KAB. BATANG Puji syukur kami panjatkan kehadirat Tuhan Yang
Maha Esa, atas rahmat dan hidayah- Nya, kami dapat
KOORDINATOR: menyusun dan menghadirkan edisi buku ini sebagai
pendamping materi bagi siswa dan guru dalam
1. ABDULAH FATAH , S.Pd. proses belajar mengajar.
EDITOR: Buku ini kami susun berdasarkan Kurikulum Tingkat
Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP) dengan memperhatikan
1. SABAR, S.Pd. MT keempat keterampilan berbahasa yang meliputi
2. ABDULAH FATAH, S.Pd Listening, speaking, Reading dan Writing. Hal ini
2. MAS ’ UD, S.Pd. terkandung maksud untuk mempermudah
3. BAKTI SETYANTA, S.Pd pencapaian kompetensi yang tercantum dalam
kurikulum tersebut.
Buku ini berisi ringkasan materi berdasarkan
1. DASUKI, S.Pd kompetensi dasar dan latihan-latihan untuk siswa,
2. WAHYU LISTYOWATI, S.Pd serta beberapa sajian uji kompetensi yang terdiri dari
3. ERLINAH INDRIYANI, S.Pd. soal pilihan ganda, soal isian serta soal uraian. Hal ini
4. NURUL APRILIA RAHMAWATI, S.Pd. kami maksudkan untuk mempermudah peserta didik
5. TRIWIK DARMASTUTI, S.Pd untuk mengukur pencapaian kompetensi yang
diharapkan dan memudahkan para guru dalam
melaksanakan proses belajar mengajar.
Kami menyadari bahwa buku ini masih jauh dari
kesempurnaan. Oleh karena itu saran dan kritik yang
membangun atau konstruktif sangat kami harapkan
demi kesempurnaan edisi selanjutnya.
Kami juga berharap semoga buku ini benar-benar
bermanfaat bagi siswa serta rekan-rekan guru bahasa
Inggris, khususnya di Kabupaten Batang.
Batang, Desember 2016
Can you help me?
Kompetensi Dasar 7.1:
Merespon maknadalampercakapantransaksionaldan interpersonal
sangatsederhanasecaraakurat, lancar
danberterimauntukberinteraksidenganlingkunganterdekat yang
melibatkantindaktuturmemintadanmemberijasa, memintadan memberibarang,
sertamemintadan memberifakta.
KompetensiDasar 7.2:
Meresponmaknadalampercakapantransaksionaldan interpersonal
sangatsederhanasecaraakurat, lancar
danberterimauntukberinteraksidenganlingkunganterdekat yang
melibatkantindaktuturmemintadan memberipendapat,
menyatakansukadantidaksuka, memintaklarifikasidanmeresponsecara interpersonal.
1. Meminta, memberi, menolakjasa/barang
2. Memintadanmemberifakta
3. Memintadanmemberipendapat
4. Menyatakansukadantidaksuka
5. Memintaklarifikasi
6. Merespon secara interpersonal
Listen and repeat after your teacher!
1. Asking for service/thing/help
Can you help me, please?
Could you turn off the TV, please?
Would you show me the way to the hospital?
Could you take me the books, please?
2. Accepting service/thing/help
Of course.
All right.
With pleasure.
3. Refusing service/thing/help
I’m sorry. I can’t.
Yes, but….
4. Offering service/thing/help
May I help you?
Would you like anything to drink?
Would you like to have any meal?
Would you like any help?
What can I do for you?
5. Accepting an offer
It’s very kind of you.
Yes, please.
6. Refusing an offer
No, thank you.
Study the following table and examples!
A. Asking for service/thing/help
Can/ Could/ May/ Would S Verb Object/complement
Can you help me, please?
Would you show me the way to the hospital?
1. Anisa : Can you show me the way to the bus station?
: Of course. Go straight this way and then turn left. The bus station is in
Anisa your left side. It’s about 500m from here.
2. Anang : Thank you.
Aurel : You’re welcome.
: Could you open the window, please? It’s so hot in this room.
: All right.
B. Offering service/thing/help S Verb Object/complement
I help you?
Can/ Could/ May/ Would you like any help?
1. Aditya: You look so thirsty, Azman.
Azman: That’s right.
Aditya: Would you like anything to drink?
Azman: With pleasure.
2. A student: It seems that your bag is so heavy, Mom. Can I bring it for you?
Teacher : It’s very kind of you.
Write a dialogue based on the situations given and practice the dialogue in front of your
classroom in pairs!
You see your mother washing dishes.
You : May I help you wash the dishes, Mom?
Mother: Yes, please.
1. You see your friend having a problem with his pen.
You :__________________________________________________________
Your friend: __________________________________________________________
2. You see your little sister having a difficulty to do her homework.
You :__________________________________________________________
Your sister : __________________________________________________________
3. You want your friend to come on time to do homework.
You :___________________________________________________________
Your friend : __________________________________________________________
4. You see an old woman going to cross the road.
You : ________________________________________________________
The old woman: _____________________________________________________
5. You see your teacher carrying a heavy box.
You : ________________________________________________________
Your teacher : ________________________________________________________
Write a simple dialogue to express offering service/thing/help based on the situations
1. In the classroom
Rina :_________________________________________________________
Tino : ________________________________________________________
Rina :________________________________________________________
Tino : ________________________________________________________
2. At the hospital
A nurse :_________________________________________________________
A patient : ________________________________________________________
A nurse :_________________________________________________________
A patient : ________________________________________________________
3. In the library
A librarian :_________________________________________________________
A student : _________________________________________________________
A librarian :_________________________________________________________
A student : _________________________________________________________
4. On the street
A policeman:_________________________________________________________
An old man: _________________________________________________________
A policeman:_________________________________________________________
An old man: _________________________________________________________
5. In the swimming pool
A trainer :__________________________________________________________
A student : __________________________________________________________
A trainer :__________________________________________________________
A student : __________________________________________________________
I. Fill in the blank spaces of the dialogues by choosing the expressions below!
a. Yes 6
b. Yes, please.
c. May I help you, Mom?
d. Would you like anything else?
At the greengrocer
The greengrocer: __________________________________________________(1)
The buyer : __________________________(2). I want to buy spinach.
The greengrocer: How many bunches do you need?
The buyer : Five bunches, please.
The greengrocer: _______________________________________________________(3)
The buyer : ____________________________(4). I need a kilo of carrots,
cucumbers, tomatoes and a quarter of garlic and onion.
The greengrocer: Is that all, Mom?
The buyer : Oh, I almost forget. I also need two bunches of long beans. So, how
much should I pay?
The greengrocer: Rp. 22.000.
The buyer : Here’s the money, Rp. 30.000.
The greengrocer: Here’s the change, Rp. 8000. Thank you for shopping here.
The buyer : You’re welcome.
II. Answer the questions based on the dialogues!
1. Where does the dialogue take place?
2. What did the buyer buy?
3. How many bunches of spinach did she buy?
4. How many cucumbers did she buy?
5. How much garlic did she buy?
6. How much money should she pay?
Listen to your teacher and complete the dialogue!
