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Version 9

Published by: Industrial and External Relations Committee, February 2021

Industrial Training Manual v9, Faculty of Engineering and Science, Curtin University Malaysia

Table of Contents

Terms of Reference....................................................................................................................................... 2
1.0 A Brief Overview of Industrial Training............................................................................................. 3

1.1 Background ........................................................................................................................................ 3
1.2 Objectives .......................................................................................................................................... 4
2.0 Obtaining Industrial Placement ........................................................................................................ 4
2.1 Student’s Responsibility..................................................................................................................... 4
2.2 Advisor’s Responsibility ..................................................................................................................... 6
3.0 Approvals on Industrial Training ....................................................................................................... 6
4.0 Industrial Training Visit by the Industrial Training Advisor(s)........................................................... 8
5.0 Daily Training Logbook...................................................................................................................... 8
6.0 Industrial Training Report ................................................................................................................. 9
6.1 Guideline for Preparation of Industrial Training Report.................................................................... 9
7.0 Industrial Training Assessment ....................................................................................................... 12
8.0 Completion of Industrial Training ................................................................................................... 12
APPENDIX A: Industrial Training Report Template ................................................................................ 15
APPENDIX B: Training Logbook .............................................................................................................. 20
APPENDIX C: Sample of Logbook ........................................................................................................... 23
APPENDIX D: Scope of Industrial Training………………………………………………………………………………………...25
APPENDIX E: Registration Form ............................................................................................................. 30
APPENDIX F: Sample of Offer Letter………………………………………………………………………………………………….33

APPENDIX G: Visiting Advisor Report..................................................................................................... 35
APPENDIX H: Training Supervisor Report .............................................................................................. 38
APPENDIX I: Sample of Completion Letter…….…………………………………………..……………………………………..40
APPENDIX J: Student Feedback Form………………………………………………..………………………………………………44
APPENDIX K: Marking Scheme for Industrial Training ........................................................................... 47

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Industrial Training Manual v9, Faculty of Engineering and Science, Curtin University Malaysia

Terms of Reference

Training Industrial training/industrial placement/practical training

Placement Process/activity of locating a student in a training company, a
training company

Advisor Staff who is a representative from each department in the Industrial
and External Relationship Committee

Supervisor Personnel who mentors the trainee in a training company

Registration Act of submitting Registration Form (Appendix D) to the Advisor to
gain approval

Faculty Faculty of Engineering and Science, Curtin Sarawak

Company Workplace that provide training opportunity to trainee

Department/Discipline Either Civil, Electrical, Chemical or Mechanical Engineering within
the Faculty

University Curtin University Sarawak Malaysia

IERC Industrial and External Relations Committee

ITD Industrial Training Database

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Industrial Training Manual v9, Faculty of Engineering and Science, Curtin University Malaysia

1.0 A Brief Overview of Industrial Training

1.1 Background

Industrial Training refers to students’ work experience in an engineering-practising environment
prior to graduation. The Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM) and Engineers Australia, which are the
organizations that accredited all engineering programmes in Malaysia and Australia, strongly
advocate that industrial training to be included in all undergraduate engineering programmes.

In Curtin University Malaysia, all engineering students MUST complete at least 12 consecutive
weeks of industrial training with 480 total working hours as one of the requirements to be
awarded a Bachelor of Engineering. It is a mechanism to integrate engineering practices in the
curriculum to achieve the overall Programme Outcomes and Curtin Graduates Attributes. All the
Bachelor of Engineering students shall undergo the Industrial Training during the semester break
after he/ she has completed Year 3 or obtained at least 500 credit points. For Bachelor of
Technology (Computer Systems and Networking) – BTech, Bachelor of Computing (Cyber Security),
and Bachelor of Computing (Software Engineering), students shall undergo the Industrial Training
during the semester break after he/she has completed Year 2 or obtained at least 300 credit
points. For Bachelor of Applied Science (Construction Management) – BAppSc, students shall
undergo the Industrial Training during the semester break after he/she has completed Year 2 and
Year 3.

