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Teacher’s Guide
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Conversation for Students 1
Conversation for Students 1
First Edition: 2017
Copyright @ 2017 by LB LIA
All rights reserved. No part of this publication or related recordings and manuals may be reproduced,
stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission
of the publisher.
Lembaga Bahasa LIA
Jalan Pengadegan Timur Raya no.3, Pancoran
Jakarta 12770
ISBN 978-602-8028-77-6
Publisher: LB LIA
Printed by Indonesia Printer
Photos by
Book design by Ade Ary Simatupang
Book layout by Putri Kustanti Ningtiyas
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Conversation for Students, the new Conversation in English book, is a four-book series written for
the LB LIA English conversation program. The program consists of four levels—following the CEFR level
of A1 to B2—each consisting of 5 units for a 33-hour class. The books are designed to meet the needs
of students who want to improve their oral profi ciency level. This program will be suitable for college
students, high school graduates and high school students. Conversation for Students 1, the fi rst book of
the series, is designed to address students at the A1-A2 levels of the CEFR.
We are proud to present the series as the offi cial textbooks for the four levels of the LIA
Conversation for Students program. Many people have helped in writing these materials. To the writers,
who have given their expertise and dedication, we owe our gratitude. To the learners in the pilot classes
and the teachers who piloted the series, these books are dedicated.
From the Deputy Director of Academics of LB LIA
Dra. Nurinda Kamaruddin
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The aim of Conversation for Students is to enable students to understand and use familiar every day
expressions so that they can engage in simple conversation in English. To help students achieve this
objective, we have selected useful language functions, necessary vocabulary and grammar to support
students’ fl uency and accuracy. These include functions such as introducing oneself and others, asking for
and giving personal information and talking about daily activities. The activities and exercises in the book
provide students with graded practice to enhance their speaking skills.
The books in the series are structured similarly, with the exception of Conversation for Students Book 1.
Below is the structure of the book.
The Student Book consists of six lessons, each intended to be discussed in 3 sessions, with the exception
of Unit 0—covering classroom language and basic interaction patterns to be discussed in ½ or 1 session.
Each unit (Units 1-5) contains:
Unit’s Cover Page, introducing the topic of the lesson as well as the lesson points that students are
going to learn;
Vocabulary Highlight, presenting the new vocabulary that students will learn and use throughout
the lesson;
Speaking Time, the main part of each unit, presenting the main conversation skills that students will
learn in the particular unit;
More Speaking, an expansion of the Speaking time for more conversational skills to enhance
fl uency;
Grammar Highlight, dealing with the grammar points needed in the lesson;
Making Connections, helping students speak about a certain topic.This part has a similar structure
to that in the IELTS Speaking Test.
The Workbook is provided and put at the last part of the book. The Workbook contains two sections—
vocabulary and grammar—each of which has three activities. The Workbook is designed as supplementary
exercises for homework or additional activities in class to enhance students’ understanding of each unit.
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The ESP Manager, ESP Team, and LB LIA would like to thank the following for their great contribution to
the creation and completion of this book:
Editors: Endang Gultom and Ade Ary Simatupang
Proofreader: Soemeni Soerasto
Script readers: Pranawangsih Yuniarhutari, Ratih Soe, Budi Adrianto, Hidzrah Arief Wibowo
Book design contributor: Ade Ary Simatupang
ESP team:
Santi Paramitta
Tanti Nurinawati
Dwi Buwono Wening
Syifani Meiriyanti
Hidzrah Arief Wibowo
Ade Ary Simatupang
Agita Kirana Putri
Cindy Kusnadi
Dery Sridanti
Dian Citra Pratiwi
Evi Okli Lailani
Ferry Hidayat
Ghita Hayyati
Letizia Azarize
Lia Krisnha Arini
Retno Wulandari
Tri Haryadi
Wiwit Trisnaningsih
Yasmien Indriaty
Digital Version creator: Dwi Buwono Wening
Cover Designer: Shinta Harini
Book Layouter: Putri Kustanti Ningtiyas
Administration officer: Salbiyatun
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Titles and Settings Vocabulary Expressions (part 2)
objectives (Part 1)
1 Hello, nice to meet At a Words/phrases related to • Greetings and leave-takings
you. language fi rst meeting, information for fi rst meetings
Introducing herself/ course about one’s place of origin • Hello, I’m ….
himself and occupation • Please call me ….
origin, surname, jobs, etc. • Asking for and giving
Pages 5-14 information about one’s
place of origin and
• Where are you from?
• What do you do?
2 Long time no see. At a store Words/phrases related to • Greetings for chance meetings
How are you? chance meetings with old • Long time no see.
Talking to an old friends/acquaintances • It’s been a while.
friend they meet (e.g. one’s conditions) • Asking and answering
marvelous, terrible, questions about one’s
Pages 15-24 wonderful, etc. conditions
• What have you been up to?
• Do you still …?
• Asking for and giving
information about one’s
address and phone numbers
• What’s your address?
• It’s Jl. Kartini No. …
3 This is my friend, At a public Words/phrases used when • Introducing others
Mike. place; e.g. introducing others— • Tony, please meet Bucky.
Introducing others movie information about one’s • I’d like you to meet Peter.
theatre, nationality, address, and job • Asking for and giving
Pages 25-34 restaurant, 0 8 1 . . ., a lecturer, infomation about one’s
campus, etc.) Malaysian, etc. nationality, address and job
• Where does he come from?
• He comes from India.
4 I usually leave At a public • Words/phrases used • Asking for and giving
home at 7 in the place when talking about information about routines
morning. routines • Do you always come early?
Talking about I usually …, I often eat … • No, I rarely come early.
routines • Collocation of do and • Asking and giving information
have about days and time
Pages 35-44 do homework, have • When do you usually swim?
breakfast • I swim every Wednesday.
5 Well, I’m crazy At a public • Words/phrases used • Asking for and giving information
about soccer. place when talking about about interests/hobbies
Talking about interests/hobbies • What do you do for fun?
interests/hobbies swimming, dancing, arts, • I go jogging on weekends.
Pages 45-54 • Collocation of go, do, and
go swimming, do yoga,
play soccer, etc.
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Interaction Grammar Pronunciation Real world
strategies (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 4) Connection (Part 5)
Showing interests The Simple Present Reduced a and an sound • World knowledge: The
• Can you tell me Tense with Be— not so known countries
more about it? statements and yes/no • Speaking: Talking about
• That’s great! questions places/countries
• Greetings for chance meetings Asking for a repetition • The Simple Present Pauses in number groups • Best places to live in
• Long time no see. • Sorry, I didn’t Tense with Be— and number pairs • Speaking: Talking about
• It’s been a while. catch that. statements and (an ideal) home location
• Asking and answering • Can you repeat that? WH questions
questions about one’s • Possessive
conditions adjectives
• What have you been up to?
• Do you still …?
• Asking for and giving
information about one’s
address and phone numbers
• What’s your address?
• It’s Jl. Kartini No. …
Initiating a conversation The Simple Present Yes/no question intonation • The world’s famous
(based on events and Tense with action verbs passports (nationalities that
locations) (used to talk about can travel visa-free)
• Nice weather, isn’t it? facts)— • Speaking: Talking about a
• Great presentation, statements and yes/no country one wants to visit
don’t you think? questions
Maintaining a • The Simple Present Wh-question intonation • Unusual routines
conversation by Tense with action • Speaking: Talking about
rephrasing, repeating verbs (used to talk routines
last (key) words, and/or about routines)—
asking short questions. statements and
• Beside the library? WH questions
• You’re kidding. • Adverbs of
• Asking for and giving information Ending a conversation • The Simple Present Yes/no and WH question • Unusual but profi table
about interests/hobbies • I’ve got to go now. Tense with action intonations (review) hobbies (collecting
• What do you do for fun? • See you then. verbs (used to talk discount coupons/
• I go jogging on weekends. about facts and vouchers)
routines) • Speaking: Talking about
• Gerunds after certain hobbies
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Unit 0
Classroom Language
A. Asking for Explanation
Listen And Respond.
