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Published by jensenkaj15, 2022-03-19 15:09:59

D&D 5e Strixhaven A Curriculum of Chaos

D&D 5e Strixhaven A Curriculum of Chaos

Beloved Inspiration If you’re playing the adventures in later chapters,
When a character has a Beloved, the character gains the NPCs noted as first-year students have advanced
Beloved Inspiration at the end of each long rest. Be­ to be the same year as the player characters, and
loved Inspiration functions like regular Inspiration have officially joined their colleges. NPCs noted as
(as described in the Player’s Handbook), except a second-year students arc always a year ahead of the
character regains a number of uses of Beloved In­ characters. During “A Reckoning in Ruins" in chap­
spiration after each long rest equal to the number of ter 6, student NPCs who were in higher years when
Beloveds they have, not to exceed a number equal to the characters started at Strixhaven are still around
their proficiency bonus. on campus as continuing students or recent alumni.

Ending Beloved Relationships Stat Blocks
A character can end a Beloved Relationship at any The student NPCs are meant to interact with the
time. When that Relationship ends, the NPC no lon­ characters primarily in roleplaying situations and
ger provides Beloved Inspiration to the character. to help create the flavor of attending a university.
They aren’t intended to wade into combat—or even
If the character’s Relationship Points with the venture off campus—when the characters embark
NPC ever drop below 1, the Beloved Relationship on adventures.
ends immediately.
In general, avoid putting these student NPCs
Fellow Students in danger with the characters. In situations when
you need stat blocks for these NPCs, use the stat
The student NPCs are described on the next few block indicated for them in the Student NPC Stat
pages. Each NPC entry includes personal details Blocks table, where the stat blocks depend on the
and a short biography, along with the Extracurricu­ student’s year during the current adventure. These
lar and Job the character is involved in, if any. If an stat blocks can be found in chapter 7, and in the
NPC becomes a character's Friend, the character table, “[College]” refers to the name of the NPC’s
receives the Bond Boon noted in the NPC’s entry. If college: Lorehold, Prismari, Quandrix, Silverquill,
the NPC becomes a Rival, the character suffers the or Witherbloom.
noted Bond Bane instead.
Student NPC Stat Blocks
College and Year
Year Stat Block
The academic year noted for an NPC is during the
“Campus Kerfuffle” adventure in this chapter. Col­ First First-Year Student
lege affiliations for first-year students are provided
for flavor and for their subsequent years (students Second [College] Apprentice
don't join a college until their second year).
Third or Later [College] Pledgemage



Aurora Luna Wynterstarr Bhedum “Rampart Sooviij

Neutral Dhampir First Year (Witherbloom) Lawful Neutral Loxodon First Year (Lorehold)

Before arriving at Strixhaven, Aurora changed her Since their name is difficult to pronounce without a

name and appearance to that of her on-stage per­ trunk, Bhedum has taken to referring to themself as

sona: Aurora Luna Wynterstarr, the brilliant singer “Rampart,” the closest translation of their name in

and songwriter. Aurora was born a dhampir (a Common. They are often found poring over ancient

partial vampire), which she’s taken as a cosmic sign texts detailing battles, seeking to better understand

that she is meant for greatness. the tactical decisions that result in victory and de­

An accomplished musician on several instru­ feat. Rampart is happy to discuss their knowledge

ments, Aurora is often found at Bow’s End Tavern with fellow members of the Dragonsguard Histori­

performing beautiful dirges on the hurdy-gurdy for cal Society, often doing so late into the night.

the assembled patrons. Aurora is also a member of Rampart’s opponents at the Dragonchess Club

the Strixhaven Show Band Association, though she find themselves outmatched time and again by the

believes the music they play lacks the raw emotion loxodon’s technique, though Rampart is a gracious

of her original compositions. winner. They attend all their classes clad in gilded,

She works as a groundskeeper at the Strixhaven centuries-old plate armor, with an immense and

Stadium, where she takes great pleasure in using similarly decorated sword strapped to their back.

magic to blight undesirable vegetation on the field. Rampart explains that doing so better simulates the

Extracurriculars: Strixhaven Show Band battlefield conditions they study.

Association Extracurriculars: Dragonchess Club, Dragons­

Job: Strixhaven Stadium groundskeeper guard Historical Society

Bond Boon: Out of respect for Aurora, fellow Job: None

campus musicians will cover your expenses for Bond Boon: Rampart’s commanding presence rubs

one night per week at places where live music off, and when you’re trying to avoid campus secu­
1 is common. rity, your fellow students always help you lie low.
5 Bond Bane: Library books you need inexplicably go
Bond Bane: When there’s live music on campus,

5 the lyrics always include rude sentiments directed missing at key times, especially those about his­

'O toward you. tory. As a result, you can’t pull all-nighters.






Cadoras Damellawar

Chaotic Good ElfFirst Year (Quandrix) Neutral Good Minotaur Second Year (Quandrix)

Cadoras is a jolly soul, and anyone who spends time Drazhomir is so soft-spoken that many of his peers
vith him ends up chuckling at whatever nonsense must ask him to speak up to be understood. He is
le is currently sporting. He is a passionate mem- over seven feet tall, yet he continuously stoops, as if
oer of the Live-Action Roleplaying Guild and loves trying to occupy as little space as possible. Several
playing out all sorts of fantastical adventures. He activities and clubs that involve feats of strength
always roleplays archers, entirely because he’s re­ and size continuously try to recruit him—to no avail.
cently spent a lot of money on a prop-bow and can't Drazhomir prefers spending his time in the Biblio­
afford anything else. He is also a member of the plex. where he works as a book clerk, assisting stu­
university's Distinguished Society of Fine Artists, dents in finding required texts and shelving returns.
where he uses magic to sculpt beautiful statuary He moves silently through the stacks, and he has
of complex fractal patterns. The fact that he is self- given more than one student a scare when they’ve
taught makes the quality of his work that much turned around to suddenly find him there.
more impressive.
Cadoras does have some strange eating habits; he Drazhomir’s greatest love is poetry. As a member
sometimes eats an entire jar of pickled onions in a of the university’s Dead Languages Society, he
single sitting and then drinks the vinegar. scours ancient literature for stirring poems writ­
ten in old tongues, reading them to the rest of the
Extracurriculars: Distinguished Society of Fine group in a soft, resonant voice that comes directly
Artists, Live-Action Roleplaying Guild from his soul.

Job: None Extracurriculars: Dead Languages Society
Bond Boon: The esteem for Cadoras in live-action Job: Biblioplex book clerk
Bond Boon: Drazhomir writes you poetry, and the
roleplaying circles extends to you. Guild members
will share any information you wish to know about smile it puts on your face makes you likable to ev­
Aberrations, Monstrosities, and Oozes. eryone on campus except the most stone-hearted.
Bond Bane: You are a pariah in the campus role­ Bond Bane: Other students who work in the Bib­
playing scene. The worst monsters are named lioplex refuse to help you find any of the tomes
you seek. Even the reference librarians are
after you. more cryptic.


Grayson Wildemere Greta Gorunn

Neutral Human First Year (Silverquill) Chaotic Good Dwarf First Year (Lorehold)

Grayson comes from an old, moneyed, and influ­ Greta is often heard long before she is seen, as her

ential family. To him, studying at Strixhaven is a raucous laughter echoes through the university’s

means to an end. Learning business acumen is just halls. Enjoying a reputation as a golden-hearted

as important to Grayson as his classes, so he has troublemaker, Greta hates studying and grumbles

joined the Future Entrepreneurs of Strixhaven. about it at length. This has led to numerous warn­

Grayson makes a point to know as much about ings from the librarians for unnecessarily loud be­

everyone as possible, gathering information until havior. much to Greta's amusement.

he finds the best circumstance to use it. Having A fervent member of the Strixhaven Iron-Lifters

learned to pick locks, he often accesses places Society, she has already started to break long-held

where he’s unauthorized, searching for secrets. records in both powerlifting and weightlifting.

Grayson has become a writer for the Strixhaven When not training or competing (or occasionally

Star, where he’s responsible for the gossip column. studying), Greta spends her time in Bow’s End Tav­

His writing style is biting, and he uses this platform ern carousing. As beer isn’t free, she helps out at

to expose bullies and mock ignorance. Many of his Strixhaven Stadium, setting up and putting away

peers are leery of him, but some have witnessed heavy equipment. Most people would begrudge the

him paying for poorer students’ books and other hard labor, but Greta happily does it. reasoning that

supplies—a fact he tries to keep secret. she is being paid to work out.

Extracurriculars: Future Entrepreneurs of Strix­ Greta makes a point to write regularly to her older
haven. Strixhaven Star brother, Grog, whom she misses terribly.

Job: None Extracurriculars: Strixhaven Iron-Lifters Society

Bond Boon: Whenever you want to buy something Job: Strixhaven Stadium equipment assistant

on campus, a few words from Grayson get you Bond Boon: Whenever you need anything heavy

deals. There’s a 25 percent chance your purchase moved, members of the Iron-Lifters Society show
up to help you.
I5 costs half as much. Bond Bane: Heavy things show up in inconvenient
Bond Bane: Gossip columns proclaim exaggerated places, such as in front of your dorm door.
5 versions of your worst traits.



• al

Javenesh Stoutclaw Larine Arneza

Neutral Good Owlin Second Year (Lorehold) Neutral Good Human First Year (Quandrix)

Javenesh is an imposing and powerfully built owlin Some think Larine is aloof to the point of being
who looks permanently scruffy despite his best rude, but her friends say that nothing is further from
efforts. Contributing to his dishevelment are tufts the truth. She is a delightful presence and doesn't
ofjuvenile plumage that refuse to smooth down, a ignore social obligations so much as get distracted
handful of scars whose origin he’s not sure of, and easily. Larine is a member of the Intramural Wa­
at least one hole in whatever clothing he’s wearing. ter-Dancing Club, where she performs underwater
balletic movements effortlessly. Despite her swim­
Contrary to what people initially assume, Javenesh ming ability, her tendency to lose focus means learn­
is a friendly sort. To make ends meet, he works at ing group choreography takes her more time and
Bow's End Tavern, managing servers and keep­ effort. Larine has a natural affinity with animals, es­
ing the peace, relying on his rough appearance to pecially aquatic species, and she's working on a solo
dissuade those intent on making trouble. When synchronized swimming routine that replaces the
not attending classes, Javenesh is an intimidating other students with a shoal of fish. Rehearsals aren't
presence at the Intramural Silkball Club, where going well. As an employee of the Strixhaven Per­
few people want to see him barreling toward them. forming Arts Society, Larine is a ticket taker, a job
He wishes more people would take the effort to get she’s recently switched to as a result of struggling to
to know him, rather than be put off by his size and give correct change while working at the box office.
rough exterior.
Extracurriculars: Intramural Water-Dancing Club
Extracurriculars: Intramural Silkball Club Job: Strixhaven Performing Arts Society
Job: Bow’s End Tavern assistant manager
Bond Boon:Javenesh’s reputation as a tough guy ticket taker
Bond Boon: Larine is an expert at creating stylized
follows you. If peers would be aggressive toward
you, they quickly back down. distractions. If you want to slip away unnoticed
Bond Bane: The servers at Bow’s End Tavern know from anywhere on campus, Larine or her club
you are no friend to Javenesh. At the slightest sign members help you escape.
of trouble, they blame you and ask you to leave. Bond Bane: You are offered the worst tickets to per­
formances, if any at all.



Melwythorne Mina Lee

Neutral Good Dryad First Year (Witherbloom) Lawful Good Human Second Year (Silverquill)

Towering over most students, Melwythorne strikes Mina’s greatest love is the use of language; she

an imposing figure, especially given the branches adores how subtle differences in intonation and

that grow from his head like antlers. Calm in de­ vocabulary can shape one’s perception of reality.

meanor, he’s often confused by the people rushing Her fascination with language extends to spells and

around him, as their haste won’t lengthen their verbal components. After graduation, she plans to

brief lifespans. Melwythorne had never been away conduct research on the variance of language in

from his grove before coming to Strixhaven and has spells and how one might tweak verbal components

found the transition to university life difficult. How­ that the greater magical community considers

ever, since he joined the Intramural Silkball Club, immutable.

this close-knit surrogate family has helped him deal Mina’s love of language and nuance has led her

with his homesickness. to join the Strixhaven Star as an investigative jour­

He is also a member of the Student-Mages of nalist. Here, she reveals truth, corrects misconcep­

Faith. He enjoys helping his fellow students cele­ tions, and combats injustice. She has also taken

brate their high holidays and discussing theology a job as a server at Firejolt Cafe, which not only

and spirituality. For him, the natural world and all provides some cash but also puts her in a position

living beings form a vast consciousness across all to overhear snippets of conversation that might pro­

planes of existence, transcending the power and vide leads for her journalistic investigations.

reach of any one deity. Extracurriculars: Strixhaven Star

Extracurriculars: Intramural Silkball Club. Job: Firejolt Cafe server

Student-Mages of Faith Bond Boon: Mina loves sharing her vast repository

Job: None of knowledge with you. If you seek obscure infor­

Bond Boon: Melwythorne’s spirituality centers you. mation that’s not secret, Mina researches it and
reports her findings within a week.
i You can calm even the most frazzled of your peers Bond Bane: Firejolt Cafe never has the ingredients

I and, if necessary, extract information as needed.

i Bond Bane: Members of the silkball club and the in stock for the beverages you initially order, even
Student-Mages of Faith refuse to acknowledge if it’s a common drink.

Is your presence.


lx OOiiS

Nora Ann Wu Quentillius Antiphiun Melentor III ^*7

Neutral Good Human Second Year (Prismari) Neutral Human First Year (Prismari)

Rarely without a smile on her face, Nora is a kind Quentillius approaches all his endeavors with the
person who is generous with her time and attention. utmost seriousness. He believes one should either
This has led her to gain employment within the uni­ do something correctly or not at all. Quentillius
versity’s dormitories, where she acts as a resident is a member of the university’s Playactors Drama
assistant. Nora offers confidential support to any Guild, where his dedication to what he calls “the
student and is especially passionate about counsel­ craft” is absolute. He looks down on other actors
ing other transgender students. She thoughtfully who are slow' to memorize lines or who miss cues.
handles concerns ranging from students’ homesick­ Backstage crew members fare better, as Quentil­
ness to matters that require her to act as an advo­ lius regards them as crucial and often brings them
cate for another student. and the director flowers or notes of thanks. While
Nora is a passionate member of the Distinguished Quentillius is a powerful presence on stage—espe­
Society of Fine Artists. As such, she spends hours cially in romantic roles—critics have called his per­
on the potter's wheel throwing clay. Despite her en­ formances histrionic. To better perform his future
thusiasm, her technical skill is lacking. Her tutors, roles in ancient plays, Quentillius has joined the
in attempts to be encouraging, often describe Nora’s Dead Languages Society. He plans to perform his
work as rustic or naive. Undeterred, Nora continues roles in the plays’ original languages, regardless of
to produce terrible mug after terrible mug, which whether the rest of the production is translated.
she gives as gifts to her friends.
Extracurriculars: Dead Languages Society, Play­
Extracurriculars: Distinguished Society of actors Drama Guild
Fine Artists
Job: None
Job: Dormitories resident assistant Bond Boon: You have adopted Quentillius’s authori­
Bond Boon: The faculty’s respect for Nora ex­
tative voice, and in dire situations, your peers obey
tends to you. You can expect straightforward you when you issue commands.
answers when you ask a faculty member for basic Bond Bane: Whenever you perform as part of a
information. production, a small crowd shows up and boos you
Bond Bane: Few faculty care to help you with ba­ specifically.
sic requests.



