On the 22nd of February DON’T FORGET
we started the phased
reopening of our school. 12 NOON ON
We were delighted to
welcome back all the
boys from The Yellow
VOLUME 2020/21
Corridor first. The ISSUE 3
26th APRIL 2021
sounds of laughter
heard around the
building were very WORLD BOOK DAY
welcome and the staff
and pupils were so very MOTHER’S DAY
enthusiastic about being Our school is REMOTE LEARNING
back together again! only what it is
On the 1st of March it because of the SCHOOL DISPLAYS
was the turn of our boys people in it and SCHOOL CALENDAR
in 1st and 2nd Classes to without their
return. Again lots of presence the Inside this issue:
smiling faces could be school can feel
seen, this time in our quite soulless. 1ST CLASS PG 8
Blue and Red Corridors. We are 2ND CLASS PG 9
Finally on the 15th of beyond 4TH CLASS PG 11
March ALL classes THRILLED 5TH CLASS PG 12
returned and to say we that we are 6TH CLASS PG 13
were all thrilled would all back SPECIAL CLASSES
have been the greatest TOGETHER!
PG 14
understatement EVER!
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CBS Exclusive Issue 2 2020/21
A Message For All Our Mammies
We would like to take
this opportunity again to
wish all our boys’ Mums,
Mams, Mammies, Moms,
Foster Mums, Mums who
are in heaven, Caregivers,
Grannies, Aunties and all
those special people who
provide all our little people
with such care, love and
attention, a VERY Happy
Mother's Day! We hope you home and
all were suitably spoiled on school helped
Sunday, March 14th....and to brighten
this year more than any your day.
other we hope you got a
hope the gifts and cards
created by the boys both at
A Message From Our Parents’ Association
Our fundraising efforts to help and friends to sell and promote an extension of the classroom
the raffle but this is just not for subjects such as Drama,
complete the school’s outdoor possible this year! Science and so much more.
classroom project are We are hopeful that Grannies,
Grandads, Aunties, Uncles and
continuing. This time we are other family members may be in
a position to buy a line this time.
having a massive Spring raffle. We will have to replace calling to
them in person to calling them
There are lots of great prizes to on FaceTime and Zoom.
be won and we are very grateful
to all our sponsors for their very All the money raised is being put
kind and generous donations. towards outdoor seating,
benches and durable outdoor
Each family has been given a games. The central garden is an
card with 10 lines to sell at a cost ideal space for teachers to use as
of €3 per line.
Now we know in normal
circumstances the boys would
head off and call to neighbours
CBS Exclusive Issue 2 2020/21 Page 2
Click HERE to visit our World Book Week webpage
There was a seriously JAM Zoom and what a success it was! they did...Thank you!
packed week planned for the The younger boys simply loved
final week before the Easter the whole experience, as did the FRIDAY:
holidays this year! We had to older boys who did the most
postpone World Book Day here fantastic job of keeping the boys So this was the big day !
at Midleton CBS because it engaged with their animated COSTUME DAY and who doesn’t
clashed with our amazingly story telling. Well Done Boys. love the chance to dress up as a
successful Engineering Week. character from their favourite
WEDNESDAY: book? Its safe to say that our
M.Andrea a.k.a. last year’s Mrs Wednesday was Cosy Reading boys and our staff always go the
Trunchbull LOVES a good book Day. The boys brought their extra mile to dress up for these
and organising World Book slippers and cosy jumpers to special occasions and we have
Week brings her nothing but school and the teachers the photos to prove it.
JOY! This year was no dedicated some really precious
exception…… time to allowing the boys just to
sit and read. It was so lovely.
Monday saw the launch of CBS Family synchronised reading
World Book Week with book was the theme of the day. So on
tokens and a very large selection Thursday evening at 8pm all the
of books being distributed boys, their families and the staff
throughout the school. There were asked to read something,
was even a treat in store for the anything and if possible
staff as the Staff Quiz went LIVE. together. We asked them to
send in photos and as always
Buddy reading from other
classes has always been a big
and wonderfully rich part of
world book week. Obviously that
couldn’t happen this year but
did it stop us???? NO!
Buddy reading this year took to
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Click HERE to visit our World Book Week webpage
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Click HERE to visit our World Book Week webpage
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Click HERE to visit our World Book Week webpage
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Click HERE to visit our School Garden webpage
PHASE 1: Operation Clean UP We are thrilled to say that Phase planting and sensory areas as
2 of creating our School Outdoor well as seating areas for classes
Classroom is now complete! to use, especially in the Spring &
What started off as 16 clear Summertime.
panes of glass is, today, the most
bright and colourful school We have already been greatly
garden mural that will not only
brighten up the garden but the
school corridors too.
