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8 WEEK training Plan
Jay McCarthy is pleased to present the 8 week 8km Family Fondo Training Plan developed by Kangaroo Point Cycling Club and
Cycling Queensland to get you ready for the 2019 Tour de Brisbane.
The Tour de Brisbane is one of our major events within the Brisbane Cycling Festival, it has something for everyone! If you’re
looking for a fun time on a bike on closed roads, these rides are for you!
We are ready to invite the world for a bike ride in our backyard, featuring fully closed roads and an iconic city-based course,
this is a world class experience on two wheels.
Come and embark on this journey with us that embraces our lifestyle, shows off our unique environment, and reflects our
city’s vision to be the world’s most liveable city.
Dream it, believe it, achieve it.
Jay McCarthy
Who this is intended for: What this guide is not:
• This guide is for families intending on riding • This is not an individualised program, tailored to your personal circumstances
and reflective of your training history – unfortunately it is not possible to
The 8km Family Fondo at the Tour de Brisbane provide this. However, beyond this guide there may be opportunities to
• work more closely with one of the Kangaroo Point Cycling Club coaches in
Most families looking to complete this guide would be looking to have an the future.
existing active lifestyle and would probably already be active 1-2 times during This is not a talent identification program with strict inclusion and exclusion
the week or 1-2 times over the weekend. • criteria designed to weed out weak riders. This is an opt-in, opt-out program
designed to guide riders as they prepare for this awesome event.
What the guide involves:
• You’ll receive an 8-week guide broken into weekly training guides;
• This is a group-based program (i.e. general training guidelines will be provided What next:
rather than highly individualised programs);
What will be expected of you: • The first guide will be available prior to February 18th (the first day of the
training guide).
• Our overall message is that you will need to take responsibility for your own Happy riding
training; Kangaroo Point Cycling Club Coaches
You will have access to the training guides but it will be largely up to you
• regarding how much of it you do and how you do it;
In some cases, riders should consult a doctor to ensure that the regime is
suitable for their circumstances and all riders should cease immediately if
• they have any health issues that may compromise their safe involvement in
this program. If you do experience any adverse symptoms you should cease all
training immediately and consult a medical professional;
You should continue to adhere to all road rules when training on public roads
and should use your common sense when training to ensure you own safety
and the safety of those around you.
18th – 24th February 2019
monday tuesday wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
18/2/19 19/2/19 20/2/19 21/2/19 22/2/19 23/2/19 24/2/19
Targets: Targets:
• Check all bikes and safety equipment are in working order. Consult qualified professionals to service and/or • Take the family for a short ride (around 15 - 30min) in a
replace any items. cool part of the day (e.g. between 6-10am or 3-6pm).
• Identify nearby areas that you can ride (bike paths, open areas, other off-road facilities). • Let each person have some responsibility for their own
equipment (e.g. let children fill their own water bottles
Qs to consider: and check whether their tires are pumped).
• Who would like to join in?
• What skills will everyone need to successfully complete the 8km on-road course?
• Is everyone up for the challenge?
• When checking over the family bikes you might like to consider finding an online checklist to make sure you cover everything. Bike safety checklists should include the frame (e.g. no cracks,
handlebars turn smoothly), wheels (e.g. tyres pumped and in good condition, no broken or missing spokes), brakes (e.g. front and rear brakes are working, pads are in right position), gears (e.g.
chain changes cleanly, chain does not come off at either end of cogs), handlebars (e.g. bar ends are plugged, bars are tightly fitted), pedals (e.g. fixed firmly to cranks, cages correctly fitted),
bottom bracket (e.g. cranks turn smoothly, no ‘play’ in the cranks), seat (e.g. correct height, level), bike size (e.g. rider can straddle with both feet touching the ground), reflectors (e.g. all fitted).
• Helmets are essential safety equipment for all riders. You should check that all helmets comply with Australian standards and that they are correctly fitted. Things to look for include: strap
is firm under the chin, side strap buckles are under ears, helmet sits on the head firmly and horizontally, there are no cracks or splits to the shell or foam, all pads are present and in good
• When the family goes out for a short ride, focus on everyone being able to confidently mount, take off, ride in a straight line, stop, and dismount.
• The best way to mount the bike is to stand astride the top tube of the frame, use one foot to bring the starting pedal to a ‘power position’, stand one foot on the starting pedal to make the bike
glide forwards, then rise up on to the seat and continue pedalling. Always look up (not down at your feet)!
• Areas that you might like to consider can include purpose-build off-road circuits (e.g. Albert Bishop Park Criterium Circuit – Nundah), bikeways (e.g. Kedron Brook Bikeway), street skill courses
(e.g. 7th Brigade Park, Chermside), or public courts (e.g. Mayfield Street Park, Carina).
