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पाठ्यक्रम कार्यांवयन मार्गदर्शन 2077

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Published by jhalari7.rp, 2021-12-29 03:54:12

पाठ्यक्रम कार्यांवयन मार्गदर्शन 2077

पाठ्यक्रम कार्यांवयन मार्गदर्शन 2077

cfwf/e"t tx -sIff ^_ sf nflu
kf7\oj|md sfof{Gjog dfu{bz{g


g]kfn ;/sf/
lzIff, lj1fg tyf kl| jlw dGqfno

kf7o\ j|md ljsf; s]Gb|

;fgf]l7dL, eStk'/

ks| fzsM
g]kfn ;/sf/
lzIff, lj1fg tyf kl| jlw dGqfno
kf7o\ j|md ljsf; sG] b|
;fgf]l7dL, eStk'/

© kf7\ojm| d ljsf; sG] b|

o; ;fdu|Lsf] ;jfl{ wsf/ o; sG] bd| f ;'/lIft /xs] f] 5 . lnlvt :jLsl[ t ljgf o;sf] k"/} jf
cf+lzs efu xa' x' ks| fzg ug{, kl/jt{ g ug,{ sg' } ljB'tLo ;fwg jf cGo kl| jlwaf6 /]s8{ ug{
/ kl| tlnlk lgsfNg kfOg] 5}g .

k|yd ;+:s/0fM @)&&

dN" oM

el" dsf

kf7\oj|md cf}krfl/s lzIffk4ltsf] dfu{bzs{ b:tfjh] xf] . o;df ;dfh tyf /fi6s« } z}lIfs ckI] ff
/ l;sf?sf cfjZostfx¿ kl| tljlDat ePsf] xG' 5 . kf7\oj|mddf afnaflnsfdf s,] s:tf1fg,
l;k / clejl[ Q xfl;n u/fO{ s]s:tf ;Ifdtf kf| Kt u/fpg,] o;sf nflu s] s:tf ljifoj:t' 5gf6]
u/L ltgnfO{ s;/L ;ª\ul7t ug]{, afnaflnsfdf ck]lIft pknlAw xfl;n u/fpg s] s:tf l;sfO
lj|mofsnfk ;~rfng ug,]{ ckl] Ift pknlAw xfl;n eof] jf ePg egL s;/L kQf nufpg] eGg]
h:tfkIf ;dfjz] ePsf] x'G5 . oL ;a} kIfsf] jf:tljs sfofG{ jog sIffsf]7fdf xg' ] ePsf] x'Fbf
Pp6f bIf lzIfsdf cfkm"n] cWofkg u/fpg] ljifodf oL ;a} kIfsf] 1fg xg' k' b5{ . ljifout ¿kdf
log} kIfsf ;DaGwdf hfgsf/ u/fpbF } sIff ^ sf] kf7\oj|mdsf] ;kmn sfof{Gjogdf lzIfsx¿nfO{
;xof]u k¥' ofpg] p2Z] on] of] kf7\oj|md sfofG{ jog dfu{bzg{ sf] ljsf; ul/Psf] xf] .

sIff ^ sf clgjfo{ ljifox¿ -g]kfnL, cªu\ ]h| L, ul0ft, lj1fg tyf kl| jlw, ;fdflhs cWoog tyf
dfgjdN" o lzIff / :jf:Yo tyf zfl/l/s lzIffsf] ljifout kf7\ojm| d / kf7\o;fuL| sf] sfofG{ jogdf
o; dfu{bzg{ n] ;xof]u k¥' ofpg] ckI] ff ul/Psf] 5 . o; dfub{ zg{ df kf7o\ jm| d sfof{Gjog;Da4
ljljw kIfx¿sf] Jofjxfl/s ljZn]if0f u/L cfjZos ;r" gf k|bfg ul/Psfn] lzIfsn] cfkmg\ f] ljifo
lzIf0fsf nflu o;sf] cWoog ug{' ck]lIft 7flgPsf] 5 .

o; zl} Ifs jif{ @)&& df cfwf/et" tx -sIff ^–*_ sf] kf7o\ jm| d tyf kf7o\ ;fdu|L k/LIf0fsf]
r/0fdf /x]sf] xF'bf o;nfO{ cem kl/ist[ / pkof]uL agfpg ko| fu] stf{ lzIfsnufot ;a}sf]
/rgfTds ;e' mfjsf nflu kf7o\ jm| d ljsf; sG] b| xflb{s cg'/fw] ub{5 .

g]kfn ;/sf/
lzIff, lj1fg tyf k|ljlw dGqfno
kf7\ojm| d ljsf; sG] b|
;fgf]l7dL, eStk'/

ljifo ;r" L

s=| ;+= ljifo k[i7

!= kf7o\ j|md sfofG{ jog dfu{bz{gsf] kl/ro !

@= gk] fnL ljifosf] kf7o\ jm| d sfof{Gjog dfu{bzg{ @

#= English Curriculum Implementation Guideline !!

$= ul0ft ljifosf] kf7\ojm| d sfofG{ jog dfu{bz{g #^

%= lj1fg tyf k|ljlw ljifosf] kf7\ojm| d sfof{Gjog dfu{bz{g %)

^= ;fdflhs cWoog tyf dfgjd"No lzIff ljifosf] kf7o\ jm| d sfofG{ jog dfu{bz{g ^&

&= :jf:Yo tyf zf/Ll/s ljifosf] kf7o\ jm| d sfofG{ jog dfu{bzg{ *$

kf7o\ jm| d sfofG{ jog dfub{ zg{

!= kf7\oj|md sfofG{ jog dfu{bz{gsf] kl/ro

lzIffsf nIo / p2Z] o k"/f ugs{ f nflu tof/ u/s] f] zl} Ifs sfoj{ |md g} kf7\ojm| d xf] . of] Pp6f
p2Z] ok"0f{ lj|mofsnfk xf] h;n] ;du| lzIff k0| ffnLnfO{ lbzflgb]{z ug]{ ub{5 . t;y{ kf7\oj|mdsf]
ljsf;, kl/dfhg{ tyf cBfjlws lg/Gt/ eO/xg'kb5{ . ljZjdf eO/x]sf ljleGg cWoog / cg;' Gwfg,
1fgsf] bfo/f lj:tf/, lzIffsf ljleGg ;/f]sf/jfnfx¿sf] kd| fl0ft cg'ej / ;'emfj h:tf ljljw
kIfx¿ kf7o\ j|md kl/jt{gsf sf/s xg' . log} kIfx¿sf cnfjf kf7\ojm| dnfO{ ;fGble{s, ;do;fk]If,
hLjgf]kofu] L, k|ljlwd}qL / Jofaxfl/s agfpg kf7o\ jm| dnfO{ cBfjlws ul//xg' cfjZos 5 . o;}
u/L /fhgLlts, ;fdflhs tyf cflys{ Ifq] df cfPsf] kl/jt{g / kl/jlt{t ljZjsf] cfjZostfnfO{
bl[ i6ut ub}{ ljBfyL{x¿df ljsf; ug{k' g{] l;kx¿nfO{ ;dt] kf7o\ j|mdn] ;d]6g\ cfjZos x'G5 . log}
cfwf/ / cfjZostfnfO{ bl[ i6ut ub}{ ljBfno txsf nflu /fli6o« kf7o\ j|md kf| ¿k, @)&^ cg';f/
cfwf/et" txcGtu{t sIff ^–* sf nflu ;fwf/0f wf/tkm{sf] gofF kf7o\ j|md tof/ ul/Psf] 5 .

xfn kl/dflht{ u/L tof/ ul/Psf] cfwf/et" lzIff -sIff ^–*_ sf] ;fwf/0f wf/ tkms{ f] kf7o\ jm| dsf]
;+/rgf o; ks| f/ 5 M

jm| =;=+ ;fwf/0f kf7o\ 306f jflif{s sfo{306f

! g]kfnL % !^)

@ cª\uh|] L % !^)

# ul0ft % !^)

$ lj1fg tyf k|ljlw % !^)

% ;fdflhs cWoog tyf dfgj d"No lzIff % !^)

^ :jf:Yo tyf zf//Ll/s lzIff # (^

& dfte[ fiff tyf :yfgLo ljifo jf ;+:st[ efiff $ !@*

/fi6s« f] lzIff gLlt tyf /fli6«o kf7o\ j|md kf| ¿kn] dful{ gbz]{ u/]sf] lzIffsf] nIo tyf k|lj|mofcg¿' k
lzIff k4lt ;~rfngsf nflu kf7ojmdsf sfofGjgsf dxd"n cfwf/sf ¿kdf kf7\oj|md /xs] f]
x'G5 . ljBfno lzIffsf] kf7\oj|mdn] lglZrt sIff jf txsf] cWoog k/" f u/]kl5 ljBfyLx{ ¿n] xfl;n
ug]{ ;Ifdtf / tL ;Ifdtf xfl;n ug{sf nflu ljifout ¿kdf kf| Kt ug{k' g{] l;sfO pknlAw lgwf{/0f
ub{5 . kf7\oj|mdn] ck]lIft l;sfO pknlAw k|flKtsf nflu l;sfO ljlw tyf kl| j|mofsf] ko| f]u /
ljBfyL{df ckl] Ift l;sfO pknlAwx¿ k|flKtsf] ;'lglZrttfnfO{ dfu{bz{g ub{5 .

1 cfwf/e"t tx -sIff ^_ sf nflu kf7\oj|md sfof{Gjog dfu{bz{g, @)&&

o; kf7o\ j|md dfu{bzg{ df kf7o\ jm| dn] ;d6] s] f ;Ifdtf / ljifoj:t' tyf o;n] lglbi{ 6 u/]sf
l;4fGt / cfwf/nfO{ :kfi6 kfb}{ tL ljifox¿sf] ;xhLs/0fsf nflu lzIfsnfO{ dfu{bzg{ ug{]
;xhLs/0f / dN" ofªs\ gsf tl/sfx¿ ljifout ¿kdf pNn]v ul/Psf 5g\ M

@= gk] fnL ljifosf] kf7o\ j|md sfofG{ jog dfub{ z{g

@=!= gk] fnL ljifosf] kf7o\ jm| d

gk] fnsf] ;+ljwfgn] g]kfnL efiff g]kfnsf] ;femf ;Dks{ efiffsf ¿kdf ;dfj]z u/s] f] 5 . o;
efiffnfO{ g]kfnsf] ljBfno lzIffdf dfWod efiffsf ¿kdf ;dfj]z ul/Psf] 5 . xfdf| afnaflnsfnfO{
o; ;Dks{ efiffsf] af]w tyf cleJolSt l;k ljsf; u/fpg' cfjZos 5 . To;}n] ljBfnosf
x/s] txdf g]kfnL efiff clgjfo{ ljifosf ¿kdf k7gkf7g xg' ] Joj:yf 5 . o;sf nflu j|mlds
¿kdf ljlzi6Lst[ aGb} uPsf] efiff ljifos kf7\ojm| dsf] ljsf; ul/Psf] 5 . o;}cg;' f/ cl3Nnf]
txeGbf yk eflifs l;k, ks| fo{ / cleJolStsf] ljsf;sf nflu pko'St x'g] u/L sIff ^ sf] gk] fnL
ljifosf] kf7o\ jm| dsf] lgdf0{ f ul/Psf] 5 . o; kf7\ojm| ddf kl/jlt{t ;Gbe{ / eflifs l;kdn" s sfo{
;fdflhs dN" odfGotf cg'?k ;dl] 6Psf] 5 .