Students should note that Industrial Training is an essential component in the engineering
curriculum. It provides exposure to engineering processes at a practical level; helps developing
professional skills required by an engineer and offers opportunity to prospective employment.
Many employers regard this period as a chance to assess potential employees for future

All engineering students should make considerable effort and give sufficient thought into obtaining
the most effective training for themselves. Whilst challenging, it is desirable to obtain training that
covers a range of activities, such as design, laboratory and on-site field works. Tables in Appendix
D suggest the relevant training areas for each engineering disciplines under the Faculty of
Engineering and Science.

At Curtin University Malaysia, Industrial Training is facilitated by the Dean of Faculty, and managed
by the Faculty Industrial and External Relations Committee.

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1.2 Objectives

Through the Industrial Training, students will be able: -

a) To apply engineering knowledge learned in classroom to real life situations;
b) To expose to professional engineering practices in the industries;
c) To understand the role and responsibilities as well as code of ethics that engineers should

d) To develop awareness about general workplace behaviours and build interpersonal skills;
e) To prepare professional work records and reports;
f) To build rapport and network with future employers to increase employability;

1.3 Expected Outcome

a) Able to apply theoretical knowledge in industrial applications
b) Able to acquire skills in communications, management and team work
c) Able to practise ethical and professional work culture
d) Able to comply with Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE) practices at work

2.0 Obtaining Industrial Placement

Students who expect to undergo Industrial Training at the end of the year need to apply and obtain
an industrial placement on their own initiative. It is part of the learning process that students
experience the process of job application and placement with industry.

Students may refer to the university’s industrial partners list to identify potential companies which
could offer a placement, or look for any other relevant companies that they are interested to work
with. An undertaking letter from the Faculty could be obtained from the Industrial Training
Administrative Assistant to support the application for industrial placement. Once a placement
offer is obtained, students MUST register online via Moodle by 31st October of the year and get
approval from respective department’s Industrial Training Advisor on the placement, before
attending the training. Industrial Training Advisors are academic staff appointed by respective
department in the Industrial and External Relations Committee. Information about the list of
industries and Advisors can be found on the Industrial and External Relations website at

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2.1 Student’s Responsibility

a) Students MUST attend the industrial training briefing provided by Faculty Advisor.
b) Students MUST attend any additional training or briefing in preparation for the Industrial

Training, provided by the Faculty.
c) The industrial training must be conducted before the final semester.
d) It is strictly required for BEng and BTech student to obtain industrial placement for a

minimal period of 12 working weeks (consecutively) and 480 working hours. BAppSc
student is required to have a minimum training period of 24 working weeks and 960 hours
(12 weeks and 480 working hours in Year 2; 12 weeks and 480 working hours in Year 3).

In a situation without any public holidays and leaves taken by the student during the

internship period, the requirement above should normally be fulfilled according to the

following calculation:

Working hours: 8am to 5pm = 9hrs – 1hr lunch = 8hrs

Working days: Monday to Friday

Total working hours: 12 weeks x 5 days x 8 hours = 480 hours

However, if there are any public holidays and leaves taken by the student during the
internship period, they should not be counted as working hours.

Therefore, in this case, the student must compensate any shortage of working hours in
order to fulfil the minimal requirement of 480 working hours, thus the total training week
could be more than 12 weeks. For example, suppose there are in total five (5) days off
(equivalent to one (1) working week), including public holidays and leaves taken during the
internship period; and the student chooses to compensate the five days off after the 12th
week. Then, the calculation will be as follows:

Working hours : 8am to 5pm = 9hrs – 1hr lunch = 8hrs
Monday to Friday
Working days : 13 weeks x 5 days = 65 days
5 days
Total No. of days : 60 days (65 – 5 = 60 days)
60 days x 8 hours = 480 hours
Total No. of days off :

Total No. of actual working days :

Total working hours :

“Please check with the Human Resource of the respective company about the working hours.

