Pet Microchips:
High-Tech Protection
Helps Find Lost Pets
Registered microchips give lost pets the best chance
The statistics indicate that missing pets rarely make it home:
• The American Humane Association estimates over 10 million dog
lost or stolen in the U.S. every year. One in three pets will become
point during their life.
• Only about 22 percent of lost dogs that entered the animal shelters
their owners. However, the return-to-owner rate for microchipped
percent (a 238 percent increase).
• Less than 2 percent of lost cats that entered the animal shelters we
owners. The return-to-owner rate for microchipped cats was dram
percent (more than 2000 percent better).
• Only 58 percent of the microchipped animals’ microchips had been
database with their owner’s contact information.
Pet microchips can be implanted by any veterinarian.
• No anesthetic is required. The procedure is similar to a routine v
• Unlike traditional collar tags, pet microchips do not wear down
scratch into illegibility. Microchips are designed to last the life of
• Globally compatible scanners read the unique identification co
microchip. This code is used to retrieve the contact information t
has provided to the pet recovery database.
HomeAgain is property of Intervet International B.V. or affiliated companies or licensors and is
Copyright © 2010 Intervet International B.V. All rights reserved.
About Microchipping
e of returning home. The lost pet reality
The American Humane Association
gs and cats are estimates over 10 million dogs and
e lost at some cats are lost or stolen in the U.S.
every year.
One in three pets will become lost
at some point during their life.
s were reunited with
dogs was over 52
ere reunited with their Microchipping is safe,
matically higher at over 38 easy, and effective
n registered in a No anesthetic is required. The
procedure is similar to a routine
n, fall off, or vaccination.
f your pet. A pet microchip does not
ode on the contain a battery, nor does it
that the pet’s owner
need to be charged.
Microchips are designed to last
the life of your pet.
s protected by copyrights, trademark and other intellectual property laws.
Taking your dog to the beach can be a great wa
as a responsible dog owner there are
. Provide plenty of fresh drinking water an
r Dogs can get sunburn, especially short-ha
sand and ones with pink skin and white h
unusually strong and apply sunblock (ww
and nose 30 minutes before going outsid
. Check with a lifeguard for daily water co
other ocean predators.
lf your dog is out of shape, don't encoura
beach is strenuous exercise, and a dogth
Cool ocean water is tempting to your do
salt in the water can make him dehydrate
Salt and other minerals found in the ocea
ready to leave the beach for the day, rins
with a soothing shampoo will help too.
Not all beaches permit dogs. Check local
the beach.
To find the rules for your local beach, simply visit one
lsle of Palms:
Sullivans lsland:
Folly Beach:
h Tips
ay to spend a beautiful summer day. However,
e certain precautions you should take.
nd shade for your dog.
aired dogs, dogs that are short and close to the
hair. Limit your dog's exposure when the sun is or Baby Sunscreen) to his ears
onditions. Dogs are easy targets for jellyfish and
age him to run on the sand. Running on a
hat is out of shape could easily pull a tendon or
og. Do NOT allow him to drink seawater as the
ed, casue stomach upset, etc.
an can damage your dog's coat. When you are
se your dog with plenty of fresh water. A bath
l ordinances before you begin your excursion to
e of the sites below:
H Vomiting
H Diarrhea
H Unintended weight loss
H Change in appetite—decreased or increased
H Change in normal activity level: lethargy, hyperactivity, or restlessness
H Limping
H Sudden inability to move back legs
H Crying in pain when touched
H Clumsy or disoriented behavior
H Seizures
H Any loss of consciousness
H Coughing, especially at night
H Panting in a cat
H Any difficulty breathing or labored breathing
H Any blue, purple, or pale hue to the tongue and gums
H Sudden collapse
H Excessive drooling
H Straining in the litter box without producing any urine
H Crying out while urinating
H Change in urination: location, frequency, amount, color, smell
H Bloated abdomen
H Sneezing excessively
H Uncontrolled bleeding
H Nose-bleed or bruising anywhere on body
H Any unusual odor
H Hair loss
H Runny eyes or nose
H Squinting
Alcoholic beverages and food products containing alcohol can cause vomiting, dia
breathing, tremors, abnormal blood acidity, coma and even death. Under no circums
ingested alcohol, contact your veterinarian or the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Ce
Avocado is primarily a problem for birds, rabbits, donkeys, horses, and ruminants in
and death in birds. Horses, donkeys and ruminants frequently get swollen, edemat
Chocolate, Co ee and Ca eine
These products all contain substances called methylxanthines, which are found in c
extract used in some sodas. When ingested by pets, methylxanthines can cause
abnormal heart rhythm, tremors, seizures and even death. Note that darker choco
level of methylxanthines, while baking chocolate contains the highest.
The stems, leaves, peels, fruit and seeds of citrus plants contain varying amounts o
nervous system depression if ingested in significant amounts. Small doses, such a
Coconut and Coconut Oil
When ingested in small amounts, coconut and coconut-based products are not like
contain oils that may cause stomach upset, loose stools or diarrhea. Because of t
Coconut water is high in potassium and should not be given to your pet.
Grapes and Raisins
Although the toxic substance within grapes and raisins is unknown, these fruits
substance, it is best to avoid feeding grapes and raisins to dogs.
Macadamia Nuts
Macadamia nuts can cause weakness, depression, vomiting, tremors and hyperthe
approximately 12 to 48 hours.
Milk and Dairy
Because pets do not possess significant amounts of lactase (the enzyme that bre
diarrhea or other digestive upset.
Nuts, including almonds, pecans, and walnuts, contain high amounts of oils and fa
Onions, Garlic, Chives
These vegetables and herbs can cause gastrointestinal irritation and could lead to
risk if a large enough amount is consumed. Toxicity is normally diagnosed through
Raw/Undercooked Meat, Eggs and Bones
Raw meat and raw eggs can contain bacteria such as Salmonella and E. coli that ca
that decreases the absorption of biotin (a B vitamin), which can lead to skin and coa
option that might occur if your pet lived in the wild. However, this can be very dange
should the bone splinter and become lodged in or puncture your pet’s digestive trac
Salt and Salty Snack Foods
Large amounts of salt can produce excessive thirst and urination, or even sodium io
include vomiting, diarrhea, depression, tremors, elevated body temperature, seizur
snacks like potato chips, pretzels, and salted popcorn to your pets.
