Let’s Reflect
Let’s reflect what we have learnt in this lesson. Write your impression
after studying this lesson by answering the questions below.
Mari kita refleksikan apa yang sudah kita pelajari pada pembelajaran
ini. Tuliskan kesan Ananda selama mempelajari materi di pembelajaran
ini dengan cara menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut ini!
What is the What is the most Which activity did
most interesting diffcult activity in you do the best?
activity in this
this lesson?
____________ ____________ ____________
____________ ____________ ____________
____________ ____________ ____________
____________ ____________ ____________
____________ ____________ ____________
What is the most impressive question or activity you find in all of the
lessons. (Lesson 1 - 4)
Answer Key
Let’s Get Ready
Alternative answers of the students
Supporting /
encouraging lyrics
A song for best You raise me up, A song for parents
friend who always
so I can stand on Reminding of
help mountains someone
Everybody need You raise me up
someone to
support to walk on stormy seas
I am strong
when I am on your
You raise me up
to more than I can be
Let’s Study Feeling thanksful
Activity 1
Students’ performance and hand writing
Activity 2
1. A mother’s love.
2. A mother’s love to her child.
3. 3 characters. They are: She/Her, Me/My, and You.
4. SHE represents a mother, ME represents the writer/singer, and YOU represents
the listeners.
5. The lyric’s addressed to a mother.
6. The lyrics tell us about a mother’s love for her son/daughter and how strong the
love is.
7. Nothing in the world is more precious than a mother’s love
Activity 3
1. These are the lyrics of a song entitled “A mother’s Love”.
2. As it’s shown by the title, the theme of the lyrics is a mother’s love.
3. There are three characters in the lyrics, they are: me, she and you.
4. “Me” refers to the singer of the song/the writer of the lyrics. “She” refers to the
singer’s/ writer’s mother. “You” refers to the listeners/readers.
5. The lyrics are obviously addressed to the singer’s/ writer’s mother.
6. The lyrics tell about a son/daughter who realizes that his/her mother’s love is
worth more than anything in the world. He/she realizes that his/her mother
made his/her life complete. Her love never changes time to time. It is a mother
who is always beside him/her in good and bad times.
7. Through these lyrics, the writer wants to say that nothing in the world is more
precious than mother’s love.
Activity 4
These are the lyrics of a song entitled “A mother’s Love”. As it’s shown by the title,
the theme of the lyrics is a mother’s love. There are three characters in the lyrics. They
are me, she and you. “Me” refers to the singer of the song/ the writer of the lyrics. “She”
refers to the singer’s/writer’s mother. “You” refers to the listeners/readers. The lyrics are
obviously addressed to the singer’s/writer’s mother. The lyrics tell us about a
son/daughter who realizes that his/her mother’s love is worth more than anything in the
world. He/she realizes that his/her mother made his/her life complete. Her love never
changes from time to time. It is a mother who is always beside him/her in good times and
bad times. Through these lyrics, the writer wants to say that nothing in the world is more
precious than a mother’s love.
Let’s Check
1. Color him father.
2. A son’s love/admiration to his father.
3. There are 5 characters. They are: “A MAN” = “HE” = father, “ME”= son, “SHE”/
“HER” = the writer’s mother/sister.
4. “HE”= his father, “I” = the son, “SHE” = his mother.
5. The lyrics are addressed to a father.
6. A son who realizes how much his father’s love is.
7. The singer/writer wants to tell us that he admires his father. He realizes that his father
has sacrificed many things for his family.
Let’s Sum up
1. Read the lyrics carefully
2. Find the meaning of the unfamiliar words
3. Find the following points: title , characters , theme , topic and message of the lyrics
4. Write the paragraph/text based of the guidance points
Let’s Reflect
The most interesting activity: Activity 1
The most difficult activity: Activity 2
The activity that I do well: Activity 3
All of the activities are impressive. I find different styles of tasks in this module.
You can continue to the next module when you can
master or finish at least 80% of all the activities in
this lesson. If you find any difficulties, you may
ask for help to your teacher, friends or, parents.
