November Newsletter
Northview Unit
Contact Info The Holidays are Coming! Fee
Bobbi Jo Riel November is here and it’s time to start
getting prepared for the Holidays! Membership
(905) 436-3311 x2871 $85/person
Keep an eye out for upcoming annual
[email protected] special events such as Art of the Afterschool
Cocktail, Deck the Halls and Breakfast Service Fee
Queys with the Elves!
(905) 436-3311 x2872 A reminder as the wet
Northviewunit weather is here, please $760/per person
bring a pair of indoor shoes for the year and extra socks.
150 Beatrice St E $380/person
for the first half of
Oshawa, ON the school year
L1G 7T6
or $76/month
Find us on social media!
Social needs you!
Thank you everyone who came Saturday November 2nd —
out and joined us for our annual Come lead the way by making a Breakfast Club Starts!
difference in your club and your
Halloween Party and Haunted Wednesday November 13th —
Walk! community. Art of the Cocktail
(Adults Only) 7PM-10PM
Tuesday nights from Friday November 29th —
6:30PM — 9:15PM Murder Mystery Dinner (ages 8-12)
Ages 13 -18 Thursday December 5th —
Deck the Halls
(turning 13 by December 31st, 2018)
Friday December 6th —
For more information, please Cookies’n’Cream Party
contact Bobbi Jo at
Ages 4-6—till 7:30PM
(905) 436—3311 x 2871 Ages 7-10 till 8:00PM
to register
Saturday December 15th —
Breakfast with the Elves
A Good Place to Be
After School Program Guidelines
Ontario's After School Program provides funding to help sport and recreation organizations deliver quality pro-
grams for children and youth in priority neighbourhoods across the province. We have specific guidelines from
our funder that we are required to follow.
The Boys and Girls Club of Durham (BGCD) is mandated to run recreation programs that aim to help children and
youth get active, develop healthy eating habits, gain confidence and do better in school, which help to decrease
childhood obesity and youth violence.
We do this by incorporating the following into the daily routine:
Physical Activity-Get children moving through participation in structured activities like basketball, hip hop danc-
ing or soccer, or simply through unstructured play time.
Healthy Eating-Teach children about nutrition and healthy foods, with a focus on fruits and vegetables.
Health and Wellness-Build self-esteem, resiliency, confidence and self-reliance among participants and raise
awareness about anti-bullying and enhance positive relationships.
Should you require additional information, please speak to your After School Program Coordinator.
Safe Pick-Up Guidelines
BGCD ensures the safety of program participants by following pre-established guidelines addressing parental/
guardian pick up of a member upon the completion of a program. The club has guidelines in place for independ-
ent walking to and from the program and for the safe pick up children from program. Parents/guardians are to
provide names of alternate adults for picking up and establishing a pick up password for added security.
Are you aware of the following?
The club will not release a child to someone who appears to be mentally or physically unstable (e.g. under the
influence of a substance, dizzy, sick) even if the person’s name is authorized on the registration form.
The club must ensure the child’s safety at all times. In such a case the club will call another authorized person
listed on the child’s registration form. In case of a parent/guardian who appears to be unstable the club will ask
to phone someone else on the list to help them get the child/children home safely. If the parent/guardian insists
on taking the child the club will not stop them, however, for the safety of the child the club will call the 911 to
report a suspected impaired driver.
Programs at BGCD have definite start and finish times.
If a parent knows for certain that due to circumstance beyond their control (such as an accident, severe weather
etc.) they will not get to the club in time to pick up their children they must call the club to explain. If late pick-
ups become a regular occurrence (2 or more times in the same week, three or more times in one month) a
charge of $10.00 will apply for each occurrence. Habitual lateness is not tolerated and will result in the parent
meeting with the Unit Supervisor and/or Executive Director. At this meeting, there may be a decision that the
child’s registration for that particular program will be revoked.
Moving forward these guidelines will be strictly adhered to.