President Welcome Address
Ndi Igbo ekeneem
It is with great pride and a sense of fulfillment that we welcome you all to our event - "Ogbako Ndi Igbo UK
National Iriji/Cultural Day, 2022'. We thank God who has sustained us since our last National Iriji event at
Liverpool in 2018 till this day to mark this special Igbo culture-fest which we hold dear to
our hearts.
The theme of this year's event is 'Our youth and culture". This event is aimed at
stimulating and embedding the rudiments of our core Igbo roots in our children
which is one of the main ideals of our organisation. We thank all our member
unions for preparing actively to participate in today's event and hope that they will have a
good experience that will leave lasting memories in their minds.
Ogbako Ndi Igbo UK has grown in strenght and numbers since it was founded in
2013 as a focal point for Igbo Unions in the UK. The focus in our early formation
years was hinged on 'security and economic development' and this has formed the
basis of our activities since then. The pioneer administration led by Chief
Angus Chukwuemeka laid a solid foundation which has kept us in stead till date.
Following a successful handover to the present administration in 2019, we have re-
shapened the organisation and refocused our objectives in order to remain a
viable voice of Ndi Igbo in the UK and beyond. Our Constitution was completely
reviewed in line with this and committees to discharge the responsibilities
emanating from the Constitution set up. These committees are made up of members of various unions
selected by their unions to represent them which is a first in Ogbako history, thus further cementing the
bond between the unions and the Executive/Board of Trustees.
Despite COVID which affected global activities for the better part of our administration we forged ahead
with fortitude, providing COVID palliatives to our people at home, supported 2 charities each in all Igbo
states over the Christmas periods, did a seminar on COVID and imbibed a session on "fundraising for
community groups" in our AGM. We have also been vocal on the events affecting Igbos here and beyond,
speaking up to affected quarters against the Xenophobic attack in South Africa, Insecurity Alaigbo and the
unlawful arrest of Mazi Nnamdi Kalu. We organised a joint rally with other Igbo organisations in the UK
including Ohaneze UK to protest against the various injustices against our people as well. These are in
addition to holding regular meetings at the Executive, BOT and General levels to carry everyone along and
representing Ogbako at foras we are invited to for discussions on the betterment of Ndi Igbo. There are a lot
more in the pipeline which we will reveal in due course.
I therefore hope that this event which is the 2nd in the life of Ogbako will be an opportunity not only to
showcase our culture but to demonstrate our synergy with our local communities, our care for our health
and wellbeing and more importantly the involvement of our youths - the leaders of the future.
While sending our special thanks to all our member unions especially ndi IUMK our hosts today, the local
organising committee, our partner organisations, donors, volunteers, special guests, friends and well
wishers; I pray that we enjoy this vibrant communal spirit which Ogbako evokes today and pray for a greater
future for us and for you all.
Igbo ga adi nu! Igbo ga na a ga na iru!! ONIUK - I di na otu bu ike!!!
Dr Jude C. Eze (Msc, FWACP, MRCPCH)
Ugwumba - Nnokwa
President, Ogbako Ndi Igbo UK.
Ogbako iri ji 2018
Ogbako visit to the Charity 2020-
AGM 2017 Milton keynes
AGM 2016 London
Women against Women in Africa
Women all over the world parÆcularly Africa surfers Cultural pracÆces in Africa date back to anÆquity and
various forms of abuses, violence, discriminaÆon, vary from place to place within the same conÆnent,
degradaÆon, dehumanizaÆon and harmful tradiÆonal/ country or community. Nigeria as a mulÆ-cultural
Widowhood pracÆces; such pracÆces cause trauma,
injuries and death. Female genital cuĚ ng, for example, naÆon has about 350 ethnic groups including the Igbo
is a common cultural pracÆce in parts of Africa. Yet it society with diverse cultures and tradiÆons
can cause “bleeding and infecÆon, urinary In Igbo land certain cultural pracÆces which violate
inconÆnence, difficulÆes with childbirth and even
death,” reports the WHO. The organizaÆon esÆmates human rights such as ostracism, banishment, fine,
that 130 million girls have undergone the procedure seizure of valuable property, caricature in the public
globally and 2 million are at risk each year, despite and forceful shaving of hair have been found to be
internaÆonal agreements banning the pracÆce pracÆced/enforced by Women parÆcularly
Harmful cultural pracÆces such as disinheritance, “Umuada” and “Umu Nwunyedi”against widowed
Female Genital CuĚ ng/MuÆlaÆons and others have women and other vulnerable women and it is not a
been idenÆfied as significant causes of thing to be applauded; regardless that they carry out
impoverishment, disability and deaths parÆcularly their roles based on their tradiÆonal belief system, but
among women and girls in developing countries. in this 21st century modern Æmes some of their
Unfortunately, in Africa women actually are been used cultural roles and their place has many quesÆoning as
and have become the enforcers and perpetrators of it fuels Gender based Violence and Human Rights
these human rights abuses against fellow women such Abuses
as in: Therefore, with the increased rate of violence and
Female Genital CuĚ ng/MuÆlaÆons human rights abuses being suffered by Women and
Harmful Widowhood pracÆces which includes Girls in Africa today there is need for women to rise up
and break away from being the instrument of Human
forcing a widow to drink the late husband’s corpse Rights Abuse and become the Change agents, the
bath/washed water, forceful shaving of her hair Ambassadors and Advocates supporÆng fellow
someÆmes with broken boĪ le, forceful sexual women and upholding the rights of women and Girls
intercourse with “Aka Nri” , wife inheritance, ostracism, in Africa.
