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Published by , 2018-12-18 18:59:19

The Way Novemberpdf (1)

The Way Novemberpdf (1)

of your soul. Create a happy ending with strong music and
colorful scenes of you living in peaceful harmony. Allow the
scenes of living in Perfect Freedom to resonate in your mind.

Because spiritual vigilance is the surest protection against
relapse, it is very important for the Spiritual You to give loving
attention to the management of your life. You must take great
care with what you think about. Use your mental movie to protect
your mind from addictive thoughts. Every time you
watch the movie, recommit yourself to remaining free from
mindless insobriety.

Don’t let viewing your previous misbehavior make you feel
guilty. Instead, understand that viewing the movie of your
past will lead to complete recovery. Forgive yourself! Then
pray, asking God’s Forgiveness for any pain you caused others.
By doing so, you will enhance your movie’s healing effect,
making it easier for you to correct the character flaws that
caused your soul to fall into addiction’s trap.

We realize that some of the dastardly deeds that you
committed while your personality was under the influence of
addictive substances were so wicked and degrading that your
mind may not want to remember them.

Nevertheless, it would be a huge mistake for you to
attempt to hide the truth from The Higher Power who knows how
badly you behaved while you were under the spell of addiction.
Even though you may have already buried your shameful past
deep within your subconscious, now you need to retrieve some
of those memories.



Your past experiences are uniquely designed to help your mind
generate the mental pictures required for you to achieve
everlasting freedom from addiction. Let your revulsion at what you
see cause you to transform. Set lofty goals, knowing that hope
will give rise to the highest fulfillment. This is especially important
when you are making corrections to your character.

Every time you watch those scenes unfold, take delight in the
knowledge that your past has left you wiser and given you hope for
the future. Ask God to let your mental movie transform the unjust,
improper, and dishonest acts of your past into
steppingstones to your destiny.

Let The Higher Power take full command in guiding and directing
your personality as you watch your movie. Each scene should make
you more vigilant and assertive in directing the course of
your life. Never forget that these lessons are for sincere seekers
who lost their way but now wish to answer the call to selfless
service under the guidance of The Higher Power.

Whenever you view your mental movie, don’t forget
to command your mind to be immovable in its resolve to put
aside forever all manner and degree of insobriety,
self-destructiveness, self-pollution, and mindless self-
indulgence, so as to be restored in uprightness.

View your mental movie over and over again. Each
time, allow what you see to elevate your consciousness.
Think positive thoughts and practice doing Our Creator’s Will so
that your life may

serve as a model of restoration and healing for your brothers and
sisters who you want to assist with their recovery.

View your mental movie as a true reflection of your life. Lift
up your spirit and engage your thoughts to correct every character
flaw you see. As good fortune favors the wise, your understanding
of the lethal, venomous nature of addiction will shield you from
its deadly bite.

Whenever you need to energize your resolve, go back and
watch your mental movie again. Then learn to use the other tools
that we have provided in these teachings. In due time, you
will be healed and you will no longer need to view your
movie. For the immediate future, however, rest assured
that your mental movie will be an invaluable tool in helping
to identify and eventually correct the weaknesses in your
character which made you vulnerable to addiction.

We remind you that you were created for the great purpose of
expressing God’s Plan in this world, not to live as a slave to
your own desires. We remind you that You (your Higher
Self) are not your physical body; You are not your mind;
You are not your possessions; You are not your
thoughts. You are Spirit, an agent of Divine Love. With
loving attention to God’s Great Plan encoded in your
genes, The Higher Power in you carefully constructed the
human body in which You dwell..

By placing too much value on self pleasure, addiction
caused a big mess of your life. So your personality has been

castigated, shamed, and humbled by the deep suffering that
addiction caused in your life. The silver lining is that the adversity of
addiction perfectly prepared to do the great work you are now
called upon to do.

So take your mental movie seriously and you will
get miraculous results. Watching the movie of your
tribulations over and over will transform addiction
into wisdom. Your personality will be put in its rightful
place every time your mind reviews it. Your mental movie
will be a visual reminder of how uncontrolled desires
imperiled your destiny. The ability to review a mental
movie of your past bad behavior anytime you choose under
the comforting guidance of The Higher Power is indeed a
miraculous blessing.

The Illusion of Separation from God

Addiction is characterized by a senseless desire to escape
from reality. This futile behavior is a perversion of the
soul’s natural longing for Oneness.

Moreover, the reality from which the addict seeks to escape
is just a bad dream caused by the illusion of being separated
from Our Creator. Of course, any idea that you could exist
separate and apart from The Higher Power that created you in the
first place is ridiculous, a grand deception. You are, in truth,
of God. God’s Love lives in you, fills you, is T he Higher Power within
that guides you and makes it possible for you to exist.


Meditate and pray so your mind can know that you have
never been and never will be separated frm God. God is at
the center of creation. God is all -- the life force that is you!

Allow these thoughts to elevate your consciousness, the highest
achievement of thought. In other words, the degree to which your
mind is filled with thoughts about Oneness is the degree to which you
will become conscious of Oneness with Our Creator. As darkness must
vanish with the shining of light, so too will the illusion of separation
from The Higher Power disappear in the glow of Divine Love.

Being a center of Our Creator’s Consciousness and a beneficiary
of Divine Love, know that The Higher Power resides in you. Therefore
your body is One with the The Creator.

Paradoxically however, we must acknowledge that there is
within your soul a presence that seems to be separate from
you, lovingly observing your every thought, word, and deed. This
loving power claims ownership over the rest of you, creating the
paradox (an apparent contradiction that can be resolved).

The Higher Power, of course, created a distinction – but
not a separation – between you, your mind, your emotions,
your personality, your body, and the spirit that resides within.

Center your awareness on this distinction by saying out loud
the phrases “my spirit,” “my mind,” and “my body.”

When you say and think these words, doesn’t an aspect of your
being seem to assert ownership over separate parts of you? It
is the Spiritual You making this claim.


“My” implies a possessor and a possession. This claim of self-
ownership reveals a distinction between various aspects of you,
but not a separation.

Also, consider how different your life would be if all of your
thoughts, words, and deeds had been determined by The
Higher Power within you -- the Spiritual You.

