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Published by bonno21nw, 2019-04-24 23:25:09

Conversation for Students Book 1

Conversation for Students Book 1

Making Connections: Talking about unusual routines Part
1 Look at the pictures and read the text below. What is the text about?

Being a night watchman means being alert when most people are ready to go to sleep. At such
late hours, night watchmen are busy with their work routines. They check all doors, windows and
gates to make sure that all of them are closed and locked properly. At midnight, night watchmen stay
at the CCTV station, looking at the monitors for any unusual activities. They also have to go around
the building and the assigned floors once every two hours for regular checks and protect the property.
At the end of their work hours, they have to make a written report about anything that happened
during their duties.

2 Talk about a person who has an unusual routine. Use the questions in the box to help you.

1. What are his/her routines?
2. Where does he/she do it?
3. When does he/she do it?
4. Would you have the same

routines? Why?

Reuben is a professional mattress
jumper. He jumps on three mattresses
every day at a factory in San Francisco.
Sometimes I think it’s fun but actually
it’s not. He had a training to do it right.


Unit 4 - I usually leave home at 7 in the morning.


Unit 5

Well, I’m crazy
about soccer.

You and your friends are having a break.
You want to know your friends’ leisure activities.
What will you ask?

At the end of the lesson, I can
talk about my hobbies and interests.
ask for and give information on hobbies and
interests, and end a conversation.
use the grammar point of the Simple Present
Tense with action verbs and use gerunds
after certain verbs to discuss hobbies and

talk about unusual yet prof itable hobbies.



Vocabulary Highlight: Hobbies and interests

1 Rearrange the letters into name of interests/hobbies.

2 Listen and number the pictures based on the conversations.

3 Collocate the hobbies and interests above with their appropriate verbs. Look at the example.

4 Tell your friends about your hobbies/interests. Look at the example.

I play basketball every That sounds interesting. Responses:
Saturday morning. That sounds interesting.
Sounds like fun.
Sounds great.
How nice.
Good for you.
How refreshing.
That’s nice.


Unit 5 - Well, I’m crazy about soccer.

Speaking Time: Asking for and giving information about hobbies Part
and interests 2

Do you like to know other people’s hobbies? Why?
What do you say when you want to know what others do in their free time?

1 Listen to the recording. Complete the conversation. Then, practice it with a partner.

Situation:In the campus court yard, during lunch

Tina: Hi, Anna. How are you doing?

Anna: Not bad.

Tina: May I join you?

Anna: Sure.

Tina: It’s going to be a long holiday next week.

Anna: Yes, I’ll have much time to spend.

Tina: 1. ____________________?

Anna: Shopping of course. 2. ____________________. How about you? Do you have
any plans?

Tina: No, I’ll just stay home.

Anna: 3. ____________________?

Tina: 4. ____________________.

Anna: That’s nice. I didn’t know you’re into cooking.

Tina: I cook whenever I have some free time.

2 Read the expressions below and listen to the way to say them. Then practice saying them with the
correct pronunciation and intonation.

Asking for information about interests / hobbies

What’s your hobby? How do you spend your free time?

What do you do for fun? Do you play soccer?

Giving information about interests/hobbies I love playing tennis.
I’m crazy about shopping. I go jogging on weekends.
I enjoy trying out new recipes.
I’m into photography now.

Asking for elaboration of information I never thought you enjoy making arts and crafts.
I didn’t know you’re into cooking.

What kinds of sports are you interested in?


Unit 5 - Well, I’m crazy about soccer.

3 Underline the expressions for asking and giving information about hobbies/interests used in the
conversations. What do you think of their hobbies? Then, practice the conversations with a friend.