Xylitol is used as a sweetener in many products, including gum, candy, baked goods
to liver failure. The increase in insulin leads to hypoglycemia (lowered sugar levels)
Signs can progress to seizures. Elevated liver enzymes and liver failure can be see
Yeast Dough
Yeast dough can rise and cause gas to accumulate in your pet’s digestive system. T
becoming a life threatening emergency. The yeast produce ethanol as a by-product
ASPCA Animal Pois
Source: ASPCA - People Foods to Avoid Feeding Y
arrhea, decreased coordination, central nervous system depression, difficulty
stances should your pet be given any alcohol. If you suspect that your pet has
enter immediately.
ncluding sheep and goats. The biggest concern is for cardiovascular damage
tous head and neck.
cacao seeds, the fruit of the plant used to make coffee, and in the nuts of an
vomiting and diarrhea, panting, excessive thirst and urination, hyperactivity,
olate is more dangerous than milk chocolate. White chocolate has the lowest
of citric acid, essential oils that can cause irritation and possibly even central
as eating the fruit, are not likely to present problems beyond minor stomach
ely to cause serious harm to your pet. The flesh and milk of fresh coconuts do
this, we encourage you to use caution when offering your pets these foods.
can cause kidney failure. Until more information is known about the toxic
ermia in dogs. Signs usually appear within 12 hours of ingestion and can last
eaks down lactose in milk), milk and other dairy-based products cause them
ats. The fats can cause vomiting and diarrhea, and potentially pancreatitis in
red blood cell damage. Although cats are more susceptible, dogs are also at
history, clinical signs and microscopic confirmation of Heinz bodies.
an be harmful to pets and humans. Raw eggs contain an enzyme called avidin
at problems. Feeding your pet raw bones may seem like a natural and healthy
erous for a domestic pet, who might choke on bones, or sustain a grave injury
on poisoning in pets. Signs that your pet may have eaten too many salty foods
res and even death. As such, we encourage you to avoid feeding salt-heavy
s and toothpaste. It can cause insulin release in most species, which can lead
). Initial signs of toxicosis include vomiting, lethargy and loss of coordination.
en within a few days.
This can be painful and can cause the stomach to bloat, and potentially twist,
t and a dog ingesting raw bread dough can become drunk (See alcohol).
son Control Center
Your Pets. (n.d.). Retrieved March 01, 2016, from
foods to
avoid feeding
TOXIC & dogs and cats
Prevent accidental exposure
FHoAodZGAuRidDe fOorPUeSts} andpotentialhealthrisksto
20 your four-legged companions
Fatty foods & fat trimmings Onions, garlic, shallots, Xylitol
chives, leeks
Burgers, pizza, ribs, chicken wings, salmon, etc. Sugar substitute in gum, candy, toothpaste,
Upset stomach, nausea, vomiting, pancreatitis Small amount can damage red blood cells. children’s vitamins, some peanut butters
Panting, weakness, drooling, pale gums Vomiting, weakness, seizures, liver failure
Mushrooms Chocolate
Cooked, can splinter, causing internal lacerations,
obstruction, choking Wild varieties can trigger numerous The quantity and level of cocoa will vary toxicity
organ systems Vomiting, diarrhea, tremors, hyperactivity, seizures
Vomiting, lethargy, diarrhea, abdominal
discomfort, drooling Seizures, coma, vomiting
Raw meat & fish O-NO MUNCHIE Sx x x DEADLY DRINKS
Can contain salmonella and E. coli Nuts Alcohol (wine, liquor, beer)
Vomiting, fever, enlarged lymph nodes
Almonds, pecans, walnuts, pistachios, Liquor-infused desserts can also be a culprit
Raw salmon macadamia nuts, hickory nuts Seizures, respiratory depression, altered activity,
High fat causes upset stomach
Most common in the Pacific Northwest, and pancreatitis incoordination
freshwater fish carrying infected parasites
*Moldy walnuts can cause seizures, Hops pellets
can poison pets if eaten raw. vomiting, tremors
Vomiting, fever, diarrhea, weakness, Highly concentrated, used to brew beer
Fever, restlessness, panting, vomiting
swollen lymph nodes
Raw eggs
Coffee, tea, energy drinks and bars, diet pills
May contain harmful bacteria and risk of Hyperactivity, panting, seizures, muscle
salmonella toxicity. Long-term ingestion of raw twitching, increased urination
egg whites can lead to biotin deficiency. shaky STAPLES Symptoms
DAIRY DISCOMFORT Yeast dough Toxicity will vary based on breed,
Milk & dairy size and age of pet
Pets lack lactase, the enzyme Expands in digestive system, releasing gas
needed to digest lactose Vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, stomach bloat Fever
Upset stomach, diarrhea
Homemade play dough Collapse
Salt toxicity can be fast acting and lethal Seizures Nationwide
Apricots, peaches, plums, cherries Vomiting, diarrhea, seizures, tremors Drooling pet insurance
Lethargy members can
Stems, pits and leaves contain cyanide Homemade salt dough Vomiting contact the
Difficulty breathing, panting, shock Tremors
Commonly used to make holiday ornaments Diarrhea vethelplineSM
Grapes & raisins Salt consumption can be quick and lethal Weakness
Vomiting, diarrhea, seizures, tremors at no cost.
Just a few can cause kidney failure in dogs Contact info can
Vomiting, lethargy, diarrhea .......... be found on the
Nationwide Pet
Rhubarb URGENT: Account Access
Leaves are toxic Immediate page.*
Drooling, vomiting, weakness, tetany, veterinary care is
recommended. Restlessness
seizures and kidney damage
Stomach bloat
Muscle twitching
Excessive panting
Excessive urination
Nationwide® covers treatment costs relating to poisonings and more.
Get a quote at
*In case of an emergency, pet owners who are not Nationwide pet insurance members can
contact the Pet Poison Helpline at 855-289-0358. A $49 per incident fee for their service
will apply. This fee is not associated with Nationwide.
