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Published by fireant26, 2021-10-29 00:42:45

ĐH 072

Đa Hiệu 072


Ngaøy 04-07-2004 , hoäi ñaõ toå chöùc sinh hoaït Heø cho toaøn
theå hoäi vieân vaø gia ñình taïi Coâng Vieân beân bôø hoà Washington
(Seward Park). Thaønh phaàn tham döï naêm nay cuõng ñaày ñuû
quyù Nieân Tröôûng vaø anh em CSVSQ caùc khoùa nhö moïi naêm
tröôùc , quyù phu nhaân vaø ñoâng ñaûo ñoaøn vieân TTN/ÑH/WA
vôùi nhöõng khung maët vui töôi hôùn hôû cuûa tuoåi thanh nieân
chan hoøa söùc soáng! Sau böõa aên tröa ngon mieäng , caùc CSVSQ
vaø quyù phu nhaân quaây quaàn laïi vôùi nhau ñeå nghe CSVSQ K
19 Hoaøng Vaên Thanh , hoäi tröôûng baùo caùo hoaït ñoäng cuûa hoäi
trong thôøi gian qua , sau ñoù trình dieän Ban Chaáp Haønh vaø
tuyeân boá maõn nhieäm kyø 2002-2004 . Tieáp theo phaàn baùo
caùo laø baàu choïn taân hoäi tröôûng cho nhieäm kyø 2004-2006 .
Cuõng nhö nhöõng laàn baàu choïn tröôùc ñaây , do tình traïng khoâng
ñuû nhaân söï cho neân moïi ngöôøi ñaõ bieåu quyeát choïn lieân
khoùa 18 vaø 20 chòu traùch nhieäm ñeà cöû moät CSVSQ trong
khoùa laø hoäi tröôûng vaø thay maët cho hai khoùa 18 , 20 hieân
dieän trong buoåi hoïp , CSVSQ K 18 Phaïm Vaên Caåm ñaõ phaùt
bieåu laø seõ trieäu taäp moät buoåi hoïp noäi boä ñeå choïn ngöôøi hoäi
tröôûng cuõng nhö thaønh laäp BCH môùi vaø seõ coâng boá trong
thôøi gian sôùm nhaát .


Ngaøy 10-07-2004 , caùc CSVSQ K 18 vaø 20 ñaõ hoïp ñeå ñeà cöû
ngöôøi laøm hoäi tröôûng . Ñeán tham döï, ngoaøi caùc CSVSQ trong
BCH cuõ coøn coù söï hieän dieän cuûa NT Löông Chi K 10 laø ngöôøi
luoân thöôøng xuyeân gaén boù vôùi sinh hoaït hoäi vaø cuõng laø vò NT
coù coâng thaønh laäp , duy trì sinh hoaït hoäi VB/WA cho ñeán
ngaøy hoâm nay . Sau khi caân nhaéc vaø thaûo luaän , toaøn theå anh
em coù maët ñaõ ñoàng loøng ñeà cöû CSVSQ Nguyeãn Vaên Lai K 20


laøm Hoäi Tröôûng . Veà phaàn BCH môùi , CSVSQ taân HT ñaõ môøi
caùc anh em CSVSQ trong BCH nhieäm kyø tröôùc tieáp tuïc giuùp
söùc cho ngöôøi HT môùi hoaøn thaønh traùch nhieäm trong nhieäm
kyø môùi . Haàu heát anh em coù maët ñeàu nhaän lôøi . Rieâng NT
Löông Chi ñaõ nhaän lôøi trong vai troø Ban Tö Vaán cuøng vôùi
caùc NT cao nieân khaùc trong hoäi VB/WA . Buoåi hoïp ñaõ keát
thuùc trong baàu khoâng khí vui töôi vaø hôùn hôû cho moïi ngöôøi .


KYØ 2004-2006

Ngaøy 08-08-2003 moät buoåi hoïp ñaõ ñöôïc toå chöùc giöõa

CSVSQ K 20 Nguyeãn Vaên Lai , taân Hoäi Tröôûng HVB/WA vaø

caùc CSVSQ trong BCH ñeå saép xeáp thaønh phaàn vaø hoach ñònh

chöông trình hoaït ñoäng cho nhieäm kyø 2004-2006 .Thaønh phaàn

BCH ñöôïc toå chöùc nhö sau :

Hoäi Tröôûng : CSVSQ K20 Nguyeãn Vaên Lai

Hoäi Phoù Noäi Vuï : CSVSQ K18 Phaïm Vaên Caåm

Hoäi Phoù Ngoaïi Vuï : CSVSQ K18 Nguyeãn Ñình Traø

Hoäi Phoù Phuï Traùch vuøng South Seattle :

CSVSQ K19 Hoaøng Trai

Thö Kyù : CSVSQ K25 Vöông Tònh

Ban Lieân Laïc : CSVSQ K23 Phaïm Vaên Chaéc

Ban Vaên Ngheä : CSVSQ K28 Nguyeãn Sanh &

CSVSQ K30 Traàn Sinh Duyeân

Ban Theå Thao : CSVSQ K29 Nguyeãn Ñaèng

Ban Xaõ Hoäi : CSVSQ K25 Nguyeãn Coâng Caån

Ban Thoâng Tin & Baùo Chí : CSVSQ K23 Taêng Khaûi Minh

Phuï Traùch Ñoaøn TTN/Ña Hieäu : CSVSQ K19 Phan Vaên Quang

Thuû Quyõ : CSVSQ K28 Traàn Hieäp

Ban Tö Vaán : CSVSQ K10 Löông Chi

Chöông trình hoaït ñoäng tröôùc maét Hoäi seõ taäp trung vaøo hai
vieäc :
1.Toå chöùc taát nieân Giaùp Thaân 2004 , cuøng nhau nghieân cöùu
chöông trình vaø keá hoaïch ñeå thu huùt caùc CSVSQ vaø gia ñình

ÑA HIEÄU 72 251

tham döï thaät ñoâng , quaây quaàn laïi vôùi nhau trong tinh thaàn
giaûi trí thoaûi maùi tröôùc Teát coå truyeàn cuûa daân toäc . Ñeå coù theå
ñaït ñöôïc muïc tieâu treân , anh em ñaõ ñeà cöû CSVSQ K 30 Traàn
Sinh Duyeân laø Tröôûng Ban Toå Chöùc , CSVSQ K 28 Nguyeãn
Sanh laø Tröôûng Ban Vaên Ngheä cho chöông trình Daï Hoäi Taát
Nieân saép tôùi , vaø CSVSQ K28 Vuõ Vaên Lai seõ laø ngöôøi ñieàu
khieån chöông trình (MC) .
2.-Ban Xaõ Hoäi seõ laäp keá hoaïch thaêm vieáng töøng gia ñình
CSVSQ cao nieân ôû xa khoâng coù ñieàu kieän veà sinh hoaït nhöng
vaãn thöôøng xuyeân quan taâm ñeán anh em cuøng chung tröôøng
Meï , vaø caùc CSVSQ keùm söùc khoûe , bò tai bieán , khoù khaên ñi
laïi . Ñieàu naày seõ theå hieän moät caùch thöïc teá tình thaân aùi cuûa
ñaïi gia ñình Voõ Bò Washington .

Naèm trong chöông trình sinh hoaït haèng naêm , ñoaøn TTN/

ÑH/WA ñaõ toå chöùc caém traïi ngoaøi trôøi trong hai ngaøy 17 vaø
18 thaùng 7 naêm 2004 taïi khu röøng Dash Point thuoäc ngoaïi oâ
cuûa TP.Seattle . Nhaân dòp naày CSVSQ Hoäi Tröôûng Nguyeãn
Vaên Lai cuøng moät soá caùc CSVSQ trong BCH ñaõ ñeán thaêm
traïi vaø xem caùc chaùu vui chôi theå thao . Ñöôïc bieát trong
chöông trình taát nieân cuûa Hoäi naêm nay caùc chaùu seõ cung caáp
nhieàu tieát muïc giuùp vui ñaëc saéc .

Ñeå thöïc hieän keá hoach tröôùc maét cuûa Hoäi ñaõ ñeà ra trong

buoåi hoïp BCH vöøa qua , CSVSQ
K 25 Nguyeãn Coâng Caån , Ban Xaõ Hoäi , ñaõ laäp keá hoach thaêm
vieáng ñaàu tieân hai CSVSQ vaø keâu goïi anh em cuøng tham gia
1. Ngaøy 04-09-2004 , vieáng thaêm Nieân Tröoång CSVSQ K 3
Ñoã Hueä taïi thaønh phoá Bellingham , caùch khaù xa veà phía
baéc cuûa TP Seattle . Tham döï trong chuyeán vieáng thaêm ñaàu
tieân naày coù CSVSQ K 18 Phaïm Vaên Caåm (Hoäi Phoù Noäi Vuï)
vaø CSVSQ K19 Phan vaên Quang (Ñoaøn TTNÑH) .


2. Ngaøy 19-09-2004 , vieáng thaêm CSVSQ K 19 Nguyeãn Chí
taïi TP . Seattle . Tham döï trong chuyeán vieáng thaêm laàn thöù
hai naày coù CSVSQ Hoäi Tröôûng Nguyeãn Vaên Lai vaø moät soá
caùc anh em CSVSQ trong Ban Chaáp Haønh Hoäi, ngoaøi ra coøn
coù CSVSQ K19 Nguyeãn Nho, laø thaønh vieân cuûa HVB/WA vaø
cuõng laø Toång Hoäi Tröôûng /THCSVSQ/TVBQGVN .

Qua hai laàn thaêm vieáng trong thaùng 9-2004 vöøa qua do Ban
XH toå chöùc, ñeán vôùi gia ñình caùc CSVSQ vì tuoåi cao, vì tình
traïng söùc khoûe khoâng cho pheùp tham döï nhöõng buoåi sinh
hoaït chung cuûa Hoäi, ñaõ khieán cho caùc CSVSQ vaø gia ñình
vui möøng vaø caûm ñoäng, nhö NT K3 Ñoã Hueä ñaõ noùi: “Caùc
anh ñeán thaêm ñaõ mang cho toâi moät moùn quaø voâ giaù ! “ .

Seattle, Washington thaùng 9 naêm 2004
Ban Thoâng Tin & Baùo Chí

CSVSQ /K23 Taêng Khaûi Minh

Töø traùi, hanø g tröôùc: chò Ñính, Chí K19, Minh K23. Hanø g sau:
Quang K19, Sanh K28, Ñính K19, Caån K25, chò Quang, Nho
K19, Trai K19, chò Chí, Lai 20, chò Lai, chò Trai.

ÑA HIEÄU 72 253

Hoäi CSVSQ/Tröônø g Voõ-Bò Quocá -Gia Vietä -Nam

Thö tín: 4471 San-Juan Ave. Fair-Oaks, CA 95628
Phone: (916) 961-1309 Email: [email protected]

Sacramento, Ngay 1 thaùng 8 naêm 2004
Nôi gôûi: Hoäi CSVSQ/TVBQG-VN/Sacramento .
Nôi nhaän: Toång Hoäi CSVSQ/TVBQG-VN .

Baùo Ña Hieäu .
Trích yeáu: v/v Thay ñoåi “Gia ñình CSVSQ”

thaønh “Hoäi CSVSQ” .

Theo ña soá yù kieán cuûa Gia ñình CSVSQ/TVBQGVN
SACRAMENTO, nay xin thoâng baùo :

1. Töø nay Gia Ñình CSVSQ/TVBQGVN/
SACRAMENTO seõ ñöôïc goïi laø :

2. Hoäi coù ñoàng laäp tröôøng vaø tuaân theo noäi quy
cuûa Toång Hoäi .
3. Sinh hoaït cuûa Hoäi vaãn trong tinh thaàn töông

thaân töông trôï .
4. Ban Chaáp Haønh taïm thôøi :
CSVSQ TÖØ VAÁN K12 ..........Hoäi Tröôûng .
5. - Ban Chaáp Haønh taïm thôøi coù nhieäm vuï toå chöùc

hoïp maët TEÁT 2005 vaø baàu Ban Chaáp Haønh môùi.

