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Published by nipun, 2019-09-28 07:02:46

Kia Manual

KIA Care

Service Process

Resource Guide

Promise to





The service vision of Kia is to be exceptional and service identity is “Promise to Care”. Both the vision and
identity of Kia are the efforts and commitment to provide unmatched service to customers; to provide
unmatched Care to Customers.
Care at Kia means:
C – Being always connected to customer through digital platform
A – Adaptive to customer requirements and providing personalised service

R – Responsive to customer through its dealer network, call centre, roadside assistance and other
E – Engaging customer with its environmental initiatives for better future

With this background, the Kia Care Service Process has been developed as a guideline for steps, actions and
behaviours that dealerships must follow to ensure that customer's expectations are not only met but
To ensure this Kia has globally developed a 10 Step Service process, which is a guide/method being followed
to ensure that a customer experiences a good service during his visit.



8 4



In this Resource Guide, you'll find details on each of the 10 steps of the Kia Care Service Process the actions
and the roles and responsibilities for each key personnel, from the first contact point with customer
through to customer handover and follow-up. It is important that each and every employee of the
dealership imbibe this process and follow every step diligently day-in and day-out, until it becomes a
routine. This will ensure a consistently exceptional customer experience for all customers.


The service vision of Kia is to be exceptional and service identity is “Promise to Care”. Both the vision and
identity of Kia are the efforts and commitment to provide unmatched service to customers; to provide
unmatched Care to Customers.
Care at Kia means:
C – Being always connected to customer through digital platform
A – Adaptive to customer requirements and providing personalised service

R – Responsive to customer through its dealer network, call centre, roadside assistance and other
E – Engaging customer with its environmental initiatives for better future

With this background, the Kia Care Service Process has been developed as a guideline for steps, actions and
behaviours that dealerships must follow to ensure that customer's expectations are not only met but
To ensure this Kia has globally developed a 10 Step Service process, which is a guide/method being followed
to ensure that a customer experiences a good service during his visit.



8 4



In this Resource Guide, you'll find details on each of the 10 steps of the Kia Care Service Process the actions
and the roles and responsibilities for each key personnel, from the first contact point with customer
through to customer handover and follow-up. It is important that each and every employee of the
dealership imbibe this process and follow every step diligently day-in and day-out, until it becomes a
routine. This will ensure a consistently exceptional customer experience for all customers.

Promise to Care
Promise to Care
Digital Integration + Human Connect

Modern time's service is a combination of Digital integration and Human connect. In today's scenario both and “Customer First” Philosophy
are important, irreplaceable and mandatory to provide delight to customers

“Customer First” philosophy is at the core of all activities at Kia Motors India. The slogan of “Promise to Care”
is derived from this “Customer First” mindset. It is a commitment to being dedicated to not only fulfilling all
customer expectations but going beyond expectations and creating a delightful and memorable service
experience. It is this mindset which shapes the three core behavioral values of Transparency, Respect and
Dedication. All activities and action plans at Kia Motors India in Sales as well as Aftersales are aligned with
either one or more of the three Customer Values.

Digital integration

Customers appreciate the convenience, speed and transparency that digital connectivity provides. For
example, satisfaction has been found to be higher among customers for whom their Service Advisor has "Customer First"
used a tablet at the time of service initiation. Also, nowadays people prefer to receive updates and/or “Customer First” Philosophy (DNA)
information through digital media such as SMS or App notifications rather speaking with someone, owing
to their fast paced life and busy schedule. They can receive the updates without it being a hindrance to
them. "Customer First"
Digital connectivity is also a great resource for providing a superior customer experience by making the Slogan
processes (such as customer approval, service status notifications and latest updates) easily accessible, Promise to Care
fast and simple. In addition dealers can improve operational efficiency by improving information flow
through the effective use of the various systems and digital tools made available to them

1 2 3
DIFFERENTIATED CVIS Digitization & Automation of Transparency Respect Dedication "Customer First"
SERVICE EXPERIENCE Customer Service Process Throughout Sales/ Incl. Building Emotional Individualistic Customer Value
After Sales
Fixed Price Policy (On/Offline) Building Emotional Rapport Exclusive Sales Consulting
One Price for All Buyers with Customers Reservation, Omni-care, etc.
Using Welcome Package, POS etc
Digitalization of Buying Processes Visiting Customer Service by A/S "Customer First"
Using Mysales, CVIS, Kia Link etc Reducing Paperwork Visiting Repairs, Visiting Test Drive
Using DMS, Mysales etc. Action Plans
Trust based Customer Reception Creating Leads
Keeping Promises, Staff Evaluation Customer-Oriented Hospitality Lead Management, Avoider Study etc.
Valet Parking etc.