@=@= gk] fnL ljifosf] kf7o\ j|md / kf7\ok:' tssf] ljzi] ftf

kf7o\ jm| dsf ljzi] ftf

 eflifs l;kdf cfwfl/t ;}4flGts cfwf/nfO{ cjnDag u/L ljsf; ul/Psf]

 ljBfyLs{ f] eflifs l;k clejl[ 4sf lglDt ;'gfO tyf afn] fO, k9fO / n]vfO l;ksf
k|ofh] gk/s Ifq] df ljz]if hf8] lbOPsf]

 ljBfyLs{ f] ;'gfO tyf afn] fO l;k ljsf;sf nflu ;'gfO kZrft\ To;nfO{ lj:tf/
ug,{] ljifosf] n]vfhfv] f ug{], ko| f]u ug],{ ofh] gf agfpg], ;Gbea{ f]w ug{], ljZni] f0ffTds
k|ltljm| of lbg]nufotsf ljm| ofsnfksf] ckI] ff ul/Psf]

 k7gLo ;fduL| sf] afw] / nv] g cEof;sf ;fy;fy} g]kfnL efiffsf] eflifs ;+/rgfsf]
1fg lbFb} ljBfyL{nfO{ To;sf] k|of]udf s]lGbt| ug]{ Pjd\ zAbe08f/df ;dt] jl[ 4 u/L
;fdflhs eflifs k|sfo{df ltgLx¿nfO{ cledv' u/fpg vf]lhPsf]

 ;Gbz] dn" s, gLltdn" s, snf;+:sl[ tdn" s, ;"rgfd"ns vfnsf syfTds, sljtfTds,
ka| GwfTds÷lgaGwfTds, ;+jfbfTds Pjd\ ljrf/ ;Dk|]if0ffTds kf7x¿nfO{ ;dfj]z

kf7o\ k:' tssf ljzi] ftf
 eflifs l;k ljsf;sf nflu !^ cf6] f kf7x¿ /flvPsf]

cfwf/e"t tx -sIff ^_ sf nflu kf7\oj|md sfof{Gjog dfu{bz{g, @)&& 2

 kf7o\ k':tsdf rf/cf6] f syf, bO' cf]6f sljtf, Pp6f uLt, bO' cf]6f hLjgL, bO' 6f
ka| Gw, Pp6f lgaGw, Pp6f gf6s, Pp6f 3/fo;L lr7L, Pp6f lgjb] g, Pp6f jfbljjfb
;dfjz] ul/Psf]

 afndgf]lj1fgnfO{ Wofg lbO{ cled'vLs/0f ki[ 7, ;do / ;Gbe{ ;'xfpbF f kf7x¿,
kf7sf] ljifoIfq] cg';f/sf] kg' /fjl[ Q, ;g' fO / afn] fO l;k ljsf;sf nflu kz| :t
lj|mofsnfk /flvPsf]

 l;hg{ fTds tyf kl/of]hgfTds lj|mofsnfkdf hf8] lbOPsf]

@=#= ;xhLs/0f k|lj|mof / d"Nofªs\ g

l;sfO ;xhLs/0f
lgwfl{ /t ;Ifdtf / sIffut l;sfO pknlAw xfl;n ugs{ f nflu lzIfs / ljBfyLn{ ] ljifoj:td' f
cfwfl/t eO{ ug]{ ljm| ofsnfkdf l;sfO ;xhLs/0fnfO{ hf]8 lbgk' 5{ . eflifs l;k / ltgdf cfwfl/t
k|sfox{ ¿ efiff l;sfOsf dV' o cfwf/ dfgL efiff lzIf0fcGtut{ eflifs l;k, zAbe08f/ /
cleJolStsf] lzIf0f ug{ pTk|]l/t ug{k' 5{ . l;sfO ;xhLs/0f k|lj|mof ljBfyL{ s]lGbt| , JolStut
/ ;fdl" xs cEof;df cfwfl/t tyf ;fGbles{ / l;sfOsf lglDt ;xofu] L ljm| ofsnfkdf cfwfl/t
x'gk' 5{ .

g]kfnL ljifosf] lzIf0fdf lgDgfg';f/sf l;sfO ljm| ofsnfk u/fpg' cfjZos xG' 5 M

 ;g' fO / afn] fO l;k ljsf;sf nflu o;df dfl} vs cGt/lj|mof, wf/0ff lgdf0{ f /
k|:t'lt, ;g' fO / cleJolSt, ;g' fOsf] tYo, kl| tljm| of, ;~rf/, ;+:sl[ t, cg'el" t, 36gf,
sNkgf;uF sf] ;DaGw Pjd\ bl[ i6 lgdf0{ f;Da4 ljm| ofsnfkdf hf8] lbg]

 k7g / af]w, n]vg cEof;, zAbe08f/sf] 1fg tyf ko| f]u / sfo{dn" s Jofs/0fsf]
klxrfg / ko| fu] nfO{ eflifs lj|mofsnfkdf ;dfjz] ug{]

 ljBfyL{sf] JolStut leGgtf / l;sfO Ifdtfsf cfwf/df l;sfOnfO{ k|f]T;fxg ug{]
 ljBfyL{ s]lGbt| / afndq} L lzIf0f ljlw ckgfO{ lg/Gt/ l;sfOdf hf]8 ug{]
 ljBfyL{sf] ;xeflutfdf ofh] gf lgdf{0f, kl/ofh] gf sfo,{ If]q e|d0f, ;d:of ;dfwfg,

vf]hd"ns cWoog, kj| t{gdv' L lzIf0f k4ltnfO{ l;sfO ;xhLs/0f ljlwsf ¿kdf
sfof{Gjog ug{]
 k|of]ufTds kIfdf hf8] lbO{ l;Sg] cj;/ kb| fg ug]{
 k7gkf7gdf ;r" gf tyf ;~rf/ kl| jlwnfO{ pknAw ;fwg, ;f| t] / cfjZostfcg';f/

3 cfwf/e"t tx -sIff ^_ sf nflu kf7\oj|md sfof{Gjog dfu{bz{g, @)&&

pkof]u ug{]

 afnsl] Gb|t, l;sfOs]lGb|t, cge' jsl] Gb|t, p2Z] odn" s / ljljwtfdf cfwfl/t l;sfO
;xhLs/0f k|ljm| of ;~rfng ug]{

 lzIfsn] ;xhstf,{ pTk]/| s, kj| ws{ / vf]hstfs{ f ¿kdf e"ldsf lgjf{x ug{]

 l;sfO ;xhLs/0f ubf{ cfjZostfg';f/ låeflifs / ax'eflifs l;sfO ;xhLs/0fsf
lj|mofsnfk cjnDag ug]{

ljBfyL{ dN" ofª\sg

ljBfyL{ d"Nofª\sg ubf{ lgdf{0ffTds / lg0fo{ fTds k|lj|mof cjnDag ug{k' 5{ . lgdf{0ffTds
d"Nofª\sgnfO{ ljBfyLs{ f sdLsdhf/] L ;dod} kQf nufO{ l;sfOdf ;w' f/ Nofpg pkofu] ug{]
/0fgLltsf ;fy lgdf{0ffTds÷;w' f/fTds dN" ofªs\ g k4ltsf cfwf/df ljBfyLs{ f] l;sfO ;l' glZrtf
ug{k' 5{ .

lgdf{0ffTds dN" ofªs\ gdf sIffsfo{, ux[ sfo{, kl/of]hgf sfo{, ko| f]ufTds sfo{, Jofjxfl/s kl/jtg{ sf]
cjnfs] g, l;hg{ fTds sfo,{ sIff ;xeflutf / ;ljm| otf, lnlvt tyf df}lvs kZ| gf]Q/, ljBfyL{sf
sfos{ f] k|bzg{ , 36gfjQ[ clen]v, cfTdd"Nofª\sg, xflh/Lhjfkm, pknlAw k/LIff, ;xkf7L dN" ofªs\ g,
cleefjs ;Dks,{ kf]6{kmfl] nof,] cWoog ed| 0f, ljBt' Lo ;~rf/ dfWoddf kf| Kt ;fGble{s ;fduL| sf]
vfh] L / k|:tl' t h:tf ;fwgx¿sf] ko| fu] ugk{' 5{ . dN" ofªs\ gsf jm| ddf ;'gfO, afn] fO, k9fO,
nv] fO h:tf l;k tyf eflifs ;/+ rgf, zAbe08f/ / cleJolSt kIfsf] k/LIf0f ubf{ lgdf0{ ffTds
dN" ofªs\ gdf k|ofu] ul/g] ;fwgx¿af6 kf| Kt ;"rgfx¿nfO{ clenv] Ls/0f ug'{k5{ .

cfGtl/s dN" ofª\sg

sIff ^ df %) kl| tzt ef/sf] lgdf{0ffTds d"Nofª\sg ug{'k5{ . lgdf{0ffTds d"Nofªs\ gsf]
clenv] Ls/0f u/L k|Tos] ljBfyL{sf] sfo;{ ~rlosf Jojl:yt ug{k' 5{ . lgdf{0ffTds dN" ofª\sgsf
nflu lgDgfg';f/sf cfwf/ ckgfpgk' 5{ M

j|md;ª\Vof d"Nofª\sgsf If]q ef/ -kl| tztdf_
!= ;xeflutf !^
@= ;g' fO tyf af]nfO !)
#= k9fO

$= n]vfO

%= qd} fl;s k/LIff

cfwf/e"t tx -sIff ^_ sf nflu kf7\oj|md sfof{Gjog dfu{bz{g, @)&& 4

k|:tfljt dN" ofª\sg tl/sf tyf ;fwgdWo] pkoS' t tl/sf tyf ;fwg ko| fu] u/L ;xeflutfsf]
:t/, k|To]s dV' o l;sfO pknlAwdf ljBfyLs{ f] pknlAwsf] :t/ tyf k|ofu] fTds÷kl/of]hgf sfos{ f]
sfo;{ Dkfbg :t/nfO{ lgDgcg;' f/ dfkg ugk'{ g]{ 5 M

pknlAw:t/ dfkg :s]n pknlAw:t/sf] ;fdfGo JofVof

sdhf/] ! dV' o l;sfO pknlAw xfl;n ug{ g;ss] f], ;ah} ;f] l;sfO pknlAwsf

nflu ;'wf/fTds l;sfO cfjZos

;fdfGo @ sx] L dV' o l;sfO pknlAw xfl;n u/s] f,] ;'wf/fTds l;sfO cfjZos

/fdf| ] # clwsfz+ dV' o l;sfO pknlAw xfl;n u/]sf,] s]xL kIfdf ;'wf/fTds
pRr $
l;sfO cfjZos
dV' o l;sfO pknlAw xfl;n u/]sf]

pTsi[ 6 % dV' o l;sfO pknlAwdf dflyNnf] :t/sf] pknlAw xfl;n u/]sf]

ljBfyL{sf] sfo;{ Dkfbg tyf l;sfO:t/sf] cªs\

ljBfyL{sf] qd} fl;s k/LIffsf cfwf/df kf| Kt k|fKtfªs\ kfrF kfFr x'g] u/L hDdf bz k"0ff{ªs\ x'g] 5 .
o;nfO{ lgDgfg';f/ k:| t't ugk{' g]{ 5 M

jm| =;= ljBfyL{sf] ;xeflutf ;'gfO tyf k9fO nv] fO qd} fl;s k/LIff sn'
gfd -$_ afn] fO -!^_ -!)_ -!)_ klxnf] bf;] f| ] hDdf hDdf