Sacramento, Ngaùy 01-08-2004
TM Hoäi Tröôûng

CSVSQ Phaïm Thanh Minh
Thö Kyù



Hoäi Voõ Bò Dallas- FT. Worth

Ngaøy 3/10/2004 vuøa qua, Hoäi CSVSQ/TVBQGVN taïi
Dallas- FT. Worth ñaõ coù moät buoåi hoïp taïi Trung taâm sinh
hoaït Coäng ñoàng ngöôøi Vieät Quoác Gia taïi Dallas, Texas ñeå
baàu taân Hoäi tröôûng.

Keát quaû laø CSVSQ Ñinh Tieán Ñaïo K24 ñaõ ñöôïc ñaéc cöû taân
Hoäi Tröôûng, nhieäm kyø 2004-2006.
CSVSQ Ñinh vaên Meã K16 cuõng ñöôïc Ñaïi hoäi tín nhieäm
laøm Tröôûng Ban Tö Vaán cho Hoäi.

HoäI Voõ Bò Houston vaø vuøng phuï caän

Hoäi CSVSQ/TVBQGVN taïi Houston vaø vuøng phuï caän ñaõ
toå chöùc moät buoåi hoïp ñeå baàu taân Hoäi tröôûng vaøo ngaøy 19/9/
2004 taïi nhaø haøng Kim Phuïng.

Keát quaû: CSVSQ Ñinh vaên Nguyeân K20 ñaõ ñöôïc ñaéc cöû
taân Hoäi Tröôûng nhieäm kyø 2004-2006.

CSVSQ Maïch vaên Tröôøng K12 cuõng ñöôïc ñaïi hoäi tín nhieäm
laøm Tröôûng Ban Tö Vaán cho Hoäi.

ÑA HIEÄU 72 255



1./- Nhaän ñöôïc hoàng thiepä göiû töø San Diego CA cuûa
CSVSQ Tranà Ngoïc Böuû F/23 lamø leã Vu Quy cho tröônû g nöõ laø
chaùu Tranà Thò Hoaø Khanù h ñepï duyeân cunø g caäu Caleb Joseph
David Maskell con trai cuaû On g Baø Brian Maskell thuocä Glen
Mills PA. Hoân leã ñöôïc cöû haønh taïi Thaùnh Ñöôøng The
Congregational Church soá 23 Park Street, New Canaan CT
vaoø luùc 2:00 tröa Thöù Baûy ngayø 3 thanù g 7 namê 2004, tiecä
mönø g Taân Honâ ñöôïc toå chöùc cunø g ñòa ñieåm ngay sau Thanù h
Le,ã tiecä mönø g Tanâ Honâ tieáp theo ñöôcï toå chöcù taiï nhaø hanø g
Sea Food World soá 15351 Brookhurst Street, Westminster
CA 92683 lucù 12:00 tröa Chuû Nhaät ngayø 12 thaùng 7 naêm
2004. Toanø theå Cöuï SVSQ k23 vaø gia ñình xin ñöôcï chung
vui cunø g gia ñình anh chò Tranà ngocï Böuû . Thöông chucù hai
chauù Hoaø Khaùnh & Calab soná g tronï ñôøi yeuâ thöông nhau vaø
hanï h phuùc.

2./- Nhaän ñöôcï honà g thieäp göiû töø Higganum CT cuûa
CSVSQ Nguyeãn Minh Chaâu B/23 lamø leã Thanø h Honâ cho thöù
nam laø chauù Nguyeãn Hoà Minh Nguyeân ñepï duyenâ cunø g coâ
Laâm Quocá Leâ Duyenâ tröônû g nöõ cuaû On g Baø Lamâ Anh Kietä
thuocä West Hartford CT. Hoân leã ñöôcï cöû hanø h taiï tö gia soá 4
Greenhouse Blvd. West Hartford CT vaoø lucù 11:00 sanù g Chuû
Nhatä ngayø 5 thaùng 9 naêm 2004, tiecä mönø g Taân Honâ ñöôïc toå
chöùc taïi Saint George Greek Orthodox Church, 301 West
Main Street New Britain CT, lucù 5:00 chieàu cuøng ngayø . Toaøn
theå Cöuï SVSQ k23 vaø gia ñình xin ñöôcï chung vui cunø g gia


ñình anh chò Nguyeãn Minh Chaâu. Chuùc hai chaùu Minh
Nguyenâ & Leâ Duyenâ troïn ñôiø yeâu thöông nhau, traêm namê
hanï h phucù .


1/- Nhanä ñöôïc tin buonà Cuï Baø Nguyeãn Thò Lan laø
nhacï maãu cuaû Cöïu SVSQ Tranà Vaên Thietä C/23 töø traàn ngayø
26 thanù g 5 namê 2004 taiï Rowland Heights CA, höônû g thoï 80
tuoåi. Toaøn theå Cöïu SVSQ k23 vaø gia ñình xin chia buonà
cuøng anh chò Tranà vanê Thietä vaø tang quyeán. Kính nguyenä
höông honà Cuï Baø Nguyenã thò Lan sômù tieâu dieâu nôi mienà
cöïc lacï .

2/- Nhanä ñöôcï tin buoàn Cuï On g Phamï Troïng Töø laø
nhacï phuï cuaû Cöuï SVSQ Tranà Ngocï Thanê g D/23 töø traàn ngayø
25 thanù g 5 namê 2004 taiï Garden Grove CA, höôûng thoï 80
tuoåi. Toaøn theå Cöuï SVSQ k23 vaø gia ñình xin chia buonà
cuøng anh chò Traàn ngoïc Thanê g vaø tang quyeán. Kính nguyeän
höông honà Cuï OÂng Phaïm tronï g Töø sôùm tieâu dieuâ nôi mienà
cöïc lacï .

3/- Nhaän ñöôcï tin buonà Cuï Baø Maria Nguyeãn Thò
Chính laø nhacï maãu cuaû Cöuï SVSQ Nguyenã Xuanâ Nghò G/
23 töø traàn ngayø 12 thanù g 6 namê 2004 taiï Fountain Valley
Hospital, höôûng thoï 80 tuoiå . Toanø theå Cöuï SVSQ k23 vaø gia
ñình xin chia buonà cunø g anh chò Nguyenã xuanâ Nghò vaø tang
quyeán. Kính nguyenä höông honà Cuï Baø Maria Nguyeãn thò
Chính sômù veà nöôùc Chuùa.

4/- Nhaän ñöôcï tin buonà Cuï Baø Traàn Thò Chauâ laø thanâ
mauã cuûa Cöuï SVSQ Tranà Troïng Thanï h H/23 töø traàn ngayø 14
thanù g 6 namê 2004, nhamè ngayø 27 thanù g 4 namê Giapù Thanâ taiï

ÑA HIEÄU 72 257

Phan Thieát VN, höôûng thoï 91 tuoiå . Toanø theå Cöuï SVSQ k23
vaø gia ñình xin chia buonà cunø g anh chò Tranà tronï g Thaïnh vaø
tang quyeán. Kính nguyeän höông honà Cuï Baø Traàn thò Chaâu
sômù tieuâ dieuâ nôi mienà cöcï lacï .

5/- Nhaän ñöôcï tin buoàn Cöuï SVSQ Phaïm Vaên Hieäu
H/23 töø traàn sanù g ngaøy 29 thanù g 5 naêm 2004 taïi York Town
Virginia, höôûng thoï 59 tuoiå . Toanø theå Cöïu SVSQ k23 vaø gia
ñình xin chia buoàn cunø g chò Hieäu, caùc chauù , vaø tang quyená .
Kính nguyenä höông hoàn Banï Phamï vanê Hieuä sômù tieâu dieâu
nôi mienà cöcï lacï .

6/- Nhanä ñöôïc tin buonà Cuï Baø Ñanë g Muøi nhuû danh
Ñoanø Thò Nhung phaùp danh Chieáu Nhieãu laø Nhacï maãu cuaû
Cöuï SVSQ Tröông Minh Danh E/23 töø traàn ngayø 2 thanù g 9
naêm 2004 taïi Houston Texas, höônû g thoï 80 tuoåi. Toanø theå
Cöuï SVSQ k23 vaø gia ñình xin chia buonà cunø g anh chò Tröông
Minh Danh vaø tang quyeán. Kính nguyeän höông hoàn Cuï Baø
Ñoanø Thò Nhung sômù veà coûi nietá banø .


Khoaù 23 Cöuï SVSQ/TVBQGVN traân tronï g thonâ g baùo:

Theo bieân baûn ñaiï hoiä khoaù 23 cöuï SVSQ/TVBQGVN taiï
Anaheim, CA ngaøy 30 thanù g 5 namê 2004, ban ñaiï dieän khoaù
23 nhiemä kyø 2004 - 2006 ñöôcï chaùnh thöcù thoâng baùo nhö sau:

Ñaiï dieän k23: Cöuï SVSQ Nguyenã vanê Hoøa
Ñaïi dienä k23, Bacé CA: Cöuï SVSQ Toâ coâng Minh
Ñaiï dienä k23, Nam CA: Cöuï SVSQ Nguyenã xuanâ Nghò
Ñaïi dieän k23, San Diego CA : Cöïu SVSQ Tranà ngocï Böuû


Ñaïi dieän k23, Seattle WA: Cöuï SVSQ Tanê g khaûi Minh

Ñaïi dieän k23, mieàn Trung Hoa Kyø: Cöuï SVSQ Tröông höuõ


Ñaïi dieän k23, Ñoâng Bacé Hoa Kyø: Cöïu SVSQ Tranà minh


Ñaïi dieän k23, Ñonâ g Nam Hoa Kyø: Cöïu SVSQ Ngoâ vanê Ban

Ñaïi dieän k23 taiï Gia Naû Ñaïi : Cöuï SVSQ Nguyeãn conâ g Taiø

Ñaiï dieän k23 taïi UÙc Chauâ : Cöuï SVSQ Ngoâ coâng Camã

Ñacë tracù h taiø chanù h : Cöïu SVSQ Vuõ huy Nghóa

Quyù hoäi Cöuï SVSQ/TVBQGVN ñòa phöông caàn lienâ heä vôiù
k23, vui lonø g lieân laïc tröïc tiepá vôùi caùc cöïu SVSQ ñaiï dienä
neâu trenâ

Ngayø 1 thanù g 6 naêm 2004
Cöïu SVSQ Nguyenã vanê Hoaø

Ñaïi dienä khoaù 23

ÑA HIEÄU 72 259




Sô keát ñeán nay, qua danh saùch ghi danh cuûa Ban Toå Chöùc
ÑH/VB, seõ coù 15 CSVSQ/K16 veà phoù hoäi taïi vuøng Phuï Caän
Thuû Ñoâ Hoa Thònh Ñoán, Hoa Kyø, vaøo ngaøy 7 vaø 8/8/04 cuøng
vôùi chöông trình du ngoaïn thaêm vieáng Toøa Baïch OÁc, Nguõ
Giaùc Ñaøi. Nhöõng baïn töø caùc nôi xa veà goàm coù TZ Quang töø
Canada, LV Thieát töø Massachusetts, Nguyeãn Thieàu, NX
Thaéng töø Penn., NV Tri töï Traâu Laên töø Oregon, Nguyeãn Anh,
Cao Yeát töø San Joseù, CA., NV ÖÙc töø Nam Cali., TK Thuyeân
töø Florida, TO Xieáng töø Georgia, cuøng caùc baïn ôû ñòa phöông.
Nhaân dòp naøy, do khoâng coøn thôøi gian naøo thuaän tieän hôn, seõ
coù moät buoåi Hoïp Maët ñöôïc trieäu taäp trong ñeâm Daï Tieäc leã
Thaønh Hoân
cuûa coâ con
gaùi anh chò
TC Reát vaøo
ngaøy 7/8/04.
Tröôùc ñoù,
Boä Tam Seân
N Anh, Cao
Yeát vaø Toâ
Xieáng ruû nhau leân Nöõu Öôùc vieáng thaêm Nöõ Thaàn Töï Do vôùi
phöông tieän töï tuùc. Baïn beø ôû ñòa phöông, vôùi khaû naêng haïn
cheá, seõ coá gaéng saép xeáp ñeå ñoùn tieáp caùc baïn töø xa ñeán.

