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Mottley Crew Review Template - 2015.07 DRAFT

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Published by legalassistant, 2015-06-25 13:15:26

Mottley Crew Review Template - 2015.07 DRAFT

Mottley Crew Review Template - 2015.07 DRAFT


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, RETREAT Featured business of the COOKIES
sed diam nonummy nibh School buses are back on month Metro Modern. Red, white, and blue morsels
euismod tincidunt ut laoreet our roads; please be extra Natives of San Diego by make these a festive July 4th
dolore magna ali quam erat careful, especially when way of Chicago bring party treat!"
volutpat. children are entering or exit- unique southern California
perspective to Richmond.


The NOT So Legal News Review of CREW REVIEW
1-866-484-5670 JULY 2015

“ The new site ed-
ucates the legal
consumer and helps
them through the le-
gal process. It is not
a typical lawyer web-
site, which only edu-
cates the consumer
about the lawyer.

Can’t Get On
It’s Alright,
is Up and Running

The last time we went to Disney World in first theme park, Animal Kingdom, by light Florida drizzle. What I remember
Orlando, Florida, it was 2007 and Catherine, 11:00 a.m. The day did not end until about the 2007 trip is that I really enjoyed
our third, was only 1 year old. She stayed at 11:00 p.m., after we took in the electric it. I didn’t give it much thought at the
home with her grandparents while we took light parade in Magic Kingdom under a time as to exactly why I enjoyed it so
Andrew, then 8, and Sarah Ann, then 6, to much. I
Orlando for a week.
mean, it’s Disney World, the “Happiest
This time, the entire Mottley Crew went. Place on Earth”! You’re supposed to
We flew direct from Richmond to Orlando
on a Sunday morning. It was a very early enjoy it.
Sunday morning, I might add. We touched But a lot has changed in my life since
down in Orlando at 9:00 a.m. We were at 2007. First, although I’ve tried
the Disney resort by 10:00 a.m. and in our

The mottley crew review

>> CONT. FROM PAGE ONE | R e p o r t f r o m t h e M o t t l e y L a w F i r m A n n u a l R e t r e a t .

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecte tuer illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero ABOVE: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecte tuer
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Frequently Asked QuesƟon of the Month

Q: Do I need a lawyer? I slipped on a wet floor the seriousness of the injury. Whether a lawyer takes the case is
another matter. That has a lot to do with why you fell and what the
in a store and broke a bone in my leg. I’ve been store did wrong, if anything. To recover for the injury in Virginia,
trying to settle my claim with the store’s claims you would have to show that the store was negligent in maintaining
representative, but they are telling me that they an unsafe condition. On that issue, it will be important to know
probably won’t pay me what I want for the injury whether the store gave you a sufficient warning of the wet floor. In
and that they will not pay me anything for “pain addition, if you were negligent in contributing the injury, you will
and suffering.” have no recovery at all under the law of Virginia. This is called
“contributory negligence.”
A: Not every legitimate personal injury case requires a lawyer to settle. In

smaller cases, where the medical bills are low, settling the case on your own
is not only possible, but is often a better result. This is especially true where
the other party is clearly liable for the injury and you're just negotiating over
the amount of money. The benefit to you is avoiding having to share one-
third (or more) of the recovery with a lawyer in those cases. In your case, it’s
a good idea to at least consult with a lawyer due to

>> | CALL US 804-930-1022 | TOLL FREE 866-484-5670 call us 804-930-1022 toll free 866-484-

Book I’m Reading TBIs Come In

RIGHT NOW Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs) are caused by a blow
to the head or body, a fall, or any action that impacts
Thomas Jefferson, The Art of Power or jars the brain. Motor vehicle accidents, sports
by John Meacham injuries, falls among the elderly, and assaults ac-
The ONE Thing, by Gary Keller count for most TBIs.

