Torah portion in terms of his old title, Parshat YITRO 5779
High Priest of Midyan. After all, at
this point in time he had renounced
his idolatrous past, and indeed,
according to rabbinic tradition, was
about to convert to Judaism.
"You see", taught Rabbi Broide, "our
tradition respects the seeker, the
person who searches for the truth
and never tires of that search, no
matter how many blind alleys he
encounters and no matter how
much frustration he experiences.
Yitro is described as an individual
who worshiped every idol in the
world in search of the truth. As he
became disappointed with each
faith that he explored and with each
religion that he practiced, he
rejected that path and renewed his
search. He retains the title High
Priest of Midyan because that title
represents the heights he could
achieve in the religious hierarchy
within which he sought truth. That
title is symbolic of the degree to
which Yitro was a seeker of truth."
The old man at this point began to
show signs of fatigue, and we
begged him to stop his discourse
and rest. But he told us that he
refused to rest until he was
convinced that we had learned the
lesson he was trying to teach. "That
lesson", he whispered hoarsely, "is
best conveyed in the words of
Talmud in Gittin 43a: 'No man truly
achieves Torah knowledge without
OU Israel Center TT 1308 9 page 51
first experiencing error.'" When a of the lessons learned from his
person's errors in life culminate in his experiences with idolatry. For those
finally making proper choices and of you who are intrigued by
correct decisions, then those errors gematriya, I suggest you consult the
are to be publicized and respected, commentary of Ba'al HaTurim to
because they are indicators of the corroborate this one.
degree to which that person was a
seeker. Ed. note: And don't be concerned by the one-off,
which is common with Baal HaTurim gimatriyas.
As far as I can recall, Rabbi Broida did
not share with us on that occasion Every year since I was privileged to
the following gematriya. As you may first learn Rabbi Broida's lesson, I
know, every Hebrew word has a look forward to the opening verse of
numeric equivalent, also known as a the Torah portion which we will all
gematriya, and often very diverse have the opportunity to read this
terms have identical numerical week. Not only must we learn from
equivalents, suggesting otherwise our mistakes, but it is only by virtue
unpredictable connections. The of making those mistakes that we
proper name YITRO has the numeric ultimately learn. That is a powerful
equivalent of 616. Two contradictory and practical lesson indeed.
Hebrew terms have the exact same
numeric equivalent. Those terms are
"he was an idolatrous priest (komer
haya lavodah zara)" and "The Torah ARNONA 3 bedroom apt, 1.5 floor, 5 min walk from
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OU Israel Center TT 1308 9 page 52 Parshat YITRO 5779
Rabbi Kahana's articles
Under the
OU Israel Center TT 1308 9 page 53 Parshat YITRO 5779
T'rumot and Ma'asrot:
Separation vs Giving
by Rabbi Moshe Bloom, Torah VeHa'aretz Institute
Visit our website
In his introduction to the laws of ma'aser, Rambam
writes: "There is one precept … to set aside ma'aser rishon every year … and
give it to Levites." Rambam seems to imply that this is one mitzva with two
stages. This follows his methodology (Introduction to Sefer HaMitzvot, §12),
that different parts of the same mitzva are not counted separately in the 613
count (for instance, the mitzva of the olah sacrifice includes: slaughtering,
skinning, sprinkling blood, etc.). While Ramban agrees with this approach in
principle, he considers "hafrasha" (separating) and "netina" (giving) vis-à-vis
t'rumot and ma'asrot, as two separate mitzvot: "And this is the case with
tithing. Separating it is considered a mitzva, based on the verse … 'set aside
every year a tenth part of all the yield' … and [G-d] commanded giving it: "and
you shall give to the Levite, stranger, orphan, and widow," meaning that one
should give the Levite his portion."
For Rambam, who considers it one mitzva, what is the primary stage?
According to Megilat Esther, for ma'aser rishon the most important part is
netina: giving it to the Levite. For t'rumot (and ma'aser sheni and ani), which is
sacred, the important stage is the separation; t'ruma really belongs to G-d, and
He gives it to the Kohanim.
There is a significant halachic distinction between both stages: After
separating the gifts, the produce no longer has the status of tevel - even if it
isn't brought to the proper destination. That is, even if I didn't give the ma'aser
sheni or ani, while I might be derelict in my mitzva observance, I can still eat
the rest of the produce. This halacha impacts the way we can perform the
mitzva of netina today, as we will see in the future (see Hilchot Ha'aretz,
There is nothing more unnerving, and nothing we must teach ourselves to
be unnerved by more, because of their inevitable omnipresence, than
loose ends.
Most of us come to the end of the rope at the first end.
from "A Candle by Day" by Rabbi Shraga Silverstein z"l •
OU Israel Center TT 1308 9 page 54 Parshat YITRO 5779
OU Israel Center TT 1308 9 page 55 Parshat YITRO 5779
known as a "chiastic structure", shown
visually as AABCC-CCCBA.]
When it comes to Bein Adam L'chaveiro,
the act is the ultimate: "Lo Hamidrash
Nechama Leibowitz, in discussing the HaIkar, Ela Hamaaseh", "The creed
Ten Commandments, refers to Ibn Ezra's (thought) is not as important as the
classification (Sh'mot 20:1) of each of deed."
the mitzvot as being either in the realm
of Thought, Speech or Action (Mach- The Ibn Ezra under discussion (one of
shava, Dibur or Ma'aseh). the longest individual comments in his
entire Torah commentary), mentions a
The first five commandments, those question posed to him by one of his
dealing with the relationship between contemporaries - R' Yehuda HaLevi.
Man and G-d, Bein Adam LaMakom, HaLevi asked why the Ten Command-
present a certain simple progression from ments begin with a description of G-d as
one realm to the other. The first two the Almighty "who took you out of the
commandments deal with Thought - land of Egypt…" Why didn't G-d choose
belief in G-d and not maintaining other to present Himself to the People of Israel
gods. We then move on to speech - not as the Creator of the universe? This
to speak G-d's name in vain. The 4th and question highlights the different ways in
5th commandments are already firmly which Man can come in to contact, and
within the realm of Ma'aseh, action, the directly experience the Divine.