Trong ñeâm Laâm Vieân vaøo thaùng 3/04, Ñaïi Dieän Khoùa

ñaõ öùng truoùc $200.00 uûng hoä BTC/ÑH/VB. Sau naøy, lai rai
moät soá caùc baïn ñaõ töï ñoäng göûi tieàn nieân lieãm cho Khoùa.
Baïn TC Reát ñaõ höùa seõ toång keát ñeå baùo caùo cuøng caùc baïn.
Soá tieàn do baïn Baønh Toå vaø Lyù Khaâm uûng hoä ÑHVB seõ


ñöôïc chuyeån giao ñeán BTC tröôùc ngaøy 20/7/04. Khi naøo
thaáy caàn ÑD Khoùa seõ keâu goïi caùc baïn sau.

4. ÑAÏI HOÄI VOÕ BÒ Kyø Thöù XIV taïi Vuøng Phuï Caän
Washington, DC.

Tính nhaåm tôùi lui, coù theå toång keát soá baïn K16 veà döï
ÑHVB laø 17 ngöôøi . Nhaåm tôùi nhaåm lui vì coù baïn chôït
ñeán, chôït ñi, hoaëc ghi danh ñoùng tieàn nhöng chæ xuaát hieän
vaøo buoåi Tieäc Beá Maïc. OÂng Toång hai nhieäm kyø ñaõ trôû
thaønh Víp neân ít khi ngoài chung vôùi Khoùa, laïi coøn ngoài gheá
“Chuû Taï” neân coù dòp ngaét lôøi phaùt bieåu cuûa baïn ÖÙc. Noùi
ñeán Ban Tieáp Taân cuûa Khoùa, nhìn ñi nhìn laïi, cuõng chæ coù
Cao Boài Ñalat vaø NV. Thuaän. Caùch nay maáy naêm, Cao Boài
lo thu xeáp veà höu, ñaõ baùn laïi caên nhaø ngoaïi oâ cho maáy ñöùa
con cuûa Thuaän, doïn veà ôû Condo vôùi Ngöoøi Ñeïp. Do ñoù,
kyø naøy, Thuaän laõnh ñuû hai vôï choàng Thaùi OÀi Xieáng vaø aùi
nöû, caëp uyeân öông N.Anh, Cao Yeát vaø cuoái cuøng laø TN.
Löôïng vôùi chaùu noäi. Hai ñöùa chaïy meät nghæ . Hoài coøn ôû
Trung Hoïc treân Ñalat, chung moät truoøng, treân taïi haï hai lôùp
laø Traàn Trung Löông vaø NV. Thuaän. Duø laø baïn cuøng khoùa
nhöng Cao Boài chöa bao giôø môû mieäng maøy tao vôùi hai
oâng naøy. Treân moät lôùp coøn coù OÂng Laùi Ñoø Nguyeãn Tuaán
nöõa. Thì giôø quaù eo heïp neân roát cuoäc ñaønh phaûi hoïp khoùa
boû tuùi ngay trong ñeâm Tieäc Cöôùi cuûa con gaùi anh chò Reát.
Theá maø cuõng thieáu heát 2 maïng laø TD. Quang vaø “Traâu

chia tay
Voõ Bò
ñöôïc toå
chöùc taïi

ÑA HIEÄU 72 261

Marriott vôùi 530 ngöôøi döï, trong ñoù coù ñoä 130 thaân höõu
K16 ôû ñòa phuong thieáu PK Ñan, Traàn Phaùt Ñaït. NX. Thaéng
ñöa Ngöôøi Ñeïp Môùi döï tieäc coøn leân haùt taëng cho Khoùa
moät baûn Tình Anh Lính Chieán nöõa. Kyø hoïp naøy, NV. ÖÙc
laøm ñöôïc hai vieäc toát laø tìm ñöôïc Thaày Thuoác chöõa beänh
vaø sui gia cuøng khoùa.

5. Nhaân dòp Ñaïi Hoäi, Ñaïi dieän Khoùa ñaõ trích töø Quyõ cuûa
Khoùa uûng hoä cho Toång Hoäi, Ñoaøn TTNÑH, Ñaëc san Ña
Hieäu vaø Ban Toå Chöùc ÑH laø 420.00 ñoâ la. Baïn Reát coù höùa
seõ toång keát tình hình quyõ ñeå baùo caùo cho caùc baïn sau.


Nhaân chuyeán veà san Joseù, Cali., trong buoåi hoïp vôùi
caùc baïn ôû Baéc Cali, taát caû ñeàu muoán toå chöùc Hoïp Khoùa
vaøo thaùng 12 naêm 2005 taïi Nam California vôùi lyù do taïi ñay
voán ñaõ coù saún ñoâng anh em vaø nhieàu ngöôøi muoán coù dòp
veà thaêm Saigon Nhoû. Ñeà nghò caùc baïn ôû Houston, TX. vaø
Nam Cali hoïp nhau laáy bieåu quyeát ñeå loan baùo chung cho
moïi nguoøi vaøo ñaàu naêm 2005 haàu kòp chuaån bò. Vaøo dòp
naøy, ñöôïc bieát caùc baïn ôû Baéc Cali ñaõ quyeân goùp ñuoïc hôn
$400.00 ñeå gôûi veà trôï giuùp cho baïn Nguyeãn Vaên Ôn theo
lôøi keâu goïi cuûa ÑD Khoùa. Nhaân nay, Cao Boài cuõng tin caùc
baïn bieát, töø naêm 2002, laø Tröoûng Khoái Thöông Pheá Binh
cuûa Lieân Hoäi Cöïu CS/HTÑ, chuùng toäi ñaõ gôûi veà VN soá tieàn
laø $49,630.00 cho caùc TPB/VNCH. Hoà sô vaø danh saùch ñaõ
ñöôïc löu tröõ trong maùy ñieän toaùn ñeå kieåm chöùng vaø traùnh
truøng hôïp.

Thaân aùi chaøo caùc chò vaø caùc baïn.

Ñaïi Dieän Khoùa

CSVSQ Traàn Ngoïc Toaøn K16


Sinh Hoaït


ÑA HIEÄU 72 263


coâ Anh Thö
Toång Ñoaøn Phoù/TÑ/TTNÑH
Döïa treân keát quaû cuûa khoùa hoäi thoaû veà laõnh ñaïo daønh
cho tuoåi treû Myõ goác Vieät maø Thanh Thieáu Nieân Ña Hieäu
(TTNDH) ñaõ phoái hôïp toå chöùc muøa heø naêm 2003, Ban Chaáp
Haønh Toång Ñoaøn Thanh Thieáu Nieân Ña Hieäu (BCH/TÑ/
TTNÑH )quyeát ñònh toå chöùc Ñaïi Hoäi TTNÑH 2004 döïa treân
cuøng moâ thöùc. Ñieàu ñoù coù nghóa laø phaûi caàn nhieàu hôn 2
ngaøy, phaûi söõa soïan chöông trình thaät kyõ löôõng vaø môøi caùc


dieãn giaû quan troïng tham döï.

Neáu keå theo thöù töï ngaøy thaùng thì ngöôøi ñeán Hoa Thònh
Ñoán ñaàu tieân laø TTNÑH Michelle Haèng (K28/2) cuûa Baéc
Cali treân ñöôøng ñi nghó heø vôùi gia ñình. TTNÑH Xuaân Phöôùc
(K26/2) cuûa TTNÑH AÂu Chaâu cuõng ñeán Hoa Thònh Ñoán moät
tuaàn tröôùc Ñaïi Hoäi. Ñeâm tieàn Ñaïi Hoäi taïi tö gia cuûa chuù Voõ
Nhaãn, TTNÑH ñeán töø Sydney, UÙc Chaâu, töø Frankfurt, Ñöùc
Quoác, töù Paris Phaùp Quoác, töø San Joseù vaø töø Arkansas ñaõ coù
moät buoåi hoäi ngoä, laøm quen raát thích thuù. Chuùng toâi ngoài
quanh noùi chuyeän, ñuøa giôõn raát laâu, duø bieát raèng saùng hoâm
sau phaûi baét ñaàu sôùm.

Ñeå taïo cô hoäi cho ñoaøn vieân laøm quen vaø keát thaân tình,
BCH/TÑ/TTNÑH giöõ moät soá phoøng taïi khaùch saïn Marriott,
möôùn 2 xe van ñeå chuyeân chôû ñoaøn vieân, vaø phaân coâng ñöa
ñoùn. BCH/TÑ/TTNÑH cuõng chuaån bò caùc chöông trình du
lòch, giaûi trí cho ñoaøn vieân trong nhöõng giôø sau Ñaïi Hoâi. Anh
Hoaøng Toân Long K31 ñeán töø Ñöùc Quoác thaät deã thöông, ñaõ
tình nguyeän cuøng BCH/TÑ/TTNÑH lo cho caùc ñoaøn vieân.

Ñaïi Hoäi TTNÑH baét ñaàu vaøo saùng Thöù Naêm, 5 thaùng 8,
2004. Ñòa ñieåm laø moät phoøng hoïp cuûa Phöôøng Mason. Vì laø
ngaøy giöõa tuaàn neân chæ khoaûng 20 anh chò em ñoaøn vieân
tham döï. Sau phaàn aên saùng vaø ghi danh, anh Traàn Quoác Duõng
ñaõ môû lôøi chaøo möøng ñoaøn vieân, thoâng qua nghò trình 4 ngaøy
Ñaïi Hoäi, cuøng ñöa ra moät soá ñeà taøi coâng taùc.

Nöõ Thöôïng Nghò Só Leslie Byrne cuûa Virginia, taùc gæaû
cuûa Ngaøy Nhaân Quyeàn cho Vieät Nam taïi Quoác Hoäi Hoa Kyø,
taùc giaû cuûa Ngaøy Töôûng Nhôù Ngöôøi Vieät Quoác Gia vaø Ngaøy
Chieán Só Töï Do Vieät Nam taïi Virginia, ñaõ noùi chuyeän vôùi
ñoaøn vieân TTNÑH veà ñeà taøi chính trò, vì sao söï tham gia cuûa
tuoåi treû, ñaëc bieät daân thieåu soá laø ñieàu caàn thieát. Baø ñònh
nghiaõ chính trò laø duøng söï khaùc bieät ñeå gæaûi quyeát khoù khaên
chöù khoâng phaûi laø ñeå keát quyeàn löïc.

Sau phaàn hoäi thaûo ñaàu tieân, TTNÑH leân ñöôøng ñeán ñaïi

ÑA HIEÄU 72 265

saûnh ñöôøng quaän Fairfax. Nôi ñaây, phaùi ñoaøn ñöôïc chaøo ñoùn
bôûi nhaân vieân cuûa vaên phoøng Quaän Tröôûng. Nhieáp aûnh vieân
cuûa Quaän ñaõ chuïp hình löu nieäm cho ñoaøn vieân trong khuoân
vieân cuûa Quaän. Sau ñoù, phaùi ñoaøn ñöôïc ñöa ñeán phoøng aên,
nôi ñoù côm tröa ñang chôø. Chuû Tòch Hoäi Ñoàng Ñieàu Haønh
Quaän Fairfax, oâng Gerry Connolly ñeán duøng côm tröa vaø noùi
chuyeän vôùi anh em. Sau lôøi chaøo möøng, OÂng Connolly ñaõ
noùi veà quaän Fairfax, veà dieän tích, daân soá, dòch vuï, veà chính
saùch baûo veä an ninh, baûo veä moâi sinh, raèng Fairfax coù tyû leä
thaát nghieäp thaáp so vôùi caùc thò traán hay thaønh phoá lôùn khaùc;
raèng Fairfax laø nôi choïn löïa ñeå sinh soáng, ñeå laøm aên cuûa raát
nhieàu saéc daân thieåu soá. Vaø cuoái cuøng, oâng haõnh dieän noùi
raèng ñòa ñieåm ñaïi hoäi maø TTNÑH ñaõ choïn, quaän Fairfax tieåu
bang Virginia, ñaõ coù nghò quyeát vaø ñaïo luaät coâng nhaän quoác
kyø truyeàn thoáng cuûa ngöôøi Myõ goác Vieät. OÂng cuõng khoâng
queân khuyeán khích tuoåi treû tham gia vaøo sinh hoaït xaây döïng
coäng ñoàng. Phaùi ñoaøn ñaõ ñöôïc höôùng daãn xem truï sôû quaän
sau ñoù. Moùn quaø löu nieäm baát ngôø laø taám aûnh phaùi ñoaøn
chuïp cuøng vôùi quaän tröôûng Connolly. Nhieáp aûnh vieân cuûa
quaän ñaõ cung caáp cho phaùi ñoaøn moãi ngöôøi moät taám.