I. Here is the part of the lyrics of a song entitled “A mother's love”. Identify the pronouns,
verbs, adjectives and nouns in you can find in that verse. Write them in the correct boxes.
Pronoun: I want you to be here with me Adjectives:
…………. I know it sounds crazy ………….
…………. I miss your laugh and ………….
…………. ………….
…………. I miss everything we used to be
Verbs: And even if it is just for a while ………….
…………. Then, God please give us the time ………….
…………. ………….
…………. I can’t deal with the reality ………….
…………. There’s nothing left that I can do
…………. ‘cause my heart is just missing you
Nothing is the same
It's hard for me
To erase all of the memories I have with you
II. Identify the sentence patterns by rewriting the right sentences taken from the
lyrics in the appropriate coloumn.
The lyrics Sentence Pattern & the expressions
I want you to be here with me, I know it sounds Subject + to be + object /adjective/adverb:
crazy. ………….………….
I miss your laugh and I miss everything we used ………….………….
to be. ………….………….
And even if it is just for a while Subject + verb + object/ adverb:
Then, God please give us the time ………….………….
I can’t deal with the reality ………….………….
There’s nothing left that I can do ………….………….
‘cause my heart is just missing you
Please + verb + object:
Nothing is the same, It's hard for me ………….………….
To erase all of the memories I have with you
III. Read the lyrics carefully. Match the statements with the supporting expressions
based on the lyrics provided.
Supporting expressions in the song Statements
▪ I miss your laugh and I miss everything a. TThe writer has a lot of
unforgettable moments with
we used to be. 1 someone he/she misses.
▪ And even if it is just for a while b. TThe writer can’t bear the feeling to
▪ Then, God please give us the time. 2 meet someone.
▪ Nothing is the same, It's hard for me c. TThe lyrics shows how much the
3 writer misses someone.
▪ To erase all of the memories I have
with you.
▪ I can’t deal with the reality d. TThe writer beg the God to let him
▪ There’s nothing left that I can do 4 meet the one she/ he misses
▪ ‘Cause my heart is just missing you
IV. Cross the answer that you think is correct based on the lyrics below. You can
choose more than one option.
When I am by myself, looking at photos and videos
that we took, I’ve been keeping them for so long
and with my broken heart, I see all the pictures of myself
living life without you just feels so wrong
I want you to be here with me, I know it sounds crazy
I miss your laugh and I miss everything we used to be
And even if it is just for a while,then God please give us the time
I can’t deal with the reality, there’s nothing left that I can do
‘cause my heart is just missing you
1. What is the theme of the song lyrics?
A. Falling in love with someone.
B. Missing for someone.
C. Happiness.
D. Sadness.
2. To whom is this song probably addressed?
A. A mother.
B. A friend.
C. A brother.
D. A father.
3. What is the message of the song?
A. One day we will miss someone we love very much.
B. We only know how much we love someone when we have memories.
C. God will always let us meet someone we love whenever we want to.
D. We will realize how meaningful someone is when we lose him/her.
4. What do you think the readers probably feel after reading the lyrics?
A. Happy
B. Guilty
C. Sorry
D. Grateful
5. This song is most properly sung to … .
A. entertain people
B. flatter people
C. console oneself
D. deliver a moral value
Picture 23 Picture 24
Kunci, Rubrik Penilaian &
Pedoman Penskoran Evaluasi
No Kunci Jawaban Skor
Skor maksimal: 8
Pronoun: 8 jika menyebutkan > 6 kata yang benar
6 jika menyebutkan 4-6 kata yang benar
I, Me, My, It, You, Your, We, 4 jika menyebutkan 3-4 kata yang benar
Us. 2 jika menyebutkan 1-2 kata yang benar
1 jika meyebutkan berapapun kata tapi salah
Skor maksimal: 8
8 jika menyebutkan > 6 kata yang benar
Verbs: 6 jika menyebutkan 4-6 kata yang benar
Want, know, Sounds, miss, Give,
4 jika menyebutkan 3-4 kata yang benar
do, Erase, have.
