September 2022 Edition
Kingdom Entrepreneurs
The Platform For Christian Business Owners.
r. Christina Parker is a devout Christian She became a business owner at the age of 19
woman and founder of the Kingdom and loves helping people to reach their God-given
Entrepreneurs Magazine. Three years potential. She is multi-talented and has a passion
for entrepreneurship, ministry, and information
D ago, she always knew that she wanted technology.
to publish a magazine for Christian entrepreneurs,
but it was not until the year of 2022 when she knew To learn more about her ministry endeavors and
she was ready. Dr. Parker is a minister at Rhema businesses visit the websites below.
Prophetic Centre VA, and she loves spreading the
Gospel of Jesus Christ. She leads a Bible Study Group
twice a week (Wednesday and Friday) in which
everyone is invited to study the Holy Scriptures
Dr. Parker also a flourishing business owner in
which she is the founder of Global 1 Consulting,
Parker’s Boutique, and Titanium CyberForce. She
is the co-founder of Intellect Preparatory Academy
and Publish Love Inc.
F ormilae LLC is a software company based in Lakeland, Florida. It was founded in April of 2022
by husband and wife, Cherie and Ephantus Mugo. The company offers pre-built web application
software for small businesses. With our automated tools built from scratch, web forms are built
in minutes. It is also a “feature flag” company. Many companies design their software and control
what features are available to their users. Formilae software is designed to grow with the business
allowing the businesses to request feature updates to meet their needs at any time. Every business is
different, and these feature updates are published at the customer request with an on/off switch. Other
companies utilizing the software have the option to switch the new feature on or off, but more importantly
as feature updates are added for the needs of one business, other businesses are not affected.
About the Founders:
Cherie Mugo was born in Detroit, Michigan and attended Cass Technical High School and graduated
from Wayne State University. In elementary school, she was introduced to the DAPCEP program (Detroit
Area Pre-College Engineering), not realizing how it would later impact her. DAPCEP was designed for kids
from poor backgrounds, to introduce them to technology and put them in a career trajectory that would
both uplift the community and save the kids from the scourge of poverty, drugs, and crime. Cherie’s first
programming project was in her high school computer programming class where she created a program to
beep the song “Mary Had a Little Lamb” using only built-in computer sounds. Despite Cherie being a music
major in high school, her teacher, clearly impressed, advised her to try a career in programming. Cherie
didn’t even get into programming as a career until much later. In her own words, “I realized that DAPCEP
did have an impact on me because I remember everything I learned in the program and am using what I
learned today.”
Cherie has a degree in Harp Performance. It was Kenya, Ephantus worked in the Legal department
her dream to be a harpist in a major symphony for a major financial institution-Kenya Women
Orchestra. “When I was in college, I worked in a Micro-Finance Bank, and in Law firms-Miller and
library, and I would have to shelve books. I would Company Advocates. He was a consultant for
come across the technology section and stumble United Land Agency Ltd. Ephantus was also a part
upon books like “Learn to Program” or “Learn time Lecturer in Embu College, Embu Campus. He
HTML”. The technology section was my favorite is the author of a treatise, CRIMINAL JUSTICE AND
part of the library, and I began to borrow the books PROCEDURE: Protection of The Rights of an Accused
and read them while at the same time build test Person In Light of The Criminal Justice System and in
programs.” Cherie learned Classic ASP as her first The Context of Kenya Constitution 2010 (2015). He
web application development program and created recently published a Real Estate seller’s manual
the web site using the titled: How To Sell Your Homes Fast For Top Dollar
technology to sort of practice her skills. The site grew (2022). Ephantus emerged from an environment
to be used all over the world by kids in classrooms marred with poverty, illiteracy, and hardships but
and still is today. “They e-mail me asking for help though grants and scholarships, he managed to put
with their homework and that’s when I realized how himself through schooling.
important the site became.” She has since switched
careers and become a professional web application As of result of Ephantus’ extensive knowledge of law
/ software engineer. “The one role that had a major and real estate, Formilae is working on two modules
impact on my company was my employment at Plex as part of the software, a portal for Real Estate
Systems, an ERP software company.” It was at Plex Professionals and case management software for
system that Cherie gained the valuable knowledge lawyers, - now available for beta testing.