Phaàn coøn laïi trong ngaøy, anh Toång Ñoaøn Tröôûng ñaõ noùi
qua veà chöông trình thaêm vieáng thuû ñoâ ngaøy hoâm sau vaø
chöông trình ñaïi hoäi hai ngaøy sau ñoù.

Töø saùng sôùm Thöù Saùu, lobby khaùch saïn ñaõ roän raøng vaø
taáp naäp. 5 chieác xe ñoø Ban Toå Chöùc Ñaïi Hoäi 14 ñaõ thueâ
möôùn ñeå ñöa quan khaùch ñi thaêm thaéng caûnh thuû ñoâ,1 chieác
ñöôïc daønh cho TTNÑH. Nghe ñaâu ñoù laø chuyeán xe vui nhoän
nhaát vôùi nhöõng traän cöôøi nghieäng ngaõ. Trôøi thöông, nhöõng
ngaøy heø thuû ñoâ töï döng maùt meû, khoâ raùo. Xuoáng tôùi DC,
trong luùc chôø ñeán giôø vaøo quoác hoäi, TTNDH ñaõ ñi daïo khaép
nôi. Töø vieän baûo taøng khoâng gian, vieän baûo taøn toäi aùc Ñöùc
Quoác Xaõ, vieän baûo taøng ngheä thuaät, TTNÑH cuøng nhau ñi
chôi thaät vui. Toái Thöù Saùu, trong luùc caùc chuù baùc ñang hoïp
tieàn Ñaïi Hoäi thì TTNÑH coù chöông trình vaên ngheä karaoke
thaät haøo höùng vôùi MC ña taøi Quoác Vinh. Khuya hoâm ñoù, caùc
anh chò em coøn taäp haùt vôùi chuù Long ñeå trình dieãn trong ñeâm
daï tieäc.

ÑA HIEÄU 72 267

Ngaøy thöù 3 cuûa Ñaïi Hoäi, Thöù Baûy, laø ngaøy thaät baän roän
cho TTNÑH vaø laø ngaøy TTNÑH tham döï ñoâng ñaûo nhaát.
Buoåi saùng daønh cho chöông trình khai maïc Ñaïi Hoäi 14. Sau
giôø côm tröa, TTNÑH ñaõ coù dòp hoäi thaûo vôùi daân bieåu Richard
Black veà heä thoáng laäp phaùp tieåu bang, caùc phuï taù phaùp lyù
cuûa nöõ daân bieåu Loretta Sanchez, nhöõng ngöôøi ñaõ thöïc söï
tranh ñaáu cho töï do toân giaùo taïi Vieät Nam, veà heä thoáng laäp
phaùp lieân bang. TTNÑH cuõng ñaõ coù dòp hoäi thaûo vôùi Phuï Taù
Ñaëc Bieät cuûa Thò Tröôûng Chicago, coâ Leâ Ngoan, vaø sau ñoù laø
phaàn hoäi thaûo vôùi Giaùo Sö Larry Berman, khoa tröôûng Ñaïi
Hoïc California taïi Hoa Thònh Ñoán vaø cuõng laø taùc giaû cuûa
Khoâng Hoøa Bình Chaúng Danh Döï, Nixon, Kissinger vaø Söï
Phaûn Boäi Taïi Vieät Nam.

Phaàn noùi chuyeän cuûa coâ Leâ Ngoan veà nhöõng ñieåm tích
cöïc cuõng nhö tieâu cöïc, öu vaø khuyeát ñieåm cuûa coâng vieäc
phuïc vuï quaàn chuùng. Laø ngöôøi ñaõ coù hôn 20 naêm kinh nghieäm
phuïc vuï daân cö cuûa tieåu bang Illinois vaø laø ngöôøi Myõ goác
Vieät duy nhaát ñöôïc môøi thaùp tuøng cöïu Toång Thoáng Clinton
trong chuyeán vieáng thaêm Vieät Nam naêm 2000, coâ Ngoan ñaõ
chia seõ cuøng TTNÑH nhöõng nhaän ñònh thöïc teá döïa treân kinh
nghieäm phuïc vuï quaàn chuùng cuûa coâ. Phaàn hoäi thaûo cuûa coâ
ñaõ taïo ñöôïc raát nhieàu phaûn öùng toát ñeïp töø cöû toïa.

Giaùo sö tieán só Larry Berman, trong phaàn noùi chuyeän
cuûa oâng, ñaõ noùi ñeán nhaän ñònh cuûa oâng veà söï thay ñoåi taïi
Vieät Nam vaø söï aûnh
höôûng ñoái vôùi nhieåu
theá heä ngöôøi Vieät. OÂng
ñaõ noùi ñeán giai ñoaïn toái
ñen cuûa lòch söû Vieät
Nam sau 30/4 naêm 75
vì söï traû thuø ñeâ tieän vaø
daõ man cuûa vieät coäng
ñoái vôùi nhaân daân mieàn
Nam, nhöng cuõng luùc,
oâng cuõng nhaän ñònh


raèng ñoåi môùi ñaõ mang
laïi nhieàu thay ñoåi caàn
thieát cho Vieät Nam.
Tuoåi treû taïi Vieät Nam
ngaøy nay, nhö nhöõng
baïn cuøng tuoåi taïi Hoa
Kyø, laø nhöõng ngöôøi raát
hieáu hoïc, hieáu kyø veà
Hoa Kyø neân Anh ngöõ
laø tieáng ñöôïc hoïc
nhieàu nhaát.

Toái Thöù Baûy, daï tieäc TTNÑH, laø moät baøn daøi 50 choã roän
raõ tieáng cöôøi giöõa moät nhaø haøng aên roäng lôùn. Coù leõ töø ngaøy
thaønh laäp, ñoù laø laàn ñaàu tieân TTNÑH coù moät buoåi tieäc ñoâng
ñuû nhö theá.

Ngaøy Chuû Nhaät khôûi ñaàu baèng moät buoåi hoäi thaûo veà
communication skills do moät sinh vieân treû, 19 tuoåi, cuûa
American Legacy Foundation ñaûm traùch. Phaàn hoäi thaûo haøo
höùng vaø hieäu quaû ñaõ ñöôïc söï höôûng öùng ñaày thích thuù cuûa
ñoaøn vieân. Phaàn hoäi thaûo naøy ñaõ chaám döùt phaàn noùi chuyeän
cuûa nhöõng dieãn giaû ñeán töø beân ngoaøi. Sau giaây phuùt ñoù,
TTNÑH trôû veà vôùi nhöõng sinh hoaït noäi boä.

Trong phaàn
chia seû kinh
nghieäm, TTNÑH
Daniel Duy Töø
K29/2 ñeán töø
Arkansas, ñaõ chia
seû vôùi caùc baïn ñoaøn
vieân lyù do tham döï
cuõng nhö kinh
nghieäm hoïc hoûi
ñöôïc töø laàn tham
gia taïi Vietnam

ÑA HIEÄU 72 269

Center-University of Texas at Lubbock veà ñeà taøi 40 cuoäc
ñaûo chaùnh 1963. Daniel Duy Töø laø thuyeát trình vieân treû tuoåi
nhaát trong soá caùc dieãn giaû haàu heát laø giaùo sö Ñaïi Hoïc, ngoaïi
giao ñoaøn, chính trò gia, v.v.. Duy cuõng chia seû nhöõng hieåu
bieát veà cuoäc chieán Vieät Nam vôùi caùc baïn. Phaïm Anh Vuõ ñeán
töø San Diego noùi veà nhöõng kinh nghieäm sinh hoaït xaõ hoäi cuaû
anh vaø ñoaøn TTNÑH San Diego.

Trong thôøi gian ngaén nguûi coøn laïi cuûa ngaøy cuoái cuøng
cuûa Ñaïi Hoäi, TTNÑH ñaõ baàu ra moät Ban Baàu Cöû ñeå ñoaøn
vieân tham döï coù cô hoäi choïn löïa ngöôøi laõnh ñaïo môùi. Moät
cuoäc baàu cöû haøo höùng ñaõ dieãn ra cho ñeán giaây phuùt sau
cuøng. Sau 5 naêm xaây döïng TTNÑH, ban chaáp haønh ñaàu tieân
cuûa Toång Ñoaøn ñaõ thaät söï maõn nhieäm. Toång Ñoaøn Thanh
Thieáu Nieân Ña Hieäu hoâm nay ñaõ coù choã ñöùng töông ñoái
vöõng trong coäng ñoàng ngöôøi Vieät taïi haûi ngoaïi vaø ñang coù
thaønh phaàn ñoaøn vieân vôùi baûn naêng laõnh ñaïo ñaùng keå. Töông
lai cuûa TTNÑH ñaày trieån voïng vôùi thaønh phaàn laõnh ñaïo môùi


treû trung vaø ñaày nhieät huyeát.

Saùu giôø chieàu, phoøng khaùnh tieát cuûa khaùch saïn ñaõ nhoän
nhòp tieáng chaøo hoûi vaø roän raøng nhöõng taø aùo muoân maøu,
loäng laãy. Moïi ngöôøi haân hoan cöôøi noùi, ghi nhaän moät Ñaïi
Hoäi thaønh coâng vaø nieàm vui hoäi ngoä. TTNÑH cuõng goùp phaàn
vaên ngheä giaûi trí vôùi baûn ñoaøn ca Thanh Nieân Ña Hieäu Haønh
Khuùc. Caùc baïn TTNÑH Montreal cuõng trình baøy moät ca khuùc
do moät chuù taïi Montreal saùng taùc. TTNÑH Nguyeãn Quoác
Vinh cuõng goùp phaàn baèng moät maøn aûo thuaät haáp daãn.

Tieäc vui naøo roài cuõng phaûi heát. Tôø môø saùng hoâm sau,
moät soá ñoaøn vieân leân ñöôøng trôû veà nhaø. Nhö ñeå níu keùp
nhöõng giaây phuùt vui nhoän beân nhau, hoï ñuøa giôõn, ca haùt gaàn
nhö caû ñeâm, khoâng ai buoàn nhaém maét. Nhöõng caùi goõ, nhöõng
daën doø nhôù email, nhôù goïi, nhöõng taám hình chuïp maõi khoâng
heát. Hoï heïn nhau seõ gaëp laïi moät dòp naøo ñoù. Hoï heïn nhau seõ
lieân laïc treân dieãn ñaøn. Ñaïi Hoäi Voõ Bò AÂu Chaâu seõ laø thôøi
ñieåm gaëp gôõ keá tieáp. Hoï ra veà vôùi nieàm tieác nhôù ngaøy vui
ñaõ qua mau.

Nhöõng ngaøy sau Ñaïi Hoäi, ñoaøn vieân TTNÑH laïi gaëp
nhau treân moät dieãn daøn ñieän toaùn. Ñaây laø yù nguyeän cuûa
ñoaøn vieân, moïi ngöôøi vaøo cuøng moät nôi ñeå trao ñoåi. Trong
dieãn ñaøn naøy ñaõ coù hôn 20 ñoaøn vieân töø chöông trình hoäi
thaûo laõnh ñaïo naêm tröôùc. Tuy chöa heà gaëp, hoï leân tieáng
chaøo möøng nhau, hoûi thaêm veà Ñaïi Hoäi thaät vui veû. Hình aûnh
Ñaïi Hoäi, caûm nghó veà Ñaïi Hoäi ñöôïc göûi leân ñeå chia seû vôùi
nhau. Coù baïn cho bieát khoâng coù yù tham döï Ñaïi Hoäi. Giôø
choùt vì lyù do baát khaû khaùng, ñaõ theo gia ñình ñeán Washington.
Giôø trôû veà nhaø, ngöôøi baïn ñoøan vieân naøy möøng ñaõ ñeán Ñaïi
Hoäi. Khoâng nhöõng ngöôøi baïn naøy ñaõ tìm ñöôïc nieàm vui, ñaõ
hoïc hoûi ñöôïc ñieàu toát, coøn tìm ñöôïc nhöõng ngöôøi baïn ñoàng
haønh quyù baùu. Ña soá cho raèng nhöõng buoåi hoäi thaûo vôùi ñeà
taøi hoïc hoûi thuù vò, nhöõng cô hoäi soáng chung, sinh hoaït chung
taïo moät chaân tình khoù taû giöõa TTNÑH. Hoï muoán coù ñöôïc
nhöõng cô hoäi töông töï thöôøng xuyeân hôn. Caùc baùc caùc chuù

ÑA HIEÄU 72 271

coù 4 naêm ñeå quyù meán nhau. TTNÑH chæ coù vaøi ngaøy beân
nhau nhöng thaân tình cho nhau khoâng keùm. Phaûi chaêng ñoù laø
phaàn thöôûng quyù giaù nhaát cho nhöõng ngöôøi ñi xaây ñaép Toång
Ñoaøn Thanh Thieáu Nieân Ña Hieäu.