Situation: It the library, during lunch time Situation: At the train station, after school

Ani: Hey, let’s go to the mall. Mona: Excuse me, is this platform 4?
Chuck: Yes, it is.
Ben: I’m sorry but I have to finish reading this Mona: By the way, do you do Karate?
book and make a summary for the Chuck: Yes, I do. How do you know?
Mona: From your badge.
assignment. Chuck: Yes, I join a Karate dojo. Karate
helps me concentrate. How about
Ani: That’s too bad. I heard there is a big Mona: you? What is your hobby?
discount for sporting goods, especially Chuck: I’m into photography.
tennis rackets. That’s interesting. What kind of
Mona: pictures do you take?
Ben: I didn’t know you’re into tennis. Chuck: I’m into scenic photography.
Oh, that’s cool.
Ani: Well, I usually play with my friends in
the neighborhood. How about you? Do
you play tennis?

Ben: No, I don’t.

Ani: So, what is your hobby then?

Ben: I am crazy about soccer.

Ani: I heard that there is a discount for
soccer goods, too.

Ben: Hmm... sounds interesting.

4 Use the words in the box to complete the conversation. Then practice the conversation with a partner.

a. sounds exciting b. I never thought you’re into photography.
c. what’s your hobby
d. what do you do for fun e. I’m crazy about

Situation: On campus, after a class presentation

Kelly: Great presentation. Andi: Well, I actually do photography using a
Andi: Kelly: drone.
Kelly: Thank you, Kelly. Andi:
Kelly: 3. _________________. It’s becoming a
Andi: By the way, Andi, I heard some of our Andi: trend nowadays, right?
friends are coming over to your house
Kelly: this Sunday. Is it your birthday party? Kelly: Yes, you’re right.
Andi: Andi: 4. __________________, Kelly?
Kelly: No, they are interested to know more
about my new hobby. 5. __________________ cooking.

Oh, really? 1. ___________________? That’s interesting. I guess people

Photography. nowadays really care about their health.

2. __________________. Yes, you are right. I’ll bring my cooking
to class one day.

That will be nice.


Unit 5 - Well, I’m crazy about soccer.

5 Guess what your friends like doing in their free time. Then go around the class to find out if your
guess is correct. If your guess is wrong, write the correct answer under the provided column. Use
the expressions learned. Look at the example.

Jessica: You know lots of dish. Santi: I love bungee jumping.
Santi: I guess you’re into cooking. Jessica: Wow, you like dangerous activities?
Jessica: No, not really. Santi: Actually, that’s the only dangerous
What do you do for fun? thing I do.

Interests/Hobbies Answer Friends’ interests / hobbies
No Name True False (Real)

1. Santi She loves cooking √ Bungee jumping
He/she likes
3. ____________________.
4. He/she ____________.

6 Work in pairs. Make conversations based on the situations below. Then, think of another situation
in which you can use the expressions and create a conversation.

Situation 1: Invite a friend to go to a place that has something to do with your hobby. Remember
to ask for his/her interest or hobby.

Situation 2: You are a new student. You go to the extracurricular fair and sit next to another
student. Talk about each other’s interest.

Situation 3:

(Make your own.)

7 Perform one of the conversations above in front of the class. Ask your classmates to give

Name FEEDBACK FORM Did he/she speak clearly and
Did he/she use the
expressions correctly?

Yes No Yes No


Unit 5 - Well, I’m crazy about soccer.


More Speaking: Ending a conversation

1 Listen to the longer version of the conversation in the Speaking Time Activity 1. What expressions
are used to end a conversation? Complete the conversation.
Situation: In the campus court yard, during lunch
Ana: That’s nice. I didn’t know you’re into cooking.
Tina: I cook whenever I have some free time.
Ana: Really? Sounds fun. Oh my! Look at the time. Sorry,
Tina, 1. ____________________.
2. _________________________. See you around, Tina.
Tina: 3. _________________________, Anna.