Go back and review your mental movie through your mind,
your emotions, and your soul. You can clearly see a
distinction between each aspect of you. Yet, every feature of
your being is one with you, and herein lies the paradox.

View the entire mental movie of your life again. This time
watch as a movie critic would. Witness impersonally as your
life deteriorated under the destructive power of addiction.
Now imagine how different your life would have been if your
mind had carefully considered the consequences your addiction
would have on your life and the lives of those around you.

The paradox is semantically illustrated in the word

“universe,” which is a combination of the words “unity” and

“diversity.” And it is materialized in the make-up of your

physical body, consisting of many individual living cells

comprising one human being. These distinct influences and

perspectives are the cause of the illusion of separation.

Loneliness and isolation are mirages, not reality. By comprehending

the cosmic reality of your true nature, y o u will shatter

forever the illusion of separation from God, and

achieve the Oneness Consciousness-- nothing can liberate an addict faster.


Chosen One, Oneness is the throne of the awakened -- those

who can discern what cannot be seen. Like royalty they use this spiritual
advantage to advance God's Plan, and thus achieve harmony and joy.

So, The Higher Power orchestrates each individual cell in your
body and all the various aspects of your personality into one living
being, just as on a grander scale Our Creator harmonizes you with
every atom in the universe and unites everything that is –
or that ever was – in eternal, loving Oneness.

The discovery of cells, atoms, quarks, quantum physics, and
all the grand conceptions of modern science not only verify but
glorify the revelation and the reality of Divine Oneness. We have
taken the time to demonstrate how to shatter the illusion of
separation to help all who are addicted experience an
awakening into full consciousness of Oneness with Our
Creator. Oneness is as important to recovery as light is to vision.
It is the spiritual realization of the purpose of humanity in the universe!

Those of you who are fully conscious of Oneness have
already been liberated from life’s many addictions, for
addiction cannot exist in a mind that is One with God. If you
have not been able to utilize these teachings to quicken
your consciousness to Oneness because your mind has been
resisting, claiming this work to be too hard or too boring, you
must find a way to turn the attention of your thoughts away
from the diversions of the secular world.

Know now that the illusion of separation from Our Creator
is the great barrier that hides from you the reality of your true
relationship with The Higher Power. Our Creator has already


given you all that you will ever need to eradicate this barrier
— Divine Love. Fill your mind with thoughts of Divine Love and
you will come to know the joy of Oneness with
God. Follow The Way by living in Oneness and you will be




great distance and this journey required you to go deep
within to understand that the Spiritual You has a duty to reign
supreme over all desires. But recovery from addiction
cannot be all thought; it requires action as well. To govern
and rule your deeds in the realworld, you must now arm
yourself w i t h p r o v e n s e l f - c o n t r o l t e c h n i q u e s .

Your personality was once controlled entirely by desire,
and your perception of reality was distorted by a clouded
intellect. Yet, the suffering caused by the harsh torment of
addiction served ultimately to strengthen your determination to
achieve victory in the primeval war between spirit and
self. But before good intentions become recovery, they are
nothing, and wishful thoughts without means are still nothing. On

the other hand, if you arm yourself with the powerful healing exercises in
this chapter, your success in recovery will be virtually assured.


By embracing these teachings and following Divine
Guidance, you will unfold into Oneness with God’s Will.
The illusory power that addiction holds over you will
terminate as completely as ignorance will vanish with the
acceptance of truth.

Spiritual One, you are responsible for guiding and
directing your soul, your mind and your body to
be instruments of Divine Love. Your attention cannot
be diverted from this God-given Duty for even one
moment. Expressing Divine Love in your life will
require you to live as God has commanded. You
cannot accomplish this mission as long as your mind is
clouded by addiction. Instead, you must wage war
against the flesh and any enemy that would prevent
you from taking your rightful place as wise, loving
shepherd over your life. To equip you for this,
we offer these miraculous healing exercises, based
on proven self-control techniques. Learn them and
you will develop the willpower required to
demonstrate the liberating authority of God in your life.

You will instantly recognize these lessons as divinely inspired
systems for training and arming your personality to resist the lure
of desire. Embrace these exercises so that you will gain
Divine Insight. Our Creator’s Grace, Mercy, and Blessings will
thereby be increased in your life.

Allow these spiritual principles to inspire your mind, your
emotions, your body, and every aspect of your being to do God’s

Work, and to give Divine Purpose priority in your life. Use
the knowledge that you gain from these exercises wisely, carefully
and lovingly. Involve God in all your doings, and you
will transform your personality into a dynamic force for change.

But before you accept the powers that these exercises
will bestow upon you, be sure that you intend to use them
only to express The Creator’s Will on earth, and to help
others do the same.

These exercises should be used solely to direct your personality
to do what you confirm to be correct and desired by God.
U sing the exercises for selfish or evil purposes would bring much
sorrow and misery into your life. Addiction is a stubborn and
tenacious force fueled by powerful desires that may flare up in
your mind without warning at any time.

So remain ever vigilant and always mindful that you
can use these techniques to further God’s Great Plan of peace
and love and to gain everlasting healing even after addiction has
reached an advanced stage. Take time to read and understand
the instructions for each exercise before you try to apply it.
Trust The Creator’s Grace in these methods. Engage the restorative
power of these exercises with resolute courage and the
determination to prevail in the battle to eradicate addiction.

Divine Love Exercise

Divine Love is exhilarating when it is expressed. Let

feeling the joy of your love for God and rejoicing in God's love
for you be both your shield and your sword.


Perfect Freedom will become a reality in your life when you
express Divine Love.

Try it now! Lovingly, confidently, and joyfully speak (or sing)
your love for God using the following words:

Beloved God, I love You with all my heart, mind, and soul.

Focus your awareness deep within and joyfully express the
words again and again. With all your heart say them out loud:

Beloved God, I love You with all my heart, mind, and soul.
Again: Beloved God, I love You with all my heart, mind, and soul.

Make the meaning of these words the central focus of your
awareness. Express them until your consciousness is filled with
God’s Love for you and your love for God, until Divine Love
engulfs your awareness.

Express your love for God and direct the mighty
waves of spiritual joy that gush forth from your soul through
your mind, into your heart, throughout your biological
body, and outward to all humanity. This state of fulfillment
– this spiritual ecstasy – is God’s Supreme Endowment
to you. Let nothing stop you from expressing and receiving it.