©2016 Nationwide. Nationwide, the Nationwide N and Eagle, and Nationwide is on your side are service marks of Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company. 16WEB4468
More than
700 plants produce
Pets &physiologically active
or toxic substances
that are dangerous
to dogs and cats
TOXIC PLANTSifingested.
Brought to you by Nationwide®
E Effects of poisonous plant
YESTER ingestion range from mild
Signs of toxicity Vulnerability to plant If your pet eats any
toxicities depends on: part of a plant:
Excessive salivation Lethargy
Vomiting PET SPECIES 1 Call your
Rapid breathing AMOUNT DIGESTED
Racing or SIZE OF YOUR PET veterinarian
irregular pulse immediately
Cold extremities 2 Bring a sample
$ 9.5MmNLaeatmsitobyneewrasird,feil®ed Average treatment costs of the plant
Plant toxicity: Tremors: Kidney failure: 3 Tell the veterinary
$547 $474 $663 staff how much
your pet ingested
24 hours a day
$$ $
Nationwide pet insurance covers treatment costs related to plant poisonings and more.
Get a quote at
For more pet health and safety tips, visit
Insurance terms, definitions and explanations are intended for informational purposes only and do not in any way replace or modify the definitions and information contained in individual insurance contracts,
policies or declaration pages, which are controlling. Such terms and availability may vary by state and exclusions may apply. Underwritten by Veterinary Pet Insurance Company (CA), Brea, CA, an A.M. Best A rated
company (2013); National Casualty Company (all other states), Madison, WI, an A.M. Best A+ rated company (2014). Nationwide, the Nationwide N and Eagle, and Nationwide Is On Your Side are service marks of
Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company. ©2016 Nationwide. 16WEB3905
1217 Ben Sawyer Blvd.
Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464
fax: 843.881.3540
Pets can be exposed through a variety of ways
with infected feces, either through ingestion o
transmitted from the mother to her babies acr
parasites can be transmitted to your pets throu
as fleas, rodents, and rabbits.
Dogs and cats can both become in
TAPEWORMS: Transmitted by intermediate ho
Clinical signs are weight loss, increased appeti
parasite that is routinely shed as an adult, whic
out, sesame seed.
ROUNDWORMS: This parasite is commonly fo
across the placenta. Other means of infection a
Clinical signs include vomiting, diarrhea, a pot
animal is heavily parasitized, an occasional adu
white) may be expelled through vomiting or d
is made through microscopic examination of f
HOOKWORMS: This parasite causes a serious
intestinal wall, causing severe loss of blood an
poor appetite, weight loss and black or bloody
babies through the placenta or milk. Adult dog
larvae is ingested or when the larvae penetrate
microscopic identification.
WHIPWORMS: Primarily a canine parasite, in
Symptoms include intermittent diarrhea, often
eggs are shed intermittently, diagnosis is diffic
evaluation of several samples.
COCCIDIA: These are transmitted primarily by
develop in the cells of the digestive tract, caus
microscopic evaluation of the stool. Coccidia p
There are other parasites that very occasionally
present, your doctor will explain them at the ti
1769 Highway 17 North
Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464
fax: 843.856.0188
s. They can become infected through contact
or skin penetration. Some parasites can be
ross the placenta or through nursing. Finally,
ugh the ingestion of intermediate hosts such
nfected with the following parasites:
osts, these parasites feed from the intestines.
ite, and poor hair coat. This is the ONLY
ch resembles small grains of rice, or, if dried
ound in puppies and kittens as it is transmitted
are by intermediates hosts or through the soil.
t-bellied appearance and poor hair coat. If the
ult worm (approximately five inches long and
defecating. Usually, identification of parasitism
health hazard in that it attaches directly to the
nd anemia. Clinical signs include listlessness,
y stool. Transmission is from the mother to
gs can become infected when the hookworm
e the skin. These worms are identified solely by
nfection occurs through ingestion of the egg.
n with mucus and flecks of blood. Because
cult., often requiring the microscopic
y fecal contamination. Once ingested, they
sing a large amount of irritation. Diagnosed by
primarily pose a health concern to the very
y infect dogs and cats. Should these be
ime of discovery.
Reducing risks for your family What can I do?
You can reduce the risk of parasitic Responsible pet parasite control can reduce the
infection to your family by eliminating risks associated with transmission of parasitic
parasites from pets; restricting access to diseases from pets to people. By following a few
contaminated areas, such as sandboxes, simple guidelines, pet owners can better protect
pet “walk areas,” and other high-traffic their pets and their family.
areas; and practicing good personal
hygiene. • Practice good personal hygiene.
Disposing • Use a preventative flea and/or tick treatment year-round.
of pet feces
on a regular • Only feed pets cooked or prepared food (not raw meat).
basis can help
remove poten- • Minimize exposure to high-traffic pet areas.
tially infective
worm eggs • Clean up pet feces regularly.
before they
become distributed in the environment • Visit your veterinarian for annual testing and physical
and are picked up or ingested by pets examination.
or humans.
• Administer worming medications as recommended
Year-round prevention by your veterinarian.
Parasites can infect your pet any time of • Ask your veterinarian about parasite infection risks and
year. External parasites, such as fleas and effective year-round preventative control measures
ticks, may be less prevalent outside during administered monthly.
certain times of the year; however, they
often survive in the house during the For more important information about parasite
winter months, creating an uninterrupted control guidelines, ask your veterinarian or visit
life cycle. Other internal parasites, such us at
as worms, may affect your pet all year
long. That’s why it’s important to consult
with your veterinarian to implement a
year-round parasite control program.
The Companion Animal Pets,
Parasite Council Parasites
and People
The Companion Animal Parasite Council (CAPC) is
an independent council of veterinarians and other
animal health-care professionals established to
create guidelines for the optimal control of internal
and external parasites that threaten the health of
pets and people. It brings together broad expertise in
parasitology, internal medicine, public health, veteri-
nary law, private practice and association leadership.
Initially convened in 2002, CAPC was formed with
the express purpose of changing the way veterinary
professionals and pet owners approach parasite
management. The CAPC advocates best practices for
protecting pets from parasitic infections and reducing
the risk of zoonotic parasite transmission.