-%_ -%_ -!)_


clGtd k/LIff

lg0f{ofTds dN" ofª\sgdf clGtd k/LIffsf] ef/ %) kl| tzt xg' ] 5 . kT| o]s k/LIffdf k|Zg ;f]Wbf
z}lIfs ;qsf] ;?' b]lv k9fO ePsf ;a} kf7x¿af6 ;dl] 6Psf] xg' k' g{] 5 . . o; ljifosf] k/LIffdf
ljz]if u//] 1fg / af]w, k|ofu] / pRr bIftfdf cfwfl/t xg' ] 5g\ . kf7o\ jm| dn] lgwf/{ 0f u/]sf
p2]Zocg'¿k ljBfyL{x¿n] 1fg, l;k, clej[lQ k|fKt u/] gu/s] f] d"Nofªs\ g u/L To;sf] cfwf/df
k|df0fLs/0f ul/g] 5 . clGtd k/LIffdf lgDgfg';f/sf] ef/ lgwf/{ 0f xg' ] u/L kZ| g kq lgdf{0f u/L
ljBfyL{ dN" ofª\sg ugk{' 5{ M

5 cfwf/e"t tx -sIff ^_ sf nflu kf7\oj|md sfof{Gjog dfu{bz{g, @)&&

-s_ eflifs l;k -k9fO / nv] fO_ dN" ofª\sg

jm| =;+= If]q -k9fO / n]vfO_ k/LIf0f ug]{ kIf cªs\ ef/
!= zAbe08f/ zAbfy{ / zAb klxrfg

zAbx¿sf] jfSodf ko| f]u @

@= j0f{ljGof; z4' Ls/0f #

#= eflifs ;+/rgf zAbju{ klxrfg @

ljelSt klxrfg @

kb;ªu\ lt @

sfn / kIf klxrfg #

$= afw] -b[i6f+z_ ljleGg ljwfsf uB ;fduL| $

%= lgb]l{ zt /rgf abF' fsf cfwf/df syf÷hLjgL nv] g $

^= Jofjxfl/s n]vg 3/fo;L lr7L÷lgjb] g $

&= kf7ut k|Zgf]Q/ j:tu' t k|ZgfQ] / -vfnL 7fpF eg{÷] l7sal] 7s 56' \ofpg_] @

clt ;ª\lIfKt k|Zgf]Q/ %

*= efjlj:tf/ sljtf, syf, hLjgL, ka| Gw÷lgaGw $

(= kf7ut afw] ;Gbed{ f cfwfl/t ;ªl\ IfKt pQ/fTds $

!) :jtGq n]vg lgaGw, ;j+ fb, cgR' 5b] /rgf %

hDdf %)

;du| glthf
ljBfyL{sf] clGtd k/LIffsf cfwf/df kf| Kt k|fKtfªs\ nfO{ lgDgfg;' f/ k|:tt' ugk'{ g{] 5 M

j|m=;= ljBfyLs{ f] gfd k|fKtfª\s hDdf

! cfGtl/s d"Nofªs\ g -%)_ afx\o d"Nofªs\ g -%)_

plNnlvt ;du| pknlAw kl| tztnfO{ lgDgcg';f/sf] cIf/fTds :t/df ljBfyL{sf] ;du| pknlAwsf]
k|ltjb] g tof/ ug'k{ g]{ 5 .

cfwf/e"t tx -sIff ^_ sf nflu kf7\oj|md sfof{Gjog dfu{bz{g, @)&& 6

@=$= gk] fnL ljifosf] kf7\o;fduL| sf] ko| f]u
g]kfnL ljifosf] kf7\ok:' tssf kT| o]s kf7df lgDgfg';f/sf] ;/+ rgf ul/Psf] ul/Psf] 5 M

-s_ cledv' ls/0f kf7306f !)
-v_ d"nkf7
-u_ zAb e08f/
-3_ k7gafw] / nv] g cEof;
-ª_ ;'gfO / lj:tf/
-r_ eflifs ;/+ rgf
-5_ k'g/fjl[ Q
-h_ ;fdl" xs lj|mofsnfk
-em_ l;hg{ f÷kl/ofh] gf
-`_ ;g' fO kf7

@=% gdg' f kf7 ofh] gf
-s_ kf7 jf PsfOsf] zLif{s M …dft[el" dsf] cfjfhÚ sljtf,

PsfO ljefhg M

-c_ noa4 k7g -cf_ zAbfy{ lzIf0f -kof{ojfrL zAb;lxt_ / kf7sf]

-O_ kf7sf] ;Gbea{ f]w / uB ¿kfGt/ -O{_ ljifoj:t' af]w / k|ZgfQ] /

-p_ efjfy{ / ;f/n]vg -pm_ ;'gfO / lj:tf/

-C_ gfdju{ M klxrfg / ko| fu] -P_ ;j{gfd ju{ M klxrfg / ko| fu] -;j{gfd_

-P_] kg' /fj[lQ kf7 -cf_] ;dx" ut sfos{ nfk / l;hg{ f kl/of]hgf

-v_ lzIf0f ;fdu|L M >Jo ;fduL| , bZ[ o ;fdu|L, zAbkQL, cy{kQL, jfSokQL cflb

-u_ lzIf0f l;sfO lj|mofsnfk M

o; kf7df lgDgfg;' f/sf l;sfO z[ªv\ nf to u/L lgDgfg';f/sf sfos{ nfk u/fpg ;lsG5 M

7 cfwf/e"t tx -sIff ^_ sf nflu kf7\oj|md sfof{Gjog dfu{bz{g, @)&&

-c_ cledv' Ls/0f / noa4 k7g
 ljBfyL{nfO{ cledv' Ls/0f ki[ 7df ePsf lrqx¿ xg] { nufO{ ltgsf af/]df 5nkmn
 ljifoIf]q;uF ldNg] cGo ljifoj:ts' f af/]df eGg ljBfyL{nfO{ pTk]|l/t ug]{
 sljtfdf /x]sf gofF zAbx¿nfO{ zAbkQLsf dfWodaf6 b]vfO{ pRrf/0f cEof;
u/fpg] . o; j|mddf b]z, j]z, k/fO,{ ;a, efO, ;:+ sf/ h:tf zAbsf] xnGt / chGt
u/L bj' } 9fFrfsf] pRrf/0f ug{ l;sfpg]
 sljtfsf tfl] sPsf] Znfs] ;fd"lxs ¿kdf jfrg ug{ nufpg]
 cfbz{ jfrg ul/Psf] >Jo ;fduL| ;'gfpg] . jfrg ;fduL| lar lardf /f]sL klxn]
ljBfyLn{ fO{ Znfs] sf] Ps kfp dfq clg bO' { kfp / rf/ kfp u/L ;dx" ut ¿kdf jfrg
ug{ nufpg]
 ;dx" ut jfrg cEof; ;lsPkl5 dfq JolStut jfrg cEof; u/fpg] .

-cf_ zAbfy{ lzIf0f / kf7sf] ;+/rgf
 cya{ f]wdf ;d:of x'g] zAbx¿ ljBfyL{nfO{ l6Kg nufpg] . zAbkQL / cy{kQLsf] ;dt]
pkof]u u/L zAbfy{ lzIf0f ug{]
 kf7sf gofF zAbx¿nfO{ cy{ vN' g] u/L jfSodf ko| fu] ug{ nufpg] . ljBfyLn{ fO{ ;d:of
k/]sf] v08df jfSokQL bv] fP/ jfSodf ko| f]u ug{] l;k l;sfpg]
 ljBfyL{ ljleGg ;d"xdf af8F L zAbe08f/;DaGwL kf7o\ k':tsdf /xs] f kZ| gx¿ u/fO{
sIffdf k|:tt' ug{ nufpg]
 ljBfyLn{ fO{ ;d"xdf afF8L sljtfdf /xs] f Znfs] , Znf]sdf /x]sf kª\lSt clg kª\lStdf
/x]sf kbsf] u0fgf ug{ nufpg] .

-O_ kf7sf] ;Gbea{ f]w / uB ¿kfGt/
 sljtfdf ;Gbes{ f ¿kdf cfPsf kf;] fs, emG8f, lxdfn, kxf8, dw;] , rf8kj{,
nf]s;flxTo / snf cflbsf] af]wsf nflu >JobZ[ o;fduL| sf] pkof]u ug]{ . o:tf
;Gbe{sf af/]df klxn] ljBfyLn{ fO{ atfpg nufpg] .
 ljBfyL{nfO{ cfkmg\ f] 6f]n;dfhdf ko| 'St kf];fs, rf8kj,{ ;+:sf/, vfgf cflbsf af/d] f
eGg nufpg]
 uB ¿kfGt/ ug]{ kl| jm| of / o;sf] gdg' f b]vfpFb} ljBfyL{nfO{ sljtfsf Znfs] nfO{ uB
9fFrfdf ¿kfGt/ ug{ l;sfpg] .

cfwf/e"t tx -sIff ^_ sf nflu kf7\oj|md sfof{Gjog dfu{bz{g, @)&& 8

-O_{ ljifoj:t'sf] af]w / k|Zgf]Q/
 sljtfsf kT| os] Znf]snfO{ pkoS' t xg' ] agfOPsf af]wkZ| gx¿ jm| dzM b]vfpbF }
ljBfyL{nfO{ ltgsf] pQ/ lbg clek|]l/t ug{]
 Znf]sut ljifoj:t'sf af/]df ljBfyL{sf] ;d"x ljefhg;d]t u/L 5nkmn u/fpg]
 ljifoj:ts' f af/]df ljBfyLn{ fO{ k|:tt' Ls/0f ug{ nufpg] / ki[ 7kfi] f0f kb| fg ug]{
 kf7df cfwfl/t kZ| gx¿sf af/]df 5nkmn u/fpg] / pQ/ nV] g nufpg]

-p_ efjfy{ / ;f/ nv] g
 efj lj:tf/sf] gdg' f k:| t't u/L ljBfyL{nfO{ sljtfsf kªl\ Stx¿sf] JofVof ug{
 efjfy{ afw] sf ;Gbe{df kf7sf] kj" fg{ 'dfg / kZrfgd' fg ug{ nufpg]
 cg'R5b] sf 9fFrfdf kf7sf] ;f/ n]Vg l;sfpg] .

-pm_ ;g' fO / lj:tf/
 ;'gfO kf7 ! nfO{ /]s8{ u/s] f] ;fduL| sIffdf ;'gfpg] jf ljBfyL{nfO{ kf7o\ k:' ts aGb
ug{ nufO{ ;'gfO kf7 cfkmn}F ] ;'gfpg]
 ljleGg kZ| gx¿ ;fw] L ljBfyLn{ fO{ ;'g]sf cfwf/df pQ/ eGg nufpg] . pQ/df
ljljwtf cfP 5nkmn u/fpg]
 ljBfyL{sf] ;'gfO / af]nfO l;k ljsf;sf nflu ljifoIf]q;Fu ;DalGwt cGo ;fdu|L
klg ;'gfpg]

-C_ gfdju{ M klxrfg / k|ofu]
 ljBfyLn{ fO{ kf7df /x]sf gftf, 7fpF, cªu\ , kf];fs, nf]suLt, sfo{jm| d, rf8 cflbsf
gfd vfH] g nufpg]
 JolStjfrs, hfltjfrs, ;dx" jfrs, b|Jojfrs, efjjfrs gfdx¿ /x]sf] cgR' 5]b
lbO{ ljBfyLn{ fO{ gfdx¿ klxrfg ug{ nufpg]
 ljBfyL{nfO{ ;dx" sfo{sf ¿kdf tf]lsPcg';f/sf gfdsf] ko| f]u u/L cgR' 5]b n]Vg
nufpg] / csf]{ ;d"xnfO{ To; cgR' 5b] af6 gfd zAb klxrfg ug{ nufpg]

-P_ ;j{gfd ju{ M klxrfg / ko| f]u
 jfSokQLsf ;xfotfn] ljBfyL{nfO{ gfdsf] 7fpdF f ;j{gfd k|of]u ug{ cEof; u/fpg]
 ljBfyL{nfO{ ljleGg vfnsf ;j{gfdsf] ko| f]u ePsf kf7 bv] fO{ kf7df /xs] f ;j{gfd