Chaotic Good Gnome First Year (Lorehold) Lawful Neutral Human First Year (Silverquill)

Excitable and impish, Rosimyffenbip is proud of When Rubina walks into a room, people take notice.

her name; she insists you can call her “Rosie” only A measured performer with gravitas beyond her

if you are her friend. Or a teacher. Or a student. years, Rubina is a valued member of the Playactors

Or any other member of the university staff. Rosie Drama Guild who can handle weightier roles that

speaks quickly and with so much energy that it often more melodramatic actors can’t. This has caused

takes a moment to recover from a conversation with friction within the guild as members vie for parts.

her. She moves far faster than one would expect; Rubina’s stage presence extends to delivering

it’s unclear whether this is due to magic, a gnomish presentations in class. When she orates, one can

technological contraption, or just the laws of physics almost imagine a hardened general marshaling

bending to Rosie’s force of personality. her bloodied and exhausted troops for a final push

Rosie referees silkball and takes fair play very against a far superior foe.

seriously. Woe betide any participant who feels the Rubina is part of the Strixhaven Show Band Asso­

wrath of her whistle. Rosie is also an enthusiastic ciation and has moved from playing to conducting.

participant in Strixhaven’s Live-Action Roleplaying No previous student conductor has demanded and

Guild. She insists on roleplaying only “monsters” received such unwavering respect as Rubina. With

and delights in chasing down participants to “eat” merely a look and a raised eyebrow, she can quiet

them. Many a participant has heard giggling ap­ even the most raucous orchestra sections.

proaching them at high speed before their charac­ Extracurriculars: Playactors Drama Guild. Strix­
ter’s death. haven Show Band Association

Extracurriculars: Live-Action Roleplaying Guild Job: None

Job: Intramural Fields referee Bond Boon: Rubina’s gravitas has rubbed off, and

Bond Boon: Rosie’s energy is contagious. When­ you can easily command an entire room’s atten­
tion. They hear your words favorably if you wish.
5I ever you travel any significant distance, you can Bond Bane: Whenever any band performs in public,
s reach your destination in half the normal time. its members stop and shake their heads in disap­
proval when they see you.
Bond Bane: Whenever you participate in sports on

I campus (except for big events, such as the Battle

s of Strixhaven), fouls are constantly called on you.


Shuvadri Glintmantle Tilana Kapule

Lawful Good Owlin First Year (Silverquill) Neutral Good Human First Year (Quandrix) 2
Her peers are often surprised when they learn Tilana's poised demeanor and steady gaze are
Shuvadri is interested in joining Silverquill College, remarkable. An excellent judge of character, she I
since its members sometimes earn a reputation as doesn’t associate with those she deems mean-spir­ I
abrasive. Shuvadri, on the other hand, exhibits an ited. Her exacting judgment has led her to join the
air of absolute serenity. Anything that might frus­ Dragonchess Club, and while she is still honing her >
trate or delight another student, whether it's a poor skill at the game itself, she compensates by reading
test score or success at a competition, elicits little her opponent instead of the board. Many a foe has I
outward response from Shuvadri. A deep thinker. struggled to sit in silence as she gives them her full
Shuvadri is rarely surprised by such an outcome, attention, probing for weaknesses, the pieces seem­
and she enjoys being a centering presence for ingly incidental.
her peers.
Also a member of the Student-Mages of Faith, Surprising to some, Tilana has also joined the
Shuvadri is happy to talk about her appreciation of Intramural Silkball Club. During matches, she
deities who are devoted to service and community. focuses on trying to understand and preempt the
Many of her peers think she is destined to hold high opposing sides’ strategies. More than once she has
rank in a temple. suggested new plays mid-game that have caught the
Shuvadri works on the campus grounds to erase opposing team off guard. The faculty at Strixhaven
graffiti, wearing a content smile on her face. are convinced that, if she wished, one day Tilana
would make an excellent professor.
Extracurriculars: Student-Mages of Faith
Job: Campus Grounds graffiti eraser Extracurriculars: Dragonchess Club, Intramural
Bond Boon: If you quickly need the help of your Silkball Club

peers, they drop everything to assist you as a favor Job: None
to Shuvadri. Bond Boon: Tilana loves helping analyze problems.
Bond Bane: Graffiti making rude allusions to you
keeps appearing on campus, and it takes days to When you go to her for advice, she suggests a
helpful solution that you hadn’t considered.
get cleaned. Bond Bane: The faculty don’t trust you or help
you much, for rumor has it that Tilana has found
you wanting.


Urzmaktok Grojsh Zanther Bowen

Neutral Orc Second Year (Witherbloom) Chaotic Good Fire Genasi First Year (Prismari)

First to class, last to leave, and always asking for One of the most popular students on campus, Zan­

additional homework, Urzmaktok is a meticulous ther is a member of the Mage Tower Cheer Squad,

student. Despite his consistently high marks, Urz­ and his exceptional athleticism has earned him the

maktok makes no attempt to show off, although his position as the squad's primary flyer. As such, Zan­

studies seem rudimentary to him. Rumor has it that ther is launched into the air in elaborate cheering

he is completing enough credits to earn multiple de­ routines, much to the crowd’s delight.

grees when he graduates. Zanther has also joined the Intramural Gymnas­

Urzmaktok works for the Campus Magic Labs tics Club. Here he completes at rhythmic gymnas­

as a specimen preparer. This additional access to tics in both ribbon as well as hoop. To further test

the labs also allows him to run his personal experi­ himself and impress the judges, Zanther conducts

ments in peace. Unsurprisingly, he is also a member his routines to a vast array of different musical

of the Fantastical Horticulture Club. There, he looks styles and arrangements. When traveling around

to develop new species of plants that might yield campus between classes, he shouts random affirma­

new ingredients for potions. tions of school spirit to everyone at large. Despite

Urzmaktok makes it clear he wants everyone to his peppy nature, Zanther is genuinely encourag­

use his full first name. Should anyone use a nick­ ing and in no way acts superior. If anything, he

name, he won’t acknowledge the address. seems somewhat oblivious to his own popularity at

Extracurriculars: Fantastical Horticulture Club Strixhaven.

Job: Campus Magic Labs specimen preparer Extracurriculars: Intramural Gymnastics Club.

Bond Boon: No matter the subject, you can always Mage Tower Cheer Squad

find a partner to study with, whether it’s Urzmak­ Job: None

tok or a classmate doing him a favor. Bond Boon: You enjoy a high social rank as a result

Bond Bane: No one on campus who isn’t another of your association with Zanther. Most of your
peers fall all over themselves to do you favors.
8 player character will study with you. If you ask, Bond Bane: No one on campus invites you to
6 most shrug decline, saying you'll probably fail.

parties or events, although your friends receive

ex invitations.


Campus Kerfuffle Unknown to anyone on campus, Sedgemoor’s
waters were recently corrupted by the foul magic
The day has finally arrived! Your players’ characters practiced by Murgaxor Grenshel, the villain the
have moved to campus, have picked up their tomes characters ultimately confront in chapter 6. Mur­
and uniforms, and are about to embark on their aca­ gaxor intended the eldritch balm to be affected by
demic careers at Strixhaven University. his sinister experiments and hoped the resulting
chaos would disrupt life at Strixhaven.
In this adventure, the characters explore campus
as first-year students. They’ll navigate orientation A Standalone Adventure
at the Biblioplex and settle into social life in rowdy If you’re running this chapter's adventure as a
gathering spots. They’ll get roped into a thrilling standalone, the corruption of Sedgemoor’s waters
dare. They’ll watch—and maybe even take part in— is not the result of a sinister plot. Rather, a surge of
an outdoor play and discover something jarring in a wild magic caused the corruption, but the outcome
marsh adjacent to the campus. And along the way, is the same.
hints of something sinister emerge. Danger crops up
in the most unassuming places, and the characters Random Encounters
must rise to the occasion. Will they become campus
heroes? Or will these kerfuffles explode into some­ Use the First-Year Encounters table for random en­
thing that threatens all of Strixhaven? counters on campus during this adventure.

Running This Adventure First-Year Encounters
dlO Encounter
Here’s what you need to know to run the adventure 1-4 2 stirges and 1 giant rat, both of which were at­
in this chapter, whether you’re running it as part of
an ongoing campaign or as a standalone adventure. tracted to a nearby sickly scent and are hostile

Character Advancement 5-6 2 suits of animated armor that look like dusty, ar­
mored wizard robes
This adventure assumes the characters are 1st level
when it begins. The First-Year Level Advancement 7-8 1 ochre jelly that has bits of chewed scrolls and
table summarizes when the characters gain levels shards of potion bottles in its oozy mass
during the adventure.
9-10 1 basilisk wearing a monocle and top hat that has
First-Year Level Advancement escaped and is aggressive, although a student
Level Reached When Characters ... tried to keep it as a pet

2nd Complete the first Magical Physiologies Exam Student Schedules

3rd Complete the "Campus Daredevils” section and Before starting this adventure, have the players
choose at least three courses their characters
explore Captain Dapplewing's Manor are taking this year, either by coming up with the
courses themselves or by rolling on the First-Year
4th Finish the adventure Courses table. Inform them that the characters
are also enrolled in a required course, Magical
Adventure Overview Physiologies.

The strange happenings on campus in this adven­ First-Year Courses Offered By
ture are caused by a corrupted substance known d6 Course
as eldritch balm. Used at Strixhaven for decades, 1 Arcano-botany for Beginners Witherbloom
eldritch balm is an alchemical salve made from the 2 Basic Magical Auras General Studies
sludgy, acidic waters of Sedgemoor, the bayou that 3 Beginning Computational Magic Quandrix
encompasses the Witherbloom College campus. 4 Beginning Inkomancy Silverquill
Once these waters undergo an alchemical process 5 History of Magic and Art Prismari
in Witherbloom’s faculty laboratories, the result­ 6 Introduction to Archaeomancy Lorehold
ing eldritch balm is used to magically treat and
strengthen objects, from storage trunks to cooking
vats to stage props and more. The balm’s effects dif­
fer depending on the objects treated, but it typically
provides resistance to certain types of damage or
other protections useful on a campus where magic
often goes awry.


First Day on Campus to the Biblioplex’s Hall of Oracles to receive instruc­
tions on new-student orientation. The hall sits at the
This adventure begins when students have arrived center of the Biblioplex’s first floor, and you can al­
on Strixhaven’s campus and the term’s classes are ready see students gathering there.
about to start. For the characters, the first order of
business is to complete the orientation required of Orientation instructions are given in the Hall of Ora­
first-year students. Orientation takes place in the cles every few minutes, so let the players know that
Biblioplex, the university’s grand library. A full de­ their characters can explore the Biblioplex further
scription of the Biblioplex follows this section. before heading over. If the characters choose to ex­
plore before orientation, make sure they see other
Orientation____ ______ __ new students engaging in their own versions of the
scavenger hunt, each unique to that set of students
Before you begin play, show the players the Strix­ (see “Orientation Challenge” later in this chapter).
haven poster map that accompanies this book so
they have an understanding of how the university Strixhaven Knowledge
is laid out.
The characters know the basics about the Strix­
With the characters arrive at the Biblioplex, read haven campus, as well as the following information:
or paraphrase the following:
Central Campus. The Biblioplex isn’t the only build­
Majestic marble archways, tomes seemingly stacked ing on the central campus, where students spend
a lot of time. Two other popular locations are Fire­
for miles, and the infectious energy of hundreds of jolt Cafe and Bow’s End Tavern, whose maps are
found later in this chapter.
young adults fill the Biblioplex, the grand library at

I the heart of Strixhaven University. The sights, sounds,

I and sparks of magic in the air are wondrous.



TECHNIQUES to help them tackle their Strixhaven Accessibility

. RIGOROUS CLASS SCHEDULES. A The buildings on campus feature magic steps and
staircases that respond to the needs of those who use
I them. The steps might shift up or down like escalators,
or they might flatten out completely before raising or
Colleges. Characters know the overall details pre­ lowering like lifts to accommodate larger creatures and ?
sented in chapter 1 about the five colleges that mobility devices, depending on users’ needs. s
make up Strixhaven. They also know that each 5
Strixhaven student chooses membership in a spe­ In certain multistory buildings (including the Biblio­
cific college at the start of their second year. plex and Captain Dapplewing’s Manor), magic trans­ V’
port circles also allow characters quick access between
Biblioplex different levels.

The Biblioplex library acts as a hub for learning and When a user moves onto a circle and mentally
gathering for students across Strixhaven. Before focuses on the floor to which they wish to travel,
the characters begin the "Orientation Challenge" they are transported to the destination floor, ar­
event described later, they might wish to explore the riving at that floor’s runic circle for that staircase.
library, shown on map 3.1. (Students are all aware that entering the second
floor is forbidden without permission from a fac-
Biblioplex Features
The Biblioplex has the following features: steps transports users to the circle at the top of
the steps and vice versa.
Ceilings. The ceilings throughout the first floor of Students and Professors. Students of all years
the Biblioplex are 50 feet high. The second- and and colleges can be found in the Biblioplex. as
third-floor ceilings are 30 feet high. can professors from all the colleges. See chapter
7 for stat blocks for first-year students, and for ap­
Magic Stairs. As in all Strixhaven buildings, the prentices, pledgemages, and professors from the
stairs and steps leading into and within the Bib­ different colleges.
lioplex are enchanted to move and reshape for
full accessibility. See the "Strixhaven Accessibil­ Biblioplex Locations
ity" sidebar.
The following locations are keyed to map 3.1. All
Transport Circles. A runic circle is painted on the descriptions assume the characters are wandering
floor near each staircase in the Biblioplex, as the Biblioplex during the day. At night, the library is
well as at the top and bottom of the steps leading locked and devoid of other students or staff.
to the main entrance in area Bl. These circles
are permanent, customized teleportation circles. Bl. Main Entrance
Enchanted marble steps lead up 5 feet to a small
plaza at the Biblioplex's entrance. The double door’s
vertical handles are each carved in the likeness of a
robed scholar. During the day. the doors stand open.
At night, the doors are closed, locked, and sealed
with an arcane lock spell. A successful DC 25
Dexterity check using thieves’ tools opens the lock
(DC 35 while the arcane lock is in effect). Only the
Biblioplex’s reference librarians and certain faculty
members know the arcane lock's password.

B2. Biblioplex Lounge
Luxurious couches and sturdy tables furnish this
spacious area. Students, employees, and staff mem­
bers often use this lounge to relax between shifts in
the student store (area B5), the Biblioplex cafe (area
B6), or elsewhere in the library. Each table holds
piles of magazines, newsletters, flyers, and nonmag-
ical scrolls from around campus. A character who
examines these materials finds recruitment flyers
from ld3 Extracurriculars. They also find “Help
Wanted’’ ads for the Jobs at the Biblioplex. Extracur­
riculars and Jobs are detailed earlier in the chapter.


