31 Marc1 h 2019
Contents Photos - Veloshotz.com
WELCOME……………………….….3 GENERAL RULES..….….……...…….24
PROGRAM….……………….….…...6 FURTHER INFORMATION…….….…24
REGISTRATION…..………...…..…..7 SAFETY…….……………………….....25
WAVE STARTS…........……..……….8 TIMING ……………………...…….......25
TRANSITION…..……..……………...10 PARKING ………….....…...........……..26
SWIM……….………………………....13 STORAGE ………….………..……......27
CYCLE…………………………….…..16 TOILETS …..…….…………..........…..27
DRAFTING….…………………….…..18 PHOTOGRAPHY....………..………....27
RUN……...………………………….…20 RESULTS ……...….………..…...……27
4 13
35FINISH AND RECOVERY……….….23 PREREQUISITES …..…….…….......27 4
Hello Athletes, Families and Supporters of the Kingscliff Triathlon,
On behalf of the Local Management Committee, it is my pleasure to once again welcome and
thank you for spending your weekend in wonderful Kingscliff. We are confident all races will
be a great hit out for local and travelling athletes.
Boasting idyllic tropical weather, the scenery is sure to make the course even more enjoyable.
Kingscliff is a wonderful triathlon as it affords the opportunity for everyone to give it a go,
whether it is for fun or you're racing for the podium we wish you the best! We are proud to be
hosting the Triathlon Queensland Nissan State Series and the Queensland Championships for
Sprint at this event.
The town is undergoing considerable redevelopment of its roads, footpaths and green spaces
which regrettably will not all be finished until the middle of this year. Please be aware of
changes and work with us.
We are encouraged by many of the local shopkeepers’ optimistic and positive outlook for
the event as we look to reset and rejuvenate in our 10-year anniversary this year. This
commitment from both us as triathletes and the locals will reset a number of courses, timings
and program orders.
I would like to acknowledge the invaluable support we have received from Ron Cooper and
staff of the Tweed Shire Council, Andrew from Tweed Coast Holiday Park, and Jamin from
Finally a thank you to our friends and partners who support community sports events: Dave
from Hammer Nutrition, Cindy from Eyeline, Bernard from Scody, Bill from Zero Athletic, and
Mark from ECN Technology.
And for now, we are focused on great coastal racing, and a fun weekend away in Kingy.
Mike Crawley 13
Race Director 4
Welcome From Council
Welcome to Tweed and Welcome to the beautiful town of Kingscliff!
Tweed Shire Council is delighted to be hosting this fantastic event once again.
We have a big focus on Healthy lifestyles here in Tweed and sport and fitness is the answer to
many of the health and mental health challenges society faces today.
I know from personal experience how sports can give so much to so many people. When I rowed
surf boats I loved the early morning training sessions, the agony when your entire body aches
and you're gasping for that next breath, and perhaps most importantly the mateship and the
bonds you form with your team mates!
Tweed provides the perfect opportunity to live a healthy life - there are abundant opportunities to
embrace our stunning natural environment and combine it with some form of exercise.
This event is also a fantastic way to show off our beautiful shire to the thousands of you who
have made the journey to be here this weekend.
With around 5000 spectators, over 100 volunteers and scores of businesses involved today, The
Kingscliff triathlon is truly a community event that provides many benefits to all those involved.
CONGRATULATIONS to all those who have found the courage to compete in the 19th Biannual
Kingscliff Triathlon – go well and have fun!
James Owen
Tweed Shire
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Registration Open Registration Open
2:00pm – 5:00pm (NSW) 5:30am – 6:40am (NSW)
Kingscliff Community Hall, beside the Kingscliff Community Hall, beside the
Surf Club Surf Club
Transition Open Transition Open
2:00pm – 5:00pm (NSW) 5:30am – 6:40am (NSW)
Faulks Park, Faulks Park,
Southern End Marine Parade Southern End Marine Parade
Juniors 7-9 100m 3km 0.5km
Big Kids 10-12 200m 6km 1km
Pinky Starter 13+ 200m 6km 1km
Tempta 13+ 300m 10km 2.5km
14+ 750m 20km 5km
Sprint 15+ 1500m 40km 10km
When you arrive at Registration in the community hall next to the Cudgen Headland Surf Life
Saving Club, you will need to sign on. Line up by your event distance and age group, and
you will be asked for your surname and then first name. Please bring photo ID.