2 Listen to a short version of the recording. Check your answers in Activity 1. Practice the conversation
in pairs.

3 Work with a partner. Fill in the blanks then check your answer.
Situation: In the campus auditorium, during a painting exhibition
Sarah: Hi Betty.
Betty: Oh, hello, Sarah. Good to see you again.
Sarah: Good to see you too.
Betty: Nice painting, isn’t it?
Sarah: Yeah, I think so, but 1. __________ painting.
Betty: Oh, 2. ____________, then?
Sarah: Right now, 3. __________ making crafts like
eco bags or cute poaches.
Betty: 4. __________! Sometimes I paint on stuff like that.
Sarah: Oh yeah? Let’s make a project together.
Betty: Sure. Let’s do that. 5. __________. I need to help
my friends open our booth. I’ll let you get back
to the painting.
Sarah: Okay. 6. __________.

4 Look at the conversation again. Use other expressions to show and ask hobbies / interests. Change
the ending of the conversation.


Unit 5 - Well, I’m crazy about soccer.

5 Work in pairs. Create a conversation based on the instructions below.

Student A: Student B:
You see your old friend, B, at a book store. You see A, your old friend, at a book store.
• Greet B. • Respond to A’s greeting. Ask how he/she is.
• Respond to B’s question and tell B he/she • Ask A what he/she is looking for.
looks great.
• Tell B you are looking for a certain book • Give a comment about A’s interest/hobby.
related to your interest/hobby.
• Ask B what he/she does for fun. • Give information about your interest/hobby.
• Give comment about B’s interest and end • End the conversation.
the conversation.

6 Work with a partner. Create proper endings for conversations in Activities 3 and 4 in the Speaking
At the library


At the train station

After a class presentation


Unit 5 - Well, I’m crazy about soccer.


Grammar Highlight: The Simple Present Tense with action verbs
Gerunds after certain verbs

Gerunds after certain verbs:

I am/ are into cooking. He is into cooking. Do you like reading?
You go jogging in the She goes jogging in the Does she enjoy playing
We morning. Maria morning. recording games?
They like reading novels. Jono likes reading novels.
love dancing. loves dancing. + Yes, I do.
enjoy web surfing. enjoys web surfing. + Yes, she does.

am/ are not into cooking. is not (isn’t) into cooking. - No, I don’t.
do not (don’t) like playing does (doesn’t) like - No, she doesn’t.
soccer at school. playing soccer at school.
hate doing yoga. hates doing yoga.
dislike singing. dislikes singing.

1 Complete these blanks with the words from the box. Use negative form when necessary.
a. Does she like singing c. I love dancing e. We usually go jogging in the morning

b. Do you like d. No, I don’t f. You really enjoy web surfing

1. Edward: What do you do for fun? 4. Freddy: Wow, Martha’s voice is so
_____. I start to learn salsa this week. beautiful._____?
2. Pete:
Norman: _____ doing yoga? Sam: Yes, she does. Unfortunately,
she dislikes performing in the public.
3. Kelly: _____. My body is not flexible at all.
Hey guys, are you members of
The connection is so fast here! This 5. Citra: athletics club? When do you usually
Nurdin: is cool! practice?

_____ , huh? Jim: Yes, we are._____.

2 Interview 2-3 friends about their hobbies/interests. Write their name in a chart. Look at the

Interests/Hobbies Liz: Do you like cooking, Ani?
No. Ani: Yes, I do. I like cooking.

1. Liz: Do you like cooking, Ian?
Ian: No, I don’t. I can’t cook.
2. Liz: What do you do for fun?

3. Ian: I enjoy watching movies.

Pronunciation: Yes/No and WH questions intonations

3 Guess the intonations of these following questions. Listen to the recording to check your answers.
Then, practice saying the expressions. Number 1 is an example.
1. Do you like playing basketball? 5. Do they go jogging in the morning?
2. What’s your hobby? 6. Does Rissa enjoy traveling?
3. Does she love drawing? 7. What does she do for fun?
4. How do you spend your weekend? 8. What’s their hobby?


Unit 5 - Well, I’m crazy about soccer.