on how to run a software company. “Customers
want to be able to request features. One thing I’m In addition to coming up with modules with their
seeing in the comment sections of other companies knowledge from their own careers, Formilae has
is ‘I love your software, but it does have this or that also worked with other businesses, such as massage
feature.’ It is very crucial to have feature update therapists to aide with intake forms for their clients,
requests as part of your business to ensure a long- other small businesses are beta testing the use
term relationship your customers.” of Formilae web forms with good feedback, and
the Formilae team hopes to expand and market
Ephantus Mugo: Formilae for visibility. Since they are brand new, a
lot of businesses simply don’t know they exist.
Ephantus is co-founder of Formilae LLC and brings Ours is a story of what is possible. It is a story of
a lot of valuable skills to the partnership. He is progress through sheer determination. It is also
currently a Member of National Association of about entities coming in and enabling dreams of a
Realtors, Lakeland Association of Realtors and poor child, from a poor background to materialize.
works at Keller Williams Realty Smart. He was born Cherie is a product of numerous financial aids all
in Embu, Kenya. Ephantus immigrated to USA in throughout her academic life. She received grants,
2020. scholarships, and loans; -all which have catapulted
her to her present station in life. Ephantus was
He holds a LLB (Juris-Doctor’s equivalent) degree born in a small village in a tiny district, in a third
from Kenyatta University School of Law. While in world country in Africa- where poverty gives one no
time to dream. But dreaming he did and entities of good will came forth. Aiding a poor African boy through
school, where he not only learned how to read and write; but to also make something out of himself.
We are headed to the future and the future is now. We are cognizant of the fact that technology is the
future. This is a pivotal moment in our lives. We are reaching to you, an entity of goodwill. We are laying our
dream before you. We are asking for your aid, not only on our behalf, but also on behalf of more than the
hundreds of families that Formilae will offer jobs, the thousands of businesses that stand to benefit from
our software and the countless communities that will profit from out services.
Formilae has a lot to offer for businesses of all backgrounds. Since we are a startup company, we are
seeking a grant to work on marketing the business. Formilae will not take this opportunity for granted and
is committed to helping other small businesses grow and in effect bring more jobs to communities all over
the world.
Scribe: Making
a Living
through Writing
In my home country, writers were like painters;
extremely talented but broke. I knew I did not want
to be broke. Yet I could not imagine myself doing
any job that zapped my energy and left me feeling
worn out.
When I am writing, I am full of energy and I can
write for days on end.
I became a writer by chance! Soon, I started working at a company where I was
the editor of a magazine. I was living on the goodwill
Okay, not quite. I was studying to be a medical of my parents because, although I was happy with
practitioner and writing novels on the side for fun. what I did daily, I did not have much money. I knew
Four years down the line, I am a scientist who is that God needed to make a way for me because
uninterested in ending up in a research laboratory I did not envy the work life of most people in my
making discoveries that end world hunger or country; I knew I needed to find a way to make
creating creams that resemble the elixir of youth money.
in effect.
How did I start my
I wanted something more exciting. I sat down and business?
thought about what I wanted to do and where I
wanted to work, and I came up blank. I started my business by mapping out a plan to
make money using content writing and social media
I did not know what I wanted to do, and finally, when skills.
I had sat for days thinking about what I wanted to
do with my life, I knew I wanted to be a writer. In 2018, after working for one of the best companies
in West Africa and gaining a world of experience,
I made up my mind that I would never work in
corporate. I did not like being controlled by the 9-5
loop and the mad traffic in Lagos. I began working
I started my business by purchasing a generator keep working every day. I blog often at https://
and a laptop. I used my years in corporate as my
portfolio to prove that I had all the skills needed
and the professionalism to deliver a job on time. My profile
With it, I created content, submitted it, and got paid
via the Nigerian banks. Tessa is an experienced writer and social media
savvy content creator in Nigeria. She has worked
Why did I start my for almost a decade in the publishing industry and
business? the media. She has worked with newspaper brands,
media companies, and real estate companies in the
I started my business because I wanted to make capacity of Digital transformation office team.