If you are not a Triathlon Australia Member, you will need a One Day Licence. If you did not
enter a TA number online when you entered, the One Day Licence was automatically added to
your entry at time of purchase.
After registering, you will receive your registration pack which will include:
• Bike sticker – this should be placed • Race number (bike/run) – put this on the
around your bike seat stem front of your shirt with safety pins or on
• Helmet sticker – to be attached to the
your race belt
right side of your helmet • Timing band – around your left ankle
• Swim cap – make sure it is the right
colour for your wave
• If ALL team members are annual members, no one day licence is required.
• If ALL team members are not annual members, then a One Day License is required.
• If you did not include a TA number when you entered, the One Day Licence was
automatically added to your teams entry at time of purchase.
• Note that you are only required to purchase a single One Day Licence per team entry.
If your team has purchased a One Day Licence online, it is valid for your team’s entry. If
one person in your team needs a One Day Licence, your whole team will need to
purchase the One Day Licence.
• Your race bib is to be worn for your run leg. Ensure the number stays to the front at all
times to make it easier for officials to identify you throughout the race
• Wear your cycle helmet sticker on the right side.
• There will be no body numbering for this event.
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Wave Starts
Wave starts will be released early next week. Based on
entries so far, the first wave of the day will be at 6.50am (local
NSW time) subject to daylight.
The program will start with the Tempta, followed by the Sprint,
Olympic, then Kids.
Non-drafting open to all Racing determined by All In teams consist of
participants; subject to your age as of 31 three people who each
final field size there may complete all three legs of
be prize money. Only December 2018 as per
the Triathlon Australia a tri each;
applicable for the Rules and Regulations.
Olympic distance. Relay teams involve each
The most popular team member doing a
single leg of the triathlon.
One athlete in the team
can complete two legs of
the race.
Only once you have registered and the stickers provided at registration are secure
on your bike helmet and bike seat post, can you enter your bike into Transition.
Transition is in Faulks Park at the southern end of Marine Parade next to Cudgen Creek. Bike
racks are organised by division; you must ensure you place your bike on the correct rack.
Transition Tours will be held Saturday 30 March at 2.15pm (Kids), and 3.30pm
(Adults). Meet at the transition gates.
• Transition will be open from 5.30am – 6.40am (NSW) on Sunday.
• Big Kids, Tempta and Juniors, will have a gate via Marine Parade towards the Creek for later
racking between 8.30am - 9.30am. No competitors will be accepted after the closure times
and we cannot be responsible for you arriving late. Please allow for mishaps when making
travel arrangements.
• Transition has been designed so that no section gets an advantage over another section
• Neatly set up the rest of your race equipment and remove any non-race equipment from
transition. A bag storage room is located under the Cudgen Surf Life Saving Club.
• Familiarize yourself with the location of your bike, the courses, and the entry and exit points
to and from transition.
• After completing the swim, you must take off your wetsuit (if applicable) and clip on your
helmet first before touching your bike.
• If you are in a team, get your teammate to remove their timing chip while you clip on your
• Ensure that your timing chip is securely fastened on your ankle before removing your bike
from the rack.
• Please note that before collecting your bike, you need to have your helmet’s chinstrap
fastened. Your chinstrap must be fastened at all times when on your bike or running with
your bike.
• Move your bike quickly out of the transition area and do not mount the bike before the
“Mount Here” sign on the road. The line is clearly marked.
• On your return, dismount your bike at the “Dismount Here” sign before entering Transition.
• Return your bike to its original position and then remove your helmet.
• Be aware of other competitors and their equipment. At no time should you interfere with
another competitor’s bike or equipment. However, if by accident you knock over someone’s
bike you need to put it back.
• Quickly put on your running shoes and follow the arrows to ensure you do not run into any
other competitors.