Spiritual Planning

Plan your destiny with spiritual foresight, wisdom, and
prudence. Pray and meditate upon all your plans. Do so and you
will avoid the wretched state into which your gluttonous desires
would cast your life, for adversity hastens to seal the fate of an


addict. Plot your life according to God’s great plan, rather than
watching each day take form according to circumstances or

Understand that there is no aspect of your being – certainly
not your selfish personality – more qualified than the Spiritual You
to design a plan for you to perfectly express God’s Love.

After awakening from sleep – when your spirit is closest to
God – shape your day by earnestly meditating and praying for
freedom, and for whatever else is your soul’s desire. Praying and
meditating at this time will allow your consciousness to be
drawn deep within so you may be conscious of Oneness with God.

Embrace God’s Will that it may illuminate your way.
Accept God’s Guidance that it may be your enlightenment.
Accept God’s Love that it may sustain you and fill you with
Divine Joy.

When you finish meditating and praying, let your intellect
draw upon the infinite wisdom of The Higher Power as you decide
what your goals and objectives will be for the day. Make
your plans with only one purpose: to be a beacon from
which God’s Great Plan of Peace and Love can radiate and
bless every soul that enters into your life. With Divine Love as
your purpose, live your life according to the righteousness of
God. Make your daily plans with the guidance of The Higher
Power, down to the smallest detail, including the garments that
you choose to clothe your body. Carefully consult with God
before you act on anything you plan.


Let Divine Love guide your thoughts as you carry out your plans.
Use your mind to take complete command of your personality.
Never place your fate in the hands of your passions, because
to deviate from God’s Plan would be foolish. Picturing yourself
actually living God’s Plan will help you fulfill the purpose for
which you were created. And, as you live your life plan, you will
feel The Higher Power motivating and inspiring you to magnificent

After successfully planning and living several days in this
way, develop a weekly plan, a monthly plan, and a yearly plan.
Map out a life plan when the time is right. It should include a
strategy and a timetable for the fulfillment of your life’s mission.

Eventually, you will excel at spiritual planning. The
good results will encourage you to make all important plans
for your life under the guidance of The Higher Power.

Control Your Mind

Governance of the mind is the true measure of spiritual
prowess. The basic requirement of command over self is to Guide in the

right direction, for your mind will know sense from nonsense.
Chosen One, let Divine Love rule as your only motivation – in everything.
But even then, you cannot control your mind if it does not know you.
So introduce the Spiritual You to your self. Try the following exercise:

If possible, look in a mirror that reflects a
clean, unbroken image of your whole body. 150

The more of your body that you can see in the mirror the
better. Even a small hand mirror will suffice if n o o ther mirror
is available. What matters most is for the Spiritual You to be
able to clearly perceive the physical you staring back at you.
Look closely at the reflection of this biological expression of the
real you. Examine as much of your body as you can see in the
mirror. Observe your face, your nose, and your mouth.

Realize that You are the spiritual energy within all the cells
and organs that comprise your body. Meditate for just a moment on
the idea that the image you see in the mirror is just an earthly
reflection of the Spiritual You and know that you are a perfect instrument
for advancing the glory of God in the material world.

Now move your face as close to the mirror as possible
without blurring your vision. Widen your eyes and look closely
into both of them at the same time. Peer deeply into both pupils,
focusing at the point where light enters. As gently as a
loving parent would speak to a child, forcefully yet
lovingly speak the following words directly to your reflection in
the mirror:

I am in you. God is in you, living you, causing you to live. I
am One with God, with the universe, and with you. God loves
you. I love you. You love us. We are One.

Meditate and pray on this affirmation, beseeching God to help
your intellect comprehend the relationship between The Higher
Power, your mind, and your body. Try to grasp the fact that the real
you – the spiritual being that resides in your soul – is united with


the biological body reflected in the mirror and that you are One
with God.

Feel c o m p l e t e Oneness with the image you see reflected
in the mirror. Allow your consciousness to be drawn deep within
so that you may be aware of your Oneness with God.

Once the consciousness of Oneness has been reestablished,
and the Spiritual You has the full attention of your mind, you will
be ready to command your personality. It is time now for you
to take back full control of your earthly life. Do so by lovingly

Be still and be forever free from addiction.

Gazing deeply into your eyes, repeat this command with
Divine Authority.

Your mind will direct every cell and atom in your body to follow
the guidance of The Higher Power. You don’t have to learn the
exact wording of the affirmation. You can, for example, employ
some other command or use your own words to direct your

Know that your entire personality must obey the Spiritual You. If
for some reason you don’t feel empowered by this exercise, go back
and read the instructions over again until you do.

Practice faithfully, and you will soon feel the liberating power
of this exercise. Of this we are certain. Soon you won’t need to
look in a mirror. From the stillness of your soul, you will be able
to call on the revitalizing power that flows from consciousness of


Oneness. The Spiritual You can command your personality to obey
the will of God just by thinking the following words:

Be still and be forever free from addiction.

(Repeat) Draw your mind to the fullness of your being:

(Again)Be still and be forever free from addiction.

Project these words from deep within until the Spiritual You
gains loving control over the desires of your flesh.


Most addicts who get caught up in the miserable cycle of
relapse and recovery allow themselves to be repeatedly deceived
and lured back into addiction by peer pressure and temptations in
their surroundings.

The way to resist unhealthy desires is not at all difficult to
understand or put into action. It’s simple: Distance yourself from
temptations. In other words, take affirmative steps to avoid the
people, places, things, and conditions that could weaken your will.

Abandon the lifestyle of addicts. Break off all connections
with the culture of addiction, because association with addicts,
dealers, or the agents of addiction is likely to cloud your mind and
cast you again into the boiling madness of compulsive behavior.

Those who have traveled with us this far and who earnestly
desire everlasting freedom from addiction must avoid all such
temptations and distractions. Avoidance is important during this
critical phase of healing since any such encounter could expose


weaknesses in you and reinforce the very flaws i n your own
character which you desperately need to eliminate.

As long as you keep the company of addicts and frequent
places where they engage in mindlessly getting high, you will be at
risk of relapse. But know that in the very near future, after you
regain complete control over your personality and when your mind
is thus securely under the direction of the Spiritual You, no worldly
force will be able to entice your personality into addiction again.