The Biblioplex

2nd Floor 3rd Floor





B16 A

and Lower Floors Stairs to Lower Floors Stairs to

4f ----- i-r-■■










1 square = 5 feet

Mapj.i: The Biblioplex


B3. Student Cafe Seating Cafe Sandwich of the Day

This area typically holds 21 (6d6) students, all of d6 Sandwich
them studying, eating, chatting, or even sleeping.
Many enjoy food and drinks from the cafe (area B6). 1 Grilled halloumi with morels on wheat

B4. Information Desk 2 Toasted cockatrice gizzards on rye
Three faculty-appointed reference librarians work at
each of these circular desks (use any of the profes­ 3 Open-faced radish chips, deep-fried with dijon
sor stat blocks found in chapter 7 if needed). All are
expert scholars and powerful mages. They can pro­ 4 Crunchy frog legs on toast
vide helpful instructions for where to find any public
location or collection in the Biblioplex. 5 Rainbow carrots and watercress chestnuts on

B5. Student Store white
This small shop is stocked with books, equipment,
6 Dragonbreath peppers and salami on a bagel
and gear useful as academic supplies. The store’s
manager is Groff Lundquist (neutral good human B7. Lecture Hall
commoner), a friendly Strixhaven staff member Each of these halls hosts interdisciplinary lectures
known for his ability to fashionably mix and match for Strixhaven students. The seats magically grow
items of university apparel. Students can buy hats, or shrink to comfortably accommodate students of
scarves, tunics, robes, gloves, and other apparel em­ any size or body type. The halls’ acoustics are mag­
broidered with the Strixhaven star or with the sigil ically enhanced to amplify the professor's lecture
of any of Strixhaven’s colleges. Costs range from 5 and minimize the disruption of side conversations.
cp to 5 gp or more, at your discretion. While a class is in session, each hall holds a profes­
sor and up to thirty students.
Once a character chooses a college at the start of
second year, they receive a set of college robes, a B8. Study Area
knit hat, a scarf, a tunic, and gloves free of charge. These open study areas feature simple wooden ta­
(This set normally costs 5 gp.) bles and chairs. During the day. up to thirty students
can typically be found here.
In addition to nonmagical gear and clothing, the
store also contains the magic items from the “Magic If the characters pass by the western study area
Items’’ section of chapter 2. before orientation, members of the Live-Action Role­
playing Guild are pulling costumes and props from
B6. Biblioplex Cafe a half dozen old trunks. The guild is preparing for
One wall of this area is covered with a mural made an event later on the Biblioplex’s lawn: a game they
from a living tree’s roots, which move occasionally call Beholders versus Behirs. Rosie Wuzfeddlims
and make the entire place feel alive. The ceiling (chaotic good gnome first-year student; see the
is covered in painted leaves, which change colors "Fellow Students” section) is directing students as
depending on the season thanks to a permanent they cobble together beholder and behir costumes,
illusion effect. The magic also prompts painted as well as visual effects made from sheets, blankets,
squirrels to run up and down the mural’s roots, and wooden frames, tin plates, and illusion magic. (This
preparation erupts into chaos during “That Trunk
painted birds to chirp among the leaves. Has Teeth!” later in this chapter.)
Up to ten students are typically present here
B9. Book Garden
during the day. Ordinarily, three more students In these quiet areas, students sit on the grass and
work here, but during orientation, the cafe's man­ study among lush foliage. Sometime last year, three
ager, Aisla Fitzbottom (chaotic good gnome com­ awakened shrubs wandered in here and settled in
moner), is working alone. She is charmingly perky each garden, and the university has welcomed them
and has a mind like a steel trap when it comes to to stay. Members of Witherbloom College typically
recognizing students. However, her organizational
skills are somewhat lackadaisical. tend this space, and three Witherbloom pledge­
mages (see chapter 7) can be found here most days.
The cafe always serves coffee and tea, which costs
1 cp per cup. The sandwich of the day varies. Roll Members of the Fantastical Horticulture Club of­
below to determine which sandwich is available on ten relax in this area and hold meetings here from
any given day in the cafe. time to time. If the characters explore this area be­
fore or after orientation, Urzmaktok Grojsh (neutral
orc Witherbloom apprentice; see the “Fellow Stu­
dents” section) is here, recruiting first-year students
to the club.


BIO. Main Stacks B12. Student and Alumni Art Gallery

Floor-to-ceiling bookshelves fill the center and the This crisp-looking room features white walls and

east end of the library’s first floor, with the denser columns that stretch from floor to ceiling. Displayed

east stacks under a magic effect that shifts them on or within these are art pieces representative of

when students approach, creating space to stand various media. Students from Prismari College typ­

single-file between them. These books are mostly ically tend this space, and three Prismari pledge­

introductory texts, and first-year students are often mages (see chapter 7) can be found here most days,

directed here by their instructors. In each of these either cleaning the gallery or studying the tech­

areas, two cogwork archivists (see chapter 7) bus­ niques used in the displayed pieces. A storage area

ily shelve returned or misfiled books. at the back holds supplies and artwork waiting to go

Characters who browse these shelves unaided on display.

stumble on what they need with a successful DC 15 The Distinguished Society of Fine Artists often

Wisdom (Perception) check. However, it’s always meets and holds discussions here. If the characters

easier to ask a reference librarian (area B4). explore this area before or after orientation, Cado-

Bll. Hall of Oracles ras Damellawar (chaotic good elf first-year student;
This hallowed hall is filled with statues of the uni­ see the “Fellow Students” section) is here recruiting
versity’s past Oracles. At the center of the hall, a first-year students to the society.

pulsing ball of magical energy—the Strixhaven B13. Amphitheater

Snarl—fills the area with bright light. See the This impressive stage is used for lectures, for

book’s introduction for information about snarls and assemblies, and as a gathering place in case of

the Oracle. emergencies. Magic steps lead up to the stage

The “Orientation Challenge” event later in this from the floor of the library. Members of the Play­

< chapter starts here. actors Drama Guild often use this stage to meet


and rehearse when the Rose Stage on Silverquill’s this area, two shield guardians patrol at all times.
campus is unavailable. If the characters pass by Both the guardians have sleep as their stored spell,
this area before or after orientation, Quentillius and their control amulets are in the possession
Antiphiun Melentor III (neutral human first-year of two of the librarians on duty in the Biblioplex.
student: see the “Fellow Students" section) is Students with permission to work here are given
here recruiting new students to the Playactors passwords by which the Constructs recognize them
Drama Guild. as friends.

B14. Student Activities Center B17. Advanced Student Office
This room is filled with tables and chairs and is These private offices are for students working on
available to any student organization registered their theses, accessed using the same keys that al­
with Strixhaven for use as a meeting place, re­ low access to area Bl6.
hearsal facility, or crafting site, or for other ap­
proved purposes. B18. Advanced Student Lounge
This rest area is designed to help stressed-out se­
If the characters explore this area before or after nior students unwind. Large tables are set up for
orientation, it is set up to promote Extracurriculars, gaming and shelves are filled with recreational read­
the rules of which appear earlier in the chapter. ing material. The area can be accessed only through
The tables are covered with flyers from the Dead the advanced student stacks (area B17).
Languages Society, the Dragonchess Club, the
Dragonsguard Historical Society, Future Entrepre­ B19. The Compendium
neurs of Strixhaven, the Intramural Gymnastics This area on the library’s third floor holds copies
Club, the Intramural Silkball Club, the Intramural of most of the mundane, widely available written
Water-Dancing Club, the Mage Tower Cheer Squad, works in the multiverse. The books are inscrutably
the Strixhaven Iron-Lifters Society, the Strixhaven cataloged, so it’s almost impossible to find anything
Show Band Association, the Strixhaven Star, and without requesting information from a reference
Student-Mages of Faith, and are staffed by the stu­ librarian (area B4). Characters who look for infor­
dents listed in “Extracurriculars" as being associ­ mation without obtaining help discover what they're
ated with them. looking for only with a successful DC 20 Wisdom
(Perception) check.
Extracurricular groups not here can be found
elsewhere in the Biblioplex, along with their student At the center of this area stands a statue depicting
NPCs—the Live-Action Roleplaying Guild (area B8), a mighty, benevolent dragon. The magical statue
the Fantastical Horticulture Club (area B9), the Dis­ reads aloud the contents of most books placed in
tinguished Society of Fine Artists (area B12), and front of it if a character makes that request verbally
the Playactors Drama Guild (area Bl3). or mentally. (The magic of the statue can assess
text such as verbal curses that present a danger if
B15. Student Council Hall read aloud, and the statue ignores requests to read
Filled with wooden tables and benches, this room such text.)
has a flag displaying the Strixhaven star symbol
hanging on its back wall. Here, a student council Orientation Challenge
publicly debates Strixhaven policies that most affect
the student body. The leaders of the school’s Extra- When the characters enter the Hall of Oracles to be­
curriculars come to the council to conduct matters gin orientation, read or paraphrase the following:
of business, and the council usually meets on the
first day of every month. Outside those meeting An almost sacrosanct sense of calm descends as you
days, the room is used for other official university step into the Hall of Oracles. "Brilliant scholars," says
business or stands empty. a rich, soothing voice radiating from the hall’s central

B16. Advanced Student Stacks snarl of glowing energy. "Your attention, please.
“As you are now Strixhaven University students,
Rooms on the Biblioplex’s second floor can be
accessed only with keys held by faculty members, this storied Biblioplex will be your second home for
or that the reference librarians in area B4 grant research, studies, and even leisure. There is just one
students on a case-by-case basis. Typically, students task to accomplish before you officially embark on
don’t receive keys to these stacks until they’re study­ your academic journey—a scavenger hunt!"
ing for their final thesis during their fourth year at
Strixhaven. The arcane knowledge in the books A small parchment materializes in front of the
here is not public—and is sometimes dangerous. characters. It presents a list of clues.

To prevent overly ambitious mages and Strixhav-
en’s enemies from teleporting into and accessing


“The rules are simple," the voice says. “Each clue on Clue 3. Each group deserves a free treat for their
investment. Serve up this list and enjoy your

this list will lead you to a different location in the Bib- refreshment.

lioplex. Simply travel to the area each clue references Clue 4. These leafy beds aren't always what they

and perform the action the clue suggests. Time is of seem. Give them a pat and see what you glean.

the essence. You have only until the end of the day to Clue 5. Some stars are ancient, enduring, and
finish your hunt. bright. But others—maybe you!—are born on
opening night.
“Solve as many clues as you can, because at each

location, you may win a prize! Now then, off you go!” Each clue can be unraveled either by deduction, or
with a successful DC 10 Intelligence (Investigation)

check. A decoded clue points the characters toward

Scavenger Hunt Clues____ one of the areas of the Bibliopiex as well as the ac­
tion they must take to receive a prize in that area.

A character can win a prize for each clue they solve Running the Hunt
but can receive only one item in each place. If a

character tries to redo a clue to receive a second Explain the Biblioplex’s areas in detail before the
item, the magic that reveals the item doesn’t work characters begin this scavenger hunt, so they have
again. Here are the clues: an idea of which areas the clues point to. Have the

Clue 1. You’ll forget all about any trouble or plight characters begin the scavenger hunt with the first

when you step forward and are ensnarled in light. clue, since it points to the room they’re already

Clue 2. Alumni commission works when they retire, standing in. The players can then complete the

! seeking promising mages to inspire. other clues in any order they wish.


Clue 1: Hall of Oracles Clue 3: Biblioplex Cafe

This clue refers the characters to the room they This clue refers to the Biblioplex Cafe in area B6.
start the orientation in (area Bl 1). When the characters enter the cafe, they see

If a character touches the pooled energy below several students enjoying drinks and snacks. Aisla
the snarl, they momentarily lose track of their Fitzbottom (chaotic good gnome commoner), the
body, overwhelmed by the snarl’s magical power. cafe manager, is a Strixhaven staff member and
The character automatically disengages from the the only worker behind the counter at present. The
snarl and discovers that they are holding a potion characters must present their scavenger hunt list to
of healing. Aisla. When they do, she tells them to come behind
the counter and help her quickly restock the cafe’s
Clue 2: Student Art Gallery sandwiches and baked goods from several modified
Howard’s handy haversacks.
This clue refers to the Student and Alumni Art Gal­
lery in area B12. If a character goes above and beyond in their as­
sistance with a successful DC 15 Dexterity check,
When (he characters wander through the gallery, Aisla gives that character a random trinket from
they see a portrait of several older alumni wearing chapter 2. Many students have ignored her requests
Prismari College robes. If a character examines for help during the orientation, she says, so she de­
the portrait, they find a plaque that reads: “At Strix- cides to make an exception with a gift from her own
haven we were all inspired.” Below the plaque is a pockets. Plus, she likes the new students’ ambition.
small lever. If a character uses an action to pull the
lever, a box pops out of the wall containing a Strix- <
haven pennant (see chapter 2) for each character in
the party. Once it dispenses the pennants, the box u
disappears back into the wall and doesn’t work for
the characters again. g


Clue 4: Book Garden_ is only temporarily animated, it has the following
changes to its stat block:
This clue refers to the book gardens of area B9.
When the characters enter a book garden, they • It has 30 hit points.
• It has disadvantage on attack rolls.
see a lush arboretum. A successful DC 10 Intelli­
gence (Investigation) check reveals that three of the Once it's defeated, the mimic turns back into an
shrubs are not ordinary greenery, but are instead ordinary trunk.
awakened shrubs, each with a glistening crown
of leaves. If a character uses an action to pat the Ending the Threat
shrubs on these leaves, the branches part to reveal a
cuddly Strixhaven mascot (see chapter 2), represent­ If all the characters fall unconscious during the
ing a random mascot. This magic works only once fight, Professor Mavinda Sharpbeak (neutral good
per character. owlin Silverquill professor of radiance; see chap­
ter 7) arrives on the scene at the start of the next
Clue 5: Amphitheater round and finishes off the mimic. If the characters
defeat the mimic, Professor Sharpbeak arrives on
This clue refers to the amphitheater in area B13. the scene shortly after the group dispatches it. She
When the characters reach the amphitheater, carries a bag of potions ofhealing, which she ad­
ministers to any injured or unconscious characters.
they see an impressively lavish stage, with the cur­
tains drawn back as if to reveal performers on the A guidance counselor at Strixhaven, Professor
opening night of a major production. If a character Sharpbeak was overseeing the orientation activities,
recites, sings, hums, belches, or otherwise emits but the mass of fleeing students prevented her from
any line or tune while standing on the stage, bright responding to the incident immediately. When she
floodlights snap on around the stage’s perimeter—a has assisted any wounded characters, she intro­
number of lights equal to the number of characters duces herself.
in the group. Approaching any of the lights reveals a
recess in which lies a hooded lantern filled with oil. “Students, well done!” Professor Sharpbeak exclaims,

That Trunk Has Teeth! ruffling her feathers with pride. "Such bravery in this

Once the characters have completed as much of the incoming class! And what a bizarre occurrence. I can’t
scavenger hunt as they wish, they hear a commotion
coming from the west shelves of the main stacks in remember any of those old costume trunks ever bear­
area BIO. Read or paraphrase the following:
ing a hint of magic—let alone that manner of trans­
The joyous and energetic atmosphere of the first floor
mutation. I will be having a word with the equipment
is shattered by panicked shouting.
managers over at the Rose Stage. They’re supposed to
“That trunk!” a young elf screams, pointing toward
keep this sort of thing from happening!”
the stacks as she runs by. “That trunk has teeth!
If the characters chat with the professor, she reas­
Please, anyone, stop it!” sures them that this was an unfortunate incident—
but sadly, not an unheard-of one, since strange
Chaos erupts in the library as students stream in all monsters often find their way onto campus. Still,
it’s nothing to worry about. Before she goes, she
directions, their books and papers flying as they shout reaches into her bag and gives each character 1 plat­
inum piece, thanking them again for their help and
in fear. The only faculty mages in sight are trying to welcoming them to campus.

deal with panicked students. You can’t just let some Examining the Trunk________

In the western part of area B8, the characters Characters who examine the mimic and succeed on
see a half dozen old trunks strewn about. Sheets, a DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) check notice that the
blankets, large wooden frames, and half-painted defeated trunk’s wood and leather has been rubbed
wooden props are scattered haphazardly around the with a black, oily substance. If asked about this,
tables where members of the Live-Action Roleplay­ Professor Sharpbeak says it’s likely just a leather
ing Guild were setting up for a show. Rampaging conditioner. With no magic remaining in the eldritch
throughout the mess is a trunk that has been trans­ balm to reveal the contamination, she has no expla­
formed into a mimic, which attacks the characters nation for why the trunk temporarily turned into a
as soon as they enter the area. Because the mimic mimic and attacked.


