Terrica Walters
KINE 1151-P07
MW 12:00-12:50
November 4, 2019
Table of Contents
I.Warm Up VII.Hopscotch XII.Point In
II.Human Tic Toe VII. Rock Paper Scissors My Direction
III.Monkey in the Middle VIII.Knock OUT
IV.Musical Chairs IX.Dodge Ball
V.Four square X.Froggers
VI.Around the World XI.TUG A WAR
Warm Up
Two Laps around the gym (full court)
Arm Stretches
•Left arm over chest
•Right arm over chest
•Left arm behind head
•Right arm behind head
Leg Stretches
•Bend down (feet together)
•Bend down (left leg)
•Bend down (right leg)
•Bend down ( the middle, feet apart)
Human Tic Tac Toe
Instructions: The game is played on a 3 square by 3 square setting .Each
player is named X or O , X & O teams will get a number then play rock
paper,scissors to see who goes first in the game.
Objective: Player X or O whomever gets 3 in a row,horizontal,vertical,or
diagonal wins the game
Equipment: 6 players( X & O)
Key Skills: logic, speed
Space Requirements: 3 by 3 square on court
Time Requirements: 10 minutes
Monkey In the Middle
Instructions: A few players (2) are chosen to be the monkey to stand in
the middle, and 5 more players surround them being the
“passers/catchers”. The passers/catchers are passing the ball to each
other in the person in the middle aret rying to catch it to replace the
Objective: The outside players to avoid the person in the middle from
getting the ball or the middle person(monkey) gets the ball to win the
Equipment: 3-5 players, and any type of round ball
Key Skills: Observance and Speed
Space Requirements: Half Court
Time Requirements: 10 minutes
Musical Chairs
Instructions: As the music plays the players walks around the chairs ,
when it stops the players hurry to get a seat in the chair, as the game
continues players and chairs disappear. Down to the last 2 players and
last chair whoever gets the last chair wins
Objective:Get a chair when the music stops,last person to get in the last
chair wins.
Equipment: Music, Chair, Group of People
Key Skills: Listening skills, Speed
Space Requirements: Half Court
Time Requirements: 5-10 minutes
Four Squares
Instructions: four players are in each of the four squares are
underhanding the ball square to square allowing the ball to hit inside the
square once not twice, one that doesn't follow the rules go behind line
and allows next player to join the square that was left by losing player.
Objective:Player thats last standing that follows all the rules wins.
Equipment: 4 players, A ball
Key Skills: Serving(underhand) skills, observance
Space Requirements: Full court, mapped ut 4 squares
Time Requirements: 10 minutes
Around the World
Instructions: Basketballs are put in (around the world)5 spots 2 teams
are to try to make baskets in all 5 spots before opponent.
Objective: To make all the baskets in the five areas before opponent.
Equipment: Basketball Goal, Basketball
Key Skills: Shooting skills, Basketball Skills
Space Requirements:Full Court
Time Requirements:As long as it take to the player that finishes all the
basket spots first.
Hop scotch Race
Instructions: 2 teams get separated in front of 2 different stacked
hopscotch areas, players are to hop on one foot then two feet through
each area. Team who finishes first wins game.
Objective: 2 different teams are racing through the hopscotch to see who
finishes first, first done are the winners of hopscotch game.
Equipment: 2 10 small stacked squares areas, players
Key Skills : Hopping skills , Athleticity
Space Requirements: Small Area
Time Requirements: 5 minutes
Rock Paper Scissors
Instructions: two players are to try to get 2 out of 3 , with the component
rock paper or scissors.
Objective:rock beats scissors,scissors beat paper, paper beats rock.
Equipment: Two players, Two hands
Key Skills ; Coordination, Hand skills
Space Requirements: Small Space
Time Requirements: 1 minute
Knock OUT
Instructions: Players are lined up in front of goal, making baskets trying
to get persons behind them out of game before they are put out of game.
Objective: To get the person before you out of the game by making the
Equipment: Basketball goal ,cones, basketball
Key Skills: Basketball Skills
Space Requirements: Half Court
Time Requirements: 5 minutes
Instructions: Two teams get separated on each side of the court, balls
are on the line in the middle of the court, when whistle is blown players
run to the ball and ry to get their opponents out.If hit your automatically
out of game
Objective:To hit people with balls and try to get the most people out on
the other team before the opposite team get the players on your team
Equipment: dodge balls , two teams
Key Skills : Speed , Aim
Space Requirements:Full Court
Time Requirements: 5-10 minutes
Instructions: Human & Creatures separate, creatures are trying to catch
the humans and frogs, while they are trying to get away from the
Objective: Frogs are to rescued before the creatures get them all
Equipment: Hula Hoops,Scooters, Bean Bags
Key Skills : Speed
Space Requirements:Full court
Time Requirements: 10 minutes
Tug A War
Instructions: Separate teams on two sides of court on the rope evenly.
Objective: teams pull the rope till the bow in the middle rope is fully on
one side, which ever side the rope is on that team wins.
Equipment: Big Rope, Red bow,Two separate teams
Key Skills: Strength , feet movement
Space Requirements: Full Court
Time Requirements: 2 minutes
Point in my Direction
Instructions: Two players are looking past each other , avoiding to point
in the direction the opponent is pointing . If pointing in the direction of
the direction the opponent is looking , that player gains point. So on and
so on
Objective: To get 3-2 points over the other player in predicting the
direction of the other player looking direction.
Equipment: Fingers, Two players
Key Skills: Observance, Direction
Space Requirements: Small space
Time Requirements: 2 minutes