Suzie Reedsmore
LCCC – Northumberland Regional Center
Spring 2019
C. Donlan
Analogy Essay
The Peanuts gang is like a celebrity entourage - an endearing,
lovable group of characters with individual interests and
mannerisms that serve both to entertain and to enlighten.
* Charlie Brown, the main character of the
comic strip, is the eternal pessimist of the
group; his woe-is-me attitude and pertinent
sarcasm give other characters the opportunity
to encourage.
* Lucy Van Pelt is the bossy crabapple of the
group; she knows what she wants and how to
get it, but she also provides her peers with
harsh insights that a meeker child would not
* Linus Van Pelt, Lucy’s brother and the
reluctant paramour of Charlie Brown’s sister
Sally, is the soft-spoken philosopher among the
group; although he dons a security blanket
most of the time, his words of wisdom often
serve as morality lessons to the Peanuts gang.
While the ensemble always works well to carry out its mission, the
Peanuts gang consists of unique characters that bring their own
personality quirks to the story and add depth to the overall message.
Definition Essay
“A Charlie Brown Christmas” is unequivocally one of the best
morality lessons offered through holiday entertainment and defines
the term ‘holiday spirit.’ (THESIS)
imagery in the
production –
of skating on
the frozen
of acting in the
and of caroling
around the
lovely tree –
offer the
viewer a sense
of comfort and
nostalgia in
anticipation of
the impending
holiday season.
The concept of holiday spirit is evident in the Peanuts comic Christmas feature by its illustration
through both the actions of the characters and the overall message of altruistic celebration.
The feature sends a message to the
viewer that Christmas is not about
superficial but about the spiritual. The Peanuts gang demonstrates the feeling of
goodwill and celebration commonly associated
with the Christian holiday.
Cause /Effect Essay
Children who participate in team sports learn important life skills
such as communication, cooperation, and responsibility.
* Developing a sense of teamwork and
camaraderie enables children to
internalize personal responsibility and to
hone a sense of duty to their community.
Although the struggle to win can be an intense obstacle, young
athletes learn to be team-minded and to work together through
gains and losses.
* Even in difficult situations, these
* Children who participate in team children develop resilience and
sports develop a sense of trust among accountability.
their peer group.
Persuasive Research Essay
Getting better grades involves
developing adaptive behaviors
that include paying attention,
communicating effectively,
seeking help, and staying
organized. These practices,
empirically proven to increase
both student achievement scores
and self-esteem ratings, prove
upon execution that even
students as un-invested as
Peppermint Patty can succeed.
1. Paying attention sends a
message to the teacher that
the student is interested.
2. Communicating
effectively ensures the pupil
is getting all the information
3. Seeking help when feeling
challenged alleviates
student stress levels.
4. Staying organized by
taking clear notes and
keeping an agenda helps the
learner to plan study
The acquisition of adaptive academic behaviors facilitates a greater
sense of competence among learners and garners increased levels of
self-esteem through the development of an appropriate, balanced,
and empowered locus of control perspective.
Research Quotations
“The structures of existing locus of control scales have tended to be based on attributions
(e.g., powerful others, ability, task difficulty; Wong, Watters, & Sproule, 1978) or domains
(academic, social, political; Lefcourt, et al., 1979). Here the factor structure emerged in
terms of motivational/educational content (planning, hopelessness, distractibility,
attitudes)” (Curtis and Trice, 2013).
“The Poor Student Attitude factor was statistically significantly correlated with the
Academic Entitlement Scale and the Procrastination Scale, as well as reported absences.
Impaired planning and procrastination were also statistically significantly correlated.
Finally, the measure of Distractibility, reported absences, and procrastination were
statistically significantly correlated. In addition, scores on the ALC were statistically
significantly correlated with self-reports of both GPA and the number of classes missed”
(Curtis and Trice, 2013).
“Research has found that individuals with external locus of control actually have
permanent anxiety tendencies. Individuals with high external locus of control further
strengthen negative emotion because of the close relationship between trait anxiety and
subjective well-being” (Coombs, 2016).