It should be clearly stated in the offer letter.”

For example: -

Internship Period: 1 Dec 2020 (Tuesday) – 19 Feb 2021 (Friday)

Working hours: 8am to 5pm = 9hrs – 1hr lunch = 8hrs

Working days: Monday to Friday

Total weeks: 11 weeks and three days < 12 weeks

Total hours: 58 days x 8 hours = 464 hours

Public holiday: 25 Dec 2020; 1 Jan 2021; 12 Feb 2021 or 24 hours

Total working hours: 464 – 24 = 440 hours < 480 hours;

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Industrial Training Manual v9, Faculty of Engineering and Science, Curtin University Malaysia

In order to satisfy a minimum period of 12 weeks, the internship period need to extend to
22 Feb 2021 (Monday). But the working hours is 440 hours < 480 hours, not satisfying both
criteria. Therefore, he/she needs to further extend the internship period to 26 Feb 2021.

e) Having obtained the placement, students MUST register the internship and get approval
from the advisor to be officially recorded in the Industrial Training Database before
undergoing the industrial training through online registration on Moodle.

Student has to inform the Industrial Training Advisor or Administrative Assistant
immediately if he/she is relocated by the company to other location, different from the
address in the registration form.

2.2 Advisor’s Responsibility

a) Industrial Advisors of all disciplines should brief students about the industrial training
procedures for at least two industrial training briefing sessions.

b) Advisors should also advise on any doubts or inquiries from the students about their
placement. This includes but not limited to proposed company of employment. Students
may also consult other Advisors (under Industrial and External Relations Committee) on the
availability of Industrial Training.

3.0 Approvals on Industrial Training

For an Industrial Training to be recognised and valid, the proposed placement must be registered
and approved by the Faculty (through the respective Advisor) BEFORE the training starts. The
approval is judged based on the relevance of industry, duration of training and training content/

Approval will NOT be automatically granted. A student may be required to submit
additional supporting information for the intended training to be approved.

Please take note of the following are required for completing the registration process in Moodle.
a. filled an online registration Form A,
b. and placement offer letter.

The student’s training particulars will be registered to the Faculty’s Industrial Training Database
(ITD) once the registration is completed.

The student is reminded that unregistered placement will be nullified.

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Industrial Training Manual v9, Faculty of Engineering and Science, Curtin University Malay

Registration for I

Industrial Admin Student Student r
Training Assistant seeks and through M
Briefing will register obtained for adviso
provided student to placement attached
by Advisor Moodle i) Placem

(*) Student can obtain a copy of Letter of Undertaking from Ms. Jacqueline (
(**) Student must fill in online registration form A (link via Moodle) for advis

Registration for Industrial Training Completion of In

Student Student submits online Advisor
completes a through Moodle

min. continuous i) Letter of Completion

12 weeks and of Training

480 working ii) Student Feedback

hours Form

iii) Report + Logbook +

Poster Presentation


Figure 1: Procedure for Registration and

Reference Number: MAN-FOES-01 Version: 9

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ysia Advisor from Student will receive
respective an approval
Industrial Training
disciplines to notification via
register online check Form A for email. This confirms
Moodle (Form A)
or’s approval and approval that student has
d: been registered in
ment Offer Letter
the Industrial
Training Database

(Admin Assistant) to support the placement request
sor’s approval once receiving offer letter from company

ndustrial Training

Admin Assistant PASS  Faculty issues Certificate of
submit result to Completion to student
Student Services
Department in  Database record updated

Week 12 of  Faculty issues notification to
Semester 1 student.

d Completion of Industrial Training  Student seeks consultation
from advisor

FAIL  Student to repeat the

industrial training processes

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4.0 Industrial Training Visit by the Industrial Training Advisor(s)

To the discretion of IERC, visit by Advisors will be conducted throughout the industrial training
period. The students will be informed on the date and time of the visit, and should coordinate
the meeting between the Advisor and the training supervisor(s). Discussions will be held with the
training supervisor(s) as well as the student during the visit.

