ADA Student Digest
Issue No. 2 Jan./Feb. 2016
Poem 2
What? When? Where? - The Intellectual Games Club 3
To What Extent: Strictness vs Benevolence 5
Make Every Minute Count 7
The Silent Hero 10
Interview: The New Undergraduate Student Government 11
[email protected]
ADA News
What? When? Where? - The Intellectual Games Club
Stay tuned and follow the upcoming events on Facebook :
By Sabira Imrani
“The new league is expected to begin soon. their leisure time learning, while having fun.
This time we’ll start from the very first league
Since it has been found, the club organized
round so that competition with teams of
the “What? Where? When?” synchronic
other universities would be more exciting”
league of 2015 at ADA with other universities.
– shared Konul Gurbanli, who is one of the
The games took place each week on Saturday
founders of the ADA Intellectual Games Club.
since October 2015. The last competition in
Establishing the Intellectual Games club December was won by the team “Masters”,
in April 2015, Ilkin Umarov and Konul one of our own ADA University teams.
Gurbanli are the first who brought the
“Of course, we, as a team, feel great about
“What? Where? When?” competition to ADA
this achievement and it gave us motivation
university. Now the team is larger than that,
to do more. Before starting these competi-
including Davud Samadov, Maya Hajizade
tions we didn’t know that we have so many
and Sebuhi Bakhshiyev as well as Sevinj
talented people at ADA and so many stu-
Jafarli, who is helping to organize the games.
dents who are interested in the intellectual
“Almost all universities in Azerbaijan have games” said Konul, sharing her impressions
an intellectual games club, which is respon- about the victory. “We feel very proud that
sible for organizing internal competitions as we have such mates in our university, and
well as representing the university in coun- proud that we can do something to help them
try-wide championships”, said a member of carry their talent even further and compete
the club. “But before our club, no such one with other teams from different universities.”
was established at ADA, and consequently this The first synchronic league held at ADA
affected the performance of ADA teams in dif-
brought not only high achievements for
ferent championships with all universities.”
both the university and the club, but also got
The main goal of The Intellectual Games more students interested, so this year the
Club is to establish a society of intellectu- organizers plan to add some new intellec-
als at ADA, representing the university in tual games besides the synchronic league.
different competitions. Moreover, such intel-
lectual games encourage students to spend
Stay tuned and follow the upcoming events on Facebook ! 4
To What Extent: Strictness vs Benevolence
By Jakub Csabay
ADA as every young community is still in of Conduct, the first part is questionable.
the process of developing its own rules
Certainly, the boy is neither Jean
and their standardized implementation,
Valjean as his intention was clearly not
balancing between strictness and benev-
to feed hungry children of his sister
olence. While a recent move towards
nor does his case have potential to be
standardization in the Department of
an inspiration for some future movie
Foreign Languages has clearly been
such as “ADA Redemption”. Instead,
a positive impulse, a contrary exam-
in my understanding, it seems like a
ple can be almost strictly standardized
very unusual way of self-promotion
delay in the book allowance payment
stemming from boredom, immatu-
to International Fellowship students,
rity and childishness; an action with
which represents rather negative side very unfortunate consequences.
of “benevolence” at ADA. Fortunately,
there have not been many cases related Understandably, ADA wanted to make an
to the Student Code of Conduct, yet example of this case in order to discour-
a while ago one such case appeared. age other potential ‘’home-made artists’’
with such degree of creativity, which is
Recently, one ADA student was sentenced
very likely to be a successful strategy.
to suspension from ADA for one semes-
Furthermore, ADA, in pursuit of edu-
ter and to compensation of damage for
cating the future of Azerbaijan, rightly
writing a vulgarism on a piece of furni-
believes that its students should be
ture at ADA University. While the second
mature enough to avoid such “secondary
part of the punishment is very sensible
school stupidities” and it is clearly deter-
and well-grounded in the Student Code
mined to achieve this goal. However,
there is another side to consider, too. application of some degree of clemency
could have been useful, especially given
The strict approach ADA has taken can
the fact that one act like this cannot pos-
have a negative impact on personal and
sibly ruin ADA’s reputation, plus a bit
educational development of the student
of benevolence may teach a lesson too.
for he will be excluded from the edu-
cational process and environment for Time will surely show which approach,
one semester, which is a very long time strict or benevolent, suits ADA best.