25th February – 3rd March 2019
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
25/2/19 26/2/19 27/2/19 28/2/19 1/3/19 2/3/19 3/3/19
Targets: Targets:
• Go for at least 1 short morning or afternoon ride. • Take the family for another short ride in a cool part of
Qs to consider: the day (e.g. between 6-10am or 3-6pm).
• Who does it feel like to pedal on different surfaces?
• Each person can do their own bike and helmet check.
• What are some of the things you need to keep in mind when riding on different surfaces?
• On the rides you do this week, choose some routes that incorporate some different surfaces – concrete, grass, gravel.
• Also spend some time practicing riding slowly – this is certainly something that you are likely to have to do during some periods of the event. When practicing this week you could make it
into a family challenge – who can ride slowest between 2 points? If you put your foot down you’re out!
4th – 10th March 2019
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
4/3/19 5/3/19 6/3/19 7/3/19 8/3/19 9/3/19 10/3/19
Targets: Targets:
• Go for at least 2 short morning or afternoon rides. • Take the family for another short ride in a cool part of
Qs to consider: the day (e.g. between 6-10am or 3-6pm).
• What tends to happen to your bike when you look back over one shoulder?
• Can you ride with one hand? • Consider what ‘spares’ and tools the family needs to
• When might you need to scan during this event? take on longer rides and the event day.
• What will you do if a family member has a flat tyre?
• During this week’s rides spend some time making sure that the family can scan sufficiently and that you can all signal correctly.
• Scanning involves being able to look over your shoulders to see what is happening behind you. It is crucial that riders are able to do this while still maintaining a straight line. You can practice
this by working with a partner with one person riding 2 or 3 bike lengths back. The rider in-front then practices turning around to see the rider behind while trying to maintain a straight line.
• To be able to signal safely, riders need to be able to ride 1 handed. You can practice this by taking one hand off the bar for a short period and then lengthening this when comfortable. Other
activities include 1 handed follow-the leader (with 2 bike lengths in between each rider) and eventually signalling left and right turns.
• It is important for riders to be as self-sufficient as possible on event day. It would really suck to not be able to complete the ride because of a flat tyre. It is recommended that you pack spare
tubes, tyre levers, and a pump when you go on family rides and for event days.
11th – 17th March 2019
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
11/3/19 12/3/18 13/3/19 14/3/19 15/3/19 16/3/19 17/3/19
Targets: Targets:
• Go for at least 2 short morning or afternoon rides. • Try going for a slightly longer ride this weekend.
• Each person can do their own bike and helmet
Qs to consider:
• How confident are you about using your gears? check.
• Consider the clothing and sun protection options
• What are the main issues to consider when cornering?
you have – especially for event day.
• When riding this week you should give some attention to gear selection and cornering habits.
• Some people get a bit worried and confused about gears so keep it simple. Small gears are good for slow speeds – when you’re starting off, when you’re going up steep hills. Big gears
are good for faster speeds – when you’re already going fast, when you’re going downhill. Medium gears are good for the rest (and if you are truly scared of gears just stick with a medium
gear for everything)! Some further tips about gearing that the family can practice on rides this week include: only change gears when you’re pedalling (otherwise you are likely to stretch the cables
and the gears won’t work as well); when you are coming to a stop, choose a small gear (so it is easier to get started again); select gears early (e.g. change to a smaller gear before you get to the hill, not
when you’re already going up it).
• Effective cornering involves choosing a line through the corner, avoid pedalling through the corner, break before the corner (rather than while cornering), position the high on the turning side
(i.e. inside foot at the top of the stroke, outside foot at the bottom), lean the bicycle gently into the corner, start pedalling again when you exit the corner. Maybe you can
set up an obstacle course or slalom course that the whole family can do?
• Practice some different combinations of clothing (e.g. purpose-built bicycle shorts – knicks) and sun protection (e.g. sunglasses) options.
18th – 24th March 2019
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
18/3/19 19/3/19 20/3/19 21/3/19 22/3/19 23/3/19 24/3/19
Targets: Targets:
• Go for at least 2-4 short morning or afternoon rides. • Try going a little longer again this weekend.
Qs to consider: • Consider the food and water options that you have
• How comfortable and safe is everyone in the family when riding around others (i.e. in a group)? - especially for event day.
• What are the cycling advantages of following someone else?
• What are the possible issues with following someone else?
• During the family rides this week the emphasis should be on getting comfortable riding closely with others. This is certainly something that is likely to happen on event day (especially at the start and during
certain other points on the course).