9 cfwf/e"t tx -sIff ^_ sf nflu kf7\oj|md sfof{Gjog dfu{bz{g, @)&&

vfH] g nufpg]
 ;j{gfd zAbsf] ;dx" b]vfO{ ltgaf6 k'?ifjfrs / bz{sjfrs ;jg{ fdsf cnu cnu

;"rL agfpg nufpg]
 ;ªu\ lt ldns] f / gldns] f jfSokQLx¿ bv] fO{ ljBfyL{nfO{ ;j{gfd / gfdsf] clg

;j{gfd / lj|mofsf] ;ª\ultsf] klxNofpg nufpg]

-P_] k'g/fj[lQ kf7
 ljBfyL{nfO{ kg' /fj[lQ kf7 ;:j/jfrg u/L k9\g nufpg] . cGo ljBfyL{nfO{ o; kf7sf]
ljifoj:t' Pjd\ kl/j]zut ;Gbe{sf af/]df kZ| g ;fW] g]
 ljBfyLn{ fO{ k'g/fjl[ Q kf7sf] s]xL cz+ sf] >l' tnv] gsf ;fy} j0fl{ jGof; glauf/L z4' ;uF
n]Vg] cEof; u/fpg]
 kg' /fj[lQ kf7af6 zAbe08f/sf ;fy} efifftTjsf] cEof; klg u/fpg]

-cf_] ;dx" ut sfos{ nfk / l;hg{ f kl/of]hgf
 s'g} nfs] nofTds sljtf ;g' fO{ ljBfyL{ cgs' /0fd"ns tyf l;hg{ fTds /rgf ug{
 ljBfyLn{ fO{ cg'kf| ;oS' t zAb eGg] vn] v]nfpg]
 nfs] nosf dfl} ns l;hg{ fsf lglDt ljBfyLn{ fO{ pTk]l| /t ug]{ . ;a} ljBfyL{sf] ;xofu]
lnO{ ;fd"lxs sljtf agfpg] ljm| ofsnfk klg u/fpg]
 sg' } ljifo Ifq] ;uF ;DalGwt zAbx¿ l6Kg nufO{ To;nfO{ cIf/ ;ªV\ ofsf cfwf/df
sljtfdf ldnfpg nufpg] / To;nfO{ sljtfsf] nodf ufpg] cEof; u/fpg]
 ljBfyL{nfO{ gk] fnsf efiff, rf8kj{, dn] f, hfqf, afhf cflb;DaGwL ljifodf kl/ofh] gf
sfo{ lbg]
 oL gd'gf lj|mofsnfksf cfwf/df cGo kf7sf] ;dt] lzIf0f cEof; ug{]

cfwf/e"t tx -sIff ^_ sf nflu kf7\oj|md sfof{Gjog dfu{bz{g, @)&& 10

3. English Curriculum Implementation Guideline

3.1. Introduction to English Curriculum for Grade 6-8

The common way of developing language curriculum is to firstly set standards
(competencies and learning outcomes), secondly make decisions about what to teach
(content), then to determine how to teach it (methodology), and finally to assess what
was learned (assessment). Apparently, this Basic Level English Curriculum (Grade
6-8) has been developed following the common practices in vogue. In Nepal, English
is taught as a compulsory subject from grade 1 to grade 12. It has also been adopted as
the medium of instruction in school education.

Curriculum is a dynamic document that needs regular update and revision as per the
changing needs of students, parents and community. It also needs to be revised to
address the socio-political and structural changes of a country. This English Curriculum
(Grade 6-8) has been updated and revised according to the National Curriculum
Framework, 2076 B.S. The implementation of the previous curriculum has also
crossed half a decade. Thus, an attempt has been made to incorporate the recent trends
and contemporary developments in language learning.

This curriculum has been developed following the Competency-Based Approach
to learning and teaching. The focus on learning is central to the competency based
approach. The competencies and learning outcomes are clearly defined in the
curriculum. It needs competency based assessment and continuous feedback from the
teachers. The major competencies of this curriculum are to:

a. understand and extract essential information through reading and listening.
b. convey information and ideas in written and spoken form.
c. communicate in English in a variety of personal, social and academic

d. develop soft skills such as tolerance, respect, socio-cultural harmony

through the use of English.

3.2. Underlying Features of Curriculum
The curriculum is a main document for teaching and learning in schools, and a

11 cfwf/e"t tx -sIff ^_ sf nflu kf7\oj|md sfof{Gjog dfu{bz{g, @)&&

textbook is one of the major resources for the curriculum implementation. The Basic
Level English Curriculum (Grade 6-8) and English Textbook (Grade Six) have been
developed with the purpose of piloting for Academic Session 2077 (2020/2021). The
features of the curriculum are listed below:

 It has set 10 competencies.
 Skill wise learning outcomes of each grade are defined.
 Language functions of each grade are presented with structures.
 Detailed elaboration matrix has been developed.
 It gives empahasis on learners' autonomy, use of ICT, diversity in resources

and so on.
 Suggested teaching and learning activities are given.
 Both the internal and external evaluation is highly emphasized.
 For internal evaluation, assessment areas and sample tasks are suggested.
 For external evaluation, test specification chart is suggested.
 The role of the teachers is defined as assessor, coach, materials/resources

developer or assembler and need analyst.

3.3. Introduction to English Textbook
A textbook is one of the pivotal aspect of teaching and learning process which is
always at the visible heart of any ELT programme. It can be consider as an effective
resource for self-directed learning an effective source of presantation of materials, a
source of ideas and activities, and a reference for students a sample material designed
as materials for teaching learning process in order to increase the learners' knowledge
and experience. It is used as a main tool to deliver the curriculum. It may deliver the
foundation for the content of the lessons, the balance of skills taught and the types
of language practice the students take part in. All components of a lesson are equally
important and they have the certain aim of presentation so as to fulfill the learning
outcomes stated in the curriculum.

The presentation of the tasks in each unit follows the following sequence:
a. Getting Started

cfwf/e"t tx -sIff ^_ sf nflu kf7\oj|md sfof{Gjog dfu{bz{g, @)&& 12

b. Reading (There are generally two readings in a lesson.)
c. Speaking
d. Listening
e. Grammar
f. Writing
g. Project works
i. Extra Bit

The language skills and functions in the lesson are inter-twinned from Getting Started
to Project works as far as possible. 'Extra Bit' is a section that deals with the things
that are important for the students but are not adequately dealt within the inter-twinned
sections of language skills and functions. In general, the features of Grade 6 English
textbook are listed as below:

 Design based on the elaboration matrix.
 Focus on the learning outcomes of four language skills.
 contextual teaching of grammar items.
 Inductive presentation of grammar items
 Performance based comprehension tasks.
 Ample opportunities for pratice.
 Building upon prior learning.
 Multi-colour text with lots of illustration.
 Varieties of texts such as culture, environment, modern technology,

biography, sports and so on.
 Inclusion of Songs/chants/poems in each unit
 Use of catchy icons
 Lesson starts with warmer such as brainstroming.

3.4. Facilitating the tasks in Grade 6 English textbook
In line with other improvements in the Basic level curriculum for Grade 6-8, English
textbooks are gradually becoming more pedagogically sound and culturally appropriate.

13 cfwf/e"t tx -sIff ^_ sf nflu kf7\oj|md sfof{Gjog dfu{bz{g, @)&&

The Grade 6 English textbook complies withe the motive of enhancing multi-skills in
real life content and contexts. Therefore, teachers are required to be capable of using
the book appropriately. They can use the tasks in the lesson and in specific cases; they
can adapt these tasks to fit to the needs and context of their students so that the lesson
would be meaningful, enjoyable, and relevant.

Here are some ideas on how the different tasks in the sections are to be dealt by the
teachers in teaching in Grade 6:

A. Getting Started

The first task in the textbook in grade 6 is Getting Started. It is the task that is used as
a warmer. It generally includes two tasks. This introduces the learner to the topic. The
first task is a shorter task just to get the learners thinking/speaking in English. The second
task is about listen and sing. This section introduces the language of the unit. This section
doesn't take much time. In facilitating this section, do not answer the question yourself.
Always encourage your students to speak. It is how they learn English. Also
learn the tune of 'Listen and sing' from different sources and give them models.
At the same time, give emphasis on intelligible and correct pronounciation. The teacher
can facilitate this section in a number of ways as per the tasks and appropriacy. In
general, the teacher can make use of the following techniques to facilitate the tasks in
dealing wiht the section Getting Started:

a. Quick questions
b. Discussions
c. Prediction
d. Role play
e. Group works, pair works, individual works
f. Recitation
g. Demonstration/modeling
h. Games
i. Personalization

cfwf/e"t tx -sIff ^_ sf nflu kf7\oj|md sfof{Gjog dfu{bz{g, @)&& 14

B. Reading Comprehension

Most of the units have two reading comprehension texts. They are meant for developing
reading skills in the students. The teacher can use these texts to teach the sub-skills of
predicting, skimming, scanning, reading for detail and reading for pleasure. The types
of reading text in Reading I and Reading II include the following:

a. Biography
b. Formal announcement
c. Fable or moral story/story
d. Rules and regulation
e. Poems
f. Letter
g. Factual texts about culture, sports, science, famous place, gadgets
h. Weather report
i. Auto-biography
j. Menus/price list
l. Brochure
k. Notice/ advertisement
l. News report
m. Charts and graphs

Students come across specific words and phrases in the text. Difficult/unknown
vocabularies are supposed to be pre-taught so that it would not cause difficulties for
the learners while reading. They are placed in the box before reading text. Each reading
text has visual support which can be used for pre-reading tasks.

In facilitating the reading comprehension, the teacher may use pre-, while- and
post-reading tasks as below:

Pre-reading activities: Introduces learners to topic and focuses their attention

 Use pictures to introduce a story. Ask questions about the pictures.

15 cfwf/e"t tx -sIff ^_ sf nflu kf7\oj|md sfof{Gjog dfu{bz{g, @)&&

 Before the lesson, look through words your learners may not know.
Use different ways to teach these words. For example, realia, pictures,

 Pre-teach essential vocabulary i.e. words which the learners need to know
in order to understand the main points of the text.

 Introduce the topic of the text through discussion or by doing activities.

 Get the learners to predict what the text is about from the topic/pictures/key

 Relate the topic to the learners' own experience and knowledge.

The teacher can also use guessing the topic, eliciting existing knowledge, identifying
true/false statements etc. for pre-reading phase. These activities create interest,
introduces topic and find out what the learners know about the topic.

While-reading activities : This is the main part of the activity

 Get the learners to make their own questions on what they would like to
know or think they may find out from the text.

 Read or listen to a story several times to help the learners to link oral and
written forms of words.

 The learners work in groups. They read the text and prepare questions for
another group to answer.

 With longer stories, pause and predict i.e. stop at ‘cliff-hanger' points and
ask the learners to predict what will happen next.

 Set up a reading race. Put the learners in teams. Put the questions on the
walls. Team members take it in turns to run and read a question. The team
works together to find answers in the text.

 Use the tasks given in TB for while-reading
 Read and fill in a chart, table, map etc.
 Read and answer the questions.
 Read and give/choose a title.
 Read and order events/pictures/paragraphs.

cfwf/e"t tx -sIff ^_ sf nflu kf7\oj|md sfof{Gjog dfu{bz{g, @)&& 16

In while reading, the teacher can also use the sub-skills of predicting, scanning of
short texts, using headings etc. The teachers can check answers through peer checking,
whole class checking, ask follow-up questions and so on.