money, control my work hours and do work I
enjoyed doing. For five years, I wandered in and out She has had the privilege of working with teams
of the corporate world, working in what is called the contracted to put out fires and make previously
media mountain. impossible feats possible, and grew amidst
challenges, succeeding in brokering international
Writing services partnerships and expanding subscription base and
social media base on behalf of her company. She
I create SEO-optimized content for business sees possibilities and runs through obstacles.
owners who take advantage of the internet boom
to advertise their brick and mortar business online. Her strongest skills are critical thinking and
I also write eBooks and biographies for individuals resourcefulness. She is not afraid of new challenges,
who want to document the greatness in their life or and exceeding expectations. She is humble and
make an impact on human kind. It is a noble work teachable. She loves the adventure of discovering
and is extremely fulfilling. new things. She is an impetuous yet levelheaded
human. Her hobbies are reading and writing. She
The idea that the work I do is changing loves nature and spending time enjoying creation.
someone’s life for the better is the fuel I need to She absolutely adores fried chicken, pastries and
ice cream.
Amberlyn Roush
A mberlyn Roush is a devout Christian, Amberlyn explained “I wish I had someone to teach
mother of four, and business owner. me exactly what I needed because I wasted time
Amberlyn had experience at a wound and money trying to figure it out on my own. I want
center previously and saw the need other nurses who want their own business, need a
for foot care; many amputations and change, or just needs their priorities back in order
foot/nail issues could have been prevented if the to take my course so they can make a difference.
signs were caught early on. She decided to start her This is a very humbling service being at the feet of
own mobile foot care business. Amberlyn identified people. It can be embarrassing for the patient, so
that there was a major need in the community! it’s important to be kind, patient, and sensitive to
them. Many of these patients feel forgotten about,
Amberlyn Roush stated “My first day of opening, so we are showing them that they aren’t all the while
people were calling me saying they’ve been praying providing for and prioritizing our own families”.
for my services for 20 years! Another person hasn’t
had their nails done in 14 years”. Amberlyn knew You can learn more about Amberlyn
that this was a fall risk and decided that her business Roush’s business by visiting her website
would provide routine foot care to educate, take and Facebook page
care of nails that are thick and long (ingrown- as You can
long as not infected), calluses and corns. Amberlyn purchase her book on Amazon: How To Start Your
opened a Foot Wellness Academy to teach other Own Mobile Foot Wellness Business. Download her
nurses or medical nail technicians how to launch free utilizing this link
their own mobile foot wellness business in their optin1660007088719
Justin D
J ustin D Tompkins started his business, is what I do. I have been given a mandate to help
Kingdom Marketing, after seeing Christians the body grow their business and their brand.
in the world not prospering like they should Our personal brands reflect the Kingdom of God.
and their own businesses crashes and not being We face powers and principalities that hinder our
successful. In his interview he explained, “the world advancement in our business (Ephesians 6:12).
wants us to believe we should be poor when that Whether we realize it or not these powers and
is a lie many men in the Bible were wealthy and principalities are in place to stop our business from
had plenty of goods. We should live in abundance growing and keep us in the poverty mindset with no
not poverty.” So, Justin started his business to help free time to do other things such as ministry.
other Christian businesses grow or to help Christian
business owners’ businesses grow their existing
business. Read more as he shares his story.
We are called to go into all the world and make
disciples and our businesses should help us with
that and reflect the Kingdom, how can we go into
all the world if we do not have the right funds? Yes,
going into some of the world is free the gospel
is free and does not take money but there are
places in the world that require money. Equipment
requires money, transportation requires money,
ministry requires money to get up and running.
Events we host requires money. We have a mandate
to manifest the Kingdom of God on this Earth and
make way for the king, and our businesses do just
that. With successful businesses we are taking
background that the devil has stolen.
With successful Christian businesses we are going
into the world and taking dominion while building
a Kingdom brand that cannot be shaken. So here
I use social media and the internet to scale your business. Invading google is one of my top services, I
put your business in front of people via google and social media. Google is the number one go to for the
entire world. 9 out of 10 people go to google when in search of a service or things to buy. I help to get your
business on the first page of google because by being on the first page you are the first site people see and
visit. Which in return results in sales. I also use social media to help this by running ads and growing your
business pages. These services work.