How do you spell L-E-C-T-U-R-E-R
What is dosen in Lecturer. lecturer?
S: How do you spell lecturer?
1 S: What is dosen in English? What is dosen in English? 2 S: How do you spell lecturer? Someone who
Firefi ghter. puts out fi re.
How do you say What does fi refi ghter
this word? mean?
3 S: How do you say this word? 4 S: What does fi refi ghter mean?
S: How do you say this word?
S: What does fi refi ghter mean?
Someone who puts out fi re.
Firefi ghter.
Sure. What page is it,
Can you repeat it, It’s page 15.
please? Ma’am?
S: Can you repeat it, please?
5 S: Can you repeat it, please? S: What page is it, Ma’am?
It’s page 15.
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Do you understand? I’m sorry. I don’t.
7 T: Do you understand?
S: I’m sorry. I don’t.
B. Asking for Permission
Listen and practice.
Sorry, I don’t
May I borrow your Sure. May I borrow your have a pen.
pen? pen?
1 A: May I borrow your pen? +B: Yes, sure. -B: Sorry I don’t have any _____
May I sit here? May I sit here?
Sorry, it’s taken. Oh, sure.
2 A: May I sit here? +B: Oh, sure. -B: Sorry, it is taken.
Do you have any Sure, come on in.
extra paper? Can I join this
I do.
Here you are.
3 A: Do you have any extra paper? A: Can I join this group?
B: Sure, come on in.
B: I do. Here it is
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Unit 0 - Classroom Language
Unit 0 - Classroom Language
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I’m sorry, sir. Okay, Come in.
I’m late. Have a seat. Sure, Please
May I join the class? Excuse me, I need to do it outside.
answer this call.
5 S: I am sorry, sir, I’m late. 6 S: Excuse me. I need to answer this call.
Sure. Please do it outside.
Okay, come in. Have a seat.
Excuse me. May I Sure,
go to the toilet? go.
7 S: Excuse me. May I go to the toilet?
Sure, go.
C. Expressions used when playing games or during lessons
Listen and repeat.
Can you pass
Let’s discuss this, me the dice? Sure. Here
shall we? Okay. you are.
1 A: Let’s discuss this. 2 A: Can you pass me the dice?
B: Sure. Here you are.
B: Okay.
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Part D. Addressing teachers
Show me how to
do it, please. Whose turn It’s yours.
Sure is it?
Suggested additional activity
3 A: Show me how to do it, please. 4 A: Whose turn is it?
B: It’s yours.
B: Sure.
D. Addressing Teachers
Do not use name after Sir and Mr. Ray Santoso Mrs. Amber Budiman
Ma’am. Mr. Santoso Mrs. Budiman
Do not use Mr., Ms. or Mrs. Ms. Maya Iskandar
without name. Ms. Iskandar
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Unit 1
Unit 1
Unit 1
Unit 1
Unit 1
Unit 1
Hello, Nice To Meet You.
Hello, Nice To Meet You.
Hello, Nice To Meet You.
Hello, Nice To Meet You.
Hello, Nice To Meet You.
Hello, Nice To Meet You.
It’s your fi rst day in class.
Look around. What are your classmates doing?
You want to get to know them.
What will you do?
At the end of the lesson, I can
talk about and introduce myself.
show interest.
use the grammar point of the Simple Present Tense
and yes/no questions when talking about myself.
talk about a not-so-known country or place.
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Vocabulary Highlight: Personal information
1 Decide which information below is given in fi rst meetings. Look at the example.
home address age job neighborhood
education nationality surname √ routines
given name hobbies family origin
2 Listen to the following statements. Decide what personal information is given.
Then, discuss your answers with a partner. Number 1 is an example.
No Personal Information Given
1 given name
3 Introduce yourself to your new classmates. Give one or two pieces of personal information.
Hi, my name’s Arthit
Songkhla. Call me Artie.
I’m from Thailand.
Hi, I’m Jenima Mualang.
Call me Jen. I’m from
West Kalimantan.
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Speaking Time: Introducing Yourself Part
What do you do when you meet someone new? What questions do you usually ask?
1 Listen to the recording. Complete the conversation. Then, practice the conversation with a partner.
Situation: Outside a classroom
Jong-min: Hi I’m Kim Jong-min. You can call me Jong-min.
Dewi: 1. _________________________, Jong-min. My name’s Dewi Suseno. Please
call me Dewi.
Jong-min: Dewi. 2. _________________________?
Dewi: D-E-W-I. What’s your occupation, Jong-min?
Jong-min: I’m a nurse. What about you? 3. _________________________?
Dewi: I’m a college student. 4. _________________________, Jong-min?
Jong-min: I’m from South Korea.
Jong-min: Hi I’m Kim Jong-min. You can call me Jong-min. Dewi: Do you live in the neighborhood?
Dewi: 1. It’s nice to meet you, Jong-min. My name’s Dewi Suseno. Please call me Dewi. Jong-min: Yes. And you, 5. _________________________?
Jong-min: Dewi. 2. How do you spell your name? Dewi: No, I’m from Bekasi. Look, that’s our teacher. Let’s get back to our classroom.
Dewi: D-E-W-I. What’s your occupation, Jong-min? Jong-min: 6. _________________________.
Jong-min: I’m a nurse. What about you? 3. What do you do? Dewi: Sure thing. Talk to you later.
Dewi: I’m a college student. 4. Where are you from, Jong-min?
Jong-min: I’m from South Korea.
Dewi: Do you live in the neighborhood? 2 Read the expressions below and listen to the way to say them. Then, practice saying them with the
Jong-min: Yes. And you, 5. do you live nearby? correct pronunciation and intonation.
Dewi: No, I’m from Bekasi. Look, that’s our teacher. Let’s get back to the class.
Jong-min: 6. We should chat again some time later. Introducing yourself Less Formal
Dewi: Sure thing. Talk to you later. Hi. I’m Makabe Kobayashi. Hi. I’m Khalis Fahmi.
You can call me Abe. Please call me Ali.
Hello. I’m Dian Hadi. Nice to meet you. I’m Peter Maine.
Hello. My name is Andy Trent. It’s nice to meet you.
How do you do? I’m Luke Ward. My name’s Jay Lee.
How do you do? I’m Miki Takashima.
More Formal
Asking for details
How do you spell your name? K-H-A-L-I-S
What do you do? I’m a doctor.
What’s your occupation? I’m an architect.
Where are you from? I’m from Japan.
Do you live nearby? Yes, it’s around the corner.
Less Formal
Ending a conversation
Let’s meet again later. Okay. See you.
We should talk again sometime later. Sure thing. Let’s chat later.
Nice talking to you. Likewise. See you around.
It’s been great talking to you. Same here. Bye!
More Formal
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3 Underline the expressions used in the introduction. Say which is less formal and which is more formal.
Then, practice the conversation with a partner.
Situation: At a language course Situation: At the school library
Steve: How do you do? My name’s Jessica: Hi, I’m Jessica.
Steve Palmer. Myrna: Nice to meet you. I am Myrna.