The Shop assistant: _____________________________________________________(1)
The buyer : _________________(2). I’m looking for sport shoes.
The Shop assistant: For you, Sir?
The buyer : Yes.
The Shop assistant: Over here, please. Enjoy your time to choose them.
The buyer : Thank you.
A minute later
The buyer : Excuse me, ______________________________(3) those ones?
The Shop assistant : ___________________(4). Do you want to buy them, sir?
The buyer : Yes, but I need no. 42. ____________________________(5)
The Shop assistant :_______________(6). Here you are, Sir. _________________(7).
The buyer : ______________(8) Hmmm, I think they match on me.
Ok, I’ll buy them then.
The Shop assistant : Please, pay them in the cashier over there.
The buyer Thank you for shopping here.
: You’re welcome.
Kompetensi Dasar :
11.1 Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek sangat
sederhana secara akurat ,lancar dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan
12.1 Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek sangat sederhana
dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis sederhana secara akurat ,lancar dan
berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat ‘
Read the text carefully!
The Students Association of SMP Bina Bangsa will hold
a cheer leader competition on March 21,2017.
Send your class best team and register after school at the
Students Association office before March 17, 2017.
Students Association
Find the meaning of these words!
1. Announcement = ........................................
2. Hold = ........................................
3. Competition = ........................................
4. Send = ........................................
5. Representative = ........................................
6. Register = ........................................
7. Chairman = ........................................
Read the text above once again and then answer these questions!
1. What competition will SMP Bina Bangsa hold?
2. When will the competition be held?
3. Canl every class send more than one team?
4. Who is Febrian?
5. Where should the students register?
6. Can we register on March 20, 2017?
Announcement is a short functional text to give information and it must have
detail information ( what, when, where, who ). It usually consists of these
parts :
1. Head
2. Body
3. Closing
4. Writer
Find an announcement in your school. Rewrite it in English and then answer these
1. What is the announcement about?
2. Whom is the announcement for?
3. Who wrote the announcement?
Write a short announcement based on the data below ?
1. Event : A school bazaar
Time : Saturday,March 17,2017 from 8.00 to 12.00 a.m
Place : In the school yard
2. Event : A marching band competition
Time : February 10, 2017
Place : In the football field
3. Event : A try out of National Examination
Time : April 5, 2017 at 8.00 o’clock
Place : Classroom 9A
4. Event : A school camping
Time : June 11 -13, 2017
Place : Pagilaran Tea Garden
Read the following conversation and complete the table below.
Mrs. Olive : What can I do for you?
Mrs. Alena : I need some vegetables. I will have a thanksgiving party.
Mrs Olive : Oh.....I have fresh vegetables. What vegetables do you need?
Mrs. Alena : Four kilograms of potatoes and a kilogram of tomatoes, please!
Mrs. Olive : OK, anything else?
Mrs. Alena : Three kilograms of carrots. Do you have cooking oil?
Mrs. Olive : Of course, There are complete daily needs here. Maybe you need butter,
Cheese, sugar, milk, eggs etc. I have them all.
Mrs. Alena
Mrs. Olive : Thanks, a kilogram of cooking oil and two kilograms of sugar.
Mrs. Alena : Here you are, How about eggs?
Mrs. Olive : I’m sorry, I don’t need them. I have some at home. How much are they?
Mrs. Alena : Fifty seven thousands and five hundreds.
Mrs. Olive : Here is the money.
Mrs.Alena : Thank you.
: You’re welcome.
Goods Amount
Read the conversation again to answer these questions.
1. Where does the conversation take place?
2. Who is Mrs. Olive?
3. Does Mrs. Alena only need vegetables?
4. What vegetables does she want to buy?
5. Why does she go shopping?
6. How many carrots does she want?
7. Does she also buy sugar?
8. How much is the change if she pays sixty thousands rupiahs?
Make list of things you can buy if you go to the stationary, fruit stall, greengrocer
and grocery store!
1. Stationary : c. .....................................
a. ........................................
b. ........................................ d. ....................................
c. ........................................ e. .....................................
2. Fruit stall :
a. ........................................ c. .....................................
b. ........................................ d. ....................................
c. ........................................ e. .....................................
3. Greengrocer :
a. ........................................ c. .....................................
b. ........................................ d. ....................................
c. ........................................ e. .....................................
4. Grocery store :
a. ........................................ c. .....................................
b. ........................................ d. ....................................
c. ........................................ e. .....................................
Read the text carefully to answer the questions that follow.
To : Jane
Congratulation on your success
You have passed the examination well.
I hope you can be admitted to study at your favourite school
Dear Rommy
We are proud of you on your success as the first winner on the
English speech contest 2017.
May you always be the best in the next contest.
Marry and family
1. Why does John congratulate to Jane?
2. What does John hope Marry to have?
3. Why are Marry’s family proud to Rommy?
4. What has Rommy done?
5. Is the text an invitation or a greeting card?
Write a greeting card based on the conversation below!
Dinda : I heard you got a new job
Dandy : Yes, you are right
Dinda : Congratulation
Dandy : Thank you
Write a greeting card based on the situation below?
1. Dicky won the badminton competition.
2. Mr. Rudi becomes the manager of the company
3. Mirna gets a new baby sitter.
a. Turn it down.
Match the followings. b. Don’t forget to lock the doors and the
Information windows.
c. Rub it.
1. It’s seven o’clock and the bell rings. d. Open the doors and the windows.
2. It is English lesson. e. Switch off the fan.
3. I don’t know the meaning of this word in f. Go to bed.
g. Wash it.
Bahasa Indonesia. h. Switch it on.
4. The note on the board is important. i. Look up on the dictionary.
5. The board is full of writing and we will j. Get your English books and notebooks.
k. Enter the classroom.
have another lesson. l. Copy it in your notebook.
6. I feel very cold here.
7. I’m sleepy.
8. We’ll go to bed.
9. The bike gets a flat tire.
10. The radio is too loud.
Listen to the teacher carefully. Respond his/her statements by using the following
imperatives/negative imperatives. Read them aloud.
a. Go to bed.
b. Water it. Don’t let the flowers die.
c. Write in capital letter.
d. Get up. It’s been late.
e. Switch off the stove.
f. Correct it.
g. Don’t ride the motorcycle quickly.
h. Raise your hand.
i. Go to the dentist.
j. Drink a lot of plain water.
k. Borrow it at the library.
l. Don’t be ashamed to practice it regularly.
1. You are Student A (the mother). You want to cook soup but there is nothing in the
kitchen. Ask your daughter (Student B) to buy everything you need at the nearby stall.
Here are what you need to cook soup;
Cabbage ¼ kg
Carrot ½ ounce
Celery a bunch
Chicken legs 5
Potato 1
Pepper Rp. 1,000
Salt a block
You can start your instruction like the following;
“ I want to cook soup, but there’s nothing in the kitchen. Please go to the vegetable stall
to buy ¼ kg of cabbage, .......
