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Body weights, carcass characteristics, fat content, and their relationships in ganders of the Selected Chinese and Synthetic strains, and Embden-sired strain crosses

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Body weights, carcass characteristics, fat content, and ...

Body weights, carcass characteristics, fat content, and their relationships in ganders of the Selected Chinese and Synthetic strains, and Embden-sired strain crosses

Can. J. Anim. Sci. Downloaded from by on 08/08/16 Body weights, carcass characteristics, fat content, and
For personal use only. their relationships in ganders of the Selected Chinese and

Synthetic strains, and Embden-sired strain crosses

J. N. B. Shrestha1 and A. A. Grunder2

1Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Dairy and Swine Research and Development Centre, P. O.
Box 90, 2000 Route 108 est, Lennoxville, Quebec, Canada J1M 1Z3 (e-mail: [email protected]);

2Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Centre for Food and Animal Research, Ottawa,
Ontario, Canada K1A 0C6. Received 20 April 2005, accepted 16 June 2005.

Shrestha, J. N. B. and Grunder, A. A. 2005. Body weights, carcass characteristics, fat content, and their relationships in gan-
ders of the Selected Chinese and Synthetic strains, and Embden-sired strain crosses. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 85: 455–461. In 1986,
247 ganders of the Selected Chinese and Selected Synthetic strains, and Large Embden and Small Embden- sired strain crosses at
the Greenbelt farm of the Centre for Food and Animal Research in Ottawa, Canada, were evaluated. The Chinese and Synthetic
(developed from the Pilgrim, Chinese and Hungarian) strains had been selected for four generations to increase egg production
over a 24-wk laying period and body weight at 16 wk of age, and simultaneously decrease total fat content. Two Embden strains,
Large and Small, denoting contrasting body sizes, had been imported from the United States of America for potential use in cross-
breeding as terminal sire strains. Strains and strain crosses were ranked from high to low, for body weights at 9 and 16 wk of age,
liveweight at slaughter and eviscerated carcass weight. Large Embden × Selected Chinese were largest followed by Small Embden
× Selected Synthetic and Small Embden × Selected Chinese strain crosses, in turn followed by the Selected Chinese and Selected
Synthetic strains. Small Embden-sired crosses were not significantly different except for body weight at 9 wk of age and eviscer-
ated carcass weight. The Large Embden × Selected Chinese strain cross had a dressing percent of 63, significantly higher than 60-
61% for the remaining strains or strain crosses. In general, the ranking of strains and strain crosses for liver weight was similar to
rankings for body weights, except that the Small Embden-sired crosses were not significantly different from the Selected Chinese
strain, and the Small and Large Embden-sired Selected Chinese crosses had similar liver weight. The Selected Synthetic strain had
a significantly smaller neck than that of the other strains and strain crosses; Small Embden-sired crosses were not significantly dif-
ferent. Large Embden × Selected Chinese and Small Embden × Selected Synthetic strain crosses and the Selected Chinese strain
had similar neck weight. When fat was expressed as a percentage of carcass weight, the strains and strain crosses had similar pro-
portion of abdominal fat. On the other hand the Large Embden × Selected Chinese strain cross had significantly more intestinal
fat (4.83%) than any of the strains and strain crosses (2.97 to 3.73%) and a similar proportion of total fat (10.87%) to the Small
Embden × Selected Chinese strain cross (8.79%) but significantly more than the remaining strains and strain crosses (7.53 to
8.20%). The correlations of body weights at 9 and 16 wk of age with eviscerated carcass weight (0.65 and 0.90), abdominal fat
weight (0.32 and 0.59), intestinal fat weight (0.27 and 0.55) and total fat weight (0.23 and 0.47) were deemed potentially useful.
The correlations between percentage of fat parameters and body weights were low (0.20 and 0.37) or negligible. The inherent
potential in the large-bodied Embden strain for growth can complement the small-bodied Selected Chinese strain that excels in egg
production, fertility and hatchability to produce a strain cross with considerable promise for commercial production of goose meat.