Making Connections: Unusual but prof itable hobbies

1 Look at the picture and read the following short text about it. What is it about?
Meet Jennifer Drew, a mom-of-one from Leicestershire (UK). She is an ordinary
English teacher with an unusual yet profitable hobby. She has earned £17k by
spending more than 45 days doing her hobby. She likes collecting coupons
online. She spends an hour a day, Monday to Friday, and around three hours
each day on weekends searching for deals. She saves on everything from
nappies to shampoo and estimates that she can get £70 discount on her food
shop every week. She can save more money than a full day’s pay. No doubt,
her hobby is saving her and her family thousands of pounds a year.

2 Talk about someone you know who has an unusual yet profitable habit. Use the questions below
to help you. Look at the example.
a. Who has an unusual yet profitable hobby?
b. Where does he/she live?
c. How often does he/she do it?
d. Why is it profitable?

I want to tell you about my friend, Annie. She lives in
Jakarta. She has an unusual yet profitable hobby. She
makes good use of her credit cards benefits: using the
discounts and points upon purchasing certain items. That
way, she can get a lot of points to buy things for free such
as air plane tickets or watches.


Unit 5 - Well, I’m crazy about soccer.







Vocabulary Exercises

1 Find the words that match their meanings. Read the expression in the yellow boxes.

1. What your friends call you 1
2. Where you come from 2
3. What you study
4. How old you are 3

5. What your citizenship is 5
6. What you do for living 6

7. What people call you 8 7
8. What you do for fun 9
9. Where you live 11 10
10. Sequences of actions 12
11. Who you live with 13
12. Area where you live
13. What your last/family name is

2 Use the words from the football to complete Chuck’s introduction.
Hi, my (1)__________ is Charles Rhoades. Some people call me Chuck
the Truck, it’s my (2)__________. I’m (3)__________ Manhattan. I’m
19 (4)__________ and I like to play football, it’s my (5)__________. I
(6)__________ as one of my elementary school’s football mentors.

3 Fill the following table with your own information.
Given Name:


Work Book


1 This activity aims to help students understand the target vocabulary.


1. What your friends call you G I V E NN A ME
2. Where you come from OR I G I N
3. What you study
4. How old you are EDU CAT I ON

5. What your citizenship is NA T I O N A L I T Y
6. What you do for living J OB

7. What people call you NA M E
8. What you do for fun HOBB I ES
9. Where you live
10. Sequences of actions H O M E AD D R E S S
11. Who you live with
12. Area where you live FAMI L Y
13. What your last/family name is N E I G H B O R H OO D


2 This activity serves as input aiming to give examples on how to use the target vocabulary in context.

Hi, my (1) name is Charles Rhoades. Some people call me Chuck the Truck, it’s my
(2) nickname. I’m (3) from Manhattan. I’m 19 (4) years old. I like to play football, it’s my
(5) hobby. I (6) work as one of my elementary school’s football mentors.

3 This activity aims to get students use the target vocabulary.

Key: Accept possible answers.


Work Book

Grammar Exercises

1 This activity aims to help students understand the form of the grammar point.


No Question Answer
1. Are you the homeroom teacher? Yes, I am. My name is Ms. Rina.
2. Am I in charge of the documentation? No, you aren’t. It’s Tim.
3. Is he from abroad? No, he isn’t. His mom is.
4. Is she also a lecturer? Yes, she is. A new one.
5. Are we in the same team? Yes, we are. We’ll meet after class.
6. Are they new students? Yes, they are. They’re not in our major.
7. Is it J-A-N? No, it‘s C-H-A-N.

2 This activity aims to provide students an opportunity to practice the target grammar in context.


No Sentences
1. I’m a student, too. I‘m not a lecturer.
2. Everyone elects you. Now, you are our class leader.
3. Bruce has blond hair. He is from Australia.

4. Although she can jump very high, she‘s not the basketball team captain.
5. Mr. Budi and Ms. Sara teach PE but they‘re not athletes.
6. Annie is in the school choir. She is at the club every Saturday.
7. Do you see my pencil? It is a mechanical blue pencil.

3 This activity aims to have students use the grammar point.

Accept possible answers.