banishment, fine, seizure of valuable property and so
Character assassinaÆon, pull her down and
name calling of Women in PoliÆcs
Trafficking of young women and girls for sex
slavery/forced prosÆtuÆon and debt bondage
exploitaÆon etc
Violence against women includes forced
marriage, dowry-related violence, marital rape, sexual
harassment, inÆmidaÆon at work and in educaÆonal
insÆtuÆons, forced pregnancy, forced aborÆon and
forced sterilizaÆon.
TradiÆonal cultural pracÆce reflects values and beliefs
held by members of a community or social groupings
for periods oĴ en spanning generaÆons. Saba {1997)
noted that social groupings in the world have specific Honourable Ify Obinabo
cultural pracÆces and beliefs; some are beneficial to all
members while others are harmful to a specific group Commissioner for Women Affairs
such as women and girls
Anambra State
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Also, opportunities still exist to make
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Mr Ernest Ezeajughi
CongratulaĀons to Ogbako Ndi Igbo UK as you celebrate your NaĀonal Igbo Cultural day /Iri -ji
Ceremony today at Milton Keynes, UK
This is a period of great renaissance for Ndi Igbo globally and your efforts at rallying our people
here in the UK to assist in the development of Ala Igbo resonates far and wide.
On behalf of my family, I wish you the best both today and in the future.
Mr Ernest Ezeajughi,
The Chief of Staff to The Governor of Anambra State,
Prof Charles Chukwuma Soludo CFR.
On behalf of my family, I would like to extend warmest cultural greetings and congratulations to the
President, Dr Jude Eze and all the members of Ogbako Ndi Igbo UK (ONIUK)
on the celebration of their Cultural Day and Ili Ji Ceremony 2022 holden in Milton Keynes, United
Kingdom on Saturday 27th August 2022.
May you all use this important occasion to showcase the rich cultural bonds that we all share as Ndi
Igbo and may it help foster increased unity amongst our people in the UK and back home in Nigeria.
It is our wish that the organisation grows in strength to provide more opportunities for our people to
connect socially, culturally etc, as brothers and sisters.
Congratulations !!!
Prince Dr Chinenye and Princess Joy Ekpeh 17
Agbalanze II, Enugwu-Ukwu na Umunri
AGM London
Newcastle AGM 2020
Ogbako 2021 End of the year party
The Management and Staff of Juicy African Kitchen congratulates
the executive and members of Ogbako ndi Igbo United Kingdom on
her Cultural day/Iri-ji event of August 2022.
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stop center for all your catering needs
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Matthew Nkemdirim (FCCA)
Congratulate Ogbako Ndi Igbo UK as you celebrate your NaĀonal Igbo Cultural
day / Iri Ji Ceremony today at Milton Keynes, UK
Schevy Child and Family Consultancy Services, offer you specialist advice and support at
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We offer soluÆon to complex situaÆons- let us unravel the web.
W@LW, Women at the well of living waters is a Global Charity Organisation registered in the United
Kingdom & Ireland. The vision of Women at the well of living waters (W@LW) is an opportunity to help
liberate and improve the welfare of all the women and men by default, especially the abused,
deprived, and oppressed women, and no sacrifice is too much for the actualization of this urgent
mission to rescue our victimised women and our dear young teenagers and girl child.
W@W create paths towards realising one’s Purpose which is one of the most valuable decision and
investments a woman can make.
For most women, their paths are often already set either by Culture, Societal Stigma, Stereotyping,
Poverty or Family values, and with no right to choose how their lives Unfolds, it’s common for them to
surrender their lives for family struggles. Women At the well of Living waters aim to change this, by
supporting women to discover themselves, make their own choices, find their voices, and foster their
own abilities to impact the world with their Stories.