Literacy and The Arts
Schulz, Charles. “Literacy and the Arts,” A Made-Up Scholarly Journal; 14, December 21, 2014.
A study conducted in 1971 by Charles Schulz on a random sampling of elementary school students
indicated that those who enjoy a balanced education that includes immersion in enrichment areas
such as music, drama, and art develop greater literacy than those who are denied such opportunities.
“Children develop stronger reading skills when they participate in arts education” (Schulz, 14).
Peanuts Features Span 20-Year Approvals
Consumer satisfaction surveys conducted from 1965 through 1985 by the CBS network showed
a significantly strong approval rating for Peanuts holiday specials and feature cartoons
specifically featuring the Snoopy, Schroeder, and Pigpen characters.
Studies of cognitive Leadership Bred by
functioning conducted Critical Thinking
by the National
Education Association “The 2,500 students
supported the theory assessed by the NEA’s
that young learners research tended to be
engaged in applied more inquisitive in
critical thinking activities school because they
demonstrate more possessed more
leadership potential. advanced
communication skills
and actively participated
in basic problem-
solving” (NEA, 104).
Depression and Valentines
A study conducted by the APA
(Animated Peanuts Association) in 2012
indicated that Valentine’s Day is the
most depressing American holiday, and
further indicated February 14 to be the
least popular day of the year with boys
aged 6 to 13 years.
3 Things I Learned …
- Research is harder than I thought it would be.
- Becoming a mature reasoner means making a lot of logical fallacies along the way.
- Writing is a process, and can definitely improve over time!
3 Things I Liked …
- The course site was easy to use.
- I was always able to keep track of my grades and assignments.
- Ms. Donlan’s enthusiasm and encouragement made up for her tough grading.
“It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.”
~ Eleanor Roosevelt
It is always
better to
find a
than to
about the
All portfolio projects will be produced and presented in PowerPoint.
Slides should be uploaded on Schoology in PDF format AND emailed to the instructor in PowerPoint format
no later than 11:00am on the due date. NO EXCEPTIONS!
Cover page should include your name, the course number, the course name, the semester, and the instructor’s name and should be labeled
“Writing Portfolio.” (It is YOUR responsibility to know this information.)
All components should be labeled. (For example: “Cause/Effect Essay.”)
Each essay component should include:
• The THESIS statement (taken directly from your original work)
• The CONCLUSION statement (taken directly from your original work)
• At least three (3) SUPPORTING statements (taken directly from the body of your original essay)
• A minimum of three (3) supporting illustrations
For the research quotations component: The research quotations should be extracted from your persuasive argument extended essay and should
include at least three (3) sound and relevant supportive direct quotes from the research you consulted. (Keep in mind: This should be
SCHOLARLY research and it must be properly documented with an appropriate citation.) A minimum of one (1) supporting illustration per
quote is required.
For the notation components: For all four (4) notation components, you should select works from your annotated bibliography that you used to
complete the persuasive argument extended research essay and cite them, then include underneath each selection your rationale for utilizing the
source and how it contributed to your own exploration of the topic. A minimum of one (1) supporting illustration is required for each notation.
Conclusion page(s) should include:
• A minimum of three (3) things you learned in this course
• A minimum of three (3) things you liked about this course
• A minimum of one (1) supporting illustration
Music, video clips, and presentation transitions may be incorporated if you choose. However, be advised that they do not count toward the
illustration requirement. Also, should you include a video clip(s), please be sure the total time is no more than three (3) minutes.
ENG:102 Component Missing Component Present Component Present Component Present Component Present
PORTFOLIO PROJECT RUBRIC Vague/Omissions Adequate Information Suitable/Specifics Clear/Coherent/Complete
No Support Some Support Provided Basic Support Provided Ample Support Provided
C. Donlan Provided
Spring 2019
05 10 15 20
ANALOGY Essay None Provided Minimal Support Moderate Support Appropriate Support Strong Support
DEFINITION Essay No presentation
PERSUASIVE RESEACH Essay Appropriate Presentation Strong Presentation
RESEARCH Quotations Weak Presentation Suitable Presentation