Key words: Chinese strain, Synthetic strain, Embden strain, body weights, abdominal and intestinal fat

Shrestha, J. N. B. et Grunder, A. A. 2005. Le poids corporel, les paramètres de la carcasse, la proportion de gras et leurs cor-
rélations chez les jars des races Sélection chinoise et Sélection synthétique et les hybrides d’ascendance Embden. Can. J.
Anim. Sci. 85: 455–461. En 1986, les auteurs ont évalué 247 jars des races Sélection chinoise et Sélection synthétique ainsi que
des croisements d’ascendance petit Embden et gros Embden à la ferme de la ceinture de verdure du Centre de recherches alimen-
taires et zootechniques d’Ottawa (Canada). Les races Chinoise et Synthétique (issues des races Pilgrim, Chinoise et Hongroise)
sont le produit de quatre générations sélectionnées pour une production plus importante d’œufs durant la période de ponte de
24 semaines, un poids corporel plus élevé à l’âge de 16 semaines et une réduction de la proportion totale de gras. Deux souches
Embden (petite et grande) se démarquant par une taille contrastante du corps avaient été importées des États-Unis pour servir de
géniteur en vue d’une dernière hybridation au terme du programme d’amélioration. Races et croisements ont été classés d’élevé à
faible pour le poids corporel à 9 et à 16 semaines, pour le poids en vif à l’abattage et pour le poids de la carcasse éviscérée. Le
croisement gros Embden × Sélection chinoise a donné les sujets les plus gros, suivi par les croisements petit Embden × Sélection
synthétique et petit Embden × Sélection chinoise. Venaient ensuite les sujets Sélection chinoise et Sélection synthétique. Les
hybrides qui avaient pour géniteur un petit Embden ne variaient pas significativement, sauf pour le poids corporel à 9 semaines et
le poids de la carcasse éviscérée. Le croisement gros Embden × Sélection chinoise présentait des pertes de 63 % au parage, donc
significativement plus élevées que celles de 60-61 % enregistrées par les autres races ou croisements. Dans l’ensemble, le classe-
ment des races et des croisements d’après la masse hépatique était similaire au classement obtenu avec le poids corporel, si ce n’est
que les hybrides ayant pour géniteur un petit Embden ne différaient pas de façon significative des sujets Sélection chinoise et que
les hybrides issus de la race Sélection chinoise et d’un petit ou d’un gros Embden avaient un foie de poids analogue. La race
Sélection synthétique se caractérise par un cou significativement plus court que celui des autres races ou croisements. Les sujets
d’ascendance petit Embden ne variaient pas significativement entre eux. Le cou des hybrides gros Embden × Sélection chinoise et
petit Embden × Sélection synthétique de même que des sujets Sélection chinoise avait un poids similaire. Quand on exprime la



quantité de gras en fonction du poids de la carcasse, on constate que la proportion de gras abdominal est analogue pour les races
et les hybrides examinés. En revanche, le croisement gros Embden × Sélection chinoise présentait significativement plus de graisse
dans l’intestin (4,83 %) que les autres races ou croisements (de 2,97 à 3,73 %) et une proportion de gras total (10,87 %) semblable
à celle des hybrides petit Embden × Sélection chinoise (8,79 %), mais sensiblement plus élevée que chez les autres races ou croise-
ments (de 7,53 à 8,20 %). Les auteurs estiment que les corrélations du poids corporel à l’âge de 9 ou de 16 semaines avec le poids
de la carcasse éviscérée (0,65 et 0,90), le poids du gras abdominal (0,32 et 0,59), le poids du gras intestinal (0,27 et 0,55) et le
poids du gras total (0,23 et 0,47) pourraient avoir leur utilité. Les paramètres de la proportion de gras présentent une faible cor-
rélation voire une corrélation négligeable avec le poids corporel (0,20 et 0,37). Le potentiel de croissance inhérent de la race
Embden de grande taille pourrait être complémentaire à celui de la race Sélection chinoise à petite carcasse, qui excelle au niveau
de la ponte, de la fertilité et de l’éclosabilité, en vue de la création d’un hybride très prometteur pour la production commerciale
de viande d’oie.