Thaân chuùc Taân Ban Chaáp Haønh Toång Ñoaøn TTNÑH vaø
Ban Giaùm Saùt moät nhieäm kyø nhieàu thaéng lôïi. Heïn seõ cuøng
nhau coù nhöõng ngaøy vui trong nhöõng laàn hoïp maët tôùi.

Kyù Ñieäu Toång Ñoaøn




Sau 6 thaùng hoaït ñoäng

Kính chaøo Quyù Quan khaùch, Quyù Baùc, Coâ Chuù, Caùc Anh
Chò, vaø caùc Ñoaøn vieân .

Ñaïi dieän Ñoaøn TTNÑH/MTL, tröôùc tieân, chuùng toâi xin
caùm ôn BTC Ñaïi Hoäi laàn thöù XIV, ñaõ goùp nhieàu coâng söùc
cho toå chuùc ñaïi hoäi thaät long troïng, aám cuùng, yù nghóa vaø
ÑTTNÑH/MTL coù dòp tham gia ñaïi hoäi vaø hoïc hoûi . Nhaân dòp
nôi ñaây, ÑTTNÑH/MTL xin tri aân quyù Baùc, Coâ Chuù theá heä 1
taïi Montreùal, luoân luoân nhaéc nhôû, uûng hoä, khuyeán khích theá
heä thöù 2 taùi hoaït ñoäng, höôùng veà Keát Ñoaøn taäp theå, theå hieän
tinh thaàn Traùch
Nhieäm vaø sinh
hoaït trong tinh
thaàn Voõ Bò .

Chia seû cuøng
quyù vò vaø caùc
Ñoaøn Vieân khaép
nôi xa gaàn, nhöõng
hoaït ñoäng, söï caûm
nhaän vaø suy tö
ÑTTNÑH vuøng
Montreùal trong saùu
thaùng qua .

Sau moät thôøi

ÑA HIEÄU 72 273

gian vì baän roän cuoäc soáng, ÑTTNÑH vuøng Montreùal nhö ñaõ
“nguû queân” tröôùc sinh hoaït trong Ñoaøn vaø hoaït ñoäng tham
gia Coäng Ñoàng Vieät Nam taïi ñòa phöông theâm vöõng maïnh,
nhöng caùc anh chò em theá heä thöù 2, vaãn nhaän bieát vaø luoân
luoân höôùng veà queâ höông vôùi nieàm tin trong töông lai nöôùc
Vieät Nam seõ Phuù Cöôøng, Vaên Minh, Tieán Boä vaø theo traøo
löu Töï Do, Daân Chuû .

Quyù Baùc, Coâ Chuù, Chuù Tri, Chuù Can, Chuù Ninh, theá heä
thöù 1 taïi Montreùal ñaõ “ñaùnh thöùc” vaø vaän ñoäng caùc chaùu
thuoäc theá heä 2 neân taùi hoaït ñoäng vaø caàn coù höôùng ñi yù nghóa
trong töông lai . Caùc anh chò em theá heä thöù 2 ñaõ hoïp laïi vaø taùi
thaønh laäp Ñoaøn Thanh Thieáu Nieân Ña Hieäu vuøng Montreùal
vaøo thaùng 2-2004, vôùi Ban Chaáp Haønh nhieäm kyø 2004-2006:

Nguyeãn Nhö AÂn K.17/2 : Tröôûng Ñoaøn

Nguyeãn Hoà Quyønh Traâm K22/2 : Thuû Quyõ

Mai Leâ Thanh Nguyeân K12/2 : Ngoaïi Vuï lieân laïc .

Vaø ñeán tham gia Ñaïi Hoäi XIV cuøng chung traùch nhieäm
laàn naøy, goàm Huy Phaïm, Thanh Nguyeân, Minh Haèng , Quyønh
Traâm vaø Quoác Quang .

Tuy cuøng mang huyeát thoáng : “con quan thì laïi laøm quan,
con nhaø toâng (con chaùu Voõ Bò Ñaø Laït, Ña Hieäu, Ña Naêng)
khoâng gioáng loâng cuõng gioáng caùnh” , nhöng ban ñaàu, chuùng
toâi, ñoaøn vieân theá heä thöù 2 cuõng bôõ ngôõ, thaéc maéc töï hoûi : taïi
sao thaønh laäp ñoaøn, ñoaøn thaønh laäp coù theå ñoùng goùp ñöôïc gì
vaø muïc tieâu, ñöôøng höôùng nhö theá naøo ? v..v.. Sau caùc cuoäc
hoïp laàn thöù hai,thöù ba, thì moïi ngöôøi hieåu nhau hôn vaø hieåu
taâm tö nguyeän voïng . Tuy khoâng noùi ra, nhöng moïi ngöôøi
ñeàu nhaän thaáy “ñoaøn keát laø söùc maïnh”, “taäp theå ñoaøn keát
laø treân heát”, “moät con eùn khoâng laøm neân muøa xuaân”

Vaø ñoàng yù vôùi nhau laø caàn coù Muïc Tieâu vaø höôùng ñi
ÑTTNÑH vuøng Montreùal :

1- Tham gia nhöõng sinh hoaït caàn thieát vaøo Hoäi ñoaøn


vaø Coäng Ñoàng Vieät Nam ñeå ñoùng goùp moät phaàn xaây döïng
Coäng Ñoàng Vieät Nam theâm vöõng maïnh vaø ñoaøn keát . Coäng
Ñoàng VN vöõng maïnh thì Tieáng Noùi Ngöôøi Vieät seõ maïnh vaø
coù theå thöïc hieän nhöõng döï aùn caàn thieát trong töông lai .

2- Sinh hoaït haøng thaùng (trao ñoåi yù kieán veà coâng vieäc,
giuùp ích cuoäc soáng, v..v..) vaø theå thao reøn luyeän theå löïc, theå
naêng .

3 - Duy trì vaø phaùt huy tinh thaàn Voõ Bò, töông thaân, töông
aùi vaø phoái hôïp, hoøa ñoàng cuøng caùc ñoaøn vieân khaùc, vôùi Toång
Ñoaøn vaø caùc Ñoaøn Thanh Thieáu Nieân Ña Hieäu khaép nôi .

Caùc chöông trình sinh hoaït ñöôïc ñeà ra vaø thöïc hieän :

- Thaùng 04-2004, ÑTTNÑH tham gia Hoäi Thaûo Thanh
Nieân : Tuoåi Treû vaø Töông Lai, tham gia gioã toå Huøng Vöông
do Coäng Ñoàng toå chöùc . Hoäi thaûo Thanh Nieân, anh Nguyeãn
Nhö AÂn K17/2 ñaõ ñoùng goùp yù kieán Tuoåi Treû vaø Töông Lai
treân baøn cöû toïa daønh cho caùc Hoäi ñoaøn . Theo chuùng toâi, caàn
coù tieáng noùi Tuoåi Treû VN, ñeå noùi leân söï hoäi nhaäp, nhöng vaãn

ÑA HIEÄU 72 275

giöõ ñaëc saéc Vieät Nam, trong saéc daân ña vaên hoaù taïi haûi ngoaïi
vaø Chuù Nguyeãn Tri K22, Hoäi tröôûng CSVSQ/TVBQGVN taïi
vuøng Montreùal ñaõ boå tuùc theâm yù kieán vaø muïc tieâu sinh hoaït
ÑTTNÑH vuøng Montreùal.

- Sau ñoù, vaøo thaùng 05-2004, buoåi daï tieäc hoïp maët ra
maét BCH/ÑTTNÑH vuøng Montreùal . Cuoäc hoïp maët nieàm
nôû y nhö ra maét “con daâu vaø chuù reå” chung vui con chaùu Voõ
Bò (Quyù Baùc, Coâ Chuù “nhìn xem maét” vì bieát laø coù con, chaùu
theá heä thöù 2 taïi Montreùal, maø chöa bao giôø gaëp maët) . Tröôûng
ñoaøn Nguyeãn Nhö AÂn K17/2 leân caùm ôn vaø nhaän tieàn “lì xì”
. Caùc ñoaøn vieân nhaän thaáy tinh thaàn cuûa quyù Baùc, Coâ Chuù taïi
Montreùal raát cao .

- Vaøi tuaàn sau, ÑTTNÑH vuøng Montreùal coù dòp gaëp quyù
Baùc, Coâ Chuù vaø caùc baïn thaân höõu taïi

“Ñeâm Hoäi Ngoä haøng naêm nhaân ngaøy Quaân Löïc Vieät
Nam Coäng Hoaø 19-6” . Cuoäc hoïp trong ñaïi gia ñình VB
Montreùal thaät aám cuùng, thaân maät, haøn huyeân, aåm thöïc, tieáng
nhaïc hoøa laãn tieáng cöôøi, nhöng thænh thoaûng hình aûnh oai
huøng trong tinh thaàn vaø quaân phuïc, ñaõ laøm chuùng toâi suy
nghó, thôøi gian chieán tích thaám thoaùt maø ñaõ gaàn 30 naêm troâi
qua vaø lieäu 30 naêm tôùi theá heä thöù 2, thöù 3 seõ ñi veà ñaâu ? Ñaát
nöôùc Vieät Nam seõ theá naøo ? v...v.....

- YÙ thöùc ñöôïc taàm quan troïng cuûa truyeàn thoâng Website
lieân maïng, laø phöông tieän truyeàn

thoâng thöù 4 ñöôïc phaùt trieån thaät nhanh vaø hieän ñaïi hôn
10 naêm nay (cuøng phoái hôïp vôùi 3 phöông tieän truyeàn thoâng,
ñaøi phaùt thanh, truyeàn hình vaø baùo chí) Website lieân maïng
giuùp chuùng ta hieåu bieát nhau, chia seû tin töùc, hình aûnh, thoâng
tin, taâm tö, keá hoaïch, v..v...cuøng caùc ñoaøn vieân taïi ñòa phöông
vaø khaép nôi treân theá giôùi . Ñoaøn TTNÑH vuøng Montreùal keá
hoaïch vaø phoái hôïp cuøng quyù Baùc, Coâ Chuù CSVSQ/
TVBQGVN vuøng Montreùal, moãi ngöôøi ñoùng goùp moät vieân
gaïch, ñaõ hoaøn thaønh Website lieân maïng
vaøo thaùng 7 . Cuõng trong thaùng 7 naøy ÑTTNÑH vôùi sinh hoaït


haøng thaùng, ñi picnic cuøng caùc ñoaøn theå khaùc, tham gia haùt
hôïp ca vaø chuaån bò tham gia Ñaïi Hoäi Voõ Bò XIV vaø Thanh
Thieáu Nieân Ña Hieäu vaøo thaùng 8 taïi Washington DC .

Cuoäc du lòch ngaøn daëm baét ñaàu baèng 1 böôùc . Theá ñoù,
ÑTTNÑH vuøng Montreùal ñaõ ñi moät böôùc ngaén vaø ÑTTNÑH
vuøng Montreùal mong chia seû, phoái hôïp, hoøa ñoàng cuøng caùc
ñoaøn vieân khaùc, vôùi Toång ñoaøn vaø caùc Ñoaøn Thanh Thieáu
Nieân Ña Hieäu khaép nôi .

Chaøo thaân aùi .

ÑTTNÑH vuøng Montreùal
Ngaøy 7 thaùng 8 naêm 2004 .

ÑA HIEÄU 72 277

Liberals can be
patriotic too

Daniel Tu K29/2

Liberals can be patriots, too. This is just as shocking as the idea
that not all conservatives are bigots. Liberals have been charged
as being un-American for criticizing the president, while
conservatives havebeen charged with beingignorant for supporting
him. Both sides adamantly claim that their candidate will do the
best job over the next four years, vehemently maintaining that
their candidate differs from the other.