For more information about how parasites may affect your pet,
please visit us at
CAPC Platinum Sponsors
CAPC Gold Sponsors Companion Animal Parasite Council
Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica, Inc.
Merial Limited
CAPC Silver Sponsors
Intervet/Schering-Plough Animal Health
Ceva Animal Health, Inc. • StatSpin
VCA ANTECH • Virbac Animal Health
CAPC Guidelines are endorsed by:
©2011 Companion Animal Parasite Council. All rights reserved. 2/11
Pets, parasites and people Parasites that
may affect your pet
Dogs and cats are not just pets. They
are treated like members of the family. • Coccidia • Mange Mites
And like any member of your family, it’s • Ear Mites • Roundworms
important to keep your companion animal • Fleas • Tapeworms
healthy and free of parasites. • Giardia • Ticks
• Heartworms • Toxoplasmosis
It is fairly common for a dog or cat to • Hookworms • Whipworms
become infected with an internal or external
parasite at some point in its lifetime. Para-
sites can affect your pet in a variety of ways,
ranging from simple irritation to causing
life-threatening conditions if left untreated.
Some parasites can even infect and transmit
diseases to you and your family.
Your veterinarian can help prevent,
accurately diagnose and safely treat
parasites and other health problems that
not only affect your dog or cat, but also
the safety of you and your family.
For more information on how parasites
affect your dog or cat, the health risks to
people and prevention tips, please visit us
What is a zoonotic disease?
Zoonoses, or zoonotic diseases, are those
diseases that can be transmitted directly or
indirectly from animals to humans. For example,
some worms can be transmitted in the
What is a vector-borne disease?
Vector-borne diseases are those transmitted by
fleas or ticks among other parasites that infest
dogs and cats. They can affect pets and people.
Ticks can transmit a large number of “vector-
borne” diseases in North America including
ehrlichiosis, Lyme disease, relapsing fever,
Rocky Mountain spotted fever and tularemia.
Common questions about pets and parasites
Do fleas and ticks on my pet present a health risk to my family?
Yes. Fleas and ticks can carry and either directly or indirectly transmit several potential illnesses
of humans. For example, rickettsiosis (infection with Rickettsia) can be transmitted directly by
ticks. Bartonellosis (infection with Bartonella) is transmitted between cats by fleas and then may
spread to people. Also, fleas serve as an intermediate host for tapeworms, which can infect both
your pet and humans.
What kind of internal parasites or worms can infect my cat or dog?
There are a number of intestinal worms that can infect dogs and cats, and they vary according
to the species. In general, these include roundworms, hookworms, whipworms and tapeworms,
and they are very prolific. In fact, one worm can produce more than 100,000 eggs per day, which
are then passed in the pet’s feces and spread throughout the area the pet roams. Once in the
environment, some of these eggs can remain infective and present a health risk for your pet
and humans for years.
Are heartworms a parasite I should be concerned about for my pet?
Yes. Heartworms can be a very serious problem for both dogs and cats, especially those in
mosquito-infested areas, as mosquitoes are a vector and intermediate host for the pest. Heart-
worms can kill or seriously debilitate pets that are infected with them. That’s because heartworms
live in the bloodstream, lungs and heart of infected pets. Your veterinarian can do a blood test to
determine if your pet has heartworm disease. A year-round preventive program is most effective
to keep pets free of heartworms.
If my dog or cat has intestinal worms, how can these parasites infect humans?
Roundworms are the most common intestinal parasite of pets and the most likely to be
transmitted to humans. Humans can accidentally ingest infective worm eggs that have been
passed through the pet’s feces and left in the environment. The eggs can then hatch in the
human’s intestinal tract, and the immature worms can travel to various tissues in the body,
including the eyes and brain, potentially causing serious infections.
For more frequently asked questions and answers, please visit us at or consult with your veterinarian.
Inhalation of droplets
passed through the
air from an infected
animal. Exposure can
occur from droplets
created by coughing,
sneezing, or from
air-borne dust or soil
contaminated with
feces, urine, saliva
or bacteria.
© 2013
Oral Direct Contact
Ingestion of food or water, Exposure can occu
such as unpasteurized when a pathogen
milk or under cooked directly touches an
meat, contaminated with a open wound or mu
pathogen. Eating or drinking membranes. It can
after handling animals or also be transmitted
feces without washing your bites and scratches
hands can also lead to oral rarely through dire
transmission of diseases. penetration of the
© 2013 Printable version available at
Transfer of certain
pathogens can occur
from an infected animal
to another animal or
person by insects, such as
fleas, ticks or mosquitoes.
ur Fomites
n Objects or surfaces
ucous contaminated by an
n infected animal can lead
d by to pathogen exposure
s and for other animals and
ect people. Examples include
skin. cages, aquaria, bowls,
toys, or bedding.
Graphic created by Clint May, CFSPH
1217 Ben Sawyer Blvd.
Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464
fax: 843.881.3540
Only 5% of any given flea population
population is in the environment. Y
seeing the fleas.
The 1st step to eliminate a flea infesta
The cat flea (Ctenocephalides felis)
dogs. This means you need to treat b
just the cat.
Fleas stay on the pet. When an adult
jumps on a dog or cat passing by and
Fleas do not jump from one dog to
infestation of the premises, whether t
Eggs are laid on the haircoat of the
environment where they hatch into la
before emerging as adults.
Once a flea jumps onto an animal, i
laying eggs within 24 hours. A fema
is alive!!! That's 2000 eggs in a lifet
1769 Highway 17 North
Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464
fax: 843.856.0188
is on the pet. 95% of EVERY flea
You may have a problem without
ation is to STOP reproduction.
) is the flea found on cats AND
both dogs and cats, not just the dog or
t flea hatches from its pupal stage, it
d stays with that animal for life.
another. Fleas are acquired from
that is outdoors or indoors.
e pet and then roll off into the
rvae. They then enter a pupae stage
it immediately feeds and breeds,
ale can lay 50 eggs a day, each day it
Happiness is powerful
flea and tick control.