We understand that any advice to avoid your friends and loved
ones who are addicted is a severe prescription since they also
need help. So, if you have a strong desire to assist in their recovery and
if The Higher Power directs you to help, reach out and
introduce these teachings to those whom you believe may be
ready to receive this spiritual healing guide.

Tell them it is time to stop living as servants to their own desires.
Ask them to start loving God. Invite them to join you in the battle
to defeat addiction. You will be surprised. You won’t have to dodge
them. They will flee from you as though you had the plague. They
will abandon you. They will lie about you.

Nevertheless, you will be better off, for you cannot expect to
make those who are unready to give up addiction accept freedom on
your terms. You will be able to help them, but The Higher Power will
tell you when to seek them out.

Avoid them for now. Stay far away from drug addicts, and even farther
away from the places where they hang out and get high. But


practicing avoidance requires more than simply staying away from
places frequented by addicts. Take affirmative actions to avoid

Develop an offensive strategy. Do something better
than going to places where they are unwelcome: Go to places
that they hate, places where they would never go! Do things
they would never do. Associate with people who live in
harmony with the Divine Plan.

Living right depends more on the lures that you can avoid
than the seductions you are able to resist. The virtuous and wise
elude danger, while the fool courts disaster. Until you are strong
enough, you must stay away from the people as well as the
paraphernalia of addiction.

Make an activity schedule for the special times
(holidays, celebrations, sad occasions, weekends, etc.) when
you know you will be most vulnerable to the temptations of the
flesh. Begin and end these critical periods with prayer and
meditation. Plan all such occasions according to the wisdom of
The Higher Power! Dedicate your life to pleasing God:

• Pray and meditate.

• Attend worship services.

• Study the holy teachings.

• Fellowship with “Sincere seekers.”

• Help the needy in your community.


• Hang out and help at a place of worship: church,
synagogue, mosque, etc.

• Go to gospel/spiritual concerts.

• Join prayer groups.

• Become a spiritual mentor to a child.

• Read spiritual books.

• Participate in addiction-recovery activities.

• Get addiction counseling.
• Volunteer time with individuals, therapeutic communities or
organizations dedicated to fighting addiction.

If you don't know anyone who is fighting addiction, organize your
own network. (See “Join the Struggle” at the end of this

Make a list of all the people who you know would tempt you.
Avoid them! Don’t give them the slightest opportunity to lure you
back into addiction.


Some of you, because of the nature of the substance or
behavior to which you have been addicted or because of prolonged
addiction to it, face a dire dilemma: You know that you must
find a way to abstain. You realize that dire consequences will befall
you if you persist in your addiction. But you also realize that
quitting “cold turkey” will likely cause agonizing withdrawal – the


physiological and psychological adjustment to abrupt abstinence
that takes place in the brain and in the body at the cellular level.
Abstinence is as essential to ending addiction as the sun is to ending
the night. Even for Divine Love to liberate you from addiction,
you must abstain and accept the guidance of God in the innermost
sanctum of your being.

For seekers who entered into a covenant with God to give
up addiction, those withdrawal symptoms caused by
abstinence will be the supreme test of your resolve – a test
that will challenge you physically, emotionally, mentally,
and spiritually. For your personality will use your
feelings, your imagination, and every molecule, cell, and organ
in your body to demand more of what you are about to deny it.

In severe cases, the shock from abstinence will be
agonizing and dangerous. Withdrawal symptoms may include:

• Shortness of breath

• Severe aches and pains

• Paranoia/delusions

• Excitement/anxiety/agitation

• Depression/mood swings

• Hallucinations/intrusive thoughts

• Panic/anger attacks

• Seizures

• Chills/fever


• Abdominal cramps and nausea

• Muscle spasms

• Blackouts

• Hot flashes

• Itching

• Racing heart

• Cardiac arrest

If abrupt abstinence produces one or more of the above
withdrawal symptoms, ease them through deep spiritual meditation
and sincere prayer until you can get professional help. Expressing
your love for God will calm your anxiety and soothe your pain.

Do not fear withdrawal. Fear will only intensify the pain.
Embrace withdrawal; allow it to happen. For the sensations that
your mind interprets as withdrawal symptoms are no more than
The Higher Power expressing grace on your life as a method of
helping you grow from the trials, tribulations, and torment caused
by addiction.

Abstinence can be agonizing, but its purpose is sobriety,
and immediately following behind withdrawal’s brief ordeal will
come everlasting freedom. Therefore, let your conduct during
abstinence be brave and exemplary. Relax and take sanctuary in the
knowledge that each wave of withdrawal pain will carry you closer
to freedom. By immersing your awareness in the consciousness of
Oneness, you will be able to quiet every weary atom of your being,


soothe your racing heart and extinguish any negative emotions that
would amplify the withdrawal symptoms. The magnitude to which
The Higher Power resonates in your mind is the extent to which
abstinence will help you correct your addictive behavior. Love
God with all your consciousness, and there will be no room left in
your life for addiction.

Yes, withdrawal is often an agonizing phase of abstinence, a
necessary part of the process of healing. But even the mental and
physical pain of withdrawal is easier to endure than the spiritual
torment of addiction. For abstinence is its own reward, just as
addiction is its own punishment.

Abstinence will be the supreme exercise of your free will. It
will require you to apply everything you have been given in this

Grasp the truths that you have learned from this work. Ask
God for help. Meditate.

Everything that has been suggested to you throughout this
publication was given to prepare your mind to serve you in the
unyielding practice of abstinence. Express Divine Love; feel
Oneness. Command your personality. Plan your life. Follow
Divine Guidance. At the end of the day, The Way to freedom
comes down to this: Abstinence. You will never achieve Perfect
Freedom without it.

We warned you that The Way would require hard mental
and spiritual work. But it is a work for which you are prepared,
ready and capable. We know you will not shrink from it.


It is time for you to apply what you have learned and carry
your journey to freedom to its conclusion. Endure
withdrawal, Chosen One, for going back to using a substance
that has been the source of your misery would be madness;
and would only prolong your suffering. The consequences of
failure in abstinence would be tragic. The rewards of success in
in recovery will be Divine.