I see theAmerican public’s frustration. The Kerrycampaign hopes
to ride the wave of anti-Bush sentiment. Meanwhile, the Bush
campaign expects the waffling of Kerry to sway voters to their
side.And so, the political think tanks of both major parties turn to
war, the constant of history. Previously little known countries like
Vietnam and Iraq come to the forefront ofAmerican news once

Since my history research deals with the Vietnam War, I believe
that I am qualified to suggest that Bush isn’t as stupid as you might
think. I could digress forever here, but let it suffice to say that
Americans grieve over 58,000 soldiers lost and many more
wounded in Vietnam. There’s a powerful wall designed by Maya
Lin dedicated to them, which you might have seen in person.

But do most Americans ever ponder the 300,000 South
Vietnamese soldiers or 3 million North and South Vietnamese
civilians who died? Probably not, because those are just a bunch
of random numbers. In addition, it’s a shameful thing to mention,


so American historians tend to blot those minor details out and
emphasize that America won the Cold War. Those American
historians would include me by the way. The similarities between
Vietnam and Iraq are astounding. America pretty much acted
unilaterallyin both instances. We also tried to support a democracy
in a country that had never known democracy before. In fact,
voting means little more than checking a box next to a name in
those countries. And the term quagmire describes them both so
perfectly. Will there be some shame felt about our actions in Iraq
thirtyyears down the road? Probably, but interpretations of events
shift unpredictablyas the emotionalityof living in that time period

Conservatives love to point out the fact that Bush had to do
something to calm the public, Wag the Dog style. If he had not
gone to Iraq, people would have thought of him as a weak
president. Since hindsight is twenty-twenty, we now know that
President Bush was weak enough to believe that there were
weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. He couldn’t help but try to
finish his fathers work by ridding the world of Saddam Hussein.
Then again,America gained control of much of the oil in Iraq. Or
should I say that big oil companies get to profit from American
and Iraqi deaths?

But, let me ask you another question, is Kerryanybetter? Liberals
will try to tell you with confidence that they believe in a man with
little charisma. Don’t let them lie to you. They only hope that the
programs Kerry promises will come to fruition. However, I ask
you to look at Bush’s promises in 2000 and Bush’s actions
thereafter. Sure, 9/11 changed his focus, but where did that social
security surplus go? This may be discomforting to know, but
politicians happen to possess great talent for telling you what you
want to hear. I’m an inquisitive person, so I’ll ask you another

ÑA HIEÄU 72 279

question. Would you rather support a man who shows his faith or
a man who hides it?
In the end, I can only say that I’m a Nader hater. Although, I
guess the beauty of our American democratic republic is being
able to protest our two-party system. At least, if you do that,
you’re enjoying a very important part of American citizenship.
Come Election Day, I’m going to exercise the greatest power that
the Constitution ofthe blessed United States ofAmerica has granted
me. To make a Matrix analogy, I’m going to take the red, white,
and blue pill. Some people call this voting.


The Vietnam Reeducation Camps:

Rehabilitation or Punishment?

QueAnh Phan K28/2

Introduction on the Vietnamese post war

The Vietnam war’s purpose was to prevent the spreading of
Communism in the Southeast Asia. By stopping the spread of
communism in Vietnam, it would act as a barrier for other countries
and prevent Communism from spreading to countries such as Laos
Cambodia, Thailand, and the Philippines. America played a large
role; helping the Republic of Vietnam fight the war against the
Communism, and aid the Vietnamese people. The American
military and the Vietnamese Republic military (ARVN) were
fighting against the Vietnamese Communists. The Americans left
Vietnam in 1973, without Americans aid the Vietnamese were weak
fighting against the North Vietnam, who had support from Red
China. North Vietnamese conquered the Republic of Vietnam in
1975. (

In April 30, 1975 North Vietnam officially won the war and
took over the country. After South Vietnam lost the war, some
Vietnamese military who were in the Navy or the Air Force escaped
Vietnam and came to America. The remaining Army of the Republic
of Vietnam officers (ARVN) was forced to enter Reeducation
Camps. Many Vietnames Citizens such as; doctors, teachers,
engineers, artist, and politicians were also put in the reeducation
camps. âA range of 50,000 to more than 350,000â people were sent
to the camps (Kutler, page 468). The purpose of the reeducation
camps, âwere intended to punish former South Vietnamese and
dissident former Viet Cong guerrillas and suppress political dissent
the reeducation camps forced the prisoners to built roads, dams,
canals, plant crops, dig wells, clear the forest, built more camps,
etc. Reeducation Camps was not unlike the Nazi Concentration
Camps(Kutler, page 468) Prisoners were subject to hard labors,

ÑA HIEÄU 72 281

food was very limited and living conditions was poor and very
unsanitary. The prisoners who were once officers of the Republic
of Vietnam were starving and many were dieing because of diseases,
and hard labor with limited food. Many prisoners tried to escape,
some were successful, but many failed and were executed.

Memories of the reeducation camps are painful to the Republic
of Vietnam Officers (ARVN); many who are now living in America.
As the stories and interview of the past were told, many cried for
their lost country. Many cried for their people™ suffering and for
their sacrifice. The Reeducation camps under the eyes of Republic
Vietnam Military Officer were a place of hell, a small prison within
a bigger prison.âA bigger prison stands for Vietnam itself. (Nguyen,
Son, Personal interview) American Prisoners of War, who were
captured during the Vietnam War, had similar views toward the
reeducation camps as the Republic of Vietnamese Officer. âEach
day was a twenty-four-hour night mare, whether asleep or awake.
In my dreams I would holler for someone to awake me. While
awake, I longed for oblivionâ, stated General Robinson Risner, who
was imprison in the reeducation camps of Hanoi Hilton. Many
said that it was a place to punish the former South Vietnamese
Citizens and the former Republic of Vietnam Officers. (Risner,
page190) (Mckelvey)

The Communists on the other hand had a different view of
the reeducation camps. The purpose for reeducation camps was to
gather the South Vietnamese people to prevent âœcounter-
revolutionary elements...which could threaten public security.(Sagan
and Denney, Together the people would
be placed in camps that will give them opportunities to work together,
learn to accept the reforms of the Communists and be directed by
the government. The concept of these camps originated from the
Chinese during the first Indochina War. The Communists had
reeducation camps from 1954, but the world did not know of its
existence until 1975 after the Vietnam War (Reeducation camps, The Communists believed that the reeducation
camps were for the good of the country, to gather Anti-communist
citizens and Republic Vietnamese Officer and reeducate them the
theory of the Communism. The Communists did not have a strong


argument describing the conditions of the camps, have any photos
or news articles of the reeducation camps. They do not use the
word prison,but instead use the word reeducation, to educate or
train for resumption of normal actives...(Webster Dictionary,
page1091) Most Americans have never heard of the Vietnam
eeducation camps, however the reeducation camps are big issues
discussed by the Vietnamese American people today.

The Communists View

As the war ended, Vietnam was in poverty; roads were damage
houses and buildings were burned people were starving and the
economy was going on a landslide. The Communist set up
reeducation camps, as a place for rehabilitation and were considered
to be use to coerce anti-Communism to accept and conform to the
new social norms. (Vietnam-Reeducation camps, The Communists believe that the reeducation
camps was a type of rehabilitation facility for the Republic of
Vietnam Officers and South Vietnam citizens to have an opportunity
to learn the good intentions that the communism have. Communists
wanted the Vietnamese to follow them without questioning their
Communist Theory. The Reeducation camps were a way to control
social change, to prevent counterrevolution and resistance.
Communists stated that the camps were administered by PAVN
(People Army of Vietnam)...they were not regarded as prisons and
indeed were separate from the prison system. (Vietnam, The Reeducation camps were considered a
place where rehabilitation was accomplished through education
and socially constructivelabor.(Vietnam-Reeducation camps,

Reeducation was a positive way to unite the former South
Vietnamese into a new society. According to the Communists those
who were in the camps deserved to be punish or placed imprison
for life, so they considered, reeducation as an act of mercy, giving
the prisoners another chance to reform. The Communists were
concerned that the Republic of Vietnam officers were a threat to
the public, because the ARVN might revolt or up raise the new
government. The Communists said that the system of reeducation

ÑA HIEÄU 72 283

was a moral substitute for the people who deserve education reform
and was not punishment. The government noted that the reform
education would last no more than a month or even a few weeks
for high-ranking officers, and days for low ranking officers. Sick
people were noted to enter the reeducation camps to seek a better
medical facility and the patients will be well taken care of. (Sagan
and Denney,

The reeducation camps are not for any individual deeds, it
was for collaborating with the former South Vietnam. The
Communist government has the power to imprison and arrest any
one, who they believe is affecting the country security; therefore
the re-education is to protect the country security and to restore
peace. Camps are located in north and South Vietnam. Low
ranking ARVN are usually placed in the south and former Republic
of Vietnam politicians and high ranked officers are placed in
Northern camps. The northern camps are isolated from the cities
and villages most are in jungles. The camps are for training rather
than prison. Also as the Vietnamese government stated that the
camp is put on aproductive labor, which the North Vietnamese
Communists says is necessary because it would give the former
South Vietnam a chance to contribute to the new society and would
be a way to overturning the social order. (Sagan and Denney)

The prisoners as the North Vietnamese Communists mention
are treated equally as the guards; their food and housing are equally
shared. The system of reeducation camps is looked upon by the
Communists as a form of rehabilitation not punishment, in which
the Vietnamese who are against the belief of the Communism are
having their citizen rights taking away from them until they reform
to the Communist ideal theory. They would be release when they
learn to conform to the Communist government norms. (Sagan and

The former Army of the Republic of Vietnam Officers point
of view

It seems that the North Vietnamese Communists clearly state


that reeducation camps are a positive way that acts as a center for
rehabilitation. However, what they have said is hard to believe,
because there are no profiles, pictures or videos of the reeducation
camps to support their claim that it was a place for rehabilitation.
Information of the reeducation camps on the Communist point of
view was very limited and hard to find, on the other hand there
were plenty of information on the reeducation camps from the
former ARVN. All one can learn about the truth behind the prison
walls is from the perspectives of the people who actually have
been in the reeducation camps. Robert Mckelvey, a former captain
of the U.S Marine Corps criticizes the events that happen in the
reeducation camps, as the stories of the former political prisoners
and their family illustrate, what the Communist actually did was
far from humane and appears to lie somewhere between the two
extremes of genocide and reconciliation (Mckelvey, page 238)

The former Republic of Vietnam officers had an opposite
feeling toward reeducation camps. To them it was a place of hell,
it was a place that is only seen in nightmares, it was a place where
their youth was taking away, and for many it was a place where
their friends die. Reeducation camps is not a rehabilitation center,
it was a punishment, revenge, a place very similar to a prison.
(Major Nguyen, Son. personal interview). The Communists say
that the periods in the camps are very short. However, the average
length stay in the camps was between seven to eight years, and
ranged from one to twenty years. (Mckelvey, page5) People who
are placed in the reeducation camps are those who were against
the Communists during the Vietnam War. Historians Sagan and
Denney, interview more than 200 former prisoners of the
reeducation camps in 1982, agreed with the view of the ARVN
officers. They stated that, The picture that emerges from our
research is of hard-labor camps where hunger and disease
predominate, where prisoners are harshly punished for minor
infractions of camp rules and forced to write long confessions
denouncing themselves.