Mitzvot of Shabbat and respecting one's
parents. The cerebral philosophical discourse,
focuses on the transcendent, impersonal,
The last five commandments, dealing quality of the master and creator of the
with the Laws between Man and his universe (- Kadosh Kadosh Kadosh),
fellow Man, present a similar sequence whereas the immanence of G-d is
in reverse. In interpersonal relations, experienced through history. G-d's
actions are of vital importance, and thus closeness is felt through his loving Hand
the progression takes place in the which directs concrete events such as the
opposite direction moving from action to Exodus from Egypt. The wording of the
speech and finally thought. The 6th Aseret HaDibrot - 'Asher Hotzeiticha
commandment - do not murder, the 7th - Mei'eretz Mitztrayim' - is indicative of
do not commit adultery, and the 8th - do the centrality of the actual, concrete and
not steal, are all in the realm of action. experiential over the philosophical,
From here we move on to the the realm theoretical, realm of thought. The
of speech with the 9th commandment, Mitzvot Bein Adam Lamakom are
not be bear falser witness, and conclude predicated upon the G-d of history who
with the realm of thought, Machshava - is immanent - Me'lo Kol Haaretz K'vodo
with the final 10th commandment - do - he is always close by, ready to respond
not covet. to our every need.
[This presents us with a literary design The Shechina which descended upon Har
OU Israel Center TT 1308 9 page 56 Parshat YITRO 5779
Sinai temporarily will reside perman-
ently in Eretz Yisrael. This is our
designated meeting place with the
Divine. This is where the heavens touch
The Mitzva of Yishuv Haaretz is where
Bein Adam LaMakom and Bein Adam
L'chaveiro come together as one. This
combination, and dual quality is clearly
apparent in the IDF Tekes Hashba'a,
swearing-in, ceremony where each new
recruit is presented both with a rifle as
well as with a Tanach.
Having proudly attended the swearing-in religious boy, and he was not alone.
ceremonies of my own sons, I can say There were many skullcaps under those
that the feelings of pride, fear and hope berets. But that didn't matter. These were
were evident in each person in the the words that give strength to the Israeli
audience, whether parent, grandparent or nation, religious or not. They are our
friend. Naomi Ragen beautifully history, our legend, our culture and our
described her impressions after attending deepest faith. They are our truth."
her own grandson's Hashba'a. She writes
of "hundreds of young men and women Will you too merit to attend a child's
in khaki uniforms", "ramrod straight, Hashba'a? Applying Ibn Ezra's three-fold
their eyes looking forward, determined". division to the mitzva of Yishuv
Ragen describes how the Army Chaplain HaAretz, we can progress slowly: At the
read out some verses from the Bible they outset those who had visited or studied in
would all shortly receive: "No one shall Eretz Yisrael must begin - upon
be able to resist you as long as you returning to Galut - to think and plan of
live… But you must be very strong and returning to our homeland. The thoughts
resolute to observe faithfully all the can eventually proceed to the realm of
Teaching that My servant Moshe speech as the idea is discussed with
enjoined upon you. Do not deviate from parents and friends. Eventually the last
it to the right or to the left that you may stage is reached in the realm of action-
be successful wherever you go… Only Aliyah!
then will you prosper in your
undertakings and only then will you be Rabbi Yerachmiel Roness, Ramat Shiloh, Beit Shemesh
successful I charge you: be strong and
resolute: do not be terrified or dismayed,
for the Lord your God is with you
wherever you go."
"I could see my grandson's shoulders
straighten", Ragen writes, "He was a
OU Israel Center TT 1308 9 page 57 Parshat YITRO 5779
Rabbi Wein's Winter
Lecture Series
Motza"Sh, 8:00pm
The fact that the Torah has seen fit to Jerusalem Geography III
provide such a detailed narrative
about the visit of the father-in-law of Interesting Street Names in the Holy City
Moshe to the camp of Israel at the Beit Knesset HaNassi
beginning of their sojourn in the
desert of Sinai, teaches us a valuable 24 Ussishkin St. Rechavia
lesson in life and human behavior.
The truth is that all of us want to be 20NIS mem/25 non-mem/10 students
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necessary that others recognize this 02-586-9708 or 0544-54-36-18
as well and express it to us and
validate our emotions, policies and On this parsha of Matan Torah, it's time to think about
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This is expressed in all areas of FIVE DAYS, FOUR NIGHTS
human endeavor. The validation AT THE LAVI HOTEL
from others is a form of emotional
therapy and conviction reinforce- Shavuot with Destiny Rabbi Wein
ment that human beings desire and Top Ruchniut and Top Gashmiut (June 6-10)
seek. It is the key as to why so many
people pursue publicity, even ANNOUNCING A NEW DESTINY VENTURE
publicity that is questionable and
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being ignored leads to depression
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One of the problems that schools AT THE RAMADA RENAISSANCE
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students. There is only one
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Resentment often results, and
insecurities can lead to rebellion and
even violence from this lack of
validation. There was once a school
of psychology that simply had the
therapist repeat everything the
OU Israel Center TT 1308 9 page 58 Parshat YITRO 5779
client said. This was supposed to For Sale - Must come and see
bring about a feeling of validation Old Katamon, 5 Nili Street, J'lem
that would bring the patient to a
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the world generally. in a new high level buil ding
2 underground parking spaces
The Jewish people have witnessed
great and powerful miracles. They and storage room
had been delivered from centuries of
Egyptian bondage and from experi- Immediate entry
encing the waters of the sea split
before them. They were eating Amichai 054-591-8004
‘manna’ that fell from heaven daily,
which was enough to sustain them outside world for principles and
physically and spiritually. They have beliefs that we know to be valid and
the greatest leader in the history of correct but with which we feel
mankind, our teacher Moshe, as their uncomfortable unless others are
leader. Yet, Jewish tradition teaches willing to agree with us on these
us that they did not really feel matters. Moshe realizes this and
comfortable with themselves until a therefore he will plead with Yitro to
person from the outside - the very remain with the Jewish people and
outside, a former idolater - came and enter the land of Israel with them.
confirmed to them the godly powers Moshe says to him that he will be the
that they had witnessed and the eye of Israel. If he validates the land
correctness of their belief in the of Israel as a Jewish homeland, the
universal God of Israel. Jews will do so as well. So deep was
their need for validation from the
It has always been that the Jewish outside. We should think about
people craved validation from the these matters when considering our
own pursuit of validation from the
non-Jewish world.
Although the phrase NAASEH V'MISHMA is very well-
known, it doesn't occur until the end of Mishpatim.