Post-reading activities : Gives learners the opportunity to practise

 The learners act out a story.
 The learners make posters or illustrations and labels.
 The learners write a letter to one of the characters in the story, a diary entry

for one of the characters or a dialogue between two of the characters.
 The learners build vocabulary by matching words and pictures or definitions,

doing puzzles or word searches, recording words in their dictionaries.
 The learners compare their own experiences with those described in the

text to encourage personalization.
 The learners do the tasks designed for post reading activity.
 The last task given in TB in Reading I is always a post-reading task.

All four skills are used in the post-reading task. A variety of tasks have been designed
in the textbook for post reading phase. The teacher can use them or adapt them as per
their context. They may include the tasks that learners have to speak and discuss, write
the points, listen to other groups' presentations, make personalization and so on.

The teacher can use various techniques to teach the sub-skills of predicting, skimming,
scanning, reading for detail and reading for pleasure. Here are some suggestions
for each sub-skill:

 Predicting: get the learners to guess what the text is about before they read

 Skimming: cut up the text into sections and ask the learners to re-order it.
 Scanning: when reading a story, ask the learners to identify the main

characters, the dates, the names, etc.
 Reading for detail: the learners write/present a review of a book/story

they have read.

17 cfwf/e"t tx -sIff ^_ sf nflu kf7\oj|md sfof{Gjog dfu{bz{g, @)&&

 Reading for pleasure: encourage the learners to join a book-reading club
based on their interests.

C. Speaking

Each speaking focuses one of the language functions stated in the curriculum. It is
presented in realistic setting. The following language functions are dealt in speaking

 Introducing others
 Asking for, giving and denying permission
 Requesting and responding
 Expressing good wishes
 Making suggestions
 Expressing intention with reasons
 Predicting
 Describing past habit
 Comparing
 Expressing obligations and prohibitions
 Identifying people, places and objects
 Apologizing
 Expressing ability
 Stating units and quantities
 Expressing degrees of probability
 Narrating a sequence of events
 Expressing surprise and dismay
 Asking for information and reason
There are various tasks in the speaking section that can take the following forms:
 Discussion
 Role Play
 Simulation

cfwf/e"t tx -sIff ^_ sf nflu kf7\oj|md sfof{Gjog dfu{bz{g, @)&& 18

 Information Gap
 Brainstorming
 Storytelling
 Interviews
 Story Completion
 Picture narrating
 Picture describing
 Find the Difference
 Drilling
 Games
 Group discussion

Though speaking is more student-focused activity, the teacher has the prime role in
facilitation. He/she sometimes can intervene in the right direction towards meaningful
communication. For this, the teacher may need to jump into a role-play, ask more
discussion questions, clarify your instructions, or stop an activity that is too difficult or
boring. Teachers can come out with interesting, authentic and essential topics/situations
that students can discuss or talk about especially in the target language. The created
situations designed for speaking should be easy and understandable. Remember that
you should give a demonstration every time you introduce the task.

D. Listening
There are several listening activities in the textbook that you can do with students in
your classes. The tasks are structured from pre-listening to post listening stages. The
following types of listening are presented in the listening section:

a. Conversation
b. Announcement
c. Description
d. Weather report
e. Telephone conversation

19 cfwf/e"t tx -sIff ^_ sf nflu kf7\oj|md sfof{Gjog dfu{bz{g, @)&&

f. Biography
g. Interview
j. Instruction

Apart from the listening task sincluded in the textbook, it can also be good for students
to listen to other voices. You can do this by bringing audio recordings into the classroom
from various sources. Some of the resources a teacher can use additionally are:

 recordings taped from the radio and television
 English songs
 audio recordings made by teachers, students or other people by a mobile

phone (for example, teachers can record a dialogue)
 audio books downloaded to a laptop
 audio recordings downloaded onto a mobile phone or laptop
 links to audio recordings that have been developed for learners of English.

To develop a good command over English, it is good for teachers to speak as much
English as possible with students, it is also important that they hear a variety of voices
and accents. Audio recordings can provide different models of spoken English. This
can help students with pronunciation. Using audio recordings also adds variety to
lessons, and some students will enjoy being in a class that uses technology. The teacher
needs to consider whether they are appropriate to the students of Grade 6. And it is also
important to design the appropriate tasks for students.

The tasks in all listening lessons are structured from pre-listening to post listening
stages. So the teacher needs to facilitate for the pre-listening, while- listening and
post-listening tasks designed in the textbook.

There are various pre-listening tasks designed in each listening lesson. The teacher
has to facilitate the students for these tasks. In addition, the teacher can also design
their own tasks. The English teacher can devise several tasks namely, brainstorming,
visuals, realia, text and words, situations and opinions, ideas and facts and so on.
Always record the tapescript on your mobile phone beforehand. The tapescripts are

cfwf/e"t tx -sIff ^_ sf nflu kf7\oj|md sfof{Gjog dfu{bz{g, @)&& 20

given at the end of the book,

Things to consider during the pre-listening stage:

 A pre-listening task should not be too long. It should be precise and clear.
 The activity should not give too much information about the listening text.

It should just introduce the topic.
 The teacher should not talk too much: he or she should let the students talk

and share their ideas.
 A pre-listening activity topic should not be too general and unrelated to the

listening text (Wilson, 2008)

While-listening activities are directly related to the listening text and students
perform tasks either during the listening process or immediately after the listening.
The goal of while-listening tasks as being something that helps the learners understand
the messages of the listening text. Play the recording as many times as required but do
not give the answers by yourself. The teacher has to facilitate the students in doing the
following while-listening tasks:

 making/checking items in pictures
 picture guessing
 storyline picture sets
 ordering the sentences
 true/false
 form/chart completion
 completing grids
 carrying out actions
 multiple choice completion
 short-answer questions
 matching

Post-listening tasks in the textbook are directly loosely related to the pre- and
while-listening activities. The post-listening tasks may require longer time as students

21 cfwf/e"t tx -sIff ^_ sf nflu kf7\oj|md sfof{Gjog dfu{bz{g, @)&&

in those tasks involve in thinking, discussing, reflecting and writing processes. This
stage gives learners the opportunity to practise whtat the have learnt using other
language skills

E. Grammar
Grammar is introduced in Grade 6 separately. They are presented in the context as
far as possible. They are introduced either in the Readings, Listening or Speaking
sections. The following grammar items are presented in the textbook.

 Present simple
 Yes/no question
 Modal verbs
 Imperative
 Type 2 conditional
 Simple future
 Used to
 Past simple/continuous/perfect
 Comparative and superlatives
 A/an/the
 Should/be allowed to, must, have to
 Present Continuous
 Negation
 Connectives (Because, since, as because of)
 Common nouns
 Wh question

The teacher can use a variety of methods and strategies for teaching grammar items.
The teacher has to use real-world contexts and examples for introducing the grammar
dealt in the lesson. In many cases, they can refer to the reading text and link the
grammar item introduced indirectly there. They can also make the connection to apply
their knowledge of grammar in the context of speaking and writing. The teacher has to

cfwf/e"t tx -sIff ^_ sf nflu kf7\oj|md sfof{Gjog dfu{bz{g, @)&& 22

provide the students with ample opportunities to practise on their own.

F. Writing

Each lesson has a writing section. Each writing task is mostly related to the reading
section and the language function. The following tasks are given in the textbook.

 Biography
 Message
 Letter/Application/email
 Writing rules and regulations
 Dialogue
 Writing a paragraph
 Picture description
 Describing a topic
 Guided story
 Table/graph interpretation
 Composing a poem
 Punctuation
 recipe
 brochure
The teacher can also give other writing tasks. It is the teacher that he/she can teach the
writing in an effective way to develop the writing skills of students. A good writing
 is fun and interesting for the learners
 has opportunities for learners to draft and edit (preferably with some

 includes a task that is neither too easy nor too difficult
 includes a model for the learners to refer to
 helps the learners to improving their communicative writing skills

23 cfwf/e"t tx -sIff ^_ sf nflu kf7\oj|md sfof{Gjog dfu{bz{g, @)&&

 focuses on one type of text at a time. For example, either a letter or an
essay (not both in the same lesson).

All the writing tasks have to be scaffolded by the teacher in many different ways so
that students are able to do the tasks presented in the writing section of the lesson.

The teacher can:
 elicit all the relevant vocabulary and write it on the board so that learners
can refer to it.
 enlist the words as a spidergram so that learners would have a visual
representation of the writing they would do.
 link to the content and context if they are introduced in other forms in
 make the students feel comfortable by writing in groups first and then
 give ideas/examples to make the learners comfortable.

There are several techniques to develop writhing skills at the part of students they are :
writing from a picture, visualization, responding to a text, survey and report etc.

G. Project work

Project work is a way of organising children's learning and language learning around
topics or themes of interest to the learners. Types of project works included in the text
book are :

 Form completion
 Writing a profile
 Preparing a demand list
 Drawing
 Making a list of suggestions
 Acting out
 Field visits
 Group work presentation

cfwf/e"t tx -sIff ^_ sf nflu kf7\oj|md sfof{Gjog dfu{bz{g, @)&& 24

 Preparing rules and regulation
 Searching and preparing a report
 Drawing pictures
 Grocery store visit
 Retelling a story
 Searching and presenting
 Designing a bar graph
Here are some of the ideas for facilitating the project work section of the textbook.

Introduce the project to the students. Explain:

 The end product(s)
 The language they will be learning
 The skills they will be using
 The way their progress will be assessed
 The choices they will have
 The timetable
 The checklist of activities and objectives that they can tick off as the project


 Give clear instructions throughout the lesson and check the students'
understanding of your instructions in English and/or L1.

 Monitor the students during individual and group works, asking questions
and praising as you do so.

 Encourage the students who need help.
 Make sure that you constantly remind the students how to organise

their notebooks or record and file their work.
 Plan time at the end of the lesson for the students to put away any materials

and review what they have learned and done during the lesson.

25 cfwf/e"t tx -sIff ^_ sf nflu kf7\oj|md sfof{Gjog dfu{bz{g, @)&&

H. Extra Bit
The closing activity is Exra Bit. It includes the things that are important to the students
to develop the language skills in English. The teacher may have to facilitate the students
just to clarify the concept or the content presented in the Extra Bit. Then the students
grasp the content and concept themselves.

Finally, a teacher should bring all the ideas together to end the lesson showing the
learners what they have learned and ending with some fun so that they feel happy with
their achievement.

3.5. A Sample Model Unit Plan

Textbooks usually have a lot of activities. They are always arranged in the order in
which they should be conducted. Textbooks rarely mention the time, resources, or
interaction patterns for the different activities. Sometimes, the activities focus on
too many different language items, skills and themes and we need to plan in advance to
ensure that each period has some focus. Lesson planning is a must even when follow-
ing a textbook, teacher's notes or a syllabus. Teachers should make a lesson plan even
when using a text book because text book activities might need modification to make
the learning more memorable and fun. The very act of writing a lesson plan forces us
to organise and think through a lot of issues before stepping into the classroom. This
benefits us all.

This section deals with how different sections of the textbook are expected to carried
out in classroom teaching. Here's a suggested framework for unit 1 which you
can modify as per your specific context and need. The unit is divided into 9 sections:
Getting Started, Listen and Sing, Reading I (biography), Reading II (message of
congratulation), Speaking (introducing others), Listening (a conversation between
newly met friends), Grammar (present simple: be), Writing (a biography), Project
work (filling in a school registration form) and Extra Bit (capitalization).

a. Unit title: T.S. Eliot
b. Objectives: By the end of the unit, the students will be able to:

 say what people of different professions do

cfwf/e"t tx -sIff ^_ sf nflu kf7\oj|md sfof{Gjog dfu{bz{g, @)&& 26

 pick out specific information by reading a biography
 find the meanings of the words from the context and learn their spell-

ing, pronunciation and use e.g. playwright, critic, preparatory, philos-
ophy, masterpiece, hernia, inclination, landmark, stirring
 read and find out specific information by reading a message of congrat-
 learn the words specific to message of congratulation
 introduce others
 extract specific information by listening to a conversation
 use present simple 'be verb' correctly
 write a short biography using the clues given
 fill in a school registration form with correct information
 use capitalization correctly

c. Time: 6 hours
d. Materials: pictures, audio file, newspapers, outline of a biography (see writing

section) etc.

e. Teaching Learning Activities

Task 1 (Getting Started)
This is the first task of the lesson and it aims to arouse interest among the student in
the lesson. Do the following activities.
Activity 1
 Show the students the given pictures

(enlarged one if possible) one by one
and ask who they are what they do. If
the students can't say the words, give
them clues and wait for the responses
from the students. Do not answer the
by yourself.