ÑA HIEÄU 72 285

Condition of the camps

Former ARVN Lieutenant officer, a Green Bret, Tuan Anh
Phan was placed in Gia Trung Camp (Gia Lai-Kon Tum) in 1978,
said that the camps were placed in the jungles; the camps are built
by the prisoners themselves. Camps are located in North and South
Vietnam; they are isolated from villages and cities to prevent
interaction with outsider. There are two types of reeducation camps;
one is for political reasons and another is a criminal affair, the two
camps are kept separate, for monitor purposes. About every year
prisoners are moved to different camps to prevent prisoners from
knowing whereabouts, befriends with other prisoners, or forming
friendships with the guards. (Phan, Tuan. Personal Interview)

Their living space was about 10x20 feet as many as forty
prisoners live in one cell. Their beds are stacked and are made of
bamboo. One camp contains about twenty cells, fences are made
of bamboo and on top are barbed wires, and deep trenches are
built outside of the fence, to prevent escaping. Rest rooms are in
their cells, waste deposits are place together in bucket, and the
deposits are used for plant fertilizers. One camp will contain one
well, the water in the well are for cooking and drinking. Without
running water showers and baths are taking in streams, having
guardsmen being near by. Electricity is not provided to the prisoners
cell, there for oil lamps is the substitution for light. Each prisoner
has two pair of clothes, shoes are not provided, but only saddles
made out of rubber are provided. (Lt. Tuan Phan, Personal
Interview) (Captain Truong Nguyen, Personal Interview) (Sagan
and Denney)

Medical Care and Food supplies

If a prisoner were sick, he would first try to overcome the
obstacles and difficulties by finding plant roots to cure for their
sickness. If this attempt fails they would ask the guardsmen for
Aspirin. And if the Aspirins do not work, then death would be the
next phase that they would face. Many have die in the reeducation
camps, especially old ARVN officers. Sickness and diseases such
as malaria, dysentery, beriberi, tuberculosis and intestinal


hemorrhages are seen in the camps and often are spread to other
prisoners. Lieutenant Tuan Phan father, Major Sam Phan at age
68 was diagnosed with intestinal hemorrhage after being released
from the camps. Most elderly ARVN high ranking officers do not
survive the reeducation camps with the limited of food and Medical
supplies and hard physically labor. The immune system are often
weak because of lack of nutrition and food, therefore it is hard to
fight off various diseases. Many die in the reeducation camps,
some die shortly after being release from the camps, others
experience symptoms such as hyper aroused, or Post-Traumatic
Stress Disorders. Medical supply usually does not exist, and
Medical care is insufficient, however, there are a few former doctors
who are prisoners. As a result there are high death rates. Prisoner
death was not reported to the prisoner family. (Lt. Tuan Phan,
Personal Interview) (Lt. Dat Do, Personal Interview) (Sagan and

Food supply is very limited; one or two bowl of rice was being
provided a day, the meal contains rice with some vegetables without
meat or fish. Conditions worsen when rice was replaced by corn,
or root crop such as manioc. Root crops are not nutritious; it only
helps to fill up the empty stomach. About 400 to 500 grams of food
per day is being provided to the prisoners, not including water and
salts. Much of the food is not well kept therefore most are spoiled.
On special occasions such as holidays, New Years, a little portion
of meat is given. Prisoners would catch lizards, rats, sneaks,
grasshoppers, bird, any wild animals that they could catch, they
would eat. Many say that after hunting wild animals, the animals
around the camp became extinct. Lizards and sneaks would taste
like chicken, rats and field mouse would taste like pork, and roasted
grasshoppers would taste like roasted shrimps, these wild animals
would be a fest for the prisoners. ARVN who are highly in shape
would gradually lose weight, and eventually become as of a skeleton.
Many ARVN officers would lose as much as fifty pounds or more
in the reeducation camps. As Captain Nguyen, Truong have stated
the communists kill their prisoners by verbal abuse, make the
prisoners work hard and provide no food. Some prisoners die after
being release for over eating with an empty stomach. One of Major

ÑA HIEÄU 72 287

Nguyen, Son unforgettable experience would be that the communist
try to control the brains of the prisoners by controlling the stomach
of the prisoners. (Sagan and Denney) (Lt. Tuan Phan, Personal
Interview) (Lt. Dat Do, Personal Interview) (Major Son Nguyen,
Personal Interview)

Rules, Regulations, and Punishments

The Communists assay to maintain strict rules and orders to
control the prisoners. In the reeducation camps, ARVN officers
are order to respect the guardsmen; they have to be polite and
respectful to the guardsmen, talking back to the cadres was prohibit.
General Risner, Robinson, who was put in the reeducation camp of
Hanoi Hilton for seven years, as seen in his Autobiography; he was
being torture by being stuff with news paper in mouth for talking
back to the cadres in an angrily manner, and for not admitting his
guilt for talking and sending messages to his fellow prisoners.
General Risner criticizes the communist treatment by stating The
Bug use my night mare noises as an excuse to punish me for
attempting to communicate with the other prisoners. In order to
use the restroom, Major Rowe, James N. had to ask the guardsmen
in a polite manner, and thanking them afterward. The prisoners
are not permitted to read newspapers or magazines unless the things
that they read were provided by the cadres themselves. Singing
love songs and religious songs are not permitted. (General Risner,
page 78, 190) (Major Rowe, page 194) (Sagan and Denny)

Violations of these rules to the slightest extent would end up
with punishments. Some punishments include; force to work extra
long hours, being placed in a tiger cage cells or empty wells, being
hampered in connex boxes or being tied up in uncomfortable
positions. Other form of torturing such as being tied up in an
Airplane position; a prisoner is tied up to a pole or on the cement.
The Honda position is being tied up with both hands and feet being
tied together and beaten up at the same time. The Auto technique
is being tied up in the butterfly position where the thumbs tied
together behind the back; one arm over the shoulder and the other
pulled around the trunk of the body..A prisoner could be kept in
such positions for weeks or even months. It would seem that the


prisoner would not survive or would be crippled after the torturing.
(Sagan and Denny,

Lieutenant Dat Do, was punish and was placed in an
indomitable connex box made of metal, and also in an isolated
cell, he was placed for about a month. With little space to move,
and the metal containers being placed under the hot sun, the
condition becomes unbearable to tolerate. The cruel cadres would
pass by the connex boxes throw rock or hit sticks against the metal
connex just for fun to made unbearable loud noises. Lt. Dat Do
said that he would not be able to hear for hours, the echo would be
so loud that his head would ache. He would not admit his fault or
guilt, and would be placed in a barrel two third filled with water;
the cadre would punish him by shaking the barrel and roll the barrel
so that Lt Do would choke in water. He was a lower ranking
officer; therefore was only put in reeducation camps for three years.
After being release Lt. Do formed a small group of former ARVN
officers to rebel against some of the Communist. His plan failed,
he and his friends were captured and were placed in the reeducation
camps for another nine years. Lucky, Lt. Do was not executed for
rebelling against the Communist. Many prisoners were killed for
trying to escape the camps. Lieutenant Tuan Phan told one of his
unforgettable experiences was when; the cadres called for a
meeting. During the meeting with the prisoners Lt Phan friend
was shot. He was executed because he tried to escape the previous
night, but he was caught. (Lt. Dat Do, Personal Interview) (Lt.
Tuan Phan, Personal Interview)

A Day Routine

Prisoners are order to wake up at six in the morning. They
would go outside and stretch or exercise. At seven clock they would
go to the mountains or out in the forest, six or eight miles away
from their camp to cut trees and carry the woods back to the
camp. The prisoners would come back to have a little bowl
of rice for lunch. After lunch they would head back to the
forest to complete their jobs and head back to the camps at
six in the afternoon, have another little bowl of rice and get

ÑA HIEÄU 72 289

ready for bed. (Lt. Tuan Phan, Personal Interview)

During the early stages of reeducation, three or four times
a month the cadres would gather the prisoners have
discussions of their past month or week and give lectures of
politics. The lectures would last a whole day. After the
lectures, the prisoners were forced to write essays, lasting
four to five days. The essay must summarize the lessons
learned from the discussion. It must be in detail, the cadres
would read the essay, criticize the prisoners and force the
prisoners to self criticize their essay. The prisoner were also
forced to confess their guilt for the involvement with aiding
the puppet war machinery, it does not matter what their crimes
may be. The prisoner were also forced to write an
autobiography; a story about their lives, their family history,
including their parents, grandparents, siblings, family finance
and status, how each person in their family dies. This was
written twice each month. The confession must be
handwritten, after the written confessions were public
confessions. The prisoners in front of the cadres and their
fellow prisoners had to confess their crimes and guilt. The
prisoners are forced to criticize each others confessions. The
confessions are necessarily for file record, and give the
prisoners a feel of guilt and fault. The Communists envy, and
are jealous of you if you have more than them. They want to
know what you have, how you get it and why you have it.
And what for, they use your background to punish you, stated
Lt. Do (Lt. Dat Do, Personal Interview) (Sagan and Denney)


The Vietnam War ended with a sad story for the former
ARVN who have lost their country. After the Vietnam War
the former ARVN officers and Educated South Vietnamese
had to experience the worse nightmare of their life, the
reeducation camps. The Communist called reeducation camps
as a form of rehabilitation, not punishment. Despite their


efforts to argue the treatments and the condition of the
reeducation camps as being rehabilitation, the former ARVN
officers who actually survived the reeducation camps had a
stronger argument; by providing personal experiences, stories
and examples. They stated that the reeducation camps were
similar to a prison. Lt. Dat Do who was in the reeducation
camps for twelve years stated, You could never use the word
rehabilitation, because with rehabilitation you are cared for,
you have a treatment from people who take care of you. In
reeducation camps if you don’t do what you are suppose to
do you will be punish. The communist don’t treat you like
human beings, they treat you like criminals, prisoners. They
call it a reeducation camp, but I did not get any education,
they slaved me up. From this argument the fact that the
reeducation camps brought back grief and sorrow to all former
prisoners is not surprising. As Captain Truong Nguyen stated
that we should watch what the communist do, but not listen to
what they say. Shows how wicked and dishonest the
Communists were. According to interviews with the former
AVRN officers, a memory of the reeducation camps had been
a memory of pain, and tears. It seems as if the communist,
not only took Vietnam from the people, but they also took the
life, and youth from the prisoners. Many people die in the
reeducation camps, many were cripple or die after being
released. The Communist thought that they could remold
people beliefs by imprisoning, and torturing them, however
they are so wrong. They œunderestimate the power of the
human spirit. As Lt. Dat Do said that the harder they pushed
him and forced him to accept communism, the more he resisted
and rebel against them. That was the cost for his twelve years
of imprisonment. (Lt. Do, Dat) (Captain Nguyen, Truong)
(Sagan and Denney)

During the Vietnam War, American solider faced a prosaic
time of their life. However, they had the support and
encouragement from their loving families and government.

ÑA HIEÄU 72 291

Unfortunately, many of the Vietnamese men and women had
to go through a prolonged suffering not only alone, but without
any idea of when, or if, it would end (Mckelvey, page 230)
without the support from the new government, but was
punished by the government. Was the Vietnam reeducation
camp; rehabilitation or punishment? One has learned that the
Communist reeducation camp was a punishment. It was
revenge and a method of suppression. Many had to go
through a phase of riot, that no human being deserved. The
reeducation camps downgraded the lives of the People of the
Republic of Vietnam. It not only destroyed the physical and
mental health of its prisoners, but it also affected the lives of
the prisoners family. After being released, many prisoners
had nowhere to go, their family escaped from Vietnam. Some
came back witnessing their wives and kids living on the street,
others came back seeing their beloved country had changed.
With dramatic changes, it was difficult for the former prisoner
to find a job. Therefore many became homeless, and some
had thoughts of committing suicides. Reeducation camps
affects former prisoners in a negative way, it affected the
present and the future the prisoners. (Mckelvey)

Reeducation is a form of punishment and cannot be
considered rehabilitation. About two millions Vietnamese are
living in free countries around the world. They have escaped
their country, the big prison, which contains small prisons:
reeducation camps. They are the witnesses to the cruelty
and the crimes of the Communist actions after the Vietnam

Que Anh Phan



Ñaïi hoäi Khoùa 25

Toaøn Theá Giôùi Naêm 2005

Ñaïi Hoiä Khoùa 25 toaøn theá giôiù naêm 2005 ñöôïc döï truø

toå chöcù taiï Sacramento, California vaoø ngayø 1 thanù g 7

naêm 2005.

Ban Toå Chöùc xin ttanâ troïng thoâng baoù cuøng toaøn theå

gia ñình Khoùa 25 ñeå chuaån bò tham dö.ï

Chöông trình chi tieát Ñaïi Hoiä seõ ñöôïc gôiû ñeán töøng

gia ñình trong thieäp môøi vaø trong Nam Quan 8.

