The Windsor Village Church Fa mily
At-Ho me Passover Haggadah 2019
Table of Contents
P A S S O V E R P R E P A R A TI O N G UI D E ...............................................................................................0 5
P A S S O V E R S H O P PI N G LI S T ........................................................................................................... 0 7
T H E P A S S O V E R S C RI P T .................................................................................................................. 1 0 Li g ht t h e C a n dl e. .................................................................................................................................1 0 E x pl ai n t h e S e d er Pl at e. ...................................................................................................................1 1 E x pl ai n t h e F o u r C u p s. .....................................................................................................................1 2 T H E F I R S T C U P ( K a d d i s h ) .................................................................................................1 3 T h e Fi r st H a n d W a s hi n g. .................................................................................................................1 4 Eatthe Parsley(Karpas)..................................................................................................................14 E x pl ai n t h e M at z a h. ...........................................................................................................................1 5 Hi d e t h e Afi k o m e n. ............................................................................................................................1 5 I nt r o d u c e t h e P a s s o v e r St o r y. .......................................................................................................1 6 P o u r T H E S E C O N D C U P ......................................................................................................1 6 Askthe Four Questions....................................................................................................................17 Tellthe Exodus Story ( Maggid)....................................................................................................17
R e m e m b e r t h e T e n Pl a g u e s. ............................................................................................1 9 D a y e n u! (It W o ul d H a v e B e e n E n o u g h!). ..................................................................................2 1 D ri n k T H E S E C O N D C U P ....................................................................................................2 2 T h e S e c o n d H a n d W a s hi n g. ............................................................................................................2 3 Eat theMatzah. ...................................................................................................................................24 Eatthe Bitter Herbs( Maror). .......................................................................................................24 E at t h e M at z a h S a n d wi c h. .............................................................................................................. 2 5 Dinneris Served! (Shulchan Orech)..........................................................................................25 Fi n d t h e Afi k o m e n. .............................................................................................................................2 5 THE THIRDCUP(Holy Co m munion/Lord's Supper)...............................................26 P o u r t h e C u p of Elij a h. ...................................................................................................................... 2 7 T H E F O U R T H C U P ................................................................................................................ 2 8
The Hallel. ...............................................................................................................................28 T h e Fi n al Bl e s si n g!. .............................................................................................................................2 9
P A S S O V E R C R O S S W O R D & C O L O RI N G P A G E ........................................................................... 3 0
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Passover Word Search Findthe Passover words.
Charoset S e d er
Pl a g u e s
Egypt La mb P a s s o v er M o s e s M at z a h
Haggadah P h ar o a h
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© Beverly Hernandez, http://ho m
My Passover Preparation Notes:
(If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Ki mberly Orr at
korr @ wvu m)
ThisPassover Haggadah(ha-GAH-dah)— the“telling”orinstructionbook— is meanttobeusedasa spiritual encourage ment and outreach tool. Celebrating an at-ho me Seder (SAY-der) is an opportunitytointroducefa mily andfriendstothe Biblicalfeaststhat were established by Godinthe BooksofExodusandLeviticus.AsChristians weareinvitedtonowcelebratethesesamefeasts throughthelens of our Savior,Jesus Christ, whois our Passover La mb(1 Corinthians 5:7).
As follo wers of Jesus, therefore, the Passover is celebrated as an inter weaving of the Biblical narrativethat recountstheliberation ofIsraelfro m Egyptian capt ivity and hu manity’s rede mption fro msinanddeaththroughJesus Christ.
IMPORTANTNOTE: Thiseditionhasbeenspecificallyeditedtobeusedasa “follow-along,”guide. You willsimplyfollowandimitate whateveryoneis d oi n g o n t h e li v e st r e a m i n o r d e r t o c o n d u ct y o u r S e d e r at h o m e. Y o u D O N O T need to assign readers at your ho me, ho wever you will need to designate a TABLELEADERto mirror whattheleadersdoonthelivestream.
The Passover Seder has t wo food co mponents. 1. The special/cere monial food s that represent variousaspectsofthePassoverstory. 2.Anactualholiday mealthat willbeservedabouthalfway throughthe evening. The menuforthis dinneris upto you. Makeitfestive! Makeitfun!
Thefollo winginstructions will help youto ge treadyforthe Passover Seder:
1. You willneedaSederplateorniceplatter. ASederplatecan,ofcourse,bepurchasedonline (you can also purchase a co mplete Seder kit--which includes a Seder plate --here:,thenaniceplatter withfive s mall bo wls or cups placed onitis sufficient. A Seder plate hasfive, s mall cup-likeindentions. T h e s p e ci al, c e r e m o ni al f o o d s a r e t o b e pl a c e d i n t h e s e i n d e nti o n s o n t h e S e d e r pl at e, o r i n t h e s mall cups on your platter.
You will need t wo candles andt wo candle holders.You are also encouragedto decorate
your dinnertable and ho mein a waythatinvites yourfa mily and gueststo enterintothe holidayflavorofPassover(e.g.,setthetable withyourbestdishes,getsomeflowers,usea t a bl e cl ot h, et c. ).
3. E a c h pl a c e s etti n g at y o u r di n n e r t a bl e s h o ul d h a v e f o u r s m all c u p s f o r d ri n ki n g g r a p e juice, afull-sized drink glassfor your regular dinner beverage, plates, cutlery, and a cloth
n a p ki n.
**Special Note: The Leader only will also need a 5th cup with whichto co m me morate the Cup of Elijah.
T h e s p e ci al f o o d s o n t h e S e d e r pl at e i n cl u d e:
ALambshankbone (Zeroah:“zeh-ROH-ah”)orslicedlamb-Theshankbonecanbeobtainedat t h e b ut c h e r’ s s h o p i n y o u r g r o c e r y st o r e. ( Pl e a s e r o a st t h e b o n e b ef o r e pl a ci n g o n y o u r S e d e r plate.) Ifla mbistheentrée meat forthecelebration dinner, slice a fe w
pieces and place on your Seder plate.
Karpas (“CAR-pahs”) -Parsley dipped insaltwater. Maror (“ mah-ROAR”) -Horseradish
Haroset (“ha-ROH-set”)–Amixture ofapples,grapejuice,cinnamon,andhoney.The recipeformaking theHaroset isfoundbelo w.
Matzah (“MAHTZ-ah”)–Aflat,cracker-likebreadthatdoesnotcontainyeast. Matzahcanbe purchased at the KBC Pop-Up Shop on Wednesdays and Weekends, in the kosher section of your local grocery store, or Belden’s Grocery ( 99 Braes wood Sq, Houston, TX 77096). The words“KosherforPassover” willbeprintedonthebox,and/oryou willseethe -Psymbolor these Hebre w words onthe box:
The matzah is placed in a special cloth holder with three sections called a Matzah Taschen (TAH-shin) ( means: bag/pocket in Yiddish). To make a Matzah Taschen take a large cloth napkin or dish to wel and fan-fold it three ti mes, thus creating three co mpart ments toholdonepieceof matzahineachcompartment.(Orusefoursmallernapkinstoseparateand cover each of the three pieces of matzah.) The Matzah Taschen for ms a unity of one, which signifies the Tri- Unity of God: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. During the Seder Meal,the“Leader”takesthe middlepieceof matzahandliftsitforeveryonetosee. He/ she then breaks the breadin t wo, uneven pieces, sy mbolizing the broken body of Christ. The larger piece should be placed backinthe middlefold ofthe Matzah Taschen andthe other, s maller piece, should be wrappedin aseparate cloth napkin and hidden for a later “resurrection” after dinner. This cloth-wrapped matzah is called the Afiko men (“dessert,” “ah-fee-KOH- min,” sy mbolizing the broken, buried, and risen body of our Lord.)