In Yitro, we find Bnei Yisrael making the commitment
on NAASEH (twice). Here is Sh'mot 19:8 -
:'dÎl`¤ mr¨d¨ ix¬¥a§ C¦Îz`¤ dW²¤Ÿn aW¤¯¨Ie© dU®¤ r£«©p 'd x¬A¤ C¦ÎxW¤ `£ lŸM² Ex½ n§ `ŸI´ e© ÆeC¨g§ ©i mr³¨d¨ Îlk¨ E¸pr£«©Ie©
And all the people responded together, Everything that G-d says We will do!...
Gimatriya Matches between whole p'sukim often show something interesting. Here
is Bamidbar 23:26 (in Balak). Notice Bilam's wording to Balak. A grudging admission
of that which Bnei Yisrael had enthusiastically declared years earlier.
:dU«¤ r¡`«¤ Fz¬ Ÿ` 'd x¬A¥ c©§iÎxW¤ `£ lŸM² xŸn½ `l¥ ÆLil¤¸ `¥ iY¦ x§³A© C¦ `Ÿ lÀ d£ w®l¨A¨ Îl`¤ xn¤`ŸIe© mr¨½ l§ A¦ or©´©Ie©
OU Israel Center TT 1308 9 page 59 Parshat YITRO 5779
Teachings of why should this moment be the proper
the Maharal time to come? Besides, the plagues were
"private" and limited in scope, not meant
What did Yitro hear - the to destroy Egypt, referred to as a "finger
Nigleh and the Nistar of God". They never approached the
status of all-encompassing miracles. It is
18:1 - And Yitro, Priest of Midian, known that idolaters relate private
father-in-law of Moshe, heard all powers to their gods, for one is assigned
that Elohim had done to Moshe and to fire and another to water, etc. Yitro
to Israel his people, that Hashem had came at this juncture, finally convinced of
brought Israel out of Egypt. the Omnipotence of the true God. Rashi
attributes this to the miracles at the sea
Rashi - What particular news did he and during the battle with Amalek,
hear? The splitting of the Reed Sea and rejecting the opinion of Rabbi Elazar
the battle with Amalek. Hamodai. Rabbi Yehoshua is understood
to have added the battle with Amalek to
Gur Arye - Some event or events the splitting of the sea, and Rashi goes
convinced Yitro, the high preist of the with this opinion.
many gods, to abandon polytheism and
accept the one God. Three opinions are What made the splitting of the Sea such a
presented in the gemara [Zevachim 116a] compelling event? Recall that "the waters
were split" [14:22], not just the sea, as
Rabbi Yehoshua: the battle with Amalek Rashi explains, "all the waters in the
world". Even "the Yarden tuned back-
Rabbi Elazar HaModai: the giving of the Torah wards [T'hilim 114:3]; even, one must
assume, the waters of Midyan, where
Rabbi Eliezer: the splitting of the sea. Yitro must have taken notice that none of
the other "gods" he knew could disrupt
Miracles in general, like the plagues, nature like this in an all-encompassing
which occurred over an entire year [Ediot worldwide scale. This is Rabbi Eliezer's
2:10] must not have convinced him, for opinion.
FYI - There are two computer programs that I use in
searching for Gimatriya Twins or Gimatriya Matches.
One is a program by Yochanan Spielberg a"h, a no-
frills but powerful program that gets the job done.
The other is a much fancier (polished) program called Bible Gimatriya by TES (Torah
Education Software). We don't try to prove anything with our gimatriya searches,
but we find nice things to say... :FW« C§w© l§ zA¨ X© d© mF¬iÎz`¤ xFk² ¨f
Shabbat is so much more than a set of mitzvot and prohibitions. When we keep
Shabbat, we are restating our belief and commitment to the Creator of the World.
As a result, we merit this statement in T'hilim: :ux¤`«¨e¨ m¦in¬© W¨»dU¥À ŸrŒ 'd® l© mY¤ `©† mik´¦ ExA§
OU Israel Center TT 1308 9 page 60 Parshat YITRO 5779
Why should this have not been enough to
convince him? It is because he had to
know that "Hashem is Elohim in the
heavens above" as well as "the world
below" [D'varim 4:39]. During the battle,
Amalek knew the propitious time to
defeat Israel would have been at night,
but Hashem caused the order of the
heavens to stand still [Rashi, 17:12], an
all-encompassing worldwide event that
demonstrated Hashem's power over all
known existence, the heavens as well as
the earth. This is Rabbi Yehoshua's
What then was the logic of Rabbi Elazar there, there is none but He. This is the
HaModai? Why did he require Yitro to [rejected] opinion of Rabbi Elazar
know about the giving of the Torah? The HaModai.
answer is there is a world beyond the
upper and lower spheres, for the Torah's The three worlds correspond to the three
level is above the heavens, as it is written "holies" in Yishayahu's vision], as it is
[Kohelet 1:3], "What does a man profit written there, the seraphs called to each
from all the hard work that he labors other and said "Holy, Holy, Holy is the
under the sun?" The rabbis explain Lord of Hosts; the world is filled with His
[Shabbat 30b] that he does profit from Honor" [6:3]. This is the prayer with
Torah, which is above the sun. It was not which we establish the sanctity of
known that He was Elohim and there was Hashem in the repetition of the Amida
none but He even above the heavens and in the Sh'ma blessings. When we
above until He gave Torah, and said to repeat this Kedusha prayer at the end of
them, "I am the Lord your God…", at the morning prayers, we translate in
which time, the rabbis said [Rashi, Aramaic the rendition of Yonatan ben
D'varim 4:35], He split the heavens and Uziel: "Holy in the high heavens above,
the heavens of the upper heavens and the House of His Divine Presence; Holy
showed them there was none beside Him, on the earth where He works His powers;
as it is written [4:35], "You taught [us] to Holy forever and ever.