• Philosophy - Customer First : It is the overarching ideology at the centre of everything we do

• Slogan – Promise to Care : It is the identity of Kia Service to customers
• Customer Values : These are the behavioural values which we need to imbibe while
Human Connect dealing with customers

• Actions Plans : These have to be practised day in and day out, so as to give a
But as a caution, dealers need to ensure that Digitisation is used as tools to enable better experiences.
Human connect ensures empathy, gratitude, comfort and gives confidence to customers. Human touch, consistently high level of service experience to all customers
interaction etiquettes and courtesy is irreplaceable and still to be followed with same intention of “Atithi
Devo bhava” (Guest is like God).

Promise to Care
Promise to Care
Digital Integration + Human Connect

Modern time's service is a combination of Digital integration and Human connect. In today's scenario both and “Customer First” Philosophy
are important, irreplaceable and mandatory to provide delight to customers

“Customer First” philosophy is at the core of all activities at Kia Motors India. The slogan of “Promise to Care”
is derived from this “Customer First” mindset. It is a commitment to being dedicated to not only fulfilling all
customer expectations but going beyond expectations and creating a delightful and memorable service
experience. It is this mindset which shapes the three core behavioral values of Transparency, Respect and
Dedication. All activities and action plans at Kia Motors India in Sales as well as Aftersales are aligned with
either one or more of the three Customer Values.

Digital integration

Customers appreciate the convenience, speed and transparency that digital connectivity provides. For
example, satisfaction has been found to be higher among customers for whom their Service Advisor has "Customer First"
used a tablet at the time of service initiation. Also, nowadays people prefer to receive updates and/or “Customer First” Philosophy (DNA)
information through digital media such as SMS or App notifications rather speaking with someone, owing
to their fast paced life and busy schedule. They can receive the updates without it being a hindrance to
them. "Customer First"
Digital connectivity is also a great resource for providing a superior customer experience by making the Slogan
processes (such as customer approval, service status notifications and latest updates) easily accessible, Promise to Care
fast and simple. In addition dealers can improve operational efficiency by improving information flow
through the effective use of the various systems and digital tools made available to them

1 2 3
DIFFERENTIATED CVIS Digitization & Automation of Transparency Respect Dedication "Customer First"
SERVICE EXPERIENCE Customer Service Process Throughout Sales/ Incl. Building Emotional Individualistic Customer Value
After Sales
Fixed Price Policy (On/Offline) Building Emotional Rapport Exclusive Sales Consulting
One Price for All Buyers with Customers Reservation, Omni-care, etc.
Using Welcome Package, POS etc
Digitalization of Buying Processes Visiting Customer Service by A/S "Customer First"
Using Mysales, CVIS, Kia Link etc Reducing Paperwork Visiting Repairs, Visiting Test Drive
Using DMS, Mysales etc. Action Plans
Trust based Customer Reception Creating Leads
Keeping Promises, Staff Evaluation Customer-Oriented Hospitality Lead Management, Avoider Study etc.
Valet Parking etc.

• Philosophy - Customer First : It is the overarching ideology at the centre of everything we do

• Slogan – Promise to Care : It is the identity of Kia Service to customers
• Customer Values : These are the behavioural values which we need to imbibe while
Human Connect dealing with customers

• Actions Plans : These have to be practised day in and day out, so as to give a
But as a caution, dealers need to ensure that Digitisation is used as tools to enable better experiences.
Human connect ensures empathy, gratitude, comfort and gives confidence to customers. Human touch, consistently high level of service experience to all customers
interaction etiquettes and courtesy is irreplaceable and still to be followed with same intention of “Atithi
Devo bhava” (Guest is like God).

Kia Service Care

Process Overview

Role Identification

01 APPOINTMENTS 02 Greeting the Customer
Acknowledge customers immediately
Make appointments to suit customer

needs. Ensure all details of customer and give him a friendly welcome on

and their vehicle are verified and arrival.
Customer Customer Care captured on the DMS. Be prepared to
Care Executive Manager attend these customers.

People involved: People involved:

03 Diagnosis 04 Repair Order Making
Listen to customers and discuss repair
Ensure customer latest contact details
Service Parts options. Document everything (including (phone, mail) are recorded. Review
Advisor Manager customer verbatim, vehicle inventory, repair details with the customer and

EVHC findings). Write clear information make sure to obtain a signature prior to

for better understanding of your starting work. Offer drop to customer.
People involved:
People involved:
Driver Job
05 Cost Estimation (Pricing) 06 Performing the Service Work
Perform the service in a timely and
Ensure the pricing policy is transparent
and proper estimate of cost and time accurate manner. Look at additional

required is given to customer. work requirements & ensure neat &

clean car.
Pick & People involved: People involved:

Final Inspector Drop Incharge

Monitoring the Service Work Final Inspection
07 Keep customers informed of repair 08 Cross-check the service work against

progress and ensure the car is ready customer request and carry out a

Washing when promised. Inform and take quality control inspection to ensure all
Technician Supervisor approval for any additional repairs and work is completed, including cleanliness

subsequent changes in timing or costs. of the car.