• Exit the run at the run exit – if you are confused ask an official or marshal on the course.
• Your bike cannot be collected from transition until the last cyclist is finished their ride and
commenced the run.
• We appreciate your patience while we ensure all competitors have a fair go and are not
interrupted within transition while still in competition. All bikes must be collected by 3pm.
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It is your responsibility to read the Racer’s You must walk through the official entrance
Pocket Guide and be informed of any final to the starting area. There will be a timing
race brief before entering the water. This mat to pass, so all athletes will be registered
has all the info and rules you need to know. as starters in the race.
There are no excuses if you don’t follow
regulations and are reprimanded by officials. The race will start in the water. If you are not
the best swimmer, take it easy and let the
Proceed to the marshal area no later than fast ones go first and then find your own
20 minutes before your wave start time. If rhythm and enjoy the water.
you miss your wave, you will be able to start
late but your time will be calculated from the The swim is marked with buoys. Should you
scheduled start wave. be in any kind of need, raise one arm and
the lifesavers and marshals will be in the
The official swim cap should be visible and water to help you.
clean. You may wear a personal swim cap
under the official swim cap. Inclement weather option is a beach sprint
When entering the water, please make sure
your timing chip is securely fastened.
• Swim cap (yours to keep from rego) • Wet suits are only permitted if the water is
• Swim suit / tri suit (a must) less than 24 degrees. The water
• Timing chip (don’t lose this) temperature will be checked the morning
• Sunscreen – cream up at least 30 minutes of the event
before you compete
• Goggles
• Junior, Big Kid, and Pinky marshal and start at the Boat Ramp opposite Transition
• Tempta marshal and start from Ed Parker Rotary Park next to the boat shed.
• Sprint marshal and start in Ed Parker Rotary Park next to the bridge.
• Olympic marshal and start on the other side of the bridge at Jack Julius Park.
• When arriving on Sunday - please allow enough time to:
• Sign on at registration
• Walk to Faulks Park and put your bike in Transition
• Then walk to the start and marshal area
• We would suggest arriving at least 90 minutes before the start of your race
Be aware that transition closes before the first wave start
• Olympic distance participants will be able to leave their belongings in the bags provided at
their swim start. They will be delivered an hour after the last swim start to the bag storage
area at the Cudgen Surf Life Saving Club
Over-inflation is a well-known phenomenon Disk wheels or covers are allowed on the
at races and may result in a flat tyre before rear wheel only. However this provision
the race or after the swim. Please take note may be changed by the Race Referee in the
of your tyre’s maximum inflation pressure to interests of safety.
avoid problems.
Fixed-gear bicycles are not permitted.
Your bike must comply with the regulations
of Triathlon Australia. In short, this means Please remember that you are fully
that your bike must be technically suitable responsible for your bike performance and
and safe for a triathlon race. safe condition on race day. Please make
sure that all mechanical parts are in good
EQUIPMENT condition and that all equipment on the bike
is securely fastened.
• Bike (mandatory)
• Helmet (a must)
• Bike shoes (will help)
• Water bottle (you must hydrate)
• Bike Pump (optional)
• Spare tubes / tyre lever (optional)
• Bike Gloves (optional)
• Seat post number (definitely)
• Race number (definitely)
Drafting behind or next to another bike or any other vehicle is strictly prohibited. Athletes must
ride on the left side of the road, except when passing other cyclists.
The draft zone of a competitor may not overlap the draft zone of another competitor,
motorcycle or vehicle except in the following circumstances:
a) When the competitor is in the process of legally passing another competitor,
motorcycle or vehicle:
i. for safety reasons
ii. for an aid station
iii. for entrance to or departure from a transition area
iv. in making an acute turn
b) When passing a forward competitor or motorcycle, the rear competitor is allowed a
maximum of 20 seconds to pass through the 10m draft zone and 25 seconds to
pass through the 12m draft zone. Failure to observe this may result in a penalty.
c) When passing a forward vehicle, the rear competitor is allowed a maximum of 90
seconds to pass through the draft zone. Failure to observe this may result in a
d) At every instant during the overlapping of draft zones, the rear competitor must be
seen to be gaining on the forward competitor or motorcycle or vehicle. Failure to
observe this may result in a penalty.
e) Once passed, a competitor must immediately commence to drop back out of the
draft zone of the forward competitor before attempting to re-pass.