know that Hashem, he is Elohim, no other
except Him. Yitro needed to know that
beyond power over heaven and earth,
Hashem had power over the third world,
the world of Torah, the World to Come,
Giving Israel the Torah showed that even
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRYNA Column prepared by Dr. Moshe Kuhr
OU Israel Center TT 1308 9 page 61 Parshat YITRO 5779
at the OU Israel Center 22 Keren HaYesod, Jerusalem
Wednesday, February 20th, '19 • 8:00pm
h"ryz'd '` xc` f"hl xe`
Dr. Ari Greenspan
and Gavriela Colton Steinmetz
140å per person • For information, reservations and/or to place
an ad in the Reception Journal - Ita Rochel at (02) 560-9125
Reservation deadline for the reception: Monday, February 11th
Isabelle Novak, BZHS Chair • Vivian & David Luchins. BZHS Reception Chairs
Hearing ear of VAYISHMA YITRO, and
Yitro heard... • B"H was said by Yitro
when he heard all the things that G-d
had done for Israel. From that we are
taught that one makes a bracha on
miracles • The scales represent the
justice system, Yitro's sug- gestions,
Moshe's response, etc. • Yitro's advice
included the assignment of "captains" of groups of 1000, 100, 50, and 10 -
represented by the Roman numerals M,C,L,X • Bnei Yisrael's arrival at Har Sinai is
described by the word VAYICHAN, as Rashi puts it, we were like one person with one
heart. That's the graphic under the ear • The Shofar is one of the symbols of the Sinai
experience, as we more than mention on Rosh HaShana • The washing machine is for
the people to clean their clothes during the preparatory days for Matan Torah • Wine
cup is for Kiddush (Zachor) • and the negation circle is for the prohibition of Melacha,
including writing, watering plants, digging, sewing, building • Do not steal (the Xed
OU Israel Center TT 1308 9 page 62 Parshat YITRO 5779
out thief) • and do not go up to the Mizbei'ach with steps (the negated ladder) are
two other prohibitions in the sedra • Volcano represents Har Sinai smoking from the
fire of G-d's presence • An angel flew to the Heavenly Mizbei'ach and picked up a
glowing coal in a pair of tongs. He then touched the coal to Yeshayahu's lips,
representing a purifying process that would allow the prophet to speak on behalf of
G-d • MEM SOFIT, which is better called a "Closed" MEM, appears in the haftara in the
middle of a WORD, • rather than at the end, where we are used to seeing that kind of
MEM • Three dots and a short vertical line are the difference in the 4-commandment
pasuk between the two sets of TROP-notes • Max Baer Jr. played Jethro (Yitro) for 9
years on the Beverly Hillbillies • 1-18 is LOW on a roulette wheel, tea, saw as in LO
TISA, Dibra #3 • Upper right: the dragonfly has four wings and the White House has
two wings. Together they represent the six wings of the angels described by
Yehshayahu in the haftara • Many hospitals are named Mt. Sinai, as the one pictured
in Manhattan • Two different symbols for UV, ultra-violet light or radiation. In
Hebrew, AL-SEGOLI. Feminine form for the color violet is SEGULA, as in G-d's promise
that we will be for Him the AM SEGULA above all other nations - hence,
ULTRA-SEGULA • Above Jethro and to the right is a montage of characters from
Scholastic Press's Goosebumps series... When Yitro came to Moshe, having heard
about the Splitting of the Sea and the battle against Amalek (and maybe about
Matan Torah), Moshe detailed all that had happened to Bnei Yisrael. The Torah
describes Yitro's reaction with the words VAYICHAD YITRO. Rashi says that the plain
meaning of the word is that Yitro rejoiced because of all the things he heard. Rashi
gives a second explanation of the word VAYICHAD. That Yitro's skin erupted in
goosebumps. A nervous or frightened reaction, perhaps, to what happened to the
Egyptians, to whom he had been allied and with whom he possibly identified. From
here, our Sages tell us, we learn to be extremely sensitive to the convert, who has
changed his life completely by becoming Jewish, but still has memories and feelings
about his former life • The can of bug spray represents one specific brand, whose
name is a word that occurs in the sedra twice and two other times in the Torah,
besides 9 more times in the rest of Tanach - RAID! • The fat heart is a reference in the
haftara • The words at the top and bottom of the left-hand side of the ParshaPix are
the four tastes - Sweet, salty, sour and bitter are four tastes - T'AMIM. Two of them
are TAAMEI HA-ELYON, the upper notes, and two are TAAMEI HATACHTON, the
lower notes • the flashlight is called a torch in British English; a torch is a LAPID, as in
part of the description of the atmosphere of Har Sinai during Matan Torah.
OU Israel Center TT 1308 9 page 63 Parshat YITRO 5779
Real-life Rescues
Inspiring Stories of United Hatzalah First Responders
Saving a Teacher of Torah
A wizened and respected Torah sage was in the middle of Shabbat afternoon
prayers when he felt extremely weak and collapsed unconscious in his own
synagogue in Bnei Brak. Mordechai Tzvi Noyman, a United Hatzalah volunteer
EMT, was praying at a different synagogue when he got the alert. With a
person’s life at stake, the dedicated volunteer ran outside to his ambucycle and
sped to the address.
Finding the rabbi pulseless, Mordechai began CPR right there in the middle of
the synagogue. Mordechai connected a defibrillator and started chest
compressions as additional medics joined him on scene. The team alternated
chest compressions with artificial ventilations and administered an
extraordinary seven shocks from the AED. After a grueling 30-minute long CPR
effort, the team could detect a pulse – the rabbi was alive. Mordechai assisted
as the rabbi was placed in an ambulance and rushed to the hospital.
It would be a few days before the rabbi regained full consciousness in the
hospital, but when he did, his supportive family was by his side. This rabbi’s
survival and recovery is due to the immediate CPR from the EMS volunteers
who were nearby and arrived so
quickly at the emergency.
Without them, the story would
have ended differently.
Mordechai, a husband and Parshat YITRO 5779
father of four who lives in the
city, said that he was ecstatic to
be able to help save a life. “To
know that I assisted in saving a
life is the greatest gift I could
ever receive. United Hatzalah
has given me the tools and the
knowledge with which I can
help make a difference for other
people at the time when they
need it the most.”
OU Israel Center TT 1308 9 page 64
See p.62 for main BenZakkai announcement
Journal information: BEIT HAKEREM – truly unique private house on
Full page 1000å a huge lot of 750m! preserved bldg of 300m with
Half page 600å rights to build. An absolute one of a kind
Quarter page 350å property!
Eighth page 200å
DOSTAI, Katamon - Gorgeous penthouse, in
Submit ads by hand to the OU Israel Center excellent condition. 215m, 5 bedrooms (plus den),
or email [email protected] private Shabbat elevator and parking. 2 huge
succah terraces with breathtaking views, close to
or call Ita Rochel at (02) 560-9125 Emek Refaim, the Shteiblach and the heart of Old
Deadline for Journal ads, Thu Feb 7th Katamon.