Here is the money. Please be careful.”
2. There will be a class cleaning contest next week. You are the class captain. You ask some
of your friends to buy some cleaning equipment at a shop. Your class need;
3 brooms 1 big plastic bowl
1 duster 10 sheets of unused newspaper
1 bottle of floor cleaner 1 eraser
1 mop A pack of thumb nails
You can start your instruction as follows;
“There will be a class cleaning contest next week. Can you go to the market with
someone for this? I think we need 3 brooms, ... “
3. Now suppose your little brother/sister’s birthday is going to come soon. You and your
brother/sister are discussing about what you need to decorate the room. You can start
your discussion like;
“Well, You know that next Saturday is our brother/sister’s birthday and we’ll have a
party for him/her. What do you think we need to prepare?”
Don’t forget to use the special utterances/gambits of discussion like;
What do you think if we make .... What about ... ?
In my opinion we need ....
Pardon? For this we need ....
Don’t you think ... ?
Here are some expression to express congratulation;
Congratulation. (You won the match!/on your success)
Can I express my congratulation?
I’d like to say congratulation (on your success)
I’d like to congratulate you on your success.
You are Student A. Listen to your partner (Student B). He/she will tell you some things.
When he/she says something bad, say ‘Oh, I’m sorry to hear that’. When he/she says
something good, response him/her using expression of congratulation.
Student B : I fell from the bike this morning.
You : Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.
Student B : I got good mark for Physics.
You : Congratulation!
Study the following announcement and answer the questions that follow.
English Speaking Test for Grade VII of the Junior High School
15 Semarang
Time : 08.00
Place : Language Lab
Mon, Apr 21st 2017 for 7th grade A, B, and C
Tue, Apr 22nd 2017 for 7th grade D, E, and F
1. What is the announcement about?
2. Who will have the speaking test?
3. What time will the test begin?
4. Where will they do the test?
5. Who will have the test on Monday?
6. When will the students of grade 7 D, E, and F have the test?
Now study how to read the announcement above. Here is an example of the way how to read the
announcement above orally.
“To all the seven grade students of the Junior High School fifteen Semarang, the English
Speaking Test will begin at eight o’clock sharp at the Language Laboratory. The English
speaking test For students of 7 grade A, B, and C is on Monday, April the twenty first two
thousand and seventeen. And for the seven grade D, E, and F is on Tuesday, April the twenty
second two thousand and seventeen. Please prepare yourself well. Thank you.
Here are some expressions/utterances that you may need to read an announcement.
1. You will have .... (Kamu akan mendapati ....)
Example: You wil have a class meeting next month.
2. You must .... (Kamu harus ....)
Example: You must wear a uniform.
3. You must not .... (Kamu dilarang ....)
Example: You must not smoke.
4. You should .... (Kamu seharusnya ....)
Example: You should knock the door.
5. You shuld not .... (Kamu sebaiknya tidak ....)
Example: You should not laugh.
6. You may .... (Kamu boleh ,,,,)
Example: You may use the computer.
7. You may not .... (Kamu tidak boleh ....)
Example: You may not cheat in the test.
8. When you have finished ...., you .... (Ketika kamu telah selesai ..., kamu .... )
Example: When you have finished doing the test, you may go out of the test room.
9. Don’t forget to .... (Jangan lupa untuk ....)
Example: Don’t forget to bring your dictionary.
Now study these announcements below and think of how to read them orally.
1. In the classroom
To all 7 grade C
Bring a piece of sandpaper tomorrow.
Clean the tables and chairs.
Class teacher
2. In the library
To all visitors
Finish reading, put them back.
3. In the Language Laboratory
No eating nor drinking.
No writing on the booth
4. In the canteen
To all customers
Eat and drink politely
5. In the Science laboratory
To all students
Use lab coat.
Keep clean before and after
Breaking means buying.
Laboratory officer
A. Expressing opinion
Study the following dialogues and gambits of expressing opinion.
Dialogue 1
Mytha : Tomorrow is a free day. What about going out?
Nancy : That’s great. How about climbing a mountain?
Raisya : Oh, that’s too hard. What about swimming? It’s been a long time not to swim.
Mytha : What do you think, Nancy?
Nancy : Well, it’s OK. I’d love to. Do you have an idea where to swim?
Dialogue 2
Mr. Marom met Sue, an Australian tourist, at a tourist resort.
Mr. Marom : Hi, where are you from?
Sue : Australia
Marom : What do you think of the people here?
Sue : Oh, I think the people are very kind. I like them.
Mr. Marom : And the food?
Sue : Not too bad, but it’s too hot for me.
Mr Marom : Oh, I see.
Dialogue 3
Steve : This afternoon Jack told me that his father was at the hospital.
Andrew : When will we visit him? What do you think if we visit him this evening?
Steve : But I have something to do this evening. What about this afternoon?
Andrew : I think that’s OK. I’ll meet you at 1 o’clock. Is that OK?
Steve : All right. I’ll wait.
Some gambits for asking about opinion:
- What do you think of ... ? - What is your opinion about ... ?
- What about ... ? - Do you have an idea about ... ?
- How about ... ? - Do you think that ... ?
Some gambits to express opinion: - I suppose ...
- I guess ...
- I think ...
- In my opinion, ....
Some gambits for reponding opinion:
- Oh, I like it very much. - That sounds great. 20
- Not bad. - That’s a good idea.
- It’s great. - That sounds very nice
Listen to your teacher/the tape to complete the following dialogues by using the expressions that
Dialogue 1 : Dear Friends, Next week is our class teacher’s birthday. ................... ?
Betty : I think we should give her a surprise!
Amelia : ....................................... ?
Betty : What is your opinion if we give her a ring?
Amelia : ....................................... ?
Betty : A ring.
: Don’t you think it’s too expensive? ........................ a cheaper one, like a nice
Betty : ...................................................
o What about o What do you mean
o Pardon o I think it’s OK
o What do you think
Dialogue 2 : Next week is the student’s week.
: ................................. by student’s week?
Donny : It’s a week when students can show off their ability. They can sing, dance,
Donny ...................................., do a play, or the like.
: Then, ..................................... we will perform at this student’s week?
Donny : What about traditional dance?
Donny : ..........................................., but who can dance?
Donny : I think Melly can. .............................................. to perform a traditional dance at
the student’s week.
: Let’s.
o Let’s ask her o What is meant
o reading poems o It’s good idea
o what do you think
Dialogue 3
Lisa : As we all know we’re going to have ............................................. holiday. Do
Andy you have an idea of where to go?
: ..................................................... if we visit a temple?
Dini : We’ll have a picnic for a relax, not to worship. ........................................ to a
beach for a swim?
Jack : .................................................. that the waves are now quite high. It is
dangerous. ................................................. going to Disneyland? We can enjoy a
lot of games there.
Lisa : I agree with Jack. ......................................., Friends?
o what about going o a picnic program this semester
o What do you think
o What do you think o What do you think of
o Don’t you know
B. Expressing like and dislike
Study the following table and the example dialogues about like and dislike below.