Mots clés: Race Chinoise, race Synthétique, race Embden, poids corporel, gras abdominal et intestinal

Can. J. Anim. Sci. Downloaded from by on 08/08/16 The crossbreeding of two or more breeds or strains to capi- Selected Chinese, Small Embden × Selected Chinese, and
For personal use only. talize on hybrid vigor and the genetic superiority of the Small Embden × Selected Synthetic. In 1963 a commercial
parental breeds to achieve maximal income and profitabili- strain of Chinese goose (Anser cygnoides), which demon-
ty has been accepted in commercial breeding programs for strated considerable merit for increased egg and meat pro-
goose meat production (Stfanescu et al. 1970; Saleyev 1975; duction, was purchased and utilized for research (Merritt
Sergeev 1975; Karasin´ski 1977; Ryabokon 1984; Poujardieu 1962, 1970). In the following years, the Synthetic strain was
et al. 1994). In the past 20 yr, there has been a dramatic developed by combining the Chinese, Hungarian and
increase in body weight along with a higher fat content in Pilgrim strains. Both the Synthetic and Chinese strains,
modern broilers (Chambers et al. 1981). There is reason to maintained for 12 yr as randombred populations before
believe that lower body fat of geese at slaughter would be 1982, were selected for egg production over a 24-wk laying
beneficial for promoting consumer acceptance and eliminat- period, body weight at 16 wk of age and decrease in total
ing the costs associated in producing unwanted fat. During (abdominal and intestinal) fat. This has been described else-
the course of research on genetics of goose production at the where (Shrestha et al. 2004b). In 1985, the two Embden
Centre for Food and Animal Research, Selected Chinese and strains imported from the United States of America and
Synthetic (developed from Pilgrim, Chinese and Hungarian) raised at this Centre, were defined as Large and Small to
strains (4.69 and 4.77 kg, respectively) weighed significant- reflect their contrasting body size. To facilitate evaluation,
ly more at 16 wk of age than their corresponding Chinese the mating of breeder birds of both the Selected Chinese and
and Synthetic strains (4.26 and 4.31 kg, respectively) main- Synthetic strains that hatched in 1986 occurred in the pre-
tained as randombred populations (Shrestha et al. 2004a). At ceding year in outdoor paddocks, or in a windowless house
the same time, the Hungarian strain (4.17 kg) was consis- that utilized an artificial lighting regimen to control
tently lightest, the Pilgrim strain (4.65 kg) was intermediate daylength (Grunder, 1984). Goslings, hatched at 2-wk inter-
and the Large Embden (6.15 kg) and Small Embden (5.49 vals during the months of April to June, were wing banded
kg) were heaviest. When the present study was initiated the following identification of sex, and brooded on floors. All
Chinese and Synthetic strains had been selected for four offsprings of both sexes and strains were assigned to pens
generations in order to increase egg production (over a 24- and paddocks at random, in order to avoid any possibility of
wk laying period) and body weight at 16 wk of age, and confounding due to management as well as likely competi-
simultaneously decrease abdominal and intestinal (total) fat tion among strains. After 16 wk of age, all selected geese
content (Shrestha et al. 2004b). Although there have been a were separated by sex for use as breeder birds to produce
few studies on carcass characteristics and fat content of offspring for the subsequent generation.
geese (Stfanescu et al. 1970; Karasin´ski 1977; Wawro 1982;
Fortin et al. 1983; Michalik et al. 1983; Bochno et al. 1979, Goslings were fed Goose Starter Ration as crumbles for
1987; Grunder et al. 1988) information on Embden-sired the first 3 wk of age, and Goose Grower Ration as pellets
strain crosses has been lacking. The body weights, carcass from 3 to 10 wk followed by Goose Finisher Ration to 16
characteristics and fat content, and their correlations in gan- wk of age. Corn and soybean meal were the main compo-
ders of the Selected Chinese and Synthetic strains, and nents of all the rations. The estimated protein contents of the
Embden-sired strain crosses have potential for commercial Starter, Grower and Finisher rations were 21.1, 18.1 and
goose production, and are the subject of the present study. 15.1%, respectively. Corresponding estimates for metabo-
lizable energy were 2831, 2930 and 2985 kcal kg–1, respec-
MATERIAL AND METHODS tively. All goslings had access to pasture at about 5 wk
The strains of ganders evaluated included the Selected onwards to 16 wk of age.
Chinese, Selected Synthetic, and their Embden-sired specif-
ic crosses at the Greenbelt Farm of the Centre for Food and In 1986, 247 ganders were weighed at 9 and 16 wk of age
Animal Research (formerly Animal Research Centre, and and at slaughter. Slaughter measurements were obtained
Animal Research Institute) located in Ottawa, Canada. The from 232 ganders for the study. Individual measurement of
specific strain crosses included the Large Embden × body weight adjusted to the first hatch of the year reduced
variation due to differences among hatches by adding or
subtracting the mean deviation from the first hatch to each
of the subsequent hatches.