For Sale in Zayit, EFRAT ACROSS FROM FIRST STATION, pastoral and
YEHUDA HAMACABI St. green, lovely 150m, 3 bedroom, 2.5 bathrooms.
Private entrance, breathtaking view of Har
The most beautiful 6-room garden HaBayit on a 40m succah terrace. PRICE
(150m) apartment (180m) in EFRAT REDUCTION!! Asking ONLY 3,990,000NIS
- spacious and very luxurious, BAK'A, Levi - Fantastic 2 bedroom apt perfect for
amazing view, near shuls and parks the long term investment. On a quiet and
accessible street. 70m, first floor walk up,
2,085,000NIS renovated and a/c. Asking 2,280,000NIS
Meir: 054-497-3561 ARNONA - Luxury building, brand new
3-bedroom, 2.5 baths, balcony. Large living and
dining area. Parking and storage. Asking
HaMenora, EFRAT – Semi attached house, over
400m. It is rare a house is for sale in this
neighborhood. Unobstructed views of Judean hills.
Main house has 6 bedrooms and 4 full bathrooms.
There are 2 high income producing rental units
that can be incorporated into the house.
COLONY - over 90m, 3 beds, 2 full baths, large
American-style kitchen, beautifully renovated.
Elevator, parking, storage. Right near Emek
Refaim. Rare.
85m, great layout. Partial succah balcony, view,
elevator, parking and storage. Asking 2,395,000NIS
Yaniv Gabbay Elia Gabai
052-614-1442 052-862-9208
[email protected] • [email protected]
OU Israel Center TT 1308 9 page 65 Parshat YITRO 5779
Dr. Maurice E. Joseph Jewish VIDEO Program
\ \NO CHARGE • Check each day for start time and location
VIDEO MON Jan 28th - 2:00pm • MAIN HALL • 1½ hrs
Crossfire (1947) - Classic - First movie to examine anti-Semitism.
Bigoted soldier meets Jewish man with violent results. Superb
performances make this powerful, graphic portrayal of Jew-hatred
indelible. Nominated for five Academy Awards including Best
Picture. Extraordinary, IMPORTANT film.
VIDEO TUE Jan 29th - 2:00pm • MAIN HALL • 1¾ hrs • Eng. subtitles
Compulsion (1959) - First time showing - 1924 Chicago - Leopold
and Loeb; scions of wealthy Jewish families, boy geniuses; believe
they can commit “the perfect crime”; kidnap and murder a Jewish
boy. “The Crime of the Century”, one of the most famous cases in
American history. Can Clarence Darrow save the boys from the
hangman’s noose with the anti-Semitic public baying for execution?
Excellent, accurate, riveting dramatization of the horrifying story.
Orson Welles positively brilliant as Darrow. NO VIOLENCE SHOWN -
just superb acting!
SHIUR SPONSORS call Chana (02) 560-9102
Rabbi Breitowitz's Sunday shiur is sponsored by Mel David
in gratitude to HaShem for the many blessings he has been given
Gemach - Free Loan Society The Israel Center and the Old City Free Loan Association
providing interest-free loans for people in financial distress (living in the J'lem area).
Interviews at the Center • Bring ID • Tuesdays 10-12 and 19-20:15
OU Israel Center TT 1308 9 page 66 Parshat YITRO 5779
Dr. Maurice E. Joseph Jewish VIDEO Program
\ \NO CHARGE • Check each day for start time and location
VIDEO WED Jan 30th - 2:00pm • MAIN HALL • 1¼ hrs
Arbinka (2008) - “Rav Wein's Destiny Series - The Jewish people,
1911-1920” - Immigration to USA, World War I, British Mandate,
Russian Revolution, Balfour Declaration, Communism and more -
how these events affected Jews. Engrossing, informative study.
Sunday, January 27th (eve of 22 Sh'vat) • 7:30pm
Leah Abramowitz
a gerontological social worker, will talk about her new book
"Aging in Wellness and Adversity"
A collection of short stories based upon her years of social work in Melabev and Shaare Zedek
Hospital. The book covers dilemmas and common issues that many older people face --
intergenerational relationships, physical and mental decline, lonliness, technological challenges
and widowhood.
Nevertheless her talk is called "Positive Aging" because despite these subjects and others,
aging can also be "the best years of our lives", if we only will it so.
Sunday, February 17th
Pittsburgh... Shabbat Afternoon Shiur
Shabbat Parshat Yitro (Jan 26th)
Dr. David Luchins
Shiur at 3:30pm
Kalman Walker
OU Israel Center TT 1308 9 page 67 Parshat YITRO 5779
cont. from p.15 navi was sent, that is, to warn the
nation of the consequences of their
But this view fails to resolve the actions if they refuse to repent. As the
question of what laws would they selection details the corruption and
teach, what cases could they sinfulness of the people, we may feel
adjudicate, if the commandments that it is not a fitting selection for a
were not yet given? parsha that is positive and uplifting.
But I would suggest that Yishayahu's
I would like to suggest an approach first vision of the heavenly throne and
that would resolve this problem and its glory was shown to him to
would give us insight into the underscore his prophetic mission.
connection of this parsha to this Hashem's glory was in heaven, where
week's haftara. no human being could tread. But the
holiness of Hashem could not remain
The story of Yitro indeed took place in heaven - as his laws could not. There
before Matan Torah for there was a was a need for an individual to bring
need to form a judicial system even His holiness and His expectations
before the laws would be given. A legal down to the nation. And that was to be
system whose laws would not be Yishayahu's mission. In effect,
understood or could not be enforced is Yishayahu was to do what Yitro did:
no system at all. Even when given by bring heaven down to earth, or,
G-d Himself these laws would remain perhaps more correctly, to bring earth
only in heaven and never become a dwellers up to heavenly standards.
practical system for humankind, a
thought expressed by Moshe at the This has always been the mission of
end of his life: "Lo Bashamayim Hi" - the holy prophets and the Holy Nation.
the laws of the Torah are not to remain We are charged with a mission to see
in heaven. The judicial system as that Hashem, His laws and His lessons,
explained by Yitro would be made up will never be left in heaven.
of men who would judge the people,
teach the laws and enforce them. Probing the Prophets, weekly insights into the
There would be a partnership of sorts:
Hashem as the law-giver and Shoftim Haftara, is written by Rabbi Nachman (Neil) Winkler,
as those who would bring the laws
down to earth and make them author of Bringing the Prophets to Life (Gefen Publ.)
practical for mankind.