Yuki: How do you do? I’m Yuki Tanaka. Jessica: Nice to meet you too, Myrna.
Steve: Are you from Japan? Myrna, how do you spell that?
Yuki: No, I’m from UK. How about you? Myrna: M-Y-R-N-A. Where are you
Steve: I’m from Australia. What do you from Jessica?
do, Miss Tanaka? Jessica: I’m from Jogjakarta. Do you
Yuki: I’m an architect. What’s your live nearby?
occupation, Mr. Palmer? Myrna: Not really, my house is far from
Steve: I’m a grad student. Sorry, I have here. Sorry, I have to leave now.
to go now. It’s been great talking Let’s chat again later.
to you. Jessica: Okay. See you.
Yuki: Same here.
4 Choose the words in the box to complete the conversation. Then, practice the conversation with a
a. how do you do d. where do you live g. it’s nice to meet you
b. what do you do e. where are you from h. how do you spell that
c. I’m from the neighborhood f. let’s chat again later i. talk to you later
Situation: First day at school
Robin: How do you do? I’m Robin Robin: So, Dona. Do you live nearby?
Tagore. I’m a new student here. Dona: 5. ___. What about you?
Dona: 1. ___ My name’s Dona Karamoy. Robin: I live with my uncle in this area too.
Nice to meet you, Robin. Dona: Really, 6. ___, Robin?
Robin: 2. ___ too, Dona... Karamoy, Robin: I’m from India. What about you?
3. ___? Dona: I’m from Malaysia. By the way,
Dona: K-A-R-A-M-O-Y. 4. ___, Robin? the class is about to start. 7. ___.
Robin: I am a writer. What about you? Robin: Sure. See you.
Dona: I’m a grad student.
5 Work in pairs. Create a conversation based on the situation below.
Student A: Student B:
You are a new student at a music course. You are a student at a music course.
You see B with a musical instrument. You see A in the lobby of the place.
• Greet B. • Greet A.
• Introduce yourself. • Introduce yourself.
• Ask questions about B’s personal • Ask questions about A’s personal
information. information.
• Answer questions about your • Answer questions about your
personal information. personal information.
• End the conversation. • End the conversation.
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6 Work in pairs. Make conversations based on the situations below. Then, think of another situation in
which you can use the expressions and create a conversation.
Situation 1: You are registering yourself at a language course. You see someone who’s wearing the
same school jacket as yours, but you don’t know him/her.
Remember to end the conversation appropriately.
Situation 2: You are at the campus canteen. You see a new transfer student from Japan. Introduce
yourself to him/her. Remember to ask for personal information and end the
conversation appropriately.
Situation 3:
(Make your own.)
7 Perform one of the conversations above in front of the class. Ask your classmates to give feedback.
Did he/she use the expressions Did he/she speak clearly and
Name correctly? loudly?
Yes No Yes No
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More Speaking: Showing interests
1 Listen to the longer version of the conversation in the Speaking Time Activity 1. What expressions are
used to show interests? Complete the conversation.
Situation: Outside a classroom
Dewi: What’s your occupation, Jong-min?
Jong-min: I’m a nurse.
Dewi: Cool. 1. _________________________.
Jong-min: Well, 2. _________________________. It’s 3. _________________________.
Dewi: 4. _________________________.
Jong-min: What about you?
Dewi: Where are you from, Jong-min?
Jong-min: I’m from South Korea.
Dewi: 5. _________________________. Tell me more about it.
Jong-min: Well, 6. _________________________.
Dewi: 7. _________________________. Do you live in the neighborhood?
2 Listen to the short version of the recording. Check your answers in Activity 1. Practice the
expressions in pairs.
3 Work with a partner. Complete the conversation with the expressions learned.
Situation: During the break, at the canteen
Suzanne: Nice day, isn’t it?
Michelle: Yes, it is.
Suzanne: By the way, 1. __________________
Suzanne Banks.
Michelle: Hi, Suzanne. I’m Michelle Calvet.
Suzanne: Oh, 2. ____________________ Suzy.
3. ____________________, Michelle?
Michelle: I’m from Switzerland.
Suzanne: That’s interesting.
4. ____________________?
Michelle: Well, my hometown, Bern, is a very nice place with many old buildings.
What about you? Where are you from?
(The conversation continues …)
4 Work with a partner. Continue the conversation above. Remember to show interest before asking for
more details.
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5 Talk to your friends and fi nd someone who matches the information. Put only one name in
each row.
You: Hi, what’s your name?
Alex: I’m Alessandro Salvatierra. You can call me Alex.
You: Are you from a small town, Alex?
Alex: Yes, I am. I’m from Castelsardo.
You: Interesting. Tell me more about it.
Alex: Well, it’s a small town in Italy. It is a very colorful city.
Find someone who... Name Additional Information
... is from a small town.
... is from a big city.
... is an employee.
... is a university student.
(add more)
(add more)
6 Talk to a classmate. Fill in the table by interviewing him/her. Then, share the information with the
class. You can use the sentence beginnings in the box.
Personal Info Form
Place of origin:
Occupation: Useful sentence beginnings
He / She is …
Other information: He / She is from …
He / She is … (additional information)
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Grammar Highlight: The Simple Present Tense with Be: Statements, Yes/
No and W/H Questions
Statements with be Yes/No questions with be
I am Artie. He is from South Sumatera. Are you Artie? Yes, I am.
You are a student. She is from Jakarta. Is he from Japan? No, he isn’t.
They are doctors. We are from Malaysia. Is she from Jakarta? Yes, she is.
Are they doctors? No, they aren’t.
Notes: Contractions of be:
I am =I’m He is = He’s You are = You’re
1 Complete the following exchanges. Use the right form of be. Use the contractions of be whenever
a. A: Hi. My name _____ Rosalie. d. A: Meet Alex, my friend. He _____ an architect.
B: Nice to meet you. I _____ Mae. B: Nice to meet you._____ you American?
b. A: _____ you from New York? e: A: They _____ from London, right?
B: No. I _____ from Manila. B: Yes. They _____ British, like me.
c. A: Excuse me, _____ she a doctor here? f. A: He is new. _____ he from the neighborhood?
B: No. She _____ a lab assistant. B: Yes, he _____.He lives nearby.
2 Work in pairs. Think about a classmate and ask your partner to guess who he/she is. Take turns
guessing. Look at the example.
Is it a man or a woman?
It’s a man.
Is he from Quezon? No, he isn’t.
Is he a teacher?
Yes, he is.
Is he Mr. Jose Morales?
Yes, he is. Good job.
Pronunciation: Linking a/an sound
3 Listen to the recording. Tick what you hear. Then, practice saying the linking sounds.
It’s a It’s an √
1. I’m a I’m an 3. He’s a He’s an
2. You’re a You’re an 4. She’s a She’s an
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Making Connections: Talking about a not-so-known country/place 5
1 Look at the pictures and read the texts. What are the texts about?
Andorra is a small country in Europe. It is between Spain and
France in the Pyrenees Mountain. It is a beautiful country. There
are many manors and castles here, but not many people visit this
This Great Wall is not in China but in Central Flinders Rangers,
Australia. It is an amazing natural rock formation, but not many visitors
to Australia know about this place.
2 Find information about a place/country that many do not know. Talk about it. Use the questions in the
box to help you. Look at the example.
I want to talk about a place not Questions
many know. It is Nyangnyang 1. What is the name of the place/country?
beach. The beach is in Bali. The 2. Where is it?
sand there is very clean and the 3. What is interesting about this place?
water is clear blue. I would like to 4. Would you like to visit the place? Why?
visit the place because I want to
play with the clean sand.
