Poetry is a type of literary work whose language style is largely determined by
rhythm, rhyme, and array arrangement. Poetry usually contains things such as
expressions of feelings, stories of experiences or even about life. Like my first
poem entitled My Time, this poem is about time that passes without waiting for
us who are still not ready for the future, where every second can leave laughter
and tears, every precious second always passes without leaving a valuable
impression. .
My second poem, entitled About My Life, tells about my life which is filled with
grievances without any words of gratitude, the days only contain cries that don't
even know what I am crying about, life is not as beautiful as my dreams and
hopes make me keep trying to get it. dream, although sometimes there is a little
quarrel in it. It's different from my life now which has started to improve where
usually only complaints are replaced by gratitude.
The two poems are very depicting about the life that I have experienced
Ani Marfuah R 2
● PUISI 1.
Waktu terus berjalan beriringan detik,menit ,dan jam nya
Dan akan selalu begitu
Tidak ada yang spesial dari waktuku
Semua sama seperti biasanya
Setiap waktu aku dapat menangis bahkan tertawa
Berjalan tiap detiknya tanpa menunggu ku siap untuk menjalani waktu
Ani Marfuah R 3
● puisi 2.
Ini hidupku
Hidupku tidak semudah yang kubayangkan
Hidupku tidak seindah mimpi dan harapanku
Hidupku selalu diwarnai pertengkaran .
Tapi ini hiduoku
Aku harus menjalani Hidupku
Mau sebesar apapu tantangannya
Pasti akan Ada jalan keluarnya
Karena Tuhan tidak akan memberikan cobaan kepada umatnya
Jika tidak ada jalan keluarnya .
Ani Marfuah R 4