Abstinence is always safer when it is properly managed by
a professional. If at all possible, we urge that any sudden
cessation of drug or alcohol use be accomplished under
competent medical assistance.

Many of you who are considering these words are not at the stage of
addiction where abstinence will generate severe withdrawal symptoms.
So in your situation abstaining could be relatively painless –. at least for now.

But if you experience pain during withdrawal, you must know
that it would be foolish for you to turn back to the very substance
that was the cause of your pain in the first place.

You will not relapse because you know the agony that will
stand in the way of liberation if you again turn your life over to the
governance of the flesh.

If we seem to be unyielding in prescribing complete abstinence,
it is because it would be ethically and morally wrong to do otherwise.
It may be a harsh remedy, but this is The Way to freedom.



Detoxification is the process of counteracting and
removing the toxic properties and poisonous residue of
addictive chemicals from your body. We know those of you
who made a commitment to defeat addiction are working
hard to stay free. But at the cellular level, the chemicals
that have been absorbed and stored in your body tissue will
stand against your recovery.

Even now, the toxic residue floating around in your bloodstream
is most likely causing suppressed craving to smolder beneath your
consciousness. As long as your body is so polluted, you can expect
nothing but mindless desire, disharmony, inner conflict, and
eventual relapse.

That is why those residual chemical compounds must
now be flushed out of every cell in which they have been
embedded, for a single molecule from one could flow into
your brain and reignite in your mind the fiery lust you are
trying to contain.

Given enough time, your body will cleanse itself and get rid of
this smoldering threat. But what you need now is simple: immediate
cleansing and detoxification.

The nutritional advice that we offer on the following pages
is designed to maximize and speed up the process of your own
metabolism in detoxifying your body.



If your health allows, you should begin detoxification with a
simple fast, consuming only clean, pure water for a period of 12
to 24 hours. The cleansing and curative role of water in the human
body cannot be overstated. Water is essential to the chemistry of
life. It is the crucial element in your body’s complex, multilevel
system for delivering nutrients and removing waste.

Your body requires sufficient quantities of water for the
building, functioning, and restoration processes that continuously
take place in every one of your living cells.

Addictive substances disrupt and inhibit the body’s water
management system. This is accomplished in two stages: At
first, the toxins introduce dehydrating elements that cause a
drain on the body’s vital water resources. Next, they cause the
brain to misinterpret thirst sensation, interfering with its
ability to appropriately respond to water shortage in the body.

Your body suffers debilitating stress when it does not receive
sufficient water. To avoid t he damage that may be caused by
prolonged dehydration, your body is equipped with elaborate
warning systems for alerting your brain to severe thirst and drought

However, addictive chemicals have the power to
temporarily silence the water deficiency signals. Worse,
addictive chemicals (especially sugar) can cause your brain to
choose chemicals over water in response to your body’s urgent
thirst alarms.


Dehydration is especially devastating to an addicted person.
As an addict ingests ever-increasing amounts of addictive
chemicals to relieve the stress and discomfort of dehydration,
the very substances taken to try to turn off the body’s thirst
alarms act to cause even further dehydration, thereby worsening
the stress within each cell in the addict’s body.

And so the cycle continues, the craving intensifying every time
addictive substances are used to satiate thirst. Dehydration thereby
becomes a part of the biochemistry behind the snowballing desire
that propels and sustains addiction.

The vital role of water is the reason why it is so important to
start your detoxification program by fulfilling the water needs of
your body with water and only water. Coffee, tea, sodas, sports
drinks, and concentrated juices will not suffice.

When you feel the desire to use an addictive substance, focus
your mind on the stream of Divine Love and drink a glass of water
instead. Drink water as soon as you wake up in the morning,
and make sure you entirely satisfy your body’s water
requirements every day with water only.

An adult of average weight requires 7 to 10 eight-oz glasses
of water daily. To precisely determine your own daily water needs,
divide your body weight (in pounds) by half and drink at least
that much water every day (in ounces); for example, half of 200
lb of body weight = 100 lb; i.e., a person 200 lb in weight should
drink 100 oz of water.


Additional water should be taken to compensate for physical
exertion, atmospheric conditions and water lost from perspiration.

You may need to seek counsel from a nutritionist or other
health care professional to determine what your personal water
requirements are before beginning even a brief water fast.

Cleansing Foods

There is a fundamental truth about animal flesh that everyone
who is struggling with addiction should bear in mind: Meat is often
produced by stoking an animal’s desire for food with appetite
enhancers and growth hormones. These toxins build up in an
animal’s flesh and cause wolfish hunger in all who eat the meat that
is carved from its dead carcass. But the chemicals can be
eliminated by eating the right mix of organic fruits and
vegetables. So, during detoxification, you should not
consume animal flesh or products made from animal flesh,
such as fish sauce, gelatin, or meat broth, because they often
contain highly concentrated levels of chemicals that have
been administered directly to farm animals or from
contaminated food the animals have been fed over a
prolonged period of time.

Also, because extrinsic sugar is an appetite enhancer, you must
eliminate the consumption of processed, crystallized sugar, sugary
soft drinks, candy, cakes, desserts and other foods containing
sugar. You should satisfy the body’s natural craving for the taste of
sweet by eating foods and deserts lightly sweetened with raw honey
or by eating fruit, which contains healthy, intrinsic sugar. Also, eat


vegetables, nuts, and herbs, which are high in fiber a nd low in
saturated fats – foods that assist the body’s cleansing processes.

A healthy variety of nuts, legumes, whole grains, fruits,
vegetables, and herbs in your diet will provide the vital
nutrients, carbohydrates, and proteins that your body requires.

Foods that aid recovery:

1. Whole grains (barley, buckwheat, rye, corn, brown rice,
and oats).

2. Whole grain products (whole wheat bread, whole wheat
pasta, and whole grain breakfast cereals such as
shredded wheat and oatmeal).

3. Fruits, herbs, and vegetables.

4. Nuts (pecans, walnuts, almonds).

5. Legumes (lentils, peas, beans).

6. Dairy products (butter, cheese, yogurt, milk).

Plan your meals each day by choosing to eat mostly from the
foods listed in 1, 2, and 3 above. Eat less from foods listed in 4
and 5 and even less from foods listed in 6. To ensure that you will
obtain adequate amounts of the protein your body needs while
cleansing, prepare meals containing a healthy balance of nuts,
legumes, whole grains, seeds, fruits, and vegetables. Be creative and
bold in preparing your meals. Buy a cookbook that contains lots
of tasty vegetable dishes (a vegetarian cookbook will make healthy
eating a delightful experience for you during detoxification).