ADA could have used to educate him. Strictness is often considered to be
Therefore, in my opinion, some form of more professional but without at least
more lenient punishment like commu- a certain degree of benevolence a policy
nity work at ADA could have been more loses its human side. ADA as a rela-
practical, though such option is not tively small community has still time
present in ADA’s Code of Conduct for and space to develop the best possible
the time being. Moreover, if it had really combination of these two approaches.
been a youthful indiscretion that had
driven this boy to commit to such an act,
Make Every Minute Count
By Elnur Imanbayli
I remember that moment well. It was I had already spent three years at
my first day in Lithuania and my stu- ADA and run several student projects
dent exchange program had just started. and initiatives, which were successful
Under heavy rain we were shown according to people’s judgement. I was
around Kaunas. Someone asked me if getting highly encouraged by such feed-
I will later on ask for an extension of back. I knew a lot of people at ADA and
my exchange program. I told him that I we were in good relations, yet, I did not
will have only one year and a half left have any close friends. Although, I would
to spend at ADA. Thus, I will not do feel the gap created by the absence of
it. I was so confident with my answer. true friends, for me, at the time finding
such ones was not really a priority. as local students have the complex of
“being someone important” or “more
In the previous edition of ADA Student
important”. I believe this complex (or
Digest, Jakub Csabay, an exchange stu-
“competition”) discourages us from
dent at ADA published an article focusing
taking enough time for one another
on the importance of communication to communicate and benefit from
among students at ADA. He particularly
each other’s experience and thoughts.
emphasized the lack of communica-
tion that exists among foreign and local I believe, in the case of many local stu-
students. Considering the importance dents at ADA, communication and
of the issue raised, I decided to pres- discovering different minds and cultures
ent a local perspective on the issue. are not a priority. The foreign student
perspective in the previous edition has
Unfortunately, lack of communication
shown that such a lack of communica-
is not only present among foreign and
tion is felt by foreign students as well.
local students as two different groups,
Additionally, when talking to foreign
but it also exists among local ones.
students, I realize that a proper inte-
ADA University presents a lot of oppor- gration process into the society is still
tunities to its students, especially to lacking. Although here the responsi-
the local ones, as it is one of the most bility lies upon their shoulders, too.
prestigious institutions in the country. I In one single minute, so many things
believe the way the prestige of ADA is happen at the same time in this city:
A driver does not stop in the traffic
reflected on local students is one of the
reasons why they do not form enough light and risks the life of a passenger.
appreciation of communication or ded- An actress feels excited or nervous as
ication to making new friends. From my she is going to perform on the stage
observations, I think, many local stu-
dents try to fit into the prestige of ADA in less than a minute. Someone thinks
of leaving this country after not get-
and in this way, what is being missed
ting into the metro that she/he was
is sincere and friendly communica-
waiting for. A mind thinks of an idea
tion. I observe that, at ADA, many of us
that will be very valuable in the far not sure yet, if I was successful or not
future. A student asks the professor to in doing so, but I extended my student
give him/her several more points so exchange program for the second time.
that he/she can get a scholarship. I remember that moment well. It was
There are a lot of opportunities. The one of the first days just after coming
choice is ours. The way we form our sur- back to Azerbaijan. I was in the Dean’s
rounding is also our responsibility. That office to convince him to prolong my
is why I encourage our foreign students program in Lithuania. When he asked
to keep discovering as much as they can me why I wanted to do so, I told him that
so that their experience is valuable. I will have one year left at ADA anyways.
I was so confident with my answer.