A competitor is deemed to have been passed once the leading edge of the front wheel of the
passing bicycle has moved in front of the leading edge of the front wheel of the competitor’s
bicycle. Failure to observe this may result in a penalty.
In short:
• you have 20 seconds to pass another competitor once you have entered the draft zone
• you must be making forward progress
• you have 20 seconds to drop out of the draft zone once passed
Additional Laps:
Keep right on the
• Only athletes and race officials will • A competitor sitting in the middle of the
have access to the transition area. cycle course or riding side by side is
potentially blocking others and
• Only mount your bike once you pass penalties may apply
the “Mount Here” sign on the road
• If you are continuing additional laps you
• You must dismount your bike at the must keep right to go around the round-
dismount point and run your bike into a-bout towards Seaview Street.
• On your final lap when coming into the
• From Transition area, head north along round-a-bout on Marine Parade/
Marine Parade. Keep left and be Seaview Street, keep left to go straight
aware of spectators and locals on the through the round-a-bout back to
road Transition
• It is your responsibility to keep track of • When coming back into Transition
how many laps you have done and leave your helmet on until you have
must complete. racked your bike
• In the event of a breakdown • For security reasons, once checked in,
(mechanical) on the cycle course, your no bikes may be taken out of the
helmet must remain on and securely transition area. No early exits.
• A competitor passing on the left-hand
side of another will receive an illegal
pass violation
During the run, you must wear your race Athletes should keep to the right so faster
number on the front at all times, either on runners can pass on the left.
your shirt or kept on a number belt above
your waist in the centre of your body. You Race officials will be on the course to show
must wear a shirt at all times. directions. Please follow their directions at
all times.
The leader in each distance will be
accompanied by a lead cyclist who will MP3 players and headphones are strictly
clear their way on the course. forbidden throughout the race. Enjoy the
spectators who cheer you on!
• Running shoes (a must)
• Hat (rock your Kingy visor)
• Sunglasses (stay cool)
RULES AND REGULATIONS Keep on the run path at all times.
Once you have placed your bike back on Make sure you turn at the turn point signs
the bike rack and removed your helmet, put and turn marshal. You will be disqualified if
on your running shoes and head out along you cut the course and turn early.
the run course
You must clearly display your race number
• Juniors will only run to the bottom of at all times on the run course. Those not
Transition where they will be turned left complying may incur a stop/start penalty.
and run to the finish line
If the technical official considers that your
• Big Kids will run up the Boardwalk race number has been unintentionally lost,
where they will be turned half way then then you may not be penalised.
head back down the boardwalk towards
the finish line
• Remaining runners continue up the
Boardwalk, then down to the bridge
towards Sutherland Point then return
again up the Boardwalk.
Finish and Recovery
Once you have completed your race, you After you’ve finished your race, enjoy the
can enter the recovery zone. Recovery is rest of the multi-fun weekend – listen to the
right after the finish line in the Cudgen
Headland Surf Life Saving Club car park. crowd. Feel the emotions. This is your day!
There will be recovery drinks, as well as Don’t worry about your watch. Be a crowd
water and fruit.
pleaser and pose for the cameras. You could
Expo stalls will be set up, adjacent to the
finish line in the parkland. There will also be make the headlines of the evening news or
activities for the kids and all the race make the front-cover of next year’s race
presentations will be held in this area.
General Rules and Further Info
We always like to have fun but this stuff is serious, so please take the time to read the
information below. It is there for you and your team mate’s safety.
Race Referee – Tony Camilleri
Technical Delegate – Anne Mannett
• Be responsible for your own safety, the safety of your own equipment. Be considerate of
the safety of others
• No use of abusive language towards anyone
• The use of mobile phones or any electronic device is strictly prohibited during the event
• Ensure that your torso is covered for the bike and run legs
• No public nudity or urinating in public (including Transition)
• Under no circumstances are you to interfere with any other competitor’s property
Competitors may not accept assistance from anyone other than an authorised race official.