Can. J. Anim. Sci. Downloaded from by on 08/08/16 The least squares procedure (Harvey 1975) was used for ana- SHRESTHA ET AL. — EVALUATION OF GEESE 457
For personal use only. lyzing body weights at 9 and 16 wk of age, slaughter weight,
eviscerated carcass weight, dressing percentage, weights of the Selected Chinese stain had the largest neck at 244 g, which
liver and neck, abdominal, intestinal and total fat. The neck was similar to Large Embden × Selected Chinese and Small
weight, a significant portion of the carcass but a product of low Embden × Selected Synthetic strain crosses, while the Small
economic value was measured to completely account for as Embden-sired strain crosses did not differ significantly.
much of the carcass weight as possible. Also estimated was the
abdominal, intestinal and total fat as a percentage of eviscerat- The ranking for weights of abdominal, intestinal and total
ed carcass weight. The mathematical model included fixed fat tended to parallel the ranking for body weights with the
effect due to strain (Selected Chinese and Selected Synthetic Large Embden × Selected Chinese strain cross being the
strains, and Large Embden × Selected Chinese, Small Embden highest and the Selected Synthetic strain being the lowest
× Selected Chinese, and Small Embden × Selected Synthetic (Table 1). The Large Embden × Selected Chinese strain
strain crosses), and random residual error. All effects tested cross had a significant advantage over the Selected
were against the residual mean squares to determine the level Synthetic strain (108, 106 and 214 g, respectively), Small
of significance. Tests of significance among three or more Embden × Selected Chinese (71, 71 and 142 g, respective-
means were carried out using the multiple range test devised by ly), and Small Embden × Selected Synthetic (89, 64 and 154
Duncan (1955) and extended by Kramer (1957). The multi- g, respectively) strain crosses. However, percentage abdom-
variate analysis of variance provided within strain estimates of inal fat was not significantly different among the strain
partial correlations among the dependent variables. Differences crosses and strains while percent intestinal fat was signifi-
detected at the 0.05 level or less were reported as statistically cantly greater for the Large Embden × Selected Chinese
significant. The care and handling of geese used in this study strain cross at 4.83% than the other strains and strain cross-
conformed to the guidelines established by the Canadian es. The Selected Synthetic strain with 2.97% intestinal fat
Council on Animal Care (1993). ranked lowest but was not significantly different from the
Selected Chinese strain at 3.14%, and the Small Embden-
RESULTS sired crosses were similar (3.66 to 3.73%). For percent total
The Large Embden × Selected Chinese strain cross proved to fat, Large Embden × Selected Chinese strain cross at
be significantly heavier at 16 wk of age (6.43 kg) than the 10.87% ranked the highest, but was not significantly higher
remaining strains and strain crosses (Table 1). The next in than Small Embden × Selected Chinese strain cross at 8.79
order were Small Embden × Selected Synthetic and Small while the Small Embden × Selected Synthetic strain cross
Embden × Selected Chinese strain crosses, which were not and Selected Chinese strain had about 8% total fat.
significantly different from each other, followed by the
Selected Chinese strain and then the smallest Selected As shown in Table 2, the estimates of correlations among
Synthetic strain (4.90 kg). Rankings for body weight at 9 wk body weights at 9 and 16 wk of age, liveweight at slaughter
of age were the same with the exception of Large Embden × and eviscerated carcass weight ranged from 0.64 to 0.96.
Selected Chinese strain cross was not significantly heavier Body weight at 16 wk was highly correlated with liveweight
than Small Embden × Selected Synthetic strain cross. The at slaughter (0.90) while liveweight at slaughter was also
ranking of strains and strain crosses for liveweight at slaughter highly correlated with eviscerated carcass weight (0.96).
and eviscerated carcass weight was identical to body weight at Dressing percentage was moderately correlated with evis-
16 wk of age. The eviscerated carcass weight of Large cerated carcass weight (0.42), liver weight (0.37) and body
Embden × Selected Chinese strain cross at 4.07 kg was heav- weights at 9 and 16 wk of age and at slaughter (0.27-0.29)
iest, followed by the Small Embden-sired strain crosses (3.42- while lowly correlated with abdominal, intestinal and total
3.55 kg) and the Selected Chinese strain (3.18 kg), whereas the fat (0.11 to 0.16). Body weights at 9 and 16 wk of age, and
Selected Synthetic strain weighed least at 3.01 kg. The dress- liveweight at slaughter and eviscerated carcass weight were
ing percentage in the Large Embden × Selected Chinese strain moderately correlated with liver (0.27-0.44) and neck
cross was significantly greater by 3% than the Selected weights (0.45-0.62). Corresponding estimates between neck
Chinese and Synthetic strains and 2-3% greater than the Small weight and dressing percentage was 0.24, and between
Embden-sired strain crosses, whereas the Selected Chinese weight of liver and neck was 0.28.
and Synthetic strains were similar, as were the Small Embden-
sired strain crosses. The weights of abdominal, intestinal and total fat were mod-
erately correlated with body weights at 9 and 16 wk of age
The differences between the strains and strain crosses for (0.23-0.32 and 0.47-0.59, respectively), or with liveweight at
mean weight of liver and neck were small compared with slaughter (0.53-0.66) and eviscerated carcass weight (0.51-
those for body weights. The liver weight of Large Embden × 0.64). Corresponding estimates were lowly correlated with
Selected Chinese strain cross was 13 g heavier (Table 1) than dressing percentage (0.11-0.16), liver (0.16-0.18) and neck
that of Selected Synthetic strain (P < 0.05), which was lightest (0.17-0.25) weights. The correlation estimates between abdom-
but not significantly greater than the second ranked Small inal and intestinal fat weight was 0.64, and between total fat
Embden × Selected Chinese strain cross, which in turn was weight and that of abdominal and intestinal fat was 0.72-0.75.
similar in rank to the Small Embden × Selected Synthetic Corresponding estimates between live and slaughter weights
strain cross and Selected Chinese strain. The Selected with abdominal, intestinal and total fat as a percentage of evis-
Synthetic strain had the smallest neck weight at 200 g, while cerated carcass weight were lower than with actual weights.