2 2 T2 T2
Unit 1 - Hello, Nice Too Meet You.
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Unit 2
Unit 2
Unit 2
Long time no see.
Long time no see.
Long time no see.
How are you?
How are you?
How are you?
You are at a restaurant.
You see an old friend eating there.
What will you do?
What do people usually talk about when seeing
an old friend?
At the end of the lesson, I can
express feelings and conditions.
ask for repetition.
use the grammar point of the Simple Present
Tense and ask WH questions when talking to an
old friend.
talk about the best place to live in.
2 T2
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Vocabulary Highlight: Feelings and conditions
1 Look at the pictures. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate vocabulary from the box.
good great fi ne wonderful terrible
marvelous not bad so-so awful not good
I feel __________. I feel __________. I feel __________. Nothing
I won the science fair. I miss my family. much happened to me.
2 Listen to the following conversations. Write down what the woman feels. Then, discuss your answers
with a partner. Number 1 is an example.
No. Feelings
1. great
3 How do you feel today? Describe your feeling and/or condition to a classmate.
I feel awful. I’ve
I feel good today. got the fl u.
What about you?
2 2 T2 T2
Unit 2 - Long time no see. How are you?
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Speaking Time: Talking to an old friend
Do you still see your friends from the elementary school?
Have you ever met him/her unexpectedly?
1 Listen to the recording. Complete the conversation. Then, practice the conversation with a partner.
Situation: During shopping, in a store
Fred: Agus? Agus Hartono? Hi. 1. _________________________.
Agus: Fred Lee? Yeah. It’s been a while. How’re you?
Fred: 2. _________________________. What about you?
Agus: Couldn’t be better. So, what have you been up to?
Fred: Well, I live in Makassar at present.
Agus: That’s amazing. My parents also live in Makassar. They moved last year.
Fred: Really? 3. _________________________?
Agus: It’s on Jalan HOS Cokroaminoto, near MTC Karebosi.
Fred: I know that area very well. And, do you still live at the same address?
Agus: Yes, I do.
Fred: It’s on Jalan Jaya, right?
Agus: That’s right.
Fred: By the way, we should meet up sometime in Makassar.
Agus: That’s a great idea. I’ll call you when I’m in Makassar.
4. _________________________?
Fred: 08111127456. And … 5. _________________________?
Agus: 08123456789.
2 Read the expressions below and listen to the way to say them. Then, practice saying them with the
correct pronunciation and intonation.
Greeting and asking questions to an old friend
Long time no see. Yeah. It’s been a while. /It’s been a long time.
It’s been years/months. I know. I can’t believe it’s been ten years/months.
How are you? I’m fi ne. /I’m good. /Not so good. /I’m not feeling well.
How’s life? Great. /Awesome. /Couldn’t be better.
How have you been? Not bad. /So-so. /I’m doing okay.
Reconnecting with an old friend
What have you been up to? I live in Makassar at present.
So, what’s new? Well, I’m with Apple now.
Do you still live in the same address? Yes, I do.
Asking for someone’s address and phone number
What’s your address? It’s Jalan Cipaganti no. 243 Bandung.
Can I have your address? Of course. It’s Jalan Juanda no. 16.
What’s your phone number? 08111127456.
Can I have your (phone) number? Sure. It’s 08123456789.
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3 Underline the expressions used in the introduction. Say which pair knows each other better. Give
your reason. Then, practice the conversations with a partner.
Situation: In a supermarket Situation: In a restaurant
Kathy: Jane? Jane Armstrong? Is that you? Tom: Excuse me. Are you Sam Kincaid? It’s
Jane: Kathy Jensen? From East Primary? me, Sam Thomason, from Senior High.
Kathy: Yes. Oh, Jane, it’s been too long. Sam: Sam, from basketball club?
Jane: I know. I can’t believe it’s been ten years. Tom: Yes, that’s me. How have you been?
You’ve gone blonde. I hardly recognize you. Sam: Couldn’t be better. And you? How’s
Kathy: Yeah, well, it’s a career thing. life?
Jane: Career? What have you been up to? Tom: Oh, not bad, really. So, what’s new
Kathy: Oh, I’m a model now. with you? Are you still playing basket
ball for the city club?
Jane: A model? That’s cool. Sam: No, I’m their coach now. I also work
Kathy: Oh, just so-so. And what about you? What’s part time in the café downtown. What
new? about you? How’s life treating you?
Jane: I’m still a student. Science Tom: Oh, nothing changed much. I’m still
Engineering. continuing the family business – you
Kathy: But you hated science! know, the computer store. We still
Jane: Not since Junior High. You know, we should have it at our house.
talk more, but I’m in a hurry. Sam: Oh, right. You know, the café I work
Kathy: Why don’t you come to my fl at tonight, if you’re for needs some new computers. Can
not busy? you help with that?
Jane: Sure. What’s your address? Tom: Sure. Just give me a call.
Kathy: Kelton Apartment, K1904. Be there at Sam: Great. Can I have your number?
7, okay? Just ring the bell. Tom: It’s 08112233445. What’s your phone
Jane: Got it. Can I have your phone number? number?
Kathy: 0844692176. What’s yours? Sam: 082217991766.
Jane: 0856412387.
4 Use the words in the box to complete the conversation. Then, practice the conversation with a
a. what’s your phone number d. can I have your number
b. what have you been up to e. how have you been
c. how are you f. what’s new with you
Situation: At a park
Joe: Shang Mei Lin? Mei Lin: Well, you’ve always had the best
Mei Lin: Yes. Do I know you? score in science.
Joe: It’s me. Joseph Cardiff. Joe: Not really. What about you?
Mei Lin: Oh, yes, Joe, from Class B, Junior High, right? 4. _____?
Joe: Yes. 1. _____? Mei Lin: Well, I’m also in college, but I study art.
Mei Lin: I’m fi ne, thanks. What about you? 2. _____? Joe: Hmm… I’m redecorating my
parents’ house. I could use some
Joe: I’m doing okay. art pointers. 5. _____?
Mei Lin: So, 3. _____? Mei Lin: Sure. It’s 087132344595. 6. _____?
Joe: Oh, I’m in college now. Bio Engineering. Joe: 088831337563.
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5 Work in pairs. Create a conversation based on the situation below.
Student A: Student B:
You are in a restaurant. You are in a restaurant.
You see B, who was your friend from Junior High. Someone calls out your name. It’s A, your friend
You call him/her out. from Junior High.
• Greet B. • Greet A.
• Ask questions to reconnect with him/her. • Ask questions to reconnect with him/her.
• Answer questions about your personal • Answer questions about your personal
information. information.
• Ask for his/her address. • Ask for his/her phone number.
• Respond to his/her questions. • Respond to his/her questions.
• End the conversation. • End the conversation.
6 Work in pairs. Make conversations based on the situations below. Then, think of another situation in
which you can use the expressions and create a conversation.
Situation 1: You are reading in the library. You see an old friend from Junior High School.
Talk to him/her.
Situation 2: You are at a bookstore. Someone called your name. It’s your friend from
elementary school. Talk to him/her.
Situation 3:
(Make your own.)
7 Perform one of the conversations above in front of the class. Ask your classmates to give feedback.
Did he/she use the expressions Did he/she speak clearly and
Name correctly? loudly?
Yes No Yes No
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More Speaking: Asking for repetition
Listen to the longer version of the conversation in the Speaking Time Activity 1. What expressions
1 are used to ask for repetition? Complete the conversation.
Situation: During shopping, in a store
Fred: It’s on Jalan HOS Cokroaminoto, near MTC Karebosi.