• Receiving water, food (goos, etc) from spectators, family, friends
• Handing goggles, etc to spectators
• Pacing a competitor on the run or cycle is also considered outside assistance
General Rules and Further Info
Littering is not permitted and will result in disqualification. Please carry wrappers with you or
discard them in bins on the course.
Technical officials can assess penalties - even if the infringement is not listed - if the technical
official deems an unfair advantage has been gained or if a dangerous situation has been
The penalty box is located at the Transition gate under the red tent.
Penalty box infractions – 3 minutes
• drafting
• illegal passing
Stop/Start Penalty
• Cycle course: report to the penalty box and advise the official that you are serving a
stop/start penalty
• Run course/transition: issued on the spot
• Blocking
The official will serve a penalty by doing the following:
• sound a whistle or horn
• show a blue or yellow card
• call your number
• advise you of the penalty
• if you are shown a Red card, you may be disqualified
If you are shown a red card or fail to attend the penalty box, a violation report will be filled out
and submitted to the Race Referee
The Race Referee will assess your disqualification and rule accordingly
All disqualifications will be posted on the penalty notice board after the finish
For further information please read the Triathlon Australia Race Competition Rules available
from the Triathlon Australia website.
Trained staff, the police and volunteers will You are expected to follow directions and
be on the course, giving you directions and instructions from race officials, race
clearing traffic. They will be there for your marshals, the police and volunteers. Failure
safety at all times. to do so may cause disqualification from the
The roads are closed thanks to the
extensive use of traffic control, road cones Only a Race Official, the Race Director or
and road signs. However, on race day, First Aid has ultimate and final authority to
regular traffic will be crossing the cycle remove an athlete from the race if the
course at relevant places. Traffic will be athlete is considered to be physically
guided and regulated by traffic officials at all incapable of continuing the race without risk
times. of serious injury or death.
For your own safety, please pay attention If you decide to withdraw from the race at
when crossing roads and making left and any time, it is your responsibility to report it
right turns. to the finish line.
The timing band must be placed on your left ankle. Once you finish, you must return the timing
chip to the collector at the end of the race. Collectors will be waiting for you at the finish line.
• You must wear your timing band at all times during the race.
• You must cross the mats at all timing locations to receive an official race time.
• The timing band must be handed in immediately after crossing the finish line.
• If you don’t race or fail to complete the course, please return the timing band to the
collectors at the finish line.
Any timing chips that are not returned will result in a $60 replacement fee.
Individuals - Timing chips are assigned to you specifically. Do not give your timing chip to any
other person and be careful not to switch timing chips with other competitors.
Teams - The timing band is worn by each member of the team. Swimmers must pass on the
timing band before cyclists remove bikes from the rack, and cyclists must rack bikes before
passing on the timing band to runners.
Do not walk over timing mats prior to your race, as this will set off your race time
There is a bag store for competitors under the Cudgen Headland Surf Life Saving Club next
to Registration. Although the area will be staffed, we take no responsibility for lost or
damaged goods and do not recommend leaving valuables in your bag. The store room will
be open from 5.30am Sunday and will close 30 minutes after the last competitor is finished.
Permanent toilets are available in the parkland, Kingscliff Hotel, Rowan Robinson Park, and
next to Faulks Park. Portaloos are also available at the swim start. There will be penalties
for not using the appropriate toilets.
Results will be available onsite at the registration area and will be available online that
afternoon. Visit our results page at www.kingsclifftri.com.au .
The Kingscliff Triathlon is for the competitive and social participant. We want to give
everyone a go and have some fun; however, you must have done some training prior to
competing in the event. We want you to enjoy the tri, so you must be physically capable to
complete your nominated distances within a reasonable time frame. If you are not sure and
need some pointers, call the office and we will suggest some experts in the field to guide
your training needs.
NX Sports wishes to thank all our partners for the
Kingscliff Triathlon.
Please support the organization’s that make your
community sporting events possible!