Work Book

Grammar Exercises

1 Fill in the following conversation with are, am, is, aren’t or isn’t.

No Question Answer
1. …………… you the homeroom teacher? Yes, I …………… My name is Ms. Rina.
2. …………… I in charge of the documentation? No, you …………… It’s Tim.
3. ...................he from abroad? No, he ............... His mom is
4. ...................she also a lecturer? Yes, she..............A new one.
5. ...................we in the same team? Yes, we .............We’ll meet after class.
6. ...................they new students? Yes, they ..........They’re not in our major.
7. J-A-N? No, it................... C-H-A-N.

2 Fill in the following statements with are, am not, is, are not or is not.

No Sentences
1. I’m a student, too. I …………… a lecturer.
2. Everyone elects you. Now, you …………… our class leader.
3. Bruce has blond hair. He …………… from Australia.
4. Although she can jump very high, she …………… the basketball team captain.
5. Mr. Budi and Ms. Sara teach PE but they …………… athletes.
6. Annie is in the school choir. She …………… at the club every Saturday.
7. Do you see my pencil? It …………… a mechanical blue pencil.

3 Answer the following questions. Report to the class.

1. What is your name?
2. How old are you?
3. Are you a school student?
4. Where do you live?
5. Is it close from the school/course?
6. Who lives with you?
7. What is your hobby?


Work Book


Vocabulary Exercises

1 Find the words above in the word maze below.
a w o n d e r f u L 1. The opposite of bad
u r g o o d s e a l 2. Very good, outstanding
3. Enjoyable, satisfying
ma r ve l ous f 4. Astonishing, full of wonder

o w e n t a s d a i 5. Superbly fine

y f a s u e o i u n 6. Neat, good enough

b u t e r r i b l e 7. Not so good, not so bad
8. Extremely unpleasant
a l x no t b a d z 9. Causing terror

2 Read the conversation below and underline the right words.
Situation: In an airport
Sam: Violet? Vi! Hi, how are you?
Violet: Samantha! I’m fine/terrified. What are you doing here?
Sam: I’m having a vacation. How about you?
Violet: I’m here to pick up my dad. By the way, where do you live now?
Sam: I live in Semarang, it’s a good/great neighborhood. It’s close to a park.

Violet: That’s more than good, that’s so-so/wonderful.
Sam: Thank you. But sometimes Semarang is very hot. I feel awful/good.
Violet: Yeah, I can understand.
Sam: By the way, how is your dad?
Violet: He’s great/so-so. He just won a golf competition.
Sam: Really? That’s terrible/marvelous! Now I want to see him.

3 Read the words below. What do you think about them. Then, ask your friends what they think
about them. Report to the class.

No Activities You ............................ ...........................
1. Studying
2. Lying
3. Sleeping in class
4. Eating lunch
5. Exercising
6. Moving to a new house
7. Singing
8. Dancing


Work Book

1 This activity aims to tap students’ knowledge on the words/phrases describing people’s feeling and


wonde r f u L


ma r v e l o u s f

we si

fa on

uter r ible

l xno t bad

2 This activity serves as practice on the target vocabulary.

Situation: In an airport
Sam: Violet? Vi! Hi, how are you?
Violet: Sam! I’m fine/terrified. What are you doing here?
Sam: I’m having a vacation. How about you?
Violet: I’m here to pick up my dad. By the way, where do you live now?
Sam: I live in Semarang, it’s a good/great neighborhood. It’s close to a park.
Violet: That’s more than good, that’s so-so/wonderful.
Sam: Thank you. But sometimes Semarang is very hot. I feel awful/good.
Violet: Yeah, I can understand.
Sam: By the way, how is your dad?
Violet: I think he’s great/so-so. He just won a golf competition.
Sam: Really? That’s terrible/marvelous! Now I want to see him.

3 This activity aims to get students to use the target vocabulary.

Key: Accept possible and reasonable answers.