Along with our FRONT
HEARTGARD® Plus (ive
pet health products, w
completely satisfied w
experience. If you have
NexGard, please call u
1-877-602-PLUS (1-877
IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION: NexGard® is for 1 Data on File at Merial.
use in dogs only. The most frequently reported adverse 2 Dryden MW. Flea and tick control in the 2
reactions included pruritus, vomiting, dry/flaky skin,
diarrhea, lethargy, and lack of appetite. The safe use opportunities. Vet Derm. 2009;20:435-440.
of NexGard in pregnant, breeding, or lactating dogs 3 Blagburn BL, Dryden MW. Biology, treatm
has not been evaluated. Use with caution in dogs with
a history of seizures. For more information, see full infestations. Vet Clin N Am. 2009;39(6):117
prescribing information inside this brochure or visit 4 Breitschwerdt EB, Hegarty BC, Maggi RG
Rickettsia ricketsii transmission by a lone
Dis. 2011;17(5):873-875.
5 Data on File at Merial.
thTehiredvoegts’sa#n1dcyhoouicrse. for
we want you to be
with your NexGard
e any issues with
us directly at
21st century, challenges and From the maker of
ment and control of flea and tick
73-1200. and
G, Lantos PM, Aslett DM, Bradley JM.
e star tick, North Carolina. Emerg Infect
erial is now part of
oehringer Ingelheim.
d the Dog & Hand logo are registered
ademarks of Merial. ©2017 Merial, Inc.,
uluth, GA. All rights reserved.
DOUBLE CAUTION: Federal (USA) law restricts this drug
TROUBLE Description:
NexGard® (afoxolaner) is available in four sizes
Fleas remain a problem and according to a leading administration to dogs and puppies according t
veterinary expert, ticks are a growing problem in provide a minimum afoxolaner dosage of 1.14 m
many parts of the country.2 composition 1-Naphthalenecarboxamide, 4-[5-
FLEAS CAN LEAD TO: Indications:
• Serious discomfort NexGard kills adult fleas and is indicated for th
• Anemia (Ctenocephalides felis), and the treatment and
• Flea allergy dermatitis American Dog tick (Dermacentor variabilis), Lon
• Tapeworms dog tick (Rhipicephalus sanguineus) infestation
• Other diseases weighing 4 pounds of body weight or greater, f
Dosage and Administration:
TICKS CAN TRANSMIT NexGard is given orally once a month, at the m
• Lyme disease
• Ehrlichiosis Body Afoxola
• Tularemia Weight Chewa
• Rocky Mountain 4.0 to 10.0 lbs.
10.1 to 24.0 lbs. 1
spotted fever 24.1 to 60.0 lbs. 2
• Babesiosis 60.1 to 121.0 lbs.
• Anaplasmosis Over 121.0 lbs. 1
NexGard can be administered with or without f
the complete dose, and treated animals should
of the dose is not lost or refused. If it is suspec
occurs within two hours of administration, redo
administer NexGard and resume a monthly dos
Flea Treatment and Prevention:
Treatment with NexGard may begin at any time
round, monthly treatment with NexGard should
To minimize the likelihood of flea reinfestation
household with an approved flea control produ
Tick Treatment and Control:
Treatment with NexGard may begin at any time
There are no known contraindications for the u
Not for use in humans. Keep this and all drugs
ingestion, contact a physician immediately.
The safe use of NexGard in breeding, pregnant
caution in dogs with a history of seizures (see A
Adverse Reactions:
In a well-controlled US field study, which inclu
(415 administered afoxolaner; 200 administere
observed with NexGard.
Over the 90-day study period, all observations o
frequent reactions reported at an incidence of >
are presented in the following table. The most f
occurrence of vomiting was generally self-limitin
subsequent doses in both groups. Five treated d
those dogs experienced anorexia with the first d
Table 1: Dogs With Adverse Reactions.
Vomiting (with and without blood) N
Dry/Flaky Skin 17
Diarrhea (with and without blood) 13
Lethargy 13
Anorexia 7
1Number of dogs in the afoxolaner treatment g
2Number of dogs in the control group with the
g to use by or on the order of a licensed veterinarian. In the US field study, one dog with a history of seizures experienced a seizure on the same day after
s of beef-flavored, soft chewables for oral receiving the first dose and on the same day after receiving the second dose of NexGard. This dog
to their weight. Each chewable is formulated to experienced a third seizure one week after receiving the third dose. The dog remained enrolled and
mg/lb (2.5 mg/kg). Afoxolaner has the chemical completed the study. Another dog with a history of seizures had a seizure 19 days after the third
[3-chloro-5-(trifluoromethyl)-phenyl]-4, 5-dihydro-5- dose of NexGard. The dog remained enrolled and completed the study. A third dog with a history of
2-trifluoroethyl)amino]ethyl. seizures received NexGard and experienced no seizures throughout the study.
he treatment and prevention of flea infestations To report suspected adverse events, for technical assistance or to obtain a copy of the MSDS,
control of Black-legged tick (Ixodes scapularis), contact Merial at 1-888-637-4251 or For additional information about
ne Star tick (Amblyomma americanum), and Brown adverse drug experience reporting for animal drugs, contact FDA at 1-888-FDA-VETS or online at
ns in dogs and puppies 8 weeks of age and older,
for one month. Mode of Action:
minimum dosage of 1.14 mg/lb (2.5 mg/kg). Afoxolaner is a member of the isoxazoline family, shown to bind at a binding site to inhibit insect
and acarine ligand-gated chloride channels, in particular those gated by the neurotransmitter
aner Per Chewables gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), thereby blocking pre- and post-synaptic transfer of chloride
able (mg) Administered ions across cell membranes. Prolonged afoxolaner-induced hyperexcitation results in uncontrolled
activity of the central nervous system and death of insects and acarines. The selective toxicity
11.3 One of afoxolaner between insects and acarines and mammals may be inferred by the differential
sensitivity of the insects and acarines’ GABA receptors versus mammalian GABA receptors.