Expressing like: Expressing dislike:
- I like ... - I don’t like ...
- I like ... very much. - I have never liked ...
- I enjoy ... - I hate ...
- I love ... - I am not very keen on ...
- I prefer ...(A) to ....(B) - I dislike ...
- I am really keen on ... - I am not fond of ...
- I really go for ...
- I am crazy about ... Asking like and dislike:
- I am really fond of ...
- Do you like ... ?
- Do you enjoy ... ?
- Are you fond of ... ?
- Are you crazy about ... ?
- What .. (kata benda) .. do you like ?
- What do you think of ... ?
- Are you keen on ... ?
Dialogue 1.
Jim : Hi, Ted. Do you often come here? Do you like football?
Ted : Yes, it’s my hobby.
Jim : Do you have a football team?
Ted : Yes, and we have often joined tournaments.
Jim : Oh, great.
Dialogue 2.
Dewi : Hi Fir. What food do you like?
Firda : I like bread, steak and salad. And you?
Dewi : I Like rice, rendang and Curry.
Firda : Do you like fruits?
Dewi : Yes, I like durians, oranges and bananas.
Firda : I don’t like durians, but I like apples.
Dewi : What drink do you like Fir?
Firda : I like tea and juice. And you?
Dewi : I like juice, too. But I don’t like tea.
Complete the following dialogues by listening to the teacher/tape. Use the expression below.
Dialogue 1
Sheila : Yesterday I went to Gland department store.
Terry : ..............................................?
Sheila : Buying some books.
Terry : Student books?
Sheila : No, ............................ and a short story book.
Terry : ......................................................?
Sheila : Of course.
Terry : How many books do read in a month?
Sheila : Not less than two. .............................................?
Terry : I don’t like reading. I like listening to music,
Sheila : ...............................................?
Terry : Mmmm no, ..................................... rock music. It’s too hard for me.
.................................. slow music.
Sheila : Oh, I see
o a novel
o Do you love rock music
o What for
o Do you like reading
o I like
o I hate
o How about you
Dialogue 2
Nina : ............................................ to do on Sundays?
Rebecca : Cooking. You know ............................................
Nina : Which do you prefer, cakes or daily meals?
Rebecca : ...................................... cakes to daily meals.
Nina : Do you like collecting menus from the internet?
Rebecca : Sure, I’ve got quite a lot. How about you? ...............................................?
Nina : No, I like eating, he ..he ..he. ..................................... I want to be a famous writer, like
the writer of Harry Potter, JK Rolling
Rebecca : Wow
o What do you like
o I like writing too
o I’m fond of cooking
o Which do you prefer
o Do you like cooking
Listen to the teacher/tape and put a check list (V) in the appropriate column in the table below.
Activity Agnes Bram Charlie Dianne Fry
Going to bed late
Getting up early
Taking a bath with hot
Playing guitar
Doing sports
Poetry reading
Listening to the radio
A. Asking for clarification
Study the following expressions to ask for clarification. Study also the examples of dialogues with these
- Pardon? - Do you mean to say ...?
- Can you say the word again? - What is meant by ...?
- Can I ask you something? - You mean that ..... , don’t
- You say that .... Is that you?
right/Am I right? - Why ... ? / Why not?
- What did you say? - What ... for?
- Did you say that ... ? - Can you tell me further?
- What do you mean? - Is it true that ... ?
- ... did/do/are/ you? - Is that so?
Dialogue 1.
Hani : Our team seems to be hard to win the game.
Octo : You mean they’re going to loose?
Hani : That’s right. The opponent is too strong for our team.
Dialogue 2.
Michele : We will miss Mrs. Elise, our best teacher.
Rebecca : What did you say?
Michele : Mrs. Elise will move to another city, to join her husband.
Rebecca : What a bad news.
Dialogue 3.
Robin : Tina cried after receiving the test result.
Brian : Do you mean to say that she got bad mark?
Robin : Yes, she got 3!
Brian : Pardon?
Robin : She got 3 for the test.
Brian : What? It’s unbelievable!
Listen to the teacher/tape to complete the following dialogues by using the expression below.
Dialogue 1.
Haseem : Good morning, Sir. .....................................................?
Mr. Omar : Certainly. ......................................................?
Haseem : About the result of the test, Sir. .......................................... that my answer of this
Mr Omar number is wrong?
: ............................................ Mmm, it should be right, it’s correct. Well, I should change
your mark, seven plus one, errr eight. ............................, Haseem. Here you are.
o Let me see
o What’s the matter
o Can I ask a question?
o Is it true
o I’m sorry
Dialogue 2.
Michele : What a day!
Rebecca : .........................................?
Michele : Everything is wrong. ....................................... this morning. The math teacher scolded
me because .......................................................... homework. A bicycle hit me this
afternoon. Just now ............................................ when pealing a mango. What a mess.
Rebecca : Are you thinking of a big thing?
Michele : ...............................................?
: Maybe you have a big problem. And .................................. about it, so you don’t pay
full concentration to what you are doing.
Michele : .............................................................
o I don’t think so
o I broke some plates
o What do you mean
o I hurt my finger
o What did you say
o I forget to bring my
o You keep thinking
Dialogue 3.
Robin : Brian, you used my camera, ...........................................?
Brian : Yes, this morning. ...........................................?
Robin : It doesn’t work now.
Brian : .......................................................?
Robin : There’s something wrong. I cannot use it. How did you use it?
Brian : ............................................. I didn’t use it properly?
Robin : No, no. I don’t think so. ........................................... know.
Brian : Let me see. Oh, the battery.
Robin : .................................................?
Brian : It’s lack of electricity!
o Did you
o What’s up
o Is that so
o I just want to
o What do you mean
o Do you think
A. Telling and asking opinion
Study the following dialogues.
Dialogue 1.
Akri : Dear Friends, Our class leader is going to celebrate her birthday next week. Will we
Benny give something for her?
: That’s a good idea. What about a watch? I think she needs a new one.
Cynthia : I agree with Benny, but a watch is expensive. Do you have an idea about the gift? Can
you think of another?
Akri : Well, what about a pencil case, big pencil case. Her pencil case is too small. And a
Benny pencil case is cheap, not expensive.
: That’s OK. How much then should we contribute?
Dialogue 2.
Dian : Tomorrow is a holiday. What about riding bicycle to the beach?
Emmy : That’s great.
Fenny : But I don’t have a bike.
Emmy : Don’t worry. You can get a ride on my bike. I think I’m quite strong to give a lift to you.
Fenny : OK then. Thanks a lot.
Give a suitable comment, please!
1. What do you think of your classroom?
Answer :
2. Do you have an idea of your school?
Answer :
3. What is your opinion about your English teacher?
Answer :
4. What do you think of all your teachers?
Answer :
5. What do you think of your principal?
Answer :
Write suitable questions to ask about your friend’s comment.
1. You : ………………………………………………………
Harris : He/She is a good teacher.
2. You : ..................................................................................
Yond : He/She has loud voice.