A MASSIVE thank you to our
PHASE 2: Adding Colour assisted financially by our
Parents’ Associations who
Phase 2 of the creation of our started their fundraising efforts
outdoor classroom began back to help us in Term one this year.
on the 1st of March. It started
with a whole school art project We are also very grateful to the
for when all the boys returned to Past Pupils Union (PPU) for their
school. very kind and generous
Our outdoor classroom is
surrounded by a glass corridor fantastically talented SNA Celine
of 16 large panes of glass that and her talented team of helpers
allows views of the central for what is sure to bring a smile
garden from both the red and to many, many faces!
blue corridors. This art
instillation is going to ensure our Phase 3 will involve adding
garden has colour ALL year furniture and interactive areas
round with a surrounding mural to the space. We want to add
on all the windows. play and exploration spaces,
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Click HERE to view our 1st Class Webpage
On Tuesday, the 16th of March, were worn, instruments were cheered.
our 1st Class boys treated us to WHAT A SPECIAL AFTERNOON!
the most cheerful and fun filled
St Patrick’s Day Parade!
In a year where our country’s
strong, long standing traditions
of holding, participating in and
attending parades were put on
hold again we needed
something special to lift our
mood. A very BIG Thank You to
This boost of moral came from held in position, the music
the youngest people in our began to echo over the speakers
school community AND WHAT A and FINALLY the marching
BOOST IT WAS. They could be started!
heard practising and singing for
many days before the special The classes lined the corridors,
event….such was their they waved flags and their
dedication to “ artwork to add colour and even
more cheer to the atmosphere,
”! we all sang and laughed and
The day finally came, costumes
Click HERE to watch our St Patrick’s Day Parade
So the judging has finally popsicle sticks and a lot of through water. A marine
effort and planning. I'd happily engineer in the making.
arrived for the 1st class drive over it with my car! A very
sturdy bridge. Fantastic.
engineering project
In joint third place came Seán And in 1st place...... Conor and
competition. The standard was and his brilliant bird house. He his super-duper sweet
used every tool in the shed to dispensing machine. I love how
extremely high and the judging plan, saw, drill, sand and spray he combined his passion for
paint his bird box. All the birds sweets and passion for
took many hours as the judges in Midleton will be flocking to engineering to make a
your house, Seán! marvellous machine. And what
just couldn't decide. They just a tasty result.
In 2nd place came James'
wanted to give them all first perfect paddle boat. It actually Well done to all for making
works and moves speedily engineering week so successful.
prize for amazing effort, skill
and engineering ability. So now
to the result......
In third place came Charlie's
terrific truss bridge made out of
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Click HERE to view our 2nd Class Webpage colour as the boys
Having made the return went about
back to school on the 1st of
March it quickly became painting and
the job of 2nd Class to
brighten up the Red colouring
Corridor…..And that they
did in true Spring style! It is rainbows,
now safe to say the Red
Corridor is awash with butterflies, flowers
and so much more.
The boys in Múinteoir Lisa's 2nd and it really lifts his toy train Múinteoir Gail’s class really did
class created some amazing a great job with their
projects for Engineering Week Super job Aidan engineering task that week too.
2nd place went to Jesse for his They are all winners for their
2021 I am so great effort!
proud of all of their hard work balloon powered truck . First prize went to Lewis for his
fantastic ballooned powered
and we definitely have some Keep an eye out for the video to car.
future engineers in our class!!! see it in action! Well done Jesse. Second prize went to Adam who
made a beautiful Bug Motel.
It was so hard to pick just three It is fantastic
3rd place went to Adrian for his Third prize, was a draw going to
winners as all entries were just Filip who built a stunning Red
Brick house and Ignas with his
brilliant, but we had to pick our amazing resort.
three winners. zip line Adrian's Well done everyone !
The winners were... zip line can brings his animals on
1st place went to Aidan for his a trip across his garden into the
working crane . Aidan zoo It looks like so
put a huge effort into his crane much fun Adrian
The boys in 2nd class were very busy all last
week cutting and colouring to make
beautiful gifts for their wonderful mums
We hope all the mums
enjoyed their special day.
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Click HERE to view our 3rd Class Webpage
Apart from all the Engineering enjoyed the Star Wars one in well! We also read about hurling
week projects completed by the particular! Art included using and we hope it has inspired
boys in Muinteoir Mairead’s things around the house to some of the boys to take up that
class, there has also, as always, inspire a drawing, weaving cumàn and have a go! It’s been
been so much other stuff going paper and making foil figures. extremely eventful term and
on! We planned and wrote And that was on top of the usual your teachers would like to
another report, did new Maths, spellings, Gaeilge and thank you for all your efforts!
exercises and everyone really Mindfulness all completed so Have a super Easter
First Week Back!