 Make sure that all the students can
identify the people in the picture.

27 cfwf/e"t tx -sIff ^_ sf nflu kf7\oj|md sfof{Gjog dfu{bz{g, @)&&

Activity 2

 Ask these questions: What does
a carpenter do? What does a
doctor do? What do the students
do? What does a runner do?,
first in whole group, wait for the
response, point to a particular
student, listen to the answer and
give feedback. Make sure that
all the students have the correct
answer with correct structures.

 Ask: What does your father do?
What does your mother do?
What does a teacher do? What
does a driver do? What do nurses
do? one by one, listen to their

and make corrections if they use incorrect structures.

Activity 3

 Write these examples on the board: What does a nurse do? A nurse takes care of
patients. What do farmers do? They grow food.

 Divide the students in pairs and ask them to take turns to ask and answer the
questions as in the examples on the board. Move around the class and help them
if necessary.

Activity 4

 Ask if they like singing. Sing the song given in B. You can use any tune but focus
on the rhyming words. When you sing, ask them to point to the lines for the first
time. Ask them to sing with you together. Finally ask them to sing alone. Move
around the class and notice the pronunciation.

 Ask them to point to the people in the picture when you read the words: painter,

cfwf/e"t tx -sIff ^_ sf nflu kf7\oj|md sfof{Gjog dfu{bz{g, @)&& 28

doctor, teacher, pilot, singer, actor.

 Ask them to work in the previous pairs again and sing together.
Activity 5

 Ask: Who is your ideal person? Explain the meaning of ideal in Nepali if
necessary. Tell them to remember the information about them. Give them 30
seconds to think. As an example, introduce your ideal person and then ask the
students to introduce their ideal person in pairs first and ask 4/5 students to
introduce their ideal person to the whole class.

Task 2 (Reading I)

Activity 1

 Ask if they know the name of the
person by showing the picture. Tell
them to look at the title. Ask if they
know anything about T. S. Eliot. Tell
them that they are going to read a
short biography of T.S. Eliot. Ask:
what do you want to know about him?
Encourage the students to speak.

 Write the words from the box on the
board: playwright, critic, preparatory,
philosophy, masterpiece, hernia,
inclination, landmark, stirring. Ask the
students to find out the words and the
sentences which have these words.

 Point to each word on the board and
ask the students to read the sentence
which contains the word.

 Use MFP (meaning, form,
pronunciation) to teach the words.
Explain the meaning with appropriate

29 cfwf/e"t tx -sIff ^_ sf nflu kf7\oj|md sfof{Gjog dfu{bz{g, @)&&

techniques, when they know
the meaning write the words on the
board by reading out the spelling and
finally help them to pronounce the
words correctly. Do this with all the
words one by one.

 Say: I'm going to read the biography,
listen to me carefully and when I stop
at any word, you have to read the
words. Stop at each word you taught
earlier and listen how they pronounce
the words.

 Say: Look at exercise A, there are
some meanings given, the words are in the text. Find the words from the text.
Ask them to do it individually first. When they finish, ask them to compare
their answers in pairs. Collect feedback. If they have different words, conduct a
discussion among the students.

Activity 2

 Draw the table given in B on the board.

 Ask the students to read the text and find out the event that occurred in T.S. Eliot's
life in those years. Ask them to do it individually first and later in pairs. Take
whole class feedback. Make sure that all the students have the correct answers.

 Write the questions given in C on the board.

 Ask the students to read the text and find out the answers for those questions.
Use the same procedure used in the above task.

 Ask: Tell me any work written by T.S. Eliot. Encourage the students to refer to
the particular part of the text.

 Ask them to make a list of Eliot's literary works (explain the meaning in Nepali
if necessary).

 Check in whole group. Check in the reading text when the students read out the

cfwf/e"t tx -sIff ^_ sf nflu kf7\oj|md sfof{Gjog dfu{bz{g, @)&& 30

works one by one.
Activity 3

 Ask the students to read the text loudly. Move around the class and listen to their
pronunciation, help them if necessary. Finally, randomly choose one student to
read out the text loudly while others follow him/her by pointing with fingers in
their book.

Task 3 (Reading II)
Activity 1
 Tell the students to look at the text and ask these questions: What is the text?

Is it a story? Where do you find these texts? Why are such texts published in
 Have them discuss the questions.
 Tell them that they are going to read a message of congratulation.
 Tell them to find out the words for the meanings given. It's an easy task as the
first letter of the word
is given. Ask them to
do it individually first
and have a whole class
 Do back to the board
game. Divide the class
into two groups. Each
group will send it members one by one to the front of the class. The two people
will not see the board, they will see their friends. Write a word on the board.
When you write one word on the board, each team will explain the meaning of
the word to it member and whoever tells the word first will be the winner. Make
sure that they are using English. Do this with all the words.

Activity 2
 Write the questions from B on the board. Make sure that they understand the

31 cfwf/e"t tx -sIff ^_ sf nflu kf7\oj|md sfof{Gjog dfu{bz{g, @)&&

 Ask them to read the message

of congratulation to find out the
answers to those questions.
 Check that everyone has found out
the answers.
Activity 3

 Divide the students into groups.
Give them newspapers (English)
and ask them to find out the
notices, announcements or other
types of messages in the paper.

 When they finish, give chance to every group to talk about: what they have
found and what they are.

Task 4 (Speaking)

Activity 1

 Introduce yourself first.
Then invite one of the
students to the front of
the class and introduce
him/her to the whole class.

 Ask them to look at the
conversation. Read it by
yourself so that they learn
how to say.

 Ask two of the students
and name them Sonam
and Tilak. Introduce them
with each other. (It's a

cfwf/e"t tx -sIff ^_ sf nflu kf7\oj|md sfof{Gjog dfu{bz{g, @)&& 32

 Invite three students and ask them to act out the conversation.
 Divide the students into groups of three and ask them to act out the

conversation. Move around the class and make sure that they are doing it
Activity 2

 Write the structures on the board.
 Divide the students into groups of three (new for this time) and ask them to

introduce to each other.
 Move around the class and help them.
 Ask one group to come to the front and introduce each other.
Task 5 (Listening)

 Ask the students to look at the pictures
and answer these questions: Who are
they? What are they doing? Do you do
the same? When? How do you introduce
yourself to others? Make sure that
everyone speaks.

 Tell them to read the questions given
in B, make sure that they understand

 Tell them that they are going to
listen to a conversation between two
children meeting for the first time. Ask
them to choose the best answer while they listen. Play the audio (Record the
audio beforehand in your mobile phone).

 Check if they have done all the tasks. If they haven't done, play the audio again.
 Check the answers. Do not give the answers yourself, if they have different

answers, play the audio at that point and help them find out the answers

33 cfwf/e"t tx -sIff ^_ sf nflu kf7\oj|md sfof{Gjog dfu{bz{g, @)&&

 For C too, follow the above procedure.
 When the listening tasks are over ask them to write either about Manju or Ranjan

(the children talking in the audio).
 Invite some students to read out what they have written.

Task 6 (Grammar)
 Ask the students to look at the pictures.

Point to each picture and ask who he/she is.
 Write their answers on the board. Add

similar sentences with the use of present
simple be.
 Write in two columns (with is and are). Ask
them to find out the differences.
 Draw their attention to am, is, and are.
 Tell them to look at B and do it orally. The
same can be given as written task homework.

Task 7 (Writing)
 Remind them with the biography of T. S. Eliot they have read earlier. Tell them to

recall: the information given there. (date
of birth, mother's and father's name, the
place of birth, education, contribution,
the awards etc.)
 Have an outline of a biography of a
Nepali poet and essayist. (e.g. Laxmi
Prasad Devkota) exactly similar to the
one given in the writing task written
on a chart paper. Paste that chart paper
on the left. Start writing the biography
yourself but draw their attention on how

cfwf/e"t tx -sIff ^_ sf nflu kf7\oj|md sfof{Gjog dfu{bz{g, @)&& 34

to change the given clues into sentences. Do this will all the parts.
 With your writing on the board, ask the students to write a short biography of Bal

Krishna Sama based on the clues given there in the writing section.
 When they finish, ask them to check in pairs. Move around the class.
 Give the same task as homework.

Task 8 (Project work)
 This is a task that the students should do

with the help of their parents. Tell them
that it's a school registration form.
 Ask them to look at the form and
help them understand what each
section means. Give your answers to all
the sections so that they will know what
to ask their parents and what they need
to write there.
 Set this as homework.

Task 9 (Extra Bit)
 This section contains the task that gives students extra information. This is about

 Use the examples given there or

other examples of your own to help
them learn the use of capitilisation.
 Write the examples with mistakes
in the words that use capitalisation.
Correct the mistakes and draw their attention where to use capital letters.
 Give them some sentences to be corrected in capitalisation.

3.6. Assessment in English in Grade 6
For assessment, please refer to Assessment section in Basic Level Curriculum (Grade

35 cfwf/e"t tx -sIff ^_ sf nflu kf7\oj|md sfof{Gjog dfu{bz{g, @)&&

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cfwf/e"t tx -sIff ^_ sf nflu kf7\oj|md sfof{Gjog dfu{bz{g, @)&& 36

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 ;dldtoL lrqx¿ tyf 6];]n;] g lgdf{0f ug]{ l;ksf] ljsf;
 b}lgs hLjgsf ;/n cª\s ul0ftLo Jofjxfl/s ;d:ofx¿sf] ;dfwfg
 tYofª\s ;ª\sng, k:| tl' t / k|fKt ;r" gfsf] ;Dk]i| f0f
 ;dx" / ;d"xsf ljm| of;DaGwL ;d:ofsf] ;dfwfg
 aLhLo cleJo~hs tyf ;dLs/0f;DaGwL ;/n ;d:ofx¿ ;dfwfg ug]{ l;ksf]


$=@= kf7o\ jm| d / kf7\ok:' tssf] ljz]iftf

ul0ft ljifosf] gof“ kf7\oj|mdsf] ;+/rgf
ul0ft ljifosf] gofF kf7\oj|mdsf] ;+/rgf o;k|sf/ /xs] f] 5 M

-s_ kl/ro

-v_ txut ;Ifdtf
 sIffut l;sfO pknlAw
 ljifoj:t'sf] If]q / jm| d
 ko| f]ufTds÷kl/of]hgf sfo{sf nflu ;Defljt ljm| ofsnfkx¿
 l;sfO ;xhLs/0f ljlw tyf k|lj|mof
 ljBfyL{ d"Nofª\sg

ul0ft ljifosf] gof“ kf7o\ jm| dsf] ljzi] ftfx¿
ul0ft ljifosf] gofF kf7\oj|mdsf] ljz]iftfx¿ o;ks| f/ /xs] f 5g\ M

!= ul0ftLo ljifoj:t'x¿nfO{ lgDglnlvt 5cf6] f If]qx¿df ;dfjz] ul/Psf]

-s_ Hofldlt -v_ cª\sul0ft -u_ Ifq] ldlt

-3_ ;dx" -ª_ tYofª\szf:q -r_ aLhul0ft

@= gf}cf6] f txut ;Ifdtfx¿ lgwf/{ 0f ul/Psf] .