Mostly because not only do I provide these services, but I saturate them in prayer. We all have a mandate
to pray, and just by you having faith to take this next step your business will be in good hands. I pray
constantly over every business and person that I work with because without prayer nothing happens (1
Thessalonians 5:16-18) These are just some basic services on growing your business. E mail me today and
let us connect and discuss what it is exactly that you are needing.
We are called to be solutionist (solver of problems). We have the Holy Spirit inside to help one another
as well as ourselves. Here is my e mail looking forward to hearing from you. May the Lord Jesus Christ
continue to increase and prosper you in all your ways. [email protected]
M y name is Audrey Hamilton, and I am the Entrepreneurial Assistant. I am a virtual assistant,
inspiration coach, a social media manager, I also create and sell digital products to help
entrepreneurs grow and organize their business. I have been learning about business for 6
years and am a stay-at-home mom with a 2-year-old son and a 9 month old daughter.
The Entrepreneurial Assistant started in early 2022. In 2021, I had a handmade jewelry business I ran for
5 years, but was pregnant as everything, had a 1-year-old wanting to mess with my jewelry stuff, but most
importantly, I got tired of making the jewelry. I absolutely LOVED the business side of it but I was not sure
what to do. My answer came in September of that year when I was offered a Virtual Assistant job. It was
not much, but it was really something I enjoyed. I enjoyed it so much in fact, that I ended up starting this
business in February of 2022. It has only grown since.
I love seeing others succeed and have their “impossible” goals realized. I love working behind the scenes
and using the business knowledge I have gained over the last 6 years. I love being home with my kids and
watching them grow. There is nothing I would change.
I want to do the same thing for you. I want to help you find your passion, and let it blossom into something
you would never want to change.
Let’s grow together.
There’s Good
News in the
Health World!
More and more people are taking control of their
lives. They are not waiting for their doctor to tell
them to exercise and eat healthy. They scour the
internet for solutions to get back on track.
Cindy Shiblie is a health and wellness copywriter.
She specializes in helping businesses with any
writing they need to educate, inform, and/or
sell to their customers. It can be content writing
such as a blogs, webpage copy, and newsletters,
or direct response writing, such as ads, landing
pages and product descriptions. Cindy used to
own an e-commerce business and that is how she
was exposed to copywriting. Cindy loves to help
people succeed! Cindy has a passion for the faith
and wellness niche especially. Both are extremely
important to our overall well-being.
Why Partner with Cindy?
A registered nurse with a Master’s degree in Nursing Education, she has spent many years as a nurse
educator, promoting self-care and wellness. Cindy has also worked in the health communications field
creating and editing webpages, video scripts, newsletters, and working to make all digital products user
Trained by the American Writers & Artists Institute (AWAI), an industry-recognized leader in copywriting
training, she has completed several copywriting courses including a certificate of completion from the
Digital Copywriting Apprenticeship program.
She has a great personality (at least that is what her mother tells us!), she is easy to work with, and never
missed a deadline.
Feel free to check out her website
M ary Chinyere Godwin is a minister of Weaving
the Gospel of Jesus Christ, professional Wigs
haircare specialist, and professional Children’s hair
hairstylist. She is Nigerian born and Natural hair
has a passion for haircare. When she was a child, Hair treatments
her mom used to do hair for a living. She became
inspired by her mother and decided to become Gold C Beauty Salon provides home services for
a cosmetologist as well. She saw how taking care those with busy schedules.
of her clients’ hair health and style brought joy to
them. The name of her salon is “Gold C Beauty To learn more about her services reach out to her
Salon” where people come to feel and look their on Facebook:
best. Mary specializes in all types of hair. Some of
her services that her salon provides include:
Ghana braids
Box braids
atricia Parker is the founder of Parker’s Wealth Planning and Consulting LLC. Patricia is a devout
Christian, retired teacher, and evangelist at Rhema Prophetic Centre VA. Patricia started her
company because she had the desire to help individuals and families gain and maintain their
P wealth. Parker’s Wealth Planning goals are to help clients alleviate the financial hardship on the
most difficult day of someone’s life and securing peace of mind. Honesty, integrity, and reliability are the
cornerstones of Parker’s Wealth Planning. The experts at Parker’s Wealth Planning and Consulting are
dedicated to these core values and are committed to doing the right thing. They listen to their clients and
deliver on their promises. They understand that an ounce of performance is worth more than pounds of
These are some of the services most commonly available through Parker’s Wealth Planning and Consulting
Financial Planning. Wealth Planning can help you develop financial plan for retirement, saving for
college and other life events.