Agus: 1. _________________________?
Fred: No, MTC. MTC Karebosi.
Agus: Oh, yes. MTC Karebosi. I know that area very well.
Agus: What’s your phone number?
Fred: 08111127456
Agus: 2. _________________________?
Fred: Sure. It’s 08-11-11-27-456.
Agus: 08-11-11-27-456. Okay. Got it.
Fred: And, what’s yours?
2 Listen to the short versions of the recording. Check your answers in Activity 1. Practice the
expressions in pairs.
3 Work with a partner. Complete the conversation with the expressions learned.
Situation: At noon, on the street
Nate: Maya. Is that you?
Maya: Yup. You’re Nate, right?
Nate: Yes.
Maya: 1. _________________________?
Nate: Marvelous. What about you?
Maya: 2. _________________________.
Nate: So, where do you live at present?
Maya: I live in Banjarmasin at present.
Nate: Really? My sister is also in Banjarmasin. 3. _________________________?
Maya: It’s on Jalan Kamboja Timur Raya Blok XV no. 432 A.
Nate: 4. _________________________?
Maya: It is on Jalan Kamboja Timur Raya Blok XV no. 432 A. We should meet up sometime
there. Call me when you’re in Banjarmasin.
Nate: I will. But, can I have your phone number?
4 Work with a partner. Continue the conversation above. Remember to ask for repetition in parts that
you need to confi rm.
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5 Look at your old student card. Find other students with the same school/courses, and talk to them.
Fill in the table based on the information.
Situation: At a cinema
Doni: Hi, are you Jack Maroon?
Jack: Yes. Do I know you?
Doni: I’m Doni Krisna, from elementary school.
Jack: Oh, yes, Doni. It’s been a long time.
Doni: Yes, It’s been ten years. What have you been up to?
Jack: Oh, I live in Jakarta at present. And you? What’s new?
(The conversation continues …)
Student 1 Student 2
(__________________) (__________________)
6 Pretend that your speaking partner is your old friend from school. Talk to him and fi nd out about his/
her current information. Then, talk about him/her in front of the class.
This is my old friend, Amanda.
We were from the same junior
high. She lives in Bandung now.
She is a college student and has
a part time job at a restaurant.
She lives with her older sister.
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Grammar Highlight: The Simple Present Tense with be: statements
and W/H questions
Statements with be W/H Questions with be
I am Diana. What is your name? I am Diana.
You are a doctor What is your address? It is at Jalan Dederuk Number 12.
They are teachers. When is the graduation? It is on September 21st.
He is my old friend. Where are your books? They are in my backpack.
She is from Jakarta. Why are you in this We are students of this class.
We are students.
How are you? I am fi ne, thanks.
1 Complete the following exchanges. Use the right form of WH Questions and Be.
Situation: Outside a cinema
Maria: Dylan? Dylan Payne? Maria: Really? That 7. _________ cool.
Dylan: Maria Dinah? Hey, long time no see. Dylan: It 8. _________ so-so, really. Do you
Maria: It’s been a long time, all right. still live in Bogor?
1. __________ you? Maria: No. Actually, I live close to where you
Dylan: 2. __________ good. work.
So, 3. __________ new with you? Dylan: Really? 9. _________ it?
Maria: Oh, 4. __________ in college now. What Maria: I live at Jalan Gandaria Number 231.
about you? 10. _________ near Taman Puring.
Dylan: I’m studying to be a chef. I work at a Dylan: That 11. _________ really close. We
restaurant near Pakubuwono. should meet up. 12. _________ your
Maria: 5. __________ the name of the restau free time?
rant? Maria: Friday afternoon 13. _________
Dylan: Wyl’s Kitchen Restaurant. 6. _________ great.
a restaurant at Verandah Hotel. Dylan: Nice. Come to the restaurant, okay?
2 Interview three friends and fi ll in the table. Add one more piece of information.
Look at the example.
What is your job? Name
I am a college student Address
What’s your address? Job
It is on Jalan Baru.
(Make your own.)
Pronunciation: Pauses in word groups
3 Read the sentences. Mark where the pauses should be. Listen to the recording and check your
answers. Then, practice saying sentences with pauses.
Example: Hello, /pause/ allow me to introduce myself.
1. My name is Nina. I’m 20 years old and I’m from Medan.
2. I’m a student and I live in a dorm.
3. I study Chinese Literature in Tribune University.
4. I don’t like watching news in Chinese, but I have to.
2 2 5. After I complete my study, I will help in my uncle’s business. T2 T2
Unit 2 - Long time no see. How are you?
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Making Connections: Talking about the best place to live in
Part 5 Making Connections: Talking about the best place to live in
1 Read the text below. Do you agree or disagree with the author’s statement in the last sentence?
This address is probably the
most famous address in the
world. It is 1600 Pennsylvania
Avenue, Washington DC. It is
the house of the President of
the United States, the White
House. There are 132
rooms, 35 bathrooms, and 6
levels inside this house. There are also 412 doors, 147
windows, 28 fi replaces, 8 staircases, and 3 elevators.
For recreation, the White House has many facilities
from a tennis court, jogging track, swimming pool, movie
theater, to bowling lanes. I think this house is the best
place to live in.
2 Read the text below. Do you agree or disagree with the author’s statement in the last
1. What is the address?
2. In what city is it?
3. What can you see there?
4. Why do you like/dislike living there?
Let me talk about the place where I live.
It’s on Jalan Ir. H. Juanda in the city of
Samarinda. There are universities and
famous high schools on this street. I like
living at this address because there are
many unique cafés on this street.
2 2 T2 T2
Unit 2 - Long time no see. How are you?
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Unit 3
Unit 3
Unit 3
This is my friend,
This is my friend,
This is my friend,
You are at a movie with Mike, your friend from the
You meet your classmate from your English
You want to introduce Mike to your friend.
What will you say?
At the end of the lesson, I can
ask about personal information such as address,
job and nationalities.
introduce others and start a conversation.
use the grammar point of the Simple Present
Tense to make statements and ask WH questions
when introducing others and start a conversation.
talk about the world’s famous countries to visit.
2 T2
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Vocabulary Highlight: Personal information, address, job and nationality
1 Listen and tick the information that you hear from the recording.
Name Address Phone number Job Nationality
2 Match the words in column A to the definitions in column B. Then, discuss your answers with
a partner. Number 1 is an example.
1. A supervisor a a. assists students to plan their research.
2. An assistant b. helps and counsels new students.
3. A mentor c. takes care of books in the library.
d. conducts researches and investigates
4. A librarian
5. A lecturer e. helps in a particular work.
6. A researcher f. teaches grad-students in a university.
g. teaches under graduate students at
7. A professor
university or college.
3 Introduce your friend to other friends. Number 1 is an example.
1. Fitriandi/Mr. Ridwan Juliansyah
(Malaysia-Lecturer )
2. Amanda/Jae-Hwa Jin
3. Fathir/Mr. ArunChanvatey
(Cambodia-Supervisor) “Andi, let me introduce you to my
4. Lia/ Peter McCloud friend, Mr. Ridwan Juliansyah. He
is a lecturer. He is Malaysian. He
(England/ Librarian) comes from Selangor, Malaysia. ”
5. …............ /………………………..
2 2 T2 T2
Unit 3 - This is my friend, Mike.
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Speaking Time: Introducing others
• What do you say when you introduce someone to other people?
• What do you say when you ask for and give information about someone’s nationality,
address and job?
1 Listen to the recording. Complete the conversation. Then practice the conversation with a partner. Then practice the conversation with a partner.