Work Book

Grammar Exercises

1 This activity aims to have students understand the form of the grammar point.


No Question Answer
1. Who is that person? He is our homeroom teacher.
2. What is your name? It is Julia.
3. Where are your books? They are in my bag.
4. Which one is your bag? My bag is the red one.
5. Whose bag is the blue one? It is Budi’s bag.

2 This activity aims to give students a chance to practice the grammar point.


No We study here. Sentences
1. Jaka likes soccer. This is our class room.
2. My dad bought this bag for me. He wins all the time.
3. You can have this book. It’s my new bag.
4. Melisa’s writing is very neat. Now it’s your book.
5. Tony and Bella join the choir I like reading her notebooks.
6. Their voices are very beautiful.

3 This activity aims to have students use the grammar point.
Key: Accept possible answers.


Work Book

Grammar Exercises

1 Fill in the following blanks with are, am or is.

No Question Answer
1. Who ___________ that person? He ___________ our homeroom teacher
2. What ___________ your name? It _____________ Julia.
3. Where ___________ your books? They ____________ in my bag.
4. Which one ____________ your bag? My bag _____________ the red one.
5. Whose bag __________ the blue one? It _____________ Budi’s bag.

2 Fill in the following blanks with my, your, his, her, our or their.

No We study here. Sentences
1. Jaka likes soccer. This is _____________ class room.
2. My dad bought this bag for me. ________________team wins all the time.
3. You can have this book. It’s ______________ new bag.
4. Melisa’s writing is very neat. Now it’s _____________ book.
5. Tony and Bella join the choir I like reading ____________ notebooks.
6. ___________ voices are very beautiful.

3 Interview your friends, fill in the table and report to the class.

Questions Student 1 Student 2


Given Name:







Work Book


Vocabulary Exercises

1 Give the nationality of people from each country below.
1. Singapore →

2. Cambodia →

3. Vietnam →

4. Thailand →

5. The Philippines →

6. Myanmar →

2 Fill in the blanks with the words from the list below.

a. assistant
b. professors
c. librarian
d. mentor
e. lecturer
f. supervisor

1. Mr. Singh is a ________ of Biology in a private university.
2. Michelle Yauw is my ________. She helps me plan my research.
3. Thanks to my ________, Auriel, my algebra is improving.
4. Na Peng Bo is one of the distinguish ________ in the field of Physics.
5. Bernard works in our campus library. He is a ________.

3 Write down what you would say if you have to introduce this person to someone you know.

Michael Holts
Jacksonville, Florida
Macro Economics 101
Hei Nam University


Work Book


Vocabulary Exercises
1 This activity aims to tap students’ knowledge on people’s nationality.

1. Singapore → Singaporean
2. Cambodia → Cambodian
3. Vietnam → Vietnamese
4. Thailand → Thai
5. The Philippines → Filipino
6. Myanmar → Burmese

2 This activity aims to give students practice for the target vocabulary.

1. e
2. a
3. d
4. b
5. f

3 This activity aims to get students to use the target vocabulary.

Key: Accept possible answers.  


Work Book

Grammar Exercises
1 This activity aims to have students understand the form of the grammar point.

1. am
2. is
3. is
4. are
5. is
6. are
7. is
8. is

2 This activity aims to give students a chance to practice the grammar point.

1. Mr. Baxton is a new lecturer in my college.
2. Willy comes from Canberra, Australia.
3. Let me introduce you to Geoffrey, my classmate.
4. Hui works in a hospital in Hanoi.
5. Where do you live, Glenn?

3 This activity aims to have students understand the form of the grammar point.

1. works
2. comes
3. is
4. is
5. is
6. introduce


Work Book

Grammar Exercises

1 Write down the right form of be.
1. I ______ from Jakarta. I live here all my life.
2. Patricia ___ New Zealander. She came here in 2013.
3. Have you met my new lecturer? He ___ over there. Let’s meet him.
4. James and Jonathan ___ twins. They come from the island of Palau.
5. Kim and Tan come from Korea but their teacher, Mr. Miyagi ___ Japanese.
6. Excuse me, ___ you Indonesian? I knew it from your accent.
7. What ___ their nationality? They look foreign to me.
8. Where ___ he from? Vietnam, right?

