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Published by mahamakram55, 2024-05-24 07:44:55



Est. 2019

"Slàinte mhath, lads and lasses at Okey Dokey Tattoo! On this grand occasion o' our studio's 5th year in existence, I want tae raise me glass and give a hearty shoutout tae our talented artists Alba, Diana, Amy, Simon, Tomy, Zen, Patryk, Marco, future tattoo artists Mel and Robbie and management team Ally, Zuza and Alan, who've been guidin' us through thick and thin, keepin' the ship sailin' smoothly. Ye've all been a bonnie addition tae our team, bringin' yer unique flair and skill tae every piece ye create. Aye, ye've made Okey Dokey Tattoo a haven for ink enthusiasts from near and far. So here's tae each and every one o' ye, for yer unwavering dedication, exceptional talent, and the vibrant spirit ye bring tae our studio. May yer needles dance, yer art flourish, and yer legacy grow for years tae come. Slàinte mhath!" T hank You, Dawid and Maciek

Artist: Alba Ah, let me tell ye a tale o' a bonnie lass named Alba, a handpoke artist frae the land o' Spain. In the year o' our Lord 2022, she graced our beloved Okey Dokey Tattoo studio wi' her presence.

Artist: Zen In the year 2021, Zen joined oor Okey Dokey Tattoo studio as an enthusiastic apprentice, ready tae embark oan a journey o' growth and artistic discovery.

Artist: Diana Diana joined oor studio on the verra first day we opened back in 2019! Ah, I remember it like it was yesterday!

Artist: Tomy Jack Tomy jined us in September 2019 efter leavin' his career at the cookie factory, an' he's been wi' us e'er since. He haes a girlfriend.

Amy and Marco Amy joined us in 2023 as oor apprentice. Right? Marco , our newest addition tae the team, joined us in April 2024.

Artist: Simon Och aye! We've had the pleasure of having Simon, our talented tattoo artist, wi' us since 2019.

Artist: Patryk We are awfy chuffed tae welcome Patryk, a bonnie artist who has jist joined oor team in 2023.

Ally & Zuza Thank ye, Ally and Zuza, fur joinin' oor team as studio managers in 2023. We're chuffed tae bits tae hae ye on board, lassies! Slàinte mhath!

Artists: Mel and Robbie Mel and Robbie, oor talented apprentices, hae joined oor team at different times. Mel joined us in 2023, while Robbie joined us in 2024. We wish them the best o' luck as they embark on their apprenticeship journey.

Cast yer gaze upon the year 2019, whaur twa kindred spirits embarked upon a grand adventure in the warld o' tattooing. Wi' a shared love fer airt an' a passion fer self-expression, these twa pals set forth tae create a haven whaur creativity could flourish. An' sae, a tattoo studio wis born, a testament tae the vision an' dedication o' these twa individuals. Their shap, located on 19 Bread Street in Edinburgh, became a sanctuary fer those seekin' tae adorn their bodies wi' meaningful symbols an' vibrant designs.

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