** Note: We do not addthe egg, astraditionallyindicated on a Seder plate, asthis ele ment
was addedlaterinthe evolution ofthe Haggadah andis not anintegral part ofthe meal .
Lambshankboneorslicedlamb(usuallyavailable@ localgrocerybutcherinthe Spring) Matzah 1 box per 3 people.(availablein your grocer’s kosher section or
B el d e n’ s G r o c e r y. )
(Makesuretogettheboxes marked“KosherforPassover.”)
Grapejuice(100 %juice.Welch’s ® ,Kede m ®,etc.; 32ozper 4 people,when using
smallcups)1 Mediumapple
Cinna mon
1Jar prepared horseradish(or grate your o wnfresh)
parsley Salt
Candy or s malltoyto give children afterthe Afiko men hunt.
( Make sure to have a prize for each child attendingthe Seder.)
Table Setting Ite ms:
1Sederplateorniceplate/platter with5small bo wls/cups 2 Candlesticks and holders. Matches orlighter
Passovertable decorations(optional, but nice!) 1 Tablecloth(optional)
4 Regular-sizedcloth dinner napkins OR onelargercloth napkin (see Matzah Taschen directions on page 6, above)
1 Medium-sizedbowlofclean water(@Leader’splace only) 1 Hand or dishto wel( @ Leader’s place only) 1Smallbowlofsalt water(@Leader’splace
only) 4 S mall cupsfor grapejuice
(The Leader may use 4larger or nicer glasses.
R e m e m b e r a l s o, t h e L e a d e r n e e d s a n e x t r a c u p a s t h e C u p o f E l i j a h, s e e p a g e 27.)
Dinnerware(plates,cutlery,napkins,drinkglasses,etc.,asneededforeach guest) 1 Red(oranothercolor) Napkinforhidingthe Afiko men( @Leader'splaceonly)
H a n d s a ni ti z e r ( o p ti o n al )
A d diti o n al i nstr ucti o ns:
GrapeJuice– ThegrapejuiceispouredandconsumedasdirectedintheHaggadah.Anybrandof100% grape juiceisacceptable. Ifyou are interestedinpurchasing kosher grape juiceyou can order an at- h o m e S e d e r k i t o r v i s i t t h e k o s h e r s e c t i o n o f y o u r l o c a l g r o c e r y s t o r e. ( K e d e m ® i s a c o m m o n k o s h e r juice.)Please place a sufficient a mount of grape juiceon or near your dinner table.At the“Leader’s” direction,eachsmallcupshouldbefilledtothebrim withthegrapejuice.Allowafewdropstorunover t h e b r i m. E a c h c u p s h o u l d n o t b e p o u r e d u n t i l t h e “ L e a d e r ” d i r e c t s y o u t o p o u r, n o r s h o u l d a n y j u i c e b e drunk untilthe “Leader” directs.Itis also probably a goodideato have extra grapejuicein case more i s n e e d e d.
Thela mb shank bone. (Zeroah) or slicedla mb, Karpas, Maror,lettuce, and Haroset should be on theSederplate.You mayusesmallcups(asseeninthephotoon10)toholdallfoods,butthelamb. Make surethatthereis enoughin each cupto serve a s mall portionto each Seder guest.
Recipeforthe Charoset Medium apple
1 / 4 t s p.
Cinna mon 4tbls. Grapejuice 1/2
t s p. H o n e y
Finelychop apples. Add cinna mon ,grapejuice and honeyto diced apples and mix well.The mixtureshouldbeslightlychunky .Notsoupy.
Enjoythis blessedti me withthe Lord, yourfa mily andfriends. Expect Godthe Father, Godthe S o n ( J e s u s C h r i s t ) a n d G o d t h e H o l y S p i r i t t o b e i n a t t e n d a n c e. G o d p r o m i s e s t o b e a t t h i s s p e c i a l partyif we will bethere. Thank Godfor His wonderful gift ofsalvationto us!
An Exa mple of a Leader's Place Setting
These are the basic ele ments for the leader: 1) a leader's copy of the Seder Haggadah ; 2) a special linen napkin (preferably a different color, so you don't mix it up with other napkins) to hold the
afiko men; 3) Matzah Taschen. Four napkins with 3 matzah placed in bet ween, or large folded cloth withthree co mpart mentsforthe matzot, here placed on a matzah plate or basket; 4) a cup of drinking water; 5) a bo wl of waterfortheceremonialhand washing;6)abowlofsalt water;7)anapkinortowel;8)acarafeof grapejuice; 9)theSeder plate; 10) whichincludesala mb shank bone, a s mall bo wl of Charoset, bitter herbs/horseradish,andparsley;11)fourglasses,oneforeachofthecups(asingle glasscanbeusedfour times,ifyouprefer);hereElijah'scupisslightlylarger;12)twocandlesticks with whitecandles;13)asmall
bo wl of grated horseradish (should be on Seder plate); 14) atable with a place setting (optional) for Elijah. Y o u c a n si m pl e h a v e a s p e ci al gl a s s f o r Elij a h t h at sit s n e a r t h e l e a d e r.
Exa mple of Participants' Place Settings
Exa mple of a Si mple Seder Plate
The Windsor Village Church Fa mily At -Ho me Haggadah
<Instru mental Music Throughout>
LEADER:<stand> Goodevening. Asyouareable,pleasestand. WelcometoourPassoverSeder!We gather heretonightbecauseGod hasinvitedushereandspreadouthistablebeforeus.The meal weareabout t o e n j o y c o n s i s t s o f s e v e r a l s p e c i a l f o o d s, p r a c t i c e s, a n d S c r i p t u r e r e a d i n g s t h a t r e m i n d u s o f t w o s i g n i f i c a n t events: 1. God’s deliverance ofthe people calledIsraelfro m Pharaoh and Egyptian bondage, and 2. God’s deliverance of all peoplefro mslaverytosin and death,throughJesus Christ, our Lord.
Let us open ourti metogether by giving praise and honorto Al mighty God. Please pray with me:
ALL:“BlessedareyouOLordourGod,Kingoftheuniverse whoisgoodanddoesgood!Amen.” LEADER:Thankyou. Pleasebeseated.
Lightingthe Seder Candles
LEADER:<stand> We begin ourcelebrationtonight by kindlingthelights of Passover.Itisthe sacredright ofthe wo mentolightthecandles. Re me mber,it was a wo man, Mary, who m Godchose tocarrytheLightofthe World,JesusChrist.
Now, wouldeachtablepleaseselecta“Table Mother.”Traditionally,theeldest womanisaskedto lightthe candles as a way of honoring her, but enlisting any adult wo man at yourtableisfine. ☺ ☺
“Table Mother,”Pleasestandandlightthetwocandlesonthetable,starting withthecandleonyour right.<PAUSEforlighting>Next, makeacircular motiontowardyourbodyandoverthecandles to welco meinthe war mth of God’slove andthelight ofJesus Christ,the Son andthe Holy Spirit! <”Jesusisthe Light” Song>
<All wo men pleasestand> “Table Mothers” &Leader Together:
“Bless-ed are You, O Lord our God, King ofthe Universe, who hassanctified us with His commandmentsandcommandedusthat wekindletheFestivallights.”“Bringlightintoour hearts and minds as we honor Your Son,Jesus,the Light ofthe World.”
L E A D E R : T h a n k y o u, pl e a s e b e s e at e d .
Displayingthe Seder Plate
LEADER:<Lift headtableSeder plate and pointtoeachfooditis described.>This platecontainsa varietyofsymbolicfoods whichrefertovariousaspectsofthePassoverstory.Itisnotonlyastory of physical deliverancefro m bondage, butit also re minds us of our spiritual deliverance. Every section ofthe Passover story co mbinesto paint a portrait of our rede mption.