We had such a great first week Can’t wait to watch them grow
back in the sunshine in Muinte- into lovely edible plants!!!
oir Mairead’s 3rd!!! Great to be back lads!!!!
We painted lovely Cherry Blos- Thanks you for being a super
soms to brighten up our corridor
and planted radishes, spinach, great bunch
salad leaves, peas and beetroot!
And the winners are in!!!!! Well boards and scooters, called a place for this fantastic floating
done to the boys who made 1st, quarter pipe! What a great idea pirate ship!!! He even looks like a
2nd and third in Muinteoir Maire- to create something that you will pirate in his picture! Ahoy me
ad’s. And well done to everyone, both get a lot of use out of!!! hearties, super job well done
such a great effort by all!!!! Super job well done to Aaron Jayce!!
From disappearing videos to fly- who got 2nd place! He complet-
ing circuits it was such a variety. ed 2 projects, one with Marsh-
Go and check out our Engineer- mallows and he made a bridge!
ing Week video on all social me- Super planning and look at how
dia sites to see all creations. many cars it holds!!!
First prize goes to Charlie and
Kyle who, with the help of Dad, Well done to Jayce for getting 3rd
made a ramp for their skate-
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Click HERE to view our 4th Class Webpage
Well done to all the boys in Batman logo using string and boat and a robot using various
Múinteoir Emma’s 4th class on
an excellent Engineering Week. nails. Very creative Adam. Well materials. Well done Basit.
The boys worked so hard this
week on their projects. It was a done. Check out our awards page for
very difficult decision to choose
the winners as the standard was In second place we have Oskar. the winners and some other
so high.
Oskar created a container ship
Our first place winner is Adam.
Adam designed a Superhero using Lego. He put a lot of time
Engineering Project. He spray
painted a board and created the and effort into this project. Great
work Oskar.
In third place we have Basit. Basit
made three projects. He
designed and made a house, a
Lockdown No.2 was a very busy work during our Zoom their own Pop Art to name a
time for 4th Class. These are assembly. few.
not boys to sit back on their
laurels Oh No! They kept We looked at Ancient
themselves busy and motivated Egyptian Hieroglyphics and
throughout not only by their wrote our own name in
teachers but by themselves. We Hieroglyphics.
are very proud of you all boys.
We made musical
These are some of the activities instruments using various
4th class have done throughout materials.
remote learning:
We carried out many
We looked at Ancient Egypt science investigations including
and created our own Egyptian which solids dissolve in water
Pyramid. and how to make an egg float.
We presented our Ancient The boys created some
Egyptian Pyramids and project
fantastic artwork. They
recreated Kandinsky's
Concentric Circles and created
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Click HERE to view our 5th Class Webpage
Well done to the boys in that the resemblance is Alessandro!
Múinteoir Amy’s class who remarkable! A lot of careful
used their engineering skills to planning and designing went Third place goes to Dáithí who
create some fantastic projects. into his project. designed and created a sail
Choosing a winner was no easy Congratulations Marc! car. He then tested it out on
task! different surfaces using wind
In second place we have energy. He noticed that
First place goes to Marc. He Alessandro! He made a marble friction had an effect on the
used lollipop sticks to create a rollercoaster with lots of speed of his car. Fantastic
replica of the Golden Gate obstacles for the marble to work Dáithí!
Bridge. I’m sure you’ll agree pass through! Super work
5th class were lucky enough to show him some of our
to have an engineer visit engineer week projects. He
during engineering week. He was very impressed and gave
joined us on our morning us some suggestions of how
zoom to discuss energy to improve. Thank you so
engineering. He taught us a much to Darren the engineer
lot about being an engineer. for coming to visit us via
He answered all of our zoom.
questions and even thought
that we should all become
engineers. We got a chance
The boys in Fifth Class finished off 5th Class created some of the best book charac-
their Seachtain na Gaeilge ters we have EVER seen….And they used non
celebrations with a tráth na gceist other than potatoes to create them. Very unique
over Zoom. The classes went head to creations we are sure you’ll agree.
head and the scores were very close.
Comhghairdeas to Múinteoir Lorna’s
class who were victorious!
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Click HERE to view our 6th Class Webpage
The boy’s in sixth class have best drawing with the winner created by Bishopstown
been learning and colouring in receiving a small prize for their Community School and many of
wise sayings this week to efforts. the boys are eager to get
celebrate Seachtain na Gaeilge. involves.