The haftara this week tells of
Hashem's first revelation to Yishayahu
through a vision of Hashem's heavenly
retinue and His throne, a vision that
ties the haftara to the vision seen by
B'nei Yisrael at Har Sinai of which we
read in the parsha. But the focus of the
reading is the mission upon which the
OU Israel Center TT 1308 9 page 68 Parshat YITRO 5779
by Dr. Meir Tamari FOR RENT IN GANEI TSION - Beautiful 4 rooms,
Shabbat elevator, Sukkah balcony with panoramic view,
THE SPIRITUAL luxury, spacious, bright, storage room, parking,
SIGNIFICANCE OF 10 BAKA - Nice 2 rooms, modern building, Shabbat
elevator, sukkah balcony 20m, view, good shape, bright,
We have one cycle of 1, one of 3, one storage, parking, 1,900,000NIS - rare!
of 7 and one of 10; each one RASKO WITH GARDEN - nice 3 rooms, private
representing a different perspective of entrance, large garden in use, good shape, quiet,
spirituality and religiosity. 10 parking. Only 1,950,000NIS
represents something complete or KIRYAT SHMUEL - Ground floor, 3 rooms , balcony
whole. There are 10 sayings in B'reishit with exit to a garden, bright, quiet. 2,400,000NIS
with which Hashem created the world SAN SIMON CLOSE TO THE PARK - Beautiful
and there were the 10 generations that 3.5 rooms, Shabbat elevator, succah balcony, panoramic
by their evil destroyed that world. Each view, renovated, bright, storage, parking, 2,550,000NIS
one of them destroyed an equal part of GANEI TSION CLOSE TO OLD KATAMON -
that new world bringing about its Beautiful 4 rooms, Shabbat elevator, balcony with
destruction by the Flood. The 10 panoramic view, luxury, spacious, bright, storage room,
generations who inherited the new parking. Exclusive. 3,500,000NIS
creation which followed the Flood, MEKOR CHAYIM WITH GARDEN - Beautiful
each destroyed part of their inheritance. 5 rooms, modern building, ground floor, 160m private
However, this time Hashem chose garden, renovated, storage, parking. 3,700,000NIS
Avraham and his descendants to show
the world a lifestyle which protects the Hashem forbids it" (Menachem Mendel
world against destruction. When his of Kotsk).
descendants were a free nation after the
slavery in Egypt, that lifestyle required Furthermore, it seems that we have to
the 10 commandments which have always remember that humans often
become recognized as the complete want and desire that which belongs to
foundation for a civilized and moral others; perhaps simply because they
world. have it. The story of Kayin and Hevel
the 2 brothers who could not share
Perhaps at the outset, the error of peacefully the world, would seem to
separation of these into 5 G-d-related
ones and 5 Human related, must be Nachi Realty • 054-461-3943
recognized and discarded; they are all
G-d related. "Forbidding murder, theft • Great Investment in Ma'alot Dafna, 3 rooms,
and sexual immorality is G-d ordained 6m, renovated, 4 meter Sukka porch.
just as idolatry and ritual. You may not Only 1,590,000NIS
steal for example, simply because
• Great Deal in Katamon - right off Emek.
4 rooms, 85m, mirpeset, parking, one floor up.
Small building, 3 exposures. 2,440,000NIS
• New building in Baka, 2-5 rooms, spacious units
with mirpesot, parking, storage room, Shabbat
elevators. Prices start at 1,590,000NIS
OU Israel Center TT 1308 9 page 69 Parshat YITRO 5779
prove this. That is why coveting is the of Kotzk). This education and training
finale and the source of these is one of the major goals of our
commandments; "coveting leads to religious upbringing. Its earliest form is
theft and robbery but even to murder teaching children to recite brachot.
when the owner resists the theft" Each time we benefit from something
(Rambam). The example given there is in this world we recite a bracha
that of the vineyard of Navot. King beforehand recognizing the true source
Achav did not lack a vineyard yet and another afterwards in which we
lusted after that of Navot; he sulked, give thanks to that source. Our Rabbis
could not sleep nor eat until Izevel had taught that one who does not do so, is
the owner killed. Only after the murder considered to be a thief.
could the king go down and inherit that
which he lusted after. The case of Naturally people do not always like to
Batsheva, Uria's wife is the similar do this so our Torah being a coercive
example in David's life. Interestingly,
the 2 great leaders Moshe and Shmuel Mazal Tov to
both made it clear that they had never Shlomo Blum
benefitted personally from their service and Batia Macales
of Israel. on their marriage
The complexity of human beings is
brought out by the fact that this same
desire for the lifestyle and possessions
of others often drives us to create new
wealth and so brings progress to the
world and enriches the world. Chazal
once captured the yetzer hara but had to
release him when they discovered that
otherwise they could find even a
fertilized egg.
So we seek to educate and train
ourselves to turn the coveting into a
spur to create and earn our own wealth.
"You shall enjoy the fruits of your
labor. The fruits of your labor, not that
of another person" (Menachem Mendel
Mazal Tov to
Brian & Mini Frohlinger
on the birth of a
OU Israel Center TT 1308 9 page 70 Parshat YITRO 5779
system, made this a mitzva. "How can market.
we charge interest for loans when they
are part of the reason why Hashem However, the education goes further.
granted us the wealth" (Rav Hirsch). Hashem does not distribute wealth
Failure to voluntarily observe this equitably among His creatures. Rather
mitzva gives the community the power He gives us possessions so that we can
to force us to share that part of our give part of them to others. In this we
wealth by taxation. Taxation by the imitate Him. At the beginning of the
community, over and beyond any taxes Torah, He clothed the naked (Adam
levied by the gentile powers during our and Chava) and then at its end He
exiles, has always been recognized as buried the dead (Moshe). Chesed at the
legitimate by all halachic authorities as source and Chesed at the conclusion. w
evidence in the large body of Responsa
covering taxation. These authorities Immediate opening for a secretarial position
have ruled repetitively that this power
devolved onto the State of Israel Wanted - Dynamic, personable,
despite any expressions of secularism
by its citizens or legislators. This unattached woman available full time at
makes expressions of Jews as tax flexible hours, fluent and comfortable in
evaders false, whether by anti-Semites
or by Jewish proponents of the free Hebrew and English with excellent
computer skills, work with a religous
woman, based in the Old City, Jerusalem
052-6277023 - text or whattsapp
OU Israel Center TT 1308 9 page 71 Parshat YITRO 5779
Uniqueness - different. When you tell someone else
the First Word that you believe in God, you are likely
to be met with the response, “’God’?