There arethreefoods Godtells usinthe Torah — thefirstfive books ofthe Bible— that must be eaten onthis nightinordertohaveacomplete Seder. ThethreefoodsnecessaryforPassoverare:1. Matzah(“MAHTZ-ah”) theunleavenedbread;2.Maror, (“mah-ROAR”)thebitterherbs,andthe3.Zeroah(“zeh-ROH-ah”)orPassover La mb, represented by ala mb shank bone or slicedla mb onthe Seder plate.
The Matzah<liftapieceof matzah>isflatbread made withpureflourand waterandnoyeast.The matzah re minds usthatthe Hebre wsleft Egyptin a hurry and did not haveti mefortheir breadto rise. Its stripes andpiercingsalsoaresaidtosymbolizethecrucifiedbodyofJesus Christ.
The Morar <liftdish ofmaror> orhorseradish,representsthesting and bitterness of Egyptian bondage andthe pain ofJesus’ death.
ThePassoverLamb.SincethePassoverlambcouldonlybesacrificed whiletheTemplestoodin
J e r u s a l e m, t h a t s a c r i f i c e i s n o w r e m e m b e r e d b y p l a c i n g a r o a s t e d s h a n k b o n e ( t h e Z e r o a h ) o n t h e S e d e r plate. <lift shank bone or dish ofla mb> Jesus Christ’s death onthe cross beca me our once-and-for-all sacrificeforsin. Thereisnowno moreneedtosacrificeinnocentlambsintheTemple.
The otherfoods onthe Seder plate were added overti me, but are still ancient and were custo mary parts ofthe Passover meal. Thesefoods highlight otherfacets ofthe Egyptian deliverance story. Let me explain t h e m n o w.
The Karpas (“CAR-pahs”) <lift dish of parsley> or parsleyis dippedintosalt water, andsignifiesthe tearsofslavery.Thegreenalsosymbolizesthehopeandnewlife wehaveinJesus Christ.
TheCharoset(“ha-ROH-set”)<liftdishofCharoset>isasweet mixtureofchoppedapples,ground cinna mon, honey,and grapejuice. Itrepresents themortar theIsraelitesused tobuild theEgyptian cities.ItalsoremindsusofthehealingjoyofGod’s word;for,asitsaysinPsalm119,“HowsweetYour wordstasteto me;they ares weeterthan honey!”
LEADER:Tonight we willdrinkfromfourcups— twotimesbeforedinner,andtwiceafterdinner. Thesefour cups sy mbolize God’sfour acts of deliverance, as mentionedin Exodus 6:6 -7.
First, He has brought us out and set us apart( made us holy) for His good work.
Second, He has delivered us fro m our affliction brought on bylives bent do wn by pain,
disappoint ment,li mitations, andthe manyfrustrations oflife, and we needtotaketi meto re me mber and totellthisstory— God’s story--of deliverance and hope.
Third, with His mighty po wer, He has redee med us— bought us back— fro mtheslave master ofsin and hopelessness.
Andfourth, He hasindeed taken usto Hi mself, bound up our brokenness, healed us, andmade us a people under His na me! Hallelujah!
Let’stakealittletimetogivetheLordpraisefor His mightyactsamongusbyresponsivelyreading Psal m 146.
LEADER:PraisetheLORD!PraisetheLORD,O mysoul!
All : I will p r ai s e t h e LO R D a s l o n g a s I li v e; I will si n g p r ai s e s t o m y G o d all m y lif e l o n g.
LEADER:Donotputyourtrustinprinces,in mortals,inwhomthereisnohelp.
All: Whentheirbreathdeparts,theyreturntotheearth;onthatverydaytheirplans p e ri s h.
LEADER: Happy are those whose helpisthe God ofJacob, whose hopeisinthe LORD their God,
All: Who madeheavenandearth,thesea,andallthatisinthem; whokeepsfaith f o r e v e r;
LEADER: Whoexecutesjusticefortheoppressed; whogivesfoodtothehungry. All : T h e LO R D s et s t h e p ri s o n e r s f r e e!
LEADER:TheLORDopenstheeyesoftheblind.TheLORDliftsupthose whoareboweddown;TheLORDloves the righteous.
All:TheLORDwatchesoverthestrangers;heupholdstheorphanandthe widow,but the way ofthe wicked he bringstoruin.
A L L : T h e LO R D will r ei g n f o r e v e r, y o u r G o d, O Zi o n, f o r all g e n e r ati o n s. P r ai s e t h e L O R D !
The First Cup
LEADER:<leaderpleasestandandfillthefirstcuponyourright withgrapejuice.> Pleasepourthegrapejuiceintoyourfirstcup,beginning withthecupclosesttoyourrighthand. We
willfilltheglassesfromrighttoleftthroughouttheevening.Onceyouhavefilledthecup, DONOT DRINKIT. Next,passthejuicetothepersononyourleft,untileveryonehas,inturn,filledhisor her first cups.<Pauseto allo wfor cupsto be filled aroundthetable.>
<liftupthecup>ThisfirstcupiscalledtheCupofSanctification,representingourbeingset apart for God’s good work and purposes. Re me mber ho w God set apart His peoplein Egypt. Mosessaid, "Therefore,saytothepeopleofIsrael:'IamtheLORD.I willfreeyoufromyour oppressionand willrescueyoufromyourslaveryinEgypt.I willredeemyou withapowerful
ar m and with great acts ofjudg ment ....”(Exodus 6:6, NLT)
<lowercup>ThisideaofbeingsetapartisreiteratedintheNewTestament whentheApostlePaul says,“Ican’thelpbuttothankGodforyou,dearbrothersandsisters,who arelovedbytheLord!
We are al waysthankfulto Godfor choosing usto be a mongthefirstto experience salvation ;a salvation that ca methroughthe Holy Spirit who makes us holy. He called usto salvation when we heardthe GoodNews;nowweshareinthegloryofourLordJesusChrist!” (IIThessalonians2:13-14NLT).
Now,letusraiseupourfirstcupsandpray. <raisecup>
ALL: Bless-edareYou,OLordourGod,KingoftheUniverse, whocreatesthefruitof thevine.
Wethank you Godfor giving usthe gift of Festivalsforjoy and holidaysfor happiness, a mong t h e m t hi s d a y of P a s s o v e r, t h e f e sti v al of o u r li b e r ati o n, a d a y of s a c r e d a s s e m bl y r e c alli n g t h e Exodusfro m Egypt and ourfreedo min Christ Jesus.
Bless-edareYou,OLordourGod,Kingoftheuniverse, whohaskeptusinlife,sustainedus,and enabled ustoreachthisseason.
LEADER:Now, let'sLEANTOTHELEFT,asatraditionalsymboloffreedom,anddrinkthefirstcuptogether.
The First Washing of Hands
LEADER:Nowthat wehavedrunkthefirstcup,let'scontinue withthefirst washingofhands.
God co m manded Aaronto wash his hands andfeet before approachingthe altar ofthe Lord. We wash our handstonight, as we enterintothis holyti me, as a sy mbol of our d esiretolivelives of acceptable serviceto God, e mpo wered by His grace.
AfterI wash my hands,I will holdthe bo wl andto welforthe person on myleft, sothatthey may wash,thenthey willholdthebowlandtowelforthepersontotheirleft,andsoona roundthetable. <Pause and waitfor everyonetofinish washing hands>
<” Wash Hands” Song>
Eatingthe Karpas
LEADER:<holdupparsley>Nowit’stimetodiptheKarpasintothesalt waterandeatit. Thesalt water representsthetea rs shed duringthe ti me ofEgyptian slavery, andit also re minds us ofthetea rs Christ shed over His people as He enteredJerusale m, priorto His crucifixio n. Throughthe death and resurrectionofJesus wehavebeenofferednewlife.Thisnewlifeissymbolizedbythegreenparsley. BecauseofJesus,oursorrowhasbeenturnedintoshouts ofjoy,andour mourningintodancing.
