CVT Corporate Valuation
Presented by Farius Maarif
Objectives 2
Equip yourself with the skills to:
• Determine which valuation technique is
appropriate for the analytical objective.
• Value companies in the context of mergers,
acquisitions private equity, project appraisal and
• Assess the impact of corporate decisions on the
value of the business
• Quantify and manage the risks associated with
corporate valuation
• Assess whether management are creating
shareholder value
• Evaluate corporate valuation and pricing models
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Table of contents
The Valuation Valuation Capital Adaptations Corporate
Foundations After- Finance
Structuring To Valuation Modelling
And Pricing
Corporate Valuation
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FCF…it is cashflow that 4
is available to support
the financing structure
of the transaction or of
the company.
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Formula • Operating FR
cashflow (after
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Capital Expenditure Working Investment
• It is the investment into infrastructure of • It is investment into the trading of the
the business business
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Trading Financing
• Trading items would include the • Financing items would include the
movements in inventories, receivable, movements in bonds, leasing,
payables, warranty, claims, preference shares, short debt, lomg
prepayments. etc debt, etc
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Free Cash Flow Example FR
The company involved in food retailing 8
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Year 1 Year 2 Liabilities FR
(₤ millions)
Assets 22 20 93 174 9
(₤ millions) 39 36 short debt 512 538
57 73 trade creditors 102 111
Cash 259 284 corporation tax 56 66
debtors 315 376 dividend payable 73 70
prepayments 49 18 other creditors 139 168
stock accruals and deferred income
short terms investments 741 807 975 1127
developments properties Current Liabilities
2296 2655 515 475
Current Assets long debts 50 48
(244) (312) deferred taxation 81 41
Freehold Property 602 725 provisions
1621 1691
(accum.depreciation of freeholds) (335) (414) Total Liabilities
Plant, fixtures and fittings 185 238 732 754
issued capital 307 363
(accum.depreciation of plant) 2504 2892 share premium account 99 229
Assets under construction ravaluation reserve 520 715
1 0 profit & lost
Net fixed assets 33 53 1658 2061
3279 3752 Equity
financial assets 3279 3752
share ownership pelan Total Footings
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Working Investment
Working Investment (WI)
• It is investment into the trading of the
Majority companies have a positive number as WI. Supermarkets are unusual in that regard, because they have
little in the way of receivable. And the stock (i,.e inventory) turnover is fairly rapid given the nature of their
business. Accordingly, in each of the years presented the WI is a negative number, meaning that the faster the
company expands, the greater the liquidity becomes- the reverse of the situation for typical manufacturing
business Year 1 Year 2 Liabilities
(₤ millions)
(₤ millions) short debt 93 174
trade creditors 512 111
Cash Trading 22 20 MINUS corporation tax 102 70
debtors assets 39 36 dividend payable 56 168
prepayments 57 73 other creditors 73
stock 259 284 accruals and deferred income 139
short terms investments 315 376
developments properties 49 18
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Why FCF important? FR
To plan for the cashflow adequancy of the 11
busniness going forward
To get line in financial model
To implement in a valuation
To use in the Investment Rule
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CVT Thank You.
Farius Bin Maarif
[email protected]
Jpph Malaysia