Firejolt Cafe

£5 © 1i!-ir!Vii.~ J
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b b g F5 F6 it
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F6 pph
I cJ

I l3



1 square = 5 feet

Map 3,2: Firejolt Cafe

Frog’s the Word The characters are meant to join the festivities in a
the nearby Firejolt Cafe. If a player or character ex­
At some point during the weeks that follow their ori­ presses reluctance, mention as motivation that other lI
entation day and the start of classes, the characters students the characters have interacted with during
are hanging out together on the central campus. this adventure are already there. s
Another student is part of this scene—ideally a
student the characters have interacted with, or you Firejolt Cafe
may choose another student from the “Fellow Stu­
dents” section. Firejolt Cafe is the most popular place at Strix-
haven to grab tea or coffee, chat with friends, or
When you’re ready to begin this event, read or study among the hustle and bustle of a typical day
paraphrase the following, altering the text to incor­ on campus. The cafe’s interior is clean and well lit,
porate the student’s name or other details: and its walls are decorated with fun, cartoonish
scenes animated by permanent illusion magic. Well-
Murmurs of excited curiosity ripple through the clus­ known scenes include a jovial frog in a wizard’s
ters of students around you, and another student sud­ hat stirring a cauldron, a dancing trio of lightning
denly barrels toward you, laughing uproariously. bolts with grinning faces, and a raven wearing a
cravat and sipping daintily from a cup of coffee held
Seeing no faculty nearby, the student beckons to the in one wing.
Firejolt Cafe Features
"You’ve all got to see this!” the student chortles. "We The cafe has the following features:

side Lounge at Firejolt Cafe, and now we’re going to Ceilings. The cafe’s ceilings are 20 feet high.
race the little hoppers! Quick! Come see before the Doors. At night, the exterior doors to the cafe are
professors find out!
closed, locked, and sealed with an arcane lock
spell. A successful DC 25 Dexterity check using
thieves’ tools opens the lock (DC 35 while the
arcane lock is in effect). Only certain faculty mem-


bers and Ellina Tanglewood, the cafe’s manager F4. Newsstand
(see area F3), know the arcane lock's password. This small store inside Firejolt Cafe sells maga­
Magic Steps. The steps marking the edge of each zines, knickknacks, posters, stickers, and other
tier of the study area are enchanted to move and decorative and leisure items. The subjects of the
reshape themselves for full accessibility. See the magazines are all magic themed, with titles ranging
“Strixhaven Accessibility” sidebar. from Mages Monthly to Potions! Potions! Potions!
Students. Students of all years and colleges can
be found in Firejolt Cafe. See chapter 7 for stat to Spells and Caster. Staff members at the barista
blocks for first-year students, and for apprentices station take turns working the newsstand, which
and pledgemages from the different colleges. sometimes closes when the cafe is particularly busy.
Most items here cost 1 cp, though higher-end items
Firejolt Cafe Locations might be available at your discretion.

The following locations are keyed to map 3.2. All F5. Fireside Lounge
descriptions assume the characters are in the cafe
during the day. At night, the cafe is locked and de­ Much more comfortable than the cafe’s other
void of students and staff. seating areas, this lounge is filled with sofas and
armchairs where students can relax away from
Fl. Study Tables the hubbub. Fireplaces in the northern corners
These long benches sit atop two raised tiers with are lit by continual flame spells. Some twenty stu­
magic steps between them, affording easy access dents are typically found here, using the tables to
to the seating area below. Some thirty students are study quietly.
typically here during the day, studying quietly.
F6. Quiet Room
F2. Seating Area As with the fireside lounge, these rooms are quieter
This area is usually more crowded than the cafe’s than the cafe’s main seating areas. However, with
study tables. At least fifty students sit sociably in large tables and more functional chairs, they’re
groups, chatting and having tea and coffee. The more oriented toward studying and completing
open spaces in the north part of this area are typi­ classwork. Up to ten students are typically found in
cally filled with students waiting to join the queue at each of these rooms, engaged in quiet study.
the barista station or scouting for a good place to sit.
A Great Frog Rage
F3. Barista Station
This bustling service counter is the demesne of El­ Characters following the student who invited them
to the frog race are led to the fireside lounge (area
lina Tanglewood (chaotic good elf mage), the Strix­ F5) of Firejolt Cafe. As in the scene above, the stu­
haven employee who manages the cafe and serves dent speaking in this scene should be a student the
as its chief barista. Ellina typically works alongside characters have interacted with. Read or paraphrase
five older student employees, one from each college, the following, altering the text to incorporate the
though she sometimes hires younger students who student’s name or other details:
express interest in working for her (see the “Jobs”
section earlier in the chapter). The air buzzes with excitement—and the smell of cof­
fee—as you make your way toward the back of Firejolt
The front counter of the barista station is a whirl Cafe and duck into the lounge to witness the scene.
of chaos while Ellina and the other employees deal
with the orders of dozens of students and faculty Hidden from the view of the barista station, the
members. The back of the station is calmer, and lounge’s central table has been pushed toward the
includes a small break area for employees as well as wall and its chairs haphazardly tossed out of the way.
shelves for personal belongings and cafe supplies. In the middle of the room hop four unusual frogs.
Each is glowing in vibrant colors—red, blue, violet,
The cafe strictly sells coffee and tea, but Ellina and orange—and has been outfitted with a tiny
and the other talented baristas can make nearly costume. One wears a makeshift cape, another has
any form of those drinks on request. A relatively suspenders, a third wears a stylish bow tie, and the
common coffee or tea costs 1 cp, while a more com­ fourth has a top hat perched jauntily on its head.
plicated order might cost 2 cp. The cafe’s signature
firejolt latte costs 10 gp; it confers resistance to fire Someone has used chalk to mark lanes on the floor,
for 1 minute after drinking it, and it can be brewed and multiple students are trying to corral the frogs
only by Ellina using her fire magic. into a starting position.


A student notices the characters and shouts, “You're The other students scatter, and it’s up to the char­ I
just in time! Want to race these frogs with us?” acters to subdue the giant frogs. Luckily for any
character who has grown attached to a frog, any ft
The amphibians in the lounge are four frogs frog reduced to 0 hit points becomes docile, and its
that students found outside the cafd and smuggled eyes return to normal. Alternatively, a character can 9
inside. The frogs’ glowing colors appear to be the use an action to coax a frog into shaking off the mal­
result of some magic the students haven't been able ady affecting it with a DC 15 Wisdom (Animal Han­ a
to source. The costumes—and the frog race that is dling) check. On a success, a frog becomes docile
afoot!—were the students’ ideas. For the race, a sin­ again and stops attacking. After 1 minute, each doc­
gle student will “coach” each frog toward the finish. ile frog reverts back to normal size and appearance.
The winning coach will receive bragging rights—as
well as a purse of donations from the crowd that to­ Ending the Threat
tals 30 gp. If all the characters fall unconscious, cafe manager
Ellina Tanglewood (chaotic good elf mage) rushes
Participating in the Race onto the scene and subdues the frogs. She has two
A character can participate in the fun in one of the potions ofhealing behind the barista station and can
following ways: administer them as needed if anyone gets hurt.

Race a Frog. A character might coach one of the Examining the Frogs
frogs, encouraging it toward the finish line with
words, gestures, and other antics. The character Once the frogs are no longer threats, a successful
can urge their frog to victory with a successful DC DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) check reveals that the
12 Wisdom (Animal Handling) check. Encourage frogs belched out a strange, black oily substance just
a player to really sell this scene by naming their before they grew in size and attacked. It appears to
frog and coming up with ways to inspire it. If one be the same substance found on the trunk during
of the characters succeeds on this Wisdom check, orientation; indeed, Murgaxor coaxed the frogs to
that character’s frog wins the race. (If more than ingest some of the corrupted eldritch balm to cause
one character succeeds, it’s a tie, and those char­ their transformation. Any character who notices the
acters split the 30 gp prize.) If no characters win oily substance also can tell that it smells slightly
the race, roll a d4 to randomly determine which sweet, which likely encouraged the frogs to ingest it.
frog wins.
Magical Physiologies
Cheer a Coach. A character might shout encour­ Exam: Slaadi
agement to one of the coaches. If the encouraged
coach is another player character, that character The characters are enrolled together in the course
gains advantage on their Wisdom (Animal Han­ Magical Physiologies, which is held in a lecture hall
dling) check to coach the frog. If the coach is an in the Biblioplex (one of the areas marked B7 on
NPC, any characters racing a frog receive disad­ map 3.1). The course covers the anatomy, abilities,
vantage on their check. and dispositions of monsters commonly encoun­
tered while adventuring. Students read popular
Heckle a Coach. A character might taunt one of the accounts related to Aberrations, Monstrosities, and
coaches. If the heckled coach is another player Oozes, as well as studying how best to either avoid a
character, that character has disadvantage on fight with such creatures or battle them and emerge
their Wisdom (Animal Handling) check to coach triumphant. The class’s professor is Verelda Lang
the frog. If the coach is an NPC, that student’s frog (chaotic neutral dryad professor from Witherbloom
automatically loses the race. College), a respected arcano-biologist who teaches
Quandrix College courses in addition to her Wither­
Relationship Encounter bloom College and general education offerings.
At the race, characters might mingle with other stu­
dents. If there are students the characters wish to This course’s first Exam takes place a short while
earn Relationship Points with, treat this as a Rela­ after the events of the “A Great Frog Race” section
tionship encounter. Have players note the results of and sees students tested on their knowledge of the
this encounter on their copies of the tracking sheet. creatures known as slaadi. The rules for Exams can
be found earlier in this chapter.
They’ve Gone Berserk!
Studying Phase________
After the race ends, the four frogs start belching
strangely, and their eyes turn red. As the charac­ The day before the Exam, the characters can study
ters and the other students look on, the frogs sud­ the course material. A character can use any ability
denly grow into four giant frogs, shredding their check and skill during the Studying phase.
makeshift costumes and furiously lashing out at

the crowd!


Once you’ve asked each player how their charac­ All about Slaadi
ter is approaching the Studying phase, resolve that
phase by having each character who studies make To give this Exam more flavor, describe some of the
a DC 12 ability check. Make sure players keep track facts the characters are trying to memorize, such as
of their characters' rerolls and apply them during the following:
the Testing phase.
• Slaadi are Aberrations known for their regenerative
Testing Phase abilities and magic resistance.

On the day of the Exam, each character makes two • All slaadi are dangerous and unpredictable, but red
ability checks related to parts of the test: slaadi and blue slaadi are the least powerful and
don't cast spells.
Slaad Facts. Choosing the correct multiple choice
answers to questions about red, blue, green, gray, • Red slaadi can use a gland under one of their claws
and death slaadi requires a successful DC 12 In­ to implant an egg into a Humanoid. The egg even­
telligence (Arcana) check. tually becomes a tadpole that bursts from the host’s
body and transforms into a full-grown blue slaad, or
Defusing Slaad Confrontations. Writing short a green slaad if the host could cast spells of 3rd level
essays about commonly accepted ways to or higher.
keep slaadi calm during unexpected encoun­
ters requires a successful DC 12 Wisdom (In­ • Green, gray, and death slaadi can shape-shift into
sight) check. Small or Medium Humanoids.

Have each player note their character’s Exam re­ • A green slaad usually wields a staff and can hurl both
sults—how many Student Dice they gained and what fireballs and magical flames at its foes.
skills they used during the test—on their copies of
the tracking sheet. • Death slaadi are rumored to have a stench so bad
it can be deadly. In reality, they can cast the cloud­
kill spell.

• Inexperienced scholars and adventurers some­
times assume that "slaad" is a misspelling or mis­
pronunciation. Calling these creatures “salads" is
frowned upon.

Advance to 2nd Level! Bow’s End Tavern Features
The tavern has the following features:
Each character advances to 2nd level at the end of
the first Exams encounter. Lighting. The magical lights inside the tavern are
muted, but creatures can still see normally in
Work Hard, Play Harder all areas.

A short while after their first Magical Physiologies Ceilings. The tavern’s ceilings arc 20 feet high.
Exam, the characters are milling about the central Doors. After closing, all exterior doors to the patio
campus when they see some fellow students head­
ing for Bow's End Tavern, which has just opened for and tavern are closed, locked, and sealed with an
the evening. Another student is part of this scene— arcane lock spell. A successful DC 25 Dexterity
ideally a student the characters have interacted check using thieves’ tools opens the lock (DC 35
with, or you may choose another student from the while the arcane lock is in effect). Only certain stu
"Fellow Students” section. dent employees and Tulk “The Bulk" Tusktooth,
the tavern's manager (see area E3). know the ar­
When you're ready to begin this event, read or cane lock's password.
paraphrase the following, altering the text to incor­ Magic Steps. The steps marking the boundarj'
porate the student's name or other details: between the overflow seating area (area E4) and
the main dining room (area E2) are enchanted to
As students mill around the central campus, whoops move and reshape themselves for full accessibility.
of excitement fill the air. It’s 6:00 p.m., and Bow’s End See the “Strixhaven Accessibility" sidebar.
Tavern is open! On the tavern's patio, three student Patrons. Students of all years and colleges can
mages with brightly colored hair begin to sing a jaunty be found in Firejoit Cafe. See chapter 7 for stat
tune and pluck at dulcimers as a crowd heads in that blocks for first-year students, and for apprentices
direction. and pledgemages from the different colleges.

A student next to the characters shouts to them Bow’s End Tavern Locations
The following locations are keyed to map 3.3. All
“I heard they’ve finally got some wizard gizzard ma­ descriptions assume the characters are in (he tav­
chines in there!” the student says. "You have to come ern during its hours of operation. Outside of those
play with us!” hours, the tavern is locked and devoid of other
students or staff, except for Tulk Tusktooth and a
If a player or character expresses reluctance, have few staff members who perform cleaning duties
the student talk up the game of Wizard Gizzard and during the day.
the people already at the tavern to persuade the
characters to join them for the game. El. Patio Seating
This outdoor seating area is fenced off and is open
Bow’s End Tavern to tavern customers and noncustomers alike. The

Bow’s End Tavern is Strixhaven's most popu­ patio doors and the front doors leading into the
lar late-night hangout. It opens at 6:00 p.m. and building are closed except when the tavern is open.
closes at 11:00 p.m. on class nights and 2:00 a.m.
on weekends. Up to thirty-five students can typically be found
here during opening hours, eating and chatting. Ad­
The tavern is a squat but comfortable-looking ditionally, at least two older student employees work
building, its gleaming wooden exterior carved in in this area as servers.
overlapping Strixhaven star motifs. The interior
is dim and cozy (if loud), featuring rich mahogany E2. Main Dining Room
floors and well-worn furniture of oak and black The most crowded area of the tavern is filled with
leather. Live musical acts often set up on the tav­
ern’s patio, including performing groups made up of students. At opening hour, the tavern's seating is ar­
students, faculty, and staff alike. ranged neatly, as shown on the map. In short order,
though, student patrons shift the tables and chairs
to accommodate the hangouts, tavern games, and
other shenanigans happening in this area.

Anywhere from fifty to seventy students are typi­
cally found here, eating, drinking, and socializing.
Additionally, at least four older student employees
work in this area as servers.