Nowletussaya blessingoverthe Karpas.
All:Bless-edareYou,OLordourGod,KingoftheUniverse, whocreatesthefruitoftheearth.
LEADER:Pleasediptheparsleyintothebowlofsalt waterandeat;thenpassthebowlandtheparsleytothe next person on yourleft. < waitfor allto partake>
<”Jesus Wept”song>
Three Pieces of Matzah
LEADER:<holdupapieceof matzah.>Jesussaid,“Iamthebreadoflife”(John6:35),andagainhesaid, “be ware oftheleavening ofthe Pharisees” ( Matthe w 16:6). Inthis pure and si mple bread, we are
r e mi n d e d t o f oll o w J e s u s’ e x a m pl e of li vi n g a n u n c o m pli c at e d lif e. H e c all s u s t o r e g ul a rl y
exa mine ourselves andtoinviteinthe healing presence ofthe Holy Spirit sothat we can be setfree fro m pride,fear, andthelustfor po wer,things, and destructive habits and appetites. <put matzah backinto the MatzahTaschen;Next,pickupthe MatzahTaschen(3piecesof matzah wrappedinnapkins-see:pg.6)>
The threepieces of matzah wrapped inthistri-foldnapkin are a way of visually representing theTri-Unity of God: Godthe Father, Godthe Son, and Godthe Holy Spirit. <lo werthe Matzah Taschen>
Hidingthe Afiko men
<Leader: Get readyto takethe middle piece of matzahout ofthe Matzah Taschen and breakitintot wo, unequal pieces.Youshould makeonepieceslightlylargerthantheother. WraptheLARGERpieceinaseparatecloth napkin(ideally, a differentcolor). This piece will be hidden and will beservedlater asthe Afiko men. Putthe s maller un wrapped piece of matzah back into the middle part of the Matzah Taschen, bet ween the top and botto m pieces of whole matzah.>
LEADER: Inowtakethismiddlepiece ofmatzah (representativeofGodtheSon— Jesus)andbreakit intotwounevenpieces,demonstratinghowChrist wasbrokenforoursins.I willthenwrap thislarger pieceinaclothnapkin,justasJesus was wrappedinlinenfor His burial.
<Lift up wrapped matzah.> Wecallthis breadinthecloth napkinthe Afiko men (ah-fee-KOH-min). AfikomenisaGreek word meaning“that whichcomesafter,”suchasthedessertaftera meal.
Now, Ineedallthechildrenathome(oraroundthetable)toclosetheireyes.Iamgoingtohidethe Afiko men; thissy mbolizes Jesus’body thatwas hidden ina to mbforthreedays and nights.
<Childrenclosetheireyes whiletheAfikomenishidden.Leader willhidetheAfikomensothatitcanbe found bythe children afterdinner.If you have several children participating, you may wantto hide afe w e xt r a pi e c e s, s o t h at e a c h c hil d h a s a n o p p o rt u nit y t o fi n d t h e Afi k o m e n. If y o u d o n't h a v e a n y c hil d r e n at home,everyonebuttheleadershouldclosetheireyes whiletheleaderhidestheAfikomensomewherein the roo m where you are havingthe Seder. Don't makeittoo difficulttofindlater.>
<I mprovise Children’s music>
Introducingthe Passover Story
LEADER:<stand>TheBibletellsusthat weshouldeatthePassover mealincommunityandthatas we celebrate, itshould make our children curious about thegrace and actions of God.
Exodus12:25-27says,“ WhenyouarriveinthelandtheLORDhaspromisedtogiveyou,you willcontinueto celebratethisfestival.Thenyourchildrenwillask,'Whatdoesallthismean? Whatisthisceremonyabout?' Andyou willreply,'ItisthecelebrationoftheLORD'sPassover,for Hepassedoverthehomesofthe Israelitesin Egypt. Andthough He killedthe Egyptians, Hespared ourfa milies and did not destroy us.’"
In a mo ment, our children will askfour veryi mportant questions, butfirstlet’sfill our second cup.
P o u ri n g t h e S e c o n d C u p <“Fill MyCupSong”>
LEADER:<stand>Sonowpleasefillupyoursecondcupbut DO NOTdrinkitatthistime. <Leaderfillssecondcup with grapejuice andthen PAUSESto allo w others aroundthetabletofilltheircups.>
< L e a d e r r a i s e s e c o n d c u p > T h i s c u p i s k n o w n a s t h e c u p o f i n s t r u c t i o n. I t i s p o u r e d b e f o r e t h e s t o r y o f thePassoveristoldanditstandsasasilent witnessamongusofGod’s mightyactsofgraceand salvation.<lo wer cup>
LEADER:Asyouareable, pleasestandandletusdeclarethetraditionalintroductiontothePassover Storytakenfro m Exodus 1:8-14:
ALL:“NowtherearoseanewPharaohoverEgypt, whodidnotknowJosephandallthathe had donefor Egyptinthe past.
MEN:AndthePharaohsaidtohispeople,"Behold,thepeopleofIsraelaretoo manyandtoo mightyfor us. Co me,let us deal shre wdly withthe m,lestthey multiply, and,if war breaks out,theyjoin our
ene mies andfight against us and escapefro mtheland."
WOMEN :Therefore,theysettaskmastersoverthemtoafflictthem withheavyburdens...Butthe more they wereoppressed,the morethey multipliedandbecamestrong.
ALL:SotheEgyptians wereafraidofthepeopleofIsraeland madetheirlivesbitter withhard work,in mortar and brick, andin all kinds oflaborinthefields. The Egyptians ruthlessly madethe mtheirslaves. ”
LEADER:Thankyou. Pleasebeseated.Thisintroductionsetsthestageforourchildrento
co me no w and ask us so me veryi mportant questions. Traditionallythe youngest child or children askthese questions. <Ifthe child(ren)istoo youngto read,then readthe questions andhavethechild(ren)repeatthe wordsofthequestions.If thechildisaninfant whocannot speak,orthere are no childrenin attendance, an adult should re adthe questions.>
The Four Questions
<children shouldstandto read>
C HIL D: Whyisthis night differentfro m all other nights? On allother nights we eat either bread or matzah; onthis night, why only matzah?
C HIL D:On all other nights we eat herbs or vegetables of any kind; onthis night why bitter herbs?
C HIL D:On all other nights we do not dip even once; onthis night why do we dipt wice?
CHILD:Onallothernights weeatour mealsinany manner;onthisnight whydo wesitaroundthe tabletogetherinareclining position?
Tellingthe Exodus Story
LEADER:<stand>Asyouareable, pleasestand,andlet’srespondtothequestionstogether:
ALL:We wereonceslavestoPharaohinEgypt,andGodinhisgracebroughtusout witha stronghandandanoutstretchedarm.Inthesame way,Jesus madea wayforallpeopleto e x p e ri e n c e f r e e d o m f r o m t h e sl a v e r y t o si n a n d d e at h.
The more wetalkaboutthe marvelous,rescuingactsofGod,the more Heisliftedup,the moreour livesarechangedandenrichedsothat wecanbealighttothe worldofGod’sgoodness,healing,and love. WecelebratethisPassover mealandparticipateinalloftheritesandritualsbecausethey
re mind us that we arefreeindeedthrough ChristJesus our Lord! A men!
LEADER:You maybeseated.