When I went for an exchange program,
I had set up a different priority for
myself. In Lithuania, I had many friends:
Lithuanians, Azerbaijanis and other for-
eigners. It was a new experience, and I
was eager to learn and discover. I ded-
icated myself to discover Lithuania, a
new culture, a new mindset in order
to also learn more about myself. I am
The Silent Hero
By Mullah Nasruddin
It is just a couple of days before the dead- On the other hand, as a matter of - let’s say
line and a couple of students are studying - courtesy, he is not willing to say all this
together in an empty classroom. The task out loud. What is obvious at this point is
seems tough enough so the students inter- that he is putting much effort to cover up
act. Amongst them, there is one student the awkwardness of the question. With his
called “the International”. Most of the stu- firm intention to do so, he has now turned
dents are speaking the local language, red, probably experiencing a higher rate of
the International sitting amongst them. heartbeat and a shorter time interval in his
Words in nicely built English construc- breathing. Finally taking action, he makes an
tions are thrown about, aiming to put the attempt to test his “pantomime” skills.
International at ease so that he may not feel He looks to the back while pointing at the
detached from the discussion. Actually, this International. All of this was done in silence
is going to be discovered briefly. amongst the three of them. Although the
A student in the back row, who has been International is not actually facing the
talking to her friend in the local language, action, he manages to witness it from a nine-
suddenly asks: “Niyə Azərbaycanca danışmı ty-degree angle.
rsan?” (“Why don’t you speak Azerbaijani?”).
A couple of seconds later, three people feel
The respondent to this somewhat awk- relief. One of them is the student in the back
ward question is about to accomplish a who got an answer to the awkward ques-
rather challenging mission. On the one tion. The second one is our Silent Hero who
hand, he wants to explain to his friend in managed to control the situation. The third
the back that he cannot or does not want person - the no-longer-isolated International
to switch to the local language (due to - is filled with joy and happiness. He looks
reasons including, but not limited to: his gently at the silent hero sitting next to him
kind Azerbaijani heart, having a relatively and, with a great smile, says “thank you”.
high degree of understanding of time and
space around him and having been inter-
acting with the International for a while). 10
Interview: The New Undergraduate Student Government
Interview by Sabira Imrani
This is the motto of the new student wonderfully expresses that “leader” is not
government; and it matches with just a fancy word, but rather that being in
upcoming projects: full of action and the position of a leader means having a
new experience! huge burden on your shoulders, indeed.
The winners of the elections at ADA were Nurlan İlyas, representative of SITE:
glad to give an interview, sharing their Due to problems, caused by disorien-
thoughts and feelings and discussing their tation amongst our students, there is a
plans for this year. demand for someone, who would respond
to their academic problems immediately.
Many congratulations on winning! The However, this job is pretty tough and diffi-
motto of the team is so exciting, how
cult, it takes a lot of energy, attention, care
did you come up with this?
and responsibility. So, I understood that
Tahir Qurbanli, The President of actually a leader is the one, who sacrifices
Student Government: The idea was himself and his own interests and makes
suggested by Anar Soltan. This motto sure that everything is ok with students.
That is why leadership is is an action, not experience.What were they about? How
a position! did it influence you?
Helping students to be heard and prob- Nazrin Mammadova, BBA represent-
lems to be resolved, I agree, is probably ative: I’m always interested in various
a difficult and tough job, but you weren’t projects, whether it be social, academic or
afraid and ran for election. What moti- around my own interests. So far, I have run
vates you to take such responsibility? three different projects under the names
“Arts for Orphans”, “Project L against CBC”,
Aynur Jafarova, representative of BSE:
and “Sigma”. The purpose of those projects
The idea itself that we would work for
was certainly to emphasize the importance
whole BSE class inspired us. We knew that
of ongoing issues related to children in
it would not be that easy, yet, we were sure
our society. When it comes to my achieve-
that it would be a great experience for us.
ments, all my work was appreciated by
This motivated us to join the elections.
our university and others, but most impor-
Ismayil Zeynalli, representative of tantly, we, as a team, reached the hearts
BAPA: Two reasons motivate me a lot. of children and made them think about
Firstly, I want to help people as much as their future, keeping optimism and lifted
I can. On a daily basis I interact with the them up - and, that was a SUCCESS! On
social environment that is ADA family, and May 1, 2015 we, as a team of “Sigma”, were
that’s where I want to help. Secondly, my rewarded with Haji Zeynalabdin Tagiyev
friends and some BAPA students recom- Award, and donated all the received funds
mended me to apply as a candidate and I to our upcoming projects.