28.3 One Effectiveness:
In a well-controlled laboratory study, NexGard began to kill fleas four hours after initial
68 One administration and demonstrated >99% effectiveness at eight hours. In a separate well-controlled
laboratory study, NexGard demonstrated 100% effectiveness against adult fleas 24 hours post-
136 One infestation for 35 days, and was ≥93% effective at 12 hours post-infestation through Day 21, and
on Day 35. On Day 28, NexGard was 81.1% effective 12 hours post-infestation. Dogs in both the
ter the appropriate combination of chewables treated and control groups that were infested with fleas on Day -1 generated flea eggs at 12- and
24-hours post-treatment (0-11 eggs and 1-17 eggs in the NexGard treated dogs, and 4-90 eggs and
food. Care should be taken that the dog consumes 0-118 eggs in the control dogs, at 12- and 24-hours, respectively). At subsequent evaluations post-
d be observed for a few minutes to ensure that part infestation, fleas from dogs in the treated group were essentially unable to produce any eggs (0-1
cted that any of the dose has been lost or if vomiting eggs) while fleas from dogs in the control group continued to produce eggs (1-141 eggs).
ose with another full dose. If a dose is missed, In a 90-day US field study conducted in households with existing flea infestations of varying
sing schedule. severity, the effectiveness of NexGard against fleas on the Day 30, 60 and 90 visits compared with
baseline was 98.0%, 99.7%, and 99.9%, respectively.
e of the year. In areas where fleas are common year- Collectively, the data from the three studies (two laboratory and one field) demonstrate that
d continue the entire year without interruption. NexGard kills fleas before they can lay eggs, thus preventing subsequent flea infestations after the
n, it is important to treat all animals within a start of treatment of existing flea infestations.
uct. In well-controlled laboratory studies, NexGard demonstrated >97% effectiveness against Dermacentor
variabilis, >94% effectiveness against Ixodes scapularis, and >93% effectiveness against
e of the year (see Effectiveness). Rhipicephalus sanguineus, 48 hours post-infestation for 30 days. At 72 hours post-infestation, NexGard
demonstrated >97% effectiveness against Amblyomma americanum for 30 days.
use of NexGard. Animal Safety:
In a margin of safety study, NexGard was administered orally to 8 to 9-week-old Beagle puppies
out of the reach of children. In case of accidental at 1, 3, and 5 times the maximum exposure dose (6.3 mg/kg) for three treatments every 28 days,
followed by three treatments every 14 days, for a total of six treatments. Dogs in the control
t or lactating dogs has not been evaluated. Use with group were sham-dosed. There were no clinically-relevant effects related to treatment on physical
Adverse Reactions). examination, body weight, food consumption, clinical pathology (hematology, clinical chemistries, or
uded a total of 333 households and 615 treated dogs coagulation tests), gross pathology, histopathology or organ weights. Vomiting occurred throughout
ed active control), no serious adverse reactions were the study, with a similar incidence in the treated and control groups, including one dog in the 5x
of potential adverse reactions were recorded. The most group that vomited four hours after treatment.
> 1% within any of the three months of observations In a well-controlled field study, NexGard was used concomitantly with other medications, such
frequently reported adverse reaction was vomiting. The as vaccines, anthelmintics, antibiotics (including topicals), steroids, NSAIDS, anesthetics, and
ing and of short duration and tended to decrease with antihistamines. No adverse reactions were observed from the concomitant use of NexGard with
dogs experienced anorexia during the study, and two of other medications.
dose but not subsequent doses. Storage Information:
Store at or below 30°C (86°F) with excursions permitted up to 40°C (104°F).
Treatment Group How Supplied:
NexGard is available in four sizes of beef-flavored soft chewables: 11.3, 28.3, 68 or
Afoxolaner Oral active control 136 mg afoxolaner. Each chewable size is available in color-coded packages of 1, 3 or
N1 % (n=415) N2 % (n=200) 6 beef-flavored chewables.
7 4.1 25 12.5 NADA 141-406, Approved by FDA
Marketed by: Frontline Vet Labs™, a Division of Merial, Inc.
3 3.1 2 1.0 Duluth, GA 30096-4640 USA
3 3.1 7 3.5 Made in Brazil.
7 1.7 4 2.0 ®NexGard is a registered trademark, and
TMFRONTLINE VET LABS is a trademark, of Merial.
5 1.2 9 4.5 ©2015 Merial. All rights reserved.
group with the identified abnormality. 1050-4493-03
identified abnormality. Rev. 1/2015
Lone star ticks are widely distributed in the
eastern United States, and the areas where
they can be found are expanding. They are
noted to be aggressive feeders and will actively
seek out a host – such as your dog.
• Ehrlichiosis
• Rocky Mountain spotted fever
(Rickettsia rickettsii)4
• Tularemia (Francisella tularensis)
“The lone star tick worries me.
They’ve spread from Texas all
the way to Michigan, Ontario
and several southwestern
counties in Maine – and they
transmit a wider range of
disease than Ixodes scapularis.”
— Dr. Michael Dryden, DVM, MS,
PhD, Kansas State University
by veterinarians.1
Loved by dogs.5
dogs only. The most frequently reported adverse reactions
included pruritus, vomiting, dry/flaky skin, diarrhea, lethargy,
and lack of appetite. The safe use of NexGard in pregnant,
breeding, or lactating dogs has not been evaluated. Use
with caution in dogs with a history of seizures. For more
information, see full prescribing information inside this
brochure or visit
NexGard® (afoxolaner)
is delicious & powerful:
It kills existing fleas fast
It kills adult fleas before
they can lay eggs
It kills ticks of veterinary importance:
- Black-legged (deer) ticks
- Lone star ticks
- American dog ticks
- Brown dog ticks
Safe for puppies as
young as 8 weeks old
weighing 4 pounds or more
It stays strong ALL month long
Can be given with or without food
It is easy to give and dogs love it5
It won’t wash o
dogs only. The most frequently reported adverse reactions
included pruritus, vomiting, dry/flaky skin, diarrhea, lethargy,
and lack of appetite. The safe use of NexGard in pregnant,
breeding, or lactating dogs has not been evaluated. Use
with caution in dogs with a history of seizures. For more
information, see full prescribing information inside this
brochure or visit
The fast-acting NexGard® (afoxolaner)
formula is safe and e ective for an entire
month – and can be given to puppies.