Nowletushearthestory thatbeganintheBookofExodusandwas fulfilledinJesusChrist,ourPassoverLamb. < l e a d e r i s s e a t e d. >
READER #1:Thisisthestory ofIsrael’sreleasefro m bondage,foundin Exodus Chapter 12: NowtheLORDgave MosesandAaroninstructionsonhowtocelebrateandremembertheir deliverance, w hil e still i n E g y pt,
READER#2:“This monthistobethefirst monthoftheyearforyou. Addressthe whole communityof Israel;tellthe mthat onthetenth ofthis month each manistotake ala mbfor hisfa mily, onela mbto a house.Ifthefa milyistoo s mallfor ala mb,then shareit with a close neighbor, depending onthe nu mber of personsinvolved. Be mindful of ho w much each person will eat. Yourla mb must be a healthy male, one year old; you can select itfro m eitherthesheep or the goats. Keepit penned untilthefourteenth day ofthis monthandthenslaughterit— theentirecommunityofIsrael willdothis— atdusk.”
R E A D E R # 3 : “ T h e n t a k e s o m e of t h e bl o o d a n d s m e a r it o n t h e t w o d o o r p o st s a n d t h e li nt el of t h e h o u s e s i n whichyou willeatit.Youaretoeatthe meat,roastedin thefire,thatnight,along withbread, madewithout yeast, and bitter herbs. Don't eat any of it ra w or boiled in water; make sure it'sroasted; the whole
ani mal:head,legs,and innards.Don' tleave any ofituntilmorning; ifthere are anyleftovers, burnthe minthe fire.
READER#4:Andhereishowyouaretoeatit: Befullydressed withyoursandalsonyourfeetand your walkingstickinyourhand. Eatinahurry!It'sthePassovertoGod. TheLORDsaid,“I willgo throughtheland of Egypt onthis night and strike do wn everyfirstbornintheland of Egypt, whether hu man or ani mal, and bringjudg ment on allthe gods of Egypt.I a m God.
READER#1:Theblood willserveasasignonthehouses whereyoulive. WhenIseethebloodI will passoveryou— nodisaster willtouchyou whenIstrikethelandofEgypt. This willbe a memorialday for you; you will celebrateit as afestivalto God do wnthroughthe generations, afixedfestival celebrationto be observed al ways.
READER#2:You willeat[unleavened]breadforsevendays. Onthefirstdaygetridofallyeastfrom yourhouses;anyone whoeatsanything withyeastfromthefirstdaytotheseventhday willbecutoff fromIsrael. Thefirstandtheseventhdaysaresetasideasholy;dono workonthosedays. Onlydo what isabsolutelynecessaryforyoutoprepareyour meals,andnothingmore.
READER#3:KeeptheFestivalof[Unleavened]Bread!This markstheexactdayIbroughtyououtin forcefro mtheland of Egypt. Honorthe day do wnthrough your generations, afixedfestivalto be observed al ways.Inthefirst month, beginning onthefourteenth day at evening untilthe tw enty-firstday atevening,youaretoeat[unleavened]bread.Forthoseseven days,notatraceofyeastistobefoundin your houses. Anyone, whether a visitor or a native oftheland, who eats anything withleavening shall be cut offfro mthe co m munity of Israel. Don't eat anything withleavening. Only matzah."
READER#4:Moses assembledalltheeldersofIsrael.Hesaid,
READER#5/"Moses": "SelectalambforyourfamiliesandslaughterthePassoverlamb. Takea bunch of hyssop and dipitinthe bo wl of blood and s mearit onthelintel and onthet wo doorposts. No oneistoleavethe house until morning. God will passthroughtostrike Egypt do wn. When Heseesthe blood onthelintel andthet wo doorposts, God will pass overthe door way; He won'tletthe destroyer enteryourhousetostrikeyoudown withruin."Keepthis word.It'sthelawforyouandyourchildren, forever. When you entertheland which God will give you as He pro mised, keep doing this. And
when your children say to you, ' Whyare we doingthis?'tellthe m:'It'sthe Passover sacrificeto God who passed overthe ho mes oftheIsraelitesin Egypt when He hit Egypt with death butrescued us.'"
READER#1:Thepeoplebowedand worshiped. <”VoiceoftheBlood”Song>
READER#2:TheIsraelitesthen wentanddid whatGodhadcommanded MosesandAaron.Theydid it all. At midnight, God struck everyfirstbornintheland of Egypt,fro m the first-born of Pharaoh, whosits on histhrone,right do wntothe firstborn ofthe prisonerlocked upinjail, alsothefirstborn ofthe ani mals.
READER#3:Pharaohgotupthatnight,heandallhisservantsandeveryoneelsein Egypt— what wild wailing and la mentthere wasinEgypt! There wasn't a house inwhich so meone wasn't dead. Pharaohcalledin MosesandAaronthatverynightandsaid,
READER#6/"Pharaoh":"Getoutofhereandbedone withyou— youandyourIsraelites!Go worship God on your o wnter ms. And yes,take your sheep and cattle as you'veinsisted, but go. And bless me!"
<”Let My People Go” Song>
LEADER:<stand>Andnow,letusrememberthe10plagues whichtheLORDusedtoopenthefistof Pharaoh,sothathe wouldletthePeopleofIsraelgo! AsIcalloutthenameofeachplague,pleaserepeat thenameafter me. Next,dipyourlittlefingerintothejuiceofthesecondcupandthenputadropofjuice on a plate after each plagueis na med. This action sy mbolizesthelessening ofjoy andlifethat was
re moved bythe plagues.
<re move drop and place on plate, repeat after each subsequent plague. Waitfor peopletorepeat.>
Blood!... Frogs!... Lice!... FlyingInsects!... Cattle Disease!... Boils! ... Hail! ... Locusts! ... Darkness! ... Slaying ofthe Firstborn!
Now,let’scontinueourstory... <Leaderisseated>
READER#6:TheEgyptianscouldn't waittogetridofthem;theypushedthemtohurry up,saying,
ALL (The Egyptians):" We're all as good as dead!"
READER#6:Thepeoplegrabbedtheirbreaddoughbeforeithadrisen,bundledtheirbread bowlsin t h ei r cl o a k s a n d t h r e w t h e m o v e r t h ei r s h o ul d e r s.
READER#1:TheIsraeliteshadalreadydone what Moseshadtoldthem;theyhadaskedtheEgyptians f o r sil v e r a n d g ol d t hi n g s a n d cl ot hi n g. G o d s a w t o it t h at t h e E g y pti a n s li k e d t h e p e o pl e a n d s o r e a dil y gavethe m whatthey askedfor. Oh yes! They pickedthe Egyptians clean!
R E A D E R # 2 : T h e I s r a elit e s h a d li v e d i n E g y pt 4 3 0 y e a r s. At t h e e n d of t h e 4 3 0 y e a r s, t o t h e v e r y d a y, GodrescuedtheHebrews fromEgypt. Alltogetherabout600,000peopleandanimalsleftEgyptfor f r e e d o m a n d a n e w lif e.
READER#3:GodledthepeopletotheedgeoftheRedSeaandhadthemcampthere,andhekeptwatch all night overthe m, as well,to keepthe m safe.
READER#6:Godsaidto MosesandAaron,"ThesearetherulesforthePassover:Noforeignersaretoeat iAt.ny sl ave,if he's paidfor and circu mcised, can eatit; but no casual visitor or hired hand can eatit.
READER#2:ButthanksbetoGod,asbelieversinJesusChrist wehavebeen“graftedinto” thePeople calledIsrael.BecauseofJesus, wearenolongerslavestosinanddeath; wearenolonger"foreigners," but we arefree me mbers ofthe household of faith!
READER#3:Eatitinonehouse— don'ttakethe meatoutsidethehouse.Don'tbreakanyofthebones.The whole co m munity ofIsraelisto beincludedinthe meal.
READER#4:AlltheIsraelitesdidexactlyasGodcommanded MosesandAaron. Thatveryday,God broughttheIsraelites out oftheland of Egypt,tribe by tribe.