Estate Planning. Wealth planning can help you develop a plan for what will happen to your assets after
your death.
Final Expense products. Life Products with four living benefits and so much more.
Contact Information:
Patricia Parker
[email protected]
feoma Nonyelum Eze is a Senior
Emotional Intelligence Professional
and Chartered Management
I Consultantwhohascombinedyearsof
experience in Leadership, Administration
and Education Management with a
background in Education Administration
and Planning.
She is a phenomenal woman who
has been invited to speak at different
events and conferences. She is
uniquely recognized for her passion
for Leadership, emotional intelligence,
Quality Assurance, Equal access to
Education, Women Empowerment and
Excellence in Organizations.
She founded The King’s Rubies and
Royal Daughters Organization to assist
women conquer limiting beliefs about
themselves to maximize destiny while
empowering them to discover and fulfill
their life’s purpose
Ifeoma is a highly recognized Academy, A Licensed Teacher books. She runs a weekly media
mentor with Mentor-X-Africa, with TRCN, A life-coach, A series called Checkpoint.
whose books, seminars, and Strategic Partner, Certified
experience has helped a lot Leadership and Chartered She has been a published
of young people who are Management Consultant author for over a decade with
passionate about maximizing with Integrated Institute of dozens of popular books such
their potentials and fulfilling Professional Management as Preparing for your Season of
their purpose. She has also and Chartered Institute of demand, Making An Indelible
helped school owners in school Management Consultants, A Mark, The Heart for Greatness,
startups to ensure excellence. Certified Marriage, Relationship Becoming A Person of
and Couple Therapist. She Exceptional Value and Treasures
She is a Church Administrator is also the CEO of Heritage in The Trash.
with over 15 years of experience Records, a Singer-Songwriter
and Senior Pastor / Director with 100 produced songs, She is Wife to Bishop Okwudili
of Administration at Zion Author of more than 20 books Eze, And Mother to 3 Incredible
Heritage Ministries. She is the and co-author of more than 30 boys (David, Daniel, & Dominion).
Proprietress of World Changers
ance Joseph is the owner of Maluga Maluga
and has been in business for two years. Lance
Joseph has a passion for cooking and invented
L a tasty recipe called Maluga.
Do you eat healthy? Try Maluga… it is 100 % Gluten
free. Maluga is a healthy choice to replace bread
(flour) and rice. Maluga is made from plantain and
corn; once cooked it can be frozen. You can steam
the Maluga to reheat it. There are health benefits of
Maluga such as it helps to lower high blood pressure,
good for weight loss, and diabetics can enjoy it too.
Maluga can be eaten by itself or as a side dish because
of its flavor explosion.
You can place your order by contacting Lance Joseph:
868 732 1917 or [email protected]
Dr. Goodhead
Okechukwu O.
D r. Goodhead Okechukwu O.
Uchendu PhD is an ardent
christian man, a Life Strategist/
Coach and dynamic youth
leader. This Nigerian-born entrepreneur
and academic owes much of his scholarly
and business successes to his parents,
Dr. Orizu Uchendu PhD, a distinguished
university professor, his mother Mrs. Orieji
Uchendu, his maternal grandfather, an
astute business mogul.
Dr Uchendu is the founder of City
Life Centre, Rhema Prophetic Centre,
Publish Love Inc, and Dumanis Ventures
Proprietary. Academically, Dr. Goodhead
holds a Higher National Diploma in
Animal Health and Husbandry; Post
Graduate Diploma in Agric Economics
and Agric Business Management; Doctor
of Veterinary Medicine in Veterinary
Medicine; Master of Science in Veterinary
Public Health and Preventive Medicine;
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Animal and
Veterinary Sciences.
Dr. Uchendu is a humanitarian and
continues to strive to give back to the
community. To learn more about ministries
and businesses visit the websites below:
Dr. Christina Parker
[email protected]