• Safe for puppies as young as 8 weeks
weighing 4 pounds or more
the joyous act of adding a new puppy or grown
dog to your family, check out It’s a Dog. It’s
one of a kind, just like your new dog! Create a
pet registry, learn how to provide great care
for your dog and enter the sweepstakes for a
chance to win* prizes each month from April
to October.
*For full terms
please visit
NexGard® (afoxolaner) is easy-to-give
protection that goes to work killing fleas and
ticks that prey on your dog.
• NexGard causes uncontrolled activity in the flea’s
central nervous system
• You might see fleas moving around on the
surface of your dog’s coat in a hyperactive state
• That means you’re seeing NexGard working,
and your flea problem dying!
NexGard will kill fleas on your dog, before
fleas can lay eggs, all month long. The
adult fleas you see on your dog are usually
only 5% of the flea infestation in your
environment. To prevent a flea infestation:
Give NexGard to your dog monthly.
Make sure all the pets in your house,
even indoor cats, are treated with
an appropiate flea and tick control
product. Remember, NexGard is
for Dogs only.
Fleas are more than just a
nuisance - they are parasites
that can lead to serious illnesses
in your pets.
• Each female flea on an untreated pet
can lay over 40 eggs per day,2 which
can quickly lead to an infestation.
• B y the time you see a flea, an
infestation may already be
established in the environment.
• Flea infestations can take weeks to
resolve and be expensive
to eliminate.
• C arpets, bedding and furniture
provide ideal conditions for immature
fleas to develop into adults.
DID YOU KNOW? You can’t keep your
pet from picking up fleas. But you can
make sure those fleas are killed quickly,
and before they can reproduce!
2 D ryden M. Biology of fleas of dogs and cats. Comp Cont Ed Pract Vet.
3 D ryden M, Houlton D. Understanding flea biology and control.
Veterinary Practice Staff. 1990;2(3):6-9.
✔ Adult fleas can live 100+ days.3
✔ Pupae can survive up to 174 days.3
✔ T he larval stage usually lasts
5 - 11 days.3
✔ E ggs will usually hatch in 1 - 10
days.3 The fleas you see are only
5% of your problem.
50% EGGS
Ticks aren’t just gross – they’re
dangerous parasites that can
lead to serious diseases in pets,
including Lyme disease, ehrlichiosis
and anaplasmosis in dogs,and
tularemia and cytauxzoonosis in cats.
In certain areas, ticks can be a year-
round threat, and can be found in
many of the same places your dog
likes to go, including:
• Parks
• Nature trails
• Wooded areas
• Campsites
Even in urban areas, ticks can be
brought into your yard by many tick hosts,
including feral cats, white-tailed deer,
raccoons, wild turkeys and coyotes.4
FRONTLINE Gold protects pets from
fleas AND 4 common species of ticks.
DID YOU KNOW? The Black-legged
(deer) tick may carry the bacteria that
causes Lyme disease. These ticks now
inhabit twice as many counties as they
did 20 years ago, and are reported in
over 45% of U.S. counties.5
OF TICKS. Some of the ticks
that pose the greatest threats
to pets in the U.S. are: 4
4 Blagburn BL, Dryden MW. Biology, treatment and control
of flea and tick infestations. Vet Clin Small Anim.
5 Eisen RJ, Eisen L, Beard CB. County-scale distribution of
Ixodes scapularis and Ixodes pacificus (acari: ixodidae) in the
continental United States. Journal of Medical Entomology.
2016;53(2), 349-386.
• Kills adult fleas, flea larvae,
flea eggs and 4 common
species of ticks
• FRONTLINE Gold for Dogs starts
killing fleas in just 30 minutes*,1
• Maintains efficacy through
day 30
FRONTLINE® Gold works fast
and is easy to apply!
FRONTLINE Gold Brand Products protect
your pet with THREE tough killing
ingredients: one to take out adult fleas
and ticks, and two to kill the next
generation of flea eggs and larvae
before they can develop into adult fleas.
Regular use of FRONTLINE Gold for Dogs
on your dog and FRONTLINE Gold for Cats
on your cat may reduce flea infestations in
the home. For best results, use as part of a
comprehensive flea treatment plan, which
includes coordinated treatment of the
home, yard and pet.
*Starts killing fleas within 30 minutes,
48 hours after initial application.
FRONTLINE Gold contains
two ingredients to prevent
flea infestations. Dual insect
growth regulators prevent
flea re-infestation.
1 Data on file at Merial.
Step 1: REMOVE Applicator
Remove one applicator tube from the package
and hold in an upright position pointed away
from your face.
Step 2: OPEN Applicator
Twist dispensing tip clockwise about 1/2 turn
while pushing down to break the tube’s seal.
Do not remove the dispensing tip.
Step 3: APPLY
Position the dispensing tip on the dog’s
back between the shoulder blades. Use the
dispensing tip of the tube to part the dog’s
hair so that the product will be applied at
skin level. Begin squeezing out the contents
of the tube to form a stripe as you move from
the shoulder blades along the dog’s back to
the base of the tail.
12 3
Step 4: REPEAT every month!
FRONTLINE Gold for Dogs is approved for use on
breeding, pregnant, and lactating bitches and
puppies 8 weeks and older weighing 5 lbs or more.
Please note: We suggest that after application, your pet
should be kept dry for 24 hours. If your pet was bathed or
swimming before application, please wait to apply until
your pet is completely dry.
Step 1: REMOVE Applicator
Remove one applicator tube from the package
and hold in an upright position pointed away
from your face.
Step 2: OPEN Applicator
Twist dispensing tip clockwise about 1/2 turn
while pushing down to break the tube’s seal.
Do not remove the dispensing tip.
Step 3: APPLY
Position the dispensing tip on the cat’s back
between the shoulder blades. Use the dispensing
tip of the tube to part the cat’s hair so that the
product will be applied at skin level. Squeeze
applicator, applying entire contents in a single
spot on the animal’s skin. Separate treated cat
from other pets for 24 hours after treatment has
been applied.
Step 4: REPEAT every month!