LEADER: <stand>Now,let’shearfromtheNewCovenant whatGodsaysabouthowHeisrescuing hu manitythroughJesus Christ, our Passover. <be seated>
READER#5:FromRomansChapter3 weheartheseHolySpirit-inspired wordsfromtheApostlePaul,“Our involve ment with God'sfirstrevelation[the Torah] didn't put usright withGod. What[the Torah] doesisforce us tofaceoursinandthesinofall.[TheTorah]showsushowblind wetrulyare. Butnow,inourtime,something
ne w has been added. What Moses andthe prophets witnessedto allthose years, has happened!
READER#2:TheGod-setting-things-rightthat wereadabout[intheHebrewScriptures]hasbecomeJesus-setting- things-rightfor us. And not onlyfor us, butfor everyone who believesin Hi m. Forthereis no difference bet ween us andtheminthis.Since we'vecompiledthislongandsorryrecordassinners(bothusandthem)andprovedthat we are utterlyincapable oflivingthe gloriouslives God willsfor us, God didthisfor us!
READER#3:Outofsheergenerosity,Heputusinrightstanding withHimself. Apuregift.Hegotusoutof themess we're inand restored us towhere He al ways wanted us tobe. And He did itby themeans of JesusChrist.
READER#4:GodsacrificedJesusonthealtarofthe worldtoclearthe worldofsin.
READER#5:Havingfaithin Himsetsusintheclear!
READER#2:Goddecidedonthiscourseofactioninfullviewofthepublic— tosetthe worldintheclear withHimself throughthe sacrifice ofJesus,finallytaking care ofthe sins He had so patiently endured. Thisis not only clear, butit is now— thisiscurrenthistory!
READER#3:BecauseofChrist weareGod’s masterpiece.HehascreatedusnewinChristJesusso wecandothegood things He plannedfor us.
READER#6:WeusetoliveapartfromChrist. We wereexcludedfromcitizenshipamongthepeopleofIsrael and wedid not kno wthe covenant pro mise God had madetothe m. Welivedinthe world without God and without hope. But no w we are united with ChristJesus. We were far a wayfro m God, butno w we are brought nearto Hi mthroughthe blood of Christ.
READER#4:Wearenolongerstrangersandforeigners. Wearecitizensalong withallofGod’sholypeople. Weare me mbers of God’sfa mily.
READER#6:WearetherighteousnessofGodinChrist. HehasreconciledustoHimselfthroughthedeathof JesusChrist in his physical body. He has brought usinto His o wn presence, and we are holy, bla meless and stand before Hi m without a si n gl e f a ult.
READER#1:Godsetsthingsright!Healso makesitpossibleforustoliveinHisrightness.”
All: A men! Hallel-Yah!
(Theabovere-tellinghasbeenadaptedfromDr.EugenePetertons’sThe Message®(MSG)paraphraseoftheBible+theNLT)
LEADER: <stand> As weconcludethetelling ofPassoverstory,letusremember withjoythemighty,saving actionsof God!
First, we willrefill oursecondcup ofjuicetothe bri m,replacingtheten drops ofjuice with ne wjuice. In doingthis, wecelebrateGodrestoringourjoythroughthegivingofnew wine,inJesusChrist.
< P a u s e t o r efil l c u p s >
Asyouareable,pleasestand.Now we willtaketimetopraiseGodforHiscontinuingactsofrestoration a m o n g u s. Pl e a s e r e p e at aft e r m e : D a y e n u ( di e-A Y - n e w)...
ThisHebrew word,Dayenumeans,“itwouldhavebeenenough!”
What follo wsispart of a traditionalexpression of thanksgivingand Praise toGod for Hisgoodness and provision. Theleader will make a praise declaration, after which we will all shout, “ Dayenu!”
<” D a y e n u” S o n g >
LEADER:IfGod would'vejusttakenusoutofEgyptandnotexecutedjudgmentuponourcaptors, Itwould've been enough!
All: Dayenu!
LEADER:IfHe would'veexecutedjudgmentuponourcaptorsandnotupontheiridols, It would've been enough!
All: Dayenu!
LEADER:If He would'vejudgedtheEgyptianidols,andnotgivenustheir wealth, It would've been enough!
All: Dayenu!
LEADER:If He would'vegivenustheir wealth,andnotsplittheseaforus, It would've been enough!
All: Dayenu!
LEADER:If He would'vesplittheseaforus,andnotletusthroughondryland, It would've been enough!
All: Dayenu!
LEADER:IfYou,OLORD,hadonlyprovidedtheprophetsto warnusaboutthestainofsinandnotgivenus Johnthe Baptisttoclearthe wayforthe Messiah,
It would have been enough! ALL: Dayenu!
Leader:If You, Father, had only given us Your Son, our Saviorthat was willingto diein our place andfor oursins,andnotraisedHimfromthedead,thusprovingheisthe Messiah,
It would have been enough! A L L : D a y e n u!
Leader:IfYouhadonlyraisedJesusfromthedead,thusprovingheisthe Messiah,andnotseatedHimat Your right hand everto bear witnessto His once -for-all sacrifice,
It would have been enough! ALL: Dayenu!
Leader:IfYouhadonlyseatedtheRisenChristatYourrighthandtoeverbear witnessandnotgivenusthe Holy Spirit,
Itwould have been enough! ALL: Dayenu!
<everyone atthetable adlib your o wn praise declarations> <” D a y e n u” S o n g >
LEADER:ButthanksbetoGod,Hehasgivenusallofthesethingsand more! WeblessandpraiseYou,Lord Jesus Christ, Bread of Heaven, wholives and reigns with You, Al mighty Father andthe Holy Spirit, One God no w andforever more! A men!
ALL: Dayenu!
<” Dayenu” Song> Drinkingthe Second Cup
L E A D E R : Pl e a s e r e m ai n st a n di n g f o r t h e d ri n ki n g of t h e S e c o n d Cup
LEADER:<liftcup>Andfinally, wecometothe moment when wedrinkthesecondcup,theCupof InstructionandDeliverancewhich hasstood witnessaswe’verecounted thestoryofGod’sredemption. Nowpleaseliftyourcupandhelp mesaytheblessing:
All: Bless-edareYou,OLordourGod,KingoftheUniverse,whocreatesthefruitofthevine.
L E A D E R : L et u s n o w l e a n t o t h e l eft i nt o t h e f r e e d o m of C h ri st a n d d ri n k t h e s e c o n d c u p! Please beseated.
<Pause and waitfor allto wash hands>
Second Hand Washing
Leader:<stand>WecometothetimeintheSeder when,intheGospelofJohn, weseeJesusasaservant - leader bendingto washthefeet of His disciples. This wastraditionallythe pointinthe Seder meal when handsare washedasecondtimeinpreparationforeatingthe matzahandthebitterherbs.
Pleasejoin meinthe blessingforthe washing of hands.
All: Bless-ed are You, O Lord our God, King ofthe Universe, who has sanctified us by Your Word andhascommandedusconcerningthe washingofhands.
M A R K :Please pass a basin of water and handto wel aroundthetableto your neighbor on yourleft, as you did previously; each personservingthe other.
<”Wash Me,Lord ”Song>
Eatingthe Matzah
LEADER:<stand><liftup MatzahTaschen>Now we willeatthe matzah— thebreadofaffliction--in solidarity with all thoseevery where who suffer under oppression; A N D we eatthe matzah asthe bread of freedo m,just asthe People ofIsrael ateit whentheyfledthe Egyptians. Further, we eatthis unleavened breadasareminderthatJesus,theMan whoknewnosin,isourbreadoflife.
<take outtop Matzah and hold up> Next, pleasetake outthetop Matzahfro mthe Matzah Taschen (or basket) and break off a piece ;andthen passit aroundthetable until everyone has received a piece of matzah.Please wait fortheblessingbeforeeatingit.<lower MatzahandPAUSEto waitforeveryoneto break off matzah>
No wlet us blessthe matzah before we eatit:
ALL:Bless-edare You, O Lordour God, Kingofthe Universe, whohassanctifiedus with Your commands andhascommandedustoeat matzah.