• You can try things like riding side by side, starting a metre or more apart and trying to get a little closer. A good tip is to relax at the elbows and shoulders so that if you do accidentally bump each other, it is
absorbed by the relaxed arms rather than causing sudden veering because of stiff bodies. Those who are really confident might be able to get so close that they briefly bump shoulders (but be careful)!
• You can also try things like following riders in single file. This is good because it allows weaker riders to get some reprieve from the headwind, but it means that the rider in front must keep an eye out for
any hazards as well as call them out and avoid them (because the view of riders behind is a little obstructed). Riders can start a metre or more apart and try to get a little closer. Eventually they might safely
stay 40cm or so behind the wheel in front. Good tips to practice include not overlapping wheels, focus around the level of the lower back of the person in front (so you can see their wheel as well as the
road in front), avoid braking or swerving suddenly, and the leader should ride smoothly as well as call out warnings about hazards to riders behind.
• Although the ride is relatively short, the day can actually be pretty long (by the time you get to the start, wait around, complete the event, chat with everyone afterwards, and return home). So it is good to
have a plan and practice it during some of your rides this week and in coming weeks (especially the longer weekend ones).
25th – 31st March 2019
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
25/3/19 26/3/19 27/3/19 28/3/19 29/3/19 30/3/19 31/3/19
Targets: Targets:
• Go for at least 2-4 short morning or afternoon rides. • Try going on at least 1 ride that is event distance
Qs to consider:
• How hilly is the event course?
• Is it better to ride in or out of the saddle (bottom of the seat) up hill?
• The event is getting much closer now!
• In the rides this week you might like to spend time focussing on going uphill and going downhill.
• Prior to going up a hill it is a great idea to select a smaller gear so that you can maintain the same steady cadence (pedalling revolutions) that you do when you’re on the flat. Overall, it is better to ‘spin’
smaller gears than ‘grinding’ bigger gears uphill. It doesn’t really matter if you want to climb the hill in the saddle or out of the saddle – as long as you maintain good control over your bike, remain relaxed
in your hands, elbows and shoulders, and maintain a good steady cadence. For some family members it may be necessary to get off and walk – you should practice selecting smaller gears earlier to avoid
this but it may be worthwhile practicing dismounting on hills just in case.
• When going downhill you should keep your hands near your brakes but remain relaxed, maintaining a low and solid position on the seat. You may also like to focus on braking early when you first long hills
(as opposed to keeping the brakes on the whole time as these can heat up and not work as well).
1st – 7th April 2019
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
1/4/19 2/4/19 3/4/19 4/4/19 5/4/19 6/4/19 7/4/19
Targets: Targets:
• Go for at least 2-4 short morning or afternoon rides. • Try riding on street skill courses or on very
quiet local roads.
Qs to consider:
• How well do younger family members know the road rules?
• Is it safe for all family members to be on the road?
• The event is on closed roads but they are roads nonetheless. And although there will not be cars, there will be plenty of other road users (i.e. other riders) that day. So it is important that all family
members be competent and confident regarding their ability to ride on undulating road terrain.
• During this week’s rides, you might like to find a safe place to practice some road riding skills. This might include:
o Riding 1 metre from kerbs and parked cars (i.e. rather than weaving in and out)
o Claiming your space as you move towards intersections and roundabouts (i.e. riding confidently)
o Riding consistently (e.g. maintain a straight line)
o Signalling your intentions (e.g. clearly indicating when you are turning and stopping), and
o Being aware of your surroundings (e.g. constantly scanning in front, beside, and behind you, communicating with those around you to let them know what you are doing, making eye contact with
other road users).
• This is also a good time to revisit some of the other skills that you’ve been practicing so that you are able to negotiate some of the interesting features of the course without too much
stress (e.g. the left hand turn off Vulture Street onto Leopard Street, expansion joints on the bridge, the exit and turns on Ivory Street, the up and down hill along Eagle Street)
8th April – family FONDO (and a little beyond) 2019
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
8/4/19 9/4/19 10/4/19 11/4/19 12/4/19 13/4/19 14/4/19
Targets: The
• Go for 1-2 short morning or afternoon rides 8km FAMILY
• Check all equipment
• Pack all additional supplies and spares Fondo
Qs to consider:
• Is everyone ready and excited?
• How are you going to get to the start line and home after the finish?
• We’re entering the final approach to the Family Fondo!
• This is a period where we should check that the whole family is ready to go – good skills, good confidence, good understanding of what’s involved!
• It is also a chance to make sure that everyone eats well and gets some rest in the lead up.
• If you liked the event and the training, we urge you all to consider continuing your involvement in cycling though one of the many great clubs in South East Queensland!