1 square = 5 feet Bow’s End Tavern

I E5 O • cJO H Fl f 0po -pi; E5
‘O' -
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aB E2
4? B


, El


Map 3.3; Bow's Eno Tavern

E3. Servers’ Station and Bar demeanor but no tolerance for misbehavior. Tulk’s

The server’s station stands at the center of Bow’s nickname comes from his imposing physical pres­
End Tavern, where up to four older student employ­ ence at a burly, muscle-bound height of nearly seven

ees make drinks for the tavern’s patrons and pass feet—though his warm smile gleams as brightly as
orders for food to the kitchen. his signature golden earring. He is a good friend to
Javenesh Stoutclaw, and anyone who puts the owlin
The food on offer at the tavern includes caster’s in danger must answer to Tulk.
stew—a hearty bowl of venison, gravy, and root veg­

etables, served with mashed potatoes and thick-cut Bow’s End Tavern Menu
toast. Curtie’s Special is named for Chef Curtie Ax-

echucker (see area E6) and rotates between dishes Food or Beverage Cost

she calls “garden surprise,’’ “magister’s delight,” Water Free

“macaroni and sausages,” and “rat ratatouille.” No Coffee, cola, or tea 1 cp
one knows the ingredients used in these dishes, Premium fare 4 cp
though servers always ask patrons about possible

allergies. The table below lists the tavern’s menu Caster’s stew 2sp

and prices. Curtie's special 2sp

The bar surrounding the servers’ station serves

a variety of drinks. This area is often rowdy, so E4. Overflow Seating

student employee Javenesh Stoutclaw (neutral good The quietest part of the tavern, this seating area

owlin Lorehold apprentice; see the “Fellow Stu­ is the place students go to escape the noise of the

dents” section) remains watchful. From thirty-five to main dining room. From ten to twenty students are

forty-five students are typically found at the bar. usually found in this area, relaxing or engaged in

The tavern’s manager also keeps an eye on this conversation. Additionally, at least one older student

< area. Tulk “The Bulk” Tusktooth (lawful good orc
o employee can be found working here as a server.
gladiator) is a Strixhaven employee with a kind




E5. Back Exit These minor magic items have a short life span,
These areas afford access to the small stalls that and as they age, they begin to emit loud clucking
serve as privies for the tavern and each feature a noises when they shoot their spheres. Students joke
door that leads to the tavern's back lot. These exits that the spheres begin to look like gizzards, hence
are marked "Staff Only" but aren’t locked during op­ their name. Every term, students collect cast-off
erating hours, acting as loading areas for receiving wizard gizzards that have grown too unpredictable
supplies throughout the night. for classroom use and then use the wizard gizzards
in the game of the same name. This night at Bow’s
E6. Kitchen End Tavern is the first such event of the term, and
The tavern's food orders are prepared in this large enthusiasm is running high.
kitchen, overseen by Curtie Axechucker (chaotic
neutral dwarf commoner), a Strixhaven employee Playing the Game
and beloved personality on campus. Chef Curtie In this scene, the characters have the opportunity
views cooking as an art, and she teaches the four to play a game of Wizard Gizzard for a prize. A
students who work for her to cook using hunches character can participate in the fun in one of the fol­
and passion instead of precision or science. lowing ways:

Curtie lives by her teachings (and is said to Play the Game. The rules are simple: lob a sphere
augment her culinary creations with a little bit of from the wizard gizzard and have the sphere land
magic), so that no two dishes she or her apprentices inside the bucket on the floor. The game takes 1
cook are ever the same. The chef’s signature cries of minute to play, and the character who lands the
“Make it spicy!” and “It needs more love!” frequently most spheres in the bucket during that minute
echo from the kitchen into the overflow seating wins the game. To determine how many spheres a
area. The chef hires all student cooks, so characters character lands in the bucket, have the character
who wish to work in the kitchen must approach make a Dexterity (Arcana) check and divide the
her directly. total by 3 (round down). If two or more characters
land the same number of spheres in the bucket,
The most prominent features in the kitchen are have those characters repeat the check during
the cooking cauldrons along the north wall, which a tiebreaker round. Continue to run tiebreaker
are always bubbling with strange and wonderful rounds until one character wins.
concoctions. A small break room is set in the north­
west corner of the kitchen, while a pantry takes up Encourage a Participant. If a character shouts en­
much of the east wall. couragement to a participant, that participant has
advantage on their Dexterity (Arcana) check.
Wizard Gizzard!
Heckle a Participant. If a character jeers at a par­
Characters following the student who invited them ticipant, that participant has disadvantage on their
to play Wizard Gizzard are led to the main dining Dexterity (Arcana) check.
room (area E2) of Bow's End Tavern. Read or para­
phrase the following: After setting the scene and explaining the rules,
reveal that a bag of tricks (gray) will be awarded
Along one side of the tavern’s main dining room, the to the winner of the next game. The bag belongs
to Javenesh Stoutclaw (see the “Fellow Students”
tables and chairs have been shifted to create a large, section), a second-year Lorehold College student
and the tavern’s assistant manager. Javenesh doesn’t
rectangular open space. On the south side of this need the bag and is entertained by watching first-
year students compete to win. He also secretly
space, a single table stands flush against the wall. On hopes that sponsoring the game might win him
more friends on campus.
it are a few strange-looking boxes with funnels pro­
Relationship Encounter
truding from them at an angle. Twenty feet opposite Before and after the game, characters might mingle
with other students. If there are students the charac­
the table, a small bucket rests on the floor. ters wish to earn Relationship Points with, treat this
as a Relationship encounter, as described in those
The devices on the table are called wizard gizzards. rules. For example, a character who loses the game
Instructors use them to help student-mages prac­ but is gracious toward the winner might earn the
tice their aim with magical rays. When a charac­ winner's respect and seed a friendship.
ter strikes the top of a wizard gizzard, it shoots a
sphere made of magic out of its attached funnel. The Don’t forget to have players note the results of this
sphere dissipates whenever it touches anything—a encounter on the tracking sheet.
ray, a creature, or a hard surface, for example.


Chaos in the Kitchen While the characters take on the more dangerous
mephits, describe their friends and fellow students
Even as the game of Wizard Gizzard ends and a working in the background alongside them to help
winner is declared, Bow’s End Tavern erupts into clear the bugs out of the kitchen. As soon as the
pandemonium. Read or paraphrase the following: mephits are dispatched, the magic flaring up in the
kitchen fades.
Panicked shouting erupts from the tavern's kitchen.
Chef Curtie, her braided hair flapping wildly, emerges Ending the Threat
at a run, shouting and waving her arms. If all the characters fall unconscious during the
fight, Tulk shows up at the start of the next round
"The steam! It’s too spicy!" she cries. "It’s trying to and dispatches the mephits. Tulk has two potions
kill us! Someone, please help!” of healing stored behind the servers’ station, and
he offers them to any injured characters. If the dis­
The tavern is so busy that most of its patrons don’t cussion turns to what happened, Tulk explains that
immediately notice Curtie’s panic. Tulk Tusktooth sometimes Curtie’s culinary experiments go awry,
does, but he's momentarily overwhelmed by those so such chaos in the kitchen isn’t unheard of. For
students in the overflow seating who have noticed— her part, Curtie insists that the mephits were not
and who are trying to get away from the kitchen as part of any new recipe test, and that they came out
fast as they can. You have a clear path to the kitchen
door—and Curtie needs help! of nowhere.

Examining the Cauldrons________

When the characters enter area E6, they find the Once the mephits are dispatched, a successful DC

kitchen’s student cooks unconscious on the floor, 12 Wisdom (Perception) check reveals the same oily

while four steam mephits fly around the cauldrons. black substance on the cauldrons that the charac­

As in the previous scenes, one of the cooks can be ters might have seen belched out by the frogs before

another student the characters have interacted with, the Firejolt Cafe race and found on the trunk during

filling in for an absent cook for the evening. orientation. If the characters ask either Tulk Tusk­

The hostile mephits attack as soon as the char­ tooth or Curtie Axechucker about the substance,

acters appear, but they aren’t the only threat in the both suspect that one of the many magic unguents

5 kitchen. Horrid masses of summoned skittering used on campus might have gotten corrupted. They

ci bugs suddenly pour out of bags and boxes of in­ have no way of knowing that Murgaxor’s corrupted

UJ gredients in the food prep areas, just as other stu­ eldritch balm is the unguent in question and no idea

dents storm into the kitchen behind the characters. what else might be affected.


Magical Physiologies All about Owlbears
Exam: Owlbears
To give this Exam more flavor, describe some of the
The characters’ second Exam in Magical Physiolo­ facts the characters are trying to memorize, such as
gies takes place a short while after the Wizard Giz­ the following:
zard game and sees students tested on their knowl­
edge of owlbears. • Owlbears are aggressive and often ill-tempered
carnivores. They are known to attack without
Studying Phase provocation.

The day before the Exam, a character can study • Owlbears most often live in caves or ruins.
the course material. A character can use any ability The bones of their prey serve as their beds and
check and skill during this Studying phase. playgrounds.

Once you’ve asked each player how their charac­ • Owlbears attack with their razor-sharp beaks
ter is approaching the Studying phase, resolve that and claws.
phase by having each character who studies make
a DC 12 ability check. Make sure players keep track • Many scholars believe a kooky wizard created the
of their characters’ rerolls from this phase and apply first owlbear in a breeding experiment gone awry.
them during the Testing phase. However, some elves claim owlbears have always
existed in the Feywild.
Testing Phase
• Although they aren't naturally drawn to cupcakes and
On the day of the Exam, each character makes two muffins, these foods are known to quell an owlbear's
ability checks related to parts of the test: foul temper. Arcano-biologists believe they quell the
creatures’ rumbling acid reflux.
Owlbear Disposition and Habits. Choosing the
correct multiple choice answers regarding owl­ • Owlbears respond best to training that mimics ex­
bears’ hunting, eating, mating, fighting, and living actly what their trainer wishes them to do. Crawling
habits requires a successful DC 12 Intelligence on one’s hands and knees is often the best way to
(Nature) check. teach an owlbear to be a mount, for example.

Owlbear Companions. Writing short essays on • An owlbear’s screech sounds vaguely similar to the
common methods for taming, training, and cry of an enormous owl with terrible indigestion.
handling owlbears and on keeping owlbears as Owls don’t suffer from indigestion, though, making
companions requires a successful DC 12 Wisdom this a sure sign that an owlbear is nearby.
(Animal Handling) check.
Basilisk Prop. “A prop at this year’s festival uses
Have each player note their character’s Exam re­ flashes of light to simulate a gaze attack, just like
sults—how many Student Dice they gained and what a basilisk."
skills they used during the test—on their copies of
the tracking sheet. Chimera Prop. "The drama guild plans to use
dragon, goat, and lion puppets to simulate a chi­
Classroom Gossip mera. Someone has figured out how to magically
replicate those creatures’ sounds.
After the exam, the characters overhear their
peers talking excitedly about certain magical and Black Dragon Prop. “Someone wants to summon
monstrous creatures' likenesses being used in the and control a real young black dragon on stage.
upcoming Rose Stage Festival, an improvisational No way will that work!”
outdoor play (see “All the World’s a Stage” later in
this chapter). Campus Daredevils

Chatter Details A short while after their second Magical Physiolo­
The characters might hear any of the following re­ gies Exam, a student the characters have interacted
marks. The first two rumors are more or less true, with before (or a random student from the “Fellow
while the second two aren’t: Students” section earlier in the chapter) rushes up
to one of the characters, stuffs a handwritten note
Owlbear Prop. “The Playactors Drama Guild has into their grasp, winks, and dashes away. The note
combined the hide of a bear and an owl head taxi­ is crumpled and slightly damp. It reads:
dermy to create a weird owlbear prop.
"Big heroes on campus! You’re the talk of the school,

what with your monster-dispatching ways. But can

you recover the legendary Sassy Sally Jane? Many have

tried. All have failed. Meet us outside Captain Dap-

plewing's Manor at midnight tonight and see if you’ve

got what it takes!”



The note isn t signed, but will be later revealed as the setting for lavish dinner parties and intellectual
coming from a student the characters know. gatherings. A character knows all the information
in the “Captain Dapplewing's Manor” section later
The characters have several hours before their in this chapter with a successful DC 12 Intelligence
peers are expecting them at midnight, so allow (History) check.
them to prepare for this outing any way they wish.
Provide them with the following information, and Recover Sassy Sally Jane
then when they’re ready, go to the “Recover Sassy
Sally Jane” section below. Once the characters are prepared, they can make
their way to Captain Dapplewing’s Manor. It’s easy
Sassy Sally Jane to find on the central campus, since a well-lit path
leads right up to the house, and a few students are
The talk of the campus for decades, Sassy Sally milling around outside. Once they notice the char­
Jane is a pink-haired doll in a patchwork tartan acters heading their way, these students get visi­
dress. Inside the doll is a voice box that some clever bly excited.
students rigged to repeat rude phrases whenever the
doll’s hand is squeezed. Jokesters used it to irritate Another student is part of this scene—ideally a
faculty and staff members extensively before it was student the characters have interacted with, or you
confiscated. The doll has sat in the attic of Captain may choose another student from the “Fellow Stu­
Dapplewing’s Manor ever since, alongside other bro­ dents” section.
ken, malfunctioning, or forbidden items.
When you’re ready to begin this event, read or
An Exclusive Enclave____________ paraphrase the following:

Captain Dapplewing’s manor house is used as a As the bright light of the central campus fades into
learning annex by esteemed dual-college faculty the verdant grounds of Captain Dapplewing’s Manor,
members and their favored students. you see a small group of your peers congregated un­
derneath a massive oak tree in the manor’s front yard.
A two-story home, the house is located on the cen­
tral campus and serves as both faculty offices and


Captain Dapplewing’s Manor

Attic @

C20 4,

,.. -I

1 square ■ 5 feet


^Ta=k™k»«m?w. ™«S1 isW^W-


1Wv 1 U V’Vsi^

C14 <

1t LJ C12 C12 BC12 C13
! 0 <£?
I'd tfC. I I o B» cl [•’ClCD I


Second Floor

Cll gg Cll^O

_____©_1_*1 ______ __ __ _ CIO __________ ___________ _

C7 f^LJi

C4 I
qafl Q A a Q P
tp: Q O; O. O. O. Cl <X
■Q ~O X> -O 'Q -O,

Up C3 X

First Floor C2 • H Up



= o

Map 3.4: Captain Dapplewing’s Manor <



One student turns to another and says in a stage and those faculty members meet here with students
whisper, “I told you they’d arrive! Now pay up, you on academic matters during the day. In the eve­
goof!" Turning to the characters, the student points nings, the manor is the site of dinner parties and
to the manor house and says: elegant cocktail hours for those faculty members,
their most promising students, and visiting alumni.
“This is it. Sassy Sally Jane is up there in the attic.
Since no one permanently lives in Captain Dap­
For years, people have tried to liberate her. For years, plewing’s Manor, the building is closed and locked
from 10:00 p.m. until 6:00 a.m. Because it holds
they've failed. But we think this year is different. This many valuable antiques and volumes of sensitive re­
search, security measures are in place in the manor,
year, you’re on campus." as described below.

“You’re looking for a pink-haired doll wearing a Entering the Manor
Once the characters are ready to go, allow them to
patchwork tartan dress. Now, go in there and become approach the house in any way they see fit. The eas­
iest way to access the manor is through its locked
campus legends. If you can bring her back, we'll all front doors (area Cl), although characters could
easily try to access the manor via one of the decks at
pay for your lunches for a week. No, for a month!” the back (areas CIO and Cl 1).

Extra Incentive Captain Dapplewing’s Manor Features
If the characters are hesitant to take this dare, a The manor has the following features:
student with whom a character has at least 1 Re­
lationship Point approaches them. The student Ceilings. The ceilings throughout the manor are 20
misses their younger brother terribly and has de­ feet high.
cided that Sassy Sallyjane would make an excellent
gift. The student offers the characters a driftglobe in Doors. The manor's outside doors (in areas Cl.
exchange for retrieving Sassy Sallyjane and giving CIO, and Cl 1) are locked. A character can pick
them the doll. a lock with a successful DC 15 Dexterity check
using thieves' tools. Anyone can easily break the
Captain Dapplewing’s Manor glass doors, but doing so summons security (see
below). The inside doors are unlocked unless oth­
Tucked at the end of a leafy path on the central cam­ erwise noted.
pus, Captain Dapplewing’s Manor is a quiet relax­
ation spot for elite faculty as well as a place of aca­ Lighting. By night, the interior of the manor is
demic meditation and counseling for their students. in darkness.
The manor dates to the earliest days of Strixhaven,
when the owlin mage and military veteran Captain Magic Stairs. Stairs and steps in the manor are en­
Raymous Dapplewing held faculty appointments chanted to move and reshape themselves for full
in both Lorchold and Silverquill Colleges. Wanting accessibility.
a quiet place to retire in the evenings—and to host
lavish dinner-parties-turned-colloquiums—the pro­ Transport Circles. A runic circle is painted on the
fessor used his significant military pension to build floor near each staircase in the manor, as well as
this manor house on campus. at the top and bottom of the steps leading inside
the building in area Cl. These circles are perma­
Upon his death, Captain Dapplewing bequeathed nent, customized teleportation circles. Anyone can
the manor to the university, which honored his leg­ move onto a circle and mentally focus on the floor
acy by giving the house his name and keeping most to which they wish to travel. (The circle leading to
of its original furnishings in pristine condition. The the attic is in the manor’s hidden staircase, which
house’s upper-floor libraries were converted into must be found first.) When a character is tele­
offices for esteemed dual-college faculty members, ported from a circle near a staircase, they arrive
on the destination floor on the runic circle nearest
If the characters alert security to their unauthorized the corresponding staircase. The circle outside
presence at the manor, they are caught when the the main entrance automatically transports char­
professors arrive. The professors force the characters acters directly in front of the manor’s front doors.
to return to their dormitories, but the characters are
free to undertake this mission another night. If they're Security. If an outside door is smashed or the char­
caught more than once, the characters must attend acters engage in noticeable vandalism, a Silver-
special behavioral classes that prevent them from quill professor of radiance and a Quandrix pro­
participating in any Extracurriculars or Jobs for the rest fessor of substance (see chapter 7 for both) arrive
of the academic year. The characters immediately lose at the manor in ld4 rounds. Both are serving as
any benefits from these activities. campus security for the night and deal with the
characters as noted in the sidebar “The Jig Is Up!”