LEADER:Now...everyoneeatyour matzah!<Pauseforalltoeat> < ” B r e a d of Lif e ” S o n g >
Eatingthe Bitter Herbs
LEADER:<standandlift maror> Next, wehaveanotherreminderofthestingofoppressiontoexperience together:theeatingofbitterherbsor Maror(mah-ROAR).<lowerdish>
Tonight, we will eat horseradish on a ne w piece of matzah. Please passthe Matzah Taschen around again. Thistime,takeanotherpieceoffromthetoporbottom matzah--DONOTEATTHE MIDDLE MATZAH--then, pass aroundthe dish of horseradish. Please dip your matzahintothe horseradish, getting enoughto coverthe topofyour matzah.Thenwait forustosayourblessingtogetherbeforeeating.Ifyourunlowon matzah, then pleasefeelfreeto use extrafro m a spare box of matzah you should have handy.
<Pausefor allto be served>
<li ft m a r o r > T hi s d i s h o f bitt e r h e r b s w a s t h e o ne o f w hi c h J e su s s p o k e w h e n H e i n di c at ed J u d as a s Hi s betrayer. An d He said,“He wh o dipped hishand with M e inthe bo wlisthe one w ho w illbetray Me.” (Matthew 26:23NAS)Tonight,werememberthat,asRomans3:23says,“Wehaveallsinnedand fallenshortofthegloryofGod.”ItisthegraceandforgivenessGodmanifest sinourLordJesusChristthat cancelsoutthebitternessofoursinandmakesnew lifepossibleforallofus.
No w, Let us say the blessingover thebitter herbs:
ALL:Bless-ed are You, O Lord our God, King of theUniverse, who has sanctified us with His co m mand ments and has co m manded us toeat bitter herbs.
L E A D E R : E v e r y o n e e at y o u r bitt e r h e r b s!
Eatingthe MatzahSandwich
LEADER:<stand and hold up Charoset>
Next we will makeasandwichof matzah,bitterherbs,andCharoset [ha-RO W-set].
Re me mberthe Charosetis a s weet mixture of apples, cinna mon, honey andjuicethat sy mbolizesthe mortartheIsraelites usedto buildthesupplycities of Egypt, AND Charosetre minds us ofthes weet mercies of God. Co mbiningthe bitter withthe s weet re minds usthat God ispresentin both. That he is our E m manuel, God withus; whenlifeis bitter and wheniti s s weet. Helongsto bein genuine relationship with us, no matter what our external circu mstances may be.<lo wer Charoset>
<lift uptop & botto m matzah> No w, please break off T WO pieces of matzah fro meither thetop or
botto m matzah that’sleftinthe Matzah Taschen basket. Next, pass around thedish of horseradish A N D the dish ofCharoset [ha-RO W-set];THENmakeasandwichofbitterherbsandCharoset.Pu talittleofeach bet weenthe pieces of matzah.
Becausethematzah andherbshavealreadybeenblessed,youmay eatyoursandwichassoonasyoumake it.<leaderisseated. Pausefor allto partake>
LEADER:Nowit’stimenowtoserveourcelebrationdinner, makingsuretoleaveroomforone more piece of matzah atthe end! <Pray an exte mporaneous blessing formeal>
<Dinner Music>
AFTER DINNER: Finding and Eatingthe Afiko men
& Drinking the Third Cup ( H ol y C o m m u ni o n)
LEADER:<stand>Nowthatdinnerisdone,letusenterintoatime when we willexplorethedeeper meaning ofthe Afiko men that was hidden earlierinthe evening, andthe Third Cup,the Cup of Rede mption.
Now wheredidIhidetheAfikomen,the matzahI wrappedandhidearlier?Canthechildren(oryoungest person/peopleintheroom)pleaselookforitandbringitbackto meforaprize? <WhentheAfikomenis found havethechild/children bringittoyou. Givethe m as mall prize--candy,toy,etc--inexchangeforthewrapped Afikomen.><Pause...waitforchildrentofindit><adlibkid’s music>
<hold up wrapped,found Afiko men>Re me mberthat after His crucifixion,Jesus was wrappedin a li n e n b u ri al cl ot h, hi d d e n f o r t h r e e d a y s i n a t o m b a n d b r o u g ht b a c k t o lif e b y t h e p o w e r of t h e S pi rit of God.Jesusis ourresurrected,living Savior!
This isalsothe piece of breadthatJesustook during his Seder meal ,as recordedinthe Gospels.Jesus voluntarilygaveHimselfupforthelifeandsalvationofthe world.HetookthisbreadinHis holy, unble mished,andi m mortal hands,looked upto heaven— to his Father--and gavethanks.
LEADER:Blessing,sanctifyingandbreakingit, Hesharedit withus andamong Hisholyand blessed DisciplesandApostles,saying,“Take,eat.Thisis Mybody whichisbrokenanddistributed foryouforthe forgivenessofsins.”(modifiedfromtheancientSt.JamesLiturgy,ca.60 AD)
Nowpleasetakethe wrapped Afikomenandlayitflatonyourpalm.Thensmashit withyourotherfist, makingsuretobreakitintoenoughpiecestoshare withallatthetable... <pausetobreak matzah>
Jesus was brokentofree usfro mthe darkinclinationthatlurks within us all,that dra ws usinto slavery with thewrongthings, people, and ideasthatwill eventually har m us, even ifthey appearlike an angel of light fora ti me.Jesusisour lifesource.He isour trueheavenly food.
No w please carefully openthe napkin andtake a piece of the broken matzahfor yourself,then passthe napkin around,askingeachpersonatthetabletotakeapiece. PleaseNOTTOEATthe matzahuntilinstructedto doso.<Pausefor alltoreceive>
Thisisthelast piece offood we will eattonight. The word Afiko men means“the dessert.” We areto allo wthe tasteofourLordJesustolingerinour mouths. AsPsalm34:8says,“OtasteandseethattheLordisgood!”
Now,Letussaytheblessingoverthe matzah:
ALL: Bless-ed are You, O Lord our God, King ofthe Universe, who hassanctified us by Your Word, andhascommandedusconcerningtheeatingof matzah.
L E A D E R : E v e r y o n e pl e a s e e at y o u r Afi k o m e n, t h e B r e a d of Lif e! <“ O Taste and See” Song>
Drinkingthe Third Cup
LEADER:Now,pleasefillupyourThirdCup withjuice. <fillleadercupandPauseforfillingofcups aroundthetable>
<lift cup> This cupis calledthe Cup of Rede mption.Ittraditionally sy mbolizedthe salvation ofthe people calledIsraelfromtheiroppression.DuringthetimeofJesus,thiscup wasdrunkinhopeofbeingsetfree fromRomanrule.ButJesusexpandedonthetraditional meaningofthethirdcup.Hesaidthatit symbolizedHisblood, whichisthecatalystfortrueinnerhumanfreedomandrectitude.Jesuscametofree usfro mthein-side out.
So, we seethat onthe nightin whichJesus was betrayed, after supper, Hetookthis cup,lifted up His eyesto heaven, and presenteditto God, His Father; He gavethanksforit and madeit holy and blessedit, by
s a yi n g —
All: Bless-ed are You, O Lord our God, King ofthe Universe, creator ofthefruit ofthe vine.
LEADER:Then,JesusgavethecuptoHisDisciplesandApostles,saying,"Drinkallofthis,forthisis Myblood ofthe ne w covenant shedfor you andfor many, and distributedforthe re mission of sins.” AndJesus continued,“Dothisinremembranceof Me;forasoftenasyoueatthisbread,anddrink thiscup,you demonstrateMy death,andconfessMy resurrection,untilIcomeagain.”
<“YourBlood wasEnough”Song>
LEADER:<liftcup>Nowletusliftourcupsandrespond together:
together ...