The purposes of the Advisor visit to the training place are as follows:

a) To ensure that the company is suitable and is providing students with training that they

b) To obtain feedback on training programme, student performance and training progress
through discussion with training supervisor(s).

c) To make courtesy visits and establish industrial relations between the University and the

d) To discuss the possibility of students’ job placement with the company.
e) To survey for new industries as potential training placement in the future.

Students are NOT ALLOWED to change placement during the training period without
obtaining written permission from respective discipline Advisor.

After getting a written permission from the Advisor, a fresh approval should be
applied for the new placement. Attach the written permission (email etc.) to the new
Registration Form (Form A) and email to the Faculty Admin Assistance.

5.0 Daily Training Logbook

Students could download the Daily Logbook from Moodle or the IERC website All the training
content/activities need to be recorded on a daily basis. The logbook is kept as:

a) A reflection of the student’s learning and experience during the industrial training;
b) Training records and evidences for supervisor and Advisor reference.
c) Part of professional practice in engineering profession where incidence and evidence are

recorded in proper documentation.
d) Source of reference to prepare the Industrial Training Report. The logbook must be

submitted together with the Industrial Training Report.

The logbook should be signed by the supervisor on a weekly basis on every page.
Student should ONLY use the logbook template provided in the website.
Any amendments made to the logbook especially the date and time, must be
acknowledged by the industry supervisor with signature.

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Industrial Training Manual v9, Faculty of Engineering and Science, Curtin University Malaysia

6.0 Industrial Training Report

An industrial training report should be prepared upon completion of training. The report is a
compiled writing that demonstrates student’s learning and development in technical knowledge,
engineering practises and professional skills through the practical experience. The industrial
training report should also reflect a student’s ability in communicating engineering context such
as design, processes, evaluation and decision making in a clear and concise manner through
technical reports.

Students should seek advice from their employers to ensure that no confidential materials are
included in the report. The student should be able to present the report to prospective
employers, as a complement to their degree. Any references made in preparation of the report
should be recognised using standard referencing formats.

Student should refer to the Industrial Training Report Template as given in Appendix A and
guideline in Section 6.1 in preparing the report. The Daily Training Logbook should be submitted
together with the report.

A copy of the report in pdf format should be submitted online via Moodle by 1200,
Friday Week 4 of first semester. Students should also retain a personal copy of the

6.1 Guideline for Preparation of Industrial Training Report

Student needs to properly document their experience and learning during the industrial training
in the form of report. Through this report, the experience gained can be delivered to their peers
and Advisor. A properly prepared report can present their practical experience in an orderly,
precise and interesting manner.

1. Contents and Format of the Report

The report has to be prepared according to the format determined by the Faculty based
on the guidelines below.

a) General Report Format

The report has to be typewritten with 12-point font size, Times New Roman font type
and line spacing of 1.5 throughout the report. Convert your report to PDF format
before submitting it online. A sample of report template is available in Appendix A.

The format for the front cover should follow the sample provided in Appendix A. No
changes are allowed.

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Industrial Training Manual v9, Faculty of Engineering and Science, Curtin University Malaysia

b) Abstract/Preface

This section of the report should consist of brief description of the following.

1. Activities of the Organization
2. Summary of the report
3. Acknowledgement
An abstract should be limited to a maximum of two (2) pages only.

c) Table of Content

This section of the report should consist of:
1. Headings
2. Sub-headings
3. Page numbers
Every appendix requires a title and each page need to be numbered accordingly.

d) Background/Profile of Company

Brief and concise description of the company in which the student is undertaking the
industrial training. The main items are:

1. Backgrounds/profile of the company
2. Vision and Mission
3. Structural organization of main activity
4. Title and position of the supervisor in charge
5. Others deemed necessary (no more than three (3) pages)

e) Summary of Duties

This section should be a brief description of the time, duration and types of duty
carried out during the training. The description must follow the schedule of the
training i.e. in chronological order (for 12 weeks). The days when the student is not
on duty must be properly recorded with reasons given.