For those of you who are accustomed to serving meat as the
main course of your meals, many supermarkets offer “veggie”
substitutes such as “veggie dogs,” “veggie burgers,” and “veggie
chicken.” Some health food stores carry exotic meatless products
such as vegetarian scallops, vegetarian tuna, and even vegetarian
shrimp – each tasting amazingly similar to the meats they simulate.

If you experience noticeable health benefits like regular bowel
movements, clearer skin, better vision, and increased vitality from
the healthy nutrients provided by a vegetarian or vegan diet, it may
be wise for you to stop eating animal flesh and animal byproducts

Healthy Snacking

As you are cleansing, it is vital that you avoid ruining your
diet by snacking on unhealthy junk foods. Snack on nuts and
fruits instead. Nuts have acquired a reputation among
nutritionists as potent agents for strengthening the heart.
Peanuts, walnuts, and almonds are especially effective. And
take note that their protective effects are enhanced when
they are consumed raw, along with “nutritional wonders”
like dried pineapples, raisins, prunes, and apricots, to name a

Snack between meals on a mixture of nuts and dried fruit every
day while you are cleansing; the result will be increased energy and
a heart made stronger and better equipped to withstand the stress
of your transition to freedom.


Guidance from Within

You cannot depend on your thoughts and feelings to guide you
to everlasting freedom from addiction. To counsel yourself about
your own addiction is to submit to the rule of the flesh and as a
general rule such pride and self-centeredness will only lead to
deeper addiction. God is ready to guide you, to be your counselor.
Learn to rely on The Higher Power already at work within you!

Learn to “let go and let God.” If you don’t, you will soon realize
– if you haven’t already – that obedience to your desires will reduce
you to a mere puppet of your flesh. You know now that only by
serving God can you be freed from life’s many addictions and fulfill
your purpose. The flesh is a greedy imposter opposed to the will of
God. But God has made it possible for you to escape from its rule by
going in consciousness deep within where addiction cannot exist.

Yes, addiction forced you to turn your attention inside, where
the spiritual and material worlds meet. You now understand that
one must dominate the other, but will it be the material world or the
spiritual world? Your flesh or God? There can be but one ruler.

Your greatest joy will resonate from your love and adoration
of God. You have been strengthened in your will and
determination to be an unselfish and capable missionary for
advancing the Kingdom of God.

Your body is a miraculous instrument for your use. But just
like every other complex mechanism at your disposal, your body
must be properly operated and guided by you if it is to be useful
to you in fulfilling your mission in life.


A ship i s designed to sail from one destination to another.
But i f it i s to serve the purpose of reaching its destination,

someone must take control and sail it.

You are the captain of your being. Your personality, with all its
component parts, is your worldly vessel, and y o u r responsibility is
similar to the relationship a captain has for a ship. The ship must
be guided by the captain to reach its destination. Likewise, your
personality must be guided by its captain – the Spiritual You.

For this reason your recovery requires loving control of
self by you. So addiction cannot be healed from
without. Recovery that relies strictly on external factors will
lead to relapse almost as certainly as the ridiculous act of
trying to captain a ship from the shore will lead to a shipwreck.

Yet, this doesn't mean that you should necessarily decline
outside help to defeat your addiction, such as help from loved ones,
professionals, or concerned souls who have achieved everlasting
recovery for themselves.

There is no need for you to fight addiction alone. Compassionate,
loving support from others could be of tremendous benefit to you.

But even professional assistance, if it is to have meaningful effect,
should counsel and advise you to connect with the only true healer –
The Higher Power

There is no wonder-working “magic pill” that you can
swallow to cure addiction. Even if there were, at the very first


opportunity, your addicted personality would just substitute its
new master for the old.

Furthermore, there is no faraway place where you can
hide from your addiction because wherever you go to duck
it, you will take with you the same imperfections, flaws, and
weaknesses which made you susceptible to addiction in the first
place. So, instead of relying solely on external factors, which
are absolutely necessary to prepare you for healing, also go
within and employ these spiritual exercises on the inner plane
of your consciousness. They will uplift you and replace the
desire to get high with the blissful joy of Divine Love.

Because your struggle for freedom is being waged on the inner
plane, victory will require internal obedience and inmost strength.
And when you begin to use these healing exercises often and
wisely for other Godly Purposes, as you eventually will, you
shall become a selfless missionary of God’s Great
Plan, empowered by loving guidance from within. Your
life will then be filled with devotion to God and
your soul will bear its sweetest fruit: Divine Love.





your precious time, energy, and resources through selfish living
have been assigned a Divine Mission.

Addiction once had total control over you because you
dedicated your life to satisfying your desires rather than
fulfilling your purpose in God’s Plan.

Yet you learned some very important lessons from addiction.
Among other things, you found out that you cannot derive true
satisfaction from submitting to carnal pleasure. Your soul requires
something much greater – consciousness of Oneness – a Divine
and harmonious state of deep awareness of union with God



Those of you who grasp these teachings will master
your desires and fully recover from addiction. You have
embarked on The Way to eternal, everlasting
freedom, and as long as you travel this path, you will never

You are now ready for Divine Love to be expressed
through your life, for you have answered the call to serve God in
this crucial mission.

Through your experience with addiction you now have a more
forgiving and tender heart and greater love for all who are still
being held in bondage by the desires of the flesh. Indeed, it is
because you have grown from being addicted that you now
have compassion for others who are enslaved by addiction.

You do not judge or condemn addicts as society is so quick to
do. Instead, you see them as victimized souls who are
wandering in the same darkness from which you
recently emerged. Realize that they are seeking heavenly
bliss from getting high, when all the time the joy of Heaven
is within, and it is theirs for the asking. You Blessed Ones
who have never been addicted and who embraced these words
have had your spiritual eyes opened. Because you have true
compassion for all of humanity, a shroud of ignorance has
been lifted, and now you can see into the souls of your addicted
brothers and sisters.

