Explicit Language
By: Dr. Angie Child & Whitney Garrett
One Grain
of Rice
By Demi
Explicit Language Comprehension Lesson
The Why….
Explicit Comprehension Strategy Instruction
As teachers we are all being asked to “get our kids thinking deeply”. Well, comprehension strategy
instruction is one tool students need to be able to think deeply. As students learn reading skills
they may not be able to think deeply, yet. But as we give them the tools or strategies to do their
own thinking they will deepen and broaden their ability to understand. They will use the strategies
of summarize, compare and contrast, infer, finding important information, etc. to think deeply
about their understanding and to stretch that understanding to deeper levels.
Deep thinking has many forms. A few include students being able to: critically analyze what they
are reading or discussing, analyze contexts and outcomes for other possible solutions, justify their
reasoning, empathize with characters, interpret meanings and apply those to other contexts,
synthesize knowledge from many sources, etc. These all require the use of comprehension
strategies. We cannot get our students to think deeply if we don’t first give them the means to do
so. We can’t expect them to play a symphony unless we first give them the knowledge of the
So as you teach using strategy instruction remember the goal is to get kids to incorporate these
strategies into their own thinking stratagem so they are able to do the deeper thinking.
Gradual Release
Each of our lessons has a built-in gradual release of responsibility named “I do”, “We do”, and “You
do”. These built-in phases are meant to be flexible and to support you as you teach. They are not
meant to be a script or rigid pathway. If your students need more modeling, continue in the “I do”
phase as you move through the text. If they require more practice with guided support, stay in the
“We do” phase longer in the text. If you have a large group of students all ready to go into the
“You do” phase then get right there with a quick reminder. Our intention is to give you what you
need to adjust your instruction for your students’ needs in the gradual release of the thinking. We
want you to get your students to do the thinking on their own as quickly as possible. Please use
your own expertise and formative assessments to determine when your students are ready to
move from phase to phase.
Vocabulary Explanation:
This is the procedure for specific-word instruction laid out by Isabel Beck and Margaret McKeown
in “Bringing Words to Life” known as Text Talk. The words being taught come from the text you are
reading. Using text support provides exposure and background information which improves
retention and incorporation of the newly learned words. Choose about 5 words to teach that are
necessary for understanding, discussion, and deep thinking about the text.
© 2016, The Simple Teachers
Explicit Language Comprehension Lesson
One Grain of Rice
By Demi
Theme/Concept: Comprehension Strategy:
Tricking someone so you get what you
need/want Effective, Specific Word Instruction:
Mathematical doubles
Potential Vocabulary Words:
Doubles 1. Say the word
Famine 2. Contextualize in story (“In our story the
VOCABULARY CARDS ON TPT TO CHOOSE 3. Say student friendly definition
DIFFERENT VOCABULARY WORDS! 4. Give examples in other context
5. Have students generate examples
6. Say the word
Before Reading
Concept Introduction:
Before we read our story today I want to get you thinking about a mathematical concept
called doubles or doubling. In math when we double we make something exactly twice the
size it was before. To double you add the number again to itself. So if I had two pennies,
when I double it I would have four 2 + 2 = 4. If I have 200 pennies and I double that I would
have 400 pennies 200 + 200 = 400. What would the double for 10 be? 20? 50? Now we are
going to read a book where the character uses doubles to get what she needs.
Pre-Teach Vocabulary:
(see above)
Strategy Introduction:
As good readers read, they think about the most important information in the book. WE
use this information to summarize. We think about what is important and we tell it or write
it in a few words. Today we are going to practice summarizing as we read.
© 2016, The Simple Teachers
During Reading
(See teacher copy of graphic organizer. )
After Reading
Do the math for some of the big doubles. Figure out the last double. This is good practice
for long addition.
See p. 30 for seeing how to get the sum of all the grains of rice.
Discussion & Writing Questions:
• How did Raja change from the beginning of the story to the end?
• What do you think about Rani’s plan to get the rice? What other plans could you think
of using?
• Why did Raja think he deserved all the rice?
• How do you think the people felt about Rani?
Discussion Cards:
Use as you wish! Here are some ideas:
• Whole group, teacher directed
• Small groups, teacher directed
• Small groups, student directed
Our thought in providing this was to allow your students to “take notes” during a discussion
to write down any thoughts that come to their mind for furthering conversation.
Writing Response Sheet:
Use for any discussion question that you would like your students to write about.
© 2016, The Simple Teachers
One Grain of Rice
Good readers stop and summarize what they are reading. It helps us to remember and
understand what we are reading.
Gradual Release ______ Wanted But So
Teach p. 5 The farmers were left They became hungry.
I am going to stop and Raja wanted to store all with very little.
I Do/Model summarize what we the rice for the people. Famine hit.
have read so far. I’m
just going to write it in
a few words.
Remind p. 7 Raja wanted to keep the The people got
Let’s stop and The ministers wanted
summarize what we Raja to share the rice rice for himself. hungrier.
have read so far. with the people.
We Do Together Remember, just write
a few words. p. 11
Rani wanted rice and
she caught some. She gave it back to Raja. She got a reward.
Feedback p. 13 Raja had it all. Rani thought of a smart
State something from Rani wanted rice. plan. She got double
You Do Alone the student’s G.O. the rice every day for
that is either right or p. 19 thirty days.
wrong. Then praise Possible place to make a
OR remind them prediction. Rani promised to give
further about how rice to the Raja if he
they used the promised to only take
strategy. as much as he needed.
p. 27 Now the Raja had no
Rani wanted rice and rice.
she got all the Raja’s
rice with her plan.
© 2016, The Simple Teachers
One Grain of Rice
Good readers stop and summarize in a few words the main ideas as we read. It helps us to
remember and understand what we are reading.
______ Wanted . So
© 2016, The Simple Teachers
One Grain of Rice
famine One Grain of Rice
© 2016, The Simple Teachers
Printable Discussion Cards
How did Raja change from What do you think about
the beginning of the story Rani’s plan to get the rice?
to the end? What other plans could
you think of using?
One Grain of Rice One Grain of Rice
Why did Raja think he How do you think the
deserved all the rice? people felt about Rani?
One Grain of Rice One Grain of Rice
© 2016, The Simple Teachers
One Grain of Rice
Note Taker: Date:
© 2016, The Simple Teachers
One Grain of Rice
Writing Response Sheet
Name: Date:
© 2016, The Simple Teachers
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Created by The Simple Teachers, 2016