I. 2 jika menyebutkan 1-2 kata yang benar
1 jika meyebutkan berapapun kata tapi salah
Adjectives: Skor maksimal: 3
Crazy, same, hard. 3 jika menyebutkan 2-3 kata yang benar
2 jika menyebutkan 1 kata yang benar
1 jika menyebutkan berapapun kata tapi salah
Nouns: Skor maksimal: 5
Everything, the time, reality, 5 jika menyebutkan 4-5 kata yang benar
nothing, memories. 3 jika menyebutkan 2-3 kata yang benar
2 jika menyebutkan 1 kata yang benar
1 jika menyebutkan berapapun kata tapi salah
Subject + to be + object Skor maksimal: 6
II. 6 jika menyebutkan 2-3 kalimat yang benar
No Kunci Jawaban Skor
1. Nothing is the same 4 jika menyebutkan 2-3 kalimat dengan
2. It's hard for me kesalahan minor
3. It is just for a while
2 jika menyebutkan 1 kalimat yang benar
1 jika menyebutkan berapapun kalimat tapi salah
Subject + verb + object/ Adverb: Skor maksimal: 6
1. I want you to be here with 6 jika menyebutkan 2-3 kalimat yang benar
4 jika menyebutkan 2-3 kalimat dengan
2. I miss your laugh kesalahan minor
3. I miss everything 2 jika menyebutkan 1 kalimat yang benar
1 jika menyebutkan berapapun kalimat tapi salah
Skor maksimal: 3
Please + Imperative + Object: 3 jika menyebutkan 1 kalimat yang tepat
Please give us the time
2 jika menyebutkan satu kalimat dengan
kesalahan minor
1 jika menyebutkan berapapun kalimat tapi salah
1. C Skor maksimal: 4
2. D Bobot nilai 1 untuk tiap jawaban benar 0 untuk
III. jawaban salah
3. A
4. B
1. B & D
2. A, B,C & D Skor maksimal: 13
IV. 3. A & D
Bobot nilai 1 untuk tiap jawaban benar 0 untuk
4. A, C & D jawaban salah
5. A & C
adjective Glosarium
characters : kata sifat
chorus : orang dewasa
entitled : sifat, kepribadian seseorang.
family : refrain lagu
friendship : berjudul
gratitude : keluarga (sekelompok orang yang terikat hubungan darah)
intonation : persahabatan
lyrics : rasa terima kasih
message : intonasi
noun : lirik/ kata-kata dalam lagu
pronoun : pesan.
pronunciation : kata benda
read aloud/ recite : kata ganti
rewrite : pelafalan
sacrifice : membaca nyaring
sentence pattern : menuliskan kembali
singer : berkorban
song : pola kalimat
spirit : penyanyi.
teenage : lagu
title : semangat, rasa ingin melakukan sesuatu
verb : remaja
writer : judul lagu.
: kata kerja
: penulis (seseorang yang menulis lirik lagu)
Daftar Pustaka
Emilia, Emi. (2011). Pendekatan Genre-Based dalam Pengajaran Bahasa Inggris:
Petunjuk untuk Guru. Bandung: Rizqi Press
Feez, S. (2002). Heritageandinnovation in secondlanguageeducation. In A. M. Johns
(Ed.), Genre in theclassroom: Multipleperspectives. Mahwah, NJ; London:
Lawrence ErlbaumAssociates.
Feez, S., & Joyce, H. (1998). Text-basedsyllabusdesign. Sydney: National Centre
forEnglishLanguageTeachingandResearch. MacquarieUniversity
Hammond, Jenny; Burns, Anne; Joyce, Helen; et. al. (1992). EnglishforSocialPurposes:
A HandbookforTeachersofAdultLiteracy. Sydney: National Centre
Hammond, J., andDerewianka, B. (2001). Genre. In R. Carter & D. Nunan (Eds). The
Cambridge GuidetoTeachingEnglishtoSpeakersofOtherLanguages. Cambridge:
Cambridge UniversityPress.
Daftar Sumber Gambar
Pictures Source
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21 Screenshot dari https://youtu.be/3V4PM1oL7Xs
22 Screenshot dari https://youtu.be/3V4PM1oL7Xs
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