3. You : ………………………………………………………
Yen : His/Her writing is clear.
4. You : ………………………………………………………
Juliana : His/Her explanation is clear
5. You : ..................................................................................
Winn : She is a diligent student.
You are student A. Ask your partner (student B) about the followings. Ask these questions in jumbled
(acak). Listen to your partner answers carefully. Think whether he/she answer your questions correctly or
How about the facilities of your school?
What do you think of the school garden?
Do you think that you are diligent?
What do you think of the TV programs?
What is your opinion about your country?
You are student A. You partner (student B) will ask you questions. Listen to him/her carefully. Answer
his/her questions by choosing these sentences.
He is very funny.
I think it needs more decoration.
It is dirty.
The view of the beach is beautiful enough.
It’s fresh. There are so many big trees there.
B. Asking and telling like and dislike
You are student A. Find out whether student B like the followings or not by asking him/her questions.
A : Do you like fruits?
B : Sure. I always eat fruits everyday. It keeps our health.
Yes, he/she likes
Yes, he/she likes
very much
No, he/she
1 Fruits
2 Traditional food
3 Fast food
4 Ice
5 Drinking coffee
6 Drinking beer
7 Meatballs
8 Music
9 Going to the mountain
10 Going to the beach
11 Waching films on TV
12 Watching sport programs on TV
13 Jogging
14 Drawing pictures
15 Pets
When you have finished filling the table, tell the class about the result of your interview. You can report it
like the following;
Well my all dear friends. I just interviewed my friend, ( ..........) about what he/she likes and dislikes. Here
is what I can tell you about him/her.
He/She loves .... but he/she doesn’t like ....
He/She is fond of ... but he/she isn’t fond of ....
C. Asking for clarification:
Activity 1
Match the followings
Questions Response
1. Why do you use this lamp? a. For studying, of course.
2. What do you do that for? b. I have no money.
3. What do you study English for? c. In order to be able to communicate with
4. You don’t buy the book, why?
5. Why do people read newspapers? people all over the world.
6. Why do you go to school? d. In order to be relax.
7. What is your reason to study at this e. I like this school. It has complete facilities and
school? the teachers are smarts.
8. Can you explain why you were absent f. I mean you must study hard from now on.
g. To get information about the world today.
yesterday? h. I had a headache and there’s no one to take the
9. You come late. Why?
10. What do you mean by stop playing, permission letter. I’m sorry, Sir.
i. It is economical and it shines brightly. And
one more thing, it is good for our eyes.
j. My bike got a flat tire.
Answer these questions.
What will you say/ask if .... ?
1. You don’t understand your friend because he/she speaks too fast
2. You don’t hear one of your friend’s last word
3. You don’t understand what your friend means
4. Your friend uses one of his dialect word that don’t understand
5. You don’t understand your friend’s last utterance. You want him/her to explain.
Task 1
Read the text below carefully!
I have a pet. It is a dog and I call it Charlie.
Charlie is an Italian breed. It is small, fluffy and cute. It has got thick brown fur. When I cuddle
it, the fur feels soft. Charlie doesn’t like bones. Everyday it eats soft food like steamed rice, fish or
bread. Every morning I give it milk and bread. When I'm at school, Charlie plays with my cat. They
get along well, and never fight because Charlie does not bark a lot. It treats the other animals in our
house gently, and it never eats shoes. Charlie is really a sweet and friendly animal.
Task 2
Analyze the generic structure of the text above to fill the column below!
Tittle ..........................................................................................................................................
Description .........................................................................................................................................
Task 2
Answer these questions based on the text above
1. What is the text above?
Answer: .............................................................................................................................................
2. What is the purpose of the text?
Answer: .............................................................................................................................................
3. What is Charlie?
Answer: .............................................................................................................................................
4. What areCharlie’s characterictics?
Answer: .............................................................................................................................................
5. Does Charlie like bone?
Answer: .............................................................................................................................................
6. When does the writer give milk and bread to Charlie?
Answer: .............................................................................................................................................
Task 3
Read the text below caarefully!
I just got a new toy from my uncle. My uncle is a sailor. He brought me a robot when he sailed
abroad. I love this robot.
My robot is very nice. It is about twenty centimeters tall. The colour of the robot is blue. The
robot has a strong body. It has two big red eyes. Its two strong legs are covered with blade boots.
My robot can be moved with two medium sized batteries. After inserting the batteries at the
back of the robot body, we can make it move when we push the button behind its neck. The robot
will move its left and right foot in turn. It will move its two arms in turn too. However, the robot
could not bend its feet and it moves forward only.
Task 4
Answer these questions based on the text above
1. What is the text about?
Answer: .............................................................................................................................................
2. What is the writer’s new toy?
Answer: .............................................................................................................................................
3. From whom did he get the toy?
Answer: .............................................................................................................................................
4. How tall is the robot?
Answer: .............................................................................................................................................
5. How many batteries are needed to move the robot ?
Answer: .............................................................................................................................................
6. Where do we insert he batteries?
Answer: .............................................................................................................................................
7. He brought me a robot when he sailed abroad.
What does the underlined word refer to?
Answer: .............................................................................................................................................
8. Can the robot move behind?
Answer: .............................................................................................................................................
Task 5
Read the text below carefully!
My uncle, Martin, is my eldest mother’s brother. He is my favourite among my mother’s
brothers. He is a very interesting man. He lives quite near our house with my aunt, Angela, and my
cousins, Anne and Bob. I often go to his house.
Uncle martin is about 45 with grey hair. He is still quite good looking, tall and well-built. He
has blue eyes anda round strong face. He wears glasses. He is short sighted. He takes them off when
he doesn’t work.
Uncle Martin is a textile engineer. He works for a big firmin the city. He travels widely in his
job. He is an expert in solving problems with machines. At present, he is in a United States. He is
visiting the firm’s customers there.
Uncle Martin is a very fond of the sea. He has a boat at the seaside. He goes there every
weekend in summer to sail it. I sometimes stay with my cousins at thier house on the coast. When
uncle Martin is at home, he usually takes us out with the boat.
Task 6
Answer these questions based on the text above
1. Who is uncle Martin?
Answer: .............................................................................................................................................
2. How many children do uncle Martin have?
Answer: .............................................................................................................................................
3. How old is uncle Martin?
Answer: .............................................................................................................................................
4. What are uncle Martin’s charactristics?
Answer: .............................................................................................................................................
5. He takes them off when he doesn’t work.
What does the underlined word refer to?
Answer: .............................................................................................................................................
6. Where is Martin now?
Answer: .............................................................................................................................................
7. Does uncle Martin like sea?
Answer: .............................................................................................................................................
8. When does uncle Martin go to the sea?
Answer: .............................................................................................................................................
Task 7
Read the text below carefully!
I live in a small house. There are two bedrooms, a living room, a bathroom, and a kithcen.
Indeed it is a small house, but I love it very much.
When the door is open, I can see the living room. There is only a set of three sofas, nothing
else. I prefer reading a novel in it.