Over the years, a lot of women, especially the single parents and young people struggle, ignored,
victimized, looked down for daring to have a dream. At W@LW, women have the need to harness the
power of collaboration and networking in supporting one another to the enormous challenges facing
gender equality, women empowerment, closing the gender pay gap, mentoring and encouraging
women entrepreneurship, just to mention a few and reaching out to wider audiences through platforms
like this that brings women together to share their expertise, knowledge and personal transformative
stories of inspiration and encouragement to other women. Above all, “there is no limit to what a woman
can become.,! You are made for more.
Currently, W@W has active chapters in the United Kingdom, Germany, United States of America,
Ghana, Port Harcourt, Kaduna, Imo, Lagos, Aba, Anambra, Abuja, Umuahia, and Benue with the aim to
proactively provide services for the Educational Engagement, development, and establishment of
women and by default men in all spheres of life. For more information, contact Mrs. Jessica Edmund.
Founder and Chair on +447861449012, website: www.mwatw.org
A BriefHistory ofIgbo Community Manchester (ICM)
The first arrival of Ndigbo to the UK, like many other peoples of the British Empire and now the Commonwealth of
nations was recorded in the mid-18th Century, with the arrival of Olaudah Equiano (then
Gustavus Vassa) around 1756. The recent arrival of Igbos in the UK in
general and Manchester in particular, started in the early 1900s, with Liverpool and
Manchester being popular destinations.
Despite these early arrivals, an organized association of Igbos only began in
Manchester in the early 1980s with the formation of Igbo Community
Manchester (ICM), by Mr. Ezekiel Ukairo and his fellow Ndigbo. Before then Igbos
in Manchester used to go to Liverpool for Igbo Union meetings as the
latter had a vibrant Igbo community association there. This relationship was to play
a crucial role in resolving the disagreements within the Igbo association in Liverpool
in the late 1980s and early 1990s.
As a result, Igbo Community Manchester became well known and respected
across the wider Nzuko Ndigbo UK & Ireland Community. Igbo Community Manchester was active in the
Manchester area and the Northwest with participation in social and political events, and engagement with the City
Council and other immigrant communities in the Greater Manchester area. This culminated in the
organization and celebration of the New Yam festival in 2001, in which with our youths and children actively
participated and a was ably organized by organizing committee, - Dr Ephraim Uzoegbu, Dr Addy
Lazz-Onyenobi, Late Mazi Lewis Njoku, Dr Eric Irozuru, and chaired by Late Dr. Lazz Onyenobi, This
made regional and national news. And one that has not been matched since in Manchester. ICM has had its ups
and downs like any other organization, however, remained resolute and continues to thrive until this day.
With our motto of “IGBO BU OTU”, ICM pledges its support of the umbrella Igbo body Ogbako Ndigbo UK &
Ireland and prays that we shall continue to grow from strength to strength, and would still be here in another 50
years, if our Lord Jesus tarries!
Activities and Meeting Times
ICM is active in the Manchester community of nations. We meet regularly every month and even during
the COVID-19 pandemic, we met over Zoom as many other associations and churches.ICM has also organized
awareness programmes for our members and the community, before the pandemic for example
, with topics like “Igbo culture in the diaspora”, “Cancer of Prostrate in the Black community”,
“Dementia in the elderly”, to name but a few. And during the pandemic, we continued to raise awareness
and educate people on topical issues; for example, “HIV among African men” , “COVID in the Black
Community”. We had speakers from both professionals and the community for the webinars and seminars,
ICM has started meeting in person again, every first Sunday in the month at :
The Roundhouse
1328-1330 Ashton Old Road Manchester, M11 1 JG
For further information and application form, please contact us by email:
[email protected]
Dr Addy Lazz-Onyenobi and Dr Eric Irozuru for ICM
Ndi Igbo North East England (NINEE) Newcastle
Meeting Dates
Last Saturdays of February, April, June, September and November.
Contact email: [email protected]
We the members of Ndi Igbo Leicestershire wishes to send a special congratulatory message to
Ogboko Ndi Igbo UK and Ireland on its cultural day celebration.
Wishing the whole event goes as planned whilst we continue to promote our cultural heritage.
Mazi Robert Ibe
President of Ndi Igbo Leicestershire
Oxford Igbo union
Mazi Dozie Ezennaya Eluwa
THE MONEY MAN,The best hand in sending money and receiving money. Facilitate with Ogbako and
Ogbako president on their Cultural Day & 2nd National Iri ji Festival.
Long leave Ogbako & Ndi Igbo in general
Adazurume Na Abia (Opuruiche Nwanyi)