty speakers from Punjab, Haryana, Himachal
Pradesh, New Delhi and Jammu were the highlight of this
scientific program. These included Dr. O.P. Bansal,
Dr.Sanjeev Sharma, Dr. Manoj Mathur, Dr. Rajesh Sharma,
Dr. Rajeev Azad and Dr. Vipon Goel. Local eminent speakers
included Dr. Mandeep Kang, Dr. Ravinder Kaur, Dr. Vivek
Gupta, Dr. Rahatdeep Singh Brar and Dr. Sandhya Dhankar.
Conference was followed by General body meeting of the
Chandigarh Chapter of IRIA.
Dr. Kushaljit Singh Sodhi
Secretary, Chandigarh Chapter of IRIA.
Chandigarh U T Chapter
News Update on meeting with Chairman, AERB
We are glad to inform you that a meeting of leaders of IRIA
was held with Chairman of AERB during AOCR 2018. The
AERB has considered the issues and suggestions raised
by IRIA during the meeting with Chairman, AERB.
We are glad to know that AERB has accepted for inclusion
of IRIA officials in AERB Safety Committees. The AERB
will send us the AERB safety policies and draft safety
documents for suggestions from IRIA.
We are also glad to inform you that AERB will introduce
brief training module for Radiologists in handling radio-
The AERB will also provide safety awareness material to
IRIA so that we may send this to our members.
As agreed in the meeting, IRIA would invite AERB in its
Conferences and other academic activities for interaction
with delegates.
Click here for
Delhi Chapter Delhi state chapter of IRIA
Delhi Imaging Update 2018 was organized by Delhi State
Chapter of IRIA on 23-25 March 2018 at Lady Hardinge
Medical College, Delhi. The highlight of the CME was Three
Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Live Demonstration workshops
covering Shoulder, Elbow and Wrist on day one. Day two and
three had didactic lectures on Multimodality imaging, Seminar
on Radiation Protection and PC-PNDT Panel Discussion.
Oration lecture was delivered by Dr N. Chidambaranathan.
This CME was attended by more than 210 IRIA members. Dr
Rajiv Garg, Medical Director, Lady Hardinge Medical College,
Delhi was the Chief Guest & Dr S.N Kaul and Dr M.K Narula
were the Guest of Honours for this CME. Dr Rajiv Garg
complemented Organizing Team for successfully conducting
Delhi Imaging Update 2018. Dr Lalendra Upreti, President,
Delhi State Chapter of IRIA welcomed all Delegates and
highlighted various Academic Activities and fulfilling of Social
Responsibility by Delhi State Chapter of IRIA. Most delegates
appreciated Scientific Content of Delhi Imaging Update 2018.
Vote of thanks was given by Dr Pankaj Sharma, Secretary,
Delhi State Chapter of IRIA.
Dr. Pankaj Sharma
Secretary of Delhi state chapter of IRIA
Karnataka Chapter Karnataka state chapter
The 34th Annual Conference of IRIA Karnataka state Chapter
was held on 2,3,& 4th of March 2018 in Davangere ,
Karnataka. The venue was S S Gardenia. It was attended by
550 plus delegates.
Theme of the Conference was - WOMEN IMAGING,
Conference comprised of Workshop, dedicated lectures by
national & international faculty, Paper & Poster presentations
by post graduates.
Conference was inaugurated by Ex Minister, MLA Sri
Shamnur Shivashankarappa, President Elect, IRIA Dr.
Hemath Patel, Dr. Sampangi Ramaiah, President IRIA KSC,
Dr. Mahesha B.M. , Dr. S. R. Hedge, Dr. Nagaraj A., Dr.
Kirankumar Hegde, Dr. Pramod Shetty, Dr. Akhil K., Dr. Ravi &
Felicitation was done to senior Members Dr. Gurushankar G.
& Dr. Bhagyavathi with Life Time Achievement Award.
Conference was awarded with 6 Credit Hours by KMC.
Excellent hospitality & arrangements were done by Organizing
Committee for Delegates & Faculty.
IRIA February Month Clinical meeting was held on 24/02/3018,
with theme on Liver Elastography which was attended by 100
Radiologists. The venue was Diamond BOX , KSCA
Dr. Mahesha B. M.
Secretary - IRIA Karnataka state Chapter
Karnataka Chapter
IRIA Fetal Imaging CME Click for the brochure
Academics KREST Kochi
The knowledge of basics and fundamentals of medical
physics is a great strength for every Radiologist in their
clinical practice. It gives them a clear advantage in this era
of turf wars. The lack of basic understanding of physics
can be a great weakness in fine tuning the diagnostic
equipments for optimal results that can contribute in
clinical practice.
KREST Kochi has realised the importance of Medical
physics in the making of a good Radiologist. For every
postgraduate student in radiodiagnosis, there has been
difficulty in getting proper input and guidelines. We have
arranged a CME program on 11th & 12th August 2018, at
Kochi IMA House. The faculty include Prof. S.
Panneerselvam, Dr. S. Thirunavukkarasu & Mrs. Sudha
Pattan (all from Chennai)
Hope this CME will fulfill your needs and will help you not
only clear your exams, but also to excel in your radiology
Go for it
AOSPR 2018 We are delighted to welcome you to the “City beautiful”
Chandigarh for the forthcoming 18th Annual Meeting of
AOSPR (Asian Oceanic Society of Paediatric Radiology)
meeting combined with 16th Annual Meeting of ISPR
(Indian Society of Paediatric Radiology) in 2018 from Sept
14-16,2018. It is for the first time AOSPR event is coming
to India. Chandigarh is the first planned city of India and is
known internationally for its architecture and urban design.
The city has projects designed by architects such as Le
Corbusier, Peirre Jeanneret, Mathew Nowicki, and Albert
Mayer. Chandigarh is now emerging as a popular
tourist destination with many nearby famous attractions
like Rock garden, Rose garden, Art galleries, Mughal
gardens in Pinjore, Golden Temple in Amritsar and the
queen of hills, Shimla to name a few. Scientific Committee
is leaving no stone unturned to make a very
comprehensive but practice oriented scientific program,
covering all topics of current interest, with special
emphasis on “Resident-oriented” teaching program and
workshops on ultrasound and MRI. The highlights include
focused sessions, orations and key lectures, and film
reading sessions. Scientific program also includes free
paper and poster presentations with prizes for the best
paper and poster. Faculty Speakers include distinguished
and renowned speakers from India and abroad. Punjab
Medical Council has accredited 12 CME hours for
this conference. The organizing committee looks forward
to your active participation in this conference. We assure
you of a great academic fiesta and warm hospitality of the
people of Chandigarh in this “Plastic free” and “Smoke
free'' city beautiful.
Click to download the brochure
National Conference 2019 Click to download the brochure
Conference Secretariat
Department of Radiodiagnosis & Imaging, Nehru Hospital,
PGIMER, Sector 12, Chandigarh - 160012
[email protected]