The Selected Chinese strain was small but significantly
heavier than the Selected Synthetic strain for body weights


Table 1. Least squares mean (± SE) for growth traits and carcass characteristics of the Selected Chinese and Synthetic strains, and Embden-sired
crosses of geese

Selected Selected Large Embden × Small Embden × Selected
Chinese Synthetic Selected Chinese
Chinese Synthetic

No. of ganders weighed 125 71 11 17 23

Body weight (kg) at 4.04 ± 0.031c 3.88 ± 0.042d 4.67 ± 0.114a 4.25 ± 0.091b 4.61 ± 0.073a
9 wk of age 5.29 ± 0.037c 4.90 ± 0.050d 6.43 ± 0.135a 5.54 ± 0.108b 5.74 ± 0.087a
16 wk of age

Liveweight at slaughter (kg) 5.29 ± 0.040c 4.98 ± 0.055d 6.52 ± 0.148a 5.67 ± 0.118b 5.79 ± 0.095b

No. of ganders slaughtered 121 66 9 14 22

Can. J. Anim. Sci. Downloaded from by on 08/08/16 Eviscerated carcass wt (kg) 3.18 ± 0.027c 3.01 ± 0.036d 4.07 ± 0.098a 3.42 ± 0.079b 3.55 ± 0.063b
For personal use only.
Dressing (%) 60.1 ± 0.15c 60.3 ± 0.21c 62.5 ± 0.57a 60.4 ± 0.45bc 61.2 ± 0.36b

Weight (g) of 73 ± 0.8b 68 ± 1.1c 81 ± 3.1a 77 ± 2.5ab 73 ± 2.0b
Liver 244 ± 2.1a 200 ± 2.8c 243 ± 7.7a 221 ± 6.2b 235 ± 4.9ab