My bedroom is in the left side of the livingroom. There is a night table next to the bed, a radio
tape and a computer. When I am tired of reading my school books, I usually play online games, chat
with my friends through Facebook and so on.
Next to my bedroom is my parents’s. I love to sleep with my mom. The bed is large and
comfortable. Besides we can watch TV while we are lying on the bed. At times when my father
works out of town, I sleep with my mom.
The last is the kitchen. I have everything I need when I get hungry. My mother keeps snacks,
fruits, n vegetable in the refrigerator. The smell of cakes or soups fills the whole house when my
mother cooks.
I love my home sweet home, the place that nurtures me a lot.
Task 8
Answer these questions based on the text above.
1. What does the text discuss about?
Answer: .............................................................................................................................................
2. How many rooms are in the writer’s house?
Answer: .............................................................................................................................................
3. Is the house big?
Answer: .............................................................................................................................................
4. What does the writer do in the living room?
Answer: .............................................................................................................................................
5. Where is the writer’s bedroom?
Answer: .............................................................................................................................................
6. Mention the things in the writer’s bedroom!
Answer: .............................................................................................................................................
7. I prefer reading a novel in it.
What does the underlined word refer to?
8. Where does the writer’s mother keep the fruits and vegetables?
Answer: .............................................................................................................................................
Task 9
Write down your answer after listening to your teacher!
1. Rina Nose is one of the popular hosts in Indonesia. She always says hello to the audiences
warmly. She is a very … woman.
2. Cak Lontong is a … comedian . His jokes make people laugh loudly.
3. Emira has two cats. One of them is thin, but the other is …
4. Mrs. Yunia is my english teacher. She is a very favourite person in my school. She is …and
…The students love her much.
5. Handphone is an ….thing nowadays. It helps us to connect each other easily.
6. Farida gets good mark in English. She is a very …student.
7. I like stay in my house. It has many rooms. The rooms are … and …
8. My father is a soldier. He is a …and …man.
Task 10
Rearrange these sentences into a good text !
A. 1. I call her Blacky because of her black in color.
2. Blacky is a female pet.
3. Then she will sleep deeply after getting meals.
4. I like you, Blacky …you are so funny.
5. She has a long tail and soft fur.
6. She always mews loudly when she is hungry.
B. 1. Alexa is a new student.
2. She moves to Batang with her family.
3. Now she is one of students of my school
4. She is also an active and smart student.
5. She is a friendly and beautiful girl.
6. She is my new classmate.
7. She is in the seventh grade.
C. 1. Most of young people knows him well.
2. He is also talented in acting.
3. His most famous action is in “ Ganteng Ganteng Serigala” .
4. He is a handsome boy.
5. Aliando is a popular artist.
Kompetensi Dasar :
8.2 merespon makna yang terdapat dalam monolog sangat sederhana secaraakurat,lancar dan
berterima untuk bereaksi dengan lingkunga terdekat dalam teks berbentuk procedure.
Kompetensi Dasar :
10.2 Mengungkapkan makna dalam monolog pendek sangat sederhana dengan menggunakan
ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat ,lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan
terdekat dala teks berbentuk procedure.
Kompetensi Dasar :
11.1 Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek sangat sederhana secara
akurat ,lancar dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan tersebut.
Kompetensi Dasar :
12.1 Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek sangat sederhana dengan
menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis sederhana secara akurat ,lancar dan berterima untuk
berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat ‘
Activity 1
Read the dialogue and answer the questions!
Mr. Leo : Lin, where are you going ?
Are you going shopping ?
Lina : Yes, Dad. I’m going to buy something for lunch.
We are going to make Mushroom Salad
Mr. Leo : It sounds nice. I like Mushroom Salad.
By the way, get me some envelopes and a can of polish.
Lina : Black or white.
Mr. Leo : Black.
Lina : O.K., Dad, I’m leaving
Mr. Leo : Be careful.
Lina : I will.
1. Who is going shopping?
2. What is she going to buy?
3. Who needs some envelopes?
4. Who likes mushroom salad?
5. “It” sounds nice. What does “it” refer to?
Activity 2
Lina is at the Greengrocer’s
Read the dialogue and complete the table below!
Shopkeeper : Can I help you, girl ?
Lina : Yes. I need some vegetables.
Lina : What do you want ?
Shopkeeper : Well, let me see my shopping list. I want half a kilo of fresh white mushroom, half a
Lina kilo of lemon and an a bunch of parsley.
Lina : What else ?
: Two hundred and fifty grams of pepper, a package of salt and a sachet of olive oil.
Lina : Is that all ?
Shopkeeper : Yes. I think. That’s all in my shopping list. How much do I owe you?
: Ehm., let me see. Half a kilo of lemon. That’s seven thousand
five hundred rupiahs. Then, it’s five thousand for pepper, two thousand
for salt. Eight thousand for mushroom, two thousand four hundred for parsely.
Four thousand two hundred and fifty for olive oil.So, it’s twenty nine thousand
one hundred and fifty rupiahs.
: All right. Here you are. Thirty thousand rupiahs.
: Thirty thousand. And here’s your eight hundred and fifty rupiahs change.
Thank you.
- Mushroom
- ………………………………... 0.5 kg Rp. 8,000
- ………………………………… …………………. ………………..
- ………………………………… …………………. ……………….
-…………………………………. …………………. ………………..
- ………………………………… …………………. ………………..
…………………. ………………..
TOTAL Rp……………..
Activity 3
A kilo of fresh mushroom : Sekilo jamur yang masih segar
What are these in Indonesian ?
a. A bowl of hot porridge : ___________________________________________________
b. A cup of sweet tea : _________________________________________________
c. A bunch of fresh parsley : __________________________________________________
d. A tin of cool milk : ___________________________________________________
e. A glass of ice cream : ___________________________________________________
f. A bottle of black ink : ___________________________________________________
g. A plate of rice : ___________________________________________________
h. A spoon of sugar : ___________________________________________________
i. A bar chocolate : __________________________________________________
j. A pail of clean water : ___________________________________________________
k. An ounce of garlic : ___________________________________________________
l. A dozen of spoons : ___________________________________________________
m. A liter of frying oil : ___________________________________________________
n. A package of salt : ___________________________________________________
o. A sachet of olive oil : ___________________________________________________
Activity 4
Complete with the appropriate word.
a. A jar of ....
b. A basket of ....
c. A can of ....
d. A piece of ....
e. A bowl of ....
f. A loaf of ....
g. A sachet of....
h. A packet of ....
i. A kilogramm of ....
j. A sheet of ....
k.A bar of ....
l. A block of ....
m. A spoonful of....
n. A bagful of....
o. A bunch of....
Activity 5
“Get me some envelopes ”artinya “ambilkan saya amplop”
“Be careful “ artinya “ hati hati”
Now translate these sentences into Indonesian.
1. Wash your hands before dinner.
2. Slice the cabbage.
3. Pour cool water into the glass.
4. Add a pinch of salt into the soup.
5. Mix the flour,sugar and butter with egg.
6. Keep in a cool place.
7. Fry the fish for about ten minutes.
8. Serve your fried noodles on a plate.
9. Chop the onions into slices.
10.Put the flour, sugar, butter,and eggs into a pan and beat well.