hope they did it not only because of our
Gulnar Dadashova, BAPA represent-
friendship (laughing), but because I can be
ative: Of course. I always liked to help
better as part of the council which makes
people, liked to solve problems of students,
me believe in myself and in Gulnar more
and wanted to make the learning process
than everyone.
more interesting with the help of student
All ADA students are involved in many clubs, projects, and competitions. All this
different projects, tell about your became one part of me, of my life and now
I can’t get rid of it, don’t want to (laugh- working on? What should we expect this
ing). Now as a representative of BAPA I do year?
believe that I will be able to solve our prob-
Ulvi Shiraliyev, representative of BAIS:
lems because I know our problems, I know
Before giving brief information about the
our BAPA students and how to communi-
upcoming projects, I would like to mention
cate with them.
that BAIS and BAPA councilors will be work-
Then taking responsibility and facing ing together as representative body of SPIA.
challenges should not be something One of the projects we are going to focus
scary for your team. However, what were on is the monthly congress for all SPIA stu-
your first feelings, when voting results dents. This is going to be a great platform
were announced? for the students to share their ideas or prob-
lems with us. So, we will know about their
İlkin Umarov, representative of General needs and find a solution as their councilors.
Education: During the election period, in This congress is going to be first-ever expe-
the very beginning, I was completely sure of
rience not only in SPIA, but also for ADA
our victory. However, day by day I started to
University. So, stay tuned for this great event
think that we are going to lose this compe-
and for more projects, which we will put all
tition, because our opponent team worked
our effort in.
really hard. Even on the last day, I thought
we had already lost: but the results were Altun Baratli, representative of SITE: One
completely different. And when our victory of the projects, we are working on is called
was announced, I was surprised: I didn’t “Exchangeable”. We want to increase the
expect that kind of victory. number of exchange universities. We already
came to an agreement to have Exchange
Ikram Nesirov, representative of EAPP: I
Programs with Korea Advanced Institute of
will never forget that situation. It is a mag-
nificent feeling to share your happiness with Science and Technology (KAIST), Kazakh-
British Technical University (KBTU), Ulsan
your friends, people who voted for you, and
National Institute of Science and Technology
especially with my best friend Mahammad.
(UNIST), Nazarbayev University, and
And now, that you are in power, it is inter- Singapore University of Technology. Another
esting for all us: What projects are you project is related with study trips: “Study
difference and importance is that we want to
take the winner team to Honk Kong to par-
ticipate in the International Business Case
Competition. There are other small and big
projects, which we will release throughout
this year. We tried to be precise with pro-
jects and work hard on them. Hopefully, the
students will appreciate them.
Mehemmed Memmedzade, represent-
ative of EAPP: Upcoming projects are
National Day and Distant Education... all
others I will keep as a secret, let us surprise
too! There are also some projects we’re still
Trip to Silicon Valley” - this is the first study working on. Anyways, as soon as it will be
trip special for SITE students! The third ready to announce, we will inform you. Just
project is C.A.S.P (Comitee of Academic and follow the news!
Social problems). This network will help
Natiq Aleskerli, Vice President: Firstly,
staff to understand students better and stu- we have already finished our “Students for
dents will have the chance to express their
Students” project, which was for EAPP stu-
concerns at any time they want.
dents. It helped students from A group to
Nazrin Abbaszade, representative of BBA: participate in the exam to pass for General
BBA and BSE councilors will be representing Education. Also, the event “ADA Got Talent”
the School of Business, so on some projects was organized by the Bermud Group (Natiq
we will be working on together. We have one is a member of the Bermud Group). And
grand project, which will take a long time for sure events such as Football tourna-
and a lot of effort to realize. But it worth ments, Trips, Parties, Economic conferences,
that: it will have a great impact on ADA’s Internships, Trial exams before Final for
students and their future careers. Another EAPP students, and UniGotTalent projects
project we are working on is the Business are also included in our future plans. Soon,
Case Competition. It was held before, but the we, members of USG, will inform you about
our projects in more detail.
Writers: Editor:
Sabira Imrani Lucie Wuester
Jakub Csabay
Elnur Imanbayli
Narmin Jamalova
[email protected] Photographers:
ADA News Sayyad Farajov
Undergraduate Student Government
Intellectual Games Club