Ñeå bieát themâ tin töcù xin lienâ laïc:

Ban Toå Chöùc:

Cao vaên Haûi 916- 689- 5278

Nguyeãn truøng Khaùnh 916- 689- 8326

Nguyeãn Haøm 714- 265- 5009

Ñaïi Dienä Vunø g:

Hoà Ngoïc Hieäp 408- 313- 8843

Tranà Höônø g 714- 899- 8610

Nguyeãn vaên Tinh 281- 495- 6316

Nguyeãn anh Duõng 225- 272- 7501

Nguyeãn coâng Caån 425- 775- 4863

Leâ Laøo 619- 583- 4992

Nguyeãn Maïnh 619- 475- 3753

Huyønh N. Vang 845- 298- 8709

Nguyeãn H. Kinh 703- 845- 2823

OÂng T Ñình 843- 553- 3435

Nguyeãn vaên Hoøa 416- 284- 5414

Ñaëng V Khanh 33- 1- 64- 028714

Tranâ C Vî 616- 292- 4576

Tranâ troïng thonâ g baùo

Ban Toå Chöcù /Ñaiï Hoiä Khoùa 25 namê 2005

ÑA HIEÄU 72 293

Thö Thonâ g Baoù

Kính göiû
Toaø Soanï Ña Hieäu:
Trong Ña Hieäu soá 71, phaùt haønh vaøo thaùng 6/2004,
treân trang 337 ñaõ coù ñaêng moät phaân öu ñeán “CSVSQ K31
Nguyeãn Anh Caùt”. Phaân öu naøy meänh danh “Gia ñình
Caên cöù theo ñieàu 7 cuûa Toân Chæ Ña Hieäu ñaêng treân
trang 2: “Ña Hieäu chæ ñaêng Tin möøng hay Phaân öu do Lieân
Hoäi, Hoäi hay Ñaïi dieän Khoùa göûi tôùi toaø soaïn.”, chuùng toâi
xin caûi chính nhö sau:
1/. Ngöôøi coù teân Nguyeãn Anh Caùt trong baûn
phaân öu KHOÂNG phaûi laø Cöïu SVSQ Khoaù 31.
2/. Ñaïi Dieän Khoaù 31 ñaõ khoâng heà göûi tôùi Ña Hieäu
lôøi yeâu caàu ñaêng baûn phaân öu noùi treân.
Nhaèm ñeå traùnh moïi maïo nhaän, hieåu laàm hay ngoä nhaän
ñaùng tieác seõ coù theå xaåy ra vì baûn phaân öu naøy, chuùng toâi
xin toaø soaïn Ña Hieäu cho ñaêng thö naøy ñeå caûi chính cho
Ban ñaò dieän Khoùa 31 veà baûn phaân öu noùi treân.

Traân Troïng Kính Thö
Ñaïi dieän Khoùa 31/ Nguyeãn Vaên Ñöôïc
(Email: [email protected])



 NT Cöïu Trung Töôùng Nguyeãn Vaên Minh K-5
NT Nguyeãn Höõu Phuïng K-5, muoán lieân laïc vôùi NT
Nguyeãn Vaên Minh Qua ñòa chæ sau ñaây :
Nguyeãn Höõu Phuïng
1200 N. 185th Cowet .
Shoreline , WA. 98133

 NT Leâ Quùy Traán K-21
NT Nguyeãn Höõu Phuïng K-5, cuõng muoán lieân laïc vôùi NT
Leâ Quùy Traán Qua ñòa chæ ghi treân .

 NT Traàn Vuõ Loäc K-14
NT Ngoâ Taøi Chieâu K-13 muoán lieân laïi vôùi NT Traàn Vuõ
Loäc (Vì anh ruoät cuûa NT Loäc ôû VN Nhôø lieân laïc) qua soá
ñieän thoaïi sau : Ngoâ Taøi Chieâu K-13
(503) 772-9274
6311 SE . 85th Ave
PORT , OR 97266


 Cöïu Trung uùy Nguyeãn Ngoïc Ninh
Tröôùc laøm taïi P4/BTL Ñeä Tam Quaân Khu ôû Haø Noäi
Sau di chuyeån vaøo Nha Trang, nay ôû ñaâu, xin lieân laïc vôùi:
Nguyeãn Ngoïc Baân (cuøng ñôn vò cuõ)
7489 Gardner Ave .
Sacramento , CA 95828 .

 NT Traàn Ngoïc Ñieäp K-20
Lieân laïc vôùi ngöôøi thaân laø Thanh Nguyeãn – Ñieän thoaïi
(916) 727-1329


Vì Ña Hieäu 72 traøn ñaày phoùng söï vaø hình aûnh cuûa Ñaïi Hoäi
Voõ Bò XIV neân moät soá baøi vôû vaø thö tö toøa soaïn ñaõ chuyeån
giao cho Ban Trò söï Ña Hieäu nhieäm kyø 2004-2006 taïi Nam

ÑA HIEÄU 72 295


Keå töø ngaøy 8 thaùng 8 naêm 2004

Keát toaùn nhieäm kyø 2002-2004

A Quyõ sinh hoaït TH

Thu $3,960.00

Chi -$2,454.85

Coøn laïi $1,505.15

B Quyõ ñieän thoaïi

Thu $1,797.00

Chi -$1,385.95

Coøn laïi $411.05

C Quõy Xaõ Hoäi

Thu $2,000.00

Chi $1,155.00

Coøn laïi $845.00

Toång coäng chuyeån qua nhieäm kyø 2004-2006:

Quyõ sinh hoaït TH $1,505.15
Quûy ñieän thoaïi $411.05


Ngaøy 8-8-2004 trong ñeâm Daï Tieäc Ñaïi Hoäi XIV:

1 Khoùa 20 $200.00

2 Khoùa 19 $690.00

3 Khoùa 16 $100.00

4 Khoùa 14 $100.00

5 Khoùa 18 $200.00

6 Khoùa 13 $150.00

7 Khoùa 26 $100.00

8 Khoùa 10 $100.00


9 Khoùa 17 $100.00
10 Lien Hoi Au Chau $200.00
11 Phu Nhaân coá NT N.V.Chuan K1 $100.00
12 CSVSQ Voõ Kyø Phong K24 $500.00
13 8/9/200 Nguyeãn ngoïc Doanh K27 $120.00
Coäng $1,916.20
Toång coäng


Hoäp thö BCH/TH & tem $107.00



1. Sinh hoat TH: $4,469.20

2. Quyõ Xaõ Hoäi: $845.00

Neáu coù gì sai soùt, xin Quí Vò lieân laïc vôùi BCH/TH/Thuû Quyõ
ñeå ñöôïc ñieàu chænh kòp thôøi.

Laøm taïi Seattle, Ngaøy 24 thaùng 10 naêm 2004

CSVSQ Nguyeãn Sanh K28
Thuû Quyõ

ÑA HIEÄU 72 297

Danh Sách CSVSQ & THÂN H±U

Ñng H¶ ña HiŒu 72

SÓ thÙ t¿ Tính ljn ngày 30 tháng 9 næm 2004)
Tên/H† Khóa SÓ tiŠn

1989 H¶i CSVSQ/TVBQGVN PA & PC . 0 ................... $150.00
1990 Khoá 16 ...................................... 0 ................... $100.00
1991 NguyÍn Dinh Sách ..................... 3 .................... $20.00
1992 NguyÍn Ng†c Khôi .................... 3 .................... $50.00
1993 Võ Khoát .................................... 3 .................... $40.00
1994 Bà ñ¥ng Ng†c Lân ..................... 4 .................... $20.00
1995 Lê Kim ....................................... 5 .................... $20.00
1996 ñ¥ng Væn CÀu ............................ 5 .................... $40.00
1997 NguyÍn H»u Phøng ................... 5 .................... $30.00
1998 NguyÍn Væn Khuy‰n .................. 5 .................... $40.00
1999 Phåm Gia KiÍm .......................... 5 .................... $50.00
2000 Phåm Thanh Gia ......................... 5 .................... $30.00
2001 HÒ Minh Châu ............................ 6 .................... $35.00
2002 L¶ Xuân Vinh ............................. 6 .................... $30.00
2003 TrÜÖng Væn Thành ....................... 6 .................... $30.00
2004 Lê H»u T¿ .................................. 8 .................... $30.00
2005 NguyÍn Ng†c Sáu ...................... 8 .................... $30.00
2006 NguyÍn QuÓc Hoàng ................. 8 .................... $30.00
2007 NguyÍn Thanh Nhan ................... 8 .................... $50.00
2008 ñiêu Ng†c Chánh ....................... 8 .................... $50.00
2009 ñinh Công Hi‰u ......................... 8 .................... $30.00
2010 ñoàn Tr†ng Tín ........................... 8 .................... $30.00
2011 Hoàng A Sám ............................. 9 ................... $100.00
2012 Phåm Ng†c CÀu ......................... 9 .................... $30.00
2013 Phåm Th‰ Vinh ........................... 9 .................... $60.00
2014 Bà Mai Ng†c Sang ..................... 10 .................. $35.00
2015 Bà NguyÍn ñình Th‰ .................. 10 .................. $50.00
2016 Bà ñinh Væn Ti‰t ......................... 10 .................. $20.00
2017 Lê TÃt Biên ................................. 10 .................. $30.00
2018 Lê Væn HiŠn ............................... 10 .................. $50.00
2019 Lê Væn Ngôn .............................. 10 .................. $30.00
2020 Ngô Væn C» ............................... 10 .................. $30.00
2021 NguyÍn M¶ng Di ....................... 10 .................. $40.00


2022 NguyÍn Thanh Mi ...................... 10 .................. $30.00
2023 NguyÍn Væn Vång ...................... 10 .................. $20.00
2024 Phåm Væn Môn .......................... 10 .................. $30.00
2025 TØ B¶ Mãng ............................... 10 .................. $40.00
2026 TrÀn Væn DÆu .............................. 10 .................. $40.00
2027 Võ Thanh Khi‰t ........................... 10 .................. $30.00
2028 VÛ Ng†c M«i ............................. 10 .................. $35.00
2029 Hoàng Væn Khôi ......................... 11 .................. $50.00
2030 Huÿnh Quang Minh ................... 11 .................. $35.46
2031 Ngô Væn Phát ............................. 11 .................. $35.00
2032 NguyÍn Hºu Lš ......................... 11 .................. $30.00
2033 NguyÍn TÃn Tài .......................... 11 .................. $20.00
2034 NguyÍn Thành Nam ................... 11 .................. $35.00
2035 Phan Bá Các ............................... 11 .................. $30.00
2036 TrÀn Ng†c Nam .......................... 11 .................. $37.55
2037 TrÀn Væn TÏ ................................ 11 .................. $30.00
2038 Vû Ng†c Thành .......................... 11 .................. $50.00
2039 Bùi SÏ ........................................ 12 .................. $50.00
2040 Hoàng ñình HiŒp ....................... 12 .................. $35.46
2041 Måch Væn TrÜ©ng ....................... 12 .................. $30.00
2042 NguyÍn Công LuÆn .................... 12 .................. $30.00
2043 NguyÍn Væn Hà .......................... 12 .................. $30.00
2044 NguyÍn Væn S¡c......................... 12 .................. $20.00
2045 Phåm Tr†ng Anh ......................... 12 .................. $20.00
2046 TÓng ñình Mai ........................... 12 .................. $50.00
2047 TrÀn Væn Bi ................................. 12 .................. $30.00
2048 VÛ Minh B¶i ............................... 12 .................. $50.00
2049 Lai Væn Thành ............................. 12 .................. $20.00
2050 Ba‘ TrÀn Ng†c Bão ...................... 13 .................. $35.00
2051 HÒ ñ¡c Trúc ................................ 13 .................. $80.00
2052 ñ° Huy HuŒ ............................... 13 .................. $30.00
2053 ñ‡ ñæng Cam ............................ 13 .................. $71.16
2054 ñàm Quang BÌnh ....................... 13 .................. $30.00
2055 NguyÍn An Cänh ....................... 13 .................. $20.00
2056 NguyÍn Du Nghi ........................ 13 .................. $30.00
2057 NguyÍn TÃn ñÎnh ....................... 13 .................. $50.00
2058 NguyÍn Væn HÜÖn ...................... 13 .................. $30.00
2059 Phåm Væn NhuŒ ......................... 13 .................. $50.00
2060 TrÀn Khánh DÜ ............................ 13 .................. $60.00

ÑA HIEÄU 72 299

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