All: Wedobelieveandconfess.WedodemonstrateYourdeath,OLord,andconfessYour r e s u r r e cti o n u ntil y o u c o m e a g ai n i n gl o r y. A m e n.
LEADER:Pleaseleantoyourleftanddrinkthethirdcup,remembering whatJesushasdoneforus.
The Cup of Elijah
LEADER:<Leaderfills aspecial“fifth”cupset aside as“Elijah’scup.”Itshould be differentthanthe other f o u r c u p s u s e d d u ri n g t h e S e d e r p r o p e r. W e will N O T d ri n k t hi s c u p . >
We no w pour so mejuice into a special cup set asideforthe prophet Elijah. In Malachi 4:5, we aretold, "Look,IAmsendingyoutheprophetElijahbeforethegreatanddreadfuldayoftheLORD arrives.”(NLT)
Elijah’s ministry wasfulfilledinthe person ofJohnthe Baptist, whoforetoldthe co ming ofJesus,the Messiah.In Matthew11:10-15,Jesussays,“Johnisthe manto whomtheScripturesreferwhentheysay, 'Look,I a m sending my messenger ahead of you, and he will prepare your way before you.'Itell youthe truth, of all who have everlived, noneis greaterthanJohnthe Baptist. Yet eventheleast personinthe Kingdo m of Heavenis greaterthan heis!
Andfro mthat ti meJohn the Baptist began preaching until no w,the Kingdo m of Heaven has been forcefully advancing, and violent people are attackingit. For before John ca me, all theprophets andthe la w of Moseslookedfor wardtothis presentti me. Andif you are willingto accept whatI say, heis Elijah, theonetheprophetssaid wouldcome. Anyone withearstohearshouldlistenandunderstand!”(NLT)
<hold upthecup> Thisspecial“Elijah Cup”re minds usto joyfully anticipatethesecondco ming of Christ, rememberingtoalwaysbereadyfor Hisreturn.<lowercup>
LEADER:Nowplease leantotheleftanddrinkthefourthcup!
< Majestic Praise Music, adlib>
The Fourth Cup
LEADER:<stand>Now, wecometothedrinkingofthefourthandfinalcupoftonight’sSeder:theCupof PraiseandCelebration,knowninHebrewasHallel(ha-LEL).Thisisthecupover whichJesussaid,“Mark my words — I will not drinkthefruit ofthe vine again untilthe dayI drinkit ne w with youin my Father's Kingdo m"( Matthe w 26:29).
Jesusiswaiting todrink thiscup of praise with us at thegreat celebration thatwill takeplace at theend of history as we kno wit; when Godreigns supre me uponthe ne w earth andinthe ne w heaven.(Revelation 19:7-9)
Please,everyone,fillyourfourthcups!We drinkthiscupasapledgeofourdevotiontoJesusChristandin anticipationofHis eventualreturnandHis justandrighteousreignrightnowonearth.
<fill l e a d e r c u p a n d P a u s e t o all o w f o r all c u p s t o b e fill e d. >
<liftcup> Letusstand,liftourcupsandpraytogether:
All: Bless -ed are You, O Lord our God, King ofthe Universe who has broughtforththefruit ofthe vine
a n d h a s gi v e n u s Y o u r S o n i n t o k e n a n d pl e d g e of o u r s al v ati o n. J e s u s, o u r ri s e n a n d a s c e n d e d L o r d, sit s atYourrighthandeverprayingonourbehalf. WedocommitandrecommitourlivestoYou,OChrist, our spiritual brother, Holyfriend andlover of our souls! A men.
L E A D E R : A n d si n c e t hi s i s t h e C u p of H all el, l et u s p r ai s e t h e L o r d b y r e a di n g r e s p o n si v el y P s al m 1 1 8, o n e of t h e t r a diti o n al “ H all el S o n g s. "
READER#6:OLORD, wepraiseYou,forYouaregood!Yoursteadfastloveiseternal. ALL:Letthose whohaveawe-filledreverencefortheLorddeclare,“Yourloveiseternal.” READER#5:Indistress, weshallcallontheLord;fortheLORDanswersandbringsrelief. ALL:Openthegatesofvictoryforusand we mayenterthemandpraisetheLORD. READER#1:ThisisthegatewaytotheLORD— thevictoriousshallenterthroughit.
ALL: We praise You,for Youhave ans wered us, and have beco me our deliverance.
R E A D E R # 2 : T h e s t o n e t h a t t h e b u i l d e r s r e j e c t e d h a s n o w b e c o m e t h e c h i e f c o r n e r s t o n e. ALL:ThisistheLORD’sdoing;itis marvelousinoursight.
READER#3:ThisisthedaythattheLORDhas made— letusexultandrejoiceinit.
A L L : T h e L O R D d eli v e r u s! O L O R D, l et u s p r o s p e r!
READER#4: Mayall whoenterthepresenceoftheLORDbeblessedinHisname.
ALL: WedoblessYoufromthehouseoftheLORD.TheLORDisindeedGod.Hehasgiven u s li g ht;
READER#6:Bindnowthefeastofferingtothehornsoftheancientaltar withcords.
ALL:YouareourLORDand we willpraiseYou!YouareourLORDand we willextolyou! PraisetheLORDfor Heisgood. His steadfastloveiseternal! HALLELUJAH!
The Final Blessing L E A D E R : Pl e a s e r e m ai n st a n di n g f o r o u r fi n al bl e s si n g:
W e h a v e c o m e t o g et h e r t o ni g ht t o r e m e m b e r a n d t o p r ai s e, t o s h a r e i n G o d’ s st o r y of r e d e m pti o n a n d salvation. Butthe story does not end here. Itis our sacred privilegeto carrythe message ofthis story of hope andfreedo m outfro m ourtabletonighttothe people we meet every day. We have partaken ofthe fruit ofthe vine, ofthe produce ofthefield, and ofthejoy offello wship one with another. We prayfor God’s mercy upon us andfor His graceto heal,fortify and bless us.
The order ofthe Passover,this Seder,is no w co mpleted. We have been privilegedto prepareit, participateinit andto perfor mit. As we go,let us praytogether:
ALL: Holy One, our Lord, who d wells on high,thank youforthisti metogether. Send us outinjoyto serve our neighbor andtolove you more deeply.Inthe na me ofJesus Christ our Lord wholives and reigns with You andthe Holy Spirit, one God no w andforever more!
L E A D E R : L' s h a n a h a b a a h b' y e r u s h al a yi m.
ALL: Next year may we beprivileged tosharethis Passover mealtogether inthe Ne wJerusale m! A M E N!
L E A D E R : G o i n P e a c e! A M E N!
<”Goshen” Song>
Na me: D at e:
Passover Cross word Co mpletethe activity.
2. Sacrificed, blood s meared onthe doorpost of every J e wi s h h o u s e
6. Thefestive meal held onthefirst nights of Passover
8. Unleavened bread
9. Je wish holiday celebratingthe exodus oftheIsraelites fro mEgypt
10.Apple,nut,spiceand winemixture
1. Book withthe story ofthe Exodus and theritual ofthe S e d er
3. LedtheIsraelites out of Egypt
4. TenafflictionsonEgypt
5. Ancient Egyptian king
7. Ancient e mpire onthe Nile River andruled by a P h ar a o h
• Passover • Egypt
• Matzah
o Moses
o Plagues o Pharaoh
o Haggadah o Seder
• Charoset • Lamb
© Beverly Hernandez, http://ho m
B = Bl u e G= Green P = P ur pl e Y=Yello w
The Hidden Seder Plate
Windsor Village Church Fa mily
6011 W.Orem,Houston,TX77065;713-723-8187
Prayer Po wer Line: 713-721-4821 w w w.kingdo m
w w m/incite windsor w w m
Kirbyjon H. Cald well , Senior Pastor