Just a Little Vandalism? C3. Grand Hall

If the characters are on their best behavior, avoiding A set of magically shifting steps connects the foyer
combat and trying not to break anything, they should to this spacious, open area. Beautiful, thick carpet
be able to have fun in this event without worrying adorns the floor, topped by a crimson runner that
about lasting damage to the manor. All the Constructs leads into the dining hall beyond. From the corner of
here (including the Earl and the dragon heads plaque) your eye, you see a formally attired figure.
have a self-restoring quality that allows them to repair
damage taken during a skirmish. But if characters Normally a place where people socialize while they
egregiously smash open doors or engage in property wait for dinner, this space is occupied at night by a
damage, impose repercussions even if their mission to clockwork butler nicknamed the Earl, which paces
retrieve Sassy Sally Jane is successful. back and forth. The Earl wears a silver waistcoat, a
black jacket with tails, and a cravat, and it uses the
Manor Locations Strixhaven campus guide stat block (see chapter
7). Without anyone to correct it, the butler believes
The following locations are keyed to map 3.4. The the characters are burglars. It shouts a warning in
descriptions assume the characters explore the Common—“The Earl commands you to leave!”—be­
manor after class hours. During the day, the manor fore attacking.
is open, with students and faculty throughout.
C4. Dining Hall
Cl. Veranda
The centerpiece of this hall is a beautifully decorated
A mahogany roof covers this porch, which is bounded dining table, its china and silver arranged just so.
by a low rail and outfitted with fine wicker furniture. Along the wall to the west is an upright piano flanked
Above the double door hangs a sign done in fine cal­ by cushioned benches. To the east stands a fireplace,
ligraphy: “Captain Dapplewing’s Manor." its embers still glowing.

A search of the veranda and a successful DC 15 The Earl in area C3 sets the table every night before
Wisdom (Perception) check turns up a key to the the manor is closed and locked. A character who
front door stashed inside the potted plant. A fac­ searches under the table and succeeds on a DC 15
ulty member who often loses their keys placed this Wisdom (Perception) check finds a small velvet coin
spare here. purse someone dropped. Inside is 15 gp.

02. Foyer The piano is functional and magical. If a character
tries to play it, the piano plays an entire jaunty, mil­
Coat racks carved to resemble statues of individuals itary-style march. This alerts the Earl in area C3 to
line the entryway into the manor beyond. The coat the presence of intruders, if the characters have not
racks flanking the doors depict two dwarves wearing already encountered the clockwork butler.
high-collared jackets. The other coat racks on the left
depict a one-tusked loxodon, a monocle-wearing orc, Treasure. The fireplace has a number of imple­
and a gnome with a skunk for a hairpiece. The statues ments for tending the fire set to one side of it. A
on the right depict a drow wearing a scarf, a burly hu­ character who examines these implements and suc­
man in a tuxedo, and a high elfin a cowl. ceeds on a DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check
discovers a poker with a silvered end that can be
With successful DC 15 Intelligence (History) check, easily removed and used as a silvered dagger.
a character recalls that the individuals depicted
were Captain Dapplewing’s favorite military compa­ C5. Portrait Salon
triots, all great friends of Strixhaven.
This salon features a comfortable sitting area and
A character who succeeds on a DC 15 Wisdom rows of portraits hung on the walls.
(Perception) check notices that the boxy dwarf
“coat racks” are moving slightly. Both are designed A character who examines the paintings recognizes
to serve as attendants and use the duodrone stat that they feature several historical Strixhaven pro­
block. Without professors to control them, the fessors, as well as the friends of the university de­
coat racks attack the characters either when they picted in the coat racks in area C2.
first notice the coat racks moving or as they move
into area C3.


C6. Drawing Room C8. Kitchen

This cozy drawing room holds bookcases as well as a Pots, pans, cooking utensils, fire pits, and dry goods

number of easels folded and tucked in beside them. are tucked into every visible corner of this small

In the northeast corner, an easel holds a watercolor kitchen. A pair of crossed sabers hangs above the

painting of a stylized, chicken-like reptilian creature shelves to the north.

lounging in a baroque style.

The painting was created using magic by a talented If anyone tries to steal anything from one of the
student as a parlor trick. If a character touches the kitchens, the two sabers in that area animate into
painting, the creature in the painting disappears two flying swords and attack the thieves. If the
and a cockatrice appears beside the character. The characters flee that area, the sabers return to their
confused creature attacks, then winks out of exis­ place on the wall.
tence when defeated.
In addition to the visible cooking supplies, the
G7. Hall of Beauty kitchens include cabinets that hold extra silver and
china for the dining table in area C4. Any of the
This hall is lined with four exquisitely carved marble knives found here can serve as daggers, though they
busts set on gilded pedestals. The abstract busts all are branded on one side with the image of an eye
represent beautiful androgynous figures bedecked patch-wearing owlin and the words “Captain Dap-
plewing’s Kitchen.”

C9. Curio Room

with jewelry carved into its stone—and with a single,

twelve-foot-long fur stole wrapped around the shoul­ Cabinets full of curiosities line the northern wall of
ders of all four statues. this room. The strange items on display here include

3 A student’s magic trick, the stoles in both these ar­ a stuffed pheasant, a sextant dressed as a doll, and
a plaque with insects mounted on it. The insects are
UJ wearing tiny top hats.
i- eas each animate into a fire snake if any character

5s moves within 5 feet of the busts. The fire snakes
wink out of existence when defeated.


Flanking the double door leading to area C4 are two On the northern wall, a plaque holds the heads of
shining sets of antique plate armor. If a character a black and a red dragon, each clearly constructed
touches either set of armor, a random set comes to from metallic crafting supplies. This device is a
life as animated armor and attacks. Only one of strange magic curiosity that was once a favorite of
the suits attacks at a time, and it doesn’t leave the the captain’s and that faculty members using the of­
area if the characters flee. However, if the charac­ fice know to avoid. The plaque animates both heads
ters leave the area and come back, both suits attack to attack any character who moves within 5 feet of it.
upon their return.
While animated, each dragon head has blindsight
CIO. Grand Deck out to a range of 30 feet and is blind beyond that dis­
This spacious deck has a low railing that the charac­ tance. On initiative count 20, the black dragon head
ters can easily climb over to access the locked glass exhales a glob of acid while the red dragon exhales
door leading into the manor. a fiery missile, each targeting one creature the head
can see (+6 to hit). A creature hit by either attack
The pots of greenery on either side of this deck takes 6 (Id8 + 2) damage of the appropriate type
are filled with magic vegetation that was recently (acid or fire).
transplanted and is only loosely rooted. The round
after the characters first enter this area, three of Each head has a speed of 0, AC 16, 25 hit points,
these plants attack—two from the pot on the west and immunity to poison and psychic damage. Their
side of the deck and one from the pot to the east. ability scores are as follows: Strength 6, Dexterity
Each plant uses the violet fungus stat block. 14, Constitution 10. Intelligence 3, Wisdom 3. and
Charisma 1.
Oil. Side Deck
G14. Central Passageway
These smaller side decks each have a low railing
that the characters can easily climb over to access This wide hallway offers access to the rooms on the
the locked glass door leading into manor. second level of the manor. A large pillar that juts
into the passageway appears to be a structural col­
Bushy magic cacti grow in pots along the manor umn, but actually hides a staircase leading to area
walls. The cacti have been overwatered recently, so C20. Because the students and faculty here don't
they're restless and attack anyone who moves into bother to fully close it. the secret door can be found
this area. Two cacti on each deck attack, using the with any search of the area.
needle blight stat block.
C15. Faculty Storage
C12. Faculty Office Boxes and filing cabinets have been crammed
into this area, filled with old written records and
This office is comfortably furnished with a wide oak outdated research. If the characters spend a few
desk, a high-backed leather armchair, a towering minutes searching here, they can easily find a box
labeled “Manor Archive.” This details all the histor­
bookcase, and homey wall hangings. ical information found at the start of the “Captain
Dapplewing’s Manor” section.
Characters who search any of these offices find
scattered research papers, course notes, and other Treasure. The paneling in the northeast corner
paperwork and academic bric-a-brac. conceals a secret door that isn’t fully shut, and so
it can be found by any character who searches the
Treasure. Each office also has a 25 percent area. Beyond the door is a secondary storage area
chance of having loose change worth 5 gp in a holding boxes with personal items that faculty
desk drawer. members have stashed away from prying eyes. Any
character who searches the secondary storage area
C13. Captain Dapplewing’s Study spots a ring ofmind shielding seemingly lost by
someone while working in the room. The inscrip­
This large office serves as both parlor and study. tion “V. Lang” inside the band hints that the ring
Antique furnishings line the walls, along with the belongs to Verelda Lang, the characters’ Magical
sculpted heads of several magic creatures. A heavy Physiologies professor. If they bring the lost ring to
ble and a desk are covered in scattered documents. her, she is effusive in her thanks—and then offers
it to the characters as a gift, trying to conceal her
Once Captain Dapplewing’s study, this large office pride at their accomplishments.
is often used for sensitive discussions among faculty
members. The decor has stayed the same since Cap­
tain Dapplewing’s time.


C16. Reflection Room Treasure. The paneling in the northwest corner
conceals a secret door, which can be found with a
Daybeds piled high with pillows stand in the corners search of the area and a successful DC 12 Wisdom
of this spacious, comfortable-looking room. (Perception) check. Beyond the door is a secondary
storage area that is much better organized, though
This is the manor’s quiet room, where faculty go to a thick layer of dust on the boxes and crates here in­
read or write without being disturbed. dicates that no one has accessed it in a while. Char­
acters who search this area find two potions ofmind
Treasure. If the characters search this area, a reading tucked into a pouch in one of the boxes.
successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check re­
veals several small hidden drawers in the frame of C20. Attic
one of the day beds. Inside one of the drawers is a
gem ofbrightness with 10 charges remaining. This cramped attic holds oddities considered too

C17. Grand Lounge strange to display on the manor's main floor. An

♦ adult-sized riding toy resembling a roc on a spring,

This spacious lounge is decorated to an arcano-bio- a fine dress with wings made of bones, and a display
logist’s tastes. Paintings of strange magic creatures
line the walls, as do mounted collections of insects shelf holding dozens of dolls are among the curiosi­
and reptiles. Three pteranodons form the room's cen­
terpiece—all of them magically immobile in midair, ties here.
positioned as if engaging in a strange dance.
Dangerous in a way the faculty members don’t
Located just in front of the large sofa along the understand yet, the dress is actually a hostile Con­
north wall, the three creatures are subjects of study struct. It uses the quadrone stat block and can
by the manor's faculty. Each uses the pteranodon shoot the bones from its wings using the quadrone’s
stat block but has the magic ability to freeze in shortbow attack. When the characters enter this
place, even in midair. With no faculty around to con­ area, it attacks.
trol them, the dormant creatures awake and attack
the characters as soon as they enter the room. Sassy SallyJane. Among the dolls on the display
shelf is the target of the characters’ quest—the pink­
C18. Tea Room haired doll known as Sassy Sally Jane. The doll is
programmed with spoken phrases and trigger con­
Several delicate tea sets are arranged on the floor in ditions, which the characters might activate. See the
this room, alongside beautifully woven kneeling rugs following section for details.
and cabinets against the walls.
Treasure. Sitting underneath Sassy Sally jane is
Treasure. One cabinet along the east wall is a doll wearing a suit and adorned with a large white
filled with tea-making supplies, plus a bottle with a mustache. A purse held in the doll's hands con­
sweet-smelling liquid inside. The bottle holds a po­ tains 25 gp.
tion ofmind reading.
Sassy SallyJane’s Phrases
G19. Student Storage The rude phrases that are part of Sassy Sally Jane’s
This storeroom is filled with loose parchment,
books, and misfiled paperwork. In the center of reputation are the subject of much speculation on
the room, two crates containing ink jars have been campus, but no current students know what they
knocked over, a mishap that faculty members intend are. Once the characters recover the doll, they will
to program the Earl in area C3 to clean up the next likely press her hand to trigger these phrases.
day. The ink has drawn power from a number of
old magic-infused writings in the area, and now it’s The Phrases table offers some suggestions, but
become two hostile creatures. These now behave feel free to come up with additional phrases that you
as two gray oozes. The magic ink stealthily follows and your players will find fun and amusing.
any characters who enter this area, and attacks ag­
gressively at first opportunity. Phrases

d6 Phrase

1 “Really? In those robes?"

2 “G-R-O-S-S. Gross.”

3 "I heard you snack on owlbear pellets.”

4 “If you say so."

5 “How about ‘Hells, no!’"

6 "No one believes that’s chocolate."


Post Quest______________ All about Otyughs

If the characters retrieve Sassy Sally jane, the stu­ To give this Exam more flavor, describe some of the
dents waiting outside Captain Dapplewing’s Manor facts the characters are trying to memorize, such as
cheer quietly. All the students can easily steal back the following:
to their dormitories without getting caught. The
characters’ peers are true to their word and pay for • If a place is disgusting, there’s a good chance an ot­
the characters’ lunches for a month. Further, the yugh is nearby.
characters can keep Sassy Sally Jane. (However, ob­
vious use of the doll around faculty members results • Bones and carrion mixed with trash are often a
in Sassy Sally Jane being confiscated again!) strong sign that an otyugh is present, as it waits for
carrion to ferment before eating it.
If all the characters are reduced to 0 hit points
inside the manor, they spend the night unconscious • Shiny treasures glinting from piles of refuse might
and are found by members of the faculty in the indicate an otyugh's presence, as these Aberrations
morning. The characters are taken to the infirmary hoard treasures from their victims.
in their respective dorms, then formally chastised
and made to attend special behavioral courses that • No matter how disgusting it might be, trash doesn’t
prevent them from participating in any Extracurric­ belch. If you ever hear a pile of trash belch, there's an
ular or Jobs for the rest of this academic year. All otyugh in there.
the characters immediately lose any benefits from
these activities. • Some spellcasters use otyughs as guardians, both
to protect their underground lairs and to dispose of
A Sibling’s Gift. If a student asked the charac­ their enemies.
ters for Sassy Sally Jane for their younger brother
and the characters give them the doll, the student • Characters with evil designs who wish to congregate
gives them the promised driftglobe. If no student far from prying eyes often operate underground,
approached the characters with this request, a stu­ knowing that the authorities avoid stench- and trash-
dent with whom a character has at least 1 positive filled undercrofts and sewers. In such foul locations,
Relationship Point asks the characters for the doll to otyughs make excellent sidekicks.
give it as a gift to her younger brother shortly after
his quest ends. Testing Phase

Advance to 3rd Level! On the day of the Exam, each character makes two
ability checks:
Each character advances to 3rd level once they’ve
finished exploring Captain Dapplewing’s Manor and Otyugh Lair Evidence. Choosing the correct multi­
resolved the “Campus Daredevils” section. ple choice answers about physical signs pointing
to the presence of an otyugh, including large piles
Magical Physiologies of particularly noxious trash, deep vats of liquid
Exam: Otyughs dung, chunks of carrion scattered among filth,
and incongruous noises coming from the trash,
The characters’ third and final Exam in Magical requires a successful DC 13 Intelligence (Investi­
Physiologies takes place a short while after their gation) check.
foray into Captain Dapplewing’s Manor, and tests
the characters’ knowledge of otyughs. Otyughs as Guardians. Writing short essays about
the details of which intelligent creatures might use
Studying Phase otyughs as guardians requires a successful DC 13
Charisma (Persuasion) check.
The day before the Exam, the characters can study
the course material. A character can use any ability Have each player note their character’s Exam re­
check and skill during the Studying phase. sults—how many Student Dice they gained and what
skills they used during the test—on their copies of
Once you’ve asked each player how their charac­ the tracking sheet.
ter is approaching the Studying phase, resolve that
phase by having each character who studies make All the World’s a Stage
a DC 13 ability check. Make sure players keep track
of their characters’ rerolls from this phase and apply A short while after their third Exam, the characters
them during the Testing phase. become aware of the buzz on campus regarding
the Rose Stage Festival. Held every year, the Rose
Stage Festival blends performing arts and impro­
visation to produce a new play. The entire student
body is invited to participate or spectate as they
wish. (For more about the festival, see the “Rose
Stage Festival” section below.)