37 cfwf/e"t tx -sIff ^_ sf nflu kf7\oj|md sfof{Gjog dfu{bz{g, @)&&

#= Ifq] ut ¿kdf sIffut l;sfO pknlAwnfO{ tflnsfdf k:| t't ul/Psf] .
$= sIff ^ df $% cf6] f, sIff & df $$ cf6] f / sIff * df $$ cf]6f l;sfO pknlAw lgwf/{ 0f

ul/Psf] .
%= sIffut ¿kdf ljifoj:t'sf] If]q, ljifoj:t'sf] lj:t[tLs/0f, ;Defljt Jojxf/sz' n l;k,

;Defljt l;sfO sfos{ nfk, ;Defljt d"Nofªs\ g k|lj|mof / cg'dflgt sfo{ 306f ;dfjz]
u/L ljifoj:t'sf] Ifq] / jm| d tflnsf k|:tt' ul/Psf] .
^= ljifoj:t'nfO{ ;/n bl] v hl6nsf] j|mddf k|:tt' ul/Psf] .
&= ko| fu] fTds÷kl/of]hgf sfod{ f hf]8 lbO{ If]qut ¿kdf ;Defljt lj|mofsnfkx¿ ;dfjz]
ul/Psf] .
*= ljBfyL{x¿df ul0ftLo ljifoj:tx' ¿sf] wf/0ff, l;k, ;f]r / clej[lQ ljsf;sf nflu
;xofu] fTds l;sfOsf ljlw, ;d:of ;dfwfg ljlw, kl/of]hgf sfo{ ljlw nufotsf ljlwx¿sf]
k|ofu] df hf]8 lbOPsf] .
(= ljBfyLx{ ¿df ljsf; xg' ] ;Defljt Jojxf/sz' n l;kx¿nfO{ PsfOut ¿kdf ;dfj]z
ul/Psf] .
!)= ljm| ofsnfkdv' L l;sfO ;~rfngsf nflu ko| fu] ug{ ;lsg] sx] L ljlw / k|lj|mof, tL ljlw tyf
kl| j|mofsf] ko| fu] u/L lzIf0f ug{ ;lsg] ul0ftsf ;Defljt kf7 k|:tt' ul/Psf] .
!!= cfwf/et" tx sIff ^–* df ul0ft lzIf0f ubf{ ul0ftnfO{ Jofjxfl/s b}lgs hLjgsf
;d:ofx¿;Fu k|ToIf ¿kdf ;DalGwt u/fO{ ul0ft lzIf0f l;sfO ug{ hf8] lbOPsf] .
!@= ljifo If]qut ¿kdf z}Ifl0fs ;fduL| x¿sf] ;"rL ;dfjz] ul/Psf] .
!#= kf7o\ j|mdn] ck]Iff u/s] f ;Ifdtf / l;sfO pknlAw xfl;n eP gePsf] ;'lglZrt ug{
lgdf0{ ffTds d"Nofª\sgnfO{ hf8] lbOPsf] .
!$= clGtd k/LIffsf] kZ| gkq kf7\ojm| d ljsf; sG] bn| ] tof/ u/]sf] ljlzi6Ls/0f tflnsfnfO{
cfwf/ dfgL lgdf0{ f ug{'kg]{ s'/f pNn]v ul/Psf] .

kf7\oj|md lgdf{0fsf] ;4} flGts cfwf/
sg' } g sg' } l;4fGtnfO{ cfwf/ dfg]/ kf7\ojm| d lgdf{0f tyf ljsf; ul/G5 . To;} u/L o; kf7o\ j|mdsf]
lgdf{0f ubf{ lgDglnlvt l;4fGtx¿nfO{ cfwf/ dflgPsf] 5 M

 ;Ifdtfdf cfwfl/t
 ;jf{ª\uL0f afnljsf;sf] cjwf/0ffdf cfwfl/t
 :yfgLo cfjZostf tyf ljifoj:td' f cfwfl/t

cfwf/e"t tx -sIff ^_ sf nflu kf7\oj|md sfof{Gjog dfu{bz{g, @)&& 38

 hLjgf]kof]uL tyf sfok{ l| t cled'v
 afns]lGbt| , Learning by doing df cfwfl/t
 vfh] tyf cg';Gwfgdf cfwfl/t
 ljljwtf / ;dfjz] L l;4fGtdf cfwfl/t

k/" fgf] kf7\oj|md / gof“ kf7\oj|mddf ePsf d"net" leGgtf

k/' fgf] kf7\oj|md gofF kf7o\ j|md

ul0ftLo ljifoj:t'x¿nfO{ cf7cf6] f Ifq] df ul0ftLo ljifoj:t'x¿nfO{ 5cf]6f Ifq] df ;dfjz]

;dfj]z ul/Psf] . ul/Psf] .

Plane geometry, coordinate geometry Plane geometry, coordinate geometry /

/ transformation geometry nfO{ cnu transformation geometry nfO{ cnu cnu Ifq]

cnu Ifq] agfOPsf] gagfO{ Pp6} If]q HofldltcGtut{ ;dfjz] ul/Psf]

sIff ^ df @& cf6] f, sIff & df #) cf6] f / sIff ^ df $% cf]6f, sIff & df $$ cf6] f / sIff

sIff * df #! cf]6f l;sfO pknlAw lgwf{/0f * df $$ cf]6f l;sfO pknlAw lgwf{/0f ul/Psf] .

ul/Psf] .

Jojxf/s'zn l;k pNn]v gul/Psf] Jojxf/s'zn l;k pNnv] ul/Psf]

sIffut ¿kdf ljifoj:ts' f] If]q / jm| d tyf sIffut ¿kdf ljifoj:t'sf] If]q / jm| dsf ;fy}

cg'dflgt 3G6L dfq ;dfj]z ul/Psf] . ljifoj:ts' f] lj:tt[ Ls/0f, ;Defljt Jojxf/s'zn

l;k, ;Defljt l;sfO sfos{ nfk, ;Defljt d"Nofªs\ g

kl| j|mof / cgd' flgt sfo{306f ;dfj]z ul/Psf] .

kf7\oef/ / k0" ffª{ s\ df cfwfl/t kf7o\ 306f / sfo3{ 06fdf cfwfl/t

ko| fu] fTds÷kl/ofh] gf sfos{ f nflu ;Defljt k|of]ufTds÷kl/ofh] gf sfo{sf nflu ;Defljt

ljm| ofsnfkx¿ ;dfj]z gul/Psf] . lj|mofsnfkx¿ ;dfj]z ul/Psf] .

^)Ü cfjlws d"Nofª\sg / $)Ü lg/Gt/ %)Ü cfGtl/s dN" ofªs\ g / %)Ü clGtd k/LIffsf]

ljBfyL{ dN" ofª\sgsf] Joj:yf ul/Psf] Joj:yf ul/Psf]

lg/Gt/ ljBfyL{ dN" ofªs\ gsf nflu cfwf/x¿ lgdf{0ffTds dN" ofªs\ gsf kIf / ltgLx¿sf]

dfq ;dfj]z ul/Psf] . cªs\ ef/ k|:tt' ul/Psf] tyf tL kIfsf] pknlAw :t/

dN" ofª\sgsf nflu ?laS| ;sf] gd'gf k:| tt' ul/Psf] .

1fg / afw] , l;k / ;d:of ;dfwfgdf cfwfl/t 1fg, afw] , k|ofu] / pRr bIftfdf cfwfl/t
ljlzi6Ls/0f tflnsf ;dfj]z ul/Psf] . ljlzi6Ls/0f tflnsf ;dfj]z ul/Psf] .

39 cfwf/e"t tx -sIff ^_ sf nflu kf7\oj|md sfof{Gjog dfu{bz{g, @)&&

jt{dfgkf7o\ k':ts -sIff ^_ sf] dn" et" ljz]iftf
 kf7o\ jm| dn] lgwf{/0f u/]sf l;sfO pknlAw tyf ljifoj:ts' f] If]q / jm| dcg';f/sf kf7
/ cEof;x¿ ;dfjz] ul/Psf] .
 k|Tos] kf7df kg' jnfs] g lj|mofsnfk ;dfj]z ul/Psf] .
 ul0ftLo ljifoj:tx' ¿sf] ;xhLs/0fnfO{ inductive way af6 ug{] u/L lj|mofsnfkdf
cfwfl/t agfOPsf] .
 k|z:t pbfx/0fx¿ ;dfj]z ul/Psf] .
 lgisif{ tyf kl/efiffx¿nfO{ afs;df /flvPsf] .
 ljifoj:t'sf] wf/0ff ;uF ;Fu} To;;Fu ;DalGwt cEof; ;dfj]z ul/Psf] .
 cEof;ctut{ j:t'ut k|Zgx¿ ;dfj]z ul/Psf] .
 x/]s If]qsf] cGtdf ldl>t cEof; ;dfjz] ul/Psf] .
 x/s] kf7df kl/of]hgf sfo{ ;dfjz] ul/Psf] .
 ljBfyLx{ ¿sf] :t/cg';f/ pgLx¿nfO{ dg kg{] vfnsf] nc] fp6 l8hfOg, pkoS' t
;fOhsf] cIf/x¿, ;fGble{s lrqx¿ ;dfj]z u/L /ª\uLg kf7\ok:' ts tof/ ul/Psf] .

$=#= ;xhLs/0f k|ljm| of / dN" ofª\sg

;xhLs/0fsf Jofjxfl/s l;4fGt / k|of]u
cfwf/e"t tx sIff ^–* sf] ul0ft lzIf0fdf ljBfyL{x¿nfO{ u/]/ l;Sg] cj;/ kf| Kt xg' ] u/L
;xhLs/0f ljm| ofsnfkx¿ 5gf6] ug{k' b5{ . ul0ft l;sfOnfO{ ;xh / cyk{ "0f{ u/fpg] u/L bl} gs
hLjgsf pbfx/0faf6 ljifoj:t' kf| /De u/L l;sfpgk' b5{ . To;u} /L ljBfyLn{ ] k|fKt u/s] f 1fg
/ l;knfO{ b}lgs hLjgsf ;d:of ;dfwfgdf ko| f]u ug]{ pbfx/0fx¿sf] vf]hL tyf cEof;df
pgLx¿nfO{ ;+nUg u/fpgk' b{5 . ljBfyLx{ ¿df ljsl;t cjwf/0ff tyf k|fKt l;kx¿df kofK{ t
cEof;sf] cj;/ k|bfg u/L l;ss] f s'/fx¿df :yfloTj sfod ug{ ;xof]u ugk'{ b5{ .

l;sfO ;xhLs/0f ljlw tyf lj|mofsnfkx¿ 5gf]6 ubf{ k|bz{g, 5nkmn, k|Zgf]Q/, kl/of]hgf sfo,{
k|ofu] fTds, vfh] , lgb]z{ gfTds vfh] h:tf ljlwx¿nfO{ sIff jftfj/0f cg'sn" k|ofu] ug'{k5{ .
o;af6 ul0ftLo wf/0ffnfO{ cfudgfTds tl/sf -Inductive Method_ n] :yflkt ug{ ljBfyL{x¿
;Ifd x'gs' f ;fy} ;d:of ;dfwfgsf] l;k ljsf; ug{ klg ;xof]u k'Ug] 5 . ;fy} ;r" gf tyf ;~rf/
kl| jlwsf] ko| fu] u/L l;sfOnfO{ yk HjnGt agfpg'kb{5 .

gofF kf7\oj|mddf ;xhLs/0f kl| j|mofnfO{ lgDgfg';f/sf l;4fGt / ljlw cjnDag ug{] u/L to

cfwf/e"t tx -sIff ^_ sf nflu kf7\oj|md sfof{Gjog dfu{bz{g, @)&& 40

ul/Psf] 5 M

 u//] l;Sg] l;4fGtdf cfwfl/t
 kl/ofh] gf÷ko| f]ufTds sfo{ ljlwsf] k|of]u
 lj|mofsnfkd'vL l;sfO ljm| ofsnfk ;~rfng
 cfudg ljlw, lgdf0{ ffTds ljlw, ;xofu] fTds ljlw, v]n ljlw, ko| f]ufTds ljlw h:tf ljBfyL{

sG] bL| t ljlw tyf tl/sfx¿sf] k|ofu]
 k|ljlwoS' t l;sfO k|lj|mofdf hf]8

dN" ofª\sgsf k|lj|mof

 lgdf0{ ffTds / lg0f{ofTds dN" ofª\sg cjnDag ugk{' g{] 5 .

 lgdf0{ ffTds d"Nofª\sgdf sIff ljm| ofsnfk, ljBfyLs{ f sfo{ tyf sfo;{ Dkfbgsf] cjnf]sg,
ux[ sfo{, kl/of]hgf sfo{, dfl} vs tyf lnlvt sfo,{ PsfO tyf q}dfl;s k/LIffx¿, :j tyf
;xkf7L d"Nofª\sgnufotsf ;fwg k|ofu] ug{ ;lsg] 5 .