f) Working Experience

In this section, the student must describe the industrial training experience gained.
Some suggest areas to be discussed include but not limited to:

1. Projects carried out
2. Supervisory works (e.g. if you are supervising anyone in the company)
3. Problems encountered
4. Problems solving process or approach

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g) Conclusion

Student should provide an overall discussion in this section and arrive at a conclusion
with regards to the industrial training undergone. Contents may include:

1. Types of major work performed
2. Comments on whether the training objectives are met
3. Recommendations

h) References

A complete list of the references used in the report must be included according to
standard referencing format.

i) Appendix

Appendixes are additional information considered appropriate to support the main
text. A copy of the letter of permission from the company must be attached in the
appendix. Other suggested appendixes are:

1. Investigation/project report during the industrial training
2. Technical drawing etc.

2. Others

a) Figures/Tables

All figures, tables and similar contents must be captioned and labelled. Every
figure or table must be mentioned in the main text.

b) List of Notations and Symbols

If the report contains notations and symbols, the full definition must be given
when each notation or symbol first appeared in the main text. The list of notations
and symbols with the full definitions can be places after ‘Tables of Contents’.

Every appendix must have a title and be mentioned in the main text where
appropriate. All page numbers for appendixes must be continual from the main

DO NOT include irrelevant materials, e.g. brochures from the organizations, order
forms, organization newsletter and similar materials in the report.

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Note on Good Practice:
Student is strongly advised to commence writing the industrial training report as early as
in the beginning of the training period to ensure a timely completion of the report.

7.0 Industrial Training Assessment

The industrial training performance assessment will be based on

1. Training Supervisor’s Report (20%)
2. Training Advisor report through visit or survey (10%)
3. Industrial Training Report (55%)
4. Poster Presentation (15%)

Detailed marking scheme for the industrial performance assessment is available in
Attachment K. Based on the criteria above, the result of the Industrial Training could be:

1. Pass, or
2. Fail

A total of minimal 50% marks must be achieved in order to be considered passing the
industrial training.

Students are advised to give a serious consideration in writing their report. The report must
be in good quality and explain all industrial experience and knowledge gained.

The report MUST NOT be in the form of short note and figurative form. If the report is
not satisfactory, the student may be asked to rewrite the report until it is deemed

8.0 Completion of Industrial Training

Upon ending of a training period, a completion letter MUST be obtained from the employer.
The completion letter needs to be submitted via link in Moodle together with the Student
Feedback form and Industrial Training Report for grading. A poster presentation shall be
arranged for all the students based on department arrangement.

Industrial Training Report and all other documents mentioned above are to be
submitted through Moodle by 12:00PM, Friday of Week 4, Semester One.

Upon approval of your completion Industrial Training report by the Faculty, a confirmation
letter will be issued as evidence of a successfully completed industrial experience.

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9.0 Administration

Industrial Training is facilitated by the Dean of Faculty with the consultation from the
Industrial and External Relations Committee, and is managed by the respective Industrial
Training Advisor from each department.

Administrative matters are handled by the Faculty Office (Industrial Training Administrative
Assistant) to maintain records of placement, approvals given by the respective Advisor
(approvals of training program and final training report), letter of confirmation and
registration of all submitted reports.

All approvals and variations as well as assessment and other academic matters are dealt with
by respective Advisor from each department.





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APPENDIX A: Industrial Training Report

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NAME : _______________________________________

STUDENT ID : _______________________________________

COURSE : _______________________________________

TRAINING PERIOD : _______________________________________

TRAINING COMPANY : _______________________________________

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Industrial Training Manual v9, Faculty of Engineering and Science, Curtin University Malaysia

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Subject Page
Chapter 2
Backgrounds of Company xx
Chapter 3 xx
Summary of Duties xx
Chapter 4 xx
2.1 …………..
2.2 ………….. xx
2.3 ………….. xx
Working Experiences xx
4.1 Projects carried out
4.2 Supervisory works
4.3 Problems encountered
4.4 Problems solving process, approach