Listen to the recording. Complete the conversation.
Situation: In a restaurant
Dila: Aren’t we supposed to meet your 1. ___________ here?
Isa: Yes, you’re right.
Dila: 2. ______________________? He is not 3. ___________, is he?
Isa: 4. ______________________. He comes from Sidney, Australia.
Dila: 5. ______________________ now?
Isa: 6. ___________Pondok Indah. There he is. 7. _____________________ you to him.
Mike: Hi, Isa. How are you?
Isa: Hello, Mike. I’m good. How about you?
Mike: I’m fi ne. Thank you
Isa: Mike, 8. ______________________ my friend, Dila.
Dila, 9. ______________________ Mike.
Mike: Hi, Dila. Nice to meet you.
Dila: Nice to meet you too, Mike.
2 Read the expressions below and listen to the way to say them. Then, practice saying them with the
correct pronunciation and intonation.
Introducing others
Let me introduce you to my friend. Lia, please meet Mr. Bond.
I’d like you to meet our new member. This is Ms. Linda Iskandar.
This is your classmate. His name is Rudi.
Asking for information about someone’s nationality, job and address
Where does he/she come from? Where does he/she live?
Where’s he/she from? What does he/she do?
What’s his/her address? What does he/she do for a living?
What’s his/her nationality? Where does he/she work?
Giving information about someone’s nationality, job and address
He comes from India. He is Indian.
She works in a library. She is a librarian.
He lives in Padang. His address is Jl. Ampera No. 4.
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Unit 3 - This is my friend, Mike.
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3 Underline the expressions used in introducing others, asking for and giving information about someone’s
nationality, job and address. Is Mike a friendly person? Practice the conversation with your friends.
Situation: In a hall, during school bazaar
Daniel: Great event, isn’t it?
Hiroki: Yes, you’re right. The head of the committee really did a good job.
Daniel: You can say that again. Let me introduce you to him. He’s my classmate.
Mike: Hi, Daniel, how do you like the event?
Daniel: Hi, Mike. It’s great. I’d like you to meet Hiroki Tanaka, my roommate.
Hiroki: Hi, I’m Hiroki Tanaka. Call me Hiro.
Mike: Hi, Hiro. I’m Michael Johnson. Call me Mike.
Are you Japanese? Which part of Japan are you from?
Hiroki: I’m from Fukushima.
Mike: Oh, I see.
Hiroki: Where do you live, Mike?
Mike: I live at Jalan Garuda No. 5, North Jakarta.
Oops, sorry. I’ve got to do something. Let’s talk again later. Bye, guys.
Daniel: Bye, Mike.
Hiroki: Bye.
4 Complete the conversation below with the expressions from the box.
a. is she Italian d. this is Mrs. Florence g. let me introduce you to her
b. she is a mentor e. where do you come from h. I’d like you to meet my friend
c. I come from Paris f. I come from Parma, Italy
Situation: At a seminar
Sophie: Hey, Andi, who’s that woman sitting on the corner?
Andi: Oh, 1. _____in my major. Her name is Mrs. Florence. 2. _____.
Sophie: 3. _____?
Andi: No, she isn’t. Excuse me, ma’am.
Madge: Oh, hello, Andi. How are you?
Andi: I’m fi ne, thank you. Mrs. Florence, 4. _____, Sophie. Sophie, 5. _____.
Sophie: How do you do, ma’am? My name is Sophie Marcel.
Madge: How do you do? I’m Madge Florence. Just call me Madge.
Sophie: 6. _____ Madge? Are you French?
Madge: Yes, I am. 7. _____. And you?
Sophie: I’m Italian. 8. _____.
Madge: I see. Well, nice talking to you. I’ve got something to do. Got to go, see you later.
Sophie: Nice talking to you, too, Madge. Bye.
2 2 T2 T2
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5 Work in groups of three. Create a conversation based on the situation below.
Situation: At a university cafeteria
Student A: Student B: Student C:
You are walking with B. Then, You are walking with A. Then, You are reading a book.
you meet C. you meet C, A’s friend. Then you meet A and B.
• Greet C. • Greet C. • Greet A.
• Introduce C to B. • Respond to C’s questions. • Respond to B and ask
for B’s nationality.
• Help B explain the address. • Respond to C’s questions. • Ask for B’s address.
• Respond to C. • Respond to C. • End the conversation.
6 Work in groups of three. Make conversations based on the situations below. Then think of another
situation in which you can use the expressions and create a conversation.
Situation 1: You are at the dorm. Your old friend from Senior High school visits your dorm to give
you an invitation for a reunion. Introduce him/her to your roommate. Remember to
use the expressions of introducing someone to other people, asking for and giving
personal information such as job, address and nationality.
Situation 2: You are at a regional science competition. Introduce a former schoolmate to your
college friend. Remember to use the expressions of introducing someone to other
people, asking for and giving personal information such as job, address and nationality.
Situation 3:
(Make your own.)
7 Perform one of the conversations above in front of the class. Ask your classmates to give feedback.
Did he/she use the expressions Did he/she speak clearly and
Name correctly? loudly?
Yes No Yes No
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More Speaking: Starting a conversation
1 Listen to the longer version of the conversation in the Speaking Time Activity 1. What expressions
are used to start a conversation? Complete the conversation.
Situation: In a restaurant
Dila: 1. , isn’t it?
Isa: Defi nitely. I really like the atmosphere.
Dila: Aren’t we supposed to meet your classmate here?
Dilan: Nice to meet you too, Mike.
(A while later, during lunch. )
Dila: 2. , Mike?
Mike: Yes. I especially love this mpek-mpek. What are the ingredients?
Isa: Mostly fi sh.
2 Listen to the short versions of the recording. Check your answers in Activity 1. Practice the
expressions in pairs.
3 Work with a partner. Fill in the blanks with the possible expressions.
Situation: During the break, at a conference, after an interesting presentation
Nicole: 1. ________________________________________?
Phan: Yes, it is.
Nicole: By the way, I’m Nicole Stenfi eld. Call me Niki.
Phan: Hello, Niki. My name is Phanumas. I’m from Thailand. And you?
Nicole: I come from the Philippines. So, you’re a Thai. I’ve always wanted to go there.
Phan: I see. Look, here’s Jonas. He is my classmate. Let me introduce you to him.
Hi, Jo.
Jonas: Hi, Phan.
Nicole: Jo, please meet Niki. Niki … Jonas.
Jonas: Hello, Niki. Nice to meet you. Please call me Jo.
Nicole: Nice to meet you, too, Jo. 2. ________________________?
Jonas: I think it’s very inspiring. By the way, where do you come from, Niki?
(The conversation continues …)
4 Work with you friends. Continue the conversation above.
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5 Work in pairs or groups, play the Around the World game. Do the task, and if you can’t, go back
one space. The winner is the one who “visits” the most countries and complete the tasks.
1 10 11 20 21
Ask for your
Ask for your
Ask your friend to
Ask your friend You forgot his/her Ask your friend to Ask for your
Ask your friend
Ask your friend to
Ask your friend
Ask for your
about his/her address. MOVE repeat what he/she friend’s complete
nationality BACK 2 SPACES. said. address.