 Go"gtd l;sfO:t/ xfl;n gu/s] f ljBfyLs{ f nflu ;'wf/fTds tyf pkrf/fTds l;sfOsf]
cj;/ k|bfg ugk'{ g]{ 5 .

 lgdf0{ ffTds d"Nofªs\ gaf6 k|fKt lglZrt cª\snfO{ cfGtl/s dN" ofª\sgsf ¿kdf %) kl| tzt
ef/ / afsF L %) k|ltzt ef/sf] clGtd k/LIff ;~rfng ug'{kg{] 5 .

cfGtl/s dN" ofª\sg

 lgdf0{ ffTds dN" ofª\sgsf nflu ljBfyLs{ f] sfo;{ ~rlosf (Portfolio) Jojl:yt ugk{' g]{ 5 .

 cfGtl/s dN" ofª\sgnfO{ j:t'ut / Jofjxfl/s u/fpg] p2Z] on] o;sf nflu dN" ofªs\ gsf
kIfx¿ / ef/ tfl] sPsf] 5 .

l;= g=+ cfGtl/s d"Nofª\sgsf kIfx¿ ef/

!= ;xeflutf M sIffdf pkl:ylt / sIff sfo{df ;xeflutf $

@= dV' o l;sfO pknlAwdf ljBfyL{sf] l;sfO:t/ @)

#= k|ofu] fTds÷kl/ofh] gf !^

$= qd} fl;s k/LIffx¿ !)

 ljBfyL{ ;xeflutf, k|To]s l;sfO pknlAwdf ljBfyL{sf] pknlAwsf] :t/ tyf
ko| f]ufTds÷kl/ofh] gf sfos{ f] sfo{ ;Dkfbg :t/ /l] 6ªsf] nflu ?la|S;sf] k|of]u ug{k' g{] 5 .

 kT| os] l;sfO pknlAwdf ljBfyLs{ f] pknlAwsf] :t/ dfkgsf nflu kf7\oj|mddf Pp6f gdg' f

41 cfwf/e"t tx -sIff ^_ sf nflu kf7\oj|md sfof{Gjog dfu{bz{g, @)&&

?laS| ; lbOPsf] 5 . To:t} u/L l;sfO pknlAwdf ljBfyLs{ f] pknlAwsf] :t/ dfkgsf nflu
lzIfs cfkmn+} ] ?la|S; tof/ u/L cªs\ kb| fg ugk{' g]{ 5 .
 dV' o l;sfO pknlAwdf ljBfyLs{ f] l;sfO:t/, k|of]ufTds÷kl/of]hgf sfo{sf] dN" ofªs\ g u/L
k|Tos] ljifoIfq] sf] pknlAw :t/ lgsfn/] cf};t pknlAw :t/ lgsfNgk' g]{ 5 .
 lg0fo{ fTds d"Nofª\sgsf] ko| fh] gsf nflu cf;} t pknlAw:t/ u0fgf ubf{ ;'wf/fTds tyf
pkrf/fTds lzIf0fkZrft\ k|fKt u/]sf] l;sfO pknlAw:t/nfO{ cfwf/ dfGg'kg{] 5 . o;sf]
ef/ %) k|ltzt x'g] 5 .

clGtd k/LIff
 lg0f{ofTds dN" ofªs\ gdf clGtd k/LIffsf] ef/ %) kl| tzt xg' ] 5 .
 clGtd k/LIffsf] kZ| gkq kf7\oj|md ljsf; sG] bn| ] tof/ u/s] f] ljlzi6Ls/0f tflnsfnfO{

cfwf/ dfgL lgdf0{ f ug'k{ g]{ 5 . o;cGtu{ t !) k|ltzt 1fg, !% k|ltzt af]w, %* kl| tzt
ko| f]u / !& k|ltzt pRr bIftfsf k|Zgx¿ ;dfj]z ug{'kg]{ / kZ| gx¿ clt 5f]6f,] 5f6] f] /
nfdf] tLg lsl;dsf ;fl] wg] 5 . kT| o]s clt 5f]6f] kZ| gsf nflu ! cª\s, 5f]6f] k|Zgsf nflu
@ cª\s / nfdf] kZ| gsf nflu $ cªs\ sf] cªs\ ef/ tfl] sPsf] 5 .
 ljBfyL{sf] ;du| pknlAw kl| tztnfO{ A*, A, B, C, D, E u/L 5 cIf/fTds :t/df ;du|
pknlAw kl| tjb] g tof/ ugk'{ g{] 5 .

$=$= ul0ft ljifosf] kf7\o;fdu|Lsf] k|ofu]

kf7\ok:' ts
 kf7\oj|md cg';f/ tof/ ul/Psf] ;fdu|L xf] .
 kf7o\ k:' tssf] k:| t'tLs/0f kIfdf gjLgtf lbOPsf] 5 . If]qut ¿kdf ldl>t cEof; / k|To]s

kf7df kl/of]hgf sfo{af6 ;dfjz] ul/Psf] 5 .

kf7\ok:' tsdf lbOPsf kf7x¿sf] ;/+ rgf
k|Tos] kf7nfO{ lgDgfg;' f/ k:| tt' ul/Psf] 5 M

-s_ kg' /fjnf]sg (Review)
kf7o\ k:' tssf] kT| os] kf7sf] z?' df kg' /jnfs] g v08 /flvPsf] 5 . of] v08cGtut{ kf7;Fu
;DalGwt k"j1{ fgnfO{ lj|mofsnfkdf cfwfl/t eP/ kg' /jnf]sg ug]{ u/L ljifoj:tn' fO{ ;dfj]z
ul/Psf] 5 . of] v08df lzIfsn] ljBfyLx{ ¿nfO{ ljifoj:t';Da4 k|ZgfQ] /, 5nkmnnufotsf sfo{
ug{ nufO{ ;xhstfs{ f] el" dsf lgjf{x ug'k{ b5{ .

cfwf/e"t tx -sIff ^_ sf nflu kf7\oj|md sfof{Gjog dfu{bz{g, @)&& 42

-v_ pkzLif{s (Subtitle)
kf7o\ k':tssf] k|Tos] kf7df ePsf ljifoj:t'nfO{ ljleGg kf7\of+zdf ljefhg ul/Psf] 5 . of]
v08cGtut{ kf7\of+z;Fu ;DalGwt ljifoj:t' tyf To;nfO{ cfudgfTds tl/sfaf6 k:| tt' ug]{ u/L
lj|mofsnfknfO{ ;dfjz] ul/Psf] 5 . lj|mofsnfkaf6 cfpg] lgisif{nfO{ afs;df /flvPsf] 5 . To;u} /L
cfjZostfcg';f/ pbfx/0fx¿, cEof; / bl} gs hLjg;Fu ;DalGwt u/fO{ ul0ftLo ljifoj:tn' fO{
l;sfO ;xhLs/0f ug{] u/L kl/of]hgf sfo{ /flvPsf] 5 . of] v08df lzIfsn] ljifoj:t;' Da4
kZ| gfQ] /, 5nkmn, k|of]ufTds nufotsf ljlwsf] ko| fu] u//] ;xhstf{ Pjd\ pTk|]/ssf] e"ldsf
lgjf{x u/L ljBfyL{x¿nfO{ kT| oIf ;+nUg u/fO{ lj|mofsnfk ;~rfng ug'k{ b{5 .

k|Tos] Ifq] sf] cGTodf yk cEof; tyf dN" ofª\sg ug]{ u/L ldl>t cEof; ;dt] /flvPsf] 5 .

-u_ kf7o\ jm| d sfofG{ jog dfub{ z{g
 kf7o\ jm| dnfO{ k|efjsf/L sfof{Gjogsf nflu agfOPsf] kf7o\ ;fduL| kf7o\ j|md
sfof{Gjog dfub{ zg{ xf] .
 ul0ft ljifosf] gofF kf7o\ j|mdsf] ;/+ rgf, kf7\ojm| d / kf7\ok:' tssf] ljz]iftf,
kf7o\ jm| ddf ePsf gofF / gfn} f]kg, o;n] hf]8 lbOPsf] kIfx¿ tyf o;sf l;4fGtsf
af/d] f pNnv] ul/Psf] 5 .
 gofF kf7o\ jm| ddf cfwfl/t ul0ft kf7\ok:' tssf] k|ofu] ;DaGwdf pNnv] ul/Psf] 5 .
 gd'gf kf7 ofh] gf ;d]t ;dfj]z ul/Psf] 5 .

kf7o\ ;fduL| ko| f]u
 lzIfsn] kf7o\ jm| d, kf7o\ j|md sfofG{ jog dfu{bzg{ / kf7\ok:' tssf] clgjfo{ cWoog
ugk{' g]{ 5 . o;sf cnfjf cGo ;Gbe{ ;fduL| klg cWoog ugk'{ g]{ 5 .
 kf7o\ jm| d, kf7\oj|md sfof{Gjog dfu{bzg{ / kf7\ok:' tssf] k|of]u u/L kf7 of]hgf
lgdf{0f u/L lzIf0f ug'kg{] 5 .
 kT| os] kf7sf] ;?' cft clgjfo{ ¿kdf kg' /jnfs] gaf6 ug{k' g{] 5 .
 ;d"x sfo{ jf hf]8L sfos{ f ¿kdf ljBfyL{ :jod\ ;xefuL eO{ lj|mofsnfk ug]{
jftfj/0f agfpgk' g]{ 5 .
 kf7o\ k':tsdf lbOPsf / To:tf cGo yk lj|mofsnfk u/fP/ ljifoj:t'sf] wf/0ff
kofK{ t 5nkmnkl5 dfq} cEof; u/fpgk' g{] 5 .
 lzIfs :jodn\ ] k':tsdf lbOP h:t} ul0ftLo ;d:ofx¿ lgdf{0f u/L ljBfyLx{ ¿nfO{
a9LeGbf a9L cEof; u/fpgk' g]{ 5 .

43 cfwf/e"t tx -sIff ^_ sf nflu kf7\oj|md sfof{Gjog dfu{bz{g, @)&&

 ul0ftLo wf/0ffx¿nfO{ bl} gs hLjgsf ;d:of;Fu ;DalGwt u/fO{ l;sfO ;xhLx/0f
ugk{' g]{ 5 .

 ul0ftLo wf/0ffx¿sf] Jofjxfl/s ko| f]usf If]qx¿sf] klxrfg u/fpg'kg{] 5 .
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