Appendix 1
Appendix 2

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CHAPTER - TITLE Top Margin: 25mm
4 spacing

8 spacing

Text chapter starts here and

Continue …………………………………….. Type with 1.5 spacing

2 spacing between paragraphs

Left Margin Right Margin
40mm 25mm

Bottom Margin: 25mm

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APPENDIX B: Training Logbook

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Personal Details : _______________________________________
Student Name : _______________________________________
Student ID : _______________________________________
Address : _______________________________________
Email : _______________________________________
Course of Study : _______________________________________
Year/Semester of Study : _______________________________________
Training Start Date : _______________________________________
Training End Date
Company Details : _______________________________________
Company Name : _______________________________________
Company Address _______________________________________
: _______________________________________
Contact Person : _______________________________________
Contact Number

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Daily Training Log

Training Week: ____________________

(please specify training information by descriptive statement, tables, sketches, figures and etc)

Date Time Entry


Note: Please include attachment whenever necessary


I hereby declare that all information provided above is true.

______________________ ____________________ ___________________
Signed by Trainee Date Signed by Supervisor

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APPENDIX C: Sample of Logbook

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APPENDIX D: Scope of Industrial Training

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Chemical Engineering

Engineering Economics
Process Instrumentation & Control
Process Modelling
Process Operation
Quality Control
Risk Management
Simulation of Chemical Process

Civil and Construction Engineering/ Construction Management

Design Office / Consultants:

 Structural design
 Structural drafting and drawings
 Writing technical and generic specifications
 Preparation of tender documents and contracts
 Calculation pre and post tendering quantities
 Supervising the site works

Constructions / Contractors:

 Execution of infra structures and utilities
 Supervising sub-structures and foundation works
 Form works and false works for concrete works
 Installation of rebar and concreting
 Execution of road works with flexible pavement
 Rigid pavement roads
 Bridges and culverts
 All types of drainage works
 Preparation of claims for the executed works
 Preparation of proposals for engineers approval
 Claims for variation and extension of time for the contract

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Electrical and Computer Engineering

Power System Engineering

 Power Generation
 Power Transmission
 Power Distribution
 Power Quality
 Power System Planning
 Power System Optimization
 Power System Control
 Power System Protection

Renewable Energy
 Solar Energy
 Wind Energy
 Biomass
 Hydropower

 Image Processing
 Signal Processing

Communication Signal Processing
 Modelling
 Identification
 Control

Embedded Systems
 FPGA Design
 IP Core Design
 Parallel Processing using multi core
 Contribution to Open Source Projects

 VLSI Design and Fabrication

 Software Engineering
 Cyber Security

Computer Network Technologies
 Fundamental Network

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 Network Design
 Implementation
 Trouble Shooting Network Issues

Mechanical Engineering

 Quality Engineering
 Process Development / monitoring
 Production
 Project Management
 Value Engineering
 Maintenance
 Welding
 Stamping
 Die Casting
 Injection moulding
 Cold forming
 Spray painting
 Heat Treatment
 CNC Milling/Machining
 Metallurgy
 Product mass assembly
 Shop floor design / management

Control Engineering
 Factory automation
 Robotic

Mechanical Design
 Product design & development
 Appearance design
 Engineering Standards (ASME, JIS, DIN, MS)
 Product Testing
 RnD

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Engineering Management
 Project Management
 ISO 9001: 9002
 ISO 14000
 Resource Management
 Environmental Management

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APPENDIX E: Registration Form
(Form A)

Online Registration QR

Always check Moodle for the updated link

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Online Registration
Acknowledgement Receipt

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APPENDIX F: Sample of Offer Letter

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APPENDIX G: Visiting Advisor Report
(Form B)

Visiting Advisor Report Link This link will be forwarded to your visiting advisor

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APPENDIX H: Training Supervisor Report
(Form C)

The link will be emailed to your supervisor from the Faculty Office

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APPENDIX I: Sample of Completion