2 9 12 19 22
You have a new ou have a new ou have a new
Y Y Ask your new You didn’t hear
Ask your new
Ask your new
Ask for your
Ask for your
Ask your friend’s s
Ask your friend’s
lecturer from friend where he/ Ask for your what your friend Ask your friend’
Malaysia. Introduce she lives. mentor’s address. said. full name and nick
him/her to your MOVE BACK 1 name.
classmate. SPACE
3 8 13 18 23
Ask the librarian
Introduce your
Introduce your
Ask the librarian
At a restaurant,
At a restaurant,
At a restaurant, 1 SPACE Ask the librarian Introduce your You forget your
initiate a because you his/her new friend to your new friend’s nationality.
conversation with forget what you assistant’s name. mentor. MOVE BACK 1
a new friend. mentor’s name is. SPACE
4 7 14 17 24
You forgot to ask You forget your
Tell your friend you ell your friend you ell your friend you
End a conversation
Ask your new
Ask your new
End a conversation
for your mentor’s Ask your new new friend phone End a conversation Tell your friend you
phone number. partner where he/ number. with your new are happy to meet
MOVE BACK 2 she comes from. MOVE BACK 2 friend. him/her.
5 6 15 16 25
You remember
Tell your new friend
At the movie Ask your partner your senior’s Introduce your Tell your new friend ell your new friend ell your new friend ell your new friend ell your new friend ell your new friend
At the movie
Introduce your
Introduce your
At the movie
Ask your partner
Ask your partner
theater, initiate a what is his/her nationality. friend to your you are glad to
conversation with job. MOVE FORWARD professor. meet him/her.
your new lecturer. 2 SPACES
6 You have been introduced to a new schoolmate. Then, as a new friend, introduce him/her to the
class and tell what you know about your new schoolmate.
His or her name
His or her nick name
Place of origin
2 2 T2 T2
Unit 3 - This is my friend, Mike.
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Grammar Highlight: The Simple Present Tense with action verbs
Statements Yes/No-questions
I come from Bali. Do you come from Bali? Yes, I do. No, I don’t.
You teach English. Do you teach history? Yes, I do. No, I don’t.
They study math. Do they study art? Yes, they do. No, they don’t.
We leave tonight. Do we leave tonight? Yes, we do. No, we don’t.
He lives here. Does he live here? Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t.
She assists you. Does she assist you? Yes, she does. No, she doesn’t.
It opens today. Does it open today? Yes, it does. No, it doesn’t.
Notes: Use rising intonations if sentences start with do or does.
1 Use the correct verb form for each sentence below.
1. My dad usually ________ (watch) TV, ________ (listen) to music, or ________ (go) out in the
2. The English class ________ (consist) of 15students and ________ (start) at 7am.
3. He ________ (talk) about the political situation in his country.
4. They ________ (come) from Seoul, South Korea.
5. My classmate ________ (go) to the beach on weekends.
6. I ________ (study) Spanish on Mondays.
7. She always ________ (wash) the dishes after dinner.
8. The airplane ________ (depart) at six and ________ (land) at eight.
2 Complete the following table of your friends’ daily activities. Ask Yes/No questions to find out who
the busiest person in the class is. Share the results to the class.
No Name Activities Yes No
1 Attend an English course
2. Clean the house
3. Swim
4. Attend a math course
5. Wash the dishes
Pronunciation: Yes / No question Intonation
3 Listen to the recording. Tick whether the intonation is rising or falling. Then, practice saying the
sentences with the correct intonation. Number 1 is an example.
No Rising Falling No Rising Falling No Rising Falling No Rising Falling
1 √ 3 5 7
2 4 6 8
2 2 T2 T2
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Making Connections: Talking about the world’s famous countries 5
to visit
1 Look at the pictures and read the texts. What are the texts about?
KoSamui is Thailand’s third largest island and exactly represents the
stereotypical island paradise. Eighty percent of the 40.000 Thai people that
live there earn their living from western tourists, who come in search of
peace, recreation and relaxation.
Possibly no other bay on earth presents as magnifi cent a sight as Halong
Bay near Hong Gai, south east of Hanoi on the gulf of Tonkin. There are
limestone rock formations, which have strange shapes and names: for
example, the Pencil, the Bat, the Turtle, the Buffalo, the Saddle and many
others, named after spirits.
2 Find information about a place or country that you can travel visa-free. Talk about it.
Use the questions in the box to help you. Look at the example.
1. What is the name of the place or country?
2. Where is it located?
3. What are some interesting places that you can visit?
4. Why do you want to visit that place?
5. What can you do there?
Hi, friends. Today I would like to talk about a place in
Malaysia. It’s Kuala Lumpur, the capital city of Malaysia.
It’s located in South-east Asia. We can visit many places
while in Kuala Lumpur such as Twin Towers, Petronas, Art
Central Market or National Museum. I want to visit the Kuala
Lumpur Bird Park because I can see many bird species
there. I can also feed them, take photos, take tours, and
2 2 even play with the birds. T2 T2
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2 T2
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Unit 4
Unit 4
Unit 4
I usually leave home
I usually leave home
I usually leave home
at 7 in the morning.
at 7 in the morning.
at 7 in the morning.
at 7 in the morning.
at 7 in the morning.
at 7 in the morning.
Look at the picture. What are they doing?
Do you have the same activities in the morning?
What about someone sitting next to you?
At the end of the lesson, I can
talk about my daily activities.
talk about my routines and maintain a conversation.
use the grammar point of the Simple Present Tense
with action verbs, ask WH questions, and use adverbs
of frequency when talking about routines.
talk about unusual routines.
2 T2
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Vocabulary Highlight: Daily activities
1 Match the words. Look at the example.
attend breakfast do exercise
do email prepare music
have movies stay novels
go homework read dinner
write classes play basket ball
watch shopping listen to home
2 Listen to the talk and write the statements. Then, discuss your answers with a partner. Number 1 is
an example.
No Name Activity Time/frequency
1. Billy • lea s t e d r ca s • At 6:00 a.m. ev y day
• •
• •
2. Nano
• •
• •
3. Catur
• •
What do you usually do? Tell your partner.
3 Example
I have breakfast at 6.30 a.m. I go shopping on
I have a glass of fruit juice for weekends.
my breakfast I usually go to Marina
2 2 T2 T2
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Speaking Time: Talking about routines 2
• Look around. Do you know your friends well? Who wakes up early in the morning?
• What questions do you ask when you want to know about someone’s daily routine?
1 Listen to the recording. Complete the conversation. Then, practice the conversation with a partner.
Situation: In a student lounge on campus
James: Morning, Wulan.
Wulan: Hi, James. How are you?
James: I’m fi ne. Thank you. How about you?
Wulan: I’m fi ne, too. So, 1. ____________________________ to class?
James: Yes, 2. ____________________________ and 3. ____________________________
at the canteen before I go to class.
Wulan: I see. 4. ___________________________ yet I’m not late. And I rarely go home right
away after school.
James: 5. ____________________________ after school. 6. ________________________?
Wulan: 7. ____________________________ in the library.
James: That’s a good habit.
Wulan: Ha ha, thank you.
2 Read the expressions below and listen to the way to say them. Then practice saying them.
Asking for and giving information about daily activities
Do you always come early? No, I never come early.
What do you do after class? I sometimes watch movies with friends.
What are your daily activities? I always attend morning classes and work
part-time in the afternoon.
Asking for and giving information about days and time
I go to the gym every Tuesday and
When do you usually go to the gym? I go to the gym every Tuesday and
When do you usually go to the gym?
What time do you usually go to class? At around 6:30 am.
2 2 T2 T2
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3 Underline the expressions used in the introduction. Decide which pair of speakers would likely
spend time together.
Situation: In the campus cafeteria Situation: In the campus gym
Arief: It’s nice to see you again, Sean: Hi Ron!
Ms.Creveld. Ron: Hi Sean! How have you been?
Janice: Nice to see you, too, Mr. Firman. Sean: Good. And you?