Featured Business of the Month Concussions, the striking of the brain against the
skull, are a common brain injury. Some are mild and
ABOVE: Sally and David Ramert of Metro Modern. If you haven’t met Sally and David before, heal quickly; others cause lingering, sometimes
you’re in for a treat. They are natives of San debilitating effects.
If you have been to my office in the west end Diego by way of Chicago. They bring to their
of Richmond, you’ve probably noticed that it is store a very unique southern California per- A contusion of the brain consists of swollen brain
not decorated like other law firms. You will not spective, something you won’t find anywhere tissue combined with blood escaping from broken
find any of the big, heavy, dark wood pieces of else in Richmond. They regularly make a pil- blood vessels. Sudden stops from high speeds and
furniture typically found in law offices. Instead, grimage back to southern California to pur- shaken baby syndrome are frequent culprits.
you will find vintage mid-century modern furni- chase new mid-century finds, which they bring
ture, most of which is from the 1960’s. As I was back to Richmond. I guaranty you that each A hematoma is caused by damage to a major blood
furnishing my new office nearly 3 years ago, I time you walk in the door at Metro Modern, vessel that results in bleeding in and around the
decided to go modern mainly because the furni- you’ll find something new and different. One brain. The elevated pressure on the brain can be-
ture is smaller and more streamlined, which al- day, they had the exact same sofa and side come life-threatening if not relieved quickly.
lows for a lot more open floor space than tradi- chairs that Don Draper has in his office on the
tional law office furniture. Besides, I’m a junkie set of Mad Men. Those lasted a matter of days Skull fractures are cracks or breaks in the skull—
of Mad Men, and I love the look. before a bachelor in Northern Virginia raced severe injuries. Sometimes, something pierces the
down here to buy them. And that is a regular skull and inflicts brain damage; pieces of skull can
As I looked around, I discovered a little store occurrence for Sally and David. They get calls also break off and become embedded in the brain.
on Cary Street, near the corner of Meadow and from all over the country from collectors look- Other forms of brain injury frequently result from a
Cary, called Metro Modern. (Go to metromod- ing for the rare and unusual from the mid- skull fracture. to check it out.) There I met owners Sally century period.
and David Ramert. Sally and David really took an Nerve connections can also be damaged with a blow
interest in what I was doing in my new space, and If you’re not in the market for vintage mid- to the head. These neuronal misfires can cause a
they took the time to educate me about the mid- century modern furniture, that’s not all Metro host of health problems throughout the body.
century period. As a result, I bought most of my Modern has to offer. They also carry all sorts
furniture from them and, in the process, became a of jewelry, lighting, art, and other finds from Because the brain is the focal point of TBI injuries,
genuine collector of mid-century furniture and art. the period. As an example, if you want a great mental and emotional elements of a person’s overall
Not only that, but I got two great friends, Sally pair of cuff links from the period, you’ll find well-being are at risk. Mood swings, depression,
and David, as part of the deal. They’re terrific them there. anxiety, headaches, vision problems, dizziness,
sleep issues, cognitive disorders, and memory
So get down to Metro Modern and tell Sally lapses are problems that may extend well past the
and David that I sent you to them. You won’t original injury.
be disappointed with your visit!
Any blow to the head should be monitored closely.
VISIT METRO MODERN Health issues that follow warrant an immediate visit
with the doctor.

Congratulations to the Tuckahoe Little League
12-year old Majors all-star team for making it all
the way to the regional final in Georgia back in
August, and also to one of my neighbors, John
Carpin, for successfully managing the team.
What a great time it was watching some local
boys compete on a national stage. The final was
on ESPN. Although the team came up short in
the final against Tennessee, just missing a trip
to Williamsport, the run was very impressive and
exciting to watch. I have a feeling they’ll be
headed back to Georgia next year!

>> | CALL US 804-930-1022 | TOLL FREE 866-484-5670

Serious Injury Law
Independence Day Cookies Will, Trust &
Estate Disputes
"Red, white, and blue morsels make these a festive July 4th party treat!" Business Disputes
Prep Time: 20 Minutes │ Cook Time: 10 Minutes │ Ready In: 1 Hour 30 Minutes │ Servings: 72
INGREDIENTS: 1 cup brown sugar
4 cups all purpose flour 2 eggs The Mottley Law Firm PLC
1 teaspoon baking soda 1700 Bayberry Ct., Suite 203
1/2 teaspoon baking powder 1 (12 ounce) package white chocolate chips Richmond, Virginia 23226
1 teaspoon salt 1 (12 ounce) package dried blueberries (804) 930-1022 (Local)
2 cups butter flavored shortening 2 (6 ounce) packages dried cranberries (866) 484-5670 (Toll Free)
1 cup white sugar Email kevinmott-
[email protected]
1. Preheat an oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Combine the flour, baking soda, baking powder, and

salt in a bowl.
2. Beat the shortening, white sugar, and brown sugar with an electric mixer in a large bowl until smooth. Beat

in one egg until completely incorporated. Beat in the last egg. Mix in the flour mixture until just incorporated.
Fold in the white chocolate chips, blueberries, and cranberries; mixing just enough to evenly combine. Roll
the dough into walnut-sized balls and place 2 inches apart onto ungreased baking sheets. Flatten each ball
to about 1/2-inch thick.
3. Bake in the preheated oven until golden brown, 10 to 12 minutes. Cool in the pans for 10 minutes before
removing to cool completely on a wire rack.


The Mottley Law Firm PLC
1700 Bayberry Court, Suite 203
Richmond, VA 23226
(804) 930-1022
[email protected]

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