The first word of the Ten Command- What are you talking about? What do
ments is Anochi, “I”. you mean by ‘God’?”
God says, “I am HaShem your God who Someone once told me that the hard
brought you out of the land of Egypt, thing was to say, “I believe in a god”,
out of the place of bondage” (Sh'mot but I don’t think that is hard at all.
20:2; same verse is found in D'varim People have and always have had many
5:6). gods, things or thoughts they looked
up to and served. For some people
It tells us several things about God: money is their god, for some it is
• He exists - His name means “the One
who is”. The really hard thing is to say “I
believe in THE (not ‘a’) God”, because
• He is caring - He redeemed us from He can’t be fitted into some
bondage. definitional pigeon-hole and spelt out.
• He is unique - He and no-one else is He Himself says, “I am what I am”
the foundation of our lives. (Sh'mot 3:14). It is His uniqueness that
is meant when we say He is One.
This verse has to be read in conjunc-
tion with the Sh'ma (“HaShem is our Rabbi Apple served for 32 years as the chief minister of
God, HaShem is unique” - D'varim 6:4). the Great Synagogue, Sydney - Australia's oldest and
There is a reciprocal relationship. In most prestigious congregation. He was Australia's highest
the Decalogue, God announces profile rabbi and held many public roles. Retired, he now
Himself; in the Sh'ma we acclaim Him. lives in Jerusalem. Rabbi Apple is president of the RCA
Israel Region. He blogs at
People have always wanted more
details about Him. Today is no
GRA 13 - Everyone else 9
OU Israel Center TT 1308 9 page 72 Parshat YITRO 5779
OU Israel Center TT 1308 9 page 73 Parshat YITRO 5779
This Week in mission, despite how they might have
Jewish History been perceived by the people around
Highlights from "The Israel Bible"
The Talmud (Taanit 29a) records that
22 Sh'vat - Hashem reprimanded the people of the
Anniversary of the death of generation of the spies for their lack of
Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Kotzk faith and said: "As you cried on the
ninth of Av for no reason, this day will
Rabbi Menachem Mendel Morgen- become a day of crying for all future
sztern (1787-1859) was born in Poland. generations." The events surrounding
He was a Hasidic rabbi and leader, the destruction of the Beit HaMikdash
known for his sharp-witted sayings and are linked back to the biblical account
down-to-earth philosophies. Rabbi of the twelve spies, to illustrate that all
Morgensztern was also known as Rabbi of Jewish history is inexorably inter-
Menachem Mendel of Kotzk and the woven, and is the unfolding of
Kotzker Rebbe. Hashem's plan. We must never forget
that one of the keys to the heralding in
After returning from their mission to of the Messianic Era is our unques-
scout out the land, the spies report, tioning trust in God, and appreciation
"We saw the Nefilim there, the Anakites of Eretz Yisrael, no matter what others
are part of the Nefilim, and we looked say or think.
like grasshoppers to ourselves, and so
we must have looked to them" 24 Sh'vat -
(Bamidbar 13:33). Anniversary of the death of
Eliyahu Koren
In comparison to the giants living in
Canaan, the spies thought that they That Ezra came up from Babylon, a
must have looked like grasshoppers scribe expert in the Teaching of Moshe
and conclude "so we must have looked which God of Yisrael had given, whose
to them". Rabbi Menachem Mendel of request the king had granted in its
Kotzk suggests that the sin of the spies entirety, thanks to the benevolence of
was that they worried about what Hashem toward him. (Ezra 7:6)
others thought of them. As emissaries
of Hashem, they should have been Ezra was a kohein and scribe who lead a
concerned only with fulfilling their group of returnees to the Land of Israel
following the construction of the
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OU Israel Center TT 1308 9 page 74 Parshat YITRO 5779
second Temple (Ezra 7). He became a Parshat YITRO 5779
leader of the Jewish community in
Israel, implementing religious reforms,
combating assimilation, promoting
Jewish education and reestablishing a
proper system of justice.
A modern-day "scribe", Eliyahu Koren
(1907-2001) was born in Germany. Like
Ezra, he immigrated to Israel in 1933.
He was a master typographer and
graphic artist and founded Koren
Publishers Jerusalem in 1961. The
following year he published the "Koren
Tanach", the first Bible edited,
designed, produced and bound by
Jews in nearly 500 years. David
Ben-Gurion responded to the
publication of the Tanach, "Israel is
redeemed from shame." Koren, along
with his team of experts, considered
the precision of every letter, the
placement of every word on every page
and designed a new font to ensure
maximum clarity and to signify the
renewal of ancient Hebrew in modern
times. After its publication, it became
the Bible that IDF soldiers received,
along with a gun, upon their induction
into the Israel Defense Forces, and it is
the Bible upon which Knesset members
are sworn into office. In 2018, Koren
Publishers Jerusalem and Israel365
partnered to produce The Israel Bible,
the first Bible dedicated exclusively to
the land, people, and God of Israel.
"The Israel Bible" is edited by Rabbi Tuly Weisz and
co-published by Israel365 & Koren Jerusalem's Menorah
Books and was the #1 new release Bible on Amazon
Happy Birthdays/Anniversay to D&N
OU Israel Center TT 1308 9 page 75
mentaries. So what should a
translator do when there is a
disagreement as to the meaning of
a word or a verse? Rav Kaplan
chose the opinion of the commen-
tator who he felt provided the
simplest and clearest translation.