Another student is part of this scene—ideally a
student the characters have interacted with, or you
may choose another student from the “Fellow Stu­
dents" section.


When you’re ready to begin this event, read or An enclosed annex building behind the main stage
paraphrase the following: serves as a preparation area for performers, as well
as a storage area for stage equipment and props.
Yodeling, mocking chants, dramatic intonations,
baritone singing, and other enthusiastic sounds reach The Rose Stage is available to any group or course
your ears as a rowdy, laughing group of students on campus. The Playactors Drama Guild often uses
comes into view. the stage to rehearse and perform, and other ama­
teur groups and courses with a performance compo­
A student sees the characters and shouts a greeting. nent regularly do so as well. The Playactors Drama
Beckoning the characters closer, the student says: Guild is organizing the festival.

“We’re on our way to the Rose Stage over on Silver- Students of all years and colleges can be found in
quill’s campus. The Rose Stage Festival is finally here! and around the Rose Stage, as can professors from
Everyone’s already practicing their performances!" all parts of Strixhaven. See chapter 7 for stat blocks
for first-year students, and for apprentices, pledge­
“The festival is all about improv. The drama guild mages, and professors from the different colleges.
gives out prompts, and anyone who wants can take
the stage and deliver their lines however they please. Setting up Sedgemoor
It’s hilarious—you’ve got to come check it out!”
The characters will have heard about Sedgemoor
during their first year at Strixhaven, but they have likely
had no reason to explore the bayou surrounding the
Witherbloom College campus. That changes when
Verelda Lang (the characters' Magical Physiologies

The Rose Stage nents in Sedgemoor for her spells. Set up this assign­
ment in the course of preparing for this event, so that
mJ the characters have the task already in mind when they
learn of the connections between Sedgemoor and the
G A popular outdoor performing space, the Rose strange magic plaguing the campus.


UJ Stage holds benches for spectators, an orchestra pit,
5 and a large main stage decorated with a huge rose.


Rose Stage Locations______ _ R7. Stage Storage Area
These areas hold props, equipment, and supplies
The following locations are keyed to map 3.5. All used for the Rose Stage’s productions. Most of
descriptions assume the characters are present in what’s here is marked “Property of the Playac­
daylight hours during the Rose Stage Festival. At tors Drama Guild,” though a few items and boxes
night, the area is devoid of students and the doors to are unmarked.
the annex building are locked.
Treasure. A thorough search and a successful DC
Rl. General Seating 15 Wisdom (Perception) check reveals several valu­
able items in each storage area. An unmarked box
This area contains rows of benches, magically in the west storage area holds three potions ofheal­
treated to resist the elements, and with low-sloping ing, held in reserve in case performers are acciden­
ramps set between them. During the festival, some tally injured while on stage. In the east storage area,
fifty students can be found in this area, sitting, chat­ lying forgotten under an unmarked crate, is a bag of
ting, and watching the performances. holding and a Silverquill primer (see chapter 2).

R2. Orchestra Pit Rose Stage Festival
This sunken area is reserved for the student or
Characters following the student who got their at­
professional musicians who accompany musical tention can make their way to the Rose Stage for
productions or provide ambient music for other the festival, where another student catches their
stage shows. During the festival, members of the attention. This person should also be a student the
Strixhaven Show Band Association hand out ka­ characters have interacted with previously. Read or
zoos from this spot to any spectators who wish to paraphrase the following, altering the text to incor­
accompany the improvised performances. porate the student’s name or other details:

R3. Main Stage Cheers, jeers, and the buzzing of kazoos ring out as
This impressively large oval stage has ample room
you draw near the Rose Stage on Silverquill College's
for performers, props, and other set pieces. A wide
set of magic steps rises 5 feet to the stage; sections campus. On the main stage, several students playact
of it are enchanted to move and reshape themselves
for full accessibility. Pillars to the east and west of histrionically. One wears a flamboyant noble's cos­
the stage are used by production groups to rig back-
drops and other set pieces. tume, another wears a felt dragon’s head, and a third

All improvisational acting during the festival must wears a court jester’s pantaloons. The audience roars
take place on the stage. Members of the Playactors with laughter as the scene plays out.
Drama Guild are set up to the south of the stage,
handing out random character prompts. (See the A familiar smiling figure approaches the characters.
“Rose Stage Festival” section for more information.) Brandishing a kazoo and laughing, the student says:

R4. Backstage Doors “You here to act? Or maybe just to watch? Or maybe
When regular plays are being performed at the you're the musical talent? Either way, this is going to
Rose Stage, these doors open up to an area where
student performers wait for their cues before dis­ be great! I can’t wait to see what you try!”
creetly ascending to the main stage. During the fes­
tival, this area is empty. The Rose Stage Festival is an improvisational per­
formance that the Playactors Drama Guild puts
Although the doors are locked at night, any char­ together every year, and everyone on campus is
acter who is a member of the Playactors Drama invited to participate. The goal is to create as much
Guild has a key that opens the doors, or a character hilarity and fun as possible, and the antics of some
can pick the lock with a successful DC 25 Dexterity festivals are talked about on campus for years.
check using thieves’ tools.
The Show
R5. Rose Room Members of the Playactors Drama Guild hand out
Normally used for performers to dress, apply lists of random character prompts to anyone who
makeup, and make other preparations before a wants to try acting. Anyone who wishes to play a
show, this area is empty during the festival. character on stage chooses a prompt, dons a few
costume elements from the trunks of costumes
R6. Storage Hall provided by the Playactors Drama Guild, and lines
These short hallways connect the main areas of the up on the east end of the main stage (area R3).
annex building to its two storage rooms.


The Rose Stage 1 square = 5 feet

)< 11 _ R6 I •LLDim Q't’CtS tj 11 R6... I
r cu R5 R5 II "J foR,Lf/AA’AUX^W^Z^MC^
4z R7



Map 3.5: The Rose Stage

There, Quentillius Antiphiun Melentor 111 (neutral Perform on Stage

human first-year student; see the “Fellow Stu­ A character who wants to perform chooses a char­

dents” section) instructs a waiting participant to acter prompt and whatever costume pieces catch

“tag in” to the ongoing performance and “tag out” their eye and then heads to the east side of the stage

someone currently on stage. Quentillius keeps the (area R3). After waiting a short while, Quentillius

transitions narratively clean, while members of the signals a break in the action so that the new per­

crowd cheer, jeer, and shout ideas to the improvising former can take the stage. The player character can

actors. Other participants work the random props, act out their improv character in the performance

set pieces, and sound effects the Playactors Drama any way they like. Raising the creativity beyond just

Guild has strewn about the stage area to augment acting to incorporate singing, rapping, or dancing

the improvised events. is encouraged! No matter what approach the player

Members of the crowd might play kazoos to musi­ takes to their character’s performance, impress­

|i cally accompany the drama on stage. A number of ing the crowd also requires a successful DC 13

members of the Strixhaven Show Band Association Charisma (Performance) check. (If another ability

are handing out kazoos from the orchestra pit (area check or skill feels applicable to an unconventional

R2), including student conductor Rubina Larking- performance, feel free to let the character make that
dale (lawful neutral human first-year student; see check instead.) A successful ability check results in

the “Fellow Students” section). the crowd’s cheering and whistling, while a failed

The festival’s improvised play continues until all check results in boos and jeers. Further, the char­

volunteer performers have exhausted their prompts. acter whose Charisma (Performance) check is high­

More frequently, however, a faculty member needs est earns a valuable reward from an appreciative

to shut down the festival, which becomes increas­ professor after this event ends; see “A Professor’s

ingly rowdy later into the night. Appreciation.”

I The following subsections detail the ways in To increase the level of the challenge—and the
which the characters can join the fun. fun—you might have interested players roll their
characters’ prompts randomly on the Festival Char­

s; acter Prompts table.


Festival Character Prompts Accompany with Kazoo
A character might highlight a performance by
d!2 Prompt their friends—or razz an adversary—using one of
the kazoos that Rubina and other members of the
1 Cowardly monarch Strixhaven Show Band Association are handing
out at area R2. Highlighting the antics on stage
2 Brilliant but exasperated knight effectively requires a successful DC 13 Charisma
(Performance) check (though another skill might be
3 Rampaging but erudite sea serpent more applicable, depending on the character’s goal).
4 Furious ship’s captain A successful check grants one character performing
5 Paranoid wizard on stage advantage or disadvantage on their Cha­
6 Businessperson transformed into a cat risma (Performance) check to perform.
7 Swashbuckling servant
8 Bawdy noble Encourage a Performer
If a character shouts encouragement to another
9 Mage who can’t control their magic player character performing on stage, the on-stage
character has advantage on their ability check
10 Toddler in an adult's body to perform.

11 Adult in a toddler's body Heckle a Performer
A character might jeer at a performer on the stage.
12 Very hungry monster If they taunt a player character or the N PC partner
of a player character, that character has disadvan­
Handle Props tage on their ability' check to perform.
A character who doesn’t want to perform can handle
props from the ends of the stage. When Quentillius Relationship Encounter
cues them, the character can bring one of the many During the festival, characters might mingle with
prepared stage props to the performers, move a set other students. If there are students the characters
piece around the stage, or improvise sound effects wish to earn Relationship Points with, treat this as
to augment the improvised play. This might include a Relationship encounter, as described earlier in
carrying wooden cutouts of painted waves during a the chapter. Have players note the results of this en­
nautical scene, rolling fake monsters near the actors counter on their tracking sheets.
when danger threatens and impersonating the mon­
sters’ snarls, handing dueling actors improbable Exit, Pursued by an Owlbear
“weapons," or the like. Responding to the cues in a
way that complements the action on stage requires a After the characters have all had a chance to take
successful DC 13 Wisdom (Insight) check. part in the performance, read or paraphrase the
When a character handles props, allow them to
choose the props they like most from the Festival The crowd roars with laughter and the festival appears
Props table or have them roll on that table. These
props are scattered around the outer stage. to be reaching its height—when suddenly, confused

Though prop-handling characters have no way to guffaws followed by screams of terror ring out.
know it, one of the wooden cutout monsters turns
into a real owlbear in the next section! One of the stage props barrels away from its han­

Festival Props dler, monstrous shrieks coming from its frothing
d8 Prop
beak. What used to be a comically posed owlbear
1 Wooden cutouts on wheels of an owl bear, a basi­
painted on wood is transforming into a real and en­
lisk, and a chimera
raged owlbear, and it’s rampaging right toward you!
2 Wooden cutouts of painted waves
3 A large wooden cutout of a ship The owlbear prop turns into an actual attacking
4 Rainclouds with glittery raindrops owlbear. Assume the owlbear is on whichever side
5 Wooden cutouts of random elemental spells of the stage is closest to the most characters. The
6 Three enormous, baggy bodysuits made out of felt player characters must jump into action quickly to
defend the other students. When they do, if a charac­
with hoods that look like teeth ter made a successful ability check during the Rose
Stage Festival, they have advantage on their first
7 Several out-of-tune instruments, including a attack against the owlbear.
hurdy-gurdy, a zither, and a mandolin


with "gems” made of shiny glass


on all attack rolls during this encounter. Stage Festival and dispatched the owlbear threat,
At the same time the characters are dealing with if she’s not already on the scene, Professor Totsky
approaches the characters and applauds them. She
the owlbear, the other performers and stage crew thanks them for dispatching the threat, and she
step up in the background to deal with lesser threats compliments any character who made a successful
as other props animate and begin to fly around ability check during the performance. A lover of
the stage. theater who is immaculately dressed, the professor
tells the characters that she recently commissioned
Once the characters defeat the owlbear, it turns a new cloak; she offers the cloak she's wearing in
back into a wooden prop and the magic infecting appreciation of the character whose Charisma (Per­
other objects in the area ends. formance) check to perform on stage was highest.
The cloak is a cloak ofprotection.
Ending the Threat
If all the characters fall unconscious during this Examining the Owlbear
fight, Professor Johenne Totsky (neutral human
Silverquill professor of shadow; see chapter 7) ap­ Once the threat is ended, the characters can exam­
pears at the start of the next round and dispatches ine the owlbear to learn more about this incident.
the threat. The professor, who was lingering in the If they do, they find the same oily substance they
area watching the performance, is as baffled as the might have found on the trunk during orientation,
characters as to why a stage prop would turn into a seen belched out by the frogs before the Firejolt
real monster. Cafe race, or spotted on the cauldrons in Bow’s
End Tavern.



- -»•. -r. zi

If she hasn’t already entered the scene, Professor Your expedition has brought you to one of the more
Totsky arrives while the characters examine the
substance. She initially shrugs it off as irrelevant, dismal parts of Sedgemoor, the bayou that encom­
given that its magic has already faded. But if the
characters explain everything they’ve seen at the passes the Witherbloom campus. Muddy swamp
past year’s strange events to reveal the unseen con­
nections between those events, Professor Totsky water flows between raised islets covered with fungi
realizes what’s going on.
and foliage. Large tree stumps jut out of the water in
She explains eldritch balm to the characters and
says she believes it’s likely that the Sedgemoor wa­ random places. A pair of rickety wooden docks and
ters used to brew the latest batch of eldritch balm
were corrupted in some way. She doesn’t necessar­ two wooden huts are the only indication that people
ily suspect foul play but mentions that, in the past,
students have been caught practicing forbidden ever come here.
magic in the more remote parts of Sedgemoor, the
bayou that encompasses Witherbloom College’s Collecting Spell Components
campus. Such sinister magic might be responsible
for the balm’s corruption, but a random surge of The characters start out at the southeast corner
wild magic is an equally likely explanation in her (area SI) of the Sedgemoor map. They can collect
mind. In any case, this corruption must have caused the spell components from areas S2, S3, and S7. At
objects treated with the eldritch balm and creatures the start, allow only one successful check per islet,
that came into contact with it to take on temporary— to encourage the characters to explore. Once all
and dangerous—magical properties. three islets are explored, the characters can make
any number of attempts to gather components on
Professor Totsky gives the characters a flask of any islet.
holy water and explains that pouring it into the un­
derwater spring whose waters are used to create Sedgemoor
eldritch balm will settle the waters and prevent
further corruption. She describes the location of Encompassing Witherbloom College's campus,
the spring (area S7 on map 3.6) to help the charac­ Sedgemoor is a wild bayou known for the range of
ters find it. She urges the characters to take on this strange creatures that call it home. It is also a rich
task so she can immediately track down the rest of source of fungi, herbs, spider silk, and other prime
the contaminated balm and remove it from objects components for spells and potions.
on campus.
Sedgemoor isn’t usually dangerous, and it’s rou­
Secrets in Sedgemoor tine for students to be sent here as part of their
The day after the incident at the Rose Stage Fes­
tival, the characters are scheduled to collect spell Sedgemoor Features
components from Sedgemoor and bring those Sedgemoor has the following features:
samples back to Professor Lang, who teaches their
Magical Physiologies course. This gives them a Building Doors. The doors to the research sheds
convenient opportunity to investigate that area on (areas S4 and S5) are unlocked.
behalf of Professor Totsky.
Swamp Water. The watery areas on the map are
The characters know that they must pour the flask shallow along the shore, growing deeper off the
of holy water given to them by Professor Totsky into map. Characters walking between islets and tree
an underwater spring somewhere in area S7. Doing stumps sink several inches in mud and water,
so should prevent future flare-ups of the wild magic making all these areas difficult terrain.
that tainted the eldritch balm behind all the strange
campus mishaps. In addition, they can find Murgax- Tree Stumps. Stumps protrude 5 feet above the
or’s journal, which points to a spellcaster’s trouble­ surface of the water. Their slippery and unstable
some meddling, in area S7. surfaces mean that climbing onto a stump without
When the characters venture into Sedgemoor, falling requires a successful DC 15 Strength (Ath­
read or paraphrase the following to set the scene: letics) check as part of the move.