Abdominal fat 155 ± 4b 139 ± 5c 247 ± 14a 176 ± 11b 158 ± 9b
5.06 ± 0.19a 4.56 ± 0.26a 6.05 ± 0.70a 5.13 ± 0.56a 4.47 ± 0.45a

Intestinal fat 101 ± 3c 91 ± 4c 197 ± 12a 126 ± 10b 133 ± 8b
3.14 ± 0.09cd 2.97 ± 0.12cd 4.83 ± 0.33a 3.66 ± 0.26bc 3.73 ± 0.21b

Total fat 262 ± 7b 230 ± 10c 444 ± 27a 302 ± 22b 290 ± 17b
8.20 ± 0.22b 7.53 ± 0.30b 10.87 ± 0.82a 8.79 ± 0.66ab 8.20 ± 0.53b

zPercent of eviscerated carcass weight.
a–d Means within a row not followed by the same letter differ (P < 0.05).

at 9 and 16 wk of age in agreement with Shrestha et al. In the present study, the Small Embden-sired selected
(2004a). Again, as pure strains the body weight of the Large strain crosses weighed more at 9 and 16 wk of age than the
Embden was greater than that of the Small Embden, there- Selected Chinese and Synthetic strains, in agreement with
fore, as expected, the Large Embden-sired strain cross was observations of Shrestha et al. (2004a). The authors also
heavier than the remaining strains and strain crosses. reported that the heterosis estimate was negligible for Small
Likewise, it was expected that Small Embden × Selected Embden × Selected Chinese strain cross, and 4-8% for the
Chinese strain cross would be heavier than Small Embden × Small Embden × Selected Synthetic strain cross. The advan-
Selected Synthetic strain cross. The reverse was observed tage of the Small Embden-sired selected strain crosses over
but the difference was only significant at 9 wk of age. Selected Chinese and Synthetic strains remained for slaugh-
ter and eviscerated carcass weights, but was not consistent
The Selected Chinese strain exceeded the Selected for dressing percentage, liver and neck weights, abdominal,
Synthetic strain in weight at slaughter and for the economi- intestinal and total fat content.
cally important eviscerated carcass weight, and abdominal
and total fat. Fortin et al. (1983) reported on these same The Large Embden × Selected Chinese strain cross was
strains prior to the four generations of selection described pre- not only heavier than the Selected Chinese strain, but also
viously by Shrestha et al. (2004b) that the Chinese strain was weighed more than the Small Embden-sired Selected
lighter than the Synthetic strain at slaughter (5.39 vs. 5.67 kg) Chinese and Synthetic strain crosses that were similar, and
and for eviscerated carcass weight (3.28 vs. 3.46 kg) but per- these strain crosses were heavier in body weights at 9 and 16
centage abdominal fat was about the same (5.19 vs. 5.26%). wk of age than their respective female parent strains, in
These findings are in contrast to the present study because the agreement with Shrestha et al. (2004a). The Large Embden
Selected Chinese strain not only weighed more compared strain compared with the Small Embden strain when mated
with the Selected Synthetic strain, but also produced a heav- to Selected Chinese strain was 0.9 kg heavier in body weight
ier carcass with similar percentage of abdominal fat. at 16 wk of age along with 2% more total fat. An alternative
Therefore, four generations of selection resulted in a signifi- to the Large Embden strain would be the possible use of the
cantly greater body weight for the Selected Chinese strain Small Embden strain as a terminal sire to result in lighter but
compared with the Selected Synthetic strain, but a similar leaner strain crosses for commercial production of goose
proportion of abdominal as well as intestinal and total fat. meat. When the trait of interest is foie gras production con-

Can. J. Anim. Sci. Downloaded from by on 08/08/16
For personal use only.