2 Put the words in the right order to form good sentences.
1. lecturer– in – is – Mr. Baxton – my – college – a – new.

2. Canberra, - comes - from -Willy - Australia.

3. me - my - introduce - classmate. - Let - you - to - Geoffrey,

4. Hui - a - Hanoi. - hospital - works - in - in

5. Where - Glenn? - live, - do – you

3 Write down the right form of verbs in brackets.
1. Latifa ________ (work) in a company as a secretary.
2. My friend Ahmed Basheer, _______ (come) from Pakistan.
3. Greg _______ (be) from Australia.
4. Doni, long time no see. How ________ (be) you, buddy?
5. Luiz ________ (be) from Mexico.
6. Let me ________ (introduce) you to Karen, my niece.


Work Book


Vocabulary Exercises

1 Write the routine activities under each picture.

a.______________ b.______________ c.______________ d.______________

e.______________ f.______________ g.______________ h.______________

2 Choose the suitable word to complete each sentence.
1. I like to spend time cleaning vegetables and cutting meat on weekends.

I usually go shopping/prepare dinner on weekends.
2. My friend has a collection of short stories in her house.

She often read novels/does homework at home.
3. I enjoy spending time every Tuesday and Friday afternoon to keep healthy.

I attend class/play badminton twice a week.
4. Everyday Oscar leaves home at 5:30 a.m. and goes to campus canteen.

He always has breakfast/watches movies on campus.
5. Sandra does not like spending time in a mall.

She never goes shopping/listen to music after class.

3 Fill in the time for each activity you do on a busy day.

Time Activities








Work Book


Vocabulary Exercises
1 This activity aims to tap students’ knowledge on the target vocabulary.

a. watch movies
b. do homework
c. go shopping
d. attend class
e. have breakfast
f. do exercise
g. play basketball
h. read a novel

2 This activity aims to have students understand the target vocabulary when used in context.

1. b
2. a
3. b
4. a
5. a

3 This activity aims to get students to use the target vocabulary.

Key: Accept possible responses.


Work Book

Grammar Exercises
1 This activity aims to have students understand the form of the grammar point.

a. Dave often goes to campus at 10 a.m.
b. Norma sometimes takes out her dog in the morning.
c. Mutia always prepares dinner on Sunday.
d. Yuni never goes to the library after 7 p.m.
e. Gina usually cleans up her room on Saturday.

2 This activity serves as input aiming to give examples on how the grammar point is used in context.

My language professor is almost 74 years of age, but he still looks healthy and strong. Every Monday
and Wednesday he always comes to my class at 8 o’clock sharp. He often starts his lesson with a
funny story. We never want to miss his stories. I sometimes see him in the library, reading a book or
browsing internet. At around 3 p.m. his son and little grandson always pick him up at the library door.

3 This activity aims to get students use the grammar point.

Key: Accept possible stories.


Work Book

Grammar Exercises

1 Make sentences with the words given.
a. campus/often/Dave/at 10 a.m. /goes to
b. her dog/Norma/in the morning/sometimes/takes out
c. on Sundays/prepares dinner/Mutia/always
d. goes to/after 7 p.m. /Yuni/the library /never
e. usually/her room/cleans up/on Saturday/Gina

2 Fill in each blank with a correct tensed word.

My language professor 1.____________ (to be) almost 74 years of age, but he still
2.____________ (look) healthy and strong. Every Monday and Wednesday he always
3.____________ (come) to my class at 8 o’clock sharp. He often 4.____________
(start) his lesson with a funny story. We never 5.____________ (want) to miss his
stories. I sometimes 6.____________ (see) him in the library, reading a book or
browsing internet. At around 3 p.m. his son and little grandson always 7.____________
(pick) him up at the library door.