Except for verses where Torah law
Capable, is concerned. Then he translated
God-Fearing Men the verses so they reflect the final
decision in Jewish law (mostly
This past Sunday, 14 Sh'vat, was following the Rambam). The other
the yahrzeit of Rav Arye Kaplan z"l. alternative interpretations are
In his short lifetime of 48 years, he presented in the extensive notes
wrote over 50 books and had an that appear at the bottom of each
uncommon ability to make complex page. When the verse is highly
ideas understandable to everyone. ambiguous he presents as many as
One of my favorites of his books is a dozen different opinions in the
"The Living Torah", which is a notes on that verse.
translation of the Chumash, but is
even more than that. Firstly it was This is the case in a verse from our
one of the first translations portion. Yitro sees how hard Moshe
structured around the parshiyot. works, morning till night, judging the
people. He gives some good
His translator's philosophy was to "father-in-law advice" that Moshe
treat the Torah as a living should find people from the nation
document, so no archaic or to help him do this job.
obsolete language was used - (i.e.
no use of 'thee", and idioms are not You shall provide out of all the
translated literally). In his introduc- people ANSHEI CHAYIL, God-
tion he writes, "One who translates fearing, men of truth, hating unjust
a verse literally is misrepresenting gain... (18:21). How should the
the text. But one who adds anything words ANSHEI CHAYAL be trans-
lated? Not so simple.
of his own is a blasphemer" Rav Arye Kaplan chose to translate
(Kiddushin 49a). A literal approach, it"… capable, God-fearing men-
especially where Torah law is men of truth, who hate injustice…"
concerned, could convey an But he wasn't satisfied with that and
impression that would be diamet- in the footnote on this verse he lists
rically opposed to the way the law a lot of other options. First he brings
should actually be practiced. a list of other verses in Tanach that
The Torah's verses have been use the words ANSHEI CHAYAL
explained by thousands of com- (B'reishit 47:6, Malachim Alef 1:42,
OU Israel Center TT 1308 9 page 76 Parshat YITRO 5779
Mishlei 12:4, 31:10, Ruth 3:11). usually judged based on smell,
taste, appearance, preparation,
The note continues with 8 other originality, and overall appeal. I
interpretations for these words by thought I would include one of my
other commentators. "Competent" favorite recipes that is easy to
or "resourceful" (Hirsch); "men with make, tastes good and looks very
leadership qualities" or "efficient special, the type of recipe that
men" (Ramban); "strong men" (Ibn might just win a food contest one
Yanach); "strong headed" or day. This recipe also relates to the
"confident men" (Tanchuma 2; rest of the portion - the giving of the
Ralbag); "men with initiative" Torah on Har Sinai, and uses up
(MeAm Lo'ez); "men of status" leftover dried fruit one may have
(Rashbam) "wealthy men" (Rashi); from TU BiSHVAT.
"superior men" implying self-control,
moral superiority and leadership HAR SINAI RICE MOUNTAIN
(Yad, Sanhedrin 2:7). COVERED WITH DRIED FRUIT
As we can see it is no easy job to
translate the Torah and Rav 2 cups cooked rice
Kaplan's translation is more like a
commentary. One thing is for sure - ½ cup raisins
if Rav Kaplan had lived during the
time of Moshe in the desert, he 12 dried apricots
probably would have been the type
of person Moshe would have looked handful dried cranberries
for to help him judge the nation.
½ cup almonds
I found out that a group of people
go to daven at his kever in Har ½ cup pecans
HaZeitim on his yahrzeit. Unfor-
tunately, I was not able to join this 8 pitted dates
year, but hope to be able to in the
future and hope the words in this 8 dried mangos slices
column will bring an Aliya for the
Neshama of this extraordinary man 8 dried pineapple slices
who has inspired millions of people
with his brilliant, profound and (you can substitute whatever dried fruit
innovative teachings and books. you prefer as long as you have an
assortment, and you can make any
SINCE WE TALKED ABOUT the design you like - this is just a suggestion)
qualities needed to be a judge I was Mix the rice with the raisins. Grease
wondering what criteria judges use a round, medium sized, heat-
for food contests. Each contest has resistant transparent bowl. Arrange
their own criteria but the recipes are 6 apricots, evenly spaced, at the
bottom of the bowl. Place a few
craisins in the center and between
each apricot. Place an almond on
either side of the craisins. Add a
line of pecans. Put a third of the rice
OU Israel Center TT 1308 9 page 77 Parshat YITRO 5779
mixture carefully on top of the fruit walls of the bowl. Cover with the
design. Be careful not to ruin the rest of the rice. Cover with
design. Push down the rice. Add a aluminum foil and steam in a
line of dates and mangos on the covered pot ( add about 3 cups
walls of the bowl so that they will be water) for 45 minutes. Remove
seen from the outside. Add another aluminum foil and turn rice dish
third of the rice to the bowl. onto a serving plate. You will be left
Organize another decorative layer with a decorated mountain of rice -
of the rest of the dried fruit on the just like Har Sinai.
The Daily Portion • Sivan Rahav-Meir
Freedom Begins...
"Freedom is a significant principle for modern man, who wants to be
autonomous, someone who chooses, and is not enslaved", writes Rabbi Eyal
Vered on the receiving of the Torah in this week's Portion: "Sometimes it seems
as if religion gets in the way of freedom. It has a forceful, coercing,
commanding element, a residue of an old world which gets in the way of the
new, free world. However, it is precisely at the epicenter of coercion, at
Ma'amad Har Sinai (the Mt. Sinai Event) in our Portion, that we are given the
hint that there is a deep story of freedom here. Yes, yes, freedom. Our Sages
tell us: "There is no free person, but the one who studies Torah." For what is
freedom if not to battle the lowly behaviors that exist within each and every
one of us, and prevail over them? What is freedom if not to approach the
earthly matters and manage to behave in them with other values, by the
values of eternity? To give of your money to charity, to sublimate the Yetzer
(the evil inclination), not to speak Evil Tongue, to make your eating more
refined, to be careful about other people's possessions, to admit the truth and
your mistakes, to ask for forgiveness and more deeds whose common
denominator is that they go against the earth's direction of motion and
against the material reality. There is no greater freedom than this.
"It is not easy. Even those who have in hand a precise map, still must climb the
mountain. But the Torah gives us a chance: a complete, comprehensive
system, from childhood to old age, from the individual to the nation. At last
there is a possibility, there are two sides. Until the giving of the Torah, only one
side made his voice heard. Now, starting this week, we will also hear the voice
of freedom."
Sivan Rahav-Meir is the author of #PARASHA • To receive 'The Daily Portion'
straight to your mobile phone, SMS your name to 058-679-9000
OU Israel Center TT 1308 9 page 78 Parshat YITRO 5779
OU Israel Center TT 1308 9 page 79 Parshat YITRO 5779