Table 2.Estimate of correlation coefficients among growth traits and carcass characteristics pooled within Selected Chinese and Synthetic strains, and Embden-sired crosses of geese

Body wt (kg) at Liveweight (kg) Eviscerated Dressing Liver Neck Intestinal fat Total fat
g %z g %z
9 wk of age 16 wk of age at slaughter carcass wt (kg) Percentage weight (g) weight (g)

Body wt (kg) 0.66 0.64 0.65 0.27 0.27 0.45
9 wk of age 0.90 0.90 0.29 0.36 0.61
16 wk of age

Liveweight at slaughter (kg) 0.96 0.20 0.44 0.61

Eviscerated carcass wt (kg) 0.42 0.37 0.62

Dressing percentage (%) –0.08NS 0.24

Liver weight (g) 0.28

Abdominal fat 0.32 0.59 0.66 0.64 0.16 0.18 0.25 0.64 0.55 0.75 0.55
-0.01NS 0.06NS 0.10NS 0.07NS –0.04NS 0.05NS –0.03NS 0.19 0.19 0.80 0.92

Intestinal fat 0.27 0.55 0.59 0.58 0.14 0.16 0.17 0.72 0.54
0.66 0.55
g 0.13 0.37 0.40 0.37 0.03NS 0.08NS 0.01NS

Total fat 0.23 0.47 0.53 0.51 0.11NS 0.17 0.17

g 0.04 NS 0.20 0.24 0.20 –0.02 NS 0.07NS –0.02NS

zPercent of eviscerated carcass weight.
NS P > 0.05.


Can. J. Anim. Sci. Downloaded from by on 08/08/16 460 CANADIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE (0.62-0.80). Wawro (1982), from a study of 169 White
For personal use only. Italian geese aged 19 wk, estimated correlations between
sidered a delicacy in some countries, fatty liver becomes a body weight and percent lean, bone and fat were 0.87, 0.77
desired trait and usually an outcome of forced feeding. If and 0.83, respectively. Again, Michalik et al. (1983), based
this is the case, the development of leaner strain crosses for on 63 White Italian, 44 Kuban and 158 crossbred geese aged
commercial goose meat production may not be complemen- 12 wk, reported a range of estimates of correlation between
tary to selection for foie gras. Consequently specialized body weight and weight of lean in the carcass from 0.72 to
strain crosses with the objective of foie gras production 0.94. The correlation estimates in the literature are larger
need to be developed. than those in the present study. Again, the associations
between abdominal, intestinal and total fat with liver and
The four generations of multi-trait selection in the neck weights were low, and those between dressing percent-
Chinese and Synthetic strains increased egg production over age and eviscerated carcass weight were moderate. The asso-
a 24-wk laying period (1.3 and 1.1 egg generation–1, respec- ciation between weight of abdominal and intestinal fat (0.64)
tively) and increased male and female body weight at 16 wk and each fat measure with total fat (0.72-0.75) was high. The
of age (0.18 and 0.17 kg generation–1, respectively) for the corresponding correlations involving percentages were low,
Selected Chinese strain, and (0.09 and 0.08 kg generation–1, suggesting that both measures are necessary to estimate total
respectively) for the Selected Synthetic strain, without a sig- fat content. Again, there is no shortcut to estimating total fat
nificant reduction in total fat (Shrestha et al. 2004b). The content from live and carcass weights without measuring
heavier Embden-sired crosses showed a significantly heav- abdominal and intestinal fat content. Possibly, in the future,
ier weight gain in live and carcass traits along with a higher measures based on ultrasound or magnetic resonance may
fat content than the Selected Chinese and Synthetic strains. help provide an estimate of fat content without killing the
Based on genetic response to selection, one can expect that goose. In light of the higher fat content in rapidly growing
an additional five generations of selection may increase geese and the smaller number of sires used to produce strain
body weight in the Selected Chinese strain to that of cross offspring, further research to reduce fat content would
Embden-sired strain crosses. be beneficial to commercial goose production.

The correlation between body weight at 16 wk of age and In conclusion, the Large Embden × Selected Chinese
slaughter or eviscerated carcass weights measured within a geese that weighed more than all the strains and strain cross-
few days was high. As expected, the higher estimate for the es at 9 and 16 wk of age and produced heavier carcasses,
correlations is because the eviscerated carcass weight repre- although with a higher proportion of intestinal fat has a
sents part of the previous weights and the duration between definitive advantage in growth and carcass characteristics.
measurements was short. Again, correlation estimates In 1997, all pure strains of geese were made available to the
between body weight at 9 wk of age with body weights at 16 goose industry in Canada following the termination of goose
wk, slaughter and eviscerated carcass (taken after 5 wk) was research in Ottawa. The crossbreeding of females of the
moderate because of a 7-wk interval between measure- small-bodied Selected Chinese strain that has potential merit
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