Sedgemoor Locations _ _ _______

The following locations are keyed to map 3.6. All de­
scriptions assume the characters are exploring this
area during the day.



Map 3.6: seogemoor


Area S7 holds the contaminated spring that is the be found here. Each kit weighs 1 pound, consists
root cause of the strange manifestations of magic of various cutting and collecting tools, and grants
on campus over the previous months. If you’re run­ advantage on a character’s Intelligence (Nature)
ning this as a campaign, Murgaxor’s journal is also checks to harvest spell components.
in area S7. As the characters explore, you can have
them spot the bubbling of the underwater spring in S5. North Research Shed
that area to draw them in. The second of two small research sheds serves as a

SI. Marsh Banks gathering area for Witherbloom students and faculty
when classes take place in the bayou.
Beyond some scrubby bushes, the solid ground here
gives way to the muddy swamp. Rickety wooden Treasure. Any search of this area turns up two
docks jut into the water, but there are no rafts or potions ofhealing.
boats nearby.
S6. East Islet
Rafts and shallow-bottomed punts are normally This is one of the three islets (along with areas S2
kept here, but they are all currently in use by With­
erbloom students on assignments farther out on the and S3) where the characters can collect spell com­
water. The characters need to make their way into ponents for Professor Lang.
Sedgemoor on foot or by other means.
A swarm of poisonous snakes nests on this is­
S2. South Islet land. It attacks when a character sets foot on this
This is one of the three islets (along with areas S3 islet, though the snakes disperse and flee if the
and S7) where the characters can collect spell com­ swarm is reduced to 5 hit points or fewer.
ponents for Professor Lang.
S7. Underwater Spring
Any character who ventures into the swamp on
the west side of this islet stumbles into an area of A steady, burbling flow of water disturbs the surface of
quicksand. See chapter 5 of the Dungeon Master's
Guide for details. the swamp just to the north of this small islet.

S3. Central Islet An underground spring flows here. If the characters
are quiet for a moment when they are within 20 feet
The largest islet in this part of the swamp, this land­ of this area, they can hear the spring burbling (and
mass features two wooden research sheds with an tell which direction the sound is coming from).
ancient tree stump between them.
After the characters arrive in this area, have each
This is one of the three islets (along with areas S2 of them make a DC 16 Wisdom (Perception) check.
and S7) where the characters can collect spell com­ Those who succeed notice the waters in this area
ponents for Professor Lang. rippling unnaturally. The muddy Sedgemoor wa­
ters suddenly spray into the sky like a geyser and a
Hiding behind the tree stump in the center of this mighty chittering echoes throughout the swamp. A
islet are two snarling worgs, which were drawn giant scorpion, corrupted by the same menace the
here by the strange magic in the area. The worgs characters are hoping to stop, was lurking here to
are hostile and attack as soon as any character sets ambush prey. If all the characters failed the Wisdom
foot on the island, snarling, “The dark magic! Give it (Perception) checks, the scorpion has advantage on
to us!” They run off if the characters reduce one or its first attack roll against each of those characters.
both of them to 13 or fewer hit points. The scorpion is berserk and fights to the death.

S4. South Research Shed Clearing the Waters. With the scorpion defeated,
One of two small research sheds on the central is­ the characters must pour their holy water from
let, this building holds supplies and equipment for Professor Totsky into the spring. When they do, the
Witherbloom students and faculty doing research liquid from Totsky’s flask purifies the spring, ending
in Sedgemoor. Moss and fungi harvesting kits can the threat of corruption.

Murgaxor’sJournal. If you’re running all four
adventures in this book as a campaign, a character
spots a small, oilskin-wrapped journal sitting atop
a small stump. Water damage has rendered much
of the journal unreadable, but what remains reveals
sinister thoughts. It’s clear that some nefarious


personality has been experimenting with life-drain­ characters are named Students of the Year in a
ing magic in the marsh and has been doing so for lavish ceremony on the central campus attended by
some time. their Friends, Rivals, and Beloveds, as well as any
professors they’ve encountered this academic year.
The journal belonged to the evil Murgaxor; it They’re also vaunted in the Strixhaven Star newspa­
slipped out of his pocket while he practiced the cor­ per as heroes. Feel free to use additional roleplaying
rupting magic that caused this academic year’s mis­ scenes and other details to reinforce how the char­
haps. The journal notes that Murgaxor’s last step in acters’ actions have made a name for them!
this scheme involved the Rose Stage Festival, so it's
clear he has no more immediate plans to threaten Advance to 4th Level!
campus. However, this isn’t the end of his villainy—
the true extent becomes clear in later adventures. Each character advances to 4th level at the end of
this adventure.
End oft heYear____ _____________

After the characters complete their investigation of
the Sedgemoor spring, no more significant events
happen before the end of the year. Wrap up any on­
going roleplaying scenes or Relationship interests
the characters are pursuing this academic year.

Campus Heroes

< Thanks to the central role they played in dealing
IB with the outbreaks of kerfuffles, the characters
have become well known across the entire campus.
£2 Professors thank them for their bravery, and the




UFwU.’'1' r-4

Illi IT-

With their full abilities on display, Strixhaven


c . Vn, / ));


Hunt for Mage Tower

If you’re running this adventure as a standalone,
I return to Strixhaven University as sec- the mage hunters are acting independently, not as
part of Murgaxor’s schemes. These creatures have
ond-year students. As the year gets under- broken from their Oriq associates and enacted their
way, the characters’ peers urge them to own scheme to weaken Strixhaven. Believing their
form a team and compete in a high-profile game of success will earn them a place of prestige among
Mage Tower. They'll investigate the odd behavior the university's enemies, they plot to bring down
of the magical creatures at the game’s center while Strixhaven’s newest star pupils: the characters.
they prepare for the big game. And throughout the
year, nefarious forces strew havoc across the cam­ Random Encounters
pus-right up to the characters’ fateful game day at
Strixhaven Stadium. Will the characters unveil and Use the Second-Year Encounters table for random
thwart the threats before something terrible befalls encounters on campus during this adventure.
the event?

Running This Adventure Second-Year Encounters

I lere’s what you need to know to run the adventure dlO Encounter
in this chapter, whether you’re running it as part of a 1-4 2 awakened trees, pretending to be Feywild
campaign or as a standalone adventure.
guardians and refusing to let students access an
Character Advancement important academic area
5-6 1 basilisk accompanied by 2 gargoyles that falsely
This adventure assumes the characters are 4th level insist the basilisk turned them to stone
when it begins. The Second-Year Level Advance­ 7-8 1 otyugh who calls itself the Garbage King and is
ment table summarizes when the characters gain terrorizing campus facilities
levels during the adventure. 9-10 1 troll and 1 ettin who falsely insist they’re stu­
Second-Year Level Advancement

Level Reached When Characters ...

5th Complete the first Scrivening and Symbology Student Schedules

Exam Before the adventure, have the players choose at
least three courses their characters are taking this
6th Finish the adventure year, either by coming up with the courses or by roll­
ing on the Second-Year Courses table. Inform them
Choosing a College that the characters are also enrolled in a required
course, Scrivening and Symbology.
Before this adventure begins, the characters must
choose one of Strixhaven’s five colleges to join: Sil- Second-Year Courses Offered By
verquill, Prismari, Witherbloom, Lorehold, or Quan- Quandrix
drix. This choice can happen “off screen” or as part dlO Course Lorehold
of the preparation for this adventure. See chapter 1 Applied Computational Magic Prismari
1 for more information about joining a Strixhaven 2 Basic Arcane Artifacts
college and the academic counselors assigned to 3 Electro-choreography
students in their second year.

Adventure Overview_____________ 4 Historical Figures in Magic Lorehold

The dangerous events the characters face in this ad­ 5 Introduction to Reanimation Witherbloom
venture are the work of two mage hunters—vicious
monsters described in chapter 7. The mastermind 6 Life Auras and Necrosis Witherbloom

I Murgaxor Grenshel has bent these creatures to his 7 Linguistics in Spellcasting Silverquill

will as part of his effort to weaken Strixhaven and 8 Pyromancy and the Arts Prismari

I achieve immortality. 9 Quantitative Arcano-physics Quandrix

10 Verbal Components and the Law Silverquill


. :;! Back in Session

MillThe 48th Triennial Rivalry Once the characters have chosen their colleges and
cemented their other second-year decisions, it’s time
f Between the Ivories Returns: to kick off this adventure.
T—— — 77 i
The academic year has barely dawned when the
• THE BATTLE OF • characters wrap up a day of their new courses and
head toward Bow’s End Tavern on the central cam­
l STRIXHAVEN pus for some socializing.

b- A In this scene, the characters learn about the
i Battle of Strixhaven. a Mage Tower game. Another
student is part of this scene—ideally a student the
characters have interacted with, or you may choose
another student from the “Fellow Students" section
in chapter 3.

When you’re ready to begin, read or paraphrase
the following, altering the text to incorporate the
student’s name or other details:

Your peers’ shouts of camaraderie punctuate the air
as you finish your first second-year classes for the day.
Nearby you see Bow’s End Tavern, where you’ll find
I . friends waiting.

tt A student runs up to the characters, shouting and
waving a flyer. Pausing to catch their breath, the stu
/> !\ dent grins and stuffs the flyer in a character's hand.
I The student exclaims:

F1 ■1 I “It’s happening—the Mage Tower game! The profes­ I

Join your teachers and peers 1 sors invited the student body to field two Mage Tower

I at Strixhaven Stadium for the . 1 teams for a game at the end of the year. It’s the Battle

I competition of a lifetime! Two Ii of Strixhaven, and the winners and their supporters

teams—each made up of students : ;

from our university—will battle I I the best team. You'd win for sure!
“If you’re in, you can register your team with Profes­
in an epic game of Mage Tower
sor Sharpbeak. Come on—we'll talk you into it over
to win glory, as well as bragging Curtie’s caster’s stew!"

rights, for the rest of their

academic careers!

Vi!E GAME TIME: Show the players the Battle of Strixhaven flyer. As
Noon, Final Day of Term Strixhaven students, the characters are familiar
with the game Mage Tower. Share the information
i CHEER FOR YOUR PEERS UNTIL w below with the players.
The Game of Mage Tower_______
To register as a team, see Prof. Mavinda
Sharpbeak at the Biblioplex. The winning team Mage Tower is one of Strixhaven’s most common
& will receive a suitable reward. student games. The Battle of Strixhaven is an in­
tramural championship held every three years in
z '/ 1T~r*. r Hi Strixhaven Stadium for bragging rights among the
: h: j; student body. For more about this event, see the
“Battle of Strixhaven” section.


Mage Tower’s Rules If characters don’t immediately leap at the chance
Here are the rules of Mage Tower: to form a Mage Tower team for the Battle of Strix­
haven, emphasize that every peer they speak with
• Each of the two teams has an equal number of stu­ wants to see them participate. In addition to social
dents, usually not exceeding five. rewards, the characters learn that participating in
the Battle of Strixhaven earns them a permanent
• Each team is represented by a small mascot crea­ commendation on their student record, as well as
ture that reflects one of Strixhaven’s colleges, as a monetary prize of half of their tuition for this ac­
described in the "Mascots” section of chapter 1. ademic year waived. Effectively, this means each
character receives 400 gp if their team wins.
• When the game begins, the two mascots are
placed on high towers at opposite ends of the Mascots Everywhere!
field of play.
When the characters register their team name with
• Each team tries to steal the opposing mascot and Professor Sharpbeak, the owlin counselor’s eyes
transport it back to the tower at their end of the briefly dart about with trepidation. She asks the
field. Doing so scores one point. characters to walk with her outside the Biblioplex to
discuss an important matter.
• The game occurs in three phases of 20
minutes each. She says the following in a confiding voice:

• The team that scores the most points by the end of "It's fortunate that you've found me now. This Mage
the third phase wins the game. Tower game is my event to organize, but everything is
already going wrong.
• Anything that could cause damage to a partici­
pant, mascot, or spectator or that would damage "You see, I need to tag the college mascots on
the field of play in any way is prohibited. Breaking campus—those little magical creatures that roam the
this rule results in expulsion from the game. grounds. We use them as mascots for our Mage Tower
games. If the deans find out that some of the mascots
• Questionable use of magic can be called as a foul aren't cataloged, my reputation will be ruined!
by the game’s referee. A faculty member fills that
post during official games. “Before classes began, I corralled the mascots on
an island in Sedgemoor. But before I finished catalog­
• Participants who accumulate three fouls are ing them, a half-dozen escaped and vanished. This
ejected from the game. Teams may not replace morning, I heard students chattering about mascots
participants who foul out. causing a commotion on the outer grounds ofWilt-
root Hall.”
Forming a Team
The professor rifles through her bag and pulls out
Once the characters decide to form one of the two a cheesecloth sack filled with small woven bands,
Mage Tower teams for the Battle of Strixhaven, each embroidered with a number. She continues:
they must register the team with Professor Mavinda
Sharpbeak (campus counselor and owlin Silver- “Each of them must be tagged with these bands. But I
quill professor of radiance; see chapter 7). Their can’t do it myself. With the start of classes, I’m buried
team includes all the characters; the characters under work.
might recruit student NPCs to join their team, al­
though filling their roster up to five participants isn’t “I've seen how you handle yourselves, and I'm
required. The opposing team has an equal number impressed with your skills. Could you head to Wilt­
of participants. Multiple teams may register for the root Hall on Witherbloom's campus and discreetly
tournament; the faculty choose two to compete in
the Battle of Strixhaven. The characters’ team is grateful. What’s more, I’d owe you a favor. What do
chosen to compete along with a team that consists you say?"
of their Rivals and other NPCs.
Encourage the characters to take on Professor
More information about the Battle of Strixhaven Sharpbeak’s favor within the first few days of this
and the opposing team is provided later in this ad­ adventure. For ease of running this adventure, it’s
venture. The Mage Tower game isn’t until the end
of the academic year, but preparing for it plays a key
role in this adventure.

If you wish, roleplay the scene in which the char­
acters register their team with Professor Sharp­
beak. The owlin counselor can be found in the Bib-
lioplex near the Hall of Oracles. There, she’s helping
direct new first-year students to vital places on
campus. For a description and map of the Biblioplex
(map 3.1), see chapter 3.


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