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APPENDIX J: Student Feedback Form
(Form D)

Student Feedback QR

Always check Moodle for the updated link

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Curtin University Malaysia
Industrial Training Marking Scheme

Student’s Name:

Criteria 1 – Training Supervisor’s Report (20%)

Average of Overall Evaluation (Grade of 1 – 10) from Training Student Score
Supervisor’s Report (20%)

Criteria 2 - Training Advisor report through visit or survey (10%) Student Score
Student’s Progress

Excellent (10)
Good (7.5)
Satisfactory (5)
Not Satisfactory (2.5)

Criteria 3 - Industrial Training Report (55%)

Student Score

No Element 1 – Very 2 - Poor 3- 4 - Good 5 - Excellent Marks
poor Satisfactory Obtained
1. Training Content (20%) Demonstrate Demonstrate
Demonstrate any 2 of the Demonstrate Demonstrate all of the /20
 Explanation of the company background any 1 of the any 3 of the any 4 of the content
 Explanation of projects or tasks carried out content criteria
 Explanation of problems encountered while content criteria content content
criteria criteria criteria
carrying out the projects or tasks
 Explanation of techniques or approach taken to

solve the problems
 Explanation of the company rules, regulations or

safety requirement

2. Student Efforts (15%) Fail to Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate Excellently /15
demonstrate any 1 of the any 2 of the all of the demonstrate
 Demonstrate initiative to learn throughout the content
training any of the content content criteria all of the
content criteria criteria content
 Demonstrate interpersonal skills during training criteria criteria
 Demonstrate participation of student in the

company daily activities

3. Conclusion (10%) Follow any Follow any 2 Follow any 3 Follow any 4 Follow all of /10
1 of the of the of the of the the
 Conclude the findings obtained during the training
 Conclude the lessons learnt from the training conclusion conclusion conclusion conclusion conclusion
 Personal evaluation on the challenges faced during criteria criteria criteria criteria criteria

 Personal evaluation on the suitability of placement
 Recommendation

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4. Report Presentation (10%) Follow any 1 Follow any 2 Follow any 3 Follow any 4 Follow all of /10
of the report of the report of the report of the report the report /55
 Report is prepared following the template presentation presentation presentation presentation presentation
 Report is written in clear and concise English
 Report is well structured, neat and presentable criteria criteria criteria criteria criteria
 No grammatical and spelling error
 Includes all required attachment and documents

Total Score

Criteria 4 - Industrial Training Poster Presentation (15%)

Student Score

No Element 1 – Very 2 - Poor 3- 4 - Good 5 - Excellent Marks
poor Satisfactory Obtained
1. Training Content (5%) Demonstrate Excellently
Fail to any 1 of the Demonstrate Demonstrate demonstrate /5
 Demonstrate sufficient knowledge gain from the demonstrate any 2 of the all of the
industrial training content content all of the
any of the criteria content criteria content
 Able to answer correctly to questions related to content criteria criteria
the presented facts, theories and work processes criteria

 Able to explain the training company business
nature, engineering practices, roles and
responsibilities of engineers in that company

2. Student Efforts (5%) Fail to Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate Excellently /5
demonstrate any 1 of the any 2 of the all of the demonstrate
 Highlight key contribution during the industrial content
any of the content content all of the
content criteria criteria criteria content

 Present the industrial training technical outcomes criteria criteria

 Present the industrial training non-technical

outcomes (management and team work,

implement Health, Safety and Environmental

practices at work)

3. Presentation (5%) Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate /5

 Able to communicate engineering experience in a any 1 of the any 2 of the any 3 of the any 4 of the all of the
clear and concise manner content content content content

criteria criteria criteria criteria criteria

 Adhere to the format specified (A1-sized)

 Graphical illustration presenting the outcomes

 Well structured, neat and presentable

 Linguistically correct (no grammatical and spelling


Total Score /15

Total Score of Criteria 1, 2, 3 and 4

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