Activity 6
Here is how Lina makes Mushroom Salad. Read her RECIPE carefully. And then answer the
Ingredients Utensils
0.25 kg white mushroom, very fresh Bowl
1 tablespoon lemon juice Fork
Pepper, salt Clean cloth
A few chives or a little parsley Knife
4 tablespoons olive oil
10 minutes to prepare
1.5 hours to stand
1. Wash mushrooms and pat dry. Slice thinly and put in salad bowl.
2. Mix oil with lemon juice, salt and pepper, and beat well.
3. Pour about 2/3 of this dressing over mushroom, stir gently and put aside
for an hour.
4. Add the rest of the dressing and put aside again for about twenty minutes until
the dressing is absorbed
5. Meanwhile, chop chives or parsley. Sprinkle this over salad and serve.
1. What is the goal of the text? _____________________________________________
2. How many ingredients do we need to make Mushroom Salad?
3. Do we need sugar? _________________________________________
4. How much lemon juice do we need? ________________________________
5. Where should we pour the 2/3 of the dressing? ________________________________
6. What should we sprinkle over the salad? _________________________________
7. What should we do after we mix the oil, lemon juice, salt, and pepper?
8. How long does it take to prepare the Mushroom Salad?
Activity 7
Read the procedure text once more and study the generic structure.
Ingredients Utensils MATERIALS
0.25 kg white mushroom, very fresh Bowl
1 tablespoon lemon juice Fork
Pepper, salt Clean cloth
A few chives or a little parsley Knife
4 tablespoons olive oil
10 minutes to prepare
1.5 hours to stand
1. Wash mushrooms and pat dry. Slice thinly and put in bowl. STEPS
2. Mix the oil with lemon juice, salt and pepper, and beat well.
3. Pour about 2/3 of this dressing over mushroom, and stir
4. Add rest of dressing and put aside for about 20 minutes
5. Meanwhile, chop chives or parsley. Sprinkle this over
salad, and serve.
1. A Procedure text tells us how to do or how to make something.( Sebuah prosedur memberi tahu
bagaimana cara melakukan sesuatu tau bgaimana cara membuat sesuatu ).
2. A Procedure text consists of ( terdiri atas ):
a. aim / goal = tujuan
Bagian ini berisi apa yang akan dilakukan atau apa yang akan dibuat.Aim / goal biasanya
Menjadi judul ( title ) dari teks prosedur itu.Contoh aim / goal / judul sebuah prosedur:
“ How to play a guitar “= Bagaimana cara bermain gitar, atau
“ Playing a guitar “ = Bermain gitar.
b. materials = bahan / material
Materials berisi bahan (ingredients ) dan alat ( utensils ).
c. steps ( langkah langkah )
Bagian ini berisi urutan langkah mengerjakan,yang berujud kalimat kalimat perintah yang disusun
urut dari awal sampai langkah terakhir
3.A Procedure usually uses temporal conjunctions ( sebuah prosedur biasanya menggunakan kata
penunjuk urutan ) seperti:
first = pertama
second = ketiga
third = kemudian
sesudah itu
fourth = sementera itu
then = akhirnya
after that =
meanwhile =
next =
finally =
4. Teks prosedur biasanya juga menggunakan adverb of manner ( keterangan cara melakukan suatu
pekerjaan ), contoh:
thinly = dengan tipis
softly = dengan lembut
quickly = dengan cepat
well = dengan baik
5. Kalimat dalam Prosedur menggunakan imperative verb ( katakerja perintah ),contoh:
wash = cuci / cucilah
slice = iris / irislah
put = taruh / taruhlah
mix = campur / campurlah
pour = tuang / tuanglah
serve = hidangkan
Activity 8
Read the procedure text below and write the generic structure!
Generic Structure Procedure text
What you need:
Bean seeds
Labels or Paddle Pop sticks
Waterproof pen
What you do:
1. Fill the pot with soil.
2. Level the soil off neatly with your hand.
3. Make three holes with your finger in the middle of the
4. Place one bean seed in each hole.
5. Cover the bean seeds with soil.
6. Water the plant.
7. Put your name, date and “ Green Bean “ with the
waterproof pen.
Now you can grow bean seeds.
Activity 9
Read the text carefully then answer the questions.
How to Make a Cup of Coffee
You will need : a spoonful of sugar, a teaspoon of coffee, and some water.
a. First, boil some water in a kettle.
b. Then, put a teaspoon of coffee into a cup.
c. After that, add a spoonful of sugar.
d. Fill in the cup with the boiling water.
e. Finally, stir the mixture fo a few moment. The coffee is ready to serve.
1. What is the goal of the text? ------------------------------------------------
2. What should you do with the water? -------------------------------------------------
3. What should you do in the second step? ------------------------------------------------
4. How many materials do you need to make a cup of coffee?--------------------------------------------
5. What should you do in the last step? --------------------------------------------
Activity 10
Read the text carefully.
Wati Safitri cares about keeping fit. First of all she joins the health club where she usually exercises
after work. Next, she is always careful about her diet. She never eats fast food with a lot of fat and sugar.
Then, she never smokes cigarettes. And finally, Wati sometimes consumes multi vitamins to supply
energy because she is a very busy woman. She does a lot of activities all day long. That’s Wati, she tries
to keep in shape and stay healthy.
State True ( T ) or False ( F ) to the following statements according to the above text.
1. ( ) Wati usually exercises after work in her office.
2. ( ) She always eats fast food with a lot of fat and sugar.
3. ( ) Wati is a busy woman. She does a lot of work.
4. ( ) Wati only eats multi vitamins.
5. ( ) Smoking cigarettes is her hobby.
6. ( ) There are eight steps that Wati does to keep her health.
Activity 11
Read the text and answer the following questions.
A Paper Mask
* thick paper * coloring pen
* scissors * a cutter
* two rubber bands * a pencil
Steps :
1. Draw a pattern of a face as you like on a piece of thick paper.
2. Color your drawing.
3. Use the scissors to cut the picture follow the lines.
4. Use the cutter to make the holes on the eyes.
5. Use the cutter to make a small hole on each ear.
6. Tie the rubber on each hole.
7. Finally, try your mask on. Hook the rubber bands on your ears.
Give a cross ( x ) to the right answer.
1. The text mainly discusses about....
A. the way to make a paper mask
B. how to cut a paper mask
C. the materials needed to make a paper mask
D. the steps of how to wear a paper mask
2. What kind of paper do we need to make the mask?
A. hard
B. colored
C. thick
D. thin
3. What do we use to make holes on the eyes?
A. coloring pen
B. rubber bands
C. cutter
D. scissors
4. To fix the mask on your face you should....
A. tie the rubber bands on your eyes
B. hook the rubber bands on your ears
C. use the cutter to cut your face
D. cut your ears using scissors
5. The statements are true EXCEPT....
A. You must follow the lines to cut the face.
B. Use thick paper to make your mask.
C. You need rubber bands to tie your eyes.
D. To make the holes on your eyes use the cutter.
Activity 12
This time you are going to read a text telling about the way how to make a pencil box. Read carefully and
answer the questions that follow.