People involved: People involved:
Other Support Staff

09 Vehicle Delivery 10 Feedback (Follow up)
Service When the customer arrives to collect the Contact the customer within five (5)
Manager car, explain the work done and invoice. working days after the repair to ensure
Show replaced parts and answer their everything is satisfactory.
questions fully.
Security Guard Receptionist Office Boy
People involved: People involved:

Kia Service Care

Process Overview

Role Identification

01 APPOINTMENTS 02 Greeting the Customer
Acknowledge customers immediately
Make appointments to suit customer

needs. Ensure all details of customer and give him a friendly welcome on

and their vehicle are verified and arrival.
Customer Customer Care captured on the DMS. Be prepared to
Care Executive Manager attend these customers.

People involved: People involved:

03 Diagnosis 04 Repair Order Making
Listen to customers and discuss repair
Ensure customer latest contact details
Service Parts options. Document everything (including (phone, mail) are recorded. Review
Advisor Manager customer verbatim, vehicle inventory, repair details with the customer and

EVHC findings). Write clear information make sure to obtain a signature prior to

for better understanding of your starting work. Offer drop to customer.
People involved:
People involved:
Driver Job
05 Cost Estimation (Pricing) 06 Performing the Service Work
Perform the service in a timely and
Ensure the pricing policy is transparent
and proper estimate of cost and time accurate manner. Look at additional

required is given to customer. work requirements & ensure neat &

clean car.
Pick & People involved: People involved:

Final Inspector Drop Incharge

Monitoring the Service Work Final Inspection
07 Keep customers informed of repair 08 Cross-check the service work against

progress and ensure the car is ready customer request and carry out a

Washing when promised. Inform and take quality control inspection to ensure all
Technician Supervisor approval for any additional repairs and work is completed, including cleanliness

subsequent changes in timing or costs. of the car.

People involved: People involved:
Other Support Staff

09 Vehicle Delivery 10 Feedback (Follow up)
Service When the customer arrives to collect the Contact the customer within five (5)
Manager car, explain the work done and invoice. working days after the repair to ensure
Show replaced parts and answer their everything is satisfactory.
questions fully.
Security Guard Receptionist Office Boy
People involved: People involved:

1 Making & Managing


01A.1 Dealer Objective

Work planning & scheduling Optimum capacity utilisation Positive first impression
Availability of specialist Manage inflow so as to have Appointment booking is first step
technicians, shop floor work optimum utilisation across of service process and sets the
planning and parts availability & weekdays & weekends tone for the service to come
Prioritize critical & repeat repair Customer retention
customers Retain customer by reminding on
Allocation of resources to high timely basis for their periodic
priority customers to convert maintenance service
concerns, if any, to delight

01A.2 Customer Expectations

Ease of contact Ease of getting appointment Service Due Reminder call

Dealer contact details are easily Booking appointment on desired Customers are reminded of

accessible on Google, website, date & time is easy through upcoming service due
app and published at the phone call, website or app

dealership premises
Recommendation & estimate Feel welcome and appreciated Least waiting time
Customers get advise on required Customer’s concerns are noted Dealership is ready with all

repairs and cost estimates for and communicated properly required parts, tools, etc. to
the same provide prompt service

1 Making & Managing


01A.1 Dealer Objective

Work planning & scheduling Optimum capacity utilisation Positive first impression
Availability of specialist Manage inflow so as to have Appointment booking is first step
technicians, shop floor work optimum utilisation across of service process and sets the
planning and parts availability & weekdays & weekends tone for the service to come
Prioritize critical & repeat repair Customer retention
customers Retain customer by reminding on
Allocation of resources to high timely basis for their periodic
priority customers to convert maintenance service
concerns, if any, to delight

01A.2 Customer Expectations

Ease of contact Ease of getting appointment Service Due Reminder call

Dealer contact details are easily Booking appointment on desired Customers are reminded of

accessible on Google, website, date & time is easy through upcoming service due
app and published at the phone call, website or app

dealership premises
Recommendation & estimate Feel welcome and appreciated Least waiting time
Customers get advise on required Customer’s concerns are noted Dealership is ready with all

repairs and cost estimates for and communicated properly required parts, tools, etc. to
the same provide prompt service

01A.3 Functional attributes 01A.5 Process Steps (Flow Chart + Steps)