3 Ask one of your friends his/her daily activities using Wh-questions and adverb of
frequency: usually, sometimes, often.
Then, write his/her activities.

Time Activities


Work Book

Vocabulary Exercises
a. arts and crafts
1 Fill in the crossword puzzle based on the clues given. b. cooking
1. A game that involves hitting a small ball using a racket c. dancing
2. Run at a regular speed, usually in the morning d. jogging
3. Specific body postures practiced for health and relaxation e. parkour
4. Sports related to moving in water f. photography
5. The art or process of producing images c. swimming
6. The practice of preparing food d. tennis
7. The skills of making object such as decorations by hand e. web surfing
8. The sport of moving along a route to get around various obstacles f. yoga
9. To move one’s feet rhythmically in a pattern of steps
10. To navigate through the Internet

2 Write the interests/hobbies based on the pictures. Choose the correct word that collocates with it.
1. 2. 3.

Go/Play/Do_____________ Go/Play/Do____________ Go/Play/Do____________
4. 5. 6.

Go/Play/Do_____________ Go/Play/Do_____________ Go/Play/Do_____________

3 Interview a friend about his/her activities. Write his/her name in the white box and write his/her
activities in the colored boxes. Then, report to the class.


Morning Weekend

Sport Fun


Work Book


Vocabulary Exercises
1 This activity aims to help students understand the meaning of the target vocabulary.

1. h
2. d
3. j
4. g
5. f
6. b
7. a
8. e
9. c
10. i

2 This activity provides students a chance to practice the target vocabulary.

1. Play soccer
2. Go jogging
3. Do yoga
4. Play tennis
5. Go dancing
6. Do arts and crafts

3 This activity aims to get students to use the target vocabulary.

Key: Accept possible answers.


Work Book

Grammar Exercises
1 This activity aims to have students understand the form of the grammar point.

1. She takes yoga classes routinely.
2. He is into parkour lessons after watching the movies.
3. We love doing a variety of arts and crafts.
4. He dislikes jogging early in the morning.
5. They enjoy web surfing.

2 This activity aims to have students understand the form of the grammar point when used in context.

1. He doesn’t enjoy playing recording games in public places.
2. I love cooking but I dislike cleaning up.
3. Does she like taking the digital photography classes?
4. They are crazy about shopping things at the clearance store.
5. He loves playing tennis and enjoys taking part in tournaments.

3 This activity aims to get students use the grammar point.

Key: Accept possible answers.


Work Book

Grammar Exercises

1 Arrange the words in good order to form good sentences. The first words are provided.
1. She – routinely– yoga –takes –classes

2. He – parkour – watching – moves – movies – the – practicing – after – is

3. We – variety –a – love – crafts– doing – of – arts– and

4. He – dislikes– early– the – in –jogging –morning

5. They–web surfing – enjoy

2 Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb.
1. He (not enjoy play) ____________________ recording games in public places.

2. I (love cook) ___________________ but I (dislike clean) ___________________ up.

3. __________ she (like take) __________________ the digital photography classes?

4. They are crazy about (shop) _______________ things at the clearance store.

5. He (love play) _______________ tennis and (enjoy take) _______________ part in


3 Find out what your friends think of these ideas and how often they would do it? Report to the class.

Ideas Student 1 Student 2
How often? How often?
Like? Why? Like? Why?


Web surfing





Work Book







Ask the English word for DOSEN Ask how to spell LECTURER

Ask how to say FIREFIGHTER Ask the meaning of FIREFIGHTER

Ask the teacher to repeat something Ask the page number to your teacher

Ask if your friend understand you. Ask to borrow a pen

Ask if you can sit on a certain place. Ask to join a group.

Ask for extra paper. Ask to join a class because you’re late

Ask to answer a call. Ask to go to the restroom.
Invite your friend to discuss something. Ask your friend to pass a dice.

Ask your friend to show you what to do. Ask your friend on a turn in the game.


Understand? Page?



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