How to make a pencil box
I`m sure you all know mineral water, right ? What is an example of mineral water ? Yes, we have a
lot of them. Such as Aqua , the famous one 0r club or Aquaria. Do you know that the bottles of mineral
water can be useful for us ? We can recycle them and make a useful thing from them. Now we are going
to learn how to make a pencil box from the unused bottle of mineral water. Listen carefully :
First , You have to prepare the things that you need: They are an empty bottle of mineral water , a
sharp cutter , a piece of white or colorful paper, some paint and some glue.
After that, Wash the plastic bottle to make sure It is clean. Then cut the bottle into two, and wrap
the bottom part with paper. If you use white paper , draw some interesting pictures on the paper and paint
Now, Your pencil box is ready to use !
1. “ They are empty bottle ....” Paragraph 2
They refers to
2. Who makes the pencil box ?
3. Do you think It is easy to make It ? Why ?
4. What things do you prepare for making the pencil box ?
5. What is the glue For ?
6. When do we draw some picture on the picture on the paper ?
7. Do you need some paint in the activity ?
8. What is the water for ?
9. Can you make the pencil box at home ?
................................................................................................................ ....................
10. Do you think It is dificult to make It ?
Generic stucture of a procedure text ( Struktur teks procedur )
No Tata urutan teks Keterangan
1 Goal / Aim ( tujuan ) Tujuanpenulisan teks (biasanya sudah disebutkan
dalam judul )
2 Materials ( bahan –bahan ) Bahan-bahan yang akan digunakan untuk membuat
benda tersebut.
Tata urutan cara membuat benda yang dimaksud.
Dalam pengembangan kalimat biasanya digunakan
3 Steps ( Langkah-langkah ) kata sambung First , After that , then, next
dsb.Pola kalimat yang digunakan adalah The Simple
Present tense
Activity 13
Look up your dictionary to find the meaning of words below!
1. Partner : ...............................................................................
2. Colourfull : ...............................................................................
3. Paint : ..............................................................................
4. Recycle : ..............................................................................
5. Prepare : ..............................................................................
6. Empty : ..............................................................................
7. A piece of paper : ..............................................................................
8. Useful : ..............................................................................
9. Glue : .............................................................................
10. Ready : ..............................................................................
11. Wrap : ..............................................................................
12. Bottom : ..............................................................................
13. Draw : .............................................................................
14. Sharpener : ..............................................................................
15. Garbage can : ..............................................................................
16. Throw away : ..............................................................................
17. Clockwise : ...............................................................................
18. Insert : ...............................................................................
19. Walk over : ...............................................................................
20. Shaving : ...............................................................................
Activity 14
Rearrange the jumled sentences into a good procedure text !
a. One pencil sharpener
b. Insert a pencil in the sharpener hole as far It will go.
c. How to sharpen a pencil
d. One wooden pencil
e. Take a pencil in your hand
f. Turn the pencil clockwise ( remember It`s all in the wrist )
No Text organization
1 Goal
Materials .....................................................................................................................
2 .....................................................................................................................
3 Steps
Activity 15
Rearrange the following steps of.m...a..k..i.n..g...a...c..u..p...o..f..t.e..a...i.n..t.o...a...c..o..r.r..e.c..t..o..r.d..e..r......................................................
Put some sugar into the cup, Put some tea into the pot
Leave the pot for a few minutes Fill the tea-pot with the hot water
Pour the tea into the cup First, fill the kettle with water,
Stir the tea with a teaspoon Boil the water
Dalam keseharian kita sering menemukan tulisan tentang petunjuk cara membuat sesuatu atau memasang
sesuatu atau juga cara memasak suatu makanan itulah yang disebut PROCEDURE. Atau suatu saat kita
juga pernah memberi tahu orang lain, teman kita cara mengerjakan atau cara melakukan suatu kegiatan.
Nah saat itu kita sedang menggunakan teks prosedur.
Prosedur dengan mudah dikenali dari:
1. Struktur teks;
a. Tujuan (Goal/Aim) misal ‘Cara beternak lele.’
b. Alat dan bahan (Materials)
c. Langkah-langkah (Steps)
2. Kalimat yang digunakan biasanya berupa kalimat perintah
3. Adanya kata sambung yang menunjukkan urutan, misalnya first, second, then, finally
Activity 16
Complete the procefure text using the words in the box!
How to Make Coctail
Prepare some kinds of (1) ............. such as apples, melons, pine apples and papayas.
(2) ................. them after you peel.
(3) .................. them into pieces like a dice.
Put the cuttings in a (4) .........................
Add water, some (5) .......................... and block of ice.
The coctail is (6) .......................... to eat.
bowl ready wash
fruits syrup cut
Activity 17
Rearrange the jumbled sentences into a good procedure text!
1. After that, heat some cooking oil and sauce a clove of garlic until it smells fragrant.
2. Wait for five to seven minutes, then turn off the stove.
3. Finally, pour the soup into bowls, sprinkle some chopped celeries.
4. How to cook vegetable soup.
5. First, prepare the ingredients.
6. Next, put the garlic and all of the ingredients into the boiling water.
7. Then, boil some water in a pan.
1. Mrs. Hastuti is in a market with her son.
Yoga : Look at that robot, Mom.
Mrs. Hastuti : I know
Yoga : I want it, Mom.
Mrs. Hastuti : ……….. You already have lots of toys at home.
Yoga : But that one is different
Mrs. Hastuti : Listen to my words !
a. Okay. c. Yes, please.
b. Sure d. You’d better not.
2. Riyan : What time will you leave for Semarang ?
Rizki : At seven o’clock
Riyan : Do you want me to phone a taxi ?
Rizki : …………….My friend will pick me up.
a. No, thank you. c. You’re right.
b. Yes, please. d. That’s a good idea.
3. Mary :What do you like to do in your spare time ?
Agnes : I like gardening.
: I don’t like gardening. But I love reading comics.
The underlined word indicates ……….
a. Thanking c. Dislike.
b. Greeting d. Like.
This dialog is for questions no. 4 to 6.
Reni : Hi, Greg ! What are you doing here ?
Greg : Hi, Ren. I shot people as my photography object here.
Reni : Do you love photograph ?
Greg : Yes, you bet ! And you ?
Reni : I like collecting stamps. Please drop in. This is my house.
Greg : Is it ?
Reni : Yeah …
4. This dialogue occurres …. c. in Reni’s house.
a. at school
b. in the park. d. not far from Reni’s house.
5. Greg and Reni were talking about ………….
a. Reni’s garden c. Reni’s flowers.
b. Greg’s hobby. d. Greg and Reni’s hobbies.
6. “ Please drop in “. The underlined words in Indonesian means …………
a. mampir c. bekerja.
b. bermain. d. jatuh.
This text is for questions number 7 to 9.