Those of you who are still lagging behind, believing that you
have to “hit rock bottom” before you can cast off addiction, must
understand that God is your sufficiency in all things. You have all that


you need to live in harmony with God’s Plan. Have faith in this powerful
truth and you will be protected by the love of God.

We welcome into the family of the faithful all who are earnestly
striving to defeat the forces that use addiction to hinder the
advancement of humankind.

All of you who have read and understood these teachings
know that God wills only the highest and best for you. Find hope
in the knowledge that if you just follow God’s Loving Guidance,
your life will bear much fruit.

Your experience with addiction has prepared you for rewarding
spiritual work. During the next stage of unfoldment, all who have
been chosen will be called upon to go seek out your addicted sisters
and brothers so that you may help counsel and guide them through
these lessons.

Carrying out the mission of helping free others will serve a
twofold purpose: First and foremost, it will strengthen your own
resolve and determination to be and remain free from
addiction. Next, it will help you fulfill the Divine Purpose for
which you were sent into this world.

Be mindful and careful. Make sure you don’t discourage those
you hope to assist from participating in such successful programs
as Gamblers Anonymous (GA), Alcoholics Anonymous (AA),
Narcotics Anonymous (NA), or from seeking professional help.

The spiritual teachings presented in this work should not be
substituted for treatment already underway. Instead, The Way


should be regarded as a complement to services offered by existing

In preparing these lessons, we join your spiritual leaders who
have counseled you to serve God and to seek to know God. And we
invite all sincere seekers to join in the cause of liberating humanity
from the scourge of addiction.

We remind you that God endowed you with Divine Love. So
let it dwell in your mind, flow throughout your being and
manifest in your earthly life. You can be a fountain of Divine
Love. Surely then you will prosper in your mission.

When you were addicted, God’s Love was distorted by
addictive chemicals or blocked from your awareness
altogether by your obsessions.

But now you have been chosen and you can no longer
be blinded or governed by the desires of your flesh. For if you
have sincerely studied these teachings, and prayed and
meditated as instructed, by such seeking you have proven that
Divine Love is at the center of your soul, your true nature, and
not just a passing idea in your mind.

Chosen One, it is by your devotion to God that you will live
in the heavenly joy of Divine Love. To truly know Divine Love,
you must be what you know. Accept the love that you feel in your
soul as the final confirmation of God’s Mission for you. Even as
your soul is ready to accomplish your goal and harvest the fruits of
your prayers, understand that you cannot do it on your own.


Embrace Divine Love. Strive to become an earthly Angel
for God’s use. Let go and let God take the wheel in your life. This is
your mission. Now if these words have helped you by any
measure to awaken to the emancipating power of
Divine Love, our purpose has been accomplished. We
gave you what we promised: we showed you The Way. The
rest is up to you!


Meditating Figure



Batmangheidji, F. Your Body’s Many Cries for Water. Vienna,
Virginia: Global Health Solutions, Inc., 1995.

Benner, Joseph S. The Impersonal Life. Marina Del Rey, California:
DeVorss Publishers, 1969.

Benner, Joseph S. The Way to the Kingdom. Marina Del Rey,
California: DeVorss Publishers, 1985.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “Drug
Overdose in the United States: Fact Sheet.”

Chopra, Deepak. Overcoming Addictions. New York: Three Rivers
Press, 1997.

Colvin, Rod. Prescription Drug Abuse: The Hidden Epidemic.
Omaha, Nebraska: Addicus Books, 1995.

Davies, Paul. The Fifth Miracle. New York: Touchstone Books,

Hadley, Mary. “Does Prolonged Use of Caffeine Affect
Metabolism?” North Dakota State University.http:// www.madsci.
org/posts/archives/oct99/938784660.Ch.r.html (accessed August4,

Inayat Khan, PirVilayat. Awakening. New York: Tarcher/
Putnam, 2000.



Louisiana Poison Control Center. “Poison Pearls: What You Don’t
Know Can Harm You,” NIH Publication No. 99-4323.SPP, 1999.

Merton, Thomas. Zen and the Birds of Appetite. Boston and
London: Shambhala Press, 1993.

Moreland, Charles. The Way to Freedom from Life’s Many Addictions.
Washington, D.C.: New Columbia Publishing (2005)

National Library of Medicine, “The Carcinogenicity of
Caffeine and Coffee: A review.” (accessed
on August 4, 2002).

Random House Living Dictionary Project, Random House
Webster’s College Dictionary. Toronto: Random House, Inc., 1991.

Ruiz, Don Miguel. The Mastery of Love. San Rafael, California.
Amber-Allen Publishing, 1999.

Saraydarian, H. Five Great Mantrams of the New Age. Agoura,
California: Aquarian Educational Group, 1975

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.
Washington Post. “The Dope on Drugs,” Washington, D.C.:
January 12, 2000. U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration.
Wing, R. L. The Art of Strategy, A New Translation of Sun Tsu’s
classic The Art of War. New York: Dolphin/Doubleday, 1988.
------.The Tao of Power: Lao Tzu’s Classic Guide to Leadership,
������c�elle�nce. New York: Doubleday, 1986.



The Holy Bible
The Holy Quran



Affirmation, 23, 89- Compulsive eating 116, Forgiveness, 137
Areca nut, 120-121 118 Fundamental elements, 13
Africans, 114
AIDS, 104 Confirmation, 19, 28, 30, Gamblers Anonymous,
Alcohol 3, 13, 50-51, 59,
98-100, 107, 124 89, 174 173
Alcoholics Anonymous,
173 Cosmos, 22 Gambling, 3, 116, 130
Almighty God, 78
Atoms, 21, 74, 82, 143 Customary addictions, Gifted athlete, 66
Automobile, 167-168
Awakening, 27, 45, 78, 97, 118-120, 125-126 Global obsessions, 119
89, 143, 149, 177
Bagging, 106-107 Crime, 91, 100, 110, 134 God Almighty, 171
Bandits, 13
Beloved (movie), 52 Deliverance, 61 Kingdom of God, 85-86,
Betel quid, 120-121
Behavioral addictions Demonic possession, 51 93, 167
Birthright, 50, 79, 83
Brahma, 2 Dependence, 4, 8, 115, Golden calf, 17
Buddah, 2
Caffeine, 3, 101 119, 121-122, 131 Grand cosmic message,
Catastrophic 106, 125,
illness, 99 Designer drugs, 3, 103 53
Celestial force, 22
Children, 3, 26, 107, 109, Disillusionment, 16 Gautama, 2
111, 125, 135
Cigarettes, 108, 130 Disharmony, 41, 44-45, Gravity, 23
Cleave, 22
Cocaine, 98 101-103, 109 95, 147, 161 Grief, 11, 25
Co-dependency,31, 119
Coffee, 101,119,163 Displaced spirits, 52 Heartache, 25
Compassion, 132, 168,
172 Divine Consciousness, 54 Heavenly bliss, 13, 172