Please call me Janice. Ron: Great, thanks.
Arief: Just call me Arief, then. By the Sean: So, I heard you often ride a bike to
way, do you always come to this campus.
restaurant for lunch? Ron: Yes, that’s right. It’s my daily exercise.
Janice: No, I usually go to the canteen How about you?
near my campus. Sean: No. I rarely ride a bike.
Arief: I see. Ron: You should try it sometimes. It’s fun.
Janice: So, what do you usually do after Sean: So, what time do you usually leave
class? home?
Arief: I usually read some books at the Ron: At 5.30 in the morning.
public library in the afternoon, and
in the evening, I walk my dog. Sean: Well, do you have breakfast at home?
Janice: I often borrow and read books at Ron: Yes, I do. At 5 a.m.
that library, too. But I always go Sean: Wow. That’s early!
there in the morning.
Arief: I see.
4 Use the words in the box to complete the conversation. Then practice with a partner.
a. What time do you usually go there d. I usually shop
b. When do you usually do it e. I usually buy things here
c. How often do you do it f. I rarely go shopping
Situation: In the campus lobby Situation: In a department store
Alia: Hi, Bobby. Tirza: Hello, Robin. It’s been a while. Nice
Bobby: Hi, Alia. to see you here.
Alia: Do you know the gym near the campus? Robin: Hi, Tirza. Nice to see you, too. Do
Bobby: Yes, I usually go there on Fridays. you always come to this mini market?
Alia: 1. __________________________ Tirza: Yes, I do. 4. ___________________.
What about you? Do you often shop
Bobby: After school. What about you? What do here?
you do for exercise?
Alia: I do yoga. Robin: This is my fi rst time.
5. ______________________after
Bobby: 2. ___________________________ my part time work.
Alia: Every morning before I go to the campus. Tirza: Where do you go shopping?
Bobby: Really? Robin: 6. _______________________ at the
3. _______________________ Daily Mart. They often have sales and
Alia: At 4. 30 every morning. promotions.
Bobby: No wonder you always look so fresh! Tirza: That’s nice.
2 2 T2 T2
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5 Work in pairs. Create a conversation based on the situation below.
Student A: Student B:
You have a new friend on campus and you want to You are a new student on campus and you meet
ask about his/her daily activities. someone outside the classroom.
• Greet B. • Greet A.
• Ask B’s activities after class. • Tell A what you usually do after class.
• Tell B your activities on weekends. • Ask A’s activities on weekends.
• Ask B about his/her other daily activities. • Tell A about your other daily activities.
6 Work in pairs. Make conversations based on the situations below. Then, think of another situation in
which you can use the expressions and create a conversation.
Situation 1: You are doing a survey about what the college students usually do after class
and what they usually do on weekends. You interview the fi rst student you
meet on campus.
Situation 2: You like a boy/girl in your class. You come to him/her and ask what he/she
usually does on weekends. Ask him/her about other activities and when/what
time he/she usually has dinner. Invite him/her to have dinner together.
Situation 3:
(Make your own.)
7 Perform one of the conversations above in front of the class. Ask your classmates to give feedback.
Did he/she use the expressions Did he/she speak clearly and
Name correctly? loudly?
Yes No Yes No
2 2 T2 T2
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More Speaking: Maintaining a conversation
Listen to the longer version of the conversation in the Speaking Time Activity 1. What expressions
1 are used to keep the conversation going? Complete the conversation.
are used to keep the conversation going? Complete the conversation.
Situation: In the student lounge on campus
James: I always leave home early and have breakfast at the canteen before I go to class.
Wulan: 1. ?
James: I live nearby, but I leave home early with my dad. He teaches morning classes in a
university close to our school.
Wulan: I see. I usually take the 7:30 bus and still I’m not late. That’s why I rarely go home right
away after school.
James: 2. .
Wulan: Hahaha. Well, I don’t have a lecturer dad who has morning classes.
James: I always go home right away after school. What do you often do after school?
Wulan: I often do homework at the library.
James: 3. .
Wulan: Well, not everyone has a lecturer dad.
James: Hahaha. That’s a good habit.
Wulan: Ha ha. Thank you.
2 Listen to the short versions of the recording. Check your answers in Activity 1. Practice the
expressions in pairs.
3 3 Work with a partner. Fill in the blanks.
Situation: At a course
Atsuka: Hi Ratna, what do you do on weekends?
Ratna: 1. ________________... let’s see. I usually clean up my room and wash my
clothes. Sometimes I shop for discounted books. 2. _______________?
Atsuka: One thing for sure, I don’t clean up my room every weekend.
Ratna: 3. _______________? When do you do it?
Atsuka: Well, when I have time. Maybe once a month. I’m always busy with my homework.
Ratna: I see. 4. ____________________?
Atsuka: Yes. I do it in the library. The dorm is too noisy.
Ratna: 5. ____________________?
Atsuka: Yes, between 9to 12 in the morning. It is still quiet there. What about you?
Ratna: 6. ____________________ in the library. I only go there to borrow books.
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4 Work with a partner. Continue the conversation above. Use the expressions to ask for and give
information about daily routines and maintain the conversation.
Interview your friends’ daily activities.
5 Example:
Dea: Hi. Mel. What do you usually do in the afternoon?
Mel: I usually practice with my band. I play guitar.
Dea: Guitar? Wow! That’s cool!
Mel: What about you, Dea?
Dea: I play badminton.
Mel: Do you do it every day?
Dea: No. Only on Mondays and Thursdays.
Mel: No wonder you’re always in a good shape.
Name Routine activity Time/Day More information
1. Dea Plays badminton Monday and Thursday
6 Present one or two of your friends’ routines to the class. Use the expression in the box.
Useful expressions
I have a friend named …
He/She always/often /usually /sometimes/rarely...
He/She does it from/on…(time/day)
He/She…(more information)
2 2 T2 T2
Unit 4 - I usually leave home at 7 in the morning.
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Grammar Highlight: The Simple Present Tense with action verbs:
statements and WH questions; Adverbs of Frequency
Statements WH Questions
I wake up at 5 a.m. What do you do on weekends?
She goes shopping on weekends. Where do you go shopping?
They study English at LIA every Saturday. How do you go to work?
When do you watch movies?
1 Complete the short exchanges based on the clues given. No. 1 is an example.
Never Rarely Sometimes Often Usually Always
1. Jane: What do you usually do in the 4. Andre: Where does Michelle usually have
evening? dinner?
Dodi: I sometimes watch movies ( ), Max: She has dinner at the Thai restaurant
but I rarely watch TV. ( ) near her office ( ).
2. Scott: When do you go shopping? 5. Gina: How do they go to campus?
Lili: I go shopping ( ). I buy Dina: They go to campus by motorcycle
everything I need online ( ).
( ). 6. Ron: What do you do on Saturday
3. Maria: What do you do on Saturdays? morning?
Toto: I go to the cinema with my friends Aldo: I attend my English class ( ).
( ).
2 Complete the following table of your friends’ daily activities. Ask Yes/No questions to find out who
the busiest person is. Share the result with the class.
No. Name Activities Yes/No No. Name Activities Yes/No
1. Eat out 5. Go to the gym
2. Play ball 6. Attend a course
3. Study club 7. Practice martial art
4. Swim 8.
Pronunciation: WH Questions intonation
3 Listen, mark the intonation, and repeat. Take a look at the example.
What time do you usually arrive home?
1. How often do you go shopping? 3. What time do you usually go to work?
2. Where do you usually buy pizza? 4. How do you go to work?
2 2 T2 T2
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