Incoming (Phone / Online)
• An appointment is the beginning of the Service Process and introduction to Kia Service. It is an
opportunity to make a great first impression with customer and set the tone for the service to come
Incoming Appointment
• Capture voice of customer (concerns, requirements, etc.)
Greet customer with smile in
• Update customer information and gather information about customer's vehicle voice. Start with “Thank you for
• Offer additional services, such as, Express service, alignment & balancing Kia Link Customer Call calling ABC dealer”. Do not let
Website phone ring more than 3 times
• Offer a cost estimate basis nature of work
• Agree on appointment date and time
Call forwarded to
• Respond, without delay, to appointments booked by customer through email, website, App. CRM System CCE Confirms call is for concerned department
Acknowledge and confirm them on same day or next day (if received after working hours)
• Respond to incoming phone calls without delay
• Offer pick-up & drop or alternative means of transportation to drop the customer DMS
Always be polite in your tone.
Use active listening by para-
phrasing customer’s requests.

Never interrupt customer.
CCE calls customer
to confirm details for
appointment booking


Outgoing calls (Service reminder / Welcome call)

Incoming Appointment

Welcome Call : Welcome call, done Service Reminder Call : Service
after 15 days (N+15) from date of Reminder Call done 15 days
delivery of new vehicle (Sales) (N-15) prior to service due date
Service appointment through Kia Link mobile app

01A.4 Behavioural attributes Greet customer with smile in
Introduce to customer voice. Identify yourself &
> Workshop locations, facilities

& timings CCE calls customer : Greets speak clearly.
> 1st free inspection reminder customer - > CCE name, Dealer
Behavioural Value Action Plan > Kia Link customer app for name & Department
booking service appointment (i.e Service)
Transparency • Make sure you identify yourself and speak clearly.
• Accurately repeat back to customer what they have said

• Ensure that customer has understood everything Ask for suitable time to call
again and schedule follow-up call
Respect • Speak politely with a smile in the voice. Purpose of call & request accordingly. Also send SMS with link
• Ask for customer’s permission before proceeding with call. permission to for online appointment
• Try not to sound rushed and give sufficient time to each customer. Speak politely. Always
Dedication • When hanging up the phone, make sure the other person hangs up first. confirm if it is the right time N+15 days (15 days post service due)
to speak before proceeding.
• Answer the call promptly. Do not let phone ring more than 3 times. 1.3 if appointment not confirmed,
escalate to Service Manager

01A.3 Functional attributes 01A.5 Process Steps (Flow Chart + Steps)

Incoming (Phone / Online)
• An appointment is the beginning of the Service Process and introduction to Kia Service. It is an
opportunity to make a great first impression with customer and set the tone for the service to come
Incoming Appointment
• Capture voice of customer (concerns, requirements, etc.)
Greet customer with smile in
• Update customer information and gather information about customer's vehicle voice. Start with “Thank you for
• Offer additional services, such as, Express service, alignment & balancing Kia Link Customer Call calling ABC dealer”. Do not let
Website phone ring more than 3 times
• Offer a cost estimate basis nature of work
• Agree on appointment date and time
Call forwarded to
• Respond, without delay, to appointments booked by customer through email, website, App. CRM System CCE Confirms call is for concerned department
Acknowledge and confirm them on same day or next day (if received after working hours)
• Respond to incoming phone calls without delay
• Offer pick-up & drop or alternative means of transportation to drop the customer DMS
Always be polite in your tone.
Use active listening by para-
phrasing customer’s requests.

Never interrupt customer.
CCE calls customer
to confirm details for
appointment booking


Outgoing calls (Service reminder / Welcome call)

Incoming Appointment

Welcome Call : Welcome call, done Service Reminder Call : Service
after 15 days (N+15) from date of Reminder Call done 15 days
delivery of new vehicle (Sales) (N-15) prior to service due date
Service appointment through Kia Link mobile app

01A.4 Behavioural attributes Greet customer with smile in
Introduce to customer voice. Identify yourself &
> Workshop locations, facilities

& timings CCE calls customer : Greets speak clearly.
> 1st free inspection reminder customer - > CCE name, Dealer
Behavioural Value Action Plan > Kia Link customer app for name & Department
booking service appointment (i.e Service)
Transparency • Make sure you identify yourself and speak clearly.
• Accurately repeat back to customer what they have said

• Ensure that customer has understood everything Ask for suitable time to call
again and schedule follow-up call
Respect • Speak politely with a smile in the voice. Purpose of call & request accordingly. Also send SMS with link
• Ask for customer’s permission before proceeding with call. permission to for online appointment
• Try not to sound rushed and give sufficient time to each customer. Speak politely. Always
Dedication • When hanging up the phone, make sure the other person hangs up first. confirm if it is the right time N+15 days (15 days post service due)
to speak before proceeding.
• Answer the call promptly. Do not let phone ring more than 3 times. 1.3 if appointment not confirmed,
escalate to Service Manager

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