They have also been taking part The boys are also trying to learn
in fun activities through Irish. the Irish Sign Language (ISL)
This week they are played National Anthem ahead of St
Tomhais Cé atá ann?(Guess Patrick's Day. This is based on
Who?), Cearnóga Scéil (Story the national anthem, Amhrán
Squares), Searáidí (Charades) na bhFiann. This challenge was
and Dathanna na gContaetha
(County Colours) as well as
learning how to translate some
of their favourite board games
into Irish.
Additionally, the boys are going
to draw their favourite Irish
landmark. Each of the sixth-
class groups will choose the
Well done to the boys in deciding on which to use. He
Múinteoir Breandán's class also constructed a tower to
who created some fantastic aim the catapult at. The
projects. There was some stiff mechanism clearly worked
competition and it was very perfectly as Zoti demonstrated
difficult to choose the the catapult in action.
In first place we have Bradley
In third place Wojciech made a who constructed two wooden
working fan. He constructed a candlesticks. He used a
standing fan from cardboard. number of tools including a
He also attached cardboard chop saw, screwdriver, sander
blades to a motor. Well done and drill. He chopped up and
Wojciech. shaped old pieces of wood
before gluing then together.
In second place we have Zoti He used old light bulb holders
who made a working catapult. to hold the candles. Fantastic
He drew two designs before work Bradley, well done!
CBS Exclusive Issue 2 2020/21 Page 13
Click HERE to visit our Yellow Corridor webpage
The brainstorming has been continuing We have also been
this term in The Yellow Corridor this incorporating more and
term. Each class has now been given more life skills into our
their own name associated with the curriculum. This month
colour of their corridor. Class 1 is An some of the boys have
Solas (The Light), Class 2 is An Ghrian gotten an opportunity to
(The Sun) and Class 3 is An Réalt (The make their own breakfast
Star). and they did a FANTASTIC
We think these are names greatly
reflect the life and spirit the boys bring
to their corridor and each door now
proudly reflects it.
Sure what else would you be were there they got to explore
doing on a fine Spring morning? and play with one another.
The boys from the Yellow Some of our boys just loved the
Corridor have been out on an swings, others loved the
adventure, taking in some fresh roundabout...we are not quite
air and having lots of fun! They sure yet which are the staff
got to go for a walk to this favourites! This is a fantastic
newly renovated play area at opportunity to work on and
our local playground. Once they develop their social skills
outside the classroom
environment and we just love
being in a position to provide
such wonderful opportunities.
CBS Exclusive Issue 2 2020/21 Page 14
Click HERE to visit our Engineering Week Webpage
Engineering Week this year was, dare we say it?, even
BIGGER and BETTER than last year! M.Lisa organised
a fantastic week for us all and we would like to say a
BIG thank you to her for all she’s done. The boys
created the most amazing projects and we were VERY
impressed. The winners got prizes and certificates for
creations and we know there is definitely a bright
engineering future ahead. Well done to each and every
boy who participated in the STEPS Engineers Week.
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This year, just like every other, the corridors are awash with colour made up of all the hard work of the
boys themselves. But unlike any other year you, the parents./guardians cannot get in to see them all.
So we decided to put together a montage of all the work that can be seen on our school noticeboards
since midterm.
CBS Exclusive Issue 2 2020/21 Page 18
Colourful Corridors Continued…...
CBS Exclusive Issue 2 2020/21 Page 19
Colourful Corridors Continued…...
CBS Exclusive Issue 2 2020/21 Page 20
Click HERE to visit our Yellow Corridor webpage
Colourful Corridors Continued…...
CBS Exclusive Issue 2 2020/21 Page 21
Contact Information:
Midleton CBS Primary School,
Rosary Place,
P25 EK13
Phone: 021-4631419
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.midletoncbsprimary.ie
Facebook: www.facebook.com/MidletonCBSPrimary.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/midletoncbs
Instagram: @midletoncbsprimary
YouTube: MidletonCBSPrimary School
Christmas Holidays: St. Patrick’s Weekend: Public Holiday:
School will close on Tuesday School will be closed on School will be closed on
21st of December at 12.00 Wednesday 17th of March. Monday 3rd of May.
noon and will re-open on
Wednesday 6th of January Easter Holidays: Public Holiday:
2020. School will close on Friday School will be closed on
26th March at 12.00 noon and Monday 7th of June.
Spring Mid-Term: will re-open on Monday 12th of
School will be closed on April. Summer Holidays:
Monday 15th—Friday 19th of School will close on Friday
February. 25th June at 12.00 noon.
CBS Exclusive Issue 2 2020/21 Page 22