Divine order, 10, 23, 30, Heroin, 3, 104-105, 109

41-44, 46 Hope, 12, 107, 138, 173

Divinity, 21, 63, 70-71,73 Huffing, 106-107

Duty to God, 43, 82 Hunger, 26, 56, 91, 114,

Einstein, Albert, 22, 23 118, 164

Emancipation, 5, 28, 30, Humankind, 24, 26, 44,

62, 79 52, 55, 113-114,173

Emotional love, 25-26, 30 Human bondage, 44

Endorphins, 97 intellect, 71

European, 113-114 mind, 41, 45, 52, 71, 105

Evil purposes, 147 soul, 11-12, 45, 52, 54,

Expressed love, 27 87, 104, 134

Fallacies, 35 Idolatry, 17, 50, 110

False god, 14, 50 Illumination, 41, 48, 69,

Fetish, 14, 17 72, 74, 95, 135, 149

Folklore, 119 Immortality, 24

Forgive, 135, 137 Infant, 22



Inhalants, 105-106 Moonshine, 123-125, Quicken, 4, 15, 78

Injecting, 104, 113 Most High, 19 Quickening, 137

Inner guide, 68-69 Mother, 22-23, 25-26, Positive emotions, 39

Intergenerational, 119 125 Rabbis, 2, 53

Intuition, 49, 68 Mother Earth, 23 Radiation, 24

Jesus, 2 Narcotics Anonymous, 173 Rebirth, 12, 27, 30

Jehovah, 2 Native Americans, 114 Redemption, 139

Justice, 69 Negative emotions, 39, Religion, 53

Khat, 121-122 159 Rescue, 6

Kingdom of God 85-86, Newton, Issac, 22-23 Revelation, 62, 66-67, 78,

93, 167 Obedience, 15, 86, 88, 93, 143

Law, 50, 57, 75, 96, 110, 167, 169, 174 Righteousness, 149, 169,

133 Oneness Attitude, 87-93, 173

Law of attraction, 23, 45 98 Rock bottom, 172

Liberation-moment, 77- Opium, 104 Sacred quest, 47

82, 84, 86 opioids, 104-106 Saints, 2, 40

Liberator, 4, 88 Pagan practice, 50 Selfless, 5, 22, 29, 116,

Magnetic shield, 24 Paradox, 25, 141-142 131-132, 138, 169

Malignant, 121 Passions, 30, 34, 37-38, Self-control, 15, 81, 146

Marijuana, 107-108,113 44, 48, 127, 132, 150 Selfish personality, 34, 90,

Masticant, 122 Pets, 25, 109 132, 135, 149

Mayha, 2 Pharmaceutical, 109, 111 Self medicating, 16

Meditating, 65-67,70- Physical fitness, 12 Sensual pleasure(s) 16,

72,81,85,149,176 Pleasure-seeking, 16-17, 80, 98

Meditation Guided, 70, 110-111, 118, 137-138 Shiva, 2

72, 77 Poltergeist (the movie), Sinister, 18

Methamphetamine, 112 52 Smoke, 2, 17, 98, 102,

Mental illness, 10, 91, 100 Poppy, 104 104, 107-109, 113, 130

Mental movie, 133-140, Positive emotions, 39 Sniffing, 106-107

142 Praying, 61-62, 81, 85, Solar plexus, 72, 74

Mind-altering, 50, 52, 103 149 Sobriety Prayer, 61-65,

Mirror, 35, 150-152 Prescription drugs, 3, 78, 81

Molecules, 21-22 105, 109-111 Soul character, 37

Molten images, 17 Primordial, 13 Spiritual, enlightenment,

Prophets, 2, 53 2, 7, 12-13, 50



eyes, 68, 81, 92, 172 Universal, 13, 22, 114,

harmony, 50 117

healing, 48, 154 Vain amusement, 37, 79

journey, 79 Vapors, 17

joy, 25, 57, 86, 147-148 Venomous, 121, 139

purpose, 50, 68 Vibrations, 26-27

realm, 52, 96 Video screen, 3, 52

transformation, 11, 56, Vision, 29, 53, 106, 128-

91 129, 132, 143, 151, 166

truths, 2, 28, 61, 89 Visions, 129-130, 132-

Spirituality, 2 133, 136

Stars, 22, 71 Wisdom, earned, 12-13

Steroids, 117

Sudden Sniffing Death

Syndrome, 107

Sugar, 3, 6, 113,-117, 119,

162, 164

Teeth, 105, 113, 120-122

Television, 72

Temptation(s), 90, 91,

153, 155

The Exorcist (movie), 52

The Father, 88

The Great Spirit, 4-5, 14,

19, 31, 41, 67, 82

Tobacco, 107-109, 119-


Tongues, 121

Totems, 17

Transformation, 11, 56,

78, 88, 91

Tribulations, 13, 28, 33,

37, 45, 49, 88, 140, 158

Unclean spirits, 51, 53

Unfoldment, 66, 173




teachings so you may become a leader in the struggle to free
humanity from the spiritually blinding plague of chemical addiction.
Introduce this book to at least four others. They can be addicted
persons, persons at risk, or non-addicted persons – all have a duty
to help rid humankind of this scourge.

If God requires a more comprehensive commitment from you,
we suggest that you form a group to study these lessons, meditate
together and pray in oneness. After your group has grown to ten
members, and all within it have embraced these teachings, the
members should identify two group facilitators and divide into two
subgroups of five, which in turn will grow to ten and divide into
two groups again, and on and on.

By so doing, you will help to propel a geometric progression
that will be immediately set into action and which will liberate
millions so they too will be able to help in the battle to eradicate


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