FRONTLINE Gold for Cats is approved for use on cats,
including breeding, pregnant, and lactating queens
and kittens 8 weeks or older weighing 1.5 lbs or more.
How long does it take for fleas to die?
FRONTLINE Gold for Dogs starts killing fleas in
just 30 minutes.*,1 In a study, it killed 100% of
fleas on dogs within 6 hours of infestation.6,^
Why am I seeing fleas on my pet?
You are likely seeing NEW fleas on your
pet, which are jumping on your pet as
it moves through infested areas in and
around your home. These fleas will be
killed by FRONTLINE Gold before they can
reproduce. Depending on the severity of
the existing infestation, you may continue
to see new fleas jumping on your pet
for up to 3 months. To help prevent new
infestations, continue to apply FRONTLINE
Gold MONTHLY throughout the year.
Do I need to use FRONTLINE Gold
for Cats on my indoor-only cat?
Yes. Although your cat may not go outside,
fleas can get inside. They can infest your
untreated cat, leading to an infestation in
your home.
If you have any questions about flea
or tick control, please contact your
veterinarian or call our expert technicians
at 1-800-660-1842 Monday through Friday
from 8am to 8pm EST (winter 8am to 7pm EST).
For more information,
* W hen infested 48 hours after application.
^ days 2, 9, 16, and 23 after application.
FRONTLINE Gold for Dogs should only be used on dogs, and
FRONTLINE Gold for Cats should only be used on cats.
6 Data on file at Merial.
Protect your dog
from the inside out.
6-in-1 protection
in a tasty chew.
Looking out
for your dog.
You and your veterinarian are teaming
up to defend your pet inside and out.
Parasite protection is an important part of keeping
your dog healthy. That’s because these nasty pests
aren’t just gross, they can spread dangerous
diseases to your dog.
(milbemycin oxime/lufenuron/praziquantel) every
month can help keep your pet covered against
the threat of parasitic
worms and fleas.
makes treating and controlling
parasites easy and delicious!
• Savory beef and bacon flavor
your dog will love
• Year-round coverage against
6 different parasites when
given monthly
6 different parasites.
1 tasty chew.
SENTINEL® SPECTRUM® helps keep your dog
covered from a wide range of parasites.
Prevent harmful heartworms
Stop frustrating fleas* from developing into adults
Treat and control terrible tapeworms
Defend against worrisome whipworms
Control rotten roundworms
Put an end to horrible hookworms†
Dogs should be tested for heartworm prior to use.
Mild hypersensitivity reactions have been noted
in some dogs carrying a high number of circulating
microfilariae. Treatment with fewer than 6 monthly
doses after the last exposure to mosquitoes may not
provide complete heartworm prevention. Please see
full product label located at the back of this piece
for more information, or visit
* Prevents flea eggs from hatching; does not treat adult fleas.
† A. caninum.
Protect your dog against
harmful heartworms.
Mosquitoes put every dog at risk.
An infected mosquito that bites a dog can
transmit deadly heartworms. Since mosquitoes
are found almost everywhere, it’s no wonder that
heartworms have been diagnosed in all 50 states.1
In fact, heartworms are so common that nearly
300,000 indoor and outdoor dogs in the US
become infected with these parasites each year.1
If left untreated, heartworms can cause heart
and lung damage, and even death.2
Don’t just treat. Prevent.
Treatment for heartworm disease can be a
long, expensive process and be stressful on
you and your dog.1
Prevention is an easy, more affordable way
to make sure your dog stays healthy.
Each monthly dose of SENTINEL® SPECTRUM®
(milbemycin oxime/lufenuron/praziquantel) will
help you prevent
heartworms in your
dog and avoid the
stress of treatment.
One bite from a mosquito is all it takes.
Mosquitoes aren’t just annoying, they infect your dog
with deadly heartworms.
An infected mosquito bites
a dog and transmits young
heartworms called larvae.
Heartworm larvae develop
into adults in the dog’s
circulatory system and lungs.
Adult heartworms affect
blood flow and the ability to
breathe, which can be fatal.
Dogs should be tested for heartworm prior to use.
Mild hypersensitivity reactions have been noted
in some dogs carrying a high number of circulating
microfilariae. Treatment with fewer than 6 monthly
doses after the last exposure to mosquitoes may not
provide complete heartworm prevention. Please see
full product label located at the back of this piece
for more information, or visit
Prevent a major battle
against fleas.
(milbemycin oxime/lufenuron/praziquantel)
stops young fleas* from growing into
a much bigger problem.
Unlike other flea treatments, SENTINEL SPECTRUM
uses lufenuron, a unique ingredient that helps prevent
flea eggs from developing into adults.
T he smart, easy way to protect
against fleas all year round.
A tasty, beef and bacon
flavored chewable
Once a month
Stops young fleas
from maturing
Dogs should be tested for heartworm prior to use.
Mild hypersensitivity reactions have been noted
in some dogs carrying a high number of circulating
microfilariae. Treatment with fewer than 6 monthly
doses after the last exposure to mosquitoes may not
provide complete heartworm prevention. Please see
full product label located at the back of this piece
for more information, or visit
* Prevents flea eggs from hatching; does not treat adult fleas.
What’s creeping in your home?
Ninety-five percent of the flea population develops
inside the home and not on your dog. Finding an adult
flea may be gross, but it’s the ones you can’t see that
you should worry about.
Flea eggs and maggot-like larvae can be hard to see,
but they make up a large portion of the flea population.
That means your carpets, 5% ADULT FLEAS
your floorboards, your
furniture, and even
your bed could be 35%
crawling with these
tiny terrors. LARVAE
SENTINEL® SPECTRUM® prevents flea eggs from
hatching to help you stop the majority of the flea
population from maturing inside your home.
Take action
against tapeworms.
Tapeworms are more than just gross.
They can also create nasty problems
for your dog.
The most common sign of a tapeworm infection
is an itchy bottom, but more severe infections
can cause weight loss and diarrhea.
To make things even trickier, many dogs do
not show signs of infection until they are very sick.
with no added effort.
(milbemycin oxime/lufenuron/praziquantel) adds
tapeworm control to your dog’s monthly
heartworm regimen—helping him or her avoid
treatment and saving you time and money.